#csss ask
cosette141 · 1 year
It is I, your gifter, uh, yeah you can just call me your elf! I may have lurked your ao3 reading a lot of your oneshots the other night going "OH MY GOODNESS SHE WROTE THIS FIC TOO, OH MY GOODNESS THIS IS AWESOME OH MY GOODNESS THIS IS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL CONCEPT" like. Like I love all your work so much! Just thought you might wanna know it was all so amazing it physically pained me not to leave kudos and comments on all your fics (because that'd be highkey sus) but i will do so after Christmas!
Omg!!! Hello!!!
And oh my gosh! Thank you so much for this message!! 🥹 I had a bad day today, and your message just put the biggest smile on my face, thank you so much!! This means so much to me 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Christmas Reruns 2023 Day 6: Cold Winter's Light
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Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and happy holidays if you don’t!  One of the things I love about Christmas is watching reruns of all the old classic Christmas movies–Christmas is a big time for nostalgia.  A few years ago, I decided to incorporate that tradition into my fandom life and post my CS holiday reruns.  So here you go!  Enough holiday (mostly) fluff to get you to New Year’s Day. (With a new story posting on Christmas Day.)
Rating: G
Word Count: 3080
Other chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Notes: Today’s story was my 2017 CSSS gift for @treluna2. At the time it was written, it was a future fic about CS and the Charmings celebrating the traditional Enchanted Forest holiday, Winter’s Light. A visitor they were not expecting shows up during one of the worst blizzards Storybrooke had ever seen. Happy Holidays!
December, 2028
“Have I ever told you the story of your birth, Ava mine?” Killian asked as he sat beside his daughter’s bed on the night before her tenth birthday.
“Daddy!” Ava laughed joyously.  “You tell me that story every year on my birthday.”
“Ah, well you must indulge an old man his sentimentality, little love,” Killian said, the wrinkles beside his eyes crinkling merrily as he smiled adoringly down at the little blonde.  “It was, after all one of the best—and the most terrifying nights of my life.”
“Ok daddy,” Ava conceded, “you can tell the story again.”
“Settle in,” Killian said, tucking the covers securely around his little girl, “and prepare yourself for a thrilling tale.  You were born in the midst of the worst blizzard Storybrooke has ever seen…”
Emma leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed, smiling indulgently at her little family.  Killian certainly knew how to tell a good story.  He also had a flare for dramatics…and a tendency to turn any story into something of a tall tale.  Every time he told the story of their daughter’s birth the blizzard got worse, the snow got higher, the winter wind got colder, the danger became greater, his heroics became more daring.  At this rate, by the time Ava was 30, that particular Winter’s Light would be remembered as a life and death experience for everyone present.
Emma remembered it a little differently, although even the true story was something of a thrilling tale.
December 2018
Emma collapsed on the sofa, wondering idly if she’d ever be able to get up again.  She felt roughly the size of a beached whale, and getting up from a soft, comfortable couch without help was quite the feat.
She felt a feisty kick, and rubbed her extended belly with a smile.  “I’m so not going to miss you kicking the crap out of me all day every day, kid.”
“The little lass giving you trouble today, Swan?” Killian asked, sitting on the other side of the sofa and massaging her aching feet.
“Not more than usual,” Emma said, “although I’ve been feeling more of those ‘practice’ contractions today than I have in the past.  It’s just that she never stops moving.  And I’m tired.  And my back aches.  And I’m as big as a house.  And I’m just soooooo over this whole pregnancy thing.”
Killian leaned over and kissed her gently.  “It won’t be long now, love.  Your strength and resilience throughout all these months of being with child never ceases to astound me, and I assure you I’ve never found you more beautiful or desirable.”
She shot him a skeptical look.
“Perhaps you’d fancy a proof of just how much I want you still,” he said with a wicked raise of one eyebrow. 
She laughed.  “Tempting, but you know we have to be over at my parents’ farm in twenty minutes for their Winter’s Light party.”
A couple years after they’d defeated the Black Fairy and restored peace to Storybrooke, Snow had suggested, as part of the town’s “living our happy beginning” initiative, that the residents of Storybrooke return to some of their old Enchanted Forest traditions.  The biggest and most beloved, apparently was the holiday called Winter’s Light, which occurred on December 22.
“You see,” Snow explained to Emma, “the winter solstice is on the 21st.  It’s the shortest day of the year, so the 22nd starts the return of the light.”
“So…you have a whole holiday dedicated to it?” Emma asked.
“Yeah,” Snow said, “and it’s the best day of the year!”
“So what exactly does one do on Winter’s Light?  What kind of traditions make it the best day ever?”
Killian smiled, excited as a child.  “There’s a candle lighting ceremony, where all the candles in the house are illuminated (perhaps the custom could be modernized here in the Land Without Magic to include the electric lights you are so fond of).  The youngest child in the household lights the first candle, and then everyone sings carols of the light.”
“And there are the gifts of light, of course,” David said.  “In the evening, family and friends gather together and give each other gifts to thank them for the light they bring into their lives.”
“It really is a heartwarming tradition,” Snow concluded.  “So what do you say, Emma?  Do you think we should revive Winter’s Light?”
“Sounds like a great idea to me!”
And it was.  In the years since the tradition had been restored, Winter’s Light slowly became Emma’s favorite holiday, the day of the year she looked forward to every year.
“I suppose you’re right, love,” Killian said, getting to his feet and offering a hand to his wife.  “Your mother would not thank us for keeping them waiting.”
“No she wouldn’t!” Emma laughed.  “Besides, I think there’s snow in the forecast for tonight.  I’d rather get to the farm before that gets all ramped up.”
It was a bit of a smaller gathering for Winter’s Light this year than in times past.  Ever since Anton’s magic bean farm business got off the ground, a lot of the town opted to go back to the Enchanted Forest for Winter’s Light.  Emma and Killian arrived at the Nolan farm just as the first snowflakes began to fly, and were enthusiastically welcomed by Emma’s parents and little brother, Granny, Leroy and Archie.
“Where are the rest of your dwarf brothers?” Emma asked after receiving a cup of Winter’s Light punch from her mother.
Leroy rolled his eyes.  “Had a bit of a falling out this morning,” he said.  “Seems the others decided I was too ‘grumpy’ to spend the holiday with.  Decided to go back to the Enchanted Forest and leave me here.”
“Whatever would give them that notion?” Killian asked in mock surprise.
“Watch it, pirate!  I’ve got my eyes on you!”
“I’m positively quaking in my boots,” Killian assured.
Emma laughed, playfully shoving Killian in the opposite direction.  “You keep antagonizing him, there may be bloodshed.  The look in his eyes…ooh.”
Emma clutched at her belly.
“Swan!  Are you well, love?” Killian asked, moving her gently to the sofa.
She waved him off, breathing deeply.  “It’s fine, babe.  Don’t worry about it.  Just a little contraction.”
“Shall I call Whale?” he asked.  “You’ve been getting your pains more and more frequently all day.”
“No, no, don’t bother him,” Emma said.  “It’s passing now.  Besides, I’m not due for another week.  If I take it easy, I should be fine.”
Killian looked at her skeptically for another moment, before nodding, still looking as though he was not entirely convinced of her statements.
The festivities were well under way when the small group got their first inklings that they might be in trouble.  Not only had the snow picked up, but so had the wind.  Emma glanced out the window to see nothing but unrelenting white.  “Wow, it’s really coming down out there,” she said.  “I can’t see two feet past your porchlight, Dad.  You think one of us should go on patrol to make sure everyone’s weathering the storm alright?”
“Well if one of us does, it’s not going to be you, honey,” David said, giving her a concerned look.  “You’re in no condition to work this close to your due date.  Killian told me you’ve been having contractions all day.  Maybe instead of patrolling the town, we ought to try to get you to the hospital.”
“Killian is an over-protective mother hen,” Emma said.  “He’d have wrapped me in bubble wrap and confined me to bed for the entire pregnancy if he could have.  I’m fine Dad.  There’s nothing to be concerned ab….ooof!”
This time the contraction hit her so hard and fast she doubled over, panting.  She hadn’t remembered pre-labor pains being quite this intense when she had Henry.  Maybe…maybe her husband and her dad had a point.
“Emma!” David shouted, grabbing her arm to keep her upright just as Emma felt a gush of water flow from her.  Okay, they definitely had a point.  If her freaking water had just broken it was time to get to the hospital.  ASAP.
David settled Emma onto the couch, propping up her feet, and then went off in search of Killian.  There was suddenly a whirlwind of activity in the old farm house, as everyone prepared to move the party to the hospital waiting room.
Granny packed away the food and put it in the refrigerator.  Snow grabbed Emma’s spare overnight bag that she’d packed for the hospital.  (Emma had been prepared for any eventuality, packing an overnight back at home and another at her parents’).  David and Killian rushed outside to scrape off the truck and get it ready for maternity transport.  Archie sat with Emma, coaching her through breathing exercises.  
And Leroy ran through the house shouting “The baby!  She’s COMING!!!!!!”
“Hey, can you grab my phone?” Emma asked Archie, panting through the pain of another contraction.  “Need to give Whale the heads up.”
Archie complied, but when Emma turned the phone on…nothing happened.
“Must be the storm,” Granny said.  “Must have knocked out cell service.  I guess we’re just lucky that the electricity hasn’t gone out yet.”
The room was suddenly plunged into darkness.
Leroy glared at Granny.  “You just had to open your big mouth, didn’t you?”
“Don’t panic!” Snow said, making her way into the living room, an arm full of candles and matches in tow.  “It’s Winter’s Light, remember!  I’ve got enough candles to light up this house like the fourth of July.”
“Doesn’t matter anyway,” Emma panted, clutching her middle.  “We’ll be off to the hospital any minute anyway.”
Emma heard the front door open, and then her dad and her husband trudged in looking sober.  “I don’t think any of us are going anywhere tonight,” David said, as Killian began pacing.  “We’ve got a full-blown blizzard going on out there.  Killian and I nearly got lost just going from the front door to the truck.  We try to make our way to town, we just get stranded and risk freezing to death.”
Emma felt a weight in the pit of her stomach that had nothing to do with the contractions that were suddenly coming faster and with more intensity.  “Are you telling me I’m going to have to have this baby here?  Without a doctor?  Or an epidural?”
Killian got to his knees beside the couch and took her hand, looking reassuringly into her eyes.  “Swan, I know this isn’t ideal.  I know this isn’t how we hoped this birth would take place, but you can do this!  We, all of us, will help you.”
Another contraction ripped through her, and she had to bite her lip to keep from yelling out.  Still, Killian’s hand was warm and solid in hers.  Her mother was bustling around, preparing a bed in the spare room to be used as the birthing chamber, and Archie was heading to the kitchen, stating his intention to start boiling water.
“Why the hell would we need boiled water?” Granny asked, rolling up her sleeves and preparing to wade into the fray, as it were.
“I don’t know,” Archie said, “but it’s what people always do in movies when someone goes into labor and they’re not near a hospital.”
It was crazy and chaotic, but somehow Emma found it all comforting, even in the midst of her pain and fear.
“Perhaps we’d best hail Whale on the talking phone?” Killian suggested.
David shook his head.  “’Fraid that won’t help us at this point.  If we can’t get out, Whale won’t be able to get in.”
“Besides,” Granny said, helping Emma to her feet and into the spare room, “it’s Winter’s Light.  I guarantee you Whale’s drunk off his ass.  He wouldn’t be any help to us tonight even if it was a balmy seventy-five degrees.”
“So who exactly is going to deliver my baby?” Emma asked, hearing a touch of hysteria in her own voice.
“Well, I’ve never done it before,” Grumpy said, “but I’ve been around when Doc did it.  I could get up in there and see what’s going on if you need me.”
Killian glared.  “You, dwarf will keep your bloody mitts away from my wife’s nether regions.”
“Well maybe if you’d done the same we wouldn’t be in this situation right now, would we?” Leroy shot back.
“What I do with my wife within the confines of our bedroom is our business, and I will not discuss it…”
“Alright guys, enough,” Granny said, slashing the air.  “Look, I’m a diner owner, not a midwife, but I’ve assisted a delivery or two.  I’ve got this covered.  Now everyone clear out.  Snow and I will help Emma into something more comfortable, and if we need you, we’ll let you know.”
And thus began the longest and most painful night of Emma’s life.  The pains followed one on top of another, washing over her in waves of agony.  “How the hell did you do this without any pain meds when I was born, mom?”
Snow smoothed a cold cloth over her forehead, crooning soothingly to her.  “It wasn’t easy, but I promise you, you’ll get through this.  It’ll all be over soon, and then you’ll have your brand new baby girl in your arms.  Focus on that.  It’ll make the pain a bit more manageable.”
Finally, as the first rays of the sun began to rise, Emma heard the most beautiful words Granny had ever uttered.  “I see the head!  Won’t be long now.  Just a few more good pushes!”
Good thing too.  Emma didn’t think she’d ever been so exhausted.  “Mom, could you get Killian.  He’ll want to be here for his daughter’s birth.”
“Of course, honey,” Snow said, smoothing Emma’s sweaty hair from her forehead and kissing her gently.  “We’ll be back in just a moment.”
Killian had, of course, been by Emma’s side from the first, coaching her, encouraging her, enduring the way she crushed his hand as her contractions hit, apologizing profusely for the pain he was causing her.
“Would you just stop,” Emma finally said after around the fifteenth agonized apology.  “We both wanted this baby, and we were both there when she was conceived.  You aren’t hurting me any more than I’m hurting myself.”
Finally, sometime around three in the morning, Snow had prevailed upon Killian to go get some sleep.  “You’ll be needed when the baby’s born, Killian.  I promise I’ll find you if anything changes, but for right now there’s nothing more you can do.”
Emma breathed through one more contraction as Killian burst through the door, taking his seat at her bedside.  “Swan!  Your mother says it’s nearly time.”
“Yeah,” Emma said, as she felt another contraction ramp up.  “I don’t know if I can do this, Killian.  I’m so tired and it hurts so damn much and it just won’t stop.”
“Listen to me darling,” Killian said, looking deeply into her eyes.  “You can do this!  You’re nearly there, love, and you’ve endured the night beautifully.  You’re bloody brilliant, amazing Swan, and there’s nothing you cannot do.  Just a few more pushes.”
“Hold me,” Emma bit out as Granny instructed her to push.
Killian dutifully sat behind her, holding her in his arms, whispering encouragement and praise.  Despite the pain and exhaustion, Emma felt herself relax and focus.  Killian seemed to be pouring his own strength into her, giving her exactly what she needed.
He always knew how to give her exactly what she needed.  From the first day they’d met.  He was her strength, her anchor, her true love and her joy.  Emma felt the tears gather in her eyes, overwhelmed with the emotion of the moment.  She was about to give birth to a baby who was so very wanted, so very loved, and she was going through the whole process with her husband and her parents at her side.  It was something the lost girl had never before thought she’d have.
Finally, with one last push, Ava made her way into the world.  As soon as her airways had been cleared, she let out a strong, outraged cry, as though displeased to suddenly find herself in this bright, cold, open world. Emma smiled in wonder as the lights flickered and then came back on just as Ava finished her cry.
“Swan,” Killian said in wonder, “it would appear our daughter, the product of our true love, has magic just as strong as her mum’s.”
Emma chuckled tiredly.  “Seems that way, babe.”
After a moment of waiting, Emma collapsed back against Killian as Granny finished bathing the baby and wrapped her securely in a blanket.
“Well,” Emma asked.  “Is she okay, Granny?”
Granny turned around and passed the tiny pink bundle into her mother’s waiting arms.  “She’s more than okay,” Granny said, the emotion evident in her voice.  “She’s perfect.  Absolutely perfect.  Congratulations mom and dad!”
Half an hour later, after Emma and the room had been set to rights and Emma had been tucked comfortably into the spare room bed, she lay within the circle of Killian’s arms, tiny Ava Alice held in her arms.
“Are you happy, Killian?” she asked, smiling up at him.
He reached down and ran one tiny finger gently across little Ava’s silky cheek.  A single tear made its way down his face.  “Swan, happy doesn’t even approach it, nor overjoyed, nor ecstatic.  Look at the miracle we produced between us.  She’s perfect, a tiny wonder, already the light of my life.  Thank you for the best Winter’s Light gift any man could ever be given.”
Careful not to disturb her daughter’s slumber, Emma leaned up and kissed him gently.  “Thank you for giving her to me.  Killian we’re a family now!  The only thing that could have made this moment better is if Henry could be here with us.”
“And he will be again, Swan,” Killian assured.  “One day he’ll find his own happy ending and return.  We’re a family after all, and we always, always will be.”
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snowbellewells · 1 year
Final Words Meme
@searchingwardrobes tagged me! Thank you so much, Friend! 
Rules: Post the final line of your 10 most recently published fics. (Or as many as you have published.) You can either omit multi-chapter WIPs or include the last line of the most recent chapter (or several chapters). Up to you!
**This may go back a ways - I haven’t been very productive lately unfortunately!
1. Believing Impossible Things (WIP) “Papa?” she asked, her tone alight as her shining face. “It is time at last? Can you finally be free?”
2. Let Nothing You Dismay (CSSS one shot for @zaharadessert) “Despite the frightening turn the day had taken and the close call they’d survived, as she playfully held the mistletoe above them and their lips met gladly, Emma still found herself believing she couldn’t be luckier if she tried.”
3. One More (Birthday fic for @searchingwardrobes WIP) “She belonged with him - Killian Jones.”
4. The Weight of the Crown (is a Feather on the Waves) (Birthday fic for @kmomof4 WIP) “She has given up her crown but preserved her soul.”
5. Hold Onto Me (I’m a Little Unsteady) ( @whumptober22 completed two shot)  “And at feeling the strength still in his arms as he holds her, Emma’s shaking can finally cease.”
6. The Lawman, The Thief, and the Outlaw ( @captainswanmoviemarathon WIP) “Letting out an exhale of frustration and pain, Killian surrendered and closed his eyes.”
7. Melting for You (one shot, complete) “Not that she was ashamed of how quickly she had melted at his whim, but she didn’t need anyone else to get an eyeful.”
8. Do as the Romans Do (Complete 5 chapter @captainswanmoviemarathon MC) “He might be tempted to think it had all been a dream - a figment of his long bored and neglected imagination, roused at last back to life again - if it were not for the lingering imprint of her kiss at the corner of his mouth.  He would feel it there until they met again.”
9. Fight for Me When it Matters (Complete @neverlandnewyear two shot) “For the moment, he could only feel giddy enthusiasm for her determination to find them another private spot and just a few more quiet moments to finish what they’d started - and he would gladly follow wherever she led.”
10. Elf Service (CSSS 21 completed one shot for @imagnifika ) “Her new year was off to quite a promising start for once. What might have begun as terrible mess had turned into one of the best gifts she could ever receive.”
Tagging: @justanother-unluckysoul @cosette141 @anmylica @donteattheappleshook @swanslieutenant @spartanguard @thejollyroger-writer @exhaustedpirate @sotangledupinit @stahlop 
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demisexualemmaswan · 11 months
what ever happened to your Hunger Games AU? Are you going to finish it one day?
So I've been sitting on this ask for a few days trying to come up with what I think is a satisfactory answer to this question and the truth is I don't really have one but here goes anyway most of parts 1 and 2 of the hunger games au were written in times where I didn't work a minimum of 40 hours a week. they were either mainly written when I was in grad school or during the COVID lockdown and the most I was working was 30 hours a week at the time I was doing shit that really like fulfilled me creatively and made writing worlds easier now I'm working a job that has given me severe burnout and I don't have the energy to write because I'm so unfulfilled creatively. you'll notice the last time I wrote and posted any fic period was when I had COVID and that was for critical role and wasn't even for captain swan
which brings me to like...point b of why I haven't had the energy to work on the CS HG AU...so much creative energy goes into the world building of that piece and I loved being a part of the CSMM discord and the CSSS discord--I did--but it was so hard and discouraging to sit in those places and try to talk about my work and it be dismissed because the source material was too dark or it wasn't for them and like...I know we don't write fics for popularity but it was so hard to have something I was so proud of be ignored by people I respected constantly
it made me feel like I had a perspective that no one was interested in hearing and that's such a stifling feeling not to mention, in the five years that ouat is over, I've really fallen out of love with it as a show, and the focus and interest I had in captain swan isn't really there anymore
is this to say I'll never finish it? no, it burns pretty brightly in the back of my mind and when I recover from being burnt out I'll definitely pick up it, by the moon's rise, and the earth laughs in flowers so I can just put them away for good
but I have no energy for writing and no joy for writing about captain swan in this moment
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redheadbigshoes · 2 years
Hi, have you watched the Disney film Encanto? In csss you haven’t, it’s an animated musical about a young Colombian girl named Mirabel who is the only member of her magical Madrigal family to not have any powers(her sisters have chlorokinesis and super strength, her cousin can hear everything, her male cousins can shapeshift and talk to animals, etc.), and tries to save the miracle when she realizes that it’s dying because of her family’s overly high expectations. It’s basically tackling dysfunctional families and generational trauma, as well as other issues relating to Colombians.
The reason I’m asking you this is because in Encanto there is a character named Isabela Madrigal who is Mirabel’s oldest sister, her gift is growing flowers everywhere, and her story deals with being the perfect golden child of Abuela Alma(the matriarch), but deep down she is unhappy with this role as it involves being what Abuela wants and marrying a man she doesn’t love. Eventually she realizes with the help of Mirabel that she can grow more than just flowers and thus that she can be happily imperfect the way she is and doesn’t have to marry Mariano, the man she’s arranged to marry(he gets with her cousin, Dolores, instead). She’s my favorite character and her song is my favorite, I thinks it goes without saying that she resonates with me deeply.
Now here’s where the important part comes in. A lot of fans, including myself, like to interpret her as a lesbian for various reasons, mostly because she gives off femme lesbian vibes or because her struggles can mirror that of comphet and the expectations lesbians have to “appear” straight. Some see her as one because they’re lesbians and they relate to her(or have crushes on her 😍). Some see her as one just because she didn’t want to marry Mariano. A lot of Latina lesbians have the headcanon too.
But there are also a lot of Latine fans(including queer/lesbian ones) who dislike people having this headcanon because they feel that it erases her story of being the perfect golden child and that white queer people are making the movie about them when it’s not. Some of them are against all queer headcanons for the movie because they feel like all of them erase the message of the movie, but I’m only here to talk about the Isabela one because this is a lesbian blog, we’re lesbians, and you’re Latina, so I was wondering about your thoughts on it?
Me personally I support the headcanon but not because she doesn’t want to marry Mariano. I just think her story resonates with a lot of comphet survivors and also think that it would be pretty cool if she were gay. I also find it awesome how she reclaims femininity for herself which I admire as a femme lesbian. I still acknowledge the point of the movie, just while also having my headcanon at the same time. Also, her voice actress Diane Guerrero supporting the headcanon gives it some validity(and I’ve seen Latines react to the video of her saying she thinks Isabela is gay with happiness as well, which brings me joy!). I was just wondering what your thoughts are on this. Do you think the headcanon is okay? Do you agree with the headcanon? Why or why not? 🌸 🌵
Hi! I’ve actually watched the movie and I loved it!
I think some time ago someone sent a similar ask about Isabela.
I think headcanons are a form of you trying to relate to a character. If those headcanons are not harmful I see no issues with it. Unfortunately a lot of Latinos think just because they’re Latino it’s okay to completely invalidate someone’s headcanon, and actually most Latinos I’ve seen that are against those headcanons are cishet, so I just feel like that’s their way of being homophobic.
I don’t see how having a headcanon that a character is queer erases their story. Those two can coexist. And a lot of lesbians, including myself, relate to some of the things Isabela went through, and considering Disney has very few LGBTQ+ rep, there’s no issue in imagining Isabela as a lesbian.
I don’t know why people are making such a huge fuss about gringos making headcanons about the movie. It’s not erasing the characters being Latinos, it’s not harmful at all to me.
Queer people always create headcanons, no matter if it’s about a white, POC character or anything like that. It’s just weird to me people getting angry about it.
People are going to complain no matter what. They should be happy Latinos are finally getting more good rep. It just seems like some Latinos are so pissed that gringos can still relate to Encanto characters while not being Latinos.
*A lot of Latinos use gringo=foreigner, it’s simply a way to talk about anyone who’s not Latino.
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bigidiotenergy · 2 years
@jonathancrane-scarecrows asked: Perhaps this hadn't been the best idea. Scarecrow was backing away from the other now, the room wasent very big so he didn't have much room. The other was certainly enjoying the fact he was flustering him, it didn't happen often as Scarecrow tended to stay in control of his emotions. Eventually his back hits the wall and he hears one of his canisters release. The hiss filling in his suit, red mist filling his senses as he coughs breathing it all in. "Fuck!"
hey, this was all in PLAYFUL NATURE. from the beginning, john didn’t want jonathan feeling left out. he might’ve been shagging the demon attached to him--- but what’s the fun in that if jonny here could play too? it seemed like quite a no-brainer to come and try to seduce the other man. tease him. poke him in the right places. and it seemed to be working. jonathan was backing away flustered and john just KNEW he had him on the hook.
---- CSSS!
hand immediately goes to cover his face as a canister releases. bloody hell, that certainly wasn’t something john was expecting! he quickly takes off his trench coat and tries to flap the mist away from the both of them. “oi! you alrigh’?” he’d try to ask, though it was probably concealed through the shaking of fabric.
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captainodonoghue · 1 year
I know I just sent an Anonymous ask yesterday, but I'm wondering how "iffy" you are about Emma not having parents compared to her having parents in the fanfiction you read. I mean, can you "live with"/accept that she doesn't have her parents MM and David.... (I know some don't like it.) I have written both versions, but in this CSSS gift, I think it works better if perhaps MM and David is either part of her life differently or friends of Killians....
So yeah this is a tricky question that I hope makes sense.... :)
I don't mind it at all, Santa! I have read fics in which they weren't Emma's parents and I enjoyed them just as much! Write what works best for you. I know some people are a bit too passionate about this topic but I never really cared if they were her parents or something else! haha
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cssecretsanta2020 · 3 years
Giftee Answers
Having trouble finding your giftees answers?
Unfortunately Tumblr doesn’t give notifications to answers when you send anonymous asks. SO instead of constantly refreshing your giftees page or scrolling through their blog for hours looking their answers consider 
Coming up with a tag for the answers so you can look up the tag and see all their answers.
Ask your giftee to make their answers pinned posts so their newest answer is always on the top of their page.
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cosette141 · 1 year
would you rather have your csgiftexchange gift today or on christmas?
-your gift elf!
Tomorrow on Christmas!! 🥰🥰🥰
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tehgreeneyes · 4 years
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Gift 1/2 for @stubble-sandwich Merry Christmas, Tori! ♥
Captain Swan AU - S4a Canon Divergence - Half of my Heart 
Emma notices Killian’s strange behavior but is too late to save him. All she sees is Mr. Gold crushing his heart.  
Heartbroken, she shuts herself off at home, until an idea springs to her mind. She informs her parents about her plan to save Killian from the Underworld by sharing her heart with him. 
Hades threw obstacles her way, but she manages to overcome them all and saves Killian. 
Thanks to Regina who preserved Killian’s body they were able to split Emma’s heart and save Killian’s life.  
The celebrations of his return were too much for Killian who decided to take an early break. Emma understood, but didn’t want to leave him out of her sight. To her delight he didn’t mind her joining him in his room. 
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CSSS 2019 (3/3) for @laschatzi - CS Domesticity: (Captain) Santa Baby
We've got each other, don't need another gift Let's be naughty and save Santa the trip
Here is your third and final gift for CSSS2019! It’s the sexier side of domesticity, more soft and implied than explicit, but also with some Christmas spirit and a focus on hands just for you. ;) I hope you like it! I had a lot of fun talking with you and making your gifts. It’s been awesome being your Santa. <3
And a big thank you to @cssecretsanta2k19 for organizing this event!
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shardminds · 5 years
Hi again! Two asks in one day! I need to start working on your gift, so I'm bringing a few ouat / fics related questions. Here we go... Liam or David - Ruby or Elsa - fake dating or secret dating - enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers - kids or pets - In an AU: Killian/Emma's favorite profession - Captain Charming, Swan Believer, Daddy Charming or Captain Cobra? — Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, I'm going to start planning your story. - Your CSSS
Hi Santa, I hope you’re having a good day! I just looked over this question and, first of all, I love it. I’m always here to answer your questions if you ever need anything. Secondly, THESE ARE HARD QUESTIONS but I’ll try my best for you. Here goes nothing! 
Liam (although I love David too!), Ruby (BUT I LOVE ELSA TOO THESE ARE HARD), Fake Dating, Enemies to Lovers, Pets, Killian as an Artist, Emma as a Detective (or something equally pragmatic) and Captain Charming. 
You have a great Sunday, Santa! ♥ 
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owlways-and-forever · 4 years
Me again! Sorry for the delay. First Thanksgiving with your niece sounds *adorable* - and I'll bet your mom has plenty more in mind for Christmas. Excellent taste with the Royalty AUs - I'm a sucker for those myself. Enchanted Forest, Modern... I love them all. I can run with that ;) My fics tend to have a mix of fluff and emotional angst, so I'm glad we're on the same page there. For now, are there any fics you've read lately that you particularly enjoyed? I'm always looking for new recs! -CSSS
Oh man, I think we both have a TON planned for Christmas (including maybe some adorable Christmas themed photos?). I got her some personalized books which I’m excited about because they’ll make nice gifts for her to keep, rather than just more clothes. I did knit her a blanket which I gave my sister for her baby shower, so I’m not sure any gift is gonna live up to that one tbh. (Took me like...four months to make it. I literally started the day my sister told me she was pregnant.)
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As far as fics go... I haven’t been reading a ton of CS for the past year. Mostly I’ve been reading (and writing) Harry Potter, and branching out to some new fandoms. BUT! A One Time Thing by @weezlywrites is one of my all time favourites (in fact I’m probably due for my annual reread), and I found Second in Command by @let-it-raines this year, which I also loved. So I would highly recommend both of those, although heads up that they’re both on the longer side.
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My holiday season has started well! I'm anxiously awaiting my Black Friday plunder to be delivered and am buying All The Things for my nieces and nephews. My eldest sister is of the opinion that her daugher has enough toys, but I disagree. Do you celebrate Christmas? Or another winter time holiday?
GOSH I wondered why I hadn’t heard anything but lif has been so busy I didn’t give it too much thought, figuring your’s was as well and then I realized I’d missed all your messages!!! I am SO SORRY my tumblr has been. extremely unreliable with notifs and knowing that I should have checked.
I hope you absolutely spoil those kids!!! That’s what Christmas and fun relatives are for ;)
I do celebrate Christmas! I love the friends and family and warmth and cheer it brings to everyone, I love the secret Santa’s and gift giving, and everyone just seems a little bit kinder ^^ and as a Christian, Jesus being born is the most important present of all and reminds me of God’s great love and mercy, that He would send His son to offer salvation to a dark, dark world. It’s such a season of hope and joy! ^^
What are you most looking forward to? Any fun traditions or activities?
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hollyethecurious · 6 years
(1/3)Hello again, it's your Santa here. Homeschooling 3 boys, that sounds like a lot of work! I don't have children but I wish I did. I am married though and work a ton (I'm in retail). I love to write and make aesthetics but I'm not as good at the latter because I prefer spending more time on writing. I live in the States, what about you? I prefer hot cocoa to eggnog, tinsel to Garland and reindeer to snowmen. Where I'm from we get lots of snow so it gets tiring after driving in it frequently.
Hey Santa! Sorry I waited to answer this. I wasn’t sure if your (1/3) meant this was the first of three consecutive asks, or not. If that’s what you intended, then please know I never got 2 or 3...
Homeschooling is a lot of work, but it is very rewarding. I wouldn’t have it any other way, no matter how hard some days are. 
How long have you been married? My husband and I were marrying five years before having our first, and we’ve now been married for over 16 years (which boggles my mind)
I also live in the US. We live just north of Oklahoma City, so not a lot of snow here, although we did get some earlier in the month. I couldn’t tell you the last time we had snow before Thanksgiving! We might get some in January, but it’s usually accompanied with ice... which is fun.
What are some of your favorite holiday traditions? Are you close to family where you live, or do you have to travel to see them?
Hey, do mind doing me a favor?? I’m doing both Knightrook and Captain Swan Secret Santa, so will you make sure to put KR or CS in your asks so I’ll know which one you are when I get your Asks? I just know I’m gonna get both of my Santas (and probably my giftees) confused with one another at some point before the holiday season is over. Sorry in advance for when I do!
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cssecretsanta2020 · 3 years
How to enable anonymous asks
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