#crush btvs
raisedbythetv89 · 1 month
Two of the worst proposals in the history of modern media followed by the most pathetic cringe fail loser puppy dog eyes when their absolutely abysmal attempts at saying “I love and want only you” fail miserably and unfortunately for me I desire both of them carnally
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bonus: they even both hit this pose after being knocked on their ass during said failed proposal attempt
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reduviidaebae · 10 months
If a certain loser murderer bitch homophobic vampire I've never been too interested in but was a good kisser tried to kill his ex lady love (that he spent a century with) for me, I'd smack him and then be like "I just don't feel the same! *plays with hair* but maybe we could like go hunting in the autumn, y'know? That is... if I don't change my mind." Then I'd punch him in the face and sashay away.
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homosexualslug · 2 years
if I had a nickel for every time seth green played the nice boyfriend of the bookish, nerdy girl who fights supernatural beings with her group of friends (called the scooby gang) led by her pretty but badass best friend (played by sarah michelle gellar) before she eventually came out as a lesbian, I'd have two nickels.
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thechosenthree · 26 days
I am obsessed with Cordelia in Band Candy being all giddy over Buffy and ignoring Xander literally ONE episode after telling Buffy she might love him.
Buffy’s out here with her mildly funny quips and compliments and Cordy is laughing softly and smiling at her feet about it.
Like GIRL what is this <3
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None of the rest of the Scoobies even cracked a smile lol
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aphony-cree · 3 months
watching Crush and Buffy says she's going to make it clear to Spike that he needs to stop being in love with her, but she's dressed to the nines as she does it. Silky hair, sparkly earrings, red glossed lips that make her look extra kissable. If you want the boy to stop crushing on you then at least give him a fighting chance!
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gingerteaonthetardis · 3 months
honestly what would btvs even be without spike's damn cheekbones. fundamentally different show (worse)
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spuffybot · 1 year
Crush is such a good episode. Like seriously…
1. The parallels between Dawn and Buffy are amazing. The way Dawns crush on Spike mirrors Buffy’s crush on Angel. Buffy was already a Slayer at Dawns age. By the time she met Angel she’d lost so much of her childhood. Falling in love with a 100+ year old vampire seems plausible. Dawn, not so much. We see her crush as amusing and cute but we know it’ll never happen. And not just because Spike is enamored with Buffy, but because Dawn gets to be a child. Dawns youth and innocence have been protected. It feels icky and wrong to think of her with this grown man. Buffy never had the luxury of being a child, of being protected.
2. The way Buffy genuinely has no idea Spike likes her. It’s so quintessentially Buffy. Her little “huh” when Dawn points it out is gold. Especially since this is AFTER Spike shows up at the Bronze just to “hang out”.
3. Spikes wardrobe. UGH. It’s perfect. The way he plays with lighter colors to show his commitment to the light. The way he puts his whole body into everything that he does. The way clothing is linked to identity for him. His entire look is crafted to express himself and he manipulates that expression to suit his needs and his feelings.
4. The dynamic between Spike / Dru / Buffy when he has them tied up in the basement. Honestly this is a top tier performance from Juliet Landau. Her comedic timing is on point. And James Marsters is giving it his all. He’s giving creepy stalker / deluded serial killer / “but I’m a nice guy” vibes and it is flawless.
5. Speaking of James’s performance, even though this is very much Spike at his most deluded and still mostly evil self, he gives us subtle glimpses at the true change that is to come. The way he softens with Dawn and Joyce. The genuine hurt on his face when he realizes Buffy has revoked his invitation. The way he immediately unchains Buffy and levels up at her side to fight the moment the danger to her becomes real. He never pushes it too far, you still read his crush as comical and absurd, you still know Spike is evil, but in the context of what is to come…these touches add so much depth.
6. “You were sleeping the sleep of the knocked unconscious” might be one of my most quoted lines in the entire series. I say this a lot because it’s just such a good line.
7. HARMONY. Ugh the way she comes in and shoots Spike and cat fights him. She never fails to make me laugh.
8. The moment where Buffy and Spike stand side by side, allies again, ready to take on Dru and Harmony if need be. It’s so perfect. This is their relationship at its core. From the end of season 2 to the end of season 7. Hate or love, friends or enemies, these two will stand together and fight.
9. Xander laughing about Spikes crush. This moment of lightness from Xander broke my heart a little bit. Buffy’s death breaks everyone but it steals Xanders joy and belief that everything will be ok. Season 5 Xander is still capable of seeing the funny in Spike loving Buffy. Season 6+ Xander can only see the danger.
I could go on and on but these are probably my top moments.
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faithandbuffy · 4 months
Sometimes i watch early buffy and I’m like wow i love cordelia so much!!! And then i physically vibrate with rage thinking about her character
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every single interaction between buffy and faith is gayer than the actual gay relationship on that show
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jennycalendar · 4 months
yeah i think i am going to have to push back real hard on this notion of the show not being fully aware of how scummy xander's crush on buffy is, because the fact that we are CONSTANTLY shown how he is screwing over willow with his myopic buffy obsession delineates exactly how we are supposed to see him! he spends all of this time in season one going "woe is me, i'm the victim, buffy has no idea i exist" while literally creating the exact same situation for willow. he accuses buffy of being jealous of him when in actuality we see him get jealous of any boy willow's into and trying to ruin things for her the minute she's not haplessly pining over him!
idk i just have often seen this rhetoric of xander being terrible specifically BECAUSE the narrative excuses his behavior, and i think it is more complicated than that? xander is being terrible in ways that are consistent and apparent and intentional, but because the show is steeped in misogyny, there is not an awareness re: how to actually write the arc that he needs to make him not terrible (one about him figuring out how to redefine his relationship to masculinity) and the attempts to make him grow are halfhearted and poorly conceived/constructed. we get the skeleton of a storyline that is never brought to completion.
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toshsato · 2 years
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on-this-day-btvs · 4 months
February 13, 2001
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Crush aired for BTVS season 5, episode 14. This is a Spike-centric episode with lots of crushes revealed. At the start of the episode Spike is dating Harmony. (Harmony is shown above pretending to be The Slayer in Spike's bedroom.)
Over the course of this episode the viewer learns of several crushes, and several romantic relationships change. Dawn has a crush on Spike. Dawn reveals to Buffy that Spike has a crush on Buffy. Dawn used to have a crush on Xander. Drusilla returns and Spike professes his love for her, dumping Harmony. Later Spike professes his love for Buffy, offering to kill Drusilla. (But also he threatens Buffy that he'll let Drusilla kill her.) Harmony and Spike fight, Drusilla and Buffy fight. The episode ends with both Drusilla and Harmony dumping Spike and leaving. Buffy also punches Spike and leaves. Buffy later revokes Spike's invitation into The Summers house.
During the episode Spike and Buffy spend time together and Spike acts differently towards Buffy. (Note his unusual-for-him dress in the photo above, where he is sitting in The Summers kitchen.)
BUFFY: What … is this? The late-night stakeout, the bogus suspects, the flask? Is this a date? SPIKE: A da- Please! A date? You are completely off your bird! I mean... (in a much quieter voice) Do you want it to be?
Buffy reacts with disgust and is upset at the idea of dating Spike.
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babygirlgiles · 2 years
If they just had to make Dawn have a little kid crush on one of Buffy’s friends, it absolutely should’ve been Tara. Dawn meets Tara and within days she’s like “dear diary, today Tara said my Donner Party project is awesome and that my paper mache severed leg looked really realistic. She even liked the fake blood I painted on it! Buffy said it was gross but that’s because she’s not cool or smart like Tara. Buffy just doesn’t get me like Tara does.” And “dear diary, today Tara told me she thinks my snoopy shirt is cute. She likes snoopy too! Isn’t that so cool!! She doesn’t think snoopy is dumb or for babies like buffy does. And if Tara thinks it’s cute it must be SUPER cute because Tara is the prettiest and she has such cute clothes. I’m gonna wear this shirt every day for the rest of my life (PS. is that weird?…)”. She would’ve grown out of it, of course, just like she did with Xander but 12 year old Dawn would’ve been crushing hard!!
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dawnssummers · 1 year
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buffy the vampire slayer, 7.02 beneath you / richard siken, litany in which certain things are crossed out
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aphony-cree · 11 months
In Crush Dawn tells Spike that Buffy's "always worried about what she's gonna do if you ever get that chip out of your head."
Why is she so worried, hmmm? She's the slayer, he's a vampire. She's never worried about taking down one measly vampire before. Unless, maybe, she's already started to feel like she doesn't want him to die
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homoeroticvillain · 3 months
gay henchman hopelessly in love with their evil boss who mistreats them are so important to me
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