protoslacker · 4 months
As long as decolonial theory’s culturalist ban on universals is not itself challenged and overthrown, the material roots of colonialism and imperialism cannot be traced back historically and socially to their ultimate source: capitalism.
Neil Larsen at Jacobin, Reprinted from Catalyst: A Journal of Theory and Strategy. The Reactionary Jargon of Decoloniality
Cloaked in an impenetrable jargon, “decoloniality” dehistoricizes and culturalizes colonialism. It’s a political and intellectual dead end for socialists.
Review of The Politics of Decolonial Investigations by Walter D. Mignolo
I'm farirly ignorant and thin skinned, so negative reviews often rankle me. But, sometimes a scathing review can be thrilling. I found this critical review to be thought provoking.
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escondidolibrary · 26 days
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Join us for the next Escondido Writers Group meeting on Tuesday, May 21, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. PDT!
We will be meeting in the Library Board Room upstairs.
Writers of all genres are invited to read their work and receive group critiques in a friendly and comfortable environment.
Email [email protected] for more information!
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non-un-topo · 1 year
Writing sounds like a good idea until you open a new document and just sit there hating yourself for 20 minutes
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miopet · 1 month
ive admittedly hardly ever engaged with online conversations about rap that dont start and end w the artists themselves or crtitiques/ analysis of cultural appropriation wrt white artists. at first i found it difficult to believe someone who "doesnt listen to rap" surely you exaggerate. you jest.
so nyways. reading "the only rap i have is on sonic the gedgehog cd" with my two eyes, harrowing
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synthetic-ultramarine · 4 months
there's a lot of talk about how people in fandom react negatively to criticism; they want their hobby to be seen as good, so that they can be seen as good.
I think there's something a lot of people get wrong about this: the most common interpretation of this is "people want their hobby to be pure, so that they can be pure" but i really think this is not it. it think it's more like "people want their hobby to be important, so that they can be important." Everyone wants to be important.
I'm thinking about some posts I saw by this guy who was trying to do a modern marxist crtitique of 60s star trek who kept getting shouted down by fans who couldn't handle the criticism. Usually these shoutings-down would take the form of "yes, it had its problematic moments, but the more progressive moments were important enough to outweigh them." that is not an appeal to purity - it doesn't even directly deny the flaws - that is an appeal to IMPORTANCE. The reason people try to read some form of radical anticapitalism into the honestly fairly conventional story of stardew valley isn't because they want "playing SDV" to be a "pure" activity, it's because they want "playing SDV" to be an IMPORTANT activity. Think about all the "H*rry P*tter makes people more progressive" thinkpieces back when that was still a respectable fandom. People want to believe their silly thing is important. think about how some O/FMD fans act like it's the first gay tv show ever and it's the trial case to determine if gay tv can exist in the future. They want to feel important, and they're more than willing to throw away thousands of dollars and ignore that Pose ever existed in order to do it. Or think about the "r.eylos are the feminists of starwars" take that occasionally used to crop up. loud anti-purity posturing was basically a prerequisite to being a r.eylo, so that definitely wasn't an appeal to purity, once again it was a spurious appeal to importance.
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lanipalmerstudio · 7 months
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SHE’S A TART, 2023
digital print installation
i was so happy with my digital print installation today - i just wish i could have had it up in time to have a class crtitique.
i’m really interested in continuing to experiment and adapt not only this series but also continue working with food and text.
The relationship portrayed between food & sex is really interesting too.
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danaaxlove · 7 years
Dana's Film Review: I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore (2017)
Dana’s Film Review: I Don’t Feel at Home in This World Anymore (2017)
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I’ll admit, a complicated combination of study-time, finals, and essentially a bit of vacation time and laziness have caused me to fall of the grid of film reviews for quite some time. But guess what—I’m back. Shady’s back. Back again, with a friend—ok, I’ll stop. Two things lead me to choosing this film: Elijah Wood and the fact that this has been garnering some great reviews. I’ve been a fan of…
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ratskool · 4 years
my anxiety feels like it is choking me out holy shit haven’t felt this nervous in over a year
i have no idea what to think anymore, I want to say go out and vote, but at the same time does the democratic party really care? what is tomorrow going to look like? why can’t certain people i look up to on the left understand what is at stake? Why do people yearn for a violent revolution rather than prepare for such an event? 
(ps im safe im fine i just need to ground myself and not scream my head off)
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shownusfool · 3 years
maybe it is an eating disorder 😭
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gravity-rainbow · 3 years
A significant downside of increasing tribalism is that journalists increasingly focus on the task of meta-journalism—crtitiquing each other for in-group cache—with a decreasing focus on covering actual stories.
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fakegamercomics · 5 years
not that it’s required, but i highly recommend you make content publicly for a year before you send unsolicited crtitiques and negatives mesages to artists, i think a lot of folks could use more insight and empathy when that interact with artists/content creators online.
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escondidolibrary · 1 month
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Join us for the next Hybrid Escondido Writers Group meeting on Tuesday, May 7, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. PDT!
We will be meeting both on Zoom and in the Library Board Room upstairs.
Writers of all genres are invited to read their work and receive group critiques in a friendly and comfortable environment.
Email [email protected] for more information!
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gibzy · 5 years
so i usually don’t put my writing on any social media, but i wrote a really short hurt/comfort kam fic that’s all over the place because i love the ship and the fic trope, soooo yeah. please give me some crtitiques if you don’t like anything about it, and thank you for reading! :D
Tam had been in the neverseen for 4 months and was hating every second of it. They made him do things he… wasn't eager to admit, but last night had been the worst, not because of what he practiced, but what happened.
He was afraid of the dark. A bit ironic, since he was a Shade, but the whispers the shadows made slithered around, gathering louder and louder until Tam was sure his head was going to break in half.
It wasn't the noise that scared him, though. It was the words.
You can give so much pain
Don't you want to, doesn't it feel so good
We can help let us in let us help
We can get you out of here, we can make them suffer
You're one of us, come on, use us
Someone had locked him in a basement, no windows, no semblance of anything remotely bright. Just darkness so thick he couldn't see his own hand.
It got worse the longer it went on, swirling around him with promises to help him escape if he would just give in.
He felt like he couldn't breathe.
What breath did come was in short, raspy bursts, part of a panic attack that he couldn't see.
Hours, maybe days later, someone else opened the door.
He could barely stumble back into his room, let alone form a conscious thought. Everything was drowned out by the constant, overwhelming whispers.
He registered a tap on his window. He ignored it. It slid open. Nothing.
Suddenly, he was enveloped in a tight hug.
The whispers got cut off, and he was vaguely aware of the scent of the ocean.
He opened his eyes, and he could see his boyfriend's face again for the first time in what felt like forever.
“Hi,” Keefe whispered.
Tam pressed his face to Keefe’s chest, and started sobbing. Keefe didn't say anything, just ran a hand through Tam's hair and wrapped the other around his waist.
They sat there for a few minutes before Tam asked,
“What are you doing here?”
“I missed you.”
“What if they had caught you?”
“They didn't. I'm here now.”
Tam kissed him, lingering for a moment.
“I did something,” he said, finally.
Keefe looked hesitant to respond, but he asked anyway.
“What is it?”
“I- I let the shadows in. Just a little. They put me in a dark room for hours, and the whispers- holy fuck. I couldn't- I wasn't strong enough.”
“It's okay, Tam. It's not… that's not your fault. I don't think anybody could resist as long as you did.”
“But I'm afraid! What if- what if next time I let in more, or it's shadowflux, or-”
Keefe turned Tam's face to his, all seriousness.
“I know it's easy to think like that- believe me, I did, too. And it's not an easy thing to get out of, but you have to try not to worry about what might happen, okay?”
Tam nodded slowly, and he realized that his residual panic was mirrored in Keefe's eyes. He pulled away, realizing that their contact meant Keefe’s Empathy was working, and not wanting Keefe to deal with both of their emotions.
He looked hurt for a second, but then realized why Tam had done it and tried to hold his hand, but Tam shoved him away.
“Stop! I don't want to make you feel this, too!”
“I don't care! I want you to be okay.”
“And I want you to be okay!”
“I am. And I want to help. But if you don't want me to touch you, that's perfectly okay! You just seemed to like physical contact.”
“Promise me you'll let go if it's too much, okay?”
“Of course.”
Tam hugged him again, leaning his forehead against Keefe’s.
His breaths subsided to calm measures, and he couldn't help but smile when he saw Keefe’s ice-blue eyes melt.
He was so adorable.
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kyliafanfiction · 4 years
To be clear, I’m well aware “this is not the writing choice I’d have made” is not a cogent or objective critique of a plot point in a piece of media. It’s not a way to make any sort of true critique in the broader sense. And that isn’t what I’m trying to do. 
Equally, of course, “this is not what I wanted” *is* a perfectly valid reason to not like a thing, or be unhappy with a given game, book, TV show, etc. If you wanted X from the latest installment in a game series, but got Y, or even X-1 (i.e. something close to X but not quite close in the way you want), it’s perfectly valid to dislike the game for it not being X. 
It’s not, however, a valid argument to then go on to say that the thing is categorically bad. And when you dig into a lot of crtitiques of various things that argue that thing is just plain bad in total - games seem especially prone to this in my experience , they often seem to boil down to ‘I wanted X, and got Y/X-1/etc’.
That’s fine as a way to explain why you personally didn’t like a thing. It’s not fine as the centerpiece of an argument as to why the thing is bad, in totality.
The issue is, a lot of people don’t seem to realize that their argument is really boiling down to that.
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bluewatsons · 5 years
Harold Bloom: Interview on Harry Potter, the Internet and more (2000)
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airistuff · 3 years
There's one teacher in my class that keeps slandering me indirectly. He keeps blabbing about his class flaws in a humorous way and I think it's a bit offensive. Sir are you really a teacher? I know your scolding us for not making the best out of it but there is a people who's likely to be a minimalist and simple. You keep giving hate crtitique in your students in indirect way. Especially me, you keep getting me out of place in your class, because I'm the most quiet student there. I know the phrase "if the shoe fits" but I think it's not the case for me, like he's giving an 'favoritism' on the students he knows the most and not keeping up with the 'lonely' students and I think that's not acceptable. He keeps forgetting me whenever there's a recitation, and then later on he will just laugh it off when the class says I'm not yet called. Man, my self esteem really got low because of this.
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