#crminal minds
beelmons · 1 year
y'all, drop your love language and your favorite CM character and i will write a small blurb/description of how i think your love languages would interact!
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godsfavdarling · 3 months
(that's how i imagine your reaction when you see me post for the 4th time about a fanfic idea in a span of a month)
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odxrilove · 3 months
just finished law & order 😿😿 I DONT HAVE ANYRHING TO WATCH ANYMKRR
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drreidsphds · 1 year
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whoever typed this.. im bowing down to you rn. SO FUCKING VALID. 🛐🛐
Honestly, I don't know what the fuck this Penelope and Tyler thing is like nah I want Garvez not some wack love relationship built within 3 episodes.. GARCIA KISSED LUKE ON THE CHEEK FOR GODS SAKE!! 😭
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tvstcff · 2 years
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I know the context for the scene (S1:E2-Compulsion) is terrible bc someone's burning alive but Derek just bear hugging Gideon and manhandling him out, and the fire extinguisher doing another little 'fshh' was so comical to me just now
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ozymoron · 10 months
everytime someone unfollows me i always wonder what was the final straw like what did i do
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findroleplay · 2 years
Hey! I’m May (20F) I prefer female rp partners but I’m looking for someone who would rp with me long term and also be a friend. I am in college so my replies may be slow sometimes but I’m 100% here for you :) (18+)
My main interest is someone to rp The Hobbit with me, I actually love writing “X reader” stuff so I’m open to role playing as your favorite character and etc. I also can do nsfw
The Hobbit (preferred)
The lord of the rings
Star Wars
Criminal minds
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so I am very torn on watching evolution or not--honest answer, is it worth it???
I really can't tell you what to do, should you watch it, not? If I had a choice, I really would not have watched it. I mean, just thinking about the horrible decisions the writers made involving characters I felt in love with for 15 seasos. Then, plot wise, it was okay? I mean, it was okay. It was interesting to get to watch how an unsub evolves during that stage and how it really is not that simple to catch them. I mean, I'm going to watch season 17 wanting for the writers to get their head out of their asses and make the team a family again, make the girls have girl nights and jokes between them. I want it to be normal again, like I know we didn't get so much insight into their private lifes but I felt that with evolution happened the same (minus JJs family which I came irritatingly close to hate only for the amount of time they have taken in the series with a problem that really wasn't more than a scare). If you want to watch it, go ahead, I Keane it has it's moments and all of that but evolution can never be what cm was.
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ericsonclan · 2 years
Willy: I will send my army to attack!
Willy: *releases a dumpster of raccons*
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beelmons · 1 year
Luke Alvez x ADHD!Girlfriend (cw: mentions of mental disorder, light angst)
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It was always fun at games with him, classic Luke Alvez. Continuously saying how cute it was how you 'obsessed' over things. Time and again teasing you lovingly whenever you would zone out during conversations. Without fail, mentioning that you would be lost without him reminding you when to eat, and that it made him feel special.
Good ol' Luke, always looking at the bright side, always breezing through life. He'd hold you through the night whenever the anxiety randomly spiked, he'd reassure you that your mental disorder didn't define you, that you were more than that, that you were enough. He loved you, he really did.
But at the end of the day, it wasn't him who had to live with that disease. It was you. He didn't have to stay up, restless, due to random insomnia. He didn't have to set a million alarms to take just one pill. He didn't beat himself up whenever he was unable to do something simple, a mundane chore, just because his brain wouldn't respond. He got to go home, do his dishes, wash his laundry, and be okay. He didn't have to live with your faulty brain. Oh, but, alas he did have to live with you.
"I work hard. I work really hard. I don't think I'm asking for a lot here." he complained regarding the tidiness of the apartment you had had to yourself for almost a week. It wasn't common for him to lose his cool, but when he did, you had to brace yourself. He would never hurt you, no, but you would feel him far away, so far away despite being in the same room, that he might as well hold a dagger to your chest. That would pain you a lot less.
It had been little over six months since the two of you moved in together. The military-style routine that he had was benefitial to you, he'd drag you along for breakfast, motivate you into a quick workout, tease you into taking your pills. It was good for you, he was good for you. Everything was okay, until he was gone, and the facade of being a functional adult crumbled to the ground.
A slow forming knot began to grow within the walls of your throat. Was this the same man who months before professed eternal devotion to you only? It was hard to tell. Perhaps, he wasn't ready. Ready to deal with someone like you. You hugged your body trying to contain your tears, yet before you were able to talk, his phone beeped. He took a look and held back a curse word at the name that appeared on the screen.
"Emily?" you asked while you read the twinkling screen, and you were well aware what that meant. He nodded, his lips pursing in anger, he stared a couple of seconds longer, and finally he decided to leave the phone face down on the table. "Come on, Luke, don't be silly, I'm sure it's important." you grunted, taking the phone and picking up right away "Hey, Em." your boyfriend's boss greeted you with confusion "He's right here." you said before giving the phone to Luke.
He looked at you with disappointment, yet he took the device and pressed it to his ear "Yeah, boss. I understand. I'll be right there." he hung up the phone after the line went dead, and he made a frustrated movement with his hand.
"It's okay." you said reassuringly "I promise, we can discuss this when you come back."
You didn't exchange 'I love you's as you usually would, instead, he just grabbed the go-bag he had recently left on the floor and left through the same door he had just entered about half an hour ago.
He didn't call you the entire trip, not even to let you know he had landed safely, and sunk in your own deprecating thoughts, you didn't bring yourself to text him either.
The case was slightly complicated, and he knew he was going to be away for a little bit, still, he didn't gather the courage to call you to let you know. At least, not until the next day, when he was standing in the local precinct, being briefed about a crime, and his smartwatch started to vibrate with an alarm.
'Pill time!' the screen read. Since you had told him your pill schedule, he had set an alam himself to remind you to take it, even when he was away; he'd always take a second to call you and double check.
"Hey, Emily, I really need to make a call, do you mind if I step out for a second?" he asked apologetically.
"Lovers quarrel?" she brillantly deducted, but Luke couldn't bring himself to answer "Go. And, Luke, I know what this job can do to relationships. If you need to go back home, let me know." she reassured and he nodded in gratitude.
He moved away to a less concurred area to dial your number. He prayed you would still be content enough to pick up, and thankfully you did. "Hey" he said as soon as the call connected.
"Hey. Is everything okay?" you asked on the other side.
"Yeah, I just..." he made a slight pause "Have you taken your pills?" he inquired and you simply responded with silence; he quickly picked up on the cue "What did you have for breakfast?" he changed the question
"Half a bagel." you answered with slight shame, aware that he was probably judging you.
It angered him, honestly, that you couldn't take care of yourself, but at the same time, he knew, he struggled to understand, but he knew sometimes you just couldn't; what was really eating him was not that you didn't, it was that he couldn't be there to do it for you. "I'm coming home." he said resolutely.
"Luke, don't. I'm sorry, I'll try harder." you said, your voice starting to sound a little broken "I don't want you to end up resenting me if something happens with your job."
"What are you talking about?" he was taken aback by your confession "I could never resent you. I said something stupid, but at the end of the day I love you, and I want you to be okay."
"Sometimes it's just hard." you sobbed into the phone.
"I get it." he tried to comfort you. "Listen, we'll talk properly when I come back, but for now I need you to do me a favor. Get off the bed, drink at least one liter of water, take your pills, and for the love of god, order something to eat, and don't go sneaking bites to roxy." he said, his voice relaxing a little, coming out as his usual careless tone.
"Alright." your breath began to calm down "Thank you for being so patient with me."
"Hey, you love me enough to put up with my job, right?" he smiled to himself as he spoke "I can love you enough to be kind to that brain of yours."
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godsfavdarling · 4 months
I'm seriously considering posting all the next 10 chapters of Keep Holding On over this weekend. I've been writing this since december so I'm way ahead and I am so excited for people to read the chapter where Spencer gets arrested! I ate that up! It's so good! I just wanna post it everywhere!
Edit: I did it. Here's link
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the-guilty-writer · 1 year
Agent Rossi-Reid
Anthology Masterlist
David Rossi x daughter!reader, Criminal minds x BAU!reader
Summary: After twenty years, Rossi-Reid learns why her father stopped putting up the Christmas Tree.
A/N: This is basically a rewrite of S3E14 “Damaged”. I wanted to include it since it’s such an important part of Rossi’s arc and other significant events (even if only snippets are shown) happen during this episode.
CW: So many Rossi-Reid feelings, Hotch getting a divorce, regular crminal minds violence, talks about santa not being real
“Spencer!” you called. “You’re going to be late!” You packed a snack in a small tupperware container and stuck it in his satchel. 
He walked out of the bedroom, tucking in his shirt and striding forward at the same time. You looked over at him and made a face. “What?” he asked. “Is it my hair? I was thinking it looked a little long this morning-”
“It’s not your hair, Spence.” You smiled. “Your hair is wonderful as always. It’s just, you and Hotch are going to do that interview tomorrow at the prison.”
Spencer grabbed his satchel and put the strap over his shoulder. “When you say it like that it sounds like we’re competing to see who gets to be the last inmate at a luxury detention facility. They’d pick me off my hairstyle alone.”
You couldn’t help but giggle just a bit. Spencer had recently acquired a rather new-found confidence and you loved it. “You’re wearing a tie,” you said.
“I wear ties all the time,” he retorted.
“Yes, but you’re going to be in a room with a killer and I’d rather not get a call that you were strangled,” you admitted.
Spencer knew that even though your tone was joking, you were actually rather serious. Behind your humorous exterior you harbored fear. As you turned from unlocking the apartment door to walk him out, he took you by the waist and pulled you into a kiss.
The older the two of your got and the longer you were married the more your kisses had evolved, and the more you understood what each type of kiss ment: there were the soft ones that lingered before you went to sleep or before the two of you parted which was a simple and strong “I love you”. There were the feather-light ones used for teasing and deep, all consuming ones for passion. There were ones on foreheads and knuckles for comfort and rare pecks on cheeks in public just to show you were marito and moglie- staking your claim on one another for the world to see. But recently you and Spencer had developed a new type of kiss- one that was deep and full, that caused a feeling to spread through your whole body as if you were being engulfed in Spencer while the rest of the world just faded away. It was different than a kiss of devouring lust or everlasting love- it was a kiss that knitted the fabric of your souls together for a few sweet seconds of eternity.
This new kiss was by far your favorite, and it seemed to be Spencer’s too.
“You’re going to be late,” you whispered.
Spencer purposefully tilted his head so his nose touched yours ever so slightly. The intimacy of delicate touches drove you crazy and he knew it.
“I should probably get going then,” he murmured.
“You probably should.”
You had to be the one to pull away, taking Spencer’s hand from your hip to intertwine it with your own. The two of you would hold hands until you exited the apartment building, and then you’d have to let go and wave goodbye to him as he climbed into the passenger seat of the SUV with Hotch.
Delicacy would have to wait.
You weren’t used to sleeping alone. With Spencer’s absence you found yourself seeking companionship and headed to work particularly early only to find yourself in an empty bullpen for the majority of the morning.
Growing up, your house had always been rather empty and lonely, and something about your Italian heritage made you long to go back to your grandparents' home country to live in a family house full of aunts and uncles and cousins. You wished for a house that was loud and never stopped moving. You wished for a family that never left you alone. Then you got old enough that your dad could bring you to the BAU after school and on weekends that he had to work. Suddenly you had everything you wished for- aunts that baked you cookies and scolded you for running in the halls, uncles that paid you a quarter to bring their reports to other departments so they didn’t have to, and eventually a brother; the young agent Hotchner who was trying to get on your dad’s good side. The BAU was the only true home had ever known, and you couldn’t stand to feel like your home was empty.
That’s how you ended up in JJ’s office that morning, sitting in the corner chair working on files while she went through her own manila folders. At some point, Garcia burst into the office and began to pace, but you didn’t really pay attention to what she was saying until you heard your own name.
“-Rossi showed up at my door in the middle of the night while I was enjoying a post-coital shower with fellow FBI technical analyst Kevin Lynch?”
You and JJ both looked up at Garcia, and then at one another.
“Sit,” JJ said to Garcia. You put your work on the chair and went to perch on the corner of JJ’s desk. You weren’t sure what was more intriguing about the whole thing- the fact that Garcia was in the shower with some guy, or that your dad had shown up at her apartment in the middle of the night.
No, you were definitely more interested in the guy.
“I need your help.” Garcia looked between the two of you.
“With what?” JJ asked.
“Agent Rossi,” Garcia said, concerned. “We're not supposed to date fellow bureau employees.”
“From what I hear, Rossi is the reason most of these fraternization rules even exist, okay?” JJ said.
“Oh, he is,” you confirmed with a smirk. “And it’s not like they even enforce those rules… I mean, Spencer and I got married and both of us still work here.”
“He's not gonna tell anyone,” JJ tried to ease Garcia’s nerves. “Just relax.”
“What was my dad doing at your apartment?” you inquired as casually as possible, hoping Garcia would spill.
“That's a good-” Garcia stopped herself. “I’m not supposed to tell anyone.”
Now you were even more curious.
“Why?” JJ drew out the word.
“I didn’t press the issue,” Garcia answered.
You tuned out JJ and Garcia’s voices, thinking about what your dad could possibly be hiding when another familiar name caught your attention.
“Mrs. Hotchner,” JJ answered the phone.
Your heart sank in your chest- Haley had been a big part of your life for a long time. Her and Hotch were newlyweds when you met them- all young and googly eyed and disgustingly in love. Back then, the BAU had also been quite the boys club, and Haley had taken you under her wing. You finally had someone that could teach you about clothes and make-up and boys. She was the first real consistent female figure in your life.
But despite your efforts to contact her, she hadn’t gotten back to you since she served Hotch with divorce papers.
“Well, that- that would make sense because he's in a prison right now, so sometimes cell service can be…” JJ trailed off and you tried not to overhear the angry words on the other end of the phone. “Oh, yeah- well if-yeah, if I can get ahold of him I'll… okay.” JJ hung up the phone. “That is one seriously pissed-off lady.”
You didn’t want to imagine Haley angry- she’d always been such a caring and understanding person, and selfishly, that’s how you wanted to keep seeing her. Once again, you tuned out the conversation and went back to your paperwork, but now your mind was flooded with questions and anxieties. You doubted you’d get any paperwork done now.
JJ got on the phone and Garcia left the office. You looked down at the files and wished that Spencer was there. It wouldn’t have taken much for him to make you feel better- just a small brush of hands or shoulders, maybe a few badly spoken Italian words- but he wasn’t there. As soon as JJ hung up the phone she looked over to you. “Are you okay?”
“Am I really that easy to read?” you asked.
JJ sighed. “No, but Hotch is getting divorced and I know you were close to Haley. You’re Jack’s godmother. On top of that your dad apparently has some massive secret that he’s been recruiting Garcia to help him with. I’d be feeling a little sad right now if I were you.”
You shrugged. “I’m not all that worried about my dad to be honest,” you admitted. “And I guess if Haley only had me in her life because of Hotch... then she was never really my friend in the first place.”
JJ didn’t have time to respond because Prentiss opened the door without knocking. Her eyes expressed concern and she spoke quickly. “You guys should come see this.”
“You go,” you told JJ. “I’ll be there in a minute.”
Emily and JJ left you alone in her office. You picked up your phone and scrolled through your contacts, looking for Haley’s number. You weren’t sure what you were going to do. You weren’t going to call her- she never picked up anymore. Every text you’d sent had gotten no reply. There wasn’t anyone there to tell you what to do… except for you.
Your dad would have scolded you for being too involved, Spencer would have just taken your phone and held it above his head so you couldn’t reach, and Hotch… Well, for the first time in a long time you didn’t know what Hotch would do. So you typed the message out and pressed send before putting your phone in your pocket and pushing the thought to the back of your mind.
You walked to the bullpen to find Emily and JJ, but the two of them and Morgan were leaning over the railing outside your dad’s office, talking to Garcia.
“The guy is a fussy, anal-retentive neat freak who-” Emily stopped herself when you approached.
There was a pause and all of them looked at you. It was the same way agents used to look at you when you were a teenager and walked in on them conversing about a brutal case- you had heard something that you weren’t supposed to hear.
“Let me guess,” you started. “We’re talking about my dad?”
You peered behind Emily to see what all the fuss was about, and indeed it was something to fuss over. Your father’s files were scattered all over his office- the desk, the table, and the floor were littered with papers that would take hours to organize properly. Never in your life had you seen your father’s space look so messy.
“Oh, Papa.” Your jaw fell slack in shock and you rushed up to your dad’s office to get a closer look. Nothing was broken- his favorite mug was empty on his desk, the lamp stood tall, and the glass of the picture of the two of you was still intact- but your father’s filing system was like an extension of his brain and at the moment it was destroyed. “Fuori come un balcone…” You muttered as you looked around at the disarray in front of you.
“Say what?” Morgan asked.
“She says he’s gone crazy,” Emily interpreted.
You looked back at Garcia. You loved Penelope, you truly did, but if she didn’t tell you where your father was, you thought you might become the next unsub the team had to hunt down. “Where did my father go?” you asked, your tone serious. Almost dangerous.
Garcia turned serious as well. “He’s in Indianapolis on a 20 year-old double homicide. He said it’s time someone pays for it, and he was upset.”
You shook your head in slight disbelief- you must have been around seven or eight when it happened, but you had no distinct memory of your father coming home upset over a case at that age. When you were that little he tried to keep you as far away from the bad part of his work as possible, but surely you would have remembered something that disturbed him this badly.
The rest of the team’s chatter was background noise until Morgan tapped you on the shoulder. You turned to look at the team member who was probably least impressed by your father, but a team was a team to Morgan and that’s all that really mattered.
“Rossi-Reid,” he said. “Let’s go.”
It felt like the start to a bad joke… You, JJ, Morgan, and Prentiss walking into a bar. But seeing your dad look so defeated made you want to do anything but laugh. You’d grown up thinking he was invincible, and even though you knew better now it still hurt something inside you to know that he wasn’t. You couldn’t even bring yourself to speak as the rest of the group convinced your dad to let them help.
Rossi finally turned away from the bar. He looked at everyone, but his gaze lingered on you just a bit longer than the others. “Why do you care?” he asked.
You wanted to speak, but you couldn’t bring yourself to open your mouth.
“Because you do,” Emily said.
Without another word, Rossi grabbed his drink and walked over to a section of the bar that looked more like a lounge. All of you sat down and your dad began to talk. The case wasn’t even supposed to involve the BAU- your dad just happened to be in the car with the detective when he got the call. They were first on the scene of a brutal murder, leaving three kids as orphans, and there wasn’t anything to lead them to a suspect. The murder weapon, an ax, had been wiped clean.
“It turns out it belonged to the family,” your dad said. “The oldest daughter, Connie, told me her father bought it on Christmas eve a few months earlier to cut down the Christmas tree.” He sighed heavily and suddenly things started to make sense. “Now I always associate the whole thing with Christmas… Never been able to put up a tree myself again.”
You gazed down at the floor, unable to look at your dad. You recalled the first year the two of you didn’t go to pick out a tree; how you’d found the ornaments in the trash and suddenly your dad began giving you gifts on New Year Eve instead of Christmas day. You always assumed that he thought you’d outgrown the holiday- you knew that Santa wasn’t real and reindeer couldn’t fly. Snowmen didn’t come to life if you gave them a magic hat and the north pole was just a place full of snow instead of candy forests and elves that built toys.
You’d attributed his sadness on Christmas day to the fact that you were getting older, but the whole time it was because he was mourning parents that would never get to see their children grow up and children who would have to grow up without their parents to take care of them.
“When we arrived on the scene, before any of the other units got there, I could hear them before I even got out of the car.” The look in your dad’s eyes was distant, as if he was still at the scene from long ago.
“It was a warm morning and the windows were open in the upstairs bedroom… And their voices floated out into the street. They were crying and calling for their mommy and daddy.” You’d never heard your father so close to tears. “Three terrified children, screaming for their murdered parents. I've seen so much death and pain, but that sound… It's been twenty years and I can still hear them screaming every night, crying.”
You’d known your dad had nightmares occasionally- it came with the job- but it had been so long since you lived under his roof, you’d wondered if they had gotten worse as time went on. You wondered if, just like an unsub could be triggered by an anniversary, a profiler could too.
“If I can't tell them for sure that whoever’s responsible will never do it again, that screaming might never stop.”
Your dad finished off his drink and you, JJ, Morgan, and Prentiss looked around at one another. You’d been quiet for a while now, letting the rest of them do the talking while you sat with your memories and feelings, but now that you had processed everything you were ready to get to work.
“Well,” you said, looking at your dad. It was a good thing you’d gotten his stubbornness. “Let’s find who’s responsible for it then.”
It was easy enough for Garcia to find out where the children were living now, and before you knew it, Morgan was pulling up to the house and the team was getting out of the SUV, ready to face the case that had haunted David Rossi for two decades.
“Hi, Connie,” he greeted the oldest daughter. She couldn’t have been that much older than you. No wonder this case had hit him so hard. “I brought the team-”
“You need to stop this!” It was almost as if she was begging.
“Excuse me?”
“We thought that if we didn’t call you back the last couple of times you would just give up and leave us alone,” she said, her voice unsettled.
“Well, I know that it hurts, but I’m only trying to make sure someone pays for your parents’ deaths.” After nearly six months at the BAU, you’d never heard Rossi be so gentle with someone. The last time he used that tone was when he talked to you after Gideon left.
“We don’t care anymore!” Connie stressed. “It’s been twenty years. We need to be able to move past it, please!”
Your dad had always been a pusher, so when he responded with “I won’t bother you kids again,” and turned to get back into the car it surprised you a little. Part of you wanted to push for him.
“And you’ll stop it with the gifts too?!” That made all of you pause and turn back towards the family.
“Gifts?” The wheels in your dad’s head were beginning to turn.
“What are we supposed to do with a bunch of toys that remind us of the worst day of our lives?”
Rossi paused, his stare pointed at the girl with the intensity of the agent you knew he was. “I never sent you any gifts.”
Within ten minutes the three kids, who were now all adults, compiled the toys they had been mysteriously given over the years. You put on a set of rubber gloves and began to inspect them. You automatically knew your dad would never send toys like these to anyone- the material was falling apart in your hands, the stitching easily ripped, and they smelled like chemicals from a warehouse. One of them even left colorful dye on your gloves. Rossi was a best selling author, but even before that he’d always had expensive taste. Your own favorite childhood toy was an FAO Schwarz Teddy Bear that was older than this case and was still in decent condition- considering how much the stuffed animal had been through.
“See, an unsub like this, when they seek out children, they want to play with them,” Morgan explained. “They don’t really want to hurt them, but it’s their size- it frightens people.”
You stood up and stripped off your gloves. Done inspecting the evidence, you looked over at your dad. “This could be that piece you were looking for.”
Soon enough Garcia had gone through crime records and the team was on the move, searching the grounds of a carnival. Rossi and Prentiss paired up while you, JJ, and Morgan inspected the grounds.
“I can’t believe people actually pay good money to play these fixed games,” Morgan said.
“Men,” JJ said blankly. You snorted.
“Excuse me?” said Morgan.
“It’s not people,” you clarified. “It’s men.”
“Is that a fact?” Morgan tried to seem unbothered, but you’d known him long enough to know he’d probably tried to impress several ladies by winning them prizes on impossible ring toss.
“Only a man would waste fifty dollars trying to win a three dollar stuffed animal,” JJ said.
Morgan huffed a little, but the three of you kept walking, looking for anyone who could possibly resemble the unsub you were looking for.
“Clown.” You spotted him, white make-up still half on his face and red smeared around his lips. Morgan and JJ looked in the direction you nodded in. The clown looked back at the three of you and promptly dropped his trash bag before walking off.
The three of you went to look for him, trying not to look too threatening or suspicious. It didn’t take long for Morgan to spot the man’s discarded broom near a covered platform. Drawing your side arm and preparing for the possibility of a fight, JJ pulled down the cover to reveal the unsub hiding like a small child. It took you and Morgan combined to get him out from under the platform and cuffed. JJ kept her side arm ready just in case while Rossi restrained the unsubs father and Emily aided you and Morgan.
You took a moment to look over at your dad, but he was looking at the unsub- the man who he had spent twenty years trying to find. You expected him to look relieved, at least a little bit, but more than anything Rossi looked disturbed, as if he truly couldn’t believe that someone who had done such a horrible thing had a right to exist on earth. He should have been nothing more than a speck of dirt on your Papa’s spotless shoes, but he was a monster in the shape of a man- the reason three children had screamed for their dead parents; the reason your father heard their screams every night. And when your dad looked at you, you knew that he was thinking about twenty years worth of Christmas’s lost- twenty years worth of childhood and twenty years worth of memories.
At least you could make up for them now.
The jet was quiet- JJ filling out the paperwork to make the case official, Morgan with his headphones, and Prentiss with a book. Everyone except your dad was busy with something. He was just looking out the window, lost in thought.
You closed the file you were working on and moved to the other side of the jet, sitting across from him. He looked over at you, breaking his gaze away from the clouds.
“Mio passerotta,” he said, a smile in his voice. “You did a good job today.”
The compliment surprised you. Really you had done no more than the rest of the team, but the way your dad looked at you was different than he had before- like he was seeing you as more than a kid and more than an agent. He was seeing you as both.
“You know, I really wish you had told me,” you said. “Maybe not when I was little, but before you threw your files all over your office and we had to fly two hours to find out why.”
“Well,” he sighed. “Now you know.”
“And now you know why we work as a team,” you said.
He nodded once, slowly. “I guess I do,” he said. “But, mio passerotta, you and I have always been a team.”
“Does this mean you’ll start treating me like a team member?”
“It does,” he confirmed. “But you’ll still always be my daughter.”
You smiled. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
The mood was light walking back into the bullpen, and you felt yourself brighten even more when you saw that Spencer was back. Every ounce of you wanted to run up and embrace him. The past twenty four hours had been an emotional roller coaster and your body craved to be pressed against his. Spencer must have known, because when you walked over to his desk, he took your hand lightly and planted a soft kiss on your knuckles before answering Morgan’s question and directing Rossi to his office where Kevin was waiting for him.
“Just when I thought nothing scandalous was ever going to happen around here.” Emily smirked as your dad closed his office door to talk to Kevin in private.
“What?” Your husband looked confused. “What does that mean?” Then he looked up at you- an inter-BAU marriage was rather scandalous in theory, but you and Spencer were so tame in front of everyone that it really didn’t count.
“Didn’t you hear JJ?” Emily said.
“The song meant something? No- no I missed it,” Spencer began to ramble.
“It-it-” Emily sighed. “You know what, never mind.” She sat down at her desk.
“What?” Spencer looked towards Rossi’s office.
You touched his hand lightly, still leaning against his desk. “I’ll explain it when we get home, Spencer,” you told him. He nodded, but then went back to gaping at the closed door.
You looked up too- seeing that Hotch was in his office. Normally you would have gone to say hello and maybe tease him about having missed all the fun, but even from where you sat you could tell that he was far more distressed than normal. The papers he was holding weren’t just from a case. They were personal.
Your phone vibrated in your pocket and you pulled it out, expecting a text from Garcia, or maybe Morgan. But when you saw the name on the screen your stomach dropped. With shaking hands, you opened the message:
From Haley Hotchner:
I want you to be a part of Jack’s life. You’re an amazing person, (Y/N). I love you and Jack loves you. You’re right that he shouldn’t have to grow up like you did, with only one parent to rely on, but Aaron needs to figure that out himself.
“Mio amata?” Spencer said low enough so that Emily couldn’t hear. “Are you alright?”
You shoved your phone in your pocket. “Tesoro,” you whispered, holding back tears. “Portami a casa?”
Spencer grabbed your go-bag and his satchel, his eyes wide and sympathetic with understanding. “Let’s go home.”
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sierrawr · 10 months
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Summary: Your boyfriend, Park Sunghoon got a call from his parents whom he have not been in contact for 3 years demands for him to go back to Seoul out of the blue. You had one last dinner together and spend the night together before his flight tomorrow morning.
Chapter 1
Pairing: Sociopath! Reader & Chaebol! Sunghoon Genre: Mature, thriller, mystery, a bit of fluff Triggered Warning! : Mentioned of suicide, death and suggestive content Word Count: 1256 words Song Recommendations: Change by (G)-IDLE
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You just finished your shower before an aromatic smell of pizza and ramen fills your olfactory system. You walk towards your kitchen only to see your boyfriend whom you have been dating for 6 months is busy with the stove with your apron looking good on him. You slowly make your way to him and give him a back hug.
"You just showered right?"
He asked with a smile on his face.
"Hmm. Now I'm hungry though."
You peek through his side to get the view of what he is making at the moment.
"Hungry? for me? I know that I am irresistible but I have to feed you a proper meal first before you get your main dish like last night."
He wiggle his eyebrows as he said the suggestive words to you which made you give him a little pinch on his abdomen.
"Of course I mean the food! Don't flattered yourself too much Park Sunghoon."
He let out a chuckle before he turned off the stove. You helped him to serve the instant tteokbeokki that he made just now. It turned out Sunghoon bought a box of regular pizza and made 2 servings of ramen and the instant tteokbeokki to have a pleasant dinner with you that night before he have to go back to Seoul, South Korea to visit his family.
"Do you really have to go back home? I mean.. It's not like you are in a good relationship with your parents, right?"
You decided to speak out your mind as both of you are cuddling for one last time before he is gone tomorrow.
"I know, babe. I don't even want to set my footstep again in that home. But I have no choice. I promise I will be back soon, alright?"
Sunghoon tries to comfort you knowing that you feel uneasy and annoyed that his parents who kicked him out all the way from Seoul to the US called him out of the blue to go home and expecting his appearance after 3 years with no contact. You know well about his relationship with his family since he would call you for comfort every time he was hurt and fought with his parents over phone calls. From the day he cried and shows his vulnerable side for the first time to you, you swore to yourself to never let him feel that pain ever again as long as both of you are together, through thick and thin.
Sunghoon only started to be rebellious after he met you when he tried to committed suicide at a beach that you visited after being fired from your previous job. From that day till now, you feel responsible to comfort and give him every types of support and love that you can give him. And it obviously involves your body but you never care about that as what matter the most to you is his happiness and well-being, in which his parents barely care about.
While living with him under the same roof, which is an apartment that his parents bought for him to stay at the US, you have learned that Sunghoon's life was never the same. He lost his mother due to a hit and run car accident. His father who is an assemblyman holds enough power to call for further investigation as it could be a murder case considering the fact that she was the wife of an assemblyman. But, his father decided to accept that it was an unfortunate hit and run accident and the culprit was ordered to have a lifetime sentence at the jail. Not long after that, his father remarries another woman and have a daughter named Yeri who is now 14 years old.
As an orphan, you always thought that you were the most unfortunate on earth until you met Sunghoon who invited you to live with him at his apartment that his parents bought him when they sent him over to the US for him to further his studies. You lost your parents at a young age and have been living at an orphanage at a countryside where you met Sunghoon for the first time while he was trying to committed suicide by the lake that you were passing by. Sunghoon's existence in your life signifies a new beginning to you and to himself. You know that you are no longer alone and lonely with him by your side. And to Sunghoon, he finally learned and knows what love is and how does it feels like.
Both of you decided to watch Netflix while cuddling after the dinner but it is not as warm as it used to be. The silence that you and Sunghoon created from having a lot of thoughts has never been that loud. Unconsciously, your hug tightened on him as you couldn't stop thinking about him having to meet his family. And this of course did not go unnoticed by Sunghoon who turned to look at you and silently rub your cheeks, which make you turn back to the reality.
"What is my princess thinking about, hmm?"
Your numb expression breaks Sunghoon's heart as he knows that he is the caused of your sadness.
"What if they want you to stay in Seoul forever? What about me? What am I going to do?"
You finally breaks down into tears with your hands cupping your face in attempt to hide your sorrow from him which failed since he managed to grab your hands and hold it in his hands.
"Hey, hey. Now, listen to me babe. Knowing my parents, there's no way they would thought of that. I am a menace to them. Having me staying together with them only means problem so why would they bother about that?"
You can't stop your tears and now Sunghoon is crying as well as he bring your body closer to him if that even possible, giving you the hug the hits different at the moment.
"Promise me that you will be back soon, Hoon."
You look straight at his crystal-like eyes from the tears that filled his eyes waiting for his reply. Sunghoon look at your eyes lovingly before he pats your head and hug you again as he whispered to your ear.
"I promise I will be back before you even know it. We have a promise to make our family together here right? How could I leave you without fulfilling our promise?"
He breaks the hug and bring his hands to cup your face and take a good look of it as if he is imprinting your image in his head.
"Be a good girl for me while I'm gone, can you do that for me babe?"
You nodded your head to him as your respond.
" You can be a good girl for me, right? You are such a good girl to me I know you can do this. WE can do this together, babe."
You nod your head again with your eyes shut knowing that you will have to accept the reality sooner or later. You feel Sunghoon's fingers on your chin which made you open your eyes again. Soon enough, his fingers are on your lips ribbing on it so gently and sensual before he put his index and middle fingers on your mouth asking for you to suck on it.
And it was at that moment the night lose and both of you win again having one of the longest night that you spend together under the sheets.
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© 2023; sierrawr on Tumblr.
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Has anyone missed me complaining about Oxford... well, I am back.
You all know how I feel about Nina committing identity fraud on the only child of some millionares, but we're not talking about that today.
I lore wanna talk about the reasoning behind it and why it was so misguided.
What the show gives as the explanation on why she did it was because "It was Gastón's dream and she didn't want him to throw away his future".
The problem comes in when you look at who actually said those things. It was Matteo, Delfi and Nina, never Gastón himself. He never said it was his dream.
I also just personally do not understand the concept of *Dream Schools*. I mean, how can you dream of a school you've never been in and don't really know how it is going to be like? What's really the difference between the schools outside of location. This is coming from somebody who has had pretty negative University experience in a school that probably would have been my "dream school" is I believed in the concept.
The way I perceive it and portray it in my writing is that Oxford was Gastón's parenst idea. I have talked about this before, they want him to get the best education and changes possible, because they didn't have that growing up. Plus, the thing probably that was thay Matteo's dad always talked about Oxford a lot and Matteo was always going to be sent there, so would it have been nice if the boys went together.
Gastón's pre SL probably didn't nessecarily have anything against it, in theory. Operating on "why not" basis, but he didn't pay that much mind to it, since who think college until itbis too late am I right. It was never something that was his locked down as what he wanted to do for certain.
I mean, look at S1, especially S1a. Can you imagine him going to Oxford? Probably not, but then he had some character develobment and fell in love with the right girl. And thats the "why not".
The reason why Nina thought so was because of miscommunication. First, she overheard things, then she saw the form and basically formed the narrative in her head that it was sole huge dream of his because that fed into her insecurities. When she talked about it with Gastón ans he said that he wasn't sure, she though that he was drastically changing his mind for her.
Oxford was never his definitive choice, it was one of the options.
Gastón never offers any insight on why he personally wanted to go to Oxford, outside of that Matteo was going.
Even after he and Nina were tenporaliri broken up, he wasn't sure of going. Then he suddenly was, but still kept complaining about it and did not sound excited.
The bottom line is that the whole Oxford thing makes no sense and Nina "my mom is laywer" Simonettinneeds to stop engaging in stuff she can get sued over and reconkze what is crminal offence. Ans Gastón should have told her from the begining
Reason why I am taking about this, is because if I continue my wacky S2 AU, I am gonna fix this. Nina's gonna find out the Oxford thing much more straightforward way and there will be less room for misinterpretation.
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nightingalewolfie · 7 months
If yall want to you don't have to of course
But if you like my art and wanna see some cool edits of hotch or like my other art you can check out my tiktok ^^
I make allot of pony art XD I apologize lol but I also make cool edits of hotch on there so if you wanna follow me I'd appreciate it
I need more crminal minds homies following me
All I got are Pony people >:| jk I appreciate them to lol
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But seriously have mercy on me I like colorful horses okay
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