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This beautiful waterfall is located on a section of Eighteen Mile Creek called Hobuck Flats and this entire area is exquisite. Learn more about visiting here: https://adventuresny.com/buttermilk-falls-at-hobuck-flats-north-evans-ny/ #waterfall #waterfallhike #waterfallhunting #naturehike #hiking #hikeny #hikingadventures #eighteenmilecreek #creekwalk #natureseekers #outdoorlife #outdooradventures #explorenewyork #newyorkstate #adventuresny #hikingwithdogs #trails #hikingtrails #freshair #creek #creekfishing #naturelover (at Hobuck Flats) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpk43t-uQbC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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z-cowdog · 2 years
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insleywinsley · 11 months
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 9 months
hiii i took my shihtzu girls to a creek on a hike today and i thought of ur pochita
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holy smokes look at them bask🥹...this is also funny timing cus yesterday evening i recorded a vlog walking pochita thru nature path where #thecreek resides !, , she didnt wanna get in the water this time tho >.< it wasnt hot enuf..Then my phone died while i was in yhe middle of recording LOL so im not sure if i will post it. But still how cute we were on simultaneous creekwalks with our creektzus🎵 #shihtzureport #shihtzupdates #shihtzuawareness
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wrong-brothers · 1 year
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Canon FT-QL
Kodak Gold 200
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eliasxsterling · 8 months
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Introducing Jonah Cairns
Full Name: Jonah Isaac Cairns Age: 41 Gender: cis man Pronouns: he/him Occupation: Owner of Cairns Sporting Goods Store (ex camp leader) Hometown: Maple Creek (lived in town his whole life) Neighbourhood: Creekwalk Face claim: Zach Gilford
Jonah was born and raised in Maple Creek and is the eldest of three siblings. There’s not many people around Maple who don’t know Jonah and the rest of his family. The Cairns have lived on the Island for decades and Jonah grew up in a busy and close knit family. From a very young age helped and worked on his parents’ farm. The outdoor life was normal for him and that has never changed. Even into his adult life, he spends time fishing, hiking, playing sports and he often helps out on his parents farm. There’s nothing Jonah wouldn’t do for his family, including his siblings and that nature extends to many others in Maple Creek. His caring and active personal led to him starting the summer camp in his 20s. He has never left their small town but he has never needed to. He spent his childhood on the farm, his twenties running the camp and he now owns his store. He is content and he has many close friends in his local community. After high school Jonah didn’t really have a plan. He’d never really thought about college, instead, he did odd jobs around the Island. He was good with his hands and he worked at the farm, ran a stall at the market, did freelance jobs around town and even worked in the local bar. He’s confident and charming and he feels at ease around people. Though when his grandfather sadly passed when Jonah was 25 years old, he left his land to him and Jonah decided to build the summer camp. For the last 16 years, everyone who knows Jonah associates him with the recently sold camp. Jonah opened the camp in the summer of 2007 and it quickly became his life. He employed local teens, often during the summer before they left for college and ran classes, clubs, sports and outdoor activities for locals and for kids from the mainland. Despite having so much, being surrounded by friends and family and being so busy, Jonah has never really settled down in his adult life. He worked, he looked after his friends and family and that was always enough for him. He enjoys harmless flirting but he is aware he isn’t getting any younger. However, tragedy struck ten years ago when a fire killed one of the teens in the camp. The event happening under his watch… pushed Jonah even further alone. And his guilt has saddened him and hung around him greatly over the last decade. He loves his camp, he loves Maple Creek and he struggles with his guilt of hurting the place he loves and of that young man who lost his life. Jonah doesn’t know what went wrong or how it was started but he feels like he should’ve been there to stop it. Despite the fire, the camp still ran for ten years until the recent sale. Though after the fire, Jonah had stricter rules, he was not going to let anything happen again. He owns a hiking and sporting goods store which is his main source of income now he’s not at the summer camp and he enjoys chatting with the locals and the visitors who come to see the Islands beautiful views. In general, he is a cheery and carefree man, though he worries greatly about his friends and family. He’s an easy-going guy, though his caring personality means he naturally takes on other people’s problems and he feels a lot. He is a kind-hearted and selfless man and he often puts other people before himself. Though the offers he received on the camp grounds were temping and Jonah ended up selling, needing a fresh start from the place. Part of him wanted to leave it behind him but he still feels guilt.
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mmepastel · 1 year
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Alors, c’est bizarre, mais cette fois, je ne partage pas l’enthousiasme de ma Librairie Préférée pour ce roman.
Je l’ai lu avec intérêt, et je l’ai trouvé instructif. Je ne connaissais pas ce pan de l’histoire canadienne (avant et pendant la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale), lorsque des immigrés japonais se mariaient sur photo (dans les années 20-30) avec des femmes restées au Japon, et que celles-ci découvraient à leur arrivée une vie bien bien moins rose que celle qu’on leur avait promise. Surtout que la Canada (la Colombie-Britannique) développa à leur égard un racisme de plus en plus intense, nourri par la position du Japon pendant le conflit mondial ; sauf que les immigrés et leurs enfants, dont Hannah, l’héroïne du roman, née au Canada, ne sont pour rien dans l’attitude belliqueuse et conquérante de leur pays, le racisme qu’elle endure, elle et les les autres Nisei, est injuste et violent.
On apprend ce genre de choses, ainsi que le quotidien d’un creekwalker, Jack, un marcheur de rivière, qui compte les saumons, solitaire, au passé également douloureux. Il vit seul dans les forêts autour de Vancouver, plus proche des animaux que des autochtones, souvent de sombres brutes.
Le point commun entre Hannah et Jack, qui vont se rencontrer, c’est leur amour des histoires, des légendes et des mythes.
A priori, tout pour me plaire.
Sauf que. Quelque chose n’a pas fonctionné. Est-ce la langue un peu ampoulée de Marie Charrel ? La volonté trop explicite de poétiser la douleur ? Le recours au mythe qui m’a semblé forcé ?
Je n’ai pas adhéré pleinement à ce récit. Je suis un peu restée à côté, niveau émotion. Et pourtant, du pathos, il y en a.
La construction du roman est astucieuse et assure une envie de poursuivre. Mais je n’ai pas été touchée véritablement par ce récit ; j’ai senti une raideur, un manque d’authenticité, peut-être injuste, mais insistants. La description de la nature, très importante dans le roman, m’a également parue convenue, impersonnelle, répondant aux critères en vogue.
Voilà. Ce n’est pas un livre inintéressant, la preuve, beaucoup de gens que j’estime l’ont aimé, follement. Je suis pour ma part restée sur le bas-côté. J’aimerais mieux comprendre pourquoi. Ce serait instructif sur moi, lectrice. On se sent parfois un peu en faute quand on n’a pas aimé une œuvre qui fait globalement l’unanimité…
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tessafitzy · 2 years
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Hello again! Elby here to introduce this little nugget Tessa Fitzgerald. Her full bio is below, but she has lived in town her whole life and would know a lot of people. 
Tessa Fitzgerald always knew the type of path she’d take in life. The Fitzgeralds were always destined for great things. Following in her father’s footsteps, Tessa’s older brother chose the business route. While Tessa always loved history and political science, it was only fitting that she take the route to law school. Being a new and young lawyer, she’s the low woman on the totem pole, but she never does anything half-assed, so she’s proving herself every day.
Having grown up in town, she knows many people and has made a name for herself. In high school, she had a bit of a reckless streak, giving into curiosity and impulse, partying until all hours of the night, and sneaking back into the house at one in the morning. Since graduating college and starting her career, she definitely knows that everything has a time and place. She works hard, but continues to play harder.
Wanted Connections
Old friend(s) -- friends she’s had since her school days
Old flame(s) -- she’s hooked up with her share of people (she’s pan)
Frenemy -- I’m sure she has at least one person she’s supposed to get along with, and is probably cordial to, but still can’t stand
Neighbors -- She grew up in a house in The Jets but now lives in Creekwalk. She’d know people in both areas pretty well. 
Best friends -- Anyone she’d party with or anyone she could constantly blow up their texts and snaps and they’d be chill with it
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marliehart · 2 years
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NAME: Meredith Lee Marlie Hart
AGE: 32
OCCUPATION: Piano / vocal teacher, Marlie runs her own small business teaching children in Maple Creek.
OOC: Mei, 21, she/her :) nice to meet you all!
Marlie Hart grew up comfortably, surrounded with love and comfort. Her mother was a cellist who played in local orchestras, and her father worked as a veterinarian. Marlie and her twin sister Elsie did everything together, often opting to sleep in the same bed despite having two separate rooms.
The family's paternal grandparents maintained a residence in Creekwalk, an old four bedroom house with a wrap - around porch and tomato vines crawling up the garden trellis. Marlie adored her grandparents, and spent six weeks every summer exploring the treasures of Maple Creek.
Marlie was a bright student throughout her education, always receiving high praise and school accolades from her teachers. She was able to attend The University of Toronto, pursuing her Bachelor of Music diploma. Elsie was accepted into a nearby university and the two sisters were renting an apartment together.
Marlie was able to support herself with student loans and two part-time jobs, retail during the day and teaching during the evenings. Shortly after the sisters graduated, Elsie had given birth to a beautiful baby girl named Delaney, whose father didn't want to be included in the picture. Marlie stepped up, and together the two girls took care of Delaney as best they could.
When Marlie was 27, she received a chilling phone call. Her mother had admitted to a decade - long affair with a coworker, and as a result her father had taken his own life. Marlie doesn't really remember this time of her life, as it felt like a blur. What she does remember is her sister Elsie coming home later and later after nights out, always intoxicated, and sometimes she wouldn't come home at all.
Marlie had to quit her part - time job as a cashier, as she found herself responsible for Delaney more and more. It wasn't long before Elsie stopped coming home entirely. She'd left a note on Marlie's pillow, letting her know she wouldn't be coming back. She took with her Marlie's jewelry (what little she had), and the silverware. Around the same time, Delaney began to call Marlie her mom.
Marlie's Uncle Levi caught wind of the situation through the grapevine, and quickly reached out to Marlie. He would be moving Marlie's Oma and Opa into a care facility, leaving their quiet suburban home open for Marlie and Del. She sold nearly everything in the apartment, and flew her and Delaney out.
Now 32 years old, Marlie has settled into the quiet of Creekwalk nicely, as has five year old Delaney. Every Sunday the girls enjoy muffins and horchata, walking around the town they grew to love.
Marlie remains strong for her daughter, but has bottled up many emotions. Since she is the sole caregiver for Delaney, she doesn’t seem to have the time to take care of herself. She is opinionated, a bit jumpy, and she’s always one to make sure you get home safely.
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jazzruinedmylife-blog · 8 months
Monday 10/23/23
Stomach feeling better. Short Lyncourt walk. No Motivation.
Emailing jazz radio stations w/record link. Help Mick w/air conditioning cover.
Circa 4:30 -- Inner Harbor. Creekwalk. Lovely fall day. Crisp, sunny. Coffee shop closed.
6 -- Dinner w/impostors. Salad w/ham. Few bites mint chocolate chip Klondike bar. Good eating day.
Few tunes w/Mick.
9:30 -- Drive to Matt's new shop, Tom K Convo. No Matt.
Dom texting.
Midnight Schlem. Has Chromebook picked out. "You'll never buy it."
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💦𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙎𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙒𝘼𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙁𝘼𝙇𝙇𝙎 There is much more here than meets the eye in this incredible state forest, especially if you like waterfalls and want to try rustic camping. https://familyadventuresinnewyorkstate.com/sonyea-state-forest-mt-morris-ny/ #waterfall #waterfalls #chasingwaterfalls #explorenewyork #sonyeastateforest #hikingadventures #hiddengems #hikeny #doghikers #hikingtrails #creekwalk #cooloff #hiddenwaterfall #summer #summerfun #summertime #roadtrip #travelny #iloveny #makingmemories #familyfun #camping #camp #camplife #rusticcamping #backcountrycamping #enjoylife (at Sonyea State Forest) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiF_ZolONAX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wiltonjordan · 2 years
For centuries, beer has been made with four basic ingredients: malt, water, hops, and yeast. Put basically, the sugars are extracted from grains so that yeast can convert it to alcohol and carbon dioxide, creating the final product: beer. While craft brewing is certainly guided by scientific principles, there is creativity involved, as brewers need to vary the combinations of grains, hops, yeast, and extracts to create a multitude of styles.
This dedication to creativity is what sets craft beer apart from mass market produced beer. The major domestic beer companies use cheaper ingredients – for instance, rice or corn instead of hops – to reduce the price of the final product, creating a watery, bland product.
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MALTING The first step that goes into making craft beer is harvesting the grains. Once the seeds are harvested, they are run through a malting process, which creates the starch enzymes necessary to create fermentable sugars when the yeast is added later.
Once the grains have been malted, the brewer steeps them in hot water, a process known as mashing. This activates the starch enzymes in the grain, causing them to break down and release sugar. The water is drained, which leaves a thick, syrupy substance known as wort.
THE BOIL The next step in the brewing process is commonly referred to as the boil. In this step, the wort is brought to a boil and hops are gradually added at specifically timed intervals. Hops are a small, pinecone-looking fruit that provide bitterness that balances out the sugar in the wort. There are over 150 varieties of hops, and each type creates a slightly different flavor and level of bitterness. IPAs, or India pale ales, are known for their hoppy, bitter flavor, and typically feature three or four different types of hops.
After the boil is complete, the liquid goes into a fermenting vessel and the yeast is added. During the next few weeks, the yeast breaks down the sugars to create alcohol and carbon dioxide. When the fermentation process is complete, the beer is then transferred into bottles or kegs, where it will be ready in two to three weeks.
WILTON JORDAN III is a CRAFT BEVERAGE DIRECTOR AND CONSULTANT, PROVIDING CRAFT BEVERAGES IN ASHEVILLE, FRANKLIN, AND SPARTANBURG. Since a young age, he has been involved with every aspect of the beer industry; from brewing beer, to selling it, managing multiple beverage programs, to curating beer festivals. In addition to being a beverage enthusiast he is known for being a prolific outdoors-man, with an extensive knowledge of waterfalls in Western North Carolina. Being a hiker, a paddleboarder, offroader, creekwalker, and novice climber he is not only able to offer great beer recommendations, but also information about the area that will ensure you have the best time on your next outdoor adventure!
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editorb · 2 years
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Creekwalk https://instagr.am/p/Cfp3NSVtfEP/
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graywyvern · 2 years
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( via / via )
Rock crystal die.
Cornell Woolrich: he was our only Dostoevsky.
murder at creekwalk village · gold TRESS rolled into N-th REICH to soar on a debt bed of EIDER doesn't · make the SCENE
of green remaining · nary a SHRED
Forgotten God.
"Cowards all, we prayed to be overlooked in the coming massacre." --ligotti_bot
Gruithuisen Domes.
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monk1019 · 2 years
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God so loved the world that he gave his Only Begotten Son, so that all who believe in him may not perish, but may have eternal life. Jn 3:16 #wordstoliveby #christmasoctave #cnysunset #creekwalk (at Syracuse, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYEIVFluR_w/?utm_medium=tumblr
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becadroit · 6 years
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Parenting ducks & the sky in the water #sunday #creekwalk #tws #wandering #nature #melbourne https://www.instagram.com/p/BmFNfZFhnAy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hgsazm0t6mjt
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