#cooking with oddman
oddman-the-oldman · 4 months
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Rye Bread 2.0
Rye is a very low gluten grain, but it does have some. As the result pure Rye is challenging to get to raise and build a proper sponge. Most recipes call for Sourdough fermentation in an attempt to fix the problem. A local bakery uses the same process on a low gluten wheat to remove even more of the gluten from their breads. The knowledge has not been lost on me.
Most bakers in the USA add wheat to their Rye to build a sponge. Being allergic to wheat rules that out for me and I need a traditional northern European recipe to improve the problem. I've been reading some research on how people who depend on 100% over come the problem, Most of the recipes available to me leave out a critical step.
The scald the flower with +/- boiling water when they mix the dough.
Above is the loaf we made last night. Another Rye bread tradition is to allow it to rest for about a day or two after baking so it can dry just a little before you cut into it.
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embolalia-poetry · 1 year
☆15 questions, 15 a handful of mutuals ☆
Ooh @selestian tagged me on this nonsense and I was like oh look at me having mutuals who tag me in stuff, so despite how silly this really does seem I am going to do this shit…
1. are you named after anyone?
A bob dylan song
2. when was the last time you cried?
Err Saturday probably. I am actually a very big crybaby.
3. do you have kids?
Yes. One 16 yo catboy who lives upon instant ramen and mint ice cream.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yes but in this weird autistic way…
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their speech idiosyncrasies
6. what’s your eye color?
7. scary movie or happy ending?
I do not enjoy being scared. So I suppose happy ending although the subversion of the happy ending plot is my thing for sure
8. any special talents?
Cooking, being hilarious, craft projects
9. where were you born?
Sandringham hospital
10. what are your hobbies?
Putting audible out of business, books and literature in general, cooking, craft projects and being hilarious.
11. do you have any pets?
No. But I am the cool aunt to a very cute doggo
12. what sports do you play/have you played?
I don’t (ever)
13. how tall are you? 165cm - that’s around 5’3” for all of you imperialists
14. favorite subject in school?
15. dream job?
Burrito for sure. I have been training to be reborn as a burrito for like a while now. It is the dream
err I will tag you, if you don’t like it, blame yourself for being in my notifications and therefore have distinguished yourselves to me @bibliofilariidae @fantodsdhrit @kboyink @wernerherzoghaircut @blaue3 @lilfrannieb @elvedon @gracebriarwoodwrites @flacmk @oddman-the-oldman @chucklingpecan
and I’ve run out of steam. It’s honestly the closest I will ever get to tagging 15 people.
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goneahead · 2 years
The (very) Unofficial Bob Ross’ Happy Trees Poetry Tools Workshop Day 13  - Connotations!
Let’s start talking about about how we paint with words! Our first (and my favorite!) ‘painting’ tool is connotation. Connotation is a word that conveys extra meaning:
sunscreen = summer vacation
pumpkins = Halloween
In Japanese poetry, this tool is called kokoro, and is used as a sort of shorthand in haiku. Words like ‘favorite jeans’ or ‘missed voicemail’ pack a lot of meaning into a few short words.
Another similar tool in Japanese poetry is kigo. Kigo is a seasonal word that is traditionally used in the first line of a haiku to anchor the poem to the natural world:
A snowman guards the driveway (snowman = winter)
Cherry blossoms over toys on the lawn (cherry blossoms - spring)
Did you catch the other connotation? Both examples are also things linked to children playing (snowman, toys).
In modern haiku, kokoro can be used in a similar manner. Only instead of tying the poem to a season/nature, the word ties the poem to a setting or place:
My boots splash through reflected skyscrapers (skyscraper = city)
Purchasing textbooks—and regrets. (textbooks = school)
Tip! Connotations and juxtaposition (day 12) can be a very powerful combo:
You wanted frequent flyer miles, and hotel sheets,
I craved home-cooked suppers and matching towels
Let’s end with two examples of how connotations can pack a lot of meaning into even a small poem:
You are slow snowfall, and the green rising in Spring. You are Winter’s end.
~Tyler Knott Gregson
child of saltwater
taken captive by the land
gulls still call me home
Have fun writing happy trees!
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ds-towhoknowswhere · 4 years
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The mighty Wolfgang has arrived in all his glory! Let’s see what we got headcanon wise.
- Headcanon age for To Who Knows Where: 45 years old
- Wolfgang has been in The Constant for a long time now. How he got here is unknown at the moment. All that is known is Maxwell probably had a hand in it. 
- Wolfgang’s fear of the dark stems from PTSD from being in the military. Nights out on the battle field were never exactly calm and sometimes fellow troop members would leave during the night and never come back. He fears the same happening to him. (And rightfully so considering the situation with darkness in The Constant.)
- At some point after being in the services Wolfgang found himself in the circus life as a strong man. A much more calm and fun life. 
- His odd condition of being strong when on a full stomach and weak when hungry is still something the others are trying to understand. (Wilson in particular.) Wolfgang doesn’t really talk about why this is. He prefers to keep it to himself.
- Wolfgang does his best to be brave and look out for everyone. He wants his comrades to be safe and know they can always count on him.
- Wolfgang often refers to Wilson as Tiny Egg Head Man or Small Science Man, due to him being scrawny, a scientist and one of the shortest men in the camp. (Wes is just a few inches shorter than Wilson.) Much to Wilson’s chagrin. 
- Wolfgang actually has nicknames for everyone and each are pretty self explanatory. 
Wilson - Tiny Egg Head Man and Small Science Man
Willow - Tiny Torch Lady
Wendy - Creepy Girl
WX-78 - Tiny Robot
Wickerbottom - Strong Brainlady
Woodie - Beardman
Wes - Oddman and Clownman
Maxwell - Tiny Frail Man
Wigfrid - Strong Lady
Webber - Tiny Monsterchild
Winona - Fixing Lady
Wortox - Scary Horn Man
Wormwood - Leafy Green Man
Warly - Tasty-Making Man
Wurt - Tiny Fish Girl
Whether each person likes their nicknames is varied but they all take it in stride. (For the most part.)
- While it’s uncertain, it’s quite possible Wolfgang is of both German and French descent. Possibly half from either parent. Grew up for part of his life in Germany then eventually moved to France. (And eventually made his way to the United States with his circus troupe.)
- Wendy kind of creeps Wolfgang out a little. Mainly with her morbid humor. (He ain’t a fan of it.)
- Wolfgang loves sparring with Wigfrid. She’s the only one who can keep up with him in might and it’s always a fun time. (The two are very good friends.)
- Wolfgang, while he can speak English alright, it’s not his first language. That goes to German first then French second. Reason his speech patterns can be a bit broken.
- Wolfgang gets along quite well with Warly. The man makes the best food out there and Wolfgang appreciates his kind nature. (Warly’s actually teaching him how to cook some of his favorites. He considers Wolfgang is best sou chef with how helpful he is.)
And that it’s for Wolfgang. As always, if you want to see more expanded on or have your own headcanons, please feel free to send in a submission!
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gamesdotplay · 5 years
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oddman-the-oldman · 7 months
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Rye without Wheat comes out dense. Buckwheat makes it denser.
Tastes great though.
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oddman-the-oldman · 8 months
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This is the beginning of the end. The Pure you are looking at is the garlic in extra virgin olive oil with the leaves & tec.. from the orageno in the first frame. We actualy got 3 pints of this "Bruschetta?" Mostly it will be garlic bread. Only 2 pints shown.
It is also good on salmon, tatters, corn...
Not sure it passed the popcorn test.
Those are the boss's gentle hands there in the middle. She likes to supervise anything she considers dangerous or potentially messy. This project excites both issues for her. It is just a half quart of oil.
Pot, "THC" is an Agonist just so you know.
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oddman-the-oldman · 3 years
What do you get when you use “Milk Kefir” grains to ferment Huckleberry Juice with a little extra sugar added?
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Very low alcohol huckleberry wine and purple Kefir Grains.
They say you can’t return grains used this way to milk fermentation but I’m here to tell you, you can. The first two or three batches of milk Kefir will taste like the wine you made and are good for making wine flavored Kefir Cheese. By about the 4th cycle the Kefir will be back to normal flavor though the grains will stay purple for at least a year.
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