#consumer that product is a holy grail for.
musiquesduciel · 6 months
As much as I enjoyed watching Tati Westbrook's videos back in 2018 as 'ASMR' and background noise, not one product she ever recommended/raved about sat well on my skin.
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deramin2 · 1 year
All Clothes Are Handmade
As a sewist with access to a lot of fancy commercial-grade equipment, I think about this a lot. People have this idea that there's a lot of automation in making clothes, that robots do most of the work. They do not. Very low-wage humans do.
The machines can make fancy stitches, but they can't guide them. Cloth takes fine dexterity and constant adjustments to work with. Any sewist who's tried to sew a straight line but had their thoughts stray know how fast it goes tits up. The 2+ pieces need to be carefully pinned together (expert sewists can use very few pins, but still need some), and then carefully guided and managed so they stay exactly together as the same tension without wrinkles. And if there's any kind of curve, it takes great skill to do all of that while turning at precisely the right angle at the right time while keeping everything together. And then a human has to detect the end and change the stitch appropriately to secure the ends.
And then there's fabric management. A the front the fabric bunches in your lap and tries to fall down at weird angles. At the back in bunches up and tries to pull at weird angles. So you're constantly having to manage where all that fabric is going that you aren't currently sewing. And if you're sewing in the round (like putting on a sleeve), you have to manage bringing the back around to the front. All of this twists the entire garment, which has to be managed even when most of it is sitting next to you. In home sewing this is sometimes a 2-person job.
A machine cannot do any of that that. Automating clothing manufacturing is a holy grail people have been working on for a couple hundred years and are nowhere close to achieving. It takes the kind of very precise and constant adjustment with a sharp mind and keen eye that humans are very good at and machines are very bad at. Machines only sew in straight lines.
But people look at fast fashion prices and assume robots must be making their clothes. But they aren't. Highly skilled human beings in horrific work conditions at breakneck speed and brutal hours are being paid pennies to make even the cheapest and most low-quality garment. The entire commercial and consumer chain has simply dehumanized them into "must be robots."
This red swimsuit is selling for $10.99 from Walmart. It probably cost $2-$3 to produce.
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This striped swimsuit is selling for Beefcake Swimwear for $99. This is the fair price for a swimsuit made with ethical labor.
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Beefcake is a small Portland, Oregon company that uses local labor, local materials, and doesn't have a high markup. They cost $49 to manufacture (maybe more now with inflation). (With business expenses, trust me that margin is really slim.) Beefcake talks about "The real cost of American-made swimwear." Half the cost to produce is labor costs. I'd wager half the cost of the fabric is also labor costs. This is why clothing isn't typically made in the US, except using prison labor that's pretty literally slavery.
This is the true cost of a product that attempts to not exploit its workers. It's a luxury most people can't afford because the entire labor market exploits workers to the point of being unable to afford anything but exploitative goods and services. Fast fashion has convinced people they greatly benefit from supporting the worst of that exploitation.
These swimsuits were made on similar machines with similar materials by people with similar skill. The same degree of automation went into both of them. But the Walmart manufacturer sewists got paid less than a dollar to make that one and live in abject poverty, and the Beefcake sewists got paid $22, which is livable.
But robots didn't make either of these. human hands did. Human hands made every single piece of clothing in your closet. Think of how to cherish and care for their work.
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fizzfags · 3 months
basically me and my friend have been reading it together during study halls because we hate productivity and doing our work and things of that sort. we've immediately become obsessed with it because we're so used to consuming slop (bsd and reincarnation manga respectively) that this is like the holy grail of good manga to us
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
"Good news for consumers," farmers' union newspaper Maaseudun Tulevaisuus writes on Monday, noting that food prices finally began to fall last month and should continue to do so throughout the rest of the year.
Figures provided by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) suggest that increased trading and a spike in the supply of agricultural commodities has pushed down prices globally, including in Finland, where prices had been seeing double-digit rises.
In April, the Food Price Index (FFPI) - which measures the monthly change in international prices of vegetable oil, cereal, dairy, sugar and meat products - showed a 2.6 percent decrease from April and a 22.1 percent decrease from its all-time high in March 2022.
May's decline was largely due to a significant fall in the price of vegetable oils, cereals and dairy products, but was partly offset by increases in the prices of sugar and meat.
MT tells its readers that while Finland's grain harvest is looking slightly weaker this year, improved global supply and a drop in fertiliser prices have also alleviated the price of grain products in Finnish supermarkets, with the declining trend likely to continue towards the end of the year.
Cheap and clean energy
Economically viable, green energy — particularly wind power — could be the Finnish economy's holy grail in the period of green transition, according to Fingrid's CEO Jukka Ruusunen.
Speaking to newspaper Helsingin Sanomat, the head of the Finnish power grid operator said that the fast development of wind energy technology is the best thing that has happened to the country's economy in decades.
Low prices and secure supply have made Finnish wind power among the most competitive in the global market, attracting international investments worth about 90 billion euros, according to the Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK).
"It is an unprecedented amount," HS writes, adding that an additional five million euros in investments are also in the pipeline.
Seasonal temperature fluctuations create strong winds in Finland, according to the paper.
The country is also sparsely populated so there is plenty of space on which to build wind power stations. This is the ace up Finland's sleeve compared to central Europe, which is more densely-populated, HS writes.
The benefits of a booming wind power sector to the economy could help support funding of the Finnish welfare system for decades to come, Ruusunen says.
"If this opportunity is not missed in the House of the Estates, that is," Ruusunen adds, referring to the ongoing government negotiations which have just entered their sixth week.
A future rat problem
Milder winters could mean that Finland will soon be dealing with a serious rat problem, according to Tampere-based Aamulehti.
Most rats die during Finland's cold winters, evolution biologist at the University of Helsinki Tuomas Aivelo explains, but he warns that global warming could help larger populations survive into spring.
If there are more rats in the spring, their numbers will increase rapidly as they start to reproduce. They also benefit from the lack of snow, as it is easier to move around and source food on snow-free ground, Aamulehti notes.
Rats are already common across Finland from the southernmost regions all the way up north, in the area of Oulu.
"The more people there are, the more likely there are to be rats. That's why rats are particularly abundant in big cities," Aivelo said, adding that so far Finland has managed to keep populations under control once a peak has been observed.
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mattcolewilson · 11 months
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I recently posted this image and the below text on Dribbble. However, the post was removed for “violating Community Standards.” (I assume that “venting frustrations” was the specific issue.) I’m re-posting it here, for posterity. I probably could have written this differently, but I wanted to be candid and express how I (and many others) feel about the platform. I loved Dribbble and I’m bummed by the direction that it’s heading. 
Over the last few years, Dribbble has been continuously getting worse. But this latest update is a bridge too far. I’m packing up and leaving until I see a change in direction. (And yes, I know, it's very cool to make a big announcement when you're leaving a social media platform. But I've seen others write similar things and I wanted to add my voice to the choir. Maybe, hopefully, Dribbble will take notice that it has upset a portion of the user base.)
This sucks, because Dribbble was once my favorite website. I’ve been here around 8 years, have checked the site almost every day, and have paid for Pro for more than half of those years. It was once a very fun place to share and see cool graphic design work. “Show and tell for designers,” as they used to say. A simple and pure concept.
But that unique idea has been replaced by something much more mundane: a way for businesses to find and hire graphic design talent. And sure, I’ve found great clients through Dribbble and I’m thankful for that. But let’s be honest here: the biggest motivating factor is that this focus makes the Dribbble owners much more money.
And I get it. They are a business. This is capitalism. It’s all about the bottom line, etc. But sacrificing an amazing concept and a vibrant community of graphic designers to the almighty dollar just sucks to see. Each step in this direction has made it more clear that this is not a place for graphic design community. It’s a place to market yourself. It’s a place to sell your services. Just like Behance and Upwork and countless other sites.
It’s wild to sign up for a platform that promises to be a place “for designers” and then years later, the first item on the nav menu is “Find talent.” That primary navigation item, the number one link, is not for designers. It’s for businesses. Designers are no longer the primary user.
In addition, the methods of normal engagement with the platform are being consumed by advertisements to pay for the privilege of being on this site. I can’t check my notifications anymore without interacting with an ad for Pro that takes up 2/3rds of the screen. Hell, I was just trying to open a post in my mobile browser and was instead redirected to an ad for Pro. I couldn’t even get to the post I wanted to see.
I can’t imagine giving money to this company after being treated like this as a user. Plus, I’m the “talent” they are wanting the new, primary user to “find.” Not only am I the product being sold, but you also want me to pay for the privilege. Fuckin’ wow.
And it’s not even a good deal for the other side, either. It costs $499 per month to use the Dribbble Hiring platform. Jesus Christ! Can you imagine? There are lots of other more cost effective (and free) ways to find designers. And it’s not like everyone on Dribbble is an amazing designer anyway. This isn’t some holy grail where only the best graphic designers can be found. (This is also self deprecating. I’ve posted a lot of very bad design work here.)
So anyway, that’s all. I’m out. I’ll likely still login every now and then to monitor progress. But I’m not going to participate until things get better. I’ll still be posting my graphic design work elsewhere if you want to follow along. (On my own website, Cohost, Tumblr, etc.)
Thanks for reading. Peace & love.
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Hello, a soon-to-be veganuary participant here! Do you have any tips on how to communicate your veganism when you have e.g. family gatherings, sometimes with… a bit more conservative members, where there is a meal offered? I don’t want to seem too difficult😬 Also Food and easy everyday vegan food ideas would be appreciated!
Absolutely, it’ll be my pleasure! And Thank You!!!<3
So, I'll start with the last part of this ask. I think it's easier not to think of it as "vegan meals", and instead veganize whatever one usually eats. For me, I loved to have scrambled eggs in the mornings, now I have scrambled tofu (extra firm, not silken), that way I can still enjoy my comfort food but have it be animal-free.
meal suggestions:
Breakfast foods are perhaps the simplest to turn plant-based, takes mostly switching a few ingredients. Other meals are not difficult, but traditionally they might rely more on animal products, so you might have to tweak them more. These two (lunch and dinner) I'll be pairing because I eat them interchangeably at either noon or evening. If you want specific recipes, Pinterest is your best friend (my ask box will still be open though).
-Breakfast: oatmeal, toasts/bagels with either sweet or salty toppings, cereals, smoothie bowls, PB&J like Cas (still an SPN blog, sorry), hashed browns or smoothies, if you're like me and have no time in the mornings.
-Lunch/Dinner: rice&beans with a little extra something of your choosing (I like avocado or a simple green salad on the side), wraps/burritos (throw anything veggie in there, really), pasta (just had it with sautéed green beans and cashews), hearty salads (bulk up with, yes, beans - garbanzo/chickpeas are great for this!), thick soups (roast some veggies, then put in a blender and voilà. Great for low energy days and easier digestion), chili sin carne and curries.
-Snacks: i'm partial to nuts and seeds, but fruits are great too, as well as veggies/whatever with hummus, chips and the like (original Pringles, Lay's and Fritos, some pretzels and Takis too!), cookies (many options, original Oreos reign supreme), chocolate (most dark choc is vegan, sweeter options made with plant milks are also available), most popcorn, vegan ice cream (if you have access to Oatly and like chocolate, try the Fudge Brownie, so good) or vegan protein bars if you're in need of a protein-dense pick-me up (protein bars across the board aren’t the best in taste though, so, yeah).
general tips:
start increasing your fiber intake gradually, Now - this is because plant-based diets tend to be higher in fiber, and a sudden boost in it when you're not used to might lead to temporary bloating/discomfort because your digestive system is going to be doing some adjustments.
keep protein and fats in mind - DO EAT THEM! if you're filling unfulfilled after a meal, it might be because it was lacking in those. a lettuce, cucumber and tomato salad is not high in calories or satisfactory in general, it'll be disheartening and it may have you quitting or cursing vegans. if consuming salads make them hearty!
on the same line of protein - as a whole and from what i see in my own country, these days we're a bit obsessed with protein. and even if it's necessary we tend to overestimate our needs and underestimate our intake. if it's more convenient for you, there are many mock meats (depending on where you live, of course) that offer chicken/beef/fish-like products with high protein, but they can be pricier, aren't a necessity and are not really reflective of what most vegans eat for every meal every day. tofu, tempeh, beans and tvp (textured vegetable protein. super cheap and versatile) are my go-to. 
tofu - holy grail, unless you're allergic to soy. if not, it's a great base for literally anything. they key is squeezing out the water and seasoning well.
b12 supplementation/fortified foods
condiments are your best friend - this goes for any and all sorts of cooking, it's amazing what spices can do to enhance flavors.
most ingredients list on food labels will list allergens at the very end or have it in bold letters. here you'll see things that you wish to avoid, like eggs and milk, if the product contains any.
same if you have any safe foods for whatever reason, don't remove it from your diet, simply try to find a vegan alternative or tweak it a bit.
if for some reason you eat something non plant-based, don't make a big deal out of it or quit veganuary. just choose a vegan option the next time.
consider other aspects in your life that rely on animal products and, if safely possible, evaluate alternatives
it's not an all or nothing mentality, remember it's as far as is possible and practicable
As for your first question and based on my personal experience, people who judge or mock others' dietary choices mostly to do so with vegans and vegetarians only, so that's something to unpack there. In your case since it's specifically Veganuary, I'd simply say it's a challenge/activity you want to participate in to help with the environment and animals. Don't knock it til you try it sorta thing.
There are going to be questions and comments, there always are. If very conservative food-wise, relatives or friends may throw negative comments your way, but know those are a reflection of them and whatever they're dealing with rather than what you're doing or with you as an individual. It's literally their problem, not yours, cliché but true. Don't take as personal what other people might say about it because many do get defensive and touchy, even if you aren't out to "get them." In gatherings, if they offer you food, try to veganize the meal, if possible. If meat is optional, just substract it. It might not be the best or most balanced of meals, but you can make up for it later and it shows you've got nothing against their cooking because I bet you don’t. Also, if you know there won't be anything vegan, try bringing in a plate/side dish yourself to share with others, that way you won't arrive empty-handed and you'll make sure to stick to your goal.
// We are latine and my family goes heavy on the animal products consumption, there's not a single meal without them, not one. At the start you yourself might believe your eating is “difficult” but trust me, it isn’t. Past that initial hurdle, people tend to go ‘oh, this is vegan too!!’ (excitedly. very cute!, especially when they wanna share it with you. i just love it). They're used to me being vegan now though, even my grandmas and aunts are now way more receptive of alternative eating styles other than those they raised us in and are mindful of having something for me available (which is usually eaten by everybody else, anyway). The whole thing is gradual and slow, but being vegan is the best decision I've made for many reasons besides the dietary aspect of it, plus it cranked up my creativity in the kitchen, oof!
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 Types of Digital Marketing
            Types of Digital Marketing
Imagine you're a business owner navigating the digital landscape. Here's a breakdown of the different ways you can market your brand online:
You've got Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which is like the holy grail of getting noticed on the web. It's all about tweaking your website and content so that Google and other search engines love you, making you show up higher in search results and bringing in more organic traffic.
Then there's Search Engine Marketing (SEM), where you can pay to play. Ever noticed those ads at the top of Google search results? That's SEM in action. You bid on keywords relevant to your business, and if you win the bid, your ad gets prime real estate in search results, driving targeted traffic to your site.
Social Media Marketing (SMM) is like throwing a party on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You create awesome content, engage with your followers, and even run ads to spread the word about your products or services. It's all about building a community and sparking conversations with your audience.
Read full post on Digital Marketing- Do’s and Don’ts 
Now, let's talk about Content Marketing  You know those blogs, videos, infographics, and podcasts that you love to consume? Well, someone's behind all that content, strategically creating it to attract and retain your attention. That's content marketing in action—providing value to your audience while subtly promoting your brand.
Ah, good old Email Marketing It's like keeping in touch with your pals via email, except your pals are your subscribers, and you're sending them updates, promotions, and valuable content. It's a direct line to your audience's inbox, helping you nurture leads and drive conversions.
Ever seen your favorite influencer recommend a product on Instagram? That's Influencer Marketing for you. Brands partner with influential individuals to reach their followers authentically. It's like word-of-mouth marketing on steroids, leveraging someone else's credibility to boost your brand's visibility.
Then there's Affiliate Marketing, where you team up with affiliates who promote your products or services in exchange for a commission. It's a win-win—you get more sales, and they get a piece of the pie. It's all about building partnerships and incentivizing others to help spread the word about your brand.
Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC) is like putting your brand on a billboard, but only paying for the people who actually stop to take a look. You create ads and bid on keywords, and every time someone clicks on your ad, you pay a small fee. It's targeted, measurable, and can drive some serious traffic to your site.
Who doesn't love a good Video Marketing strategy? Whether it's YouTube tutorials, TikTok dances, or Instagram stories, video content is king. It's engaging, shareable, and perfect for capturing your audience's attention in a crowded digital space.
Last but not least, we have Mobile Marketing. With nearly everyone glued to their smartphones these days, it's essential to optimize your marketing efforts for mobile. Whether it's mobile-friendly websites, SMS marketing, or location-based targeting, reaching consumers on their devices is key to staying relevant in today's digital world.
So there you have it—digital marketing in all its glory. It's a wild, ever-changing landscape out there, but with the right strategies and a bit of creativity, you can make a splash and connect with your audience like never before.
For more interesting content visit Triumph Online Solutions
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abcworldnews · 24 days
Understanding Consumer Behavior in the Digital Age
In the bustling digital age, understanding consumer behaviour has become the holy grail for brands aiming to stay ahead of the curve. It’s no longer just about having a great product; it’s about deeply understanding the digital journey your customers are on, and how they interact with the myriad of digital touchpoints available to them. If you’re not keyed into these behaviours, you’re missing out on invaluable insights that could drive your brand to new heights.
Consumer behaviour in the digital realm is a constantly shifting landscape, driven by the rapid evolution of technology and the ever-changing preferences of consumers. It’s about tapping into where they spend their time online, what content captures their attention, and how they make their purchasing decisions. With the UK market being as diverse and digitally savvy as it is, getting a grip on these behaviours is crucial for any brand looking to make a significant impact.
But here's the thing – understanding digital consumer behaviour isn’t just about collecting data; it’s about interpreting it in a way that allows you to make real-time adjustments to your marketing strategy. It requires a blend of intuition and analytics, of creative thinking and data-driven decisions. The brands that excel are the ones that use these insights to create more personalised, engaging, and effective customer experiences.
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However, this is where the urgency comes into play. The digital landscape waits for no one. Trends can come and go in the blink of an eye, and consumer preferences can shift just as quickly. Brands that are slow to adapt, that don’t continuously monitor and analyse consumer behaviour, risk falling behind. It’s not just about keeping up; it’s about staying ahead, predicting trends before they happen, and being ready to pivot at a moment's notice.
In conclusion, understanding consumer behaviour in the digital age is the key to unlocking a more dynamic and responsive marketing strategy. It’s not enough to follow the crowd; you need to know where the crowd is going, what they’re talking about, and what they want, sometimes even before they know themselves. This is the challenge and the opportunity for brands today. Dive deep into the digital behaviours of your consumers, and let those insights shape a marketing strategy that’s not just effective, but truly resonant.
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prabhatjairam · 30 days
Multi-touch Attribution Models
Understanding the intricacies of consumer behavior and the impact of various touchpoints has become paramount. Gone are the days when a single click could be credited for a conversion. Today, with consumers interacting across multiple channels before making a purchase, marketers need a sophisticated approach to measure the true effectiveness of their campaigns. Enter multi-touch attribution models, the beacon guiding marketers through the maze of data toward the holy grail of ROI.
Imagine you're a marketer launching a new product campaign. Your ad appears on social media, a customer clicks on it, browses your website, abandons the cart, receives an email reminder, and finally makes a purchase after seeing a display ad. How do you attribute the success of the sale? This is where multi-touch attribution models come into play, allowing you to assign value to each touchpoint in the customer journey.
There are several types of multi-touch attribution models, each offering unique insights into customer behavior. Let's delve into a few popular ones:
Linear Attribution: Think of this model as the egalitarian of attribution models. It distributes equal credit to each touchpoint along the customer journey. So, in our example, the social media ad, website visit, email, and display ad would each receive 25% credit for the sale.
Time Decay Attribution: This model acknowledges the diminishing influence of touchpoints over time. Touchpoints closer to the conversion receive more credit than those further away. In our scenario, the social media and display ads might receive more credit than the initial website visit.
Position-Based Attribution: Also known as U-shaped attribution, this model gives more weight to the first and last touchpoints, with the remaining credit distributed evenly among the intermediate touchpoints. So, in our example, the social media and display ads would receive more credit, while the website visit and email would share the rest.
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Algorithmic Attribution: This advanced model utilizes machine learning algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data and assign credit based on statistical significance. It considers various factors like time, channel, and customer behavior to accurately represent each touchpoint's contribution.
Each model has its strengths and limitations, and the choice depends on factors like the complexity of your sales funnel and the availability of data. However, regardless of the model, the goal remains the same: to gain actionable insights into consumer behavior and optimize marketing strategies accordingly.
The Summation
By grasping the intricacies of each model and utilizing an optimal blend of data and technology, marketers are empowered to make knowledgeable choices that propel business expansion. Thus, when initiating a marketing campaign in the future, keep in mind that success hinges not solely on clicks, but on comprehending the entire journey. With multi-touch attribution, you're furnished with the tools to maneuver through every challenge encountered along the path.
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sanajames · 1 month
Conditioner: Nourish & Hydrate Your Hair - Bash South Africa
In the realm of hair care, the search for the perfect conditioner is akin to a quest for the holy grail. The ideal conditioner not only nourishes but also hydrates, transforming lackluster locks into a cascade of vitality and shine. In South Africa, discerning consumers have found their sanctuary in the form of Bash, an online haven where hair care dreams come true.
Bash, the quintessential purveyor of premium hair care products, understands the intricate needs of diverse hair types prevalent in South Africa's dynamic landscape. From the sun-drenched coasts to the vibrant urban centers, Bash has tailored its offerings to cater to every strand's unique requirements. At the heart of their collection lies the indispensable hero: conditioner.
Why is conditioner so crucial, you might wonder? Well, let's delve into the science behind it. Our hair, much like a delicate ecosystem, thrives on balance. Daily exposure to environmental stressors, styling tools, and chemical treatments can disrupt this equilibrium, leaving hair parched, brittle, and prone to breakage. This is where conditioner swoops in as the knight in shining armor, replenishing moisture, fortifying strands, and restoring vitality.
What sets Bash conditioner apart from the rest? It's not just about slathering on any old product and hoping for the best. Bash conditioner formulations are meticulously crafted with a blend of high-quality ingredients, each selected for its unique ability to deliver results. Whether your hair craves intense hydration, frizz control, or color protection, Bash has a conditioner tailored to address your specific needs.
One of the standout features of Bash conditioner range is its versatility. Regardless of your hair type – be it curly, straight, fine, or coarse – there's a Bash conditioner that's perfectly suited to enhance your hair's natural beauty. Plus, with South Africa's diverse climate conditions, Bash conditioners are designed to adapt and thrive in any environment, ensuring that your hair remains luscious and resilient year-round.
But the benefits don't stop there. Bash commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing means that you can indulge in luxurious hair care guilt-free. Their eco-conscious packaging and cruelty-free practices reflect a dedication to both the planet and its inhabitants, making Bash a brand that you can feel good about supporting.
In a world where self-care is paramount, investing in quality hair care products is non-negotiable. With Bash conditioner leading the charge, you can bid farewell to bad hair days and hello to a mane that radiates health, vitality, and confidence. So why wait? Embark on your journey to hair nirvana today with Bash, your trusted ally in the pursuit of beautiful, nourished locks.
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this is a rough one lol
i lied i need the structure so here’s a food diary for 3/15
sweet potato and coffee for breakfast. approx 164 cals
went for an approx 45 min walk and had a sugar free redbull (10 cal). burned approx 125 cal walking
felt kind of woozy when i got home so i had a rice cake. 35 cal
still feeling woozy around 3:30pm so i made oats with half water half coconut milk, two tsp of apple sauce, cinnamon, and stevia. 198 cals
total consumed as of 3:41pm: 404
net cals as of then: 279
i have work tonight which is where i think things might go off the rails.
had to get a diet coke the second i got to work it’s my holy grail.
based on how full i feel after my work meal of a turkey club and tots (i know i’m awful), im gonna guess it was around 1000😭 i was gonna just eat half the sandwich but i inhaled the whole thing. only ate half the tots tho, still gonna estimate 1000kcal😭 hope work picks up so i burn more cals.
my coworkers also have a way of always convincing me to drink with them so here is my alcohol tracker for the night:
- 2 bomb shots- gonna estimate 300kcal
according to the internet i should have burned about 325 cals waitressing today (i’m under estimating)
total consumed- 1524 kcal (im gonna kms)
net kcals- 1074
😭😭😭😭 i hate how full i feel even after such a long shift. i’m going to to do better tomorrow. i know i’ll be drinking quite a bit so i’m gonna eat less so that it takes me less to get drunk and then overall hopefully calories will be better. i’m also working 9 hours so that should burn a lot. here’s to a more productive tomorrow!
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sqinsights · 2 months
Gluten-Free Bakery Mixes: More Than Just Bland Statistics
Exploring the Sweet Rise of Gluten-Free Delights in North America
Ah, gluten-free bakery mixes — the saviors of those with a gluten aversion or the devout followers of the latest health fad. But wait, before you roll your eyes at another report filled with robotic jargon and unearthed statistics, let’s take a dive into the gluten-free world with a touch of humor and a sprinkle of sarcasm.
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The Sweet Numbers:
So, the report claims that the North America Gluten-Free Bakery Mixes market is poised to grow from a measly USD 1.77 Billion in 2023 to a whopping USD 3.12 Billion by 2031. Someone’s baking up a storm, and it’s not just the gluten-free muffins!
Consumer Quirks:
In recent years, apparently, North Americans have developed a knack for healthier snacking options. Who would’ve thought? Gluten-free goodies are now perceived as the holy grail of convenient and somewhat healthy choices. It seems gluten is becoming the villain in this epic health saga.
The Players in the Mix:
The market is brimming with players trying to outdo each other in the gluten-free baking game. General Mills, Conagra Brands, and a parade of others are tossing their gluten-free hats into the ring. They’re not just mixing flour; they’re mixing up the gluten-free game.
Bread Mixes Taking the Cake:
Bread mixes are the rockstars here — holding a substantial market share because, well, gluten-free bread is the staple diet of those suffering from celiac disease. The demand is high, and so are our expectations for gluten-free sandwiches.
Hypermarkets vs. Online Sales Channels:
Ah, the battle between the behemoth hypermarkets and the ever-growing online sales channels. While hypermarkets have been the ruling kings, online sales are the fastest-growing segment. Convenience is the key, and apparently, people love the idea of shopping for gluten-free happiness in their pajamas.
The Canadian Twist:
Canada, our polite neighbors to the north, are also jumping on the gluten-free bandwagon. They, too, are becoming health-conscious and demanding more gluten-free options. It seems politeness and gluten-free choices go hand in hand.
Market Dynamics — The Serious Stuff:
Now, let’s get serious for a moment. The increasing awareness of health benefits associated with gluten-free diets is driving this gluten-free revolution. People are avoiding gluten like they avoid a bad movie — with a passion.
Pricy Pleasures:
But hold on, there’s a catch. The gluten-free bakery can be a bit heavy on the pocket. Specialized facilities and expensive ingredients are like the VIP pass to the gluten-free party. But hey, who said health comes cheap?
The Lineup of Big Shots:
And now, let’s talk about the big shots in the gluten-free bakery mixes game. General Mills, Conagra Brands, Bob’s Red Mill — they’re the A-listers of this industry. These brands are not just making gluten-free treats; they’re making a statement.
For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/north-america-gluten-free-bakery-mixes-market
Recent Developments — Because Change is the Only Constant:
King Arthur Baking Company unveiled Gluten-Free Bread Flour. Finally, bakers can create gluten-free masterpieces that taste almost as good as the gluten-filled ones. Rudi’s Organic Bakery even established an Innovation and Impact Board. Because, well, why not?
Market Trends — Beyond the Numbers:
Rising consumer awareness and the increased use of clean label products are pushing the gluten-free boundaries. Vegan-friendly options are on the rise, and online sales are taking over — all because gluten-free is not just a diet; it’s a lifestyle.
In a world where gluten is both the hero and the villain, the gluten-free bakery mixes market is making waves. Whether you’re a celiac warrior, a health-conscious trend follower, or just someone looking for a gluten-free snack, the market is mixing up something for everyone. So, next time you bite into a gluten-free muffin, remember, it’s not just a snack; it’s a statement. Cheers to the gluten-free revolution!
About Us-
SkyQuest Technology Group is a Global Market Intelligence, Innovation Management & Commercialization organization that connects innovation to new markets, networks & collaborators for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Contact Us-
SkyQuest Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
1 Apache Way,
Massachusetts 01886
USA (+1) 617–230–0741
Website: https://www.skyquestt.com
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market-spy · 2 months
Gluten-Free Bakery Mixes: More Than Just Bland Statistics
Exploring the Sweet Rise of Gluten-Free Delights in North America
Ah, gluten-free bakery mixes — the saviors of those with a gluten aversion or the devout followers of the latest health fad. But wait, before you roll your eyes at another report filled with robotic jargon and unearthed statistics, let’s take a dive into the gluten-free world with a touch of humor and a sprinkle of sarcasm.
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The Sweet Numbers:
So, the report claims that the North America Gluten-Free Bakery Mixes market is poised to grow from a measly USD 1.77 Billion in 2023 to a whopping USD 3.12 Billion by 2031. Someone’s baking up a storm, and it’s not just the gluten-free muffins!
Consumer Quirks:
In recent years, apparently, North Americans have developed a knack for healthier snacking options. Who would’ve thought? Gluten-free goodies are now perceived as the holy grail of convenient and somewhat healthy choices. It seems gluten is becoming the villain in this epic health saga.
The Players in the Mix:
The market is brimming with players trying to outdo each other in the gluten-free baking game. General Mills, Conagra Brands, and a parade of others are tossing their gluten-free hats into the ring. They’re not just mixing flour; they’re mixing up the gluten-free game.
Bread Mixes Taking the Cake:
Bread mixes are the rockstars here — holding a substantial market share because, well, gluten-free bread is the staple diet of those suffering from celiac disease. The demand is high, and so are our expectations for gluten-free sandwiches.
Hypermarkets vs. Online Sales Channels:
Ah, the battle between the behemoth hypermarkets and the ever-growing online sales channels. While hypermarkets have been the ruling kings, online sales are the fastest-growing segment. Convenience is the key, and apparently, people love the idea of shopping for gluten-free happiness in their pajamas.
The Canadian Twist:
Canada, our polite neighbors to the north, are also jumping on the gluten-free bandwagon. They, too, are becoming health-conscious and demanding more gluten-free options. It seems politeness and gluten-free choices go hand in hand.
Market Dynamics — The Serious Stuff:
Now, let’s get serious for a moment. The increasing awareness of health benefits associated with gluten-free diets is driving this gluten-free revolution. People are avoiding gluten like they avoid a bad movie — with a passion.
Pricy Pleasures:
But hold on, there’s a catch. The gluten-free bakery can be a bit heavy on the pocket. Specialized facilities and expensive ingredients are like the VIP pass to the gluten-free party. But hey, who said health comes cheap?
The Lineup of Big Shots:
And now, let’s talk about the big shots in the gluten-free bakery mixes game. General Mills, Conagra Brands, Bob’s Red Mill — they’re the A-listers of this industry. These brands are not just making gluten-free treats; they’re making a statement.
For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/north-america-gluten-free-bakery-mixes-market
Recent Developments — Because Change is the Only Constant:
King Arthur Baking Company unveiled Gluten-Free Bread Flour. Finally, bakers can create gluten-free masterpieces that taste almost as good as the gluten-filled ones. Rudi’s Organic Bakery even established an Innovation and Impact Board. Because, well, why not?
Market Trends — Beyond the Numbers:
Rising consumer awareness and the increased use of clean label products are pushing the gluten-free boundaries. Vegan-friendly options are on the rise, and online sales are taking over — all because gluten-free is not just a diet; it’s a lifestyle.
In a world where gluten is both the hero and the villain, the gluten-free bakery mixes market is making waves. Whether you’re a celiac warrior, a health-conscious trend follower, or just someone looking for a gluten-free snack, the market is mixing up something for everyone. So, next time you bite into a gluten-free muffin, remember, it’s not just a snack; it’s a statement. Cheers to the gluten-free revolution!
About Us-
SkyQuest Technology Group is a Global Market Intelligence, Innovation Management & Commercialization organization that connects innovation to new markets, networks & collaborators for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Contact Us-
SkyQuest Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
1 Apache Way,
Massachusetts 01886
USA (+1) 617–230–0741
Website: https://www.skyquestt.com
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veganhydrocolloid · 2 months
Which Pimple Patch To Choose For Your Blemish?
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Did you wake up to an ugly red monster pimple on your chin just before a big presentation? Want to zap pesky breakouts fast without drying chemicals? Pimple patch solutions from the best pimple patch manufacturersoffer a hero product giving blemishes to the boot quickly and naturally overnight. But which brand rates best for on-the-spot pimple rescue?
Look for Patches With Microdart Tips
Forget old-school drying clays or creams, putting bacteria and dirt to work and clogging pores further. The latest pimple patches contain microdarts – little dissolvable cones – that deliver pimple-fighting ingredients below the surface directly into infection and inflammation locations.
Tea tree oil, niacinamide, and other antimicrobial botanicals combat acne-causing bacteria thanks to the micro dart patch design from the innovative pimple patch manufacturer. The tiny vessels' penetrating pores allow deep transmission of balancing and healing factors, dissolving troubles while reducing redness and swelling.
Consider Patch Adhesives and Absorption
Between pressed events and an active lifestyle, choosing an adhesive pimple patch that stays put through smiling, sweating, or sudden selfies means selecting the best pimple patch manufacturer using medical-grade adhesion.
Many beauty sites recommend patches for durable adhesion, even on delicate facial areas like noses and chins. Ultra-thin transdermal patches absorb pus and oil and exudate from deep blemishes better than alternatives, preventing the spread of bacteria internally.
Read Reviews Across Multiple Skin Types
Finding the holy grail solution rated best by consumers with every skin type – oily, dry, sensitive, acne-prone, or combination – means scanning pimple patch manufacturer reviews. A patch working wonders for one person may irritate others.
Widely top-ranked patches like the Killa Kit from pimple patch manufacturer earn distinguished awards from magazines like Teen Vogue and GQ for performance across myriad complexions, genders, and ages, making them universally safe suggestions to tackle any pimple emergency.
Choose Cruelty-Free Brands
Conscientious consumers wondering, “Where can I buy pimple patches manufactured without testing on animals? The sustainably thinking pimple patch manufacturer also skips potentially irritating synthetic fragrances, parabens, and sulfates in formulas that are kind to both breakout-prone skin and the planet.
Consider the Price Per Patch
With recurring breakouts or monthly hormonal acne, the costs of pimple patch treatment can add up over time. Rather than pay premium prices repeatedly, seek out pimple patch manufacturers providing bundles or packs offering multi-month supplies at more affordable per-patch pricing.
Stocking up on larger quantities of go-to patches yielding great results means saving money over single patch purchases. Just be sure any bulk batch deals come from reputable brands not sacrificing ingredient quality for discounts.
Waking up to surprise blemishes can ruin your whole day. But applying the right pimple patches packed with effective acne-calming ingredients quickly conceals spots while working overnight magic, shrinking underground infection for clear skin by dawn, thanks to microdart tips from respected pimple patch manufacturers.
Want to get the best Pimple Patch products? If yes, get great products at Nurimedics the perfect point for Vegan Hydrocolloid patches. Get in touch with us today at +82.10.8235.8541 or send your email to [email protected].  
Resource: https://veganhydrocolloid.wordpress.com/2024/01/23/which-pimple-patch-to-choose-for-your-blemish/ 
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nickgerlich · 2 months
Silly Rabbit
More and more companies are suddenly finding themselves in the advertising business. Meta and Google figured this out long ago, but Amazon is a relative newcomer. Their side hustle into advertising was worth $12 billion in Q3 last year.
We have also discussed how gas stations are joining the fray, with video ads at the pump. Those are minutes of our lives we otherwise lose, because there is little else we can do aside from check our email and socials (and I know, there’s that rumor you might emit a spark and blow up the whole place, but I’m still waiting for proof).
And now along comes Walmart with what may be the biggest Trojan horse ever. Well, aside from the one in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Wait. That was a rabbit.
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Walmart is buying Vizio TV for $2.3 billion. You might be thinking, “Don’t Walmart and Sam’s Club sell a lot of Vizio TVs?” And you would be right. But this is not a case of creating yet another vertical. No, Walmart is enamored of Vizio’s SmartCast Operating System. Folks at home can stream a ton of free ad-supported content on their Vizio TVs, and now Walmart will have effectively inserted a horse—or rabbit, as it were—right in our living rooms.
Vizio’s SmartCast has 18 million active accounts, and you can bet your last minute of viewing time that Walmart will be featuring these TVs heavily at their more than 5000 stores.
Of course, there are some caveats. There are always are. You have to actually watch that free ad-supported content to be exposed to Walmart's or any of its affiliate’s ads. I have a huge Vizio in my man cave, and only once or twice have I ever been so bored that I looked there for something to watch. I don’t even know if I ever signed up for an account, and therefore don’t know if I am counted among those 18 million.
I’ll leave it to the Walmart people to figure out how to incentivize me and everyone else. Given the huge strides they have been making since COVID, I am certain it will happen.This is a genius move, and if you happen to be a Walmart+ member (which I am), fully integrating that into the TV would sweeten the deal, for them in large part, and probably for me as well. I would then be reachable not just on my phone and by email, but also my TV.
It’s about this time we begin to realize that success in the ad business these days is not just about online presence, but also the devices. Amazon succeeds so well because they have Alexa products throughout our homes, all tethered to our account. I’m betting that Walmart is thinking the same thing.
There is sure to be social commentary on the further ubiquity of advertising. We only thought it was bad 20 years ago, before Google and Meta became ad agencies. We truly cannot escape it now. We have welcomed them into our homes, giving them unfettered access to us, and a ringside seat to our consuming ways.
And unlike the bumbling idiots in that Monty Python movie, I’m pretty sure that neither Walmart nor Amazon would ever forget to get in that horse or rabbit.
Dr “What Is Your Quest?” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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fitjourneydaily · 2 months
Unveiling the Secrets of Theyavue
In the fast-paced world of skincare, consumers are always on the lookout for innovative products that deliver on their promises. One such product that has been generating buzz in the beauty community is Theyavue. But before you decide to incorporate it into your skincare routine, it's crucial to delve deeper into its side effects, ingredients, customer reviews, and price to make an informed decision. **Theyavue Side Effects**: When it comes to skincare products, the potential side effects are always a concern for consumers. However, Theyavue stands out for its gentle formula that is designed to be suitable for all skin types. The majority of users report minimal to no side effects, thanks to its paraben-free and hypoallergenic formula. Some users with sensitive skin may experience slight redness or irritation, but these are rare and can be avoided by conducting a patch test before full application. **Theyavue Ingredients**: The key to the effectiveness of Theyavue lies in its thoughtfully selected ingredients. The formulation includes powerhouse ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, retinol, and peptides. Hyaluronic acid hydrates and plumps the skin, while vitamin C brightens and evens out the skin tone. Retinol helps in diminishing fine lines and wrinkles, while peptides promote collagen production for firmer skin. These ingredients work synergistically to provide a comprehensive solution for various skin concerns. **Theyavue Customer Reviews**: Customer feedback is a valuable source of insight when deciding on a skincare product. The reviews for Theyavue have been overwhelmingly positive, with users praising its ability to improve skin texture, reduce signs of aging, and enhance overall radiance. Many customers have noted a visible difference in their skin after consistent use, with some even claiming it to be a holy grail product in their skincare arsenal. The consensus among users is that Theyavue delivers on its promises and provides noticeable results within a relatively short period. **Theyavue Price**: In the realm of skincare products, the price point plays a significant role in the purchasing decision. Theyavue is positioned as a premium skincare brand, reflecting the quality of its ingredients and formulation. The price of Theyavue may vary depending on the retailer and any ongoing promotions or discounts. Despite being on the higher end of the price spectrum, many users find the investment in Theyavue to be worthwhile due to the visible outcomes it offers. In conclusion, Theyavue emerges as a frontrunner in the skincare industry, with its combination of effective ingredients, minimal side effects, positive customer reviews, and premium price point. Before incorporating Theyavue into your skincare regimen, it is advisable to consult with a dermatologist and conduct a patch test to ensure compatibility with your skin. Remember, skincare is personal, and finding the right products that work for you is a journey of exploration and self-care. 1. Theyavue skincare 2. Theyavue side effects 3. Theyavue ingredients 4. Theyavue customer reviews Enhance your vision with Theyavue Eye Supplement – explore reviews and learn about its benefits for eye and vision care. For more information and to see how Theyavue can improve your eye health, visit our website. Visit the Theyavue Physical Product Product Page. Read the full article
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