#concordia university montreal
Remember this genocide promotion event that sparked outrage amongst Concordia's students?
After they cancelled it due to overwhelming pressure from Concordia students, they reinstated the event but moved it off campus, and kept the event quiet while asking people to keep up with them so as to prevent anyone from disrupting the event. It is taking place today in Montreal at 7PM, and the location will be announced right before it begins. I will keep you all up to date on the announced location of the event.
The tickets website also asserts that the CJA Federation zionist lobby is part of this event.
I find it incredibly suspicious that a University club that has only existed since September 2023 has been in direct contact with zionist occupation soldiers since at least November 2023, and have their first event hosted by self-admitted child-killing zionist forces, and co-hosted by one of Canada's major zionist lobbies. Why is Concordia using a school club as a their own personal zionist lobby & genocide committing liaison?
Everyone in MTL needs to protest this event. Absolutely nothing about it is acceptable.
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aeolianblues · 1 month
Also, from one campus radio station volunteer to all the other ones, exceptionally braver than me, putting themselves on the frontlines, broadcasting straight from the protests, getting themselves barricaded into their broadcasting booths overnight and continuing to be the only people bringing you live and on-the-ground coverage of the protests, I love you all.
CKUT, having covered the die-ins, coming live from the protests grounds at McGill, you have all my strength and love.
CJLO, for righting the disappointment we all felt in Concordia after earlier this year, thank you for your coverage of the Concordia protests, and supporting CKUT's coverage in Montreal.
WKCR, bravest of them all, putting themselves on the frontlines and bringing extraordinary coverage from Columbia. You are true journalists.
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They're the future of journalism.
(A note about why some of these posts are coming from '[station]music' accounts: Meta, in retaliation to a demand from the Canadian govt to pay royalties for using news on their site (Bill C-18), decided to ban all news for Canadian accounts on IG and FB altogether. Of course, this did not touch commercial radio stations that simply play the same 5 songs over and over their breakfast shows, but every single campus radio station is now blocked in Canada, completely killing their reach especially to a younger, student audience. Many have made new accounts to continue posting about the non-news shows on air. There's never been a more important time to directly go to their websites for updates, and hell why not, throw them some donations if you can. They're the ones doing the good work in this time of need!)
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catdotjpeg · 1 month
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Students and allies held an emergency protest today to support the encampment for Gaza at McGill University in Montreal, QC against agitators. The encampment, which participants are referring to as the Montreal Popular University of Gaza, has been going strong for six days with participants holding prayer services, book readings, teach-ins, and film screenings.
Notably, the Kanienkehaka Traditional Council wrote a letter showing their support and granting “the full right to those who are occupying McGill and other campuses throughout Turtle Island to be upon the said lands, with the expressed intent of engaging their administrations to divest from the colonial genocide of israel upon the Palestinian People and from the war machine in general.” 
The demands are as follows:
1. Disclose! We demand full financial transparency from the Concordia Investments Committee and the Board of Governors to disclose all investments in companies complicit in the genocide of the Palestinian people. 2. Divest: We demand that Concordia and McGill universities divest from all complicit companies and cut all academic ties with israeli institutions. 3. Defend: No repercussions or disciplinary charges for any actions taken by students of McGill and Concordia university in support of Palestine. Pending disciplinary charges against students related to support for Palestine activism will be dropped. 4. Declare: We demand that McGill and Concordia universities publish a statement immediately condemning the ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people and calling on the Canadian government to immediately cease all military contracts with the Zionist state. 
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dailymontreal · 7 months
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Concordia University
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immaculatasknight · 1 month
Montreal speaks in solidarity with Palestine
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thekonfor · 11 months
Rentals Information Near Concordia| Montreal
Looking for rentals information near Concordia , Montreal. FactsforFreshers are here to help you out. We suggest you to book temporary residence like AirBnb or anything available for 10-15 days in groups. Once you reach canada you can book your permanent rentals, we tried making groups but its complicated to make groups because of different travel dates. So its better you can reach out to us, once your group is ready for temporary booking.
For more information and updates you can go through our website.
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fallahifag · 3 months
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Concordia University in Montreal is welcoming 3 active duty IOF soldiers to speak on their campus on Monday.
keep in mind one of these soldiers has publicly advocated for the death of Muslim children, claiming that a 2 month old baby is an imminent threat. he has fully said that the IDF targets these children. not only has Concordia University been shutting down Muslim events on campus for no justifiable reason, they have decided to welcome terrorists onto their campus DESPITE their student population’s concerns. this is one of the most appalling actions i’ve seen a university take, especially considering the massacres that have impacted the families of Palestinian students at Concordia
the same man in this video, Aby Volcovich, has posted videos like this on his instagram
THESE ARE THE PEOPLE who will be on a university campus THIS Monday - would you feel safe? do you think your Palestinian/Arab/Muslim/ Jewish/BIPOC peers and allies will feel safe?
ID below the cut
ID: [First photo is a screenshot of a flyer promoting the event. It says “DiploAct's speaking delegation provides an authentic account of the nation's journey towards peace and stability since October 7th.” It has a photo of the three IOF soldiers with information about them which reads: “Nir Yosef is a Software engineer for Mastercard in Israel. He is also a reservist Major in the IDF, serving in the 8200 Intelligence corps unit. After October 7th he founded "The Israeli response" platform that teaches how to respond to anti-Israel and antisemitic claims worldwide. Ori Itzhaki is a 25 vear old computer science student at Reichman University, with a background in professional table tennis and tennis instruction. After five years in the "Egoz" commando unit, he now serves actively as an IDF reservist and fitness instructor. Proficient in Hebrew, English, and Arabic, he values diverse perspectives, embodying academic dedication, athletic prowess, and ongoing national service. Aby Volcovich is a 26 year old content creator and entrepreneur from Mexico raised in Canada, made Aliyah and joined the IDF as a lone soldier in the Nahal Brigade. Now a reservist, he serves on the northern Israeli border, actively defending and advocating for Israel both on the frontlines and online.”
The second photo is a testimony which reads: “BREAKING, WE RECEIVED A MESSAGE THAT WE MUST SHARE: "As a Muslim student parent attending Concordia University, I occasionally bring my child to campus. As a woman who wears the hijab, hearing that Aby Volcovich, an IDF soldier scheduled to speak at Concordia on March 4th, holds the belief that our children are terrorists and that they deserve to be killed, has made me feel unsafe on Concordia's campuses. I, in all honestly, no longer feel comfortable bringing my child with me as I used to before."] END ID
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Apashe - Lord & Master 2020
John De Buck is a Belgian-born Canadian musician. He was born in Brussels, Belgium and currently lives in Montreal, Quebec.
At the age of 19, he began studying electro-acoustics at Concordia University. After his studies he worked as a sound designer at Apollo Studio, where he co-produced the sound design for video games (Assassin's Creed, Watch Dogs, Far Cry) and the sound for Ubisoft gaming trailers. In 2014 he left the company as his own music started to kick off. 2011 he was signed by Kannibalen Records.
In 2020 he released his second album Renaissance – a mix of electronic and classical music. For this project the Prague Symphony Orchestra with 69 instruments was hired. Requiem, which won GAMIQ's Electronic EP of the Year, and Renaissance were produced in his first own studio. His music has been used in various movie and series trailers such as John Wick, Iron Fist, Kingsman: The Golden Circle, Fast & Furious, and Love, Death & Robots Volume 3.
"Lord & Master" won Best Song at the 2022 Berlin Music Video Awards.
"Lord & Master" received a total of 53,4% yes votes.
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i-am-aprl · 1 month
Concordia and McGill University students in Montreal, Canada have began an indefinite encampment to demand an end to the genocide in Palestine and divestment.
Students in over 56 universities in US, Britain, Australia, France, and now Canada have begun indefinite encampments.
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On March 4th, Concordia University is planning an event with their zionist lobby known as 'StartUp Nation' (the link in the video doesn't exist). This lobby was created on September 2023 according to their LinkedIn page, and its sole purpose is to 'bring Israel to campus' as they put it. During this stated event on March 4th, they will be bringing zionist occupation soldiers, yes the very same ones committing genocide right now, for a propaganda event. For a taste of what that will look like, from Aby Volco a self-admitted child killer:
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Beyond the fact it's horrific that Concordia is inviting genocide-doers onto campus, it is doubly a problem as Concordia has a sizeable Palestinian student body, an even bigger Arab student body, and an even bigger Muslim one. This is an active threat to Concordia's students. If you're a Concordia student or not, you can email the faculty at the Concordia Uni, just send me an inbox message @el-shab-hussein and I'll send you a template depending on whether you're a ConU student or not. I will only exchange inbox messages privately for your privacy.
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ivettel · 1 month
not sure if a post is circulating about this already but if u didn't know, students in montreal--primarily from mcgill and concordia university--have been protesting mcgill's investments in israel for the last several days with an indefinite encampment.
on may 1, superior court justice chantal masse denied an injunction to ban all protests within 100 metres of mcgill buildings, which would have allowed the spvm (service de police de la ville de montréal) to storm and dismantle the encampment. still, mcgill insisted on requesting police presence, and there were cops stationed around the main entrances to campus. (source: my eyes.)
today, may 2, a lot has happened: pro-israel counterprotestors have swarmed the street outside the encampment, and there's a standoff as i type. mcgill admin sent us emails to tell us to stay away from the area for "safety reasons" while the spvm mobilize. quebec premier françois legault inserted himself into the situation and requested that the spvm dismantle the encampment and protests at their discretion.
ironically enough, he said this:
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[photo id: white background with black text, an excerpt from citynews. a quote that reads, "i will still let the police decide when and how they do that, but the camps must be dismantled," he said at a press briefing at the national assembly on thursday - even though the quebec superior court rejected the day before a request for an injunction to move the encampment that has been there since saturday. legault said the encampment was "illegal" and that "the law must be respected." end photo id.]
though it's worrying that legault is overstepping the law he so desperately wants upheld, the police presence is more worrying atm. from the looks of it some of the counterprotestors have already dispersed and the street has been somewhat cleared, but the spvm remains all over the area.
mayor valérie plante stated 35 min ago to the montreal gazette:
“The priority of our administration and Montreal police at this moment is to protect the fundamental rights of our society, ensure the safety of everyone, and avoid an escalation of tension as observed in the United States."
mcgill faculty and community members have also expressed how nobody wants what's happening in the states to happen here. i don't really know how to end this. updates keep coming up. will continue to keep an eye out
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eretzyisrael · 3 months
by Dion J. Pierre
Jewish students at Concordia University in Montreal must fend for themselves when their anti-Zionist classmates resort to assault and harassment on campus, according to students who spoke with The Algemeiner.
No single incident, they said, evinced their alleged abandonment by school officials more than one on March 12 in which Jewish students were trapped in the school’s Hillel office while members of the anti-Zionist club Supporting Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR), concealing their faces with keffiyehs and surgical masks, banged on its windows and doors and stomped on the floor of the room above it.
“It’s usually just a safe place for Jewish people to come and hang out,” Chana Leah Natanblut, president of Chabad Concordia, said of the Hillel office. “We were all doing our work and chilling, and all of a sudden we started hearing chanting, like screaming and stuff. We thought maybe it had something with the student strike going on, but then we started hearing people scream terrorists and banging on the ceiling. The Supporting Palestinian Human Rights club is directly above us.”
Seeking the source of the din exploding around them, Natanblut and her friends walked to the window, where they saw a crush of SPHR activists, some standing on the fire escape outside of it, others standing in the parking lot below.
“B—ch!” “Dog!” “Zionism is terrorism!” they screamed, while the person on the fire escape whacked away at the window. The rioters came from “all sides,” Natanblut explained, sprinting through the hallways to hammer the walls outside the club and setting off what felt like seismic shocks that shook the room. Amid the clatter, Natanblut noticed that a shopping bag hooked on a wall mount behind the door was swinging like a pendulum, as if to count down the time they had left before the worst occurred.
“We immediately locked the window and made sure that the door to the room was locked,” Natanblut continued. “We really felt trapped, and I couldn’t even leave to use the bathroom. I was wondering how would I get out and if I would be attacked if I did. So, I started to videotape what was going on, and I called my friend, the person in charged of advocacy for Hillel, telling him to come right away. Then I called security.”
Security arrived promptly, Natanblut said, and reprimanded the SPHR rioters. However, to Natanblut’s astonishment, they refused to discipline those involved in the disturbance on the grounds that Jewish students had contributed to instigating the incident.
According to Natanblut, the SPHR students told the officers that they behaved as they did because the Jewish students had filmed them. To no avail, Natanblut and her friends explained that they only began recording after the banging and screaming started and that they had all been minding their own business. Declining to privilege one account of what happened over the other, security took their statements and left, refusing to answer questions about next steps, including whether the rioters would be allowed back in the building.
“We only filmed because they were harassing us, for evidence, and we didn’t feel safe,” Natanblut said. “Security obviously told them to disperse and that they couldn’t act that way, but they didn’t say what would happen and it felt almost as if they had taken their side. Who’s to say they won’t do it again? What kind of message does it send to do nothing about it?”
Similar occurrences are the new normal for Jewish students attending Concordia University, Anastasia Zorchinsky, founder and president of The StartUp Nation, a pro-Israel club, told The Algemeiner. On Nov. 8, for example, just over a month after Hamas’ massacre across southern Israel, anti-Zionist protesters approached Jewish students and punched several in the face. No one was punished for these offenses, she explained, and the university has had the habit of refusing to denounce antisemitism as a stand-alone problem, always being sure to mention Islamophobia as well to insinuate that Jewish students are engaging in hateful behavior themselves. With several large anti-Zionist events coming up later this month and in April, she fears Jewish students will be targeted again and denied justice.
“The university must enforce its policies, which it’s not doing,” Zorchinsky said. “There’s a clear double standard when it comes to violence against Jewish students, and there must be investigations of these students and expulsions of any found to have committed antisemitic violence. We don’t need pro-Hamas students on our campus behaving this way. We don’t need students who support terrorism on campus. They’re a danger to everyone. Not just us.”
Concordia University did not respond to The Algemeiner‘s request for comment for this story.
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matan4il · 7 months
Daily update post:
The attack drone that hit a school in Eilat yesterday has been determined to have been Iranian, it was launched from Syria (on Israel's north eastern border), flew through Jordan (on Israel's eastern border) in order to reach Eilat (the most southern spot in Israel) and attack there undetected.
I'm still waiting for the global outcry over the fact that Iranian and Palestinian rockets and drones are targeting Israeli hospitals (sometimes repeatedly) and schools.
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Word has spread that the Abu Shaker hummus eatery in Haifa, owned by an Israeli Arab family, is being boycotted for having donated to IDF soldiers. Israelis from all over the country have been coming to the eatery, to support the family. A recent poll, conducted after the start of the war, shows 70% of Israeli Arabs identify with the State of Israel, and see its problems as theirs, too.
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Antisemitic attacks continue to take place globally. Yesterday, two Jewish school were shot at in Montreal, Canada. In Los Angeles, anti-Israel protesters have attacked Jews trying to reach the Museum of Tolerance for a screening organized by Gal Gadot of some of the footage evidence of Hamas' massacre.
Twenty four members of the US congress sent a letter to the president of UPenn to denounce the university's refusal to denounce the Hamas massacre. More and more Jewish students have been speaking up about how unsafe they feel on north American college campuses, including at Ivy League universities. Here's anti-Israel protesters referring to Concordia University in Canada, proudly cheering to the statement, "We terrified them!"
In Germany, 85 years after Kristallnacht, they projected the words "Never again is now!" in the colors of the Israeli flag. Jewish people will remember the silence of those who condoned the massacre of our people, but we will also remember those who stood by us.
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Yesterday, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) published a vid of two hostages, an elderly woman and a kid, 12 years old Yagel Yaacov. Once again, their texts are dictated by terrorists, so the media here is refusing to play along with this psychological warfare, and has not shown the vid. But a screenshot has been shared, showing the difference in Yagel state by comparing a pic of his from before Oct 7 (on the left) and in the vid published (on the right):
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This is also a reminder that not all of the hostages were kidnapped by Hamas. While Hamas orchestrated the breach into Israel, the massacre and most of the kidnappings, other Palestinians, both terrorists and civilians, are known to have used the opportunity to infiltrate Israel, too. The PIJ terrorists are estimated to be holding at least 30 of the hostages. This makes reaching a deal that includes the release of all hostages that much harder. It's not known, but is possible, that there are others, aside from Hamas and PIJ, who are holding Israeli hostages as well.
Regarding even civilian Gazans having infiltrated Israel, as one example there's CCTV footage recovered from the entrance to kibbutz Be'eri at 12:16 on Oct 7, almost 6 hours after Hamas first tore down Israel's border fence, where you can see regular people from Gaza coming in, including even an old man with crutches:
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I read an account in Hebrew by an Israeli mother of a guy who was there, during the massacre. She asked for her identity to remain anonymous. She wrote: "He's screaming every night, he calls for his friends to return, he screams that he's sorry, he stares at the sky for hours on end, he waits for them to return, my son survived, but he is not with us." Her son was one of the soldiers who fought off the terrorists on Oct 7. There are at least hundreds of Israeli soldiers currently being treating at mental health institutes after what they had witnessed during the massacre. Israel's social security estimates that there are altogether 13,000 Israelis who are being treated for mental health issues following the massacre. And that's just for the first day of the war.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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mybeingthere · 5 months
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Francine Potvin
La possibilité d’une île (extraits choisis)
work produced during an artist residency offered
by The Rooms and Parks Canada
Gros-Morne, Newfoundland, summer 2008.
Francine Potvin is a visual artist, a teacher, a plant aficionado, an avid gardener, and a mother of three teenagers.
Born in Farnham in 1961, in the Eastern Townships, Quebec (Canada), third of a family of seven children, from a prolific farmer father and a mother seamstress extraordinaire, Francine lives in Farnham again. She has been teaching ceramics at Concordia University in Montreal as a part-time faculty member since 1993.
Plant life and the interconnectedness of all things are the inspiration of her practice. She works predominantly in ceramics, printmaking and with cyanotype.
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immaculatasknight · 1 month
Not going anywhere
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unsettlingstories · 1 year
Concordia University of Montreal terf is Big Mad about my story “Erasure,” so I’m taking this opportunity to advertise my story “Erasure.” Here’s a link.
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