#comes out tomorrow aaaaa
hollyberriess · 8 months
still thinking about how Robin Stevens killed a literal 7 year old child in ministry of unladylike activity... I'm so scared for The Body in The Blitz
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dandyshucks · 6 months
made it thru the day and i just got into bed finally ... and now it is anxiety attack time noooooo augh. augh. augh :[
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icterid-rubus · 1 year
My family went to florida and I’ve been dog and house sitting and hosting my brother for two weeks and taking my cat to the vet and finally my brother is gone and the cat is okay* and I have 24 hours until my doctor appointment and 48 until the family is back and I’m chugging beers sitting back trying to fit two weeks of relaxation into one evening and it’s not working but I’m tipsy and throwing my head back and wanting to make bad choices yeeeaaaaaah boooooooiiiii!!!!
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*quietly hides in the bathroom during my shift so i can sit doen for like 10 minutes*
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lordsardine · 2 years
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zweikometen · 7 months
so I went to a Halloween party last weekend at my potential sister-in-law’s house and I *know* left my Bluetooth headphones there but she and her husband can’t find them so I’m gonna have to get on a two hour bus ride to find them either in the back of their car or their guest room but in the meantime!! my wired headphones are starting to make a scratchy noise!!!
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beanjang-draws · 3 months
Plague Ponies - In the Orchard
CONTENT WARNING: violence, blood
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While Twilight goes to speak with Granny Smith, Pinkie Pie stays behind with Applejack to help out with apple bucking! With Big Mac not feeling at his best, Applejack sure is glad for the Pinkie and her unorthodox apple bucking strategy, although it seems a little dangerous to keep at it while Pinkie’s Pinkie sense keeps going off.
Lucky for them, they don’t have to wait much longer for the doozy! It’s arrived in the form of Nurse Sweetheart, and although she’s here to check up on Big Mac, she seems unwell herself. Applejack recognizes the symptoms of rabies due to some firsthoof experience, and sends Pinkie away to grab back up.
When Pinkie arrives with reinforcements in the form of Big Mac, it seems that they disagree with Applejack’s method of trying to handle things…no time for them to talk it out, however, as Nurse Sweetheart gets away in the confusion, running off in the direction of the barn.
Transcript below:
Applejack: I really appreciate your help, Pinkie! I can’t say I’ve ever seen anypony buck like you.
Pinkie Pie jumps from one apple tree to another, shaking each one and dropping the apples in the waiting buckets below.
Pinkie Pie: Hehehe! We should harvest apples together every year!
Applejack: I’d love to see you teach Big Mac your way of doing things!
Pinkie Pie: It’s too bad he’s sick (frowny face)
Applejack: We told him to take it easy, but you know how he is.
Pinkie Pie: He is your brother! Hard-headedness must be an Apple trait!
Applejack: Hey now—
Pinkie Pie: WaAAaAH
Pinkie Pie shakes uncontrollably, her Pinkie sense going wild.
Applejack: Pinkie?! Maybe we should head inside…I don’t think this is safe.
Pinkie Pie: Good idea…huh? Applejack, did you call a nurse for Big Mac?
Applejack: Huh? We did, but she’s s’posed to come tomorrow—
Applejack is interrupted as Pinkie grabs her with her tail and YOINKs Applejack up into a tree.
Applejack: I thought we agreed to get out of the tree?
Pinkie Pie: Shh! Agreement changed!
Applejack: What—
Pinkie Pie: Look down!!!
Applejack: Is it the doozy?
Pinkie Pie: Yes! Now hush!
Applejack and Pinkie Pie watch from above as a lilac pony wanders towards them through the orchard.
Applejack (whispering): Pinkie, that’s Nurse Sweetheart. Where’s the doozy?
Pinkie Pie (whispering): I—I don’t know, something just doesn’t feel right!
Applejack (whispering): If the doozy’s so close, shouldn’t we warn her?
Pinkie Pie: What if I said I think…she is the doozy?!
Nurse Sweetheart quietly mumbles to herself, repeating, “hello?” “hello?”.
Applejack: What? Is the doozy her mixing up the day of the appointment? They must have just mixed things up at the hospital. They’ve been busy—
Pinkie Pie: SHHH!! She’ll hear you!
Nurse Sweetheart: Hello, I’m nurse Sweetheart. It’s time for your check-up
Nurse Sweetheart continues to repeat herself over and over, the order of her words jumbling together and over one another.
Applejack: Pinkie…
Pinkie Pie: Yeah?
Applejack: Go get Big Mac.
Pinkie Pie: But—
Applejack: I’ll stay right here, just go. Tell him it’s rabies. He’ll know it’s an emergency.
Pinkie Pie: I’m on it. Don’t move. Sit tight! We’ll be back before you can say aAAAA!!!
Applejack: Don’t worry, Pinkie.
Applejack speaks quietly, mostly to herself, remembering something.
Applejack: I’m not going anywhere.
As Pinkie bounces away from tree to tree to get Big Mac, Applejack continues to look down at nurse Sweetheart. Not having received a response, the nurse has returned to repeating “hello” to herself again.
Still receiving no answer, nurse Sweetheart grows more agitated.
Nurse Sweetheart: Hello? You called me. I can help. Hello? Let me help you, please, let me…please, you need to let me…help…please…
Applejack continues to watch with unfocused eyes. The pony she’s seeing isn’t nurse sweetheart. All she can see is a pale yellow mare with orange curls.
???: Help
???: It hurts
???: Applejack?
Pinkie Pie and Big Mac are jumping from tree to tree to get back to Applejack’s location.
Pinkie Pie: You’re really good at this, Big Mac! On any other day, this would be so fun!
Big Mac: Yup…
Pinkie Pie: We might even make it back before anything happens!
Big Mac: Uh…nope.
Applejack is on the ground with nurse Sweetheart, attempting to lasso her.
Pinkie Pie and Big Mac: Applejack!!!
Big Mac: Run, Applejack!
Applejack: Wait—
Big Mac barrels towards nurse Sweetheart and kicks her in the face, breaking her jaw and knocking her away.
Applejack: STOP!
Pinkie Pie holds Applejack back, preventing her from interfering with Big Mac.
Pinkie Pie: Applejack, stop!
Applejack ignores Pinkie Pie, her eyes on Big Mac.
Applejack: Don’t do this again…
Big Mac: Don’t—AUGH
Nurse Sweetheart has gotten back up and stabbed her upper jaw into Big Mac’s leg.
Applejack: How…she should be out cold!
Big Mac: Don’t let her get away!
Nurse Sweetheart’s eyes focus for a moment, and she looks afraid. She tries to speak, she can’t form words with her broken jaw. Confused and agitated, she breaks into a run.
Nurse Sweetheart: Urkh…hrgk..
Applejack: Big Mac, your leg—
Big Mac: She’s getting away.
Pinkie Pie: Twilight! We have to warn Twilight and Applebloom!
Applejack: Big Macintosh, stop right there!
Big Mac promptly goes after nurse Sweetheart.
Big Mac: Nope.
End of transcript.
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flametrashiraarchive · 11 months
Hi, it says your requests are open! Can I request a nsfw scenario for Giyuu and his crush going to a public bath house, and the receptionist mistakes them for a couple so they have to share a bath.. hehe.. and he gets a boner and tries to hide it?
thanks and feel free to ignore im kind of embarrassed aaaa
AAAAA THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN! Thank you for being my very first ask! I hope you enjoy!
I'll try to work on the other asks tomorrow too! Thank you so much!
NSFW under the cut...
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Bathing with Giyuu 💦
You've traveled with the water hashira long enough to know when his quiet stoicism slips into panicked silence. 
To the uninitiated, Giyuu's facial expression is one of dead calm, but his deep blue eyes give away far more than he realizes, and right now he's shitting himself. 
"It'll be fine," you sigh, standing shivering in your yukata. It's morning and the sun has barely begun to warm the world up. "I won't peek. We'll just bathe, get out, and never speak of this again."
You're mostly trying to assure him, but there is a little part of you that's nervous too. It's just a simple mixup; the lady running the bathhouse just mistook you for a married couple and sent you to the same private onsen. And if the pair of you weren't so damn introverted you could probably have the mistake rectified fairly quickly, but the thought of the awkwardness and the apologies... no this is somehow simpler.
Giyuu is already in the bath, submerged up to his shoulders, the steam and clear water doing very little to obscure his… everything. 
He sighs as you shiver and says flatly, "Fine. Get in. But if you tell anyone about this, especially the other hashira…"
"My lips are sealed… turn around."
He does as you ask, turning his back and lowering himself until his chin is touching the water. He stares at the rocks surrounding the edge pool as if they're the most interesting thing in the world.
Your heart races as you slip off your yukata and leave it hanging from a nearby tree. As desperate as you are for this bath, and as much as you tried to brush it off, it is a little weird to be naked with Giyuu.
You quickly get into the water. It only reaches your bellybutton, but you can crouch and fully submerge your body just like he's doing. "Okay, I'm in." 
You expect his shoulders to relax but if anything they get more tense. What little you can see of his face is bright red. "Ugh this was a bad idea."
"It's fine! Come on Giyuu, we've been traveling and fighting demons for days without a break. Everything hurts. I need this bath. If it's so awful sharing with me then you can always get out."
He shakes his head firmly, still looking away. "No. Absolutely not."
"Okay well… let's not make a big deal out of it." It is pretty fun to annoy him so you tease a little. "We're just two unmarried friends, bathing together…naked. Nothing weird about it."
He brings his hand out of the water to pinch the bridge of his nose. You brace yourself for his exasperated reprimand, but in the same heartbeat as he opens his mouth to speak you hear something. You sense movement behind you. 
He hears it too and the pair of you instinctively stand, both on high alert. After days of fighting for your lives against demons, neither one of you can fully relax yet. It takes a moment to realize it's daytime. The demons are all hiding from the sun. You're safe. Your yukata just slipped down from the tree branch.
Breathing a sigh of relief, you turn your head to face him. "Probably just a squirr- oh god!!"
You're naked. He's naked. The water is waist deep on you but he's taller…
And God, he's rock-fucking-hard.
He doesn't speak. He just releases a panicked grunt, attempts to cover himself with both hands, fails to conceal it fully, and dips down to hide beneath the water. 
And you just freeze as your heart lunges against your ribs. That image is burned into your mind forever; his lean, muscular body… the way it curved. The veins…
"Sit down!" He says finally. 
You bring up your arm to cover your tits. "Oh! Right."
As you submerge your body in the water. You're facing each other, both bright red, unable to make eye contact. Your heart is racing and you're pretty sure his must be too.
You're the first to break, your eyes sliding across to him. The corner of your mouth tugs upward.
"Not a word," he whispers.
"Wouldn't dream of it."
Giyuu's eyes flicker to you and then away again. 
You can't hold it anymore. A laugh sputters out of you. "We're so ridiculous."
His well-practiced stoicism starts to falter, and a faint smile curves his lips. "Yeah. We are, aren't we?" 
It feels good to laugh; days of tension and exhaustion slip away, rising with the steam of the onsen. And it feels even better to laugh with him. 
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unluckilyimnot · 3 months
do you know who much am i in love with tsundere man ???
i wanna kiss raichi's face sooo bad, with lipstick on, all over his face, until he tripped over his words and is all blushyy
don't forget cuddles and sitting on his lap like AAAAA
i love your loki and sae's making out writings btw 🫶 can u do the same thing but with raichi but in this version?
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making out - raichi, isagi
mlist || rules || requests are open :)
note : thank you sm for your request, both of you ! they're so cute, as you should queen (in a neutral way) i love them a loooot too. i post this Isagi one at the same time bc i did them with a similar vibe
I've been busy these day im sorry ! And I have a busy weekend as well with my gf so I'll do as much as I can today and post it later !
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Raichi acts tough but deep down he knows he can’t fool anyone when you order him around.  You two invited some of your friends over tonight to have a nice dinner together and you kept calling his name to get things done. He tried to boss around a little at the beginning, saying he was talking with the tip of his ears red but you just had to whine a little please for him to be by your side in a second. He's the grumpy type, but still ready to help whenever he's asked  to. 
He spent the whole night eyeing you from head to toes. His hand lingering on your thigh below the table and your seemingly innocent gaze let him know you get where he wanna go. He's a little impatient but that's nothing you can't handle.
When you finally say goodbye to your last friends, you stretch your back as soon as the door is closed. 'What a night' you thought, excepting Raichi around you but he was nowhere to be seen. Taking a few steps to the kitchen to find him cleaning up a little. Leaning against the door frame, you stared at him until he noticed you.
"You're less clingy suddenly." You spoke as soon as his eyes lay on you, a cute smile on your lips. Lips that got his attention all night. He shook his head, muttered things you couldn't understand but still amused. 
"Come on, leave all of this. I'll take care of that tomorrow." Taking his head in yours, you dragged him along your bedroom and kindly pushed him on the bed. "You weren't that concerned about the dishes earlier," you whisper in his ear, slowly taking a seat in his laps.
Cuddling up against him, you played with his hair while debriefing the night with him. Your arms lay around his neck and, despite his red cheeks, his hands finally hold you closer, rubbing your back in a needy way. His eyes on your lips once again, you're sure it's already messed up so you don't mind making it worse. 
When Raichi finally cuts your chat by kissing you like he wanted all night, the shadow of a satisfied grin on your lips. You broke the kiss and chuckled. 
"What's so funny ?" He barked like he always does, making you laugh even more. 
"Nothing, you're just cute." You answered, shutting him up with a kiss before he can argue. Pecking his face over and over again, all over his face not without leaving a red tint at the same time. His poor soul can't even speak a full sentence without stutter before grabbing your face and kissing you again. 
You deepen the kiss instantly, done joking around and finally into it. You put his hands back on your back and thigh, feeling his short nails digging into your skin and you're here for it. It's intoxicating, you're lost in the way his tongue licks your lips, making you smile. You didn't realize how both of you wanted it too until now. 
Your hand slowly drawing circles on his shoulders, you were thinking when you could finally take his shirt off when you felt his hands coming closer to the zip of your dress. He started pulling it down, exposing your bare back for him and only him. You glared at him in an amused way. 
“I'm helping you.” He defended, putting his hands away from you to try to annoy you in some way. You shook your head with a loud chuckle. 
“Go ahead.” you said before pushing him down on the bed, kissing him again. 
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Isagi is too cute for his own good, you’re sure of it. He can’t be rude to save his life. Well, besides football. With you he’s a sweetheart, always saying yes to anything you ask, even the weirdest things. So you like to mess with him a little. A sly smile forms on your lips before you hand your phone away.
“Yoichi I wanna try something !” you cheered, leaning on his shoulder, taking a look at his phone. He wasn’t really doing anything, only scrolling through his social media.
“What is it ?” he’s used to that, you wanted to try silly thing you saw on internet. You’re always after him to try tiktok trend, he’s sure it’s that once again. You grinned, taking his phone from his hands and tossing it nearly yours before sitting in his laps. You already got him gulped hard. Not that he’s not used to it, it’s even a position you like to cuddle but something in his mind tells him that’s not related to cuddle.
His hands find your waist, laying there comfortably, waiting for your next move. You get closer, your chest flat against his and you take his warm cheeks between your hands. He blinks a few times, already anticipating but flustered at the same time - not trusting that smile of yours. You cradle his face a little, pitching his cheeks and leaving small pecks here and there, on his cheeks, his nose and finally his lips.
“What do you wanna tryyy ?” he whined trying to escape the kisses attack but you shush him quickly, kissing him seriously this time. He takes some time to melt into the kiss, pulling you closer. You shiver at the coldness of his cold hands crawling under your shirt, meeting your warm skin and you smile in the process. His hands go up and down, smoothing your skin, grabbing it a little too hard from time to time, making you moan but mostly chuckle.
“You’re so cute Yoichi.” you purred in the middle of the kiss, leaving small pecks on the corner of his lips.
“Am I ?” he grinned, happy to realize one more time the effect he has on you. It’s easier for you to know how he feels so he appreciates it when you vocalize it. You can already feel him hard under your weight and decided it wasn’t too early to grind on him, wanting him so bad already. Just so he knew, you know.
Taking this as a green light, his lips started going down your neck to your shoulders, kissing it all the way, biting from time to time just to feel your hand pulling his hair at the tingling sensation. He loves that a lot, sometimes he’s a little brutal just for you to pull his hair or scratch his skin at the pleasure. He likes to mess around too, not that he’ll tell you. He likes the way your gaze darkens when he acts innocent. He has his way.
Coming back to kiss you after almost eating your shoulder, one of his hands stays on your hip, encouraging you to move in a back and forth motion ; hoping he will not be the first one to ask for more. But deep down, he knows he won’t or else you wouldn’t almost be riding him already. You were the desperate one this time, but it’s ok. He likes to take care of you.  
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I hope you liked it ! ♡
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indouloureux · 2 years
Okay ?nsfw? request, soo ..
Maybe at first some casually making out and his hands are like all over the reader and then he's all smiley and leaves hickeys over readers neck. He's just sooo in love and omg 😫 you can choose if sh*t gets more steamy or not <3 :)
aaaaa i got a similar one like this but i'm doing all three ty for requesting ❤️
18+ mdni nsfw-ish content
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you don't see what he's doing, eyes closed as you let yourself melt into his burning touch. his hands slip beneath your shirt, lips taking yours into his, locking like a key to a padlock; synchronized at every open mouthed kiss, followed by soft, wet clicks.
his hands roam your exposed skin, thumbs tracing the wire of your bra, pushing you onto the couch. joseph's knee slots itself between your legs, your hand on his face coming up to tangle in his mess of curls, letting his tongue cheekily evade your hot mouth.
joseph's teeth bite your nip at your bottom lip, breaking away to place kisses from the corner of your mouth until he moves to your cheeks, nudging his nose on your jawline to tilt your head sideways. you do, sinking into his touch.
exhaling, his lips wrap around your complexion, leaving twinkling crescents onto your skin, the thick muscle of his tongue licking up every inch of the juncture of your neck. you sigh, tugging slightly on his curls,
"jo," you murmur his name in a raptured susurration. he hums against your flesh, teeth teasing your already sensitive skin, licking up every rivulets of sweat. "i don't have work tomorrow,"
joseph's hand leaves your waist, coming up to cup your breasts, rolling his index and middle finger on your pebbled buds beneath the thin lace. he massages them with need, pressing and clutching for both of your gratifications. you whimper at his rough handling, feeling him smirk at the lewd sound elicited. "which means?"
"you- fuck," he pulls the cup of your bra down, rough palm pressing on your sensitive nipple, fingers digging onto your breast before the other mirrors what he's done, all while he nips and licks on the salty skin of your neck. "you can leave as much marks as you want."
in your breathy confirmation, you feel the solidity of his teeth graze your neck. your head lulls back on the sofa, the heat his palms radiate on your breasts traveling down to your aching cunt that grinds on his, feeling him grow harder beneath you.
"i'll leave as much hickeys as i want?" joseph murmurs condescendingly. you nod, and he's opening his eyes to stare deeply into yours, the same amount of arousal that renders his irises almost black from the dilation of his pupils. "i'll paint you purple then, baby."
his hand slithers itself outward from underneath, coming up to hold the other side of your neck to keep you in place. you bring out a short, high pitched moan when his teeth sinks onto your neck, the severity of it stings and evokes coital imagery on your already filthy mind.
your forearms lock itself beneath his shoulder, clasping on the back of his collar and tugging it up as a wordless sign. joseph unclasps his tortuous teeth, licks the slight curve marks of his teeth on your skin and presses a feather kiss on them. "you alright?"
you nod, kissing his shoulder.
before you know it he's marking another one — this time moving down just above your collarbone, biting harder than the other but makes you moan nonetheless, sucking the stinging sensation away until it the pain numbs, replaced by the hot saliva of his tongue. joseph moves back and almost rips his shirt off.
your lips are wanting when he comes back down, placing your hand on the back of his head to push himself in there, tongue sinking into your open mouths. he groans, the risqué cadence evident in the throaty sound.
his hand comes up to wrap around your neck, pressing on your pulse point, thumb rubbing where a hickey starts to form — a dark resolute to the hidden intention in its creation. he presses his knee right onto your cunt.
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reblogs and feedback are appreciated <3
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yoursjaeyun · 2 years
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missing you — lee heeseung.
pairing: heeseung x fem!reader
wc: 1740+
sypnosis. your boyfriend was always so busy with his schedules, world tours, anything an idol does. you want to spend time with him again, like when you two first met. where did those times go? what if he forgot about you? do you regret dating him? will this be the last time you’ll meet him?
warnings. one-shot, smut, (minors strictly dni), explicit language, oral (fem receiving), unprotected sex, (both receiving) a little angst (?), overuse of nicknames, a little crying. please tell me if i need to add more.
featuring. chaewon of le sserafim.
a/n. AAAAA i’m genuinely am excited for all of you guys to read my first ever fic !! (more like a drabble since its really short but anyway sjsj) this was actually really rushed because i finished more than half of it in a week 🥲 i will keep proof-reading it over and over again because there maybe some spelling mistakes 🙈 but other than that, i hope you all enjoy reading, and thank you for waiting so patiently 🥹 ugh i love you guys sm. and also as a beginner, thanks to the people who helped me a lot when i was struggling <33 ok i should stop talking, have fun reading <3333 (and i apologise if the smut part starts really quickly 😭)
read needing you for the continuation of this fic, thank you lovelies <3
your boyfriend was always so busy with his schedules, and obviously with his world tours coming up with flying overseas, fan meetings, etc. it was hard dating someone who was an idol.
it was only a matter of seconds when you finally got to meet him again, you missed everything, his touch, his kisses, his love. at the point, you wanted it to all be over. knowing nothing would change. nobody was there for you anymore, except for your one and only bestfriend.
“why do you look so down today? thinking about your boyfriend hm?” chaewon said breaking the silence, looking you up and down. “i don’t know chae, what if he’s flirting with other girls? did he forget about me? what if he cheated?” you spat out, sighing after.
“okay hold on, forgetting you? after the two of you lovebirds doing it for the first time ever on my bed? theres no way.” she scoffed.
“god chaewon, please for fuck’s sake, stop talking about that.” you rolled your eyes at her as she chuckled.
 “heard from jake that he’s free after their concert tomorrow, why don’t you meet him then?” you sat up properly after hearing what she said.
 “yeah, maybe i will.”
 it was the next day, and of course you wanted to look good in front of him after months, you chose to wear his favourite perfume, following with his favourite outfit.
you were sitting in the waiting room waiting for him to come out, ‘5 minutes left’ you thought. you then heard cheering and muffling sounds outside the room, making you jump,  fixing your hair and posture quickly.
“y/n?” he entered the room. “heeseung..” running up to hug him, inhaling his scent already making you melt in his touch. “i missed you so, so much.” your eyes became teary as he stroked your hair along with his other hand on your waist.
“baby..” he lifted your face with his index finger to stare at your eyes. “was i gone for too long?” you nodded. “i’m so sorry my love.” he whispered as he wiped your tears with his thumb before kissing your temple.
you instantly got touchy with him, you missed him so much to the point where you couldn’t control yourself the second you saw him walk in. you didn’t want to do it straight away, you didn’t want him to think the relationship is all just about sex. of course there was more to it.
but you desperately needed him so bad.
“let me make it up to you.” your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he leaned closer, moving his hand to cup your cheek, he pulled your face in, your lips were inches away from eachother. “i’m here now, baby, its okay.” he whispered against your lips, then pressing them into yours.
 his words making you flutter, you slowly closed your eyes as the kiss went from being passionate, to just slightly aggressive. but he didn’t want to hurt you. stepping back a little giving him signs to go on the couch behind because of how your fresh blisters from your heels was killing you.
it wasn’t too long until he had already hovered over you, you put your hands on his shoulders to push him up with a little force as you then straddled his lap, his hands were roaming all over your body, tilting your head to the side to be able to give him more access inside your mouth, your arms around his neck pulling him in closer, he let out a whimper against your lips as you deepened the kiss.
he removed his hand from your waist to unbutton your shirt, undressing you. throwing your shirt to the side, he slowly moved his hand to your back, feeling his cold fingertips making you hum in his mouth. without hesitation, he unclasped your bra finally revealing your swollen boobs and your hard nipples. he then kissed down to your jaw, neck, then your chest, closing his mouth around one nipple, pushing his tongue down firmly as he licked your bud.
your head fell back in pleasure, sighing against his ear. “hee..” his other hand played with your other boob while he sneakily tries to slip off your skirt, you realised what he was doing so you helped him by lifting yourself up slightly for him to slip it off more easily. you sat back down feeling his bulge right through underneath your panties making you whimper, his hands were all over your body once again.
you gasped as he connected his lips onto yours again, his arms hugging your waist to pull you closer, your fingers ran through his hair vaguely pulling it, eliciting a groan from him. heeseung hovered you again making your back hit the couch. “fuck, your so pretty.. my pretty.” he whispered against your lips. he pulled over his shirt as well before leaning back to you, kissing you feverishly. you wrapped your legs around his waist, cupping his soft face as your teeth clashed together.
he went back down to your breasts, taking as much as he can. “heeseung..” you sighed. “what is it baby?” you tried catching your breath before saying anything. “i need words, sweetheart.” “i— i want you to fuck me so b- bad.. please.” you were getting impatient. “not yet.” he smirked as he started to kiss down your stomach, tugging on your waistband before pulling them off steadily. his fingers ran down your folds as you held back your moans.
“so fucking wet. only for me.” he gave soft kisses on your thighs before spreading them apart to be able to get a more clearer view of your pussy. you looked down seeing him smirk before he dived into your hole, you heaved biting back your lips, refusing to let out a moan so nobody can hear from outside the room. but luckily, heeseung locked the door earlier. “nuh-uh, i wanna hear it baby.” and so you obeyed, letting out the most angelic moans he had ever heard as he continued, his tongue going back and forth deep in and out of your hole eagerly.
you felt his nose prod against your folds everytime he buried his tongue deep inside. lapping at all the juices from every place. heeseung wanted to show how much he missed you, seeing you cry before made him feel worse about never seeing you again as he also felt the same.
he looked up as your eyes were closed shut from the extreme pleasure, his hands went to pat your hip in an assuring way. he decided to add a finger in to help you reach your high, along with his tongue synchronizing with it too. “hee, i’m s-so close, ah..” you squirmed, hearing your moans made him go faster, eating you out thoroughly.
you came all over his tongue, including his fingers. you looked down at him as he licked every corner of his mouth that still had your cum on it. you were now out of breath, but a part of you wanted to keep going.
“are you okay, baby?” heeseung went back up to you worriedly, he pushed away your sweaty strands, as you nodded at his question, not being able to say anything from how good your orgasm felt. “lets continue on later, okay?” you shook your head furiously, wanting to do everything right then and there. cupping his cheeks as you pulled him in for another kiss, tasting yourself from the leftover juices mixed with your cum in his mouth.
he pulled away from the kiss, standing up to take his shirt off and to unbuckle the belt to his pants. “heeseung, i need you so bad.” you muttered. “beg for it, princess.” he said climbing back on top of you again. “please.” you said staring at him with your hazy eyes. he stroked his cock a few times before lining it up in front of your entrance.
“good girl, my good girl.” he was already halfway in, but you were already a moaning mess. you dug your nails on his shoulders as he picked up the pace, slamming his hips into your swollen hole. your eyes rolled to the back of your head from the immense pleasure your boyfriend was giving you.
“your so fucking tight, baby.” ending his sentence with a low grunt. with all the strength you have left in your body, you pushed him up with both hands, straddling his lap again. you gasped feeling that it was more bigger when you sat down on him. “ride me.” he uttered against your ear. you complied to his words, rocking your hips back and forth on his cock.
now you doing all the work, heeseung gets to see how absolutely beautiful you look while riding him. “yeah, just like that, fuck.” he moaned as he threw his head back from how good you felt. your hands were on his knees, giving him a perfect view of your body. he took one hand from your waist to roll it on your boob, making you moan. “i missed you so fucking much.” he then pulled you in by your waist ending up in another kiss session, you didn’t have any energy left in yourself, but you wanted to do it for him trying your best to move while passively kissing him.
“heeseung, i’m close..” you whimpered against his lips. “i’m close too, fuck.” you both released at the same time as both your heads fell back together, the room filled with your moans. you plopped on his sweaty chest, not being able to move from how tired you are, he lifted your head up pushing away your sweaty strands of hair from your face, and wiping your tears, then pulling you in, gently kissing your forehead. “did you miss me that much?” he chuckled.  “so much.” you answered, leaving soft kisses on his neck.
“please don’t leave me again, hee.” he smiled at your words, realising how lucky he is to have you. “let’s get you cleaned up.” you nodded.
“come home with me, please..” you talked, but he didn’t want to answer because he can’t promise you. knowing this’ll be the last time you’ll both meet eachother. the next day he’ll have to leave you alone again for months, months that could turn into years.
and the day that your relationship will be over.
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tetsutits · 1 year
not sure if you’re still taking them. but lately virgin!rindou has been heavy on my mind 😔
he would get so flustered the first time he sees you naked. >_< and gets all worked up as you teach him everything
cw: slightly sub virgin rindou, fem reader (takes the lead but not domming (?), ‘teach me’ trope, unedited oops
note: aaaaa ok i was so happy when this popped back into my drafts so i’m finally posting it lmaoo thanks for sending this in!!!! writing virgin rin was so fun 🥴
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“relax, rindou,” your voice, dripping with honeyed lust makes shivers go down his spine; he shakily swallows the building lump in his throat. “just do as i say.”
with your bodies pressed up so close against each other, the heat radiating off your soft skin makes all the thoughts melt straight out of his brain. the way your fingertips dance around his neck and bare chest only flues this foreign; bubbling desire inside of him.
“i don’t, dunno where to-“
“right here.” you take hold of his sweaty hands, placing them right over your naked hips and dangerously close to your ass. the confusion clearly shows on his face, sweat beading at his hairline. and his chest heaves with every breath.
you grind your hips forward, rocking them up, down; just a little - just enough to get him grunting impatiently. it almost makes you laugh, the way his face is scrunched and a tense furrow in his brows. he thinks if he had taken the lead and had control over the pace - then he would’ve came in mere seconds.
the sound of your sweet whines snap him out of his daze.
“you feel so good, rin,” you breathe, slowly riding up and down his throbbing cock; face flushed and mouth agape, “your cocks perfect.”
the praise makes him burn on the inside. your slicked walls engulf him so perfectly. he has no idea how to contain the intense emotions he feels right now - he grips your hips harder in hopes of gaining some control back, but you slap his hands away almost instantly.
“no, jus’ lemme do it.” you retort. your hands dance around his bare sternum that’s covered in a thin sheen of sweat, and come down to lightly pinch his pretty pink nipples.
it’s too much - he thinks. it’s so new, so foreign, and it opens up a whole new world of pleasure right before his eyes. you’ve just so generously granted him that with no second thought, no doubt in your words when you’d told him you’d gladly be his first.
it has shocked you. the news still rings in your head, that he’s never felt the wet, soft walls wrapped so perfectly around him before. surely, someone like rindou couldn’t have been a virgin . . . but here you are, slow riding his pulsing dick while he grunts and groans under his breath.
it feels too fucking good. it’s almost unbelievable.
“ahh, fuck, fuck, wait-“ his entire torso tenses up, muscles bulging and contracting; he scrambles with his hands to hold you down, slow you in any way so that he wouldn’t be cumming so quickly. but that only makes you want to bounce harder, the bottom of your thighs slapping his, and your soft tits being pushed up into his face.
he is done for. rindou thinks he has never come this hard in his entire life - the lack of oxygen leaves his mind blank and empty, the swollen red tip of his cock tingles and bursts out cum in a way that feels endless. he is in heaven.
your warm walls contract around him, milking him of every last drop he has to give. you’re sure to have bruises tomorrow, all over your hips and thighs - but right now, all you care about is how peaceful rin looks as he comes down from his high.
his face flushed and lips swollen, he leans back and drops his body on the plush pillows - almost like the energy has been sucked out of him.
you giggle, and squirm because of the way his dick throbs and tingles inside you.
“fuck, that was too good,” he breathes, throwing an arm over his eyes as he tries to calm his body down. he thinks that waiting this long to finally have sex was worth it - because it was with you.
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niilue · 2 years
I'm literally obsessed with your writing, it's wonderful. Can i ask for a male!reader fucking a tired vincent after so much work and problem solving like a lord, just him exhausted, easy and lazy letting the reader do what he want with him? Thank u goddess
thanks bae, aaaaa vincent.. he's so damn hot 😩
ෆ    ִ      ׁ   sub vincent phantomhive x male top! reader
cw: dom reader, male reader, slow and relaxing sex, bitting, vincet is very tired :(
vincent looked incredibly beautiful lying on his side, while you hugged him tightly around the waist and your cock was parsimoniously burrowing into his hot insides.
"my lord, you work so hard… when i finally have you in my arms i can't control myself." you mention kissing and smelling his silky hair. as your hips rocked into his body.
vincent was so physically exhausted. he could only whimper softly and let out soft sighs. he hardly spoke and only murmured your name when you penetrated deep inside.
you fucked him gently but determinedly, while your hands groped and squeezed every part of his body, biting his shoulders and leaving marks all over his smooth skin.
you licked his neck and left kisses all over his jaw.
you felt vincent's breathing slow down more, almost as if he was going to sleep. so you took your momentum and gave him a hard thrust, causing him to whimper loudly and his back to arch more towards you.
"don't forget i'm still fucking you love, don't fall asleep and finish for me."
you said kneading his buttocks and squeezing him. your hands could not stay still and you sought to stimulate him everywhere. you wanted to see him at the limit.
you gave a hickey on his neck leaving a visible light reddish mark. tomorrow it would be a nice bruise.
vincent stirred and faced you. his eyes were glazed over from sleep and he had a silly grin on his face.
"go ahead and fuck me until i cum, i'm tired honey." he mentioned caressing your face.
you took one of his legs and pulled it up to your chest, to get better access to his ass and fuck him deeper.
you felt your balls slap against his ass with each penetration you gave him. vincent's body was moving violently and both of your bodies were overflowing with heat and sweat from the constant movements.
"more… more, i'm - to the limit…" vincent moaned biting his lips and squeezing your chest with his hands.
his fingers curled in excitement and his face contorted in pure pleasure. his eyebrows drew together and his mouth opened wide and he couldn't control himself.
from one moment to the next you had your chest stained with the essence of your lord as he whimpered like a little dog. it was so exciting that you too could have come with something as simple as that. but you needed more and more. you wanted to cry. you wanted to cry.
you were so simple and he had you eating out of his hand. when he finished cumming he winked at you and kissed you slowly, caressing you with his beautiful hands and then he fell asleep next to you.
and you still with a fucking erection that couldn't be fully satisfied.
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dulcibella-dreams · 4 months
Hiiiii! Just discovered your page and I love your writing! Especially Makoto head canons!🥰🥰🥰 a small but slightly sad request. How would Makoto react when SO dies especially before [ spoiler !]all the sacrificial events that happened? Would he desire revenge or would he loom in depression? Once again love,love,love your page. Please don’t stop!🥺
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How would Makoto react to S.O.'s death before all the sacrificial events?
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 A/N: AAAAA You are just so sweet!!! Thanks so much, your kind words mean alot to me :( I've actually never finished P3 LMAOAOAOOAOA but I've been spoiled before so I just went ahead and found out myself through google. I'm playing p3r and I KNOW I will be in shambles for a while. Anyways!! I've never written anything quite like this, but I'm going to give it an honest shot!! Hope you enjoy anon! 💗💗
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No-one had seen Makoto for...quite a long time now. Your death had been painful for everyone, but not nearly as excruciating as it had been for him.
He's tried so hard to pretend it was all a nightmare. That tomorrow would come, and he'd see your smiling face again. That he'd hold you again. And almost like some sick kind of joke, he felt your presence. But you *weren't* there. And you'd never be again.
He sat on the floor, head resting against his bed. In his hands, he held his last physical posession from you. A card you had made him for his birthday. "Happy birthday Makoto! I want to be able to stay with you for all of your birthdays...you're getting old, you know." Wet drops started to stain the beautiful hand painted card. "I love you so much." It signed off with, 'more than anything', and your name. He hugged the card tightly, shaking as he took in ragged gasps of air. He couldn't do it anymore. He began sobbing painfully, hot tears streaming down his face.
You were everything, after all he had was nothing. He didn't know how to live without you- he had never thought that far. He wanted to be with you, forever.
Even in death, you had all of him. He was never going to stop loving you. Some wounds scar horribly. This was one of them.
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merakiui · 7 months
MERA MERA HAVE YOU HEARD OF JUBYPHONIC'S COVER OF "LOVEIT?"??? the original song by biz is super cool but juby's english lyrics have me brainrotting like no tomorrow bc HELLO???? THIS SONG IS LITERALLY SO JADE LEECH CODED???
im going insane aaaaa i love him so much, especially sk! jade with this song!!!
:O YES YES!!!! That song is so Jade Leech. OTL Juby's lyrics are really amazing and catchy and I love the cover as much as the original song! Both are wonderful!!! >w< I listened to it and immediately thought of sk!Jade, especially the "I'm creeping into your flesh" line. AAAAAA IT'S TOO GOOD OMG...... funnily enough, I almost titled chapter three in DRU "meat-cute" as a reference to Reader coming home to find Jade in her apartment, but I wanted that chapter to focus more so on her interactions with Azul (hence the title "a warm, stifling sea"). But one of the future chapters will be titled "meat-cute" because I'm much too attached to the word play. (˘ ˘ ˘)
I adore how "loveit" (which can also sound like love-eat) uses cannibalism as a metaphor for toxic/abusive relationships. We all need food to survive, and so when you're stuck in an abusive relationship the world is so warped and everything you know is so twisted; you rely on the abuser because it's been engrained that without them you're nothing, you can't survive, etc. In a way, they are your food and sustenance. I think "loveit" portrays the horror of it very well: how with cannibalism you're losing parts of yourself (they're being devoured), and with abuse you're losing the ability to do things with those parts (you can't use your mouth to speak out, you can't use your legs to just walk away, you can't even use your eyes to cry sometimes).
Aaaaa I just love biz's music!!! It's so clever, and I like how they portray the dynamics of unhealthy relationships in their songs. There is also love eat -Dear Maia- (connected to "loveit") and recently they released another song: love cat! Both are very good!!! :D
Along with English covers, have you heard rachie's cover of "i am addicted"? It's so HBE!Azul vibes... T_T it brings back the pain tenfold... uuuwaaa,,, >_<
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gilbirda · 1 year
Friendly neighborhood vigilante. Chapter 17
BatmanxDP crossover. JasonxJazz
[Read on AO3] [Read on FF.net]
Based on this post
First chapter || << Previous chapter || Next chapter >>
“So… Can I offer anything? Tea? Orange juice? Tap water?” Jazz chuckled nervously, looking between the vigilantes awkwardly standing in her living room and her boyfriend standing on the other side, close to the door, glaring at them.
Red Robin glanced at her and smiled softly. “You have coffee?”
“I don’t, sorry. Don’t like the taste.”
“Then water is fine.”
Nightwing cleared his throat. “I’m fine with tea.”
“You don’t even like tea.” Jason growled. “Why are you here.”
“We wanted to apologize,” Nightwing lifted his hands, trying to look as harmless as possible. “To you and to Jasmine.”
“Jazz is fine.” She said, setting the kettle to start boiling water.
“Then apologize. And leave.”
“Gee, no need to get so territorial. Thanks,” Red Robin accepted the glass of water from her. “We wanted to explain, too. And maybe ask her a few questions.”
“But if you guys are busy we can come back in a few hours~” Nightwing smiled at Jason. “Or maybe tomorrow?”
“That’s it!”
Jason started marching towards the costumed vigilantes, knife in hand, but was stopped by Jazz as he passed by her. Her grip was like iron, Jason noticed, her muscles not straining at all to keep him from getting out of her grasp.
Was this how strong she really was?
Would she casually do displays of inhuman abilities like this now that he knew?
(He wanted her to, actually. He wanted to see it all.)
“Darling,” her voice was like honey as she took the knife from his hand, “no murdering anyone in my apartment.”
He didn’t answer, not trusting his voice to be normal after hearing the pet name coming from her lips again.
“You guys are the cutest thing ever.”
Both turned to look at the masked vigilante. Jason tried to subtly get out of her hand, but she didn’t budge. Impressive.
“I recommend you guys start talking. It’s kind of late and I have work tomorrow.”
Dick’s smile vanished, reminded why they were there. “We wanted to apologize,” he repeated, “What happened… it shouldn’t have happened.”
“Bruce didn’t have any right to go for you like he did.”
Even when Bruce fucks up so bad that he attracks the attention of potentially the next supervillain, he didn’t have the balls to come himself here to apologize.
Jazz hummed, finally letting him go. “It was bound to happen.”
Tim frowned. “What?”
“When I moved here I knew there was a possibility that Batman came after me, I was prepared for it.” She didn’t look happy, her eyes finding Jason’s for a second. Right. She never planned on dating anyone so probably she would have disappeared if she was found. “I had a plan B in case that happened.”
This was news to Jason. “Would you have run away?”
She nodded at him. “Back to the Infinite Realms until it blew off. And change identities and everything — we knew the bats are very thorough.”
What good it did now.
“And are you?”
“What?” Jazz turned back to face Dick, confused.
“Running away.” The man glanced at Jason, a slight tension in his smile. “Will you run away now?”
Jazz frowned. “I cannot leave now, even if I wanted to. The GIW will come and they will hurt anything that has a signature, even innocent ghosts. And, well, recent development has, uh,” she blushed when she glanced at Jason, and then looked away, “convinced me to stay.”
Dick squealed and picked her up to squeeze her against his chest, happily bouncing in place with Jazz in his arms.
“This is the best thing ever! I mean, not the whole clusterfuck, but aaaaa, I’m so happy you decided to stay!”
The vigilante continued rambling even if the woman was unresponsive, ignoring Tim’s worried tone. Jazz was completely paralyzed, eyes wide, arms frozen where she touched Nightwing on the shoulders as he bounced her around.
Jason narrowed his eyes. Why was Jazz so… like that? She had interacted with Nightwing before but she had been fine. Maybe a bit annoyed and worried when the whole “break and entering” incident happened, but now—
“Dick, let her go.” Jason finally said, stepping closer.
He finally looked at the woman’s expression stuck in a shocked visage, eyes wide and mouth tightly pressed together.
“You okay?” He asked when he let her safely on her feet. Jazz snapped back into attention.
“Uh, yeah??” She passed a hand through her hair, nervously laughing. It didn’t take a detective to know something was up. “I’m cool. Totally cool!”
Jazz said she was very touchy feely and loved hugs, why have this reaction now?
Jason had the fleeting thought that maybe she had a crush on his brother, either in or out of the uniform, the same spark of jealousy burning in his chest with the same intensity her cheeks burned as she sat down at the sofa ignoring everyone present.
He still felt her lips on his, her tongue dancing with his. She had said yes to him. She wanted him.
With a sigh he walked to the sofa and slumped next to her, looping one arm around her shoulders. No, it wasn’t meant to be a possessive gesture. She still looked kind of spooked.
“Everything okay? Is my brother bothering you?”
She jumped at his words.
“I’m fine,” she took a deep breath, steeling herself. Her hands stopped combing her hair. “Is just… ugh,” she rubbed her face, “when I was like, fifteen? Yeah, around that era, I was such a Nightwing fan.” She dipped her head, clearly not wanting to look at the beaming smile in Dick’s face. “And now that I know he’s my gymnastics teacher… I’ve face planted so many times in front of him.”
“Is okay, dear!” Dick was practically sparkling as he danced towards the sofa, picking one of her hands in his. Jazz’s face was red as a tomato. “You are just learning, you’ll get better in no time.”
“Wait, wait, wait.” Tim interrupted the moment, picking a kitchen chair to place it in front of the coffee table with an even bigger smile. “You were a Nightwing groupie?”
“I was… very young.”
“Even in the Discowing era?” Jazz whined, closing her eyes with a nod. “Even in the mullet era?”
“Since the Robin era,” she let her head drop. “We all knew, of course. There were whole channels dedicated to analysis of Nightwing’s movements and how it was very obvious he was the first Robin.” She made a gesture with her hand, rolling her eyes. “I thought it was a waste of time to obsess over that, as if we had to prove it again and again to newcomers.”
“Was I that obvious?”
“So you were in those fanclub forums?” Tim ignored the others to ask.
Jazz looked him in the eye. “I was the club president for two years.”
If Jason had to describe Tim’s smile at that moment, he would say “predatory”. Like a lion that found its prey and was getting ready to pounce. Jason knew that expression. It only meant one thing: blackmail.
“Interesting…” He opened the wrist computer of his suit, typing something on it.
“You won’t find the site, it was taken down for ‘unauthorized Nightwing merchandise’ and ‘unauthorized use of Nightwing’s image without his consent’.” She crossed her arms, lifting her chin in defiance.
Jazz had so much to learn if she thought that meant she was safe from a Bat.
“That’s no problem for me—”
“Don’t you fucking dare.”
She stood up so fast Jason didn’t see her move. He almost didn’t catch her fast enough either, but managed to loop his arms around her waist before she lunged at Red Robin, fists ready. He would otherwise pay to see her go nuts on the shortstack, but it didn’t seem like a good idea at the moment.
Jazz stumbled at the unexpected pull and fell on his lap with a soft “oof”.
“What happened to ‘no murdering anyone in my apartment’, darling?” He chuckled at her flushed face when she looked up at him.
“It’s okay if I’m the one doing the murdering.” She grumbled, but there was no real intent in her voice.
He was so tempted to kiss her senseless right then and there, damn his brothers watching the show, but tried to be happy enough with having her warmth on his lap. She didn’t even try to fight her way out of his arms, choosing to stay there and get comfortable on his legs, pouting and crossing her arms.
“I’ve done things I’m not proud of in those forums, Red Robin. If I find out you looked, I will end you myself and not even being my favorite Bat will help you.”
Yeah. He couldn’t resist. He kissed the top of her head, burying his face in her hair. It smelled nice.
“I’m your favorite bat?”
“That’s the only thing you take from that?”
Jason looked up from his redhead heaven. Dick was between looking horrified at the murder threats and smiling at how cute they were being. He rolled his eyes. Whatever, he could love his girlfriend in public if he wanted, he was not a coward.
“You can call me Tim,” Replacement continued talking, but wisely chose to close the wrist computer and give up on poking the bear. “Now, tell me more about me being the favorite.”
“As in Tim Drake?” All anger left her at the piece of information.
“Yeah? I thought you already knew about us.”
“Not everyone,” she shook her head, “I haven’t had time to review my research. I’ve been a bit busy, you know, being threatened.”
Dick sighed, sitting down on the sofa, combing back his hair with his hands.
“We’re sorry. If it helps, we didn’t know B was going to jump like that. He didn’t tell anybody what’s going on and by the time we found out it was too late.”
“And we are sorry to you too, Jason.” The mentioned jumped at the unexpected apology. “If we had found out about Bruce’s plans sooner… Duke and Cass knew even less about what was happening. They feel really bad.”
“The guys at the Diner, right?”
Tim nodded at Jazz. “They wanted to come to apologize as well, but we didn’t know if… Well, we didn’t even know if you were going to still be in Gotham.”
Jason felt her deflate and melt against his chest. The situation wasn’t the best, things were never going to go back to how they were before, and the weight of that knowledge rested on her heart. And his.
He wasn’t going to lie to himself and say everything was Bruce’s fault. If he believed her a little more instead of letting what Bruce was saying get to his head, maybe they would have talked out everything that same afternoon. But he didn’t believe her, he broke that trust, and that would be his cross to bear.
It was still shitty, though.
“Well, I’m not going anywhere for the moment. Apologies accepted.” She was such a nice person. At what moment did he ever consider she could be as bad as her parents? “And I’m going to regret this, but I don’t mind if they come by to visit.”
“Don’t.” Jason whispered softly. “Don’t leave an open invitation.”
“It’s my apartment, though.”
Jason grumbled against her shoulder. “At least get that damn window lock. And curtains.”
She hummed, but didn’t make any promises. Was she messing with him? At this point he was positive she was not putting a window lock out of spite.
“Well,” Dick stood up, slapping his hands against his thighs as he did, “is getting late and the lovebirds need to continue ‘making up’ or whatever the younglings call it these days.”
“Actually, I agree. I have a long day tomorrow.”
While it was late and it was true that Jazz needed to at least keep a normal sleep schedule, Jason didn’t want to let her go. His arms tensed around her waist, just enough to stop her from moving out of his lap.
She turned to smile at him. Her relaxed expression was a complete opposite of the uncomfortable smiles she offered earlier that day. He didn’t know how warm and true her smiles were until they weren’t, and he decided to keep making her smile like this forever.
“You go as well.”
“Do I have to?” He didn’t pout. He wouldn’t do that with an audience.
“I will be here tomorrow. And the day after that.” It sounded like a promise. Did she guess he needed reassurance?
Maybe she did, because she gently placed her hands on his arms, carefully prying them away from her. Once she was free, she took his hands in hers, interlacing their fingers.
Everything else in the room vanished as he looked into her teal eyes, noticing the subtle variations in color, the green creeping in the borders of her irises.
He nodded in agreement, not sure what he was agreeing to.
His attention snapped back to the present when he heard Tim make a sound like a strangled duck. Jazz stood up, careful to not upset his still healing leg, and started pushing his brothers to the window. They were sharing some quick parting words, mostly Tim asking her to elaborate on the whole ‘favorite Bat’ thing and Dick trying to fish for compliments of his Discowing outfit.
Jason ignored them all, standing up to glare at the costumed duo until they were outside and Jazz closed the window. He made a mental note to add his own traps since she refused to get a lock.
He looked at her, watching her every move, his mind going back to the kiss they shared. They were alone again, the air still buzzing with the underlying tension after the day’s events.
That morning he thought he had lost her forever and now he couldn’t help himself from approaching her to go for another kiss.
She accepted it with another one of her easy smiles.
“You have to go.”
“Do I?”
“Do I really?” He leaned in for another kiss, trying to tempt her into a round 2, but she was faster and put a hand on his chest, stopping him.
Jazz arched an eyebrow. “Maybe vigilantes can go for days without sleeping but for sure I am not willing to imitate that behavior.”
“I thought you were superhuman?” He teased.
“Not a super.” She bit her lip, grabbing his arm and dragging him to the front door. She was not using a lot of strength and he humored her.
It was easy to laugh around her. He missed this. He missed feeling so weightless.
Once he was at the door he grabbed her by the waist to pull her closer to his body, eager to feel her presence. He needed to imprint her warmth in his memory until tomorrow, not willing to let her go without taking that with him until he saw her again.
That goodbye kiss was deeper, her lips welcoming him and her tongue hesitant to let him closer to her sharp teeth. Not that he minded getting cut here and there, but they would work on that.
Jason opened his eyes when he heard a noise coming from the window.
Of course the idiots were still there, watching with wide smiles on their stupid faces.
He flipped the bird at them.
The next day found the couple cuddling on the sofa watching a movie like they were supposed to before everything went down. It had been Jason’s idea, he texted her while she was still at the hospital; at first a bit hesitant but when she said she was completely in with the idea, he immediately started making suggestions of what to watch.
It wasn’t until Christine tapped on her arm with a knowing smirk that Jazz noticed her lunch break was almost over. She had been texting Jason with a silly smile on her face.
Whatever, she thought as she leaned closer to Jason, relishing on their joined hands and the warmth of his shoulder under her cheek. She almost lost him, lost this, and she was allowed to enjoy the giddiness until the reality of what they would need to face came knocking at her door.
The ripple of the events of that week were starting to happen.
Dylan, her boss, looked at her with a smug smile every time they interacted, making jabs and asking not-that-innocent questions about what Bruce Wayne wanted from her.
Her coworkers whispered behind her back. Christine was her friend at work, but she was a horrible gossip, and by thursday everyone knew that the man came to visit Jazz and picked her up after work. So far nobody dared ask, but speculation ran rampant the longer Jazz refused to say anything.
“What’s wrong?”
Jason paused the movie — some kind of fantasy adventure both had agreed looked interesting.
“Just thinking.”
He hummed, considering her words. “I won’t ask if you don’t want to say,” Jazz winced where he couldn’t see it, “but let me know if I can help with something.”
“Not everything can be punched into submission.”
He chuckled, making her shake as well. “I still haven’t found one problem I couldn’t blow up or punch in the face.”
Jazz’s mind pictured the face of Jason’s adoptive father and had to bite back the comment that she hadn’t seen him punch the man in the face yet. That wasn’t the time or place for that conversation.
“I’m just worried.”
What could she say? Everything? They had been in their quiet bubble cuddling and kissing, but sooner or later they’d have to face the music and talk about all the things left unsaid.
What Jason did at night, what she did before coming to Gotham. How long she had in the city. What would happen after.
The GIW.
“Stuff.” She chose to make a vague gesture with her free hand. “We need to talk to Batman. Eventually.”
He scoffed but didn’t let go of her hand. “If I could not talk to him ever again I would be happy.”
Jazz bit her tongue again, questions fighting to get out. What happened to them? Did that have anything to do with why Jason became a Crime Lord? Did Batman treat his own son like a criminal too?
She heard a rustle coming from the window, turning her head less than a second before she saw the dark cape pass by. She jumped into action, not caring about moving like a human anymore, quickly approaching the sword display Jason kept in his living room and picking the twin blades — talwar — that looked sharpened.
Jason was already standing by the time she was back between him and the window opening — Batman had come to visit.
“You have a lot of nerve coming here,” her boyfriend growled, his stance tensed. His injuries were mostly healed, but she knew that it still hurt on his left side. “After what you have done.”
Jazz watched Batman— Bruce step into the apartment and close the window behind him, drawing the curtains. He slowly took the cowl off, not making any sudden move.
She didn’t lower the talwar.
“What do you want?” Her voice betrayed nothing, but she didn’t want to bring the animosity just yet.
Bruce hesitated, looking back at the window as if he expected someone to be there. His stance was guarded but defeated. He didn’t come to fight. The whole furry suit could have fooled her.
“I came to apologize.”
Jason scoffed, walking to Jazz and standing closer to the sword display. Just in case.
Batman followed his every move, eyes going to his injured leg. So now he was worried about his son’s health?
“Bruce apologizing? Someone check the weather, pigs may be flying.”
Jazz wanted to roll her eyes at the sarcasm, but let it slide.
“My behavior was… badly timed— ” Understatement, Jazz thought “ — and I acted before getting the whole story first.”
The couple waited. And waited.
That’s it?
She lowered the swords a little. “You really need to work on your communication skills.”
Jason barked a laugh, but she didn’t turn to look at him. Her eyes were fixed on the intense sky blue of the other man’s eyes watching her, analyzing her. She didn’t care if he thought she was dangerous anymore, or if he wanted to kick her from the city — she was here to stay, even if he liked it or not.
“I’m sorry.” Bruce tried again. He looked again at the closed curtains, head almost imperceptibly tilting to the side. Jazz could hear the buzzing of a comms device, but couldn’t identify the words or the voices. “I’m sorry you and your loved ones went through what you went through. We should have been there. I should have been there.”
So he had been listening to her and Jason. The thought wasn’t surprising. At least it would speed up the explanations.
“We dealt with it.” Would things be better if the Justice League had been there to help? She still thought it was a bad idea for the heroes to get tangled in ghost business, but they were so lost in those first years. Some guidance would have been nice. “It’s all in the past.”
Bruce made a face. He didn’t like her answer.
Well, that’s the only one he was going to get. At least until Danny was there.
“I’m sorry for accusing you. And revealing yourself against your will.”
“I was in hiding.”
“I know.” More words coming from the comms. “We need to—”
She cut him off. “You still don’t understand, Batman—”
“Bruce is fine.” He tried to smile, but it was weak. Not reassuring at all.
“Bruce,” Jazz gave the talwar to Jason, who had been quietly watching the exchange, “you may think you are impossible to find, that your technology is the best; but it is not enough. Not when dealing with ghosts. Not when there’s been an ongoing intelligence war between us for years and nobody is above mixing magic with tech.”
This interested him, but he didn’t ask anything about it.
“We have magic users in the League.” He said as if it would take all the problems away.
“Ghost magic is different. For starters, it is in a language no one alive can speak or understand.” A fact Tucker struggled with, but made do with what he could understand. “I can do some basic warding, so if you let me—”
“I didn’t do the research. It was done by—”
“Barbie?” The betrayal was palpable in Jason’s voice. “She’s in on this?”
“She approached me with the information, but it was I, and I alone, who drew the conclusions.” The way he insisted seemed practiced. More voices came from the earpiece. “But if only looking will put her at risk…”
Jazz didn’t know who this “Barbie” was, but even if Bruce was trying to cover for her she was still an innocent tangled with the bullshit that was her life.
She sighed. “Wait here.”
With a hope that they wouldn’t kill each other during the time she ran to her apartment, Jazz quickly searched for some paper and a pen. She drew the sigil she had memorized and bit her thumb with one of her fangs, drawing a few drops of her blood.
Danny’s would be more effective, but the Princess’ should be enough to deter any low level ghost. Just in case.
Jazz repeated the process a few times. It was always better to place them in the doors and thresholds, and she didn’t know how many this Barbie person would need.
Once she was done she fast walked back to Jason’s place, half expecting to find them at each other’s throats. They were not, but the air was more tense than how she left them.
“Absolutely not.”
“I said no.”
Bat—Bruce turned towards her. “She should know.”
“Know what?”
“Don’t!” Jason rushed to step in between them. “Don’t drag her into your bullshit.”
Jazz carefully stepped around Jason, eyes fixed on the still unmoving figure of Bruce by the window. “Know what?” She repeated.
Again voices were coming from the earpiece. Louder this time.
“Tomorrow night,” Bruce took a fortifying deep breath, “there is a family dinner. We’d be delighted if you and Jason joined us.”
“I told the Golden Boy plenty of times that I won’t be going!” Jazz was taken aback by how incensed Jason got with this topic. She understood by now that his relationship with the Waynes was strained, but enough to warrant this reaction? “She won’t be going, I won’t be going, end of conversation!”
“Maybe she should decide for herself.”
“Oh that’s rich!”
Bruce winced. “What I meant to say is…,” he looked her into her eyes and then away. “We… I mean,” the buzzing from the comms became louder, “I would like to invite you, Jasmine, as an apology for… everything. Just dinner. And we can properly, uh, meet. Outside all of…” He made a vague gesture that encompassed his suit.
Jason was going to step in and continue growling, but she stopped him with a hand on his chest. It was good to know what Jason wanted, but she wasn’t sure that cutting all communication was the way to go. Just look at how things go bad so fast when they keep things from each other — why wouldn’t it be the same for him and his family?
“Do you really not want to go?” She turned to ask her boyfriend. If he said no then she was not going, but she needed to ask.
He narrowed his eyes. “You can’t be seriously considering—”
“I just want to know.”
It was a simple question. Yes or no.
And yet, he hesitated, eyes going back and forth between Bruce and herself. There was a certain longing in his eyes — maybe not towards his adoptive father, but it was there. Jason never outright talked about his family, maybe to not reveal many facts that connected him to the dead son of Bruce Wayne, but Jazz had seen him interact with the others. There was banter there, a sense of belonging.
Whatever happened to drift them apart was between Bruce and Jason. Not the rest of the flock.
“I don’t want you to endure them more than you have to,” he finally said, not really answering her question. “It will be more of an interrogation than a family dinner.”
He was probably right. If all of them were the Gotham heroes, it could end up being an intense situation.
“Alfred’s cooking.” Bruce’s words made Jason flinch a little. “He misses you.”
That was not nice, Bruce.
“I’ll go,” this made both jump snap back towards her, “but is not enough of an apology. Or your practiced speech.” She didn’t know what face she was making, but Bruce’s expression was… sad. “You almost cost me everything I have in the Living World and put every death-touched individual in this city in danger.” She didn’t care about mincing words. This wasn’t just about Jason and her, not anymore. “Your meddling has put a target on my back so big and so bright that it has affected every part of my life.”
This made Bruce frown. “What do you mean?”
Jazz took a breath. “You draw a lot of attention, you know? Coming to Arkham in person, asking around about me, only raised suspicion. Dylan is waiting for the pressure to become too much that I resign, and that’s not taking into consideration that he won’t ever approve my changes in Arkham if I stayed.
“On the other side, Gotham has now become a place of interest for the supernatural world. There was a delicate balance, a way things have managed themselves here, and now people will come asking questions and shooting ghosts and I will have to step in and protect them. There is a reason why I was hiding who I am, Bruce.”
“You are an influential individual? In the supernatural world.”
He was fishing for information she wouldn’t provide. For now.
“I am. In a way.” She let him draw his own conclusions. “So the ramifications of what you have done go further than the unpleasant experience.”
“I’m sorry.”
It seemed genuine. She smiled.
“I know you are sorry, but that’s not enough for me.” She shook her head. “We can help each other, though.” She lifted the sigils that pulsed with magic — her magic. “I give you this and we go to the dinner—”
“Hey, I haven’t said—”
“ — and you support me and my cause, publicly. I don’t need your money, just the support.” She added when Bruce lifted an eyebrow. “That will shut up Dylan and make him and his little circle of mobsters wannabes back off for a while.”
“The what?”
“You didn’t know?” She turned towards Jason. “There is a whole operation going on in Arkham. They are not that subtle, but since nobody ever looks at what’s going on at Arkham they don’t have to.”
Jason flinched. Bruce shuffled his feet.
“You guys didn’t know.”
“Okay. It’s… well. We can talk about this later. I have a list.” She turned back to Bruce. “Do we have a deal?”
She walked closer to him and extended her hand. Bruce looked at it like it was going to jump and attack him.
(Did this man really raise Jason?)
“You’ll also have our… my protection, while you stay here. Whatever long that stay is.” He still wasn’t moving, his eyes going towards his estranged son watching the exchange from behind Jazz.
She never expected seeing the dark figure of Batman look so small and vulnerable. Bruce was waiting for Jason’s little nod of approval, it didn’t take much to see it. When he got it, he extended his gloved hand.
There was so much going on there, Jazz knew. The communication issues weren't even the main part of the problem.
But she would take this one day at a time. For the moment she was going to shake Bruce’s hand and smile at him in reassurance.
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