#colonel miles quaritch x oc
outstandingblue · 1 year
Promises to Keep
Fifteen - Oel Ngati Kameie
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recom!miles quaritch x fem!na'vi oc
| Masterlist | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen | Chapter Sixteen | Chapter Seventeen |
Who would do this to themselves? Miles Quaritch would - he wanted her.
cross-posted on ao3 here content warning: angst, hospitals, fluff, mild choking, mild sexual content, making out word count: 8.8k
Miles didn’t visit Jiniraa - not once. Now, that’s not to say Miles didn’t try to visit her - he certainly did. He would stand on the threshold of the door, unable to force his body through. He could barely even toe the line, sometimes only watching through the small window as the thin blinds distorted his line of sight. 
Spider, on the other hand, refused to leave Jiniraa’s side - he would sit and wait, unmoving for hours at a time. Renia had taken a liking to the teen, admiring his devotion to the only maternal figure he’d ever known. She would bring him his meals when she came asses Jiniraa’s condition, always making sure to include a treat or two. 
Spider was angry. Angry at a lot of things - at himself, at Quaritch, at the RDA, at Jake, at Jiniraa. All of them, he was angry. Quaritch and the RDA were easy to justify - they were the reason he was in this place, this cold, metal, lifeless prison of a city. His anger towards Jake was a little harder to rationalize. Spider admired the man unlike anyone else - there was nothing he wanted more than Jake’s approval and acceptance, but when it came down to it, Jake abandoned him. The Sully’s seemingly made no effort to save them from their imprisonment. Being upset with Jiniraa felt wrong, but he couldn’t help himself. He was mad at her for abandoning him - her physical body was here, sure, but she wasn’t there to make him feel better. He just felt utterly alone.
Nothing changed for four days. She was left suspended in unconsciousness as her body fought to repair itself as quickly as possible; her levels were normal and her wound was healing nicely, so it was just a waiting game to see when she would finally wake. Over those four days, Spider slept a cumulative eight hours, not wanting to risk being asleep in case something happened. He was guilty - guilty for falling asleep while she was in surgery. It’s not like he would have realistically been able to do anything, but it continued to weigh on his conscience. What if she needed him? What if she got better? Or what if she got worse? 
Out of pure coincidence, Miles somehow managed to time his almost-visits when Spider was asleep. The medical wing was relatively cleared out by the time he got there, only a skeleton crew of nurses and physicians working the night shift. They were too focused on paperwork and their umpteenth cup of coffee to ever focus on the Colonel.
The fluorescent lights were the worst part of it. Miles hated those lights as a human, but those lights were the bane of his existence as a Recom. His new body was more tuned into his environment, so he was aware of every little thing, whether he liked it or not. Antiseptic lingered in the air - the smell so strong he had to cover his nose from gagging as the wall of chemicals hit him at full force. 
EKGs and pulse-ox machines beeped, increasing and decreasing in volume as Miles passed the rooms of other patients. Jiniraa’s room was at the end of the corridor since it was the only room large enough to accommodate her Na’vi body. The walk down the hallway felt like forever, as if his feet continued to move but made no progress to close the gap. She seemed so far away. 
On the third night, Miles approached the room with a newfound confidence. He was determined to step through that threshold today. She deserved that - she deserved his comfort in her time of need. 
There was no way Spider’s position was comfortable. His neck was bent at a ninety-degree angle to the left, resting atop his palm as his legs were folded beneath his body. His free hand was outstretched, resting in Jiniraa’s limp and seemingly lifeless hand. A familiar green bag rested in his lap, the one Miles secretly gave her so long ago. It looked huge in contrast to his human body since it was basically the size of a backpack to him. Spider’s extra mask and filtration system sat on the table, making the bag collapse without anything holding it up. On the side, there was a small personalization Jiniraa made a week or so before the incident: decorative blue, purple, and green leaves dangled off the side, almost like a Na’vi key chain. 
The memory was fresh in Miles’ head as everything came flooding back at once. 
She was sitting under a large leaf, using it to block an abnormally intense beam of light. Miles leaned over her shoulder, trying to get a good look. “What’re you doin’?”
“Decorating,” she replied back, not looking up from the leaves as she tried different groupings to see what looked the best against the bag. 
“It’s green for a reason,” Miles snickered back, “‘posed to help you blend in, not stand out.”
Jiniraa scoffed, motioning to the world around her, “do you not see all the color around you? This is blending in. Plus your gear is ugly.”
Miles’ ears pinned playfully to his head, tail swishing against the ground in mild annoyance. She had grown confident enough for their playful banter, a volley of low-level insults and quips back and forth became a daily occurrence. 
Miles took a seat next to her, watching as she rubbed long blades of grass in some sort of natural wax to preserve it. Nimble and skilled fingers worked to wrap the preserved strands around the base of the leaves, finally pleased with the arrangement she made. Their different shapes and sizes made them hang at various levels, increasing the depth of the project. Jiniraa secured it to a metal loop on the side of the bag before holding it in front of her to admire the work before looking to Miles, clearly asking for his thoughts. 
He shrugged, “not my style.”
Jiniraa rolled her eyes as she clipped the bag around her waist. It was as if Miles had never noticed the intricate jewelry and ornamentation decorating various parts of her body until that day. Around her ankle, a thin string was wrapped around three or four times, decorated with cool toned beads. A thick braided band was wrapped around her bicep, only braided leather, no intricate beadwork. 
Her neck had the most alluring piece. Miles had found himself staring at her neck a few times before, but somehow never managed to notice the necklace before. A dark leather hand was tight around the base of her throat, dark blue, brown, and bone beads were woven into the band. A stone rested softly on top of her collarbone, wrapped in thinner strands of leather and attached at the base of the necklace. It was small, probably less than the width of Miles’ thumb, but it was entrancing. As she shifted in the light, the semi-translucent stone transitioned from a deep purple to a blush pink. How had he never noticed it before?
“You make all these?”
Jiniraa furrowed her brow for a moment before Miles gestured to her various bands and necklace. Out of habit, her finger ghosted over the stone, “I made this and the anklet.”
Miles nodded, entranced by the way her fingers twisted the stone, “pretty.”
“I can show you where I got it some day,” she smiled back, actually meaning it. She hadn’t been there in years and it would be nice to return. 
“What about this little number?” He reached out, allowing his fingers to brush against the arm band. 
Jiniraa’s entire body language changed in an instant. She retreated inward as her eyes dropped to the ground, losing a little bit of their light. Protecting herself. Once Miles’ fingers left the band, hers replaced it. “It was Tsu’teys.”
Miles hummed, watching her face change out of the corner of his eye as he sat forward, “his name comes up a lot.”
“Tsu’tey raised me along with Neytiri’s sister before they were both killed by the Sky People. Sylwanin was killed first. Then Tsu’tey when they attacked the Tree of Souls fifteen years ago.”
“You don’t have to tell me more,” Miles responded, feeling like he already opened Pandora’s box. Jiniraa reached towards Miles, placing her hand on top of his hand, letting her wingers wrap around his knuckles while he remained still. 
“I’ll tell you more about them,” Jiniraa paused, looking towards the treeline, “but that’s for another day.”
Miles recognized both of those names. He’d heard the first, Sylwanin, when Dr. Augustine threw a fit after her school was attacked and half a dozen Na’vi children were lost. Quaritch didn’t feel bad for the woman, but Miles did. Pandora was infectious, changing him down to his very core. The second name had less importance in his past life, but it always seemed to come up in Jiniraa’s stories of her childhood. He never prodded like this before, but his curiosity was beginning to take over as he wanted to know more - about Pandora, about Spider, and about Jiniraa. He wanted it all. He wanted her. 
It was a punch to the gut. Miles didn’t realize he wanted her until she was unconscious in a hospital bed. The intricate network of wires and tubes made Miles sick to his stomach, they looked so unnatural around her. She should be wrapped up in his bed, surrounded by his warmth and scent. Being stuck in this lifeless room with these goddamn fluorescent lights and the stink of chemicals was not the place for her. 
Miles had all the confidence in the world walking towards her room, but it evaporated in an instance when he arrived. He stood there for the third night in a row and froze when her body came into view. How long was he frozen? A few seconds? A minute? An hour? He really didn’t know. 
Spider shifted in his sleep, hand instinctively tightening around Jiniraa’s fingers, hoping for a response yet there was nothing. Her fingers didn’t even twitch, something Miles noticed she did during the two nights they shared together. For those two nights, he was blessed with the warmth of her body against his own. 
The thought that she was safe in his grasp eased his mind. Her scent and heat infiltrated his senses. She smelled like the juice of a sweet yovo - his favorite of the Pandoran fruits - combined with fresh rain. It was like a drug that he couldn’t get enough of. After experiencing her warmth, he couldn’t sleep without it. He would toss and turn all night wrong, desperately wanting her there with him. Hence finding himself in the medical wing in the middle of the night. 
After the second night, Miles used his override code to get into her apartment in a moment of sheer weakness. Inside was relatively bare but there was a tiny line of stones across Jiniraa’s desk. Spider collected all of them, gifting them periodically throughout their travels.
Even though there was little physical proof she ever lived there, Miles was overwhelmed with Jiniraa’s familiar scent as the door slid closed behind him. In the dark, his eyes quickly spotted a neatly folded sweatshirt on her desk, right next to her line of trinkets. Without second thought, he grabbed it and shoved his face into the fabric. Her scent was even stronger as it had woven itself into the very fibers after just one night. 
Miles moaned as her scent became overpowering - it wasn’t a sexual moan, but more painful in nature. It had only been a few days without seeing her eyes as they danced between the Recoms when an argument broke out or heard her laugh when Spider told a joke, but the time made all the difference. He was empty without her by his side. He knew she wouldn’t be safe at his side, but he couldn’t help it. Miles wanted her more than anything. He couldn’t do that. He couldn’t submit to that selfish desire, not when it would only cause her more pain in the future. 
Spider’s eyes remained closed as he cracked his neck. Miles’ head snapped towards the teenager, not realizing he was beginning to wake up. Miles had two options. Option one - move out of the doorway and pretend he was never there, but that would mean not being able to see Jiniraa any longer. Option two - hold his ground and let the kid see he was there. That also was not the best option; Spider was unbelievably distraught when he woke up after Jiniraa’s surgery, screaming profanities until Miles left the room. 
Option one was more favorable, but he didn’t have time to decide as Spider already locked his fiery eyes on the Recom. He seethed with rage as his nostrils flared, seeming he was angrier than the day he first met Miles.
“Hey kid.”
Spider said nothing, ripping his gaze away and looking towards Jiniraa. She looked the same as before. He squeezed her hand again but got nothing in response. Miles hesitated in the doorway before finally stepping through. He had finally crossed the physical and mental threshold, bringing him closer to the woman in the hospital bed.
Spider did a once over of the ghost of his father, noticing his disheveled appearance. He wasn’t in his usual fatigues, boots, and a tank. Instead, he was in dark loose sweatpants cinched tightly around his waist. His feet were bare - ever since Jiniraa convinced everyone to take off their boots in the forest, no one had any desire to put them back on ever again. His top was a sweatshirt, the collar was stretched and loose around his neck from how many times he pulled it to take a deep inhale of Jiniraa’s scent, making the same motion as the regulator currently around his neck. Spider still had no clue that Jiniraa spent the night in Miles’ room. No clue that it was Jiniraa’s scent etched into the sweatshirt. No clue how much Miles cared about her. He knew none of it. 
“What do you want?” Spider growled out.
Miles raised his hands in mock surrender, “just checkin’ on her.”
Under his breath, Spider mumbled, “haven’t done that before.”
Miles grit his teeth. He was trying to be civil, but the kid was making it pretty damn hard. He tried his best to suppress the desire to scold the kid, acknowledging the stress he was under, but that didn’t stop Miles’ patience from wearing thin. “Yes I have. You’ve been too busy snoozin’ to notice.”
Miles wouldn’t admit he was too scared to walk through the door. Spider didn’t need to know that. 
“Why are you here?” Spider demanded.
Miles shifted his weight from one foot to another, “I believe I just told you.”
“That’s not what I’m asking.” Spider wouldn’t break their intense eye contact. Miles knew what he was trying to ask. Why do you care?
“Look, kid,” Miles sighed, “it’s complicated.”
“What is?”
“Everything,” Miles admitted.
Miles rubbed at his face, pulling the tired skin taut. That’s what would have happened if Spider saw him, but he hadn't. A quick slide to the right and Miles pressed himself flush against the cool metal wall. A coward’s escape. Miles exited as quickly as he came, pressing his hands against his ears when Spider began begging for Jiniraa to wake up. He couldn’t listen to the pain in the kid’s voice knowing she wasn’t going to respond. 
He wanted her, but it didn’t matter what Miles wanted. He couldn’t be Miles anymore because it was his fault she was in this position. From here on out, he needed to be Quaritch - and Quaritch had a mission to complete. 
By the fifth day, Renia was beginning to seriously worry. Based on her countless scans and tests, Jiniraa had no reason to still be in her unconscious state. She should be up and moving, not plastered to the bed like a dead body. Her chest continued to rise and fall while her eyes moved under closed lids, but that was it.
Renia tossed a small muffin to Spider. Bridgehead muffins were always dry, but a muffin was a muffin and Renia quickly learned Spider like the chocolate ones. Spider gave a quick thanks before digging into the pastry. Renia wasn’t in her avatar form today, so it was a little jarring when a human walked in rather than a huge blue body. She looked relatively the same, but her rich skin was a sharp contrast to the gray scrubs and white coat. Spider noticed small gold jewelry that decorated the shells of her ears, dangled around her neck, and pierced through her nose. Her long thin braids were pulled back over her shoulder in a ponytail, the same hairstyle her avatar always had. Except, of course, she didn’t have a braid that reached her tail - she also didn’t have the tail, obviously. 
“How’d you sleep last night, Spider?” Renia asked, moving around quietly as Spider finished his morning treat. She checked the IV stuck into Jiniraa’s hand, hung a new bag of fluids, and read the monitor. 
“Not great,” Spider shrugged, mouth full of his muffin, “did you stop by last night?”
Renia shook her head, taking note of Jiniraa’s steady heart rate. “No, why? I don’t think Bly did either.”
Spider pursed his lips. He was sure he saw someone last night as their figure retreated into the darkness. He didn’t press the issue further, he must’ve just had a sleep-driven haze. “So anything new?”
“No, I’m sorry, Spider. I wish I had other news for you.” Renia shared in sorrow. Spider nodded, squeezing Jiniraa’s hand once more. A moment passed, then two, then countless others as he waited, but she never squeezed back.
The day came and went the same as always - Renia came in the morning and gave Spider a little food before checking on Jiniraa, then Bly and Renia came together around lunch with some more food and ran more tests, Renia would come after dinner to deliver more food and check Jiniraa’s vitals while Mansk awkwardly hovered near the door.
The cat was out of the bag with Mansk and Renia, so they didn’t have to sneak around as much anymore. Apparently everyone had known for sometime, proven by Ja’s outburst in the forest. Still, Mansk couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable standing there as Spider would occasionally glance over. He left his sunglasses on a table in Renia’s office, assuming it was just going to be a quick check in, so he had nothing to hide under. 
“Anything new?” Spider asked the same question every time Jiniraa came, desperately hoping for a different answer. Renia was forced to give him the same disappointing answer, time and time again. Both of their voices were beginning to lose their hopefulness as despair settled deep in their stomachs. What if she didn’t wake up? Then what?
Like usual, Spider squeezed Jiniraa’s hand and waited. Renia slung her stethoscope over her shoulder, sliding Jiniraa’s hospital gown back into place before getting up to move. 
Then it happened - Spider almost screamed as Jiniraa’s finger twitched ever so slightly against him. Apparently he did scream as the noise made Renia’s data pad tumble to the ground and Mansk reached for the gun strapped to his thigh. 
“What the hell, Spider?” Renia scolded, reaching down to grab the data pad from the ground, inspecting it for damage. 
“She moved! She moved! Her hand - it twitched against me! Look!” Spider yelled, standing up in his chair.
Renia glanced over to Mansk before hurrying over, a sad look in her eyes. It wouldn’t be the first time she had seen someone imagine their loved one doing something in their comatose state. Spider could have been seeing things, driven to imagine a better scenario than the horrible situation he was faced with. Renia didn’t know what she would do if Spider had been wrong, but he wasn’t. She was in her avatar body in the evening, so she towered over Spider as she watched Jiniraa’s fingers fidget against the small human.
“Oh my god,” Renia pointed back to Mansk, “um, page Bly.”
Mansk reached into Renia’s white coat as it laid across one of the chairs, fumbling with the fabric as he tried to find the pager. Once the device was in his hands, he didn’t know what to do. He’d never used a pager before - hell, he hated that goddamn thing. He pushed the device into Renia’s grip. He knew how to shoot and kill, not how to use a pager. 
“Are you kidding?” She quickly pressed on a few buttons, sending a message directly to Bly. She should be here in a few minutes. When everyone was leaving dinner, Bly made a comment about visiting the gym since she hadn’t been there in a while in her avatar body. 
“Jiniraa? Jiniraa? It’s me, Dr. Renia Cox. You’re okay. You had an emergency surgery and you’ve been out for a couple of days.”
Jiniraa’s eyes began to open. It took a few seconds before she realized she didn’t recognize her location at all, beginning to look a little more frantic. Jiniraa laid flat on the bed, unmoving as her eyes adjusted to the blinding fluorescents. Renia’s voice was far away and indistinguishable. She kept talking, but Jiniraa only caught bits and pieces. Her brain was too frazzled to even attempt to put those pieces together. 
An even brighter light made Jiniraa flinch backwards. She tried to cover her sensitive eyes, but the wires and tubes made it almost impossible. She hastily pulled at everything as she finally came to her senses. She felt trapped and tied up. 
“‘Niraa, it’s okay. You’re okay.” Spider tried to reassure Jiniraa, but Renia pushed him behind her as Jiniraa’s limbs began to flail around. With her strength, she could easily throw Spider across the room with ease. Mansk mirrored his partner, holding Jiniraa’s other arm down against the bed until she calmed down enough. Jiniraa only settled when the exhaustion took over. 
“Jiniraa,” Renia insisted, “I need you to breathe. You’re okay, you’re safe. It’s me, Mansk, and Spider.”
“I’m here, I’m here,” Bly came running in. Her skin gleamed with sweat, both from the workout and the spring from the medical wing. Lyle and Ja trailed behind, both in their workout outfits as well, they’d been in the gym when Bly got her page. 
Renia pointed to Lyle, “Wainfleet, get the Colonel.” Lyle nodded and turned to run out of the medical wing. It would be faster than trying to get ahold of him via their tablets. Ja assumed Mank’s place in the mix, the two doctors and one field medic working in tandem to check on Jiniraa and keep her calm. 
Being the most familiar of the faces, Jiniraa locked eyes with Ja, “where’s Spider?” Her voice was weak, scratchy and rough from not being used in so long. 
The human quickly weaved through the legs of the two woman closest and climbed up on Jiniraa’s bed, “I’m so happy to see you.”
Jiniraa’s eyes filled with tears, mirroring Spider’s own expression, “Oel ngati kameie, sweet boy.”
“Oel ngati kameie, ‘Niraa.”
Jiniraa looked around, “where’s Miles?”
Renia couldn’t help the smile that formed on her face, “Wainfleet is already on his way to get the Colonel, he’ll be here soon, don’t worry.” Jiniraa nodded, pulling Spider closer to her.
Ja silently slipped out of the room as it suddenly felt overcrowded. Mansk shifted his weight, nodding to his comrade, “she alright now?”
Ja crossed his arms, turning to stand shoulder to shoulder with Mansk so he could peer into the room as well. “Yeah, just a little shaken I think.”
A few minutes later, a single set of boots could be heard coming down the corridor. They were quiet and unhurried as Lyle returned with his tail between his legs, shooting a look to Mansk and Ja, almost a plea as he called forward, “um, doc?”
In unison, Bly and Renia responded, “yes?”
“Can I talk to you out here?” Lyle asked, continuing to look at Mansk and Ja for some sort of moral support. He knew the news he was about to deliver wouldn’t go down well. 
Renia handed off the monitor before joining the growing group in the corridor, “what is it, Wainfleet?”
“Well…” he trailed off. Mansk’s lip twitched upward as his chest swelled in pride. He’d only ever seen Lyle act like this in front of Renia, finding her absolutely terrifying for some reason. She wasn’t someone Lyle was able to just push around or use his muscles to impress. 
“Spit it out.” She deadpanned, “I don’t have time for this.” 
“Colonel didn’t want to come,” Lyle sputtered out quickly.
“What do you mean he didn’t want to come?” Renia growled.
Lyle paused, mouth hanging open as he looked to his comrades for help. Both averted their eyes - this was Lyle’s problem, not theirs - he would have to deal with Renia’s wrath himself.
“That’s what he said!” He screeched out, exasperated that she didn’t seem to get the message. The commotion caught the attention of Bly, Spider, and Jiniraa as their attention snapped to the hallway before sharing confused looks.
“That fucking coward,” Renia spat, “where is he?”
Mansk could see the fire in her eyes, so he decided to try and bring her down a level, “Ren, I don't’ think-”
She ignored him, not even acknowledging that he stepped forward, “Wainfleet. Now.”
Mansk quickly shut his mouth. Her demanding tone wasn’t directed towards him, but it made his tail want to hide between his legs as well. Renia reached up, grabbing Lyle by the ear before forcing him down to her height. Her nail pressed into the soft shell, almost hard enough to draw blood. 
“Shooting range. Outdoors.” Lyle admitted in defeat, nursing his ear once Renia released. He knew she wouldn’t ease up until he gave her what she wanted. Like a little firecracker. 
Renia grumbled, already moving down the corridor. Mansk jogged to catch up and lightly grabbed her elbow, trying to slow her down. “Ren, I don’t think this is the best idea.”
“No, Mansk, it is his fault she’s in that goddamn bed in the first place. And now he gets to be a coward and not come? Why? Because he doesn’t want to? Well tough shit. I’ll drag him back here kicking and screaming if I need to.” Renia roughly pulled her elbow out of Mansk’s hold, resuming her march right away. She might as well have been wearing bricks on her feet with how much noise she made. Mansk shot a glare at Lyle as he followed the doctor out - maybe if he hadn’t been a bitch and stood up to the Colonel when Renia asked, this wouldn’t be happening. 
Renia didn’t bother to wait for Mansk as she walked outside, quickly moving towards the outdoor shooting range. The sun was beginning to set and the outdoor field lights had been turned on, dampening the natural Pandoran beauty. 
Miles stood, rifle tucked into his shoulder as he rapidly shot down the alley, hitting the center repeatedly. When the doctor called out, Miles either didn’t hear her anger over his rapid fire or he didn’t care to halt his actions. She didn’t slow her approach as Mansk trailed closely behind, knowing it would be easier to stop the Colonel than Renia. He was being proactive, trying to protect both her and their relationship. If he dared to stop her pursuit, he would never hear the end of it. 
“Colonel Quaritch!” Renia fumed.
Miles set his rifle in a gun stand before slipping his revolver from the holster on his thigh - six shots, six bulls eyes. His shoulders were tense, muscles pulled tightly around his neck. His tail flicked around in utter annoyance while his ears pinned against his head - they spent more time pinned than they did relaxed. “What, woman?”
“It’s doctor.”
“What do you want?” He was already to grab another magazine. Based on the empties spread across the table, Quaritch had been out here for a while. He was never one to haphazardly waste precious ammunition like this, yet he was spending hours at the range, even in the dead of night. After each failed attempt to visit Jiniraa, he would spend the next two hours at the outdoor range. 
“She’s awake.” Renia’s tone had yet to soften, bothered by how rudely the Colonel had been ignoring her. Miles’ actions were stunned for a second before resuming as if nothing happened. If you hadn’t been looking, you wouldn’t have noticed it.
“And?” She barked. “The fuck do you mean and?”
“What do you want me to do about it? Jump around and celebrate?” Miles scoffed, turning around to look at the pair that stared back at him. He lent back against the side of the table, crossing his arms and attempted to seem as uninterested as possible. 
“Well, maybe you should, considering it's your fault she was unconscious in the first place.”
Miles bared his teeth, completely seething at this point, “yes, thank you for reminding me. Something you’ve done every day over the last fucking week.”
Renia mirrored the Colonel’s body language, crossing her arms over her chest, “yeah, so you could at least act like you feel bad.”
That seemed to hit a nerve with Miles. He was trying so hard to put up this facade. If only she knew how much he was hurting deep down. If she could hear his thoughts for even ten seconds, she would be utterly overwhelmed by how much Jiniraa had infiltrated his every thought, every action, every breath. He couldn’t even fucking breathe without thinking about the mask strapped to her face, “don’t you dare tell me how I feel.”
“Then stop being a fucking coward, Colonel.” Renia held her ground, even as Miles’ hand twitched at his sides. Rage was coursing through his veins, something Mansk easily picked up on.
“Alright, why don’t we take a step back?” Mansk suggested, placing himself between the pair. He couldn’t tell who wanted to kill who more. Honestly, it was probably Renia.
Renia pointed over Mansk’s shoulder, continuing their spat, “if you aren’t going to see her then at least do it for the kid. You’ve neglected your son while his mother is out of commission.”
“He’s not my son.” Miles didn’t comment on the insinuation that Jiniraa was Spider’s mother. Everyone knew she assumed the maternal role from a young age, basically raising the human as she raised herself. They had to find their way together in the world, but they had yet to find their place. 
Miles huffed three more times before turning back to the table, leaning both hands against it. He could reload the revolver’s chamber and just go back to shooting until the doc got the message, but she was determined. She would stand there until the sun came up if it meant getting her way. “How is she?”
Renia relaxed, seeing the Colonel wasn’t going to stonewall her anymore. She pushed Mansk’s extended arm away, shooting him a look that said I got this. “She wants to see you. Asked for you.”
She wants to see him. She asked for him. “How is she?”
Renia’s gaze softened at the look on Quaritch’s face. He wouldn’t look her in the eyes when he asked the question, preferring to focus on the bullet he rolled between his fingers. 
Renia rested a tentative hand against Miles’ shoulder. He tensed instantly, not used to any sort of comfort, let alone physical. It was okay, but what he really wanted was Jiniraa’s comforting touch. “She’s okay. Really, Quaritch, she’s okay.”
“Is she upset?” 
Renia seemed to understand what the Colonel was really asking - is she upset with me? She shook her head, “I don’t think she would have asked for you if she was upset.”
Mansk offered his own opinion on the matter, “she seemed pretty upset to me.” Renia shot a glare at her partner, eyes a little harsh to ask why he would say that. “You know - I mean, like just from waking up.” 
Mansk tried to fix his misstep, but the damage was already done. Miles' ears perked up in alert. He wanted Mansk to elaborate, but the couple seemed to have a silent debate through their facial expressions. 
Renia sighed, removing her hand from the Colonel’s shoulder, “I think you being there would help, sir.”
Miles scoffed at the irony of it all, “you have spent the past week bitchin’ at me about how this is all my fault.”
“Yes, and?”
“And now you want me there.” He laughed at his own misery.
“She wants you there. Why can’t you get that through your thick skull, Quaritch?”
Miles’ lip curled back in hostility, but Renia’s words had merit. Jiniraa asked for him to come. He nodded before grabbing his revolver, reloading and clicking on the safety before sliding it back into the holster before slinging his rifle over his shoulder. He didn’t say anything to the doctor and Recom as he pushed past them to head back inside.
Once the Colonel was out of earshot, Mansk turned to Renia, “You make me nervous sometimes, you know? Next time tell me before you start threatening my superior like that.”
Renia winked before balancing on her toes to place a soft kiss at the corner of his mouth - her favorite thing to her. “I gotta keep you on your toes, love.”
There was something different about approaching the medical wing knowing she was awake. Adrenaline and nervousness coursed through Miles’ veins, making him feel like he was on fire. Hands continuously clenched and released as the distance to Jiniraa got smaller, but he didn’t slow once. He knew that if he slowed even the slightest, he would stop - he had to push if he was going to see her.
Everything in his head screamed to turn around. Just a few quick turns and he would be back in his apartment. He could hide out there, but it would only be a matter of time before she infiltrated his thoughts once more. He had no way to escape her, so he might as well throw himself into the fire. He was already in Hell anyway.
The two knuckleheads known as Lyle and Ja stood in the hallway, playing rock-paper-scissors to see who would be the unlucky one to go find Dr. Cox. As of right now, they were the best out of thirty-one. 
“Boss?” Lyle tilted his head while glancing at Ja, but he wasn’t focused on the hallway conversation anymore.
“What, Wainfleet?” Miles challenged, daring him to say something. 
“Nothin’, just didn’t expect to see you is all.”
“Well, now you do.” Miles retorted before changing the conversation, “how is she?”
“You could go in and see for yourself, she’s right there.” Ja was too preoccupied watching Bly to even realize the words left his mouth until it was too late. Miles stood with a cocked eyebrow and crossed arms, daring him to say something else. Ja suddenly was keenly aware of the rifle slung across the Colonel’s back.
Miles pushed past them, sending Ja a harsher than usual scowl before standing in the threshold of the door - a place he’d found himself stuck before. This time was different - he wasn’t sick to his stomach at the sight in front of him. No, not this time. Spider sat on the bed next to Jiniraa, slightly curling into her good side as words spilled from his mouth, trying to share every little thought he had over the past five days. They were too preoccupied to notice the Colonel’s presence, but Miles wouldn’t risk ruining their moment so he waited. His turn would come. 
Bly was the one who noticed the presence of someone new in the room, gasping in surprise, “hello Colonel.”
Miles waved her off, locking eyes with Jiniraa as her mouth pulled into the smallest smile, lip quivering ever so slightly. Bly took her leave, hanging her head low as she slipped past the Colonel to join Lyle and Ja in the corridor. 
Lyle snickered as Bly joined that, “what’re you scared?” Bly punched him in the bicep and he rubbed at the muscle as if her punch actually hurt. 
Ja barked out a single laugh, “says the one with his tail between his legs because of Cox.”
“Fuck you,” Lyle muttered under his breath. Ja just hummed as he rolled his eyes. 
Jiniraa squeaked out a little hello as Miles approached, but he didn’t return the greeting. He did a once over of her, still not liking the way the hospital gown laid against her and the tubing that rested on top. Her mask was hanging against her neck, only needed periodically rather than constantly. 
He continued to say nothing as he approached - the silence was slightly unsettling, making Jiniraa reposition herself on the bed. Her stitches pulled as she tried to sit up more, making her suck in a sharp breath. Miles was instantly at her side, no longer taking those painfully slow and calculated steps. “You okay?”
Jiniraa laughed, “not even going to say hello first?”
“No. Are you okay?” Miles repeated. Jiniraa brought her hand to cup the side of his face. He remained completely still - afraid if he moved she would retract her hand and it would never return. 
“I am okay, Miles, I promise.”
Spider scoffed beside them, crossing his arms across his chest while turning around to sulk towards the wall. Jiniraa rolled her eyes at the childish antics and Miles raised a brow. They both knew Spider didn’t like Miles - that much was clear - but Spider hadn’t filled Jiniraa in on how he went bat shit on him while she was in surgery.
If it were really a choice, who would have chosen this? Deep down, Miles wished he never met her in the forest and he wished she never made such an impact on his life. But at this point, he couldn’t undo the past or the present. Maybe he wasn’t brought back just to hunt down Sully. Maybe, just maybe, he was brought back so one day he would cross paths with Jiniraa. Even though he wants it, he knows he didn’t own Jiniraa - she didn’t belong to him. He belonged to her. He was hers, mind, body and soul, he was hers and that would never change. 
Jiniraa ultimately pulled her hand away. Miles knew it was too good to be true, but she didn’t pull away quickly. It was a slow retract as she wanted to keep her hand there as long as possible. Everything he thought earlier was suddenly under her soft touch. 
Jiniraa smiled at Miles as she stealthily reached around Spider’s chest before seizing down and pulling him towards her. Her hair found its way into his hair, rubbing erratically so his hair would stand straight up. Spider thrashed in her grasp, but the smile on his face showed this wasn’t the first time he found himself in this situation. Miles couldn’t help the small twitch in his lip as he watched their playful interaction. 
Spider eventually managed to slip out of Jiniraa’s iron grip. He seemed to be in a better mood, so Miles took the opportunity, “hey kid.”
Spider’s sour face returned instantly, “old man.”
Miles ears pinned, “what did I say-”
Jiniraa’s tut made Miles stop in his tracks, lowering the finger he had pointed at Spider. The kid smirked, knowing Jiniraa was there to defend him and Miles could do nothing. Spider slid off the bed, deciding he didn’t want to be in the room any longer. Based on the looks they were giving each other, he could already tell where this was going.
“How you feelin’?” Miles asked, standing right next to her bed. 
Jiniraa rolled her eyes, “I already said-”
“No - you said you were okay. I asked how you were feeling.”
Jiniraa stretched her arms out in front of her, “I want to get up and move. I’m stiff.”
Miles was apprehensive, but regardless if it’s what she wanted then he couldn’t do anything to stop her. “Are you sure?”
“Yes. I need to move. That doctor - I think her name was Campbell - she said I can.” 
Miles didn’t have time to protest or react as Jiniraa moved to slide her legs off the bed, making her chest to chest with the Colonel. His breath was fanning down on her face and she could feel the heat radiating from.
Given their close proximity, Miles only needed to whisper for Jiniraa to hear, “hi, sweetheart.”
She matched his volume, “hi, Miles.” Jiniraa’s gaze kept flickering between his lips and eyes as she continued, “no more baby?”
“Oh no, that’s still here.”
Jiniraa hummed, jutting her chin up slightly. If he just leaned forward the tiniest bit, they would make contact. They both wanted the touch, desperately. She was almost whimpering at how much she needed the touch, but he didn’t move. Not here. Not in this sterile room with these fluorescent lights and the overwhelming smell of chemicals. It wasn’t right and she deserved better. Better than him, but she didn’t want anyone else. She knew that - she’s known since he cradled her face with desperate eyes after she was attacked.
Miles was also keenly aware of the peanut gallery behind them, not even trying to hide their interest in the series of events transpiring in the tiny recovery room. So, he took a step back, but not before grabbing onto her hand to make contact, softly rubbing his thumb against her knuckles. Jiniraa was upset, clearly under the assumption that she did something wrong. Maybe he didn't want her after all and she was just some little naive village girl. 
Miles called Bly back in to unhook Jiniraa from her IV and everything else. Miles towered over her as she worked. He was large and imposing to everyone, but Bly was the shortest avatar he’d ever seen. 
Lyle leaned against the door frame, Ja standing slightly behind, “finally awake sleeping beauty?” Jiniraa just blinked, not understanding his reference. “Ah, I’m just joking. Glad to see you’re up, kid.”
“I’m older than you,” Jiniraa threw back with a lopsided smile. Lyle waved a hand at her, dismissing the snide remark.
“Alright,” Bly started as she took a step back. “You’re gonna have to take it slow. Your body is going to be weak from these past few days.”
Jiniraa nodded, moving to push her feet to the floor. She tried to put weight on them, but they gave out instantly. Miles instinctively wrapped an arm around her waist, holding her against his chest as she regained her footing. Miles lowered his mouth to Jiniraa’s ear, lips brushing against the pointed tip, “I recall us being in this position the first time we met, baby. You really do go weak in the knees for me.”
Her face burned as she pushed against his chest, trying to prove she could stand on her own. Miles stepped back, but kept a hand outstretched as she took her first tentative steps. There was a throbbing pain around the stitches, but nothing too drastic. Jiniraa continued to berate Bly, asking if she could go outside as the woman checked on her stitches. After the fourth plea, Bly finally gave in. 
Jiniraa’s top was fine, but her pants had to be cut off for her surgery - it’s not like they weren’t already ruined from the attack. Renia had already set out a pair of her own pants for the Na’vi when she woke up. Miles pushed the peanut gallery out of the doorway, closing it behind them so Bly and Jiniraa would have some privacy. 
Lyle wiggled his brows at the Colonel, but didn’t say anything. Words were more punishable than suggestive gestures, something he learned years ago when it came to the Colonel. In sync, Ja and Spider rolled their eyes. 
A long minute later, the door reopened and Jiniraa walked out - long black pants, her tan top, and a familiar black field jacket. Miles quickly ushered her away from the group, not wanting to hear what everyone had to say. He did, however, wait long enough for Jiniraa to make sure the Recoms would take Spider to their housing zone. 
Miles normally moved at a brutal pace, made possible by his long legs and unrelenting determination, but tonight he was forced to slow down. Jiniraa’s movements were slow, as expected, but she wouldn’t let the ebbing pain halt her movements completely. It was nice to just move on her own two feet, plus it gave them time to savor the moment. 
Once they were outside, Jiniraa was suddenly glad she slipped on the jacket. The temperature had dropped significantly since she was outside. Miles seemed to catch the sight of her shivering, slipping a hand inside the open panel of her jacket to rest against her bare back, “the storm came through two days ago. Been a lot cooler since.”
Jiniraa nodded, looking up at the sky, “too bad I missed it. I like watching the rain.”
In their search for a secluded place, Miles ended back up at the shooting range. It was almost ironic - he came here to escape his thoughts about Jiniraa because it was the only place he didn’t have memories associated with her. He couldn’t help but laugh, he wouldn’t be able to return here without thinking of her again. 
“What’s so funny?” Jiniraa prodded, continuing to look up at the clear sky. 
“Nothin’,” he turned to her, checking their surroundings to make sure they truly were alone - there wasn’t a human or Recom in sight. Thank God. He brushed a piece of Jiniraa’s hair back, tucking it around her ear. It gave him the opportunity to cup the side of her face, feeling her press into his hand.
“Can I show you something?” Her voice was growing increasingly breathy as their faces neared.
“Of course.”
Jiniraa turned, pressing her back against his front. He sucked in a breath, not knowing where she was going with this until her finger pointed towards the sky. He followed the length of her arm, almost smiling at how the fabric bunched around her arm since the jacket was multiple sizes too large. “What am I lookin’ at?”
Jiniraa shook her hand, “right there - that’s Earth. That’s your home. Sky is always clearer after a big storm, easier to see.”
“I still have no clue where I’m lookin’, there’s hundreds of stars.”
Jiniraa grumbled in annoyance, reaching behind to pull Miles down to her height. She grabbed his chin, bringing it down to rest on her shoulder so she’d have an easier time pointing out the far away planet, “see that? Right there.”
“No, baby, I don’t see nothing.”
Jiniraa huffed, “you’re not even trying.” Jiniraa tried to think of more ways to get Miles to find his home in her sky, but she was interrupted by a soft nuzzling into her neck. She froze, moving her eyes to the side to confirm it was - in fact - Miles nuzzling into her. She didn’t even have to ask before he already offered an answer, not bashful in the slightest.
“I don’t care about his home right now. You smell good.” His voice was muffled as he pressed into the juncture of her neck, taking a deep whiff of her scent.
Jiniraa hummed, moving her head to the side so Miles could continue his ministrations. What she didn’t expect was the feeling of his lips at the juncture of her neck, just a light touch then the scraping of teeth against her skin. She said nothing - afraid he would pull away if she even breathed too deeply. Her eyelids fluttered closed, suddenly heavy in the euphoria her body was experiencing.
Miles’ large hands slipped around her, one played across her stomach while the other made its way up her neck, wrapping around her jaw to hold her still. It’s not like she wanted to move anyway, but the hold kept her locked in place. His touches grew bolder, leaving a trail of saliva as he transitioned from little pecks to fevered open-mouth kisses.
The weight of Miles’ hand against her stomach was suddenly heavy as it began to press and knead the flesh he came in contact with. Truth be told, Jiniraa couldn’t tell if she wanted his fingers to slide upwards and graze the underside of her breast like before or trail down as she felt the liquid heat pooling below.
Needing more of his touch, Jiniraa leaned further into him, pressing entirely against him. Miles’ teeth drug over her pulse as she pressed against his hardened member. She didn’t know what she had done, but she continued to press further into him. 
Jiniraa tried to turn in Miles’ grasp, but he tightened his hold on her jaw to continue assaulting her neck, “Miles…”
Oh that voice - there it was again. Breathy and dazed, this time without any reservations. Miles eased up slightly, enough that she could turn in his hold. Jiniraa felt his fingers tense around her jaw as she made eye contact with him. His thumb came up to brush along her lower lip, pulling down before letting it bounce back into place.
Their eyes connected and everything else faded away. No more thinking about the RDA. No more thinking about Spider. No more thinking about Sully. No more. Only the here and now, nothing else. 
“I think I like lookin’ at your stars more,” Jiniraa’s face was flushed as the heat from her abdomen ignited a fire within. Miles couldn’t help but notice those purple tipped ears, the ones he’d been so fascinated with before. He trailed his finger down her face, connecting her illuminating dots into one long drawn out line from her ear, down her neck, across her shoulder, and finally stopping on her chest. “I kinda want to see where they go from here.”
“Yeah?” Jiniraa breathed out, voice laced with desire.
“Yeah, I do,” Miles replied a little patronizingly. He watched her mouth open and close numerous times as she tried to find the words, “use your words, baby, tell me what you want.”
He needed her to say it. Say that she wanted him, but she remained quiet as she slowly brought her hand up to his chest, mirroring the flat palm he had against her. His eyes flickered down before returning to her face. She no longer was struggling to find the words. She knew what she wanted to say and how to say it. “Miles, you have a choice right now. You can continue what Quaritch started all those years ago or you can forge your own path. You have a strong heart. Let it tell you where you’re going next. Don’t let the memories of a dead man control this new life you have been blessed with.”
“That what you want me to do?”
“I want you to do what your heart is telling you to do.”
As so, Miles closed the gap between them and they finally connected. She stilled for a second before melting into him as she allowed her entire being to be consumed by his touch. The fire was racing across her skin. His hands wandered the expanse of her body, gripping and squeezing at every opportunity he had.
Jiniraa whimpered into his mouth, feeling light headed at the loss of air, but she didn’t dare separate them. Miles’ hand crept back from her chest to her neck, lightly resting along the sides but not applying any pressure. 
Miles’ tongue swiped along her lower lip, just a quick warning before he slipped it between her lips. He groaned into her mouth at the taste of her, lightly squeezing the sides of her throat, trying to coax another sound out of her. 
Jiniraa’s hands released Miles’ shirt from her grip before sliding it up his shoulders, feeling the muscle shift under her fingers. Her nails scraped along the length of his arm, pausing and making crescent shaped indents when he overwhelmed her senses. They finally settled on his own fingers around her neck. 
Needing air, Jiniraa reluctantly pulled back. Miles’ mouth tried to chase hers, but he wasn’t able to make contact. Opening his eyes, Miles was met with Jiniraa’s even more flushed face, half-lidded eyes, and of course her hand on top of his own, securing its place around her throat. Even though she was still fully clothed, it was the most seductive sight he’d ever seen. 
“I’ve chosen, baby.” Miles whispered, keeping the conversation hushed. “I promise you.”
Jiniraa smiled, eyes twinking, “oel ngati kameie, Miles.”
Next: Sixteen - Playin' Around
we've officially entered a new era of this story. buckle up ;)
taglist - let me know if you'd like to be added
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whereireid · 1 year
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𝐂𝐎𝐂𝐊 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 — 𝐰/ 𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬
a/n: a very short drabble about daddy quaritch and his bunny (me) warnings: cockwarming, cum, nickname (bunny), daddy!kink, power imbalance, established relationship
There’s a shuffling of hips, followed swiftly by quiet grunts of frustration, and the feeling of Quaritch’s slender blue fingers digging into your thighs.
“What are you doing? I said don’t move, bunny.”
Silence beats through the air for a second - an innocent pause, and you squeeze your eyes shut, breathing in deeply through your mouth. It’s hard to ignore the throbbing of Quaritch’s cock as you clench around him. It consumes you, drowns you like an alarming wave, and you whimper as he shuffles slightly, his strong hands holding you in place.
It’s dreadful how his cum leaks out of your pussy so slowly. Dreadful how he watches, his thumb smearing his cum over your cunt, trying to keep it as close to your hole as possible. You hiss in result, bucking forwards, your breath sharp as his cock presses wonderfully against the sensitive bud inside of your pussy.
“Bunny, you’re terrible at listening to your daddy today.” It makes you pout when his heavy balls smack against your ass slightly as he repositions himself, looking at your cunt, satisfied with how red and swollen it looks.
“Sorry, ‘ts just hurting.”
You involuntarily clench around him again when he slides a finger up the slits of your cunt. Quaritch tuts, his hot breath heavy against your neck. You’re so tight, your cunts restraint on him so constricting it feels like you’re trying to milk him again.
And maybe you are. “You want some more of daddy’s milk, bunny?” Quaritch pouts mockingly, grinning to himself as you mewl and readjust your legs. There’s a dull pain which is numbing your senses - perhaps it’s caused by the antagonizing throbbing of his cock inside of you every few seconds.
Your head lulls against his chest. “I want more,” you breathe, accepting that your fate tonight is to sit here, ready and wanting for whenever Quaritch wants.
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xstarsdiary · 6 months
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ミ day 001 : 𝐂𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 ❦
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@neteyamsyawntu 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 : pet names, needy reader, dom miles, sub reader, size kink.
𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐬 : miles quaritch x fem human reader
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : really fucking short - the other prompts will be longer, 𝐦𝐝𝐧𝐢 𝟏𝟖+
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Miles sat at his desk, reading through files and submitting work as he so desperately tried to ignore how your gummy walls suctioned his cock, squeezing his thick length and drenching it with your sticky arousal.
The two of you had been like this for an hour or so, your small tawtute pussy begging to be fucked as whines and mewls escaped your throat every so often. Your head rested against his big, muscular chest which was only covered by his thin forest green tank top as miles used one of his large navi hands to hold both of yours behind your back, his other hand used to do work.
“Miles..” you managed to breathe out, his name used as a plead to fuck you. Your clenching pussy tempted him, it drove him fucking mad and all he wanted to do was absolutely destroy you, to pound into your tiny pussy until all you could think of was his cock.
He pushed those thoughts aside as he remembered how pleasing it was to see you like this. So small. So full. So needy. He knew that he would snap soon though but he wanted to see just how far he could push himself.
“Jus’ a few more minutes, princess. You can have me soon. I promise.” His gruff voice comes out, a groan threatening to leave his mouth as he gulps. One more file. One more, Miles. He tells himself, knowing that he won’t be able to get through just one more.
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@plooto ❥
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whoreish-behaviour · 1 year
The colonel's new look in Avatar 2 is doing something to me 🧎‍♀️
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Part 2 is here
I have no idea wtf this is honestly lol
Send me Avatar requests :))
Na'vi!Colonel Quaritch x Na'vi!Reader?
Warnings >~< = Spoilers kinda?
'Words in italic are Na'vi'
For reference, you're a Na’vi in one of the clans the 'sky people' raided in search of Jake.
You were busy tending to the ilu’s who had just been returned from hunting, their sweet chirps expressing their gratitude as you removed their saddles.
However, it was the piercing scream in the distance that alerted you, your ears flicking in all directions as more shouts erupted.
Dropping the saddle, you jogged away from the clear water, the ilu’s beginning to make their own sounds of distress.
Your jog soon turns into a sprint when you caught sight of what was happening.
It was the sky people, breathing machines strapped to their faces and large guns in their hands. Your eyes then landed on the taller, much larger soldiers.
They were created to look like the people from the forest clan, their strength and speed matching the your own.
It made you sick!
They were all abominations in your eyes, and you would rather die fighting then bow to the likes of them.
Quickly grasping your knife, you ran towards their group, ears back and feet quick.
The closest blue soldier had their back to you, an easy target.
Keeping on the toes of your feet to keep quiet, when you where close enough you leaped of the ground, knife ready - a silent attack.
However apparently not quiet enough as mid-air, you saw their ears twitch, a sign they had indeed heard you.
They expertly evaded out the way, your knife barley grazing their shoulder.
As quick as a bullet, they had the back of your neck grasped in a tight grip. You hissed as the sensitive skin was pinched firmly.
As you reached up to claw at their hand, you felt yourself being turned.
Eventually a man came into view, a deep scowl set on his lips, fangs peeking out under his top lip.
You hissed angrily, ears completely flat at the pain he was causing you.
‘You sneakily little-‘ You cut him off, claws now aiming for his face. He immediately pulled you away from him but didn’t let go.
Now using your legs, you kicked them at him, continuously hissing and fighting back.
Around you, more blue soldiers emerged, the people of your clan in their grips and guns raised until the one holding you barked for them to stand down.
You heard your neighbours and children fight and cry out, no one knowing what was going on.
Feeling trapped by the surrounding enemy, you gave one last kick, landing it straight on his chest.
At the unexpected blow, he dropped you.
The ground was hard as you fell, your tail caught behind you as you landed on it painfully. Letting out a cry, you clutched it to you and leaned up on your hunches.
Your tail throbbed and you whined quietly before you looked up at the devil staring down at you.
He regarded you quietly, eyes hooded and cold as he snarled at you.
'Ill be nice...once..' He spoke, his accent much different to yours as he kneeled down to where you where.
You bared you teeth at his proximity but didn't move to do anything.
'Then I won't.'
You understood him enough, your english not quite good enough to hold a full conversation but you knew enough to hear the threat dripping from his voice.
Reaching behind him, he pulled out a device, a screen sliding out with a picture of a forest Na'vi similar to him. Shoving the screen in your face, your eyes bouced from him to the device.
'Where is Jake Sully?' He attempted to speak Na'vi, his words slow - like a baby speaking for the first time.
You would've laughed in his face had he not had the upper hand in the situation.
'He is part of the forest clan, he doesn't reside here.' You reasoned, hoping he'd believe you and leave. But even you knew that was wishful thinking.
'I’m not stupid woman, he was tracked down to one of these coastal island. Now where. Is. He.' You pieced together his english, but shook your head at his accusation.
'Not here!' You were growing frustrated and scared, as you saw his crew grow more and more aggressive to your family.
He bared his teeth at your resistance and stood back up to his full height, stepping away and turning to the wrangled villagers around you.
'Where is jake?! Speak!' He shouted out and you heard your villagers argue back what you had been telling him.
'Please, have mercy! We do not know!'
He continued to shout until a boy, a human boy, dressed in clan clothes shouted equally as loud at the raving blue soldier.
'This is wrong! They said they don't know already!' The man halted immediately and turned to the boy, walking closer until they where standing directly opposite.
You saw as they argued until eventually the soldier turned away and shouted to his crew.
'He's right, they don't know nothin',' He spat, eyes scanning the crowd until they landed on you.
'Light it up.' He waved his hand nonchalantly before turning and heading back to his ship.
The boy that was at his side now staring with his mouth open as the blue soldiers took their guns, fire exploding out the end and clawing it way up the huts of your village.
You stared in shock at how quickly everything around you quickly became lit with flames.
The cries and screams around you turned distant as your eyes trailed over the destruction, until they landed on the person that caused it all.
Almost immediately the pain spreading throughout your tail stopped as you felt hot blinding white fury raid your bloodstream, body shaking with adrenaline.
Grabbing your forgotten knife, you felt your body move on auto pilot as you got up and sprinted to the ship, hair flying.
You saw the people on the ship become alerted at the Na'vi charging towards them, eyes set on the Colonel making his way up the ramp.
You didn't think as you jumped, landing on his back, left arm wrapping around his neck from behind and the other lifting the knife in the air, ready to plunge into his throat.
However, the one thing you never learned being raised as the clan chief's daughter was how to fight in combat, let alone against a 9’5 trained marine.
He moved quicker than you anticipated, his hand coming up to grip your forearm around his neck and using that to completely flip you over and onto the ground.
You cried out at the landing but moved your knife up to his face.
He dodged the oncoming attack before grabbing the knife from your grip. You hissed at him, his face upside down from your position on the ground.
He chucked the knife away and you took the chance to roll away. Getting back onto your feet, you pulled the smaller dagger from the compartment on your thigh, baring you teeth angrily.
He leaned back up, and chuckled when he saw the knife in your fist.
Hissing again you ran towards him and he layed his hands out in front of him, tail swinging and ready for your attack.
However, just as you grew closer, you slid yourself along the floor, sliding between his legs and ending up behind him.
You plunged the knife into his thigh and he groaned out at the unexpected wound.
Retracting it you stepped away as he turned to you, ears flat and face full of anger.
'That was real fucking sneaky kid.' You ears twitched as he spoke, holding eye contact as you readied yourself for his attack.
'You are an abomination!' You snarled, tail whipping around you threateningly.
You prepared to lunge again until you felt it.
It was a tiny prick! in the side of your leg and you instantly looked down, a tiny clear thing sticking out the side of your leg. You ears perked up as your confusion grew.
As you were reaching to yank it out, you felt yourself being rammed into.
And for the third time that day, you landed and slid along the floor, the body of the blue soldier strapping you down to the ribbed surface below.
The movement caught you off guard as the knife fell from your grip. You hissed and clawed at the monstrosity above you, who only gazed down at you, smirk pulling at his lips.
Gone was his anger, triumph replacing it. It oddly left you on edge as you continued to thrash under him, his legs on either side of your body.
'Look's like you'll be staying with us a little longer.' His fangs flashed as he tried to dominate your unrelenting body, but you refused to give up.
That was until you felt yourself slowly come to a stop against your will. Your punches no longer had any strength behind them as you fell flat to the floor.
You managed one more angry snarl before you felt your eyes droop shut as everything around you slowed and turned black.
It was then in the distance that you heard your parents call out to you, worry dripping from their voices but there was nothing you could do.
Part 2 - Avatar Masterlist here
Kofi <33
P.s Avatar 2 has brought back my size kink, full force >:0
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pandoraslxna · 11 months
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ikranwings · 1 year
i recently aquired a limited edition avatar book from 2010!!!!
I plan on sharing as much as I can. Included is the chapter index! Let me know what you would like to see next!!
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I wonder what led to this?
There's no way Quaritch will be allowed to be dressed like this unless he's one of the people. Can't wait what he will have to go through to reach that level. He has to connect to Eywa at some point to do it. That'll be very interesting to see. I wonder what role Varang plays in all this.
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outstandingblue · 1 year
Promises to Keep
Sixteen - Playin' Around
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recom!miles quaritch x fem!na'vi oc
| Masterlist | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen | Chapter Fifteen | Chapter Seventeen | Chapter Eighteen |
It's a bitch to get a taste of your own medicine.
cross-posted on ao3 here content warning: an attempt at hurt-comfort(ish), shits and gigs word count: 5.7k
“How are you feeling today?”
“Much better. Ready to get these out. They’re itchy.” Jiniraa answered, trying her best not to gag at the overwhelming antiseptic that lingered in the air. The smell in the actual medical wing was overwhelming compared to Renia’s office. 
Renia nodded and slid her chair across the room to grab her tweezers and scissors before pushing off again and sliding right back to where Jiniraa waited. Lurking along the wall, Miles rolled his eyes at the doctor’s childish antics, but he knew better than to say anything forthright.
She had launched a textbook at his head the first time he made a snide comment and her scissors gleaned under the lights. They would be a much deadlier weapon than an oversized textbook. He had tried to make peace with Renia, but it was a work in progress. She made the Colonel work for her peace, not just accept his mumbled ‘thank you’ as he avoided eye contact. Regardless, the two managed to remain relatively civil over the past week since Jiniraa woke up. They were forced to interact when Jiniraa came in for her daily evaluations, so they fought to suppress their insults that just begged to be unleashed. 
It had been a week. A week since their intimate moment and kiss outside, but no one brought it up. Not once. Their gazes would linger longer than usual, but neither had the guts to say anything. Their dynamic was complicated to say the least. In public, Miles made a point to keep his distance from Jiniraa, but tried to keep her within his line of sight. He would hover in the background - like he was doing right now - and try to look busy and make work out of nothing.
On the other hand, Jiniraa didn’t know what to think about much of it. Did she want the kiss? Absolutely - one could argue she was the main instigator. Does that mean she magically forgot everything Quaritch did the moment their lips touched? Well, maybe for the moment, but everything came rushing back right after: the destruction of Hometree, the killing of hundreds of innocent Na’vi, the threatening of the Sully children, and every other heinous crime Miles and Quaritch committed. So, she retreated inward.
After they disconnected and Miles made his declaration for her, the words flowed from her lips before she was able to think, too caught up in the emotional and physical sensations. I see you, Miles. What was she thinking saying those words? He couldn’t have understood, even if he was fluent in Na’vi, he wouldn’t understand the weight of those words. Now, Miles had no clue what she said - a failed translation attempt from Spider only left him more frustrated. 
Since the Recoms tended to move in groups, he knew they could be trusted with Jiniraa’s wellbeing, but there wasn’t a moment outside the housing district where she was left without an escort. When asked, Miles chalked it up to makin’ sure you don’t start bleedin’ to death again. It should be noted that Miles always made sure to escort her to and from the medical wing. He would argue this was the most logical course of action - he would get the information from the source, not some second-hand account from Wainfleet or Zdinarsk. 
The private and public spheres of Jiniraa and Miles were completely different stories. In public, Miles kept Jiniraa at arm's length, limiting their interactions to brief conversations with none of his usual charm. At meals, he would sit at the other end of the table. He was relentless in training, pushing her harder than anyone else. In private and protected from the intrusive Bridgehead crowds, Jiniraa and Miles were free to be themselves. Rather than exploring their physical intimacy, their emotional intimacy had grown much deeper. Once Miles’ door closed behind them, they were back in their little domestic bubble. Once they passed through the threshold to his quarters, there wasn’t any discussion of Ardmore or the greater mission at hand. It was only Miles and Jiniraa and that was all they needed. Did they share a few passing kisses here and there? Sure. The only thing they didn’t talk about was their kiss outside - little stolen pecks were fine to giggle about but the epic kiss under the stars was off limits.  
In the absence of interaction with Miles in public, Jiniraa had grown closer to the other Recoms. She was already closer with Lyle and Zdinarsk out of everyone, but she made leaps and bounds with Lopez, Prager, and Ja. Mansk was a slightly different story because he wasn’t much of a conversationalist. Although she wasn’t able to participate, she’d watch from the sidelines as the Recoms messed around with each other in the courtyard. If he wasn’t stuck in meetings with the General, Miles would try to show off in whatever activity the group found themselves engrossed in, but it only earned him a few laughs and eyerolls. 
Lopez may have been on the smaller side compared to the rest of the team, but he easily was the most competitive when it came to sports - even resorting to dirty plays. Prager was a good sport, just happy to be there. Ja was somewhere in between the two - not quite as constantly pumped as Lopez and Lyle, but also not as casual and mellow as Prager and Zdinarsk. The second day after Jiniraa woke up, Spider told her about Ja’s efforts to keep her alive. Using some materials she’d been collecting for a while, she made Ja a bracelet - both a thank you for saving her life and semi-apology for knocking him out in the forest all those weeks ago. Ja just laughed, knocking her shoulder saying “just another day on the job.” He didn’t show it outright, but the words stuck with him for the rest of the day. Although it was against RDA regulation, he proudly tied his bracelet onto his medical pouch. 
“Alrighty, you’re all done. You’re gonna scar, but other than that you shouldn’t have much else to worry about.” Renia disposed of her gloves, cleaning off the bed. Jiniraa was lost in her thoughts for a second, not even realizing Renia had already finished taking the stitches out. “You haven’t been having any pain when you walk, right?”
“No, I do not have any pain there anymore,” Jiniraa answered, sliding off the hospital bed and repositioning her pants. She was still stuck wearing Bridgehead-issued clothing, but they were only a temporary problem. She already had plans to make her next article of clothing, but she just needed more materials. “Spider says I have not been limping, but I did not notice.”
“That’s a good thing,” Miles grumbled, pushing himself off the wall. In front of Renia, they didn’t have to be as reserved with their interaction compared to the rest of Bridgehead. They couldn't go full on make out or anything, but they also didn’t have to pretend to hate each other.
“The Colonel is right - as much as I hate to admit,” Renia mumbled, ignoring how Miles pinned his ears. “That bullet must’ve been the cause of all that after all. You really don’t remember getting shot?”
“Be nice,” Jiniraa slapped Miles’ on the arm, glaring at him for his rudeness. 
“I don’t do nice.” 
Jiniraa decided it was better to ignore him as she continued. “When they found me in the forest, I was already bleeding from that area. I don’t remember being injured, just the aftermath. There’s nothing from before that day.”
Renia nodded, scribbling something down in her notepad. Miles’ eyes were trained on the floor, deep in thought. With a tentative tap on the shoulder, Jiniraa snapped the Colonel out of his daze. His head shot up, meeting Jiniraa’s mildly curious gaze. She had been finding him stuck in his thoughts more and more often. He cleared his throat, “all done?”
Jiniraa nodded, turning around to bid Renia goodbye. The doctor didn’t even look up from her notes as she waved back. A few weeks ago, Jiniraa was clueless when it came to navigating the halls of Bridgehead, but now she knew certain sectors like the back of her hand. The knowledge was a double-edged sword: it was nice not to need a guide, but everytime she turned a corner without contemplating the direction, it felt like a small part of her native self died. 
“Jiniraa, slow your roll.” Miles jogged to catch up. She basically darted out of the medical wing, not able to stand the chemical smell anymore. 
Jiniraa. The name was a punch to the gut. He stopped using those nicknames in public. No more sweetheart and no more baby, even after all those sweet words he said last week. None of it in public. He addressed her using her actual name - historically, he used it out of pure desperation. Those few times in the forest? He was terrified of losing her. Why did he use her actual name now? It was still desperation, but a different type. Ardmore’s threats plagued his thoughts, so he was keenly aware of his word choice, meticulously managing every single syllable. 
Jiniraa didn’t even wait for Miles as she pushed ahead towards the mess hall. As usual, when Jiniraa joined the Recoms at their dining table in the mess hall, all eyes were on them - or her specifically. She’d grown used to the constant unwanted attention, so it didn’t bother her anymore but it didn’t sit right with everyone else - especially Miles. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place when it came to Jiniraa. Ever since Ardmore made her threats clear, Miles knew he couldn’t step out of line because it would risk her and Spider. On the other hand, hearing rumors floating around the nameless humans that crowded the corridors of Bridgehead made him indescribably irritated - at one breakfast he broke a set of utensils from how aggressively he was cutting into his food. 
Miles Quaritch was never one to care about how he was perceived by those around him, as long as they feared and respected him he didn’t give a rats ass about what they thought, but a recent discovery of Bridgehead social strata had begun eating away at him. According to Bridgehead gossip, Jiniraa died during her surgery and that was why the Colonel had been so irritable while she was in her comatose state. Another rumor said he was the one who killed her in the forest in a blind fit of rage, this of course was debunked when she made her return to civilization and the other theory became all the rage. 
“So, what’d the doc say?” Zdinarsk asked with a mouth full of food once Jiniraa settled between Lopez and Ja - at the other end from Miles. 
Jiniraa gave a thumbs up, one of the many human gestures Lopez had taught her in the past week. Some were innocent, others were incredibly profane. “Stitches are out. Renia said I’m cleared for everything.”
Prager sighed, throwing his head back as he looked up to the ceiling. “I wish I saw the doc more.”
Lopez laughed, eyebrows creasing together, “you what?”
“You know,” Prager began, bringing both hands up in front of his chest, “she got a nice rack.”
“Excuse me?” Mansk challenged from a few seats down, suddenly interested in the conversation. “Wanna say that again?”
Prager held a finger up at Mansk, already feeling his death glare burning into his soul. “I’m just saying Mansk, you’re one lucky man.”
“You are fucking disgusting,” Zdinarsk mumbled, focusing back on her food rather than the idiots in front of her. 
Jiniraa watched as Prager tried - and failed - to rationalize his case to Mansk, who had slid his dark shades up, exposing his irritation and borderline wrath. Lopez bumped his elbow against the woman next to him, he already had a dangerous grin as his eyes twinkled with mischief,  “that means you’re playin’ with us today?”
“I would like that, thank you, Lopez,” she smiled back, engaging in an insignificant conversation with the tattooed Recom. At the other end of the table, Miles glowered at his subordinate. Lopez could feel the Colonel’s stare, but he paid it no attention. He wasn’t doing anything wrong, he was just being nice and inviting Jiniraa to participate in their little games.
Daringly, Lopez glanced past Jiniraa and made eye contact with the Colonel before focusing back on her and gave his most flirtatious grin, “anytime, sweets.”
Miles growled under his breath, stabbing his fork into his food. Looks like another set of utensils were about to meet their untimely end. Next to him, Lyle smirked, knowing exactly what was bothering the Colonel, “hey boss. Everything ‘ight?”
Miles didn’t know this, but all the Recoms had a bet on how long it would take before he snapped and made a scene in public. They would push a little more each day, being extra flirty and teasing Jiniraa all in attempts to get a rise out of the Colonel. Miles was gagged - unable to say anything without blowing his “cover”, but seeing that little purple blush that encroached on her ears when Lopez shot a quick wink almost pushed Miles over the edge. She shouldn’t be giggling at his snide jokes or blushing at his nicknames or trading culture with the Recom - those are all things she should be doing with him. He royally messed up - his theory to push her away was biting him in the ass. 
So that’s how Jiniraa found herself outside with a few of the Recoms. For the past few days, she was just an observer. It was refreshing - they weren’t Marines or Recoms anymore. They were just a group of young adults messing around and getting pumped up on competition. 
“So you understand the rules?” Lopez snapped his fingers in front of her face, already knowing she wasn’t listening. Jinraa stood there dumbfounded as Lopez rolled his eyes, lightly pushing her shoulder, “too caught up in that pretty lil’ head of yours, ma.” Jiniraa averted her gaze as an involuntary blush rose. “Tie this around your waist. Put the hanging parts at your hips. Here, like this.”
Jiniraa nodded, adjusting the fabric to replicate what was on Lopez. They had already been divided into teams. She was with Mansk, Lyle, and Zdinarsk while the other team was Miles, Lopez, Prager, and Ja. Spider would be their referee for the day, a suggestion Jiniraa made to keep the teenager involved. He couldn’t use a normal whistle because of the mask, but the screeching buzzer Lyle had in his bag (for whatever reason) made up for it. Spider menacingly laughed the first time he pressed the button and Jiniraa knew right away he was already plotting to terrorize the Recoms with it.
“Hey Lopez!” Zdinarsk called a few yards away as she stretched, “we playin’ full tackle today? Little lady is with us.”
Miles went to object - she hadn’t even been cleared by Renia for two hours, but Jiniraa beat him to the chase, “I want to play how you normally do. Don’t change for me.”
Zdinarsk laughed, popping a bubble before spitting out her gum, “alright then, get ready to get your shit rocked. Who’s shirts and skins today?”
This time, Miles didn’t have to interject as Lopez had already moved to take off his shirt, waving it above his head. He was getting a little too enthralled at today's game. Miles shook his head, making sure to hold eye contact with Jiniraa as he untucked his tank from his belt and peeled it off his skin. 
The teams lined up in the middle of the clearing, Spider placed in between them as he held an avatar-sized football in his hands. “Everyone ready?”
Every single Recom had dangerous smirks and ravenous glints in their eyes. This was their favorite time of the day, evident in how they bounced on their feet when Spider moved to toss the ball into the air. 
Right before the ball left Spiders fingertips, Jiniraa and Miles glanced at each other at the same time. His facial expressions were more exaggerated than the rest of his unit, a devilish grin and gleaming eyes, “you ready?”
Her eyes flicked down to his bare chest for one moment before hardening her expression at his obvious taunts, “of course I am.”
Miles sent her a wink, something daring to do given their current location, but it clearly was a tactical decision. A way to stun Jiniraa momentarily as Spider tossed the ball into the air, giving Miles a chance to grab it before throwing it towards Lopez who was already running towards the water-bottle-marked end zone.
Lyle chased after Lopez, feet sending dirt and grass into the air as he reached to grab Lopez’s flags, but he was just a little too far. Lopez maniacally laughed as he crossed into the end zone, making a point to slam the football into the ground before triumphantly kicking a leg into the air and yelling out, “oh fuck yeah - you see that Wainfleet? That bald ass head is too slow to keep up!”
Lyle’s eyes turned to slits, but his lopsided grin said otherwise. As payback, Lyle gave Lopez’s queue a sharp tug as he sauntered by. To make matters worse, Prager clapped his hands on Lyle’s shoulders as he moved back to center field, “no need to be a sore loser, Lyle!”
Lyle shook off Prager’s gloved hands, “you got one fucking point. You didn’t win.” Their team circled up, making sure they were out of earshot of the other team. “Alright. I am not going to lose to those bastards today. I’ll throw the ball to Z-Dog. Mansky-”
“I hate it when you call me that.”
“-too bad. You go after Ja and Prager while Z runs down. I’ll take care of Lopez.” 
The Recoms agreed, moving to break the circle before Jiniraa spoke up. “What about me?”
“You have the most important job of all - distract the boss.” Lyle winked.
Not catching his drift, Jiniraa tilted her head, “how?”
Lyle smirked, “I’m sure you’ll figure out a way. Alright, break.”
Since Lopez scored first, Jiniraa’s team was given possession of the ball. She hadn’t quite grasped the rules of the game, even though she’s watched half a dozen before. A certain someone often distracted her from the logistics of the game: his muscles and glistening skin were often more entertaining than the sport. Since that’s how Miles distracted her before, Jiniraa decided to use her own charms against the Colonel. 
As Spider pressed his ear-shattering buzzer, everyone moved instantaneously. Lyle threw the ball to Zdianrsk as planned and Miles moved to cut off Jiniraa. Exactly what she wanted. He stood there, arms outstretched and ready to grab at her if she tried to slip past, but he didn’t expect her to stand there with bedroom eyes and a surly expression. Something he’d never seen from her, even in their mild makeout sessions in his room - things never got to that stage before one of them stopped. This time, it was Miles’ turn to be stunned as she winked before glancing over his shoulder to see how far Zdinarsk traveled before Lopez tackled her. Almost half way, not too bad. With a second wink, Jiniraa jogged past Miles to join the rest of the team. 
Miles chuckled, “oh you little minx.”
Jiniraa smugly shrugged her shoulders, yelling back, “just using your own tactics, sir.”
Miles gulped, instinctively straightening his posture as the designation rolled off her tongue. He shook his head, trying to suppress the explicit thoughts that invaded his mind, “Christ, what have I gotten myself into?”
Cursing and yelling took over the field as the game grew increasingly heated. Lopez began his dirty plays after the twenty minute mark, resorting to pulling people’s tails rather than flags and accidentally tripping others. He was careful enough to keep his tricks out of Spider’s eyeline.
“Score is ten-ten. You guys are tied.” Spider announced, grabbing the ball from Miles.
“That’s right!” Miles exclaimed, pumping his arm in triumph after scoring his most recent tough down. He was oozing confidence, jutting his chin out and cocking an eyebrow as he passed Jiniraa. She couldn’t help but admire how his dog tags bounced off his chest as he shook his entire upper body. 
“Circle up!” Lyle shouted. “Alright, I’m going to give the ball to you this time, princess. You’re fast and agile. Just make a dash down the field, yeah? We’ll take care of those bitches.”
It would’ve been the first time the ball was purposefully thrown to Jiniraa. She was on the receiving end of Lyle’s cannon of an arm once before - it was a Hail Mary at the end of the second quarter but Prager managed to tackle her before the ball was secure in her arms. Prager didn’t hold back in his assault - the scuffs of dirt on her skin and blades of grass sticking out of her hair were proof enough. Jiniraa nodded, the competitiveness of the Recoms was beginning to rub off on her. “I got it.”
“Hey, let’s go ‘Niraa’s team! We have three minutes left on the clock!” Spider yelled from center field, hands raised in exasperation at having to wait. Miles stood behind him, hands on his hips. Lopez tapped at his wrist three times to taunt everyone.
Lyle ignored Lopez as he continued, but pointed right at Spider, “I prefer ‘Lyle’s team’.”
“No.” Spider shook his head, not caring how he bruised Lyle’s ego. He scoffed before plucking the ball out of his grip. Spider turned away to hide his smile - he loved getting under the Recoms skin as much as possible. It was one of the only things that made life at Bridgehead bearable. 
By this point, Miles considered himself somewhat of an expert on Jiniraa’s body language, so he knew something was up when she fiddled with her fingers as Lyle looked around at his team. He knew the ball was going to her, but he’d let her have her fun for now. 
As expected, Jiniraa dashed past the opposing team and tried to offer Lyle an opening. It was a good thing his throw was aimed directly for her chest because it bounced out of her arms before she secured it down to run. Miles faked out Zdinarsk, spinning past her to chase Jiniraa as she sprinted down the field. Given her height and injury, she was no match and he closed the gap in a matter of seconds.
“Oh no you don't, baby.”
Jiniraa’s steps faltered as the nickname reached her ears. Between his stripping, the wink, and now the nickname, he clearly was using their undefined relationship dynamic against her, a dangerous move given their location. It’s not like Jiniraa was a saint in the matter - she’d been using the same tactics, but hers were a little more discreet. 
Miles reached forward to grab the flag on her hip, but decided fuck it and pushed off the ground to tackle her instead. He wasn’t going to haphazardly tackle her like Prager did earlier - no, he wouldn’t risk injuring her as his weight came down. In a split second, Jiniraa felt his arms wrap around her waist from behind as they twisted in the air, making sure he would take the brunt of the impact. 
As Miles rotated their bodies in the air, he managed to spin Jiniraa around to face him. When he hit the ground, she landed right on his waist. Her mouth dropped open in shock, not able to comprehend how Miles managed all that in a matter of seconds. Miles smirked from below, reveling in her expression before pushing up on his hands. The movement made her slip down from his waist to press against his hips. He tried to ignore the weight of her body as it pressed into his groin before reaching down and pulling on the flags around her waist. 
“Flag down,” he smirked. Given their current situation, they were at eye-level for once. With a snarl, Jiniraa tried to stand up, but Miles flipped them over so Jiniraa was pinned to the ground. Her hair spread out against the grass, braid falling over her bare shoulder. Her pupils were so blown out that the green was almost completely gone. 
They hadn’t mated, but that didn’t mean their bodies were immune to reacting as they were placed in compromising situations. This time, she wasn’t making the surly expression on purpose - it was her body’s natural response to having Miles on top of her, large hands on either side of her head. He straddled her waist as powerful thighs encased her softer body, muscles not even strained as he supported his massive body weight. 
Miles could get used to this image of Jiniraa below him. She felt the same, heat rushing to her core as she tracked a single bead of sweat travel down the expanse of his chest. She almost threw all her values away right then and there as he bent over and nipped at her neck. 
Her head lulled to the side for a second, allowing him to explore more, but her breathy response made Miles groan into her neck, “Miles…public - we’re in public.”
Miles sighed as he pulled back, realizing she did have a point. There were too many eyes around. He reluctantly pushed himself off her before jumping to his feet. Jiniraa ignored his outstretched hand, brushing the dirt off her legs as she bent over to pick up her flag. 
“I could’ve helped you, you know.” He tried to banter with her, but she only shot him a playful glare before jogging off. He couldn’t help the way his tail swished and his ears pushed forward to full attention as exhilaration took over. 
Lopez snickered as Miles rejoined his team, “nice tackle, boss. A little much don’t you think?”
“No clue what you’re talkin’ about, Lopez.” Miles challenged, eyes trained on Jiniraa as she laughed with her own team. Lopez hummed, obviously not believing a word the Colonel said. 
In the end, Miles’ team reigned victorious as Lopez’s dirty tricks managed to pay off once again. Lyle was pissed, but there wasn’t anything they could do about it. Lopez was slick enough to hide his tactics from Spider’s watchful eye, so there was no way of getting caught, even though Lyle complained the entire time. It’s not like Spider wanted Miles’ team to win - if anything, he was making calls in favor of Jiniraa’s team time and time again, but that wasn’t enough to secure a win for them. The final score was eleven-ten as Ja managed to intercept a ball meant for Mansk and dashed for the endzone just as the clock ran out.
The sun was beginning to set as the humans started clearing the outdoor space, retreating inside for dinner. Jiniraa sat down on the grass, watching as the sky blurred into rich reds and oranges. Miles approached, dropping a water bottle into her lap, “can I sit?”
Jiniraa nodded, not pulling her eyes away from the sky as Miles plopped on the ground, a little ‘hmph’ forced out as he made impact. Jinraa giggled, a soft smile placed on her lips.
“What’s so funny, hen?” Miles jeered. Jiniraa looked over her shoulder, giving Miles a once over before shaking her head. His tank top was still off and slung across his shoulder, abdominal muscles defined by how he leant back on one arm.
The lower half of her face was hidden in her shoulder, but Miles could see evidence of a smile as the sunset hit her eyes. Without thinking, he reached forward and brushed a piece of hair behind her ear, allowing his nails to graze the sensitive shell. Jiniraa’s eyes fluttered closed at the contact. 
“Still in public,” Jiniraa reminded, but made no effort to make him stop.
Miles glanced around, “humans are all inside. The bozos over there are trying to teach Spider how to throw a football. I found a human sized one yesterday.”
“You did?” Jiniraa opened her eyes just slightly, enough to see the softened expression Miles held as he continued to study her features. 
He hummed, “yeah, didn’t want him to feel left out.” As if on cue, Spider laughed out as he managed to hit Lopez square in the side of the head. The Recom let out a string of curses as Lyle almost fell to the ground in laughter, saying it was what he deserved. 
“That’s sweet of you,” Jiniraa offered up, watching the situation unfold past Miles.
Miles grumbled, “I’m not sweet.”
Jiniraa rolled her eyes at his response - he didn’t know how to take a compliment. With a sigh, she pulled her head away from his touch and returned to watching the sunset. 
“Sky is pretty tonight,” Miles offered after a few minutes of silence. 
Jiniraa didn’t respond. Not even a hum or nod. Since Miles was leaning back on his hands, he was given a perfect view of her side profile. A single tear rolled down her cheek, highlighted as the light hit it. He pushed himself forward to get a better look, making sure his eyes weren’t playing tricks. Jiniraa remained with her back straight as another tear followed. This time, Miles couldn’t help as he swiped it away. She didn’t move to swat his hands away - she didn’t move as her eyes remained trained forward.
Miles took her chin between his thumb and index finger, lightly pulling her to face him. She resisted for a second, but even when her head turned towards him, she refused to make eye contact, preferring to watch as everyone cheered when Spider finally threw the ball correctly. 
“Baby, what is it?”
Jiniraa shook her head, trying to pull away but Miles only tightened his grip. His eyes searched her, both face and body trying to decipher what was wrong. He even glanced down to her hip, trying to see if she somehow started bleeding again. 
Jiniraa finally swatted his hand away, wrapping her arms around her knees, “it’s nothing.”
“You wouldn’t be cryin’ if it was nothing.” Miles offered. Jiniraa mumbled something under her breath, muffled as she buried her head into her knees. “What’s that?”
“Confused,” it came out a little clearer.
“About?” Miles continued to pry. 
“You!” Jiniraa spun to face him. Her chest heaved as she held eye contact as long as she could bare before burying her face into her knees once more. Miles remained silent and Jinraa even wondered if he managed to sneak away. Hesitantly, Jiniraa peaked out from her hiding place to glance at Miles. He was still there. He looked younger in this soft light, the creases of his face weren’t present and his eyes looked a little brighter. It wasn’t angered or disgusted or anything bad. It was soft and full of love.
“It’s just,” she paused and groaned, “everyday I feel myself falling further and further from my family, from my people. I’m getting so wrapped up in life here that I am losing myself.”
Miles processed for a moment, “I see.” 
Wrong choice of words, buddy. 
Jiniraa spun to face him, bouncing up to rest on her knees as her chest began to heave again. She stuck a finger into his bare chest, but Miles did nothing to stop her, letting her have the moment, “no, that is the problem. You do not see. You do not know what it means to see and that is the problem. I see you, but you do not see me. Not the way I want.”
Miles held her gaze steady, not looking away for one second. He’d heard Spider and Jiniraa talking about their ‘seeing’ stuff, but none of it made sense to him. “What do you want?”
“To go back to the forest. To go back to my family. To give Spider his life back. To get my life back.” Jiniraa listed, not breaking their eye contact either. 
Miles pressed further, beginning to lean in ever so slightly, “is that all?”
“No,” Jiniraa sighed and looked away. Miles held his breath as he waited for her response. “You. I want you, but that is the problem. I want you and I cannot have you. Not truly. Not with everything else I want.”
“We’re going back out tomorrow, if that makes you feel better,” Miles offered, trying to cheer her up. Based on the way her eyes dropped down and hair tail fell still against the ground, it wasn’t the right thing to say. He completely ignored her blatant declaration of feelings, making her choke back a whimper. He pursed his lips, glancing back at the rest of the group as they remained engrossed with Spider. “Come’ere.”
Jiniraa glanced up, this time her eyes were downturned and teary rather than playful like earlier. Miles waited with one arm open, inviting her to sit between his legs. Slowly, she moved to place herself in front of him, a sigh of relief escaping her as his arms pulled her flush against his chest. She continued to watch the last remaining bit of light recede over the horizon as Miles pressed his lips against her temple, pausing to take a deep inhale of her scent. 
“Just so you know, you don’t have to want me. I promised myself to you that night under the stars. You have me as long as you want me.” Miles affirmed before his tone lightened into a little chuckle, “it’s me who wants you, baby. It’s been that way for a while.”
And well friends, that meant everything. 
Next - Seventeen - To See and To Choose
i'm sorry this chapter is shorter than usual. school has been kicking my ass recently and i have a lot going on since i'm graduating in may and have grad school and moving abroad within the next few months. i like to use this story as a little brain break and creative outlet, so i do apologize for clumsy storytelling or if you just hate it lmao. this was kinda a filler chapter because i just didn't have the emotional strength to write the next chapter (you're gonna like it hopefully winky winky).
i appreciate any feedback you have to offer!
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whereireid · 1 year
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𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐎𝐎 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐀𝐓 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐁𝐘𝐄𝐒 - 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
summary: Miles has to go on a mission for a few days. This upsets you, and Miles just hates to see you cry.
warnings: power imbalance ! — established dynamic; daddy!kink, breeding!kink p in v (lovemaking 🤭) creampie,, size difference, nipple play… reader dumbification (at first) pet names (bunny), up to you to decide if reader is human or na’vi
PSA: YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN MEDIA CONSUMPTION. 18+ ! If any of these topics in the warnings trigger you, please do not indulge in this content! Minors, please dni - this content is 18+ and is under my #WOMNSFW tag. This content is considered MATURE.
“What? My little bunny can’t stand being apart from her daddy for a few days?”
It’s pitiful how strongly you cling to Quaritch’s legs. Your face burrows between his thighs, his cargo pants growing wet the tears which smeared across your eyes minutes beforehand.
“I don’t want you to go.” It’s whiny, it’s bratty, and it’s defiant, but you cling to him with every ounce of strength that you have, whimpering as he moves forward as though you’re just an irritating fly buzzing around. “Please, daddy, don’t go.”
He tuts. It’s slightly annoying, how your clinging to him - it makes it incredibly difficult to move, rendering him able to only shuffle around his room. “The world is bigger than just us, bunny. Even your dumb baby brain can understand that, right?”
But as you look up at him through your wet lashes, your eyes which glisten unfallen tears and sparkle with hurt, Quaritch can’t help the slight pang of regret which strikes through his heart. “Okay.” He mutters softly, opting to stop in his tracks and finally pay attention to you. He picks you up easily - a positive of his new form is the fact that he is so much bigger than you are now, and he wraps your legs around his waist easily. “I’ll be back in a few days, bunny, I promise.“
Quaritch’s lips press softly against your neck, and usually you’d laugh and squirm, but today you just sniffle, nestling your head in the crook of his neck. “Miles,” you murmur, the use of his actual name making his ears prick upwards slightly, “I really don’t want you to go. Don’t feel safe here without you here.”
“This is the safest place you can be in the world, bunny. You’re surrounded by all of these agents, trained to keep you safe.” His nose brushes against your neck softly, closing his eyes as he breathes in your scent.
You smell wonderful, like dove soap and honey and sea salt, and he groans as his own neck begins to grow soppy with your tears. “I just hate it when we’re apart.”
“I know you do. I hate it as well.” Quaritch prys you off of his neck gently, before rubbing his nose softly against yours. “But you know what, bunny?”
You don’t even realising that Quaritch is moving. You’re too busy being engrossed in your emotions, in the upset that churns through you, and you grip Quaritch’s shoulders and ask, “what, Miles?”
“I’m really, really good at giving goodbyes.”
You’re pressed against his bed in an instant, all ounce of clothing shredded away quickly, ripped apart by the hands of your partner. Your face floods with warmth and you try to cross your arms to cover yourself, but Quaritch catches your wrists - tutting, shaking his head no, staring at your naked frame.
“Do you want me to fuck you so you feel better?” Quaritch coos, dipping his head down to your neck and pressing gentle kisses against your breast, his tongue rolling against your left nipple. His teeth glides over it softly and you gasp, back arching into him and hips rutting downwards achingly. “Say the words, bunny, and I’ll give you the best goodbye of your life.”
“Miles,” you warn, mumbling strings of incoherent curses as he glides his tongue over your sensitive bud, mockingly nibbling at it softly, his thumb rubbing the goosebumps which prick at your arms.
“Not my name.” Just as your cunt begins to throb with an ache, Quaritch pulls away from your breasts, his fingers fumbling at his cargo pants, desperate to get out his cock. “Do you want me to fuck you so that you feel better? Yes or no, bunny, this isn’t a hard question.”
You pout pathetically, writhing when his pants drop and his cock slides through your slits, his tip edging towards your cunt’s hole but never actually pressing in. “Yes,” you answer, still somewhat bratty, but Quaritch stares at your flustered, tear-stained face and decides that him leaving is a bad enough punishment already.
God, Quaritch does hate to see you cry. You swallow thickly as he presses into you - your toes curling, crying out as he forces himself inside of you, your walls sheathing his cock perfectly. The tears start again - but it’s not because of your upset, but rather the pain. Quaritch is huge, thick and long and veiny, and it always take some adjusting to everytime the both of you have sex.
So you prepare yourself. But the rutting thrusts never come, and Quaritch instead pulls back slowly, creating a steady, even pace, which doesn’t have you screaming and writhing and squirting straight away.
He wants to drag this out, make you feel good, have you squirming beneath him and begging him to just let you cum.
“Bunny, I’m not going to hurt you.” Quaritch’s hands come down to your face, his thumb rubbing your cheek softly, his cock pushing into you with just enough pressure to have you gasping beneath him. “I want to make you feel good, okay? I want to make love to you, bunny.”
And his voice is so soft and his words are so meaningful that your mouth gapes open, your eyes glistening with ecstasy as his cock glides into you perfectly. And you’re so wet - the sounds of your slick bounces off of the confinements of his walls perfectly and sends an echoing vibration throughout his bones that makes his balls actually twitch, but this isn’t about him but rather about you.
“Daddy, you feel so good,” you say, because it’s true. Your legs are spread wide enough for Quaritch to get full access - your cunt is swallowing his cock, clenching down on him perfectly, and with every movement of his hips he jostles against the sensitive spot inside of you which sends shocks pulsating throughout you.
A ring of arousal is wrapped around the bottom of Quaritch’s cock, and he groans as your slick continues to paint the blue skin of his cock white. And he watches your pussy, how swollen and puffy it gets with every thrust, dribbling with slick like it’s crying and maybe it is. His eyes flicker up to your face, and he smiles to himself when he realises you’re no longer crying.
Rather, your eyebrows are furrowed and your nose is crinkling as you try to desperately chase the orgasm that is building up like a jenga tower. One deliberate thrust of his hips and he’ll have it all crashing down, your orgasm washing over you like a tsunami.
But you’re not ready for that. Not yet. He needs you to feel perfectly, cock-drunk when you’re cumming, and you’re not quite there. So Quaritch - despite his twitching, raw cock which is desperate for release - opts to focus on you, leaning down slightly and pressing soft, loving kisses to your neck, his lips wrapping around your skin and sucking lightly.
“Gonna mark you up, bunny. Show everyone here that you’re my mate.”
“Everyone already knows,” you mumble pathetically, your eyes flickering shut as he rolls his hips against you perfectly, the tip of his cock relentlessly brushing against the sensitive spot inside of your cunt.
He hums against your neck, pulling away when the taste of metal finally floods his mouth. “Oh, they probably do from how they hear you scream my name most nights.” Squelches begin to fill the room as Quaritch fucks into you, his pace quickening slightly but still slow enough to be truly attentive. “But when I’m gone, I need the whole of Pandora to know who you belong to. Who not to fuckin’ mess with. Nothing will happen to you, bunny, because you’re mine.”
“I’m yours.” Your eyes flutter shut slightly and your walls clench as Quaritch rides you through to your orgasm. Shocks pulsate through you, and your muscles burn with pain, your throat tightening and chest heaving with fire. It feels so good - so perfect, his thick hands wrapped around your thighs as he takes you so perfectly, so well. Your vision goes black and blurry, and then you’re cumming against him, so hard.
“You’re mine,” Quartich affirms, his ears pinned back as he rides you through your orgasm. You’re not really in control of yourself - he can tell as you paint him white, soak him with your cum, and he can't stop drinking in your appearance. His cock is so sore and his balls are so desperate for release that as you tighten against him again, he lets go, spewing his thick cum inside of your cunt, watching as you mewl and gasp beneath him.
"That's it, bunny, let your daddy fill you up," Quaritch grunts, his jaw clenching as you stare up at him with starry eyes, all signs of your previous crying session gone, ecstasy painting your features.
And when he finally comes down from his high, listening to your pants, he embraces you, his nose nuzzling into your neck, breathing in your scent. Sea salt, dove soap, and honey. "I'm not going anywhere, bunny." He whispers. "Not right now."
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neteyamyawne · 8 months
🦋 — Choking/Spanking
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✧ 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : ʀᴇᴄᴏᴍ!Qᴜᴀʀɪᴛᴄʜ x ꜰᴇᴍ!ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
✧ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : ᴀ ʀᴏᴜɢʜ ɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴄᴏʟᴏɴᴇʟ ɪꜱ ᴀʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴇᴅ, ʏᴏᴜ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴄᴏʟᴏɴᴇʟ ɢɪᴠᴇꜱ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴏʀᴇ...
❈ Warning : P in V, pwp, Mdni! Choking, Spanking, feverishly get railed by colonel, daddy kink (slight), pet names (cupcake, princess, etc), degradation kink (slut, whore, etc)
❈ Word count : 1.0k proof read
❈ Note : I really want this is real life but alas, I CAN'T!! Omg lunaaaa I'm so happy for you, this fic is dedicated to you, my queen @pandoraslxna
ᴋɪɴᴋᴛᴏʙᴇʀ | ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ | ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ
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Your nights with your colonel were never gentle or vanilla, you knew that from first night of your weekly endeavors with him, your pretty doe eyes glistening with tears as he pounded into you at a ruthless pace, his rough, calloused hand making an azure necklace around your throat, your moans choking back from the pressure of the hold.
“Look at you, cupcake, such a pretty little slut f’me” his rough chuckle falling on your ear as his cock snapped in and out of your sopping cunt, pressed against the wall of your room, the poor structure rattling with the force, body bouncing repeatedly from the force of his thrusts, your whines falling quiet at the overwhelming sensation.
His eyes roamed over your fucked out state from the countless orgasm he forced out of you “what’s the problem, plumface? You don’t like being fucked like the whore you are?” the hand that held one of your knees up, skidded up even more, pressing you against the wall as your mouth fell open, eyes rolling back, a broken moan wheezing out of you at the feeling of his cock burying deeper.
Your hand wrapped around his bicep, in a nonverbal plea to go slow “Colonel, ngghh- too much” hot breaths fanning over his sweaty skin, tears on your flushed cheeks made them sticky, eyelashes, wet and beautiful as they formed the outline of your glistening eyes.
“Shhh you can take it, babygirl, i know you can, just like last time and the time before that” He croons in your ear, nibbling on the shell of it, when a sharp sting on your thigh made you squeak, the slight jolt made your body sink down on his cock more, the feeling of being full to the brim with his thick cock was exhilarating, your mind shutting down until you were left a whimpering mess impaled on his dick.
His rough hands kneaded the plush of your thigh, occasionally spanking the fat of you ass, leaving an angry red mark behind, each hit was accompanied by his powerful thrusts, your screams from immense pleasure turned into desperate mewls when his mouth trailed a line of bites and kisses from your neck to your breasts, licking a line between the valley of your tits, that’s when he pulled back entirely, leaving you pussy empty and clenching around nothing.
Your desperate whines to fill you up again were amusing to him, he’d do whatever he wants with you and that’s what he does, grabbing you by your hair pushing you on the bed face first, holding your wrists on your back, forcing your head into the pillow, red and swollen ass of yours up in the air to ogle at, fondling with one of the cheeks before giving a tight smack to it, making you groan and drool into the pillow “you want daddy’s cock to stretch that little pussy, maybe, sweetheart, maybe" his whisper silky smooth against your ear from behind as he bent over your back, pressing his cock to your ass, the pressure of it making you moan into the pillow, holding both of your wrists on your back with one hand while the other trailed downwards to your tit, kneading it in his huge hand relentlessly, you were helpless, the only thing you could do was do as he says and be his pretty little fuck toy.
Your shallow breaths took up a pace when he flipped you on your back, coming face to face with his sinister smile while he pins your hands above your head, leaving you completely at his mercy “ya know why i like you, dollface?” he asks as his right hand squeezing your cheeks together, his hand was the size of your face or even bigger but that was the last thing on your mind as he forced his thumb in your mouth, making you choke on in it while he was centimeters away from plump lips “because you’re a dumb whore who’d lemme fuck you into oblivion, so far gone you’d be a mess before you can even ask for me” his thumb pressed down on the back of your tongue making you gag on reflex but even then your hips rocked against his, asking for more.
“That’s my little slut” he chuckled almost proud of you for doing it, removing his thumb from your mouth the string of your saliva breaking as placed it in his mouth for an exchange, sucking on it with a content smile “sweet like always” his left hand was already pinning your arms, so tightly it was impossible to move, with a quick manure your legs were thrown over his shoulders, his giant torso pressing down on you as he once again stretches your pussy open which leaves you flabbergasted at the sudden intrusion, truly you’ll never be accustomed to his size.
“You like that, cupcake? Look what you do to me, darling” he purrs out against your chest, biting on the swell of your breast, his fangs leaving quite the bite marks “come on say it, babygirl, say it, you like being fucked by me” but you stayed quiet, while you continue to bite your lip, face scrunched in ecstasy, it amused him, it’s not your first time being bratty “i see it, kitten, i see what you’re trying to do….. Ohh sweetheart, i think you just lost your privilege to cun for…. Until i say otherwise” he didn’t wait for your response, rising from your tits slowly, face holding the same stern expression, he snaked his hand around your neck, azure fingers fully wrapping around your neck, your body squirmed under his tight hold, there was no way to escaping him now, nor his orders “daddy please… i wanna cun, m’sorry” you choked out desperately, eyes fluttering close as he tightens his hold on your throat “too late for apologies sweetheart, too late….” he chuckled darkly, your fate was sealed for tonight and for many reasons, it excited you even more…
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𝐀/𝐧 : I'm so happy Luna got her blog back!! This is so special, Ilysm 😘
Yawne : @pandoraslxna, @taylormarieee, @persefolli, @eyweveng, @deadgirlrin, @eyrina-avatar, @avatarsslut, @myloveforyouisforever, @neteyamsoare, @bobthe-turmpetman29, @nonniesworld, @zanabelle99, @thehoneymushroomhealer, @neteyamgfs, @xylianasblog, @solstealer.
*the tags that don't work please check your settings
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©Neteyamyawne2023 | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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whoreish-behaviour · 1 year
Revenant 2
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Na'vi!Colonel Quaritch x Na'vi!Reader
Warnings >~< = Man-handling, nothing too extreme..yet
The throbbing pain all over your body was what woke you up. You felt as if you had been chewed up and spat out.
Even opening your eyes grew to be difficult, the blinding glare from above proving to be too much for your unadjusted eyes.
After much effort though you did, finding yourself placed carelessly into the corner of a room.
The ceiling was low and the table in front of you barley reached your knees as you wobbled to stand. You assessed yourself quietly, nothing looked broken or too bruised.
Aside from your tail, that had an odd bend to it.
However there was also an excessive simultaneous ache in your back, tail and thigh as you gritted your teeth.
You thought back to how you got here, the room leaking the scent of those sky creatures.
You could feel yourself get more angry as you remembered exactly how you ended up in this beaming white room.
The pathetic oaf had knocked you out. And how? You weren't sure.
Your tail whipped around you painfully as you felt yourself get more worked up, ears flattening as you circled the table - searching for a way out the puny room.
You spotted the door, stomping over to it only to find it completely sealed shut.
Banging you fist against it, you hissed at the thing blocking your path out of there. Spinning around, you then saw...you?
The whole wall seemed to reflect, like the water back home when you gazed down into it icy depths.
The reminder only fired you up more as you walked over to it, fingertips ever so lightly touching the cool surface.
You looked at yourself and tilted you head, ears up and alert. How these creatures had managed to mimic water baffled you.
They were such stupidly.. smart things.
They were smart and stupid enough to create destructive machines that in turn destroyed themselves and everything around them.
And now they were here, set on laying their destructive fingers on Pandora and cursing its soul with their disease.
The thought had your blood pumping with anger as your hand became a fist, slamming against the surface before you. You repeated it again and again, hissing and snarling.
They couldn't keep you here.
You had a family, a clan to keep safe - away from the sky creatures.
You then felt the wall begin to splinter beneath your fist. You stopped as you heard a hissing sound escape the damaged area.
Stepping back cautiously, your eyes bounced all over the room - waiting for something to happen.
And almost immediately, you began to hear the seal on the door break away, smoke collecting along one side.
Instincts on high alert, the only thought racing through your mind was Run!
Lowering to the ground slightly, you crept closer to the door just as it began to hiss along its edge- similar to the sound you heard from the wall.
As quick as anything it slid open, revealing the blue soldier from before, the ink on his arm easy to identify.
Your face automatically snarled - you couldn't see from his chest upwards as the doorway was too low, however you knew he was sneering right back.
Without thinking, you darted towards him, slipping though the gap between his body and the door.
Because of the doorway, he wasn't able to guess your intention, giving you a clear head start as you ran down the hallway.
'Fuckin’ hell..' You heard his curse just as you rounded the corner.
The hallway seemed to go on forever, littered with people in uniform who all turned to you, faces going pale.
Not wanting to linger any longer, you sprinted down the hall until you came to an absolutely massive room.
The eyes of soldiers and more people in white snapped to you, there had to be at least over 50 in the room. Amongst them, the blue soldiers that had helped raid your clan where also planted around.
Caught off guard you came to a stop, breathes heavy with frustration.
There was no escaping, not unless you wanted to risk being shot.
You felt a seed of panic grow as you saw people reach for their weapons, knowing this could be the place you die.
Not on the coast where you grew up, not on the back of your ilu fighting for your clan and not in the arms of the people you loved.
No, it was going to be a cold, white room filled with your enemies.
The air around you felt thick, too thick to breath as you began to heave. Why couldn't you breath?
All the air seemed to have been sucked from the room, causing your panic to grow more and more, working yourself into a terrifying state of fear.
Your legs and mind suddenly felt weak, too weak to feel hands behind you grasping yours in a firm grip before pinning them behind you.
You felt yourself being kicked to the ground, body collapsing as you continued to gasp out, all breath finally leaving you.
You cheek rested against the cold ground until you felt a warm hand on you chin, grasping you jaw and tilting it up.
You them felt another hand on the back of your head, gently lifting it off the ground.
Feeling the same hand crawl from the back of you head to the underside of your face, it supported the weight of your head entirely, your body loosing strength to so.
The hand on your jaw then left you, before quickly returning - a black breathing mask in it's grasp. It was pressed firmly to your mouth and nose, creating a seal.
You then felt it.
It was as if you were breathing for the first time again.
You eyes shot open as the air filled your lungs, your chest expanding as you let out a gasp.
Shooting out, your hand cupped over the one holding the device, pressing it even harder against you face, sucking in the air.
After a few, you eventually calmed down, breathes even.
As your mind cleared though, you realised who was siting on your back, their weight heavy but not entirely restricting.
It was just to make sure you didn't try anything stupid again.
Sensing your body tensing beneath him, the soldier pulled back his hand, leaving yours to hold the breathing machine.
You didn't fight back, only relaxing against the floor as you allowed yourself to go limp.
You weren't in immediate danger, yourself told yourself to calm down, obeying the order given to you for once.
'You go ahead and keep that, but imma' need your cooperation.' He saw your ear flick in his direction as he watched you maul over his words.
You were either contemplating another cheap escape or was translating his words to yourself.
He hoped it was the latter.
He then felt your body shift under his, until you laid on your back, staring up at him. He didn't sense a fight or struggle but he could never be too sure.
He looked down at you, hands ready to hold you down if you tried anything, but the nod of your head had him relaxing ever so slightly.
You watched him as he looked away from you and towards the many people behind you.
You saw as another breathing mask was thrown towards him, his hand easily grasping it as he raised it to his mouth, deeply inhaling before letting it hang from around his neck.
You stared as you his chest expanded before settling once again. You then traced up to his neck, his traditional blue Na'vi stripes peaking out.
You cursed yourself for looking.
He was evil.
A walking devil in disguise of your people.
You saw him look back down at you, his right hand reaching behind him ominously. You felt your face screw up, his movements making you suspicious.
Only when your eyes saw the handcuffs did you move once again.
He wanted you restrained!
However, you'd never allow him to have that much effortless control over you.
Bucking your hips up to attempt to throw him off, you wriggled around, trying to escape as he pressed his weight down on you, trapping you to the cold tile.
'They’re only goin' on until I get you away from all these important people.' He rolled his eyes at your dramatic display, before placing the orange restraint between his teeth.
Now with his hands free, he was able to flip you back over, pressing down hard between your shoulder blades as you hissed at him.
You heard him whistle above you as you continued to thrash.
'How her down will you?' You heard him mock you, talking about you as if you were some rabid dog.
Looking to your side, you saw another blue soldier step closer over to you, her smirking face glazing down at you, her jaw chewing something in a bored manner.
She walked all the way up until she was directly in front, her boots an inch from your face.
You then felt a rough pressure replace the hand on your back, the texture painful as it dug into your skin to hold you down.
You whined from your helplessness as you felt two hands roughly grab yours, placing them at you base of your spine before being secured tightly.
Looking up, you saw the female soldier, her foot securing you to the ground, watch as you were restrained, a smirk on her lips.
Knowing there was nothing else you could do, you slumped to the ground, tired breaths leaving you.
'Atta' girl!' You heard her laugh at your submission, her foot lifting from up your back before dropping back down in front of you and walking back to where she originally was.
You then felt the weight on you move up, a single hand grasping the hair at the back of your head, pulling it to yank your head back. You cried out but didn't move.
'Don' move.' You heard him grumble before you felt the breathing mask being attached back to you, the band now going around you head to keep it there.
He released your hair and you felt his weight leave you completely. You shivered as the cool air traced over your uncovered back.
You eyes widened as you suddenly felt a hand grab at your tail, the thing still in pain from earlier. You looked over your shoulder and hissed at the soldier.
His thumb was tracing over the lower middle section of your tail that was bend ever so slightly, the area discoloured and purple.
And from your hissing and whines he would tell it was hurting like a bitch.
Looking over his shoulder, the colonel waved over one of the many doctors and scientists, who immediately came padding over - clipboard in hand.
'This thing look broken' to you?' He emphasised by moving your tail closer to the doctor, your body dragging with it slightly as you whimpered.
The doc's gloved hands replaced the colonel's, fingers assessing the area while the colonel's eyes bounced from your injured limb to you, making sure you stayed down.
'I'll definitely need an X-ray but I'm pretty sure I can snap it back into place. A few bandages for a while and it'll be fine.' The doctor spoke, shrugging as if it was nothing.
The colonel looked back down at you, body obeying for once and relaxing.
You wouldn't be useful if you were broke.
Plus, he knew how sensitive these things were and could only imagine the pain every time your body acted on instinct and moved it.
It was gonna be a bitch to do but he knew he was having your tail fixed whether you wanted it or not.
Part 3
Kofi <33
Taglist = @namor-is-the-way @kimqueenofhell
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pairing: recom!quaritch x latina!recom!reader
summary: miles is not holding himself anymore around you.
author's note: so, i know reader speaks spanish but there's one reference to brazilian culture because we're still latino.
warnings: cussing, reader is a tease, miles is a thirst trap, he gets a boner in this one.
reblogs, feedbacks and likes are appreciated. support your content creators 💓 please leave a comment if you like my work, and enjoy your reading.
gif by @vluminial
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part 1
· ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ୨♡୧ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·
"You know he's playing favorites, right?" Z-dog complained.
Rolling your eyes, you scoffed and bit on your bottom lip. Since she returned from the forest task she couldn't stop complaining about how the Colonel did her dirty.
"Chica, stop. You know he send you on the task because you whined" You murmured, staring at yourself in the mirror while braiding your hair, "Besides, why would he play favorites with me?"
"C'mon, you have to admit it was a little unfair," Walker said behind you, while her fingers worked on braiding your queue, "Since we woke up as recombinants, how many times did he bother to give you a task?"
You frowned, "I'm always by his side being Ardmore's bitch and trying to get us permission to hunt Sully!"
With Walker's help, your long hair was styled on boxer braids, divided into six equal parts, plus your queue braid in the middle of your head.
"Girl, you're a lieutenant. Being the Colonel's assistant isn't the same as being on a task force" Z-dog grinned teasingly. 
“Aye, vete a la mierda.” You chuckled. 
But they were right. Kind of, you told yourself. Quaritch did have enough reasons to send you to the forest task, but he didn't. He chose to be unfair to Z-dog, knowing it was the wrong thing to do. Why would he do that?
You and the girls were going to the hangout room inside the recom's quarters, where the team would be reunited to celebrate Lopez's birthday. You had made a little more effort than everybody else trying to make it a special occasion for your friend since you were the only one who could cook latinoamerican food. And you wouldn’t complain, you felt thankful for that. You missed your country so much, and you wouldn't miss the chance to cook something that for seconds could bring you back home. And Wainfleet was in charge of the cake, and he did a very good job as well. The rest of the team decorated the room with blue balloons to match the huge blue cake.
The whole squad was waiting inside the room as the lights were off, waiting for the birthday boy to come any minute now. Lopez came in with Miles right behind him. Looking around throughout the darkness, the corporal frowned with a confused face, but his features lightened up as soon the smell of Ropa Vieja reached his nostrils.
“Sorpresa!” Everyone screamed the moment Quaritch switched the lights on. You could remember how funny it was to teach them to roll their R's to pronunciate the word.
"Guys! I can't believe you did this all for me..." Lopez smiled.
"Our lovely Y/N did most of it" Colonel Quaritch blurted out, tapping Lopez's back but looking directly at you. You blushed at his words.
Cleaning your throat, you opened a large smile and pointed to the table; "But they decorated the room. And guess what? Lyle made this beautiful delicioso cake for you! We should leave it for dessert." 
You weren't so surprised when they ate it all. Not to be cocky about it, but not only you were a great cook, the food was also amazing. And in the end, it did bring you home.
Unfortunately, your efforts to teach them Spanish had their limits, and the team sang happy birthday in english. After Lopez gave you the first slice of cake, you played reggaeton to dance and celebrate.
"So, who's gonna dance with me?" You called out.
The eyes around the room watched your hips moving from side to side as you swayed through the floor. You called Lopez with your index. Walking to you, the corporal moved to the rhythm of the song. He placed a hand above your ass and you followed his lead, your hips meeting his, your tail entwined his leg.
Across the room, Quaritch enjoyed a glass of tequila and watched that scene. His eyes followed every step you took, as you swung in Lopez's arms, being caught in Mansk's embrace. Lyle hurried to dance with you as soon as he caught an opening to do so. 
"So cute," He thought. 
Those men were there, practically throwing themselves at your feet, but none of them could have you. At the end of the day, they weren't what you were looking for.
When your body met Lopez's again, your gaze met Miles'. As your friend's hand traveled through your body, the colonel's stare made you hot. You moved your hips slowly and seductively against Lopez's crotch, and you could see Quaritch's hand going to his own. Did I just give the colonel a boner? Yes, you did. And now you teased him on purpose, which aroused you even more.
Quaritch's upper lip twitched as his blood boiled. You rubbed your body to the others, but your eyes never left his. You were teasing him, wickedly and intentionally. His mind was running with dozens of ways he could teach you a lesson, while his cock was growing inside his trousers. 
And then you called for him. 
"Coronel," that sexy accent shouted, "won't you dance with me?" You pouted, innocently. He almost snarled at your audacity.
Miles smirked before taking a sip from his neat tequila, "Thanks sweet pie, but I'm good,"
"Then I won't dance anymore." You shrugged, leaving the center of the room where everyone was dancing.
You passed by the table and grabbed a couple of sweets along with a glass of tequila. You sat beside him, placing a gentle hand on his thigh to get balance. You crossed eyes again, and Miles squinted as you slightly squeezed his thigh.
You took a sip from your drink and a bite from the brown candy. The Colonel's eyes went from your hand to your lips as you chewed. You offered him the bonbon.
"Prove it," You cooed, "I made it myself."
Miles raised a curious brow, "What's this?"
"It's brigadeiro. Just eat, you'll like it." And he let you feed him. The tip of your thumb entered his mouth and touched his warm wet tongue. You pulled your hand back, quickly.
Miles' licked his lips clean, staring at you. You flushed but didn't let yourself be intimidated by him.
"How does it taste?" You asked, licking your thumb.
"Sweet," he replied, "just like you."
You snorted, "Careful, sir. I might start thinking you're flirting with me"
"Would you like that?" Quaritch questioned.
You looked around to see if someone was paying attention to your proximity to the Colonel. Fortunately, everyone was too drunk and entertained by the music to see something other than the drinks in their hands.
His huge blue hand gripped your thigh, squeezing it to call your eyes back to him.
"I asked you a question, Y/N" Miles smirked, "What's wrong? The gato got your tongue?"
You snickered, "You suck at spanish, Coronel."
"I could suck at other things, Teniente." He muttered under his breath. 
Miles was taking a blind shot. You could either turn your back and leave, or fall for his games and give yourself to him. It was a shot in the dark. But Miles is a well-trained marine, and even if he shot in the dark he would hit the target.
"You like to tease, don't you? Flirting all the time, teasing the corporals until they're all at your feet begging for your attention, just so you can deny them and do it all over again."
His thumb caressed your thigh softly. You could feel the tenderness in his touch. His other hand met your cheek, where his blue fingers traced lines through your features. 
"Don't start something you won't finish" You held back a whine when the tip of his finger brushed against your bottom lip.
"Oh, I could finish it..." Miles taunted, wickedly "But what would be the fun innit, sugar?"
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thevanityofthefox · 2 months
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a commission from @/sassyAYUSS (twitter)
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ball0fhoney · 1 year
I'm embarrassed how downbad I am, help
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ikranwings · 1 year
QUARITCH BEING ANGRY AND HIS MATE JUST RUNNING HER HAND ALONG THE SIDE OF HIS FACE TO HIS EAR AND JUST RUBBING SOFTLY. this man purrs you can’t tell me otherwise. Any tension he has just melts away as he leans his head into his mates hand.
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kings-evil · 4 months
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Miles and Lark (Sparrow!) in @thesongofingrid's fantasy AU Won't spoil anything but feel free to note the tail action
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