#coding suppor
manonamora-if · 9 months
hii i tried following that one forum post for a splash screen that you mentioned before in an ask, i didnt really understand it TT could you make a version for dummies? thank you!
Hi Anon,
Do you mean this ask? about this Forum post? I'll try to make it easier then, cause it mainly is some copy-pasting and some light editing.
The Splash Screen, more explanation
The code from the post will create an element that will cover the whole page, and be triggered every time the game loads (or the tab refreshes).
So first, get on the Forum post, and copy the code in the correct places:
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Then you will want to edit it to customise it for your project. There is code to change in both block of code:
In the JavaScript, you will need to indicate the correct image you want to display on the screen, or any other element (like text).
In the Stylesheet, you will want to edit the colour of the background (and potentially the text colour) to match the vibe.
Here, you will want to edit the correct URL of the image you want to have on the screen.
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If you want text instead of the image, you can do so by wrapping it with a < p > markup (or other relevant HTML markup):
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though, you will need to edit one more thing to make it work, in the .find() line, like below (p for the < p > element, and so on):
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The biggest change you'd need to make for the code in the style sheet will be with the code below:
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currently, the colours match the basic SugarCube UI colours. So if you've changed the UI palette for your project, you will want to edit those colours (background especially, color is only useful for text)
If you are not using an image, but some text in your splash screen, you will also need to edit this part of the code, to replace the img with the correct HTML markup:
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(in the example above, you'd need to change the img with p)
One important thing afterwards, will be to test the splash screen (for colour, position, or even animation). Note: if you are coding in Twine and used a local image in the splash screen, don't forget to publish to file and open the HTML, rather than test/play through Twine/
If you want to test the Splash Screen, and fiddle with the CSS with the Inspect Tool of your browser, I advise you change the amount of this line in the JavaScript:
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Add a bunch of zeros to increase the time (but don’t forget to remove them before uploading your file anywhere).
Hope this helps!
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katabay · 3 months
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sketchbook / the mabinay spring (2023)
I’ve been busy, so I haven’t had the time to finish up some comics I have in my WIP folder, so it’s time for some traditional art from my sketchbooks! lately I’ve been drawing foods and drinks and just recently got comfortable enough with it to start adding some color to them 🍓🍓🍓
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singingcicadas · 3 months
More thoughts on Cyclonus.
Nova's evaluation of him in this panel is brutally accurate. That last sentence. Ouch.
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On the surface level Cyclonus appears to be portrayed as this stiff proud warrior with an austere, diehard take on his own internal code of honour and patriotism, but the more I think about it his actual character is pretty much the opposite? He doesn't have any hardfast values or stances of his own aside from shallow romanticism for the preachings of others.
His whole life is comprised of hanging onto other people. First it's Nova and his group, despite Nova and Jhiaxius looking down on him and insulting him to his face and being very forthright about the actual purpose of their mission, which Cyclonus apparently had different ideals about. Theoretically. But he didn't say anything after Nova corrected him.
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Then it's Galvatron, after Galvatron backstabbed Nova. Even when Galvatron became increasingly unhinged and violent toward him and also started insulting him to his face, he still continued to follow Galvatron around because Galvatron's powerful, hope he stays on our side.
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Then after he broke off from Galvatron post-Chaos Theory he joined the Lost Light, an Autobot ship, despite not liking Autobots, because it had something that he wanted: the chance to start again.
His defense for murdering all those people in Kimia is literally "he made me do it." That's all he can come up with. He even knows it's a bad excuse.
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And he always corrects people when they assume he's a Decepticon. Here he directly says that he doesn't want to be a Decepticon. Why not, if he clearly admires their ideology?
One possible reason is maybe he doesn't like their ideology that much. Enough to romanticize it from a safe distance but not enough to commit to it himself (since doing that would force him to do actual introspection about his own role in what made the Decepticon ideology so appealing in the first place). Second reason's simpler: Decepticons have to wear inhibitor chips. No thanks. They're the losing side.
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Once on board the Lost Light he followed Rodimus' command fine despite Rodimus accusing him of murdering Red Alert without any proof. Then after he developed a relationship with Tailgate, he put Tailgate up on a pedestal and made Tailgate the center of his universe.
But then there's also this 🔽 after he thought Tailgate dumped him:
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I don't even know what he's trying to do there😂
His lack of true conviction is evident in the little things too: he thinks it's unethical for Rodimus to perform mnemosurgery on Tailgate while he's unconscious and unable to give consent but drops the subject after Rodimus distracted him with fireworks. He thinks that mutiliating an enemy's corpse is appalling but doesn't say anything when Rodimus said they were going to use Skip's corpse as a shuttle to get off Necroworld. It's Nautica who raised ethical objections, not him. He's supposed to be really religious but when the guiding hand did their big reveal at the end of Lost Light, he got nearly zero lines because of compressed screentime except to argue with Epistemus over sending Tailgate into danger.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that Cyclonus is essentially a go-with-the-flow sort of person. Nothing he holds is uncompromisable. Not his ideals, not his values, not his pride, not his faith. To an extent, not even his love for Tailgate, at least not completely, because he left when Tailgate told him to leave even when he suspected that Tailgate was lying about not loving him without making more of an effort to understand why. It all depends on the person he's hanging on to at the moment. And his choice of which leader to follow is ultimately based on self-serving reasons. This pattern is first broken when he turns on Galvatron, then fully subverted after he learns to love Tailgate as a sign of character growth.
He's not an intrinsically cruel or callous person. The way he learns to love Tailgate, befriend Whirl, and being kind and supportive to everyone when Rodimus left him in charge on the Necroworld are all attestments of his better nature. Water takes the shape of the container in which it's kept; surround him with people like Galvatron and Nova and he'll be their murder machine. Put him in the company of people who's mostly decent like the Lost Light crew and he'll grow into a compassionate person and a reliable friend.
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fruttymoment · 10 months
Whoa linux user
Do you have a guide on how to switch to it? I have zero coding knowledge (i think that's required) and I trust you with my life
I perfectly understand the "linux is scary and requires very big brain and coding its too hard to use!" thought coming from a Windows/Mac guy, i really do! But in the end, a linux distro is just a computer kernel that also has a desktop environment and just does what you want it to do like an operating system
Coding on linux is not required. Linux has so many distros at this point that designed to be beginner friendly, requiring "no knowledge but TO gain knowledge while using it"
The linux terminal is the thing that scares most of the users, but trust me once you get used to it you'll realize how efficent it is to operate your computer and do certain tasks from THE terminal instead! In the end, the cold looking white text with black background terminals are the REAL face of computers. Desktop environment is made so EVERYONE can use computers!
The terminal of gnu/linux uses the bash language. In a nutshell, it is pretty easy to learn basic commands actually!
Super beginner friendly linux distros are designed for people (YOUU) who has no experience whatsoever with linux! They are designed and engineered so you dont have to use the terminal much! For example, Linux Mint is the best distro you should start with. It looks and feels like Windows, even! And Mint does not require much terminal usage. That is also their mission, to make an linux distro friendly enough that no terminal usage is needed!
As easy as this sounds, i actually do not recommend staying this far away from the linux terminal. Please start with Linux Mint if you gonna, its just the best for beginners, but also please dont avoid the terminal much! The linux terminal is important to learn because it also teaches you how a computer really works, and certain operations are much more efficent to do via terminal anyway!
Push yourself to interact with the terminal, even. Learn very basic commands like "shutdown now" , and the "sudo" privilege and how it works (linux always asks your password while doing stuff and you also cant do muc without the sudo privileges!)
"sudo" is the command that gives you the REAL admin privileges to do ANYTHING. With your password and sudo, you can even delete your bootloader lol. Linux wont stop you
This means to be extremely careful while using sudo, though! You can do ANYTHING with sudo privileges, and that also contains accidently trashing your computer! Unlike Windows, that doesnt even let you uninstall Edge, linux has no boundries. Its like "we are gonna assume you know what you are doing."
Of course, friendly distros DO warn you on certain stuff, so dont worry too much!
So ye. U can use linux with no coding knowledge, but i dont recommend staying like that. After starting to use linux, you GOTTA let it teach you stuff!
And to the "switching to linux for the first time" part;
I recommend not deleting your main Windows, actually. For first time using linux i heavily recommend the "dual booting" , which simply means booting operating systems more than one in an computer! You can use BOTH linux and windows in thay way! Although, you need to shudown your pc if you want to switch between them and do it in the booting menu
This is because if something goes wrong, or you get very confused, just let Windows be ready in there. Only make the switch the moment when you feel you can operate linux with no issues and easily!
Dual booting basically slices your disk and creates partitions for operating systems. For example if you have an 512GB SSD, in dual booting you can slice it and make Windows use 256GB and Linux use 256GB too! Ofc u can change the numbers here (linux mimt will help u,.)
Before completely switching to linux; be aware that its a bit of a different world. Sure, very popular softwares exists in linux too but some softwares may not suppor linux. Adobe products dont support linux, for example! You can of course just emulate them with Wine software heh, but that would be a bit of a work!
Another problem will be certain online games. Online games does not like linux becuse how easy it is to manipulate the system, so they just either dont run on linux or they ban/kick you when you try to emulate it on linux
An example is Valorant. Valorant does not tun on linux!
And any online game that has a cheap anticheat system will be a problem!
With that being said, linux now supports every single game from Steam, with the Proton software. Just be careful about them online ones! If an online game natively supports linux (TF2, for example!) , it wont be a problem! Check the steam game's info thingy for it!
Oh and official Minecraft works in linux lol
Discord, Spotify etc. popular softwares also work on linux!
Linux in fact has an "app manager" software in their distros, making you install stuff with no terminal whatsoever! Think like Google Play Store but on le pc!
Anyways hehe thats it fo me bascallya! If u wanna switch to linux with no experience, start with the Linux Mint distro i say and explore it well! Tamper everything before fully installing it, dont worry about it! Linux is free. Linux does not care if you want to kill the entire system, even. Linux is freedom
Also please research the dual booting! You'll gonna be needing an 4GB+ USB for it, and a software like Rufus!
The site of Linux Mint has everything you need in detail, step by step ^^ good luck!
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“With woman's every natural function seen as a life-threatening crisis, the rational scientific male could not repose much confidence in such a frail vessel. Woman, it now emerged under the scrutiny of pseudo-biology, was a creature hopelessly fragile not only in body, but above all in what the craniologists had grudgingly conceded her by way of mind. Nervous disorders and mental instability were her lot, but there could be no hope of remedying her deficiency in the little gray cells by education: any learning for young ladies risked "excessive stimulation" to their feeble mental parts and was incalculably dangerous. The philosopher Herbert Spencer, previously savaged by Carlyle as "the greatest ass in Christendom" for his part in the evolution debate, was foremost among those who took it upon themselves to trumpet the ill-effects of "brain-forcing" upon young women: diathesis (nervousness), chlorosis ("green-sickness" or anemia), hysteria, stunted growth and excessive thinness were the least they, should expect if they so much as touched a copy of Catullus. Nor was this all. Overtaxing the brain, Spencer warned, "produces... flat-chested girls: consequently those who "survive their high-pressure education” could never "bear a well-developed infant."
Spencer was not the only man of his time to fear that the price of rescuing women from their "natural" ignorance would be "a puny, enfeebled and sickly race." Yet the creature who was too weak-minded even to be educated out of it, could hardly be deemed fit for anything else. Women's imputed physical and mental frailty thus became the grounds for refusing her any civil or legal rights, indeed any change from the "state of nature" in which she dwelt. As late as 1907, an English earl blocked a bill to allow women limited and local voting rights in these terms:
“I think they are too hysterical, they are too much disposed to be guided by feeling and not by cold reason, and... to refuse any kind of compromise. I do not think women are safe guides in government, they are very unsafe guides.”
The speaker was suppor wider another of the leading lights of the British aristocracy in the is der terms of naked masculine self interest: “What is to be feared is that if we take away the position which voman has hitherto occupied, which has come to her from no arich cil education but from nature, if we transfer her from domestic into political life... the homes and happiness of every member of the the homes and happiness of every member of the community will be worsened by the transference." Although plainly not overburdened himself with "artificial" or any other kind of education, his lordship was quite clear on the main point at issue: any attempt by women to escape from their enforced inferiority could only damage the fabric of society, and must therefore be resisted.
Yet for a state of nature, women's lowly status and civil death took a good deal of social and cultural force to maintain. Along with the revolution of industrialism and the victory of science over common sense and reason, the nineteenth-century law became the third and most openly oppressive of the enemies of female emancipation.
Nowhere was this process more blatant than in France, where the Code Napoléon was hailed as the most advanced legal monument of its age; history does not record whether this enthusiasm was in ignorance or in recognition of the fact that this was the most comprehensively repressive package of legislation against women of all time. Under the ancien régime, married women had enjoyed wide free-doms, control over their own property, and an influential place in their community, rights that the Revolution had only widened, by facilitating divorce, for example. Now, in his determination to rebuild the laws of France on a Roman, or rather Corsican, moral base, Napoleon firmly legislated to ensure woman's total subordination to man, and her slavish obedience to all his wishes.
There can be no doubt of the personal edge on Napoleon's legislative blade. "Women should stick to knitting," he informed the son of Madame de Staël, who, whatever else, was not famous for her skill with the needles. Napoleon's attitude to women consistently betrayed such narrow, reactionary, crude and sexist views, along with the determination that just as he was to be sole authority in the state, so every male should have total control over his family. Pushing his "reforms" through the council of state Napoleon pronounced, “the husband must possess the absolute power and right to say to his wife, Madam, you shall not go to the theater, you shall not receive such and such a person; for the children you will bear shall be mine.” Equally, every woman "must be made to realize that on leaving the tutelage of her family, she passes under that of her husband."
To this end, the Code Napoléon equipped every husband with extraordinary, unprecedented, indeed despotic powers. He could compel his wife either to reside in or to move to any place he decreed; everything she ever owned or earned became his; in divorce, he kept the children, the house and all the goods, for she had no right in their common property; in adultery, she could be sent to prison for up to two years, while he escaped scot free. Frenchwomen had been better off in the Dark Ages than they were after Napoleon's Civil Code became law in 1804. Their modern tragedy was to be repeated with a Greek inevitability in countless other corners of the globe as the new model code, along with the metric system, swept most of the civilized world.
Yet even as the forces of patriarchy were vigorously regrouping within these very structures of oppression lay the seeds of their eventual defeat. The revolution of industrialization made women's search for a new identity and purpose both urgent and inescapable, it had also unwittingly put into her hands the means by which to achieve it. The very success of the Industrial Revolution in creating wealth, created also the idle wife as the badge of her husband's social succes. The production of surplus goods and surplus money led inevitably to the production of surplus women. It created, too, a concept entirely new in historical terms, the idea that women should be entirely supported by men. Large numbers of the females of the rising bourgeoisie thus found themselves lodged in a limbo somewhere between china doll and household pet, relegated to the classic "little woman" role still recognizable today. Deprived of work and significance, the idle wife was offered instead the newfangled flummery of Mrs. Bee-ton's "domestic arts"" Emily Post on etiquette, and The Language of Flowers.
As time went on, however, "this strange masculine aberration that required women to be useless." in the words of historian Amaury de Riencourt, "proved to be a mistake of the first order": "the historical record shows that women, one way or another, always have to be at the center of things and will not for long stand being made idle or put on the shelf." This enforced inactivity gave the "lady of leisure" the time to question her enervating and demoralizing lifestyle, her dependence on her man for money, status and meaning. When this brutally stupid and unnatural way of life was also forced down women's throats as the highest form of existence any female could hope to attain, the conflict between what life was and what it was supposed to be eventually became unmanageable.
At the other end of the scale, the working woman had no leisure question her lot. Wholly subject to her lord and master, she groaned under the newly emerging "double burden" of working full-time by day, and carrying out the full load of all the household chores in whatever time was left at night.”
-Rosalind Miles; Who Cooked The Last Supper?; Women’s History of the World
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does optimum support vpn
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does optimum support vpn
Optimum VPN compatibility
Optimum VPN compatibility refers to the ability of a virtual private network (VPN) service to work seamlessly across various devices and operating systems. In today's digital age, where online privacy and security are of paramount importance, using a VPN has become a popular choice for individuals and businesses alike. However, not all VPNs are created equal, and having optimum compatibility ensures a smooth and secure online experience.
One of the key factors to consider when choosing a VPN service is its compatibility with different devices and platforms. A high-quality VPN should be compatible with popular operating systems such as Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and Linux. This ensures that users can protect their online activities regardless of the device they are using.
Moreover, optimum VPN compatibility extends beyond just devices to include compatibility with various routers and browsers. Having VPN support for routers allows users to secure their entire network, offering protection to all connected devices. Additionally, browser extensions can enhance privacy and security when browsing the internet, making it essential for a VPN to be compatible with popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
Overall, choosing a VPN service with optimum compatibility ensures that users can enjoy a seamless and secure online experience across all their devices. By selecting a VPN that supports a wide range of devices, operating systems, routers, and browsers, users can protect their privacy and data no matter how they choose to connect to the internet.
Optimum VPN configuration
Title: Achieving Optimal VPN Configuration: A Comprehensive Guide
In today's interconnected digital landscape, ensuring the security and privacy of online activities is paramount. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have emerged as indispensable tools for safeguarding sensitive data and maintaining anonymity while browsing the internet. However, achieving optimal VPN configuration involves more than just installing the software. It requires a strategic approach to maximize performance and security. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you configure your VPN for optimal results.
Choose the Right Protocol: Selecting the appropriate VPN protocol is crucial for balancing speed and security. Common options include OpenVPN, L2TP/IPsec, and IKEv2/IPsec. Evaluate your priorities – whether it's speed, security, or both – and choose the protocol accordingly.
Opt for Secure Encryption: Encryption ensures that your data remains secure during transmission. Aim for AES 256-bit encryption, considered the gold standard for VPN security. Avoid weaker encryption methods that may compromise your privacy.
Enable Kill Switch: A kill switch is a vital feature that prevents data leakage in case of VPN connection failure. Enable this feature to ensure that your internet connection is automatically cut off if the VPN connection drops, safeguarding your sensitive information.
Utilize Multi-Factor Authentication: Strengthen your VPN security by implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA). This adds an extra layer of protection by requiring additional verification steps, such as a one-time code sent to your mobile device, before granting access.
Regularly Update Software: Stay vigilant against security vulnerabilities by keeping your VPN software up to date. Developers frequently release patches and updates to address emerging threats, so ensure that you install updates promptly to maintain the integrity of your VPN configuration.
By following these guidelines, you can optimize your VPN configuration for enhanced security and performance. Remember, investing time in configuring your VPN properly is a small price to pay for the peace of mind that comes with knowing your online activities are protected.
Optimum VPN support options
When it comes to ensuring your online privacy and security, using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is essential. However, at times you may encounter difficulties or have questions regarding your VPN service. That's where having access to optimum VPN support options becomes crucial.
Optimum VPN support options typically include various channels through which users can seek assistance or guidance. These options can vary depending on the VPN provider but usually include email support, live chat support, phone support, and comprehensive online resources such as FAQs, troubleshooting guides, and knowledge bases.
Email support allows users to submit their queries or issues via email and receive a detailed response from the VPN provider's support team. Live chat support offers real-time assistance, making it convenient for users to get quick solutions to their problems. Phone support, though less common, can be valuable for users who prefer speaking directly with a support agent.
In addition to direct support channels, having access to online resources can also be beneficial. FAQs can address common concerns, while troubleshooting guides can help users resolve technical issues on their own. Knowledge bases provide in-depth information about the VPN service and its features, helping users make the most of their subscription.
Overall, having optimum VPN support options is essential for ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience with your VPN service. Before subscribing to a VPN provider, it's worth checking the support options available to ensure that help is readily accessible when needed.
Optimum VPN troubleshooting
If you're experiencing issues with your Optimum VPN, don't panic – troubleshooting common problems can often resolve the issue quickly and efficiently. Here are some tips to help you troubleshoot your Optimum VPN:
Check your internet connection: The first step in troubleshooting your Optimum VPN is to ensure that your internet connection is stable. If your internet connection is weak or unstable, it can affect the performance of your VPN.
Verify your login credentials: Sometimes login credentials can be the reason for connectivity issues. Double-check your username and password to ensure that you are entering the correct information.
Select the right server: Optimum VPN offers multiple servers for different locations. If you are experiencing slow speeds or connectivity issues, try switching to a different server to see if the problem persists.
Update your VPN client: Outdated VPN clients can sometimes cause issues with connectivity. Make sure that you are using the latest version of the Optimum VPN client to avoid any potential problems.
Disable firewall or antivirus: In some cases, firewalls or antivirus software can block the VPN connection. Temporarily disable these programs to see if they are causing the issue with your Optimum VPN.
Contact customer support: If you have tried all the steps above and are still experiencing issues with your Optimum VPN, don't hesitate to contact customer support. They will be able to provide further assistance and help resolve any ongoing problems.
By following these troubleshooting tips, you can ensure a smooth and efficient experience with your Optimum VPN. Remember to stay patient and persistent while troubleshooting, as sometimes the solution may be simpler than it seems.
Optimum VPN limitations
Title: Understanding the Limitations of Optimum VPN Services
Optimum VPN services are essential tools for safeguarding online privacy, ensuring secure browsing, and bypassing geo-restrictions. However, like any technology, they come with their limitations that users should be aware of to make informed decisions.
Limited Server Locations: While top-tier VPN providers offer extensive server networks worldwide, Optimum VPN might have fewer server locations. This limitation could result in slower connection speeds and difficulties accessing content from specific regions.
Bandwidth Restrictions: Some Optimum VPN plans may impose bandwidth limitations, restricting the amount of data users can transfer within a certain period. This can be problematic for users who engage in activities requiring large data transfers, such as streaming high-definition video content or downloading large files.
Device Compatibility: Optimum VPN services may not be compatible with all devices and operating systems. Users might encounter difficulties setting up the VPN on certain devices or experience compatibility issues that affect performance and reliability.
Limited Features: Compared to premium VPN providers, Optimum VPN services might lack advanced features such as split tunneling, dedicated IP addresses, or multi-hop connections. These features enhance security and customization options for users but may not be available in basic Optimum VPN packages.
Security Concerns: While VPNs are designed to enhance security and privacy, not all Optimum VPN services implement robust encryption protocols or adhere to strict no-logs policies. Users should thoroughly research the security measures employed by their chosen VPN provider to ensure their data remains protected.
In conclusion, while Optimum VPN services offer valuable benefits, they also come with certain limitations that users should consider. By understanding these limitations and conducting thorough research, users can select the VPN service that best fits their needs and preferences while maximizing online security and privacy.
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Probation Violation in Georgia: Understanding the Consequences and Defense Strategies
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Probation serves as an alternative to incarceration for individuals convicted of felonies or misdemeanors in the state of Georgia. It allows offenders to remain in the community while being supervised and required to adhere to certain rules and conditions set by the court. However, violating the terms of probation can have serious consequences, including additional fines and even jail time. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the different types of probation violations, the potential penalties, and strategies for defense.
Understanding Probation Violations in Georgia
1. Technical Violations
A technical violation occurs when an individual fails to comply with the general or specified conditions of their probation. Examples of technical violations include:
Failing to pay fines or fees
Neglecting to fulfill restitution obligations
Leaving the designated jurisdiction without permission
It is crucial to understand that even seemingly minor infractions can lead to probation violations. Therefore, it is essential to take your probation requirements seriously to avoid potential repercussions.
2. Special Condition Violations
In some cases, probation officers may impose special conditions that are specific to an individual's situation. These conditions go beyond the standard requirements and are established by the probation officer rather than the court. Failure to comply with these special conditions can result in probation violations and further penalties. It is important to carefully review and understand any special conditions imposed on your probation.
3. Substantive Violations
Substantive violations occur when an individual commits a new crime while on probation. These violations are separate acts unrelated to the original offense for which probation was granted. For example, being caught shoplifting while on probation for a previous theft offense would be considered a substantive violation. Such violations often lead to additional legal penalties and can have severe consequences.
Consequences of Probation Violation
When facing a Probation violation in Georgia, the court has broad discretion to impose a range of penalties. The consequences may include:
Warning or Request to Appear in Court
Upon discovery of a probation violation, a probation officer may issue a warning or request the offender's appearance in court for a probation violation hearing. During this hearing, the probation officer will present the violation and recommend an additional penalty. It is crucial to take any warnings or requests to appear in court seriously, as they indicate the seriousness of the violation.
Determination of Violation
According to Georgia Code § 42-9-51, a final hearing before the parole board may be required to determine whether the terms and conditions of probation were violated. This hearing aims to establish the nature and extent of the violation and the corresponding penalties. It is essential to prepare a strong defense and present evidence to support your case during this hearing.
If found guilty of violating probation, the court will proceed with sentencing immediately following the hearing. The court will consider recommendations from the probation officer or parole board when determining the appropriate sentence. The sentence may include various penalties, such as community service, drug or alcohol rehabilitation programs, large fines or restitution, or even jail time or imprisonment.
It is important to note that in severe cases, the parole board may choose to revoke probation entirely, requiring the individual to serve the remainder of their sentence in prison.
Developing a Defense Strategy
When facing a probation violation charge, it is crucial to develop a strong defense strategy to protect your rights and mitigate potential consequences. Here are some strategies to consider:
1. Gather Evidence
Collect any evidence that supports your defense, such as documents, receipts, or witness statements. This evidence can help challenge the allegations made against you and demonstrate your commitment to complying with probation conditions.
2. Consult with an Experienced Probation Violation Lawyer
Contacting a skilled probation violation lawyer is vital to ensure you have the best possible defense. An experienced attorney will review the circumstances of your case, assess the evidence, and provide expert guidance throughout the legal process. The Law Offices of Harold J. Cronk, PC, is a reputable law firm serving clients in Savannah, Georgia, and the surrounding counties. Our team of dedicated probation violation lawyers is ready to assist you.
3. Present Mitigating Factors
If you have valid reasons for the probation violation, such as a medical emergency or unforeseen circumstances, it is crucial to present these mitigating factors to the court. Providing a clear and compelling explanation can help demonstrate your commitment to probation and potentially lead to more lenient penalties.
4. Comply with Probation Requirements
To avoid future violations, it is essential to strictly adhere to all probation requirements. This includes attending scheduled appointments, completing any mandated programs or classes, paying fines and restitution promptly, and avoiding any involvement in criminal activities. By demonstrating your commitment to probation, you minimize the risk of further violations.
If you have been charged with violating probation in Georgia, it is essential to seek legal representation promptly. The Law Offices of Harold J. Cronk , offers experienced probation violation lawyers who can guide you through the legal process, protect your rights, and help you navigate the complexities of the Georgia probation system. Contact us today for a consultation to discuss your case and explore your defense options. Your future is at stake, and our dedicated team is here to provide the support and advocacy you need.
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rynxyni · 9 months
Hello everyone.
This isn't one of my normal posts today.
This one is about gachatuber SleepyLeoLemon on YouTube and my friend, FILIROM on YouTube.
Now, let me give a brief explanation under the cut.
So now, who are these people?
SleepyLeoLemon is a gachatuber with almost 40k subscribers.
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This is his channel.
FILIROM, on the other hand, is one of my friends. He has a YouTube channel with about 200 subscribers (he does Gran Turismo videos so if you like that SUBSCRIBE TO HIM ANYWAYS).
My friend, FILIROM, has been accused of inviting trolls to SleepyLeoLemon's Discord server. Let me explain why Leo thinks my friend did it.
• FILIROM said his phone was lagging.
• The trollers knew the code on how to get into the server (yes, there is a code in the server).
• He created an invite link to Leo's server.
These three things caused great suspicion, and I understand why. The thing is, he didn't do it. He is innocent. I know he would NEVER do something so horrible to someone he didn't even know. HE ISN'T, AND NEVER WAS, A BAD PERSON.
"Oh, but you're his friend! Of course your supporing him!"
Say that all you want, but I have proof.
To start, when his phone is laggy, he always tells me. He goes outside sometimes while on Discord, which may cause lag. Since his phone was lagging, he could've accidentally made an invite link. And how the trollers knew the code? It could've been a million different things! Maybe someone else in the server told them? Maybe one of the trolls joined first to figure out the code? There are endless possibilities.
Is that not enough proof for you? Well how about this?
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(For privacy purposes, I have censored FILIROM's Discord username.)
He said ON GOD he is innocent. And he does really believe in God. Like really.
This situation has been stressing everyone involved for quite some time now. And who's at fault here? Leo is. Why? Because he has refused to listen to what my friend has to say. He has refused to negotiate. All my friend wanted. Was. To. Fucking. Negotiate. But Leo wouldn't fucling listen. Didn't listen. And now FILIROM looks like the fucking villian when he isn't! DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHY I'M SO FUCKING PISSED?! IT'S BECAUSE MY FRIEND, WHO IS 100% FUCKING INNOCENT, IS BEING BLAMED FOR SOMETHING HE DIDN'T FUCKING DO!
Now, for Leo. Though I highly doubt you will ever see this:
Just because you have your own set of issues does NOT mean you can be a fucking dick. Before you claim someone as guilty, maybe you should, I don't know now, HEAR THEIR SIDE OF THE FUCKING STORY? And ESPECIALLY don't post it online, to your fucking YouTube channel that has 40k subs! BECAUSE THE INFORMATION YOU ARE GIVING IS INCORRECT!
I hope you're happy, Leo. You've succeeded in making FILIROM and me upset, angry, annoyed, ect. I hope you're fucking happy that you have succeeded in putting unwanted stress on both of us, especially FILIROM.
Fuck you, Leo. Burn in hell.
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Software Development for Start-ups – A Must-Read for Start-up Owners!
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The year 2023 will witness a major quest to provide high-quality software development for start-ups. The truth is that when investors carefully assess the technological component of an asset, high-quality software development has become essential.
In most cases, a startup’s success depends on meeting the needs of its clients. However, founders either directly or indirectly end up making blind development if the technical and engineering components of a firm are not properly planned.
For instance, it’s critical to comprehend that your server can handle a large volume of user inquiries.
Let’s dive deeper to understand the entire scenario of how custom software development Chicago works for start-ups!  
Software development for Start-ups
Despite having an efficient architecture for your application, the same guidelines still apply when you ask to add additional features. Simply put, the founders cannot foresee every facet of the growth of their firm. However, founders might examine how their startup’s technological foundation can address potential usage scenarios.
If you’re planning to launch your start-up anytime soon, here’s how you can ensure your software development for start-up works up to the mark.
1. Assure You Have A Team of Experts! 
Most startups are founded by entrepreneurs, so there is little to no foundation in technology or technical expertise to guarantee long-term success. However, company entrepreneurs should avoid giving up on their idea because they lack the necessary engineering expertise.
However, there should be a greater understanding of engineering constraints so that you can create a plan to close gaps. But if not, consulting a seasoned software development firm would be the most economical, effective, and sensible course of action.
Although you may not realize it in the beginning, outsourcing software development for start-ups is the most practical way to acquire expert advice and hand over various engineering elements of your firm. By outsourcing, you may enhance the resiliency of your IT infrastructure and deliver high user satisfaction. As a result, investors will pay greater attention to you and continue to compliment you.
2. Seamless Data Management is the Key to Success!
As a start-up owner, you must research the benefits of implementing effective data management right from the beginning. Determine “where” and “how” the startup data should be stored, as before.
Keep in mind that data-driven growth necessitates clear and trustworthy data management to make reasoned decisions. To get the most out of data services like data collecting, data reports, dashboards, etc., you should also create specialized software architecture.
3. UI/UX Design Matters, Literally A Lot!
The importance of UX and UI design, how it boosts user pleasure, and how it integrates with appropriate back-end interactions should be made clear to ensure outstanding software development for your start-up.
Now, this does not imply that founders must create intricate user interfaces. Instead, make sure MVP and the app’s design is responsive, straightforward, and user-friendly.
Test numerous variations of the app design to ensure that it doesn’t look complicated. 
4. Choose the Programming Languages Wisely!
Even if you’re using low-code or open-source software, you will still need appropriate software architecture to modify and optimize business models as per the required technological capabilities. Most startups fail due to a bad business strategy as well as shoddy software architecture that became a block for adding new features.
The MVP in startup software development is typically the founders’ main point of contention. It all comes down to choosing between using free and open-source MVP development during the early phases of a firm instead of using complex technological advancements.
A reliable tech partner like Cloudester may help you acquire amazing architecture support to accommodate various future situations. Cloudester can assist you in accelerating your development efforts, including the use of frameworks and programming languages.
5. Analyze Data Protection & Security Practices!
Startups are not exempt from restrictions, albeit, it depends on the type of data and service.
This gives the founders even more justification to create the service in accordance with the rules. The terms “data protection” and “data security” are sometimes used synonymously. Firewalls, encryption, and AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting) are the key elements of data security.
The good news is that startups may now strengthen their efforts at data protection and security, thanks to a variety of strategies shared by Cloudester. You can look into how Cloudester’s engineers are performing their best to ensure high-end security in their projects.
Final Thoughts
A startup’s talented and experienced CTO is more than capable of aligning third-party solutions and modules to guarantee reasoned decision-making. However, the majority of these duties are delegated to a qualified software development firm.
Understanding your engineering and technological limitations is crucial for founders. They must set a vision when it comes to consideration for startup’s software development and other technological aspects. You have to learn to optimize a variety of tools within a set budget, from human capital to software to technology.
In addition, you can collaborate with the most creative people in the industry or some agency like Cloudester to develop a varied workforce that can serve a variety of customers. You won’t have to continuously worry about subpar production quality that could affect operations once you concentrate on the appropriate tools.
Let’s connect with us to discuss your goals and the project requirements.
Original Source:-Software Development for Start-ups
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wamatechblog · 1 year
React Native vs. Kotlin Parameter Comparison
According to the statistics, React Native ranks highly among the best cross-platform development tools. However, the recent release of the Kotlin multi-platform is putting the former to shame. Kotlin, which is equipped with a plethora of modern features, fully supports cross-platform development for iOS and Android. This brings us to the feature comparison of React Native vs Kotlin. The parameters listed below briefly describe the differences between the two development tools in various aspects.
 Performance Parameters for React Native vs. Kotlin
The first difference between Kotlin and React Native is performance. In that regard, React Native provides developers with a native-like experience. It allows developers to create applications using native modules and JavaScript. It is fast, scalable, and provides a native feel and look on both Android and iOS.
 Kotlin, on the other hand, enables developers to write platform-specific codebases with ease and share business logic written in the programming language. Although applications written in Kotlin are undoubtedly fast, they cannot outperform applications written in its competitor.
 Learning Difficulties
The learning curve comes next. Despite the fact that React Native makes use of powerful libraries and JavaScript, it has a steep learning curve. Developers with prior experience or ideas in JavaScript will have little difficulty using React Native for multi-platform app development. Furthermore, because of the framework's broad capabilities and widespread adoption, finding developers with expertise is simple.
 When it comes to Kotlin, it has a short learning curve. Because Kotlin is fully interoperable with Java, a large number of developers find it simple to use and learn.
 Developmental Ease
Experienced developers can easily leverage JavaScript and native UI to build iOS and Android applications using the same codebase. This is due to React Native's hot reloading features, ready-to-use components, and native development capabilities for developers, which make development much easier.
 Kotlin, on the other hand, assists developers in reusing multi-platform logic and writing platform-specific codebases as needed. As a result, the entire development cycle becomes quick, easy, and hassle-free.
 Time and Cost of Development
If you are on a tight budget, React Native is an excellent choice. When developing applications for multiple platforms, you obviously do not want to go over budget or schedule. As a result, React Native is ideal for creating MVPs and prototyping.
 Kotlin, like React Native, enables developers to create faster and smoother applications with fewer resources. If you're short on time, Kotlin is an excellent choice. When compared to React Native, Kotlin requires fewer lines of code to write and deploy working code, resulting in a shorter app development time.
 The level of popularity
To build their Android apps, tech giants and well-known companies use either React Native or Kotlin. Which of the two, however, will gain the most traction? Kotlin, on the other hand, eliminates repetitive tasks from the development cycle and speeds up the process, allowing developers to work on a single codebase that runs on multiple platforms.
 React Native is used by companies such as Facebook, Bloomberg, Walmart, Instagram, Wix, Facebook Ads, Airbnb, Uber Eats, Discord, Discovery VR, and Townske. Netflix, Amazon, Twitter, and Pinterest, among many other companies, use Kotlin for Android development. Based on the popularity and features of the apps, it appears that both React Native and Kotlin have a solid foundation.
 Community Assistance
React Native has a sizable user base. Although the React Native documentation is sufficient to get developers started, there are numerous tutorials, online courses, and blog posts available for those who want to learn more about the framework.
 However, because Kotlin is a new language, it has limited community support and libraries. They are, however, constantly evolving in order to improve and gain strong community support.
 Stack of Technology
React Native relies entirely on JavaScript for development because it is a JavaScript framework. It also uses the JSX syntax to render its user interface, which is a JavaScript technology that provides all of the benefits of the JavaScript language. This indicates that you must be familiar with JavaScript in order to work with React Native.
 Kotlin, on the other hand, is a platform-native mobile application programming language. This means you'll be able to write native code for your Android app that interacts directly with native device hardware and has complete access to it while developing it. However, both Kotlin and React Native limit your ability to choose the tools you want to use when developing.
 Environment for Development
In general, a platform with fewer hoops and jumps will win. Developers can use any text editor or IDE to begin React Native development. This means you can still request that your developer use your preferred text editor. Furthermore, installing React Native via the NPM package manager is a simple and quick process that will take less than 3 hours.
Also read: Craigslist App
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kerlonadvice · 2 years
Download securityspy macintosh
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Motion detection also timelapse capture features.
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Tags: Telecharger SecuritySpy 4.2.1 avec crac, torrents, torrent, DMG, Descargar SecuritySpy 4.2.1, SecuritySpy 4.2.1 registration code. This advanced security tool for mac supports a wide range of surveillance cameras including Axis, Samsung, JVC, Pixord, D-Link, Panasonic in addition to various other popular cameras. SecuritySpy 4.2.1 Patch includes a wide range of innovative features and presets for precise surveillance. Moreover, the program telecharger torrent brings out new intuitive workflow interface allowing users to use the software with ease. You can also download Hide My IP Crack For Mac. Additionally, SecuritySpy 4.2.1 Serial key is built in web server for remote viewng and administartion. Which means, you can also replay things that has been happening in certain area in any past time. You can also replay previous movements depending on your selection. It can simply be applicable to capture images or videos. SecuritySpy 4.2.1 + Crack output audio videos with their highest image and sound quality. This application is compatible with a wide range of cameras that are linked to your Mac OS X device. Since you install SecuritySpy 4.2.1 Full Version, you will not need to search other surveillance app. The program torrent displays network video streaming for various cameras. SecuritySpy 4.2.1 freeload For Mac can be used in companies, factories, home in addition to other various locations. The software install on Mac devices and works in a direct linking with surveillance cameras.
SecuritySpy 4.2.1 Crack For Mac Free Download is a powerful security application for Mac OS X systems.
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viraldrita · 2 years
Pdf professional 8 download
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Change font attributes such as font size, color, etc.
Export/import PDF images into widely-used formats such as PNG.
Append PDF controls such as checkboxes, lists, buttons, etc into your PDF documents.
Encrypt and/or protect PDF files using 128-bit encryption.
Create new PDF documents and modify existing ones.
To harness the full potential of the PDF editor, users are required to upgrade to the full version. Unlike the Foxit Reader, Master PDF editor provides a free version that gives you basic PDF editing features. Master PDF Editorĭeveloped and maintained by Code Industry Master PDF editor is yet another cross-platform and proprietary PDF editor that comes equipped with robust PDF editing functionalities. It’s mostly used by large organizations and businesses that require advanced PDF editing solutions.
On top of everything that the PDF Editor offers, the PDF Editor Pro version offers advanced editing, security, and collaboration features.
Sharing and collaborating on PDF documents.
Export PDF files to multiple formats e.g doc, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.
Protect documents with password encryption.
Permanently redact and remove text and images.
You can fill forms, change document layout, modify font size, color, line spacing, add multimedia content and so much more. The PDF editor gives you a 14-day trial after which you will be required to upgrade by purchasing a one-time lifetime purchase.įoxit PDF editor allows you to perform the following tasks. The Foxit PDF reader is free, however other PDF solutions including the PDF Editor are proprietary. It provides users with a PDF reader, PDF editor, PDF eSign, and other online document conversion solutions.
Foxit PDF Editor & PDF Editor Proįoxit is a fully-featured, widely used, and multi-platform software that provides a comprehensive suite of PDF solutions that are tailored for your environment – whether it is a small or big company or even for individual use. Scribus – Open Source Desktop Publishing 3. Like Okular, you are limited to making minor changes such as annotations using text, lines, and boxes. Unfortunately, Scribus doesn’t give you much leeway in terms of editing PDF documents. Scribus supports a long list of file formats including PDF, image formats such as JPEG, PNG, and TiFF, SVG, and vector formats such as EPS and Ai for Adobe Illustrator. As such, It serves as a perfect substitute for other elaborate and expensive desktop publishing applications. It is free and multi-platform and its main focus is in creative desktop publishing with stunning text layouts for high-quality, high-level printing and image-setting equipment. Scribus is an open-source desktop publishing software built for Linux and other UNIX-based systems such as Solaris, FreeBSD, and NetBSD.
You can install Okular from Flatpak, Snap, or using your distribution’s software store. The latest release is Okular 21.12 which was released on December 9, 2021. Append digital signatures to PDF documents.Īpart from reading and editing your documents, Okular also allows you to copy text or images from the PDF document and paste it somewhere else, reading text aloud thanks to the Qt speech module and verifying signatures.Redacting text (Obscuring text for privacy or legal purposes).In annotation mode, you can highlight and underline text, add inline notes, and even append your own text. In addition to viewing documents, it allows you to make some minor editing tasks to your PDF documents.Īt a glance, here are some of the notable editing features: Okular provides a wide selection of features for reading your documents. It supports a wide array of document formats such as PDF, Epub, MD, and DjVu (for documents) PNG, JPEG, Tiff, GIF, and WebP (for images) as well as comic book formats such as CBZ and CBR. Okularĭeveloped by the KDE opensource community, Okular is a multi-platform document viewer that is fully free and licensed under the GPLv2+. In this guide, we have put together a list of PDF editors (both free and proprietary) that you can leverage to modify your PDF documents. Occasionally, you might want to modify your PDF and maybe add text, images, fill forms, append a digital signature, and so on. You can seamlessly view a PDF document across multiple devices without visual alteration of its contents. The PDF file format is one of the most widely used document formats that is used to attach, transfer and download digital files thanks to its ease of use, portability, and ability to preserve all elements of a file.
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json-to-xml · 2 years
Json to xml converter
JSON to XML is an online tool that converts JSON to XML files. If you want to convert the file, just put the website URL, upload the file and click the "Convert to XML" button to get the result. JSON, as you know, is text written using JS object notation, a human-readable form of data exchange. It uses only the standards of the JavaScript language, but since it's a textual structure, it's language agnostic, so you don't have to read or write any JavaScript code.
JSON runs smoothly everywhere and contains few JavaScript-like elements. Since the data requested by servers and browsers must be in text format, and JSON is text, JavaScript can easily be converted to JSON and sent to the server for data exchange.
JSON can be converted back to JavaScript when received from the server. So there is no way to get into the complexity of translation. Data stored in a JavaScript object can be easily converted to JSON using the JSON.stringify() function and available for reception using the JSON.parse() function. Below are the JSON data types and elements, which are the same as in JavaScript.
These are enclosed in curly braces, also called curly braces, and are described as key-value pairs. The key must be a string and the value must be a valid JSON data type. These keys and values ​​are separated by columns and each key-value pair is separated by a comma. Objects can be easily accessed with dot or bracket notation. You can also iterate over the properties using a for-in loop. We know that the values ​​are stored in a JSON object. The value can also be another JSON object that can be accessed in the same way. You can also use dot notation to change JSON values ​​if you want.
If you haven't already noticed that these arrays are similar to those used in JavaScript, the values ​​in the array can be strings, another object, another array, null, or booleans. The only difference is that JavaScript can contain more functions and valid JS expressions. A JSON array can contain multiple values. These values ​​are comma separated and can also contain objects. Values ​​can be accessed and deleted/modified by index number. Values ​​in the array start at zero. JSON is now widely used and considered a better format than XML, but sometimes you need to use a JSON converter tool. The most common reason is, if your program only supports XML, how can you convert JSON to XML on the fly? Is the best way to use an online converter to convert the JSON to XML, or develop an entirely new version of the file and deploy it to the program?
They share similar characteristics, although there are some significant differences. Almost half of the world uses XML as a data exchange format, as data exchange has not yet fully switched to JSON.
By comparison, JSON and XML are the same because both are human-readable or self-describing, and contain hierarchical values. That means value within value and is used in different programming languages ​​for parsing.
A question arises here. What's the difference? The answer is very simple. If you already know how to write JSON, you'll see little difference because it doesn't require closing tags and is shorter than XML. Reading a file is more convenient because it's less verbose, you can quickly check if a value is spelled correctly, and you can use arrays in JSON. This is a big advantage.
The only reason you need a transform is if your program has an XML parser, as JSON can only be parsed using JS functions. Also, JSON is faster in AJAX applications because you don't have to traverse the document to extract the value and store it in a variable. I only need the Json.parse function and nothing else. The reason why XML is still so widely used is that it is a markup language. This means that you can add additional information to plain text. Also, the object notation does not support it. This is also good, but XML is not. We can solve your problem quickly.
XML uses a tag structure and supports namespaces, but JSON does not. XML doesn't support arrays, so its documents are a little less readable than JSON. XML is more secure than JSON. It supports comments and various encodings, but JSON does not support comments, only UTF-8 encoding.
visit : https://jsontoxmlconverter.com
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rlxtechoff · 2 years
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mystlnewsonline · 2 years
How to learn more information about a given gambling website and what to focus on?
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People who were interested in online betting a couple of years ago only had a few options to choose from, so picking one of them was not difficult.  However, after numerous legislative changes worldwide, we now have access to loads of betting brands.  Unfortunately, some of them look similar, which is why people need reviews to learn more about them.  Luckily, you can trust Efirbet.com for the latest information about all of the gambling companies, regardless of the countries they focus on because this site has a top-notch selection of reviews.  They will provide you with a detailed overview of the bonus codes, payment options, deposit solutions, etc. Although the professional reviews usually contain all of the important information you have to know, some people can’t access those things.  Hence, they are forced to use other options to learn more about the site they want to use.  Since some punters may not be aware of what they must focus on, this review will provide them with the needed details. Find things like forums where people can share their experience. If you can’t use companies like the one mentioned above, your second-best option is to find something like a forum where people share their experiences with a given iGaming operator.  Even though there are not as many forums as before, you can find a lot of topics on places like Reddit and Quora.  People worldwide use those sites to share their problems and ask questions that might come in handy. One of the big problems of using those things is that you don’t know whether the person behind the post is genuine.  Unfortunately, many online gamblers use those places to “trash talk” simply because they don’t like something.  Instead of providing others with important data, such as info about the bonuses, they use those places to complain about how they’ve lost an “X” amount of money. Once you learn how to filter the comments that don’t provide you with any value, you can learn a lot of important information.  For example, some people will share more details about the given operator’s safety features.  In contrast, others will provide you with information about some of the bonuses and how to use them. Needless to say, you always have to double-check the info you find in those places because some of it could be outdated. Once you find a reliable source of information, pay more attention to the safety features. Finding a place where you can learn information about the hottest online betting operators will probably take some time.  However, once you come across it, you will learn a lot of details regarding the things you can try. Naturally, every bettor wants to check the available sections and promotions to have fun.  Those things have an important role, but there are several other crucial things you need to take into consideration, such as the safety features. Your future online bookmaker or casino has to provide you with enough security options that will allow you to have a safe online betting experience.  The site must have a license from a reputable gambling regulator, such as Malta Gaming Authority or the UKGC.  It also needs to have all of the latest security features, including a firewall and an SSL certificate. Unfortunately, even this is not usually enough to prevent hackers from stealing users’ personal information.  That’s the reason why some companies offer even more options. Try to take a look at the customer support section before signing up Once you’ve found that the casino/bookie has enough safety features, the second thing on your list should be to look at the contact options.  It may be hard to believe, but the majority of the iGaming companies your test won’t give you access to any contact options.  For example, you probably won’t be able to use a live chat or make phone calls. Luckily, this rule has some exceptions because there are betting companies that care for their customers.  As a result, they provide a wide range of contact options and usually have a 24/7 customer support team.  Depending on your preferred brand, you may even use things like Twitter, Facebook, and more. Home Read the full article
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superspunarticle · 2 years
Our Extensive Website Migration Checklist to Preserve Your SEO
Some helpful tips on Content & Video Marketing.
For SEO experts, the term ‘website migration’ often sends a shiver up the spine. 
Here’s a typical horror story – a company spends months and thousands of dollars restructuring their website, only to experience a steep drop off in organic traffic and search engine rankings immediately after. 
Whether you’re doing an in-depth redesign to your site architecture or switching to a new domain, a successful migration takes rigorous planning to pull off without having a negative impact. 
Before moving forward with website migration, you’ll also want to confirm that it’s absolutely necessary. Yet, if migration is your only option, you’ve come to the right place. 
Stay tuned for our step-by-step website migration checklist that will help keep your SEO intact. 
What Is Website Migration?
A website migration occurs whenever a website undergoes significant changes to its URL, domain name, structure, UI, UX, content, or platform. 
The keyword there is ‘significant,’ as minor tweaks and changes don’t constitute a site migration. The changes must drastically affect search engine visibility in order to fall under the website migration umbrella. 
That’s why the migration process is feared by SEO professionals – as it can easily lead to a huge loss of traffic and may cause your website to lose its ranking. 
For example, let’s say that you have a series of landing pages that rank on page one of Google’s SERPs (search engine results pages). They’re your most important pages and constantly bring in traffic and new leads for your business. 
Yet, you need to migrate to a new CMS for your website to survive. After the migration, you notice that your landing pages not only lost their rank but aren’t even showing up on Google due to an issue with Googlebot’s crawler (or because of one of the many other problems that can occur during a migration). 
These are real hazards that happen to many organizations that attempt website migrations. 
That’s not to say that migrations don’t have their place. In fact, at times, a site migration may be your only course of action to save your business – such as moving from an outdated CMS with limited capabilities to WordPress. 
Understanding the Type of Migration You Need
Site location migrations
Generally, site location migrations involve changes to your website’s URLs, such as:
Protocol changes
The protocol refers to the http:// portion of your URLs. A major protocol location migration many sites have to go through is making the switch from HTTP to HTTPS/HTTP2. 
Why make the switch?
Primarily, it’s for the added security that HTTPS provides. That’s especially true if you plan to incorporate e-commerce into your website. It’s strongly recommended that all sites selling merchandise use HTTPS to keep customer data secure. 
Subdomain changes 
The subdomain is the ‘www.’ segment of the URL. You may need to make changes to your subdomain if you’re creating a version of your website in a different language. An example is the French version of Yahoo (fr.yahoo.com). The subdomain ‘fr.’ conveys that the website will display in French. 
You’ll need to tweak your subdomain if you’re adding a mobile version of your website as well. (i.e., m.yourwebsite.com) 
Domain name changes
Your domain name is the original name you chose for your website. Domain name changes are usually related to rebranding. If your company name and branding change, you’ll likely want your domain name to reflect that as well. 
Top-level domain changes 
The top-level domain is the ‘.com’ portion of your URL. A top-level domain change would be switching from a ‘.com’ to a ‘.net’ or ‘.org.’ Adding or removing a ccTLD (country code top-level domain) is another alteration you can make, such as adding ‘.au’ for new URLs (or old URLs), in Australia. 
Platform migrations
Here are some other reasons to consider migrating to a new CMS:
It takes too long to publish content
It no longer generates revenue for you 
It has limited support for mobile devices
It can’t integrate with crucial marketing tools 
These are all signs you’ll benefit from switching to a more robust CMS. Switching platforms will likely result in changes to your URL structure and design due to technical issues and limitations. The result will likely be a website that looks similar to your old site but has noticeable differences. 
Content migrations
Significant changes to your content will affect your visibility on search engines, especially if it’s on a large scale. That includes:
Major rewrites
Consolidating and pruning old pages and new pages
Changes to a large number of meta descriptions and page titles
Hiding content
Removing duplicate content
These will all affect your SEO and user experience. That’s why you’ll need to pay special attention when migrating large chunks of content so you don’t see a negative impact. 
Structural migrations
Any changes to your site’s navigation, internal links, and taxonomy are considered structural migrations. 
That could be as simple as adding breadcrumbs to your navigation bar to as complex as completely redefining the way you structure your website. 
Design migrations (UI & UX) 
Do you plan on making significant tweaks to your technical SEO, such as improving load times and adding 301 redirects to 404 pages? If so, you’re planning a design migration. 
This type of migration also includes changes to site functionality (interactive forms, internal search, blogging, etc.).
Anything that contributes to the look and feel of your website (including media) falls under this category. So if you plan on giving your website a massive makeover – be prepared for an impact on your SEO. 
A Thorough and SEO-Friendly Website Migration Checklist 
Step #1: Create a detailed roadmap for the migration
You’ll want to actively involve your stakeholders and team members when devising your roadmap. To make things easier, you can use project management software such as Asana. 
That will make it effortless to assign each team member their specific tasks for the migration. Project management software is also excellent for visualizing each aspect of the process as well as set individual deadlines. If you don’t have access to software, you can make use of a simple Gantt chart. 
During the planning phase, it’s also wise to pick a date for the launch. 
That will give you an ultimate goal to work toward and will dictate the deadlines for each task. When selecting a date, you’ll need to leave plenty of time for:
Redesign and approval 
Any necessary development work
Content creation and updates
Search engine optimization migration 
Tasks for the day of launch 
Step #2: Create a backup of your old site 
Before you start work on the migration, create a backup of your website in its current state. That way, if the migration goes completely haywire – you can simply revert to your old site to avoid costly downtime. 
It’s also a smart move to keep an unaltered version of your website around if you need to work out any kinks during the migration. 
Sit down with your team to create a rollback plan in case the worst should take place. Doing this allows you to work on your migration stress-free, knowing that you still have a functional version of your old website on hand if you need it. 
Step #3: Create a staging site for making changes
Even with a backup, it’s still wise to create a staging site. This is a duplicate of your old website that you will use as your operating table. 
Since it’s only a copy, there’s no harm in making mistakes or experimenting with it. That turns the pressure off during the migration process, granting your developers lots of freedom. 
A staging site will give your developers plenty of time to review the content and test the functionality of the new site. You’ll also get the chance to use 301 redirects before going live. 
Without a staging site, you’d have to change the URLs in internal links and XML sitemaps numerous times, both pre and post-launch. That’s an inconvenient and time-consuming process, so creating a staging site is well worth the trouble.
Step #4: Crawl your old website and monitor the log files
You can use a platform like Screaming Frog to do an in-depth crawl on your website. It will provide a comprehensive report of any errors that it found, which you’ll want to address ASAP. 
(Image Source)
In addition to crawling your website, you can also crawl your staging site or staging environment (a duplicate of your website). Since this is where you will actively make the changes for your site migration, it’s a good idea to crawl it for errors as well. 
Step #5: Identify your top-performing pages 
After the crawl, the report will tell you which of your web pages are performing the best. As such, you’ll want to keep these pages after the migration to retain their SEO value. 
Besides taking stock of your top performers, you should also pay attention to metrics like visit volume and HTML tags. This data will help you determine what to keep and what to throw away during the migration process. 
Step #6: Check the organic health of your new domain and conduct a backlink audit
This step is only if you’re migrating to a new domain. 
To check the health of the domain, you can use our free Domain Authority Checker Tool. It performs an in-depth assessment of the strength of your web pages and the likelihood of ranking well on search engines. Ideally, you want to migrate to a domain with high authority – as that will work out best for your SEO. 
When it comes to backlinks, you can use our completely free Backlink Checker Tool. It will let you know the quality of the backlinks pointing to the domain. That will clue you in on any spammy or penalized pages pointing to your new domain. 
Lastly, it’s a good rule of thumb to check out the content of the old site by using a tool like the Wayback Machine. 
Step #7: Register both the old and new versions of your site on Google Search Console
It’s crucial not to forget to register your old and new website on GSC. Doing so is a fairly straightforward process and usually involves copying/pasting a code into your CMS. 
Why bother with registering both websites?
It’s because you want to know that Google has visibility of your website. GSC will let you see all the indexed pages it has on file, as well as any errors that occurred during crawling. For whatever reason, sometimes errors occur during discovery, crawling, and indexing. 
If Google can’t index your website, it won’t show up on its SERPs. That’s why you’ll always want to know for certain that Google is able to index your URLs – as it will help you avoid dropoffs in traffic and rankings. 
Step #8: Use the robots.txt file to block access to your new site
While you’re working on the site migration, you don’t want your staging site to compete with your old site on Google. If Google locates duplicate versions of your website, it won’t know which to index and rank – which will hurt your SEO. 
You’ll want to tell Google (and other search engines) not to index your staging site while you’re working on it. 
The easiest and most reliable way to do so is to use the robots.txt file for the test site. It’s crucial to remember to unblock access once you launch the website – or Google will still ignore it. Make a note to yourself that the staging site is blocked and that you’ll need to unblock it before the launch date. 
Step #9: Create a list of the most Important site URLs for SEO to redirect 
After you use Screaming Frog (or another crawler) on your site, you’ll want to compile data from a few different sources to determine their strength SEO-wise. We recommend using:
These three tools will give you detailed analytics on how optimized your URLs are for search engines. This data will help you prioritize content, 301 redirects, and more for your site migration. It will also help you discover which pages you need to update, consolidate, or remove. 
Step #10: Implement 301 redirects
Next up on the website migration checklist is to create a map for your 301 redirects. You should base this map on the SEO data you compiled from the previous step. That will ensure that all your old URLs redirect to the proper new URLs. It also makes sure that all your internal links will redirect properly. 
Once the redirect roadmap is ready, don’t implement it just yet. Instead, crawl the list to verify that there are no broken links or redirects on the list. Once the crawl is complete and there are no errors, you can implement the redirects via your CMS. 
Step #11: Create a new XML sitemap 
Once all your new URLs are ready, you’ll want to create a new XML sitemap that you’ll attach to your website. After that, upload it to Google Search Console. 
Why is this necessary?
It’s because the sitemap helps search engines discover your service, product, and business pages so they can index them and rank them in the SERPs. If you upload a new sitemap as soon as your site goes live, Google will notice your changes quicker than if you didn’t. It’s another technique that combats the SEO dropoff involved with website migrations. 
Step #12: Go for a responsive design for mobile devices
In today’s age, Google focuses on mobile-first indexing. That means Googlebot will take a look at the mobile version of your site before looking at the desktop version. 
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Not only that, but Google prefers a responsive design. In other words, it’s best not to have two versions of your site but one version that displays flawlessly on desktops and mobile devices. If you aren’t sure how mobile-friendly your website is, you can use Google’s Mobile Friendliness Test. 
Step #13: Migrate or add new schema
Schema is a set of data markup opportunities, or in other words, a blueprint for the construction of a database. How does schema factor into website migration?
Well, schema’s primary use is to help website crawlers better understand the content on a web page. If you don’t have schema on your website, you should strive to include it. That’s because schema can increase your rankings and result in rich snippets, both of which are great for your SEO. If you have an existing schema on your old website, migrate it to the new one. 
Step #14: Update your backlinks and robots.txt file
You don’t want to lose the backlink equity you built up on your old website. That’s why you’ll want to run a backlink checker to discover all the links pointing to your site. From there, reach out to each link so they can update the backlinks to point to your new site. 
This is a rather involved process that will take some time. As such, it’s wise to designate one of your team members to focus entirely on keeping track of backlinks and handling the outreach. 
You’ll need to retain control of your old domain until all your backlinks get updated. Otherwise, someone else can claim the domain and steal your backlink equity. 
If you have an extensive website containing pages that you don’t want to be indexed on search engines, you’ll need to create a new robots.txt file. If you don’t have any pages that you don’t want to appear in the SERPs, you won’t need to worry about it. 
Conduct a Thorough SEO Audit Before and After Launch 
Once all the website migration checklist items are complete, you’ll want to perform an in-depth SEO audit of the new website – as you’ll want to make sure everything is in its right place. That includes ensuring all URLs, pages, content, links, and tags are accounted for and in the correct spot. Run a crawl, check Google Analytics, and test your new website on mobile before initiating the launch. 
Even after the launch, you’ll want to perform another audit. That will ensure that everything is still working post-migration. 
After that, it’s about measuring your performance results post-launch. Keep a close eye on your organic search traffic, rankings, page speed, and engagement metrics. 
To ensure you keep your rankings, you can use The HOTH’s free Google Ranking Checker. If you notice your ranks falling, you’ve got some work to do. In a nutshell, you’ll want to monitor your progress, ensure your success, and make additional tweaks when necessary. 
Choose The HOTH for Managed SEO and More 
If you don’t have an internal team to knock out the website migration checklist for you, we recommend contacting an experienced professional. 
Once you’re ready to focus on your SEO, we’re here to help. Please don’t wait to schedule a call with our experts. With HOTH X, we can fully manage your SEO services for you. 
This article “Our Extensive Website Migration Checklist to Preserve Your SEO” was published here.
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