#code name pauline
ademella · 1 year
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relatableblorbopoll · 5 months
Round 1 of preliminaries, group 16
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The first two places get a place on the bracket
Little reminder: there will be 2 more rounds of preliminaries, the losing blorbos of this poll still have 2 chances of getting in the official bracket
Propaganda under the cut
Parker (Leverage)
"Some of the weird things she says are so true. Like when she talks about past/present/future parker. Her joy at the things that she loves is so complete. Christmas every year! I too have the urge to stab people with forks when in uncomfortable social situations. And it was great when she made her security code to her…home…Sophie’s real name because it was representative of where trust stood in the team after the prison break. Oh! And her and Alec are total couple goals. (Thruple goals if you add in Elliot)"
Gudetama (Sanrio)
"A lazy egg who really doesn't want to do much of anything and would rather just go back to sleep"
Finn the Human (Adventure Time)
"finn is just a little guy doing his best and trying to help people! he's the only human in the show so he's just like us fr (the entire human race) and he starts off the series as a kid and grows up during it so he really goes through all the relatable ups and downs and friendships and relationships and mistakes and achievements that we all go through. he does a lot of idolising people and having to realise they're not what he told himself they were. sometimes he tries to distract himself from an existential crisis by running around yelling or stabbing things with a sword. relatable"
Rain O'Fire Frazier (Worm)
"Rain grew up in a conservative community that he didn't want to be part of, and rejected their regressive ideology in favor of surrounding himself with people who have gender vibes, mental health issues, and traumas of their own. Also, people give him all sorts of crap in the setting, and while he does fuck up sometimes, he's just a swell dude who's hoping to not get murdered by crazy people. Times being what they are, I think that that's something a lot of people can relate to."
Piper Mclean (Heroes of the Olympus)
"she's SO full of love!!! she loves everyone so strongly!! she has a complicated relationship with femininity, gender and beauty standards. she bullies her friends but would go down fighting for them if needed. she acts out to get her dad's attention. she believes in a balance between emotions and logic, and is not afraid to tell her friends if she thinks they're neglecting the emotional side of a problem."
Norma Khan (Dead End Paranormal Park)
"She is autistic and struggles with socialising (same) She has special interests that she will bring up at any opportunity. She can get overwhelemed and scared being in the world. Norma is also bisexual! She spends her time in a Pauline Phoneix theme park (one of her spins) and fighting demons and ghosts (another special interest). Vote Norma today!!"
"She goes through so many relatable experiences that I rarely see depicted and is just overall an excellent character. The third episode of the show has the most relatable depiction of anxiety I've ever seen (especially the intersection between social anxiety and autistic sensory overload). It's one of those episodes where each character has to face their worst fears, and with how those episodes usually go, I expected her to overcome her fears at the end of the episode and just not have them anymore. Instead, she overloads the villain by having too much fear for him to handle since she has to constantly face her greatest fears as part of her everyday life. The protagonist also acknowledges how much more severe her fear is compared to most other people, which is pretty validating. Her special interest is an actress who turns out to be a really shady person, and she has a lot of trouble processing this because it was so close to her heart. She even gets a musical number about it! I've never seen this particular experience depicted in fiction, but it's one that is sadly pretty relatable to me and probably a lot of other people on here. She also has a plot where she is rejected romantically by a straight friend, which is kinda nice to see (even if it's not nice for poor Norma) since even though this is a really common experience IRL I rarely see it explored in fiction. And she's just really funny and smart and a great character in general!"
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Modern AU
Things that Halt has texted to someone at least once
- you literally have no proof of this
- can we talk about a hypothetical situation?
- all right, but if I had hit him after all, then what?
- criminal code - latest update? there are updates there?
- turn that music down or you'll find that there are places on earth where you can get so lost that they'll find the Yeti faster than they find you
- Gilan is no authority on the subject
- just don't tell Crowley
- and what are you going to do, arrest me?
- EVERYONE has to bring their own shovel
- I swear, if you wink at me again, I'll kick you under the table in front of all these people
- no.
- don't call me, text me
- NO.
- which one of you morons went to tell Duncan about this?
- i don't have a clue about any pie, why are you telling me about it?
- N-O.
- Here's Will's father, what did you mean when you wrote 'party'? Explain yourself, give your full name and your age.
- ONE MORE VOICE MESSAGE. Come on. I dare you. Send it. Let's see what happens.
- NO!
- don't you dare even touch the oven
- I don't know, ask Pauline
- I don't know, I don't want to know and neither should you
- put the lute away. now.
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zootopiathingz · 9 months
Mario: From now on, we will be using code names. You can address me as ‘Eagle One.’ Pauline, code name ‘Been There, Done That.’
Mario: Peach is ‘Currently Doing That.’ *high fives Peach*
Mario: Daisy is ‘It Happened Once In A Dream.’
Mario: Toad, code name ‘If I Had To Pick A Non-Human Species.’
Mario: Luigi is…’Eagle Two.’
Luigi: Oh, grazie a dio.
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beguines · 5 months
What do I mean when I say that Paul needs to be thrown out with the garbage? First, we must get our Pauls straight. The Paul who lived and wrote letters in the first century CE is not who I have in mind for the garbage heap. While such a person undoubtedly existed, we have no access to this Paul that isn't always already mediated by the archive of letters that bear his name. This Pauline archive is a collection of thirteen letters that were preserved, edited, rewritten, and collected through processes that remain opaque to modern historians. This archive, continually edited in antiquity and reconstructed by modern editors from a myriad of textual remains, is coded by modern readers in two interconnected movements for producing Pauls: canonization and secularization. Each of these movements operates within what Kwok Pui-lan has identified as a white, Protestant logocentrism, the belief that writing is derivative of speech, meaning that it depends on the existence of a speaker/author for its meaning . . .
"Paul" is an invention to authorize certain ways of reading over others. This canonical function is thus a way to mask power: the power to set the terms as to which interpretations count and which don't.
Cavan Concannon, Profaning Paul
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bailey41 · 6 months
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"for when I look at you, even a moment, no speaking is left in me"
Sappho, Fragments 24A & 31, translated by Anne Carson, from If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho (Knopf, 2002; Folio Editions, 2019). The deluxe Folio Edition is illustrated by Jenny Holzer.
I've said it in another post. Sometimes there really isn't anyone else to quote. (I got literal with the color-coding but hey...)💜🤍💚🧡
These two fragments are near and dear to me, and outside of maybe Pindar and the Pauline Epistles, IMO, some of the most sublime meditations on love that has been left to us in ancient Greek—at least from the works that have survived... I'll rustle up some Wolfwren x Ovid next time. Can't leave the Latins out.
Maybe from Basho or Buson even. (Incidentally, lots of ink has been spilled on the Norse origins of Hati. Shin is a common given name or a prefix to a name in Japan, and considering the generative sources of Star Wars, this likely wasn't by accident. Depending on the kanji characters used, it can mean heart, true or new. And paired with Hati (the Japanese for wolf is ōkami) you get the new wolf, or even, the young wolf. A badass name for a bokken Jedi if there ever was one.)
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eric-the-bmo · 1 month
Blood and Silicon ep18: Friends of Hunter
[Summary: The chase begins! Leo tries speaking in code to Harrison. Percy and Blake take care of the Hunters.] (sorry if this is all over the place/badly-written i don't feel like reviewing this rip-) @sanguineasylum @kentuckycaverats
The coterie careens out of the parking garage! Percy loses some ground but keeps the hunters in sight; they're going quick. Blake immediately calls Leo on speakerphone and tells him to call Harrison about this- to tell him about the garage, to have the cameras wiped, and to let him know their current location. Blake says to immediately call him back afterwards, and then hangs up. Leo calls Harrison.
["Leo? I wasn't expecting you to call again so soon." "Yes, but I'm pretty sure this counts as an emergency, sir-"]
He informs Harrison that people who really don't like us were following Pauline, and now the coterie is in pursuit. He gives the location of where they left; could H take care of the cameras from the garage? Harrison clarifies that they're in active pursuit, and he seems a bit confused until Leo says one of the two men is named Hunter, and it clicks for Harrison like ah fuck, vampire hunters! He asks if the coterie needs backup, and in the background Leo hears him calling for one of his ghouls ["Kay, come over here please."].
Leo provides their current location as they turn the corner on East St Clara St to continue following the hunters; Pauline manages to keep the rest of them in sight. Blake's phone rings as Leo decides to do a conference call with both him and Harrison.
["Hey, Harry."]
Harrison wants to keep updated on their location as he tries to figure things out from here- he tells Kay to stay on the line as he leaves the room for a moment. Blake fills Kay in on what's going on as the chase continues, adding they didn't know the men were hunters at first, so they had called the cops on them. (Percy runs a red light. His car stays close to the hunters, but not too close; the coterie aims to get them further away from the city. The hunters are going west- which is further from Harrison's territory, and, closer to the Hecata's. They're trying to lose the coterie, but it's difficult with one of their tires losing air from being hit with Blake's knife earlier.)
Harrison returns, and tells Kay to head to the garage to take care of the cameras, and Kay lets Harrison know about the police; their voices fade as the two walk away from the phone for a moment.
The coterie continues to keep up with the hunters, who actually are heading towards a highway- we join them, and are now on their left. Blake gets Percy to get closer to them, and gets ready to pull out his gun to shoot the hunter driving the car. Percy suggest we light their car on fire afterwards (Harrison, still on the phone, tells them to search the car before doing that). Blake hits his mark, and the Hunter's car starts to swerve as they attempt to get off the highway- and then they crash into part of the underpass.
The coterie stops their vehicles, and Leo gives Harrison a location update, meanwhile Blake is all "hey Percy put your gun down, maybe we shouldn't shoot them again," so the Ventrue puts the safety on to potentially use it as a blunt weapon later.
Leo and Pauline start to approach the car, but Blake gets there first- the hunter in the passenger seat is shaking the other, who seems to not be doing well; his side of the car is crushed against the wall, and he's bleeding from near his collarbone. Blake goes to open the door. The hunter tries to reach for his rosary, but Blake pulls his gun out on him with Eyes of The Beast for intimidation and tells him to get out of the car.
Blake tells Leo (who'd been keeping watch) to retrieve the knife he'd thrown into the car, and goes to grapple the hunter out of the car- the second one tells the first to "go be with God," using the name Banks.
Banks reveals he still had the rosary in his hands- and the Coterie is repelled by it, allowing Banks some time to try and get the fuck outta there. He gets a head start, but Blake shoots him and is able to catch up on him. Banks calls him a monster, and Blake is all "wow, pet names already?"| ---
Meanwhile, Percival approaches the other hunter still in the car; The Venture bites his own wrist and forces the man to feed from him, despite the hunter Absolutely Not Wanting That. His wounds slightly heal. Percival asks for his name, and the hunter spits out that his name is Williams. Percy takes off Williams' ski mask- and it turns out Williams it the same priest from our territory [above the table, two of us start yelling].
["Ah- lovely to see you again, Father."] Percy asks if anyone else knows where he is, and Williams looks over at Banks (the guy looks miserable to see his associate's been caught). ---
Now having retrieved Blake's knife, Leo updates Harrison, who tells him to keep one alive. Blake takes off Banks' mask- he's in his mid 20s, with some stubble- before saying it's not personal and knocking him out. ---
Leo listens in to Percy questioning the priest: Father Williams says that this was an unexpected detour, and that others (besides Banks) knows where he had gone; the Father didn't give details to them before leaving, though.
["So, do you have a group of compadres that you do this with?" "I hate you."]
Percy denies Father Williams's request to be killed, since he still has questions for the man, and Leo leans over to murmur that their boss wants to keep one alive. Blake's bringing over Banks's unconscious body.
["How long ago did you die, boy?" Father Williams is looking at Leo.] Leo's all "Hm why do you wanna know," while trying to hide the fact he Doesn't Like this man, and as that's happening Blake begins searching Bank's body- He's disappointed to see the Hunter's shoes aren't his size. ["Hold on-" Leo looks at him. "Were you planning to steal his shoes?" Blake shrugs. "Gotta get new ones somehow." "...What size is he-" "You're all psychopaths," Williams spits out.]
Father Williams asks Blake what he gets up to, in his "my situation Sucks" kind of way, and Blake responds he gets up to all sorts of things- he'll see Williams in hell when he gets there, btw. Leo tells Blake the update to keep one and get out, and Harrison from the phone adds to search the car. As Blake continues to search Banks, he and Percy discuss on which hunter be kept alive, and how to frame this to look like a car crash; should they request a cleanup crew from Harrison, or..?
(A car passes by. Pauline's been keeping watch.)
They go back to discussing which one to keep alive. [Blake turns to Percy. "You ever had a man of god as a pet?"] Williams murmurs a prayer- Percy takes him out of the crashed car, covering his eyes with the ski mask before knocking him out in the back of Blake's jeep.
(Another car goes by, slower this time. Pauline gets nervous about it.)
Leo and Blake search the Hunters' car as Percy gets a rag from the jeep to cover in oil- the younger vampires find some guns, duct tape, zipties, gasoline, a bible, a medkit, camping supplies and flashlights, empty vials, some receipts, and makeshift bombs. Leo hands those over to Blake, who's planted Banks' body in the driver's seat.
Before Pauline heads off, Blake tells her to take the long way around to the garage he had directed to a few days ago- he reassures her it's okay, and to wait for them there.
Percy does a vampire prayer before the coterie sets it on fire from a distance: ["Father, I humbly ask that you take the offering of the blood shed tonight in the spirit that it is intended. Saint Gustav, I offer you my thanks for lending me your strength so that I may continue play the role of the diligent farmer - culling of the wolves in our midst so that our siblings may continue to flourish in the shadow of our darkest nights. May our tantamount enemies luxuriate in as many daylight hours as the Almighty afforded us."]
The car lights up, but luckily the coterie is far away enough that it doesn't send our Beasts into a complete panic, and they drive away with the priest in the back of their car. There's some sirens in the distance. Leo updates Harrison that they've got one (and Blake adds the police are on their way to the crashed car), and Harrison tells them to meet him at a place called Cohesity Inc, 2 floors down, because he'd like some more information on whatever the fuck just happened. (Blake updates Pauline and invites her to join them, if she wants; she agrees.)
Father Williams begins to regain consciousness, but he's not looking good and will probably need medical attention; Leo keeps an eye on him. Blake turns around and asks if the Father has any music preferences, but Williams is quiet, and so Margaritaville is playing on the way to Cohesity Inc- the vibe dissonance is crazy.
Percy gives Williams some more blood- not enough to up the bond, just enough to heal him a bit more. Percy notices Leo looking away and asks if he's alright- the Malk holds his hands together and says he's not a fan of bonding. -------
The coterie arrives at the meetup spot; They park near Harrison in the empty parking garage there, and Blake gives the Baron a recap of what just happened, and Percy adds that there are people who know the priest was out tonight. Harrison opens the trunk of the car so he can ask Father Williams some questions.
[Harrison puts his hand on the top of the trunk and leans over, looking the Father in the eyes. "Hi. You don't know me, and you don't need to. I don't know what's going to happen to you, except for the fact you and I are going to have a nice conversation."] Harrison says it doesn't matter if Williams doesn't want to talk (Percy notices Williams' eye twitches), and then says he wouldn't mind telling Harrison about the friends he mentioned, would he? Why was he here? Where was he planning to go after following Pauline?
Harrison is repeatedly asking these questions; Percy notices that William's heartbeat starts to get erratic, and that this is visibly taking a toll on him; The Ventrue, while largely unbothered by this, comments that Harrison should stop before he pushes the Father past his breaking point with whatever he's doing.
["Oh, they recover. They always do."]
Blake and Leo are visibly creeped out by this whole thing.
Harrison mentions he might have better luck with Williams tomorrow, and the priest manages to swear at him. Harrison laughs- It's a cold laugh, with hints of a businessman and something more sinister, and he closes the trunk. He says he made the right choice giving the territory to the coterie, and the existence of hunters in the area has serious implications- he'll continue to interview Williams after getting him some medical attention. Blake asks if they should temporarily leave San Jose to try and get the hunters off their trail, or to stay in the city. Harrison responds that Pauline should lay low, but the rest of the coterie has just a chance of being followed either way.
He suggests they all meet back up on the 25th to discuss this matter again, but Blake says that won't work, reminding him it's Leo's first Christmas being dead. Harrison's like "oh yeah christmas exists, do you have plans??" and he's got an odd expression; he's doing his best to be genuine. Leo says he plans to visit his family- and if it helps it'll probably be the last time, and Blake's offered to go with him. They can probably be back at around the 26th or 27th.
Harrison's all "Well, it's a free country ig, anyway Leo did you think about the fact you might just lead vampire hunters directly to your family?" and Leo did Not, in fact, consider that, but tbh Harrison doesn't really care what he does as long as they can meet back up in a few days to discuss what he finds out from Williams.
Going back to that (as Pauline finally arrives), Harrison and Blake go over what was found in the car, and the Baron can make further arrangements to deal with all of it while the coterie is at Leo's home city.
Leo Was in fact speaking in little codes the whole time (friends of hunter, bonfires, taking a friend home, etc) but i didnt want to type all that tbh
Kay my beloved!!!! Leo is IMMEDIATELY concerned about them if anything bad happens to them I'll b so upset
Confirmed by ST that Williams asked Leo that vampire question bc he had a cross necklace!!!
I should mention during all of Leo's relays and requests Harrison was The Most Confused i've ever heard him. amazing
Props to Percy's player for making up an entire prayer?? So cool of them
Items from Banks: rosary beads, bible, vial of some liquid, wallet with no drivers license- no phone, but does have state ID
Receipts in the car?? I should have Leo check those out later.
The ST was all "hold on how long can someone be knocked out for" but i had that info On Hand. Memorized. That's not important at all I just wanted to mention that
Hi. Leo was more anxious than normal w/ Harrison, and I think the whole time in the back of his mind he was like "did i do a good job with this"
Dear God, Harrison. Are you using Dementation or something? Terrifying (ALSO HEY HAVE YOU DONE THIS BEFORE—)
Rare Harrison W?!? In the sense he's letting my son visit his family??
If anything's happened to his family/sister im going to panic even more so than I already do in these sessions. dear god
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psalm22-6 · 2 years
The Duties of Good Frenchmen
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Please someone help me fill in the gaps here, what is the letter that Victor Hugo wrote to la France that made some people so mad? From what I can tell le Constitutionnel a “major government newspaper of the second empire” so it makes sense that they would be hostile to Hugo and in fact one of the writers that they cite, Vitu, later wrote a scathing review (which I made a three part post about) of Charles Hugo’s stage adaptation. And if you don’t already know, le Charivari is a satirical paper, hence why this article is hilarious. Well this article isn’t directly les mis related, it’s from october 1862 so not long at all after les mis was published.
Le Charivari 
It has not been forgotten that Victor Hugo addressed a few words of simple politeness to the writes at the newspaper la France, concerning the report of the dinner in Brussels. 
 In writing that letter, Victor Hugo was no doubt aware of the storm he would create in a certain part of the press. A long and strong polemic played out over this letter between la France and le Constitutionnel, two newspaper made to love one another. For some time now we have become used to le Constitutionnel; nothing surprises us anymore. M. Paulin Limayrac has the privilege of authoring those articles which treat with superb disdain anyone who doesn’t share his opinions. 
M. Vitu, a sensible writer, let himself be carried along this slope in his enthusiasm. At all costs and at every turn, he has scolded any newspaper  audacious enough to publish Victor Hugo’s letter. “That the European demagoguery may look upon its leader.” 
On the course which le Constitutionnel is currently travelling, we don’t know when it will stop. It is said the little M. Limayrac is working this minute in the silence of the cabinet on a a sixth code devoted exclusively to the offenses that could be ascribed with regard to Victor Hugo. Thanks to an indiscretion, we are today able to publish the new draft penal code of the political director of e Constitutionnel: 
1st Article — It is the right of all good Frenchman to never pronounce the name “Victor Hugo.” 2nd Article — The newspaper which publishes a letter from Victor Hugo will be abolished.
3rd Article — M. Pagnerre, the French publisher of Les Misérables, will be placed under high police surveillance.
4th Article — The man who purchases on the street a photograph of Victor Hugo will be declared a traitor. 
5th Article — All self respecting newspapers will only print the name “Victor Hugo” in order to speak ill of him. 
6th Article — All people to whom Victor Hugo addresses a letter will be made to burn the autograph in a public place. 
7th Article — Any man who is so polite as to respond to such a letter will be immediately put before the high court of justice. 
8th Article — It is expressly forbidden to separate the writer from the political figure. 
9th Article — Any individual who finds that Victor Hugo is a genius will be condemned to a year in prison 
10th Article — The writer who exchanges calling cards with Victor Hugo will be deprived all all civic rights. 
11th Article — Be warry of all demagogues who read Notre-Dame de Paris. 
12th Article — It is forbidden for amateur speakers of the French language to read les Chants du Crepuscule. 
13th Article — All good Frenchmen will voluntarily deprive himself of these demoralizing readings.
14th Article — One must prove that one is a good citizen!   1. By reading the articles of M. Paulin Limayrac 2. Idem. the articles of Grenier 3. Idem. the articles of Vitu
15th Article — The man who is senseless enough to write a letter to Victor Hugo will have his left hand cut off at the place de Grève.
16th Article — It is forbidden to greet Victor Hugo’s relatives. 
17th Article — The newspaper la Presse will be abolished for having published Charles Hugo’s novel. 
18th Article — the Ambigu theater will be closed for having put on M. Paul Meurice’s play. 
[there is no 19th article]
20th Article— All of France has the right to admire M. Paulin Limayrac. That’s the funny part of the affair. But there is also a serious side, too serious for us to stay silent: I am speaking of the literary terror that le Constitutionnel seems to want to establish in France. 
What would a foreigner say in reading these incredible articles in a newspaper that passes, correctly or not, as having inspiration? The foreigner would rightly ask himself what is happing to French politeness, by forbidding a newspaper from publishing the letter of a political adversary.
Additionally he would ask himself if this is truly the place of political reconciliation that the unofficial newspapers speak so much about, only to put to the pillory the pages of a genius who brings honor to the language of his country. 
He would also say to himself, if the duties of a good citizen, in the manner of M. Paulin Limayrac, consists of sacrificing to one's personal grudges the elements of politeness, propriety and respect for talent, this duty would become painful for honest people.
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bunnibee513 · 2 years
So I’ve been reading the dead endia graphic novel and I just want to rant about it because I really enjoyed it /pos
(Trust me read the graphic novels before reading this it’s very different from the show)
So omgggg I just finished the first book and it definitely had i had very different experience with the book compared to the show.
I actually enjoyed a lot of the different plot points compared to the show, like mentions of Norma’s father and his abuse (I really relate to this part), how they were age 20-25 in this bringing more dark or adult things with it, I REALLY enjoyed badyahs personality in this, COURTNEY WAS ORIGINALLY ENBY WHICH WAS AMAZING, I’m sort of sad they got rid of Ana in the show because I’d really like to get to know her better, I liked how logs got his name (and Barney too his name was barnaby so Barney get it) also Barney canonically likes dinosaurs in reference to Barney the dinosaur, BARNEY WAS A FUCKING GINGER LMAO, THAT PART WITH BARNEY AS A DAD MADE ME CRY IT WAS SO WHOLESOME, WHY DID THEY KILL OFF PUGSLEY WHYYYYYYYYYYY HE DIDNT DESERVE IT!!, in the show the watcher is in it I originally thought he was an angel I guess not….. is pugsley going to die in the show if he is ima cry! Barney and logs were adorable in the novel.
I’m sort of sad that Pauline got sidelined and was less prominent in the book but her chapter was still ver great.
Again Rest In Peace pugsley we miss you buddy : (
I really like the concept of the parks powering the elevator and screams having some sort of power.
Norma is one of the best autistic coded characters I’ve ever seen I see myself a lot in her and that’s probably due to hamish Steele being actually autistic himself.
I’ll probably post another rant after I’ve read the 2nd book and I’ll have alot more to say because I have no idea what’s coming next!
I wonder if Norma is going to be our next protagonist because she’s the one the back of the book is describing
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beef-unknwn · 2 years
Dying a Stranger
Notes: uhhh i try not to intrude on the plot or on the characters when making self insert ocs so I don't do much here. This is more just to make peace with a fear of mine. This whole fic is more just my character's thoughts while in episode 3. Don't think too much about the tense (ie past tense, present tense). Time is an illusion. This is probably a really bad fic anyways enjoy bye
Chapter 1: Warm-ups
The beach was an... interesting place for team building exercises, but anything get me out of my cave-like workplace. I thought working in a theme park would be more interesting. All I really get to see are wires, codes and a whole lot of Pauline's face.
This blue-haired guy has been a lifesaver since I got here. He's talkative enough to keep a conversation going but doesn't leave me out of them (like a lot of people tend to do). Another friend of his arrives and he starts talking to her. I keep talking to Badyah and Logs in the meantime. Something about zombie mascots. I just had to be there I guess. It was from a different employee initiation session than the one I attended.
Everyone was just walking around talking to each other, waiting for the team building guy. One by one, though we were called by Barney. I didn't know what it was for until I myself was called.
"IT Guy." Norma stated.
Then Badyah was called.
"...and Deathslide"
I guess he was quizzing Norma on park jobs?
"That's just where they work at the park."
Ah. I guess not?
Badyah excitedly goes to talk to them–don't know why she's so excited about Norma knowing where she worked but okay.
I decided to join them since there's not really much to do except stand around and wait. I didn't catch much of the conversation but I did get a better picture of what that was all about.
"Badyah, she needs to learn your real name."
"Yeah.. my name just means 'enlightened genius'. I prefer 'Deathslide'" she imitates a slide and explosion. I'm pretty sure I saw Norma change her expression.
Wait. Is that just what she calls everyone by? Their park jobs? And she calls me 'IT Guy'???? That's not right!
"Um. I'd rather you not call me IT Guy though.." I interject. "It's more accurate to call me 'Tech Maintenance'" They all gave me quizzical looks.
"IT Guy implies I only work with computers. I don't just work with computers." I explained
"But.. wouldn't you rather be called by your actual name?"
"I mean.. I don't mind nicknames. I've been called worse. But for the sake of social etiquette; Hi, I'm Mason, but you can also call me Kai." I hold out a hand for a handshake but quickly put it away to talk some more. "But don't ask me how you get Kai from Mason, I haven't thought of a good joke yet."
Badyah laughs, then Barney, then Norma, reluctantly.
After hearing his name, Barney starts to walk towards another group and Norma soon follows. I was left with Badyah- Oh, sorry. I mean Deathslide.
"You're a funny guy, Kai."
"Thanks. Don't expect much in the future, though."
"Oh, come on. Why is everyone nowadays so hard on themselves?"
"Is that a rhetorical question or do you actually want me to answer?"
We both laugh again.
A van soon arrives and it looks like something you'd see in a hippie convention. Great. They're gonna be one of those guys.
He makes his entrance, says and does some weird stuff, I try not to think too much about it. He said something about bounding and trust or fear or something. I just wanted to go home. Too much social interaction and too much personal space being crowded by this... weirdo in one day. And we haven't even started with the exercises yet!
And look, I try not to judge people and folks like him are often nice but he's just... off. In so many ways. Walking red flag, this guy.
Whatever, the first exercise is simple enough. I get paired with this lady who works with smoothies and she guides me through an obstacle course while I was blindfolded. We switch turns after I finished, but I got a bit distracted by this dog falling into a pit...
Wait did that little red kid just poof and teleport–
The next exercise is a trust fall. Again, simple. Fall, switch, then catch. Josh was a bit heavy, but I work with animatronics so I managed.
Then this exercise... Oh no... I hate this game. I thought I'd never see it again after all these years. And lo it was before my eyes.
Just let them lead you, I thought. Just hold their hands, do as you're told and don't think too much about it. Okay. Here we go...
"I am not playing this game." I said, matter-of-factly. "Too many bad memories."
"Oh? Is that so? Well... we're working on our fears, aren't we? Why not take this as an opportunity, hm?"
Oh yeah. This guy is bad news. But I'm too tired to object and too much of a wuss to go against majority. So with a sigh, I say "...Fine."
I am so sorry to the people who had to hold my sweaty hands..
I thought I was scared of this game... But, Norma... It didn't help that Harmony was so persistently in her space.
I should've refused to play. Maybe then she could've followed my lead. We both would've been better off...
"I'm still worried about Norma" Badyah's voice brought me back from my thoughts. I take a second to look back at the poor girl, sitting by the waves.
"You should talk to her." I said
"I really want to..." She rubs her arm "..but I think she'd rather be alone."
"Oh, trust me. It's better if she had company. It doesn't matter if she talks back, just be there for her"
She looks back at the girl, concern written all over her face. And she starts to walk. I wanted to go with her, to apologize or...something. But I didn't. I'm so stupid.
After a while, the pair comes back just in time for another game I'm guessing. Hopefully he just sends us home, but I doubt it. We stand in a semicircle.
"I hope you all enjoyed the warm-ups" I knew it.
"Warm-ups?!" That's what I was thinking!
"Now we begin the real work to defeat your fears.." I do NOT like where this is going...
Chapter 2: Fear
"You're gonna need to dig into the deepest, darkest place inside you. Find your greatest fear." I don't need to dig deep, dude.
"And now, feed it to the skull"
"That can't be normal." I agree with the talking dog.
"I always bring a skull to a party" Wait. Talking dog?
"Okay. Not normal" Hmm...
"I bring my skull to parties" I said, knocking on my head.
"Please, feed your fear to the skull" This man needs to be less obvious.
Norma hesitates and thankfully Badyah takes the initiative. She holds the skull but nothing happens. Until..
One by one they each touch the skull. And everytime they do they see... something. I knew this guy was bad news.
Somehow I was never tossed the skull. Must be the way I blend in. But before Harmony could notice that, Barney and Norma seem to be back to normal.
"Tech Maintenance! You got out of the fear world by yourself?"
"Umm.. not exactly?"
"Oh, I knew I missed one! Go fetch!" He throws the skull my way. But just as I flinch to block it, Barney and Norma got to me by the nick of time.
As I opened my eyes, the beach was different. It was empty and.. there was an event being held. Everything was black and it was raining; a casket was being carried by some figures. The three of us who touched the skull were now wearing black palette clothes.
"A.. funeral service?"
"I guess you're afraid of dying?" Oh, if only it were that simple..
"Not quite. Take a closer look."
"I'm not sure I want to" Barney looked sour.
"Relax. It's not like the body is gonna be mutilated. Although.. it might as well be"
We walked to the casket once it was lowered. I opened the lid to the top half. And there I was.
Barney gasped "You're..."
The body inside was me, sure, but... not now. In both ways. What I mean is I will die and have already died. This version of me, at least.
I had longer hair, and wore a dress. A pained look on face, makeup applied. I wasn't hideous by any means, but I felt sick anyways.
We all sat in a moment of silence, as if grieving this fake corpse. The wind was cold but my palms still sweat.
"It's not that I'm scared of dying," I finally spoke. "I'm just scared I'll die a stranger."
"Remembered as someone else. My true self, rejected; even in death."
Barney seems to understand.
"And I'm scared that this is still a possibility."
His mouth agape slightly.
We took another moment of silence with the corpse.
"Y'know.. It's funny. The way I feel about this... dead.. me. It's like actual grief. With all it's stages." I give a half-smile to my dead self. "And now.. I'm ready for acceptance." I close the casket as I close my eyes. I felt tears form and trickle down my cheek.
It's time to say goodbye to an old friend. Kinda poetic really..
"Say hi to Lola for me. Ask if she's proud, would ya?" I know I probably looked silly doing that but.. it felt right.
"Who's Lola?"
"Oh, that's just how you say 'grandma' in Tagalog. She never got to know the real me.. and I'll never get to know how she would've felt.. But I think it's better to be optimistic."
Barney grumbled agreeingly but looked of bittersweet. I wish I understood.
The environment cracks and shatters like glass and we're brought back to the real world. The only things from the fear world that remained were my tears. Dried but fresh, they mark my face.
I'll let them handle the rest.
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michaelgabrill · 3 months
Sislyn Pauline Barrett: Procuring the Perfect Engineering Services
Procurement manager Sislyn “Pauline” Barrett takes great joy in helping people go beyond what they think they can. Name: Sislyn “Pauline” Barrett Title: Procurement Manager Formal Job Classification: Supervisory Contract Specialist (1102) Organization: Engineering Procurement Office, Procurement Division (Code 175) What do you do and what is most interesting about your role here at Goddard? […] from NASA https://ift.tt/Dp87T9a
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spyskrapbook · 7 months
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"Access the Buccaneer" _ RAF Museum London, Grahame Park Way, London, NW9 5LL _ Photos by Spyros Kaprinis [28.10.2023].
"The only Buccaneer in preservation to retain its original ARTF (desert pink) paint, located at the RAF Museum London, more commonly known as Hendon.
XW547 was delivered to the RAF on 31st October 1972 with 15 Squadron RAFG at Laarbruch two days later. She went on to serve with 12 Squadron, 237 OCU, 216 Squadron, then received new wings in late 1980 (a result of inspections after the Red Flag Buccaneer crash that was caused by spar fatigue) and then onward to 208 Squadron and 12 once more. She took part in 1983's 'Operation Western Fox' - slamming Martel missiles into old ships in Florida - and by 1986 was Sea Eagle-capable.
In January 1991 XW547 was prepared for the Gulf War with a few modifications, repainted in the Alkali Removeable Temporary Finish (ARTF), better known as 'desert pink'. She was given the tail code 'R', named The Macallan, and received the nose art 'Guinness Girl/Pauline'. During the Gulf, XW547 took part in 11 missions, after each mission a bomb marking (mission symbol) was added underneath the cockpit on the starboard side that can still be seen on her today. XW547 retired later that year, going into storage a Shawbury before being used as an instructional airframe."
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dearsam112 · 1 year
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amicidomenicani · 1 year
Question Dear Father Angelo, I have some questions to ask you. I would like to know why, with the new translation by CEI (Italian Episcopal Conference, t.n.), the last part of John 3, 13 was removed, the one saying “The Son of Man who is in heaven”. As in the Holy Scripture nothing should be removed or added, I don’t understand the reason for this choice. Mine is not meant to be a provocative question, I just would like to better understand . Thank you for your availability. E. Answer by the priest Dear E., 1. What you point out is true, and it is surprising that the edition of the Jerusalem Bible in  Italian  omits without any explanation the words that you have quoted. 2. The verse of John 3:13 reported by the  CEI translation is the following: "No one has gone up to heaven except the one who has come down from heaven, the Son of Man.". 3. The translation of the Vulgate, on the other hand, writes: "No one has ever gone up to heaven, except the one who has come down from heaven, the Son of Man, who is in heaven". 4. The text of the Jerusalem Bible in French, which is the original of this edition, contains the Vulgate translation and therefore also the expression "the Son of Man, who is in heaven". At the bottom of the text there is the following note: "who is in heaven is omitted from the codes S, B and by many witnesses, especially Egyptians". 5. A biblical scholar Giuseppe Segalla, in the commentary on the Gospel of John edited by the Pauline editions, reports the long text, namely: "No one has ever ascended to heaven, except he who descended from heaven, the Son of man, who is in heaven”, even if in the meantime the official translation of the CEI was already in force. 6. At the bottom he writes: “ “The Son of man, who is in heaven”. The shorter form: “the Son of man” has much older external evidence in its favor.”  And he cites various ancient codices and documents. However, he notes: “But they all come from the same Egyptian tradition. The longer form bears the testimony of different textual traditions; it is also modified in other codes, which omit "who is" or transform it into the imperfect "was"; all this denotes the difficulty of the sentence itself, certainly considered original. Finally, the long form seems to be required by the rhythm, as it results in three well-balanced verses”. The other two well-balanced verses he refers to are those in verses 11 and 12. G. Segalla's note seems to me well documented, and therefore authoritative. 7. The TOB, the edited Bible of the Franciscans, reports the short text and then adds as a note: “Many non Alexandrian manuscripts, versions and fathers add “who is in heaven”. 8. In my opinion, the reasons for adopting the longer text, the one of the Vulgate, are superior to those against. In a note, it could have been written that in some codes the words "who is in heaven" are not present. I bless you, I wish you well and I remember you in prayer. Father Angelo
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bishopclimate · 1 year
Your New Path Will Be Revealed Tonight ...At 7PM (UK TIME)
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Dear Child of God, I have got a great announcement that I need to make and I will be doing it today. As I was praying for you, God took me in the spirit and He revealed to me things that you should know and places and situations that you should be delivered from.  Get Ready For New Path  And that is why tonight I want you to pay attention to every detail that I’ll be telling you. Tonight, there are chains that are going to be broken, evil foundations that are going to be uprooted. Tonight, God wants me to anoint you so you can walk in a special path that He has prepared for those who are obedient to Him.  There is something, beloved of God, that you must do today. I need to tell you in person. Would you obey what God will say? Then if you are willing to obey, then quickly make an arrangement to be here in person and on time.  For those who are far away, I need you to fill the prayer agreement form below with 12 areas of your life where you need God’s immediate intervention. Also, I need you to help with the cost of printing your prayer request. Whatsoever you can afford God will bless you.  Remember we start at 7PM UK Time tonight. So please be on time, tune in on time, for your breakthrough to be on time.    CLICK HERE TO  SUBMIT YOUR PRAYER AGREEMENT FORM     Remember To Join Me Daily at 7PM UK Time!  CALL US 24/7 +44 207 738 3668 (UK) +1 347 708 1449 (USA)   Remember you can give with your card through the phone it’s quicker and safer; the prayer warriors can assist you to write down your prayer request. Or you can ask them to write the prayer of agreement form on your behalf; just call any of the numbers on the Prayer Agreement Form.  You can also bring it and put it in my hand for the sake of a special anointing. I would love to pray with you personally and release the power of God in your life. If you would like to see me personally please call our office appointment. But if you need a quick prayer then just pop in anytime, we are here to serve you. Every Sunday Morning at 9am - No Appointment needed. You can also sow straight into the Ministries account through online banking or by visiting your nearest LLOYDS BANK   ACCOUNT NAME: Bishop Climate Ministries BANK : LLOYDS BANK  SORT CODE: 30-91-91  ACCOUNT: 32472768 IBAN: GB24LOYD30919132472768 BIC: LOYDGB21456   OR YOU CAN SEND THROUGH MONEY GRAM TO: Please note if you are sending your special Offering via Money Gram or Western Union the name has been changed to Pauline Waweru  93 Camberwell Station Road, London, SE5 9JJ, UK   (This is my office manager and the pastor in charge of treasury dept. Due to my schedule; she will collect your donation on my behalf)   Connect With Me Live  www.bishopclimate.tv   REMEMBER THAT OUR PRAYER WARRIORS AND I WILL BE PRAYING FOR YOU RIGHT NOW.    Yours In Prophecy  Prophet Climate Read the full article
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 1.11
Amelia Earhart Day
Art Deco Day
Banana Boat Day
Burning of the Clavie (Tar Barrel; Burghead, Scotland)
Children’s Day (Tunisia)
Cigarettes Are Hazardous To Your Health Day
Cuckoo Dancing Week begins [until 1.17]
Designated Hitter Day
Eugenio Maria de Hostos Day (Puerto Rico)
Girl Hug Boy Day
Global Human Trafficking Awareness Day
Heritage Treasures Day (UK)
Insulin Day
International Paget’s Awareness Day
International Parity at Work Day
International Thank You Day (Portugal)
Jump in a Puddle and Splash Someone Day
Kosrae (Constitution Day; Micronesia)
Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day
Less Survivable Cancers Awareness Day
Lottery Day
Martha Hughes Cannon Day (Utah)
Missionary Day (Mizoram, India)
National Arkansas Day
National Human Trafficking Awareness Day
National Marketing Day
National Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friend Day
National Unity Day (Nepal)
No Longer New Year’s Day
Republic Day (Albania)
Secret Pal Day
Send a Dollar to the Treasury Day
Sir John A. MacDonald Day (Canada)
Smoking May Be Hazardous To Your Health Day
Tattoo Pride Day
Thank You Card
Use More of Your Mind Day
World Sketchnote Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
German Apples Day (Germany)
Kagami Biraki ("Opening the Mirror," referring to opening a cask of sake; Japan)
Milk Bottle Day
National Hot Toddy Day
National Milk Day
Rhubarb Day
2nd Wednesday in January
National Take the Stairs Day [2nd Wednesday]
Independence Days
Free State of Sabini (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Independence Manifesto Day (Morocco)
Feast Days
Al Capone Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Alice Paul (Humanism)
Anastasius of Suppentonia (Roman Catholic)
Carmentalia (Old Roman Festival to 9 Muses; also 1.15)
Cyrus (Positivist; Saint)
Feast of Sokar (Ancient Egypt)
Hyginus, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Juturnalia (Prophetic Waters Festival)
Leucius of Brindisi (Roman Catholic)
Mary Slessor (Church of England)
Paldo, Taso and Tato (Christian; Saints)
Paulinus II of Aquileia (Christian; Saint)
Penne for Your Thoughts Day (Pastafarian)
Riff (Muppetism)
Theodosius the Cenobiarch (Christian; Saint)
Thomas of Cori (Christian; Saint)
Vitalis of Gaza (Roman Catholic)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 11 [5 of 72]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [5 of 37]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [6 of 30]
An American in Paris (Film; 1952)
Banshee (TV Series; 2013)
Donald’s Decision (Disney Cartoon; 1942)
His Girl Friday (Film; 1940)
The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross (TV Series; 1983)
The Nut Job (Animated Film; 2014)
Please Please Me, by The Beatles (Song; 1963)
Purple Haze, recorded by Jimi Hendrix (Song; 1967)
Today’s Name Days
Paulin, Paulinus, Ronan, Theodosius (Austria)
Časlav, Honorat, Neven (Croatia)
Bohdana (Czech Republic)
Hyginus (Denmark)
Osvald, Ove (Estonia)
Kari, Karri (Finland)
Hortense, Pauline (France)
Thomas (Germany)
Theodosios, Theodosis (Greece)
Ágota (Hungary)
Igino (Italy)
Arkādijs, Franciska, Smaida (Latvia)
Audrius, Marcijonas, Stefanija, Vilnė (Lithuania)
Børge, Børre (Norway)
Feliks, Hilary, Honorata, Hygin, Krzesimir, Matylda, Mechtylda (Poland)
Teodosie (Romania)
Malvína (Slovakia)
Higinio (Spain)
Jan, Jannike (Sweden)
Bethany, Darby, Derby, Dermot, Kermit, Kermore, Rhett (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 11 of 2023; 354 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 2 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 18 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Dōngyuè), Day 20 (Ji-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 18 Teveth 5783
Islamic: 18 Jumada II 1444
J Cal: 11 Aer; Foursday [11 of 30]
Julian: 29 December 2022
Moon: 81%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 11 Moses (1st Month) [Cyrus]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 22 of 90)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 21 of 30)
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