#cnblue jonghyun
ohmuqueen · 1 year
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jeonqkooks · 1 year
cnblue came on shuffle and now i can't stop listening to them 😔
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a9saga · 1 year
tbt - code name blue - intuition // only the realest remember
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smolwritingchick · 25 days
Hi! I was wondering what would Jennie think of CNBLUE’s Lee Jonghyun leave in 2019? The leave was due to a scandal. The scandal was about him making inappropriate advances towards a YouTuber. How would Jennie feel? Would she feel disappointed in Jonghyun? And would she comfort the other CNBLUE members about it?
Hi!! Hope you’re well Anon! 😁
Goodness gracious, I remember this. Definitely disappointed and would feel creeped out about it, especially his comment towards the YouTuber. I see Jennie asking herself, “The hell is going in this industry?” When scandals happen in SK. Like you truly do not know who these people are behind closed doors.
She’ll reach out to the other members and show support for sure. And tell them if there is anything they need, she’ll be there. 💜
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blingblingisdino90 · 7 months
Remember When...
Memory 3.
Remember when Jonghyun did the the Ice Bucket Challenge?
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SHINee's Jonghyun and Former CNBLUE's Jonghyun (Who we won't mention much, for numerous reasons) did the Ice Bucket Challenge,  to promote awareness of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and research for it.
People all around the world were doing it, especially kids and teenagers. Soon after, a number of K-pop idols participated in the challenge as well.
After the water was poured on him, he challenged other Idols and singers, that were also named Jonghyun, to participate in the challenge as well.
This challenge was really silly to watch, but there was a reason behind it. He was supporting an awareness and the research for the cure and for helping people.
He was such a generous person, along with all the other people that willingly participated in this challenge.
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tokki-geek · 1 year
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Multiple LIKE NEW K-pop albums for sale:
EXO, CBX,  Chen and Suho [All Sold]
Super Junior 
SHINee, Jonghyun and Taemin [All Sold]
Beast (Highlight), Gikwang, Yoseop, Dujun [Sold] and Junhyung
NCT 127 and WayV [3 left]
Please contact for name and details of albums available, pictures and pricing. All inclusions included like photocards and postcards.
Location: Ireland  Selling: WW  Payment: PayPal or Revolut
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waitingforminjae · 1 year
Pls Explain the cnblue ftisland joke to me I don't get it😓
I'm assuming you mean my guitarist joke 😭
First, FTIsland had two guitarists: Oh Wonbin and Choi Junghoon. Oh Wonbin left in 2009, I think over creative differences. He was replaced by Song Seunghyun. Seunghyun left in 2019, when his contract expired, to focus on acting. He is on good terms with the remaining members.
For the rest of it, the short answer is that both groups had guitarists involved in the Burning Sun/Jung Joon Young Chat Room scandal 😔
the longer answer, if you don't know what scandal i'm talking about (strong tw for rape and sexual harassment):
In 2019, one of FT Island's guitarists, Choi Junghoon, was revealed to be part of a molka chat run by another male celebrity. Basically, he filmed himself (and others) raping women and uploaded videos of it to a group chat including several other male singers in 2016. He also used this chat to discuss bribing police to cover up his drunk driving. He ended up being sentenced to prison for five years, but got released early after reaching a deal with a victim. He left FT Island because of it.
CNBlue's guitarist, Lee Jonghyun, was also in the same group chat. He admitted to watching the videos and discussing them in the chat. He was suspended from CNBlue, and officially kicked out after he was caught being sleezy in a youtuber's private messages shortly afterwards.
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ruth9989 · 2 years
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Hace 33 años en un día como hoy en Corea nace #JungYonghwa, Cantante, Músico, Compositor, Actor, Modelo, Productor y MC. surcoreano. Líder, guitarrista e intérprete principal del grupo #CNBLUE. A pesar de haber nacido en el Distrito de Yeoksam de Seúl, él se considera a sí mismo de Busán, porque vivió allí desde que tenía dos años de edad, hasta que se graduó de la escuela secundaria, donde por primera vez comenzó a componer música. En 2011 aparecio como la sexta mejor voz en el mundo kpop, despues de Changmin de 2AM, Junsu deJYJ, Taeyeon de SNSD, Jonghyun de SHINee e IU. Yong Hwa goza de una gran popularidad en China, tanto es así que a las 3 semanas de crearse una cuenta en Weibo, tubo mas de 400 mil seguidores en dicha red social. El 13 de mayo del 2022, YTN Star reportó que Jung Yong Hwa estaría revisando la propuesta para protagonizar junto a  Cha Tae Hyun  el nuevo drama de KBS, “Brain Cooperation” (título literal). Es un drama que retrata el proceso de trabajo en equipo entre policías en el contexto de una feroz batalla de ingenio. El drama estará dirigido por el director Lee Jin Seo de “Strongest Chil Woo”, “Becoming a Billionaire”, “Babyfaced Beauty” y “Revolutionary Sisters”. Feliz Cumpleaños y muchas felicidades en su honomastico . . #happyjungyonghwaday #happybirthday #saengelchulkahanmida @jyheffect0622 @cnblue_official_jp https://www.instagram.com/p/CfErkXRrkNK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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heavenspring · 2 years
K-Pop fans: Diambil dari sudut pandang fans yang agak fanatik dan sering dijudge suka plastik
It’s been a long time since my last post dan kali ini aku kembali dengan tulisan yang agak berbobot hehe. Gatau kenapa kepikiran aja untuk nulis ini dengan tujuan berbagi dari sudut pandang fans K-Pop yang sepertinya bisa dibilang maniak tapi masih normal.
How do I got into K-pop?
Sebelum ngobrol panjang lebar soal K-pop, ada baiknya aku cerita dulu bagaimana prosesnya aku jadi suka K-Pop dan alasannya. Sebenernya aku juga lupa-lupa ingat gimana awalnya aku jadi suka banget K-Pop, yang aku inget I was exposed by Korean culture ever since I was in elementary school. Dulu waktu SD itu lagi booming drama Boys Before Flowers yang aku cukup yakin hampir semua fans K-Pop seumuranku pasti nonton drama ini di salah satu stasiun tv yang terkenal akan naganya itu. Tapi dari situ masih biasa aja sih, belum yang maniak banget. Cuma sampai di tahap dengerin soundtrack sama download foto-foto dramanya terus dijadiin wallpaper hp padahal ngga ngerti itu namanya siapa. Oke lanjut, bersamaan dengan boomingnya drama itu, pas banget tiba-tiba di perumahanku kedatangan beberapa mahasiswa Korea yang mungkin kalo di Indonesia mereka lagi PKL gitu, Nah mereka ini PKL di SMK yang ada di sebelah perumahanku, that’s why mereka ditempatkan di perumahanku. Aku ngga terlalu banyak bergaul sama mereka sih, kakakku yang lebih sering karena kebetulan umurnya deketan. Sebelum mereka balik ke Korea, aku sama kakakku dikasih banyak banget alat-alat tulis lucu tapi simple (ngerti kan ya maksudku, kayak alat tulisnya MUJI gitu lah) yang di Indonesia bahkan belum ada.
Setelah itu, aku nggak menyentuh ataupun tertarik sama K-Pop lagi sampai SMA. Aku juga lupa-lupa ingat gimana waktu SMA aku jadi bisa suka banget sama K-Pop. Seingetku, aku sempet nonton drama yang cukup underrated sampai sekarang yaitu Orange Marmalade (silakan di googling sendiri ceritanya kayak apa). Dari situ, aku jadi ngefans banget sama Lee Jonghyun ex CNBLUE. Terus mulailah dengerin lagu-lagunya. Waktu itu masih denial, suka CNBLUE karena mereka itu band, bukan boygroup. Jadi mereka bener-bener bikin musik mereka sendiri pake instrumen, bukan pake komputer. Kebetulan waktu itu sekitar tahun 2014-2015 pas musik EDM lagi kenceng-kencengnya and I got sick of how song on that year sounded the same.
Setelah itu mulailah aku menjelajah K-Pop. Dari CNBLUE, beralih ke BIGBANG karena waktu itu sempet ada tugas tari di sekolah dan pake lagunya Taeyang yang Ringa Linga. Jujur ya, aku merasa menemukan kehidupan baru yang nggak banyak orang bisa nikmatin. I feel different. Aku suka BIGBANG dan menyatakan jadi VIP sampai masuk kuliah di 2016. Tahun itu kalo aku ngga salah inget, kayaknya BIGBANG udah mulai jarang keliatan karena membernya pada mulai wajib militer. Mikir-mikir, ngga bisa nih kayaknya nungguin sampe mereka comeback, akhirnya aku mulai mencari alternatif grup lain yang masih satu agensi sama BIGBANG, yes WINNER. Waktu itu WINNER masih baru banget dan masih berlima. Aku jadi suka banget WINNER karena nonton reality show mereka yang judulnya Half Moon Friends. Biasku di WINNER sampai hari ini masih sama, our Tiktok ace Lee Seunghoon.
Aku lupa akhirnya gimana aku mulai mencari grup lain setelah suka WINNER, kayaknya karena kasus salah satu membernya keluar waktu itu dan tiba-tiba aja aku jadi suka sama EXO. Jujur dulu bingung banget liat EXO ini sebenernya konsep grupnya gimana, mana membernya banyak banget woy bingung ngapalinnya. Tapi pada akhirnya bisa hapal sampe ke ex-member dan sampe ke kebiasaan masing-masing member. Ini kayaknya bener-bener jadi masa gilaku suka sama K-Pop. Sampe beli barang-barang yang berbau EXO dan sempet pengen banget beli album yang Tempo tapi kebetulan waktu itu belum punya penghasilan sendiri dan belum paham sistem beli album barengan alias group order itu gimana. If any of you wonder who is my bias in EXO, it’s KAI. 2018 aku mulai hilang arah, kayaknya EXO ga comeback atau gimana aku lupa dan kepincutlah aku sama video-video lucunya Jackson Wang.
Setelah kenal Jackson, aku mulai kepo-kepo dan akhirnya jadi tau kalau dia member GOT7. Dari sini langsung kepo GOT7 dan pas banget mereka comeback Lullaby sama Look waktu itu. Tanpa basa-basi langsung kepo, mulai menikmati lagui-lagunya dan berakhir sampai sekarang bisa sebucin ini sama GOT7. Cerita tentang GOT7 kayaknya besok aja deh di postingan terpisah, soalnya kalo di sini aku ngga yakin akan cukup.
Why do you like K-Pop so much?
Kalau ditanya kenapa, aku juga bingung harus ngasih jawaban apa. Mungkin sama juga kayak kalian yang suka musik, sepak bola, atau apapun. You just like it. Sama kayak yang aku bilang di atas, mungkin aku jadi suka K-Pop karena kebosananku dengan lagu-lagu EDM yang waktu itu menguasai chart lagu dan playlist semua orang. Tapi ada beberapa alasan jelas yang aku cukup yakin ini dirasakan sama semua fans K-Pop diluar sana: K-Pop heals and stays.
Di waktu-waktu aku suka K-Pop, kebetulan aku diterpa masalah yang cukup kritis. Aku menjauh dari beberapa teman dekatku karena aku merasa ngga nyambung lagi dan sedikit banyak merasa dimanfaatkan di bidang akademik, I didn’t explain the reason why did I backed away at that time, so I understand why they decided to mass-hating me. Mereka sedikit banyak juga menyindir kebiasaanku posting K-Pop di Instagram Story dan akhirnya aku memilih buat bikin second account.
During those time, I do have some people whom I can share my pain with but still it wasn’t enough. Satu-satunya yang stay tanpa ngejudge hanyalah K-Pop, and in fact their music heals my pain. Aku pikir itu sudah menjadi alasan yang cukup kuat kenapa aku bisa sampai sesuka ini sama K-Pop.
How do you deal with all the hate towards K-Pop?
Percaya atau tidak, aku sempat tidak suka K-Pop karena melihat kebiasaan fansnya yang cukup alay di Twitter waktu itu. Dulu tu awal-awal K-Pop booming sering banget pada bikin shipping member gitu. Shipping member tu bukan membernya dipaketin ya, tapi jodoh-jodohin member gitu lho hehe. Nah para shipper ini dulu sering banget muncul di timelineku. Aku sampai saat ini juga masih ngga paham sih sama shipping-shipping gini. Kalo buat lucu-lucuan atau sekedar ada momen bromance oke lah ya, tapi ada juga yang sampe dibikin fanfic jadi agak memaksakan diri aja kesannya hehe. Sorry shippers🙏
Terus bagaimana aku menanggapi orang-orang disekitarku yang nggak suka bahkan mungkin sampai menjelek-jelekkan K-Pop didepanku? Buatku pribadi sih, aku suka K-Pop tidak dengan tujuan menyebarkan atau membuat sekitarku harus suka juga. Aku suka K-Pop pure untuk diriku sendiri. Namanya orang, kesukaannya kan bisa beda-beda. Sesimpel makanan aja, ada makanan yang sangat kamu suka tapi mungkin orang lain nggak suka. 
Kalo ada yang ngomong “Aku nggak suka K-Pop, aneh banget”, ya nggapapa. Semua orang bebas mau suka apa aja. Yang aku ngga suka itu, kalo ada orang nggak suka, menjelek-jelekkan, dan merasa dirinya paling keren karena nggak suka sesuatu yang mungkin dianggap mainstream. Plis lah, biasa aja. Kamu suka sesuatu juga belum tentu semua orang disekitarmu suka. Akan selalu ada perbedaan pendapat tentang kesukaan masing-masing. Kuncinya kalo ngga mau ribut, ngga usah komen aneh-aneh.
Terus ada juga yang sering bilang “K-Pop plastik”. Aku paham betul ini mengacu ke budaya operasi plastik di Korea. Mungkin, buat orang-orang yang komen gini, idol-idol K-Pop ini dianggap palsu gitu. Aku gabisa komen banyak soal ini. Operasi plastik di Korea itu udah jadi budaya, banyak banget anak SMA di Korea kalau udah lulus hadiahnya operasi plastik. Jadi ya tidak dapat dipungkiri kalo banyak yang menganggap orang dan idol Korea itu palsu gara-gara operasi plastik. Tapi lucu juga lho kalo cuma artis Korea yang dibilang plastik dengan realita bahwa banyak artis Amerika atau bahkan Indonesia juga operasi plastik buat mempercantik dan memperbaiki penampilan. Gatau sih, buatku udah opini sampah aja kayak gini. Aku juga yakin yang bilang K-Pop plastik ini kalo operasi plastik murah pasti mau kok biar good looking hehehe. Orang good looking dibilang operasi plastik, orang ngga good looking juga dihina. Mau tau contohnya? Babang Tamvan Andika waktu dulu awal Kangen Band booming😏
Kunci menanggapi semua hate speech tentang K-Pop adalah jadilah fans yang realistis. Kalo ada yang ngga suka sama idol favorit kalian, itu wajar. Namanya juga manusia, apalagi public figure, ada yang suka ada yang enggak. Nggak semua orang harus suka sama kamu bahkan idolmu.
And to the haters, nggakpapa banget untuk ngga suka sama K-Pop, tapi kalau mau beropini, carilah opini yang berkualitas dan ada dasarnya jadi bisa buat diskusi. Bukan sekedar bilang K-Pop plastik atau aneh.
To what extent do you like K-Pop?
Untuk saat ini, aku bisa bilang aku maniak sama K-Pop. Maniak di sini aku maksudkan bahwa hampir tiap hari aku dengerin lagu K-Pop, nonton video-video K-Pop, nonton drama Korea, belajar bahasa Korea, menganut style fashion Korea, dan juga mencari beasiswa ke Korea Selatan biar keren banget #asik.
Saat ini aku adalah seorang perempuan yang suka banget K-Pop dan mendeklarasikan diri sebagai seorang IGOT7 atau sering juga disebut Ahgase. Iya itu nama fansnya GOT7, besok aja ceritanya soalnya panjang. Tahap ngefansku kepada GOT7, aku udah beli album mereka yang terbaru. Itu adalah satu-satunya album grup yang aku beli. Sampai saat ini, aku cuma punya 2 album. 1 album solo punya JAY B GOT7 dan satu album grup GOT7. Iya pokoknya semua GOT7, tapi aku juga nggak yakin akan beli album lagi apa enggak kedepan.
Banyak kok temenku yang bilang “buat apa beli album, ngga guna”. Iya gapapa, aku paham kok dan aku punya alasan tersendiri kenapa aku memutuskan beli album kali ini. Alasannya besok di postingan yang lain juga biar ini nggak nyasar kemana-mana. 
Terus kalo ada ribut-ribut K-Pop di Twitter gitu tanggapanmu gimana Sal? Kembali ke atas lagi, kalo opini yang disampaikan haters ini masuk akal maka aku mau berdiskusi dan memberikan pendapatku sebagai fans. Kalo opininya sampah, ya pendapatku juga akan sampah. Sesimpel itu.
Aku sangat terbuka kalau ada yang mau ajak diskusi soal K-Pop, yuk cerita-cerita!
Sekian dulu ya teman-teman, ini sudah cukup panjang.
Terima kasih buat yang sudah mau baca!
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restissilence · 5 years
Boys will be boys
Held accountable for their fucking actions.
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kpop4europe · 5 years
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Leaves CNBlue
Lee Jong Hyun has left CNBlue.
After having left comments to a youtuber which upset some people and his involvement in the controversy regarding a kakakotalk group where sexvideoes were uploaded by another member he has decided to leave the group.
He is currently serving in the military.
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kpoptimeout · 5 years
[UPDATED] CN BLUE’s Lee Jong Hyun’s Confesses to be a Member of the Burning Sun Chat Group After Chats Leak
CW: Sexism, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, invasion of privacy
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More updates on the “Burning Sun Scandal.”
SBS 8 O’Clock News has released the KakaoTalk Messages between CN BLUE’s Lee Jong Hyun and members of the “Burning Sun Scandal” chat group, which revealed the candid discussion of his sex life as well as sexist views.
For more details, see below:
SBS reported on the following conversations [swear words and explicit sexual acts were censored for news broadcasting purposes].
Conversation 1
Lee Jong Hyun: Yesterday I *** with [names redacted].
Jung Joon Young: Nice. Introduce me next time.
Lee Jong Hyun: Send me a woman quick.
[The request he made for the specific type of woman was censored out.]
Jung Joon Young: Who should I give you?
Lee Jong Hyun: If you have ones you haven’t *** that would be good, but if not then just a pretty ***.
Conversation 2
Lee Jong Hyun: Do you have any *** that are young, pretty, and nice? Ones that are good to play with kekeke [symbols for laughter.]”
FNC Entertainment previously said in a statement that Lee Jong Hyun had no relation to this issue, and had only been an acquaintance of the celebrities who were involved in the controversy.
Lee Jong Hyun has also enlisted in the military in October 2018 and has released a statement a day following the chats were leaked through FNC Entertainment.
“On the night of March 12, our agency released a statement regarding our artist Jonghyun that stated, ‘he had only contacted the certain socially controversial celebrities as friends and they have nothing to do and no connection with the recent scandal.’
Jonghyun, who is currently serving in the military, agreed to cooperate with the investigations of police who visited his unit on the afternoon of the 12th, before we released our official statement. We released the statement as Jonghyun did not remember circulating any illegal videos, seeing any inappropriate videos or participating in any conversations that may cause an issue in the approximately 20 1:1 chat logs with Jung Joon Young presented by the police.
We had no choice but to release a statement based on Jonghyun’s memory as it was difficult to confirm the facts about a chatroom conversation that occurred 4-5 years ago as he had already left the chatroom long ago. We had no intentions of hiding the facts or condoning his wrongdoings.
After SBS’s report on the 14th, we got in contact with Jonghyun and confirmed the facts. He is deeply reflecting upon his watching the videos in the chatroom or inappropriate conversation related to belittlement of women or sex. If he had proper sexual awareness, he would not have sat by and watched but he is regretful about the fact that he did. We apologize to those who have suffered due to the immoral and promiscuous conversations that took place without a sense of guilt and to everyone who was disappointed by this issue.
Jonghyun, who is ashamed and regretful, has accepted the criticism from the public due to his wrong sexual ethics and values and is deeply regretful and guilty. He will be more cautious about is words and actions as a public figure, reflect upon himself and atone for his past mistakes.”
K-Pop Timeout will continue to update on this scandal.
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tonguesofkpop · 5 years
Happy Birthday to CN Blue’s Jonghyun!
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CNBLUE - JONGHYUN  Do not edit or crop logo! Do not share without full cr: On picture.
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noona-clock · 6 years
Office Blues: Jonghyun
An office romance series in collaboration with @cramelot - hope you enjoy! 💙
Genre: Office!AU
Pairing: Jonghyun x You
By Admin B
Part 1, 2
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When you heard the door to the break room open, your eyes instinctively shifted upward to see who had just walked in.
And, lo and behold, that someone was Jonghyun.
“Good afternoon,” he grinned, sliding one hand casually into his pocket as he sauntered over to the counter, presumably to make himself a cup of coffee.
“Hello,” you smiled back as you lazily stirred some honey into your tea.
Jonghyun must’ve noticed the jar of honey next to your mug because a frown overtook his lips. “Honey? Are you not feeling well?”
“Just a little sore throat,” you answered. “Nothing major.”
“Okay... let me know if it gets worse and you need to go home, all right?”
“I will,” you assured him. And, with that, you put the honey back in the cupboard and picked up your mug of hot tea. “Enjoy your coffee!”
Jonghyun simply lifted one corner of his lips into a half-grin before you made your way out of the break room and back to your desk in the accounting department of Code Name.
Any fellow employee who had been in the break room with you two would have thought nothing of your exchange with Jonghyun, the head of Accounting and, subsequently, your kind-of-boss. They would’ve seen it as an average conversation between two co-workers and nothing more.
But that’s only because the two of you had become experts in hiding your relationship.
The truth was, you and Jonghyun had been dating for two years. You were fully, deeply, madly in love with each other, but absolutely nobody at work knew. And that’s exactly how you wanted it.
When you’d first started dating, Jonghyun had brought up your thoughts on telling people at work or not telling people at work.
“I’d rather not,” you’d answered a bit anxiously. “I mean, you’re head of accounting... I work in accounting... I don’t want anyone to think something sketchy is going on or that you’ll play favorites because we’re dating.”
Thankfully, Jonghyun had agreed, so the two of you kept your budding relationship a secret from everyone you worked with.
Now, two years later, you’d simply gotten used to not telling anyone. To seeing your boyfriend in the office and putting on a mask to hide your true emotions. To talking to him like you were just co-workers. It was second nature by now, and you truly wondered if something would ever happen to change anything. Honestly, you couldn’t really even imagine a time when your relationship would be out in the open. It would be... weird.
As you sat back down at your desk, you thought about what Jonghyun had told you just now: if you started feeling worse, just let him know. Obviously, he had said that because, as your boss, he needed to know if you were going to be leaving work early. But he had also said that because it was your two-year anniversary, and you were going over to his place for dinner. So, as your boyfriend, he needed to know if he had to switch plans and come over to your place with chicken noodle soup and medicine.
Jonghyun was caring that way. If you ever felt the least bit poorly, he was there in a heartbeat to give you what you needed. 
But that was just one thing you loved about him.
He was probably the hardest working person you knew, but he never expected any sort of praise or reward. He was incredibly sweet and easy-going and low-key, and you just loved him with every fiber of your being.
You let out a soft sigh as you thought about him, though the noise broke you free from your ‘thinking about Jonghyun’ trance and you remembered you were still at work. There was no sighing about your boyfriend allowed here!
So you ducked your head and got busy typing, taking sips of your tea to try and soothe the tickle in your throat.
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Just before 5 o’clock, your phone lit up with a notification. A quick glance informed you it was a text from your boyfriend, and he’d simply sent you a kissing emoji. 
This was your code for ‘see you soon’; whenever the two of you messaged each other during work hours (which wasn’t often, but it was hard to ignore your feelings all the time), you always sent emojis as code for something else. The heart eyes emoji meant ‘you look very nice today.’ The hug emoji meant ‘I wish I could hug you right now.’ And the computer emoji meant ‘check your email’ - only Jonghyun used this because you were the type to get so caught up in your work, you didn’t even remember you had email to check.
You quickly opened the message and sent ten kissing emojis back, something you knew made Jonghyun smile and chuckle softly to himself.
When it was finally time to leave, you shut your computer off and grabbed your coat and bag, heading to the elevators so you could catch the bus to take you to Jonghyun’s apartment.
The man in question stepped onto the elevator with you, and you quickly navigated to the back wall so no one could stand behind you. Jonghyun followed suit, and he stepped closer to you so the two of you could hold hands behind your back in secret.
As everyone filed out of the elevator once it reached the lobby, you glanced at Jonghyun and very discreetly winked at him.
A slight tinge of pink appeared on your boyfriend’s cheeks, and you had to press back a giggle. What about him wasn’t absolutely adorable?
You began your journey toward the exit, along with almost every other employee at Code Name, focusing on your shoes as you walked. As you passed by the door leading to the stairwell, you jumped and let out a startled gasp when it suddenly opened.
“Oh, sorry!”
You looked up immediately, seeing one of the programmers and a girl from the IT department emerging.
“No worries,” you assured them, stepping aside so the three of you wouldn’t run into each other.
Wow, they took the stairs? The office was eight floors up! That’s a lot of climbing...
When you finally reached the doors, you heard someone chirp an ‘excuse me’ before gently pushing past you and slipping out in front of you.
It was the receptionist, and you’d honestly never seen her so glad to leave work...?
But then you watched as she quickly weaved through the crowd, approaching a very handsome young man who had, apparently, been waiting for her. She flung her arms around his neck, and they shared a very sweet kiss.
For the second time in the last fifteen minutes, you let out a soft sigh.
You were jealous because you wished you could do that. You wished you could push past people, your eyes locked on Jonghyun’s as you wove through the crowd to reach him. You wished you could let yourself beam as you got closer to him. You wished you could throw yourself at him, feel his arms catch you, capture his lips in a kiss.
You wished.
Maybe one day, but... not today.
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It took about half an hour for you to catch the bus, ride the bus, and get off the bus in front of Jonghyun’s apartment complex, about the time it normally took when you went back to his apartment instead of your own.
Jonghyun drove to work, so he always made it home before you - even if date night was at your apartment. But you honestly liked it that way because seeing Jonghyun’s face first thing after walking in... it sounded cheesy, but there was nothing better.
A smile crept onto your lips as you unlocked his front door, and your heart sped up when you opened it.
“Honey, I’m --”
You stopped short when you saw it.
Saw everything.
His apartment was fairly dark, only lit by one lamp in the living room and about two dozen candles. There was the biggest bouquet of flowers you’d ever seen on the kitchen counter. Soft R&B music was playing on his record player. And you could smell the most delicious scent of your favorite Chinese restaurant.
“What’s going on?” you asked, though you felt a bit dumb. You knew exactly what was going on. It was your anniversary, after all!
Jonghyun rushed over to you, taking your coat and bag and hanging them up in the small closet in the entryway.
“What’s going on is I missed you,” he murmured as he slid his arms around your waist. He didn’t waste any time in taking your lips in his, kissing you passionately but also tenderly.
“I missed you, too,” you whispered. Because, boy, you had.
“Are you hungry?”
“Now that I smell the mu shu pork from Imperial Gardens, I’m starving.”
Jonghyun laughed softly before going in for one more kiss.
You sat at his small table, gazing around his apartment and marveling at how he’d managed to get all this done in twenty or so minutes. He was obviously some sort of miracle worker!
“You’re feeling okay?” Jonghyun asked after he’d filled up plates for both of you and joined you at the table.
“Yes, I’m fine,” you assured him. “I guess it’s just the weather getting colder. That tea with honey did the trick.”
“Good.” He reached over and took your hand, bringing it up to his lips briefly before letting it go again so you could eat your dinner.
As always, the two of you had an extremely pleasant meal; you talked about your days, your plans for the weekend, and since it was your anniversary, you began reminiscing about all the memories you had made so far.
When your plates were clean, the two of you transferred over to Jonghyun’s couch. You’d gotten on the subject of your first date, and Jonghyun’s cheeks were the deepest shade of pink they could possibly be.
“I mean, you have to admit, they make ice skating look a lot easier on TV.”
“They do,” you laughed. “But I never knew someone could fall that much on an ice skating rink. Remember, I thought I would have to take you to the hospital!”
Jonghyun reached around to rub his hip just thinking about it. It had been one of the most embarrassing nights of his life, but you’d erased practically all of it when you’d kissed him at your doorstep.
“It’s been quite a two years, hasn’t it?” you asked softly, breaking through his thoughts of slipping and sliding and falling and hurting and mortification.
His eyes shifted to look into yours, and your heart began to glow.
“Yeah,” he agreed, a soft smile pulling at his lips. “It has.”
He reached up to cradle your cheek, his thumb gently caressing your skin before he leaned in and placed a sweet kiss on your lips.
When you pulled away, your eye caught on the bouquet of flowers on the counter, and your eyebrows rose.
“You... are those mine?” you asked timidly, nodding toward the vase.
“Oh!” Jonghyun quickly got up, fetching the flowers and hurrying back over to you. “Yes, of course. Here.”
A huge grin lit up your face as you took the vase, the tantalizing aroma of the flowers tickling your nose and making your heart soar. You absolutely loved flowers, and once Jonghyun learned this, he never failed to bring some home for you every so often.
But this time you saw a card tucked in-between the petals.
“What’s this?” you asked, your brow furrowing.
“Open it,” Jonghyun smiled.
He got you flowers all the time, yes, but there was never a card in it. Not even the flowers for your birthday or for a special holiday.
You carefully set the vase on the coffee table in front of the couch, plucking the small card out and opening the envelope.
When your eyes scanned the message inside, you were so taken aback that you had to read it again.
And again.
And again.
Because surely your eyes were playing tricks on you.
“Will you marry me?”
Your breath caught in your throat, and your eyes shot up to look at your boyfriend. Somehow, as if by magic (but really just because he’d opened the coffee table drawer while you’d read the card), he was holding the most gorgeous ring you’d ever seen in your whole life.
“Wh--wha--wha,” you stammered breathlessly, your eyes filling with tears.
Jonghyun reached out to take the card from your hand, setting it next to the flowers.
“Will you marry me?” he asked, this time out loud rather than in writing.
Part 2
Office Blues: Jungshin | Minhyuk | Jonghyun | Yonghwa | Epilogue
Master list // RULES // Read About the Admins
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chained-up-taekwoon · 6 years
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Himchan 😂
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