manifestedsun · 4 years
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@cloudloss​ said: “ you need to relax. ”
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"I don’t...know how to relax....” His arms were crossed in front of him and his fingers were tapping against his arm as he spoke. He was seconds away from starting to pace back and forth.
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decayman-a · 4 years
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@cloudloss​ said:  ‘ i’m not sure why you’re acting surprised ’ (can be from oboro or kurogiri /finger guns)
@quirktold​ (tagging this blog too cause I guess Kurogiri is technically over there now ;) )
Maybe it is an odd thing to be surprised about. Tomura still finds himself blushing, suddenly unable to hold eye-contact. It’s stupid. He shouldn’t be happy about it, but he fucking is. 
“Shut up...” Tomura murmurs, fiddling with the hem of his sweater. His fingers dexterously slide across the fabric, one digit lifted at all times. He doesn’t technically need to worry about his quirk when it is his own body he is touching, but it gives him something to do. Tomura focuses on the roughness against his fingerpads in an effort to distract himself from the heat that has settled across his cheekbones.
As much as Tomura wants to deny that he cares at all, that it means anything, he simply can’t. He forcibly pushes air through his nostrils, then glares at Kurogiri. His expression lacks ire, despite his efforts. Fuck’s sake.
“It’s not even actually my birthday.”
It is, however, the day Sensei gave him his new name; the day of his rebirth. In a way, it is his birthday, and Kurogiri, unexpectedly, bothered to remember.
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offragrance · 4 years
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“Oh honey, you look like you need a hug.” 
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keshimasu · 4 years
cloudloss replied to your post:   “Laying down hurts so I’m just gonna rip out my...
“ say the word and i’ll conjure up one of my clouds for ya !! extra soft and fluffy. ”
 he’s already preparing to jump on the conjured cloud.  “please....is it possible to get one of those like...indefinitely?”
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todayradio-moved · 4 years
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@cloudloss​ / unpromted ask / always accepting !
crashes into his room and shuts the door quickly. " not to alarm you or anything but i'm pretty sure i pissed someone off and they might be coming after me. so, can you hide me for a little while? " he asked as he made his way further into the other's room while looking for a decent hiding spot. " before you ask - it's aizawa and i'm like ninety-eight percent he is gonna kill me. "
The blonde jumps lightly at the sudden noise, quickly sliding off his headphones as he stares at the other teen. It wasn’t the first time the jovial teen had managed to push Aizawa’s buttons and then ran to the blonde for help. Hizashi couldn’t blame him as he has had his own share of Aizawa’s wrath. 
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He smirks slightly as he stands up. “ What did you do this time ?? “
The knock on the door startles them, both fully aware of who it might be. “ Dude did it even cross your mind that this is probably the first place he’ll come looking for you ?? “ He's whispering as he points to his closet for Oboro to hide in. He better not complain about the smell if Hizashi manages to convince the raven-haired he had no idea of Oboro’s whereabouts.
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wingcdhero · 4 years
you look like a bootlegged chicken little
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       someone come get this great value goku looking child out of my sight before i evaporate him.
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iceablaze-blog · 4 years
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@cloudloss​ sent ♗ for icons of their muse in my style.
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heartfulmind · 4 years
🔪 — melee weapons // winks
MUSE SKILLSET.🔪 — melee weapons
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          Harassed and bullied in various ways, this including drastic forms of hatred against him, most of Shinsou’s experience with close-combat weapons comes from pushing and breaking objects for the sake of his safety; one such harsh moments he endured from quirk-discrimination was ambushes and his first instinct is either to flee or resort to a nearby item to hurl to ensure a getaway. This included shoving trash cans, grabbing pieces of wood to keep himself at bay from his attacker, and in the most desperate cases, hurl his book-bag at his pursuers.
However, this uncoordinated use of melee weapons looks refined in his battle against his opposing team during his Joint Training Battle when he uses the pipes of the arena as a means of shielding himself from one of Jurota’s attacks.
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h-toga · 4 years
⌛( sleep headcanon )
(੭ु ›ω‹ )੭ु⁾⁾♡
sleep headcanon
she is the type that doesn’t need much sleep to keep going as well as being paired with her light sense of sleep , she is constantly aware of her surroundings the only time she’s seen sleeping deeply is in places she knows to be safe ( or sometimes people she feels secure with )
her own childhood home was one of those places she couldn’t truly rest after all it was a place of imprisonment , a place which she had to wear a persona , not being herself.
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adhesive-king · 4 years
❛ hey, you can do this, okay ? ❜
Good Girls || Accepting || @cloudloss
He’s doing his best to listen to those words and not toss them to the wind but when you’ve got a concussion and can barely see through the dust and debris flying around, it’s hard for him to not just close his eyes and let whatever happens happen.
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The stupid hero in him, on the other hand, won’t allow that. “T-totally man...yeah.” His words slur together as he forces himself off the ground. “Okay... where're the civilians?”
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decayman-a · 4 years
BOLD YOUR MUSE’S PREFERENCES !   //   food edition
cake  or  ice cream ? sweet  or  spicy ? potato chips  or  french fries ? seasoned  or  bland ? cookies  or  brownies ? salad  or  pizza ? turkey  or  chicken ? hamburger  or  cheeseburger ? sour  or  bitter ? homecooked  or  takeout ? hot  or  cold ? beef  or  pork ? chocolate  or  white chocolate ? fruit  or  vegetables ? soft  or  hard shell tacos ? tea  or  coffee ? stuffing  or  mashed potatoes ? cake  or  pie ? fresh ingredients  or  from the can ?
To cite his character sheet:
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tagged by :  @cloudloss​ (thank you!) tagging : @needlesticktoga​, @stonecoated​​, @anarchyhorde​, and whoever wants to!
( I’ll use this post as an excuse to talk about Tomura’s relationship with food. Talk about eating disorders and other potential triggers below the cut!! )
I write Tomura as suffering from an eating disorder. I don’t want to diagnose him since I am in no way classified to do so, nor do I know a whole lot about eating disorders myself. As such, I’m terribly sorry if I use the wrong terms or do an otherwise shitty job of conveying my thoughts on the matter. 
I don’t think Tomura starves himself to get skinnier or as a “cry for help”. However, I think it is one manifestation of his internalized self-hatred. He justifies not eating because food all tastes the same to him to some degree. He doesn’t care about what he eats. All that matters is that he can do what needs doing (e.g. fight).
His eating disorder affects other aspects of his life, too. For one, it contributes to the dryness of his skin as well as his constantly feeling cold and fatigued. The tips of his fingers are blue. He has low blood pressure. He gets dizzy easily. He struggles with insomnia.
When he was younger (13-15), he would self-induce vomiting to get food out of his body. AfO and Kurogiri didn’t treat the problem, only the symptoms. For a while, they would force Tomura to eat, to over-eat, and would keep him under close supervision so that he was unable to expell any food. This obviously was very traumatizing to him, but it deterred him from self-inducing vomiting again after supervision lessened. 
He gets ... better(?) after a while. He is given a purpose that he has to fulfill (the League), and this gives him a reason to push past any sort of discomfort he may feel. This, of course, includes his aversion to food. He still doesn’t take pleasure in food. He will still forgo eating for extended periods of time. However, he won’t let this interfere with what he considers his duty to see through. Of course, getting closer to the other League members and forming genuine bonds helps him tremendously as well. After AfO’s defeat and Kurogiri’s imprisonment, Tomura’s overall mental health improves after worsening initially. 
Please mind that all this is a wip as I’m still trying to figure Tomura out. 
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grapegremlin · 4 years
tagged by.   @cloudloss (thank youuu!!) tagging.   @illunaris @femdominize​ @quirkycombatants​ @kindcstguardian​ and YOU!
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tinkling of piano keys / the click of a lock / an engine starting, stalling / sinful whispers / stiffled sobbing / the rattle of death / alarm blaring / a siren call / spanish guitar strumming / loud laughter at midnight / banshee screeching / drunk hiccuping / the giggle of a child / rolling thunder / disdainful chuckling / bones creaking / carefree whistling / singing off key / flesh hitting concrete / white noise / a mirror cracking / labored breathing / a groan of pain / waves lapping at the shore / the roar of a lion / pages turning / swords clashing / deep humming / birds chirping / dial tone / tongue popping  /  fingers tapping a surface  / crystals breaking / music turned up to the limit / raindrops on a roof / angry yelling / yawning at noon / horns going off / ravens talking / bubblegum bursting / splashing water / teakettle squeal / militia drums / wolves howling / slow, sarcastic clapping / soprano notes / whispering pleas / gregorian chants / mournful cries
filled notebooks / dogeared books / clean shaves / empty stares / sleeping at a desk / the witching hour / driving all night / restless tides / broken windows / coffee any time / freshly baked goods / bonfires /  lounging felines / circles under your eyes / bedhead / tangling in the sheets / leather jackets / paint stains / music sheets / too many tabs to find the music / weary brows / card games / messy ponytails / strained smiles / unsent texts / heart on your sleeve / slow dancing in the rain / star gazing / torn jeans / piles of clothes / filled bookshelves / hurricanes / chapped lips / cliff diving / the lights in venice / stolen kisses / poet shirts / half melted candles / empty coffee mugs / hot tea / unlaced boots / shameless flirting / too young to be so old / laced fingers / eyes in the trees / bloody knuckles / french letters / neon lights / ivy covered balconies
burnt leaves / turkish coffee / spiced rum / moss / vanilla beans / freshly cut grass / decay / sea salt / strawberries and cream / cinnamon / honey / copper / pineapple / grape soda / wet dog / pine needles / wood shavings / rainsoaked bark / something sharp, indefinable / Russian tea / dandelions / squeezed limes / Italian wine / freshly laundered clothes / coming rain / hardtack and gruel / bubblegum / roasting flesh / something cloying in the chest / ichor / lillies in spring / pollen / damp clothes / meatpies / greasy coins / curdled milk / leather / bone marrow / wet cement / ricecakes / open paint cans / cocoa leaves / tar / apples / sandlewood cologne / orchids / molded onions / cheap perfume / mistletoe / rubber on fire / grave dirt / old books / new books / melting plastic / roses / poisonoak / seacucumbers / peppermint handcream
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sinceileftyoublog · 4 years
Weekend Picks: 2/29-3/1
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Telefon Tel Aviv
Soundscape weekend!
2/29: Bill MacKay & Nathan Bowles, Star Lounge
Bill MacKay & Nathan Bowles (who have new music together to play) perform again, this time for Doja Dojo with Dark Matter Coffee and Nature's Grace and Wellness. (They go on from 7-8 PM). All ticket proceeds go to the Last Prisoner Project. There will be consumption of recreational marijuana on site, and a ticket gets you education on Illinois’ new weed program.
2/29: Telefon Tel Aviv & Steve Hauschildt, Lincoln Hall
Last year, Telefon Tel Aviv released their first full-length album since the death of founding member Charles Cooper in 2009. Now comprised of solely Joshua Eustis, the project’s Dreams Are Not Enough follows a recurring dream Eustis continually experiences, based on a family vacation off the Alabama coastline. In the dream, he eventually swims out to the depths of darkness, and the song titles, lyrics, and moods suggest a linear story exploring what it means to be empty. “Our weakness foretold our losses yet to come,” he sings devastatingly on the foreboding, yet reflective “a younger version of myself,”, which uses backwards looped tape to mirror his lost sense of time. On “standing at the bottom of the ocean,”, electric notes give way to washes of noise and then a clear, echoing snare beat, as Eustis waxes on his loss of control: “Nothing changes, people say / change is coming anyway.” Equally effective, though, are the uptempo tracks that expertly use space to create a void, like the creaky “arms aloft,” and thumping “not breathing,”. “What happened to the trees my father planted,” Eustis asks on the latter. “The red tops in the back yard / Could they be shoring up the delta somewhere? / In a landfill, or a stream?” The seeming infinite intertwining of deep water and death--after all, we can’t explore it forever and live--encompasses Eustis’ mind. It’s there that he’s connecting with Cooper. “Come with me, be quiet now,” he sings repeatedly on “mouth agape,” accepting his same eventual fate.
Last year’s Nonlin is Steve Hauschildt’s second Ghostly release following 2018′s Dissolvi. Recorded in a variety of studios across the globe, it sports a mix of modular and granular synthesis, and the tracks are equally varied. There are minimal washes of noise (the melancholy “Cloudloss”, the atonal and warped “A Planet Left Behind”, the gentle “Attractor B”) and more arpeggio tracks (the energetic “Subtractive Skies” and “The Nature Remaining”, the blippy “The Spring in Chartreuse”, the zooming “American Spiral”). Most impressive is “Reverse Culture Music”, which features mirroring creepy, spindly notes of string plucks (courtesy of Chicago cellist Lia Kohl) and synthesizers.
CHIRP Radio presents this show.
3/1: Destroyer & Eleanor Friedberger, Thalia Hall
Hearing that for his new Destroyer album Have We Met, Dan Bejar returned to the stream-of-consciousness lyrical approach of beloved albums like Kaputt, you’re met with a combination of excitement and skepticism. Bejar has the ability to conjure eras that can make you laugh and roll your eyes at the same time, with surrealism or absurdism in conjunction with pastiche-level instrumentation. On Have We Met opening track “Crimson Tide”, he sings, “Chicken-shit singers paying their dues / A circus mongrel sniffing for clues,” evoking the backroom cocaine sleaze of Kaputt, rife with retrofuturistic guitars and driving bass as opposed to the horn-and-synth sparkle yacht rock of a song like “Chinatown”. It’s at these places--where Bejar observes, poses, and steps back--that he’s most successful. “I find the silence unbearable / What does that say about the silence?” he quips on the crunchy “It Just Doesn’t Happen”, an early highlight.
Bejar wrote Have We Met and sung lyrics into a microphone at his kitchen table, recording them on GarageBand and sending the demos to band member John Collins (also of The New Pornographers) to work on. For three months on his laptop and iPad, Collins produced the record, including fragments from older album sessions, respecting Bejar’s 80′s influences (movies and hip hop, specifically). As a result, Have We Met is at times the most instrumentally maximal Destroyer album. “Kinda Dark” and “The Raven” juxtapose heartland guitars with soundscapes. “University Hill” is a demented waltz. The title track is actually a gorgeous instrumental, devoid of Bejar’s ramblings. And “The Man in Black’s Blues” perhaps most effectively responds to Bejar’s conjecture about “silence” earlier on. Espousing Buddhist concepts of nothingness as not inherent emptiness, indeed, Bejar’s backed by minimal hip hop beats interspersed with bridges of IDM shuffle, a push-and-pull between empty space and crowding, the instrumental manifestation of his own philosophical internal monologues.
Of course, on every Destroyer album since Kaputt--and arguably Destroyer’s Rubies--there are one or two songs whose lyrics sound like they were born from the Bejar lyrics generator. On Have We Met, that honor goes to “The Television Music Supervisor”, which starts with Bejar simply stating the title and reveals itself to be an ambient song with a few electronic notes at the end, mostly a vehicle for Bejar’s borderline self-parody. “Clickety click click / The music makes a musical sound / Measured in echoes / By famous novelist brothers / Shithead number one and shithead number two,” he sings in his normal sneer. Its profane obtuseness contrasts centerpiece “Cue Synthesizer”, whose lyrics are overtly political and whose interplay between lyrics and music is actually surprising. As Bejar directs instruments to appear (“cue synthesizer / cue guitar”) and they don’t, the song develops into a treatise on chaos, the lack of control we have over anything, really. In conjunction with lines like “Open door policy and not a goddamn thing at night,” and “Been to America, been to Europe, it’s the same shit,” I’m reminded of anti-immigrant talking heads and pundits who espouse views on culture like it’s something that they can shape from the top down rather than let it organically grow from the bottom up, and thrive. Have We Met fittingly and creepily ends with over a minute of harmonic voices in dissonant chorus, coming out of nowhere, ascending and descending, giving way to the silence that’s eluded Bejar throughout the whole album, as if he’s telling himself and everyone else to finally shut up.
Eleanor Friedberger’s last record was 2018′s Rebound. Though she hasn’t been playing any new songs, The Fiery Furnaces (her and her older brother Matthew) just announced an appearance at Pitchfork Music Festival, their first live show in almost a decade. Perhaps she’ll throw in a Fiery Furnaces cover or two?
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tinymixtapes · 5 years
Steve Hauschildt goes Nonlin on new album for Ghostly International, shares new track “Subtractive Skies”
Chicago based synth soul searcher Steve Hauschildt returns with his latest album, Nonlin, his second release on Ghostly International following 2018’s Dissolvi. If you were a fan of the pillowy soft keyboard excursions fit for, say, chilling out on some acupuncture (as my TMT pal Lijah put it), Nonlin rides a similarly mellow, yet slightly “freer, leaner, and looser” feel that might be more appropriate for journeys into the subconscious in a sensory deprivation tank. It’s up to you, I guess! Nonlin is out October 25, and Ghostly has pre-orders up and running. Peep the tracklist below, and zone the album’s first taste “Subtractive Skies.” Nonlin tracklisting: 01. Cloudloss 02. Subtractive Skies 03. A Planet Left Behind 04. Attractor B 05. The Nature Remaining 06. Nonlin 07. Reverse Culture Music 08. The Spring in Chartreuse 09. American Spiral http://j.mp/2Lq5za0
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todayradio-moved · 4 years
cloudloss replied to your post:
// basically the third wheel. okay i’m sorry. this hurts me more than anything. how dare you.
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excuse u.
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adhesive-king · 4 years
tagged by: @cloudloss  tagging.   @engiinium @keshimasu @epanalipsi @cleavcd (and anyone else uwu!)
tinkling of piano keys / the click of a lock / an engine starting, stalling / sinful whispers / stiffled sobbing / the rattle of death / alarm blaring / a siren call / spanish guitar strumming / loud laughter at midnight / banshee screeching / drunk hiccuping / the giggle of a child / rolling thunder / disdainful chuckling / bones creaking / carefree whistling / singing off key / flesh hitting concrete / white noise / a mirror cracking / labored breathing / a groan of pain / waves lapping at the shore / the roar of a lion / pages turning / swords clashing / deep humming / birds chirping / dial tone / tongue popping  /  fingers tapping a surface  / crystals breaking / music turned up to the limit / raindrops on a roof / angry yelling / yawning at noon / horns going off / ravens talking / bubblegum bursting / splashing water / teakettle squeal / militia drums / wolves howling / slow, sarcastic clapping / soprano notes / whispering pleas / gregorian chants / mournful cries
filled notebooks / dogeared books / clean shaves / empty stares / sleeping at a desk / the witching hour / driving all night / restless tides / broken windows / coffee any time / freshly baked goods / bonfires /  lounging felines / circles under your eyes / bedhead / tangling in the sheets / leather jackets / paint stains / music sheets / too many tabs to find the music / weary brows / card games / messy ponytails / strained smiles / unsent texts / heart on your sleeve / slow dancing in the rain / star gazing / torn jeans / piles of clothes / filled bookshelves / hurricanes / chapped lips / cliff diving / the lights in venice / stolen kisses / poet shirts / half melted candles / empty coffee mugs / hot tea / unlaced boots / shameless flirting / too young to be so old / laced fingers / eyes in the trees / bloody knuckles / french letters / neon lights / ivy covered balconies
burnt leaves / turkish coffee / spiced rum / moss / vanilla beans / freshly cut grass / decay / sea salt / strawberries and cream / cinnamon / honey / copper / pineapple / wet dog / pine needles / wood shavings / rainsoaked bark / something sharp, indefinable / Russian tea / dandelions / squeezed limes / Italian wine / freshly laundered clothes / coming rain / hardtack and gruel / roasting flesh / something cloying in the chest / ichor / lillies in spring / pollen / damp clothes / meatpies / greasy coins / curdled milk / leather / bone marrow / wet cement / ricecakes / open paint cans / cocoa leaves / tar / apples / sandlewood cologne / orchids / molded onions / cheap perfume / mistletoe / rubber on fire / grave dirt / old books / new books / melting plastic / roses / poisonoak / seacucumbers / peppermint handcream
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