#clint is sunshine incarnate in bucky’s eyes fight me
winterhcwk · 2 months
i kind of i love how bucky was born in indiana and lived in indiana for a bit (or does he still live there?) and we know clint grew up on a farm in iowa and and i’m just thinking about how they get out to the midwest occasionally just to reminisce and watch the clear night sky, stargazing, because the rural stars are so much more visible than the pollution stars in the city. and the air in the midwest is just different it's more relaxed less claustrophobic and sometimes they need to get away !! they take a roadtrip and of course bucky sings (horrifically) because he knows clint secretly loves it but he also ADORES clint's laugh he wants to hear that sound forever and and they go to one small town every few months so everyone there knows who they are and they have local freinds and i just.... im so im SOOO!!
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