#classic literature au
comradekatara · 9 months
modern au katara reads books “for fun” that are “engaging” and “enjoyable” and sokka (big finnegan’s wake head) is like “weak. i only read books that exacerbate my suicidal tendencies”
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its-teeem · 3 months
A Dream of Black Dahlias
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At some point, memories and nightmares start to merge.
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suv-draws-stuff · 11 months
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i dont usually post chibi illusts but im still not normal about them o(-(
i already turned the jekyll and hyde one as a mini standee for myself, definitely would do the same to basil and dorian next hrghrghgh
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mygroovymutationn · 10 months
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🎬 Movies I wish existed 🎬
Dracula (2023)
Diected by Guillermo Del Toro, Starring Mads Mikkelsen 🦇
Tumblr: @mygroovymutationn
Insta: @mygroovymutation
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mothmore · 6 months
had spontaneous thoughts of. what if goth lit characters all worked at or went to a uni together. because i need all my blorbos to crossover. so now i’m thinking all about that. anyways clervalstein from this au
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not like. fully set on either of these designs for them for the au i was just messing around i may have given victor the same glasses i wear disregard disregard
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angelveiins · 1 month
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old drawing from around january-ish where my demons took over and made me draw ddlc but with some of the thirds,,, (who did that guys.. not me!!) (+ BONUS SHITTY WHITEBOARD DOODLES GO!!!)
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heatherfield · 7 months
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The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Kissing in the Rain, Episode 10 “Daisy & Jay” [x]
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franken-loser · 4 months
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A little Frankenstein au I’ve made up in my mind where Victor doesn’t abandon his creation so nothing super bad happens, Henry, William, Elizabeth, and all the others are still alive :33 A little domestic moment between Victor and his creation, and idk if it would be considered a headcannon BUT I hc that Victor learned to braid hair from Elizabeth growing up. Also Victor is very gay for Henry🙏
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yvehattan · 2 years
Babe, it’s 5pm and you’re still lying on the couch in a feverish delirium....
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kiukiu1270 · 3 months
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Fully finished 15 Nikolai AU Character sheet + Headcannons!!!
Nikolai is a Piano player and I will not accept him playing any other instrument other than that. His cannon design even looks like a Piano how much more piano-y can a character get?? He is those self-taught pianist. The type that only knows chords and those weird numbered sheets music you get in those church songs lol (Fyodor taught him to read sheet music later on ;3)
Also pianist of 10 years writing over here, The tenor clef page is based on personal experiences.
It took me so long to figure out his sexuality, It was between Gay, Pan, Achillean but I settled with Omnisexual
“Omnisexual refers to someone who is romantically, emotionally, or sexually attracted to persons of all genders and orientations”Basically, All is good. But of course he does have some (a lot) of Internalised Homophobia and Religious Trauma (Haven’t fully figured it out yet in my head but I’m working on it)
Figure skating ehhhhhhh (for personal reasons) Realistically it is near impossible to do a Hydroblade self taught and pretty much figure skating isn’t a hobby that you can just buy a pair of skates (1000usd per pair) (he stole those with his ability ofc) but you can’t just teach yourself through YouTube videos (based on…. Experience….) (you Will Hurt yourself) but I meannnn He has an magical portal opening ability, he got plot armour. (And I like figure skating)
Random Trivia
Cavetown coded, Star coded, Neurodivergent, Enfp, likes cardistry (like magicians you get it), has the biggest crush on Fyodor (if it wasn’t obviously enough lol), likes Pigeons (yk street rats) (I love pigeons, they deserve more love), (Personally I think cannon adult Nikolai is more white Dove coded tho), Loves theatre and the stage (based on irl Mykola), Irl Mykola was queer, Loves Tchaikovsky (me too) (Tchaikovsky was also queer btw (he was very gay)), likes Mykola Lysenko (carol of the bells original composer) (ayy father of Ukrainian classical music and him share the same name!!) (I love researching about Ukrainian culture while making this)(Ukraine is so beautiful, I wish we could’ve had the chance to visit it in its beautiful light and glory before yk…) (Making this was very emotional) (Don’t forget to support Support Ukraine guys) 🌻🇺🇦🫶
Btw here are some songs that I listened to while drawing him!!!
(Definitely listens to Tchaikovsky’s 1812 overture to fw Fyodor lol)
(Btw go watch my 15 Fyolai Astronomy mini Animatic on my page)
(This is Home will always have a special place in my heart)
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its-teeem · 5 months
AAA I’m the person who sent that ask about Basil? and I’m so happy. Anyway I noticed that typically when you draw Basil, he doesn’t have gloves but Basil? does. Is it just to make it look more threatening, formal, inhuman ext or is there another reason? so interested
I'm so happy you noticed that!!! Really warms my heart to know that people see the little details. ٩( ^ᴗ^ )۶
So, when I first started drawing Basil? he actually looked exactly like Basil minus the hair and the scar on it's neck. Then I remembered that Basil got murdered during winter(I might be making that up???) and therefore Basil? would actually be dressed completely differently from how Basil usually dresses up.
Since Basil is on his way to Paris, only stopping by to give some last minute advice to Dorian, he would actually be wearing winter clothing for the trip. Hence, what Basil? is wearing are the clothes Basil got murdered in.
Small reference below.
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Basil? not only wears gloves but a vest and coat as well! His clothes and hair are a mess because Basil's murder was not a clean affair. Especially with Dorian and Alan trying to get rid of the body.
Furthermore, it's important to remember that Basil? is made by Dorian's own subconscious. It's for that reason that I decided to remove Basil's most defining features, his rosary and his ribbon, from Basil?'s design in order to further separate them. Basil? is a really warped reflection of Dorian's memories of Basil, which are tainted with the murder of Basil.
Also, yeah it does help make him more threatening. (∗´꒳`)
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suv-draws-stuff · 5 months
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a doctor, a lawyer, and... some gremlin, but its old woman yuri this time
(both jekyll and hyde are more of a gender fuckery in this one tbh)
bonus doodles below the cut (BODY HORROR WARNING)
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jorrated · 4 months
desperately trying to NOT fall into a christian/ demonology mythology study hyperfixation again i cant take it
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saiyanjeku · 5 months
Want me to ki11 them meme
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Oh god i maybe put more work into this meme than i should have needed but im satisfied how it came out!
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angelveiins · 1 month
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more of that ddlc au GO !!1! ft. flash as the player because a mutual of mine gave me the idea and it actually worked super well
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heatherfield · 1 year
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The animal he bestrode was a broken-down plow-horse, that had outlived almost everything but its viciousness. He was gaunt and shagged, with a ewe neck, and a head like a hammer; his rusty mane and tail were tangled and knotted with burs; one eye had lost its pupil, and was glaring and spectral, but the other had the gleam of a genuine devil in it. Still he must have had fire and mettle in his day, if we may judge from the name he bore of Gunpowder. —The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving
Headless: A Sleepy Hollow Story, Episode 10 “The Haunting of the Hollow” [x]
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