#clandestine ask
wandaxpietro · 4 months
another ask because this is the only way I know how to contribute to the Maxicest/ScarletSilver fandom (wish i could do more but college is p a i n )
but imagine if Pietro and Wanda just came out and told everyone they're dating/in love (whether as a joke or if they're being serious or idk) I am willing to bet a majority of their friends/coworkers/acquaintances/enemies would either be like: "we knew lol" or "you haven't already???" or be supportive or neutral to their relationship.
But I'm wondering... how would Magneto react? How would Lorna react? How would Magda/Marya/Natalya and Django react? (if they were alive to see it) How would Vision or Crystal react?
Hell, how would Billy and Tommy react? And Luna too? (marvel pls bring her back :((( plsss)
i feel like in the current SW&QS comic run, there will probably be some in-universe comment/rumors that since are Pietro and Wanda are together again, that they are together.
(might ask more questions/thoughts/random blurbs later ://)
ah i think you're more charitable than i am... i don't think most people who know them would be okay with it. they all probably know to varying degrees -- especially their close friends -- it's the deniability that saves it for them, that makes them able to ignore all of it. the avengers (the ones that are close to them, that is) all know, all have seen the twins in weird situations, but they've gotten very very good at looking away. none of them want to know. i think they'd be highly uncomfortable if they came out with their relationship officially, because that'd mean they can no longer ignore it, y'know? i don't think most would start a fight about it or a confrontation or anything, but they'd get weird around the twins.
(on a side note, i think clint is one of the people who'd get actually angry for a while lol. that moment when you're bisexual and your two crushes are dating etc etc. also i think carol would ask wanda if she's alright, if pietro's forcing her into anything, which would make wanda really mad. janet i think is smart enough that she's realized for a long time they're in love & knows something like that isn't going on but she wouldn't be very comfortable, either. the one i think who's most likely to "accept" it is actually tony bcuz i think he genuinely wouldn't give a fuck lol)
that aside! now for the ones you actually asked about lol. ah it's difficult.
magneto - depends on when he'd find out. during brotherhood times, i don't think he'd care, because he didn't really care about them to begin with. once he finds out they're related, at the very beginning, i think he'd be appalled but there isn't anything he can do about it, since he's an absent father trying to reconnect and has no rights to his children. once they're in the family dance for a while, he's grown a bit demanding, esp towards pietro, if that makes sense? so i think he'd probably argue with them about it lol. i don't think he'd like it, not so much bcuz of personal disgust, but mostly bcuz of optics. but also bcuz he has a desire for his children to live normal, happy lives (as much as he has trouble showing them that normally lol) and i think he'd think that would interfere with that. he's also very good at ignoring it, however -- before he'd officially find out, ofc, but after, too. he just conveniently "forgets" it. maybe starts introducing both of them to other people. they hate it.
lorna - i think lorna knows. i think she's known for a long time and while she was disgusted by it at first (and also strangely jealous; she doesn't want either of them but they've always been so close and she never had that. she doesn't have a sibling that's primarily hers, if that makes sense) i think she came to terms with it over time, enough so that she'd be pretty alright with it if they went official.
i honestly don't know about magda, django, marya and natalya... i think magda would have a lot of compassion after everything they've been through, but would treat it as an unfortunate side-effect of all of the twins' trauma, if that makes sense? she loves them a lot, though. the rest of them i don't know. i can't see any of them liking it, but marya and django might just be happy they're both alive and happy, you know? i feel like natalya would want more for them, similarly to magneto, bcuz she doesn't quite get it. but no one does. so yknow.
so billy and tommy are their kids. we know this. i think tommy wouldn't care, tbh. i can't see him being fazed or disgusted by it, also i think he'd be happy to find out pietro is his dad. they already get along, and he doesn't have a lot of people who care about him, and who want to spend time with him (vision never did lol). idk about billy..... i think he dearly loves them both but i think he might just think wanda could do better (lol). i think he'd be vaguely uncomfortable, but pietro would never play dad if billy didn't want that, so i think they're fine-ish? he'd probably get used to it eventually even when he's not thrilled. idk if he'd ever see pietro as his dad. also i think he's also known for a long time but he hasn't gotten over it like lorna has.
as for luna....... honestly she's genuinely a weird kid. she can see people's emotions & i can't see her caring much about "human" taboos. she's from a royal family, and her aunt's husband is also her aunt's (distant) cousin. i think she'd be fine, lol. she can see the love between wanda & pietro -- and tho she probably didn't realize (or didn't want to; bcuz that'd make things complicated) that it was romantic, too, she'd be relatively fine, just happy that her father's happy. she's long since been over crystal and pietro's marriage, so that doesn't bother her, either.
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Just wanted to say I’m reading your fic Clandestine and I’m enamored by your writing! It’s so fluid and I love the characterizations of Reg and Sirius so much… I adore the black brothers being good siblings 🩵
Thank you 😍 ugh I love those guys
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thekidsarentalright · 4 months
if i see “glacial blue” on the next fob album i am going to find p2 and cry in front of them
literally if they even think to reference the word blue im gonna hunt them down
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immortal-enemies · 1 year
ajsdk she's been saying the main couple for twp is going to be kitty, a queer couple, and now imagine how its going to look if she retracts that and instead makes it dru and ash
I knowwwww and also like?? There's so much content for Kitty already that it would be so weird to then put them in the background and bring this irrelevant couple to the front??
I think it doesn't even matter tho bc we as a fandom have collectively decided to ignore any implications of Dru possibly being the main MC and Dru/Ash being the main couple and go with what we know is true 😙
Also she really has been saying that for a long time tho, like since 2014. And when she made the announcement of who TWP will be about she tagged Dru's name on at the end like how are you gonna turn around and make HER the main character when you fr have the most MC of MC's sitting right there (Kit).
Although at the end of the day I wouldn't be surprised if CC decided to, after saying for YEARS it was gonna be a MLM couple, pretend she never said it and give some vague ass excuses that contradict each other to make another boring F/M couple.
Sorry to everyone who sees me reacting abt this whole thing like the way I am and thinks I'm overreacting, but Kit being the main character of TWP was always so important and special to me, it feels like something's being taken from me. even if it doesn't make sense why to you lol
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lokisgoodgirl · 7 months
Every time I hear a made up word that ends in "ese," it gives me the giggles because it reminds me of Asgardianese
Oh my god 🤣🤣i always LOVE hearing little things like this. It makes my life 😆 thank you so much for sharing that.
Stupid Megan. God we hated her didn't we😂
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iomadachd · 6 months
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@suffcring asked: 82 for Rabbit and Adram uwu
In honor of SPOTIFY WRAPPED, send me a number 1-100 and I’ll write you a starter based on the song. (5/10 accepting)
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Left Behind - The Plot in You
Adramalech has yet to be bored by the extent of human cruelty. After all, how would their numbers in Hell grow if humans were suddenly kind and considerate to each other at all times?
No, that was an impossibility, because humans were cruelest to each other, and swift in their judgment and sentencing.
He bends towards the little ghoul before him now where a witch once stood, thumb and forefinger grasping her chin. She is still the angry thing she was, and more rabbit than ever, no matter how she tries to hide it.
"Time has hit you different, but I don't think you've changed, ghoul."
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tomwise · 10 months
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Not getting involved in all that it’s only a Monday
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loverboybreakdowns · 3 months
hiii … if ur still doing mutual bingo … :3
get bingo’d ‼️
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austinwehaveaproblem · 9 months
helloo ^_^ heres some funny little pngs for u i hope they work for what u wanna do with em
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fun fact this is my second time making pngs of this design, i made some a few months ago for some sims 4 cc but i only kept the super scaled down versions that fit on a sims hoodie lmao so these r new and fresh
DID YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. oh my god can i do anything for you like. do you want art or something THANK Y OUUUuuU
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blondepw · 4 months
the letters on the back of the new clandestine shirts WAAAAAAHHHHH
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megaclaudiolis · 2 months
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Say it.
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wretcheddthing · 2 months
Tav ask meme! 1, 3, and 12 for allllllll of your guys >:3c
HIIII THANK U <3 ok here we go
here’s the ask meme post btw for those. who want to also ask :)
Venali Kelvyre (Human wild magic sorcerer)
1) What would your Tav’s greetings be (at different levels of approval)?
- Negative: A disdainful “What?”, simply an arched brow, or “Make it quick.”
- Neutral: “How can I help?” “Sorry, did you say something?” “Sure, I have a moment.”
- Good: “Good to see you :)” “What do you have for me?” “Always a pleasure.”
- Romanced: Said with all the love in her heart, “There you are.” “How are you, darling?” “Anything you ask.”
3) What would their character quest be titled? Why?
A hard one to answer bc her full personal quest can’t be completed during the events of the game. So probably it would have something to do with Finally, after 7 years of searching, discovering what exactly she needs to do to rid herself of her magic. Which I haven’t figured out yet. But also she lied about being a wizard for seven years so Probably something along those lines. The Sorcerous Charlatan or something is that dumb
12) Does you Tav have any tattoos or scars? Why?
Yes to scars, no to tattoos. She has your general wear and tear of doing field work and then a side of adventuring to search for hidden information (even before being tadpoled), but most notably are the scars on her lips and forehead. She got hit by falling rubble while escaping The Ruin with her remaining friends.
My other friends under the cut
Tozra Cardove (Half-elf college of swords bard)
1) What would your Tav’s greetings be (at different levels of approval)?
- Negative: “Make it quick.” “Oh, you wanna talk?” “If you must.”
- Neutral: “How’s it going?” “Hail, companion!”
- Good: “Just the person I wanted to see.” “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”
- Romance: “Lovely as always.” “Sorry, I’m a bit flustered.” “Forgive me if I swoon.”
3) What would their character quest be titled? Why?
“The Would-Be Knight” bc before being tadpoled he did play fights during festivals in Baldur’s Gate. He was well liked by those he entertained, and is actually skilled with his sword. But he is first and foremost an entertainer. Idk the rest of his story yet.
12) Does you Tav have any tattoos or scars? Why?
Yes, two slashes across his nose. His opponent, both on stage and in real life, didn’t pull his blows. It was an intentional strike that knocked him out for an important show one season.
Mercury (Tiefling battle master fighter)
1) What would your Tav’s greetings be (at different levels of approval)?
- Negative: “Ugh, what?” “Why don’t I just drop everything?” “Talk.”
- Neutral: “Hey.” “Got something?”
- Good: “My favorite helper.” “Where are we going?” “Shoot.”
- Romanced: “Hey, love.” “You lead, I follow.” “Aren’t you a doll.”
3) What would their character quest be titled? Why?
“Her Sister’s Keeper” bc. Well I had to modify her actual lore a bit to make it work in bg3 bc she is Originally an alchemist artificer who makes potion bombs and she lost her sister in a lab accident so I kinda made her into a sort of. Mercenary fighter for the sake of bg3. Idk, she was my first playthrough and I didn’t really wanna start with a whole new chatavyer so I borrowed one of my other ones. Anyway, something to do with that.
12) Does you Tav have any tattoos or scars? Why?
Yes to both. She’s covered in tattoos of alchemical symbols because she thinks it looks cool, but she also has burn scars all over from her lab exploding.
Clandestine (Tiefling gloomstalker ranger/assassin rogue)
1) What would your Tav’s greetings be (at different levels of approval)?
- Negative: *Disapproving Grunt*
- Neutral: “Hm?”
- Good: “Hm.” (but nicer this time)
- Romanced: “Hello.”
3) What would their character quest be titled? Why?
These are actually really hard to come up with did you know! They’re a huge buff stealth build assassin with the outlander background. Idk her story yet. Maybe something about being an archer. “The Green Archer” perhaps
12) Does you Tav have any tattoos or scars? Why?
All Sorts of scars from a lifetime of picking (and winning) fights. A notable slash across his face from a particularly difficult job hunting an ogre.
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thnks-pt · 1 year
For FOB8, could Pete Wentz please bring back Clandestine Industries 🙏
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thekidsarentalright · 4 months
Hi atlas!!! I just remembered this, there is now Clandestine stuff at hot topic. When u type in clandestine into the search bar on the hot topic site, the hoodie appears!!
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hiii!!! ooo that is so cool, very good to know thank u! most of the clandestine stuff has been sold out for a while so Love that there’s another way to get it (or at least that hoodie) now >:3
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how has life been treating you?
Yooooo sorry I'm only just answering this! Idk how long ago you sent this but hopefully not too long 😬
Life's been ok thanks! Just stresseddddd atm cause I have some uni interviews next week which is super nerve-wracking
How are you bestie! <3
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raremikey · 2 years
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Whyd they make him look toned like that. He's literally built like a toothbrush. But all jokes aside i love dress up games and i had stumbled on this a while ago and it's really silly. You should all also go on stardoll and play the patrick stump dress up game as well!!!!!!
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Related but the gerard one is funny too. Tbt to when i posted this on my Instagram story
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