#cigarette smoke demo
hesterias · 8 months
Truly a perfect song.
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valentinesparda · 4 months
going through the rebirth tag was a mistake. none of you bitches understand sephiroth.
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absterstuff · 11 months
had to call off of work 2day since my voice got fucked up from my allergies >:[ hate it here
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bambikisss · 4 months
Bad :: S.Mingi
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(Bamb's ver.!) Bad Rich boy! Mingi x Criminal! reader
📙: Mingi grew up around his picture perfect family and friends, making him crave someone else who was different. So when you try and steal from him at his parent's gala, he takes the opportunity to see what it's like to be truly bad.
⚠ : Unprotected sex, sex in a public place, use of restrains (reader), biting, oral (f + m receiving), breeding kink (mingi), multiple rounds, slight stalking (Mingi puts a GPS on the reader when she escapes), robbery, mentions of smoking cigarettes, Song Mingi is basically obsessed with the reader, use of toys, phone sex, masturbation (m + f), choking, sex tape (mingi gets it), glamorization of stealing, Mingi has a robber/robbery kink (or just that you do it)
🎶 : Bad - Christopher, Slow Down - Chase Atlantic, Cyberpunk - ATEEZ, WayV - Love Talk (Demo), Rude boy - Rihanna, I got it - Marian Hill
Bambi's notes: Hello! So this fic has turned into a smut with random plot, but I'm not made about that. By the way, robbing is illegal so don't do it. Hope you all love it <3 ~ Bambs
TAGLIST: @horanghaezone @prettyjewel93 @xoxoluz666 @exo-saranghajaaa @acetruepunk @special4u @staytiny816 @popialover
@hyukssunflower @jjk-97 @juicy-red @@bts-iris @fandom-freak-geek @urlacuna @saintriots @frobin4ever @lovelyred2
Diamonds were truly a girl's best friend.
They sparkled and glimmered in even the darkest of lights, breaking through the darkness with ease constantly. It was something that everyone wanted and it was something that people had to drop serious money on to get.
But, why just stop at diamonds? Why not get the money same money they would spend on that diamond and take it? Money makes the world go round, and diamonds come from that world.
Hell, why not just take the whole world?
"Invitation please." You smiled at the usher, reaching into your small purse to pull out the gold card, the invitation to the charity gala sparkling in the moonlight. Your eyes never left the ushers, your charisma and eyes making the poor man gulp, his hands suddenly becoming shaky as he examined the card before handing it back to you, moving to the side so that you could enter.
You thanked him softly, placing the card back into your purse before entering the large venue, the usher's eyes now on your back as you strutted inside. Your eyes scanned the filled venue, searching for a bar or a waiter to get a drink from. Your eyes landed on a server who was walking around with champagne flutes, snatching one gracefully from her stand before you made your way deeper into the crowd. The crowd seemed to part at your will as you walked, their eyes and whispers now aimed at you, trying to figure out not only who you were, but if you came with anyone.
You were used to people looking at you, basking quietly in the gazes and attention before you chose a table that sat by the window.
As you sat down, a group of men approached you with hope in their eyes, asking you questions about yourself. Your lips formed a polite smile as they introduced themselves to you, fighting amongst themselves for your attention. However, your attention wasn't on their words, but where their wallets were. Your eyes would move quickly to their wallets as they pulled them out to hand you their business cards, hoping you would call them. Their movement gave you the view of all their cards in the wallet, along with if they carried cash.
You mentally memorized their card numbers before you chose to see if they had any personal items you could take from them, as that would be a better deal for you. Who would be willing to buy some random millionaire loser's card information when you could bring in their gold Rolex watches?
"May I see your watch?" You asked, peering up at the man through your eyelashes, smirking internally when the man gulped. He pulled up his jacket sleeve to show you his watch, the diamond-covered watch making your heart leap. Your fingers skillfully removed it from his wrist, looking it over with great interest as the guy tried to convince you to come home with him tonight.
That wouldn't happen, but you appreciated the offer.
You smirked as someone called for the man you were speaking to, nodding for him to go talk to them. As he ran off, you slipped the watch into your purse before standing up, looking for another man. It was much easier to steal things off of a man: to you, they were more willing to let someone else hold their things and walk away than women.
Your eyes scanned the room, searching for someone who looked stressed (they were more likely to run off or forget something). However, as your eyes scanned the room, your eyes met with eyes just as intense and alluring as yours. You felt your body stiffen at the sight of the man leaning against the bar, the sleeves of his black button-up shirt rolled up to show off his even more expensive watch. Your eyes went to the watch before returning to the man's eyes, as if he was controlling where you looked at. Every time you tried to look away, he seemed to pull you back in.
He looked different than the other guys at this event: he had short black/blonde hair, shades sat on his head, rings on each of his fingers. He was tall, around 6 foot. He was definitely your type, which was refreshing to see. You decided to have some fun for once, approaching the man with a confident smirk on your lips.
Mingi smirked also as you approached him, sitting up from the bar he was leaning against to give you a proper view of his body.
He could tell that you weren't someone his family invited: you looked far too sexy to be someone my family would associate with. He had grown up around the type of women at this party- their necks adoring pearls and their activities either being tennis or horse riding. Mingi had no interest in a woman like that, though. He was much more interested in the woman who now stood in front of him with such alluring eyes.
You reached your hand out to gently shake his, the tips of your fingers meeting his wrist and watch, grazing the bottom of the latch. Mingi didn't seem to notice as you pulled your hand back, leaning with him against the bar as you both ordered drinks.
"You weren't invited, were you?"
You couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the attractive man's question, surprised that he was able to tell. You gently picked up your glass of wine, taking a small sip of it as you maintained eye contact with the male, trying to read him. "Already making assumptions? You haven't even asked for my name." 
"Will you tell me your name?" Mingi asked, his thick rings clinking against the sides of his whiskey glass as he continued to lean next to you. You took the chance to glance once more at his watch before your eyes returned to his, deciding to give him your name. You would usually give a fake name, but there was just something about Mingi that made you want to tell whatever he wanted to know. Maybe he just had that aura about him.
"Y/N. What about you, rockstar?" Your words made Mingi smirk, glad that you told him your name. It fits you. At your nickname for him, he chuckled softly. "Rockstar? How did you come up with that?"
"You seem like a rockstar to me," He looked so cool, like he wouldn't spend his evenings here, but would be instead out in a club or something. You could just tell when someone is cool or is faking it, and Mingi wasn't faking it.
His deep voice vibrated through you as he moved closer, as if his name was secret and he wasn't the son of the people who were throwing this gala. "Mingi. My name is Mingi, beautiful."
"Beautiful? So now we're doing nicknames?" You asked playfully, your smile growing as Mingi nodded, his own smile appearing on his lips. "I thought we were using nicknames for each other. You called me Rockstar, I call you Beautiful." His words made your stomach tighten, arousal slowly pooling your panties at the confidence that covered his lips and voice. Your hand moved to his arm, slowly moving up his forearm to his bicep, holding eye contact with him as you tilted your head up at him, smirking when you saw him gulp.
"I wasn't complaining, I liked it" Your confidence was so addicting to Mingi, his mind short-circulating as your hand slowly moved back down his arm to his hand. You took the opportunity to walk closer to him, pressing your body against his. You could tell Mingi was having a hard time focusing on you, his eyes moving from your eyes to your lips down to your body, as if he was trying to memorize how you looked so that he could get off on it later. Good, he would never see you again, so you might as well give him something to remember you.
Mingi was so distracted that he didn't notice when your hand moved down his arm again, your fingers skillfully unlatching his watch before pushing it away behind you, your purse now blocking it from his view as you continued to flirt with him. Mingi was none the wiser at your moves, his body only focused on how good you felt pressed against him, everyone else in the gala fading away.
"Everyone, thank you so much for coming tonight. I'd like ask that you all help me in welcoming our son Mingi to the stage."
The room erupted into applause, breaking Mingi from his trance. His eyes widened a bit before he excused himself from you, making his way to the stage to stand with his parents. You smiled as he walked away, waiting till he had his back to you before you turned back to the bar, placing the watch that was once on Mingi's wrist now into your small purse with the other things you had taken throughout the evening.
Your eyes fell onto a clock that was on the wall of the venue, the time reading 11:30 pm. You decided it was time to leave, slipping into the crowd as you made your way to the doors. Your mind slipped back to Mingi as he gave a speech, thinking about what else could've happened between you both. Sadly, however, you were busy.
Mingi watched as you moved like a snake through the crowd, making your way to the double doors in the back of the venue. Mingi only broke out into a dark smirk when he got off stage, grabbing himself a bottle of whisky before leaving the venue himself; his parents had only asked him to make an appearance and speak on stage, so he was no longer needed. He didn't care for the galas his parents threw anyways, he was much more interested in the woman who stole from him and many other men that night.
Oh, you thought Mingi didn't know?
Mingi had to bite back his smirks so many times as he felt your fingers unlatch his watch, then kick it away behind your purse. He had to admit, you were good, but you weren't that good that Mingi could see through your ruse.
He kicked open the room to his study, grabbing one of his many lighters from his desk before lighting his fireplace, the fire adding to the heat Mingi felt for you. His thumb flicked off the top of the whiskey bottle as he fell back into his office chair, his feet kicking up onto the hardwood desk as he pulled out his phone. He took a swing from the whiskey bottle before he pulled up the tracking app he had, a large, devious smirk on his lips as he did so.
Mingi had tracking devices on his most precious items, the watch he wore tonight included. The same watch you had in your purse right now as you made your way back to your hideout. The same watch you were admiring as you leaned against your steel table, your fingers moving over the diamonds that surrounded the moving hands.
"Now, where did you run off to?" He asked as he stared at the large, blinking red dot that rested over downtown. He zoomed in, smirking as he was given your direct address.
"Mingi?" Mingi looked up from his phone to see his mom entering his office, a sweet smile on her lips that he instantly mirrored. He placed the glass of whiskey down before standing up, meeting his mom in a sweet hug. He may be about to track down a woman, but in his mom's eyes at that moment, he was her son: her sweet son. "Are you going to join me and your father out on the balcony for drinks?"
"No mom, I have something to do tonight." He placed a gentle kiss on his mom's forehead, grabbing his phone and keys from his desk as his mom looked at him puzzled. "This late?" Mingi nodded, holding up his keys as he paused at the door, offering his mom one more smile before saying "It can't wait, Mom. I'll be back."
Mingi walked away, an excited smile on his lips as he walked through his large car garage, picking one of his sports cars before climbing in. He took out his phone once more, smirking as he noticed that the red dot had moved from your hideout to a house, showing that you had gone home. Mingi plugged the address in, his thumb rubbing against his bottom lip as he tried to calm himself down, his cock already growing hard in his pants.
"I'm coming, beautiful."
You sighed as you exited the shower, running your hands over your shoulders as you made your way through your large walk-in closet, looking for something to wear to sleep. You had everything you had stolen for that day ready to be sold tomorrow night sitting on your dresser. It wasn't hard to find buyers of some rich people's watches, jewelry, card information, and more on the black market. Plus, you knew a few people who had a thing for that type of stuff.
You put on an oversized t-shirt before watering your many plants, smiling softly at the sight of some of your favorites growing. Yes, you may be a criminal, but you still loved having plants and cats- it gave you some sort of normalcy.
You had just finished watering your Devil's ivy plant when you heard a knock at your front door, making you jump slightly. Who would be coming over to your house at 1 am? You picked up the nearest weapon that was around, which just so happened to be a police baton (that you stole), and inched to the door. Maybe it was a drunk neighbor or something. When you looked through the peephole, you saw a phone sitting on your welcome mat, making you sigh. You opened the door, crouching down to pick up the phone.
However, when you got closer to the phone, you noticed that the screen showed a tracker, the dot being right above your apartment building.
"You know, you're a lot easier to find then I thought." You paused at the familiar deep voice, your eyes widening as a tall shadow moved in front of you, covering you from the rest of the hallway. Your eyes moved from the phone, up his long legs up to Mingi's face as he looked down at you. He had a proud smirk on his lips as he met your eyes, tilting his head at you. "Hi there, beautiful."
"What are you doing here? How did you find out where I lived?" You asked, springing up from your crouched position on the mat to meet his gaze. Mingi let out a small "ooh" as he chuckled, your sudden confidence making him laugh. How come you were all of a sudden so mad at him when you were the one who stole from him? Mingi couldn't help but want to play with you, his face forming a faux confused look as he tilted his head.
"Well, that's funny because my tracker says the person who stole my watch lived here." Your eyes widened more at his words, watching as Mingi picked up his phone, holding it up to your face. "See? The tracker says that my watch is right here."
Your eyes moved from the phone to meet Mingi's eyes, which now were dark as he continued to play with you. He looked a bit crazy, making you close your legs as arousal pooled in your panties once more. Mingi noticed as you closed your legs, chuckling at the sight. Here you were being confronted with stealing from him, and you found it sexy.
Your mind jumped to try and think of an excuse as your mind flashed back to the watches that you had already promised to sell sitting on your desk. Mingi tilted his head as you rambled out excuses, nodding along as you begged him to leave and not tell anyone. He waited till you finished before he placed his hand on the wall by your head, leaning in closer to you as he whispered "You know, in all your little excuses you just gave me, in none of those did you promise to give me back my watch."
Your eyes widened as he pressed his body against yours, his eyes moving over your face as he smirked. He had you right where he wanted, and based on how he was playing with you, he didn't want his watch back. No, Mingi never wanted his watch back, he had 3 more just like it.
No, Mingi wanted more.
And you could see that, dropping your scared act, which only made Mingi's smirk grow. "What do you want, Mingi. It's obviously not the watch." Mingi smirked at the attitude in your voice, his tongue moving along his bottom lip before his eyes showed you his excitement that was now mixed in with his growing lust. Mingi didn't give you a moment to repeat your question, instead smashing his lips into yours. You gasped, your hands moving to his chest as you both made out in your hallway.
There was something about kissing Mingi that was absolutely filthy: the way his tongue played with and caressed yours, his hands moving all over your body greedily, how he moaned obscene things into your mouth. He didn't care about anyone walking by, nor the camera that was in your hallway. Mingi had never been with someone like you and he would be crazy to miss the opportunity to have someone as perfect and sexy as you moaning his name.
"Mingi" You sighed as his lips moved down your face to your neck, his hands moving to grab and play with the flesh of your ass over the large t-shirt. He moaned deeply into your neck, his tongue running along the bottom of your neck as he strained out "Fuck, I love how my name sounds coming from your pretty mouth." You moaned more as he flicked up the shirt, his hands now playing directly with you as he ground his hard cock against your panty-covered clit. Mingi didn't care if you two looked like horny teenagers, making out and grinding against each other in the hallway, only caring about how you moaned and how he could keep hearing it.
At the sound of someone's door closing, you tried to push Mingi away from your body, your cheeks beginning to burn with embarrassment at the thought of someone seeing you. However, to Mingi, it absolutely drove him wild, gripping your ass tighter as he tried to pull you back against him. "Mingi, we should head inside if we're going to-"
"Nah, I'm going to fuck you right here" Your eyes widened at his words, looking at Mingi with confusion before his lips met yours again, causing you to close your eyes. Your lips became wet as both of your tongues met again in the messy and needy kiss, a moan slipping from your lips again as Mingi delivered a spank to your ass before gripping the flesh. "I'm going to fuck you in this hallway so that everyone who walks by can see how good you take my cock."
You felt drunk as Mingi pulled back from your body, removing his belt in one motion before he tossed it inside your apartment haphazardly. He kept his eyes on you as he unbuckled and unzipped his pants, moving slowly as to tease you, a successful smirk moving across his lips when you began to reach for his pants to move faster. He grabbed both of your wrists in one hand, shaking his head as switched your positions, his back meeting the wall as he had you stand in front of him, your back to the rest of the hallway. You looked at him with confusion as he let go of your wrists, his hands slowly moving up yours like you had done to him earlier at the gala, only stopping when he reached your shoulder.
He repeated the same motion with his other hand before applying pressure to your shoulders, pushing you down onto your knees in front of him. "Have you sucked cock before, Y/N baby?" His voice was deep and slightly condescending as his hands moved from your shoulders back to unzipping his pants, a proud smile moving across his lips as you nodded. "Ah, so you have some experience. You're going to need it to make up stealing from me, princess."
You were about to complain about him calling you princess when he pushed down his pants giving you a perfect view of his cock. To say his cock was pretty was an understatement: it was long and thick, matching his skin tone perfectly, perfectly shaven. It slapped against his shirt, his precum leaving a stain before it dripped down his cock. Heck, there was even some on the inside of his thighs. Mingi watched as you admired his cock before his hand moved into your hair, bending down slightly in front of you so you could meet his eyes.
"You have never taken a cock so big, haven't you?" Mingi asked, his voice laced with faux care. He didn't care if you had before or not: you were going to take his cock anyways. When you shook your head, Mingi's cock twitched with excitement at your words. He licked his lips, trying to control himself as he spoke. "Hmm, well, looks like you're going to take your first big cock. Come get a taste, yeah?"
Mingi and you had both forgotten what this was even for by this point, Mingi resting his back against the wall again as you scooted forward, your tongue wrapping around the tip of his cock. He moaned softly, closing his eyes as you gently placed kitty licks around his cock, feeling the weight and girth against your tongue. Mingi soon grew frustrated, groaning out "I'm about to start calling you kitten with all of these kitty licks, baby."
"I'm just getting acquainted with it," you giggled against his cock, your voice returning to the seductive voice you had spoken to him earlier that night in. Mingi felt his mind once again short again at the sound, his hand moving to roughly grip your hair before forcing his cock into your mouth, making you moan and slightly choke around it. "There, now you can get acquainted with it" he moaned as you began to bob your head, cursing as your tongue moved around his cock. If you hadn't taken cock in a while or even just a cock as big as his before, Mingi couldn't tell: you had him moaning and groaning against the wall of your apartment building hallway, his hand firmly in your hair.
You had to slip your own hand into your panties at the sight, taking more of him to get a deep moan from him as your fingers moved along your slit, gathering your wetness before you began playing with your clit, moaning around his cock. Mingi hissed at the vibration, forcing his eyes open to watch you.
There you were, the woman who had him so needy at the gala, the woman who successfully stole from him and the other men, now on your knees in front of him, knuckle deep in your pussy while you sucked him off in the hallway of your apartment building.
Mingi felt like he was in one of his wildest dreams ever, biting his lip as he pushed you down deeper on his cock, taking him down your throat as you looked up at him. Mingi had to tighten his hands into fists to keep from holding you at the base of his cock, allowing you to come back up for air as he breathed heavily. "Again."
"What?" You paused your movements at the sound of Mingi's deep yet breaking voice, looking up at him. He ran a hand over through his hair before he repeated his words. "Again. Go back down on my cock, just like how you just did it." You bit your lip as the hand that was in your hair tightened, pushing your head to meet cock again. You moaned as your pussy clenched around your fingers, taking Mingi's cock down your throat as he tossed his head back against the wall, cussing out into the hallway.
"That's it, baby, fuck" He licked his lips before he began to fuck your throat, making you choke and gurgle around him, wet sounds coming from both of you. Mingi smirked as he watched your fingers move faster in you to match his thrusts, his cock twitching at the sight before he had an idea. After all, this was to make up for you stealing from him.
"Do you wish it was my cock, baby?" He pulled out his cock from your lips, chuckling as you coughed softly before crouching down in front of him to meet your face. Your lips were wet, streaks of his precum coating the sides of your lips mixed with your own spit. You looked pretty, if only you'd let him take a picture of you like this.
"Don't you wish it was my cock pounding into you instead of your fingers? I mean, your fingers must do the job, but my cock baby" he paused, cupping your jaw to meet his eyes as his free hand moved into your ruined panties, pushing away your fingers before his fingers replaced yours, making you moan at the stretch. He smirked, curling his fingers in you before his lips hovered over yours, his eyes still piercing into yours. "My cock will make you feel so fucking good. Going in and out of your pretty pussy, hitting all the right spots to make you scream and shake around my cock"
You bit your lip at his words, grabbing his bicep to keep yourself from falling back. It shocked you that he was talking to you like that in the hallway of your apartment building after you stole from him, his fingers matching his words, moving in and out of you, hitting all your spots perfectly.
You would be perfectly fine with just having his fingers, but with how Mingi was talking and with good his cock felt down your throat, you needed it in you.
Mingi smirked as you whispered that you wanted his cock, stilling his fingers that were inside of you as he tilted his head, his voice once again giving you his best faux confusion. "What was that baby? I didn't hear you." "I want you to fuck me." You whined louder, shaking around his fingers with need.
"Oh baby," Mingi chuckled, swiftly pulling his fingers out of your pussy before they entered his mouth, moaning at your taste. Mingi couldn't help but close his eyes as his tongue moved to gather all of your juices from his fingers, your taste making his mind further shortcircuit.
With you tasting this good, you could take anything from him you wanted.
Mingi picked you up, pushing your panties to the side as he pinned you against the wall. He gave his cock a few jerks before pushing in the head of his cock, moaning as his forehead fell forward onto yours, both of your moans mixing together. You ran your hands through his hair as you both tried to calm down, meeting his lips in a deep kiss as he began to push into you. You were no virgin, but there was something about Mingi's cock that felt absolutely delicious pushing into you. His cock was already brushing some of your spots as he filled you up, making you pull back from the kiss to curse against his shoulder.
Mingi gave you a minute to adjust to the size, rubbing your thigh in the process. He waited till you started moving your hips against his, showing that you were ready for him to move. He jolted his shoulder so that you'd pick your head up, waiting till you met his eyes before he began to rock his hips. He wanted to watch your face as it contorted with pleasure, moaning his name as your hands rushed up his shoulders. The sight made Mingi move faster, and soon he was drilling into you.
"Look at you taking me, baby. Wanna tell me how good it feels?" He asks, chuckling deeply when you try to speak, only for a moan to break through your words as he moves faster. You had completely forgotten about being in the hallway until Mingi pulled out of you, placing your feet back onto the floor before turning you to face the wall that was across the hallway before he pushed back into you from behind. Your eyes rolled back at the feeling, Mingi's hand moving up the front of your t-shirt to cup your neck, tilting your head back too. Only when you opened your eyes did you figure out why.
Mingi panted as he placed his head on your shoulder, his hand keeping your head tossed back before he whispered into your ear "Why don't you look into that security camera, huh? You're already giving everyone else in that lives within this hallway a nice show, why don't you give the poor night security guard a show too?"
You moaned as Mingi applied pressure to your throat, forcing your head to continue to face the security camera. Mingi moaned as he felt your wetness begin to drip down his cock, letting him know that you liked the idea. The feeling of your wetness and your tightening walls pushed him closer to his release, dragging his tongue along your cheek before he mumbled against it "I'm about to cum baby, I'm about to fill you up so fucking good. Look into that security camera, baby, let everyone hear and see you fall apart all over my fucking cock." You gasped softly at his words, your rope snapping as his cock moved faster, his cum mixing with yours as you both moaned loudly.
You panted softly as Mingi shoved his face into your neck, planting kisses wherever he could before he slowly pulled out of you, holding you against him as you both calmed down.
Well, your neighbors probably hated you now.
"Do you want your watch back?" Your question made Mingi pause fixing himself as you were doing the same, now leaning against the doorway of your apartment. You looked just like how you did back at the gala, his heart warming at the sight. He had to see you again, even if it meant letting you get away with robbery.
"No, I have 3 more just like that one, losing it won't kill me." You nodded at Mingi's words, watching as he fixed himself up. You felt your heart (and pussy) ache at the thought of him leaving, debating inviting him inside to stay the night. Mingi noticed how your eyes were looking at him, his own body aching for you now. Even though you both had just met earlier that night and only met again due to the tracker, his body wanted to be next to yours all the time.
"Here" You blinked as Mingi took out his phone, handing it to you, his contacts open. "Give me your number, Y/N."
"Mingi, I...can't" You tried to get out, but Mingi's body pressed against yours, pressing you against the doorway as he kissed your neck, unable to resist his body's craving for you. It was dangerous for you to give him your number as he could give it to the police, but a part of you trusted him: he didn't go to the police with his tracker, instead, he came to you.
You nodded, giving in as you placed your actual number into his phone. Mingi pulled back from your neck as you handed him back his phone, both of your lips meeting one last kiss before you stepped into your apartment, closing the door without any further words. Mingi bit his lip, wondering if he crossed the line with you before making his way out of your apartment hallway.
You covered your mouth as you rested your head against the door, realizing what just happened: Mingi not only knew where you lived, but he had your number too. You had basically exposed yourself to him. You suddenly saw your phone vibrate on the counter, making you bite your lips. You felt your heart pick up as you began walking over to it, jumping when you stepped on Mingi's belt. You picked it up before grabbing your phone, your thumb rubbing over the expensive leather.
Mingi: Let's meet up again soon
A smile broke through onto your lips at Mingi's text. He wanted to see you again? The idea filled your heart with excitement as you responded.
Y/N: Maybe. Goodnight Mingi, don't tell anyone about me.
Mingi: Of course, princess. I won't tell anyone about you. 
Mingi smiled as he sent the text, assuring you that you and your secrets were safe with him. Mingi had no use to go the police with the information he had on you, anyway; you were far too sexy for jail.
"I have the security tape from the hallway you asked for." Mingi placed his phone into his pocket, taking out his wallet to hand the security guy around 4 thousand dollars in cash. He watched as the man accepted it, handing Mingi the flash drive with the recording on it before he began to excitedly count the money. Mingi watched for a few moments before his hand moved to push the fan of cash the security guard had made down, leaning over the counter so that the man made eye contact with Mingi, who towered over him. "I better have the only recording of me and that woman. I assume that you understand that, right?"
Mingi nodded as the security guard rushed to assure him that he had the only recording and that he wouldn't tell anyone before Mingi walked away, holding the tiny flash drive that held his night of desire with the woman he craved on it.
Mingi and you didn't stop after that night.
You had hoped that either you or him would ghost each other, but the opposite between you two keeps seeming to happen. Mingi prided himself on all the places he took you, from all the underground clubs he owned to hole-in-the-wall restaurants. He didn't mind keeping your hangouts with him a secret as if you guys went out during the day in public, the press would swarm you both and try to figure out anything and everything about you.
You had grown to enjoy his company, sneaking into his bedroom through his window at his mansion after a long night of theft for either mind-altering sex or just to talk. You had even told him why you began stealing from the rich like you tried to do with him, which you never told anyone. Mingi had learned more about you in 3 months than anyone else had ever known about you ever. You trusted him.
There were also feelings developing between you both that would spill into the sex you both had.
Mingi groaned into the phone as his hand moved on his cock, his hips fucking his fist as he listened to you beg for him to not only cum, but to come over right afterward to fuck you. He hadn't been able to see you as he had been working on the interior design of his new casino, keeping him busy. He had begged you over text to help him cum and after seeing a video of the custom dildo he bought you to use being deep in your pussy while you showered made him absolutely ravenous.
"Fuck, baby, I'm gonna cum, I love you" He groaned out, his deep groan of your name causing you to also cum. However, your mind was also short-circuiting at him saying 'I love you." You chose not to bring it up as you exited the shower, placing the dildo down onto the sink as you looked for the cleaner to clean it off before putting it away, keeping Mingi on Facetime. Mingi cleaned himself up before asking "Are you going to be out stealing tonight?" Mingi asked, resting back in his office chair, stretching out his long legs. It was a Saturday night and you usually spent them going to various clubs and stealing from the men there.
"No, not tonight. I got enough from the last night's robbery" You had grown comfortable with telling him about your nightly adventures, even showing him what you had gotten. You put on a robe as you carried the phone into the bedroom, placing the phone propped up on your dresser before you showed him the newest item you obtained from a gentlemen's club: A gorgeous necklace , a beautiful dark green gem in the center. It was going to be added to your prized collection, as it was just too pretty to sell, maybe one day, but not right now. Mingi whistled at the necklace, recognizing it as being extremely expensive. You smiled as he praised you before he asked "Well, since you're not busy tonight, does that mean that you can come see me?"
'I love you' Mingi's earlier words filled your mind, making you bite your lip. You didn't want to have to face the growing feelings between you both, but you also really missed him. Mingi smiled as you agreed to meet him, reminding him to keep his window unlocked. "We're not meeting at mansion, darling. I have family staying over this weekend."
Then where were you going to meet him? Mingi smirked at your confusion before saying "I'll send you the address, just show up. Oh, and bring that necklace and your bodysuit."
Mingi may be rich due to his parents, but Mingi knew what to do with that wealth.
Mingi was a businessman just like his parents, owning multiple businesses that all raked in millions a month. The Song family was known for their businesses always becoming popular within the city.
You put the address Mingi sent you into your GPS, following it as it led you to a large 5-story building that stood proudly in the middle of downtown. You looked up at it, noticing the large words "ARRIBA CASINO" glowing in the night. You were going to see Mingi's casino before everyone would be.
You smiled at the thought, keying in the code he gave you into the keypad before walking inside. You made a b-line to the grand staircase that would take you up to the second floor where Mingi said he'd be waiting for you. The second floor was full of poker and spade tables, only one having a light on, though.
Sitting at one of the poker tables was Mingi, cigarette resting in between his plush lips as he watched you approach him, leaning back in his chair. He had the same aura as when you both first met, his eyes watching you like a shark as you now stood beside him, slowly dragging down your body to admire your outfit choice of jeans and a hoodie. Mingi then sat back up, standing up as he placed the cigarette down, blowing smoke up into the air before his eyes returned to yours. "Did you bring the necklace?" You nodded, taking it out from your purse to show him. He nodded, examining it before asking "And did you bring your suit?"
When you first snuck into his room straight after a big robbery, Mingi couldn't stop thinking about having sex with you wearing your robber outfit. There was something about the tight leather and how it seemed to perfectly mold to your body that made him go absolutely insane. You nodded, a proud smile moving onto his lips before he kissed you softly, his hands moving to your shoulders. You furrowed your eyebrows as he turned you around to face the restrooms, his lips moving to press a small kiss to your ear before whispering "Go put it on for me baby. Take your time, I'll be waiting out here for you, baby girl."
Mingi loved it when you took your time getting ready for him; to him, you put all that effort into looking perfect for him, knowing that he'd make you cry off your effort with his cock. So you took your time getting ready for him in the luxury bathroom of the casino he owned. You slipped off your regular clothes and underwear, knowing that you being bare underneath the suit would drive him insane. You carefully put on the leather bodysuit and tall boots, taking your time applying your lipstick in the mirror. You smirked at how good you looked, feeling perfect to go see Mingi.
When you return to the casino floor, Mingi has to stop himself from leaping over the table to get to you. You looked like sin, his fingers itching to touch the skin that peaked out in between your bodysuit and boots on your thighs. He licked his lips before standing up, running a hand over his face before he successfully obtained control over himself again, raising his hand to do the 'come here' motion. You smirked, swaying your hips as you approached him, smirking more when his eyes immediately moved to watch your hips as you approached him. "Like what you see, babe?" you asked, your hand landing on his shoulder as you stood beside him.
Mingi didn't have to say anything, his eyes letting you know that he really liked the outfit. Mingi wrapped his arms around your waist before he placed you on the poker table, his lips meeting yours in a deep, demanding kiss. Mingi's tongue explored your mouth as your hands moved through his hair, scratching at his scalp the way you knew he liked. He moaned against your lips before he pulled back, pushing you back so you fell against the table. Mingi took the opportunity to admire you in this position and in this outfit, your eyes moving down his black button-up jeans to see the zipper of his pants was already down, his bulge strained against his boxers.
"Tonight, baby," Mingi whispered, placing a kiss on your lips before slowly kissing down your body, his hands grabbing at whatever he could. "Tonight, I'm going to punish you. You've been bad, and that obviously means that me letting you get away with what you doing whatever you want isn't working."
"I mean, the necklace I got shows that it's working perfectly fine" You smirked, holding up the necklace you had stolen earlier that night. Mingi growled against your stomach, taking the jewelry from you before he sunk to his knees on the velvet-colored carpet, roughly separating your legs as he did so. His hands moved up your legs, smirking whenever you let out a whimper or whined. "You're right, it is working. But, you've still been bad"
You gasped as Mingi's tongue met with your thigh, his fingers making quick work of the buttons on your bodysuit before his tongue finally meets your pussy. Your hand shot down into Mingi's hair as he ate your pussy, his mouth covering your pussy lips. Mingi didn't budge whenever you tried to push him away, his licks and sucks getting harder whenever you did. He even wrapped his arms around your waist, forbidding you from moving away from his mouth as your upper body writhed around on the table. You didn't think that Mingi would invite you over to his new casino to eat you out on the table, but you weren't complaining.
"That's it, baby, ride my tongue and fingers, now you're being good for me" Mingi's voice had deepened throughout him eating your pussy, his voice now dripping with arousal as you began to roll your hips against his face as his tongue curled inside you, his fingers doing the same. You closed your eyes as his lips wrapped around your clit, his own eyes closing at the sound of you moaning his name. Mingi didn't think he could ever get over how you said his name.
"Mingi" Your moans had picked up in volume, letting him know that you were about to cum. Mingi smirked before removing his tongue and fingers from your body, leaving you shaking on the table before you asked him why the hell he stopped. "I told you that you were being punished. Do you want me to stop punishing you?"
Mingi smirked at your nod, placing a short kiss on your lips before saying "Good. Now put your hands up." You did as he asked, a proud "good girl" leaving his lips before he climbed onto the table, climbing over your body before he sat back on the heels of his feet, his knees now on either side of your head.
You had no choice but to watch as he grabbed his belt from a nearby chair before tying your wrists together tightly. You tried to break free, but Mingi had it tied perfectly. Once he was satisfied, slowly dragged his fingers down your arms, making you shiver, his fingers moving to the zipper on your bodysuit.
"Y/N," Your eyes moved to meet his as he played with the zipper, teasing you as he pulled it down only an inch. His eyes were dark, the single light that hung over the table added shadows to his face, making you shiver. He smirked at your reaction before his eyes moved to the necklace that sat on the table. "What do you tell the men you steal from, huh baby? Do you feed into their fantasies like you are doing right now?"
You bit your lip as Mingi slowly dragged down your zipper, the sight of your bare breasts making Mingi's mouth water, just like you had hoped. He scooted down your body a bit so that he could lean down and grab your breasts, squeezing them before freeing them from the bodysuit. He dragged his tongue around your nipple before his mouth wrapped around it, making you moan. You tried to free your hands to touch him, but the belt stopped you. "Answer me, Y/N"
"I flirt with them until they either give it up or when they're really distracted, I take it from them" You admitted, making Mingi chuckle. His mind flashed back to the bar where you and him first met and how you tried to steal his watch while he was talking with you. He could see how it worked on other guys, you're so sexy and out of so many men's leagues.
He pressed your breasts together, his mouth engulfing both of your nipples as he began to grind his cock against your pussy, making you both moan. You raised your hips to meet his clothed cock, your eyes rolling back as he pressed his bulge more against you. Mingi sucked on your breasts, licking around your pebbled nipples before pulling back, groaning against you as your hips rolled to meet his. Mingi felt like he was in a daze like he was going insane.
Mingi and you met in a passionate kiss, your lips sliding against one another as your tongue fought for dominance. His hands moved to push down his jeans and boxers, having enough of waiting for you. He placed your legs around his waist, his hands finishing unzipping the bodysuit. He was setting you up how he wanted you, setting you like you were the table's centerpiece. His eyes then fell on the necklace, an idea moving into his head.
You opened your eyes to Mingi placing the jewelry onto your neck before he sat up, licking his lips at the sight of you. "Fuck, you look perfect, baby. Are you ready for my cock?"
You nodded, biting your lip as he pushed into you, moaning at the stretch his cock gave that you had grown to love. Mingi moaned with you, gripping your thighs as he finished filling you up before he began to fuck you. Besides the sounds that came from both of your mouths, you and Mingi's moans echoing around the whole casino, which drove Mingi crazy. "I brought you here to fuck you on the table, just like this baby. I made sure they were sturdy when I bought them so that every night when this casino closes, I can fuck you on one of these tables with everything that you stole from those suckers."
You moaned at the idea, closing your eyes as Mingi continued talking. "Fuck, I'll even cover for you when the police ask where you were. I'll tell them that you were here with me. I'll tell them, pay them whatever it'll take to send them away so that I can bend you over the table and punish you while you." Your mind filled with the view of Mingi fucking you on a poker table covered in cash, watches, jewelry- anything you could get your hands on.
Mingi was out of his mind, no longer even talking to you as he drilled his cock into you on the table, the table creaking as he leaned down to crash his lips with yours. Mingi couldn't tell if it was the love he had for you speaking, or his lust, but he would do anything for you because...
"I love you baby" he moaned against your lips, his cock now hitting your spot repeatedly as he dropped his head onto your shoulder. You gasped, your mind cloudy as Mingi said "Say it back, baby, even if you don't fucking mean it, just say it for me, baby girl." You didn't hesitate to say it back, the words leaving your mouth as you clenched around him, making him choke out "fuck, I want you so much baby, fuck I love you, god" as he came. You moaned loudly as he filled you up, your body shaking as he slowly pulled out. Mingi took a deep breath, tossing his head back to enjoy the cold air as it moved over his hot face and body. You bit your lip at the sight of sweat moving down his face and neck, disappearing underneath his shirt.
Mingi tossed his head forward after a bit, his hand moving to untie your hands from the belt before he looked back down at you. You thought he'd help you up, but Mingi instead got up off the table, not saying a word to you. He moved to grip your ankles, pulling you to the edge of the table before flipping you over onto your stomach, his hand colliding with your ass roughly. You jumped, turning back around as he removed his shirt, staring down at you with dark eyes.
"What do you want, Y/N?" Mingi raised an eyebrow at your shocked expression, leaning over your body to press his hands on either side of your body on the table, your back against his chest as his hard cock rests against your ass. You bit your lip at the feeling, which Mingi smirked at, leaning over to press a kiss to your lips, repeating his question once more before applying another slap to your ass. He leaned down to bite your neck when you didn't answer again, leaving hickies behind as he began to grind against your ass. "You're so fucking stubborn, you know that right?"
Mingi didn't allow you to respond, shoving his whole cock into your pussy in one thrust, making you jolt forward on the table. You moaned at Mingi's rough pace, his hand moving into your hair again as he fucked you. You couldn't help but scream his name, bouncing back to meet his thrusts.
Mingi was fucking you like you had stolen from him again, his rough thrusts making you fall forward against the bed before he pulled you back by your hair. It felt like he was using you, your lack of response to his question pushing him over the edge. "Should I breed you, baby? Should I fill your pussy up again with my cum and shove it deep in you?" Mingi spoke with his harsh, pointed thrusts, making you sob out his name. You could feel your orgasm begin to move through you, your eyes closing as you moaned "yes, yes! breed me Mingi, fuck I want it!"
"Yeah, you want that? You'll only answer my questions when I'm filling you up like this, won't you, my baby?" You nodded, your body shaking as you came around him. You rushed to beg for him to kiss you, Mingi obliging as you shook around his cock as he slowed down for you. You kept him in the kiss as your arm wrapped around his neck, arching your back as he began to pick up speed again, your whispers about wanting his cum and him to breed you driving him insane.
"Fill me up, Mingi, get me pregnant with your baby. Make me yours baby."
Your words caused Mingi to short circuit, smashing his lips back into yours as you both said 'I love you,' his cum filling you. You both held each other, trying to wrap your head around what just happened between you both before he pulled back, slowly laying you down on the table, leaving you to find a napkin. You nodded, lying against the table as you tried to wrap your mind around what you said. Was it sex induced? Did you actually wanna be with Mingi?
"I brought back a napkin, hold still" You nodded at Mingi's words, the wet napkin cleaning you up before he did the same to himself. He helped you get dressed, doing the same to himself before he turned to face you, his cheeks burning as you both made eye contact. He also couldn't figure out what just happened, nor if you meant everything you said.
You cleared your throat, reaching to take off the necklace when Mingi gently holds your wrist stopping you. "You should keep wearing it, it's pretty."
You nodded, watching as Mingi walked past you to clean up the table. Maybe this was your moment to leave?
"Don't even try leaving, Y/N." You paused your walk at Mingi's stern voice, turning around to face him as he finished wiping cum from the table, tossing the napkin away before he stood in front of you. You at first couldn't meet his eyes, his hand moving to cup your jaw to face him. His thumb moved along your bottom lip, his eyes meeting yours before he dropped his hand, sighing. You could tell that Mingi was fighting with the idea of saying those words again, feeling like you weren't going to say it back.
"I love you," you blurted out, your hand moving to cup his hand. Mingi's eyes widened, a happy smile moving onto his lips. You took a deep breath as he pulled you in for a loving hug, your eyes even tearing up. You didn't know if it was the sex, you admitting that you had fallen in love with him, or something else, but you couldn't help but wrap your arms around him and relax in his embrace. He placed a small kiss on your cheek before saying "I love you too. I know that was hard for you to admit...I'll always wait for you, Y/N."
1 year later...
"Mingi, are you coming to the charity gala this year?" Mingi shook his head as he spoke to his mom, letting him know that he had plans tonight. Mingi had attended every charity gala this year, so it wouldn't hurt for him to miss one.
He turned his head to his open window, watching as you climbed through his window, a proud smirk on his lips as he hung up. "What poor soul lost out on something tonight, baby?" Mingi asked you as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing a sweet kiss to his lips before you reached into your bag, picking up a tiara that the mayor's son brought with him when he was going out tonight. It went from the backseat of his car, to now your boyfriend's head. He raised an eyebrow as you placed it on his head, giggling at how cute he looked with it on, making him chuckle before he placed it onto your head, pressing a deep, hungry kiss to your lips.
You promised Mingi that one day, you'd give up your thief ways. For now, though, you were ok with Mingi fucking you with whatever you stole that night, including the tiara.
"Hmm, seems you've been bad baby" Mingi smirked, crawling over your body to meet your lips as you smiled. "Looks liked you to need to get punished."
You nodded as he kissed your lips, pressing your body down into the bed as he ground against you.
"Bad girl."
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☆.*・。 The Perfect Girl ☆゚.*・。
{Ellie Williams x Reader}
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Summary: The amount of tension between you and your guitarist is fucking ridiculous.
an: You read that right babe, I’m giving rockstar!Ellie this time. I literally cannot get over her in a fucking leather jacket just tearing it up on stage for her adoring fans. You know it’s not a fic of mine if there isn’t some mutual pining between you and our fave girl. I don’t wanna give too much away tho! I hope you enjoy angel 🖤.
Warnings: 18+!!, ANGST, eventual smut just not in this chapter, mentions of sex, mutual pining, Ellie is sort of a dick but she isn’t necessarily mean (don’t worry you’ll see), lead singer!reader, use of alcohol and marijuana, rock star life style so lots of partying, reader is a badass I’m sorry but I had to, let me know if I missed anything! (not proofread)
Part 2 can be read here!
You always thought the city looked the prettiest from rooftops.
Ever since you were little, your safe haven would be on the tops of houses or buildings, giving you time to gather yourself and your mind.
You couldn’t really remember the last time you were fully alone.
Being on tour with your band was…hard. You missed home, and your throat was sore from all the singing, and you hated the dingy little venues that your manager had gotten for you…
But this was your dream, and you remembered that regardless of all of the things you hated, it would never outweigh the joy you felt when you were on stage, and the people in the crowd were singing with you, singing your bands songs.
It made it all worth it somehow.
You brought your cigarette up to your lips, perched between your middle and pointer finger, and inhaled deeply. The contrast of the warmth you felt in your lungs from the smoke, and the cold air that blew onto your skin somehow took the edge off the chilly wind.
It was cold, and you had to downtown at the venue you were performing at within the next 20 minutes, but you felt like if you didn’t get 5 minutes alone, away from your band members, you’d lose your mind.
Only, that was half the truth. You weren’t entirely running from your band…not all of them at least.
You were running from Ellie.
After you and your best friend Dylan had started up your band, he was quick to bring Ellie in to audition for your lead guitarist. He told you that he’d known Ellie for almost forever, and that he was positive you two would get along.
And he was write, you did get along.
Once your band had been established with all positions filled, you and Ellie were always together. You’d write songs together, search for venues that would give a group of kids the time of day to perform a handful of their songs, sleep overs almost every night. If Ellie was there, so were you.
It started to change when your band released a demo, and your lives changed overnight.
The amount of attention that came with it was almost overwhelming, and before you knew it you had a manager and a tour was being organized. It happened so quickly that you didn’t even have time to adjust to it all, to all of the attention that you were getting from people that you didn’t even know.
Ellie quickly became a fan favorite.
You first realized it during one of your first shows, and after your set was finished and you were all packing your equipment up into your tour bus, and Ellie wasn’t helping. She was leaned up the brick wall of the club you’d just performed at, surrounded but a handful of pretty girls.
And although you felt a twinge of jealousy set off like a small wildfire in the pit of your stomach, you carried on. Because it was never out of the ordinary for Ellie to flirt with a pretty girl. She’d always been pretty, and she always attracted the attention of those around her. It was just on a greater scale now.
One that would grow to be greater and greater the more popular you guys got.
So no, the groupies didn’t bother you, not entirely at least. Sure, you had to sleep with your headphones on whenever you’d hear Ellie fucking them after a show and your hotel room just had to be next to hers, and you’d make sure that you weren’t around every time Ellie was stood outside of a venue getting their numbers, but you didn’t let it affect your friendship with her, because Ellie was your friend, your good friend and she didn’t owe you anything.
What did bother you though, was what you caught her saying to Dylan one day after a show.
It was one of the rare occasions that Ellie actually spent time with you guys after a show, and not running off with a groupie. You were all sat around in Ellie’s hotel room, drunk and high out of your minds. Your head was resting against Ellie’s knee while you sat on the floor and her on the couch, her long fingers combing through your hair and massaging your scalp as you both lazily laughed at something your drummer said. It was moments like this that you felt at peace, and you realized that your job was to travel with your best friends, make music and just enjoy one another.
You hummed softly as you took a long drag of Ellie’s blunt before passing it back to her and standing up.
“Where you goin’ babe?” Ellie rasped out, her hand resting on your waist for a moment before she took the blunt from you. You smiled lazily, eyes hazy before you nodded your head towards the door. “M’cold…gonna get my sweater and my phone” you hummed. Ellie whined softly, letting her head fall back as she took a drag of her joint, her other hand reaching out for you.
“Just use one of mine…you’re warm” she mumbles out lazily, and you roll your eyes as you shoo her hand away, already walking over the various articles of clothing, music sheets and empty bottles that were on the floor, scrunching your nose at the mess as you focused on not falling over.
“Need my phone anyways Els…I’ll be right back” you called out before you opened the door to leave.
It was things like that. When she’d whine and moan for you for being too far or for leaving her when she was enjoying your warm embrace that made your heart tug. You’d always remind yourself that if she wanted to, she would. Ellie had been your friend for many years at this point, and the fact alone that she’d known you as long as she did and never tried to take things further was enough for you to push down any feelings that you had for her. You’d watch Ellie date girls that she’d only known for a few weeks, and you knew that being with her would never be written in the stars for you.
You left the hotel room door cracked open since you knew you didn’t have your room key, and you’d just be going to your room that was right next door.
Once you got your phone and a hoodie, you left your room and went back to Ellie’s. When you entered, it was easy for you to silently get in since you had left the door open for yourself when you got back. The only thing is, none of your band mates heard you come back to the room.
That was your first mistake.
The long hallway that lead to the room door kept you hidden, so they couldn’t hear you nor see you. But you were able to hear everything that they were saying.
“Come on Ellie, we know you’re into her…the way she’s always touching you? Why don’t you just ask her out?” You could distinguish the voice to be Charlie, your drummer. He chuckled softly as he tossed something at Ellie, and you heard her groan once it hit her.
“I am not into her, okay? Jesus never…I’d never go for her. She’s just…not really my type, you know? Plus…she’s kinda clingy” she chuckled softly, you could hear s small thump, followed by Ellie groaning in pain. Dylan probably hit her.
“Hey, don’t fuckin’ talk about her that way man. She’s our friend…even if you feel that way…no need to say it” he huffs out. Dylan had always had your back, acting as the big brother you had never had.
Ellie scoffs softly, and you swear you can almost fucking hear her roll her eyes. You hear the soft crackling of her blunt, and you know she’s taking another hit. “It’s the truth, okay? You see the way she looks like a kicked puppy every time I’m hooking up with a girl…it’s just sad..” she sighs out, and she sounds like she feels bad for you, like she’s been treating you this way the entire time because Ellie pities you.
And you suddenly can't breathe, because one of the people you trusted the most is saying such mean things about you, and you feel like you can't handle it. You don't even realize it, but there are fat tears rolling down your cheeks, pooling at your chin and dripping onto your shirt. You have to leave, because you know that if you see her face, you'll lose it.
You ended up crying in your hotel room on your bed until you passed out, waking up to your eyes being sore and swollen and your cheeks wet with the tears that you cried the night prior. You also wake up to a few messages and phone calls from Dylan, Charlie..
and Ellie.
Each of them asking you where you'd run off to, and if you would be coming back. It almost makes you laugh because Ellie is whining to you in your messages saying that she misses you and that you were having so much fun, saying that she hopes you didn't fall asleep because she'll just follow you into your room to sleep with you.
It's extremely fucking ironic that this is all coming from someone who called you clingy not even thirty minutes before texting you all of these messages.
And it's how you ended up here, on the rooftop of the hotel you were staying at, hiding from her.
The entire conversation that you had overheard had happened almost a week ago now, and you hadn't spoken a single word to Ellie.
None of it went without attempts from her end though.
She was constantly trying to talk to you, touch you, hold you, all of which been ignored by you. At first she assumed you were just going through a bad hangover from the night before, however it went on for days, and soon enough Ellie was finding it hard to remember when the last time it was that you had even looked at her.
Your brooding thoughts were interrupted by the door to the roof opening up, and the sound of heavy boots already told you who it was without having to look.
Dylan sighed softly as he stood behind you, eyebrows furrowed as his eyes burned holes into the back of your head.
"What the fuck is going on with you dude?" He sighed out. He had long since lost his patience with you, with your sulking, and the constant silent treatment you had been giving everyone, most specifically Ellie.
You sighed softly, taking another long drag of your cigarette before you stood up, flicking it onto the floor and using your boot to smoosh it into the ground. You gave a shrug, the zippers on your leather jacket jingling a bit.
"Nothin'....just been tired man...tour is kicking my ass" You sighed out, wishing internally that he would for once buy your bullshit excuse and not pry any further. Your feelings were pissing you off, and Ellie was pissing you off even more. You just...would rather not talk about it.
Dylan's eyebrows raised before he scoffed in disbelief. "And am I supposed to believe that? Do you think im fucking stupid?" He huffed out, and his own shoulders were crossing over his chest as he stared down at you much like a father staring down at their child.
"We aren't going anywhere until you tell me why the hell you've been pouting like a child. So, either you talk, or the show tonight isn't happening."
His threat made you frown, because as much as tour was exhausting, it was what you loved the most. Even the thought of letting down anyone who was getting ready in that very moment to come out and see you and your band, the excitement they felt whenever they waited for you guys to walk out on stage, made you sick to your stomach.
You sighed, staring down at your black boots, unable to even look the man in the eyes before you inhaled deeply.
"I heard what Ellie said about me.." You mumbled out, so softly the wind was almost loud enough to muffle what you had said, your confession getting lost in the air, never to be heard again.
The second you said it, Dylan's features softened. In that moment, he had realized just how young you were...You were barely an adult, still in your 20s, and this entire life had swept you up and taken you away in the blink of an eye, and never once had you complained about it. He realized, that he still had to protect you.
He sighed, his arms dropping down to his side. He suddenly felt guilty, like he hadn't done enough to defend you, because he was sure that if you had heard what Ellie said, you heard what he had said.
He grabbed your arm and pulled you into his own, wrapping you up in a big bear hug like all big brothers did. You let out a sigh of relief the second your face pressed against his chest, realizing that, that was the first time you were hugging someone in a week.
"Im sorry kid...I....I dunno why Ellie says the things that she says..." He sighed out. Dylan saw the way you looked at Ellie, the way your face dropped the second she was running off with another girl.
Dylan could see the way you felt about Ellie long before you could.
You shrugged as you let out a shaky breath, staying in his embrace for a moment longer before you pulled away. "Its whatever man...I just...I don't really wanna talk to her anymore.." You sighed out, and Dylan was nodding in agreement. "I understand...just...this will all pass, im sure" He mumbled.
He hoped it would pass.
You sighed before you looked up at him for the first time since he came outside to get you. Your eyes were pleading, like you were begging for something without even saying anything.
"Promise you won't say anything..I can't...I don't want to deal with this shit right now" You mumbled, and Dylan nodded. His arm went to sling around your shoulder, pulling you into the side of his body as he began walking you back to the door that lead into the building.
"Its safe with me kid...now come on...we've got fans to perform for" He hummed.
The thought of seeing them alone was enough to make you crack a smile.
Ellie on the other hand, was losing her fucking mind.
She was wracking her brain to try and figure out what the hell she had done this time to receive the silent treatment from you. She had tried everything to remember, she retraced all of her steps within the last two weeks, read through your messages with her to see if she had made fun of something you liked, she even went as far as to listen back to a few of your tracks to see if she had messed up or something.
But each thing she tried, always came up with nothing.
You were ignoring her and it was pissing her the fuck off.
She missed talking to you, and falling asleep in your hotel room when she couldn't sleep, and she missed when she would sit between your legs on the floor and you would play with her hair before a show.
Ellie missed you, and she didn't know what the hell got here in this position to begin with.
It was frustrating her so much, that she had been fucking up at your last few shows. Her fingers would slip when she was playing because she was too focused on looking at you, praying that you would turn your head and smile at her while you sang, like you always did. Or she would almost trip over the wires that came out of her electric guitar, ruining the entire set.
Ellie had known you a long fucking time, and never once had you ignored her for this long.
She sighed softly as she tuned up her guitar, furrowing her eyebrows every time a particularly sharp note would come out when she tried strumming. She had drove down to the venue with Charlie, leaving Dylan to find you and come down after.
She was determined to finally get answers tonight.
Ellie was far too deep in thought to realize that you had finally walked in with Dylan. The second she heard your voice talking to your manager, her head shot up in your direction, and her eyes were nearly bulging out of her head.
You always looked hot when you performed, and Ellie always stared when you weren't looking. However, the clothes you had on tonight made the silent treatment that you had been giving Ellie all the more worse.
The black top you have on has the prettiest thin straps that are tied into bows at the top of your shoulders, your tits pushed up perfectly, the black mini skirt you wore leaving so much of your pretty plus thighs exposed, and your favorite leather jacket and black boots.
And Ellie can't even walk up to you to tell you how gorgeous you look.
The show went down as one of your favorites.
You felt so confident, so loud, so pretty. It was rare that you put a ton of effort into your performance these days, especially with how upset the entire Ellie situation had you. But this show changed your mind about all of that.
The energy that the crowd gave was so intense, so vibrant, so colorful, and you felt so in tune with your bandmates.
Even Ellie
It felt like she was trying her hardest to stay with you, to stay in the same lane as you as you gave your performance your all. There were moments where the noises that came out of you were unbelievable to you, let alone everyone else.
After the show, you and the others decided to keep the party going at a nearby club. You usually opted to going back to the hotel and hanging out in a more intimate setting, always wanting to be closer with your friends..with Ellie.
But the energy that you had was too high to push down, and you weren't going to let it go to waste.
You giggled softly at something Charlie said, nodding as you took another sip of your drink. You groaned softly once you saw yet another round of shots coming towards your private table that your manager had gotten you before you arrived. You took one off the tray, throwing it back with a wince.
When you put it down, you forgot for a moment who it was that was sitting across from you, and you locked eyes with piercing green ones that had been staring longingly into yours the entire night.
Her stare made your stomach do flips, and it was almost as if she had you under a spell for a moment because it was hard to look away.
You cleared your throat, blinking your eyes for a moment as you looked away from her.
And it was as if an angel came to your rescue, because when you looked away you caught eye of a different pair of eyes staring at you from across the club. The flashing lights made it hard to see, however it was no secret that the girl that was staring at you wanted you.
Suddenly, you were doing something you rarely did.
You got up from the table, quickly mumbling an excuse of needing to go to the bar, and you left, your eyes never leaving the girls.
She caught on quickly, because as soon as you were pressed up against the bar, she was scooting in next to you, her hip bumping gently against yours as she smirked down at you.
She tells you her name is Ash, and when she's whispering in your ear about how pretty you are, her voice dripping with lust, you realize that you think Ash is pretty too.
It doesn't take long for her to have her hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to her body. You giggle softly as she pulls you in, because she's warm and inviting and..
she reminds you of Ellie.
Who is of course, staring at you from across the club.
Ellie has always noticed the attention you got, and she's always thanked her lucky stars that you always shot down any advances that were made your way whenever you guys were all out.
But right now you weren't. You were pressed up against another girl, her lips dangerously close to your neck as she whispers in your ear, her hands toying with the bottom of your skirt..
And it made Ellie fucking seethe with anger.
She's praying that you'll come to your senses and leave that idiot that has you pressed into her chest, but you don't. You're giggling and batting your eyelashes and you're acting like a stupid fucking groupie.
Just like the ones she fucks almost every night.
All of a sudden, your hand is interlocked with the girls and she's pulling you out of the club, and Ellie doesn't think she's ever gotten through a crowd of people faster in her entire fucking life. Because in seconds, she's caught up with you and the girl, and she's standing in front of you so that you both can't pass.
You don't even realize it at first, you think you might have gone the wrong way and hit a wall or something.
But once your eyes trail up the tall frame that is standing in front of you, and you're locking eyes with Ellie, you feel like you're dreaming.
"Ellie? What...what are you doing? Come on, get out of the way" You huff softly, far too annoyed to keep up with the silent treatment that you had for her. You press your hand to her side so you can push her out the way, but she doesn't budge.
She's staring at the girl that was taking you out of the club, and you're sure that if looks could kill, Ash would be on the floor dead right now.
"She's drunk, what the fuck do you think you're doing?" Ellie barks out, her voice is stern and protective and she has her strong arms crossed over her chest.
Ash chuckles softly as she raises her eyebrows in disbelief, looking at Ellie before looking down at you. "This your fuckin girl or something?" She says to you, and you're quickly shaking your head, denying her question.
"No! No she's...we're in a band-" You try to explain, but Ellie is cutting you off.
"Doesn't fuckin matter, man. I said she's drunk, so you need to leave her alone" She yells over the music, and Ash looks down at you in disbelief before she stares at Ellie once again, taking your hand and pulling you closer to Ellie before letting you go.
"Whatever, last time I pick up some chick at the club" She chuckles softly.
You feel like a fucking joke.
Because for the first time, you're being spontaneous and doing things that normal girls your age do, and you finally feel fucking normal..
And Ellie has to come in and ruin it.
You stare up at her in disbelief, because she has a stupid look of triumph written all over her face, and she's smirking like she's fucking won something, and all you want to do is scream at her.
So you do.
You push her chest back forcefully, and it's her turn to stare at you like you're crazy. "Are you fucking serious?? Im barely fucking drunk!! What makes you think you can...can reprimand me like that?" You scream at her, and Ellie isn't sure she's happy you're finally speaking to her, or if this was all a mistake to begin with.
Ellie frowns as she grabs your wrists, trying to stop you from pushing her back any further. But she doesn't, and before she knows it, you're both outside of the club, the cold air hitting her face.
"She was..she was trying to take advantage of you! Can't you see that?" She pleads. You roll your eyes, giving her a scoff.
"Funny that your moral high ground has suddenly kicked in, because I have seen you stumble into practice countless times drunk off your ass with a girl just as drunk as you are! What makes you fucking think that you have any say in what I do? If I want to hookup with someone at a bar, I can do that! Im a fucking grown up Ellie" You're screaming at her, and she winces at your words because the mere thought of you doing it, hurts her.
But you aren't done.
"Do you know how hard it is for me Ellie? How hard it is for me to...to feel like im doing this shit right? To feel fucking wanted by someone? Especially when my bandmates talk about how undesirable I am? How fucking clingy I am?" You sob, because at this point all of your feelings are bubbling to the surface, and you can't hold it in anymore. Months of feeling like something was wrong with you, followed by an entire week of feeling like you're the most unwanted person by the words of your bandmate finally weigh in on you.
And for once, you don't stop it.
Ellie's eyes are wide, because she finally realizes what she's done to deserve everything you've given her..or a lack thereof.
She opens her mouth to speak, to tell you that none of that is true, that you are the most desired person on the entire fucking planet, that she's wanted you from the moment she set eyes on you.
But nothing comes out.
You scoff, roughly wiping the tears from your cheeks as you shake your head. "Typical...you know what? Fuck you Ellie..." You mumble out, turning around and walking back to your hotel room.
And all Ellie can do is watch, because her years of being a coward have finally caught up to her. And because of it..
She's lost you.
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Stolen Soul and Love
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Valentino x fem!reader
warning : flirting, some fluff, inner strugle, obsession, falling in love in Val's own twisted way
Summary : One more meeting with the Overlords of Hell and he would have loved to kill himself, but he couldn't escape the responsibility any longer. The meeting was made all the sweeter when his red eyes settled on something he had never seen before pure love.
Info : THANK YOU ALL for the heart om my first HH work it means a lot. I'm glad you all enjoyed it so much and hoep you have fun with my future works
He was a pimp, one of the three overlords who showed their power more than clearly every day. He had everything: hookers, money, souls and power. He was perfectly happy, I mean, he had the porn star from hell Angeldust and the TV demon Vox's ass was practically his. Everything the moth-like demon could want was his. But why did he have this gnawing feeling inside him, like a growling, a chirping, a buzzing, like a moth, a fucking moth looking for something.
But what was it when he had everything but that one gnawing feeling inside him when he saw her. He was inevitably summoned to the Overlord meetings and for once he couldn't avoid it because it was probably about something important.
The three Overlords entered the room with an engaging appearance and the moth demon made himself as comfortable as possible in the damned narrow chairs.
The meeting seemed to begin, the reports were always the same, the souls the same and the danger the same. ,,Get to the point, Carmilla darling, some of us have a fashion empire to run," Velvette muttered, glancing up from her cell phone, which made Vox snicker, who was probably more focused on his ratings, which had dipped a bit due to his nemesis Alastor.
Nothing a fuck can't fix, Valentino thought, taking a drag on his cigarette and letting the engulfing red smoke billow around him before taking a puff across the room.
He kept his hands off the smiling radio demon, however, who had only given the three of them a quick glance, and had to hold Vox to prevent his cute TV head from cracking another one.
Letting his gaze drift, his gold tooth flashing in the light of the lamps and inwardly wondering which was the best setting for the next porno, he heard the door open. All the overlords were there, so it could only be one of the subjects and enemies.
And actually he wasn't going to look behind his heart-shaped glasses but when he saw that sweet smell he just knew something wasn't normal. It was the sweet irresistible alluring attractive smell and no one else in hell had it but him.
The red eyes searched first for a demon of lust perhaps, something powerful but no he found only a simple demoness maybe a little cat-like as the fuzzy ears on her head indicated but otherwise like any normal inhabitant here in hell.
But why did she smell so good? What was it that he felt that he had never felt? He watched her as she walked with a silver tray under her arm to the respective overlords to order a few drinks.
It seemed as if he could see she was neither a robot nor a slave but rather one of Carmilla's protégés dark silver white clothes a pretty dress but a little too long for his taste. It didn't lack class, which a little smoke can't change.
With a grin he waited in his seat until she came to him and blew his heart out to her. ,,Aren't you a sweetie?" he grinned, ignoring her superior's gaze and having long since forgotten the conversation and the meeting.
She smiled slightly and the moth demon felt his wings needing to flap, moving his fingers almost hastily across the table as he slowly came a little closer to her.
He was nervous, a fact that shocked him.  ,,Pretty trick Sir Valentino... what kind of drink do you want?" she asked, not moving away from him and following the red smoke lightly with her eyes, which slowly settled around her but didn't seem to take her in. He didn't check her at a glance even though her sweetness was so close to him.
One kiss, one look, one lick with his tongue was enough and he knew what made her come. But no, he didn't. He just said, ,,Love potion with berries, dear" before the tall man stood up again, pulling back first and looking at her form from behind his glasses. This feeling inside him was something he thought couldn't be.
Nervous and twitchy...am I no or? his thoughts revolved around her at that moment and why his dark heart in hell still beat for anyone at all. Could it be, could it really be that the pimp and overlord could lose his heart to a simple demon? He didn't know, but the way he felt it was like back then.
He still vaguely remembered his former life of this body function when people fell in love. But he didn't have any more time to think about it when the door opened again after a few minutes and he saw that she had come back.
Several drinks were lying on the silver tray and he could just see his puinken with berries sticking out. ,,Thank you dear, say would you like to earn a little extra money, maybe even become the star at my side?" he smiled, shielding her from the others with his wings.
His hands slowly placed themselves on her shoulders, wanting to have her with him forever. ,,You're different from AngelDust, from the princess of everything here... you could be my star," he suggested, watching her red eyes as she slowly realized what he was alluding to, what he really wanted and what it meant for her. ,,Sir-Lord I mean Valentine I'm flattered," she stammered and suddenly he felt the arrogance return to him.
He knew demons knew that once they were so taken in, once they were flattered, it was easy, wasn't it? ,,And so beautiful," he complimented and let the smoke slowly close around her.
Carmilla may have taken her, but in the end you are mine, thought the demon as he brought the back of her hand to his lips, running his tongue over it in a surprisingly gentle, warm and inviting way.
He saw her embarrassment, how she couldn't pull away and didn't want to. ,,And do I have you?" he asked, coming closer to her and wanting her closer, not like Angel, but wanting her in a different way, always with him somehow.
Before he was suddenly pulled away slightly by her and landed back on his chair, ,,Hands off my employee Valentino!" Carmilla warned and Val raised his hands placatingly and rolled his eyes. ,,Not at all Carmilla, I only wanted to confess my unethical feelings to such a pretty creature," grinned Valentino, feeling himself turning back into the demon he knew.
Before he spread his wings in warning and walked past the overlords with a broad grin. ,,See you around, pretty," he murmured with a wink before his wisp of smoke announced his departure and the moth demon withdrew from the meeting.
With his very own recognition of this meeting. He had to possess this beauty in one way or another and he had truly fallen in love, one more reason for him to get her soul and her heart when she had long since stolen both from him.
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triptychofvoids · 2 months
My parents are smokers so I suffer from second hand smoking so that makes me wonder if you smoke I know spy does but how about the others I would expect you and engi to hid somewhere and take a break from all the others...can we maybe see a picture of you and the others making s'mores over a open fire?
ah yes, we all know spy smokes a ridiculous amount. engineer and sniper smoke as well, although nowhere near as often as spy does. ive seen soldier with cigars from time to time, and demo will take a cigarette if one is offered to him. ive never known pyro to smoke but it would be a little difficult to do that through their mask wouldnt it? ive never seen heavy smoke either. and finally i have seen scout smoking a few times, i just hope the life-long habit doesnt run in the family. it is awful for your health after all
and then....smores? completely unrelated, but i suppose so
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piece-of-the-pie-if · 9 months
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Demo! 🍑 Directory! 🍑 Trigger Warnings! 🍑
It's the first day of senior year and the people are itching for some drama... apparently.
When you get caught slacking by your best friend and staring off into the abyss turns out to be resident cool kid Dylan Quinn you're dragged under in to the cess pool of love-based-drama that surrounds NYC's McKinley High.
Just as you're forced into a love triangle by the school's resident queen of mean, Kinsley Grace–Cameron, for the mere rumour of your supposed crush on Dylan, your least favourite teacher assigns you babysitting duties with the new guy, Shay Walker and the rebel-without-a-cause J Montgomery for your year long finals project──landing you with the starring role in the latest gossip mill.
How are you ever going to survive the graduating class of '25?
There's no murder, there's no magic, there's no monsters or ancient societies, no sci-fi future apocalypse, no treasure to find or deadly goons... just high school seniors navigating romance and maybe an asshole teacher and potential conspiracy theories.
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Features! 🍑 FAQ! 🍑
romance one (or more*...) of five love interests! are you in touch with your feelings? could you be non-committal? do you fall hard and fast and with everyone?
customise your mc! from your appearance to your gender to your personality and your family relations!
overcome your senior year of school at Jackson McKinley High! are you studious or a slacker? do you care for popularity or are you content as a relative nobody?
get a job! in your family's bakery or your local café or something more unorthodox!
be the object of the rumour mill! does it feel like unwanted drama is following you? or do you live for it and actively feed into it?
+with five solo routes, two poly routes and two love triangles you have a plethora of choice! love triangles include──dylan and kinsley as well as dylan and theo while poly routes are as such──the cool crush and the mean girl, #kinslan──the new guy and the rebel, #jayne!
──*please note that this is a romance focused i.f and as such no set aro/ace/aroace route is present.
engage in the conspiracy theory surrounding your school! is your least favourite teacher dating your favourite teacher? is there actually a cannibal on the faculty? is there a reason for the sudden spike of suspensions?
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Key Pieces! 🍑 [ LI Introductions! ]🍑
[RO] The ‘Crush’!──Dylan Quinn [gender locked─they/them─12/01/2006]
comforting smiles, playful eyes, paint stained clothes, chipped nail polish, chest binders, chalk covered fingers, messy hair, cluttered rooms, sculptural clay, dark hair, friendly words, genuine popularity, intense loyalty, unspoken understanding but silent judgement too.
[RO] The New Guy!──Shayne Walker [gender locked─he/him─04/04/2007]
cheeky smirks and cheeky winks, ruffled hair, english accents, comedic timing, wide smiles, loudly laughing, wilting in silence, heartache for home, missing friends, curly brown hair, warm brown eyes, younger brother, older brother, everyday adventures, discovering new people, new places.
[RO] The Mean Girl!──Kinsley Grace–Cameron [gender locked─she/her─11/21/2006]
shades of green and white, sun bleached blonde hair, cold blue eyes, sunblock tanned patterns, sickly sweet smiles, eye rolls, longing glances, hesitation in silence, secrets behind closed doors, heavy shoulders with a head held high, craving difference, stubborn to a fault.
[RO] The Rebel!──Jaxon/Jasmin Montgomery [gender selectable─he/him or she/her─06/17/2007]
stick and poke tattoos, cigarette smoke, uncaring attitude, strong and silent type, doesn't know what a shirt is, bloody knuckles, sunglasses collections, secret book worm, borrowed vape pens, complicated family relations, exploding anger, protective older sibling, almost alcoholic, androgyny, short hair, italian heritage, intellectual depth, no regard for authority.
[RO] The Best Friend!──Theo Wesley [gender selectable─he/him, she/her or they them─09/30/2007]
hair care as self care, cat parent, not-so-subtle pinning, rooftop picnics, friend dates, jazz cafés, plant parent, eco nerd, photos as memories, dark skin, coiled hair, far sighted glasses, people watching, balcony lover, bookshop worker, essays about love, hugs as a love language, suffer in silence type, made of money but would rather they weren't, smoking weed but only on the weekends, indescribable feeling of loneliness in a crowded room.
The Bestest Friend!──Chris/Chloe/Charlie West [gender locked─he/him, she/her or they/them─02/14/2007]
The ‘Rival’!──Valory/Vinny Williamson [gender selectable─she/her or they/them─10/03/2007]
The Cool Teacher!──Easton/Estelle Bharti [gender selectable─he/him or she/her─05/19/1992]
The Asshole Teacher!──Nolan Thorp [gender locked─he/him─11/26/1978]
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©️ bonnie berry 2023──@moretinyideas 🍑
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flwrs4sturniolo · 8 days
𝐒𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐇 𝐈𝐓 (part one)
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : chrissturnioloxfem!oc
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : lorelai swift didn't know how she survived before she met chris sturniolo
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : smoking, swearing
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 715
𝐥𝐢𝐥𝐬 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐬 : hii, i'm so ready to write this as it is my first fic. it is intended lowercase by the way :)
huge thanks to my fav @certifiedstarrr. i'll never be able to repay you for how much you've done for me. i love you with my whole heart.
another huge thanks to my girl @slutsformatt you're the sweetest girl i know and i'm so glad we're friends.
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ᶜᵃˢᵗ .ᐟ
y/n as
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ / lore , little swift , rory / leo
❛ you're on your own kid ❜ — taylor swift
@ lorelaiswift | @ irlbelle ᥫ᭡
nessa barrett as
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ / alex / aries
❛ cigarette daydream ❜ — cage the elephant
@ alexbarlow | @ irlariel ᥫ᭡
quenlin blackwell as
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ / kenzie , zie / pisces
❛ happiness is a butterfly ❜ — lana del ray
@ mackenziegray | @ irltiana ᥫ᭡
christopher sturniolo as
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ / chris / leo
❛ florida ❜ — dominic fike
@ christophersturniolo | @ fakechris ᥫ᭡
matthew sturniolo as
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ / matt / leo
❛ ivy ❜ — frank ocean
@ matthew.sturniolo | @ iheartdilfs ᥫ᭡
madison beer as
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✩‧₊˚ / char , charlie , lottie / aquarius
❛ end of beginning ❜ — djo
@ charlottejames | @ iheartmilfs ᥫ᭡
nicolas sturniolo as
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ / nick / leo
❛ maneater ❜ — nelly furtado
@ nicolassturniolo | @ theblueprint ᥫ᭡
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liked by, taylorswift, christophersturniolo and 13,372,843 others
lorelaiswift dear society, out tomorrow.
comments on this post are turned off
LORELAI GRACE SWIFT was the kind of girl on the outside that both boys and girls would want. but on the inside, she was so much more.
the whole world knew her as taylor swift's younger sister and growing up, she loved that people knew her and wanted to take selfies. it was fun. until it wasn't.
growing up and constantly hearing music made the girl love it just as much as her older sister did. she started off helping her sister write some songs and then ended up with her debut album when she was only sixteen. it immediately went to number one on the charts and she finally felt as if she was doing something as lorelai, not lorelai swift.
of course, that feeling didn't last very long. the constant hate on social media and even older celebrities tweeting about a teenager was too much. it was all happening so much and lorelai couldn't handle it.
she stayed strong for a while. she tried so hard to push through it because she knew it was hard to be in the spotlight. but sometimes that spotlight was too bright. from then on, the brunette limited her instagram comments and stopped writing songs.
still, nothing changed. she was harassed in public several times and never had any privacy. since then, lorelai hadn't been on any social media since 2022 and today was the first time in nearly three years that the apps had been on her phone.
she was currently sitting on her balcony with a cigarette clutched in her fingertips. it was an old habit that she'd yet overcome. alex and kenzie were currently blowing up the group chat about her song, but she'd answer them later.
she couldn't be more grateful for the two girls who stuck by her while the whole world hated her. she could never repay them. plus charlotte, they were her life support.
alex — tiktoker 🥲
kenzie — youtuber 📷
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lorelai had written dear society nearly six months ago. she was in one of the darkest times of her life, she had pushed everyone away, meaning the only thing she could turn to was her music.
she had written and recorded the song in a week, sending the demo to taylor and the girls. alex, kenzie and charlotte soon showed up at her house with chocolate and pizza, more than happy to see their best friend on her feet again.
she was grateful that she had people in her life who would stay by her side even when she pushed them away. she didn't want to imagine where she would be now if they hadn't forced her to get up and start her life again.
after finishing her cigarette, once again, the girl's phone buzzed several times in a row, making her sit up and grab it.
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chris yapping about lorelai swift for 20 minutes and 6 seconds...
lorelai couldn't lie, she was immediately intrigued by the video. she recognised them. flipping her phone around, she pressed play and went to the time stamp that kenzie had sent.
"guys! i just can't believe she's finally back." chris ran his hands down his face while his brothers gave each other looks. "we get it, chris." matt sighed.
"her music is incredible though." chris nodded at nick's words, thanking him for agreeing. "what would you do if you were to meet lorelai?" matt fed into his brother's obsession.
"first, freak the fuck out. then i'd ask to take her out, and i would take her out for a fancy dinner, spoil her with as much fancy food as she wants, and give her the treatment she deserves." he 'joked'.
nick and matt laughed along with his joke, not thinking he was serious at all. but he was.
lorelai finished the video, not realising there was a smile on her face. she couldn't lie, he was attractive. the way he spoke about her made her laugh. she couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity when she watched them, but she shook it off.
one thing that she noticed was that they never mentioned taylor. not once did they mention that she was her sister.
to them, she was lorelai swift, chris' celebrity crush. not lorelai swift, taylor swift's little sister.
nobody had done that apart from her closest friends before.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 !
@certifiedstarrr @slutsformatt @sturnsbitch @elliewrites1 @livialifesblog @jnkvivi @aaliyahsturniolo1
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bloodynereid · 1 year
pairing: warren rojas/rhodes x fem!reader
a/n: there is a criminally low amount of warren fics and daisy jones & the six fics in general so I'm trying to rectify that. also I listened to the Aurora album on repeat when writing this so if you haven't listened to it already go do that. requests are open for all characters if you want to send anything in. i also love chatting with all of you so send in ur opinions or thoughts :)
tw: mentions of period typical misogyny, cigarette smoking, swearing
description: the night you met warren rojas, all of your rules fly out of the window.
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Y/N: Being a female producer in the 70s was… how to put it delicately… absolute shit. But I tried my best. I had a list of rules to live by: don’t date anyone related to my job, never stay later than 7pm, always have more than one person in the room with you and never drink on the job. Not even coffee. I broke most of those rules the night I met Warren Rojas.
It was 9pm (rule break #1) and you had just finished mixing one of the last songs for an album you were going to show George tomorrow. You were about to head home with a cup of coffee (rule break #2) you had snatched from the snack room when suddenly one of the doors to the recording rooms slammed open and a whole gang of people poured out. The noise had startled you so much that the cup in your hand sloshed and hotstingburnoww the liquid fell onto your hand.
“Shit!” You had realized in the last moment that your little expletive caught the attention of the last people milling out, a curly haired guy and one of best known producers of the time, Teddy Price, otherwise known as your mentor. “Oh hey Teddy.”
“Y/N! I don’t think I’ve seen you here this late before.”
“Just had to finish mixing a song you know me.”
“Oh I do. That’s why it’s surprising.” You rolled your eyes with a smile and then looked over to the man standing next to him.
“Who’s the new band? Haven't seen them around here before.”
“The Six. This is Warren Rojas, their drummer. This is Y/N L/N, she’s one of the best producers out there.”
“You flatter me too much. It’s nice to meet you, Warren.”
“You too.”
“Either of you need a ride? I’m heading out soon.”
“Nah I’m fine. I’ll just go with the band.”
“Yeah I’ve got my bike.”
“You parked close?” Teddy asked with his usual protective tone.
“Just a 5 minute walk.”
“I would walk you but I’ve got to finish looking over some tapes.”
“I’m heading the same way. We can go over together.”
“You sure?” You asked as you took a sip from your coffee.
“Yeah, I’m sure the band can wait.”
“Great. I’ll see you two tomorrow.”
“Bye Teddy.”
“See you.” 
You and Warren set off to navigate through the maze of recording rooms and offices. (rule break #3) He had lit up a cigarette and when he offered you one, you graciously took it, throwing out the finished coffee cup.
“So if you don’t mind me asking. Why do you call yourselves the Six if there’s only 5 of you?” Warren laughed and looked at you with a smile.
“I honestly have no idea. Something about there already being too many iconic bands with the number five in them.”
“Right well, I can’t be one to judge anyway, I can't even sing.” 
“I can’t either so I think we’re on the same playing field here.” You laughed and nudged his shoulder. So he was funny on top of being ridiculously attractive.
“So how did you get into producing?” And he wasn’t being a anti-feminist asshole, unlike SO MANY people in this industry.
“Well I liked music and I would record demos for my brothers when I could. It was honestly just pure luck. I met Teddy when I was interviewing to be a secretary here. He taught me some of the ropes and then persuaded the big bosses to hire me. I really only produce for smaller names but… it’s my passion, you know.”
“As part of a smaller name, we appreciate your help.” He said with a mischievous smile whilst wiggling his eyebrows.
“Oh shush. So I guess now it’s only fair to ask how you got into The Six?”
“Well, Graham got us into this band when we were like 14 and then he persuaded his brother, Billy, to join. Then some random dude convinced us to head out here and try our luck with Teddy Price so here I am. We actually used to be called The Dunne Brothers and then we changed it for some reason, I think we all collectively decided against that name one night at a diner.”
“Well if you’re getting produced by Teddy then you have to have at least a modicum of talent.”
“Don’t know if I should take that as an insult or a compliment.”
“Take it as you want.” His eyes flickered under the streetlights as you made your way out onto the street. Warren Rojas has a majestic quality to him and well, he was also nice and exactly your type. Okay so maybe rule number #1 was meant to be broken.
“Warren! Hurry up man or we’re leaving without you.” A man yelled from one of the parked vans. He was leaning out of the window and pushing on the car horn.
“Well it seems my luck is still going strong cause that’s my bike.” You point at the black motorcycle that is parked next to the colorful van. He sent you a beaming smile as you both wandered over to where your separate vehicles lay.
“So will I be seeing you again?”
“We work in the same building so probably.”
“You know what I mean.” I stamped out the cigarette and winked at him.
“I might come around to see how you sound tomorrow.”
“I’ll be sure to be playing the drums to the best of my ability.”
“I'm sure you’re supposed to be doing that anyway.” You smirked at him as swung your jean clad leg over the motorcycle and twisted the key in the ignition.
“Yeah yeah, one second. Give me your arm.”
“And why would I do that?”
“Because you’re really pretty and I want to give you my number.”
“How do you know I’ll use it?”
“I’m taking a gamble.”
“It seems like you take a lot of those.” 
You held out your arm anyways and let him scribble down his number in black ink. Your helmet went over your head after he finished and you looked down at the list of numbers with a little heart next to them. So he was a sap as well.
“I’ll be seeing you, Warren Rojas.”
“I sure hope so, Y/N L/N.” You smiled and gave him a little wave before revving off. But not before you heard a last: “Warren! What the hell man I’m starving over here.” Which made you chuckle.
Y/N: I ended up going to that recording session the next day. And the next and the next. Teddy even let me mix a few of the songs. I also wrote down his number immediately after I got home. I’m pretty sure I still have the receipt where it’s written on somewhere. Anyways I ended up breaking that first rule after the tour. Warren asked me out when we were surfing. Actually I was surfing and Warren was trying to. God that was a beautiful day.
Warren: The sun was just about to set and I had given up trying to surf so Y/N and I were just sitting on our boards watching the sky turn different colors. We had been friends since that night Teddy introduced us and I was obviously attracted to her. But it was then when I realized I was in love with her. I ended up asking her to marry me at that exact same spot a few years later.
Y/N: I immediately said yes, both times. Warren and I just work. He is like a part of me I can’t bear the thought of losing.
Warren: I love her with my entire self and more. I can’t see my life any other way. I think one of the greatest things that came out of the band was not just the music but it also led me to my soulmate.
Y/N: Rule breaking is really one of the best things I could have done. I met my other half and worked with people I would consider my family. Sometimes plans just aren’t meant to be followed.
Y/N Rojas is one of the top producers in the music industry. She shared producer credits with Teddy Price on Aurora and has gone on to produce some of the biggest names in the 80s and 90s. Currently she lives on a houseboat with her husband, Warren, the former drummer of Daisy Jones & The Six and their twins, Teddy and Karen. She owns a music label (Reconstitution Records) which will be producing the newest album of the reunited band, Daisy Jones & The Six.
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hopefully I did Warren justice cause it's my first time writing for him
taglist: (lmk if you want to be added to the warren taglist or general daisy jones & six taglist)
@pinkdaiisies @just1riqht
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corspepointvision · 7 months
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A New Pelle Interview from Death Power!!! From DeadFromMayhem.ru Dark Hel
Interview with Dead, done by Scottis Kriss-Toff.
It’s always the same hard to give a brief history and to shrunk down about 6 years. So, I tell of the line-up of MAYHEM. After that MANIAC (ex-vocalist) and MANHEIM (ex-drums) left (straight after the recording of "DEATHCRUSH"), I joined MAYHEM in the early spring 1988 and HELLHAMMER joined about a month later. We’ve got terribly hassles with rehearsal places, somewhere to live, money, etc etc... But we don’t feel for give up only to continue when the band is the reason of our existence.(We would be dead without MAYHEM, eh ! ! !) We’re still trying to get enough of material together for the L.P. We do only songs that will last for years, not the shit songs that becomes a short-time trends,...I hate trends !
We’re a Black Metal band!!
We're trying not to copy other styles, but every band has got inspirations even if they don’t think so by themselves. We’re still VENOM Heads (old VENOM of course) and VENOM created the music. I’ve got personal influences by different singers of course and to mention some: MANTAS/early DEATH, SARCOFAGO, POISON (german of course), PARABELLUM (the first demo) and early SEPULTURA.
By all these years, it has not been much of discocraphy.There have been "PURE FUCKING ARMAGEDDON" in 1986 limited to 100 copies, DEATHCRUSH in 1987, our second demo, our mini-L.P. DEATHCRUSH in 1987 limited to 1000 copies + some rehearsals tapes given out by MANIAC’s "MANIAC PROD".
-DEAD (but still not buried) (vocals)
-EURONYMOUS (greek name for prince of death) (lead guitar)
-DEAD : immigrate to Transylvania, castle mania, cut deeply in myself and others, torture humans and animals.
-EURONYMOUS : dangerous expriments with chemicals, weird science.
-NECROBUTCHER : guru and pot-smooker.
-HELLHAMMER : hellish drunks always and then sings sailor songs.
It sound cruel enough we think. But as the most people who’re reading this now, there has been lots of other "MAYHEMS" all over the world, but we were the first ! The name is from 1982 when EURONYMOUS had a band then.
At "PURE FUCKING ARMAGEDDON" the lyrics were pretty VENOM clones. "DEATHCRUSH" had more slaughter, insanity, Eating corpses style over it. As for the new ones, I make them far and I’m possessed of transylvanian legends and its castles, satanic coven meetings, black art and nice animals as vultures, bats and goats. So that, I write of Evil ! I’m inspired by evil in everything I do. When I make a drawing, it’s to express evil, when I talk, when I dream, when I’m thinking... and when I create lyrics.
Alcohol : Nothing left. Drug : Against. Cigarette : No smoking. Sexe : Violence and death. Politic : Crap! Religion : Evil, ancient, Satanic! Money : Broke always... A.I.D.S. : Marcin Wawreynzak (of "ETERNAL TORMENT"). Torture : Nice to do. Noise : Children’s bands!!! Dream (hope) : Transylvania, Immortality. Death : Peace. Life : Stupid mortals! Rain : By the night. Wind : In the dark forest. Thunder : At the darkened sky. Evil : Evil weather, castle. NAPALM DEATH : Trend! Earth : No hope. Wizard : Black arts. The end : Crossover, straight edge and Grind. You : The superstitious mortals in Transylvania’s dreams came true...
(this is not in order) PARABELLUM (R.I.P.) from Colombia, SARCOFAGO from Brazil, MASACRE from Colombia, DEATHPEED (R.I.P.) from Japan, POISON (R.I.P.) from Germany, DAMNATION (R.I.P.) from Canada, TORMENTOR from Hungary, IMPERATOR from Poland, GROTESQUE from SWEDEN, REENCARNACTION from Colombia.
Do you know MAYHEM, the MAYHEM from U.S.A. ? What do you think about what they do.
I hate them !!! How can a records company releases such crap, even if they are a commercial label !?! We gave out our mini-L.P. "DEATHCRUSH" a half year before they released their excrement compilation ! I suppose you’ve heard the Brazilian MAYHEM (?). They’re now splitted up but that was at least a Death Metal band and I liked their music. There has been also other MAYHEM’s in the history but they don’t exist no longer. I know of two other still existing MAYHEM’s : from Hungary and from Uruguay.
The two bands I’ve singing in are MORBID and MAYHEM, the both of them are Black Metal.
‘Cause the original guitarist of the line-up left the band and the others didn’t know if they wanted to continue like before and to remain a dirty and a Black/Satanic band. There had been too many hassles of the gigs and between the members, so, after my opinion, that band didn’t exist after the first demo "DECEMBER MOON". Later, they recorded a second demo with another line-up, new logo and completly different style than before. Something I think I have to add here is that we’re thinking of having one, just one more MORBID gig of the old style as MORBID was (and also should be) and we also think of the finish song "DEATH EXECUTION" that the "DECEMBER MOON" ends with (on the demo it’s only the la-la version slowly of the refrain and the opening riff). It was a whole song but a not finished such coz we were changing it the time during MORBID’s existence and then, have one or two more songs and then, give it out as a demo… some dark day.
First of all, I don’t think it’s Metal. Then, I think as long as it can be called Metal it comes originally from VENOM… Even if there is Grindcore, fun-noise, straight edge-anti-everything or yucky white metal. To me, only Black is true and only death is real !!!
It seems like the white « bands » believe Black Metal is only for fun… We’re a serious black band. We take this mortually serious! The « white » bands don’t deserve to exist.
Well, the chritians, new-boru christians, the mormons, hare-krishnas, Jehovas witnesses and more have tried lots of their methods of turn me into it, without success of course. The most of them, especially the christians and fanaticals but do not believe in it cos so many of them have been forced by their parents and their family to « believe » and, after that, they’re going out trying to make others join them… of the more limited believers who chose it by themselves and have got a belief in it, I use to scare them up (and to them it works almost every time) most of the cases. The all I have to do is to talk with them and they’re getting corpse pale in their faces and then realize I’m lost and impossible to turn over. One guy even tried an exorcism on me......
She (and also my dad) thinks it’s good for me that I’m in a band, so I don’t start with something stupid instead. It’s hell a work to play in a band, whatever someone might think. Only the letter writing is a full-day job. What she do not like is when I sometimes gets ideas of cutting myself up and when I lived at my parents home, none of them liked when I had parts of animals in my room (from some animals they used to start to rot already at the second day).
Not the best lyrics I’ve done.
It simply is my way of thinking. The only that feels as the possible right to me. I search for the Evil and Black in all matters and I don’t give a dawn of what others are saying of that !
It sounds too mystical only, to me... I’m into the pure Evil and right on Black ! But with that I don’t mean I’m a great sorcerer. I mean of a though and a style of living.
I just don’t really know why I’ve hated all the fucking christans the whole life of mine and I’d search for the Evil darkness. I totally ignore those who are telling me I sicking my head I better go to hospital. Occult can be just anything that people think sounds strange to them. There is no actual limits of what is the occult… Yes mystic, it can be anything from practice. After my opinion, that word occult doesn’t say anything !
Of course, I won’t run nor put shit on you. Mainstream people of clone bands used to fuck with the very few existing anti trend Black Metal bands when crossover-straight-edge-vegetarians ruled the trends… then grindcore was "in" and people used to refuse listen to anythong else than NAPALM DEATH, and so on... It’s not actually NAPALM DEATH who created this awful fashion actually, it was the children who then had to try playing fast. How I hated all the demos with hundred of second-sings and lyrics talking of how many animals that get killed coz of hamburgers and do not vegetables either coz they’re also living. AAAAARRGH !!! As what happens sooner or later with all trends they’re vanishing completly and everybody forget about it really fast. Even Death Metal became trend. At least, it’s on its way. So, what did happen to all the "important" lyrics bands that blamed all the others for not been "in". Did they went designing new fashions that everyone had to follow ? Hell no ! AAAAAAARRRHHHHGGHH-death, the mother fuckers jumped on Death Metal !!! How dared they make Death Metal to something normal that wimps are starting to play to await something new to appear… Next trend ! I will guess the most of the true BM heads (who’ve been into it since Venom) can understand what I mean here. It feels like something is really wrong when serious bands that wanna create something own musically are in ‘zines that also feature noise bands that have been existing for a week but already have released 3 demo’s or something like that and are playing in 25 differents "bands" only for fun. Bands that are sending picture of theselves who are supposed to be funny, strange glasses, toilet paper and a shirt on the head and so much other childish and above it all boring bullshit, I think those have misunderstood humour completely! I refuse to laugh of this! I cannot understand why everything has to be so fucking funny and how people can laugh at this, and if someone might laugh of this interview, I can tell him that he has misunderstood the whole point of this and the rest of this interview, read it again more carefully and he won’t find this funny at all! It’s not funny and I refuse to say something funny or laugh, everybody would misunderstand everything only. There’s so much that stupid people only seek for a good time, so they can laugh don’t understand by the music so I should even refuse listen to music... But that would be too hard to do and it needs more self control for that. The most of the new demo’s sound all the same, the originally is gone it seems. I can’t see why so many self-condemned bands have to exist. One weird thing is that when a band almost is formed they have to record a demo and straight after that, they "have to" give out something on vinyl... and then only after a few weeks they can’t understand how they could record this when they’re sounding much better now if they haven’t already forgot it.
Only with Ozzy! By dio I can listen to « Holy Driver » but nothing else.
Hey, I’m lucky I’m not a NAPALM DEATH/CARCASS kid. Well, then the most Evil, "Occult", dirty and the worst are BLACK SABBATH, KISS,IRON MAIDEN, AC/DC and MOTORHEAD, they were my faves. When I heard VENOM and MERCYFUL FATE, it felt like I lost an important part of my brain and I worshipped them.
Cos I hate that word !!! I wanna hear an explanation of what the moshers actually do when they’re moshing...
"Antiquus Malum Cruentus Scriptum De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" : It’s a book I recommend.
Link To The Page: https://www.facebook.com/PerYngveOhlinTributePage
Per Yngve Ohlin Tribute Page from Facebook
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cowboylor · 1 year
cabin fever
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the studio begins to feel small with george and matty. 
wc: 4k
warnings: (18+) smut, oral (m. receiving), unprotected sex, threesome, voyeurism, degradation, thigh riding, teasing, smoking, consensual workplace relations? (matty and reader have an implied situationship)
note: this is only what i can describe as a doozy
You’ve asked Matty three times already if he wanted you to go on another coffee run and he’s dismissively waved you off with a grumble each time. This leaves you with no choice but to perch on the edge of the couch, picking your nails and listening to the same demo blast through the speakers for the past three hours. 
Matty’s brow furrows. “Play it back.”
George sighs but relents by pressing the playback button.
He runs his hands over his face, muttering, “’s not like it changed from the last ten times we’ve listened to it.” 
Huffing, you shift in your seat. 
You’re past trying to get comfortable and past the hopeful idea you could rest your eyes until they’ve finished editing. The repeated track gives you a headache and only reinstates the thought that you really don’t know what else Matty needs you here for.
Sparing him a glance, you watch him mouth along to both lyrics and rhythm, tapping his fingers against the desk as he searches for anything he dislikes about the track.
You lean back. This day really should be over.
Daydreaming about a shower and your freshly-washed duvet cover has been the only thing keeping you sane throughout the day. Your errand running has proved to be your least favorite thing about being his assistant but the most needed thing when it came to perfectionist musicians. 
You glance outside the hallway to see the darkening window. You have to be the only three left in the studio. Every other member of their congregation has gone home by now.
Matty and George have a hushed conversation five feet away from you. Their secrecy has you rolling your eyes.
You pick and rub your eyes.
“I think we’re in for it,” George says finally, fidgeting with one of the many buttons across the set up until the song is paused. 
You perk up. “I’ll get coffee.”
“Don’t need you to get coffee,” Matty huffs at your constant insistence. You’re moving to grab your keys and bag anyway when he turns his chair to look at you. “I need you here.”
You meet his stare blankly, clutching your keys in your hand as he scolds you. George turns to eye both of of you, then shoots you a pointed look as if to say Don’t push it. 
“Why?” You groan.
Matty lights a cigarette and waves it in his hand for effect. “Unbiased opinion, secondary source, untrained ear–” You don’t give him the smile he’s looking for. “–my muse.”
You chuckle sardonically, repeating his words syllable by syllable, “My muse.”
He exhales smoke, the corners of his mouth quirking upwards as you also fight off an amused grin. He looks handsome like this; with his under eyes slightly drawn out and his hair free of gel. You would’ve told him so if not George being in the room.
“Exactly, love.” He nods.
You want to argue that you can’t be his muse or unbiased opinion; you work for him. Your paychecks have his full legal name scribbled at the bottom of the slip. You get him coffee and equipment and pick up his dry cleaning on days he just wants to spite you. But you don't say this–you just watch him watch you.
Turning back, George shakes his head. “Christ.” 
You sigh as they both become preoccupied with the soundboard again. In metaphorically defeat, you drop your purse back on the couch.
The untrustworthy coffee machine is your safe haven. You would rather venture into the break room of the studio, under the flickering lights and all, than sit in solitude and listen to Matty and George mess about for another minute. Dragging your feet to the counter, you begin to make a pot. If anything, the coffee-making is for your sanity.
While flicking on the power button, you go over grocery lists, bills, and the dinner reservation you need to cancel for Matty tomorrow.
You watch the dingy pot begin to fill right as the door to the break room creaks open. 
You whip around to see George.
You raise your brow at his uncharacteristic leave. “Hi?”
He wanders into the break room like he’s unsure of himself. His grey sweats hang from his hips and you can make out a flash of skin from when he stretches his arms and his hoodie rides up because of it.
Your face warms.
George looks good. George looks really good. 
“I was going to piss,” He says like he's explaining his departure from the studio. “Then I saw you.” 
“Ah,” You rub your hands over your eyes in a half-hearted attempt to stop your gaze from wandering down to his waistband. “Piss break.”
He laughs and then glances at the brewing pot. His brow furrows: “Fulfilling your unsolicited desire to get coffee?”
“Can’t help it,” You mutter, agitated and sore. “It’s like I have fucking cabin fever or something.”
He nods but then eyes you carefully. You suddenly grow self-conscious over your appearance. Your makeup is bound to be smeared by your constant rubbing and you would say you’re in desperate need of an everything shower, but his eyes still skirt over you slowly–like he’s unapologetically checking you out.
Then he glances at his watch and you can breathe again. 
“Maybe you should go home,” He says sympathetically in a way that has you shaking your head. Then in reference to Matty adds, “He’ll get over it.” 
“Not at this point,” You huff a laugh, craning your neck to stare up at him directly. “I’m no quitter, George.”
A brief pause.
His eyes give you the up-down again. “I believe it.” 
Coffee filters loudly to make up the silence between the two of you. 
“Well,” You say, switching off the machine and gathering three cups in hopes of looking busy. “I hope you have a great piss.”
He chuckles wryly. “I’ll try my best.” 
You shake your head when he leaves, pouring questionable brew into styrofoam cups and muttering a string of “Fuck me”’s.
The coffee was left untouched by Matty and you know he’s purposefully ignoring it just to irritate you. George takes occasional sips from the small cup if only to humor you. 
Your eyes are closed by this point; listening to every word, pitch, and musical texture there is drone from the speakers of this godforsaken studio. 
“Shit,” Matty curses after the demo nears an end. “Let’s scrap it–Deal with it later.”
“Later is now.” George bites back. 
You hear a click and the track falls silent.
“Then, fuck,” Matty’s frustrated laugh rings out. “I don’t know. Maybe we need to try something new.”
For a moment, there’s silence in the room. Pure, unfiltered silence that makes your chest swell with satisfaction and gives your budding headache momentarily relief.
Your brow quirks up in confusion. Raising your head from the cushion you open your eyes slowly. When you see the joints in their hands, you roll your eyes so far back it aches.
“You’re joking,” You mumble, tucking your knees to your chest as you nestle further into the couch. “I’ll never get to leave.” 
“It’s called the creative process, love,” Matty quips without turning around. 
George stretches to pass you the poorly rolled blunt. “Don’t want you to feel left out.”
You accept it begrudgingly, pouting at his slightly facetious expression until he swivels back to the soundboard and you’re left blinking dully at their backs. You lightly suck air through it and then rest your head on the back cushion. 
The demo is being played over again and they bicker when it comes to the last section of notes. 
Another puff. You’re going stir-crazy. 
You watch the clock on the wall until your eyes burn and the ticking begins to sound like the song that’s being blasted through the speakers. 
“The hell am I doing,” You mumble to yourself. You brush your wrinkled clothes down and fix your hair before clearing your throat. “Can I do something other than watch you roll joints and bicker? Be helpful?”
They turn to eye you carefully, finally acknowledging your frustration. 
The corners of Matty’s mouth fight to twist into a smile and you glower at him–always taking the piss out of you when you get like this.  
“What?” You snap.
“Wanna be helpful?” Matty asks.  
George glances over, saying his name as a warning for whatever he might say next. Matty doesn’t acknowledge it, still looking you up and down with a familiar glint in his eye. 
He chuckles, “I know how you can be helpful.”
You grow silent, eyes narrowing and flicking between the two, feeling like you’re being left out on a joke.  
George sighs and shakes his head. “God, you’re a twat.”
“How?” You question, still mildly confused about what exactly he’s implying.
Because he couldn’t be implying that. And if he even is, you’ve never done anything in the studio. With someone like George there. You’re disbelieving; you want to draw it out of him, make him say it. “How can I?”
Matty taps his right thigh. “Take a seat.”
He absolutely could be implying that.
Your jaw hangs open for a second. 
But then, wanting to spite and wipe the shit-eating grin off his face, you wander over to him. Plunking down on his thigh, Matty spins you back into his chair, pressing you against the desk and his chest while he goes back to fiddling with buttons like this isn’t out of the ordinary.
Straddling your employer’s thigh definitely violates all codes of ethics. But none of them feel as entertaining as sitting in Matty's lap.
You try to share a look with George from beside you but he avoids your eyes, instead muttering, “Let’s get back to it, then.”
You’re flushed against Matty by the time they’ve moved on from the last demo. Now, they’ve moved onto the particulars and you’re growing a different type of frustrated. 
When Matty talks his breath courses down your neck and makes you feel warm in every way possible. You’re fighting the urge to nestle into him, bury yourself in his neck and be closer to him–until your face grows unbearably warm and you become embarrassed about how just sitting on his lap is drives to this point.
Because this is all a game to him. And you play into it perfectly every time he beckons you.
But George–
George can’t even look at you while you’re on top of Matty; avoiding your eyes altogether and talking brashly to his bandmate like you’re not even there. And you can’t help but subconsciously long for his attention again. Whatever that looked like before–however he was looking at you in the break room.
Matty brushes his hand behind your neck before tsking: “It’s rude to stare, you know.”
You avert your eyes from George.
“While you’re in my lap, too,” He scolds quietly.
He chuckles at the reaction, making shivers travel down your body. 
You shift on his thigh, your body growing intolerant of the compromising position he has you in. You grab onto his arm that holds you at the waist, dragging your nails across his forearm. 
“I’m still your favorite,” His lips find the crest of your ear again to murmur. “Right, babe?”
You bite your lip to silence a whine as his fingers toy with the hem of your skirt. Watching his fingers go lower until your mind starts to cloud.
“You–” You breathe out sharply, brow furrowing as you struggle to not yell at him. “–were never my favorite.”
His laugh even sends chills down your spine and you lean into him, pressing yourself against him in an effort to get any relief for the pooling heat in your stomach. 
“Stop fucking around,” George mumbles more to Matty than to you.
You watch him fiddle with the amp set up beside the desk; you can’t tell if he’s actually unhappy with the sound system they’ve been using for the past ten hours with no complaint or if he’s looking for any reason not to look at you. 
“I’m completely present,” Matty insists, removing his arm from your waist to make an example of being hands-free. “But she can’t help it; I think she has a crush on you.”
You sit up straight at the accusation but find that you have no reason to be embarrassed because Matty’s right–you are in another man’s lap. He toys with the tip of your chin as you do your best to sneer at him.
George glances at you quickly and your cheeks burn. 
“Matt,” He sighs. “Don’t be a dick.”
“’m serious,” Matty defends, looking at your poker face expression you hope comes across as disinterested. You may be sitting in his lap but you’re unbothered by all of it. You’re cool, you’re collected, and you definitely won’t give him the reaction he’s looking for– “Bet she thinks about you fucking her all the time.”
Fuck him. Absolutely fuck him. 
You shift your hips at the thought and roll them against his thigh. His expression remains the same. If not for a sly smirk at your physical reaction because it was a reaction nonetheless.
“Is it true? Think of our George like that?” He teases, tapping a finger against your thigh. “That's so naughty.” 
Heat spreads between your legs and the tips of George's ears turn crimson. 
But now, you can’t help but picture what George would look like when he’s in you. How he would sound, where he would put his hands while he's fucking you. And soon you’re moving against Matty in a way that you wouldn’t have fathomed an hour ago.
Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me.
You blink at Matty. “About what?”
“The song,” He says.
You pause, staring at George and his slightly more readable expression as his eyes wander down to your thighs and the way they’re glued to Matty’s. Watching carefully as Matty slips his hand into your skirt to swipe his finger under the elastic band.  
“It’s nice, yeah,” You reply, gasping sharply when Matty prods at your folds. Your eyes flick back to George and he's not looking away this time. You whine when his finger teases over your clit. Arching back into Matty, you mumble through half-lids, “I fucking love it.”
His finger circles in ragged motions, making you jerk into him at an unrhythmic pace that has you uncomfortably screwing your eyes shut in frustration and grabbing him by the arm: “Matty.”
He smirks, knowingly. “Yeah, babe?”
“You're–” You sigh. “You're trying to be annoying.”
He barks a laugh at this, slipping his hand out of your underwear to give you a gentle slap on the thigh.
“Bein' so ungrateful.”
You mewl at the loss of friction but are too proud to beg for it. Your eyes wander back to George and his stiffened stature as he watches you with a slack jaw.
“Grab me that mic, yeah?” Matty says to you as your gaze lowers to George's lap. Sighing, he grabs your chin to redirect your line of sight. “Right over there.”
Right over there happens to be on the other side where George sits. Without thinking too much about it, you’re getting up from Matty's lap and leaning over George to reach it.
You don’t so much apologize for the reach before looking up at him.
“Need anything?” You prod.
His eyes run over you; his gaze dropping down to your disheveled skirt before traveling up to your blown-out expression. You plead with him through your eyes, glancing down to his lap to stare at the bulge in his sweatpants.
“Fuck it,” George exhales, pausing the track with one hand and beckoning you with the other. “C'mere.”
He holds your hand while guiding you on top to straddle him, mumbling in your ear something along the lines of you being a ‘minx’ as you settle in his lap. While your hands go straight to the neckline of his jumper, his go straight to your cunt.
Slipping his fingers past the material, you gasp into his shoulder, breathing out a pitchy ‘oh god’ as he’s quick to work against you.
“Good?” He says, making tight circles around your clit. Then to tease his bandmate, chides, “Better?”
Matty rolls his eyes. "Oh, fuck off."
Numbly, you nod into him, rolling against his fingers as he nips at your neck. Your fingers etch into his neckline, clutching the material like you're desperate to cling to him as he prods at your bundle of nerves.
“Are you going to fuck me?” You ask brashly, through ragged breaths.
You're tired of waiting; you've made it clear for the past three hours.
His chuckle is low against your ear. “Would you like that, sweet girl?”
You assure him you would through hurried moans and shifting your hips against him as he pulls the thin fabric of your underwear to the side. Letting him kiss down the side of your neck, you turn to look at Matty.
He stares at you through parted lips as he watches you get off with his best mate. He gives you a wink before he fishes for some packing paper.
“This alright?” George asks, guiding the tip of his cock into you.
“Yeah,” Your lips are on the cusp of his ear as he does, splitting in two when he pokes at your entrance. “Yes, yes.”
Matty busies himself by rolling another joint, only peering up to watch you sink onto George’s cock. 
A loud moan rips through you, prompting Matty to quip: “Everything alright, love?”
“Fuck off,” You repeat his words back to him through gritted teeth.
He chuckles. “Ever the professional.”
You don't care for his banter right now. Your mind is cloudy and the only thing you can focus on is George's grip on you as the way he raises your hips up to fuck into you.
“You’re huge,” You whine into his ear without thinking too much about it. 
His fingers dig into your waist as you wrap your arms around him. 
“'Told me you weren't a quitter," He mumbles though you can practically hear the smirk threatening to break on his face.
You watch your cunt spread around his cock, over and over again until everything feels white-hot and is searing through your body.
He stills his hands, making you hiss as you let him stretch you out fully. You begin to protest the lack of movement, shifting your hips forward until you whimper at the intensity of it all. Ignoring it, you lift your hips off him again. If George wants you to ride him you will.
But then he slaps your thigh. “Bend over.”
He wraps his arm around you to situate you as you look around the studio. Looking for a place where you could bend over in a practical manner. You furrow your brow, a choked sob buried in your throat as the ache between your legs grows more intense with every passing second of no one touching you.
"Need to be told everything?" George teases, turning you around to push your lower back down into the desk. Bend over meaning here, you think as you rest your burning cheek against the counter. He pushes his hips back into you with a groan. "Bein' so patient."
Patient, patient, patient.
You groan into the desk. You don’t want to be patient anymore.
“Shit.” You hiss as you feel your walls tug onto him greedily. "Please, please, please."
Matty's laugh ringing out makes you tilt your gaze over to him. Smoking surrounds him as he toys with one button on the soundboard (perhaps mockingly) by rolling it on the tip of his finger.
You whine, dipping your head down again as George's hips snap against yours roughly.
Matty whistles, lowly. "Soundin' a little pathetic, love."
The edge of the table is malleable in your grip. You gape at Matty who looks at you with interest. You plead for him with your eyes.
“Yeah, babe?”
Your nails dig into the wood. “Need you.”
He hums like he's considering. "Need me?"
You don't respond; instead, you chant a chorus of 'please' to George as he grazes that one spot inside you. It makes your eyes roll back and gasp into your hand until you're blinking repeatedly in an effort to see straight.
Only then, Matty's convinced.
He makes a show out of unbuttoning his pants and pushing down the elastic band of his boxers but you can barely see straight as you bobble forward. 
You can make out him pulling out his cock, stroking himself a few times while peering down at your submissive state. You think he’s going to make you beg for him and you almost sigh in frustration at the thought because you really don’t have the energy for that right now. 
But he just grins at you and says, “Open up.”
And you do. 
When he juts his hips into your mouth, you’re steadying yourself with one hand and you’re feeling up his thigh with the other. He busies himself with your hair, tugging it forward roughly until your lips reach the base of his cock.
"My girl," Matty sighs as you hallow your cheeks around him. "My girl is so helpful–isn't she?"
George's hand presses down to your middle back–maybe in agreement with what Matty said–as your name falls from his lips.
"Gonna let me come in your mouth?" Matty muses while gathering a fist of your hair in his hand. His hips stutter, jerking back when he feels you moan around him. "Fuck, you always take it so well."
Your lips grow numb just as you feel your body build to a climax. You know George is close with the way he's grabbing at your hips as he plows into you. Your stomach coils as you push your hips into him–wanting him to finish, wanting Matty to finish as you work against them.
Matty's grip on your hair lifts you up so you can see him. His teasing smirk is vacant, just watching your expression as his mouth forms an o shape and he's bringing you roughly down on his cock until he's coming in your mouth.
Swollen and raw, you swallow (because you always do).
When you come you're arching into George and then pulling your hips away from him as you grapple with the sensitivity bundling in your core. His hand falls between your legs as you jerk against him.
His thrusts turn sloppy, lazily bucking into you until he's flushed against your ass and spilling into you. You breathe his name repeatedly as your body comes down; pushing up from the desk you move to stand, leaning back against George.
And then his hand disappears from in between your legs and he's pulling up your panties that stretched around your thighs. You let him mess with your skirt until he's pulling it down your ass and brushing down the material like he's concerned with making you appear decent.
Amused and out of breath, you stare at him as he fumbles with the material of his sweats. Shifting your gaze, you watch Matty–whose hair is even more disheveled now–tuck himself back into his pants.
His eyes catch yours and you expect him to beckon you back to him with the wave of his hand. Matty gives you a lopsided smile and your heart twinges.
"One more thing, babe," He says, fiddling with the buttons of his trousers.
You realize George's come is soaking through your underwear and running down your inner thigh when you start to wander over to Matty.
Squeezing your legs together, you burn hot.
"Coffee," Matty finally says and you blankly stare at him. He grins, and you can't find it in yourself to despise him for it. Not ever. "Hot coffee would be great right now."
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turtletaubwrites · 6 months
I Carry A Darkness ~ Part 21
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Pairings: Zoro x Fem!Reader, Sanji x Fem!Reader, Robin x Fem!Reader, Sanji X Robin
This is part 21 of the Series 'We've All Got Needs,' linked below:
Word Count: 4255
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Ao3 Link (Ch. 11 of We've All Got Needs cont.)
Summary: Your crew leaves their home behind, and you hunt for your missing lover. Can your family come together as chaos wracks the city?
Rating/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, 18+ Only, MDNI, Reader-Insert, Swearing, Cigarettes, They're Gross, Don't Smoke, Smut, ANGST, Relationship Drama, Emotional Hurt/No Comfort, Mild Violence, Polyamory, Pet Names, Vaginal Fingering, Porn with Feelings
A/N: !!SPOILER WARNING!! Spoilers for the anime for the Water 7 arc. Heeeyy, I hope you like DRAMA. And possibly crying. But you can have a tiny bit of sweetness, and a lil smut at the end, as a treat 💜
Extra A/N: We will get to see more of reader's weapons in this chapter, so just below the cut I've included a description, and reference photos and videos. Feel free to skip if you're not interested, I just love these weapons so much. I've also added this description to the We've All Got Needs Masterlist in case you want to check it out later.
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Modified Tonfa ~ Reader's Weapons
Usopp designed these weapons based of off the reader's description of her favorite weapon to watch students practice with when she would pass a martial art's studio on her way to and from school. Luckily Zoro was forced to practice with weapons besides swords, and his stubbornness to be the best meant that he is skilled enough to train the Reader with this technique (at least up to a point).
Typically tonfa are made of wood, but her weapons are made of metal, and they are modified so that poison darts can be released from a distance, as well as poisoned metal spikes like thorns can be used in defensive positions.
The Reader utilizes her knowledge as a botanist to locate and use poisonous plants for these weapons.
One is dark purple and is called Blackout Tonfa, whose poison causes enemies to fall unconscious. The other is bright green and is called Daydream Tonfa. Its poison causes foes to hallucinate.
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I Really Like This Short Competition Demo
Super Short But Awesome Tonfa Technique Demo
Patricia Ja Lee Tonfa Fight
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I Carry A Darkness ~ Part 21
There was no way to pack up everything. You had to choose which supplies would be the most difficult to replace. Your plants, seeds, herbs, and tinctures, you wrapped everything you could fit as carefully as you could, using your clothes to wrap the glass items so you could fit more. 
Everyone was frantic, bouts of crying kept bubbling up while the crew prepared to leave their home behind. 
You gripped your practice tonfa, strapping them to the belt Usopp had made for you. 
His bloody, rage filled face, and his stinging words haunted you. 
‘You don’t want weak people on your crew do you?’
Clenching your jaw, you were determined to find Robin before you let yourself fall to pieces.
I need to be stronger. 
You crept through the hallway, the crew all lost in their own packing to notice. 
Holding your breath, you snuck into Usopp's quarters, guilt riding you. 
Luckily he hadn’t hidden the box. Zoro had made him promise not to let you have the modified tonfa outside of practice.
It’s not his decision.
You grabbed the two tonfa, one dark purple and the other bright green, tears welling in your eyes. Memories of all the time spent with Usopp, how hard he’d worked to make the incredible weapons, how excited he always was when you’d improve your skills. 
Biting your lip, you left a piece of paper in the box.
‘Thank you.’
You had hidden Usopp’s gifts in your luggage, struggling to make them fit. Chopper was kind enough to use his human form to carry your luggage along with his medical supplies and books. 
Finding an inn was easy, but you felt blank as you followed along. Zoro led you into a room, closing the door, and you realized he’d set you up with a room alone together. You hadn’t noticed while they were paying, your eyes stuck on the floor. 
He helped you set down the small bags you’d been carrying, and tried to pull you toward the bed. 
You wouldn’t budge. 
“We need to find Robin.” 
Zoro looked at the ground, taking a breath before gripping your shoulders. 
“She’s strong, Needy, she’ll be okay. We’ll look for her in the morning.” 
“She wasn’t okay when the admiral came. We couldn’t protect her.”
“Needy, we can’t help her if we don’t take care of ourselves.”
His tone was driving you fucking crazy. How calm he’d been through all the pain today, as if it didn’t affect him at all. His words felt condescending, as if you were a child, someone useless who couldn’t help.
“How would you feel if it was me out there? What if I was missing?”
You pulled back from his grasp, hands starting to gesture with your words as heat bubbled in you. 
“That’s different.”
“How, Zoro? She’s part of this crew too.”
He stepped toward you, his mouth opening, then closing without a word.
“Why is it different, Zoro? Is it because you’re fucking me, or because I’m weak?”
“Whoa, Needy,” he breathed, eyes going wide as he reached for you again. 
But you walked away, turning back to look at him while your arms shook, and your voice pitched higher.
“No, Zoro. You don’t understand how I feel right now. I can’t fucking shut down my feelings like you can.”
Zoro’s face went from concern to confusion, his brows furrowing as he crossed his arms.
“What the fuck does that mean?”
“Do you even care about Robin and Usopp,” you questioned, voice raising, shaking with anger. You felt out of control, unable to stop the poison flinging from you. 
“Do you even care about me? Or are fucking and fighting the only things you know how to do?”
You watched Zoro’s jaw clench, his breathing shift, and you recognized his anger. He hadn’t shown it in a while, but you remembered how he looked when he was pushed over the edge.
You’d just never pushed him like this.
“Isn’t that why you’re with me, Needy? So I can make you strong, and fuck you into the ground? Isn’t that all you want from me?”
His voice was low and dangerous, and you wanted to scream at him. You almost did. Your voice was still raised though, your arms pointing at him, pleading and accusing.
“I want you, Zoro! I want the real you, who’s funny, who’s caring, who’s fucking loyal-”
“Ha, you’re one to talk.”
The bitter edge in his voice shot you through with nausea.
“Excuse me?”
“Fuck, I don’t like this, Needy,” he panted shaking his arms at his sides as he started to pace back and forth.
“I don’t fucking like it either, Zoro. Would you give up on me so easily?” 
He spun, coming to face you. Not too close, but his eyes were heavy as they bore into yours.
“I would never give up on you.”
You swallowed down the heat in your throat, fighting tears as you crossed your arms.
“I’m going to look for her.”
With a sigh, he shook his head slightly before nodding.
“Okay, Needy. I’m sorry,” he rushed, holding his hands out like he was calming a stray animal. “Let’s uh. Let’s go look for an hour, alright? But then we need to sleep so we can look more tomorrow.”
You crumpled then, hands covering your face as your knees went weak. Zoro was right there, holding you against his chest. 
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s all good, Needy. I’m sorry.”
Zoro had practically carried you back after your futile hour of searching. You crashed hard, not even changing clothes, not even waiting for Zoro to lay beside you before you were out. 
There was a brief moment of peace as you woke, before the previous day came crashing onto you, heavy and sick. Zoro wasn’t in the room
He’d left a note on the bed. 
‘On the roof. Couldn’t sleep.’
You crushed it in your hand, and hated yourself for your thoughts. 
He can fall asleep anywhere. I guess yesterday got to him after all.
A soft knock made you gasp, and sudden fear shot through you.
“It’s me, Angel. Are you awake?”
Sanji’s voice was so hushed, but you climbed out of bed to run to it. 
When he closed the door behind him he wrapped his arms around you, holding the back of your head while he buried his face in your hair. 
“Are you alright, my love?”
“No, Sanji.”
He sighed, nodding his head against you. 
“Of course you aren’t.”
You pulled away, rushing to grab a change of clothes. 
“Can we go look for Robin now?”
He looked up at the ceiling, his face drawn when he met your gaze again. 
“I stood lookout all night near the shore. In case she came back to the Merry.”
He shook his head at your widened eyes, then pulled out a cigarette. 
“She never said anything about leaving.”
You started scrambling into clean clothes, noticing that he looked away instead of watching you. 
“She wouldn’t just leave, Sanji. Something happened to her. She wouldn’t leave.”
“I know, sweetheart,” he said, voice heavy. “Let’s go find the others.”
You found Chopper with Zoro on the roof, Luffy perched on the edge of the neighboring building, looking away from his crew. 
“-injured. He could barely even stand up. And now he probably has a fever!”
“Chopper, that’s enough, okay. Don’t talk about him anymore.”
Your jaw fell open at Zoro’s words, and you knelt by Chopper, taking his hoof into your hand. 
Sanji stepped between you as you shot a heated look at your swordsman.
“We’re going to look in town for Robin today. If anything happens, we should use this inn as the meetup point.”
Chopper followed Sanji's voice, trembling. 
“I’ll come with you! Do you… do you think we’re gonna find her?”
“We don’t have any clues where to look. But I just have this feeling that she’s still here, somewhere.”
Sanji’s words made you feel a bit of relief. Knowing that someone else cared about finding her as much as you did. 
You went to him, wrapping your arms around him from behind. Laying your face against his shoulder, you breathed him in, the stale smoke and dirty clothes not hindering the comfort his scent gave you. 
Nami’s voice broke your calm, yelling to Luffy about someone named ‘Iceberg.’
The mayor and shipwright had been shot in his home, and the city was on high alert. Luffy and Nami shared that they had met Iceberg the day before, and you gasped as Luffy launched himself off the roof to go check on him, with Nami racing to follow.
“On that note, let’s go find Robin,” Sanji said, before turning back to Zoro as he sat against the wall. “What about you?”
“I think I’ll just wait a while. See how things turn out.”
You stared at Zoro as he put his hands behind his head, getting comfortable. 
He doesn’t give a fuck about Robin. Does he care about anything?
You hit the elevator button for your floor instead of the ground level.
“I need to grab something.”
You left the room, heading back to meet them at the elevator before Sanji stepped in front of you. 
“What are you doing, Angel? Are those armed?”
“Sanji, I need to be able to protect myself. I’m ready. And it’s not your decision.”
Sanji clenched his jaw as he looked at your tonfa, the purple and green giving the modified versions away. He kept staring, breathing heavily before shaking his head. 
Sanji pulled at your wrist, and you followed him and Chopper out of the inn, and down into the streets. 
You could have sworn you heard Sanji breathe, ‘fuck,’ as he lead you outside.
Desperation made you frantic, asking every person you saw if they’d seen a beautiful woman, describing her features, and pleading with them to help you. 
“Angel, please don’t stray too far. I couldn’t stand to lose you too.”
But you couldn’t focus on Sanji’s words, his gentle touch on your shoulder. All you were was wide searching eyes, and a heart beating so fast it might leave your body. 
Until clanging alarms blasted from every corner, blaring a warning that had every citizen rushing away.
“Attention please. This is the Water 7 Forecasting Center. An Aqua Laguna warning has been issued. Estimated arrival for midnight tonight.”
You spun, panting as you watched the area clear out. People were yelling to share the news, and you found your way back to Sanji as he asked someone for details. 
“Aw, you’ve come sightseeing at a really bad time. It’s an annual storm, you all need to get to high ground before the city floods.”
Luckily Sanji and Chopper echoed your rising concern, and you raced through the city. 
Until you had to break, to breathe, hating your weak body. Sanji brushed the hair out of your face, sticky from sweat. 
“What does she like, where would she go?”
You lip quivered as you tried to answer Chopper’s question. 
“I guess I still don’t know her well enough, I have no idea where to look.” 
Sanji kissed your clammy hands, rubbing them against the rising winds. 
“Hey, uh..’
Chopper’s strained voice brought you to the moment.
“So this storm’s supposed to be really bad? What if… What if there was a tourist who didn’t know about it? Maybe they had a boat they wanted to take care of? It would be pretty bad, right?”
“That reminds me,” Sanji said with a cough. “Didn’t you say you forgot something on the Merry? A medical bag, right Chopper?”
With a breath, you followed them back to your old home. 
The sight of the Merry brought heat up your throat, and you ached to climb onto the deck. 
You’d run out of energy now, and fell into blankness as you watched Sanji and Chopper yell about the storm, pretending to be yelling at each other instead of Usopp. 
“This is ridiculous, why can’t we ju-”
You heard steps moving through the ship, and the door started to swing open. 
You tried to cry out his name, but Sanji picked you up, racing away with Chopper so you wouldn’t be seen by your one time crewmate. 
You felt empty in his arms as slow tears stained your face. 
The city looked barren when you made it back, most citizens gone for the shelter already. That made it easier for you to pick up on the few conversations still going on around you.
“I bet if we find one of the pirates with bounties, we can make them tell us who the other crewmates are.”
“Yeah, those straw hat pirates are gonna pay for what they did to Iceberg.”
You froze in your tracks, Chopper moving to stand beside you, still in his reindeer form as he searched for Robin’s scent.
Sanji interrupted that conversation, but your ears were ringing too much to follow. 
“They’re saying Robin’s the assassin that tried to kill the mayor. They’re after all of us now.”
“N-No, she w-”
“Shh, angel,” Sanji whispered as he pulled you into a hug to quiet your outburst. “I know she didn’t. But we need to be careful, we’re all in danger now.”
“What about the others? Do you think they're okay?”
You turned to Chopper, heart heavy with the weight of all your loved ones safety.
“Let’s go find them.”
Chopper’s weak smile was cut short as he lifted his nose into the air. Hope ripped through you, almost painful after all the loss of the last two days.
Chopper tore through the streets, leaving you and Sanji scrambling to chase after him. Nearly falling down the stone stairs, you caught up to Chopper, Sanji’s hand reaching out to steady you.
“Chopper, wha-”
Chopper was at the edge of the canal, staring across to another street. 
Staring at Robin.
She was standing right there, so close. You cried out her name, Sanji and Chopper echoing you. 
Robin stood there, almost as still as when you watched her frozen form glinting in the sunlight.
Hope and relief had slammed into you, almost making your knees weak, but something in her eyes stopped your breath. 
“Robin, I’m so glad you’re okay, we need to get out of here!”
Sanji looked around at your words, shouting over to her.
“Hold on, I’m going to look for a way around this canal, we’ll be right over there.”
“Don’t bother. Stay where you are.”
Robin’s voice was cool, the wind blowing her long black hair around her face, almost hypnotizing you. 
“I won’t be returning to you or your crew. We’re parting ways here, in this city”
Your mind couldn’t make sense of it, your mouth hanging open while you reached out, useless hands shaking in the air between you. 
Sanji was able to speak, and you just stared into her eyes while he pleaded with her.
“What are you talking about, Robin? Is this about the newspaper? None of us believe you did that, Robin, don’t worry!”
You felt your fists clenching, the pain of your nails starting to wake you to the moment as Robin went on.
“About that, I’m sorry for pinning such an unreasonable crime on all of you. But as far as my involvement, everything the newspapers say is true. Last night, I broke into the mayor’s place of residence and shot him.”
Sanji cigarette fell from his fingers, and you felt your head shaking back and forth, your mouth too dry to speak,  Not that you could have found words anyway. 
“No way,” Chopper breathed, his legs quivering beneath him.
She held the three of you in a trance as she kept sending out words like knives.
“Inside me, I carry a darkness that none of you know about. One day, that darkness will be the end of all of you.”
Memories of Robin’s pain filled eyes, the look she rarely let you see, flooded your mind. You’d always known Robin had secrets, but you couldn’t think of anything dark enough that you wouldn’t want her to stay with you. 
“I’m afraid you’ll be taking the fall for last night’s attack while I escape. And let me warn you, the situation will only get worse.”
“What do you mean? Why are you-” Sanji broke in, his desperate yell bringing heat to your throat. 
Both Sanji and Chopper started pleading with her now, but all you could do was whisper her name, begging her with your eyes as you swayed on your feet. 
“From this day forward, we will never see each other again. Thank you for all the kindness you’ve shown me. I’ll never forget it. Goodbye.”
Robin turned, and the three of you were frozen as you heard her heels echoing on the stone as she walked away from you. 
Finally, your body woke enough to let you say the words you’d been holding in for some time. They came out of you in a desperate yell, seeming to tear you apart as they left your throat. 
“I love you, Robin! Please, don’t leave me!”
Robin’s steps didn’t even slow and you sank to your knees, hardly noticing the pain as you fell. 
Part of you could hear Chopper and Sanji screaming beside you, and then you gasped as Sanji dove into the canal.
The water was choppy with the storm coming, and fear for him shook you out of your dissociation. You stood, determination filling your veins now as you pulled out your purple tonfa.
“Blackout Dart,” you shouted, putting your lips to the short end of the weapon, aiming your first poison dart at the woman you loved. 
You had seconds to see that your aim was true. It was going to hit her back, and she’d be knocked unconscious. 
You had less than a second to feel hope before an arm appeared on her shoulder to bat the dart away. 
She didn’t even turn to look at you. 
Then she was gone. 
Twisting and squeezing the fabric to get out as much water as you could, you handed Sanji his shirt as he did what he would with his jacket. The wind and water was getting more intense, but you could barely feel a thing, your body and mind still numb. 
“Chopper, Angel, go meet up with Luffy and the others. Tell them everything that happened between us and Robin. Don’t leave out a single word. As for me, I have a plan. I’ll be careful. We’ll meet up later.”
He grabbed your hand, bringing it to his lips, but you pulled it away. 
“No. Chopper, you go. I’m staying.”
“No, Angel-”
“Sanji, we keep losing people. I’m not letting you go without me.”
Chopper looked back and forth between you, then nodded.
“Be careful,” he demanded, before charging away without you. 
Sanji leaned his head back, taking a long drag off his cigarette. 
“Robin said she’s escaping while we take the fall. There’s only one way off this island tonight. We’re going to get her back.” 
You wished you smoked just so you’d have something to calm your nerves. The two of you were hiding in the shadows between buildings as you watched the government officials talk to Robin at the train station. 
She was wearing a huge green shawl and hood, but you saw her face lit under the lanterns, and you’d recognize her graceful steps anywhere. 
After she was led inside, you saw a group the marines called ‘CP9.’ You felt a sickly chill crawl up your skin at the sight of the four of them. 
There was an attractive blonde woman, a man with long black hair and a top hat, a man in a baseball cap with a noticeably large nose even from a distance, and another man that was huge, towering over them. 
That man had two squirming figures tied up over his shoulders. They were both yelling to be released, one large with blue hair, and the other was Usopp.
You grabbed onto Sanji’s arm, and he gave a small nod as he kept his eyes trained on the sniper. 
“Come on.”
“What if someone else finds it?”
“They won’t be able to track us, but if there’s a chance Nami or the other finds this, it’s worth it.”
Sanji tucked his note under the transponder snail on the ground at the station. 
You had made your way closer to the back of the train, away from where the military were filing in. Now all you had to do was wait.
Waiting was the worst fucking thing you could be doing right now.
Gripping Sanji’s knee as you sat on a bench in the darkest corner you could find, you started to fall apart. 
“Shh, Angel, we know where she is, and we’re going to get her back. I promise you.”
He was running his palm in circles on your back, and you heard the note of fear in his voice.
“S-Sanji, she…”
Your sobs were quiet, but overwhelming you, almost hiccuping as you fought to breathe through it. He pulled you in against his chest rocking you as he whispered in your ear. 
“Please, my love, I can’t stand to see you hurting. I promise, we will do everything we can for Robin. And for Usopp. You have my word.”
His words didn’t break through, and you felt yourself starting to have hysterics. Your mind was screaming at you to fucking stop, knowing that at any moment you would need to be ready.
Sanji pulled back, cupping your cheeks as he searched your face. 
“Darling, please trust me. Your tears are… Please, we have time. Let me touch you, let me make you feel better. So you can breathe with me?”
You realized at the crack in his voice that Sanji needed comfort too. That his making you feel good would help him right now. His eyes were pleading as his fingers stroked your hair. You swallowed the hot tears that were starting to form.
Nodding, you felt his lips against yours, and you combed your fingers through his hair, sobbing at the relief of his comforting heat.
“Please darling, can you be quiet for me? Can you let me touch you, I’ll take good care of you angel, I’m here for you.”
His voice held a hint of panic, anxiety bubbling as his hands rubbed along the sides of your body.
“Yes, Sanji. I know you’re here. I love you, I know you’ll always take care of me.”
“I love you, Y/N, my angel.”
Sanji pulled you onto his lap until your back was against his chest.
The wind sent a spray of seawater to mist along your skin as Sanji’s lips found your neck. 
Your mind tried to hold all the pain and worry of your time on this cursed island, but you gave into Sanji’s touch, letting him bring you back to the moment, back to your body.  
He kept his lips and tongue along your neck and shoulder as his hands trailed over your clothed body. 
“My perfect angel, I’ve got you. Breathe with me sweetheart.”
Focusing on his breath, feeling his chest rise and fall against your back, you started to follow him.
“I’m here, mon coeur. I’ll always be here.”
Waves started lapping against the stone, the storm coming to caress your body as Sanji’s nimble fingers dipped into your pants. Your lover found your clit in the dark effortlessly, his touch had traveled your skin endless times when all was well in your world.
Now you clung to each other, fear riding you both as you tried to grasp onto some of the peace your lives still held.
Peace in each other when everything else felt lost.
“I love you, my heart, my treasure, my angel. I’ll protect you, I’ll take care of you. Are you feeling better?”
The concern in his question felt out of place for the way his fingers were making you dance in his lap.
“Yes, Sanji. You make me feel so good,” you moaned as Sanji’s tongue traced up your neck, his nose dragging along your skin as if he wanted to drown in your scent. 
The tingling pressure built in you, his fingers manipulating you so easily, even in the chaos around you. 
The hard length of him under your ass had you gasping, desperate to feel him inside of you, to lose yourself in him.
We don’t have time for that.
That thought almost killed your momentum, but Sanji rasped more praise against your skin before gently biting the lobe of your ear, and you were over the edge.
“You're doing so well for me, Angel. So perfect for me.”
Chewing on your lip to hold in your moans, you lifted your hand over your head to reach back, and hold onto his hair as you twitched in his lap.
The sound of the train starting up jolted you off his lap, before you’d come down from your high. 
Sanji wiped your pleasure from his hand, staining his still damp jacket before reaching for you.
Voices of the train station employees called after you as you ran full speed toward the still slow train, but you left them in the dust. 
“Yes,” you yelled, focusing on the railing as your target sped up. 
Without a thought, you leapt over the crashing waves, reaching for the train.
Reaching for Robin. 
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Thank You for Reading! 💜
TurtleTaub Fanfic Masterlist
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Part 22
Tag List: @astheni-a | @ferns-fics | @heilee | @iamn1ya | @ghostfacefricker6969 | @onlybassoon01 | @apothicgloom | @slyhersophia | @cyberaestheticals | @nothing-but-brass
A/N: Welp, I hope you enjoyed the pain! I'm having so much fun, this is my favorite arc and I love adding MORE drama to it, lol
Buy me a coffee ☕🙏🏼
68 notes · View notes
leanderfields · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS: No song lasts forever. Not even a sparrow’s.
C/W: Ais x gn!reader, reader is MC with the curse and all, angst/tragedy- it’s fluffy until it’s not, a few innuendos if you squint, Leander makes an appearance, so does Princess and Vere, spoilers for the red choice in Ais’s demo route, mentions of blood, mild depictions of violence (more like the aftermath; I personally think it’s minor but just in case), written before the full game has been released so some creative liberties were taken when writing about Hightown and the Amaryllis District, more or less my rendition of an early bad ending for Ais, largely inspired by Enna Alouette's Wish of this Songbird
A/N: When you blog is Leander themed, but your first official post is about Ais and it's angst... haha whoops ─=≡Σᕕ(σ‿‿σ)ᕗ
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Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop. Drip. Drip. 
Ais took yet another drag on his cigarette, exhaling with an indolent puff of smoke. This one looks like Princess, he thought. The Soulless let out a reverberating purr on his lap.  
“You think so too, huh?” he grinned, scratching the top of her head. The other hand crushed the butt of the cigarette beneath his heel. That was enough of playing with smoke for now. Any more then he would have to make a trip to Lowtown before the sun sets. Bars weren’t fun during the day, but the streets were livelier according to a certain mage. The idea of running into familiar faces while taking a leisurely stroll didn’t seem that bad either. 
Ais drove the cigarette butt deeper into his heel. Well, it’s not like he could leave right now. 
Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop. Pant. Pant.
Princess sprung off his lap, wooden panels creaking as she bounced towards the Seaspring’s entrance. Her tail swayed back and forth and her tendrils followed in suit. Ais reached for an extra floor pillow. Must be someone she liked. 
“Ais! Are you home?” a cheery voice chirped between Princess’s purrs. 
The demon smirked, hoisting himself up the rafters. He shifted into a comfortable position and propped his head onto the back of his hand. The beams rasped under his weight. His crimson eyes flickered to his Soulless pet who was quick to follow his trail, leading a cloaked figure to a tea set in between two hastily arranged floor pillows. 
“Ais! I know you’re home!” 
Princess gave him an eager stare. He put a finger to his lips and tossed the Soulless a treat from up above, one she happily scarfed down.
“You should try looking up more, sparrow.”
“Well, hosts usually don’t greet guests from up above,” you said, pulling your hood down to meet his gaze, revealing bright eyes full of wonder and hope. Eyes that bored into his blood-red, piercing orbs. Ais saw them one too many times before they were engulfed by the same crimson that colored these eerily still waters. 
“Who said you’re my guest?”
“If I recall, your exact words were ‘you know where to find me.’” You crossed your arms. 
Ais sighed and jumped off the rickety rafter. The wood creaked beneath his feet and the waters rippled across the spring as he towered over you. His lips were on the verge of smiling. 
“Still not my guest though.”
“Even if I made a decision?”
“Even if you made a decision,” he flashed his fangs at you with a grin. You rolled your eyes and took a seat on one of the floor pillows. Princess trotted over to your side. Her tail continued to wag while you hummed a sweet song, pouring tea into two cups. Someone’s in a good mood. You were fairly relaxed despite dubbing the Seaspring as “the creepiest place in the world”. 
“So what’s your verdict?” he asked. 
“The tea is oversteeped,” you quipped, handing him a cup.
“That’s no way to treat a host,” Ais said, taking a generous sip of the moderately oversteeped tea.
“I thought I wasn’t a guest?”
Ais glanced at his cup, the floor pillows and the Soulless who seemed to enjoy your company more than his. He crouched down, meeting you at eye level. You flinched the moment his fingers made contact with your forehead. “You also thought I was a host.”
“Resorting to violence, already?” you giggled, rubbing your forehead. It differed from the crude laugh you let out when he told you about Ocudeus. This laugh was an endearing sing-songed melody that filled the empty spring with the same wonder and hope in your eyes. Ais’s own eyes lingered on the distinctly pink area of your skin. 
“Answer the question, sparrow.”
Your laughter halted. The mirth fell from your face as quickly as it came. You coughed and cleared your throat, “I’ve been thinking about what you said last night.”
“Said a lot of things last night,” Ais said dryly. He made three bad impressions during your first encounter. Many things had gone awry last night at the Wet Wick. Would that be the fourth or fifth bad impression he’s made since meeting you? It was an average bar brawl for him, but not for a newcomer as soft as you were. He flexed his bandaged hand. Well, maybe you weren’t that soft. 
“The thing you said about my curse… ‘Is the thought of living with it so unbearable?’”
“What about it?”
“I’ve been thinking about the things you said after that,” you paused to glance at him, but your eyes were quick to retreat back to your twiddled thumbs, “I’ve survived this far with it… but I don’t want others to suffer because of my curse.”
Ais’s lips morph into a visible frown, “So you want to take a drink.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Implied it.”
“I… want to find alternatives. Vere agreed to introduce me to some people from the Senobium.”
His frown deepened. You were bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for all the wrong reasons. Though he can’t say that he isn’t fond of your chirpier side. The people of Eridia were typically solemn, apprehensive or the occasional thorn in the flesh.  
“The Senobium’s bad news,” he muttered. Ais’s crimson orbs glowered at the mention of the academy. You shrunk at the face of his deadly glare. “Seriously, sparrow.”
“It’s a little better than losing a bit of this,” you tapped the side of your temple, a gibe at the same gesture he used to explain the price of drinking from the spring.
“You’d be losing far more.”
“At least I won’t lose my shitty attitude.”. 
You were always the one to roll your eyes— always annoyed, and short-tempered, but it was Ais’s turn to roll his eyes now. “You want to keep that of all things?”
“Yes, some people happen to like it,” you beamed, jabbing a finger at his side. Your touch was as light as a feather.  
“I’m the only person who said that.”
“Verbally, yes, but I think others might like me too.”
“Oh? Like who?”
A deep chuckle escaped Ais’s lips. He threw his head back with a rumble, his horns scraping against one of the wooden beams. The spring water swelled beneath him and his tea had run cold. Princess snorted as well. 
“What’s so funny?” you asked, tilting your head.  
“He’s friendly with everyone. Don’t let it get to your head.”
“It’s not getting to my head.” 
Ais hummed nonchalantly, pouring himself a bit more tea. The contents of the teapot had also run cold, but the demon continued to drain every last drop of the murky liquid into his cup. 
Drip. Drip. Drip. 
He raised his cup, “Sorry. Did you want some?”
“Thanks, but no thanks. I should be going now.”
“So soon?”
Words ran out of his mouth before he could catch them, but you put your hand up, a futile attempt to stop them dead in their tracks. “I just wanted to let you know about my decision. I’d rather not keep you.”
And yet they kept running. 
“Not like I got many things to do here,” Ais shrugged. 
“I’ve got many things to do in Lowtown.” 
Ais grunted and pushed himself off the ground. He smoothed his hands over his trousers, brushing off invisible crumbs. Then, he offered you a hand. 
“We’ll walk you back.” 
You checked your bandages before taking his hand. He squeezed your hand before pulling you up to your feet. You return the gesture, squeezing his own bandaged hand. The demon firmly squeezed your hand once again, as if he wanted the last laugh. Ais then turned his attention to Princess and whistled. At the signal, the Soulless rose to all fours. Her tendrils unfurled and coiled around his forearm as she trotted over to his side.
“Wanna go for a walk?” he cooed.
While Princess purred and her tail wagged rapidly, bewilderment washed over your face. You never heard Ais engage in baby talk. Few people have, but their expressions were always the same. A big, bad monster coddling another big, bad monster? How strange. How absurd!
“Oh, yes you do! Yes, you do!” 
You burst into a fit of laughter again. Princess cocked her head, looking up at her owner for an answer. Ais shook his head and scratched her chin. 
“I’m sorry,” you gasped between your giggles, “It’s just– ha– so silly!”
“Take your time, sparrow.”
“Sorry, sorry! I’m done now.” you said, wiping a single tear from the corner of your eye. Ais smirked. Sparrow sure was a fitting name for you– who always twittered in short, abrupt bursts. 
“After you.”
He pulled you towards him with a languid tug of his arm. His large hands stiffly held yours as he guided you towards the Seaspring’s entrance. The warmth of his hands seeped through your bandages. Princess trailed behind you, prancing along the wooden panels. You stared into the crimson water, the rafters, the talismans on the wooden frames– things that haven’t changed since your last visit to the spring or perhaps for a long, long time. The water formed small waves unnaturally and other Soulless creatures held your stare with a watchful, famished gazes. Shuddering, you turned your attention back to Ais.
Sunlight traced the edges of the entrance and as you neared the opening, the soft yellow rays kissed Ais’s sharp features, highlighting his jaw, nose and horns. He squinted in the harsh lighting, bringing his other hand to shield his eyes. You drew the hood of your cloak up. Princess dashed past your reluctant figures and leaped straight into the sun’s embrace. She let out a bark that sounded like a meow and, much to Ais’s dismay, stomped her legs in the bog’s muddy waters, urging the both of you to continue walking. 
“You heard the boss,” he pointed. 
You nodded and followed Princess. She was several meters ahead. Still in sight, but far enough to not eavesdrop. Not that Soulless creatures could listen in on conversations. Even if they could, there would be nothing to note. No words were exchanged between you and Ais. Your hands were still intertwined. Ais stole glances at you while you were engrossed in the horizon where Eridia stood proud and tall. At this angle, it looked like the sun was balancing on top of the city’s highest point– the Senobium’s spire. His eyes narrowed. He could hardly understand why anyone wanted to go to such a gloomy place. 
“Will you be at the Wet Wick tonight?” you asked, breaking the comfortable silence.
Ais clicked his tongue and averted his eyes to the side, “Depends.”
“Might be there. Might not.”
“I see,” you smiled. Your eyes fixed themselves on the horizon and you both trudged across the mucky terrain in a stalemate of sounds. If the Soulless couldn’t find anything to note, perhaps crickets would. 
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Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. 
Ais pressed his lips together as the bartender poured his umpteenth glass of whiskey. He sighed. Ais had only known you for two days, but there was something about your response earlier that lacked the usual bite and spite you had. The hell did you mean by “I see”? Were you finally at ease with his presence? Were you simply relieved that he wasn’t going to be there tonight? Another bad impression? He shook his head. It didn’t matter what you thought of him. At the very least, you weren’t pissing yourself at the sight of him. 
“Something on your mind?” Leander’s peart voice chimed in. He patted Ais on the back with a firm smack before he slung an arm around his broad shoulders. The demon glanced at him, raising a brow. He had one of those chewy shots in his hands again. Ais licked his fangs. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Leander put his hands up defensively, “I’m not trying to pry! You just… seem a bit glum over here… in the corner.” His voice trailed off at the latter half. 
“No one to pick a fight with.”
“Well, there’s always some friendly arm wrestling matches here. Or maybe some tabletop card games?” 
“You just don’t want to pay for everyone’s drinks again.”
“I could pay for your next one,” he offered. 
Leander caught the glass in his hand when the bartender slid it over. He nodded at her and she seemed to have gotten the memo. Shouts erupted from the Bloodhounds by the door. Someone had scored in whatever game they were playing. The mage’s emerald eyes darted to his companions then back to Ais. 
“Duty calls.”
After another pat on Ais’s back, Leander was gone as quickly as he came. He jumped onto a table in the center, chanted something, raising his chewy shot glass and the crowd joined him. Claps, stomps, and hollers. Looks like he’s paying for everyone’s drinks again after all. Ais raised his glass a beat later than the Bloodhounds. He didn’t clap, stomp or holler, but the occasion was something worth celebrating. Free whiskey was better than cheap booze. 
Ice clinked as he set his glass down and wood creaked. Weird. He was familiar with the sound of wood crepitating, but that sound was reserved for the rafters in the Seaspring. The Wet Wick was home to the sound of wood breaking. If wood were to creak here, the only source would be that dilapidated door. Not from the roof. 
Ais leaned back against the bar counter and turned his head upward, to the sound of creaking wood. And there you were– standing on the stair landing, leaning against the railing. He tipped his head further back. You craned your neck, bringing your face closer to his, albeit at an awkward perpendicular angle. You smiled like you had struck gold. Your hair tickled his cheeks. He never paid any mind to the Wet Wick’s second floor, but he made a note to remember it now. The stairwell was also dilapidated. 
“Evening, sparrow.”
“I take it you were in the mood to come?” 
“Drinks were on Leander.”
“I see.”
There it was again. That damned “I see”. What the hell did you see? His eyes flickered over to your figure which was no longer cloaked. Your hair was disheveled, hands still covered like a maiden, and a yawn gracing your features as you approached the bar stool beside him. He saw something, alright. 
“Sleep well?” 
“Like a corpse.”
“That tired, huh?”
“I had a lot of errands to run today.”
You lunged forward and reached for a beer stein, a pitcher of water and a bottle of fruit wine behind the counter and poured yourself a helping amount of each into the mug. The barmaid paid no mind to you or your bizarre concoction. She continued polishing glasses as if you were a trick of the light. She must’ve seen combinations far more peculiar than diluted wine in a mug. 
Ais swirled his whiskey, “Got a side hustle, already?”
“I guess you could say that. I’ve been taking some odd jobs. Information is worth its weight in gold here and I need information more than anything. Of course… you’d already know that,” you said, placing your hand onto your cheek. 
“Hard not to know when you keep pestering me for some.” 
“Not anymore! You can keep your spring secrets.”
“There were no secrets. Told you everything you needed to know.”
“Yeah, in the vaguest way possible,” you deadpanned.
“Did you not learn anything at all here?”
“Excuse me?”
There was the bite and spite you had. He was starting to miss it. He worried you’d pick up some of the insipid Hightown mannerisms, but it was for naught. You were still the spitfire. Ais smirked, “You just said information was worth its weight in gold. I know none of your secrets yet you keep asking for mine.”
You frowned at a loss for words. He was right. Though, you didn’t have anything to share that was worth even a sliver of copper. Nothing interesting. Nothing groundbreaking. Nothing that would turn a few heads. Save for your curse, but Ais figured that your curse laid in your molten hands from just a glimpse so that was off the table.
“What would you like to know?” you asked, silently resigned. 
“Then why did you make a big fuss about secrets?” 
Ais’s smile reached his ears. Your voice was nearing a shout. A rosy tint crept up your cheeks. The bar was dull in terms of entertainment on the weekdays– no roughnecks or angry sleazers–  but seeing you worked up was a sight for sore eyes.  
“You called the kettle black. Kettle’s gotta retaliate.” 
“What if I want to know more about the kettle?”
“Thought you were done with the spring.”
“I am, but I want to know more about you.”
Your smile matched his, reaching ear to ear or higher if Ais’s eyes didn’t deceive him. The demon hummed, fiddling with his silver pendant that dangled by his sternum. He was feigning deliberation, but you leaned in on his sea-glass colored bicep, humming along. A sweet harmony to contrast his timbre, ushering him to a conclusion.
“Shoot,” Ais grinned. 
“Why don’t you live in the city?” You pushed yourself off his arm. Your curious eyes leveled with his. 
“Don’t think people here like my pets much.”
The Bloodhounds seemingly roared in affirmation. Another point scored in their vapid game. Timing was great. Ais swirled his whiskey again. Its amber color mellowed out to a muted brownish-yellow. The ice had melted.
“You live out there for your pets? Isn’t it lonely?”
“My pets are good company and… I go out at night.”
“If you feel like it.”
“Especially if I feel like it.”
“So it’s not that lonely out there?”
“Being alone and being lonely are two different things, sparrow.”
“I’ll take that as a no.”
“Is that what you think?.”
“So yes?” you tried again.
He shook his head. You opened your mouth and formed a slight “O” shape before closing it. Ais propped his head onto his knuckles and continued, “Can’t be alone or lonely with my pets and my friend.” He tapped his temple. You rolled your eyes. 
“Your friend talks?”
“‘Course they do.”
He let your snickers slip past his sharp ears. You still thought he had a screw loose up there despite him being dead serious. You, on the other hand, were dying from disbelief and laughter, but it didn’t matter if you believed him or not. If he showed you, you’d be as aimless as the Soulless or worse– pronounced as dead. Fortunately for you, he reserved Ocudeus for special once-in-a blue-moon occasions and tonight was a new moon… so he’ll play along with you. Yeah, he’s got an imaginary friend. They hit up the bar every other night and have a grand old time. The sea-glass ink that snaked around his arm was a matching tattoo with a drinking buddy whose name had long been forgotten. 
“What about you? Curse aside, why are you in Eridia?” Ais asked once your hysterics simmered down.
“I’m only here because of my curse,” you replied coolly. 
“Going home after you’re cured?”
You blinked. Once. Twice. Thrice. Ais’s eyes never left you– like a vulture waiting on your last breath. Looks like he hit the nail on the head. Not that it was hard to miss. You were easy to read. If his heart was on his sleeve, yours was on a platter. 
“I guess not.” 
“No family?”
“Something like that.”
“So you’re a runaway,” he reckoned. 
Your eyes fell to the table and then to Ais’s metal-clad fingers which were drumming on the wooden surface.
“Got it wrong?” 
“No, I mean, you were spot on. Intuition’s good.”
“Thanks. Got it from my friend.”
“Pft– does your friend know anything else about me?”
“You’re good company,” Ais said.
“Oh yeah?”
“Bites and barks the same amount. Terrible taste in drinks, but you hold a decent conversation so… that makes up for it.”
“I’ll have you know that my tas– hic!”
Your hands were quick to clamp over your mouth. Muffled “hics” periodically bypassed your bandaged fingers despite your vain efforts. Beside you, Ais was doing his darndest to maintain a neutral expression. His lips were pressed together tightly as if all of his teeth would fall out if he were to open his mouth. 
Hic. Hic. Hic.
Ais had failed. A snort filled your ears. You shot him the deadliest glare you could muster, but it had no effect on him. His smirk was as smug as always. He locked eyes with you, taking your cup and filling it with water from a nearby pitcher. Maybe with a little too much water. The contents sloshed around the rim and splashed onto the table once he set it down. 
Drip. Drip. Drip. 
He gestured at the mug, “Need to be fed too?”
Your lips curved upward beneath your hands, shaking your head “no”. Ais motioned at the cup once again. This time, you obliged. You lowered your bandaged fingers and wrapped them around the mug. Excess water leaked into the gauze as you gulped down half the pint in hopes of quelling your antsy diaphragm. 
“You a lightweight?”
“Didn’t drink much back home.” You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand. The hiccups seemed to have subsided. You exhaled in relief and hoped that your embarrassment hadn’t traveled too far up your cheeks. 
“No one to drink with?”
“More like… I didn’t go out much.”
“Good thing you’re free as a bird now.”
You smiled, “Yeah, I can go anywhere I want.”
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Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. 
Ais pinched the bridge of his nose as the gutter above his head pelted him with cold droplets of water. Stormy clouds invited themselves to Eridia over the course of the night, but they couldn’t decide whether they wanted to rain or not. They sprinkled a bit of rain here and some there, but showers never lasted more than five minutes. Even a man past his prime could last longer than these “storms”. The demon sidestepped the gutter and set his foot straight into a puddle. He scowled. 
A little water didn’t hurt Ais. In fact, he liked the rain… just not when he was cradling a flimsy paper bag filled with gourmet dog biscuits. He would rather have shrimp cocktails for breakfast, lunch, and dinner than to make another trip to Hightown and talk to that snobby baker again. 
…Maybe that was a stretch. His Soulless pets deserved the best and Ais would rather bite his own tongue than let seafood get anywhere near his mouth. One shrimp cocktail was enough for a lifetime. Dealings with an elitist dragged on for only a few minutes. Seconds if Ais skipped their hoity-toity pleasantries and opted to use his fists instead– a thought he entertained from time to time after one too many “please” and “thank you's”. It was more or less an intrusive thought, a controlled impulse. Ais was more than happy to wipe the disdain off that baker’s face with a solid punch, but then Princess wouldn’t have any fancy treats for when she was on her best behavior. He clicked his tongue. For her, he would be on his best behavior too.
The sun peaked out from the ashen clouds, shining a bit of light onto Ais’s path as if the sky was seeking penance for ruining his early morning shopping trip. He turned his head. He stared too long again. Even if shrouded by clouds, the sun was always there. Nothing special. His hurried steps padded the cobblestone road with a steady rhythm. His back faced the pearly bridge that connected Hightown to Lowtown. Ais adjusted the bag in his arms as he made his way through the maze of flood-eroded buildings.  
Highborn nobles would be appalled at the sight of Lowtown, but this was Ais’s turf. No pleasantries. People here were blunt enough to let the money talk. Business was business. No “please” or “thank you’s”. You only needed to pay. If you didn’t want to pay, you exchanged information or goods. A brawl also doubled as a negotiation. A shame folks here were scared shitless of the Soulless. 
Hu. Tu. Du, du, du, du. 
Ais stopped. His crimson eyes casted their gaze to an alleyway that bisected the deserted Lowtown street that led to the spring and the lively Amaryllis District. He spun his heel and looked up at the gilded buildings of Hightown then back to the alleyway. A detour wouldn’t hurt. The Amaryllis District was closer to the bog than that bakery was. Besides, he hadn’t been there in a while. A change of pace was much needed.The walk home would be less lonely too. The district never slept. 
La, du, du, du, du. 
This tune… 
The Seaspring was home to a few, repetitive sounds: The blood-red waters dripping and rippling from seepage, the purrs and growls of the Soulless and hushed whispers. When one ventured out to the Wet Wick, they, too, heard a few, repetitive sounds: alcohol being poured and measuredly sipped, the shouts and hollers of those who had one too many drinks, and faint murmurs. 
There was not much of a difference in terms of sound between the spring and the city (save for Hightown’s polite contempt for commotion and the entertainment district’s hustle and bustle) but Ais knew a sparrow’s song when he heard one. He was sure of it– not that he was a musical prodigy or any sort. The song was unfamiliar, but he knew the sound of your voice. He never took you for a singer, but he also didn’t take you for a lightweight. He bet you never took him for the type to spoil his pets rotten either. 
He smirked as he squeezed himself through the narrow passage. 
A  flurry of colors greeted him at the end of the tunnel like a gust of wind. Cerulean and coral lanterns strung themselves from building to building. Booths lined the street with an array of pastel tents. The avenue was nothing short of paintings, artisan goods, hand-crafted trinkets and gadgets. Street food vendors were also up and running, undeterred by the untimely hour. The elephant in the room was a large shell-pink tent sat in the middle of the plaza. People flocked and filed themselves around a ticket booth. The sign by the entrance read something along the lines of “troupe”. The fuss rushed past Ais, failing to rope him in. 
His main attraction was a lone stall several paces to his right. The stand was further from its competitors, but it was as busy as any other booth in the district. Tables and benches lined its perimeter. Most of them were occupied. Some had wax candles and pressed flowers while others had glass and frayed paint brushes. Ais scanned the area and smiled, eyes landing on a bench in the corner. It was you, alright. The tune you were humming increased in volume as he tip-toed towards your table. Your back was facing him, immersed in your art project. Your hood was drawn up as well, but he caught sight of your bandages. You were trying to be discreet, but you stood out like a sore thumb to him. The Amaryllis District was vivacious and colorful. Even the air smelled colorful. You, on the other hand, were as ominous as a disciple of death– black cloak, half of your features shrouded by a cowl, and hands wrapped in gauze. And you had the gall to call the Seaspring creepy? The superstitious folks would’ve believed you if you came knocking on their door one day and told them their time was up. 
But as luck would have it, Ais never bought into that sort of bullshit. And you were scary as a rabbit. Mischief spread across his face. 
He pulled your hood down, earning a squeaky yelp from you. His hand was quick to clamp over your mouth, but nevertheless, a couple of heads turned– including yours. 
“Easy. It’s just me.”
You nodded and pulled your hood back up with a huff. He removed his hand from your mouth, barely dodging the daggers you glared at him. He grinned. 
“Top o’ the morning to you too, sparrow.”
You cocked your head. Ais put a hand behind his neck and cleared his throat. His gaze averted yours. 
“Learned something last week. Means good morning.”
“Couldn’t you just say ‘good morning’?” you muttered. 
“Gets boring.”
You rolled your eyes and returned to the glass bottle in your hand. It was short and stout, snuggly fit into your palm. He peered over your shoulder and caught a glimpse of a trio of birds flying over an ocean that was a work in progress. He frowned, realizing your little work song had ceased. He set his dog biscuits by your paint palette. You raised an eyebrow at the paper bag. 
“For Princess,” he explained.
“Has she been well?”
“The good-est girl.”
“And you?”
“The good-est boy.”
“The best,” you joked.
Ais rested his head on the base of his palm and watched you add strokes of blue to your ocean. It was a shade darker than the other blues. It reminded him of Mhin’s cape. He grimaced. It reminded him of one of those rare nights in Eridia where the skies were clear enough to see the stars. His eyes trailed up to the stormy clouds. He won’t be seeing any stars anytime soon. When Ais turned his attention back to you, you had moved onto a lighter blue. 
“You an artist?” 
“Dabbled in it.”
“How ‘bout a singer?”
“I don’t sing.”
“Could’ve sworn you just were.”
“You misheard,” you said with finality.
“Did not.” He paused, then added, “Got sharp ears.” Ais pointed to his ears. They were indeed sharp– as most of his features were. Perhaps the only thing that wasn’t sharp about him was the ink on his arms. 
He was met with silence and took it as an invitation to continue prodding at you. 
“Okay then do you hum?”
Your lips were taut. Your brows knitted together in contemplation. Then, they relaxed. Ais smiled as you reluctantly nodded. The movement was incredibly subtle. If he blinked, he would’ve missed his prize..  
“It sounded nice.” 
“You think?” Your back straightened. 
“Yeah, could’ve taken you for a performer here.” 
“Now you’re just flattering me.”
“Honest, sparrow.”
“I thought about it before… back home… being a performer– even an artist,” you gestured at your glass with your paintbrush, "But I had… another role to play.”
You tucked your hair behind your ear and swapped the blue paint out for an off-white color, sketching sea foam onto your ocean waves. A secret was on the tip of your tongue. 
“Not anymore though, right?”
You nodded. Free as a bird, you thought. You angled the glass to finish up some details. You were by no means talented. It was nothing worth auctioning or featuring in a gallery, but it was something you enjoyed, something you hoped to improve at. You found yourself coming to this booth more often than you’d like to admit. The owner knew your face and you had a collection of painted glass bottles tucked away in your room at the Wet Wick. 
“Do you come here often?” you asked, changing the subject.
“Only to see a friend.”
You turned your head to the building with pink curtains. His eyes narrowed. 
“Not like that, sparrow.” 
“You were misleading,” you shrugged.
“This district’s alright. Too perfumy though,” Ais elaborated. A philanderer was not going on his mental tally of bad impressions on you. He’d like to keep the numbers at a humble three or four. He had causal relationships in the past, but not to that extent. It’s been a while too so it didn't count. That title was more suitable for other people. He could name a few off the top of his head, but he’ll do you a solid favor and keep those names to himself. 
“You don’t come here often because of the smell–”
“Too strong on the nose.” He tapped his nose for good measure.
“When you live by a swamp?” You finished.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“The water smells… strange there. It’s not like the river here.”
He knew what you meant. He knew the smell. He was certain you did too. You knew that smell all too well, considering you were welcomed by it on your first day in this city. It followed you as much as it followed him. Neither of you said a thing. Not a word or a whisper. A topic like that matched the somber skies, but clashed with the vitality of the arts and entertainment district. 
“Smells fine to me.”
“That’s because you live by it!”
Ais smirked. 
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Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop. Drip. Drip.  
Those pesky gray clouds have finally decided to cry their eyes out after two days of dilly dallying in the sky, submerging Lowtown with their tears. The ramshackle districts of Eridia were no stranger to floods. It was something the people had grown used to, looked forward to even. Floods may destroy a few buildings or dent a couple of roofs, but they also wash away the pungent smell of blood and death. The downpour was so strong that the Soulless avoided the city. The people were free to wander about at night, albeit with a few limitations. There was not a single booth set up in the Amaryllis District. It was the only time the plaza got a wink of sleep. Well, most of the district. A handful of lights were still on and all pink curtains were drawn, a sign they could go all night long if they wanted to– rain or shine. That wasn’t the case for most stores in Lowtown. Most closed when the downpour began, but bars were open and that was all that mattered to Ais. 
It was when Eridia rained that he simultaneously felt the most alone and the most at home. The flooded streets were akin to the Seaspring’s waters, but there was not a single soul in sight. He waded through the murky waters with unease. The rain turned the city into his domain. He was fond of it for many reasons, but it did not do what many Eridians loved about it the most: wash away unbearable stenches. Petrichor masked the smell of death, but it was prevalent nonetheless. Something lurked in these waters, waiting to be reaped. Or perhaps Ais’s intuition was off? His senses had been haywire for the past few days. He found himself looking over his shoulder to see if someone was behind him. Heat rushed to his usually cold cheeks. His heart raced even though he barely moved an inch. The rain started not too long ago so was it a long shot to say that not everything was washed out yet?
Ais whipped his neck around, observing the Wet Wick’s alleyway. Blood spewed from the narrow pathway and coiled around his boots. It swirled and dissolved into the flood water congregating by the Wet Wick’s entrance. He cracked his knuckles and made his way to the alleyway. Even the rain couldn’t stop a good bar brawl. The victor of that fight was a worthy adversary if they could draw blood. Even if they weren’t, he was getting restless anyhow. Throwing a punch or two and knocking someone would be an easy fix for that. Talk about exciting. 
His grin faded as he stepped into the alleyway. His eyes dilated at the sight of Vere pining a cloaked figure to the wall with his bare hands. Blood spilled on the wall, dripping down into the flood water. Ais knew that cloak a little too well. It was black and embroidered with little bits of gold at the hem. He saw it a few times. At the Seaspring. At the Wet Wick. At the Amaryllis District. 
He could count the number of times he saw that cloak on his hands, but the amount of times it plagued his thoughts every now and then exceeded the number stars in the sky– When will you visit Princess again? What kind of weird drink will you have next time? Would he be able to hear that song again?
The same cloak that festered in his mind was now saturated with blood. Despite the ebony fabric, there was enough blood in certain areas to dye it red. Your torso. Your legs. Your head. Though shrouded by a hood as always, your cowl was the deepest of crimsons. It was tantamount to the thick red waters of the spring. 
Vere was the first– and perhaps the only one–  to notice Ais. He furrowed his auburn brows and dropped your body onto the ground. An audible thump echoed through the alley yet you remained still, blood pooling and pooling.  
“Fancy meeting you here.”
Ais responded with silence. His eyes lingered on you. He hoped for you to chirp and twitter about something. Curse or bite someone if you must. 
“Senobium’s orders,” Vere said, tossing his hair over his shoulder, “They were snooping around too much and… you know how that goes.”
"...I see." Two meaningless words that added nothing to the conversation, something he picked up from you. He never truly grasped the meaning of the phrase– he always thought of it as a sarcastic response– but "I see" seemed suitable to use for this specific situation. The scene before Ais was truly something and damn right he saw. He saw enough to know everything.
Vere's dusty pink eyes fell to his feet where blood accumulated. His ears drooped as he stepped away from your body. If he had put his tail between his legs, he could’ve fooled anyone.  His shoulder brushed Ais’s on his way out of the alley. “We should head inside. My fur’s getting soaked.”
The demon balled his fists, words flying over his head. He sauntered deeper into the pathway and knelt down by your side. The bar’s dilapidated door creaked open and then shut, briefly shining on your marred face. There was not a single fleck of wonder or hope in your eyes. They were dull and gray like the stormy sky above you. 
“I told you the Senobium was bad news, sparrow,” Ais smiled bitterly. 
Rain trickled down his face, hot and briny. He smelt the stench of death before. He had seen disfigured bodies in the bog and drew blood during fights. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, but somehow he could not bear to look at you or your mangled neck for any longer. He was getting tired of the rain already. He was tired of kneeling by your side. With a dejected sigh, Ais stood up. 
He clicked his tongue and lifted his boot up, revealing a shard of glass. Curious, he knelt down again, examining the shattered glass around your body. Must’ve been that bottle you painted the other day. Ais could barely make out the pieces, but he saw the various shades of blue you used. His eyes shifted to a rather large fragment by his boot. Unlike the other bits of glass, this one was yellow-orange with a small black line, the silhouette of a bird flying into the sun. Ais stomped on the fragment, crushing the painted sun beneath his feet as one would with a cigarette butt. He rose from the ground and turned his back to you, but instead of entering the bar, he ventured out into the storm. 
Then maybe, just maybe, he, too, could be swept away by the rain. 
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bambikisss · 4 months
Bad :: S. Mingi (teaser)
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(Bamb's ver.!) Bad Rich boy! Mingi x Criminal! reader
📙: Mingi grew up around his picture perfect family and friends, making him crave someone else who was different. So when you try and steal from him at his parent's gala, he takes the opportunity to see what it's like to be truly bad.
⚠ : Unprotected sex, sex in a public place, use of restrains (reader), biting, oral (f + m receiving), breeding kink (mingi), multiple rounds, slight stalking (Mingi puts a GPS on the reader when she escapes), robbery, mentions of smoking cigarettes, Song Mingi is basically obsessed with the reader, use of toys, phone sex, masturbation (m + f)
🎶 : Bad - Christopher, Slow Down - Chase Atlantic, Cyberpunk - ATEEZ, WayV - Love Talk (Demo), Rude boy - Rihanna, I got it - Marian Hill
Bambi's notes: I had a random dream about Mingi being Batman and I immediately thought about making this fic. I love a good catwoman/batman dynamic, so who better than oreo song mingi? Plus, I went wild on this one (because, once again, it's SONG MINGI)
Drop date: FEBRUARY 9th at 8P.M EST
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mothnem · 4 months
Scout's Guide to Building a Merc Team: Part 9- FINALLY! A SPY!
Scout: Hello Viewers! Now, you might you might wondering why Sniper, is in a corner. Turns out he was MAKING OUT WITH MY DAD... SPY! WITH THE DADGUM SPY! NOT DAD! THIS WHOLE TIME! THERE WAS NO SPIDER!
Medic: Ja, you just now realizing that?
Scout almost angrily yanks up the box, sitting inside, slowly exhaling cigarette smoke, was Spy.
Spy: Bonjour, mon fils. 'Ow are you doing?
Scout:.... How long has Sniper being debauching you?
Spy: Do you really want to know?
Scout: Yeah, so I can beat him up.
Spy: Well now I'm not telling.
Scout: DAD!
Spy: Son.
Scout: Next you're going to tell me Medic and Heavy are together!
Sniper: They are.
Medic: Ja.
Heavy: How is Scout just now finding this out?
Demo: No. Soldier's only love is America.
Spy: But, 'ou 'ave captured your Spy.
Scout: THAT'S RIGHT! So loyal Viewers! That's how you...
Spy: Wait, the team is not yet complete.
Scout: Huh? Yeah it is. Got everyone. Sniper, you, Medic, Heavy, Engineer, Pyro, Demo, and Soldier.
Heavy: No, Spy is right. Team not finished.
Scout: Then who is left!?
Engineer: One of the most important people.
Heavy: Very annoying.
Medic: But loved.
Soldier: TALENTED.
Demo: Fast.
Sniper: Someone we all care about. Kinda like a little brother for some....
Spy: And a son for others.
Scout:.... Nope. Not ringing a bell.
All the Mercs: THE SCOUT!
All the Mercs tackle Scout at once. Spy picking up the camera as Scout drops it.
Spy: And zere 'ou have it! A complete Merc team! Never forget your Scout.
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