#chief section han
alyssapremium · 1 year
brb crying my heart out :<<
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no one believed her but her fiancé 😭🫶 the crown prince can choke!!
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lilpotatjj · 3 months
AN: Well here we go, after seeing my poll it's pretty clear that it will be an Andy x Fem!Reader Story. If you still have any other wishes, just ask, requests are open. This story will contain longer Chapters and also many many more. 18+ will be markt in wich you can jump if you don't wanna read it. More fluffy, cute and tense chapter will come.
WARNING: nothing just the fluff that starts slowly <3
Wordcount: 1205
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♡Chapter 1♡
Congratulations Herrera… you will be captain of Station 19! ……
2 weeks later
………-Engine Company 19, Ladder Company 19, Aid Car 19 und Emergency Medical Services Response Unit 19 in E Madison St.-
"GO! GO! GO! 19! We are now dealing with a 5th grade emergency call! Bishop and Sullivan Aid Car! Montgomery and Hughes you're driving E19! Warren and Ruiz EMS19! Probie you're coming with me! Move!" Andy yelled and everyone was ready.
You nod resolutely and when you arrive at the address you can see the immense smoke despite the darkness.
"Oh shit….", Andy looks shocked as a picture of devastation becomes clear.
"Damn….that's a crane that's tipped over!" Vic gets out and looks around.
"Captain, there's fire everywhere, we have to contain it!" said Travis, looking tense.
"Can't you see the debris everywhere? And there are still injured people everywhere. Station 88 is also on the scene…we definitely need more support here!" Sullivan right in the mood looking at Andy, who realises the burden of this distress call, trying to orientate herself.
"Ok guys! Bishop and Sullivan check on all the survivors and get them to safety!" Andy yells.
"Captain I can help with the injured!" Warren looks at her seriously and Andy nods after a few seconds of consideration. She organises the remaining people and always passes on the situation report to the battalion chief.
"Captain!" With a leap you knock Andy over and the next thing you hear is a massive noise, close beside you as a large section of the crane has melted due to the heat and almost toppled onto Andy. Completely distraught, Andy looks at you, realising that she could have died here and now, you both stand up and Andy's breathing quickens. A loud beeping prevents her from hearing you.
"Captain! hey captain come to you!" you shout at her and grab her by the shoulders "breathe!"
Her first call as captain and then such a big one. Andy looks you in the eye.
"That's good, just breathe," you try to reassure her.
"Hey Andy, is everything ok?" Sullivan comes in to check if everything is ok. She just looks at him briefly and focusses on you again, then nods and takes her walkie talkie. "All units, we need reinforcements here, now!" Back in reality, she gives all the information to chief Ross and then looks at you.
"Contain the fire with the others, but keep your distance!" You nod at Andy's words and set off straight away, but you can clearly feel Andy's gaze on your neck as you leave.
The mission lasted a whole 40 hours and on the way back to the station everyone was simply exhausted. Andy leant back, lost in thoughts, looking out of the window.
"hey….good job Captain," Maya tries to cheer her up, the mood is too depressed after everything that has happened, but Andy simply ignores her. Images of the mission flash before her face in an endless loop and she can't relax which is also not unnoticed by you.
Back at the station, everyone literally falls into bed, only Andy is still in the captain's office finalising the report. She pauses for a moment as everything comes back to her. As captain, she is responsible for everyone. Tears well up in her eyes and she catches her breath, completely exhausted, when Sullivan suddenly comes in at the same time.
"tough first mission captain", he comes to her and sits down at her table.
"tch…" she closes her eyes and smiles. "How did you get through your first day as captain?" She looks at him for help.
"I just pulled it off, Andy, you've worked long and hard for this position. You're a born leader," he takes her hand, causing her to look at it thoughtfully.
"I was almost flattened by a crane today," she pulls his hand away from Sullivan. "Y/N saved me…. a new recruit," she huffs, almost embarrassed.
You were just about to open the door, but you hear her last words and pause with your hand on the door handle.
"The situation was also confusing, it's the first time I've ever seen a case like this involving a crane. Everyone was overwhelmed. You did your best and for the new recruit, it was an immediate experience.", Sullivan stands up and smiles.
You knock and slowly open the door. "Please allow me to come in Captain!" Andy looks at you and lets her eyes wander demandingly to Robert, who understood and left the office.
"Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Andy looks at you questioningly.
"I wanted to ask if you're okay, Captain…" you look at her carefully, her look completely tired. She stands up and leans against her table with her hands in her pockets, her eyes on you. "yeah....Thanks for asking, but I should ask you that. For your first shift here, it's probably difficult to process at first.
"Well, I've already experienced a lot, but the fact that I have to save the captain on my first day here is really crazy," you smile, but the words hit Andy harder than expected. She closes her eyes and takes a sharp breath.
"good job, probie…but you should go sleep now", she smiled unexpected softly.
A tinge of red spreads across your cheeks, which she doesn't know came from her smile, not her praise. "ok…
good night, captain", you turn back to your bunk and lay down, looking at the ceiling of the room smiling.
A new morning after the team finally got some more sleep, you are the first one awake and already making breakfast at the Beanery. Travis was the first to arrive. "hey well…your effort yesterday wasn't bad, well done probie" a peaceful smile from him, he helps you making breakfast when Andy joins you.
“Good morning,” came Andy quietly and formally. Travis looks between the two of you and was about to say something when Vic joins him. "heeeey, good morning!", she dances as she takes coffee and then suddenly looks back and forth between Andy and you. A simple silence between both of you and Vic then looks at Travis, almost looking for help, who just shrugs his shoulders and also sips coffee.
You remain silent and put the last things for breakfast on the table, sit down and drink coffee.
“thanks, looks good,” Vic grabs something and stuffs it straight into her mouth while Andy sits down right across from you. You concentrate on your coffee and have to swallow hard, but you are immediately pulled out of your thoughts when the rest of the group joins you. Andy looks briefly into your eyes, but her gaze is completely electric, she just suddenly gets up and leaves the Beanery with her coffee and goes to her office.
"Um…ok?", Vic watches her go, followed by the others except you.
“Surely the call is still in her bones,” said Sullivan and then looks at you quietly, which you don’t notice.
Andy stands with her back against her door, closes it and looks into the room, completely lost in thoughts, with a questioning look. "I swear…." She jumps at the sudden knock on her door, turns around and opens it….
who is the person behind the door? Next chapter will show it, also containing more fluffy moments between Reader and Andy
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dbgdbw · 7 months
494.So Then, You Assholes Hand It Over (1)
그러니 댁들이 내놔 (1)
The main hall was considerably vast, dotted with rounded tables that seated four people each sprawled about in deliberately spaced intervals. Many of them congregating in one place was sure to invite a fight breaking out, and there were individuals with sour relations who would end up bristling simply from a chance encounter with the other as well. As a result, each table held what had been deemed to be relatively harmonious pairings, as far as seating was concerned. While there wasn’t a rule that mandated they stay tethered to their assigned seat, per se, having a designation saying this is your spot, here would at least subconsciously encourage a passive inclination to stay put. 
“Though Section Chief Song-nim being seated at Sung Hyunjae’s side is, of course, to be expected–why’ve I been thrown in with this lot too, huh.”
Moon Hyuna groused lightly. The table was another four-seater, but there were only three names written: ‘Sung Hyunjae’, ‘Song Taewon’, and ‘Moon Hyuna’. Pulling out a chair for Sung Hyunjae, Moon Hyuna dropped into a polite bow from her waist.
“Please–do take a seat, Princess-nim.”
“How so very chivalric of you. Will the Breaker Guild Leader be stepping into the role of my Prince, today.”
“Nowadays, the trend is for princess-nims to be self-sufficient, if you didn’t know. Now–for our hardworking second-in-line Princess-nim too.”
As Moon Hyuna spoke, taking the initiative pulling out the chair for him as well, Song Taewon hung back, struggling to articulate a response. Even having spent several years fraternizing with the two already, he still found it difficult to play along with their strange jokes. In particular–as he was unable to simply ignore her outright the way he could with Sung Hyunjae, he found dealing with her to be especially precarious. 
“...I appreciate the offer, however, remaining standing will enable myself to carry out a more thorough surveillance of the hall.”
“This is all the Firstborn’s fault, you know. Because the Firstborn’s so willful, the Second’s even more uptight.”
“What an outrageous accusation. When I love and cherish the Secondborn Princess-nim so dearly.”
“Your glib tongue hasn’t gone anywhere, I see. Section Chief Song-nim, fancy another drink?”
“I’m afraid I will have to decline.”
“Aw, don’t be like that, why don’t you have another glass. Honestly, Section Chief Song-nim, you should be getting appropriately plastered on occasion. So long as you remain sober as usual, you’ll be unable to call forth those things you keep inside, right.”
Saying that, while excessive drinking might be harmful, people needed to let loose at least once or so, Moon Hyuna poured out a full glass of wine. That leaving things to just fester, would only cause regular functioning to deteriorate into a toxic state.
“...for today, I will have to decline.”
“One of these days, I’m going to arrange a night with something especially potent brewed up in store.”
“That being said, just where might our youngest Princess-nim be.”
Sung Hyunjae asked idly, flicking his name card with the tip of a finger. Picking up her glass, Moon Hyuna took a brief sip to moisten her lips before answering.
“Now, the Seseung Guild Leader-nim should hardly be concerning himself with such matters. No matter how adorable you might find our youngest Princess-nim. Kindly butt out of it.”
“Isn’t it only natural, that the Firstborn should love the Youngest so.”
“...don’t say that kind of shit, you’ll put me off my wine. ‘Love’, what a farce. Though, if Director Han-nim was my dongsaeng, he might seem pretty cute, I admit. No, wait–if he really were my dongsaeng, then most likely he’d probably earn himself a slap on the back at least once or twice a day.”
Moon Hyuna grimaced, backtracking quickly. Swiveling her head, she scanned her eyes around the hall. 
“It looks like our Yerimie is quite popular.”
Just as Moon Hyuna had said, there were numerous Hunters indicating interest in Bak Yerim. The clip of a young, recently-Awakened Hunter easily rebuffing a vastly more experienced S-rank Hunter had already made the rounds worldwide, by that point. In addition, Bak Yerim was also the first S-rank Hunter to be affiliated with a private guild, rather than a corporate entity holding some special purpose. Due to that arrangement, certain individuals were jockeying to win her over with the promise of more favorable conditions.
“Ah, I don’t really know English very well~.”
Of course, Bak Yerim brushed off every single one of their attempts with nary a flinch.
“We would provide you with an Interpretation Item, of course.”
“But that wouldn’t work with written text, right, sir. Feel free to give me a call once you’ve changed your national language over to Korean, then, please. I only know how to write in Korean.”
Saying that she had no plans to learn English going forward either, she shook her head in dissent. As she took off far up into the air to make an exit from the conversation, numerous sets of eyes followed Bak Yerim. Counted among them were ones who were simply watching her with a purely doting gaze, too. Though most high-ranked Hunters–and S-rank Hunters in particular–tended to be on the younger side, typically their twenties, the ones in their teens were rare, after all. And among the S-rank Hunters, Bak Yerim was the youngest as well.
“The Blacksmith won’t be attending, then?”
“Since he might be a high-ranking Hunter, but he’s not a combat type. If only because the situation might turn risky, they wouldn’t send him here.”
“But the Rearing Facility Director’s Stats are low, too.”
There were some who were looking for Yoo Myungwoo, too. Though countless Hunters had sent their regards after he’d managed to produce an S-rank weapon, he tended to avoid accepting commissions that originated from overseas. And as he only created equipment when the urge struck him when it came to domestic Hunters as well, there were throngs of individuals looking to forge some sort of connection with him, in any way possible. 
It wasn’t that there wasn’t dissatisfaction around Yoo Myungwoo’s attitude, but it was true that any outcome would’ve still fallen short of expectations regardless. As a result, even when confronted by a cold reception, it would be hand-waved away as eccentric conduct that was par for the course for a master craftsman.
However, as the Rearing Facility Director was the host of the gathering taking place that day, there were many who were waiting on Han Yoojin’s entrance as well. This was primarily because rumor had already spread among the Hunters that there was a method to raise a high-rank mount, without any specialized Skill involved. Thanks to that, the already exorbitant price baby monsters had fetched had taken another steep increase. In fact, there had even been Hunter teams formed with the sole purpose of capturing baby monsters as of late.
“Shouldn’t he’ve shown his face by now.”
“He might not end up dropping in at all, honestly. His Stats are F-rank, right.”
Perhaps he would simply appear via recording or livestream to communicate with them, a few Hunters murmured amongst themselves. Though he might be surrounded by numerous S-rank Hunters, it would still be a difficult feat for an F-rank to appear before a crowd of unfamiliar high-ranked Awakened. For lower-ranked Awakened and un-Awakened, the fear they felt towards a high-ranked Hunter could be largely dispelled through prolonged and repeated exposure to the individual. This meant, however, that an unfamiliar high-ranked Hunter would inevitably bypass whatever immunity had been built up till that point. Since, even if you feel unafraid of your own family’s large-breed dog–who could only ever be adorable in your eyes–it didn’t mean that you’d feel the same when confronted with an unfamiliar large dog growling in your direction. Consequently, it wouldn’t have been undue to expect to see him show a cowed appearance, or to forgo making an appearance altogether.
As the mutterings prevailed, discontent gradually started to pervade their words. If it hadn’t been for the detour necessary at the wharf, there probably would’ve been open callouts of how they’d been made to wait long enough already being issued forth. 
As the atmosphere began to buzz with a restless quality, 끼이이익. A door slowly creaked open. It was the door at the top of the twin staircases that split to ascend down from either side in a steep curve, to the center of the hall. As the ornate door–perfectly positioned to draw the viewers’ eyes–swung wide open, a figure walked out. 
스르륵– The fluttering tip of a long veil trailed down, grazing against the floor. A black veil, about three to four meters long and decorated with white roses, and a white mask that covered the bottom half of their face. A black suit, accompanied by a white jabot. A crimson flower was nestled in the breast pocket, and branches of ferns dangled from their white glove-clad hands.
For the majority, ‘what a peculiar getup’ was the extent of their interest in the matter. Yet, here and there, there were responses from a few that differed starkly.
“It’s not a bad choice to’ve elected to conceal his expression, but.”
“What’s with the veil.”
The Hunters who were clueless regarding the ensemble’s significance murmured amongst themselves. The general consensus seemed to be that, while it was an appearance that belied expectations, it wasn’t one that was viewed as being too outlandish a choice. Particularly since Hunters who followed a set ‘concept’(1) weren’t too far in between, and there were cases where one’s signature weapon made one stand out, despite wishing for a mundane life, after all. 
“Hyung-nim was real embarrassed about that, y’know?”
Moon Hyuna whispered in a faint voice. At her query on whether it didn’t suit him better than you’d expect, Song Taewon nodded accommodatingly, replying yes, it seems so; yet, his expression hard, Sung Hyunjae gave no response. 
Why Han Yoojin might have shown up while wearing Chatterbox’s appearance–that much was easy enough to ascertain. It would’ve been to root out those individuals who were acquainted with that appearance. If someone bearing the same appearance as Chatterbox were to suddenly appear, then even unconsciously, one would be likely to betray a reaction different from the others around them.
But even as he knew that, it didn’t lessen the summoned feeling of loathing. 
“...hardly, in my eyes.”
“How unexpected, you rating hyung-nim so low. Or is it that the Seseung Guild Leader’s preference actually lies with hot pink yarn?”
Wouldn’t it be funny, if that really got spread around and some people actually started showing up dressed up in hot pink, snickered Moon Hyuna, grinning; but unlike his usual self, Sung Hyunjae didn’t provide any retort. And then, the subject of his revulsion.
“How do you do, everyone.”
The mask fell away, and Han Yoojin’s face was revealed. From the tips of the fingertips the mask dangled from, to the bow his head dipped into as the mask was taken away. Every little movement was imbued with an elegant quality that departed from his normal conduct. A smile drew across the even paler visage revealed behind the white mask. 
“First, I’d like to convey my thanks that you’d come all the way out here.”
Moving towards the staircase with leisurely steps, Han Yoojin hooked a finger under the jabot. 툭, the large flower-like tie was discarded by his feet, and the buttons along the collar of his shirt was loosened one by one. 탁, 탁. Undone with unerring precision to the time of his steps, he came to a stop at the top of the landing; a gloved hand stroked up the column of his throat. 
After a gentle press under the lobes of his ears, his fingers swept back down. Simultaneously–사르륵, a crimson pattern thrummed into view. The stark lines that appeared, extending down below his nape, commanded the absolute attention of everyone in the room. 
The high-ranked Hunters–particularly the S-rank Hunters–watched Han Yoojin unblinkingly, transfixed as though they’d even forgotten to breathe. All of them felt the same unnerving sensation of dread. It was akin to the experience of having come face-to-face with a powerful monster–but at the same time, not. There was the anticipation that wracked the body, and the goosebumps that followed; but unlike a monster, it didn’t feel like they could lift a finger against the one before them. 
It was the sensation of being a mouse that had known nothing but the turning of the wheel in its cage, one day becoming conscious of the giant eye peering down in observation. 
And the disgust Sung Hyunjae felt.
Reached its pinnacle. Unlike the other Hunters, what grated at him wasn’t merely the energy emitted by that particular mark. No; it carried its own loathsome feeling, but among those assembled there, Sung Hyunjae alone was aware of its significance–what that crimson mark meant.
This knowledge was something that didn’t exist in his–Sung Hyunjae’s–memories. But for some reason, he was able to comprehend it. The mark that was carved onto Han Yoojin.
The Sorcerer’s Sacrifice(2).
The moment he realized, his insides began to burn. He drew a hand over his mouth to cover the sneering expression that rose, spurred by both from the disgust evoked by a memory that didn’t exist, as well as the situation at hand. The heat in his chest felt far away, as though it was happening to a stranger.
“...the hell’s with that.”
Moon Hyuna mumbled, unable to tear her eyes away from Han Yoojin. Her brows had drawn taut in a dark scowl as well. Song Taewon, too, was focused on Han Yoojin–to such an extent, that he’d yet to take note of Sung Hyunjae’s condition. Song Taewon’s hand, resting on the top of the table, had clenched into a tight fist at some point. His lips were pressed grimly together, the faint grinding of teeth audible. 
The two had already been informed of everything in advance. And yet, it remained a struggle to restrain themselves, still.
Under that heavy atmosphere, Sung Hyunjae let out a shallow breath. Unbidden, Hwanglim’s words rose to the fore of his mind. Sung Hyunjae’s lips twisted in a crooked smile. 
‘I’d also been quite excessively…….’
Indolent. Though it may have been absent from his memories, the existence called Sung Hyunjae could, in a way, be said to have been continually robbed. Of everything.
He had no memories. His Skills and Titles, because of recursion, would be taken away, leaving behind only a scant few. The chain that wove around his person, too, was something that had been bequeathed from that pilferer. 
And even now. His life and death in the present had already been lost to him once, before being returned. 
The crooked slant of his lips transitioned into an easy smile. With what might be construed as a gentle look in his eyes, Sung Hyunjae gazed up at Han Yoojin.
* * *
‘Seems real effective.’
Despite being an incredibly humiliating and mortifying ordeal, that was to say. Chatterbox, you bastard, that it was formal wear was fine. A frilly necktie, well, it might be overbearing, but since it was formal wear after all. The mask, well… But even if I was able to get past that hurdle, what was with the fucking veil, huh, the veil. And on top of that, it was a rose-patterned veil. I’d never imagined that I’d ever come into the possession of a rose veil, much less be settling it over my own head, not even in my wildest dreams. Goddamn Chatterbox asshole, why were his preferences like this?
It hadn’t been my intention to go undercover as Chatterbox myself, at the beginning. I’d planned on using a doll, or a substitute instead. Since, when it came to myself, there was my height to consider, and even if there was a corset involved, my body was hardly skeletal enough to be comparable anyway. But with the Mark that Chatterbox had left taken into account, it had worked out so that the plan would prove most effective with me being the one going undercover. 
‘That should’ve rooted most of them out.’
Maintaining a smile on my face, I looked down upon the crowd, beyond the balcony rails. All around the hall, cameras had been installed to face in every orientation. Once that footage had been combed through, it would be a simple matter to pinpoint the ones that had been approached by Chatterbox. 
Firstly, the ones who had shown a reaction just upon sighting Chatterbox’s apparel would be the ones who had met with him in person. Then, the ones who responded to the Mark would be the ones who had received an invitation, and then contracted with him. Even from my current position overlooking the room, it was easy to spy a few attendees who were reacting differently from those around them.
‘...though I might’ve gone a bit overboard, emphasizing the Mark with Chatterbox’s power like that.’
I’d repressed as much of my magical energy as possible around the area of the Mark and, with Noah-ssi’s help, amplified the traces of Chatterbox’s presence that had been left behind. Noah-ssi had regarded me with a dubious expression as he’d retreated from me, and the other Hunters were also showing reactions that went beyond my expectations.
Because it seemed like the atmosphere was beginning to flow in a direction that might end up with a few people even drawing weapons out against me, I swiftly called forth my own magical power. The moment Chatterbox’s Mark was blotted out, the tension in the air immediately released. Surveying the Hunters below, who appeared faintly apprehensive yet, I breathed ou…– ugh, my waist felt way too tight. Letting out a breath, I resumed my footsteps, advancing alongside the railing. 
“It appears I’ve managed to startle everyone somewhat. Of course–this much is probably nothing for high-ranked Awakened, such as yourselves.”
Like Chatterbox would be the only one. Outside, it was teeming with all sorts of Transcendents. It was just that Chatterbox happened to be the one that pissed me off the most, out of the handful I had met. There was a subtly off-putting quality about him that rankled at my subconscious. 
Before I stepped onto the first stair, I discarded the veil. That very moment, with a flourish of viridian willow leaves, Yoohyunie lept into the air; and with light steps, landed beyond the railings, at my back. Catching the discarded veil as it fluttered down and utilizing the window of opportunity afforded under its cover, he used the brief moment the fabric hid us from sight to discreetly slip a hand inside my clothes from behind, slitting my corset open. As I felt the corset loosen, instantly, its presence disappeared without a trace. Irin had stolen inside as well, to swallow it whole. 
I could finally feel comfortable. Well, then. Who among those assembled here, might be our invitation holders. 
- - - - -
mha → shj, stw | informal casual
shj → mha | informal casual
stw → mha | polite formal (respectful)
yj → crowd | polite formal
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Guardianships and Good Cop Parents
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
New Buddie Fanfic Available in the "Bad Cop vs. Good Cop Series"
Part 8 is now available on AO3: "Guardianships and Good Cop Parents" - Another work-related accident reveals Buck’s and Eddie’s parents’ true motives regarding their relationships with their grandchildren, Chris and Liz. But how will they react when they learn legal guardianships have already been established and they don’t include them?
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"Guardianships and Good Cop Parents"
14.9K Words; Rated: Teen and Up Audiences
Here's a snippet of Eddie discovering Buck's been injured at work.
Eddie's almost finished and he’s in the process of putting the steaks into the freezer when he hears Chris scream, “DAD!”
The sound he hears in Chris’ voice causes him to immediately abandon what he’s doing and he runs towards the scream he heard while leaving the freezer door open.  His breath hitches in his throat as he continues to search every room for their two children.
Chris screams again, “DAD!  COME QUICK!”
Eddie’s eyes are frantically searching every room for them.  He feels like he’s running a marathon and even though he’s run longer distances in the past, he’s almost completely out of breath.  His lungs feel like they’re on fire as he tries to get to their son and daughter.  He checks the living room first but when he doesn’t see them, he heads down the hall towards the family room.  He’s sure it’s the only place Chris’ blood curdling screams could be coming from because it’s where the largest TV in the house is located and the kids prefer to spend time in that room instead of the living room because the sectional couch is in it.
Once he enters the room, both Chris and Liz are staring at the TV and he notices Liz is still holding a half-eaten chocolate chip cookie.  They’re both motionless and their eyes are glued to something they’re watching on the TV screen.  When he turns his head to face the direction they’re looking in, he sees the words “Breaking News” at the top of the screen and underneath them, there’s a Los Angeles ladder truck in flames.
His eyes move to the right so he can look at the captain’s seat and that’s when he sees it’s completely engulfed.  The truck is burning so badly only two of the firehouse’s identifying numbers can be read on it and they’re ‘18’.
He can’t tell if it belongs to the 18, 118, 218, 318, or 1118 firehouse because they’re all active stations located in Los Angeles County.
His phone starts ringing and it’s like everything starts happening in slow motion.  His head feels like ginger ale is rolling around in it and even though he can see Chris and Liz are ok, everything else in the room looks completely fuzzy.  He doesn’t have to look at the caller ID to know someone from the LAFD is calling and his suspicions are confirmed when he looks down and reads, “LAFD Headquarters” on the display of his cellphone.
It's the telephone number the department uses to contact spouses whenever there’s an emergency.
Everything after that happens fast.  It’s the Assistant Chief calling and he’s familiar with him because he just so happens to be his brother-in-law, Chimney Han.  He was promoted at the beginning of the year from Battalion Chief and now he works directly with Chief Alonzo who will be retiring in a few months and after he does, Chimney will be promoted and will become the new Fire Chief.
In this moment, flashbacks of the last time Buck was sitting in the captain’s seat of a burning firetruck flood to the front of his mind like raging waters in an ocean during high tide.  His voice becomes strangled as he prepares to answer the phone but he doesn’t have a chance to say anything before Chimney starts talking.
When he lifts it to his ear, he hears Chimney call, “Eddie?”
His eyes widen and he inhales as he meets his son’s eyes and motions for Chris to change the channel and keep an eye on Liz so he can take the call in another room.
He’s trying not to panic but he’s having a difficult time of it and once he steps into their bedroom, he closes the door and asks, “Where's my husband?”  He heaves a deep breath and continues.  “Chim… I—I need you to tell me the truth!  How—how bad is it?”
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Bad Cop vs. Good Cop Parents
Parts 1-8 are available on AO3 and Part 9 will be available soon.
This series follows Dad!Eddie and Dad!Buck as they parent their two children, Christopher Michael Buckley-Diaz and Daniella Elizabeth Buckley-Diaz.
74K Words; Currently 8 completed works. 
A multi-part fanfic series about Eddie and Buck parenting their teenage son Chris and their daughter Daniella.  Usually, Eddie's the bad cop parent and Buck's the good cop parent but occasionally, their roles reverse. Also, as different situations occur, they are both bad and/or good cops.
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"Becoming the Bad Cop Parent" - 7.3K words; Rated General Audiences:  Or Buck gets a call from Christopher's school and for the first time he has to be the bad cop parent.
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“Growing as Good Cop Parents” - 8.8K Words; Rated: Teen and Up Audiences:  When Chris makes it home after hanging out with his friends, Buck smells and unmistakable scent and everything that happens afterwards, helps him and Eddie realize they’re growing as good cop parents.
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“Bad Words and Bad Cop Parents" - 6.0K Words; Rated: Mature:  After Chris accidentally drops the “F” bomb in earshot of Eddie and Buck, they have a family meeting and hijinks ensue as they work on eliminating “bad words” from their vocabularies before they have an addition to their family.
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"Grateful Good Cop Parents" - 9.2K Words; Rated: Teen and Up Audiences:  Buck and Eddie are anxiously awaiting the birth of their daughter, Daniella Elizabeth Buckley-Diaz.
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"Brokenhearted Bad Cop Parent" - 10.2K Words; Rated: Mature: As Eddie prepares to return to work, Daniella’s reaction to his adherence of the LAFD dress code makes him feel like he’s a bad cop parent but Buck’s there to comfort both of them.
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"Guys, Girls, Curls and Good Cop Parents" - 5.7K Words; Rated: Teen and Up Audiences: Buck, Eddie, Chris and Daniella all have thick hair but Buck’s, Chris’ and Daniella’s is curly and it tangles easily. Since Daniella’s getting older, her hair is growing and Buck and Eddie have to find ways to not only comb and style it but they also need to find the best products to use.
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"Both Being Bad Cop Parents" - 10.7K Words; Rated: Teen and Up Audiences: Buck and Eddie have to tell both Chris and Daniella “No” but neither child likes it.
Parts 1-8 are available on AO3.
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01432853 · 1 year
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Section Chief Han, you took good care of me even when you didn't know I'm Min Jae-Yi. During the Cardinal Point Case, everyone accused you of competing with a lowly eunuch, but you listened to what I had to say, saying it could save people's lives.
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bookofjin · 7 days
Biography of Zhou Fu (JS061)
Fu, courtesy name Zuxuan, was Jun's junior cousin. His father Rui was Grand Warden of Anping. Fu as young was equally famous as his friend Chenggong Jian, they rose from their families together to become literary teachers for the various kings. He amassed to move to Aide for Western Dependants to the Minister over the Masses. The Minister over the Masses Wang Hun petitioned:
Fu's reasoning and understanding is clear and straight, he also has talent and ability and is a master at deciding the Nine Grades, his examinations pull to together essentials and details. Your Subject entrust and rely on his duties' fulfilment, his praise and blame being apt and fitting, and request he fill the vacancy of Gentleman of the Masters of Writing.
Allowed it.
Bit by bit he moved to Senior Clerk of the Left to the Minister over the Masses and Gentleman of the Personnel Section. His selections and recommendations were essential and compact, and discussions on his prospects increasingly commendable. He shifted to Central Assistant to the Steering Clerk and Attendant-at-Centre, and was designated Inspector of Xu province, concurrently General of the Best of the Army, Acting with the Tally. He was summoned to be Commandant of Justice.
Emperor Hui favoured Ye, and the King of Chengdu, Ying, used Fu as Interim Governor of Henan. Li Zhen, Shangguan Si, and others offered the King of Qinghe, Tan, to be Heir-Apparent, and promoted Fu to General of Guards, Recording the Masters of Writing. Fu declined and did not accept. Tan ordered Fu to combine armies with Shangguan Si. Fu understood that Si was a small person who indulged in brutality and in the end would be a traitor to the state. He therefore together with the Minister of Personnel Man Fen and others planned to together remove him. The plan leaked, and they were assailed by Si. Fen was murdered but Fu fled and managed to escape.
When Si was defeated by Zhang Fang, [he] summoned Fu to return and adminster as Governor of Henan, and when the King of Donhai, Yue, welcomed the Great Carriage, he used Ying as [General who] Leads the Army of the Centre. He had not yet gone when he moved to Colonel Minister of Personnel, concurrently Cavalier Regular Attendant, Acting with the Tally, Chief Controller of the Various Army Affairs at Mianchi.
When the Emperor returned to the palace, he set out to be General who Pacifies the East, Chief Controller of the Various Army Affairs of Yang province. He replaced Liu Zhun as General who Garrisons the East, and together with Zhou Ji and others he chastised Chen Min, wiping him out. For his merits he was ennobled Earl of Yongning.
Fu, who himself had gone through the mishaps of the era, always wished to safeguard and rectify the court's changes, his loyal feelings were sincere in the extreme. Since the King of Donghai, Yue, had not fully the steadfastness of a subject, he always told his opinion sharply. Yue deeply dreaded him. Fu observed the crowds of traitors were a blazing fire and that Luoyang was isolated and imperilled. He therefore built a strategy to welcome the Son of Heaven and move the capital to Shouchun. 4th Year of Yongjia [310 AD], he and Senior Clerk Wu Si and Marshal Yan Shi sent up a letter which said:
[We] did not consider the difficult cycle would carry on until this point! The Rong and Di invade one after the other, and the capital domain is imperilled and pressured. Your Subject on his own together with Zu Na, Pei Xian, Hua Tan, Sun Hui, and others, 30 people, humbly thought of a great plan. In all instances, as the people of Yin had the affairs of frequent moves, and the King of Zhou had the move of Qi Mountain, just now the royal capital is emptied, depleted and not possible to dwell in for long, north of the He is barren and bleak and Yao [mountain] and Han [valley] are hazardous and rugged, the Wan capital has frequently fallen and the Jiang-Han area has many troubles, at present in the flatlands the south-east is the better. The land of Huai-Yang to the north is blocked off by Tu Mountain, to the south is shielded by the Ling Peak, and famous rivers surround it in four directions, they have the strength of important defiles. This is why the people of Chu when they moved east thereupon took refuge at Shouchun. Xu, Pi and Donghai also are sufficiently defended and secure. Moreover canal transportation connects it in four directions, and there are no worries of deprivation and depletion.
Although the sagely sovereign is divinely astute, the primary supporters worthy and bright, dwelling frugally and defending restraint, and employed in guarding the ancestral temples, it is not as good as assessing the terrain and moving location, and so relish in eternal fortune. Your Subject has carefully selected 30 000 finest soldiers to serve in welcoming the august carriage. [I] on my own have called to arms the former Commander of Central Gentlemen of the North, Pei Xian, to act as Envoy Holding the Tally, Overseer of the Various Army Affairs of Yu province, and Commander of the Central Gentlemen of the East to swift as the wind proceed forthwith. Jing, Xiang, Jiang, Yang should each first transport the 4th Year's grain tax, 150 000 hu, and cloth and tabby silk, 140 000 bolts each, to provide for the great carriage. [I] have ordered Wang Jun and Gou Xi together to pacify north of the He, Your Subject and others will join forces to open the southern road. To move the capital and stop the robbers, these plans are both obtainable.
When the August Conveyance comes on tour, Your Subject ought to move to occupy Jiang province, to expand the royal boundaries. Knowing there is nothing [they] would not do is what the ancients applied themselves to do. [I] dare to be utterly loyal and sincere, in the hope of repaying one ten-thousandth. In the morning to succeed and in the evening to fall is still the ambition of a lifetime.
Yue was not in concord with Gou Xi, and Fu did not first inform Yue but straight away sent up the letter, and Yue was greatly angered. Before this, Yue summoned FU and the Grand Warden of Huainan, Pei Shou, but Fu was not willing to travel and he ordered Shou to lead the troops and advance first. Shou was disloyal to Fu and therefore raised up troops, claiming Fu instructed him on his own initiative. He had already received Yue's secret directive to plot against Fu. He then assaulted him but was defeated by Fu. Shuo withdrew to guard Dongcheng and sought help from Emperor Yuan. The Emperor dispatched the General who Spreads Power, Gan Zhuo, and the General who Establishes Power, Guo Yi, to attack Fu at Shouchun. The Grand Warden of Anfeng, Sun Hui, led a multitude in response to them, and had Xie Chi make a call to arms. Chi was Fu's former general. When Fu saw the call to arms, he, with tears flowing, said:
Surely it is Xie Chi's expressions.
Chi heard about it, and thereupon destroyed the draft. After ten days, Fu's multitudes dispersed and he ran to Xiang. He was seized by the King of Xincai, Que, The anxious frustration brought illness and he passed.
Earlier, at Hua Tan's loss of Lujiang, he went to Shouchun to rely on Fu. When Fu's army was defeated, he turned back to Emperor Yuan. The Emperor asked him, saying:
How did Zhou Zuxuan end up in rebellion?
Tan replied, saying:
Though Zhou Fu is dead, Under Heaven still has gentlemen of upright speech. Fu saw the robbers and traitors grow like vines, and the kingly power not being stirred. For that reason he wished to move the capital to loosen the state's difficulties. The elders of the regions were not of the same mind which consequently brought about their attack. Not even a season had gone past when the imperial capital was lost. If they had made to follow Fu's plan, in some cases it could have delayed the fall. Tracking back the circumstances and seeking the reality, how could he have been a rebel!
The Emperor said:
Fu held rank among [the Generals who] Conquer and Garrison. He held tight his troops in a corner of the region, when summoned he did not come, and during the danger he did not take care of it. He is also a criminal Under Heaven.
Tan said:
That is so. Fu shook his tassel at the central court and had a long standing reputation for exceptional intellect. He set out to occupy the peaks of a region and truly had the weight of special burdens. Yet lofty strategies were not lifted up, he from time to time neglected harmony, and during the danger he did not take care of it. He must together with Under Heaven accept his blame. However, to speak of him as a rebel, is it not also false!
The Emperor's thoughts started to open up.
Fu had two sons, Mi and Jiao. Mi, courtesy name Taixuan, was by nature unassuming and plain. At the time people declared him a pure scholar. His rank reached Gentleman of the Masters of Writing. Jiao, courtesy name Zhengxuan, also had talent and ability.
Chenggong Jian, courtesy name Zongshu, was a native of Dong commandery. His family had for generations been Two Thousand Shi officials. He was by nature simple and plain, did not seek glory and profit, and immersed his heart in savouring the Way, there was nothing which interfered with his aspirations. His soundless understanding was beyond other people. Zhang Maoxian always said:
Jian's pure serenity is comparable to Yang Ziyun, his soundless understanding imitates Zhang Anshi.
Later he became Gentleman of the Central Writers. At the time Fu had already become Colonel Minister of Personnel, and moved to General who Garrisons the East. Jian, since he himself, though his talent was lofty, yet was positioned below Fu, spoke to Fu, saying:
Yang Xiong was a Gentleman for three generations without being moved, and yet Wang Mang and Dong Xian ranked among the Three Ministers. Past and present follow the same principles, and that is all.
Fu was very ashamed of it. His official position reached Central Retainer to the Heir-Apparent and Cavalier Regular Attendant. At the end of Yongjia, he ran to Gou Xi, and was lost together with Xi.
[Zhang Maoxian = Zhang Hua. Yang Ziyun = Yang Xiong (53 BC – 18 AD).]
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Tagged by @cupofteaandstars for whom I would do anything, even work on my fic 😉
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
And so, I present to you Han Yeo-Jin's opinion of Hwang Is-Mok's Section Chief
Section Chief Oh stood proudly in front of a bank of cameras, swelling as he introduced his least favorite prosecutor as if he were a beloved son. Yeo-Jin restrained the urge to roll her eyes. 
Still, she knew that including this blow hard would likely score Si-Mok some points with his irritated superior. She smiled a bit to herself, thinking about how he’d balked at the idea of including  the Section Chief in this. He still had much to learn about diplomacy. 
Not that this was normally the sort of man that she would normally put on the nation’s stage. He’d come in, confident that no one could see the stain on his tie from his hastily consumed coffee. It was incredibly early, he’d complained, considering he’d had to put on some makeup so that he didn’t look too washed out in the lights. Yeo-Jin had held her tongue from pointing out that Si-Mok was wearing no makeup.
The flash of the photographer’s cameras glared off the man’s smarmy smile and greasy glasses.
Tagging @jessalrynn @theaggresivepacifist, @mangobone, @kdramas-ruined-my-life, and any other mutuals I have missed, show me your WIPs!
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This Nearly Crashed My Browser: Finding All 120+ Competitors
the current list
The Simpsons is known for it's utterly mind-boggling amount of episodes and characters, with its wiki having more than 5K entries in the character section. My job was to sift to through and pick out as many relevant characters as possible, while making some exclusions and exceptions. Here's how it went down:
The wiki's home page has a character tab with a dropdown with five category; Simpson Family, Krusty, At the SNPP, At Springfield Elementary, and Kids
Clicking on each tab will bring you to a page with all characters relevant to the category
-The Krusty tab is literally just Krusty, so I just found Channel 4 myself
In Simpson Family, I grabbed the core family, Snowball & SLH, Abe & Mona, Patty, Selma, and Ling
In Channel 4, I grabbed Krusty, Kent, Bumblebee Man, Sideshow Bob & Mel, Mr. Teeny, Itchy & Scratchy, and later I decided to expand it to celebrities, adding, Marvin Monroe, Troy McClure, Rainer Wolfcastle, Drederick Tatum, and just decided to stick Kang & Kodos here
In SNPP, I grabbed Mr. Burns, Smithers, Lenny & Carl, Blinky the Fish, Charlie, and the people's champion, "Just Stamp the Ticket" Man
In Springfield Elementary, I grabbed Skinner, Edna, Otto, Hoover, Largo, Willie, Chalmers, Krupt, and Doris
And in Kids, I grabbed Uter, Richard & Lewis, Database, Baby Gerald, Milhouse, Nelson, Wendell, Martin, Ralph, Rod & Todd, Sherri & Terri, Janey, and the Spuckler & Nahasapeemapetilon kids
I didn't find the bullies, Jimbo, Dolph, and Kearney in Kids, so I made a throwaway category, "Townies". After these three and over the course of tracking other characters, I grabbed Barney, Sam & Larry, Hans Moleman, Snake, Bleeding Gums, Julio & Grady, Jebediah Springfield, Disco Stu, Squeaky Voiced Teen, Cletus & Brandine, and the City of Shelbyville.
Next, I decided to look for Senior characters, which eventually evolved into the aptly named "Olds" category. This was pretty broad, but here I grabbed Ned & Maude Flanders, Kirk & Luann Van Houten, Marge's Mother, Jasper, Mrs. Muntz, Old Jewish Man (which is his title, apparently), Ruth Powers, Mrs. Glick, Crazy Cat Lady, Sarah Wiggum, Agnes, Manjula, and Matt Groening.
Researching this category, characters such as Apu and Fat Tony came to mind, but were excluded since they do stuff. So then I made the final category, "Career", characters who are most defined by their career. This was the largest category, with me grabbing Apu, Reverend & Helen Lovejoy, Lionel Hutz, Moe, Dr Hibbert & Nick, Fat Tony, Legs & Louie, Johnny Tightlips, Frankie the Squealer, Judge Constance, The Salty Sea Captain & The Rich Texan, Mayor Quimby, Cookie Kwan, Blue-Haired Lawyer, Lindsey Naegle, Roger Meyers Jr, Gil, Comic Book Guy, Chief Wiggum, Officers Eddie & Lou, Herman, Italian Chef (not calling him f-ing Luigi Risotto), and Duffman.
Finally, the characters I forgot or couldn't originally fit, being Herbert, Allison, Rabbi Krustofsky, Artie Ziff, Shauna Chalmers, Kumiko Albertson, and Raphael the Wisecrack.
Exclusions and the Vaguest of Vague Rules
While constructing the list, at the start I avoided adding Allison, Herbert, and the Rabbi. In my mind, these were one-time guest stars, like Hank Scorpio and Frank Grimes, but I decided to include them as Allison became a Janey-like figure, Herbert got a follow-up episode in Season 3, and the Rabbi appeared on occasion with speaking roles. Characters I will never add would either be real-people, with the exception of Matt Groening, one-off guest stars, and set-dressing characters that don't impact main characters, such as Martin's parents, the other workers at the nuclear plant, and Sideshow Bob's wife and child.
Of course, I can bend the rules. If you think of a character that could be included, tell me in anyway you can and I'll decide on it or create a public poll. Why, just typing this up I thought of Flanders' parents, the Vegas wives, and Princess Kashmir, who could all be argued for or against!
Thanks for reading, and look forward to deciding polls and soon enough, a bracket! Asks always open!
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seawherethesunsets · 1 year
So happy to see more scenes for section chief Han /swoons/
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alyssapremium · 1 year
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i can smell 2nd lead syndrome. brb sobbing in advance
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ryqoshay · 2 years
Unstable World: Temporary Respite
Flagship: YohaRiko Vanguard Ships: none that are important Words: ~2.4k Rating: T? Fandom: Love Live Sunshine, Love Live, Love Live Nijigasaki AU: A dimension other than ours Time Frame: ??? Event: step! zero to one! Event Source: Idol Fanfic Heaven channel on Discord Content Warnings: Depictions of War, Fantasy Violence
Author’s Note: First chapter of two that I’m posting today, so please be sure to read both in the correct order to avoid confusion.
Summary: The aftermath of a devastating battle
Riko opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling.
She was in her room, in her bed. Yet she shifted uncomfortably.
It was not all that uncommon for her clingy wife to pull her into an awkward position in the middle of the night with her nearly endless desire for the comfort of contact. Usually, Riko would wake up just enough to adjust her position, but when she didn’t, it sometimes resulted with her waking up to a pinched nerve or sore spot or whatever.
Of course, Riko couldn’t really blame her wife, as she herself very much enjoyed cuddling as well. Behind closed doors. In the privacy of their room. Not out and about where they were supposed to be the highest leaders in the Empire. And certainly not places like on the bridge in the middle of battle.
Battle. Bridge. Empire… Memories flooded Riko’s mind.
“Yocchan!” she cried, twisting to the side where her wife usually slept.
But Yoshiko wasn’t there.
In all of the time they had been together, Yoshiko had never awakened before Riko, regularly whining about wanting to sleep in later and cuddle more. Occasionally, Yoshiko had awakened in the middle of the night after a nightmare about her time in Paragon captivity, but that was different.
A knock at the door startled Riko out of her panic. Was that Yoshiko? Wait, no, why would her wife knock?
“Sakurauchi-san?” Riko recognized the voice of their chief medical officer. “It seems you are awake, so I am coming in.”
“Yes, come in.”
The door opened and the medical alchemist stepped in. “It is good to see you awake, Ma’am.” She said with a bow.
Riko decided to eschew her own formalities as there were more pressing issues. “Have you seen my wife? Where is Yocchan?”
Nakamura took an uneasy breath. “Emperor Tsushima is… under surveillance.”
Nakamura shook her head. “I’m sorry, that was a poor word choice. We are monitoring her condition.”
“Is she alright?”
“We… we’re not sure, to be honest.”
“What do you mean? Let me see her.” Riko started to get out of bed.
“There will be time for that later.” Nakamura placed a hand on Riko’s shoulder. “Right now, I need to make sure you’re alright.”
“I’m fine.” Riko insisted.
“You’ve been asleep for almost two days.”
“What… I… I don’t care, I need to see Yocchan.”
“Sakurauchi-san, please.” Nakamura looked like she was aiming to place her other hand on Riko’s other shoulder, but instead, diverted down to her waist.
For some reason, the movement struck Riko as strange, and she followed Nakamura’s hand with her gaze.
Wait… Where was her arm? Her arm was… gone? Was that why she had been unable to reach out to Yoshiko as she fell? Had that kraken thing tried to attack her? Or had it been aiming at Yoshiko?
“Riko-chan, you’re alright!” a relieved voice came from the doorway.
Riko looked past Nakamura. “Hanamaru-chan? What are you doing here?”
“I’m here to ask your permission to give you this, zura.” The Master Alchemist held up what looked like a metal arm.
“First of its kind.” Hanamaru stated proudly. “The URS has been making stuff like this for a little while, but with reverse engineered Paragon tech. Instead, Maru and her team built on our battle mech tech to make a more compact, less weaponized, utilitarian version. Also, it is able to be controlled directly, zura!” She pointed to what looked like wires protruding from within the shoulder section.
Riko looked again to where her arm should have been. “Alright.” She said after a moment of consideration. “Thank you, Hanamaru-chan.”
“Great.” Hanamaru smiled. “Then, let’s…”
“But I need to see Yocchan first.”
“Kunikida-san.” Nakamura protested.
“I’m going.” Riko stated.
Nakamura sighed. “Fine, but at least take this.” She produced a small vial from her coat and removed the cork.
Riko accepted and downed the rejuvenating liquid. “Thank you.”
“Let’s get you changed. You’re not going out to sea like that.”
“Out to sea?” Riko repeated. “Why is Yocchan out at sea?”
“I’ll explain on the way.” Hanamaru offered. “We’ll take my rotorblade.”
Not more than fifteen minutes later, Riko was accepting Hanamaru’s help climbing into the passenger seat of the artificer’s aircraft.
“So,” Riko said, after turning on her communication device “please explain to me why our empire’s leader is being monitored out at sea.”
“Basically, it’s because of what she did at the end of the battle.” Hanamaru said as they took off. “Or rather, what she did to end the battle, zura.”
“And that is?”
“She got big. Like really big. Bigger than the Datenshi big.”
“What? How?”
“We don’t know, zura.”
“Can the Paragon do that?”
“We’ve never seen such abilities from them before.” Hanamaru shrugged. “I mean that squid thing was gigantic, but preliminary findings from the arm we recovered suggest it was already that size when the Paragon afflicted it.”
“But that doesn’t explain why she’s being kept out at sea…”
“Oh, you can see for yourself here, zura.” Hanamaru pulled a small device out of her pocket and handed it to Riko. “Miyashita-san recorded most of it.”
Riko examined the device for a moment before turning it on. A projection like those of the maps on the Datenshi was emitted, except much smaller and in realistic shapes and colors, not inked outlines.
“You figured that out fast, zura. I’m still amazed at what Rina-chan has been able to build without the need for magic or alchemy.”
Riko hummed neutrally as she focused on the projection. It seemed Ai started recording immediately upon arriving in the engagement zone. Riko fussed with the device a bit and was able to skip forward.
The tentacle appeared. Yoshiko saved Setsuna. Closer. The beak attacked once. Twice. There.
Riko winced as she saw Yoshiko and herself caught in the nigh invisible blast. Yoshiko caught Riko and hauled her back up by Prelude’s cockpit frame. She then timed a teleport to dodge another blast from the kraken, leaving no doubt that she or Riko were now its target. Or both.
Next, Phobetor returned and grabbed Prelude’s remaining arm in his jaws before flying back towards a listing Datenshi. Yoshiko turned her wrath on the behemoth. She probably wanted to attack at close range, but she had just ordered a barrage on her target, so it was being actively shelled. Thus, she resigned to adding as many daggers as she could manage to summon at once and adding them to the barrage.
“Yocchan, look out.” Riko couldn’t help murmuring, as though her wife could hear her.
From her vantage point, Yoshiko either could not see or hear the beak preparing its next attack or was too angry to be paying proper attention. And Riko watched helplessly as Yoshiko took the full brunt of the next blast.
Riko held her breath.
Wait… what was that?
Riko moved the device closer. Was that… an eye?
Where Yoshiko had been a moment ago, there was now a giant floating eye. And it was getting bigger. And bigger. And…
The kraken attacked again.
The eye did not dodge, nor even blink. But when the blast passed, shimmering gold began to form around the eye, extending vertically in both directions. Then two more eyes appeared, set in the expanding gold.
The chaos of battle began to subside as all combatants, enemy and ally alike, turned and stared in wonder as the gold curved to form a colossal ring, with eyes all along its rim.
As soon as the ring was complete, it duplicated. Then again. The trio of rings slowly begin to turn around a common center, where an even larger eye appeared. Finally, seven huge, white wings sprung forth from the strange entity. The entity that was… Yoshiko?
The central eye turned its gaze on the kraken beak for a long moment. The beak looked like it was about to prepare another attack when it suddenly burst into flames.
“Wha…?” Riko uttered. Did she miss the attack?
The flames grew in intensity, forming a massive pillar that engulfed one of the carriers and two accompanying destroyers.
The eye’s gaze shifted, and the third carrier ignited. The eye shifted again and…
The recording ended.
“Wait, what?” Riko nearly dropped the device. “Did Yocchan attack Ai-chan?”
“I think a ship or enemy behind her, zura.” Hanamaru proposed. “Miyashita-san said something about accidentally ending the recording as she was scared she had been attacked. But she’s fine.
“Yoshiko-chan destroyed the entire rest of the Paragon fleet without hurting any of our troops, even those engaged in close combat. Mari-chan said it was as though the flames refused to burn her, though I’m not sure if that meant she tried to touch them or something, zura.”
“Is that why Yocchan is way out here?” Riko asked. “Because she’s like… that?”
Hanamaru shook her head. “You’ll see in a moment.”
With that, Hanamaru took her rotorblade down to one of the Empire’s mobile sea bases. The floating platforms were most often used by fleets to resupply, refuel and relax between patrols, and thus were usually bustling with activity. But only the Charon was docked and Riko could see the rest of the fleet dispersed through the area surrounding the base.
“This way, zura.” Hanamaru beckoned Riko follow.
The two women made their way to the open area in the middle of the base, where a sizable tent had been set up.
“Ri… Grand Admiral.” You called as they neared. “You’re alright.”
“More or less.” Riko replied.
You cast a concerned glance toward Hanamaru, though Riko did not see what expression was returned.
“I’m here to see her.” Riko stated.
“Y-yes, of course.” You nodded. “Right this way.” She held open one of the door flaps.
Riko stepped through… And stopped.
The tent was empty, save a bed in the middle. On it was a woman that could have possibly been Yoshiko, except her hair was white. Stark white. Whiter than the gown she was wearing, the sheets on which she lay, or the cat sleeping beside her. Nearly shimmering white.
“Uhm, be careful if you’re going to approach.” You’s voice came from outside the tent. “It… gets a little warm.”
Riko steeled her resolve and strode toward her wife. The warmth You mentioned was noticeable, but tolerable, right up to the last meter, when it increased sharply, causing Riko to pause again. But she clenched her jaw and took the final steps.
“Yocchan.” She called softly as she arrived at the side of the bed.
No response.
Well, the cat looked up at her.
“Phobetor? Is that you?”
“So it would seem.” Came the response.
“You look… different.”
“Indeed. But pay it no mind. You are here to see my master, are you not?”
“Right.” Riko nodded. “Yocchan.” She called again, this time leaning over so she could place a hand on her wife’s cheek.
Still no response.
A scene from story Riko loved flashed through her mind. No, that was a silly, overused romance trope. There was no way it would actually work… right? Besides, You and Hanamaru were watching. So was Phobetor, but she had long since become used to that.
Riko leaned down even more and gently pressed her lips against Yoshiko’s.
As she was about to stand back up, arms suddenly wrapped around her, pulling her back down.
“Riri?” A meek voice asked.
“Yes, Yocchan, I’m here.”
Yoshiko’s words were muffled against Riko’s shoulder as she tightened her embrace. A moment later, Riko felt moisture seeping into her shirt.
“I was so scared.” Riko could barely understand Yoshiko. “I thought I had lost everyone. I thought I had lost… you… I thought…”
“No, you saved everyone.” Riko replied gently.
“… your arm…”
“I’m fine.” I think… “Hanamaru-chan invented a replacement for me.”
Riko wasn’t sure how long the two of them stayed like that, but eventually, Yoshiko let her arms relax. However, she whined when Riko decided to stand back up, staring at her with pleading golden eyes.
Wait, golden eyes?
“Yoshiko-chan, you’re finally awake!” Hanamaru’s voice interrupted Riko’s confusion.
Yoshiko quickly wiped her eyes on her sleeve, then sneered at it. “Why’d you guys dress me in white?”
“I thought it would suit your new look.” You offered, stepping up beside Hanamaru.
“New look?”
Hanamaru produced a mirror from her coat that by all rights should not have fit in it, except that those gathered knew she had lined its pockets with pocket dimensions.
“Wha…?” Yoshiko grabbed the mirror and stared into it. She continued to gape silently for a few more seconds, before pulling some of her hair to inspect closer as if to confirm the mirror wasn’t lying. Finally, she looked up at Riko.
Riko smiled. “You’re still my Yocchan, no matter how your appearance may have changed.”
That seemed to relieve Yoshiko significantly.
“Admiral Watanabe!” a voice called from the entry.
“Yes, Lieutenant?” You turned to address her subordinate.
“Admiral Matsuura just surfaced. The scavenger fleet she was guarding found something that she wants you to see.” He turned. “Ah, Kunikida-san, you’re here. You will definitely want to see this as well.”
“I’m coming too.” Yoshiko stated, swinging her bare legs off the side of the bed and hopping off, not seeming to be bothered by her bare feet on the deck.
Riko found herself wondering if the heat being given off by Yoshiko was the reason she didn’t mind being underdressed for the weather outside the tent.
“Riko-chan, Yoshiko-chan!” Kanan greeted from across the deck. “Good to see you both back on your feet. Hanamaru-chan, here.” She held out a strange contraption.
Hanamaru retrieved a lens from her coat, one Riko knew had dozens more settings than the one installed in Prelude, but were tuned for careful analysis rather than battlefield assistance.
“Zura…” Hanamaru murmured.
“What is it?” Yoshiko pressed.
“My initial readings identify this as the thing the Paragon used to open the rifts to our world.”
“Oh? Didn’t Rina get her hands on something similar and use it to make their RDD packs?”
Hanamaru shook her head. “This is different. This contains the dimensional coordinates of the location from which they attacked. And the ability to open a rift back.”
Yoshiko breathed sharply. “You’re saying this could allow us to take the fight to the Paragon?”
“I think so.”
The emperor’s eyes hardened. “Then that is exactly what we’re going to do.”
Author’s Note Continued: I ended up going a bit over the hard cap for the event’s allowed word count, at least for my chosen tier. As such, I reviewed this chapter and the next to see what I could cut out to reduce count. Wow, I really have a habit of using two or three words when one will do. Que zura, zura, I guess that’s just my style.
4 notes · View notes
dbgdbw · 9 months
644.My Story
내 이야기
Whether I seized his lapels and rattled him about, or went to yank his hair out by the roots–as though it was a foregone conclusion that all of it would be futile, he appeared completely at ease. And that was the truth, I supposed. When he’d already been someone you’d be hard pressed to shake, that trait was probably even worse at present. Maybe I should’ve said I’d buzz his hair down to the scalp to make him a baldie, instead of going for the throat. At least then, no matter how high and mighty he might act, he should want to avoid that outcome a little. I could get the locks I sheared off certified by Seseung Guild, then put it up for auction. If it was that guy’s hair, then it would probably sell for a high price. Get your just-plucked Sung Hyunjae hair, freshly ripped out. No pesticides, organically-grown, free-range–well, alright, cross out that last bit, on account of the forcible detention by Crescent Moon.
Debating whether I should pull a fake-out while pretending to grab him by the neck, and go for the head instead to give it a good shake, I made to approach Sung Hyunjae. But before I could do so.
“Hyung, hold on.”
Yoohyunie pulled me back, and Section Chief Song-nim moved to stand in front of Sung Hyunjae.
“Please do not recklessly approach him.”
“Section Chief Song-nim?”
“He is not the usual Seseung guild leader, is he not.”
As though the sense-sharing had allowed him to verify it, Song Taewon spoke heavily.
“Initially, it was my assumption that a mishap may have occurred where it comes to his memory, as Hunter Sung Hyunjae’s attitude towards Han Yoojin-ssi seemed to correspond with his attitude from half a year ago.”
He glanced briefly back at Sung Hyunjae.
“He is able to interpret my movements even more accurately than he does at present. At the same time, it is my impression that his appraisal of my abilities appears to find me somewhat lacking.”
“I see Song Taewon-ssi is still the same as ever.”
The corners of Sung Hyunjae’s lips turned up into a smile. Song Taewon’s brows slanted, pensively furrowed together.
“…would you be Hunter Sung Hyunjae pre-regression, perhaps.”
“This calls for a round of applause, no. To think you’d be able to pinpoint me so readily, it does make me so overjoyed.”
It sounded sardonic, but at the same time, seemed to be genuine as well. Joy… He would feel joyful, I supposed. To this Sung Hyunjae, it would’ve been as though someone who had died had come back to life, with Song Taewon. Sung Hyunjae’s gaze on Song Taewon looked inextricably fond.
“You seem to be healthier than the last I saw you, with none unaccounted for. Perhaps a feeling that you’ve become touch softer–Song Taewon-ssi, could it be that you’re embroiled in a relationship, hm?”
“It is not the case.”
“Is it too soon after regressing, perhaps. Song Taewon-ssi’s wedding, was quite enjoyable.”
“Section Chief Song-nim, you’re married?!”
Oh my god, with who? Who had he gotten married to? Was it someone I knew, or was it one of his fellow Hunter coworkers? Considering Section Chief Song-nim’s personality, it didn’t seem like he would’ve been okay marrying a non-Awakened, or a low-rank Hunter, so–was it perhaps Hyuna-ssi? Letting out a short sigh, Section Chief Song-nim looked over at me.
“It is not the case, Han Yoojin-ssi.”
“…eh? I mean–I wasn’t thinking of anything at all, sir.”
“It was patently in jest. As with Hunter Moon Hyuna.”
O-of course I’d known that was the case! Song Taewon fixed Sung Hyunjae with a hard look once again.
“Please name your objective.”
“I wished to impart a final farewell to those that I had lost.”
In contrast to Song Taewon, Sung Hyunjae spoke in a gentle tone. Whereas he would’ve been able to send me a postcard, he wouldn’t have been able to give Section Chief Song-nim’s gravesite a single proper visit. Reluctantly, I felt bad for–.
“Please name your objective.”
Section Chief Song-nim frostily repeated the question, as though warning him against any scheming. Ah, that’s… Sung Hyunjae wouldn’t actually show up like this just to say farewell, true. Most definitely not through possession, instead of his original body. And even if the Sung Hyunjae of the present had offered him the opportunity to begin with, wouldn’t he have turned it down, on account of finding the whole thing unpleasant. Though it seemed like he might be open to taking the spot by force, on the other hand.
“My, how callous. I see the Haeyeon guild leader also looks to be faring well. The last time we’d come across one another, the circumstances had been quite similar. Had it been about a fortnight before Song Taewon-ssi’s demise, perhaps. While concealing your inebriated hyung away, you warned me not to meddle any further.”
“…Yoohyunie had, sir? In person?”
“There are precious few people capable of barring the Seseung guild leader’s way, no. Back then, your hand as it steadied Han Yoojin-ssi had seemed considerably unsure and hesitant.”
Sung Hyunjae’s eyes curved mirthfully as he looked towards Yoohyunie and myself.
“It’s become exceedingly natural now, I see.”
Unconsciously, I turned to look at Yoohyunie. A shadow seemed to have stolen over his face. Hearing about the events from pre-regression had to be discomfiting for him, after all.
“Was it really true that you never came back, once you left Korea after Section Chief Song-nim’s passing, sir? …did you really have to leave all by yourself, too?”
Leaving Seseung Guild behind, on top of Section Chief Song-nim’s grave. Even if he was someone who would flourish well enough on his own, he wouldn’t have been devoid of any affection towards his guild. It shouldn’t have been that he’d really had no regrets left at all, right.
“Though it might not’ve been the case for me, the Seseung Guild members followed you around loyally enough, didn’t they, sir. And Soyoung-ssi seemed to like Sung Hyunjae-ssi in her own way, too. Not to mention Vantis-ssi, as well as Evelyn-ssi…….”
“The Hunter Miller of now, you’re saying that she harbors affections for me?”
Sung Hyunjae said, as though quite startled. Ah, um.
“Of course, sir. She’s residing in Korea at the moment, like I’ve said.”
Coming all the way to Korea just to take him as her boss, it should mean that she likely harbored positive feelings towards him, right. At any rate, Soyoung-ssi had also mentioned her preference for his face, so Evelyn-ssi might be in the same camp as well. At the very least, she’d be drawn to the salary or Items provided by said guild leader, probably.
“Despite all that, setting out on your lonesome. Couldn’t you’ve just holed yourself up inside your house instead, sir.”
Foolhardily leaving home to go herd some sheep or some bullshit, while sending that damnable postcard. I felt my emotions surging up again. Erasing someone else’s memory, then scuttling away to Switzerland? How did that even seem remotely okay. No matter how many times I thought about it, it pissed me off.
“It was in order to unwrap the gift I’d been bequeathed from Song Taewon-ssi, you see.”
약탈 [掠奪]. There was no way Sung Hyunjae would’ve simply left that power be.
“As it was a power designed to ‘swallow’ me, a mere slip could’ve resulted in collateral damage. I could hardly let such a painstakingly crafted gravesite be desecrated in such a way. Though it might be an empty grave, as it were.”
“…in order to assure the safety of those in the vicinity?”
“In addition to those things that I had cultivated.”
For a moment, golden eyes flashed with a cold light. A sharp edge glinted within them as they curved laughingly.
“I had observed my fill of those being crushed underfoot, should I say.”
The tip of a finger tapped lightly against his own temple.
“As the memories may have been erased, but the emotions yet linger.”
The one who had crushed Sung Hyunjae–as well as the things Sung Hyunjae had built to that point–underfoot.
“Would it be Crescent Moon, sir.”
“For there was little chance that she would leave me, as I sought my independence, to my devices. Whether it entailed the tearing away of the contract, or of becoming consumed by that Shadow.”
“…the latter prospect really seems ill-suited to Sung Hyunjae-ssi, sir.”
Sung Hyunjae's taking on of the 약탈 [掠奪], in the end, was no different from choosing suicide. Instead of replying, Sung Hyunjae inclined his neck slightly. No matter what circumstances he might be subjected to, he would never be one to forfeit his own life. That much was clear, even based on mere observation of him up till now. But the moment he had ‘waxed’ into a Full Moon through Crescent Moon’s hands, he had changed into something not himself.
For someone who loved himself dearly, could there exist a more abhorrent fate.
“Hold on a moment, sir–perhaps.”
Sung Hyunjae had been searching for the traces of his pre-regressed self. And then had been possessed. The wedding venue was set to take place in the Alps, and the place Sung Hyunjae had retreated to pre-regression was, coincidentally, also in the Alps. Normally, it would be out of the question to expect traces of pre-regression events to remain, but.
“Did Crescent Moon really appear then, sir? That’s to say, in Switzerland, I mean!”
“By utilizing a Dungeon Break to intervene. Owing to that incident, I am able to stand here before you.”
“Did something happen? Sir?”
Touching his hand to the collar of his shirt, Sung Hyunjae replied.
“Han Yoojin-ssi, I believe that the recompense for winning was a throttling, and not intel.”
…what a cheapskate! Fine, if only because I felt wronged, I’d give you a throttling alright!
“Yoohyun-ah, let go.”
“But hyung. The Seseung guild leader right now’s dangerous.”
“It’s alright, that jackass is someone who still keeps his promises. Section Chief Song-nim, please don’t worry and let me pass for a moment, if you would.”
Pushing Yoohyunie’s hands off me, I advanced with measured steps. After hesitating for a moment, Section Chief Song-nim cooperatively moved aside. 저벅저벅, I plodded up to Sung Hyunjae. Sung Hyunjae leaned forward again at his waist. For someone who was offering up his neck outright, he appeared as relaxed as ever. Even if I leave myself this defenseless in front of you, you won’t be able to inflict any harm on me–that kind of blasé confidence.
You must think of me as real pathetic, huh, asshole. With no plans of refusing, I seized him by his collar. Though I yanked back with all of my strength, he didn’t budge an inch from where he’d bent down. He was making it clear–that it would only go as far as he himself allowed, and no further. That even if it seemed like I’d been able to push the boundary, in reality, it was only with his tacit approval that it had been permissible.
“Sung Hyunjae-ssi.”
My voice low, I opened my mouth.
“As you’ve said, yeah. It might not’ve been my story, after all.”
I might’ve just been a bystander, who’d only been able to look in from the outside. I hadn’t been aware of anything in detail, and my memories had been erased in the end. A minor character that only made a brief cameo, I probably would’ve only been something like that.
“But this is my story now.”
Now, no matter what anyone said.
“A story where I can even subjugate and throttle the asshole who thinks his station allows him to wipe others’ memories.”
Golden eyes laughed.
“Of course, it’s Han Yoojin-ssi’s story.”
He soothed, as though in praise. It felt like a swear was about to leave my mouth.
“Shall I extend my apologies, then, for having erased your memories.”
“Only through words?”
“What might you be after, then.”
“Nothing much, just something about the level of throttling.”
“If it merely amounts to such, well, I don't see why not.”
Oh? I let go of his collar. And immediately launched my body at Sung Hyunjae’s head. Even if you had your battle foresight, you wouldn’t have been able to predict that I’d do this!
“You goddamn bastard! I’ll rip all of the hairs from your head!”
Get a load of that fucking attitude! The rest of us were just pitiful worms, huh! With a fistful of washed-out locks clenched in each hand, I grimly dangled from his head. Damn S-rank, even the roots of his hair were reinforced. Yoohyunie was taken aback, of course, and Section Chief Song-nim seemed shocked as well. Even Sung Hyunjae, actually. I could faintly hear Myungwoo’s ‘Yoojin-ah…’’ from somewhere yonder.
“‘Wait’, yeah right! You’re staying like this until it comes out, even if it takes all night!”
Damn, these hairs were strong as hell! How had not even one strand come out yet!
“Listen here! ‘It’s not Han Yoojin’s story’, huh? Huh? What I said about that being a possibility, I take it back! It was my story back then, and it’s my story now, and it’s still going!”
If just regressing would’ve been enough to wipe the slate clean, then I wouldn’t be here doing this to begin with! It was only because back then had happened, that the present had been made possible.
“Hyung! You might get injured like that! I’ll cut it for you, okay?”
“Han Yoojin-ssi, your fingers may become damaged by the strands. Please employ a weapon instead!”
“Yoojin-ah, should I forge a pair of scissors for you that’ll work on S-rank hair too? To make it easier to cut the locks.”
“Just you stay put, alright! I’m going to pull out exactly one strand!”
Bracing the soles of my feet on Sung Hyunjae’s shoulder and chest, I jerked his hair with all of my strength. Sung Hyunjae caught hold of my waist, but perhaps because he’d made that promise, didn’t attempt to forcibly pry me off.
“If it’s someone else’s story, then why do I have to suffer like this, huh! From beginning to end, this is my story! It might be your story, but it’s also my story at the same time! Do you think you live all alone in this world, huh? Huh? It’s mine, and I’m not going to have it taken from me anymore! No–what I mean is, give it back!”
“If you’ll, calm down–for Han Yoojin-ssi to manage to pull one out, appears too tall of an order.”
“So who told you to Awaken as an S-rank, then! If you were an F-rank, I would’ve finished tearing all of it out from the get-go!”
“Hyung! Your fingers are bleeding!”
Because I’d wrapped them around my fingers to get a good grip, I’d ended up getting cut up a bit after all. How disgustingly reinforced! Then again, if it wasn’t so strong, then it seemed likely that a slip-up during a Dungeon raid could end up with all of it being sheared off by a monster, or some other unfortunate outcome.
“I’m only letting you off the hook because the others are worried about me, sir!”
Releasing his hair, I dropped down to the floor. I did feel a little bit better, at least. Yoohyunie quickly scanned over my palms.
“The wound on your palm’s gotten worse now!”
“That’s, well. Since I wasn’t able to pull any out, this time doesn’t count! I still have one more attempt, sir!”
“I shall bear that in mind.”
Sung Hyunjae answered, vaguely carding his disheveled locks back into place. Even after being yanked around like that, it didn’t look bad on him, with that damnable face. He went on to lightly flex the hand he’d used to support my middle.
“I see you’ve gotten a bit smaller, and your muscle volume has decreased as well.”
“… that’s because he’d worked as a Hunter for longer than I have, sir.”
The hell did you get off comparing us!
“You seem to have reduced in weight overall, and grown a touch softer around your middle–”
“Piss off about my body, sir!”
It wasn’t like I didn’t have any, okay! I’d been diligently running around for over half a year since regressing too! Did you think muscles just grew overnight, huh? This is why I just can’t with S-ranks!
“To be frank, hyung, it’s true that you’ve gotten thinner than you’d been pre-regression.”
Yoohyunie said worriedly, as he healed my hand.
“Since you had a good foundation then, and hyung’s body isn’t on the feeble side to begin with.”
“It was merely the presence of several high-ranked Hunters in his vicinity that had made his own frame seem smaller in juxtaposition, as I recall that he registered above average in stature still.”
Even Section Chief Song-nim chimed in with something. In case Myungwoo decided to join them as well, I hurried to provide an explanation.
“No-o, even then, my intercostal muscles should be better, probably……? It’s just that I haven’t been following a stringent regiment, d’you know how much exercise just watching the kids ends up being!”
In the end, even Myungwoo opened his mouth to speak.
“For one’s health, it’s said that structured lifestyle habits are what’s necessary. Recently, have you made it at least a week while making sure to eat all three meals on time?”
“That’s, the time difference! It’s because of the time difference! We’re in France, right! Not to mention, it’s completely different from Korea, down to even the water!”
While busily running my mouth, I shot Sung Hyunjae a baleful look. Just, why did you have to go and bring up something useless!
“We’ve still not heard your objective.”
Section Chief Song-nim spoke to Sung Hyunjae. Using his finger, Sung Hyunjae beckoned to indicate that he should come closer. Then, he whispered something to him in his ear. When I turned back to look at Yoohyunie, he shook his head. He’d spoken at a volume even an S-rank wouldn’t be able to overhear, it seemed.
Section Chief Song-nim’s expression soon turned stiff. After stoically listening to what he had to say, he let out a sigh.
“Understood, for the time being.”
“What did he say, sir?”
Sung Hyunjae glanced at me and laughed soundlessly.
“If Han Yoojin-ssi will accept my message, then I shall divulge it as well.”
“No thanks.”
Not saying unless we were on the same team, what a cop-out.
[ The practice round has concluded. ]
The message arrived, belatedly. So now what did we need to do, then. Did we need to call up our crews to have a good ol’ fashioned brawl, or something.
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geunseo: goes out of their way to describe stw as good-looking, soft (esp his inner monologue), and smol (for an s-rank, by emphatically mentioning how he’s ‘the runt of the litter and that’s why he’s small for how big he should be’); notes that he’s ‘repressed but wants shj to push him down and dominate him’; has him refer to shj in a way that it can be construed as calling him ‘dear’, the way you would to your husband; emphasizes how he’s smaller in stature than shj, and discloses shj’s weight by drawing comparisons w stw in particular; makes stw the one person shj’s personally possessive over; talks abt how foreign hunters would bring him courting gifts and bouquets while he’s on his world-hopping trips w shj; how they have a secret code only they understand bc it’s based on their privately shared experiences; repeatedly tells the audience that shj+mha+hyj all find him ‘cute/adorable’; that stw is the Shadow to shj's Light, and was literally created to takemade for him—
webtoon: goes out of its way to make him blocky and ugly to justify not pairing him w shj by forcing a ‘rival’ dynamic :)))
bc like tbh this type of coupling is fairly popular among sclass’s primary demographic, aka korean women in their mid 20s~early 30s (hence yj(the protagonist)’s age, bc it’s working-age folks who have the disposable income to invest in their hobbies/interests (which is webnovel chs, in this case), not students)… along w the ‘연하남(younger male)’ type(=yh)…
geunseo afterword excerpt:
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for example: when sung hyunjae’s chains slide over his body while retaining an electrical charge, because of the strobing light effect it illuminates him with, the shadows on his face are constantly shifting. this creates quite the striking image, particularly at night. not only his face, but his entire body, as well as the opponent he’s fighting, become cast in a perpetual dance of light and shadow–but there wasn’t a way to effectively illustrate this with words. since describing one by one the refraction of the light playing off of them and how the shadows were cast so on and so forth, couldn’t be penned down. although a visual medium(영상) would have been able to showcase things immediately, considering.  * the very first topic was that of ‘regression’. as, even if you were to turn back time, the memories of the time lived would still exist, it becomes impossible to re-invoke the same experience. as ‘regression’ entails the ‘regrets of one’s own life’ and the longing to ‘make things go back’, the main character’s overarching character development manifests as ‘an ability to accept the past while also seeing himself as he is in the present’. han yoohyun was designed to be han yoojin’s destination(목표), as the lingering regret of his life(삶의 미련), while sung hyunjae was developed to be the path(과정) to that goal, as a self-assured embodiment of han yoojin's ‘ideal self’. without even names assigned then, that was their foundational framework. * ...eventually, in a different city, they also encounter a Light(빛) that wishes to be free. ‘while i’ve been given no choice but to live on in perpetuity, i’ve heard word of a Shadow(그림자) somewhere that can swallow Light’...
Q) i was wondering what circumstances or thoughts might’ve influenced you during the creation of the character called sung hyunjae A) some elements of sung hyunjae’s character originated from something i briefly entertained, far before i began writing the novel^^ at the time, while reading fantasy novels–primarily modern fantasy–it occurred to me that ‘these protagonists really do nothing but work, couldn’t they have someone else take care of some things and play around a bit’. without the intention to turn it into a novel, it went along the lines of ‘what would be necessary to allow the protagonist to be able to play around’, ‘the protagonist usually ends up making enemies with a prestigious guild’, ‘wouldn’t [playing around] be feasible, if they could boss around a really capable guild leader’. while fantasizing, i ended up envisioning a guild leader that was a similar type to sung hyunjae and evelyn. since they’d be doing the work of the protagonist for them, they’d have to be immensely capable. from there, ‘then, how do i have that renowned guild leader help the protagonist without requiring payment, lacking any reasonable cause‘ ‘would something like a curse, that makes the protagonist feel like one’s deceased parents or lover, work?’ was something that was repurposed to be the keyword application effect, and also involved in ‘progression’. however, if someone else does all the work for the protagonist, then they no longer end up being the protagonist, so it only ended as a foolish notion. and so, han yoojin ended up working diligently ^^ when ‘the s-rank that i raised’ novel was in its beginning storyboarding stages, one of sung hyunjae’s first keywords was ‘a character who does the things that a protagonist might do from beside the protagonist, and therefore ended up a main character’. by taking a being who held the potential to become a protagonist in whichever world, and then having him go through many worlds in practice–but also providing him with a strong enough ego(self-identity) to endure through the process–the current sung hyunjae ended up coming into being.  ‘the main character who stands at the top’ and ‘his relationship with crescent moon’ gave rise to his traits such as light(빛), chains(사슬), the lightning(번개) and name(복성) that complement him, et cetera. even so, as he’s not the protagonist within the novel, i invested a lot of attention towards this and that to ensure han yoojin wouldn’t end up overshadowed.
Q) i’m curious how the character ‘song taewon’ was born A) as mentioned in the novel, song taewon ‘originated’ from the Eclipse(월식), in order to impede(block) sung hyunjae. the Shadow whose purpose is to swallow the Moon was born as a human, and by growing in accordance with the environment around him, ‘song taewon’ was made. if that environment had been different–if the events with his dongsaeng hadn’t transpired–then song taewon’s personality probably would’ve been somewhat altered. it might’ve been the case that, even before the novel could begin, he’d awaken as the Eclipse, preventing the story from coming to pass altogether. because of that, song taewon’s disposition(성향) of repressing himself coming to be born was an indispensable element.
Q) in order to clasp a leash on song taewon, who is a high-ranking government official, i imagine that plenty of marriage interview requests would’ve come in from political and commercial circles; was song taewon the type to just show his face an adequate amount at those kinds of events, or was he the type to straightforwardly refuse? if he did happen to participate in such an event, i’m curious if he’s a wallflower, or if he’s the type to engage in conversation casually ㅎㅎ A) as he had no intentions of establishing a family in any form, they were generally resolutely refused. however, rather than for political relations, for a lead to a case, he has attended a matchmaking meeting before. pre-regression, while overseas, with undercover infiltration as their objective, he and Sung Hyunjae attended a high-rank Hunter award ceremony-esque event together as well^^ for sung hyunjae, it was an immensely enjoyable time. he’s not quite to the extent of being a wallflower, but he is the taciturn and terse type.
Q) you’d previously mentioned that sung hyunjae and song taewon share a cryptograph that only the two of them know, could we know what kind of thing it is? A) it wasn’t fleshed out in detail, but apart from basic encryptions, they also utilized difficult-to-parse signals that would prove challenging for anyone that wasn’t an s-rank Awakened to catch. additionally, they would improvise with details that were shared solely between the two of them as well.
Q) i’m soso curious about section chief song-nim’s info, section chief song-nimㅜㅜ he was probably super popular before Awakening, as well as after, right? whether he’s dated before!! if, at least when he was younger, he was able to have a heart-pounding youthful romance, i hope! A) owing to song taewon’s nature(특성), he did not maintain close relations with people outside of work relations. pre-regression, the only person he kept close was sung hyunjae, the one he is meant to swallow, owing to an unconscious, instinctual draw. with everyone else–particularly the lower their rank–he established a clear line(boundary). post-regression, and especially so by the epilogue, that line has become much fainter^^
+(Q&A) (this was a troll-y question that geunseo answered at face value)
Q) when section chief song-nim is overseas and a foreign Hunter asks him <are you mister song?>, then will he really answer like \"yea.\"??? A) if he’s in the middle of carrying out official government duties, he will clearly state both his title and name. however, if he’s there in secret because of sung hyunjae, he will not answer^^
Q) in the novel, on the topic of confession stories, song taewon answered that he’d had sufficient experience with them; has song taewon had a lot of relationship experience? A) he was popular both before awakening and after, but as indicated in an earlier answer, he established a firm boundary. even when he was overseas because of sung hyunjae, he received not only confessions, but bouquets and similar gifts as well every so often ^^
Q) when sung hyunjae broke his finger while fighting with section chief song-nim, was that perhaps something sung hyunjae did on purpose?? A) generally, it’s sung hyunjae only pretending to have made a mistake. when song taewon or han yoojin are involved, while acting on impulse(improvising), he does occasionally slip up and make a genuine mistake, but regarding the finger injury, a certain measure of intent had gone into it. of course, song taewon is in the dark about this.
Q) when section chief song-nim was driving around a compact car, how did he drive? A) he picked the car with the highest clearance and longest seat rails out of the selection of compact cars that were available, but even then, it was cramped after all. however, as song taewon felt a kind of reassurance(comfort) from that stifling condition, he paid no mind to the physical discomfort it caused. it’s because sung hyunjae was aware that song taewon’s compact car was one of the methods he utilized to repress himself, that it irked him all the more ^^
Q) have any of the respective heads of organizations acted as chief mourner in a funeral for a subordinate who lost their family to a Dungeon break? A) song taewon and moon hyuna have done so in the past. han yoohyun has not, but even if the occasion had come up, he wouldn’t want to participate in the capacity of chief mourner, which is typically filled by family. pre-regression, han yoohyun’s family comprised only one person, han yoojin–and even as a temporary arrangement, he has no intention of letting another step into a position that’s reserved for family only. in the case of sung hyunjae, the sole person he’d considered to hold a relationship with himself that would merit his involvement as such pre-regression, was song taewon. at present, with song taewon of course being a given, he’s also considering taking up the position of chief mourner for han yoojin’s funeral, as han yoohyun would have already perished alongside him, if it turns out that bak yerim struggles to do so.
A) when sung hyunjae needed a pick-me-up pre-regression, he went to tease song taewon. following song taewon’s death, even when he was somewhere with splendid scenery and fresh air, all he felt was endless tedium. post-regression, with han yoojin being added alongside song taewon, the candidates in his selection pool for ‘healing(relaxing)’ increased to two.
Q) what are shj’s height & weight measurements? A) in the case of sung hyunjae, as he had nearly reached the zenith of his ‘waxing’ phase, the power that had not been able to be completely encased within ended up affecting his physiology as well, which meant that his body became imbued with that magical energy. that process is also what caused the faded quality of his hair color in part as well. as a result, while he still retains a human vessel, his weight is lower than it should be when his height and mass is taken into account. he is lighter than song taewon. however, it is only in comparison to how much he should weigh–he’s still very solid^^
Q) when sung hyunjae becomes planted, do the people near him not experience a repelling feeling? A) aside from his parents, he came across as an existence that had always belonged there. the repulsion they experienced came from the fact that he was a born s-rank.
Q) how did sung hyunjae end up falling for crescent moon’s scam contract? was it that he was gullible? A) the first contract wasn’t as frightful as the one during the course of the novel. it was a standard contract, and didn’t contain anything sung hyunjae felt much opposed to. however, every time he was planted over, addendums were made to the contract and it grew in strength. as one of the earlier incarnations of sung hyunjae, sigma wasn’t tied down as strongly, which was why he was able to escape crescent moon’s contract, while sung hyunjae couldn’t. the original sung hyunjae may not have been gullible, but the pitfall was that he inevitably lacked outer-world knowledge ^^
Q) when yoojinie needs to trim his bangs, does he go to a salon or a barber shop? or does he trim it himself at home? A) pre-regression, because money was tight and he didn’t want to be recognized by anyone, he trimmed it himself. when his agoraphobic tendencies were particularly severe, there was a point at which it nearly resembled a bob cut. prior to the dungeon break happening, he cut his hair at home if possible, and he and han yoohyun would take turns cutting each other’s hair as well. at present, he goes to haeyeon’s guild-member-use salon, and will just trim it himself at home if he can’t be bothered to go ^^ once, after carefully singeing off part of his fringe with controlled magic, han yoohyun requested that han yoojin cut his hair for him like he’d done in the past; but owing to the amount of force required to accomplish the task, they gave up after that once. as an alternative, they go to the salon together.
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greenteabelle · 5 months
a misaeng valentine's day au , if you will .
"Section Chief Cheon, Deputy Kim."
The two yell out affirmatives, then wince at their volume and huddle closer into the circle they've formed in front of Deputy Manager Oh's desk. The man in question shoots them a glare but otherwise doesn't comment on it. Thankfully, the office is empty.
"Are the preparations for tomorrow done?"
"Yes sir," Cheon nods, his mouth set in a grim line. "I've already notified the receptionist to make sure that Geurae's deliveries are to be thrown away immediately. I also made sure to ask them to not allow any delivery workers up to our floor."
"Good work, Cheon. Kim, what about you?"
"I've switched all of Geurae's things with mine, so he'll be able to work at my desk with no issues. I've also prepared 2 spray bottles full of water if any of those... things try to come in."
"Excellent. I've also pulled some strings so that I can attend some of the meetings Jang Geurae has tomorrow." Oh Sangshik lets out a severe sigh and claps both of his subordinates on the shoulder. "Tomorrow is going to be a warzone, but we've done the best we could to prepare for it. Get some rest tonight, so we can fight tomorrow, alright?"
The following chorus of "Yes, sir!" rings out loud and clear throughout the empty office.
The next day, Geurae rounds the corner to find a shocking sight. Quickly jogging to the Sales Team 3 office, he bows in greeting with a flustered expression.
"Good morning everyone! I didn't expect all of you to be here so early."
"You're as energetic as ever, Jang Geurae." Cheon replies. "We have a busy day today, so make sure you're prepared."
"Yes, sir! I'll work hard today as well!"
"Jang Geurae, you're gonna pierce my eardrums." Kim deadpans as Geurae shrugs off his jacket and carefully places his bag on his desk. "Did something good happen- What is that?"
"Hmm?" Geurae asks distractedly, until he realises that Kim is staring straight at the pouch he's holding. "Oh, this was a Valentine's Day gift!"
The temperature drops imperceptibly, as the three members of Sales Team 3 slowly raise their heads to stare at Geurae with unreadable expressions.
He's none the wiser.
"Han Seokyool gave it to me in the lift." Geurae continues, not noticing the way Kim mutters something under his breath and Cheon rolls his eyes. "I didn't even realise it was Valentine's Day today because I was too busy preparing for today's meetings, but he made the pouch himself. It was really nice of him!"
The office falls into a deafening silence for a few moments before Oh gets up and throws his pen to the ground. "Han Seokyool that sneaky little bastard-" He yells, veins popping in his neck before he cuts himself off, visibly trying to calm himself down. "Forget that. So. He didn't do anything else right?"
Geurae looks down at the pouch he's cradling oh so carefully. At the memory of him giving the man a kiss as a token of gratitude, no matter how innocent it was, he can't help the blush that tinges the tips of his ears.
"I'm going to kill that bastard."
"Huh?" Geurae asks with widened eyes, blinking rapidly as he tries to figure out why Oh is holding the letter opener he uses for mail with a white-knuckled grip. "He didn't do anything to me, I'm just a bit embarrassed…"
That stops Oh in his tracks, already poised to march out of the office to the 16th floor.
"Tell us."
Geurae squirms, pinned under the deadly stares of his superiors, though he eventually sighs and gives in.
"I gave him a light peck on the cheek." he mumbles, his ears turning so red they might as well be bleeding.
This time, Oh's calendar takes the fall.
"I'm going to visit the 16th floor." Oh says calmly.
"Oh! I can help you if you need me to-"
"YOU." Oh bellows, jamming his index finger in Geurae's direction with wild eyes, his gaze murderous. He storms past them, letter opener in hand. "Stay here. Work. Don't even dream of leaving this office unless it's for your meetings today."
"But what about lunch?"
Then he's gone.
Still confused from the entire ordeal, Geurae turns to the remaining members of Sales Team 3 for answers.
He doesn't get any answers.
"Cheon," Kim starts, staring intently at one of the spray bottles on his desk, "do you think I can get away with it if I replace this with toilet water?"
The man hums thoughtfully before shaking his head. "What about gochujang?"
"You're a genius, Cheon. Should I go down and borrow some from the cafeteria auntie?"
"While you're at it, add some vinegar. I'll go check on Oh if he needs any help. Lord knows we don't need another meeting with HR again."
"Then what about-"
"Just sit here and work!"
If he wasn't getting yelled at, Geurae would marvel at how well they sync with each other. Instead, he hurriedly takes his seat at his desk, that for some reason has been switched to Kim's original spot, and pulls out some files to skim through.
He has a lot of work to do today, after all.
watching misaeng , the only thing i could think about was " damn , valentine's day must be rough when you have someone like jang geurae in the team " then it was like i was slapped with a lightbulb
like , imagine jang geurae's schedule on valentine's day so jam packed with meetings because every single client is trying to woo him , yet he's totally unaware of the chaos . even the office isn't safe , and he only has 3 middle-aged men who are close to comitting murder to those who try to chat him up .
i do have the scene between jang geurae and han seokyool written out , but it didn't quite seem to fit so i just wrote this one !
but i honestly love misaeng so much it's honestly in my top 5 kdramas !!!
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pipelinelaserraygun · 10 months
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"Right out of the 👺 terrorist playbook."
🕎✝️🛐 Father in Heaven, "cancel Christmas" on the many REAL 👺 Hans Gruber incarnations, in 🌎 the world. 🙈🙉🙊 Decrease ignorance.
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Payback FROM ⚰️ BEYOND the grave: MUST 🪖 WATCH.
"In today's world, people are expected to apologize over views on heterosexuality, but there's no apology for one of the worst military disasters at least in my lifetime, and they're calling it a success."
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An 🎪🤡🚳 EVIL 👺💩 RIDE.
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MUST 💉⚰️ AVOID, 💯%: Moving ⏩ ahead, a booster vax CAN expedite 💀 death.
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Let's ✝️🛐 pray for 🏝️ Maui.
Fire survivors, MANY who are elderly, now FACE disruption during what are traditionally peaceful days while riding 📴 into their sunset.
Who you direct prayers to can make ALL the difference.
Spiritual takeaway: DRASTIC changes can happen to ALL ages up until your last breath.
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Fewer opportunities remain: 🔚 times are approaching‼️
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WHEN will the GUILTY pay?
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Everything is accelerating. We're nearing the conclusion.
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Ever feel "out of ⛽ gas", in the middle of a country road? 🇺🇸 Americans are stuck with assassins in-charge, for now.
"Make way in the wilderness".
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bookofjin · 1 month
Account of the Di (WS101)
[I.e. the kingdom of Chouchi. This post covers down to the ascension of Yang Baozong in 429]
The Di are a separate kind of the Western Yi, titled the Baima. At the juncture of the Three Eras, perhaps Bai was a lord or chief, but in that period there was a single court audience. For that reason the Poetry claims:
Since those Di and Qiang, do not dare not to come to the King.
From Qin, Han and onwards, for generation they lived in Qi, Long and southwards, and Hanchuan and westwards, and established themselves as prominent leaders.
In the middle of Han's Jian'an [196 – 220] there was Yang Teng, he was a great leader of the section's family groups. Teng was brave, strong and with many plans and schemes. He was the first to move to Chouchi. Chouchi has an area of a hundred [bai] qing, because of that he used it as a title. [All] four sides are steep and sheer, and are 7 li tall. The road coils like goat intestines for thirty-six rotations. On its top is the source of the Feng river. They cook the earth to achieve salt.
After Teng there was someone named Qianwan. Wei designated him as King of the Baiqing Di. Qianwan's grandson was named Feilong. He gradually grew strong and flourishing, Emperor Wu of Jin made use of him as General who Pacifies the West.
He had no sons, and reared his sister's son Linghu Maosou as his son. Middle of Emperor Hui's Yuankang era [291 – 299], Maosou titled himself General who Supports the State and Worthy King of the Right, the crowd of Di pushed him forward as ruler. Many of the gentlemen Within the Passes who drifted and moved about relied on him. Emperor Min used him as General of Agile Cavalry and Worthy King of Left.
Maosou died, and his son Nandi controlled the position. He and his younger brother Jiantou divided the entourage. Nandi titled himself Worthy King of the Left and stationed at Xiabian. Jiantou titled himself Worthy King of the Right, and stationed at Hechi.
Nandi died, his son Yi was installed. He titled himself Envoy Holding the Tally, Dragon Prancing General, Worthy King of the Left, and Duke of Duke of Xiabian. He used Jiantou's son Pan as Envoy Holding the Tally, General of the Best of the Army, Worthy King of the Right, and Duke of Hechi. He was subject to Jin, and Jin used Yi as General who Conquers the South.
3rd Year [of Xiankang, 337 AD, per Songshu], Yi's senior kinsman Chu assaulted and killed Yi, and also gained his multitudes. He installed himself as Duke of Chouchi and was subject to Shi Hu. Later he claimed to be vassal to Jin. 10th Year of Yonghe [354 AD], changed Chu to be Duke of Tianshui.
11th Year [355 AD], Yi's younger brother Songnu sent his aunt's son Liang Sanwang to take the opportunity of attending to straight away with blade in hand kill Chu. Chu's son Guo led left and right to excute Sanwang and Songnu, and then installed himself as Duke of Chouchi. Huan Wen petitioned for Guo to be Inspector of Qin province, and for Guo's son An to be Grand Warden of Wudu.
12th Year [356 AD], Guo's junior uncle's son Jun killed Guo and installed himself. Guo's son An betrayed Fu Sheng, killed Jun, and then declared himself a vassal to Jin.
An died, his son Shi installed himself as Duke of Chouchi. Jin's 3rd Year of Taihe [368 AD], used Shi as Inspector of Qin province, and his younger brother Tong as Grand Warden of Wudu.
Shi died. Tong deposed Shi's son Zuan and installed himself. Tong was also named De. Zuan assembled a faction, assaulted and killed Tong, and installed himself as Duke of Chouchi. He dispatched envoys to go to Emperor Jianwen, who used Zuan as Inspector of Qin province. Jin's 1st Year of Xian'an [371 Ad], Fu Jian dispatched Yang An to invade Zuan. He overcame him, and moved his people to Within the Passes, and emptied the land of Baiqing.
At the death of Songnu, his two sons Fonu and Fogou escaped and ran to Fu Jian. Jian used [a daughter] as wife to Fonu's son Ding, and designated him as Master of Writing and [General who] Leads the Army. At the defeat of Fu Jian, Guanyou was disturbed and chaotic. Ding exhausted his strength for Jian. When Jian died, he led the multitudes to run to Longyou. He moved to govern Licheng, which is 120 li from Chouchi, and set up granaries and stores at Baiqing. He summoned the barbarians and the Xia, and obtained more than a thousand families. He declared himself Dragon Prancing General and Duke of Chouchi, and declared to be vassal to Jin. Xiaowu promptly used what he had titled himself to make use of him, and later used him as Inspector of Qin province. 4th Year of Dengguo [389 AD], he thereupon had the land of Qin province, and titled himself as King of Longxi. He was later killed by Qifu Qiangui. He had no sons.
Fogou's son Sheng first was overseeing the state, and defended Chouchi. He then controlled affairs, titled himself General who Conquers the West, Inspector of Qin province, and Duke of Chouchi, and conferred posthumous title on Ding as Martial [wu] King. He divided the various Di and Qiang to make twenty sections with Army-Protectors. Each he made a garrison posts, and he did not set up commanderies and counties. Thereupon he had the land of Hanzhong, but continued to declare to be vassal to Jin. Beginning of Tianxing [398 – 404], he dispatched envoys to court [i.e. the Wei court] with tribute. A decree used Sheng as Great General who Conquers the South and King of Chouchi. He was isolated and blocked off by Yao Xing, and did not mange to communicate annually with tribute and envoys. Sheng used his older brother's son Fu as General who Pacifies the South and Inspector of Liang# province, to defend Hanzhong. Middle of Liu Yu's Yongchu [420 – 422], ennobled Sheng as King of Wudu. Sheng died, his private posthumous title was Kind and Civil [huiwen] King. His son Xuan controlled the position.
Xuan, courtesy name Huangmei, was titled Great General who Conquers the West, Opening Office with Ceremony Similar to the Three Ministers, Inspector of Qin province, and King of Wudu. Though he was a declared vassal to Liu Yilong, he continued to defer to the symbol of Jin's Yongxi era. Later he started to use Yilong's Yuanjia calendar.
Earlier, Sheng spoke to Xuan, saying:
I am aged and already old, and will end as a subject of Jin. For you it is good to serve the Song emperor.
For that reason Xuan deferred to him.
Xuan was good at entertaining scholars, and was cherished by migrants and long-time [inhabitants]. 4th Year of Shiguang [427 AD], Shizu dispatched the Great Swan-geese Arranger, Gongsun Gui, to designate Xuan as Great General who Conquers the South, Chief Controller, Inspector of Liang# province, and King of Nanqin. Xuan sent up a petition to request to be aligned with inner vassals. Allowed it. Xuan died, his private posthumous title was Filial and Luminous [xiaozhao] King. His son Baozong controlled the position.
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otakusmart · 2 years
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