#cherik headcanons
all-0f-the-above · 16 days
we shouldn't agree with erik or charles at the start. they are both pushed to extremes in their ideologies: charles looks for "cures" and only shows off "pretty" mutants, while erik believes in Homo superior and that humans are inherently evil
it is only after fighting with one another that they realize the problems with their own ideologies. charles stops looking to cure all mutants, erik realizes that humans are not a monolith. every time they compromise, their ideologies become closer and closer
eventually, as old men, they finally agree. they create genosha, a haven for mutants, but reach out to other countries and push for progress
both of them are cautionary tales: a world without compromise, without exceptions, is not realistic or kind. only time can teach this, which is why they reconcile late in their lives- the path to a safer, kinder future always lies somewhere in between extremes
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Cherik is such a gorgeous love story I often forget it's not canon.
Like, objective proof aside, imagine a love so undying it has persisted after so many fights, betrayals and wars in every universe and will continue to do so even if the earth stops spinning, even when everything is reduced to the ground. The love will persist, because it feels older than the universe itself, and it will do so no matter how much either of them tries to bury it or stop it. Its a love that has changed their lives, the lives of so many, it has changed the world in each and every reality where it's born. It may not actually be what makes the world spin, but it sure is what makes each other spin, because Charles Francis Xavier is not Charles Francis Xavier without Erik Magnus Lehnsherr, and Erik Magnus Lehnsherr is not Erik Magnus Lehnsherr without Charles Francis Xavier.
And this. This. Is NOT canonigally romantic love. WHAT THE FUCK.
Never forget what heterinormativity stole from us
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jackyjango · 1 year
What are some of your cherik as parents headcanons?
Hello @cinimionroll ! Thank you so much for this as! :D
Here are some of the head canons I have for cherik as parents:
- Charles would be the strict one- KIDS, YOU SHOULD EAT YOUR GREENS, DRINK YOUR MILK AND BE NICE TO ONE AND OTHER. Erik would be totally chill- He’d make the kids pancakes on demand, sneak in a few chocolates into their diet, and replace milk with soda cans now and then.
-Charles would opt to take the kids out to museums or parks- It’s educative and recreational at once. Erik would definitely think that such trips are boring and take the kids out to theme parks and permit them to go on roller coaster rides much to the fury of Charles. Charles: “What were you thinking taking them on roller coaster rides, Erik? Do you know how dangerous they could be?” Erik: “Relax, Charles. It’s not like I can’t control them.” Charles: “They’re FIVE for crying out loud!”
- Charles would not have it if the children missed out on their homework or lag behind on their studies. Erik on the other hand would be: meh...
When it comes to the teens and the older mutants of the house:
-Charles wouldn’t allow them to drink (because they’re underage, dammit!) or drive without a learner’s license and all. Erik distracts Charles (winks winks nudge nudge) when the kids want to go out drinking or raid the liquor cabinet. He’ll even let the teens take out his car or his motorbike for a spin now and then.
-Charles doesn't approve of the kids swearing. Erik would swear with them (much to Charles' despair)
-Charles would be the one the kids would go to for guidance and moral support. Erik would be the one the kids go to when they’ve fucked something up and they’re too scared to tell Charles about it. Erik would then go and fix whatever the kids screwed up. They’d all tell Charles... eventually.
But Erik would be strict with them when it comes to their trainings and exercises. He'd be a strict master on the grounds and push them till they'd fall. But he'd also be there to pick them up and help them start again.
Erik would call them brats or idiots or cockroaches and what not. He'd pretend that he doesn't care about them. ('I don't care about those brats, Charles! They're your kids, not mine', he'd say) But he isn't fooling Charles, or anyone for that matter, because everyone knows how he feels about the kids. There's one thing that's common to both Charles and Erik when it concerns to the kids: that both are supremely overprotective of them.
The effect it has on Charles deserves a separate fic altogether. Lol. Charles feels a strong tug in his heart whenever he sees Erik being tender with little Scott or helping a seven-year old Kitty arrange a tea party for her teddy bear friends. Or when he sees Erik bringing Hank out of his shell and coaxing him to ride the bike or teaching Alex to control his anger. Charles cannot lie that it's hot af and that he's turned on the thought of Erik being a hot dad.
Erik would be the cool dad. He really would. There’s an instance in the comics where the kids hear some noises (somewhere... I can’t remember where) and think that the place is haunted. Magneto takes one look at the place and knows that it’s not. Instead of assuring the kids, he eggs them on to believing the haunted theory by telling them that he, too, heard the noises (something on those lines. I read it a looooooong time ago...) He takes a good laugh out of it before revealing the truth.
To sum it up, Erik's a total teddy bear when it comes to the kids!! :D
P.S: I may or may not have written a fic about the difference in their parenting styles somewhere... here (https://archiveofourown.org/works/15178172)
Again... thank you so much for the as, because I can talk about these two for ages! :D
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queerolddad · 1 year
broke: music of the night is sexy bc it’s all vague metaphors for fuckin
woke: music of the night is sexy bc the phantom is encouraging Christine to let go, to surrender to every decadent, indulgent thought and impulse, all the while denying himself. At every turn he deflects her touch, turns her away when she looks too long. He’s battling his own desires, clutching at the threads of restraint, desperate for her to make the first move. He wants so badly — but can’t quite give in. He is giving himself to her fully — not physically, but in the only way that matters. He thinks the only thing he has to give her, that keeps her by his side and binds him to her is his music. In this way, he is truly loved for his own sake — a devil amongst mankind but an angel of music.
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negativ3cr33p · 9 months
Erik Character Design
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Version with unnecessary notes below:
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morgangalaxy43 · 4 days
I feel like if Charles and Erik had more kids and one of them turned out to be a human Charles worries that Erik would love that kid less as a result and when Charles decides to ask about it Erik looks at him like he’s crazy and tell Charles that he’s offended that he would even ask him something like that because would love all of their children regardless of what they are or where they came from
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william-he-they · 23 days
Domestic cherik au where Erik gardens <3<3 also also charles feeds stray cats. I just im sorry this isnt much but Erik gardening has been on my mind all day and charles with cats has been on my mind all day I might draw this concept later. Its silly its fun its cute and i love it.
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lavaspark · 2 years
Peter Maximoff headcannons because im bored and I just love my boy so much:
There are pillows+blankets thrown seemingly randomly around the manor at all times in case (and it’s very often true) Peter forgets to eat for more than three hours, which, because he has a SUPER heightened metabolism will cause his body to just shut down if he doesn’t get the correct calorie intake with very little room for error. Hence after the third or fourth time Charles got a student sprinting into his office in a panic explaining how “Mr. Peter just collapsed sir! We don’t know what’s wrong!” He consulted with the staff and decided to put “nap spots” all around the house in case Peter had an accident and needed to sleep somewhere comfortable until Hank had measured whatever was wrong.
Conversely this has led to the X-Men taking tallies for how many times they’ve had to catch Peter when he stood up too fast or skipped his required afternoon snack. Charles caught him twice, once when they first met in the museum (Peter hadn’t had time to grab breakfast before the big jailbreak) and again during a meeting, Peter had been unusually quiet during the whole of the meeting and kept looking around with glazed eyes. Charles had mentally asked him whether he was alright, Peter had merely nodded and looked back down. When the meeting ended Peter had stood up and his knees immediately buckled, Charles had only caught him because he’d been sitting right next to him at the time.
Kurt caught him once (he had nearly fallen off the roof during a party because he’d passed out too close to the edge, Kurt caught him before he’d passed the second floor)
Storm once barely saved him by wildly grabbing the edge of his harness as his eyes rolled back in his head at the top of the main staircase. (She NEVER let him live that one down, and every time he scaled the stairs afterward she’d ask him whether he was planning on fainting again or whether he could go up the stairs like a big kid now) He usually responds by snorting and/or flipping her off.
Jean caught him once in the garden, he had been walking across the grounds with a group of first-years talking about the school when he had trailed off and she very clearly heard him murmur “oh, shit.”
He had stumbled forward, already completely unconscious and she had caught him with her powers, careful to not let his head hit the stone slates on the path. There were no major injuries, just a headache and a gaggle of terrified first years. (Peter had insisted on seeing them when he woke up a few moments later, Hanks “nutrient IV” already hooked up to his arm. He didn’t want them to be scared, they should know he was fine.) Jean had just laughed and told him he could see them when Hank had finished running the medical diagnostics for todays “nap attack.”
Scott’s only incident was early on in their friendship, Peter had been walking down the hallway the opposite direction as Scott. They’d nodded, exchanged a quick high-five and continued walking, or at least Scott had. Peter had crumpled backwards into Scott’s back, knocking them both to the ground and knocking the wind out of Scott. “Musta been some high-five” Scott had joked later in the medbay, Hank was clucking indignantly at Peter for skipping his lunch. Peter had smiled apologetically at Scott, and something in his heart fully went out to this weird, weird kid.
Raven had caught him only once, and it had been more of a redirection than a proper interception. It had been during a training session, she was standing next to him in line when he’d simply vaulted sideways, she had automatically rolled to the side, leaving him to fall to the ground, his head rolling listlessly to the side as Kurt rushed forward. “She didn’t even TRY to catch you man” Scott had howled next to him later that day. Peter had crossed in arms in front of him in annoyance “Yeah, she shouldn’t HAVE too! Once I get this sorted out I swear to you-“ He had been interrupted by a packet of peanut butter crackers sailing through the air to strike him in the side of the head. Hank had merely gestured at them and smirked.
With Erik it was…different. He’d arguably caught Peter the most times out of anybody, always catching onto the metal in his harness or jacket with his powers before the kid fell. But the first time it had been quite different from any of the other incidents. For one thing, they had been in the middle of an actual mission when it had happened.
In Peter’s defense, he really HADN’T skipped any meals that day. None. He just wasn’t expecting to have as much strain put on him as he ended up getting, namely in the shape of 20-odd men armed with automatic rifles opening fire on his team, no, FAMILY.
He had acted instantly, all Erik saw was a blur darting all around then, little more than a haze as it circled them. He heard the gunshots, felt the metal cutting towards them, he also felt the bullets being knocked out of the air one by one, falling to the ground with a sound like pebbles on sheet metal.
When it was over there Peter had stood, his face grey and pale, wheezing slightly as he stood there. On his cheek was a single crimson-red line that leaked a thin stream of blood that ran down his face into his uniform. He had raised a shaking hand and touched the wound, barley reacting as he made contact. He raised his now-bloody hand and his gaze shifted unsteadily back to Erik, a hollow smile spreading across his face.
“…guess I missed one, huh?”
Then Peter Maximoff had crumpled to the ground lifelessly in front of Erik’s eyes.
Erik had caught him of course, he stopped his upper body from contacting the ground, grabbing onto the metal he had never been more thankful for in Peter’s harness. Peters head had tilted listlessly backwards at the motion, his face uncharacteristic devoid of any emotion.
It made Erik feel strangely ill, seeing Peter like this, still.
Peter was NEVER still, at least not completely. He was perpetually bouncing his leg or excitedly talking about whatever new thing he’d discovered in the world, fidgeting mindlessly with his hands as he spoke or running his fingers through his hair. Now he was doing none of those things and the only indication Erik had that he was even alive was the dull rasping of Peter’s breathing.
When Peter woke up in the medbay, surrounded by machines and IV’s and scared-looking mutants Erik wasn’t among them. He never spoke to Peter about that day again. Merely nodding to him stiffly in the halls when he saw him. Never exchanging more than a few words. Nonetheless, sometimes when Peter was blinking blearily awake, the familiar pinch of an IV needle embedded in his left arm, he’d feel a weak tugging at the necklace he always wore around his neck. And though he never asked or told anyone about it, Peter always suspected he knew who was checking in on him in their own strange way.
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fouralignments · 11 months
First Class Headcanon
Training with Pietro is the best way to increase your speed and stamina. Pietro can beat everyone and Erik tells everyone he trained with his son to really get into shape. Its like Rocky's chasing the chicken, but with his son.
So, Charles one day decides to race Pietro and Charles wanting Pietro to vary his speeds and focus on control; they do this for hours. This why in the Soviet Union, Charles can so easily follow Erik to the Russian general's mansion.
By the end, Charles is out of breath, sweating, and just exhausted; he takes a nap on the grass and Pietro collapses on his chest and decides to sleep with him. Very cute images all around.
Erik comes to find them with water bottle, pleasantly surprised to find the two of them and thinks I might just pour some water on his head to wake him up. Charles says don't you dare. Erik picks up his sohn and gives Charles a hand to help him up, before handing him water. Erik has gotten a could ice bath ready and afterwards he's going to give him a massage.
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headcanonpalace · 2 years
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Something is missing…
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Well not anymore (:
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Can’t get rid of the thought that Erik resented the helmet the second he put it on. Up until that moment Charles was there with him, all that time, and then suddenly--nothing. He put on the helmet because he was afraid that Charles would’ve stopped him otherwise, and he couldn’t let him; but if he truly believed that Charles could do it, had enough power to spare while still holding Shaw in place, don’t you think, by his own logic, Charles would’ve also had enough power to sense Erik’s intention to take the helmet, could’ve stopped him before that? How many times Erik had to tell himself that the only reason Charles didn't stop him from putting it on in the first place was because holding Shaw was already taking too much from him? Because believing otherwise, that Charles would’ve never used his power against him, would’ve meant admitting that Charles put that much more trust in him than he trusted Charles--
And that’s just it. He’s not afraid that Charles would take over him if he takes off the helmet now; he’s afraid that this empty space where Charles was before would remain just that. Empty. That Charles wouldn’t want anything to do with him now. As long as the helmet stays, he can pretend that Charles would still reach out, but on top of everything else that just happened -- he can’t stand finding out if he’s right or wrong. Especially after Charles rejects him verbally.
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inmymagnetoera · 8 months
I don't know why but I'm 100% sure that if Erik and Charles were to move in together they would get turtles. Dogs? Cats? Don't have time for those but turtles? They love them. They would get two, a male and a female and they would be those pet owners who always show pictures of their pets to others.
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queerolddad · 1 year
“Erik Elizabeth Daaé, if you’ve hidden my shoes again, a disaster beyond your imagination will occur!
The rustling sounds coming from the organ room abruptly ceased, the house plunged into quiet. She frowned, rising from her vanity and padding barefoot from her room into the hall.
She stood in the frame of the music room and watched him there, ramrod straight at the piano bench.
She took a step forward before his velvety whisper stopped her.
“Do you mean it?”
She sighed, taking another step toward him.
“No, darling, of course not — I’m not really cross, I was only kidding. Though, I do need to leave soon if I’m to meet Meg on time —“
“That’s not….” His head turned to the right a fraction so she could see the smear of pink along the white porcelain. She wondered if it mirrored a similar blush beneath.
She waited for him to continue while crossing the final steps to reach him. She laid her hands atop his shoulders, squeezing with gentle encouragement.
“Why did you call me that?”
She let out a soft “oh”, hands squeezing slightly tighter.
“When my father was cross with me he’d call me by my full name. I’d hide away somewhere in the house and he’d bellow: ‘Christine Elizabeth Daaé, you come in here and practice your violin at once!’” She giggled at the memory, eyes quietly watering.
“Since you don’t have a middle or surname I thought I’d give you mine. I only meant to tease you, angel, I’m sorry if I’ve upset you.”
He was silent for a long moment, hands clasped tightly in his lap. He took a deep breath, his torso rising beneath her fingers.
“I’ve never lamented the lack of a given name. I chose Erik long ago, as a way to cling to the last vestiges of my humanity. But the sentimentality is lost to me. Or was — until very recently.”
He slowly spun on the bench until he was facing her, keeping his gaze resolutely on the boning of her corset. Her hands slid upwards to caress his jaw, buoying him.
“Does it not torment you, as it does me, that we can never be truly married? No grand cathedral overflowing with flowers, no exchanging of rings, no final kiss to seal our bond…and no name for me to offer you.”
“Oh, my love —“ she knelt down before him, angling his face upwards to meet her watery gaze.
“I don’t need all that. I don’t need the recognition of the rest of the world. I don’t mourn a life I never wanted.”
His eyes were wet, too, and she brought a hand up to swipe underneath the left one. His eyelashes fluttered against her skin like moth’s wings in the dark.
“You bring me flowers. I wear your ring, I am gifted your sweet kisses. I don’t need a name to bind me to you. I am already bound — willingly, giddily, eternally. Additionally, as I have a name to give, I give it to you freely. Maestro Daaé — I quite like that, don’t you?”
His eyes squeezed shut, frame trembling. He reached out to her and she enfolded herself around him. He tucked his face beneath her chin, lips wet with tears whispering against her skin.
“I do love you so, Christine.”
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I feel like Charles would be one of those people that could not keep a plant alive for the life of him.  Meanwhile Erik? Greenest thumb around
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smookiekuma-carl · 2 years
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william-he-they · 27 days
Charles xavier headcannons because i can
If he where to wear jewelry hed wear pearl earrings.
He's trans ftm (he/they/it).
Hes bi. (And madly in love with Erik lehnsherr.)
His favorite tea is sleepy time tea.
I have a feeling he'd listen to hozier or autoheart or both if he lived in the modern day.
Loves cardigans and old Grampa sweaters.
He looks amazing in lilac. (Not a headcannon just a fact)
He loves sun flowers and blue roses.
His favorite candle scent is vanilla.
And thats all for today thank you for your time remember we all have diffrent opinions and takes on characters if my takes dont aline with yours please just scroll instead of saying anything.
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