#cher cher cher 🌸
murphycooper · 2 years
louis: lestat i don’t enjoy killing! i almost ate my baby nephew!!! i hate this so much!!!
lestat: mwah mwah mwah mon cher 💖💖💖🥰🥰🥰🌸🌸🌸 i got us opera tickets
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poemnic-tarot · 1 year
Channeled Message from Your Soulmate’s Higher Self
(Disclaimer : This is a general reading please only take what resonate. For entertainment purposes only)
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🧚🏻‍♀️ 💕 🍀 🌷 🌸 You are Loved 🌸 🌷 🍀 💕 🧚🏻‍♀️
Pile 1🌠 “Twin flames”
“I want to acknowledge your mastery of your own emotions. I love that you’ve learned not to control or shame your emotion but accept them for what they are. Your inner strength really shine through and it wasn’t easy so I want to congratulate you on that hard earned achievement, my love. Now your emotion can’t hold you back anymore from taking action. They do not dictate what you can or cannot do because frankly, there is nothing you can’t achieve in this world. You can basically manifest anything.
You are very intuitive and even psychic when we first met and I noticed that about you. I was surprised by how much you were able to pick up on. My feeling particularly because I was not that expressive. You’ve showed me how to balance between true inspired action and just doing things for the sake of doing it. It was hard for me to give something up or abandoned things I’ve started, even when I know it was passed due to do so. Leaving things,letting go of attachment is hard for me. I am the type to keep on reading a book or watching a movie till the end even when I am dead bored of them. There’s no reason for me to continue but there wasn’t a reason for me to leave either. So I’m stuck I guess, I’m very good at getting myself stuck, in the middle, hanging in- between staying or going. But you told me you found that endearing for some reason and gently took my hand and guide me out of my self- imposed prison. You have helped me heal my wound of abandonment, maybe that’s why it was hard to say goodbye to things and leave them, even though they do not serve me anymore.
I admire your sense of adventure, you are the most expressive person I’ve ever met. Even if you don’t know that about yourself. I feel quite a strong kinship with you, like this is not our first rodeo on this earth. Perhaps, we often have more adventures in our dreams, I know I do dreamt of you quite often. I just want to let you know that I love you, I love who are and who you were and who you are trying to become. Every versions of you amazed me cause your true strength alway shines through every time and I will alway recognised your bright essence anywhere.”
Your Soul Family
Signs: Rose, Lion/big cats, 111, Infinity, Pine trees,Crescent Moon
Love Quotes: "In the end, we all just want someone that chooses us over everyone else under any circumstances."
Song: I See the Light from Tangle
“….And at last I see the light
And it’s like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it’s like the sky is new
And it’s warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything looks different
Now that I see you
Love Poem verse : Twin flames by @cant-find-my-name
…I recognised negative traits needed
To be discard,
When we met, I think I’ve found myself
The missing piece, part of my soul
Ah, you’re my Twin flames
When I met you I know
We’re one and the same
🧚🏻‍♀️ 💕 🍀 🌷 🌸 You are Loved 🌸 🌷 🍀 💕 🧚🏻‍♀️
Pile 2🍄 If Magic Was Real
"I hope you are taking time to fully sit in your emotions and grieve. It is okay to express your emotion, in fact, it is crucial if you need to cry or break down or just lose it emotionally. Give yourself that permission to do so. You might think that it's strong of you to keep it together for the sake of others or yourself. That it is so mature of you to do so but darling, there need to be a balance. You need to heal but you won't be able to heal if you won't let yourself feel all of your sadness. If you need to cry, cry it out I will be here with you. You are not alone in your sorrows. I would like to give this song to you, maybe it would help "Chiquitita by Cher". It seem you have broken a feather but don't worry, we will try to patch it up together.
I want to tell you that a renewal is coming to you. It was a hard chapter that you just experienced and I hate seeing you pretending to be fine. But your sad eyes is not fooling anyone. It is okay to be sad,to be angry, to let it all out ( in a healthy way not in a self destructive way please). I admired you for holding it together for this long, but more than anything, I want you to let go. Be vulnerable with yourself, I think that is the most beautiful thing. Witness the spectrum of human emotions, it is beautiful. It is time to rest in your nest for awhile until you’re able to fly again. Take all the time that you need, grieve all that there is, broken relationships, friendships, nostalgia. Whatever it is, I am alway there. Listen to music because I love sending you messages through these songs, it has really helped me through my hard time. So I’m hoping music could be a little comfort to you at this time. Take some time for yourself love, cause you definitely need it. Trust me that the sun will rise once more, and all that happened will just been a hard learned lesson and you’ve definitely learn a lot from it.
I know that the real you is not a sad person. You are the most vibrant, radiant, happiest soul I know. And sadness doesn’t suit you one bit, as well as pretending to be happy. You shine best when you are true to your feeling. Winter is over and I cannot wait to welcome you back into the season of spring.”
Your Soulmate
Signs: Black feathers, birds, 55, Tears drop
Love Quote : “He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”
Song : Chiquitita by Cher
Chiquitita, tell me the truth
I’m a shoulder you can cry on
Your best friend, I’m the one you must rely on
You were alway sure of yourself
Now, I see you’ve broken a feather
I hope we can patch it up together
Love Poem verse: If Magic Was Real by @cant-find-my-name
.. The world seem kind
When you’re around
To believe again
Is easy
When you’re with me
If Magic is real
It is where you’ll be
🧚🏻‍♀️ 💕 🍀 🌷 🌸 You are Loved 🌸 🌷 🍀 💕 🧚🏻‍♀️
Pile 3🫧 I’ll Never Forget
“You’re working so hard and so am I. We’re trying to do our own work, slowly building strong foundation for the future. Maybe out of fears than anything. This anxiety to keep on going, to do better and better, to improve, constantly striving for a better future. I get it, I feel it too, however, if we keep on going like this eventually our life forces will run out. And physically we can become ill and I really don’t want that for you. So I’m here to let you know that you can slow down, what you feared will not come true. Your deep, dark fears will not come alive. If you think you can’t stop because you think that the fears you feel will transpire. No, it will not, you’ve work hard enough. Outwardly and internally, I’ve watched you tried and tried and alway striving to do better. To be better, but honey, you are already enough for me. You alway will be, regardless of what you did or what you didn’t do or what you will do. I will alway believe that your existence alone is enough for me. To sooth my soul, to lift my spirit up. You don’t have to do anything for me, I am happy just to be with you, to exist with you, to be by your side and bath in your lovely presence
I know you have struggled from a lack mentality, I don’t know if you notice that about yourself. And that is nothing to be ashamed of , I‘m struggling with it too. I understand how you feel, no matter how much you have or how much you do, you just feel it’s never enough. True abundance come from the inside. And you are already enough with the proof that your heart beats for you, the blood flowing in your vein is proof that we meant to exist here as we are. No more, no less.
Please rest assured love, and take a break once in a while. Do something that’s not related to work. I want you to practice winding down, practice letting go and relaxing. No one ever teach us how to truly relax and it is a skill, it doesn’t come naturally to us and we can help each other relax. We can practice together, practice just existing without shame or guilt, or a pit in our stomach that things will go wrong if you don’t do anything. I want you to learned to have fun because when we’re together, it’ll become a skill that will help our relationship a lot. I want to have fun together with you and for you to tell me all about your adventures, your travels and your crazy journey. I can’t wait to just sit down and be with you. Take a vacation with you and have the time of our lives. You are my vacation home.”
Love from,
Your Honey bear
Signs : 88, Roses, Games, Festival, Spider, Designer brand
Love Quote : “I know from that first moment we met. It was not love at first sight exactly but familiarity. Like ‘oh hello’, it’s you. It’s going to be you.”
Song : Voyage by Kep1er
“The sound of waves surging in
Far beyond the horizon
Between the clouds, we going high
Follow me in my way
When the gentle breeze blows
Close your eyes and feel it
We arrived to an unfamiliar island
slowly open your eyes
Love Poem verse: I’ll Never Forget by @cant-find-my-name
Loneliness is a disease
But I think you’ve just cure me,
You make me so happy
I don’t recognise myself,
You warmed my hand
Around your coffee mug
And asked if I’m alright
Your voice sounded worried
And there’s concern sincerity’s in
Your eyes.
🧚🏻‍♀️ 💕 🍀 🌷 🌸 You are Loved 🌸 🌷 🍀 💕 🧚🏻‍♀️
Pile 4🌙Each Night
“Good evening, I hope to meet you again in our dream. I know you dreamed of me and questioned it. Believe in yourself my little star. Your dream is not lying to you. It is alright to hope, to wish, to believe in the impossible. Please don’t think that it’s ridiculous or childish to believe in true love, in soulmate and fairy tales. Because you’re not wrong to hope. Your soulmate exist and you know that but your fears trying to convince you otherwise. I am your soulmate and my message to you is to believe in me. I want to validate your feeling, your extraordinary senses. Your wish in that little star?, I heard it, the universe heard it too and we listen. To all of your wishes and it was not ridiculous of you to wish for love, true love. It is not unrealistic, or rose colour glasses. It is just something that you know you deserve and want to feel. We do not shame or guilt ourself for asking for more love.
I am alway with you, in your dream, in your waking life, in our past lives. That is why you can feel my presence so strongly. It is not just from your imagination. I want to assured you that, it is real. I am as real as the bark of a tree. I can feel you too but truthfully, my 3D self is not as intuitive as you. I tend to brush things off when they don’t make sense, so please don’t be like me.Things doesn’t need to make sense now,it will eventually come together. Unfolding naturally, beautifully. I know you see my signs everywhere and is questioning reality. You are not going mad, just a head up from me. We will meet soon, in a way that you won’t believe. I won’t either but we both know that we wish for this desperately. Earth has been achingly lonely for me. And knowing you exist have helped alleviate the ache a bit. I want you to take your time with life, don’t rush cause when we come together, we can continue this journey together in an even pace,step by step.
Signs : North Star, Dove, Diamond shape, Cocoon of a butterfly, 8910, 2020
Love Quotes: “He loves you very much” she said, but more than that, he cares for you. Sometimes love is not as important as truly caring for the other person.
Song : Surefire by John Legend
“Let me breath you in ‘till gravity bends
And we fall through the hole in the light
Make this our kingdom
Somewhere where good love conquers and not
Love Poem verse : Each Night by @cant-find-my-name
Oh distance shore
I beg of you
Please no more,
Please don’t keep us apart
I can’t take it
This is destroying my heart,
We are one and it’s time to be
Together again
Next to each other
Hand in Hand
Feel you touch my skin
Smell your scent
I breathe you in………
🧚🏻‍♀️ 💕 🍀 🌷 🌸 You are Loved 🌸 🌷 🍀 💕 🧚🏻‍♀️
Thank you so much for reading!. If this resonate please leave a tip if you like. See you soon!
Check out more of my original poems at @cant-find-my-name .
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bridgetoesoteria · 5 months
🥰Timeless Love Reading 💟💗
Heyy back with anotha one! ➡Poll correlates with the piles⬅
Hope it resonates :)
Collective: For everyone I am getting the message that its time to break out of limiting beliefs. It may be time to face some fears or other things you have been avoiding.
I'm using a deck that I very rarely reach for these days. It was my first deck and I loved it! But it reminds me of someone who ended up really hurting me so I avoid it. But today I felt drawn to it for this reading and realized I didn't want to let them taint my life any longer.
I feel that everyone is being called to do that in someway. Take back your power in love and start controlling the narrative more.
Using Sun and Moon Tarot + The Afro Goddess Clear Vision Duo
Pile 1: Summer
4 Card Spread: The Lovers, 3 of Cups, Queen of Wands, and Princess of Pentacles. Bottom of the deck is Ace of Swords.
I'm getting a pretty bright and cheery energy. So either this is where you are or where you are headed. Yay! Love to see it 🥳 I'm bumping some Amy Winehouse right now. It always makes me feel so sultry. That's kinda the same energy I am getting from your reading.
I think you will be going out and having a great time. You will be re-discovering your sexuality. You will truly be "feeling yourself" (no pun intended!). Some of you could be getting frisky and I see the possibility of children, so take precautions if you are not ready for kids. But for others, if that is what you are hoping for this is a good sign. Some of you may be looking to expand your families.
For others, I think you will have a suitor that comes forward and makes you forget about the past. It looks healthy and honest. (This doesn't mean trust blindly. Always maintain your boundaries and trust your intuition!). Its possible they could make a proposal like asking you on a date, asking to make it official, or something else. Seems like there is romance and mutual love ahead ♥
TL;DR: You will definitely be feeling yourself, if you aren't already. Rightfully, so! What's wrong with confidence. You might be feeling a little hot in the pants *wink wink* so take precautions if you are not looking to get pregnant. You might meet someone that is a good match. Still make sure to trust your intuition and maintain proper boundaries. These are important ingredients for any healthy relationship.
Oracle: Sensei + Passion
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Hopefully, you can see the images. Look over the messages and take what resonates with you. You will know its for you by the way it makes you feel.
Yeah... I know what I'm talking about when I said I saw some spicy energy in your reading. Luckies! I am also getting a bit of a marriage vibe.
Pile 2: Autumn/Fall
4 Card Spread: King of Cups, 6 of Wands, Ace of Cups, and 2 of Pentacles. Bottom of the deck is The Emperor.
Jamming to Miss Independent by Kelly Clarkson. Go listen! It may have messages or a vibe you resonate with! Omg and now Brokenhearted by Karmin is playing. I remember when I thought this was Cher Lloyd lol... anywayy..
I am getting such good energy for this pile! I love it. You could be romantics at heart. I am getting a free spirited energy. You don't let heartbreak keep you down and jaded. You always find a way to come back out on top and open your heart again. That is seriously impressive! Its not easy or common to be that resilient! (In case you're wondering, my phone is now playing Drama Queen (That Girl) by Lindsay Lohan). Go you! 😊🙌 If you aren't here right now, this is a sign that you can get there! Manifest it!
I do see someone coming in. They give me kind of goofy energy but well-meaning. They might have more serious intentions than you think or they could have a serious side. I do feel like the ball will be in your court in some way. So just know everything can go the way you want it to. I think this can apply to love overall. You're in a very attractive energy.
If you are going through a heartbreak, you will get over it. I don't mean that in a dismissive way. It just feels like you will start to snap out of it almost. The pain may linger but you will find ways and people to distract yourself.
Some of you are wondering if you should reconcile with a certain person. I see them thinking the same thing. You both feel the same way but probably don't show it. This is probably more of a communication problem and difference in love languages. If you do decide to get back together, try to get to know each other in a more light hearted way. Focus on the moment for now, instead of the bigger picture. Maybe get one of those "couple's questions" type of decks from Amazon.
Some of you may be trying for a baby and I see positive signs here. Make sure to really tune into your empress energy. Know that you have abundance interwoven in your energy and DNA.
TL;DR: Some of you may be experiencing some friction with a partner or may be newly single. You will feel like going out and doing you. I see that you and this other person may struggle with communication and understanding each other. Take some time apart to cool off. Don't make any impulsive decisions you will regret later. If you choose to reconcile, focus on getting know each other for who you truly are. Maybe do this in a light hearted way with some couple's quizzes/games.
Oracle: The One of Wonders + Oil and Water
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I'm definitely getting some kind of love-hate vibe. Someone you can't live with but you also can't seem to live without. I knew I was getting an LGBT vibe when I started this reading. I think some of you in this pile could belong to the community. Whether you are single, or going through a break with you partner, I see you dusting off the "freakum" dress and wildin out. Maybe you feel like you deserve this. You've earned the right to have some carefree nights.
Hey, I'm not going to stop you. If you like it, I love it! Go ahead and get it out of your system. Just be safe my dearies. Remember you might end up having a veryy honest discussion with a partner/love interest so don't do anything you might not want to share.
Pile 3: Spring
Off the Bat: Before I even began shuffling I was getting a kind of scorned feeling. Some of you may be thirsty for some kind of revenge. That's kind of funny because I have been wanting to do a "Get Your Lick Back" reading 🤣🤣 But I didn't know if that was too messy for the first week of 2024.
4 Card Spread: Queen of Swords, The Chariot, The Magician, and The Devil. Bottom of the deck is 6 of Cups.
I think you will be taking more charge in your love life. Its like you have a fire under you that's driving this energy. You could be experiencing some kind of heartbreak or toxic cycle.
You will probably be hearing from this person or reaching out to them yourself. It will be up to you what you want to do with this situation. You could take them back and have passion but its likely that you will realize you have outgrown this situation. I think you have learned a lot about this person and you are ready to put up better boundaries.
Some of you could be leaving this person. You may not trust that they are going to maintain whatever change they are showing you. If you do know this person to be toxic and hurtful, you are making the right choice.
Regardless of your specific situation, I do think with the Chariot and Magician in the middle of your reading, you have the power to manifest whatever you need. Harness whatever surge of passion or energy you get and use it to go after what you want. Some of you will manifest communication after a fight or about a fight or betrayal.
For others I see your relationship improving. I think more effort will be put in to try and protect your foundation. It feels a bit scattered for some reason. I think your intentions are in the right place. Perhaps you would benefit from couple's counseling or something similar.
TL;DR: You will have the choice to end a toxic relationship or cycle. Some of you may find that you have outgrown a person or situation. You could manifest communication from someone that reveals some kind of truth. For others, there is a commitment to protecting what you have built with each other. If you fall into that group, consider couple's therapy! Ball is in your court no matter where you fall.
Oracle: Oil and Water + The Librarian
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Read over the information for each card. I think the messages meant for you will jump out at you.
Lift Me Up by Rihanna and Demons by Imagine Dragons may have some messages you resonate with. Also check what the year of the dragon may mean for you
Pile 4: Winter
Off the Bat: I am getting a lot of air energy! I also turned off all my music and stopped sipping. Some of you could be moving into a pretty serious energy. You have priorities and don't want to waste energy on nonsense.
4 Card Spread: Page of Swords, King of Swords, 10 of Swords, and King of Wands. Bottom of deck is 10 of Cups.
Some of you could be dealing with a break up. If it hasn't gotten to that point, there may be a lot of cold energy between you and your partner or love interest. Perhaps they want to act single and keep you a secret and you just aren't cool with that? Or perhaps they have a secret of their own. I am picking up on some kind of immature and selfish behavior. I almost want to call it ridiculous. So maybe that is how you feel. Others of them may be burying themselves in work to get over some kind of pain. Whatever the case, you are not feeling emotionally fulfilled.
You feel comfortable putting a pin in things. Even though you may feel quite compatible with this person in a lot of ways, there is something missing. I feel like there may be lack of emotional availability from both sides but it could feel like they don't see you at all.
You may find yourself walking away with a heavy heart. I am seeing you represented by some very powerful cards! The Queen of Wands and High Priestess! This person may not have acknowledged your worth but that does not mean it isn't there. You have a lot of inner strength and power. Your mind and intuition are sharp. If you know you can do better, go out there and manifest it!
TL;DR: You may be kicking an unfulfilling person or situation to the side. If you are not being recognized and cherished by your partner, I think you already feel that it is time to go. You definitely have the energy to attract what you deserve. No more settling. You are walking away to get your mind right.
Oracle: Parted Paths + The Dependent
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I hope you can see that. Please take read over the messages from each card and take what resonates.
Thank you everyone for stopping by. I hope it resonates. I've never done pick a card style readings before.
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deertism · 7 months
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🧁 — Natsuki npt(s) ! requested by anon
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💌 — names ; sakura , frill , rose , lucy , marie , ambrosia , allure , lovelle , luve , belle , merlot , merlotte , marcy , flora , blossom , rosemary , rose , rosa , alice , lorelai , sera , seraphina , aurora , candy , penny , angel , adore , amor , amour , lamante , dear , darling , aura , sylvie , esme , ruby , rubie , pip , mimi , nina , doll , misty , cure , kiss , bunny , scarlet , scarlette , cassy , cassie , estelle , rosanne , kit , kitti , mauve , elisa , muse , cher , cherish , cherri , melo , melody , locket , lockette , fushia , ame , dove , lyre , lyla , valentine , doe , luvsick , lovesick , damselle , ribbon , crush , affagato , creme , adora , romeo , bliss , heart , hart , lovesong , silvia , dollette , dollyne ,
🎀 — pronouns ; love / loves , love / sick , bake / bakes , cup / cake , po / peom , swe / sweet , che / cherish , kiss / kisself , cu / cute , lover / lovers , ador / adores , val / valentine , rib / ribbon , lace / laceself , de / devotion , he / heart , crush / crushself , 🧁 / 🧁self , 🎀 / 🎀self , 🩷 / 🩷self , 🌸 / 🌸self , 💌 / 💌self , ✒️ / ✒️self
🩷 — titles ; the lovesick , the lover ⓘ , the lovestruck , prn who adores , the baker , prn who makes delicious treats , prn who writes poems , the poet , the cute / adorable one , prn who is cute / adorable , prn who yearns , prns everlasting passion , prns everlasting love , the muse , prns devotion ⓘ , the sugarcoated , prns sweetness ⓘ
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Cher in "Good Times" (dir. William Friedkin - 1967)🌵🌸🌵
Via @isabelfutre on Instagram🌵
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smallcloisville · 3 months
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I’m Watson to his Holmes. Cher to his Sonny. Just like you’re Scooby to his Shaggy.
I have soft spot for Shelby😭😭💞🌸✨
I always wondered what would've happened of they kept Shelby's power...
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nereidestuff · 3 months
la isla blanca; huitième version.
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la isla blanca; septième mise à jour 💕 six mois désormais que notre doux cocon, LA ISLA BLANCA, à ouvert ses portes. mes douceurs de co-admins, @themuseparadox, @erinye-stuff, @romystigri, @gerard-menjoui & moi-même venons vous présenter sa huitième version. pour l'occasion; lib fait totalement peau neuve avec un nouveau codage mais aussi beaucoup d'autres nouveautés à dénicher.
l'intrigue du mois; entre les murs teintés d'ocre, se dissipent les murmures solennels des promesses d'un autre temps, s'installent en douceur les lueurs de l'astre primaire de la cité entourée de nuages menaçants. le scélérat n'est plus là, vague souvenir déjà oublié par les esprits béats, calmes sont les vagues qui furent enragées, amorphes quand près des ruelles éclairées, on chante à l'amour et aux étreintes subtilisées. la saint-valentin, le moment où les flammes se déclarent, l'instant où les cœurs battent à l'unisson, sans retard. pourtant, loin des rayons chaleureux, l'ombre se dresse, mirage ou bien réelle créature que certains se plaisent à appeler reine des tristes desseins, la légende gronde dans les esprits dès lors que la saison hiémale touche à sa lente fin. avez-vous déjà entendu parler d'hamarre, déesse des amours et des couples qu'elle sépare sans détour ? elle est bien là, observant les faits et gestes de ceux qui vivent trop fort, trop vite, sans se soucier de son aura. sur l'île, le mythe se chuchote de bouches en bouches, s'éteint pour laisser planer les vapes idéalisées d'une vieille histoire décimée, celle de deux amants qui s'aimaient, puis séparés par les courants et les menaces de l'océan. on murmure aussi qu'il suffit de s'approcher de la grotte d'es culleram et d'y déposer un papier avec le prénom de l'être aimé, de revenir le jour suivant pour attester de tâches noires comme signe que l'affection est destinée à durer. s'il n'y en a pas, c'est qu'hamarre ne vous accordera pas sa bénédiction jusqu'au trépas. mais qui peut-on réellement croire ? simple fiction ou véritable invention, c'est à vous, chers habitants, d'en juger.
– la isla blanca se veut un forum où règnera la bienveillance, et où l'on privilégie l'intégration de chacun. un doux cocon où les personnages de tout les horizons, nous l’espérons, pourront trouver une maison. du plus sombre, au plus doux, l'île ne cesse d'accueillir de nouveaux habitants aux nuances illimitées. ✨
aucun minimum de ligne exigé sur le forum – un rp par mois. n’hésitez pas à nous rejoindre. 🌸🐚
lien du forum :: https://laislablanca.forumactif.com/ lien du forum :: https://laislablanca.forumactif.com/
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starriesse · 2 months
♡ ⁔⁔ FLOWER NPTs ... !!
[PT: Flower NPTs. End PT]
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[PT: Names! End PT]
— Petal ; Lily ; Dahlia ; Daisy ; Bloom ; Blossom ; Cherry ; Rose ; Tulip ; Azalea ; Iris ; Orchid ; Peony ; Lycoris ; Mari ; Marigold ; Snowdrop
[PT: Pronouns! End PT]
— Flo/Flower ; Bloom/Blooms ; Pet/Petal ; Lily/Lilys ; Seed/Seeds ; Sprout/Sprouts ; Spring/Springs ; Tu/Tulip ; Ro/Rose ; Cher/Cherry
[PT: Titles! End PT]
— The Flowering One ; They Who Bloom ; The Gardener ; They Who Reside in the Garden ; The Blooming One ; They Who Sprout ; The Lover of Spring
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coolvieilledentelle · 10 months
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Paris est surnommée la ville de l'amour 💗. Mais cela ne signifie pas que vous devez être à Paris pour trouver l'amour. Où que vous puissiez être sur cette petite planète mes chers amis, j'espère que vous trouverez tous cet amour spécial qui durera toute une vie 🌹.  🥂🍓🌸🎶💞💫 belle soirée
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freezingnarc · 2 months
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† Cherblossnowpard | 🌸snowpard
Pt: Cherblossnowpard | 🌸snowpard /end pt
Gender related to the 🌸 emoji and snow leopards, being a snow leopard that likes / uses the 🌸 emoji, cherry blossom aesthetics, snow leopard aesthetics, etc
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† Coined on 03.24.2024
† Colors based on emoji 🌸 [cher]ry [blos]som + snowpard | 🌸 + snowpard
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thatitbrunette · 1 year
School is about to start and each girl has to choose her role model
Choose yours!
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-Elle woods
🌸 Cute pink stationary and pink Pom Pom pens
🌸 taking hours to get ready in the morning while listening to music
🌸 pushing yourself to be the best of the best and to probe other people wrong
🌸 being kind and humble to everyone and help other people
🌸 always taking notes and paying attention to class and answering every question while being present
🌸 not being scared to be different from others
🌸 taking breaks and going to the salon and not pressure yourself
I don’t need backups, I’m going to Harvard
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-Blair Waldorf
🌸 Messy handwritten notes
🌸 polished look and being always put together
🌸 determination, discipline and hardwork
🌸 studying to prove others wrong
🌸 early morning classes & coffee
🌸 Not accepting anything less than perfect and always chasing more
🌸 not stopping for anything or anyone until you get what you want
I know what I want and I’m gonna get it
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-hermoine granger
🌸 tons of messy notes scattered around your desk
🌸 always coming to school early and before everyone else
🌸 read about other topics outside of school subject and always learn more information
🌸 speak up in class and always pay attention
🌸 coffee shop studying dates with your friends
🌸 always being the most well educated one in your class
🌸 Studying late at night in the library for your upcoming tests with tons of coffee
Honestly, don’t you two read?
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-Rory gilmore
🌸 Doing your homework Friday night
🌸 reading on the way to school, reading during breaks, reading everywhere!
🌸 not being afraid of being alone and embracing it
🌸 homework,homework and some more homework
🌸 studying late at night until you sleep on the dining table
🌸 putting school before everything else
🌸 having goals set and chasing them
Who cares if I’m pretty if I fail my finals?!
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-Paris geller
🌸 Participating in school events
🌸 being driven and successful and very hardworking
🌸 studying all the time and always being the group leader in every group project
🌸 not letting outside circumstances effect your studies
🌸 perfectly written notes and organized stationary
🌸 be smarter, not nicer
🌸 not tolerating anything less than perfect
What are you gonna do without a college degree? Drive a forklift?
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-Cher Horowitz
🌸 Stop chasing boys and starting chasing your grades
🌸 never be afraid of dressing up to school
🌸 always participate in class and be present
🌸 help others and help yourself
🌸 studying in your room while dressing up
🌸 try new things, meet new people, have fun in school!
🌸 try balancing between having fun and studying during your highschool years
I had an overwhelming sense of ickyness!
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wayward-persephone · 2 years
What do you think each of Ethan’s characters nicknames are for the reader?🌸 Like “honey”, “baby” or “love”💗
I absolutely adore this question 💙🥺
Some are pretty self-explanatory
The Grabber/Albert Shaw
"My Treasure". Really anything with "my" in front of it is something he would use because you are his. But he definitely would call you treasure because he thinks you are something precious that he wants to protect and keep from everyone else.
Arthur Harrow
"My little Goddess"
Edward Dalton
"Sweetheart." May or may not be related to how sweet he finds your blood, but mostly because you see past his fangs and he adores you for it.
Troy Dyer
"Sunshine." Started out as a teasing name, but gradually became an endearment.
Goodnight Robicheaux
"Mon Cher"
Ellison Oswalt
"Beauty" or "Beautiful"
King Aurvandil War-Raven
"Little Dove" or "My Queen"
James Sandin
Russell Millings
Sal Procida
"Doll" or "Doll face"
Travis Conrad
Ernst Toller
"My love"
"Bug". I have no idea why, but I feel like he would definitely call you this. Maybe it started off as a joke or a term of annoyance however now it's definitely a term of endearment from him.
James Costa
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Hello! Could I please request a little who has a cutesy (maybe pastel) kind of aesthetic? Said little can be any gender but still has to be fem presenting/aligned. Any age is okay but the younger the better because we don’t have many who are really young. But yeah the rest is up to you!
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NAMES; Buttons, Bonnie, Bella, Dove, Grace, Toffee, Taffy, Nylon, Amme, Adore, Calis, Lover, Leol, Cutel, Doce, Pearl, Sky, Bubble, Bubbles, Luma, Luna, Hope, Melody, Rae, Ray, Rei, Rai, Sadie, Zoe, Zoey, Bon
PRNOUNS; Che/Cher, She/Her, Sei/Heir, Shy/Hyr, Beau/Beau's, Ad/Adore's, Cute/Cute's, Gentle/Gentle's, Dear/Dear's, Darlin/Darling's, Soft/Soft's, Frill/Frill's, Bow/Bow's, Cotton/Cotton's, Cloud/Cloud's, Vae/Vaer, Cutesy/Cutesy's, Kid/Kid's, Kiddie/Kiddie's, Softie/Softie's, Cozy/Cozy's, Love/Love's, Lovely/Lovely's, Aww/Aww's, <3/<3's, ♡/♡'s, 🌸/🌸's
GENDERS; Cutegender, Cutecoric, Genderstalic, Kaeifluidcollecter, Bunnygender, Faeian, Blankgirl, Girl+, Fingirl, Femkiddic, Femmegender
TRANSIDs; Cutesy Permakid, Permakid, Transyoung, TransChild
ROLES/ETC; Ògregulator, Doekid, Swankid, Bunnykid, Catkid, Little, Syskid, Cutegenic, Cutepectic, Bellusgenic, Childmate, Littlex
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ludmilachaibemachado · 8 months
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Swinging Sixties: Gardens, Grooves, and Icons🍀
1967 marked a transformative era in the USA - a time when Beatlemania reigned supreme and the British Invasion left an indelible mark on American pop culture. Vogue US, wanting to capture this zeitgeist, shone the spotlight on Twiggy - London's teen sensation and the embodiment of the swinging '60s. Barely 17, with her transformative partner (and once her hairdresser) Justin de Villeneuve guiding her journey, the duo touched down in Los Angeles in May 1967 for an unforgettable Vogue moment🌷
The scene? A glamorous afternoon at the Beverly Hills residence of the legendary Sonny Bono and Cher. And as Twiggy herself recalled in a 2018 BBC Radio interview, "I was at this party, and suddenly there was this motorbike revving up: it was Steve McQueen!" The king of cool himself, already an Hollywood icon, alongside his elegant wife Neile Adams, had graced the gathering. Drinks, dance, and delightful company!🍂
Here's a thought: which song had them all dancing the day away? What about The Monkees' "A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You"🌹
It was a major hit, securing top spots on the UK singles chart back in May 1967!🪷
“Ralph Crane and Earl Leaf”🥀
Via @kingsqueensofcool on Instagram🌼🌸🌺🍀
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losergendered · 3 months
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ID: a set of 12 images in 6 pairs. each has one image of the listed camp cretaceous character, with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
Darius from Jurassic Park: Camp Cretaceous is a sex repulsed umbercolauric dinogender paleocien mianuinic bergspitzegender extinctmegafaunic dinorainbimigic chompgender radinogender paleocoric mascspecerine dionaeaboy! 🦖 uses hy/hym, scale/scales, roar/roars, claw/claws, rapt/rapts, rex/rexs, foss/fossi, and 🦖/🍂/🦎/🌰self pronouns, is autistic with ADHD traits and has PTSD! Hy has a special interest in paleontology!
Brooklynn is a subjaight firecolauric distorglitchic femstreamer pinkstreamer fierilexic gamersorbgirlgender technologylexic playspincraftic clubpengamic gamesofemasc deceptective gendermatenrugo fuchsianix archaine feindox girl who uses sxe/hxr, wys/wys, ae/aem, 3D/3Ds, and 🕹️/🩷/⚜️/🌹/🔥self pronouns! Sxe has BPD and PTSD, and is dating Kenji!
Ben is a mosscolauric officegender sauroduskayic pathetic-silly boy compugothic gholibraric gendernoktomezo nerdimasc fluxpercimale vutchian ottewink who primarily uses he/him, sae/saer, ir/irs, and fog/fogs pronouns! He is autistic with generalized anxiety, OCD, PTSD, multiple allergies, and is canonically a germaphobe! He has a crush on Kenji!
Kenji is a bronzecolauric recklessor chaokleine friendladventuric rosenloverboy himbogender butternut viobelaen planetary stellian koala bigay hyperverbal guy with ADHD, HPD, and PTSD! He is dating Brooklyn, but has a crush on Ben!
Sammy is a pinkcolauric honacoustian fawnestcoric euphorilexic abendrotgender peachdeersunic pasflorcrownic venuscowgirlic musheepic pinkfantasia sapphitropic gendertagmezo amorpassioic bodengender caelestinusgender rustivellic morgenrotgender sunserenia cidricinnamic bufuemfluid bellusrose canonically sapphic (WLW) pan lesbian who uses she/her, vi/vir, bli/bliss, su/sugar, che/cher, hope/hopes and 🌺/🍉/🐐/🌸/🌾/🍄/🐏/🍰/🩷self pronouns! She has PTSD and anxiety!
Yaz, is a terracottacolauric lindox ruthlesslexic evermistic gendermelu perfumasc esplosivogender lonlighorainic velocierfluix tennisunrisic sportyaesic ainuline tridaine mingirl mascfem girlboy azurgirl canonically sapphic (WLW) bambi lesbimasc dalilaen who uses masc and fem terms indiscriminately! S/he has chronic migraines, alexithymia, and dyscalculia!
Sammy and Yaz are dating and in love!
For 🌖☄️ anon!
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coolvieilledentelle · 11 months
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Bonjour mes chers amis ☕️🌸. Pas d'urgence à se lever, c'est le week-end. Alors détendez-vous, blottissez-vous et passez du temps avec ceux que vous aimez le plus. Passez un excellent week-end 
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