#chasing the unseen
theindieinformer · 3 months
This Week In Indies: March 4 - March 8
This Week In Indies: March 4 - March 8 3/4 - The Thaumaturge 3/4 - BIOMORPH 3/4 - Sixty Four 3/4 - Bullet Bunny 3/6 - Berserk Boy 3/7 - Astro Duel 2 3/7 - Chasing the Unseen 3/7 - Potions: A Curious Tale 3/7 - Snufkin 3/8 - Summerhouse
Welcome to This Week In Indies, a quick look at this week’s indie warped in digitally each Monday so you can plan out your indie gaming calendar. As always, you can always scope out our further-reaching 2024 release list to see what awaits in the impending weeks, months, and year. We hope you have a lot of time because it seems indie developers have decided to overload this week with releases.…
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gebo4482 · 1 year
Chasing the Unseen - Official Demo Trailer | The MIX Showcase March 2023
Website / Steam
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badshepherdgaming · 1 month
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linuxgamenews · 2 months
Experience the Dreamlike Landscapes of Chasing the Unseen
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Chasing the Unseen a single-player adventure game is Steam Deck Verified with Linux via Proton and Windows PC. Thanks to Strange Shift Studio's remarkable talent shines through in their work. Which is already available on Steam. Chasing the Unseen is a single-player adventure that's now fully compatible indie title that is now Steam Deck Verified. Adding more value to Valve's portable gaming device. It's a solo journey that stands out for its massive creatures and dreamlike fractal landscapes. Something like "Shadow of the Colossus" – it's got a similar vibe with a mix of both relaxing exploration and some really nice challenges. What's great about this adventure is how it takes a peaceful approach. You're not in it for the fights; instead, it's more about diving into a deep, thoughtful experience. Think of it as your chill place, perfect for those times you just want to immerse yourself in a different world. The creators have done a fantastic job, proven by the nominations at Indie Cup Canada'23. And also being a finalist at the Game Development World Championship.
Chasing the Unseen - Launch Trailer
The world you'll wander through is both mysterious and stunning. You'll find yourself face to face with giant creatures. But here's a catch: you're not fighting them. Instead, you're climbing on them, and if you slip, your trusty little parachute is there to save the day. It's these elements that add a dash of excitement to your journey. The Chasing the Unseen levels? They're a blend of fractal geometry and other cool design tricks, creating these maze-like, captivating landscapes. It's a mix of exploring, climbing, and a bit of head-scratching to figure out the way forward. And yes, it can get a bit disorienting, but that's part of the charm. It's like stepping into a foreign, dream-like world, and the goal isn't spelled out right away – you have to uncover it yourself. What I admire about Chasing the Unseen is the balance it strikes. It's serene yet engaging, offering an experience that really sucks you in. Which is not about racking up points or endless battling. It's an adventure that invites you to take your time, explore, and reflect. Chasing the Unseen is available on Steam for those interested in a single-player adventure that's more about the experience than the competition. Trust me, it's worth checking out, especially if you're into titles that offer something a bit different. Which is Steam Deck Verified with Linux via Proton and Windows PC. Priced at $19.99 USD / £16.75 / 19,50€.
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srepgames · 3 months
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Chasing the Unseen ya se encuentra disponible en Steam – Launch trailer.
Publicado por SrepGames
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La desarrolladora Strange Shift Studio anunció que Chasing the Unseen, su aventura de trepar criaturas gigantes y exploración, ya se encuentra disponible en PC (Steam).
Acerca del juego: Librado a su suerte en un mundo surrealista, un joven debe encontrar aquello que está buscando. Asume el papel de ese joven y comienza tu viaje por estos entornos sobrenaturales. Chasing the Unseen es un juego de aventura de un solo jugador que se centra en explorar mundos abstractos y trepar a criaturas colosales. Presenta hermosos entornos misteriosos, así como criaturas gigantes que encontrarás por el camino. Las criaturas inmensas ofrecen secuencias de juego emocionantes. Camina y trépate a ellas, y usa tu pequeño paracaídas para ayudarte cuando caes. Los niveles combinan geometría fractal y otras técnicas, que crean agradables paisajes laberínticos. A través de la exploración y la escalada, tendrás que descubrir cómo llegar al final, pero encontrar el camino puede resultar difícil y desorientador. Emprende tu viaje en estos entornos oníricos desconocidos y descubre de qué se trata. Chasing the Unseen es una experiencia introspectiva que equilibra un modo de juego sereno con otros más estimulantes. El juego consiste en una experiencia en la cual sumergirse y no se trata de matar o machacar.
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neverendingrelease · 3 months
Releasing Today, Mar 7 2024!
Ancient Weapon Holly is a roguelike dungeon crawler where you play an antique weapon known as an anime girl. You can use her abilities to build and destroy the dungeon as needed.
Chasing the Unseen is an exploration platformer where you get to climb through crazy fractal and maze environments.
Blade Prince Academy is a tactical RPG that also incorporates hack and slash elements. At any moment, you can pause the combat and then align team movements to chain damage. The characters are students at an academy, so it might be a bit "student arc"-y. I like the character designs and art style.
Astro Duel 2 is a combat platformer/shmup that seems like a combo of Duck Game and Asteroids. It has co-op and pvp so that's a bonus. I'm not sure if it has a story in the bounty mode.
Teefax: Cold Case is a point and click detective inspired by Teletext broadcasts and that kinda CGA vibe from back in the day.
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alpha-beta-gamer · 1 year
Chasing The Unseen is a third person adventure where you enter a vast world filled with fractal geometry and gigantic creatures to climb!
Read More & Sign Up For The Alpha (Steam)
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jennycalendar · 8 months
thinking about it a little more now and jenny's decision to just casually stay late in a public building does actually make sense with the kind of decisions she thinks are good ones. this is the same woman who went "i am going to go apologize to my boyfriend on patrol in a vampire town with vampires and while he is currently located in a place where he may or may not literally right now be fighting vampires" and then went :) ?? when said boyfriend was EXTREMELY STRESSED ABOUT HER BEING THERE AND DOING THIS. and then she shot him
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xylophone888 · 7 days
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please ignore that the last one is grindr messages :praying_hands_emoji:
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harrytheehottie · 5 months
why do fans see privacy as “hiding” like genuine question something ill never understand lol
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istmos · 2 years
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William Merrit Chase, “Hide and Seek”, 1888
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Some Angel and Cordy stuff.
It's pretty cool, too, seeing the evolution of Angel's thoughts about Cordy even in just the books. Because while he never really thought badly of her in them or anything like that (at least in the ones I've read thus far). There were moments where she'd do something brave and there'd be a line like, "Angel promised himself he'd never doubt her again," which of course hints he had somewhat doubted her before. But here he seems completely beyond that and has so much faith in her: a faith Cordelia doesn't have in herself, even.
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gebo4482 · 2 years
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Chasing the Unseen
Website / Steam
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nexus-nebulae · 1 year
bro i had a dream a while back that had some awesome looking terrain which is unique because my brain can only seem to produce superflat-minecraft-world type of environments and anyways i thought it was neat but didn't think much more of it and then months later i decide to click on a video essay about a game i haven't watched any videos of literally since the game came out and
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it's the same goddamn mountain from my dream
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pixlime · 3 months
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Started playing Blacktail [the Long Dark stopped giving me depression dopamine spikes] and I've been really enjoying it so far
Really lovely visuals, and a really really smooth feeling combat system that's almost entirely based on ranged combat. I'm kind of in love with some of the character/monster designs. like look at this guy. he's a creepy mushroom with a village on his head. fuck that rules
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and look at this dude!
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HELL yeah
Really my one major problem with it is the morality system, since it feels kind of forced. I get the idea to want a good or bad storyline based on player input, but when the morality is "help the evil ant queen" or "don't send the bug merchant to his death" it ends up feeling very clunky.
(I have a lot to say on how morality scales force what the devs think to be objective morality etc etc but that's a whole other conversation) My only other gripes I think might have to do with translation making the dialogue feel a little off at times, which I can hardly fault the devs for.
It's a really fun game, especially if you like a spooky slavic fairy tale.
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lesbian-boo-radley · 3 months
I just can't get into horror movies where kids starts experiencing wild paranormal stuff and just...go along with it? Like maybe I was a weird child, but if my teddy bear had literally started talking to me or I'd seen a little random boy wearing old-timey clothing running through my bedroom walls, I would have screamed my fucking lungs out and gone straight to whatever adult was in charge of me at the time and raised holy fucking hell until they either believed me or institutionalized me. Either way I would not have taken it as a new, totally normal fucking friend making opportunity.
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