#charlie and mariana did this too but like
bloodpen-to-paper · 7 months
They're walking and talking back to base after realizing they're going the same way, we're so back
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codecicle · 5 months
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Hey bestie voted for the one and only JuanaFlippa!! Could I perhaps have our girl as a DnD DM ? (She would cause so much chaos just like her father lmao)
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she's saying this because charlie made another character that he didn't realize would fall in gay love and then his character Fell In Gay Love
‼️ vote for either flippa or grizzly in the transmcytshowdown and send proof to get a little doodle of your request ‼️
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imhidingonceagain · 1 year
Slimeriana fans I don't know if you guys know this but...
Before the QSMP started (or as soon as it started, I'm not sure) Mariana said in one of his streams that he wanted his Minecraft character to be have a ship as well.
Mariana is close to Roier who's shipped by people with Spreen or Quackity who's usually paired with Luzu (by the Hispanic side of his viewers).
And I remember that Mariana was like "oh man, I want to be shipped as well" (I can't remember which stream, sorry), because people never did that with him.
I think that's why in the begging of the QSMP he tried to get his character close to Q! Foolish (he ruined his chances very soon tho lol)
But then Slimecicle came and they got along so well (because they have the same sense of humor, Foolish doesn't match too well with Mariana for that reason -that's my theory- not saying that they don't get along, but not everyone can match someone like Mariana because he's... Weird -in a good way-) and Boom... Mariana got what he wanted when his and Charlie's characters got paired up.
I think that's why Mariana has talked about Charlie in such a good light and that's why he reacts to Slimeriana content and talks about the characters even when he's not streaming Minecraft.
Idk, Mariana is very weird, has a strange sense of humor and says a lot of odd shit but he also can be very endearing and I'm glad he found someone who can roleplay with him with the same energy.
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qtubpol · 5 months
Slime pouts, tucking his hip out while Juana awkwardly sat on it. "Child support."
Roier, thankfully, laughed really loudly. Well, the rest of the favela did too. Cellbit needed to crawl in a hole and die about it. "I am not paying you child support."
"She looks exactly like you." One quick look at Juana did, in fact, show she looked like the spitting image of Charlie and Mariana. Not an ounce of Cellbit.
Roier and Pac, this time, both hung off of Cellbit as they crumpled to the ground, laughing. Cellbit, pitifully, turned to Mike and motioned towards Charlie. "This is your brother."
Mike just shrugged and smirked. "And you need to pay him child support."
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sagesparrow394 · 5 months
Slimeriana-Centric Band AU I’ve been thinking about
Mariana and Charlie were supposed to be more than a high school fling. And it seemed like they would be, keeping a long-distance relationship throughout their first year of college and making the most of being together over summer.
But then, when they were back at college, they got into a big argument. Mariana was worried they’d break up - and they technically did, as Charlie abruptly disappeared. He blocked Mariana on everything, cutting all contact. When Mariana went to Charlie’s college to try and find him, Charlie’s old roommates told her that Charlie dropped out. Charlie wasn’t back at their hometown either, and asking his not-at-all-great parents wasn’t any help either. He was completely off the grid
Now, five years later, Mariana has moved on. At least he thinks he has. She gets invited by her friends, Roier and Quackity, to see a Lovejoy concert - Roier has snagged free tickets and backstage passes because his boyfriend is the drummer of the opening act: a smaller band called Bolas Rojas
Mariana tags along and doesn’t think much of it - until Bolas Rojas takes the stage. Most of the members aren’t too notable: Roier’s boyfriend on the drums, a woman with blue hair and cool wings tattooed on her back on the bass, a guy who’s shirtless under the shark hoodie he’s wearing on guitar, and a woman with short pink hair on keyboard and backup vocals
But then out steps the horrifyingly familiar lead vocalist
Mariana hopes, for a moment, that the lack of glasses means this can’t be him
“Hi everyone, I am Charlie Slimecicle, and we are Bolas Rojas!”
Then if things can’t get any worse, Bolas finishes with a song Charlie wrote for “his five year old daughter”
The backstage pass feels like it’s burning a hole in Mariana’s pocket
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Why Charlie Slimecicle for QSMP president:
1. He is a very dedicated man
Ex: Did a whole court case to get back his daughter from the dead, went into exile and built a shrine to bring back Tilín (or Juanaflippa), edited and recorded a whole cover about how much he loves his daughter
2. He is a great person
Charlie had a very troubled past, with an abusive father who killed his seven siblings. He did not know how to be the best spouse or parent, but he still loved Juanaflippa so fiercely. He literally killed for her, performed/wrote multiple songs for her, exploded places for her. He cares for all the eggs.
3. Gegg
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Gegg says vote for Slimecicle
Not to mention, since Charlie signed off on his most recent stream, there has been no signs of Gegg. An egg going missing is extremely worrying, and if Charlie returns, it would make sense that everyone’s favorite egg with soft spots would return as well.
4. Juanaflippa
Juanaflippa was Charlie’s egg daughter, who unfortunately lived the shortest life of all eggs on the server. She died once to neglect, and twice to misclicks. Not to mention, she is owed at least one life by Little J/Angel Rubius. If we make Charlie the president, we can return a little girl who did not deserve her fate to the land of the living.
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6. silly funky guy
Charlie is arguably one of the funniest people on the server. No matter who he is speaking with, or what language barriers there are, he finds a way to make it entertaining for the other content creators, and everyone watching. If Charlie was elected as president, he would have to come back to the server, bringing light back to everyone.
7. ElMariana
Mariana is Charlie’s wife: the man who he was partnered up with to care for an egg. A duo known as the Misclick Duo, they are extremely entertaining for everyone. Along with this, all fans of these two spending time together has been in a drought. Not only this, but both streamers have mentioned that they like hanging out in the game. If Charlie is elected as the president, these two will be online again, making the server even more fruity- they are the ORIGINAL gay QSMP sex duo.
8. The French & The Brazilians
They have only heard stories of Charlie Slimecicle, of El Backflipo. The man who destroyed for his daughter, the man who brings smiles to all faces. If Charlie is made president, they will be able to meet him. This will not only create more content for Charlie, but all your favorite Portugese and French-speaking streamers may gain even more love.
For all these reasons, and many more which have probably left my feeble brain, for El Backflipo's greatness is too much for my mind to comprehend, Charlie Slimecicle should be elected as president of the QSMP.
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sannylity · 1 year
With the new feature of being able to stack on top of other players, I know Slimeriana would take advantage of it (mostly Charlie because he keeps following Mariana around lol)
I need them to log in so badly and discover the feature. Because either they fight about it since the other wouldn’t let go or they’d somehow make that sexual. There is literally no in between.
Some other missed opportunities:
-They would’ve killed it in musical chairs or they would cheat like how Roier did and get kicked off the game. Bonus: Charlie and his very distinctive voice would just yell out something absurd like “Mariana, I’ll sit on your lap! / Sit on my lap!” as a loophole to the game.
-They literally can get married there too. Whether their wedding is just off stream and established, this would’ve been their chance to get married on screen. Maybe Charlie drags Mariana’s ass along because he is always one for having an audience seeing them kissing, gliding into the sunset. It isn’t far off that Charlie would want everyone to see them get married too. And Mariana can’t really say no to him either, whether he admits it or not, he has a soft spot for the crazy bastard.
-There’s a kissing booth. Who else would take advantage of that? And there’s also jail.
-The elegant anonymous messages would either be sweet or funny or both. I just want to know what messages they’d give to each other. It’s literally so unfair we’d never know :(
-Our cringefail couple definitely failing to do the parkour pole in front of everyone.
-I want their live reaction to the telenovela between Roier and Cellbit because they’ve been gone for so long. They’d be so confused when someone, probably Jaiden or Foolish tries to fill them in lol
-Their minecraft skins. I know they would’ve chosen really cute skins for it. Mariana, especially while Charlie would probably find one during the last minute.
I hope they could be there for the future cultural celebrations though. We can only hope :(((
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the-crimson · 8 months
I was just listening to some sad music while thinking about q!bbh and… the eggs changed him. They saved him in a sense. All of them.
When Bad first arrived at the island he was aimless and much like Foolish, looking for the next subject of entertainment. He was only out for himself and couldn’t be bothered to lend a helping hand to anyone.
Then he was given a little egg with a top hat and everything changed. He had someone vulnerable to look out for, to provide for, and suddenly he was given purpose. All of these little eggs were precious beyond words and everything was perfect until it wasn’t.
Charlie tried to murder Dapper right in front of Bad. That was the first time Bad felt fear in a long long time then a deep sadness settled in when he learned Juanaflippa had died and that’s what sent Slime on his rampage and everything suddenly felt so much more real. The illusion of perfection broke and Bad realized, truly realized, just what Dapper meant to him.
Juanaflippa was brought back but then a hat trick of tragedy strikes and Bad is forever changed. Bad has a chance to walk Tilin home but she chooses to go with Slime who accidentally kills her. Juanaflippa chooses to stay with Mariana and he accidentally kills her - again. And Trump dies of neglect alone in an empty house. (Cc!Bad mentioned on stream a while back that the admins had asked him if he could do Trump’s tasks but Bad didn’t realize how dire the situation was- he blames himself)
Within the span of 24 hours, three eggs died and Bad could have saved each of them. This is when everything changes for Bad’s character. This is where Bad vows that no egg was ever going to die of neglect again. This is when Bad started grinding to become the richest person on the server and ensured that all the eggs had maxed out armor at all times. These eggs dying the way they did is what created the Badboyhalo we knew.
Bad created the warp plate system in the sky so he’d be able to reach just about anywhere near spawn to save an egg if they went down. He is the one who discovered the true utility of warp stones and spread that information across the server. He is the one who informed everyone of the autoeat and XP pump functions of the backpack and set up all the eggs with infinite XP so their armor would never break.
He was so incredibly damaged by these eggs dying that he turned all his hyper vigilance towards protecting the remaining eggs even if he barely knew the parents or the eggs themselves. He would never say no to someone asking for help ever again.
Bad went from selfish and out for himself to the most selfless person on the server. He was a demon seeking entertainment in the wake of eternity and transformed into a servant of the people who gave his life again and again for others without question.
Getting Dapper primed Bad for change. Dapper was the crack in the stone that allowed the walls within him to shatter when Juanaflippa, Tilin, and Trump died. Ever since that tragic day, all of the eggs became part of Bad’s family.… and now they are gone.
Dapper and their siblings brought out the best of Bad. They saved him from a cycle of chaotic indifference. And now he’s alone again. Everything he’s done to protect them has been for nothing. Everything he’s changed, the steps he took towards healing millennia old traumas… all of that was for not.
Some wounds cut too deep to heal. Even with all the progress Bad made, he still valued his entire self worth on how useful he was to others, on protecting the eggs. Every time something happened to the kids, he took it as a personal failure. When Bobby died, he blamed himself for not going with them on the adventure. Now they are gone gone. They fled. They are somewhere Bad can’t follow. He failed them. He had one job and he failed.
It doesn’t matter what happens to him now. Getting them back is all that matters. Bad’s world has lost all vibrancy and he’s physically fading away. He doesn’t notice because he can’t let himself. It doesn’t matter. All that matters is getting them back. But even if he does… it’s already too late. He failed. He couldn’t protect them. He failed.
When the eggs come back changed (hatched?) all he will see is his failure. If he lives long enough to see his babies return, will they give him the strength to come back from this? Or will their presence give him the reassurance that… it’s okay. He doesn’t need to fight anymore. They are safe now. He can let go. One last goodbye.
Fuck man. I’ve been here since the beginning. Since the second day Bad had Dapper. I’ve watched almost every single stream since. I’ve watched Bad change in real time. I’ve watched Dapper and the other eggs change him. I stayed up until 3 am watching Bad bargain with god to save his son from an unfair death. I’ve watched Bad chase desperately across the map only to arrive moments too late to find Ramon’s corpse. I’ve watched him sit silently weeping while waiting for Jaiden and Roier to say their last goodbyes. I still remember his screams for Dapper when they were killed by pillagers. I remember them stranded in the snow tens of thousands of blocks from safety with no items no food Dapper couldn’t even speak. Terrified that it could end then and there.
The fact that this whole journey has lead us here. Bad is literally dying because he failed them. He failed them in a hundred different ways but this was the big one. This failure broke him. If Bad does end up dying dying at the end of this arc… that would both be the most narratively satisfying yet heart breaking thing that could possibly happen. The eggs saved him in a million different ways. It makes sense that they would also be the death of him.
Bad’s a demon and a grim reaper so I doubt he’d stay dead but I could see Dapper and friends going on a quest to bring him back from where ever demons/grim reapers go when they die. Maybe he’ll finally get some closure from the tragedies he’s left in his wake all throughout history. Maybe he’ll get a chance to truly start over with a clean slate.
Fuck now I’m thinking about Dapper having ti live through their dad sacrificing himself for them and their siblings. We know Dapper was borderline suicidal before being taken so just… Dapper seeing themself in Bad too late and not being able to save him. Killing himself for the greater good. Dapper refusing to accept that Bad is gone and spending every waking minute researching how to bring him back by any means necessary but knowing Bad would want them to move on, to live, to live, to live.
I have no idea where Bad’s character is going. I have no idea if he’s gonna go full villain and burn the server to destroy the federation. I have no idea if he’s gonna sacrifice himself and die trying to get the eggs back. I have no idea if his grief is literally killing him and he’s acting so desperate with the knowledge that he’s on borrowed time. All I know is cc!Bad is gonna take us on one hell of a ride and I can’t wait to see what happens next.
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strikerangel · 1 year
Okay saur. I was thinking abt agereggssor qcharlie. And i just finished the first gegg stream. So. Ive got hcs and also madness in my bones
Mariana is his main caretaker and is. Alright at it. Hes incredibly over protective when hes on though. No fun adventures for gegg when his mom is around #>>
Charlie regresses from like. 3months old to around 5 at any given day. Tiny baby gegg is incredibly sensitive to being called odd or weird so he sticks to the nicer caretakers those days
His pacifier is light green and has a green fish on it! His favorite onesie is yellow and has bees printed! His body physically regresses too, so he actually looks like a 3 month old when hes 3 months.
The day that gegg was introduced to the server mariana has entrusted him in the care of quackity. Bad idea quackity is a shitty caretaker who left him.
So phil gets the baby boy next! Yay. And hes like. Okay so i guess i need to treat him like the eggs. And he does. But that does NOT stop him from calling gegg odd . He just means it way more affectionatly than quackity did.
Roier is more of the fun uncle caretaker than dad. Which means gegg gets into so much trouble. Bobby and gegg are let loose and wreak havoc on various places!
Wilbur soot is banned from taking care of gegg.
So is quackity
Wil made him so upset one time while regressed that he fucked the whole day up. Please stop putting babies in cages.
Foolish is a pretty good caretaker when hes not going absolutely crazy building that damn dragon. Gegg has fallen off of it so much that mariana just buys a baby carrier for when gegg is over there.
Jaiden is a very good caretaker. She does not call gegg weird where he can hear her and that makes her. Better than. Alot of people on this list unsurprisingly. She takes him and bobby on fun adventures and teaches them how to cook. Or atleast she attempts to.
Maximus is also a little so he is . not allowed to take care of gegg. It would be the blind leading the blind and that never goes well. However they do have fun together on the occasions where they have the same caretakers!
Luzu (little hc of mine uwu) is a very good caretaker for gegg, while he may dislike charlie he is so soft for gegg its crazy. Arin likes gegg too but is a bit more firm with him.
Vegetta is a good caretaker for gegg too. Although theres a bit more of a languahe barrier he also takes care of biden when roier or dan cant do it. So hes good.
Missa is a alright caretaker, he gets overwhelmed easily when taking care of both gegg and chayanne though.
Fit is a great caretaker. He fights he protects but he is also bald. Immediate trust from Huevos and Gegg is no different. No, but seriously he gives Gegg souvenirs and also a gun.
Spreen. Is not a caretaker. Hes really bad at it too (fuckin left ramon. No one has seen him in weeks. Fit thinks hes dead)
Badboyhalo is a main caretaker. While he does rank lower than luzu on the 'who should i give gegg too while im out' list hes pretty damn good. He, gegg, and dapper work on the farm, play in the dirt most days. And then they go inside they bake! Fun activities for babies.
Dan is not a good caretaker he is liable to leave gegg out in the sun /j. No but seriously, when dans on hes an alright caretaker. They do science experiments and occasionally they blow up.
Egg section
Bobby is the worst around gegg. They blow eachother up and other things up too. However they work pretty well together in the kitchen
Chayanne views gegg as another egg under his protection, his left hand man actually. U mess with gegg you get ur ass kicked by both him and chayanne as they are very likely to double team ur ass
Tallulah likes gegg when she doesnt have to share her dad with him. Which. She doesnt anymore because her dad is BANNED from watching gegg. They play music together and while they may be off sync, its pretty fuckin cute lads.
Dapper likes gegg, theyre geggfriends and gegg can make stuff stick really well so buidling stuff with him is a blast.
Ramon likes gegg well enough, dislikes how goopy he is sometimes though. Goop in his mustache. They dance together often though, and ramon is very happy to find someone to dance with.
Leonarda fucking LOVES gegg. She is very willing to teach him everything about being an egg and is liable to kick wilbur in the shins everytime he comes over.
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bloodpen-to-paper · 2 months
QSMP Awards 2024 Summarized
-The audio was scuffed for the first half. I don't mean a little crispy. I don't mean with a slight echo. It was fucked in every way imaginable. The audio sounded like it was going through a blender. Then it kept getting too loud, then too quiet (so much so we couldn't hear), all while being way too crispy. Charlie Slimecicle monologued to the audience while the team was trying to fix it but since the audio was both too crispy and too quiet we couldn't actually understand anything he was saying. This carried on for about 7 minutes with him holding two microphones, neither of which was working, before the stream crashed (again)
-All the staff are apparently Cucurucho, with one of them being a "main Cucurucho"
-Missa wore a "Quackity my beloved" shirt. I could not explain to you what the blazer over it was supposed to be.
-Everyone else at the ceremony was shown through discord call. I'm convinced Charlie has never seen German or Lenay's faces cause he did not know it was them until Quackity said their names
-The screen was supposed to switch between showing all the people on the discord and it kept switching between the same four people. If I have to hear Q, Charlie and Missa chant "Foolish" or "Pol" ever again-
-Mariana showed up and Charlie immediately went into bitter ex mode. He also hit on Mariana. Multiple times.
-We got a patented Ironmouse "coño" and chat lost their shit over Luzu existing, as expected
-Mariana looked like Michael Jackson, Bad's background could've been the set of Breaking Bad, Roier had a ski mask, lots of people learned what Lenay, German and Vegetta's looked like for the first time, and Mike had a kawaii filter
-Somehow Bad didn't even get nominated for Best Cucurucho Jumpscare, showing that even non-red carpet events can produce award snubs (congrats to Bagi!)
-Though I yearned for Maximus getting nominated for his Eh Vegetta prank, we all knew the win had to go to Vegetta for the mines
-The audio eventually became bearable but the echo never fully left. At some point there were like three or four overlaps of Vegetta giving his acceptance speech
-Acau won for Best Death from getting killed by an enderman (in my heart Foolish's accidental death by Pomme's sniper that got him eliminated from the elections won, but we did get Quackity dying to a fly as a nom so I feel complete. Also congrats to Acau!)
-The Qsmp shop is officially open! We got eggie merch :]
-Quackity forgot to roll clips for the Best Purgatory 2 Moment nominees and almost read out the winner before we got the montage (Wuant won! It was the clip of him being told he lost and he accidentally did a flip. They weren't able to get the acceptance speech on stream so we saw it from Quackity's phone)
-Funniest QSMP Moment nominees were all fucking hilarious, its hard to pick just one but Maxo winning for when he respawned after a lore-heavy moment in Pierre's bed to his own moans being remixed into a song absolutely deserved the win
-Saddest QSMP Moment was unnecessary and the admins will be hearing from my lawyers for making me relive Dapper's first lost life, Dia de los Muertos and the end of Purgatory 1 (Jaiden and Roier saying bye to Bobby won, Roier changed his screen to black and white and held up what looked like a mini Cucurucho being used as a cross)
-Best QSMP Original Song was played prematurely when the category was Best Language Exchange, and we got a spoiler for the winner (YD and Hugo's exchange won and YD's audio was muted so we just saw her Vtuber model getting excited)
-The aforementioned Best Qsmp Original Song had Gordinho Gostosinho looping aggressively over Charlie singing the Juanaflippa song, which I hope to god gets clipped cause it was hilarious (I'm glad the Roier and Cucurucho rap got nominated). Charlie was very confused why they had him announce his own win.
-Best PVP unsurprisingly went to Etoiles for his colosseum Code fight, after all he is the Best🔥 (the other noms were great too, we had Philza vs Tubbo in Purgatory, Bad and Maxo eliminating El Quackity from the elections, and a cute sparring session between Pac and Richas)
-Best Qsmp Fails went to Fit for that time Pac's internet cut out during their date (of course he bragged about his Brasilian boyfriend after learning he won for best loser)(also if it was up to me Quackity's fly deaths would've been added to this category just sayin')
-The audio problems were revealed to have been roleplay the entire time. Yep. All part of the lore.
-Speaking of, most of the winners who were in the discord call could not be heard so they had to give speeches through Quackity holding his phone up to the mic
-Best Roleplayer went to Roier for his Doied arc (the screen prematurely showed him before they could read the announcement, and his speech was him kissing the camera)
-Worst Server House went to Mariana accompanied with the classic clip of him reacting to the admins roasting his started base; Mariana was part of the discord call but left at some point so he couldn't give a speech, to which Charlie jumped on the opportunity to roast his absence like a shark smelling blood (they rightfully nominated Quackity for his clip of Acau reacting to his failure of a starter house, and apparently Carre's base is just his bed on a dirt plot)
-Most Iconic Clip went to Pac for stealing the Qsmp Logo (the other lovely noms included Foolish and co. accidentally closing their house door after a creeper came in an attempt to shut it out, and Tina reacting to a mob giving Felps a blowjob)
-The Most Bankrupt Islander went to Niki for being broke, we stan (during the nom montage we got a passa tudo mention)
-The Creator Who Spent the Most Time on the Server Award went to Bad, which was shocking to no one, although they did use his Barbie Girl clip for the nom montage (they also used Fit wearing a wig for his clip)
-The Qsmp cake for the one year anniversary had the text "FELICIDADES ALBERTO". We do not know who Alberto is. Pol was losing it.
-Tubbo won for The Creator With the Most Deaths (106), while The Creator With Fewest Deaths went to Philza (he only had 1!). Philza was able to be heard through stream but the hosts didn't know this so they would hear him from Quackity's phone and repeat what he was saying even though we could hear him
-Everytime the camera cut back to the hosts Charlie, Quackity and Missa had more cake on their faces
-Most Distance Traveled (in Minecraft) went to Etoiles (6,000+ km jfc)
-Creator With the Most Mob Kills went to Pierre (162,960 mob kills. what the fuck.)
-They accidentally read the award for Creator With the Most Damage Taken (Foolish) during the Best Builder announcement, confusing the shit out of everyone, especially cause the screen showed Mike instead of Foolish. I am still unclear who won Best Builder
-Creator With the Most Blocks Placed went to Mike!!! (MIKE WIN VAMBORAAAAAAAAAAA🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷)
-We had to uncomfortably sit through Missa feeding Charlie cake (and just Charlie in general)
-There was an In Memorium segment of the passed eggs (Quackity shat on a grieiving Charlie for Flippa only lasting 11 days, but in Charlie's words, "to you it was 11 days; to her it was a lifetime"). Charlie commentated and had nothing to say about Trump because he didn't know jack shit about Trump (though he did make a wall joke which is exactly what Maxo would have wanted godbless🙏)
-The stream ended with the discord people saying goodbye, while Roier was holding up the mini Cucuruchos and didn't move the entire time. I know he wasn't frozen because he blinked.
-Maxo sent in his acceptance speech video last minute and Quackity hyped it up as a mysterious final entry but Charlie guessed it was Maxo and spoiled it on accident
-Speaking of, Maxo's entry was him walking around heaven looking for Trump </3
-Charlie gave a heartfelt speech about the people he met through the Qsmp, all while looking like ate out frosty the snowman <3. Missa simpy thanked Alberto (we still do not know who Alberto is)
-Tubbo wasn't present in the discord call because he thought him streaming meant he couldn't join. After the stream Quackity called and Tubbo realized he was allowed to join the whole time
-We ended on a montage of various moments, with a message of excitement looking forward to the next year!
And of course, here are the screenies I managed to nab of the hosts slowly deteriorating into cake
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ana-lmao · 2 months
Coded Shift (Chapter 2)
Sorry for being absent!! Have been busy!! Warnings: Swearing, code, g/t ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Oh my god Thats what Charlie heard before opening his eyes, he seemed... Normal? Not taller or shorter... but.. why was Phil staring at him like that? Phil backed away a bit, a worried look was on his face, Charlie's code got worse, It was covering more then half his body, a single horn coming out of his head which was also black and green with numbers floating, He had a tail, shaped like what he would assume is a demon tail and claws.
-Charlie... -He said quietly, slowly approaching him. -W-What? -We need to talk. You're getting corrupted too much... -Corrupted? Don't be silly! Nothings wrong! -His tail sways without him noticing.
-Charlie that's not Juanaflippa! -He shouted. -What..? What do you mean? -It's a code Charlie! A Code! You need to stay away from it! Look at you!
Charlie looked at him confused, then angrily shouted: -SH3'S R34L!!!! Another glitch effect happened. -W-What the fuck?! -Phil was now looking up at Charlie, backing away.
*Philza is Bleeding, Philza was slain by Slimecicle* [Cellbit]: ??? [Cellbit]: Phil??? *Philza was slain by Sl1m3c1cl3* [Tubbo]: L [Tubbo]: L [Tubbo]: L
[+]El Mariana *Philza was slain by Sl1m3c1cl3* [Tubbo]: L [Tubbo]: O h [Tubbo]: Dam Phil what did you do [Cellbit]: Phil Coords [Roier]: Why's his name like that [Tubbo]: Why is he special [Phil]: egxilr [Cellbit]: Eggxile? *Philza was slain by Sl1m3c1cl3* [Philza]: ys [ElMariana]: Qué? [Roier]: Late to the party Mariana [ElMariana]: Cállate hijo de puta Cellbit hesitantly warps to EGGXILE, Him and Phil were just here a few hours ago and the place already looked so much worse. It was silent... too silent... -Phil?.. -He mumbled, before being surrounded by darkness, flickering 0's and 1's, he felt.. that the darkness was moving?.. He tried to get his sword out before he was in a random room surrounded by dirt and a few code blocks. -Cellbit!!! -He heard a scream from behind, it was Phil. -PHIL!! ARE YOU OKAY?! WHAT HAPPENED? WHERE ARE WE?! -Charlies.. code's worse, I don't know where we are tho. -What was the huge black uhh barrier thing? -That wasn't a barrier, it was- Phil was cut off by another crash. -OW WHAT GIVES??? -Tubbo!! are you hurt?! -Phil went over to him -I WAS JUST HANGING AROUND WITH SUNNY WHEN I WAS SUDDENLY CRASHED DOWN HERE!! Suddenly a small child-like figure starts approaching them. It places down a sign. -1'M S0RRY, 1'M S0RRY!!, 1 D1DN'T M34N F0R TH1S T0 H4PP3N!!! -What..? -The child came out of the shadows, it was "Juanaflippa". -What do you mean you didn't mean for this to happen?! You have been corrupting Slime for MONTHS now! YOU MADE HIM A MONSTER. -Phil yells at Flippa and she places down another sign. -1 Just m1ss3d p4p@ 4nd 1 d1dn't w4nn@ l3@v3 h1s s1d3!! -You aren't Juanaflippa... He's not your father! And you are not his child! -Cellbit approaches her. -1 4M!!! Th3 f3d3r4t10n m4d3 m3 l1k3 th1s, th3y t0ld m3 1 c0uld s33 p4p@ 4g@1n but w1th c0nc3qu3nc3s, 1'm s0rry... 1 d1dn't kn0w... They were all stunned, it was her after all. -So wait, wait- What's happening to Charlie now?-Tubbo asked to break the silence. -Th3 bl4ck v01d th4t br0ught y0u h3r3 w@sn't a barr13r... -What was it then? -Cellbit asked, getting closer and crouching down. -P4p4 -What? -1t w4s p@p4 -But how?.. -Th3 c0d3 m4d3 h1m l1k3 th4t -Like?... -B1g -Oh. *On the surface* -donde está todo el mundo? -Mariana was walking around looking for people before teleporting to eggxile since he saw the chat earlier. -Slime? -M4r1n4....-Mariana heard a glitchy voice, similar to Slimes -QUÉ?! -Why 4r3 y0u h3r3. -Why are you here?! This is my husbands place! -G0 1n th3 h0us3 -Why? -... -G0 1n th3 h0us3. -No I won't Suddenly Mariana gets tied by.. something. -EH? WHAT IS THIS?! -1 t0ld y0u t0 g0 1ns1d3... A shadow looms over Mariana, A demonic figure with flickering 0's and 1's, Horns, one shorter then the other, a tail, which seems to be wrapped around him and just a bit of human skin. The figure was Towering over Mariana, it sounded and looked familiar... but why.. -LET ME GO!!! -N0. -WHAT EVEN ARE YOU?! YOU'RE WORSE THEN THE HORRIFIC OTHER MOBS HERE! AN ACTUAL FUCKING MONSTER- WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY HUSBAND?! The figure stopped. -1-1'm n0t @ m0nst3r... -Shut up and LET ME GO! The figure lets go and starts.. whining. It tries to hide behind the small "house" which obviously doesn't work. -W-What?.. -Mariana stayed still for a bit. -1'm n0t @ m0nst3r... 1'm f1n3... 1 just w4nt t0 pr0t3ct h3r.. -Wait- Slime-? He approaches the figure. -Slime?.. Wh- What happened?! Charlie goes back to normal height, putting his head in his knees. -Mi amor.. I'm sorry- Mariana tries to comfort Slime -Do you hate me..? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 1: https://www.tumblr.com/ana-lmao/742474743195811840/couldnt-upload-coded-shift-chapter-i-normally?source=share
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imhidingonceagain · 6 months
Slimeriana and QSMP fans, we need to talk (really, I'm going to talk about a few things).
CW: nsfw
Warning: long post.
At this point I think majority of you guys know what happened with Mariana yesterday (especially because the fliporiana community is small compared to other ones).
I'm gonna write some stuff Mariana said and I'm gonna be explicit about it because I want you guys to understand the severity of the situation (this is your warning):
Context: He was curious to see if people actually posted nsfw stuff about him (and poor boy, he really thought he wouldn't find any).
And I quote what he said after seeing some posts: "No, no, no! Why's Slime penetrating me?!" (He was probably looking at a fanart)
"I'm not doing role like that with Slime anymore. I thought you guys found it funny (he was talking about the sex role in the QSMP) but it only fills your minds with shit"
"I'm gonna say it in English because I know there's QSMP fans who do it as well: Don't draw hentai about me, don't draw us fucking, that's being a pervert, that's wrong"
Some months ago I wrote a post when we got the first warning in regards of this topic.
Mariana and Slime have talked about fanart before and at the time they didn't seem uncomfortable about it (though it seems like Charlie's girlfriend was).
So I wrote: it's not necessary to stop doing fanart about them. Just be careful with what you draw and where you post it.
To me even "suggestive" fanarts are "okay" (but with suggestive I mean the characters looking at each other like they want to kiss each other so bad, that's it). But when and how did that translate to some of you thinking that drawing real people having sex and not only having sex (because there's always ways to show intercourse without being explicit or disgusting) but also showing private parts is okay?
Because it's obvious Mariana saw something super explicit by the way he reacted (because he doesn't get bothered too easily). My poor man was distressed!
And let me tell you something. This is not only about Mariana and Slimecicle. This is a REAL PROBLEM within the fandom. Let me give you some examples:
I love reading fanfiction and months ago I was scrolling through the QSMP section on AO3 and let me tell you something: the amount of fanfiction written about the eggs and their parents in a non platonic way is CONCERNING.
Especially Wilbur Soot's fandom seems to have a lot of rotten apples who think that writing abusive stories about q! Wilbur and Tallulah is fine.
I understand some people write stories like that not because they're crime apologists, but because that's their way to deal with trauma (and dealing with trauma through art is okay). But PLEASE remember that while the eggs are fictional, their "parents" are REAL people.
Use fictional characters, please. Stop writing real people into pedophilic or highly abusive situations. THAT'S HORRENDOUS.
Another example is the following: Some weeks ago people were reporting a Twitter account and I clicked on the account (I personally don't like reporting people without making sure they deserved) and it took me like three seconds of scrolling to see more than 5 Ccs being disrespected (including Slimecicle, Quackity, Cellbit, Roier and Badboyhalo). Explicit Pictures, videos and fanarts were being posted about these creators.
You know what I think? I think Cellbit made his character asexual not only for the representation (it's clear by now that q! Cellbit is a sex positive asexual which is still representation yay!) But because he has been on the internet since around 2011 and he knows how disrespectful people can be. I think he knew that his and Roier's ship was getting too popular and that makes them both unprotected to shit like this.
Sadly, it's clear that it didn't matter that Cellbit made his character asexual, people can't seem to respect that detail about his character and about himself as a real person.
To some people it doesn't matter if the Cc is ambiguous or completely clear about their boundaries, they still don't give a fuck.
Please remember that behind each character is a real person. I understand sometimes you guys want to see your favorite characters fuck -me too, honestly- but for people like streamers that's out of the questions because not only they're real people, but because their work is related to social media and the possibilities of them finding EVERYTHING we write and post about them are super high.
I don't know how to feel. It's obvious that Mariana has not been feeling the same about the server since Juanaflippa died. Maybe this will make him feel even worse about the QSMP but I hope I'm wrong.
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dyketubbo · 1 year
seeing people be like "wtf is going on" in the notes of that all it takes is one click post is so funny. yeah qsmp is having an event where the players take care of kids. yeah neither of the options for quackitys coparent showed up so he was a single mother for this little egg named tilín yeah he focused so much on his own personal issues and on getting tilín her father that he ended up neglecting tilín in the process.
yeah charlie slimecicle had a rocky marriage with mariana yeah they had gay sex yeah there were affairs involved yeah their egg named juanaflippa (shes trans and changed her name) was also neglected and yeah charlie wanted to be a better father for juanaflippa but then mariana accidentally killed her and yeah charlie went on a rampage about it just to break down because all he was really doing was mourning. yeah he won a court case to get juanaflippa revived by a god or whatever the osito bimbo thing is
yeah charlie was taking care of tilín for quackity and yeah he accidentally killed her while taking out mobs. yeah quackity was really upset about it and was genuinely broken up about a little egg. yeah charlie was also upset and tried to use the ritual that revived juanaflippa on tilín. yeah he gave up juanaflippa to roier (who has an egg named bobby with jaiden and theyre pretty happy actually) because he felt too guilty. yeah mariana killed juanaflippa again and now tilín and juanaflippa are reuinited in death
yeah wilbur came back from tour and got his own egg (luzu was meant to be quackitys other parent but i dont think quackity knew that but theyre supposed to have one parent of each language and bbh and wilbur are both english speakers) yeah he got genuinely attached and gave her tallulah as an option for a name because thats what his mom would have named him were he a girl. yeah he gave her musical themed names as options and let her pick which one. yeah quackity got really mad that wilbur was taking care of his own egg now yeah quackity started blaming wilbur for tilíns death and claimed if he was ever there to care for him he wouldnt have died.
yeah quackity hatched (hah) a plan with fit and it included killing tallulah. yeah he really did want to blame anyone and everyone to deflect how angry he was at himself. yeah he looked around at the cozy (shit) little home wilbur and tallulah made where they played music and loved each other. yeah he couldnt go through with it and called the plan off and went to go sleep in his childs grave and yeah this has all been really emotionally devastating thanks for asking
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truly-deceitful · 1 year
I'm just gonna ramble a bit about qsmp.
DUDE HOLY FUCK OSEA EN PLAN OH MY GOD I was so excited for qsmp but seeing it happen before my eyes, like watching Phil's pov switch to the lobby and seeing Vegetta and Charlie in the screen had me on genuine shock like these are people I've been watching for years thanks to my both languages and suddenly they are together in the same server it's just so fucking cool.
I knew quackity was gonna knock it out of the park with his project but he just continues to raise the bar on content creation, this is the beginning but in the nearby future languages will not be an excuse to be creative and I fucking love that, knowing both languages is already a pretty big advantage for some of us but seeing both Hispanics and English speaking people being genuinely curious about eachother and translating things for eachother, teaching, helping it is just so cool, it makes me happy and guys if you need help with translations you can reach out to me.
The lore being present since day one was to be expected and I too jumped out of my chair after the eas sounds came up or the screen turned red, but even yet, it did not feel overwhelming, it was perfect and I am so curious and excited to see what is exactly going on in the island.
I was worried at the begining over maybe Hispanics and anglos banding with eachother and avoiding the others cause of nervousness but seeing them open up little by little and the Hispanics adopting every single Anglo was so fucking funny, seeing Luzu interact with Wilbur and him saying "Phil, I like it here" afterwards, Charlie telling Roier and Mariana that he has found his people, bbh and foolish being so sweet and patient with Vegetta its just so AAAA.
I have so many theories and I am so glad to see there's so much well deserved hype around the server cause this is one for the history books
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
What kinda ultimates do you think the members of QSMP would have?
to absolutely No One’s surprise i have, in fact, thought about this extensively. so here are all the ones i’ve decided on
jaiden is, obviously, the ultimate animator. not only is it true to her, it Also matches up with sdr2’s backstory as to how despair spread (as stupid as i think that explanation was). if they’re in a simulation, it would make sense for a danganronpa au that they were put there for the same reason that the 77th class was to return them to their pre-remnant states. (additionally, i think the explanation for the new arrivals would be that the brazilians, french, etc weren’t captured with the original cast and found later, hence why they weren’t added in at the beginning)
roier calls himself the ultimate spider-man. no one knows his actual talent because he’s ADAMANT on that being it, but they’re pretty sure it’s something akin to ultimate traceur (parkourist) or ultimate stuntman/stunt double.
arin is the ultimate AI, kind of in the same sense of alter ego. except instead of inhabiting a computer, he’s taken residence in luzu
charlie is the ultimate gymnast OR ultimate acrobat. i’m leaning towards acrobat as to not have Too many titles match those of the actual games. inspired by him being el backflipo :]
i think it’d be funny if mariana was the ultimate superhero based on his skin alone. what does that title even mean? fuck if i know! but it’s funny
foolish is, ofc, the ultimate builder.
similarly obvious is phil being the ultimate survivalist
and wilbur being the ultimate musician
bad is currently the ultimate caretaker! i say currently because considering his backstory partially consists of killing thousands with cellbit in the hunger games, i think he originally had a much darker title. not ultimate assassin like maki necessarily, but something akin to it. unlike maki, his new title isn’t any sort of cover-up, and just genuinely what he’s turned to nowadays
i’m not too sure on fit yet, but i definitely want to make him something sports/body-building related because of his gym. maybe ultimate bodybuilder or coach? he’s in that field Somewhere
someone joked about ultimate yandere for forever and ADMITTEDLY i did toy with the idea. as funny as it is, i think he’d more accurately be the ultimate terraformer/landscaper, considering his past clearing of a mountain and current clearing of an entire desert. maybe ultimate yandere could be a secret title, like junko’s ultimate analyst or the ultimate hope title?
pac and mike definitely have matching ultimates in the science field somewhere, considering they’re currently building their laboratory/factory! i’m not sure what exactly yet tho, just that they’re somewhere around there
and lastly, cellbit is the ultimate cryptanalyst/code breaker! he’s individually devoted himself to any and all mysteries, but his biggest strength is by far code-breaking.
that’s all i got so far! i don’t know enough about the other members/don’t have enough to go off of to give them titles sadly :( additionally, rubius doesn’t get his own ultimate because he’s one of the “helpers” (like monokuma, monomi, the cubs, etc)
bonus: the eggs get their own ultimates too :] going off the lil ultimate system being strictly named after classes
tallulah is the lil ultimate music (based on her flute)
bobby is the lil ultimate art (based on his room being full of his + his family’s paintings)
dapper is the lil ultimate woodshop (based on his interest in create!)
richarlyson is the lil ultimate p.e. (based on him wearing a futebol jersey)
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
new file added to au’s I will probably never write but are fun to rotate in the brain microwave:
qsmp pacific rim au
instead of kaiju, you have alien creatures that shift and warp their giant forms and sometimes look like literal binary code to people although no one can agree quite on what one looks like. they just know it when they see it. and you also have the federation running the jaeger program with our good ol friend cucurucho overseeing it all
ft. pilot pairings like
Jaiden and Roier who have always been a great duo until the son they've been coparenting was critically injured in a recent attack
Forever struggling to find someone he’s drift compatible with until a French pilot named Baghera gets transferred to the base
Charlie and Mariana who were a great pilot team until their daughter Juanaflippa was killed in a binary entity attack on the base itself, and the two both went off the rails the next time they tried piloting. long story short they both freaked out and accidentally took out a support beam, killing Tilin and a few other workers. it was deemed to be partly a glitch through the drift system and not entirely their fault, but they were both banned from piloting for the forseeable future
Quackity and Luzu were supposed to be a pilot duo, but Luzu went missing before they could ever get in the jaeger and hasn't been seen in months. Then Quackity's child Tílin was killed unintentionally by Charlie and Mariana's breakdown, and since then he's been deemed too unstable to pilot. Somehow Wilbur, a random computer tech who isn't trained to be a pilot, is the only person they've found that's also drift compatible with Quackity. But again, Quackity isn't allowed to pilot atm, and Wilbur has no interest in getting in the giant robot death machine. He has a daughter to take care of after all.
Phil has been a pilot longer than most and at the moment is piloting with Missa, who is much newer to piloting
Tazercraft are a very well-renowned pilot duo worldwide largely because of how high their drift compatibility is
but there's not just pilots! (also this is getting long so gonna put this under the cut)
cellbit is a biologist that studies the entities, but after he gets transferred to the base he starts getting suspicious of what's going on 'upstairs' with the federation itself
baghera is the only pilot in the french group. the rest of the guys are the engineers for her jaeger
felps, who was a biologist alongside cellbit, also went missing shortly after arriving on the base. people think both he and luzu are deserters but cellbit keeps insisting felps wouldn't just leave like that
maxo is a software engineer who is supposed to focus on the jaeger drift system but he also keeps dabbling with an AI he built himself in secret
bad is kind of like HR/social services for the base, and therefore it's kind of his job to babysit everyone's kids if they're busy with other stuff and will also usher them to a safe room during any attacks
foolish and vegetta are both jaeger engineers who met on the base and very quickly fell for each other. they're like the romcom portion of the whole thing
fit is a geologist trying to figure out where the fuck the entities are coming from
and of course there's the kids
there were a lot of kids made orphans by the initial attacks on major cities. there's an 'educational' program the federation has set up to allow a few kids orphaned through these attacks to live at the shatterdome and learn the ins and outs of jaegers when they're young as unofficial prep for the jaeger academy
because of this many people on the base did not intend to adopt kids they just kind of. bonded and eventually took them in.
for bobby, jaiden and roier were already copilots so when jaiden started bonding with this kid she met in the shatterdome roier soon followed thanks to the drift sharing
juanaflippa thought charlie and mariana were the coolest pilot team around and she just kept following them until charlie was like "is it unethical to teach a child how to shoot a gun? Idc I'm gonna do it anyway" and that sealed the bond
juanaflippa and trump both died in the same entity attack on the shatterdome
phil had wilbur long before the first entity attacks ever started, but during his time at the shatterdome phil quickly took a liking to chayanne and put in a request to adopt him. once he and missa start piloting together, missa gets parental feelings for chayanne seeing him through phil's memories and the two just unintentionally become coparents
part of why wilbur refuses to be a pilot is because he grew up with his dad as a pilot and knows how terrifying it is as a kid. he also never intended on having a kid at least until the entities were defeated because who would want to bring a kid into a world like that, but then he met a shy orphan girl at the shatterdome named tallulah and he was a goner.
people are very surprised when they learn bad and dapper are not biologically related. the two act exactly alike but no, dapper was an orphan bad ended up getting really really close to
when the shatterdome was still trying to find luzu quackity felt very listless since he didn't have a copilot and couldn't do anything. he ended up spending time with tilin, although he was always hesitant to label himself as a father. when tilin died though he was heartbroken
baghera is a more recent transfer to the shatterdome and stumbles across pomme on her first day. the little girl says one thing in french and baghera is like "oh my god she's mine" while the rest of her engineering crew are like "who is this random child why are you carrying her" (but they all end up warming up to her pretty quickly)
okay this ended up being way longer than I meant it to be god why is pacific rim so fun to rotate in the brain microwave
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