#charles meunier
thebeautifulbook · 1 year
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POEMES ET BALLADES DU TEMPS PASSE [aka POEMS AND BALLADS OF TIMES PAST] by Christine de Pisan. Illustrated by Albert Robida. Art binding by Charles Meunier (1902).
A collection of French Medieval and Renaissance poems and romantic ballads.
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artmialma · 8 months
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Félicien Rops (1833 –1898) Belgian
Rops enrolled at the "Atelier libre Saint-Luc", one of the meeting places for Brussels bohemians, where he exchanged avant-garde ideas. There he met Artan, Dubois, Charles De Groux, Constantin Meunier, and more, the future upholders of realism in Belgium.
"Rops am I, virtuous am I not, hypocrite I do not deign". The Belgian artist followed this virtuous path his entire life. His work and his way of life reflect the freedom of spirit and creativity that characterise his drawings, engravings and illustration
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oscar-piastri · 8 months
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Charles Ollivon jump for the ball during the Rugby World Cup France 2023 match between France and New Zealand at Stade de France on September 08, 2023 in Paris, France ↠ Photo by Aurelien Meunier
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i-love-this-art · 2 months
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Carlos Schwabe / "The Soul of Wine" (illustration for "Les Fleurs du mal" by Charles Baudelaire, published in Paris, for Charles Meunier (editor), 1900, one copy exists at the Bibliothèque de Genève)
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sous-le-saule · 4 months
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Statues at the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium
Charles van der Stappen - The Sphinx
Alphonse Mucha - The Nature (executed by Emile Pinedo)
Mathieu Kessels - Genie of Death Putting out the Flame
Constantin Meunier - A Common Woman
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nataliakoptseva · 1 year
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Carlos Schwabe (1866 - 1926) Illustration de Baudelaires "Les Fleurs du Mal", Paris: Charles Meunier, 1900.
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Charles de Groux - Hospitality - 
oil on canvas, height: 65 cm (25.5 in); width: 51 cm (20 in)
Charles de Groux or Charles Degroux (25 August 1825 – 30 March 1870) was a French painter, engraver, lithographer and illustrator. As he moved to Belgium at a young age and his whole career took place in Belgium he is usually referred to as a Belgian artist. His depictions of scenes from the life of the disadvantaged and lower-class people of his time mark him as the first Belgian social realist painter. These works made him the precursor of Belgian Realist artists such as Constantin Meunier and Eugène Laermans.
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detournementsmineurs · 9 months
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“Les Chauve-Souris. Clairs-Obscurs" couverture de Georges Richard et reliure de Charles Meunier pour Robert de Montesquiou (1892) présentées à l'exposition “Sarah Bernhardt. Et la Femme Créa la Star” au Petit Palais, Musée des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris, juillet 2023.
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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René Lefèvre in Le Crime de Monsieur Lange (Jean Renoir, 1936) Cast: René Lefèvre, Florelle, Jules Berry, Marcel Lévesque, Odette Talazac, Henri Guisol, Maurice Baquet, Sylvia Bataille, Nadia Sibirskaia. Screenplay: Jean Castanier, Jacques Prévert, Jean Renoir. Cinematography: Jean Bachelet. M. Lange's crime is murder, and he gets away with it. This droll dark comedy is a vehicle for Jean Renoir's anti-fascist politics, and to enjoy it to the fullest you probably have to have been there -- "there" being Europe in 1936. But it still resonates 80-plus years later with its story of a little guy exploited by a venal fat cat. Lange (René Lefèvre), who writes adventure stories about "Arizona Jim" in the wild West, works for a greedy, corrupt publisher named Batala (Jules Berry), who not only stiffs him on a contract to publish the stories, but also inserts advertising plugs into the story itself, making Arizona Jim pause to pop one of the sponsor's pills before launching into action. Batala is also a shameless womanizer who impregnates Estelle (Nadia Sibirskaia), the girlfriend of Charles (Maurice Baquet), the bicycle messenger who works for him. (In a rather cold-hearted twist you probably won't see in movies today, everyone rejoices when the baby dies.) Fleeing from his creditors, Batala reportedly dies in a train wreck, and to salvage their jobs, his employees, encouraged by Meunier (Henri Guisol), the son of Batala's chief creditor, form a cooperative to run the publishing company. It's a huge success, with Lange's stories becoming incredibly popular -- so much so that a film company wants to buy the rights to make an Arizona Jim movie. Unfortunately, Lange doesn't own the rights, as Batala reveals when he turns up very much alive, disguised as a priest who happened to be standing by him during the crash. When Batala begins demonstrating his old ways, including making a play for all the available women in the company as well as asserting his rights to Arizona Jim and the profits it has made, Lange shoots him, then flees with his girlfriend Valentine (Florelle). Aided by Meunier, they reach an inn near the border -- which one isn't specified -- where, while Lange rests up, Valentine tells his story and leaves it up to the people at the inn whether they will turn him in. There's some famously show-offy camerawork from cinematographer Jean Bachelet, but the real energy of the film comes from Renoir's company of vivid, talkative characters, whose chatter and whose relationships unfold so rapidly that you may want to see the film twice to appreciate them. Le Crime de Monsieur Lange is second-tier Renoir but, with its genuine affection for human beings, it's better than most directors' top-tier work.
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patph-blog · 5 months
Réseaux sociaux : bienvenue au festival de l’anxiété
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Il vous est sans doute déjà arrivé, en fréquentant vos réseaux sociaux, d’avoir un coup de blues en voyant une ancienne collègue d’université étaler sa réussite personnelle et sociale. Vous refermez l’application en vous demandant si vous réussissez votre vie, vous aussi. Vous avez probablement déjà écrit des commentaires dans lesquels vous défendiez vos opinions avec conviction. Vous vous êtes alors mis à surveiller ce commentaire, conforté par les réactions et les commentaires des autres utilisateurs qui vous sont favorables. Mais vous avez aussi dû répliquer à des attaques ou, plus rarement, argumenter intelligemment. Disons-le simplement : vous n’êtes pas seul à vivre ces émotions en fréquentant les Facebook et autres Instagram de ce monde. Ce qui peut vous sembler anodin, comme ce simple coup de blues, est peut-être bien plus grave. Et si c’était plutôt de l’anxiété ?
Les adolescents à risques…
De récentes études démontrent de plus en plus clairement les impacts d’une utilisation problématique des médias sociaux (UPMS) sur la santé mentale des adolescents. Comme le rapporte le gouvernement du Québec, il est difficile d’établir un lien causal direct entre la santé mentale et les réseaux sociaux. Toutefois, la corrélation entre la santé mentale et une utilisation abusive des appareils électroniques est bien documentée. Dans une enquête menée en 2018 pour le compte du gouvernement du Canada, il fut démontré que 40 % des adolescents font une UPMS, avec un risque allant de modéré à avéré pour cette même UPMS. Ils « sont plus susceptibles de faire état d’un niveau élevé de symptômes psychologiques, d’un niveau élevé de problèmes émotionnels, et ils sont moins enclins à se dire très satisfaits de leur vie, par rapport aux adolescents qui affichent un risque faible d’UPMS ». Concrètement, on parle de symptômes de dépression, d’isolement, de faible estime de soi et d’une diminution du sommeil, ce qui peut se solder par une perte de concentration et de motivation et ainsi affecter la réussite scolaire. Une UPMS accentue également le besoin de se comparer et la recherche d’une approbation par les pairs, nourrissant ainsi le sentiment d’insatisfaction par rapport à soi-même.
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Une autre étude menée par le CHU Sainte-Justine abonde dans le même sens tout en affirmant également que les « médias sociaux et la télévision sont des médias qui exposent fréquemment les adolescents à des images d’autres jeunes mieux nantis, comme ceux ayant un corps "parfait", un style de vie plus palpitant ou plus d’argent. (…) Qui plus est, comme le montre la théorie des "spirales de renforcement", les gens recherchent et choisissent des informations conformes à leur état d’esprit du moment. Les caractéristiques algorithmiques de la consommation télévisuelle  et en particulier celles des médias sociaux créent et entretiennent une boucle de rétroaction qui suggère aux utilisateurs des contenus apparentés à ceux sur lesquels ils ont déjà effectué des recherches et en fonction de leurs sélections. Par conséquent, plus l’état dépressif influence les choix de visionnement d’un individu, plus on lui suggère et lui fournit des contenus similaires et plus il est exposé à ces contenus, ce qui aura pour effet d’entretenir et d’aggraver la dépression. »
… mais les adultes aussi
Si une UPMS peut être extrêmement dommageable pour les adolescents, les adultes ne sont pas épargnés pour autant comme l’expliquent Catalina Briceno, professeure à l’École des médias de l’UQAM, et le Dr Charles-Antoine Barbeau-Meunier, président et cofondateur de Bien-Être numérique, dans cette vidéo produite par Savoir média. Mme Briceno y évoque notamment elle aussi les « spirales de renforcement » tandis que M. Barbeau-Meunier explique que chez les gens qui se déconnectent pour un mois, on remarque un mieux-être qui se traduit par une baisse de la solitude et de l’anxiété et parallèlement, une hausse du bonheur et de la satisfaction. Il note également qu’au bout d’un mois, les gens retournent sur les réseaux sociaux afin de renouer avec les bienfaits qu’ils procurent au niveau social, professionnel et de l’avancement de leurs divers projets.
Mais comment composer avec les réseaux sociaux après une telle pause ? L’Association canadienne pour la santé mentale propose quelques pistes de solution :
Désabonnez-vous des personnes et des comptes qui provoquent des sentiments négatifs.
Limitez votre temps passé sur les réseaux sociaux.
Participer activement (et positivement) aux discussions afin de créer de vrais liens.
Joignez-vous à des communautés/groupes en fonction de vos sujets de prédilection.
Ne mélangez pas le monde virtuel et le monde réel.
Et surtout, n’hésitez pas à multiplier les déconnexions. Vous pourrez toujours revenir sur les réseaux sociaux pour chercher un nouvel emploi ou parler d’un projet qui vous tient à cœur.
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Téléphones intelligents et médias sociaux : les impacts sur la santé mentale des jeunes : gouvernement du Québec, 21 février 2020. Consulté en ligne le 2 décembre 2023.
La santé mentale et l’utilisation problématique des médias sociaux chez les adolescents canadiens : gouvernement du Canada, 4 janvier 2022. Consulté en ligne le 2 décembre 2023.
La dépression chez les adolescents liée à l'utilisation des médias sociaux et de la télévision : Université de Montréal, 15 juillet 2019. Consulté en ligne le 2 décembre 2023.
Médias sociaux et santé mentale :  Savoir média, date de mise en ligne inconnue. Consulté en ligne le 2 décembre 2023.
5 moyens de concilier médias sociaux et santé mentale : Association canadienne pour la santé mentale, 18 juillet 2019. Consulté en ligne le 2 décembre 2023.
Sources des images
Téléphone cellulaire : Unsplash
Adolescente : Pexels
Icône « j’aime » : Wikipedia Commons
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thebeautifulbook · 2 years
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French art binding by Charles Meunier. He is considered the most important book binder of the Belle Epoche.
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les-degustations-ugo · 10 months
🇫🇷❓❓Hello les amoureux du tire-bouchon. Et vous, en été vous buvez du Champagne ❓❓🇫🇷
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🍇🍷Aop Champagne brut dosé a 11 g/l cuvée l'Eveil des Sens de Romain Billette 🍇🍷:
🍇 :
1/3 chardonnay, 1/3 Meunier, 1/3 Pinot
6 mois d’élevage fûts chênes champenois 300L et 350L, fûts neufs (50%), 2e vins (25%) et 4e vins (25%) à chauffe moyenne. Vieillissement de 18 mois sur lattes.
Productions de 4500 bouteilles.
AGE MOYEN DES VIGNES : 15 à 20 ans
42,00€ / bouteille
👁️ :
Une Robe de couleur or paille
👃 :
Un nez sur des notes de brioche sortie du four, pêche, abricot, acacia.
💋 :
En bouche on a un champagne d'une belle complexité, des bulles légères et fines, une belle finesse. Une belle fraîcheur. Sur des arômes d'abricot confit, nectarine. Une bonne longueur en bouche avec une finale sur des notes citronnées
📜En résumé📜 :
J'ai vraiment beaucoup aimé cette cuvée. De fines bulles, une belle complexité, de la fraîcheur, un champagne aromatique à souhait, le combo parfait pour passer un beau moment.
🧆Dégusté en apéritif et sur des Sushis🧆.
📌N'oubliez pas, boire un canon c'est sauver
un vigneron. Allez voir le site internet du domaine  pour voir toutes les cuvées et promotions du moment📌. 
🔞« L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération »🔞 La plupart des vins ont été dégustés et recrachés.
#lesdegustationsugo #wine #winelover #vino #winetasting #winetime #winelovers #food #instawine #redwine #winestagram #winery #beer #wineoclock #vin #sommelier #love #vinho #foodporn #winelife #instagood #whitewine #cocktails #drinks #bar #wein #italie #foodie #wineporn #drink
🇫🇷🗣️Description du Domaine 🇫🇷🗣️
Les vignes du Domaine Romain Billette s’étendent sur près de 8 hectares, sur la commune d’Urville, dans l’Aube, au cœur du vignoble de la Côte des Bar.
Depuis plus de 100 ans, cinq générations de vignerons se sont succédées sur ces terres. Au début du siècle dernier, c’étaient seulement quelques dizaines d’ares de vignes qui étaient cultivées. D’abord par Charles Bogé, puis par son fils, Gaston. À cette époque, cependant, ni l’un ni l’autre ne faisaient vivre leur famille de leur activité viticole.
Aujourd’hui, c’est Romain qui cultive ces terres familiales. Depuis près de 20 ans, il a repris le flambeau de ses aïeux, d’abord en compagnie de son père, Robert Billette, puis seul à la tête du Domaine depuis fin 2016.
Fort de plus d’un demi-siècle de collaboration familiale avec les grandes Maisons de Champagne, Romain a amorcé un changement majeur en 2019 en initiant l’élaboration d’une gamme de champagnes à son nom.
⏬🇫🇷Français dans les commentaires🇫🇷🇮🇹Italiano nei commenti 🇮🇹⏬
🇬🇧❓❓Hello corkscrew lovers.  And you, in summer you drink Champagne ❓❓🇬🇧
🍇🍷 Aop Champagne brut dosed at 11 g/l cuvée L'Eveil des Sens by Romain Billette 🍇🍷:
1/3 Chardonnay, 1/3 Meunier, 1/3 Pinot
6 months aging in 300L and 350L Champagne oak barrels, new barrels (50%), 2nd wines (25%) and 4th wines (25%) at medium toast.  Aging of 18 months on slats.
Production of 4500 bottles.
AVERAGE AGE OF VINES: 15 to 20 years
€42.00 / bottle
A Straw Gold Dress
A nose with notes of brioche fresh from the oven, peach, apricot, acacia.
In the mouth we have a champagne of a beautiful complexity, light and fine bubbles, a beautiful finesse.  A nice freshness.  On aromas of candied apricot, nectarine.  A good length in the mouth with a finish on lemony notes
📜In summary📜:
I really liked this cuvée.  Fine bubbles, a beautiful complexity, freshness, an aromatic champagne, the perfect combo to have a good time.
🧆Tasted as an aperitif and on Sushis🧆.
📌 Don't forget, drinking a cannon is saving a winemaker.  Go see the domain's website to see all the vintages and promotions of the moment 📌.
🔞 "Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation"🔞 Most of the wines have been tasted and spat out.
#lesdegustationsugo #wine #winelover #vino #winetasting #winetime #winelovers #food #instawine #redwine #winestagram #winery #beer #wineoclock #vin #sommelier #love #vinho #foodporn #winelife #instagood #whitewine #cocktails #drinks #bar #wein #italie #foodie #wineporn #drink
🇬🇧🗣️Domain Description 🇬🇧🗣️
The vineyards of Domaine Romain Billette extend over nearly 8 hectares, in the town of Urville, in Aube, in the heart of the Côte des Bar vineyard.
For more than 100 years, five generations of winegrowers have followed one another on these lands.  At the beginning of the last century, only a few tens of acres of vines were cultivated.  First by Charles Bogé, then by his son, Gaston.  At that time, however, neither was supporting their family from their wine business.
Today, it is Romain who cultivates these family lands.  For nearly 20 years, he has taken up the torch from his ancestors, first in the company of his father, Robert Billette, then alone at the head of the Domaine since the end of 2016.
With more than half a century of family collaboration with the great Champagne Houses, Romain initiated a major change in 2019 by initiating the development of a range of champagnes in his name.
🇮🇹❓❓Ciao amanti dei cavatappi.  E tu, d'estate bevi Champagne❓❓🇫🇷
🍇🍷 Champagne Aop brut dosato a 11 g/l cuvée L'Eveil des Sens di Romain Billette 🍇🍷:
1/3 Chardonnay, 1/3 Meunier, 1/3 Pinot
Affinamento di 6 mesi in botti di rovere da Champagne da 300L e 350L, barrique nuove (50%), 2° vino (25%) e 4° vino (25%) a media tostatura.  Affinamento di 18 mesi su stecche.
Produzione di 4500 bottiglie.
€ 42,00 / bottiglia
Un vestito di paglia d'oro
Naso con note di brioche appena sfornata, pesca, albicocca, acacia.
In bocca abbiamo uno champagne di una bella complessità, bollicine leggere e fini, una bella finezza.  Una bella freschezza.  Su aromi di albicocca candita, nettarina.  Buona persistenza in bocca con finale su note agrumate
📜In sintesi📜:
Mi è piaciuta molto questa cuvée.  Bollicine fini, una bella complessità, freschezza, uno champagne aromatico, la combinazione perfetta per divertirsi.
🧆Degustato come aperitivo e sui Sushi🧆.
📌 Non dimenticare, bere un cannone è salvare un enologo.  Vai a vedere il sito del dominio per vedere tutte le annate e le promozioni del momento 📌.
🔞 "L'abuso di alcol è pericoloso per la salute, consumalo con moderazione"🔞 La maggior parte dei vini è stata assaggiata e sputata.
🗣️🇮🇹Descrizione i Dominio 🗣️🇮🇹
I vigneti del Domaine Romain Billette si estendono su quasi 8 ettari, nel comune di Urville, nell'Aube, nel cuore del vigneto della Côte des Bar.
Da più di 100 anni su queste terre si susseguono cinque generazioni di viticoltori.  All'inizio del secolo scorso si coltivavano solo poche decine di ettari di vigneto.  Prima da Charles Bogé, poi da suo figlio Gaston.  A quel tempo, tuttavia, nessuno dei due sosteneva la propria famiglia con la propria attività vinicola.
Oggi è Romain a coltivare queste terre di famiglia.  Per quasi 20 anni ha raccolto il testimone dai suoi antenati, prima in compagnia di suo padre, Robert Billette, poi da solo a capo del Domaine dalla fine del 2016.
Con oltre mezzo secolo di collaborazione familiare con le grandi Maison di Champagne, Romain ha avviato un importante cambiamento nel 2019 avviando lo sviluppo di una gamma di champagne a suo nome.
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thefinewinecompany · 10 months
Best prosecco and sparkling wines
When it comes to celebratory occasions or simply adding a touch of elegance to any gathering, nothing quite matches the effervescence and charm of prosecco and sparkling wines. Whether you prefer the lively bubbles of prosecco or the sophistication of sparkling wines, The Fine Wine Company is your gateway to a world of exquisite choices. With an extensive selection and a commitment to quality, this online retailer offers a range of exceptional sparkling wines that are sure to please even the most discerning palate. Let's explore some of the best prosecco and sparkling wines they have to offer.
Prosecco, the beloved Italian sparkling wine, has gained immense popularity in recent years. At The Fine Wine Company, you'll find a remarkable collection of Prosecco options that cater to a variety of tastes and preferences. From renowned producers like Casa Gheller and Villa Sandi to lesser-known gems, they offer a diverse range of Prosecco wines to suit every occasion.
One standout Prosecco is the Casa Gheller Prosecco Frizzante DOC. This refreshing and lightly sparkling wine showcases delicate aromas of pear and white flowers, with a crisp and clean palate. It's an ideal choice for casual gatherings or as an aperitif.
For those seeking a touch of luxury, the Villa Sandi Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG is a superb option. This elegant wine embodies the essence of the Prosecco region, with its fine bubbles, notes of green apple and acacia, and a wonderfully balanced finish.
Sparkling Wines:
Beyond Prosecco, The Fine Wine Company offers an impressive array of sparkling wines from around the world. From classic Champagne to vibrant Cava and delightful sparkling rosé, there's something to suit every taste and occasion.
When it comes to Champagne, the renowned Charles Heidsieck Brut Reserve stands out. Crafted from a blend of Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Pinot Meunier, this Champagne exudes richness and finesse, with flavors of brioche, ripe fruits, and toasted almonds. It's a true celebration in a glass.
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If you're in the mood for a fruity and elegant sparkling rosé, look no further than the Vilarnau Brut Reserva Rosé Cava. This Spanish gem delights with its vibrant pink hue, enticing aromas of red berries, and crisp, refreshing palate.
Expert Advice and Seamless Service:
At The Fine Wine Company, their commitment to providing exceptional service extends beyond offering a remarkable selection of wines. Their team of knowledgeable experts is always ready to assist you in choosing the perfect bottle for any occasion. Whether you need guidance on food pairings or want to explore new varietals, their expertise will ensure you make an informed decision.
Additionally, The Fine Wine Company provides a seamless online shopping experience. Their user-friendly website allows you to browse their extensive range of wines with ease, and their secure checkout process ensures a hassle-free purchase. With reliable shipping and excellent customer support, you can trust them to deliver your chosen bottles promptly and safely.
When it comes to finding the best prosecco and sparkling wines, The Fine Wine Company stands out as a leading online retailer. Their extensive collection, ranging from Prosecco to Champagne and beyond, showcases the finest offerings from renowned producers around the world. With their commitment to quality and exceptional service, they make it easy for wine enthusiasts to explore and enjoy the effervescent wonders of prosecco and sparkling wines. Visit their website today and embark on a sparkling journey that will elevate your celebratory moments and add sophistication to your gatherings.
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MUSEO IRREVERENTES: “Albatros” (1900)
Carlos Schwabe (1866-1926)Ilustración para Baudelaire, “Las flores del Mal” (Paris: Charles Meunier, 1900)
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Denis Barret: SOE Wireless operator in France
Flight Lieutenant Denis Barret According to records Barrett was born on 23 January 1916 in Paris to British parents and was a tailor before joining the RAF in 1929. After being recruited by SOE he completed training and selection on 23 April 1943 and was given the code names Honoré, Innkeeper and Charles Meunier. It is thought to have been November 1943 (dates vary) when Barrett parachuted into…
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aftaabmagazine · 1 year
A passage from the archaeologist spade
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A passage from the archaeologist spade
By Berenice Geoffroy-Schneiter From her book Gandahar
"It s above all at Begram-Kapisa that we should begin extensive excavations as soon as possible, given that we are sure the harvest will be a most interesting one," Foucher wrote in 1923, in one of his very first dispatches from Kabul. Nonetheless, excavations continued throughout the region. Summoned from France by Foucher, Joseph Hackin succumbed in turn to the lofty beauty of the "Kingdom of the Blue," and savored the "infinite peace of the twilight of Islam."
His first steps took him to the ruins of the ancient fort at Balkh, then to Paitava, only seven miles from the Begram site. There, he unearthed a statuette which was original to say the least, a "Buddha executing the double Miracle of Water and Fire." Carved in a magnificent grayish-colored schist, today it resides in the Musée Guimet in Paris. 
"On Saturday, December 20th, it appeared, face first, new and all gold, sparkling in the rising sun. This is the beautiful golden glow in which legend has bathed the image of the Blessed One..."
But politics and archaeology, fraught with intermittent crises and misunderstandings, often made capricious bedfellows. It was until 1936 that the Begram area, long considered too dangerous, became available to archaeologists again.
The "Bazaar excavations," directed by Jean Carl and Jacques Meunier, quickly proved fertile. "Site I" revealed structures of a town from the Kushan period (first through the third centuries), its narrow streets lined with craftsmen's booths. But "Site 2," entrusted to Ria, Joseph Hackin's wife, surpassed their wildest hopes.
In a few days, out of the bowels of the Begram earth came a treasure whose wealth and eclecticism testified to the extraordinary role this opulent central Asian city and crossroads once played.
Carefully set on benches placed next to the walls, translucent glassware, delicately painted in the purest Alexandrian style, mingled with magnificent fish-shaped balsamaries and charming Hellenic bronzes and plaster emblemata (the medallions which served as models for apprentice artists or samples for prospective clients) of those staple subjects maenads, Silenuses, satyrs and other benevolent Dionysian figures-so popular in the ancient world.
Cosmopolitan and hedonist Begram was by no means the only city to harbor the remnant of the past. Discoveries were made daily, with each new excavation dictated by the vagaries of the turbulent political climate. 
It was, as Joseph Hackin summed up in his journal in 1924, "archaeology practiced as a sport."
—Berenice Geoffroy-Schneiter - - - 
The La Délégation archéologique française en Afghanistan (DAFA) was established in 1922 to conduct archaeological studies. Archaeologist and art historian Bérénice Geoffroy-Schneiter, who spent her childhood in the region, provides excerpts from the first DAFA archeologists: Alfred Charles Auguste Foucher (1865–1952), the founder of DAFA, Joseph Hackin (1886-41) and Marie "Ria" Hackin (1905-41). This passage was published in the book "Gandahar" (2001). 
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Marie "Ria" Hackin (1905-41) was a French archeologist with DAFA who excavated several Buddist-era sites in Begram and Bamiyan. She was the first woman archaeologist in the region.  
Joseph Hackin (1886-41) was a French archeologist with DAFA. He excavated many Buddist-era sites in Begram, Kabul, Bamiyan, and Hadda. He and his wife,  Marie "Ria" Hackin, died on a ship in the Atlantic that was hit by a German torpedo.  
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