#character: min jae yi
lostinadrama · 1 year
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ᴏᴜʀ ʙʟᴏᴏᴍɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜᴛʜ (2023)
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tiffanylamps · 2 years
Lee Dong Sik does have a type
Hello! I am here to once again harass this tag with my opinions.
I love this complicated character. I just want him to heal and live a happy life. I have so many feelings about him and because of him.
This post is another section of the essay (I have previously mentioned) where I lost all interest in being formal in the slightest. So, this doesn't read as a serious analysis of Dong Sik's character, more of a shit post. But nevertheless, it's written with good intentions and genuine interest. Again, this is an excerpt from a bigger piece, so it feels unfinished that will be the reason.
[Please note that Dong Sik and queer-coding are very intricate topics, I am not able to explore them fully with just this post. also: I use the word queer as an umbrella term when discussing the character's sexuality. It is not meant as an offensive term.]
~ Now that the disclaimers are out of the way, I hope you enjoy this absolute mess
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[Previously discussing Joo Won's queer coding] 1 2
Dong Sik on the other hand… There isn’t a big romantically coded scene for him, definitely not along the same lines as Joo Won's scene in the rain. We gain knowledge of Dong Sik’s thoughts and feelings for Joo Won through his facial expressions and actions. We get to see it more often because - despite his tendency to mask his emotions behind the veil of other people's assumptions - he is a lot more forthcoming with his feelings. By nature, Dong Sik is an affectionate person with a lot of love to give. Within the show, he is the main character used as a vassal for the creators to explore the Ancient Greeks’ philosophy of the seven kinds of love. Here’s a quick breakdown of the love in Dong Sik’s life:
Eros: Han Joo Won
Philia: his friendship circle: Ji-Hwa, Jung-Je, Ji-Hoon, Jae-Yi, etc
Storge: his sister, his mother, Kang Min-Jung 
Agape: music, food, nature
Ludus: Han Joo Won, Lee Sang-Yeob
Pragma: what his relationship with Han Joo Won was blossoming into
Philautia: he struggles with this one but we get glimpses of it throughout
(information source: https://www.wellandgood.com/greek-words-for-love/)
Dong Sik is a bit of a tease, in the sense that he enjoys teasing people, and Joo Won is the perfect person for him to do that. I believe he was attracted to Joo Won from the moment he met him- no, from the moment he heard his voice. 
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That shot though, jfc. It is very common within visual media to use the suspenseful storytelling tactic of “look! The two main characters have met and this is important- pay attention to this”. The story will stop in its tracks because the two main characters or the two love interests have met for the first time. Their interaction and the importance of this first meeting will be displayed by the characters either:
Stopping what they were doing
Becoming awestruck
The camera lingering on their reaction
Beyond Evil uses all three of these common visual storytelling tactics to tell the audience that this moment is important.
And… Okay… I know everyone stops what they are doing to pay attention to Joo Won’s arrival, as it’s a great way of other-ing him from the first episode… But if we look at it from the perspective of the character, Dong Sik is so affected when he sees Joo Won for the first time that he stops writing his police report. We had just seen how driven and motivated Dong Sik can be, he was going to write up that report and no one could stop him, not even the threat of physical violence could stop him. The fact that Joo Won does cause him to stop could be interpreted as a (very) loose play on the trope of Distracted by Sexy or Love at First Sight. Either way, no one could stop him apart from Joo Won. Through the visual language, this seems to be the creator's way of informing the audience of Joo Won’s immediate effect on Dong Sik’s life.
This sequence also plays on the (debatably) romantic trope of Stalker’s Meet Cute and Weaponized Meet Cute:  “When one party has arranged the "chance" encounter for the purpose of romance, it's a Stalker's Meet Cute. (This is very common.) When it's for dark nefarious purposes (i.e., not romance; usually a crime of some sort), it's Weaponized Meet Cute.” tvtropes.org, Meet Cute.  Joo Won has been "investigating" stalking Dong Sik for the purposes of his investigation. He takes photographs of Dong Sik at his workplace and when he is with his friends. Then purposely gets himself transferred to the same substation to get closer to him. Which signifies from the outset that the nature of their relationship is far from normal.
But it is how Dong Sik reacts to the new Inspector that is very interesting...
During my first watch-through of the show, I missed Dong Sik’s quick off-the-cuff remark of “he’s not my type” when speaking about seeing Joo Won for the first time. Which… okay, firstly, no one asked him. It is the first thing Dong Sik has to say about Joo Won. Also, this kind of language screams romantic undertones. To have a “type” is a phrase often used (in western parts of the world, at least) when describing a person you fancy, i.e find attractive.  It’s an odd thing to say and it could just be a funky translation. But Dong Sik decides to tell his best friends that the “handsome” (as other male characters had already noted), successful, fashionable and so painfully metropolitan new (boy toy) Inspector is not his type… Which begs us to question: why did they use this kind of language? If the creators wanted us to know that Dong Sik and Joo Won weren’t going to get along because they were judging each other, another perfectly non-romantic way of telling us would be for Dong Sik to say: He’s just another Seoul detective. This could then start a quick back-and-forth.  Someone could say: But you were a Seoul detective. Causing Dong Sik to give us a reply along the lines: You know I was never like them. (or something better than that) If the conversation had been structure in this way, the creators would be conveying that there is a distinction between the city police and the police in this small town. Also, it would give us the insight that Dong Sik never felt like he fit in in Seoul and that he has a close connection to his hometown. [not confirmed as true] Instead, we get “he’s not my type”. I believe this is the first time we see Dong Sik’s character being queer-coded. 
“Queer coding is the subtextual coding of a character in media as queer. Though such a character's sexual identity may not be explicitly confirmed within their respective work, a character might be coded as queer through the use of traits and stereotypes recognisable to the audience.” Wikipedia.org, Queer Coding.
This framing, as well as other pieces of information about his character, supports the queer coding theory.
Firstly, let’s take the context into account: Dong Sik is a man in his early forties who has experienced deep trauma. He lives alone, is not married, is not divorced, has male and female platonic friendships and at no point in the show is the history of his love-life explicitly confirmed. The only time in the show that Dong Sik himself talks about anything closely relating to his romantic life - or having a “type” - is when talking about Han Joo Won and talking to Lee Sang Yeob. Any other time Dong Sik’s sexuality or love life is brought up is by other characters, predominately by Joo Won. 
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Joo Won isn’t Dong Sik’s type. And perhaps not. Having worked (and lived) in Seoul for many years, Dong Sik has probably met many rich, good-looking, privileged, up-themselves Seoul boys. So, he would know. 
So, if Joo Won isn’t Dong Sik’s type, who is? Do we get examples? 
Yes but very subtly via the process of elimination. Throughout the show, Dong Sik only flirts with men. So that and other factors (which we will discuss later) rule out women as romantic love interests. He only flirts with men. Sometimes he does this because of genuine attraction or because he’s trying to unnerve them. He uses his ambiguous sexuality as a way to make other men uncomfortable when in a sparring match of intellect. The people he flirts with when trying to unnerve are:
Lee Chang Jin
Lim Gyu Seok 
Kang Do Soo (very minorly: the good looks comment in episode 4)
Park Jung Je (very very minorly: although, they have a very complicated/ queer coded relationship) These men often bristle or become uncomfortable when Dong Sik uses this tactic.
Do they have anything in common that could help us decipher if he has a type? Well, not really. They are of all different ages, stature, occupation, personality, looks, statuses, and financial backgrounds. They’re different. The only commonality they share is that at some point, they were getting in Dong Sik’s way. So, he used this proven tactic to deflect their gaze, so he can continue on undetected. 
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(what a whore)
There are two other people that Dong Sik flirts with aggressively, either because one) distracts them from the truth and two) because he seems to enjoy it:
Lee Sang Yeob
Han Joo Won
What is interesting about these two characters is that they don’t react the same way the other men do. So, how do they react?
Lee Sang Yeob shows quiet patience and (not unkind) indifference like he is used to it. In the situation they were in, he doesn’t let us know if he likes or dislikes it- there’s just silence. Which, within South Korean media, speaks volumes. 
In South Korean media (like the majority of the world), when the male lead’s sexuality is questioned, it is common (and expected) for them to show disgust or make it into a joke, or both (Vincenzo has two very long scenes where Vincenzo has a paddy about having to pretend to date a man is a great example). Queerness is not treated seriously in the majority of the media. It is shown as something uncomfortable; to be mocked, or as a hurdle in the male lead’s journey. As a whole, it is not something that is explored with sensitivity or sincerity.  (there are obviously exceptions to this "rule". I'm speaking in more generalised tones.)
So, to have two male characters in a car together, and to have one ask the other if they are on a date and the reaction is silence, shows us how Beyond Evil approaches queerness in a very different way from the majority. 
  Dong Sik’s flirtations with Han Joo Won are a little more complicated. At first, Han Joo Won doesn’t seem to understand flirting, full stop. All signs of attraction and affection from anyone make him uncomfortable. But as time passes, he starts to accept it and then even starts to return the attention. Out of all of Dong Sik’s interactions with the people he flirts with, Joo Won is the only one to genuinely flirt back. Not only does he flirt back but he enjoys it, as does Dong Sik. 
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Other than this, do Lee Sang Yeob and Han Joo Won have anything else in common? Yes. 
They are both (at one point in time) Dong Sik’s police partner. 
They are the same age and thirteen years younger than Dong Sik.
They went to KNPU and were in the same year. 
They are attractive, successful, from wealthy families, ambitious, stubborn, intelligent, naive; metropolitan (working/living in Seoul), and both are passionate and impulsive: going headfirst into danger. They both act like a “prince” and are “burdens”. 
Later, they both cause Dong Sik unbearable amounts of heartache. 
The most important comparison is that Dong Sik cares about both of them deeply. So, there are two characters Dong Sik flirts with for the sake of flirting. They have similarities that go beyond age, race and gender. Through the process of elimination, we can say with a level of certainty that Dong Sik (on a basic level) does have a “type”.
According to him, Joo Won isn’t it. Personally, I believe that Joo Won was Dong Sik’s “type” the entire time. But because Joo Won is (in the beginning) a stereotype, Dong Sik is put off by his prickish facade. Also, Han Joo Won reminds Dong Sik of Sang Yeob from the get-go, and he doesn’t want to go down that route because it’s a deep trauma for him that he’s not over. 
So, when Dong Sik says something so romantically coded as “he’s not my type”, it shines as false in the most wonderful way. 
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[Dong Sik interacting with three younger men. credit: 1, 3]
Dong Sik is... so into Joo Won. As Dong Sik gets to know Joo Won, he becomes interested in this difficult man. Within the context of the thriller-mystery narrative, he decides to use Han Joo Won so he can bring the serial killer to justice. But over time, he starts to genuinely care for him. Which wasn’t the original plan. One could justify this by suggesting that it just proves that Dong Sik is a protector by nature; he cares for those younger than him, and he fears losing people so much that he’ll even care for the little annoying prick that is Han Joo Won. This is true but the thing about Dong Sik is that if he doesn’t want someone in his life, he doesn’t include them, or he waits patiently until he can move on. Joo Won is not one of those people, which is proven by how he displays his feelings throughout the first act. Dong Sik proceeds to provoke, get up in Joo Won’s personal space, tease, flirt with him, actively pull him into his life, actively try to get to know him, and actively care for him, whilst trying to save that boy (toy) from himself and anyone else who may hurt him… And it only intensifies in the second act. He seeks him out and always has a (literal) open door for Joo Won to walk through because, despite the fact that Joo Won can be difficult, Dong Sik enjoys him and wants him in his life. 
The fact that Dong Sik enjoys Joo Won’s personality is shown throughout the first act. Contrary to the fact that Joo Won gives Dong Sik many different reasons for him to run away screaming “red flag”, he does the complete opposite. 
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A brief list of just a few examples of Dong Sik enjoying Joo Won:
Episode 1: when he offers Joo Won a handshake and is rejected, calls him a "prince" (or something similar)
Episode 1: smiling when Joo Won is talking about his views on friendship,  then proceeds to tease Jo-Won.
Episode 2: when Joo Won has the same thought as him (going to the shop in the rain scene), Dong Sik watches Joo Won walk away and smiles after Joo Won gazes back at him. 
Episode 2: getting in Joo Won’s personal space (and making eye contact) to ask why Joo Won is “so interested” in him.
Episode 2&3: the entire interrogation scenes: yes, he's annoyed by Joo Won but come on, he's also having so much fun.
Episode 3: After Jung-Je has told Dong Sik that Joo Won knows that he’s put the case files back, Dong Sik is very non-plus about it until Jung-Je tells him that Joo Won laughed “like a madman”. Jung-Je is disturbed by the whole thing, which is a very normal reaction. How does Dong Sik react? He becomes excited, smiles, and then laughs, agreeing to stay at work (despite being traumatised by recent events).
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(this look screams: I've got you all figured out.... and in retrospect, I'm like: Oh honey, oh no no no no, JW's better and worse than you think) And so on, and so on...
Dong Sik was attracted to Joo Won from the moment he met him and could see through his pretty rich boy bullshit super quickly. We get to see Dong Sik's good nature and attraction to Joo Won, even from the first episode. There are so many examples (here's one) At the beginning of the series, Joo Won is purposely unlikeable. He doesn’t want to make friends because he’s never had a friend that wanted just him before; they’ve always wanted something else from him. Joo Won doesn’t trust people and doesn’t pick up on the majority of social cues, especially ones of genuine kindness - his lack of experiences and insecurities make him believe that people are being conceited, and by extension trying to control him. Joo Won doesn’t seem to believe that anyone could love or like him for him just being himself. So, he isn’t himself as a way to stop getting hurt. (Dong Sik really doesn’t let him continue that charade) 
Dong Sik’s first act of showing… let’s call it a kindness (if we’re being optimistic) to Joo Won on a personal level is in Episode 1. It is so subtle that it went over my head on my first casual viewing. Dong Sik singles Joo Won out (obviously, Joo Won is the newbie of the substation) and tries to show him that his insecurity of “people only want me because of who my dad is” is not true for Dong Sik; and by extension, Manyang. He does this by not taking Joo Won’s shit, physically touching him, and by actively poking fun at Joo Won’s dad. By saying, “I don’t give a fuck who your dad is or where you come from” in the subtext, he’s trying to tell Joo Won that he’s different (Manyang is different). He’s not going to suck up to him, he’s not going to ask for favours, he just doesn’t care for any of that because he’s not like that. Manyang isn’t like that. From the get-go, Dong Sik is telling Joo Won and the audience that if at any point Dong Sik is kind to Joo Won, it is because it is genuine. And not for any other conceited reason. 
(That is not to say that Dong Sik is always kind… ooooh no, for a lot of the beginning, he isn’t.)
Joo Won found it amusing though…
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Despite all of this, despite every reason there is for the two of them to not get on (for Dong Sik to absolutely despise Joo Won), they don't. Far from it. I like to describe their chemistry are magnets and like all magnets, they want to attract. So without rhyme or reason, without their control or common sense, they turn and yield, and allow themselves to attract. [Before I beat the horse dead, here is a link to the rest of this thought process, including some sexy screenshots]
[ I am losing steam here and getting distracted. So, I'll include a brief summary before I go. ]
A brief overview of Dong Sik's interactions with five younger men + one male of the same age:
Lee Sang Yeob: flirts with him, finds him annoying (affectionately), cares a lot for him, gives him heart eyes, nearly (does kill?) kills someone because they murdered him- Touch: his stomach to try to save his life Oh Ji Hoon: teases him, has a laugh with him, protects him and tries to be an older brother/mentor. He sees himself in the younger man- treats him like a much younger brother-  Touch: doesn’t, idk... maybe a brief touch to the shoulder (?) Club man: Is aggressive with him because of the fucked-up shit the guy is doing. But still has a ~certain~ energy with him. Touch: pins him against a wall. Lim Gyu Seok: finds him very annoying, doesn’t like him much but does have odd energy around him- similar to the energy he has with Han Joo Won.  Touch: gets in his personal space and puts his lanyard around him in a very ~certain~ way, holds onto his shoulder- the same he does with HJW. Han Joo Won: flirts with him, bullies him, protects him- he’s in love with him, let’s not pretend.  Touch: all the fucking time mate, loves it. Can only think of two times he stops Joo Won from touching him. 
Bonus:  Park Jung Je: Jung Je grabs Dong Sik’s arm once and it makes Dong Sik super angry. He yanks his arm out of the other’s grip. An odd reaction considering they’re best friends.  Dong Sik treats Joo Won differently only because Joo Won encourages him. It's this battle of ego and wit. They're both trying to be right, (both being dramatic), trying to impress and wanting to impress, wanting to be seen They enjoy being around the other; not being able to stop themselves from caring, flirting, battling, repressing, restraining, fighting, protecting... attracting.
Han Joo Won is very annoying. But Dong Sik likes him so much, he's just his type.
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Dong Sik's queer coding is not shown through grand gestures or grand romantically-coded scenes. He isn't overly flamboyant or "camp". He only flirts with men and does have a type. There is so much more that could be said about Dong Sik's queer coding. For one, we could talk about the religious symbolism throughout the show and Dong Sik is his most "religious" when he's falling in love with Joo Won. Please remember that this is from a larger piece that focused on the first half of the show, which is why the second act isn't explored.
There is sooo much to say about him. I feel like this overly long post is only scratching the surface and is probably unnecessarily long-winded. But alas, it is how I have chosen to approach it. Thanks for sticking around this long. Ta ta!
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I dropped Wedding Impossible after the third episode. Ji han declaring he’ll seduce his brother’s fiancée??
Nah, not for me. He doesn’t seem to be a character I’ll appreciate. I preferred the older brother by miles.
I directly skipped to the last episode. For him, the second son of TY constructions, 34, 180 cms, 70 kg.
Aka the handsome eligible bachelor who storms in to sweep the CEO off her feet ❤️❤️
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How can I resist when he walks around looking like 2020!Rang and woos the girl like Ha Min Jae??
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And why does he also remind me of Han Joon-hwi?
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And him attracting her attention from his car… why does this give me Yi Jeong vibes?
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12 notes · View notes
Categorizing Parent-related Trauma for male and female leads in Kdramas:
Orphans: Lee Hong-jo (Destined With You) Moon Gang-tae (It's Okay to Not be Okay) Moon Sang-tae (It's Okay to Not be Okay) Ha-ru (Extraordinary You) Naksu/Cho Yeong (Alchemy of Souls) Tak Dong-kyung (Doom at Your Service) Nam Ji-ah* (Tale of the Nine Tailed) Cheon Sa-Rang (King the Land) Jang Man-wol (Hotel del Luna) Yoon Yi-seo (100 Days My Price) Kang Young-hwa (Moon in the Day) Kim Do-ha (Moon in the Day) So Mun (The Uncanny Counter) Do Ha-na (The Uncanny Counter) Kang Tae-moo (Business Proposal) Kang Tae-ha (The Story of Park's Marriage Contract, present version) Lee Heon (The Forbidden Marriage) Do Do-hee (My Demon) Ji Eun-tak (Guardian: The Great and Lonely God) Na Bong-seon (Oh My Ghost) Kang Cheol (W: Two Worlds)
Half Orphans with loving remaining parent: Eun Dan-oh (Extraordinary You) Koo Chan-sung (Hotel del Luna) Ye So-ran (The Forbidden Marriage) Nam Ha-neul (Doctor Slump) Yu Ji-hyck (Marry My Husband) Kang Hee-soo (Captivating the King) Choi Yi-jae (Death's Game) Im Sol (Lovely Runner) Lee Chang (Kingdom)
Half Orphan + Remaining Parent is THE WORST: Jang Uk (Alchemy of Souls) Kim Do-ha (My Lovely Liar) Lee Yul (100 Days My Price) Ahn Min-hyuk (Strong Woman Bong-Soon) Seo Mok-ha (Castaway Diva) Gong Tae-seong (Sh**ting Stars) Kang Tae-ha (The Story of Park's Marriage Contract, past version) Yi In (Captivating the King) Kang Ji-won (Marry My Husband) Kang Sun-woo (Oh My Ghost)
Parents (at least one) are THE WORST but Both Are Still Alive: Jang Shin-yu (Destined With You) Han Yi-joo (Perfect Marriage Revenge) Ko Mun-young** (It's Okay to Not be Okay) Mok Sol-hee (My Lovely Liar) Gu Won (King the Land) Crown Prince Lee Hwi/Dam-yi/Yeon-seon (The King's Affection) Do Bong-soon (Strong Woman Bong-Soon) Woo Young-woo (Extraordinary Attorney Woo)*** Jung Ji-woon (The King's Affection) Kang Bo-geol/Lee Ki-ho (Castaway Diva) Yeo Jeong-woo (Doctor Slump) Hong Hae-in (Queen of Tears) Baek Hyun-woo (Queen of Tears) Oh Yeon-joo (W: Two Worlds)
Immortal Being that Still Somehow has Parent Issues: Myul Mang/Doom (Doom at your Service) Lee Yeon & Lee Rang (Tale of the Nine Tailed) Jeong Gu-won (My Demon)
Added trauma flavour: Parent was murdered in front of them (**Still counts if they survived the murder Parent tried to murder them Dying from seemingly incurable disease which makes their parents/guardian sad (If your parents are alive, you must pay for it by dying yourself) Adoptive parent/stepparent is THE WORST
Somehow has normal parents: Lee Jun-ho (Extraordinary Attorney Woo, Has no backstory at all. We only meet his older sister and hear nothing about his childhood.) Shin Ha-ri (Business Proposal, her family is refreshingly normal, right down to her brother being sent out to find her when she's drunk) Oh Han-byeol (Sh**ting Stars, Again, we know almost nothing about her family, only that she has twin sisters. But she doesn't appear to have childhood trauma.) Park Yeon-woo (The Story of Park's Marriage Contract, her mom being annoyed at her for something that is a crime doesn't count as bad parenting) Lee Young-joon/Sung-hyun (What's Wrong with Secretary Kim, his trauma comes from a kidnapper, his parents faced a pretty impossible situation and did their best. They clearly love their kids)
*Counting her as an orphan even though she gets her parents back after 20 years, she spent her childhood orphaned.
***This character is tricky because I understand why her mother wanted nothing to do with her, but her trying to manipulate the dad and also saying he didn't raise her properly made me so angry. Uncatagorized due to lack of clarity on parents: Soundtrack #1, Hospital Playlist, Happiness
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mizldrizl · 1 year
Beyond Evil keeps me rambling...
For a crime thriller drama, characters in Beyond Evil do not swear that much--only a couple of strong words here and there. (Even Lee Chang Jin, who was once a gangster, doesn't really swear.)
Kang Jin Mook says "미친 년 (literally "crazy bitch") for his wife in a fury when Dong Sik lies to him that Min Jung is not his birth daughter. Another word much more frequently used throughout the show is "새끼 ("saekki")." One of the usages of the term is to refer to your child in a kind of coarse way; in the show, Dong Sik's mother and Jung Je's mother say it, and it means "my poor child" or "my dear child" depending on the context.
In other cases, "새끼" can be used as a swearword to insult someone. (If you speak Japanese, think "kono yaro" or "kisama.") Examples from the show include: when Han Ki Hwan visits Joo Won's apartment and yells at him for being overconfident and careless; when Dong Sik tells Joo Won to get out of his way after receiving Jae Yi's frantic phone call; when Joo Won stops Kang Jin Mook from trying to strangle Dong Sik to death; when Dong Sik urges Jung Je to regain his memory about the truth of Yu Yeon's disappearance, and so on.
And there is the arrest scene from Ep. 7 where Kang Jin Mook and Joo Won each uses the equivalent word for "fuck" in Korean. ("Fuck." "Yes. Your life is fucked now.") One thing I wonder about is if the muting the audio when Joo Won says "fucked" was intentional. (Apparently it was Netflix's doing. Why didn't I think of that?? Silly me... Thanks for letting me know @theinfinitedivides!) I also find it surprising that of all people, Joo Won is the one who uses the strongest word in the show. Not Lee Chang Jin, not even Dong Sik, but our princeling Han Joo Won! I'm curious why the writer/director didn't choose a "milder" expression, like "Your life will be hell from now on" or something.
Anyway, now let's talk about "새끼" again. I think it was translated to "jerk" for most instances in the English subtitles. And if you ask me, the translation just doesn't sound strong enough to me. In my head "You jerk!" equals "You meanie!". It should be something stronger than that. Something strong enough to make parents cover their kids' ears over but not as strong as to be censored on TV. In that sense, I think I would go with "piece of shit." When I try to picture those scenes with "새끼" in them in English, that one fits the best. (It's just my humble opinion, mind you!)
Okay, that's all for now. Thank you for reading!
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kiss4chuu · 1 year
⋅˚₊‧ ୨ request rules ୧ ‧₊˚
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨ general rules ୧ ‧₊˚
↳ we only write romantic, platonic, age regression, fluff, angst, and semi-nsfw. no full nsfw content.
↳ we write in oneshot, headcanon, social media, and multi-character form. for multi-characters, the limit is 4-6.
↳ lgbtq+ relationships are fully allowed and encouraged, this includes polyamory.
↳ cross-fandom and au’s are allowed.
↳ we won’t write ships, unless it’s in a polyamorous pairing.
↳ mental abuse, physical abuse, and abuse in general within a pairing is not allowed. topics of it, however, are allowed.
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨ fandoms ୧ ‧₊˚
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— new jersey devils
— edmonton oilers
— seattle kraken
— florida panthers
— toronto maple leafs
— anaheim ducks
— boston bruins
— chicago blackhawks
— calgary flames
— ottawa senators
— los angeles kings
— winnipeg jets
— tampa bay lightning
— washington capitals
— philidelphia flyers
— columbus blue jackets
— nashville predators
— san jose sharks
— arizona coyotes
— st louis blues
— buffalo sabres
— pittsburgh penquins
— montreal canadiens
— vancouver canucks
— minnesota wild
— colorado avalanche
— vegas golden knights
— detriot red wings
— new york islanders
— dallas stars
— carolina hurricanes
— umich (not nhl, but i also don’t care)
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— twice
↳ nayeon
↳ jeongyeon
↳ momo
↳ mina
↳ dahyun
↳ chaeyoung
↳ tzuyu
↳ sana
↳ jihyo
— blackpink
↳ lisa
↳ jennie
↳ jisoo
↳ rosé
— (g)i-dle
↳ soyeon
↳ miyeon
↳ soojin
↳ yuqi
↳ shuhua
↳ minnie
— red velvet
↳ irene
↳ seulgi
↳ wendy
↳ joy
↳ yeri
— itzy
↳ yeji
↳ ryujin
↳ lia
↳ yuna
↳ chaeryeong
— le sserafim
↳ yunjin / jennifer
↳ chaewon
↳ sakura
↳ kazuha
↳ eunchae
— ive
↳ wonyoung
↳ yujin
↳ gaeul
↳ liz
↳ leeseo
↳ rei
— loona
↳ heejin
↳ hyunjin
↳ haseul
↳ yeojin
↳ vivi
↳ kim lip
↳ choerry
↳ jinsoul
↳ yves
↳ chuu
↳ gowon
↳ olivia hye
— new jeans
↳ danielle
↳ haerin
↳ hanni
↳ minji
— aespa
↳ karina
↳ winter
↳ giselle
↳ ning ning
— bts
↳ namjoon
↳ yoongi
↳ hoseok
↳ jin
↳ jungkook
↳ jimin
↳ taehyung
— enhypen
↳ ni-ki
↳ jungwon
↳ sunoo
↳ sunghoon
↳ heeseung
↳ jay
↳ jake
— stray kids
↳ bang chan
↳ hyunjin
↳ felix
↳ lee know
↳ i.n
↳ han
↳ changbin
↳ seungmin
— txt
↳ soobin
↳ kai
↳ yeonjun
↳ beomgyu
↳ taehyun
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— crash landing on you
↳ ri jeong-hyeok
↳ yoon se-ri
↳ gu seung-joon
↳ seo dan
↳ park kwang-beom
↳ kim jumeok
— all of us are dead
↳ lee su-hyeok
↳ choi nam-ra
↳ lee cheong-san
↳ nam on-jo
↳ yoon gwi-nam
↳ lee na-yeon
↳ jang ha-ri
↳ park mi-jin
↳ jang woo-jin
↳ min eun-ji
↳ kim chul-soo
— sweet home
↳ cha hyun-soo
↳ lee eun-hyuk
↳ lee eun-yoo
↳ seo yi-kyeong
↳ jung jae-heon
↳ pyeon sang-wook
↳ yoon ji-soo
— squid game
↳ kang sae-byeok
↳ seong gi-hu
↳ salesman
↳ hwang jun-ho
↳ ji-yeong
↳ cho sang-wo
↳ front man
↳ abdul ali
↳ circle, triangle, and square guards
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© kiss4chuu | no reposts
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gidaryeong · 1 year
SFD fics I want to write and/or read
• Boon-yi agrees to be Bang-won’s concubine to influence him politically, but falls in love with Queen Min instead
• Yeon-hee character study
• Boon-yi/Cheok Sa-gwang fluff
• Mu-hyul/Bang-won angst
• MCTNA crossover. I’m thinking MCTNA!Bang-won vs SFD!Sambong… I’m thinking Hui-jae as a ninja girl… I’m thinking Yeon/Gab-boon team up… etc. (There must be fics like this right? Please rec me!!)
• Sambong/Yeon-hee/Bang-ji reincarnation fic to crossover with Mr. Sunshine (currently scribbling on this 👀)
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themthistles · 1 year
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Hwang Gwang Young gets obliterated by a serial killer, meanwhile Han Ju Won battles daddy issues in a very literal way. ROUND ONE is over and all winners easily leave their competition in the dust. But as new characters join in, the odds could look a lot different in the next round.
Note: The Brawl starts roughly when Juwon arrives in town, so no character development has happened yet and no truths and secrets have been revealed
(or go to #bebrawl)
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wrienne · 1 year
My Cheating, Amnesic Fiancé
Chapter 14: Inner Turmoil
Now, “practically” was the keyword here. But still, he couldn’t be serious walking into the kitchen, where he had known you would be, like that. And not even an idiot like Jeon Jungkook could have possibly foregone the fact that yes indeed, you were a female that during her upbringing had expressed an interest in the other sex. And both of you were adults now.
He didn’t have an excuse to approach you looking like he did.
His dark brown hair was even darker now that it was damp. Though Jungkook ruffled it up in an effort to dry it with the hand towel draped over his shoulder, water still dripped onto him from the tips of his hair. The tiny droplets trickled down the curve of his ears and neck, following the shape of his strong shoulders, sinewy arms and well-defined torso according to the force of gravity. There was a white towel wound loosely around his hips - fortunately covering a majority of the lower part of his body - where the water was finally absorbed.
Jeon Jungkook stood in the opening connecting the kitchen with the hallway, looking like a sinful gift from an otherworldly power, an easy smile on his lips. You dared not appoint any singular god, afraid that the rest of the other possible pantheons would take offence.
Because divine power had definitely been behind whatever good genes caused him to look so alluring.
You almost shook your head. You didn’t need this. Not only were you trying to get Jungkook’s memories back in order to put him back on stage, you also had to mend his and Park Yi-Jae’s relationship, convince your parents to let you off marrying him, find out what Min Yoongi might want to do with the information he held and potentially stop whatever death of character he might conduct, as well as deal with your damned feelings.
Why was Jungkook making everything so complicated?
“Seriously?” you exclaimed as you held up a hand before your eyes and turned away your face, even though both you and Jungkook knew you had stared at him for a long moment. You felt your cheeks flush. “Did you have to walk in on me half-naked?”
“We’ve gone swimming together before,” he said nonchalantly. “Do you have anything fresh to loan?”
“Not since we were children,” you muttered, more to yourself than him. “Couldn’t you have just worn the same clothes you wore on your way here?” you asked half-heartedly.
“Would you have if you were me?”
“No,” you admitted, still looking away. “Look through the duffel bag. I brought your clothes and shoes here yesterday.”
You heard him walk away and peeked through your fingers. No towel-wrapped Jungkook as far as you could see. You exhaled in relief and sunk down on one of the bar chairs. “Get dressed in the toilet. I don’t want to happen upon something.”
A soft snort came in response.
You had calmed your scorching cheeks just in time when he returned, fully dressed. He was just about to open his mouth and, judging by the sly look in his eyes, comment your obvious distress at seeing his naked torso when your phone rang.
It was Kim Sejin.
“Hello?” you answered as you turned away from Jungkook.
“I’m taking it you took him somewhere else,” said the man casually, though a bit of concern still seeped through.
“Yeah,” you said. You heard Jungkook quietly sink down on the bar stool next to you. The fresh smell of soap and hot water filled your nostrils, reminding you that you probably also needed a good refreshing. “We left half an hour or so. We’re currently at my place.”
“Good,” he said. “How is he? Has he come to remember anything?”
“I haven’t really begun,” you admitted.
“I don’t want to pressure you, I really don’t,” replied Kim Sejin. “But there isn’t much time.”
“No, I know.” You glanced at Jungkook over your shoulder. He was begrudgingly stirring the oatmeal with his left hand, his right hand still set in a splint, and gave you a curious look as your eyes locked.
“Just making sure you’re aware,” said Sejin. You heard him take a deep breath before continuing. “Look, if you don’t think you can do it, perhaps--”
“No,” you interrupted. “I can do it.”
“Then I’ll presume the kid will stay at yours?”
“We’ll see,” you said truthfully. You didn’t think it was a good idea to live with Jungkook considering how the dynamic of your relationship had changed, at least on your part, but it would make things easier moneywise. Your family hardly had economic difficulties, but you weren’t ready to buy an apartment just for his sake. And though you could search for rentables, you didn’t know if it was worth the time and effort if you had a couch he could sleep on. If you were separated, the media would probably also have an easier day finding you, considering how much and often you might have to see him.
Besides, Jungkook apparently didn’t want to leave you.
“Alright. Goodbye, (Y/N).”
“Bye,” you said, still deep in thought.
“Who was it?”
Jungkook was halfway through his breakfast. You sighed as you placed your elbow on the island overhang and leaned your chin into your palm. “Your manager,” you told him as you took a spoonful yourself. “He wondered to where I had kidnapped you.”
“It’s that burly guy, right?” asked Jungkook. “He’s been checking on me ever since I woke and you weren’t there.”
“Yes,” you said. “Kim Sejin.”
“Nothing,” he said and shook his head.
The two of you ate in silence. You resisted a sigh of resignation as you finished your bowl of oatmeal. What had you gotten yourself into? Where and how would you begin with Jungkook’s amnesia?
Jungkook still had the hand towel draped over his shoulder and used it to absentmindedly dry his hair some more. “School, soon?”
“Yeah,” you said surly, realizing you had another issue to deal with, namely your education and college degree. And Se-Eun was probably freaking out over the news regarding Jungkook. She would assault you at school.
As if you didn’t have enough weighing down your shoulders.
You didn’t know from where to begin. Then, remembering the list you had written and the master list Namjoon had compiled from the joint effort of BTS, you pulled forth them both and placed them on the table. “Could you browse through this?” you asked.
Jungkook eyed your paper first. “This some kind of bucket list of yours, or?” he wondered as he pointed at it. His gaze adopted a suspicious edge when he regarded the master list. “I don’t know what the person who wrote this means. It’s just a list of events.”
“How did you know this was mine?” You couldn’t repress your surprise.
“Your handwriting is crap, (Y/N).”
“Gee,” you muttered. “It’s gotten better over the years.”
“Apparently not since these... hieroglyphs look the same as they always have.”
“It’s not a bucket list, though,” you told him, rolling your eyes at his insult. “It’s a list of things you and I went through these last five years.”
For obvious reasons, you had consciously avoided writing down the day of your engagement, and anything that directly related to that had also been scratched out. You hadn’t had much to add other than that, however, considering the tough schedule and strict regulations Jungkook had been subjugated to ever since his debut. And most of the bullet points were things you doubted he would have remembered, things you and he had done either because you celebrated a holiday or birthday, or because your parents had wanted it. They had been determined to make your engagement feel at least a little natural through dates and private meetings - all of which had been forced.
But not all of them had been awkward. And so you discerned some glimmer of hope.
“And the second list,” you went on, “is a list your group members made. It has all and everything they believed significantly affected you in any way.”
You had read the master list on your way to AMC with fried chicken the day before. It hadn’t avoided your notice that none of them had written about him and Park Yi-Jae.
Whatever that now meant.
Jungkook read your list once, twice, thrice, then treated the master list in a similar fashion. When he glanced up at you, it pained you. Because the expression he wore, of loss, suspicion and incomprehension, did not suit him. Jungkook was strong, hard like iron and would usually never have looked at you with such vulnerability.
Yet you knew, deep within yourself, that he was brittle.
“I…” he began, then swallowed hard. “I… did this really happen?” He pointed at your list. “‘Broke all high-scores at karaoke bar’,” he murmured, then pointed at the master list. “And this… you cannot expect me to just believe this.”
You read the neatly written sentence and suddenly felt your heart sink to your stomach.
Won Daesang Award at MAMA 2016 and cried our eyes out on stage.
You remembered that one. Both Hoseok and Jimin had insisted that you should watch the awarding on YouTube while Yoongi had given them a flinty look. You hadn’t watched it personally, but your parents and Jungkook’s had as well as Se-Eun and her friends.
“Hold up,” you said as you opened the relevant app and began typing. The search “MAMA bts” was almost the first one that popped up and you pressed it. Before long, you and Jungkook watched the award ceremony where a famous actress presented the Daesang award and called forth BTS.
Jungkook was all dressed up, as were his hyungs, and overjoyed as they strutted across the scene. They looked good, all of them being the height of their youth, and the thundering applauses and cheering from you didn’t even know how many fans rang throughout whatever stadium or arena they were in. Namjoon held a brief speech, thanking their fans in both Korean and English, and though the camera had mainly kept to broadcasting his face as he spoke, abruptly, the familiar face of a certain twenty-year-old came into frame.
And he was crying.
You felt your jaw slacken. Since when had the cold, sardonic kid you had grown up with turned into someone who wept in gratefulness on stage?
You were so busy blatantly being in shock that you didn’t notice what the present Jungkook, the amnesic guy sitting next to you, was doing. But as the video came to an ending and you stiffly placed your phone down, you realized he was gripping his spoon and bowl so tightly it was a pure miracle they hadn’t bent or cracked, his knuckles being as white as snow.
“We watched MAMA when we were younger,” whispered Jungkook numbly. His features were blank, his eyes void of any emotion. “When it was called MKMF. Do you remember?”
You couldn’t come up with any type of witty remark, and even if you could, you wouldn’t have uttered them. “Yes,” you said simply.
“I wished, perhaps one day, that I…”
He almost crinkled the paper, as if that would help him in any way. You immediately rose and came to stand right next to him. He was hunched over the island overhang, staring at the master list and the category of “Awards We Have Received”. You hesitantly, then gently laid an arm over his shoulder as you tried to fight down your own desperation at seeing him like this.
Because what if he would remain like this forever?
If you failed, he would.
“How can I not remember?” he asked, his voice a wretched whisper. “In five years, my life changed. How come I cannot remember even one of their faces?”
“Stop it,” you murmured, even as your own despair tore at you. The pressure was immense.
“Did you see me?” he went on, ignoring you. “I… that was me. I stood there, what, just two months ago?” His healthy hand went to his face, grasping it. “I can’t believe it.”
“Stop it,” you repeated, this time all the more firmly. “I can’t stand seeing you like this, Jungkook,” you continued when he wouldn’t move. “Don’t let this destroy you.”
“How can I not?”
You pried away his hand from his face. His soft, familiar brown eyes immediately found yours, though there was a hollow, haunted look in them that reflected your own self-doubt and fear.
You had to be strong.
“Because I’ll help you get through,” you told him softly. “Have some faith, will you? If not in you, at least in me. I swear I will not let you down.”
And, without thinking, you touched his face. You cupped his cheek with one hand, not caring that the tips of your fingers were swallowed in the dampness that was his dark brown hair, and carefully, as if he were a shy, timid forest animal, you caressed him with the fingers of your other hand, starting from his forehead to his jawline, pushing aside his fringe slightly. You allowed yourself, for that brief opening, that moment of weakness from both you and Jungkook, to acknowledge the budding, alien warmth deep inside your chest that had been planted a day long forgotten but grown exponentially clearer ever since you saw him perform.
As his eyes briefly fluttered shut, and you felt him leaning into your palm, the warmth abruptly blossomed, filling you with something akin to hope. Optimism before the prospect of spending the impending three months down a tough road that would most likely would lead to doom no matter your efforts, yet different altogether.
It was happiness. Touching Jeon Jungkook was happiness.
But oh, how it was wrong in all the right kinds of ways.
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unnursvanablog · 1 year
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Now I have not done one of these in a good while, as I have been in a kdrama slump and I have been taking a bit of a break from kdramas lately, aside from slowly getting myself through Alchemy of Souls. But you know I am a sageuk fan and one of the more promising dramas in the early 2023 lineup was Our Blooming Youth despite it looking and sounding, based on the title and the posters alone like more of a fluffy, rom-com period drama than the more serious or darker/moodier stuff that I prefer in my sageuks.
So it was a pleasant surprise when I watched the first episode and the tone of the whole thing had a lot more enfaces on mystery and the dark past of the crown prince and just the overall serious mood of it all. I did not expect the leading ladies entire family being poisoned and she being on the run trying to prove her own innocence. I guess that’s what happens when you don’t watch the teasers or read too much up on things.
The drama moves at a brisk pace (for now... I also could have said the same about Alchemy of Souls until that one hit a lull in the pacing) and introduces us quite early to the main conflict, the inner daemons of the characters and all of that without too much info dumping or anything.
It sure does feel like a standard sageuk with romance to it, that has not yet started to bloom... which I enjoy actually. It does not feel too cute or too airy but mature
I guess I could expected that since I knew that the drama was written by the person who did Romance is a Bonus Book and that one did have a good dash of romance and then more serious and mature tone to it. I remember I enjoyed the character arcs and the tone of that one really well.
I don't want to harp on a 'strong female character' or a kickass female lead thing, because I have mention it before that those types of measurements that is often given female character (but we never talk that way about male characters because they are all automatically interesting... right?) just because she fights a couple of guards and seems to be capable to land herself on her own feet and take charge of her own live as she figures out who killed her family and why.
But I will say that I enjoyed the time we have gotten from Min Jae Yi and she feels like a well rounded, interesting character who has her own story to tell within the narrative... which is all a character needs to be in order to be a 'good character' really. And even if she was not all that, even if she didn't fight anyone with a sword does not mean that she isn't a interesting character. Not every male character is a strong fighter, stop expecting every female character to be that way or else they are boring. 
The crown prince feels very much like the standard male lead with a tragic backstory, but I enjoy it. The background character are all quite standard... or what I expect from these sort of stories but it’s a well rounded cast and there are enough quirky characters and enough serious ones to make it work.
I very much enjoyed those first two episodes. I think it's a good choice of drama that could potentially kick my kdrama slump in the butt and I am excited about this murder investigation unfolds and how it all ties together to those inner demons of that cursed crown prince.
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namjhyun · 1 year
Our Blooming Youth Review | Episode 03 and 04
In this week's episodes Hwan and Jae-yi form a sort-of alliance, to test and see if they can trust each other. As they spend time together, it becomes clear they come to an understanding of one-another and the fact they are after the same goal.
Both, Hwan and Jae-yi, have been victims of indescribable trauma by witnessing and being blame for the death of someone they love. They share this in a conversation, in which Hwan finds out from Jae-yi how her father worried about him not having enough people to trust inside the Palace. We can feel Lord Min's sincerity towards the Crown Prince but also, I think, it's becoming more and more clear Jae-yi's earnest desire to protect Hwan no longer comes from duty but also from a place of affection.
We were also further introduced into Lord Min's political views through the way he raised his daughter. He was a strict man but also open-minded and willing to listen to other people's point of views. He supported Jae-yi's endeavors, even if it meant going against custom and law of what a woman should be and do, but also gave her a reality check on how harsh the world can be when you go against a system. He was a powerful but most importantly a wise man. It's clear why thought of his as a threat and wanted him dead.
I have to wonder, tho, why kill the entire family and put the blame on Jae-yi? Seems almost personal. What would be the gain? I confess I suspect the Queen. The drama is making a point of showing Princess Hayeon has a crush on Chief Han. If the Queen wanted to kill two birds with one stone then Lord Min's death would not only weaken and alienate Hwan further but also make sure the wedding never happened by making Jae-yi the culprit. This would leave Chief Han free to marry into the royal family. Am I the only one crazy for this?
Another one I am keeping an eye on is Chief Han. I can't help but think him choosing to protect his father, before the Crown was telling of his priorities and character. Minister Han poised an interesting question to his son, which I think it's going to be his arc throughout the drama, about how he needs to let go of personal feelings in order to be loyal to something bigger. The only thing clear, right now, is the Chief Han will have to make some very difficult choices in the future.
An interesting point about these two episodes is Hwan and Chief Han's relationship. They are childhood best friends but it's clear the Crown Prince doesn't feel he can fully trust Chief Han. So much so he's willing to secretly (and later openly) make a parallel investigation with Jae-yi and young Lord Kim Myung-jin.
The drama also offhandedly showed how Hwan knows about Myung-jin's interest in criminology, and not only supports it, but also trusts in his knowledge on the subject to give him jobs that he wants to keep secret from the court. I said last week I thought Lord Kim's family would play a bigger role in the future and I think Hwan and Myung-jin's relationship proves me right.
Overall these were two solid hours of learning about our main characters's personalities, their relationships, dynamics, struggles and motivations. This information will come in handy later on to understand the decisions they will make as the mystery surrounding them starts to unravel and enemies step into the light.
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idolskpop · 8 months
Behind Your Touch Episode 16: Han Ji Min & Lee Min Ki Solve the Mystery and Find Love
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Behind Your Touch Episode 16 was the finale of the popular JTBC drama that starred Han Ji Min, Lee Min Ki, and Suho. The series combined comedy, thriller, and fantasy elements to tell the story of a psychic veterinarian and a hot-blooded detective who teamed up to solve crimes in a small town. The last episode wrapped up the main plot and gave a satisfying ending to the characters and their relationships.
The Culprit and His Motive
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(Photo : JTBC Official Instagram) The mystery behind the serial murders in Mujin was finally revealed in Behind Your Touch Episode 16. The culprit was none other than Park Jong Bae (Park Hyuk Kwon), the shaman who had been helping the police with his fake psychic abilities. He was actually a psychopath who enjoyed killing people and animals for fun. He had been using Bong Ye Bun’s (Han Ji Min) power to read the memories of his victims and manipulate them. He also had a personal motive for his crimes. He blamed Moon Jang Yeol (Lee Min Ki) for the death of his son, who was killed by a car accident while Jang Yeol was chasing a suspect. He wanted to make Jang Yeol suffer by killing his friends and colleagues, such as Cha Ju Man (Lee Seung Joon), Jung Eui Hwan (Yang Jae Seong), and Kim Seon Woo (Suho). He also kidnapped Bae Ok Hee (Joo Min Kyung), Ye Bun’s best friend, and tried to kill her.
The Final Showdown
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(Photo : JTBC Official Instagram) Ye Bun and Jang Yeol managed to track down Jong Bae and rescue Ok Hee in Behind Your Touch Episode 16. They also confronted him about his crimes and his motive. Jong Bae admitted that he was the killer and that he enjoyed playing with their lives. He also revealed that he had killed Seon Woo, who was Ye Bun’s crush and Jang Yeol’s suspect. Jong Bae then tried to escape by stabbing random people on the street, but Ye Bun used her power to locate him. She bravely faced him and held him at knifepoint, demanding him to surrender. Jang Yeol arrived soon after and shot Jong Bae in the leg, arresting him for good.
The Happy Ending
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(Photo : JTBC Official Instagram) After solving the case, Ye Bun and Jang Yeol returned to their normal lives in Mujin. They also confessed their feelings for each other and started dating. They had a cute and sweet relationship, despite their different personalities and lifestyles. They also continued to work together on minor cases, using Ye Bun’s power and Jang Yeol’s skills. They became a famous duo in Mujin, earning the respect and admiration of the people. The other characters also had their happy endings in Behind Your Touch Episode 16. Ok Hee recovered from her trauma and became more confident and cheerful. She also opened her own hair salon with the help of her friends. Won Jong Mook (Kim Hee Won) and Jung Hyeon Ok (Park Sung Yeon) got married and rekindled their love. Na Mi Ran (Jung Yi Rang) divorced her cheating husband and found a new love interest. Bae Deok Hee (Jo Min Guk) became a successful detective and moved to Seoul. The finale episode ended with a humorous scene of Ye Bun and Jang Yeol running away from a group of angry female prisoners, whom Ye Bun had read their memories for Jang Yeol’s investigation.
The Netizens’ Reactions
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(Photo : JTBC) The viewers of Behind Your Touch Episode 16 were satisfied with the finale and praised the cast and crew for their excellent work. They also expressed their love for the drama and its unique genre mix. Here are some of their comments: - “This drama was so fun and refreshing. I loved the chemistry between Han Ji Min and Lee Min Ki. They were so cute together.” - “I’m glad they caught the killer and revealed his motive. He was so creepy and evil. I felt sorry for Suho’s character though. He deserved better.” - “This drama made me laugh, cry, and feel excited. It was a perfect balance of comedy, thriller, and fantasy. I’m going to miss it so much.” - “Han Ji Min is such a versatile actress. She can do any genre and role. She was so charming as Ye Bun. Lee Min Ki was also amazing as Jang Yeol. He was so handsome and charismatic.” - “This drama was one of the best this year. It had a great story, cast, OST, cinematography, etc. It deserves more recognition and ratings.” What did you think of Behind Your Touch Episode 16? Did you enjoy the finale? Share your thoughts in the comments below! Subscribe to IDOLS KPOP for exclusive updates and captivating content. Read the full article
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ardentaislinn · 1 year
Candy Hearts Letter 2022
Hi! I am also ardentaislinn on AO3. Thank you so much for volunteering to write one of my chosen fandoms! I really can’t wait to see what you come up with. Most importantly, I hope you have fun writing whichever of my fandoms it is. Any suggestions I make here are optional.
Here you’ll find:
My general likes
And prompts for the following fandoms:
반도 | Peninsula (2020) (aka Train to Busan 2) - Jung Seok/Min Jung
Practical Arrangement - Sting (song) - Man/Woman
고요의 바다 | The Silent Sea - Han Yoon Jae/Song Ji An
Christmas Class Reunion (2022) - Elle/Devin
Original Works - Badass Woman/The Equally Badass Man Who Secretly Loves Her, Male Soldier Deployed Overseas/His Female Penpal That He's Never Met, Reality Show Producer/Reality Show Contestant Who Knows It's Mostly Fake But Plays Along, 19th Century Male Detective/The Clever and Meddlesome Woman Who Gets in His Way
A quick note on the Korean names - I’m fine with however you choose to transliterate them. Hyphen/no hyphen, slight differences in romanisation, etc. Just do what you are comfortable with and I’ll adjust no problem.
My likes:
I love getting together fics most of all. I love almost every kind of trope (fake dating, slow burn, enemies/rivals-to-lovers, trapped together, there’s only one bed, “unrequited” pining (that is really requited), found families, etc.) I also like casefic, epistolary fic, consent, beta heroes, competence, communication, U/RST, positive endings.
You may notice from the below that my ships mostly involve broken but good-hearted men being secretly head over heels for badass ladies, (and usually not feeling worthy). So that dynamic is strongly encouraged.
Happy endings (or at least hopeful endings) are preferred. Like, super, super preferred. I don’t mind angst at all, but it kinda has to be on the way out of the darkness by the end.
I also like smut, but it certainly isn’t a necessity. For smut, I’m (sadly) fairly vanilla. But I like light bondage, cunnilingus, shower sex, and accidental/consensual voyeurism, (Particularly guys taking matters into their own hands when they think they can’t be with their lady, and the woman stumbling across him mid-act. Writer’s choice whether the woman joins in or gets embarrassed)
Miserable endings. Death of a requested character. Humiliation. Drug use/drug mentions/addiction. Self harm/abuse. Non-con/rape. Heavy kink. Animal harm. Underage sexual content.
Fandom specific prompts:
반도 | Peninsula (2020) (aka Train to Busan 2)
Jung Seok/Min Jung
While maybe objectively not as good a film as the first one, I still enjoyed the hell out of it. Given that it was essentially a cross between Escape From New York and Mad Max, what isn’t to love? I loved the expansion of the world and the clever uses of zombies in the chase scenes. And I really liked the idea that anything can mean happiness when you love and are loved in return - particularly in regards to Joon Yi, but also Jung Seok (and his found family?).
Mostly I just want Jung Seok and Min Jung to kiss. I think they'd help each other heal and be stronger together as a team. While they did grow throughout the movie, they probably have a little more growing to do before they are ready to be together, and they might always be a little dysfunctional, given their traumas. It would be impossible to entirely smooth away all those sharp points they've developed. But they'd understand each other in a way no one else would.
What would interest me the most in this fandom is post-movie fics. But if you wanna do a canon divergent/au thing, I’d be cool with that, too. 
Some prompts:
In order to stay together after being rescued, Jung Seok and Min Jung have to pretend to be married.
Jung Seok’s POV when he realises he loves Min Jung.
After four long years of loneliness, Min Jung just wants to be touched. Maybe they start a physical relationship that slowly morphs into an emotional one.
Neither would be particularly verbally demonstrative. How do they show they care about the other without saying "I love you?"
Jung Seok isn’t surprised to find himself in love with Min Jung - and wanting to be a father to her girls - but is he good enough for them? He’s left them behind once - can he forgive himself? Can Min Jung?
The zombie plague escapes from Korea - and Jung Seok, Min Jung, and her girls are the closest thing to experts on how to fight back and contain it that the authorities have. Will their nightmare never be over? Or is this a chance to end it once and for all?
With Min Jung in hospital while her leg heals, Jung Seok suddenly finds himself a surrogate father to two very unruly girls.
Practical Arrangement - Sting (Song)
I received a great fic for this song for Yuletide, which you can find here. I’m requesting it again purely because there is so much scope here to work with, and so many different interpretations you could go with. And I want them all!
I mean…this song just screams marriage of convenience story, right? I love this trope, particularly when it’s two practical people going into the arrangement for logical reasons…only to find feelings somehow got involved. It’s a perfect set up for slow burn, pining, forced proximity, and all that good stuff.
I think in this song in particular the man might be lying to himself from the very beginning about this being a platonic arrangement. I don’t have any headcanons for their names so feel free to call the characters what you want!
Some prompts:
At what point does either character realise they have feelings for the other? How did they get there? With lots of pining and classic tropes? Do they have to play a couple outside of the house, or is this strictly a legal arrangement?
How do they meet? What happens to the woman that either character thinks this is a logical solution? How bad of a situation is she in?
Why is he lonely enough to propose this solution? Or has he secretly loved her for a long time and only wants to help her? How does the intimacy of marriage and a “warm house to return to” change things for him, even if it’s meant to be platonic? Can going through the motions of intimacy and sharing a home lead to real and lasting feelings?
How long does the “separate beds” promise last? Do they decide that for the duration of their marriage that they will satisfy each other in the bedroom as well? Or do they absolutely never touch given their promise of platonicness? 
How does he bond with her son? Do they do things together as a family or mostly lead separate lives?
It sounds like she’s a disaster in the kitchen. Is he a good cook? Does she learn to after all in an act of finding herself? Or does she finally let herself be taken care of for once?
A historical AU? Maybe she’s a titled widow fallen on hard times, and he’s of the rich merchant class and still not considered good enough for her in the eyes of society.
Maybe it’s a Beauty and the Beast scenario? He’s disfigured or magically enchanted but she marries him to save herself and her son. It turns out he’s not as bad as the stories claimed.
If you want to turn this on your head, you can. Maybe the narrator of the song is a creep and/or a stalker and she actually has to get away from him and falls in love with someone else!
고요의 바다 | The Silent Sea
Han Yoon Jae/Song Ji An
So, I requested this for Yuletide, and got two excellent fics here and here. There was a third one in the collection that was also excellent, too! Right here. Normally, when I am so blessed with fics for a tiny fandom like that, I feel like the itch has been scratched, so to speak. But (un)fortunately, in this case, the fics were so good that it made me ship this pairing so much more.
It’s a crime that they didn’t kiss in this, honestly. Two of my favourite Korean actors (Bae Doo Na and Gong Yoo) in one show, buckets of chemistry, and nary a romance! Gong Yoo was at his hottest, too, with the neck tattoo and attitude. (Bae Doo Na is, of course, always at her hottest.)
They are both smart and know what’s up. I feel like they’d make a good couple. And the tension between them, particularly in the beginning, just makes it hotter. Most of these prompts presume that Yoon Jae was rescued at the end there with the others, of course.
Some prompts:
I’m envisioning a whole scenario where she marries him to share her status to save his daughter and they fall in love. They need to make it convincing or it’s basically fraud, so they move in together and pretend to be a couple… Maybe this happens after their adventure, or maybe it’s an AU where they never went to space, or they marry before they go and then they go to the moon.
There was a lot of tension between them. And sometimes there’s only one surefire way to ease that tension…in a maintenance closet.
What happens when they get back to earth? Inevitably, paperwork and bureaucracy. But maybe also they need to save the world? Again?
Additional bonding time in space, before or during everything going to hell. They have a lot of trauma they can share/bond over.
How do they work together to protect Earth after everything they've been through? Does it bring them closer together? Does the water crisis get solved or are things worse than ever?
What happens to Luna? Do they become her surrogate parents? She’s not really human, so what kind of difficulties does that present? How do they explain her presence in the rescue craft to their superiors? Once back in the real world, do they have to pretend she’s normal? This could either be very fraught or rather comedic depending how you want to play it.
Ji An and Yoon Jae have to quarantine together for a few weeks after getting off the moon.
Feel free to do some worldbuilding! The scenario is both terrifyingly realistic and completely apocalyptic. How else is it different from our world? How is it the same? What is going on outside of the limited scope we see?
Christmas Class Reunion (2022)
Originally, I saw this Hallmark movie and just thought it was okay. I didn't fall head over heels for it. But the more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea of it. Maybe it didn’t entirely stick the landing but it had all the elements to make a great romance.
Devin used to be a goofy class clown, and now he’s grown up into being a responsible, respectable, single-dad. But he’s perhaps still dealing with that old high school feeling of not quite being good enough. Particularly not for a girl as smart and driven as Elle. He still retains a little bit of his goofiness, but he’s definitely matured a lot. Throughout the movie, Elle’s modern, forward-thinking ways help Devin push himself that little more. 
Elle, on the other hand, has always been responsible and ambitious, and until now has been dating guys just like her. Now that the perfect life she’d worked so hard for is starting to fall apart, she’s reassessing her priorities and maybe just…chilling out a little. She feels like she still has to put up a front, but not so much around Devin, who seems to like her just as she is and whose slight goofiness helps her mellow.
They definitely wouldn’t have worked as a couple in high school, but they had both changed a lot in the intervening 15 years, to the point where they’d kind of met in the middle of their two personality extremes, purely by chance. Maybe they still had a bit of growing left to do, but it’s clear that they were in a place where they were ready to be together and make it work. 
I'm a lot more interested in where they are now with themselves and each other as opposed to flashing back to their high school years for an entire fic, but I don't mind if you mention or feature scenes from that time to illustrate their development.
Some prompts:
First Christmas together, so soon in their new relationship. Or maybe a series of big days throughout their first year, like first Valentine's, before their engagement. Or maybe many Christmases over the years, to see how they evolve.
The movie kind of cops out by not answering how Elle deals with the fallout from work, and the fact that Elle and Devin live in different cities. I don't feel like there's necessarily an easy answer to any of it, so how is all that resolved?
A missing scene where Devin pines for Elle. Maybe he'd always had a crush on her and didn't feel worthy back then, and those feelings of inadequacy are coming back because he finds 33 year old Elle even smarter and prettier and more incredible than teenaged Elle.
They work together to find Samantha a well-deserved happy ending.
Maybe they live in different cities for a while. How do they keep in contact? Texts? Emails? Phone/video sex?
Bonding time with Skylar. Is it all smooth sailing, or are there some difficulties with Elle coming into their lives?
AU/Canon Divergence. Maybe they met again under other circumstances? As long as keep the dynamic I mentioned above (Amazing woman who feels like she needs to put up a front when the life she worked so hard for is crumbling/the guy who has matured and grown so much but still isn't sure it's enough for her to fall for him.)
How did Devin's proposal happen? Or did Elle get sick of waiting and proposed to him?
Original Work
Badass Woman/The Equally Badass Man Who Secretly Loves Her, Male Soldier Deployed Overseas/His Female Penpal That He's Never Met, Reality Show Producer/Reality Show Contestant Who Knows It's Mostly Fake But Plays Along, 19th Century Male Detective/The Clever and Meddlesome Woman Who Gets in His Way
I think these tags basically speak for themselves, but just in case you want some guidance I’ll give some ideas below.
Badass Woman/The Equally Badass Man Who Secretly Loves Her
Most of the major ships I’ve had throughout my life fall into this category. Terminator’s Sarah Connor/Kyle Reese, Mad Max: Fury Road’s Max/Furiosa, Aliens’ Ripley/Dwayne Hicks, even Peninsula’s Jung Seok/Min Jung listed above. Whatever you write doesn’t need to be an action sci-fi story, though! I’m equally happy with a contemporary rom com where they are CEOs or a single-mother inn owner and a handyman or whatever. There are many ways to be a badass.
As for the story itself? Anything where the hero is quietly enamoured by how competent and capable she is, but doesn’t feel worthy of her, is what I’m after here. So, maybe she gives him a surprising confession. He's loved her for a long time, how did they meet? Maybe they have to kiss/share a bed/work on a mission together and it makes the feelings come to a head. Maybe he confesses to her in a moment of weakness and is surprised when she tells him she feels the same. Maybe they used to be spies or vigilantes together. Like, she was married to his best friend, and the three of them used to work together. Then the best friend dies and they blame themselves and fall out of touch. They have to reunite years later and he’s still carrying a secret torch for her and doesn’t realise she feels the same. There are plenty of routes you can take with this!
Male Soldier Deployed Overseas/His Female Penpal That He's Never Met
For this one, I was thinking something along the lines of the Hallmark movies The Christmas Card or Holiday for Heroes. She sends him a Christmas card or package and they start exchanging letters. He doesn't have much family, and so her letters really mean something to him. Or maybe she's looking after his dog while he's deployed and she sends him photos of his beloved pet, and they get talking. Or maybe this is set in 19th C England, and he writes to inform her of her brother's death, and his comforting words really touch her heart. I just really like epistolary romances! And I really like that moment when they see each other in person for the first time and realise that maybe those feelings that had been developing weren’t so crazy after all. It was all real.
Reality Show Producer/Reality Show Contestant Who Knows It's Mostly Fake But Plays Along
Again, this prompt was inspired by a Hallmark movie, this time Love, For Real. I really liked that he was attracted to her smarts and cynicism since he was feeling pretty jaded about reality shows himself. There's a lot of potential conflict considering falling for a contestant is unprofessional and against the rules. But I obviously don’t want fic of that movie, it’s mostly just the vibes.
Author’s pick of the type of reality show. Cooking competition? Dating show? Maybe it's a friends to lovers story where the producer convinces their friend to join up to help out and they see new sides to each other. Maybe she's the producer and he's the best friend/contestant, a la the Kdrama Love is for Suckers. Maybe it's a Survivor style show and they get “lost” in the wilderness together. Maybe one of them is a celebrity playing up a superficial image for a show, and the producer sees the real, likeable person who comes out when the cameras are off.
19th Century Male Detective/The Clever and Meddlesome Woman Who Gets in His Way
I’m just a sucker for mysteries with a female protagonist or co-lead set in the Victorian era, with a male detective or private investigator that works with her. I love the way the women have to work against and within the system but then use people’s expectations against them. The detective will often be able to work openly in the public sphere when investigating, but the woman works subtly, behind the scenes, in the private sphere. Those two skills end up complementing each other to the point that the crime couldn’t be solved or the criminal brought to justice without either of them. The fact that these stories often lend themselves to having clever, bookish heroines who everyone underestimates, plus a lot of banter with the detective, is just icing on the cake.
For specific ideas, maybe she writes him a letter with information about a crime - he initially dismisses her but is intrigued. Maybe they meet at a crime scene and he’s suspicious because she seems to know so much. Maybe he thinks she or someone close to her is a culprit and she’s trying to prove him wrong. Maybe he goes to her about a case because she has some specific expert knowledge, but she insists on getting far more involved than he intended.
Hopefully that’s all. Sorry it's such an epic letter. Thank you for writing something for me!
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mizldrizl · 1 year
How old is each character in Beyond Evil?
According to the official Beyond Evil web page:
Lee Dong Sik: 40
Han Joo Won: 27
Park Jung Je: 40
Yoo Jae Yi: 28
Oh Ji Hwa: 40
Nam Sang Bae: 59
Hwang Gwang Young: 34
Cho Gil Gu: 52
Oh Ji Hoon: 26
Do Hae Won: 65
Kang Jin Mook: 45
Kang Min Jung: 21
Lee Chang Jin: 49
Han Ki Hwan: 58
Kwon Hyuk: 34
I read the character information on the web page for the first time just now, and there was some interesting stuff there, such as:
Jung Je became a police officer after seeing Dong Sik and Ji Hwa trying to be one.
Ji Hwa was a Korean national Taekwondo athlete in middle school and high school. She became a police officer because she wanted to beat up bad guys "legally."
Nam Sang Bae was never married. His first love was Han Jeong Im, Jae Yi's mother. His original plan was to ask her out after successfully becoming a police officer, but it was too late; she was marrying Jae Yi's father.
The Oh siblings' father died when Ji Hoon was 12, and their mother remarried and left them. Since then, he and Ji Hwa have lived together.
Han Ki Hwan's father and grandfather were also police officers.
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loveseriesnmovies · 1 year
Under the queen's umbrella
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Kim Hye-soo as Queen Hwa Ryeong
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Kim Hae-sook as Queen Dowager
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Choi Won-young as King Yi Ho
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Bae In-hyuk as Crown Prince
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Moon Sang-min as Grand Prince Seongnam / Crown Prince
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Yoo Seon-ho as Grand Prince Gyeseong
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Yoon Sang-hyun as Grand Prince Muan
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Park Ha-jun as Grand Prince Ilyeong
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Kang Chan-hee as Prince Uiseong
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Kim Min-gi as Prince Bogeom
Moon Sung-hyun as Prince Simso
Ok Ja-yeon as Royal Consort Gwi-in Hwang
Kim Ga-eun as Royal Consort So-yong Tae
Woo Jung-won as Royal Consort Gwi-in Go
Seo Yi-sook as Deposed Queen Yoon
Kim Eui-sung as Hwang Won-hyeong
Jang Hyun-sung as Yoon Soo-kwang
Han Dong-hee as Crown Princess Min
Park Jun-myun as Court Lady Shin
Kim Jae-bum as Physician Kwon / Yi Ik-hyeon
Kwon Hae-hyo as Master Toji / Yoo Sang-uk
Oh Ye-ju as Lady Yoon Cheong-ha / Crown Princess
This KDrama was aired on October 15 of 2022, going for 16 episodes.This drama is set on a fictional Joseon dynasty, with a strong queen who would give up all protocols as she struggles to make her trouble making sons into princes.
This is a very good series, I binge watched it in a few days. I loved the queen! How strong, resourceful, and independent she was. I loved all the characters, especially the queen and prince Seongnam. I also loved how the king was very supportive of her. The series had a lot of different topics, from motherhood to sexuality. It's a drama series. There are no gore or sex scenes. I recommend this series to anyone who likes history dramas.
You can watch on Netflix
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loisroo · 1 year
ao3 wrapped [writers edition] -bestieee, 27, 28, 29 please and thank you! ♡♡♡♡♡
EVIL!!! My love!!!!! 😍😍 thank you for the ask!!!! from this post!
27. what do you listen to while writing?
it honestly depends on my adhd at the time but usually i listen to @katierosefun beyond evil spotify playlist, the beyond evil ost, or whatever song i’ve hyper-focused on in that moment!
28. favorite work you wrote this year?
honestly my crashing into something safe fic which was inspired by a tumblr post about if min jeong lived and joowon didn’t go to manyang and instead lived next door to min jeong. it was really nice to think about how things could change for all of them and how their characters might be different. i think i also really liked to write the flirting between joowon and dongsik as well.
29. favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
so it’s from the matchmaking ahjumma’s and halmeoni’s of manyang and it’s 100% because it’s so soft and sweet and joo won gets a little bit of happiness/healing—
Joo Won's pink ears when one of the women mention his looks always spurs on Dong Sik's own teasing, making the man even more flustered. The way they praise Joo Won's kindness and intelligence makes the younger man bow a few more times than normal, and later Dong Sik watches Joo Won smile to himself as he tells Jae Yi the new gossip. Dong Sik gets a stupid smile on his face every time he watches Joo Won become tentatively happier after being showered with continuous affection, and the walls the man had been maintaining slowly begin to disintegrate.
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