#chara just wanted a glass of water. why you gotta do this to em
lilybug-02 · 5 months
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Wow. That could not have turned out worse.
Part 23 || First || Previous || Next
--Full Series--
This comic will be on Holiday Hiatus this December and January! While on a cliffhanger? What a scam! >:/
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promisedangel · 5 years
Fresh Meat: Confinement- Chapter 18
Chapter 18- Statements
All was still as the intruder dissipated into dust. Undyne and Alphys hesitated to move. Only when the intruder completely dissipated did they both relax. Alphys let out a sigh of relief. A sharp gasp followed. She called out in worry, “Chara!?” Alphys rushed to Chara’s door. She was careful to step around the dust. She gagged lightly as she stepped over the pile in order to stand in front of the door. She quickly fished out her key to unlock the door. She opened the door and stepped into the room a few paces, now able to stand comfortably. She saw Chara stand in the center of the room. They appeared shaken. They clutched their locket tightly as they shook. No new wounds or scars could be seen. No tears dropped from their eyes, but panic and concern. Chara locked eyes with Alphys. A small gasp escaped them. Tears began to well in their eyes as they winced out, “Alphys…” Alphys rushed up to Chara with a relieved smile, “Thank goodness you’re-“ As Alphys got close, Chara silently and swiftly wrapped their arms around her. Alphys paused. Shock grew on her face. She looked down at Chara to see their face buried deep into her shoulder. She heard a few quiet sobs from them. Alphys relaxed. She smiled contently and reciprocated the hug. She supported them by their shoulder as she gently patted the top of their head. The two stood there in silence for a few long moments.
Undyne had walked up and glanced in the room to see the commotion, but relaxed as soon as she took in the sight. She sighed and looked down at the dust of the intruder. Her first thought was obvious; she’d need to call someone to clean this up and quickly. Then, she had another, more important, thought; how did this guy get in? She remembered she’d gotten in because Alphys let her in both times. Her eyes flashed up at Alphys; there was no way she’d let someone like that in. Undyne’s eyes drifted back to the dust pile. Her eyes widened; something just barely stuck out of the pile. Undyne carefully reached for the item with her fingertips. She pulled it out and shook the excess dust off the item. The item was thin and easily held in her hand; a keycard. She raised a brow. It took a moment, but Undyne remembered a keycard scanner to the side of the elevator to the lower lab. She flipped over the keycard to find any sign of ownership, none could be discerned at a glance. Undyne looked back at Alphys curiously. Maybe she knew something about this? She stepped over the pile of dust and entered Chara’s room. She spoke, “Hey, Alphys, does this look familiar?” Alphys turned her head towards Undyne briefly. She frowned, “Um… hold on one moment.” She looked down at Chara, their sobs had silenced. They simply rested against Alphys’s chest at this point. She spoke gently, “Are you ready to let go?” Chara looked up at Alphys. Their face relaxed to a disappointed frown. They replied quietly, with tinges of disappointment, “…for now.” Chara and Alphys slowly unwrapped their embrace. Chara stepped towards their bed. They sat down with a long frown before they wiped the tears from their face. They looked towards Undyne as she approached Alphys.
Undyne held out the keycard towards Alphys, “I found this in the dust pile.” Alphys looked at the keycard. Her eyes widened in shock. She spoke, “That’s… one of the keycards needed to activate the elevator down here to the lower lab!” She took the keycard and examined it, “I… I don’t understand. All of the keycards were confiscated other that mine— er… well, Serol and his team were given keycards as well, but…” Undyne pointed a thumb back at the dust pile, “I’m guessing he wasn’t on the team.” Alphys shook her head, “No. I’ve never seen that monster before this incident.” Undyne sighed, “Guess we’ll have to talk to them, too.” She looked at Alphys with a serious gaze, “But, just in case, do you have your keycard?” Alphys nodded before she handed the intruder’s keycard back to Undyne, “I understand, it’s here.” Alphys reached into her coat, a different pocket than the one she kept her phone. She pulled out a keycard identical to the intruder’s keycard. Undyne’s expression relaxed, “Well, that should clear you of suspicion.” Alphys raised a brow as she stowed her keycard away, “Of what?” “Of letting the monster in. Someone could have given him the keycard.” Alphys’s eyes widened in shock, “You really think someone would do that?!" Undyne shrugged, “I dunno. We don’t have a motive, other than the obvious.”
Undyne looked over at Chara, “Speaking of which, I gotta ask you some questions, too.” Chara blinked. They rubbed their throat lightly as they spoke, “That makes sense. You need my statement since I was involved.” Alphys noticed Chara rubbing their neck, “Oh! Is your throat still sore? The glass of water I was getting for you shattered…” Chara relaxed their arms on their lap, “I am fine, but if you want to get the water, I won’t stop you.” Undyne looked over to Alphys, “It probably is best I take the kid’s statement alone, anyway. I’ll probably have to do the same with you. Damn procedure and all.” Alphys nodded, “Okay. I’ll be right back.” Alphys quietly left the room, the door closed, but did not lock it.
Undyne turned toward Chara. She spoke evenly, “Alright. Guess we’ll just start from the beginning. When did he first show up?” Chara sat on the edge of their bed. They relaxed their forearms on their legs. They calmly recounted, “Only minutes ago. I was awakened by Alphys in response to night terrors I had been having an-“ Undyne shook her head and gave a perturbed look, “Whoa, whoa. What the hell’s a night terror?” Chara raised a brow, but otherwise kept an even expression, “I do not believe that is important to this investigation.” Undyne huffed, “Geez, I was just curious.” Chara’s eyebrow lowered. They closed their eyes for a moment and sighed, “A night terror is an episode in which I suddenly appear to wake from my sleep and scream inconsolably. I also thrash about and am not able to wake until the episode ends.” Undyne reeled back slightly. She hissed between her teeth, “Yikes, that… I… I don’t know what to say about that.” Chara’s expression normalized as they spoke dryly, “Nothing but a result of him torturing me.”
Undyne frowned but didn’t respond. An awkward silence passed between the two. Chara continued calmly, “Regardless. I awoke with a slightly sore throat and hoarse voice. Alphys offered to get a glass of water to soothe my throat slightly before I fell asleep once more. She left and locked the door behind her.” Undyne nodded, “Okay… so, what happened next?" Chara bit their lip. They hugged themselves lightly. They frowned, “I thought Alphys had returned, but she did not respond to me. I approached the door before the panel opened. I noticed too late it wasn’t Alphys’s hand, as it was dark. I was grabbed by my leg and almost dragged under the door. I managed to fight back and bite his hand. He let me go and I got away from the door.” Undyne raised her brow in disbelief. A smile grew on her face, “You bit him. To get away?” Chara nodded, “Yes.” Undyne covered her mouth and began to guffaw. Chara looked up at her with a perturbed look. They spoke in an annoyed tone, “You do not believe me?” Undyne’s laughter died down. She grinned widely as she spoke, “Nah, I believe you! Just kinda funny; a human bitting a monster, when it's normally the other way around.” Chara lightly glared at Undyne’s comment. Undyne’s smile lowered to a serious frown, “Guess you wouldn’t find it funny, after all.”
Another awkward silence passed. Undyne sighed, “Look, let’s just finish the questions, alright?” Chara relaxed. They continued, “There is not much else to say after that. He tried to taunt me back towards the door as he made some sort of scratching sound. I would assume damage to the door. When that failed, he resorted to brute strength to break down the door. You and Alphys showed up after that.” “That’s it, huh?” Undyne sighed in relief, “He didn’t try to bite you when you were struggling in his grasp?” Chara shook their head, “No.” Undyne scratched her head, “Huh. You would think the second any starving monster would have the chance they’d just chomp down. Then again… he did say something about his sister not getting any of the substitute.” Chara replied casually, “Then his intent was to feed me to this sister of his.”
Chara blinked. A thought crossed their mind, one they hadn’t considered. It wasn’t terribly important, but their curiosity had budded. They looked curiously at Undyne, “How does he determine which monsters receive the substitute?” Undyne gave a look of disbelief at Chara’s question, “Huh?” She paused, “Well… I mean, Alphys would probably know more about this than me, right?” “Perhaps, but you received some substitute. Why?” Undyne sighed, “Yeah. I did. About two weeks worth, or something. It was my reward for guarding you a while back. I ate one of ‘em, but I… well, you heard. I gave mine away.” Chara’s eyes narrowed in suspicion, “Why?”
Undyne’s fin ears dropped slightly along with her expression. She began to recount, “I, um, I was on my way home after I received the substitute after a patrol shift. After a while, I heard someone cry for help. I ran and I found two kids. One was on the ground, face first in the mud. The other kid approached me with tears. Had to calm them down before they could tell me that their friend had been tired all day and suddenly hit the ground.” Chara asked curiously, “Was the one on the ground unconscious?” Undyne nodded, “Out cold. Like they’d actually Fell Down.” Chara raised a brow silently at the words Undyne stressed, “Fell down? That is all?” Undyne sighed, “No. It’s something different. Guess, humans wouldn’t know about that.” She continued with a small somber, “When monsters are about to pass away naturally, or in this case because we’re starving, we just… stop moving. Or responding. Then, after a while, we just… die. We turn to dust, never feeling a thing, or so everyone says.” Chara’s eyes widened for a moment. They gave a look of understanding, “So, that child was on the cusp of death.” Undyne nodded, “Yeah, I knew it was happening after a bit. I think their friend knew, too. I remembered the substitute I had. It wasn’t much, but it’d probably push the kid back from the brink. I grabbed a few and I shoved it down the kid’s throat. We ended up sitting there for who knows how long before the kid woke up. Their friend still had to help them up and walk, but they were fine. I gave the two the rest of the substitute and told them if they could have ‘em, or save ‘em when someone else is about to Fall Down.” Chara crossed their arms and replied dryly, “So, you empathized with a child, and you are fine with your leader using and torturing a child.” Undyne’s fins perked up. She huffed at Chara, “That’s a completely different situation.” Chara gave a knowing look. They smirked, “Because I am human, correct?”
Undyne turned away from Chara and didn’t respond. Chara opened their mouth to speak but heard footsteps approach from down the hall. Chara’s expression and tone normalized, “It appears our interview is over. Unless you have any more questions for me.” Undyne walked towards the door, “I don’t.” Undyne opened the door. She was greeted by the monster she expected; Alphys. In her hands, Alphys held a new glass of water. Undyne spoke with a grumble, “It’s getting late. I’ll ask you questions in the morning.” Alphys nodded. She frowned. She noticed Undyne’s expression was off. Was it the conversation? Alphys pushed it aside to speak, “Okay. Um… I think… I think we should keep the dust here until Dr. Gaster sees it. He might not believe us at first. Well, until he sees the camera footage.” Undyne looked around, “Any in this area?” Alphys shook her head, “No. They’re spread throughout the lab, though.” Undyne stretched and grunted, “Alright. I’m going home to bed. I’ll come back after I wake up. You’re going to have to tell him when he wakes up.” Alphys sighed, “Yeah… I will.”
Undyne walked off towards the elevator without another word. Alphys stepped over the dust and reentered the room. She asked curiously, “Did… you two argue?” Chara shook their head, “Just an exchange of ideas.” Alphys handed the glass of water over to Chara. Chara quickly gulped down the glass as Alphys replied, “Undyne just now, seemed… off, I think? I don’t know how else to describe it.” Chara drank most of the water. They took a deep breath. Chara mused, “Well, she did just kill someone.” Chara gulped down the rest of the water quickly, Alphys gave an unsure look, “Yeah…” Chara gave a satisfied noise as they pulled the glass away from their lips. Chara was quick to change the subject, “Regardless, it is late.” Alphys nodded with a small smile, “Oh! Yes, we should get to sleep.” Alphys gently took back the empty glass from Chara. Chara began to settle back into bed with a yawn. Alphys spoke gently, “Goodnight, Chara.” Chara replied wearily, “Goodnight.” No more words were exchanged as Alphys left the room and locked the door and panel behind her.
A knock echoed on the door to Dr. Gaster’s office. He looked up at it curiously. It was early, what could Alphys want now? He sighed, “What is it, Alphys?” Alphys opened the door. She appeared nervous. He groaned internally; what happened now? He mentally prepared himself before Alphys cleared her throat and spoke, “Sir. We… the lower lab… had a break in last night.” A pause. Silence. Gaster’s eyes widened. Disbelief and shock grew across his skull. He stood from his desk. Anger started to bubble in his voice, “What. Happened?” Alphys replied calmly, “A monster, somehow got one of the keycards and tried to take Chara. But I called for help. Undyne from the Royal Guard arrived before they could be taken.” Gaster approached, his gaze and tone commanding, “Where is this intruder?” Alphys frowned. She looked away submissively, “Dust in front of Chara’s door.”
Gaster paused. He quickly grasped Alphys’s arm. In an instant, the two teleported beside the door to Chara’s room. He looked down in front of Chara’s door. He paused again. A pile of dust. Fear was strewn across his gaze for a moment. His eyes even flashed in color. Anger swiftly took over. His free hand curled tightly into a fist. He gritted his teeth. Questions poured into his skull. How did this happen?! Who did this? Was this intruder alone or working with someone? Did he have a traitor in his midst? He paused on that last one. He looked towards Alphys, anger barely held back, “Alphys. Show me your keycard. Now.” Alphys remained calm but recognized the building rage. She quickly fished out her own keycard and spoke, “Undyne has the intruder’s keycard. She’ll be back once she’s rested, too.” Gaster appeared to relax slightly, “How long?” Alphys shrugged before she fiddled with her claws, “Um... I’m not sure? A couple hours at most? It was pretty late when it happened.” Gaster let loose a sharp sigh. His tone evened out, “Fine. I will examine the camera footage in the meantime.” He looked over at Chara’s door, “Have you fed the human yet?” Alphys shook her head, “No, not yet. I wanted to make sure I told you what happened as soon as possible.” Gaster looked back at Alphys with a strict voice, “Once you are done with that, I want a recount of all the keycards that were confiscated. Double— No— triple check your recount before you report it to me.” Alphys nodded, “Okay. What about the intruder’s dust?” Gaster sighed, “I will call more of the Royal Guard to deal with this crime scene. I will have to oversee the selection carefully, due to the proximity to the human.” He mused and looked towards the door, “I may have to move the human altogether for the investigation.” He looked back at Alphys, “Regardless, you have your orders. Now move.” Gaster teleported away in an instant. Alphys sighed, “I better get started...”
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