#chanfictions imagines
chanfictions · 2 years
Hello! So glad prompts are open. Can I request 25 or 22 for Kabuto? I don’t know if two prompts are allowed so choose either if not possible. I’d ask to make it nasty, but don’t want to put pressure.
Kabuto x Reader 
18+ content - minors, DNI.
Prompts: "close your eyes" and in the spirit of "be a good girl and hold still"
Slightly smutty. Knife play, fear kink, sliiiiiiight medical kink if you really squint.
Kabuto wanted to watch you squirm, to test your resolve. How deep did that trust run, he wondered. Who would flinch first?
Shallow breaths, sweet little whimpers – the rapid thrumming of your pulse beneath his fingertips only made Kabuto's saccharine smile widen as he crooned sweetly in your ear.
"What's the matter, don't you trust me?"
A slim, shiny length of metal glimmered in your periphery, flushing your face with heat. You swallowed the nervous squeak lodged in your throat, biting your lip and squirming against the warmth of the firm body at your back. "O-of course I do," you choked in a breathless whisper as you turned your head to shy away from the blade.
"Then close your eyes," he murmured, voice dripping with a sort of superficial reassurance that had you second guessing your life choices as his other arm tightened around your torso, his hand still resting gently over your throat to allow his fingertips to take in every flutter and jump in your racing pulse. 
He hummed sweetly in response, trailing the flat edge along your cheek and over your jaw before the smile in his voice grew low and cold when he spoke again. "Don't make me repeat myself."
The heat flushing your face began to trickle downward, swirling in your chest and belly before pooling firmly between your legs. The blade caressed the lump in your throat as you swallowed thickly and finally obeyed, beginning to tremble in a confusing mix of fear and arousal. Gods, Kabuto was a monster when he wanted to be, but to be fair, you were the one who asked for it.
"Good girl." He pressed a kiss to your temple, taking the blade lower, catching the neck of your shirt and admiring the way your chest shuddered in your attempts to not let it heave in anticipation. It was delicious. He could practically taste the adrenaline pumping through your blood, seeping through your pores, filling every little puff of air you exhaled. The frighteningly sharp edge slowly sliced right through the front of your clothes like tissue paper. Agonizingly slowly. Kabuto wanted to watch you squirm, to test your resolve. How deep did that trust run, he wondered. Who would flinch first?
You gasped when you felt the tip scrape your belly, lurching backward reflexively, only to be admonished with a condescending tut.
"Ah, ah – what did I tell you last time?"
A whine resembling his name trilled in your throat as you struggled to meet his demand for stillness, but dear gods, you couldn't hear anything over the rush of blood in your ears. Your mouth had gone dry. Your legs had gone weak with need. Kabuto's firm hold on you was the only thing keeping you upright.
"You know I have a very steady hand, but that won't matter much if you buck into the knife," Kabuto cooed softly in your ear, adoring how you desperately tried to keep it together while he expertly sliced through the rest of your shirt. "Though, I suppose I can just fix you up if you slip, right? That does make things more exciting."
He wasn't serious, was he?
You swallowed nervously again. The brat in you wanted to tease, to push his buttons, to challenge him, but logic screamed in your ear not to because Kabuto was a capricious man. Just because he said loved you didn't mean he wouldn't cut you just to make a point. Even with his warm smiles and seemingly caring demeanor, he could just as easily turn cold and cruel – a shadow of his master still lingering somewhere beneath the mask.
It was too easy to forget that your sweet, mild-mannered Kabuto was dangerous. 
You felt the trailing edge of a blade glide across your skin like silk – displaying the wielder's masterful level of control while dangling a not-so-toothless threat over you. He hummed softly to himself as he traced purposefully over your vital points with that cold, sharpened steel, sending a nervous shiver racing up your spine, trapping your increasingly urgent drinks of air in your chest. 
Kabuto chuckled at your expense, teasing the knife's tip under the curve of your breast, back up to your throat – delighting in the way your pulse jumped again when it crossed your jugular. This was such a fun game, and oh, did he ever love to win. He knew your body was being needled with static from how close he had you to hyperventilating – how the terror of what he could do with that blade left you soaked and aching for him. "Deep breaths," he murmured in a cold, clinical taunt.
It was so close to being too much. What were once tempered inhales had grown shallow and ragged, further unsettling your already frantic heartbeat as the razor edge lingered on the soft flesh beneath your chin, threatening to spill your life force all over the stony floor if you dared disobey. Teeth chattering from the tension held in your jaw, your lip quivered and body trembled as you whimpered and pinned your back against him, your mind getting lost in a thickening bog of fear.
Such a delicate dance it was, balancing you on the brink like this – and Kabuto was so very good at it.
"Shh," he soothed, his grip subtly becoming more comforting than confining as he took a measured step backward, setting the scalpel aside for a moment and settling on the edge of the bed with your shaking body between his legs. You were putty in his hands now – reduced to a heap of empty-headed nothing and entirely at his mercy. The warmth of his palm replaced the chilled metal at your throat, trailing down over your collarbones before beginning to glow softly and coming to rest over your heart. "Deep breaths," he said again, tone shifting to something more caring and kind as the menacing veil began to lift. 
Your haggard respirations began to smooth and slow as you let yourself sink into his chest, submitting to his will and turning toward the warmth of his shoulder. Kabuto carefully laid you back onto his sheets and braced a hand next to your head, drinking in the heavy, adoring eyes that now peered up at him as he delicately traced his knuckles over the curve of your cheek. You were so weak, so subdued, so disarmed like this – a fragile little thing that needed to be handled with the utmost care. He smiled quietly, leaning down to cradle your face in his hand, brushing his lips ever-so-softly against yours. 
"Now, where were we?"
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uchiharomance · 3 years
kakuzu: “bed. now.”
18+/NSFW minors, please do not interact
it’s a stupid idea.
but it’s too late now, you’re almost certain he’s already sensed your presence just outside his office. just that however, no doubt if he could already tell what you were wearing his rich, dark laughter would be rolling out of the tiny room.
you’re dressed in lingerie. green, lacy, the kind that leaves little to the imagination and almost begs to be torn off with its thin, ripplable fabric. not just that, no; peaking from said fabric are the ends of bank notes. one sticking out from between your breasts, two more oh so carefully placed between the thin layer of your panties and your skin.
‘drive him wild!’ the magazine had promised, but realistically? your man was just as likely to pinch the bridge of his nose and tell you to change.
you ease around the door, stepping into the center of the room, taking a deep breath as you fix your gaze upon his massive form.
he doesn’t look up, turning another page in the new bingo book fixed tight in his hand.
instant reaction.
“i thought i told you not to -” kakuzu growls, snapping his head up from the paper in his hand and to your shock, failing to finish his words. 
a heat flares across your skin, bubbling up in your belly as his gaze crosses every inch of you, pausing the longest on the peak of money so delicately placed upon your person.
“bed. now.”
not a question, not a suggestion, a demand and a hunger in his eyes, the likes of which you’ve not seen before. you know what comes next.
you’ll be lucky to be able to move come morning.
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chanfictions · 2 years
Hidan -#4
This picks up where part 1 left off in the bar and feeds in to the next part of Lucky. Silly Chan tangled the stories together, but man is writing it fun. It's… probably going to get a little dark later. We'll see. Not sure how I'm going to play it yet. Reminder that while the two stories are connected, they can be read independent of each other. I included both in the navigation so the order they should be read in IF read together is clear. Anyway, enjoy!
Love Game Pt. 2 - Dance in the Dark
Love Game - Lucky Pt. 1 - Lucky Pt. 2 - Love Game Pt. 2 - Lucky Pt. 3
Hidan x Reader
Prompt #4 - "What are you looking at?"
18+ Content! Minors, DNI!
Warnings - Smut, drugs, and dirty dubstep. Implied past of self-harm for the reader (nothing graphic, but a reference to scars). Hidan is still a handsome scumbag, and we're a hot fucking mess that can't make good decisions after midnight.
There you are, pretty girl.
Hidan smirked to himself, circling the floor like the jackal he was, having finally spotted you again. You were his prey tonight. That brash little display at the bar and your coy dismissal of him weren't the deterrent you intended them to be. For Hidan, the fun was in the hunt, and you were taking him on one hell of a chase. And oh, was he ever enjoying himself.
Hidan knew your type – they were his favorite. All of that bristling sass and snark, the forward threats and dramatic displays that screamed stay away – it was all just a tasty facade that protected the soft, vulnerable little creature at your core that he was just dying to sink his teeth into. 
Gods, you made him hungry.
But he needed to behave himself, for now at least, otherwise you might spook and vanish into the night. And that, that wouldn't be any fun at all.
He rustled a little baggie in his pocket, plucking out a small, chalky pill – a peace offering – and rolling it around in his palm as his tongue played over his left canine. 
"Here, kitty kitty," he murmured to the dark, his gleaming magenta eyes locked on your blissed-out, dancing form as it swayed and twirled to the thundering beat. The soft blur of the artificial fog rolling through the crowd gave you an ethereal glow. The ominous, pulsing house lights painted you the most delicious shade of red. You moved with such carelessness, such gall. The way your hooded eyes flicked over your shoulder, as if to challenge him, filled him with a perverse sense of self-satisfaction. 
She's looking for me, eh? Better not disappoint her, then.
This was a game, and you were taunting him to make the next move. 
The strobing lights flickered to the beat, foretelling the coming of the next song – a well-timed pace change that worked in Hidan's favor. He slithered through the writhing mass of inebriated bodies under the disorienting cover of the transition, slinking up behind you as you threw your soul into the pompous DJ's newest release as it began to play - a spicy, heavily remixed cover of Paint It Black. You bumped into him in the rhythmic throes of your dancing, not having a care in the world who was actually behind you, or at least pretending as much. The scent of sweet whiskey hung around you like a cloud. You threw your head back, eyes closed, losing yourself and your balance until Hidan slipped an arm tightly around your waist as your back flattened against his chest.
"Careful, cupcake." 
You turned clumsily on your heel, pirouetting in the cage around your middle, a mix between amusement and annoyance playing at your lips when you saw who the arm belonged to. "Aren't you just the persistent little fucker."
Hidan smiled wolfishly. "Hidan, actually, but I've been called worse." He could smell the honey whiskey more strongly now – you must have slunk off to the bar again while he was looking for you. Maybe he would be in luck, and that extra drink would make you a little more friendly. 
You eyed him with an arched brow, not having expected that annoyingly attractive asshat to pursue you this late into the night. What's worse, now that you were even closer than before, you were distinctly aware that he was shockingly built under that leather jacket. He probably looked amazing with his shirt off, the slimy prick. Now, you had come to a decision on your earlier conundrum: you definitely wanted to rip his clothes off with your teeth. "What the fuck do want, pretty boy?"
"Got a present for you," Hidan hummed back with a sly curl to his lip, showing you a brightly colored little circle held between two fingers like a cigarette. "But you're gonna have to kiss me if you want it."
A crooked smirk betrayed your growing interest as he popped the pill into his mouth, magenta eyes locked on yours challengingly. Arrogance oozed from every non-existent pore of his frustratingly flawless skin. You knew this game, hell, you played it yourself sometimes. But fuck, did he just look delicious now, and the prospect of the little present he had for you on his tongue was tempting to say the least – or maybe it was just the extra three fingers of liquor you pounded fueling the reckless escapism that always seemed to overpower your ability to reason at this time of night that was calling the shots. 
Fuck it, let's play.
Sober you was going to be so pissed about this in the morning.
The raucous beat of the music drowned out the rapid thudding of your heart in your chest as you snatched him by the collar of his coat to pull him down to your level. He grinned wickedly at your enthusiasm before capturing you in an intoxicating kiss. A familiar, bitter taste washed over your tongue as he passed you the mind-altering little pill that would grant you the departure from reality you so wanted. It was a favorite of yours, one that you knew just from the shape and texture of its chalky surface. 
The big, bad wolf had excellent taste.
You lost yourself in the flashes of light and deep rumbles of square wave bass, sinking further into the abyss with your handsome demon cloaked in leather. Every one of your senses slowly grew more dull to the grey hum of the present and awakened to a bright fantasy world two feet to the left of where you and Hidan were dancing. It was pure bliss. Textures, sounds, sensations of touch – all slowly twisted and morphed into something so undeniably perfect. Hands climbed and consumed every inch of the fiery heat you were locked against as the music demanded – the ridges and dips hidden beneath that layer of cotton begged to be touched. Fuck, you needed more – more touch, more taste – more, more, more. 
The rumble and buzz of the crowded dance floor faded into the background, and the chill of night kissed your sweaty skin as the demon you danced with in the dark devoured you. Fresh, crisp, delicious air – the scents of autumn mixed with whiskey. You opened your eyes, peering out from your fantasy world for just a blink to see the swirling, glittering lights pulsing in the sky, giggling at the absurdity of it all as your back pressed against a cold, damp, metal surface and your eyes met his. "What're you looking at?"
"Just you, pretty girl." A crooked smile and a flash of teeth – an almost affectionate thumbing of your cheek before the intensity returned and his mouth was on yours again. Hot, hot, hot – everything was so inviting and soft. You wanted to crawl into a blanket of him and die there. "Come home with me," he purred against your throat, trailing teeth and tongue in a warm, wet line of open-mouthed kisses.
"Why not here?" You whispered back, head lulling to the side as the fires of lust consumed you.
"You're gonna want a bed, cupcake. Trust me," he grinned wickedly, pulling you into his chest to open the door.
"Trust you? Dangerous game," you exhaled into the crook of his neck, closing your eyes again to reality as you fell back through the rabbit's hole into Wonderland, holding the Devil's hand.
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The drive to Hidan's apartment felt more like flying – the cool, sweet air gushing in through the cracked window blowing across your steamy cheeks was nothing short of euphoric – hell, everything was – from the supple texture of the leather seats to the warm hand sliding over your thigh. You were almost disappointed when the carriage ride stopped and the wind fizzled away to nothing. 
Hidan didn't give you long to stew in that momentary sadness – instead, coaxing you back into the intoxicating heat that had consumed you on the dance floor. You growled against his throat, pushing his back to a wall to devour him in a hungry kiss as soon as you reached his apartment, digging your nails into his shirt and grazing his neck with your teeth as he spun you around, pinning you instead. 
The way your chest heaved as you stared dreamily up at him with lust-glazed eyes was just exquisite. The hunt was over, and you were his perfect, needy prize. Now, it was just a matter of finding the soft little creature hiding masked by a facade of ill-temperedness and snark. He wanted to see you give in to your demons – to feel that soul-shattering ecstasy with you as you fell apart beneath him. 
You tore off each other's clothes in a heated flurry, turning his apartment into a warzone of discarded fabric and out-of-place chairs as you stumbled through the dark. Moans and mewls and gasping whines filled the room, a symphony that Hidan was quite proud of. Such a needy little thing you were, all but begging for him to ruin you. 
His perfect, perfect prize. 
You followed his lead like a good little pet, too lost in your euphoric haze to care one way or the other, as long as the warmth of his skin was on yours. His hands, his mouth – fuck – they were everywhere all at once, and you couldn't get enough. He pushed you down onto his bed, that wolfish smile pointed at your lust-drunk little face as he loomed from above. The world around you had all but disappeared, and he was all that was left. 
Moonlight shone through the cracked window, throwing shadows over your panting bodies. He could see every inch of you now so clearly. And there it was – your soft little creature – the weakness you so carefully kept hidden beneath long sleeves. 
His eerie smile eclipsed the sparse spread of light, becoming the center of your focus as he captured you in another kiss, rough palms claiming your naked torso. You arched into his hand as it snaked between your thighs, a breathy moan leaving your lips as your urgent need to be possessed by him roared to the surface. There was nothing else – only him. The heat, the need, the crushing ache–
"Fuck," you rasped into the crook of his neck, clawing at his shoulders and biting your lip.
"Come on, pretty girl," he cooed cruelly against your cheek, playing his fingers through your slick and teasing your puffy clit. "Give in," he murmured in your ear, not letting up for a moment as he took in your shuddery little breaths and the tension rolling up your spine. "I know you're a screamer. I want to hear you let go."
The brazen girl who broke the fingers of unwanted suitors and dumped drinks on their shell-shocked faces was long gone. All that remained was this desperate little thing panting beneath him – soaked and sweating with those lust-stricken doe eyes staring skyward. Hidan practically groaned in satisfaction. It felt so fucking good to have such complete control. As your head tipped back and you sucked in a harsh breath, he plunged into you – letting you ride out that screaming orgasm on his cock instead of his fingers. 
This, arguably, was just as much fun as the hunt. Watching you crumble and squirm, climbing his torso as he set the pace that would leave you in a sweaty, useless heap by the end of the night. You clawed his back and bit his shoulder as he pounded you into the bed and possessed you like the demon he was, all the while you begged him for more. 
You had no idea which way was up, nor did you particularly give a shit. The burning, tingling, rapturous insanity Hidan was inflicting was the nexus of your being. You tasted God and heard in color as the foggy moonlight rolled across your skin and Hidan railed you into the next life – it was fucking bliss. The way he stole your breath and swallowed your cries as though they were all that sustained him – this man wasn't human. He couldn't be. 
Time lost all meaning, and your voice had long since gone hoarse when you were left crumpled, sticky, and delirious beside Hidan on his twisted sheets. His fingers played over your cheek and down the exposed underside of your forearm, trailing almost lovingly over the off-color echoes of anguish and regret that scarred your otherwise flawless skin. 
Perfect, perfect, perfect.
Breaking you is going to be so much fun.
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chanfictions · 2 years
Did I slightly reinvent Tobi's character design? Yes. Did this chapter take an absurd amount of effort to extract from the tangled web of plot in my brain? I don't wanna talk about it. Will there ever be actual Kisame smut for the prompt event?? Also, yes. Eventually. It's coming, I swear. I just have a few… several… thousand words of plot and setup to vomit up first. Angst, fluff, and terrible Sci-Fi jokes. Come and get it!
Lucky Pt. 3
Love Game - Lucky Pt. 1 - Lucky Pt. 2 - Love Game Pt. 2 - Lucky Pt. 3
Kisame x Reader
Warnings: references to past self harm, scars, descriptions of bodily injury that occurred during part 2. 
"Goddamnit, Hoshigaki, this isn't a fucking urgent care–"
You could clearly hear Kakuzu's pointed displeasure over the running water in the employee's bathroom where you were currently trying to mop the evidence of your terrible day off of your battered face. The thin, scratchy paper towels that did little more than dissolve into a pulpy mess upon contacting anything damp weren't doing any favors to your achy, broken skin. Sighing audibly, you made the mistake of glancing at yourself in the mirror and just cringed. 
To put it bluntly – you looked like shit. Your nose was probably broken. No amount of scarves or turtle necks would be able to hide the angry purple bruises that circled your neck and spilled onto your jawline. The shirt you were wearing was beyond saving – torn to shreds and splashed with more than one person's blood. That definitely wasn't going to wash out. You grumbled quietly, bracing your hands on the red-stained lip of the once porcelain white sink as you let your head hang and shut your eyes.
 At least today can't get any worse.
A knock at the door prompted your gaze to snap in the direction of the sound as it creaked open. A familiar hand offering a folded t-shirt emerged from the crack, followed by a quiet, "Here," to ensure it had your attention.
"Thanks," you croaked in response, gingerly taking it with a grip that just wouldn't stop shaking.
Fuck, your throat hurt.
When the hand disappeared and the door clicked shut again, you set the shirt on top of the paper towel dispenser and peeled off the wreck you were wearing with a pained grunt before chucking it into the bin, where it landed with a squelch on top of a pile of wet paper towels. Voices carried through the door as you turned from one side to the other to survey the rest of the damage in the mirror. Your face contorted in dismay. You didn't even remember how you acquired half of those bruises. Everything seemed to happen so fast – the impacts all blurred together. The traded blows probably left your apartment looking like a war zone. You groaned at the ceiling. There was no way you were getting your security deposit back now.
Your eyes drifted back to the clean t-shirt waiting for you on top of the plastic box jutting out of the wall. It still had a tag on it and was pressed flat – having lived a long, forgotten life at the bottom of a heavy pile. When you shook it out, holding it by the shoulders, you were greeted with text from a show you had attended last year and the subtle scent of formaldehyde. It must have been a leftover that went unsold, but no matter. You were just thankful to have something clean to put on – even though you wished it had been long-sleeved. The tag popped off with a sharp tug, and you pulled the shirt over your head before glancing over at yourself in the mirror again. To your surprise, it didn't look half bad on you – from the neck down, anyway.
The sound of a new voice joining the mixed discussion occurring just beyond the door drew your attention away from the wrecked reflection staring back at you. Not Kakuzu, not Kisame – definitely not that Zabuza character you had met briefly over nachos and a sports game at Kisame's apartment. This one was low, soft, and somehow still raspy. He was going back and forth with Kisame about something, though you couldn't quite make it out. 
Please, Kisame, tell me you didn't call the fucking cops.
Your heart began to pound again as you pressed your ear to the door in hopes of gleaning some insight into what was being said. Gods, you didn't want to have to talk to some judgemental prick in a uniform. You didn't want to be questioned about what you did to get yourself beaten to a pulp. 
A cold sweat beaded up on the back of your neck and rolled down onto the pressed collar of your borrowed shirt as a horrifying new thought crossed your mind. What if? What if they just went for the convenient arrest and tried to go after the person who saved you? Oh, gods – did Kisame kill him? Is that why you had to leave so quickly? What if–
A knock at the door.
"Hey, darlin', you decent?"
He wanted you to come out.
"Yeah, just a sec," you answered with a strained voice that hardly sounded like your own. It trembled in time with your shaking. Regardless of how much you wanted to bury yourself in that trash can of wet paper towels and disappear, you had to leave the strange comfort of this single-stall bathroom, though you did briefly consider climbing out the window and vanishing into whatever alleyway was on the other side of the wall. 
Don't be a fucking idiot.
They were waiting, whoever they were. You had to swallow the desert in your mouth and quash the doomsday scenarios squabbling in your brain and face the proverbial music. 
Why did it feel like you were the one in trouble here?
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What a mess.
Kisame stood with arms crossed over his chest, glancing over his shoulder toward the employee bathroom briefly before returning his attention to the speaker at his side. A contact from his old line of work that morphed into something of a friend over the years had arrived at the bar some time after you and Kisame with a hastily packed duffle bag of your belongings and some rather unfortunate news.
When you finally emerged from behind the door looking like a beaten dog, the pair of voices in the room quieted for a moment until Kisame broke the first uncomfortable silence and gestured to the couch.
"Sit down. We need to talk."
Your eyes flicked anxiously from one face to another before you folded your arms over your chest and took a seat. The unfamiliar voice you heard earlier belonged to the figure perched on Kakuzu's coffee table. He had spiky black hair, and one side of his face was badly scarred and punctuated by a blind, clouded eye, giving him a rather intimidating air. It was subtle, somehow – not so much a warning that he might kill you if you annoyed him too much, but rather a testament that he had seen some shit in his life and shouldn't be taken lightly. He didn't look like a cop. You didn't see a badge or notice the stench of self-righteous superiority that normally hung around those types. He wasn't looking down on you, but somehow this was worse. His seeing eye – impossibly red and so clear – burned right through you and followed your movements, taking in your defensive posture, searching, searching, searching. You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, adjusting your folded arms as you glanced around at them again, hoping someone would just cut the fucking tension already and speak.
"This is To–"
"Obito, Kisame. We've been over this. I don't go by that name anymore."
"Sorry," Kisame said with a light laugh. "Old habits. Obito and I used to work together doing private security."
"Why does Obito have one of my bags?" You questioned through the tightness in your throat.
Kisame glanced over at his companion and back to you again. "Because you're gonna be staying with me for a while."
You looked between the two of them nervously, settling on the newcomer's scarred face when he began to explain.
"This situation is much much bigger and more complicated than you realize, and goes beyond just you," Obito continued, talking over your stunned silence, crimson orb focused keenly on yours in such a way that you seemed to be shrinking at an alarming rate.
The growing pit in your stomach told you exactly what that something was, but your smart mouth got ahead of you again with a biting accusation staining your tone. "And what is that, exactly?"
When Obito produced a well worn, leather-bound journal in response and flipped it open to a dog-eared page, time ground to a stop, and your heart may as well have stopped beating. A sick, frigid shiver raised goosebumps along your skin and sucked the moisture right out of your mouth. The past was catching up – you knew the image scrawled over the lined sheet all too well. The medallion that hung around Hidan's necklace was surrounded by columns of grimly illustrated notes detailing the darkly whispered promises that had long since sealed your fate – promises Hidan made in response to your desperate request.
"Tell me, have you heard of The Way of Jashin?"
Your voice strained and grew quiet, shrinking along with the rest of you into the couch. "I… H-hidan mentioned it once."
"Then you know what Hidan's interest in you was."
Of course, you knew. Humiliation burned your cheeks as you flexed your jaw and reflexively dug your nails into your arms. Hidan's voice hummed quietly in the back of your head. His touch lingered on the long, numbed scars that ran from your elbows to your wrists. You could still feel his thumb playing over your pulse point, all the while whispering like the devil he was in your ear.
Go on, cupcake. Or do you want me to do it for you?
Your breath caught in your chest as you abruptly lurched back to reality, suddenly uncomfortably aware of the presence of people in the room. Their eyes, their stares – you might as well have been sitting there naked with your broken secrets laying in your lap. The air had no business feeling this thick and swampy. You were suffocating all over again as you choked out a crackling yes in response. 
Obito rose to his feet, pulling his leather gloves back on and glancing at Kisame briefly before returning his attention to you once more. "You need to lay low for a while. Don't go out. Don't go home. Turn off your phone. I guarantee he's going to try to contact you – to get into your head. Don't let him."
Even without looking up at him, you could feel that crimson eye in your head, reading your thoughts, uncovering your secrets, rifling through all of your dirty laundry as he probably had to pack the bag sitting at his feet. You wondered how much he really knew – and what he told Kisame, or what Kisame told him for that matter. Your thoughts were racing out of control, and the only rational piece of driftwood you could grab in your personal storm of chaos was the laughable prospect of rent and the countless holes in the drywall that needed repair. "How am I supposed to do that – I have to work–"
"Everything you need is in that bag."
Chewing on the inside of your cheek, you twisted your knuckles in your lap as you struggled to get the next question off of your tongue. The momentum you had a moment ago was lost. "So… is… is Hidan…"
"Dead? No. He was gone by the time I got to your apartment."
Untangling your arms from the knot you'd tied them in around your body, you leaned forward, burying your face in your hands as you let out a shaky, defeated sigh.
You really should have known better than to ask when you knew the answer already. Of course, Hidan was still alive, and now, you were right back where you started – alone on the dance floor, hunted by a starving wolf with a gnashing hole in your chest that left you wondering if your luck had finally run out. 
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After Obito left and Kisame was guilted into returning to work, you remained locked on the couch, staring dumbly at your hands and listening to Kakuzu's irritated muttering as he tried to carefully remove what was left of the broken threads woven through the delicate skin on your neck. You were decidedly not as cooperative as you had been the first time around, though, tensing at distant noises coming from the bar and reflexively jerking your head back every time Kakuzu moved unexpectedly or the scissors in his hand flashed in your periphery. The low, warning rumble in his chest and the crease forming between his eyebrows made it abundantly clear that his patience was wearing thin.
"Hold. Still."
It occurred to you as you mumbled through an apology that your balled up hands were still shaking, and boy were you ever frustrated about it. This wasn't you. You didn't flinch. You were the girl that no one messed with, not some frightened puppy. 
Damnit, you were better now.
But Hidan wasn't going to let you have that, was he?
A calloused thumb brushing over your still itchy and now painfully bruised skin made you lurch again. Your eyes met Kakuzu's glare this time, though the staring contest was short-lived. Kakuzu was not someone you cared to challenge right now, considering you were wearing a product of his generosity, not to mention he had spared you from at least one unwanted trip to the ER. Besides, he wasn't the one you were angry at.
A cold glass was thrust into your hand – an order more than a gift, perhaps just to keep you from being a further nuisance to him. You knew what it was without looking down – the slightly sweet scent of your favorite drink wafted upwards. You almost laughed. It seemed like the testy owner kept track of his most profitable patrons' preferred poisons. You silently wondered if he had some spreadsheet with embarrassing nicknames hidden away in his office to keep track of what needed to be on order. 
"Thanks," you croaked back, offering a pained half smile that strained your split lip. "I owe you one."
Kakuzu just snorted as he stood and began to walk away. "I'll send you a bill."
It was hard to tell if that was meant to be a joke or not. Ordinarily, you might have had a cheeky quip on the tip of your tongue in response, but today was not one of those days. All you could manage was a dry chuckle before taking a sip to settle your still very rattled nerves as the older man vanished into his office. 
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You woke with a start when something warm came to rest on your shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. Your body lurched back into the cushion behind you, eyes pinned wide and heart crawling up into your mouth as you fought through the thick fog of sleep to figure out just what monstrous creature was about to sink its infinite rows of teeth into your squishy, human skull.
"Easy, darlin'. Just me."
You blinked in confusion, swallowing the cotton sludge in your mouth as your eyes finally focused on the face looking down at you. No monsters, nor rows of gnashing jaws. No Hidan standing over you, whispering grim little lullabies with silver in his hand – only Kisame. Kisame with his kind eyes and compassion pulling his mouth into a soft line, slowly drew his hand back in an apology for making you think for even an instant that he was anyone else.
"Sorry," you mumbled thickly, pressing yourself off of the sticky leather your sweaty skin had adhered itself to over the last few hours. House music thudded through the walls, still sounding familiar despite being muffled by the minimal soundproofing offered by the back room. Had you really slept through that? "What time is it?"
"A little after ten," Kisame answered while reaching down to snag your duffle bag from the floor. 
Right. You had almost forgotten. You weren't going back to your apartment, or rather, you couldn't, assuming your earlier conversation with that Obito character hadn't been an invention of your frazzled mind. The ache wrapped around your throat tightened painfully as you swallowed hard again, wondering if Hidan had gone back to wait for you after the dust settled. Was he sitting on your couch, surrounded by broken glass and fallen trinkets, drinking your liquor? Was he still humming your song?
"You good?" Kisame's voice cut through that unsettling fantasy, drawing you back to the present. Those eyes were fixed on you again, studying your far-off expression, seeing all of your doubt and worry. You really needed to work on your poker face.
You shook your head, trying to rid yourself of the image, forcing a small smile. "Yeah. Just tired."
"Come on," he said, offering you a hand. "Let's go home."
Home. He meant his apartment. Is that what it was for you now, too? You took his hand, standing up on shaky legs as he pulled you in under a heavy arm with your bag slung casually over his other shoulder and followed his lead out to the parking lot. 
When the exterior door creaked open, a wave of heat gushed into the already humid hallway. The night air had grown heavy with the threat of rain. You breathed it in as you walked together through the packed lot and gazed up into the murky sky for a moment, listening to distant rumblings before climbing into Kisame's truck. Upon glancing down, you realized that there was blood on the passenger seat.
Your blood. From today. It had all happened today.
Kisame caught you staring as he turned to back out of his spot, braced with his hand behind your headrest. He wanted to tell you not to worry about it, that his old beater had seen so many coffee and grime stains that a spot of blood hardly even registered to him, but it seemed like you were on another planet again. As he righted himself to put the truck into drive, he paused – wanting to touch, to offer some kind of physical reassurance, but ultimately just put his hands back on the wheel to make the journey home out of fear that he might startle you again if he did. It hurt to just look at you – so bruised and battered with that distant uncertainty fogging your eyes.
A thick, uncomfortable silence hung in the cabin, making what should have been a short, easy drive stretch on for eternity. You were lost somewhere, mired in self-deprecation and doubt, and Kisame wasn't entirely sure how to best drag you out. You weren't like this the first time – after Hidan had been thrown out of the club. That drive was full of chatter and apologies – you made lighthearted jokes at your own expense, determined to not let ghosts get the better of you. Your head was still above the water then. 
But now… now, it seemed like you were drowning. 
When Kisame pulled into his assigned spot and parked, you finally looked up from the blood stain on the upholstery. He popped open your door and hoisted your bag back over his shoulder, coaxing you out of the truck with an open arm. You climbed out and walked under his wing with no argument, much preferring having the weight resting over your shoulders the way it was, even in the stifling heat.
He unlocked the door and flicked on the light, ushering you back through a familiar doorway into a pleasantly cool, familiar kitchen – all looking exactly as they had this morning but somehow different. An uneasy feeling was settling in your stomach like toxic silt – as though your home had burned to the ground and you were walking away from the ashes with nothing but the clothes on your back. Your situation suddenly felt less temporary. It was your horrifying, new reality.
"You hungry?" Kisame interrupted your spiraling again with such a simple, mundane question as he set your bag down on a table and made his way toward the fridge. It almost made you laugh. Kisame was always hungry.
"No. I think I just want to take a shower and pretend today didn't happen," you mumbled back, unzipping your bag to rifle for pajamas and maybe a towel.
"If Tobi forgot to grab your soap, you can use mine," his voice stated from inside the fridge. So casual. So domestic. So frighteningly normal. Glasses clanked loudly as he moved things aside and dug for leftover pizza. "He got in and out of there in a hurry."
"Thanks, Kisame." You made a mental note that you needed to clean his fridge before a forgotten Chinese food container had the chance to gain sentience. 
"You sure you don't want anything?" He asked again, emerging victoriously with a box of pizza and setting it on the counter as he peered over his shoulder.
You managed a small smile when he glanced back at you and your armful of things, hoping that it looked more convincing than it felt. "Yeah, really, I'm good."
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With the dim, flickering light of an almost muted TV illuminating your face, you sighed quietly, burying your face in your hands for the umpteenth time today. While your boiling shower had temporarily relieved you of your stresses while you were trying to scrub away the day's horrors, the gnawing sense of unease that had been festering in your stomach came creeping back as the purifying heat began to dissipate from your skin. You sat numbly on the couch, the same one that had been your bed for the last week, unable to find the fatigue that allowed you to pass out in the lounge outside of Kakuzu's office. You were wired. Antsy. Suspicious of neighborly noises and creaking floors. The rolling thunder and rain pelting the windows outside weren't helping either. It was almost three in the morning, and you still couldn't fucking sleep.
"Hey, darlin', you still awake?"
You nearly jumped out of your skin with a startled gasp, having somehow not heard the opening and closing of his bedroom door over your own paranoia. "Y-yeah. Sorry, did the TV wake you up?"
"Nah, just got up for some water." 
That was a terrible lie. He came to check on you.
"Anything good on?"
You glanced back at the screen, having completely forgotten what you were even half-watching. Oh, right. Your guilty pleasure. "Just a cheesy Sci-Fi marathon. They always play the good stuff after midnight," you said with a half-hearted smile.
Kisame's dark eyes lit up as he stared at the screen. "Is this the one with the zombie sharks?"
You snorted, covering your mouth to stifle genuine laughter at your surprise that he could even identify the movie based on what was on the TV. "Dead Sea 2? Yes."
"Want some company? I never got to see the ending," he offered with that winning, crooked smirk.
You patted the seat next to you. "It's your couch, big guy. And you're in luck. It just started."
Kisame retrieved the glass of water he had insisted was the reason for his late-night shuffling before settling in beside you, leaving the drink on the table and stretching his arm over the back of the couch.
It took two commercial breaks for you to realize that you were more relieved than anything that Kisame was sitting beside you now. The tension you had been carrying that seemed to wind tighter with every passing bump in the night was finally letting go. You hardly heard the thunder anymore over the badly written script and Kisame's raspy barks of laughter. He was Team Zombie Shark, which you found endlessly amusing, considering you always rooted for the toothy antagonists yourself. It was a breath of fresh air – a welcome break in the storm.
You shimmied into the back of the couch, drawing your legs up with a yawn as the fatigue you had been so waiting for finally made itself known. You exhaled sleepily, closing your eyes for just a moment, swearing to no one but yourself that you were going to at least make it to the end of the movie. Without thinking, you tucked in closer to the source of warmth at your side, setting your head down against something firm and familiar, nuzzling your cheek into pleasantly soft fabric. Kisame made no objection, of course – only pulling a blanket down off of the back of the couch to cover you and setting his arm back around your shoulders as the soothing beat resonating in his chest slowly lulled you off to sleep.
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chanfictions · 2 years
I'm so excited! Kisame and number 9 "Shut up and kiss me already."🌸
Heyyyyoooo, I'm back and writing things two feet to the left of my prompts and pretending like I have any control over the shit in my head. I swear, I had the line included originally… then the plot monster bit me and changed some things, and suddenly it didn’t quite fit anymore, but I decided to roll with it. The prompt inspired the chapter, so that still totally counts, right?? The underground rave AU from Love Game and Lucky has a mind and will of its own. We all know Chan has a history of getting carried away and apparently also can't say no to another Kisame series. Because, you know, reasons. 
There's more Kisame in a too-tight t-shirt coming after this. My outline is full of more things, but this felt like a good spot to end a chapter, so here you go!
Lucky Pt. 2 - Kiss The Girl
Love Game - Lucky Pt. 1 - Lucky Pt. 2 - Love Game Pt. 2
Kisame x Reader
In the spirit of the prompt - "Shut up and kiss me already."
This may be triggering for some folks, so please heed the warnings. 
Warnings: yandere themes, domestic violence, choking, unhealthy relationship dynamics, blood, bodily harm, hurt/comfort. Hidan being a real piece of shit. 
With a content sigh, you shuffled up the cracked concrete stairs to your apartment, distracted as you dug through the black hole that was the bottom of your purse to locate your hopefully-not-forgotten keys. After spending a surprisingly relaxing week crashing on your unexpected savior's couch and borrowing his t-shirts in exchange for some much needed housekeeping, you had finally felt it was time to go home. Despite Kisame's insistence otherwise, you had begun to feel like you were imposing, not to mention you were desperately in need of a change of clothes.
Frustrated that your mythical keys still seemed to be missing in action, you huffed in annoyance and leaned against your door, briefly considering dumping the contents of your bag on the sidewalk before pulling your phone from your back pocket to shoot off a quick text, thinking that maybe you left them on Kisame's couch. You just hoped he hadn't already left for work. Before you could finish hammering out the inquiry, you abruptly became aware that there was sound coming from inside. Confused, you turned your head and pressed your ear to the door. The TV was on.
Why the fuck is my TV on? 
Hastily cramming your half-finished message back into your pocket, you spun around and twisted the knob. To your distinct displeasure, it turned, and the door creaked open.
"Hey, cupcake."
Your heart dropped into your stomach.
It was Hidan.
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Kisame grunted as he shifted a stack of boxes full of clanking liquor bottles up onto the slick surface of the cluttered bar. Prepping for another raucous, sold-out show meant he had to come in early and begin the arduous process of restocking supplies and performing sound checks that were definitely not part of his job description. He paused for a moment to wipe the sheen of sweat from his face with his shirt and twisted open a bottle of water in an effort to find relief from the heat brought on by Kakuzu's penchant for not running the air conditioning unless the bar was full of paying customers.
The buzz of his phone in his pocket caught his attention mid-swallow, and when he saw the name on the screen, he couldn't help but to smile. "Hey, darlin', you forget something or just miss me already?" He inquired playfully while pinning the phone between his cheek and shoulder to have enough free hands to begin unloading the box in front of him. Several long moments went by before he was answered by static and crackling followed by two muffled but painfully familiar voices arguing in the distance. Kisame's chest twisted into knots, and his playful smile melted into a tense line when he called your name and the sound of a loud crash followed by breaking glass came through as your response.
"Come on, Hoshigaki. We have a lot of shit to move before the show tonight," Zabuza glared at his coworker around the massive speaker that was precariously balanced against his chest. "The hell are you standing around for?"
"Tell Kakuzu I'm taking an early lunch," Kisame answered tersely, leaving the bar at a rapid clip and stuffing his phone in his pocket without ending the call, ignoring the irritated bark of his coworker that carried through the empty hall behind him.
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
But there wasn't time to explain. Even though it was further dampened by being in his pocket, Kisame could hear the escalations still happening on the other end of the line. Fervent shouting and sharp bangs rang out against his leg as ripped the door to his truck opened and slammed it shut behind him. His fingers fumbled keys before he finally managed to jam them into the ignition. You didn't live far, but he needed to hurry. Hidan might not be so patient this time.
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You should have known better. You should have just turned around and bolted back through your front door to run for your life the second you heard that scumbag's voice. 
But you didn't.
Of course you didn't. No, you just had to open your big fucking mouth and lay into him for being a fucking psycho and breaking into your apartment, and not to mention, you know, trying to kill you.
But that didn't seem to bother Hidan. No, he just pointed that slick, crooked smile at you while finishing a glass full of your whiskey and sauntered toward you like he hadn't tried to slit your throat a week ago. Bruises still stained his otherwise perfectly punchable face, a lasting gift from his encounter with Kisame no doubt. The ever-present stench of stale cigarettes wafted from his jacket and hung in the air around him like a threatening storm. There was a wild look in those cold, magenta eyes that made your hair stand on end. "What's the matter, babe? Surprised to see me?"
You froze. The sight of a flash of silver in his other hand left a desert in your mouth and turned your legs into jelly. You reached for your back pocket, fumbling for your phone while trying to keep the stream of insults you had been hurling going long enough to distract him so that you could try to blindly dial for help, but your empty threats did little to deter him. He snatched your wrist and chucked your phone across the room, cackling like a hyena and calling you some choice words as he shoved you back against the wall with that gleaming blade flashing into your line of sight.
You lurched to the side before you even realized what you were doing under the guidance of instinct and adrenaline – just in time to narrowly avoid being stabbed. Your dodgy little dance with him quickly devolved into a chaotic grappling match – chairs toppled and pictures plummeted from their hooks every time one of your backs dented the plaster. Grunts and shrieks roared over the blare of the TV, though it was hard to be certain whose voice it was at any given moment. A failed knee to the groin ended in your legs being swept out from beneath you, and the hard landing sucked the air right out of your lungs. 
You couldn't breathe.
Hidan was on top of you, and you couldn't fucking breathe.
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With the gas pedal practically pinned to the floor, Kisame blew just about every stop light and flagrantly violated the posted speed limits, weaving through traffic like a madman as he sped toward your apartment. After his last encounter with Hidan, the fear of what might be happening just a few blocks away opened a black, gnashing pit in his chest, allowing a growing sense of second-hand impending doom to take control of his ability to reason as buildings flew past him in a colorful blur. The engine growled in protest and his tires screeched, leaving a trail of inky rubber on the pavement as he ripped into your lot and skidded to a stop, straddling two parking spaces. He slammed his door shut and took off for the stairs, not even bothering to pull his keys from the ignition. There just wasn't enough time.
His legs hammered up the concrete steps, taking two at a time to reach the landing, and it struck him then that he didn't actually know your apartment number, only that you were on the second floor. His eyes narrowed as he stared down the line of doors, unsure how he would decide which was yours until he spotted one halfway down that appeared to have been left ajar. 
That has to be it.
As he approached, the muted sounds of a scuffle grew more clear and left him feeling sick to his stomach. Hidan's back came into view – perched upon your chest like a vulture – and his sickly sweet voice hummed over the sucking, wet sound of desperate gurgling. 
"Shh, cupcake. It'll be over soon. Just like I promised."
Your heels made one final, futile scrape across the tile beneath them before your legs fell slack against the ground. Kisame flexed his jaw, and his entire world went red.
I'm too late – fuck – I'm too fucking late!
He charged through the doorway, hooking Hidan with a hay-maker that hurled him off of what Kisame now feared was your corpse. There was no room for reason – only rage. 
Hidan didn't see it coming, of course. He couldn't – because Kisame threw him like a ragdoll across the room in a one-sided grudge match that he had no hope of winning. Despite his alcohol-enhanced pain tolerance allowing him to pull himself to his knees again and again – grinning and cackling like a hellhound – Kisame showed no quarter, and Hidan's head met the shards of broken glass all over your carpet before he could even see who it was that struck him. The ruthless assault only paused when a choked, raspy sound cut through the chaos and caught the giant's attention.
Coughing, coming from the other side of the room. 
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You were dead. You were fucking dead. The tunnel vision that closed in on you as Hidan choked the life from your mortal shell seemed to indicate as much, at least. Your lungs burned and eyes felt like they might pop right out of your head from the pressure as your throat spasmed and sputtered in a panic under his crushing grip one last time in a desperate attempt to find a sip of air. But there were no drinks in this desert, and no amount of kicking or clawing at Hidan's eyes could buck the grinning demon from your chest as he murmured sweet sounds to your waning consciousness – as though he were telling you one last bedtime story. The fight slowly left your limbs as your oxygen-starved brain lost the power to keep the lights on, and you began to succumb to the impatient darkness that was waiting for you.
This is it – or so you thought until a crack formed in the inky, black clouds of your budding unconsciousness and ripped open the sky – the hands crushing your throat were suddenly gone, as was the weight on your chest that had pinned you to the tile near your door. Dizzying noises crunched and crashed to your right – seemingly some kind of struggle – or maybe it was just you and your dying imagination having one last hurrah, pretending like you had a chance at surviving this.
It suddenly occurred to your rebooting brain that the constriction was gone, and it very much needed air. You choked through the bruising shadow lassoed around your neck and sucked in a wet, ratcheting breath only to begin hacking so hard a moment later that it became difficult to inhale again. Your lungs spasmed and protested, ejecting the spit and blood that had become trapped in your fervent struggle all over the tile as phantom hands rolled you onto your side and you wheezed.
"Easy, easy. Just breathe–"
A voice cut through the murk and your burble of wretching gasps – the low, comforting rasp that found you in your confusion once before. You looked up through watering eyes that struggled to focus and caught sight of his face. 
You couldn't for the life of you figure out how he had been manifested here, as you were still too busy trying to overcome the swollen constriction in your throat that left you with precious little room to move air. Speaking was a terrible idea, but you weren't exactly full of great ones today. The hacking persisted, seemingly pushing the ground farther away from you – or, wait – were you standing up? Warmth wrapped around your back, though it coiled uncomfortably over your already straining ribs, prompting you to cough harder and lean into the solid pillar of muscle that you vaguely understood was holding you upright.
"Come on – I got you. We have to go – now."
Go? Go where?
Your legs moved beneath you like they were being controlled by marionette strings, though the ground seemed to fly by at a speed out of sync with your feet. The voice rumbling through what you now knew was Kisame's chest at your side was speaking again, but you couldn't quite figure out if it was directed at you. There wasn't time to ask either, because the steps required far too much focus and too much oxygen in your present state for you to waste precious air on questions. 
"Tobi? Yeah – it's Kisame. Listen, I need a favor."
Everything fucking hurt. You couldn't stop coughing long enough to get more than a few unintelligible syllables out as Kisame loaded your half-responsive body into his passenger seat and closed the door. Watering eyes watched him through the windshield as he stalked around to the driver's side and jumped in with a little black brick pressed to his ear.
Oh, he's on the phone.
"Yeah – that's the address. No, no – she's…" he paused mid-sentence to see you doubled over and coughing again. "Yeah, that's her." He turned the key and threw the truck into gear before tearing out of the parking lot, talking over you while you hacked up a lung. "Yeah. Listen – there's something else you need to know about this guy–"
Your head bounced off of the side pillar as the truck pulled out onto the street, jarring your focus back to the throbbing ache that had taken over your body. It hurt to swallow. The desert in your throat was at war with the thick swamp in your mouth. You weren't sure if you were about to be sick. You stared numbly at your bruised and battered hands, watching them vibrate with leftover adrenaline and the deeply unsettling realization of what had just transpired. As you leaned forward to place your head in your palms, a heavy warmth settled between your shoulder blades.
"Breathe, darlin'. Everything's gonna be okay."
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By the time Kisame parked and turned off his truck again, you had finally stopped coughing, but you were far from being okay. Your color was off, and a clammy sheen dulled your face when you finally lifted it from your trembling hands. A trail of dried blood from your nose led to a puffy red line that cut through your lip where it had split sometime during the conflict. You looked like hell.
He hopped out, stuffing his phone into his pocket as he made his way around the hood to your door. It groaned in protest when it opened, prompting you to turn toward the sound.
"Kisame… I… you…" 
His expression twisted in dismay as you fumbled over words, trying to make sense of what had just happened. His eyes moved over the wreck of your face and the intense, angry bruise that wrapped your neck like a python. Another minute or two, and you probably would have been dead. 
"What am I… fuck – I have to move. He's going to be back… I have to – h-how did you–" You clenched your teeth and swallowed the rocks in your throat between your frantic, disjointed thoughts. 
"You called me," Kisame cut in, trying to slow you down. "I heard you screaming." 
You nervously glanced over your shoulder toward the street and back to your shaking hands again, now remembering your Hail Mary play to get a call off before Hidan threw your phone. "I'm dead. K-kisame, I'm dead. He's out of his mind – I'm fucking dead."
"Listen to me. No one's gonna–"
"No, you don't understand. God – fuck – I fucked up," you buried your face into your palms, smoothing them back through your hair before digging your nails into the back of your neck. "I never should have told him – goddamnit." 
"Hey – hey." Guilt tangled around his heart as Kisame watched you flounder and failed at trying to interrupt your spiral again. Nothing he said seemed to have any impact on the runaway train of thought screaming through your head, and he couldn’t help but feel responsible – grimly wondering if his actions in the bar last week had set this chaos sequence into motion. "C'mere," he coaxed you out of the truck with an arm around your shoulders, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head as he pulled you in until you were folded up in a protective hug against his chest. "Listen to me," he began, waiting for the tension in your back to release under the warmth of his palm. "You're gonna come inside with me and get cleaned up while I talk to Kakuzu and make a few phone calls. Everything is going to be fine. I just need you to trust me, alright?"
You didn't understand why Kakuzu was now involved – unless your face was more busted up than you realized, but Kisame was just about the only reliable thing in your life at the moment, so there wasn't much for you to do other than swallow back the lump in your throat and nod into his shirt. He gave you one more tight squeeze before tipping your chin up with a curled knuckle and running the pad of his thumb over your bruised cheek. 
"I'm gonna fix this. I promise."
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chanfictions · 2 years
Today's intrusive thought:
Imagine listening to the low, content sound of Kakuzu rumbling like a lion as you give him a scalp massage while he tries to concentrate on doing his accounting work. He's been so stressed, you can practically see the knots in his shoulders writhing under his skin as he hunches over a mess of ledgers and loose paper. He tries to act like you're annoying him at first -- going on about how he's too busy for your shit right now, but he does nothing to stop you because your hands are fucking magical. He groans quietly and lets his pencil fall from his grip, closing his eyes and losing himself for the moment while you nest your fingers in his hair and release decades of pent up tension with every little scratch and rub.
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chanfictions · 3 years
Requests are CLOSED!
This blog contains 18+ content. Minors, DNI.
Do not repost my work on other platforms. If you see my work being posted elsewhere, let me know. I don't post on AO3 or Wattpad or anything like that. You do not have my permission to repost my work.
Rules & Ask Info - read before sending requests!!
WIP List
Latest Works: Doctor's Orders - Edge - Lucky Pt. 3
If you see a reply from @chan-fictions, that is still me! I was dumb when I set my blog up, and I'm in too deep to change things.
For easy navigation, posts marked with 👾 are smut, contain smut, or have enough 18+ content that they might as well be.
🌟 Marks my newest post.
Series & One-shots (2k+ words)
👾 Count - Hidan x Reader, Kakuzu x Reader - 7.3k (unless stated otherwise, all parts of Count feature Hidan and Kakuzu)
Pretty heavy masochism, sadism, Kakuzu the Brat Tamer, mentions of blood, orgasm denial/control, fingering, choking, spanking, slight degradation, dacryphilia, blowjobs, bondage, corporal punishment, overstimulation, size kink, aftercare.
Count - Extended Aftercare Scene - 3.5k
95% fluff - Reader needs some time to come down from orbit after the insanity in Part 1. Bubble baths, teasing, fluff fluff fluff, etc. I needed something light after writing the first part.
👾 Count - Part 2 - 5.1k
The Triumphant Return of Kakuzu the Brat Tamer with Special Guest: Daddy Kakuzu - rough sex, face fucking, some twisted flavor of knotting that I don't even know how to warn you for, Kakuzu's threads/tentacles doing things, choking, overstimulation, unprotected sex, degredation-ish, praise kink, daddy kink, size kink, bulges, some bondage, punishments that turn into funishments
Count - Special Episode: Red - 2.4k
Rope, bondage, canings, mentions of blood, descriptions of panic attacks. Not exactly angst, not quite fluff. Likely not required reading for the Count universe. Just a concept I wanted to explore.
Even hardened masochists have bad days.
👾 Count - Part 3 - 4.3k - Hidan x Reader primarily
Choking, sadism/masochism, blood, mentions of alcohol, knifeplay, Hidan's curse ritual used for things other than slaughter, rough sex, slight dub-con. Aftercare/fluff, and some nuggets of plot/backstory at the end.
"You really shouldn't get me all riled up right after a mission like this."
👾 Count - Part 4 - 3.5k - Kakuzu x Reader only
Cockwarming, somnophilia/sleepy sex, Daddy Kakuzu, a tamed brat, and FLUFF.
👾 Count - Part 5 - 7.2k
Sensory deprivation, mind games, Kakuzu the Brat Tamer/Breaker, size kink if you squint, Daddy kink if you really squint, degradation-ish, punishments/funishments, flogging, sadism/masochism, overstimulation, dacryphilia, double penetration, anal, breath play, multiple orgasms, also some aftercare and fluff at the end.
Count - Special Episode: Nightmares - 2.3k Kakuzu x Reader only
This episode shines more light on our beloved masochist's backstory. The opening is rough, but there is some fluff at the end to follow it up. While this is a special/side episode, I'd recommend reading it if you enjoy the series.
👾 Count - Part 6 - 6k - Kisame x Reader, Kakuzu x Reader
Bondage, D/s dynamics, masochism, fingering, pain play, brat taming, monster dicks, knotting, size kink, bulges, overstimulation-ish, some mentions of blood, alcohol, creative use of Samehada, smut, smut, smut.
👾 Count - Part 7 - 5.8k - Hidan x Reader
Sadism/masochism, fear kink, predator/prey, Hidan being a little unhinged, blood, slight dub-con, rough sex, choking, breath play, aftercare, sub drop, some slightly unconventional aftercare that I don't explicitly condone for use in the real world, Chan once again getting carried away with P L O T
Count - Special Episode: Sick Day - 3.4k - Kisame x Reader, Kakuzu x Reader
A little slice of life window into the Count Universe. All you wanted was to enjoy your day off, but reality had other plans.
👾Count - Part 8 - 5.1k
D/s dynamics, Doms finding creative ways to mess with a masochist, Kakuzu the Brat Tamer, teasing, fingering, size kink if you squint, DP, cockwarming, aftercare. And of course - smut, smut, smut.
Count - Special Episode: Nightmares Pt. 2 - 3.7k Hidan x Reader
Some comfort/fluff with our favorite sadist. Warnings: nightmares, choking, masochism as a coping mechanism, descriptions of medical trauma, alcohol, innuendo
👾 Chidori - Kakashi x Reader - 2.4k
Playing with electricity, mind games, smut, smut, smut.
It's all fun and games until your boyfriend acquires intel that you have some unfulfilled fantasies involving his chakra nature.
👾 Shadow Clones - Kakashi x Reader - 3.1k
Followup to Chidori. All of the fun you might imagine one would have in the bedroom with shadow clones. No spoilers this time 🙃.
"Let's play a little game. Can you figure out which of us is the real one?"
Fireworks - Kakashi x Reader - 2.5k
First date fluff
👾 Cupid - Kisame x Reader - 3.4k (request)
Smut with a splash of plot. Unprotected sex-ish. Reader is assumed to be on birth control. Public sex-ish. Aphrodisiacs. Mentions of blood during combat.
You were sent on a mission together to retrieve a special relic that had some unexpected side effects.
Mine - Kisame x Reader - 1.8k
Part 2 - 2.5k - Part 3 - 2.5k - Part 4 - 4k - Part 5 - 2.1k - Part 6 - 2.9k - Part 7 👾 - 2.5k
Stalking, yandere Kisame, Stockholm syndrome-esque behavior. Multi-chapter. COMPLETE
Is she really that way with everybody? No... no. The way she looks at me… It's different.
Lucky - Kisame x Reader - 3.8k
Part 2 - 2.9k - Part 3 - 4.1k
Prompt #13 - "This guy bothering you?", Prompt #9 - "Shut up and kiss me already" - Modern, underground rave AU - IN PROGRESS
Love Game - Hidan x Reader - .9k
👾 Part 2 - 2.2k
Prompt #3, #4 - "Can I buy you a drink?" and "What are you looking at?" - modern, underground rave AU - IN PROGRESS
👾 Game Night - Anko x fem!Reader - 3.1k (request)
Use of toys including a plug, fingering, bondage, rope, blindfolds, edging, teasing, orgasm denial, overstimulation, dacryphilia if you squint, mind games, voyeurism
👾 Mercy - Orochimaru x Reader - 4.5k
Warnings: Some unhealthy relationship dynamics, Choking, knife play, bondage, dubious consent, fingering, Orochimaru being cruel, dark/yandere-ish themes, overstimulation, fear kink, rough sex.
👾 Insatiable - Orochimaru x Reader - 3.9k (request)
Choking, degradation, some spit play, minor knife play, fingering, dacryphilia, male receiving oral, face fucking, orgasm denial/control, ruined orgasm-ish, overstimulation, Orochimaru's tongue doing exactly what you probably hoped for, unhealthy relationship dynamics, reference to human experimentation, anal, intense pining, sliiiight use of drugs, and did I mention overstimulation?
"Desperation suits you, my dear."
Memento - Kabuto x Reader - 3.1k
Angst - followup to Insatiable. Not smut, but some adult-ish references to the previous fic.
👾 Negotiation Tactics - Kakuzu x Reader - 5.9k
First time / don't get shy on me now - smut, fingering, creampies, Kakuzu being Kakuzu. Not part of the Count series.
👾 Distraction - Kakuzu x Reader - 2.4k
prompt #5 - "Did I say you could stop?" (not part of the Count series)
Masquerade - Yamato x Reader - 11k
After a hastily assigned mission takes an unexpected turn, you and Captain Yamato finally find the time to address the long-standing elephant in the room.
Drabbles / Short Imagines:
Grinch - Akatsuki x Reader
1k - Fluff - Christmas with the Akatsuki
Finders, Keepers - Hidan x Reader, Kakuzu x Reader - 1.1k
This little nugget is more or less an idea snippet of prologue/backstory for Count. I've been sitting on it for a while. Seemed like as good of a time as any to post. Not really required reading for the series. Just a thing because why not.
"Don't mind me, just enjoying the view." - Kakuzu x Reader, .7k - prompt list
Superstitions - Itachi, Kisame, Deidara, Tobi
The reader brought a small ritual with her to the Akatsuki that she performs any time someone leaves for a mission. Fluff, fluff, fluff. - 850 words - request
Something Soft - Tobirama x Reader
Lord Second's favorite thing is nothing like him. (Only mildly spicy) - short - request
Wife - Mei Terumi x !femReader
1k - request - SFW
👾 Restraint - Madara x Reader
1.2k - bondage, rope, blindfolds, leather glove fetish, smut, smut, smut.
Sunshine - Jiraiya x Reader
600 - Comfort drabble SFW
A Perfect Day - Jiraiya x Reader
1.9k - vacation, beaches, fluff, fluff, fluff - SFW
👾 Good Morning - Jiraiya x Reader
.9k - somnophilia, oral, steamy morning fun
Little Black Dress - Itachi x Reader
1.3k - SFW. You're on a mission that requires flirting with the enemy for intel while Itachi has to sit back and watch.
Comfort Food - Itachi x sick!Reader
1.1k - comfort drabble, cooking/domestic - SFW
Sandman - Itachi x Reader
1.6k - some yandere themes, angst, nightmares - is dark comfort a thing? If not, it is now. SFW - not quite yandere enough to land in the yandere scenarios category.
Divine Intervention - Itachi x Reader
1.4k - some yandere themes, angst, death, dark-ish/comfort - SFW
Until Dawn - Kakashi x Reader
1.2k - SFW. Domestic fluff
Fog - Kakashi x Reader
1.9k - SFW - Angst, loss, survivor's guilt. Comfort-ish drabble
Fury - Kakashi x Reader
1.4k - SFW - Kakashi's s/o has anger management problems, but he knows exactly how to help.
👾 Un-Cursed Marks - Anko x fem!Uzumaki!Reader
1k - light smut
No pairings. Just a fluffy scenario involving Tobi, Deidara, and a kitten. - SFW
Fever - Orochimaru x sick!gn!Reader
1.8k - comfort drabble - SFW
Bedside Manner - sick!Orochimaru x gn!Reader
1.4k - comfort drabble, followup to Fever but can be read on its own - SFW
👾Monster - Orochimaru x Reader - 1.4k
Darkish content. Cruel Orochimaru. Bondage, rope, references to human experimentation, verbal degradation, orgasm denial, edging, mind games, choking, fear kink
👾 Edge - Kabuto x Reader- 1k
Slightly smutty, knife play, fear kink. Prompt event - "Close your eyes" and "be a good girl and hold still"
🌟 Doctor's Orders - Kabuto x Reader - .8k
Hurt/comfort - a slighty dark little drabble about being ill and taken care of by Kabuto
Yandere Imagines / Scenarios:
Yanderes with a stressed/depressed darling
Itachi, Pein/Pain, Deidara, Konan
Yanderes with a darling who plays violin
Itachi, Pein/Pain, Konan
Caged Bird - escape attempts from yanderes
Minato/Kushina, Pein/Konan
Yanderes when their s/o tries to leave them
Kisame, Kakuzu, Hidan
Illusion - 1.6k
An escape attempt from Madara Uchiha
Pein/Pain, Hashirama, Kakashi, Konan react to their darling having a special necklace that forms a protective barrier when meditating.
Pein & Konan, Itachi, Deidara and a darling with a diary.
Itachi, Pein & Konan react to someone harassing their darling
Culinary Escape Artist
Itachi, Pein, Konan, Deidara react to their darling escaping... to go grocery shopping
Itachi, Pein, and Konan react to their darling having a concert at which they must perform... but they aren't allowed to come along.
Little Reaper
Itachi, Pein, and Deidara react to their darling being able to summon an unusual weapon.
Itachi's darling dealing with the aftermath of an argument
Granny Akatsuki - Akatsuki x adorable OldGranny!Reader
The A-cat-suki - Itachi x Reader, Kisame x Reader. What happens when the reader is unexpectedly turned into a cat?
👾 Kisame Headcanons - 18+ flavor
Kisame + Kitten Headcanons - exactly as fluffy as it sounds.
👾 Anko Headcanons - 18+ flavor
👾 Mei Headcanons - 18+ flavor
👾 Jiraiya Headcanons - ABC prompt, sliiight adult themes
👾 BratTamer!Jiraiya Headcanons
Intrusive Thoughts
Jiraiya & collars , Giving Kakuzu a scalp massage
My Tags:
#chanfictions - all of the actual fics/drabbles/writings/my content that isn't a reblog or ramble
#chanswers - asks, blog info
#chanfictions rants - random crap
#chanfictions imagines - short, usually one paragraph scenarios or random ideas that bother me
#fic recs - my reading list of delicious reblogs
#chanfictions.depressionthoughts - block this tag if you don't want to see my occasional ramblings about having a broken brain
346 notes · View notes
chanfictions · 2 years
Today's intrusive thought:
Imagine putting on the sweet little dog collar Jiraiya bought on a whim the first time you met up for a play date and sighing happily to yourself as you rub your thumb over the little swirled patterns engraved into its otherwise silky surface. The metal charms dangling from it clink together softly as you feed one end of the supple leather through the buckle and tighten down the clasp. The sensation of the gentle wrap of pressure around your throat reminds you of him, making you bite back a smile as you gaze at your reflection in the mirror and roll the handcuff key gently between your forefinger and thumb, counting down the minutes until he comes home.
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chanfictions · 2 years
“Did I say you could stop?” with Kakuzu, please
Manifested by the prompt event and this post. I got stuck on that little intrusive thought and things happened.
Kakuzu x Reader
Prompt - "Did I say you could stop?"
Warnings - choking, some D/s dynamics, brat taming-ish, cockwarming, orgasm denial, Kakuzu being Kakuzu, smut, smut, smut.
18+ content! Minors, DNI!
With a soft groan, you rolled over under your tangled heap of sheets, throwing your arm into the spot that should have been occupied by the tall, dark, and cranky love of your life, but as had been the case for most nights this week, it was once again empty. Huffing quietly in discontent, you puffed out your cheeks before dragging yourself upright and shoving your blankets into a pile so that you could free your legs and figure out where you had kicked off your slippers before going to sleep. 
Moonlight poured in through your open window, bringing with it the cool, earthy delight of a fresh rain as you folded the panels of your nightie over yourself. You sighed quietly, suppressing a shiver as you shuffled your way across the hardwood floors toward the living room. Kakuzu would be there, of course, scowling at jumbles of numbers and threatening inanimate objects as he worked out the mess some idiot made of his precious books. The deep, disgruntled snarls and creatively placed expletives carried clearly through the hall, and it took all of your self control to refrain from giggling. 
"Kakuzu, it's two in the morning," you admonished with a tired drawl, stifling a yawn as you approached the back of his chair where he sat in a cozy bathrobe that left precious little to the imagination.
Your statement was met with nothing but a coarse grunt and a scribbling pencil.
"Just because you have five hearts doesn't mean you can function without sleep, sir," you teased, languidly smoothing your palms over his broad, muscular shoulders. 
"I might be asleep by now if you weren't always interrupting me," he gruffed in slight annoyance, shoulders rolling under the warmth of your touch.
"Mmhmm… I know. I can be such a pest," you chirped in his ear as you pressed your thumbs into the columns of muscle that ran up the back of his neck toward his skull, feeling a swell of satisfaction when you heard the slightest little groan of contentment buzz in the big grouch's chest. The tension he carried in those shoulders was so thick, you could all but see the wiry cords twisted up under his skin as you played with the plush, folded collar of his robe. 
"Go back to bed," Kakuzu rumbled, popping his neck as he pointed an empty glare over his shoulder at you.
"You need to take a break," you breathed in a tempting tone as you trailed your fingertips over his scalp, catching the tie holding his messy bun together with a single digit and unraveling it with a simple flick of your wrist. "You're all crunchy and stiff. I bet all of your threads are tangled too."
As you slowly laced your fingers into his hair and gave his scalp a slow, satisfying scratch, Kakuzu could only attempt to protest with a low growl. He exhaled heavily, letting his pencil fall loosely against the curve of his thumb as his eyes fluttered shut. The soft, tingly sensation of your pointed fingertips moving over his skin was hypnotic to say the least, all but evaporating the sharp quip on his tongue he intended to snarl at you to scare you off.
You smirked triumphantly when you gazed down and watched the tension slowly release like a series of locks, starting in his knotted shoulders and moving down his thick arms and sculpted back in a slow wave until that pencil finally rolled off of his forefinger and skittered across his sea of unfinished paperwork. With a quiet hum, you continued your soft ministrations, pressing your thumbs up from the base of his skull over the crown of his head and letting your nails trace light lines over his temples until you were convinced you heard your big, grumpy lion purr. As you slowly shifted from behind his chair and took a graceful seat straddling his lap with your fingers still nested in his hair, you couldn't help but to smile. All of the deep creases nestled between his eyebrows that always made him look so severe and serious had all but vanished – leaving him looking decades younger and uncharacteristically serene. 
Kakuzu's warm, calloused palms slowly slid along the tops of your thighs while you pampered him like a house cat, and a little bubble of deviance swelled in your chest as you contemplated for a moment the best way to convince him to take a break. With a soft, melodic hum, you teased your hands down onto his shoulders and gave your hips a gentle roll, eliciting a low, warning growl from the mountain of a man you had all but melted into a puddle – but that did little to deter you. As you raked your nails up the back of his neck, you arched your hips into him again, smirking to yourself when that warning growl rolled into a throaty groan and you felt his thick girth stirring to life beneath you. Giggling mischievously, you became still and laced your fingers together behind his neck, staring back at him challengingly when his vicious, emerald eyes snapped open and focused hotly on your very smug face. 
Kakuzu was all too aware of the little game you were playing and wasn't about to let you get away with it. A familiar darkness rimmed his gaze as the stitched corners of his mouth pulled into a scowl that anyone else might have found menacing. "What do you think you're doing, girl?" 
"I thought I'd let you get back to work, sir," you teased sweetly, maintaining your brave little facade and stifling a mewl as he dug his fingers into your ass and dragged you forward over his now achingly hard arousal.
"I'm going to make you pay for that," he snarled as he snatched your jaw to point your gaze at his. His gravelly voice thundered through your chest and peppered your skin with waves of delightful goosebumps. 
It took all of your self control to not giggle or moan like the little demon you were when his hand closed around your throat and his hungry gaze moved over your deliciously scant little nightie and the sparkle of mischief gleaming in your eyes. The anticipation was just killing you. "Oh no."
"Little nuisance," he gruffed, trailing the hand gripping your ass over your hip and straight to the knot at your waist, tugging it loose with one little flick of his hand and flipping open the panels to expose every inch of you to his burning gaze. "Always interrupting–"
His robe was next, and that lingering glare of his just flushed your body with a hot, needy wave of desire.
"And distracting–"
You stifled a giggling gasp, biting your lip in excitement and dropping your head back as he gripped your hips and shifted your weight where he wanted you. Black, inky threads slithered out from the seams in his forearms, coiling around your wrists and binding them up behind your back, the tension anchoring you in place.
"And playing these ridiculous little games that you know you'll never win…" The stitched corners of his mouth pulled into a wicked curve, and he dragged you further forward, threatening to bury his hot, heavy length in your woefully unprepared little pussy. 
"Who says I'm not winning?" You grinned.
Your vision snowed out for a moment, eyes falling to the back of your head as Kakuzu snarled and the delicious stretch of a sudden intrusion stole the breath from your lungs. "K-kaku–ahh!" 
"What?" he sneered against your temple as he held your squirming hips down, drinking in your airy whimpers and whines while he gave you a moment to adjust. "Isn't that what you wanted?"
"Ffffuck – y-yes," you stammered in a breathy little gasp.
"I'm going to be nice and let you finish what you started before I punish you for interrupting me again." The deep, threatening tone of his gravelly voice alone nearly sent you into orbit.
"N-need my h-ha--haaands," you whimpered, toes curling from the ripple of pleasure rolling its way up your spine as Kakuzu rocked you forward on his meaty cock with that burning gaze locked on the sight of the absolutely pathetic face you were making.
"Little brats don't get to make demands," Kakuzu growled with a crooked smirk that crinkled his eyes with sadistic glee. "Now, do as you're told. Finish what you started."
The way his low snarl hit your chest just melted you into a quivering, submissive puddle, all but evicting the little bratty streak right out of your body. The knot of heat coiling in your belly grew more intense with every drag of his length through your silky walls as you rolled your hips fucked yourself ever-so-slowly on his order. 
Kakuzu's satisfied glare burned right through your skin as he tightened his grip, using his growing lengths of thread to guide your movements. "Good girl."
You chewed your lip to contain the lecherous sound you knew would escape if you dared incur Kakuzu's wrath by opening your mouth. The sweet, tingling heat of his praise filtered from your cheeks down your chest and straight between your legs. Those two little words always wrecked you, and he fucking knew it. 
Kakuzu rumbled deeply, feeling your strained little cunt pulse and squeeze him with every arch of your hips as you wrapped your ankles around the legs of the chair for leverage. The coils of warm threads around your wrists tightened and began crawling in successive rings up your torso, touching and teasing every inch of skin they contacted as they made their way up toward your neck. Thick fingers roughly dug into your ass to deepen his ruts, which only made the aching twist in your belly tighten further. "Don't even think about it," Kakuzu murmured cruelly in your ear, relishing your pathetic squeaks and whines as you struggled to hold back and his tendrils made neat little rings around the length of your throat. 
"K-kakuzu, please," you cried in a choked mewl, wiggling to avoid any friction at this point, as the hot knot of your looming orgasm threatened to doom you to a night of punishment. The rings encasing your body slithered and tightened, preventing you from being able to protest. Throwing your head back and whining through a painfully bit lip, you knew you were in trouble. "I'm – oh fuck–" The roiling heat grew more urgent by the second. He was just toying with you now, and he was much better at this game than you were.
"Look at me and beg," Kakuzu taunted with a wicked curl on his lips, prompting you to feebly roll your hips again, legs beginning to quake as he circled a calloused thumb over your soaked clit in time with your movements. 
"Hnnn–" you squeaked, lip caught between your teeth as you gazed up at your demon pleadingly, trying to maintain the rhythm he demanded without losing yourself entirely.
"Try again," he growled condescendingly, mercilessly grinding your hips down against his while still drawing you to the brink of failure with the pressure of his thumb. 
Finding words right now to properly beg seemed nigh impossible. So full and desperate – you were afraid to breathe, much less speak, as every ounce of your concentration was dedicated to holding back the ticking time bomb setting your nerves alight. Your legs shook. Your inhales came in gaspy little puffs as a wave of heat flushed your body. Gnawing your lip, you squealed incoherently and fervently shook your head, squirming against your thready binds as the coils tightened around your throat and you lost your ability to think clearly. Hungry emerald eyes all but devoured the sight of your struggle as nonsensical babbling that vaguely resembled the word please fell from your lips.
The low thunder of laughter hummed in his chest as Kakuzu watched you absolutely come undone. "I said no," he rumbled threateningly in your ear, rocking you forward and tightening his threads. 
"Fffuu – ohhh gods–" You cried brokenly and gasped for air, vision whiting out for a moment as you shuddered and wailed at the ceiling. The blazing light of your failure erupted behind your eyes and rippled in pleasured shockwaves down your spine. You sputtered and gasped through the constriction at your throat, tensing around the immense girth impaling you as your hips faltered and Kakuzu ground even further into you.
"Did I say you could stop?" He taunted against your cheek, fingers digging into your ass to keep you moving as you squeaked and babbled in protest. The impossibly tight squeeze of your pulsing little cunt alone was enough to tense his jaw, let alone the needy little noises you were making. It was delicious, but he was far from being finished with you.
"I – fuck–" Sweat trickled down your chest as you gasped for air through his grip on your throat, eyes fluttering open in a daze for a moment before rolling right back into your head when his threads tightened and pulled you forward onto his achingly hard cock again. 
Soft, mocking laughter rumbled through his chest as one of his large, calloused hands gently trailed up your thread-bound body to cradle your head while the threads around one of your wrists loosened enough for him to carefully bring one of your arms in front of your body. Eyes glinting wickedly, he placed your hand where his had been moments earlier and drew circles around your slick, puffy clit with two of your trembling fingers. 
"I'm going to get back to work. Since you enjoy being such a nuisance, you can stop when I'm finished–"
Oh, fuck.
With a pathetic whine, you glanced over your shoulder at the mountain of incomplete paperwork still sprawled out over the table as heat flushed your chest again and your legs began to shake. He intended to take his time to comb through all of the books scattered out in front of him with you falling apart in his lap while he accounted for every last cent.
"–and I'll deal with punishing you when I'm done."
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chanfictions · 2 years
Hi its my first time requesting but can I request how would Akatsuki react to their s/o trying to run away from their TOXIC relationship (not really toxic but u get what I mean)
Thanks :))
I'm taking that as meaning yandere-ish and assuming you meant the members as individuals. Feel free to send me another ask if I misinterpreted. I stuck with these three because they rarely (I want to say never aside from Kisame's series) come up in my other yandere asks, and I wanted to give my favs a little love. 
Characters: Kisame, Kakuzu, Hidan
Warnings - Dark, yandere themes. Hidan's is a little spicy
Kisame can be frightening, no doubt, especially if you've seen the monster he becomes in battle. While he has never raised a hand at you, the thought of his temper alone makes you horrifyingly cold, especially if you've ever seen the state he's in when he returns from a mission – pupils blown, drenched in someone else's blood with that inhuman grin stretching his mouth across his face like some kind of prehistoric demon from the deep. There's a predatory aura about him that makes the little hairs on your arm stand on end.
But, when you try to run from him, he is genuinely confused.
He loves you. Needs you. You make him human. Don't you understand?
He can be a bit controlling, sure, but it's because he cares. He doesn't want anything to happen to you. The isolation and secrecy is all about protecting you. The world is a terrifying place. Friends kill friends, comrades have to do the unthinkable in the name of their villages, and enemies – Kisame doesn't even want to think that. 
No doubt, the swordsman will find you, no matter where you've run or hidden yourself. As far as he is concerned, this is a rescue operation. He isn't angry with you. He's worried. He's hurt. 
"I didn't mean to scare you, darlin'. Come on. Let me take you home."
One does not simply run away from or leave this man. You are his. His possession. His plaything. His property. Whether he will admit it or not, there is some kind of attachment to you that goes beyond ownership. He just doesn’t express it particularly clearly.
So, when Kakuzu discovers that you've vanished, his chest twists into sick, black knots of anger and betrayal, but his standard stitched scowl remains and his approach is a pragmatic one. Knowing you have no cash and nothing of value to trade or barter for transport away from where you were living, it is only a matter of time before he finds you. Kakuzu never misses a bounty, and he sure as hell won't let you slip away. 
When he does find you – and rest assured,  no matter how good you think you are at hiding, he will find you – he assaults you with the lecture of a lifetime, snatching you by the arm like a misbehaving child to drag you back home with him, muttering along the way about what an ungrateful brat, what a nuisance you could be.
While part of him feels relief that you aren't hurt, that part of him remains hidden. All you can see is that vicious, emerald glare and the promise of more difficult to pick locks in your future.
Hidan is impulsive. Irrational. A little bit unhinged. You may have been drawn in by the fun at first – the whirlwind of chaos and hedonistic, reckless abandon with which he approaches his eternal life, or perhaps it was his inherent darkness and your own morbid fascination with death. Regardless, once you became his, there was no turning back.
Your relationship is tumultuous to say the least, as his passion for you is as deep as his wicked jealousy. His affections can be vicious and bruising, even when being playful, because sometimes he forgets that mortals are a little more fragile than he is. 
It really shouldn't have surprised him that you left, because one way or another being with Hidan hurts, and you can only take so much.
He only has one thing to say to you when he finds you lost in the woods, missing shoes and covered in dirt from your foolish attempt at making a break for it. Hot, angry, and pent up with some terrifying mix of lust for you and the aching need to slit your throat, he pins you against a tree with a knife to your neck and snarls in your ear like a starving wolf.
"Baby, really you fucked up this time."
You're going to be his for the rest of your life, one way or another. The way you react now merely determines how long of a life that will be.
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chanfictions · 2 years
12 Kakuzu🥲💦
I realized as I was about to post this that it shares some similarities with one of @mytanuki-kun 's drabbles, seen here, so I wanted to link it as a note that it was the spark of inspiration that fueled this one. This man is going to be the death of me and lives rent-free in my head.
Kakuzu x Reader
"Don't mind me, just enjoying the view."
There was something deeply wrong with you for getting so leg-clenchingly hot and bothered watching Kakuzu kick the absolute shit out of Hidan on the sparring mat. His flexing muscles, growled threats – Hidan soaring 20 feet through the air and halfway through the goddman wall after Kakuzu snatched him by the throat and fucking threw him like a rag doll – it was just so…
You swallowed hard from your not-particularly-well-hidden observation point near the doorway, biting your lip as your heart pounded its way into your mouth and warmth filled your core. Your fist crumpled the message in your hand that you were supposed to bring him as you completely forgot what you had come here to do. 
That man had no business looking as good as he did, slicked with a sheen of sweat that accentuated every perfect, rippling curve of his statuesque body. No business having such thick arms and such a perfectly sculpted chest. No business having a figure carved from marble like some kind of ill-tempered god. Those forearms… those hands… such strong, calloused hands. Hands that could wrap so perfectly around your throat. Hands that could drive you wild and selfishly claim and survey every inch of your skin. Hands that–
"Can I help you?"
That low, gravelly voice interrupted your lecherous daydreams, snapping you back to reality with heat flooding your cheeks so quickly you thought your head might burst. Your tongue fell apart in your mouth, eyes widening as you gazed up at the hot, leering, monster of a man that had somehow gotten quite close to where you were standing in the midst of your embarrassingly lewd fantasizing. "I... um…"
Kakuzu watched with great amusement and a crooked sneer as you absolutely malfunctioned trying to speak to him, looming over you – shirtless, sweating, and caging you against the wall, taunting you with the beautiful body he had no fucking business having. He very purposefully braced a hand next to your head, towering down over you as a few locks of hair escaped his bun and reached down toward your face. "Speak up, girl."
Panicked, your brain scrambled for words as your heart tried to hammer its way through your ribs. The heat pooling and aching between your legs was distracting and intolerable. How were you supposed to answer him like a reasonable human being when he was doing that to you? "Don't mind me, just enjoying the view," you blurted out in a breathless whisper, as though you were in some kind of trance. The moment you opened your mouth, you realized you had made a terrible, terrible mistake.
Deep rolls of quiet, mocking laughter shook your very being as he basked in the wave of embarrassment quickly washing its way over your body. It was almost cute. "Is that so?" He husked, leaning in further, only making your problem magnitudes worse as the heat radiating off of him consumed your senses, and you became convinced that you were going to faint. He was so close you could practically feel his solid, muscular thigh between your legs. Despite them still being a respectable distance, your lust-sick brain filled in the gaps. Those perfectly rough fingertips brushed against your wrist and over your palm toward the now very crinkled and slightly sweaty note clenched so desperately in your hand.
"Yes," you squeaked, unable to break your wide-eyed gaze from his penetrating stare, your brain short-circuiting the moment his fingers grazed your skin.
"Yes, what?" He growled in your ear with that wicked smirk still pulling at the corners of his mouth, circling that strong, weathered hand around your wrist.
"Sir," you exhaled airily without even thinking, melting into the wall, consumed by a torrent of inexplicable need that turned you into nothing but a puddle.
Still pointing that leg-soaking look of amusement at you, he released your wrist and slipped his fingers into your palm, sliding the note out of your grip as you all but trembled beneath his leering. A gruffly murmured, "Good girl," sent shivers down your spine and twisted your chest into knots as he slowly peeled away from the speechless mess you had made of yourself, looking all too satisfied as he chuckled smugly and walked away.
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chanfictions · 3 years
How about reader being a skilled and master escapist and always managing to escape from the place somehow only to just go grocery shopping and try cooking new dishes for yanderes Pein, Konan, Itachi and Deidra?
This one is a bit more light-hearted and fluffier than the norm. Hope you enjoy!
Culinary Escape Artist
Characters featured: Pein, Konan, Itachi, Deidara
With a curious quirk of his brow, Pein paused mid-step during his walk through the base's relatively empty halls, halting his conversation with Konan upon discovering a breeze softly whistling in from below the closed door as they approached your room.
"Pein, what's the matter?" She inquired softly, stopping beside him as he took a long, intense look at the knob.
"There's a breeze coming from her room," he stated in a low rumble. Slipping a hand into his pocket to rummage for a key, he unlocked the door with a solid click. As expected, when it creaked open and he stepped into the room, he was greeted by an open window and a tangle of sheets slung through the frame, forming a rope that dangled to the ground below. "Our darling pet has taken herself for a walk again," Pein's deep monotone wavered with a quiet annoyance as his ringed eyes shifted about the room, seeking an answer as to how you had yet again managed to get past the sealing tags that should have rendered your room inescapable.
"I'll send Deidara after her right away. She couldn't have gone far--"
Pinching the bridge of his nose in a brief display of frustration, a growl roiled in Pein's chest before he formed an answer. "No. Just set the table."
Konan balked, blinking as she stared at him in confusion. "What?"
"This is the third time she's managed to leave this room without permission. She came back on her own the last time, and the time before, Deidara found her at the market shopping for ingredients to cook dinner. She will undoubtedly return again, likely with some new ridiculous recipe to try. Remind me to remove those cursed cook books from the library. These ventures of hers are getting out of hand," Pein flexed his jaw as he spoke, staring out into the clear, blue sky through the open window. "See to it that the kitchen is clear."
"Of course--" Before Konan could fully finish speaking, Pein swiftly stormed out with a stony mask firmly concealing the depth of his irritation. With a brief glance into your room, she softly shook her head before making her way through the winding halls to the base's shared kitchen.
"Is there a problem?" Itachi's deep, smooth voice carried from behind as she stood in the center of the room, looking a bit unsettled.
"She… escaped again," Konan said carefully after a long moment of silence.
"What?" Deidara blurted loudly from beside Itachi.
"...to go shopping," Konan continued with an anxious bite of her lip. "At least, that's what Pein believes."
"Hm," Itachi hummed, seeming rather unbothered by the development.
"I'll go get her," Deidara declared firmly, digging a hand into his pack of clay.
"No, that won't be necessary," Konan shook her head, reaching out and touching his arm softly.
"And why not?" The blond demanded, his face quickly contorting with annoyance.
"Pein's orders are to… set the table," she explained after a breath of hesitation.
"Set… the table," Deidara repeated flatly.
"Do we know which cookbook she was reading this time?" Itachi inquired coolly over his shoulder, stepping toward the cabinets to begin rifling for the appropriate dishware.
"I… I think it was stir fry."
"This ought to be good," Itachi mused with a quiet smile.
"Are you two seriously just going to stand around and do nothing?" Deidara's voice climbed urgently, cerulean orbs shifting accusingly between the pair before him.
"You're allowing yourself to get worked up over nothing," Itachi waved his hand dismissively, removing a stack of bowls from the cabinet and setting them upon the table with melodic clinks of glass. His dark eyes drifted up to the clock on the wall, and a knowing curl pulled at the corner of his mouth. "Let's see… she should be back, oh, right about now."
As if on cue, you peeked quietly around the refrigerator, clutching a brown paper bag of goods to your chest with a nervous heat burning your cheeks. "I'm home," you chirped with a quiet smile.
Konan's eyes brightened upon hearing your voice. She turned quickly to face you and swooped in to take the bag from you, setting it aside and wrapping you in a firm hug. Burying her face against your hair and cradling the back of your head with a gentle hand as she squeezed you tightly, she breathed an audible sigh of relief. "Y/N, you can't keep disappearing like this. We were so worried."
With embarrassment steaming your face, you pressed yourself into her warm embrace, inhaling the subtle scent of flowers that clung to her skin. "I'm sorry, Konan. I just… wanted to make something nice for everyone," you mumbled quietly into her cloak.
While Konan held you in fear that you might vanish into thin air again if she let go, Itachi hummed quietly to himself as he unpacked the collection of ingredients you had gathered during your adventure to the market. "So, what is it you're planning to make this time?" He inquired smoothly.
A wide smile slowly pulled across your face as you partially untangled yourself from Konan's arms, gazing proudly at Itachi with a soft tilt of your head. "I found a recipe for this fantastic lo mein stir fry. And the market had the most amazing fresh noodles," you prattled excitedly.
Deidara huffed while Itachi chuckled softly, holding an arm out invitingly as he stood in front of your delightful array of fresh ingredients. "I suppose you're going to need a second set of hands, then?"
With a gleeful squeal, you clapped your palms together as Konan giggled, all but skipping over to where Itachi stood. "Really, you want to help?"
"Of course. Every chef needs skilled assistance in the kitchen," Itachi chortled with a warm smile as he began producing the additional pans and dishes you were going to need from the cabinets above.
"Konan, Dei, what about you?" Your bright eyes fell upon them as you spun around.
Deidara crossed his arms, annoyance wrinkling his brow for a moment as he considered your request. Before he could formulate a protest, Konan floated to your side, chattering happily with you and Itachi as to what creating this latest dish would entail. "These hands are not for cooking," he scoffed, deciding that the kitchen was already too crowded. "Besides, someone has to tell Pein you haven't flown the coop before he loses his temper."
You chewed your lip nervously, the cheery excitement beginning to drain from your features as the realization dawned on you that you would likely be in a heap of trouble for your latest transgression. "Right," you murmured, eyes slowly falling to the tiles beneath your feet.
"Don't worry," Itachi's smooth voice and warm hand upon your shoulder cut through the thick silence that hung on the tail of your admission. "He won't be angry after you bring him a bowl. But perhaps you should simply ask permission next time you're inspired to get creative in the kitchen. And speaking of which, how exactly did you manage to bypass the seals again?"
Perking back up with a cheeky smile playing at your lips, you gazed at him over your shoulder with a mischievous wink. "If I tell you that, I might not be able to make your favorite dish next time."
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chanfictions · 2 years
Kisame and 13 — "This guy bothering you?"
This is some strange, modern, underground rave AU that I now cannot unsee or unsmell and definitely didn’t plan when I outlined this shit. Hidan is a total dick, and Kisame is wearing the world's tightest t-shirt. I don't know what fucking happened. It got away from me. Just roll with it.
Love Game - Lucky - Lucky Pt. 2 - Love Game Pt. 2 - Lucky Pt. 3
Kisame + Prompt #13 "This guy bothering you?"
Warnings: yandere-ish themes, Hidan being Hidan, stalking, alcohol, violence/fights, blood
Kisame x Reader
Deep hums of square-wave bass rolled through Kisame's chest as he scanned the sea of flashing faces bobbing to the hellish beat buzzing through the speakers nestled in the walls at the front of the dirty, sticky,  all-too-crowded dance floor on which he currently stood with crossed arms and a sour scowl stretched across his mouth. The strobing lights and colorful special effects, not to mention the overpowering scent of way too many hot, sweaty bodies crammed into one area was just so goddamn distracting – especially when he had a job to do. 
Party people – drunken dancers wearing too many glowsticks and grungy misfits of varying walks of life gathered in this dingy underground for the unique music scene and the other dubious dealings that often happened on the leather couches in the back – and that was what brought Kisame here in the first place. The hired help, the muscle – Kisame was among other things security for the evening for a particularly paranoid performer that would be going live on stage in the next half an hour or so. He had been charged with doing sweeps of the floor, sniffing out the imagined threats that the little pyro insisted existed before he would set foot on stage. 
He sighed to himself in annoyance. At least this was an easy enough task.
The crowd was clean, relatively speaking at least, and nothing of interest had been left in the open that would be cause for concern, so Kisame situated his hulking frame in its too-tight shirt on a stool at the bar for a moment, nodding to the man with orange hair and a face dotted with metal for a glass of water. As he brought it to his lips, he turned an ear to the quiet argument happening a few seats away.
"Hidan, seriously – leave me alone," you growled as you twisted yourself out from under the uncomfortable drape of your very slimy ex-something's arm around your shoulders. A lock of his glossy, slicked back hair fell into his stupid, attractive – punchable – face, and all you wanted to do was fucking deck him. But Hidan was Hidan, and a fistfight was foreplay as far as he was concerned. You just didn't need that shit tonight.
"Aw, come on," he grinned wolfishly, watching with an intense, unblinking focus as you toed around your stool and snatched your drink with an angry huff. He called after you over the hum of the music as you stomped away from him to disappear into the crowd. "Admit it, cupcake – you fuckin' miss me!"
You did not, in fact, miss Hidan in any sense of the word. He just wasn't getting the memo, or had casually thrown it away without bothering to read it.
Kisame's mouth pulled into a tight line, eyes narrowing on the back of Hidan's head as he watched the leather-jacketed douchebag nonchalantly slither after a very uninterested woman through the crowd. While you weren't exactly on his list of targets to watch for the evening, the little exchange he witnessed left an uncomfortable knot in his chest. The way that scumball stalked after you like a predator, following your movements from a distance made the hair on Kisame's neck stand on end. The hulking giant had good instincts about this sort of thing, as that was precisely what landed him his current job, and his instincts told him to keep an eye on Hidan.
Just as Kisame decided he was going to quietly stalk your stalker, the overhead lights began to dim, and the rhythm-drunk masses hummed with bated breath. When the bright, crackling sparks that would announce the coming of the headliner he had been placating tonight began fizzling at the corners of the stage, the crowd rolled into a frenzied roar, calling the maniac's name as the spotlights and fog back-lit his lanky silhouette.
"DEI-DA-RA! DEI-DA-RA! DEI-DA-RA!" They chanted in unison, summoning the grinning demon on his podium as he raised his hands and ascended into the air, displaying the trademark, tattooed tongues on his palms that made the masses go fucking wild.
Deidara took his place at the console with a smug smile and a flick of his long, blond hair, sighing happily into his mic as he looked down at the screaming faces below. "Do you know what true art is?" He purred into his headset, whipping the already tempestuous dancers into chaos as he queued up the first hypnotic beat that would entrance his adoring fans. "True art is…" Cheering fists punched into the sky as Deidara took a deep breath, dropped the lights and the bass in the pyrotechnic display of a lifetime.  "AN EXPLOSION!" 
You squinted at the searing flash as the mess of writhing bodies swarmed like bees and lost themselves to the thudding music, clutching your vibrating glass as the red, strobing lights and heart-stopping bass all but distorted reality around you. The hairs on your arms stood on end as you squeezed through the sweaty throngs of people, looking for a corner to press your back into so that you could at least try to enjoy the show. But the nagging voice in the back of your head screamed over the roar of the synthesized beat that something wicked this way comes. 
The voice in your head was right.
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"Shit," Kisame cursed under his breath, glancing at the stage and then back into the sea of bodies, realizing that he lost sight of both you and the grinning beast that was hunting you in the screaming dark. His pulse pounded in his ears over the blaring noise masquerading as music as his narrowed gaze scanned the beat-drunk mess of stop-motion faces throwing themselves into the cacophonous abyss. His very bad feeling swelled rapidly into a sense of second-hand, impending doom. Kisame knew all too well that events like these were the perfect cover for chaos. He had seen it enough times to trust the barbed wire tumbleweed churning in his gut. The way Hidan looked at you as you snarled and stomped away was inhuman. Monstrous. Predatory. People like him unabashedly wore their bad intentions on their sleeve. People like him spelled trouble.
The giant shoved his way through the moshing crowd, elbowing through the waves of dancing thralls with ease, using his height to his advantage to look for the big, bad wolf hiding in the herd of psychedelic sheep. Deidara would have a king-sized shit-fit if someone died at one of his shows again, as that would mean another investigation and a potential stop to his grand tour. The little psycho wouldn't stand for his art to be sullied by the likes of local laws or regulations – or so Kisame told himself. 
Where the fuck is she?
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You took a long swallow of your watery drink, clicking your teeth painfully against the glass as some asshole bashed into your hip and damn near knocked you over in a fit of heated dancing. You stumbled over your feet, trying to catch yourself before you were trampled by the raucous crowd. A long, wiry arm caught you around the waist before you hit the deck and pulled you back up into a nauseating embrace that stunk of whiskey and stale cigarettes as a low voice hummed into your head from behind.
"Careful, cupcake."
Your heart dropped into your stomach. 
"Good thing I was here, eh?" He murmured in your ear with a twisted smirk, tightening his arm around you like a noose. 
"Oh, fuck you," you snarled as you attempted to turn around and extract yourself from Hidan's bruising grip, intent on jabbing him in the ribs with a pointed elbow. You froze mid-swing and sucked in a horrified gasp, your blood running cold as you saw a flash of silver and felt the bite of a blade against your throat.
"Now would be a very good time to apologize to me and admit what a big fucking mistake you made when you left."
All you wanted to do was scream, but the sound died somewhere in your chest as the tip of his knife drew a dark red bead from your sweat-slicked skin.
"Now, be a good girl and drop the glass you're thinking about smashing into my face before I make a fucking mess out of you on the dance floor," he cooed cruelly against your temple with a vicious smile, swaying mockingly with your trapped form to the raging beat as he dug the edge of the knife into the soft flesh beneath your jaw.
The chilling venom in his tone raised nauseating goosebumps along your arms as you swallowed the desert in your mouth and pressed your head back into his shoulder in an effort to gain some relief from the razor edge of his switchblade. "H-hidan, this isn't funny," you choked out in a broken whisper.
"That's because I'm not fucking joking, princess," he hissed. 
Hot tears stung in the corners of your eyes as the glass in your hand slipped through your fingers and tumbled downward, spilling what was left of your drink on your shoes and exploding into sparkling shards that vibrated in time with the deafening beat when it struck the floor between your feet. A lowly murmured threat under the weight of the painful lyrics blaring in the background left your heart shuddering to a stop as a horrifying realization ripped open a sucking void in your chest. 
He's going to kill me when our song is over.
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The length of that single song felt like an eternity for Kisame as he scoured the sea of nameless faces for something familiar, snarling to himself as the hazy smoke from the booming pyrotechnics made the already difficult task seem nigh impossible. Too many people. Too much movement. It was like finding a needle in a haystack.
And that's when an unusual sight caught his eye. Facing away from the stage was a familiar looking, studded leather jacket, swaying just out of time with the throbbing beat of the window-rattling bass. Another pair of stiff, shaking legs stood between the figure's, and between those legs was a pile of broken glass.
Even if it wasn't the girl he was looking for, someone was definitely not having a good night. After a quick buzz into his radio with his location and a mention that he was about to get his hands dirty, Kisame cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders as he approached the scene from another angle. As he got closer, it became clear that there was no need for the playful grin and customary "is this guy bothering you, darlin'?'' he typically offered to distressed looking patrons before caving someone's face in with a bar stool. Tangled up in that monster's arms was – you – the pretty girl from the bar, completely frozen in fear with a face streaked in tears stained red by the strobing lights and a glittering blade cutting a dark line into your neck. That was all Kisame needed to see to decide that Hidan's brain would be of more use splattered on the pavement than in his head.
With his lips pulled into a menacing grin, Kisame snatched Hidan by one leather-clad shoulder and spun him around, ripping the knife away from your throat in one swift motion. 
"What the fuck, asshole–" 
It was then that Hidan made the grave error of taking the first swing.
You nearly choked on your own tongue and stumbled forward until you collided with a wall, eyes wide and watering as you spun around and clamped a hand down over the painful, burning gash Hidan had torn across your neck before a stranger spun him away from you. Your heart pounded into your throat, making your head spin as the beating, crimson lights made the vicious, rather one sided grudge match happening between your ex and some mystery mountain of a man look like a scene out of a horror movie. A wide, toothy grin shone monstrously in the bloody flashes of lighting, making your savior appear more like some demon from the deep than a human being as he pummeled the ever-living shit out of a Hidan that just didn't know when to stay down. Their screaming and grunts and the tell-tale bone-crunching sounds of a passionate fist fight were drowned out by the rowdy beat. All you could see were stop-motion flashes of Hidan getting his ass handed to him before being hauled out by another uniformed monster dressed like the one who came to your aid.
It took a few long moments and gushes of blood between your fingers for you to realize that you weren't actually dead. It took several more for you to realize that the goliath of a man who just smashed Hidan into a pulp was now crouched in front of you, looking rather concerned and trying to get your attention. You just wondered how you ended up on the floor.
"Hey, darlin' – look at me," Kisame rasped over the deep hum of the music, moving into your line of sight in an effort to get you to focus on him. "You good?"
You just blinked with a vacant expression, lifting your trembling hand from your neck as you stared blankly at the liquid painting your entire hand red.
Kisame's eyes narrowed, now getting a whiff of the blood starting to stain your shirt. Without thinking, he snatched your hand and pressed it back over the wound before hauling you up to your feet. "Come on. Let's get you outta here."
You could barely hear the stranger's low, rumbling voice over the deafening beat, let alone your own thoughts to try to make sense of what just happened. Your heart was still in your mouth. Your cheeks were still needling with static. And now, you were suddenly tucked under the protective arm of this beast of a man who appeared out of thin fucking air, being led across the club toward one of the side doors emblazoned with the bright white warning of Employees Only.
It made you wonder for a moment if Hidan had actually killed you, and these were just the misfirings of your dying brain as you bled out on the floor to Deidara's spicy cover of Paint It Black.
Kisame pulled you along with him into the nauseatingly bright lights and closed the door behind him with his foot – his hand still clamped over yours as he led you through the little hallway into an area that almost looked like a lounge. "Here, sit down," he gruffed, eyeing the slightly confused, shell shocked expression painted over your clammy face. You mechanically parked yourself on the couch now positioned behind your knees while the hulk cautiously let go of your neck and got up to go rummage through a nearby cabinet. He left a few bloody handprints behind before he sat in front of you on a coffee table and popped open a first aid kit in his lap. "What's your name, darlin'?"
You swallowed hard, finding your mouth now uncomfortably dry when you opened it and answered him. The stark white, buzzing fluorescent light that flooded the room made this all seem so surreal. You wanted to thank him but the words stalled in your mouth as you gazed down at the blood all over his hand.  The only sound you could get to come out of your mouth was, "You?"
"Kisame," he rasped with a crooked smile as he opened a packet of gauze. Carefully lifting your hand away from your neck, that smile pulled into a grimace. "Damn, he got you good. You're probably gonna need stitches," he muttered, pressing the wad down over the wound. 
"Just slap some tape on it. It'll be fine," you mumbled, not particularly wanting to deal with ambulances or emergency rooms tonight.
"Anyone I can call? Got a friend here with you maybe?" Kind eyes were focused worriedly on you – the same eyes that had been so wild with bloodlust only a few minutes ago.
You just shook your head, lost in your own thoughts for a moment. Now that the adrenaline had begun to fade, a black, gnashing pit formed in your stomach as you realized just how close Hidan had come to slitting your throat. "Nope."
"Tape isn't gonna cut it," Kisame declared after taking another look at the mess.
"Not going to the ER," you stated definitively, staring blankly at a wet spot on your ruined shoes.
After taking one more look at the gash, Kisame gingerly took your wrist to press your hand over the wad of cloth and pulsing ache on your neck. "Stay here. I'll be right back." 
With a silent nod, you kept your eyes locked on the floor, watching Kisame's booted feet shuffle slightly as he stood and turned before walking away from where you were seated. Your head swam with wild thoughts and tangents of worry, trying to figure out what the hell you should do now. Hidan wasn't one to just go quietly into the night. The tarry bog of worry in your stomach began to churn and fester as you came to terms with the fact that your little problem wasn't just going to go away.
"Hey, Kakuzu, you back here?" Kisame's voice grew more distant as he called around a corner from the other side of the room and you stewed in your thoughts.
"The hell is going on, Hoshigaki?" A gravelly voice rumbled loudly from the back, only to quiet slightly as it engaged in a brief conversation that you couldn't quite make out over the mess yammering in your head.
You lifted your head as an older man in a black, form-fitting button up shirt sporting a messy bun emerged from around the corner with a white metal box in hand and Kisame at his side. A myriad of tattoos littered his exposed forearms. It took several long moments for you to realize that you had seen him before – the irritated looking man with an intimidating aura was Kakuzu, the club's owner. You were fairly certain you had had a few drinks with him once. He stared at you critically, face knotted into a scowl as he growled to himself and peeled back the bloody cloth you were still holding to your neck.
"If you want me to fix this instead of going to the goddamn hospital like a reasonable person, I don't want to hear any whining about how much it hurts," he said sharply, glaring down with intense, emerald eyes that made the knot in your stomach worse.
"Not a peep," you breathed through your teeth, turning your head to let him take a look. Now, you realized that some of the marks on his arms you originally thought were tattoos were scars and fresh stitches that he had probably done himself.
Kisame stood to the side with crossed arms as Kakuzu rumbled with a low sound of discontent and opened the kit in his lap. It took all of your self control to not flinch as he gripped your jaw with a calloused hand and hooked a curved needle into your skin to begin pulling the wound closed. "You're lucky this wasn't any deeper," Kakuzu growled. 
Your breath caught in your throat as the nauseating sensation of thread sliding through your skin made you dig your nails into your knees and tried to make light of the situation to keep your shit together. "Either Kisame has good timing or Hidan was just fucking with me."
The giant's mouth twisted in concern at how casually you made that remark as he watched you struggle to maintain your composure while Kakuzu worked. "Don't think that guy is gonna be bothering you again."
"Hidan's a fucking cockroach," you laughed weakly, swallowing the sickening saliva pooling under your tongue. "That immortal dickhead probably just dusted himself off and is halfway to my apartment by now."
"I… doubt that," Kisame stated after a pause, carefully omitting the fact that his partner likely hadn't just tossed Hidan out onto the street without giving him another few reasons to not come back.
"You don't know Hidan," you breathed grimly, sucking in a pained breath as Kakuzu hooked the needle into your flesh again. 
"I know the guy who threw him out, though," Kisame answered with a smirk.
You didn't argue with that and just held your  breath through the stomach-churning sensation as the club's owner finished sewing you back up like a sock. When you heard the metallic click of scissors and felt Kakuzu tape a clean bandage over the now closed wound, you felt like you could finally exhale. "Thanks," you croaked, finally opening your eyes again.
Kakuzu just grunted in response, still with annoyance knotted over his face as he put his supplies back away and stood up. "Get her out of here before she attracts more trouble," he sniped to Kisame over his shoulder, eyeing you for a moment before vanishing back into his office. 
After the door closed, Kisame took a seat next to you on the couch as you sighed and buried your face in your hands. "Want me to call you a cab or something?"
"I really don't want to go home," you choked out after a thick swallow.
Something about the way you said that just made Kisame's chest ache as he regarded you carefully and rested his elbows on his knees. "If you're still worried about that Hidan guy coming after you, you can crash at my place tonight."
Heat flooded your cheeks as you picked up your head and blinked at him in confusion. "Sorry, what?"
"I didn't mean that to come off as creepy," Kisame faltered.
"It's not that… just – you don't even know me. Why put yourself out for a stranger with a stabby ex?" Twisting your knuckles in your lap, you gazed over at him again, unsure of his intentions. The ever-present, nagging voice that usually told you to run for the hills was strangely silent, and that just confused you further. 
"I kicked the shit out of him once already. You think I wouldn't do it again?" Kisame teased with a crooked smile in an effort to lighten your mood.
"So, you're a knight in shining armor and mister fucking perfect?" You laughed dryly, looking up at the ceiling for a moment with a tightening throat and unexpectedly teary lashes as you struggled to contain the flood of emotion you had been stuffing.
A deep, rumbling chuckle resonated from Kisame's chest as he gave your hair a light pat and rose to his feet. "You might want to wait on calling me that until after you see the mess that is my apartment."
"If a messy apartment is what you're deeming a fatal character flaw, I stand by what I said," you snorted with a hoarse laugh. 
Kisame just smirked playfully and thumbed your cheek to wipe away a damp line of tears that had fallen during your little exchange before offering you an outstretched hand. "Come on, girlie. Let's go."
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chanfictions · 2 years
PLS PLS PLS Smut w Orochi w overstimulation and poessiveness when reader tries to leave him ugh😩
I, uh, got a little bit carried away again. Sorry this took forever to finish! Orochimaru can be tough to write sometimes, especially when I'm getting into the original version and he's just... well, that music. Oof. Enjoy!
Orochimaru x Reader
18+ Content! MINORS, DNI!
Warnings: Some unhealthy relationship dynamics, Choking, knife play, bondage, dubious consent, fingering, Orochimaru being cruel, dark/yandere-ish themes, overstimulation, fear kink, rough sex.
This is not a warm, fuzzy Orochimaru. Content may be triggering for some people.
"Do you still want mercy? Or do you want to submit and be mine?"
I should have just listened to Kabuto.
Damn that smug, four-eyed bastard for always being right. He warned you this would happen eventually, but your stubborn, love-blind brain refused to admit this would ever, finally take root. Things were different. What you and Orochimaru had was special. Or so you thought.
Your worst fear had finally manifested like a medusaic horror, fitted with multiplying heads, poisonous green eyes, and rows of venom-laden, gnashing teeth. Orochimaru was bored -- not just of anything of no consequence -- he was bored with you. At least, that was how it appeared. You hadn't seen the object of your ill-placed affection in what felt like weeks after his latest experiment slowly consumed what little time he spared for you. Murmured words of manufactured fondness echoed into the entropic void. His lingering touches grew more infrequent. Those slitted, yellow suns had set upon you one final time and left you in the cold, lonesome dark.
Wiping bitter tears of betrayal from your cheek with your sleeve, you sloppily crammed your remaining possessions into a bag and fought the zipper until it was at least partially containing your things before slinging the awkward sack over your shoulder and stuffing your feet into your shoes. "I doubt he'll even notice that I'm gone," you snarled to yourself in a stifled huff, sucking back the sobs you felt swelling in your chest that would be swift to follow your present state as the soles of your shoes slapped hollowly against the dusty stone stretching along the empty halls beneath your feet. "Maybe next week." Sniffling back the emotion still churning out of control in your head, you growled under your breath, swiping your palm under your eyes again in disgust. "Kabuto was right. Bastard."
Teeth grinding and tears fogging your eyes, you failed to hear the near silent footsteps approach from behind as you cursed the sannin's cruelty to the serpentine light fixtures dotting the walls. The slinking shadow following you melded into the soft flickers of candlelight, going unnoticed until cool fingers clasped tightly around your wrist. A venomous voice clothed in velvet hissed, causing you to freeze in place. "I don't recall permitting you to leave."
How much did he hear? Swallowing hard with tears still flowing freely down your cheeks, you grit your teeth and glanced over your shoulder, a look of hurt contorting your features as you tried to wrench your arm away. "Here I thought you didn't even know I still existed," you spat back, voice trembling with repressed terror as predatory slits narrowed upon you. "Let go of me."
A dark, twisted chortle escaped his crooked lips as they feigned a smile that his eyes failed to mirror when he snatched your throat with lithe digits, slamming your back into the wall and blinding you with an eruption of stars across your bleary vision. "Bold of you to be giving me orders after what filth just spewed from that wicked little mouth," he murmured with a sweet sneer. "I come to visit you and this is how you greet me?"
"I h-haven't seen you in w-weeks," you choked through tears and the crushing force pressed against your windpipe as you tried to stuff down the thought that you had missed the feeling of his hand wrapped around your throat. "You never leave the lab and I thought--"
He chuckled in quiet, cruel amusement at your expense, plucking your bag from your grip and tossing it to the floor while still pinning you to the wall by your neck. "Were you going to run away in a fit because you thought I had forgotten about you?"
"You did," you rasped accusingly, gasping around the pressure his hand maintained with that look of contempt twisting your features into an ugly mess and an empty ache in your heart. Fresh, hot tears threatened to tumble from your lashes as you glared back at him.
"My dear, don't be so childish," he hummed, wiping the trail of liquid from your cheek with a pale hand. "I simply had more pressing matters that needed my attention at the time."
"There's always something more pressing," you choked back through his tightening grip, fear, anger, and betrayal fighting for control of your spinning thoughts as you began to grow dizzy from the lack of blood flow to your brain. "Why the hell... do you even keep me around... if I mean so little to you?"
"The fact that I haven't crushed your throat for this little insubordinate tantrum should speak volumes as to how I feel," he hissed in your ear, eyes beginning to blaze with something predatory as he felt your fluttering pulse quicken with growing fear beneath his fingertips.
Your vision began clouding with static that funneled his ghastly face into the distance as you slumped back into the wall, struggling to stay conscious enough to fire off your retort. "K-kabuto said--"
"You can forget whatever nonsense that meddlesome rat planted in your head regarding what you are to me," he purred maliciously as what almost resembled a smile stretched his lips across his face.
Weakly pawing at the cool hand which was now warmed by contact with your flesh, your hazy eyes searched pleadingly for relief. "Oro... c-can't… breathe…" you croaked with the last puffs of air left in your lungs as your knees began to buckle.
"I know." His low, velvet hum filtered sweetly into your head through the deafening ringing in your ears, washing over the tingling in your face as you felt yourself slowly slipping into the dark. Pale fingers continued to tighten possessively around your throat until the panicked sounds of your desperate gasping grew quiet. "You can't leave if you're unconscious."
You woke to the sound of your own labored breathing with a hoarse cough and a bruising ache encircling your neck. Blurry eyes shifted around the ceiling in a daze as you struggled to put together which ceiling it was that taunted you with its out of focus swirling patterns layered over muddied shades of brown and grey. In an effort to gain your bearings, you lurched to the right, attempting to roll over only to find that you were stuck. Confused, you rattled your arms and twisted your face when you were answered by the sound of clattering metal and felt thick leather tightening around your wrists.
"That's quite enough," a voice dripping with a tender malice buzzed quietly from behind your head, prompting you to gaze up into the twin amber orbs that seemed to bore holes through your soul.
"Orochimaru, what--"
"I'm afraid I couldn't leave you to your own devices while you were unsupervised after that little stunt you pulled earlier," he murmured wickedly while casually brushing a stray bit of hair away from your cheek that had adhered itself to your dried tears. "Not after you so boldly stated you were planning to leave this "lonely cesspool" and the "soulless monster" I seem to have become in your eyes."
Terror bubbled into a rolling boil in your gut as your eyes darted about the room and it dawned on you where exactly you were.
The lab.
While you had once fantasized about this very thing in a dark, twisted corner of your mind, now seemed like a very bad time for that particular daydream to manifest. Soft, cruel laughter echoed through the sparsely furnished room, making it sound all the more ominous when it finally reached your ears and drew you back into the present reality of your predicament. Strapped to a table in the center of a room only accompanied by rolling carts with unidentifiable implements decorating their surfaces, you were trapped and entirely at the mercy of the sinister creature whose fleeting affections you had been so pitifully seeking for weeks. The same man with such unmatched cruelty whom you had just grievously insulted.
"I-I'm sorry," you stammered as a terrified tremble began traveling up your spine.
"For what, hm? Trying to leave?" The haunting laughter continued as he circled you and traced cool, delicate fingers along your jawline and across your bruised neck with a sadistic smile, soaking in the glory of your present state. "Or perhaps for saying such cruel things about the man you claim to love?" His low, melodious rumble shook every fiber of your being.
Unsure how to answer that question without digging yourself deeper into a hole, you swallowed the growing knot of confused, twisted fear and inexplicable, nervous desire that tangled itself around your ability to speak.
Soft murmurs of mockery reverberated through the metal slab beneath your back as those long, pale fingertips took a slow walk over your immobilized body, gradually setting your nerves ablaze while his monstrous pupils dilated with a hungry lust. "While I admit I may have… neglected your needs in order to finish my most recent experiment, I hardly deserve that vile moniker, especially coming from you. Now that my work is complete, you have my full attention."
Any other day, hearing those words would have made you squeal in delight. Now, however, they carried an insidious undertone that left you fidgeting nervously against the straps securing you to the table. Your pulse roared in your ears, muffling the sounds of shifting fabric and the clear chime of the trays when they rolled out of Orochimaru's path as he circled you like a starved beast. Your eyes widened as a new terror wound itself around your guts when you spotted something shiny in Orochimaru's hand - and that something was sharp.
A kunai.
"While you stare at me with the frightened eyes of a lamb on its way to slaughter, it would be wise to remember that this is a little fantasy of yours," he hummed with a cruel crinkle of those vicious yellow eyes as he traced the tip of that blade ever so softly along the delicate flesh beneath your jaw while cradling your cheek with his other palm. "Being wholly at my mercy," he murmured, voice dripping with a wicked thirst. You froze like a rodent before a leering serpent, eyes fixated on his, too nervous to think about what he planned to do with that blade as its cold, pointed tip left a trail of goosebumps in its wake. "Tell me, little mouse, do you still trust me?" Those impossible, slitted orbs lingered on your fearful expression, curiously almost, and utterly unreadable.
Trust. Maybe you did before indulging in your foolish folly when you attempted to leave the sannin. Now, you weren't so sure. As the room fell quiet, mired with a bitter chill, only the shaky rattle of your trembling arms disturbing your restraints answered him. You had never seen him glower at you with such dark ire before with that crooked smile still painting his face. It was deeply unsettling. A creeping dread sucked the air from your chest as the sterilizing light cast inhuman shadows across the normally calm, collected face that stared down at you like you were the first meal offered in weeks set before a starving dog.
"What's the matter, too nervous to speak?" He mused, thumbing your cheek with blown pupils locked on your anxious gaze. "Do I frighten you now?" Tender affections accompanied by that monstrous stare left you paralyzed as his knife hovered at the edge of your periphery.
"The way y-you're looking at me..." you stuttered, unable to complete your thought.
He chuckled quietly, caressing your cheek with the edge of the blade while popping open the button on your pants with a quick snap of his nimble fingers. "I did say you had my full attention, didn't I?"
That was precisely what scared you. Orochimaru was obsessive. Relentless. Nigh, unstoppable when his interest was fixed on something, and right now, that something happened to be you. Your eyes followed the kunai in his hand as your brain went into overdrive trying to ascertain his intentions. Has he finally snapped, or are we playing a game? The razor-sharp edge followed the curve of your face back across your jaw and down the length of your neck with the faintest sting, distracting you from what he was doing with his other hand. You gasped in surprise when cool fingers ghosted your now obviously damp panties, eyes widening when he pressed the length of the blade harshly against your throat with more soft, mocking laughter rumbling in his chest.
"It would appear that despite the fear in your eyes, this excites you," he murmured wickedly as his inhuman tongue flicked over the corner of his lip in delight. "How interesting." Long, lithe digits teased you through the fabric, tracing the length of your soaked slit and drawing a delicate circle around your throbbing clit as your body roared to life.
It did excite you. The implied danger of submitting to Orochimaru's sometimes unhinged whims never failed to set you alight. Some twisted little corner of your mind lived for these cruel, possessive mood swings of his despite logic screeching its warnings like a wailing siren in the back of your head. You wanted him. Feared him. Hated him. Needed him. The weeks of pent up frustration and aching neglect were manifesting as a ravenous desire to be possessed, used, wanted by him again. His affection was a drug, fueling an addiction that you couldn't shake.
With a deep, cruel laugh humming just next to your head, he abruptly sliced through the front of your shirt and bra, exposing the entirety of your torso to his hungry gaze with one swift, stinging motion. The combination of cold, excitement, and abject terror left a wave of goosebumps spreading rapidly across your body, pebbling your nipples into hard little buds as your chest heaved with nervous delight at the paper-thin line of tiny, crimson beads that surfaced over your sternum. You gasped and squirmed as he drew the kunai further south, stammering unintelligibly. The frighteningly sharp tip effortlessly tore through the thin fabric just below your hip, revealing more flesh to his ravenous eyes. With a satisfied growl, he trailed the chilled hilt of the knife back over your skin and returned the blade to its resting place against the soft flesh below your jaw as he dipped long, slender fingers into your heat, sliding the torn remains of your panties aside. The blade against your throat twitched as he hissed a soft, sinister threat in your ear. "I might just show you what sort of monster I am if that's what you're going to insist on calling me."
You swallowed hard, choking back a whimper as you arched into the deliciously distracting touch that sent confusingly pleasurable shocks through your nerves as he played your body like a fiddle. Adrenaline surged and coursed through your veins, heightening every sensation as the excitement of impending danger mounted. Every rapid beat of your heart left your carotid thrumming against the precariously positioned blade crossing your neck as those slitted suns leered down at you from above. Raven locks tumbled over his shoulders, eclipsing the dim backlighting and shadowing his face, leaving only those glowing orbs in focus as they burned holes through your heart. Your legs twitched and core pulsed as he slowly and methodically set you on fire with each pass of his thumb and pump of his hand. Warmth spread through your belly in white-hot waves as those cool fingers slowly drove you mad. "O-orochimaru, please," you whined through your teeth, rattling your bindings with fingers tightening around the lengths of chain as your heels dug into the cold metal at your back.
Dark, rolling laughter left the room eerily empty as it echoed into your head. "Begging for mercy already?" A crooked grin slashed his pale features as that long, inhuman tongue slithered from his mouth, leaving a hot, wet trail over the perfect ladder of red beads dotting your chest. Delicious. "Save your breath, my dear," he murmured, licking his lips and drawing you ever closer to the release you so desperately sought. "You won't be able to speak when I'm finished with you."
You didn't know whether to apologize, sob, or sing broken hymns of gratitude as his impossibly long fingers curled and that monstrous tongue flicked over a taught bud. Every muscle in your body coiled with the eruption of pleasure that ravaged your nerves. You bit back a moan, sinking your teeth into your lip with bruising force as stars blinded you behind clenched lids. Soft laughter hummed in your head while your walls tensed and fluttered around the digits sunk into your core. You sucked in a lungful of air through grinding teeth as your hips twitched and bucked into the hand whose motions never ceased, beginning to build another bubble of heat in your belly as you panted and arched into his touch.
"How long do you think you can endure this before you pass out, I wonder?" His lips stretched into a wolfish grin as that vicious gaze remained locked on your pleasure-contorted expression. "Look at you… so needy and desperate. Already sweating," he mused in an analytical chirp while continuing to build the next cascade that would soon rip through your body, grinding the heel of his hand against your sopping cunt.
Your head emptied as you mewled brokenly into the sparsely furnished void, your voice reverberating back in a mocking echo from the surrounding stone. Cold silence hung behind your needy gasping and the rattling of the chains binding you to the metal beneath your back. Whining and whimpering, your hips jerked into the touch that relentlessly tormented you. The hot, throbbing ache between your shaking legs grew by magnitudes. Orochimaru knew your body all too well and consequently had already formed the perfect plan that would have you coming completely undone with nothing but his hand. Your eyes watered as you cried out again and a tsunami of pleasure crashed through your nervous system. Keeping still enough to avoid the bite of the blade at your throat was swiftly becoming a problem.
"Careful," he taunted, pressing the edge into your flesh with just enough restraint to not break your skin as he drew another hard circle over your clit with the pad of his thumb. "I wouldn't want to accidentally harm my most prized possession."
You let out an airy moan as your back rolled into a wild arch and your body spasmed under his calculated ministrations, fueled further by the softly spoken words that strangled your heart as praise. His most prized possession. The roiling, lust-drunk chaos in your head took that little fragment and ran with it, enshrining it in your mind and crawling into it like a lovely cage. You let out a raspy sob into nothingness, desperately winding your legs around his arm with crushing force as the white-hot fire building in your belly threatened to make you explode. "Please," you sobbed.
With a hunger blazing in those monstrous eyes, Orochimaru snickered in delight at the uncontrollable responses your body made to his every touch. "Since you asked so nicely…" Still pressing the blade tightly against your thumping pulse, he curled the fingers buried in your cunt more harshly than last time, reveling in the sound that erupted from your throat as you convulsed and clenched almost painfully around him, completely soaking the arm tangled up between your legs. He watched the rapid puffs of your chest and tensioning of your muscles with nothing but selfish satisfaction, throwing you headlong into that leg-soaking orgasm like only he could. Every broken sob of gratitude and unintelligible cry fueled him to drive you to the brink of madness.
The constant motion of his hand had you writhing and squirming, struggling to take more as your sobs morphed into orgasm-drunk wails that filled the room. Your soaked cunt spasmed and tightened around him in ceaseless, rippling waves that left you straining against your binds to get off of the table. "M-mercy, p-please, I can't--" You babbled brokenly through heaving gasps. A sheen of sweat glistened over every inch of your skin.
The kunai at your throat dropped to the table beside your head with a dull clatter. Cool, pale fingers traced the bruises and razor-thin indentations in your skin tenderly under the weight of a dark, amused chortle. Brushing those knuckles delicately over your cheek and through the streaks of fresh tears on your face, a small crooked smile spread across his lips. "Not such a monster now, am I?" He murmured, withdrawing the hand coated in your essence and setting it on the curve of your hip as your body trembled beneath him.
"N-no," you stammered through gasps, your heart hammering in your chest. Glassy eyes stared up at him longingly, blinded by lust and the aching need to be wanted.
"While I will show you mercy, I'm not finished with you yet," he purred, trailing his fingertips over your racing pulse and back to your face, grasping your chin to keep your gaze pointed at his. "But that's what you wanted all along, isn't it, my little pet? To be wholly and completely possessed?"
"Y-yes," you whispered.
With a satisfied smirk, he reached above your head, adjusting the chains binding you to the table to give you more slack as the nagging ache of his own need strained distractingly against the fabric of his pants. Moving about the table like a phantom as he disrobed, you fought to get your breathing under control. Cool hands wrapped around your ankles and then abruptly yanked you down the length of the table until you were stopped by the limiting reach of the chains, tearing your pants off of your legs with a resounding riiiiip. The gush of cold air on your thighs and mounting desire for him to absolutely ruin you had your breath catching in your throat. Hungry eyes scoured every exposed inch of you as his palms trailed up your legs, settling on your hips. Without warning, his fingers dug harshly into your flesh and he flipped you onto your stomach, twisting your arms into a tangle with their chains around your head as your feet fumbled to find the floor. You felt the hot, engorged head of his leaky cock brush against the curve of your ass as he loomed over your precariously positioned body, long inky locks tickling the back of your shoulders. Your stomach fluttered with anticipation as a large hand pressed your face into the dampness left by your last soul-evicting orgasm and the tip of his swollen erection swiped through your dripping folds. "Beg," he murmured lowly, his hot breath fanning your neck as that inhuman tongue traced the shell of your ear.
"Please, Orochimaru," you whimpered tearily against the damp metal. "I'm yours -- I n-need you. I'm sorry for what I said."
He hummed contently at your desperate prayer, seemingly placated by your offering as sharp teeth nipped at your neck and he sunk his entire length into your hungry, aching heat. The low growl rumbling through his chest betrayed the air of indifference that hung about him. You felt divine. Your cunt still pulsed and tightened around him from the lingering waves and heightened sensitivity left behind from his earlier work on your most sensitive nerves.
You cried out into the dirty surface beneath your squished cheek as the relentless pounding drove your hips into the edge of the table. Wrenching your arms against your awkwardly tangled restraints, you gasped and moaned as he once again began evicting your soul from your body with a predatory fury. Every rough pistoning of his length into your sopping cunt further drove the thoughts of why you wanted to leave him from your head. Each dig into your flesh and snarl into your ear served as compounding reminders that you were his. The swelling, white heat of another pending orgasm began building in your belly again, making you squirm and buck under the serpent's looming form.
His low, velvet voice filtered into your ear over the rhythmic sounds of flesh meeting flesh as the tenuous threads holding your reality together began to strain and unravel. "Do you still want mercy?"
"Fuck," you choked out in a squeak, toes curling and unable to form an adequate reply. Your clit burned and throbbed, both begging for more abuse and needing desperately to cool off. All logic had been ejected from your head as you babbled incoherently against the metal surface that fogged with your every gaspy breath. His long, curved cock struck you repeatedly in ways that stole your reasoning, leaving nothing but an eruption of static and incomprehensible pleasure in its wake.
"Or do you want to submit and be mine?" He tempted in a cruel purr.
"Yours!" You rasped between labored breaths. The sound that bellowed from your chest when he reached between your legs to toy with your already throbbing bundle of nerves and echoed off of the stone walls was hardly human. You screamed the knells of a banshee queen, spasming and twisting beneath him in an ill-contrived effort to throw him off of you as the painfully pleasurable shocks that touch sent through your nervous system threatened to short circuit your brain.
Orochimaru's lips twisted into a wicked grin as you began falling apart beneath him in a quivering mess of broken wails. Every desperate squeeze of your pulsing walls around his cock was a silent chant of victory. Every nonsensical whimper of yours that tumbled from your lips were your admissions of defeat. He was the master of his domain, and that domain included every trembling bit of flesh beneath him. Digging his fingers roughly into you again and coiling around your body like a serpent, he lurched forward, sinking pointed fangs into your neck as he chased his own release with your spent body.
For a moment, you lapsed from reality as that bite shot blinding pain through every atom in your being and mixed with the nigh intolerable pleasure ripping through your core. Everything stopped. The low growls in your ear, the slaps of flesh, your labored breathing -- all went silent for an instant as you blinked out of existence for a single heartbeat. The world came roaring back with the next thump in your chest as your eyes shot open and a demonic hellcry tore its way out of throat.
The most intense orgasm of your life ravaged your mortal shell and left you sobbing helplessly beneath the orchestrator of your out of body experience.
You couldn't breathe.
You couldn't speak.
You couldn't anything.
Soft laughter swirled around your head as you felt hot liquid dribble down the insides of your thighs. A hand trailed delicately from your hip, soothingly moving over your spine and to the sore puncture wounds that now marred your neck. An insidious, crooked smirk pulled at his lips as an intricate pattern of dark swirls blossomed under your bruised flesh.
A curse mark. His curse mark, given to you instead of mercy -- forever branding you as Orochimaru's most prized possession.
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chanfictions · 3 years
Imagine that the reader brought a small ritual to Akatsuki.
When leaving on a mission, and returning to the base after the mission, the reader and an Akatsuki member place their palms on each other's cheeks and touch their foreheads and noses.
Perhaps the reader is a local medic who sits at the base
Hnnnng, this is so cute I might actually die.
Characters featured:
Itachi, Kisame, Tobi, Deidara
No warnings. Only fluff below the cut.
Word count: 850
Itachi and Kisame
"Y/N, we're heading out." Itachi's voice cut through the relative quiet of the Akatsuki base that was carved into a nondescript cliffside.
You peered up from your work for a moment to see the pair standing near the doorway of the infirmary. After having just finished patching them up after their last mission, your face twisted into a concerned scowl as you slid from your squeaky stool onto your feet. "Wait a minute. Neither of you are in any kind of shape to be going out again," you chided, doing your best to look like you had any authority over a 6'8" sharkman weilding a sword bigger than most people and the prodigy of the Uchiha clan.
A hearty, raspy chuckle filled the room, erupting from the giant's barrel of a chest. Kisame found your concern for them to be endearing. "We'll be just fine. You're the one who patched us up, after all."
You puffed your cheeks, flustered by his flippant disregard for his own safety. With a quick adjustment of your vest, you walked over to them, the hard soles of your shoes clacking loudly across the tile floor and stopped in front of Itachi, who was nearest to you. With an expectant look, you gazed up into his dark irises. A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he realized why it was you were standing there staring at him in such an odd way. He leaned down slightly as your palms softly came to rest upon his cheeks and rested his forehead against yours, bumping the tips of your noses together while cradling your face in the same manner. "Stay safe. Come home safe," you said quietly, closing your eyes.
"I will," Itachi replied with a gentle smile. He had grown to love this little ritual that you brought to the Akatsuki from the tiny village in the cold mountains from which you hailed. It was your way of calling them family. While some of the other members found it bothersome and annoying, it filled him with a much needed sense of belonging. He lingered there for a moment, soaking in the warmth of a friendly touch before you released each other.
"And you," you began while stepping over to Kisame, sliding a small step stool away from the wall to stand on in order to actually reach. Your fingers lightly brushed across his cheeks as you bumped foreheads and brushed noses. "Stay safe. Come home safe. And make sure he doesn't get himself into trouble," you added with a smile that vanished under the large palms cupping your cheeks.
With a toothy grin and a deep laugh, Kisame assured you, "I will."
Deidara and Tobi
"Deidara, wait! We haven't said goodbye to Y/N yet!" Tobi flapped his arms wildly, trying to catch the Akatsuki's most explosive member's attention as he lingered just inside of the door that led outside.
With an exasperated huff, Deidara glanced over his shoulder, his face twisted in annoyance. "We don't have time for that crap, Tobi. We have a mission."
"But Y/N will be upset with you if you leave without saying goodbye again! Remember what happened last time? You blew up! And she had to fix you! It's because you didn't do the thing," Tobi insisted, crossing his arms.
Deidara groaned, his irritation with Tobi growing by the second. He turned completely and walked back down the hallway with him just to shut him up. "I didn't blow up because of some ridiculous superstition made up by the crazy people living in the mountains," Deidara stated flatly.
"Yes, you did!"
The echoes of their ongoing debate regarding the validity of your beloved ritual left you giggling quietly to yourself as they approached the open door of the infirmary. Looking like a terribly disinterested teenager, Deidara stepped through the doorway while rolling his eyes. "We're leaving."
Still amused at what you heard earlier, you were biting back your smile at the ridiculous face Deidara was making as you walked up to him and placed your palms on his cheeks. He mirrored your action and reluctantly touched his forehead against yours as you gave his nose a bump. "Stay safe. Come home safe." You said with a small smile as you closed your eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I will," Deidara grumbled, pretending like this was the most bothersome thing he had to endure in his life. When you released him, he walked back into the hallway. "Hurry up, Tobi, or we're going to be late for our rendezvous."
"Just a minute!" Tobi called before trotting up to you. The soft smile you had pointed at him warmed his soul. Now that Deidara was out of sight, he lifted his mask, leaving it on the top of his head as you reached up to cradle his disfigured face, not at all bothered by its appearance. You were one of the select few who knew his true identity, and one of even fewer he cared about enough to let into his world. He melted against you for a moment as your foreheads came to rest together and the tips of your noses touched.
"Stay safe. Come home safe," you breathed, feeling the warmth of his hands through his gloves as you brushed your thumb across his scarred cheek.
"I will."
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chanfictions · 3 years
Negotiation Tactics
Kakuzu x Reader
18+ Content! Minors, DNI!
(Not part of my Count series).
First time / don't get shy on me now -- little different from my usual bondagey shenanigans.
This is what happens when Chan tries to write a request from a prompt list. I have zero self control.
Warnings: Kakuzu being Kakuzu, fingering, creampies, smut, smut, smut.
Sitting alone in a spacious booth in the quiet, dimly lit lounge, a low, annoyed rumble moved through Kakuzu's chest as he paged through his ledger and took a slow drink from his near-empty tumbler of whiskey that had long since been reduced to a watery mess by ice cubes that melted under the angry heat of his palm that strangled the glass. Eyebrows twisted into knots, he cursed under his breath as he scanned the numbers.
His latest hire had been an utter failure and subsequently "fired" after thoroughly buggering his books, leaving him with an unholy mess to untangle and a body to bury.
"Sir?" Your soft voice cut through the mire of his rage. Intense, emerald eyes snapped to the source of the sound, settling upon you with a burning intensity as you stood before him with a tray tucked under your arm and a fresh drink in hand. "You looked like you needed a refill," you said quickly. Your shift was nearly over, but you couldn't help but notice the strangely handsome, rough-around-the-edges customer who had been parked in that booth for hours was still there, glaring at the mess of papers and books strewn about across his table. You had been eyeing him and those lines of coded text all night, taking in the strings of numbers that made little sense to most people. You, however, we're not most people.
Kakuzu grunted what you assumed was some kind of sound of gratitude and flicked his empty glass your way, taking the fresh one from you with a swift snatch and returning his gaze to the books in front of him. When you remained in your spot after several moments, his vicious gaze met yours again. "What?" He barked gruffly.
"I'm sorry, I just couldn't help but notice what you're working on… and, well…" you shifted uncomfortably under the weight of that glare and twisted your fingers into the lip of the tray you were now holding against your chest.
"Spit it out," he growled, eyes burning holes through your soul, clearly irritated that you were still standing there like you expected a tip or something.
"I, um--" Sweat prickled across the back of your neck as you glanced between his angry face and the pile of papers in front of him. The numbers danced upon the page and into your head, arranging themselves into the proper order right before your eyes. The words you wanted swelled in your chest but stalled in your mouth, as the intimidating leer focused hotly upon you wreaked havoc on your resolve. Chewing your lip, you mumbled while subtly gesturing with your tray, "I can help you with that."
"Speak up, girl," he snapped, eyes narrowing.
Feeling yourself rapidly crumbling under the intensity of his stare, you took a deep breath, snatched the pencil out of his hand and spun his ledger to face you, quickly scribbling corrections lightly in the margins of the page as heat ripped through your cheeks. "I'm really sorry. It's been bugging me all night," you stammered quickly, dropping the pencil and stepping backward, only stopping when an iron grip clamped around your forearm.
"I'm sorry, I can't -- I have another half--"
"I said sit," he snarled.
With wide eyes and a squeak, you slid into the side of the booth opposite the confusing aura of interest and malice. It wasn't until you were seated that you took in the full scope of the man sitting across from you -- tall, burly, and no doubt part of some unsavory business, judging by the scars and strange tattoos that littered his exposed, muscular forearms.
"Is this some kind of joke?" He demanded as his piercing gaze returned to your scribbles, glancing between them and the other numbers scrawled across the pages as if checking your work.
"I-I'm sorry?"
"You did all of those calculations in your head and you're working as a waitress," he spat.
You found yourself struggling to come up with an answer to that. "I'm just kind of good with numbers -- but really, sir, I have to get back to work--"
Kakuzu erupted with mocking laughter. "Work? This job is a waste of your time."
More embarrassed heat simmered under your skin as you tangled your fingers into your apron under the table. "I need the money."
"The money?" he echoed condescendingly. "What are they paying you here?"
Admittedly, the pay here was garbage, but it was just enough to cover your bills and the rent for your shitty studio apartment, and you said as much.
Kakuzu clearly found your salary to be an embarrassment, as he hummed with more taunting buzzes of quiet laughter upon hearing your timidly stated wage. "I'll pay you twice that if you quit now and work for me instead." While a bargain for him, it was a life-changing sum for you, and he knew it.
You balked, unable to fully form an answer initially. "Doing what?" You finally choked out. The prospect of leaving your dead-end job was alluring to say the least.
"I need a new bookkeeper."
"I'm not exactly qualified--"
"Bullshit," he snorted. "Do you want to leave this dump or not?"
You glanced around the room, subtly searching nervously for your boss. This offer sounded too good to be true, and you had been warned once about human-traffickers that occasionally passed through this part of town. "What happened to your old one?" You inquired carefully.
"The old one made this mess."
The fact that he didn't directly answer your question made you a touch uneasy. "I don't know," you mumbled quietly. "What's the company? What village?"
"You ask too many questions," he gruffed, taking a drink from his fresh glass as he leered your way. "You'd be working for me, not some company affiliated with a village." While still tempting, his offer still sounded unnervingly suspicious. "Either give me an answer or go back to doing your pitiful job and bring me my damn bill so I can leave."
With a deep breath, you mustered all of your courage and stumbled over your flustered reply. "I'll do it for three times my current wage."
Kakuzu quirked a brow at your sudden counter-offer. Without missing a beat, he countered you again. "Two."
"Three," you stated as firmly as you could, clenching your shaking fists around your apron under the table in an effort to keep your nerves in check. "You said yourself you think I'm qualified."
Kakuzu snickered in amusement at your little display of bravado and leaned toward you intimidatingly as he spoke. "And you're shaking under the table because you don't. Two."
"Three, or I walk and I tell my boss to bill you twice that for the help I already gave you," you squeaked, struggling to hold your ground.
"Two, or I tell your boss you've been job hunting on his dime," he sneered.
Heat bubbled under your skin as you glanced around the lounge again, hoping your absence in the back wasn't noticed. "Two and a half," you conceded quietly.
"Done. Ditch the apron."
It had been a month since Kakuzu discovered you, his little diamond in the rough, working at that dingey little lounge, and what an interesting month it had been. You unexpectedly found yourself packing most of your life up into a bag and following the strange man whose name you only learned after taking his job offer and heading out of town. Only as you were cramming clothes into a bag did you really realize how insane you were for doing this, but it wasn't like you had much tying you down to your crappy studio apartment. The roof leaked. The walls were drafty. You shared the space with more creepy crawlies than you cared to think about. It was just a roof over your head, nothing more.
"Hurry up," the gruff voice barked from ahead of you as its owner paused to leer at you over his shoulder. The sun was beginning to set, and a storm was brewing on the horizon. Tonight was not a night to be spent in the woods.
With a squeak, you faltered under the weight of the documents you were tasked with carrying, teetering precariously as the bag you struggled to adjust threatened to topple you over sideways. "Just a sec--" Just as you thought you were about to right yourself, your foot caught a root and you tumbled into the dirt in an ungraceful heap.
Heavy footsteps tracked over to you, bringing with them the rolling thunder of Kakuzu's annoyance. With one hand, he grabbed you by the handle at the top of your backpack and hauled you up onto your feet, eyeing you critically as you stumbled to get your legs under you properly. "What's the matter, is that too heavy for you?" He inquired in an almost mocking tone, though he knew the answer to his question already. Of course it was too heavy for you. He was curious to see how long it would take before you admitted defeat, but you were more stubborn than he gave you credit for. The pack you were struggling to carry weighed almost as much as you did, and you were not accustomed to this sort of thing. Sure, you could balance a tray of ten drinks without spilling a drop, but this was another beast entirely.
Heat washed over your face as Kakuzu reset you like a rag doll and that piercing, jade gaze lingered on you just a bit longer than it needed to. Admittedly, the bag was digging painfully into your shoulders and had done a number on your back, but you hadn't said a word about it. "It's just a little awkward. It's fine," you breathed rather unconvincing, eyeing the dark clouds rolling in the distance.
"We have another mile to go before we reach the inn," he grunted, peeling it roughly off of your back and casually slinging it over his shoulder while thrusting a much lighter suitcase at your chest instead. "Pick up the pace unless you want to get soaked."
"Sorry," you muttered quietly, suddenly feeling quite light now that the weight had literally been lifted from your shoulders. You grasped the suitcase firmly, getting your fingers around the slick, metal handle as you regained your footing and resumed following him. You arrived just as fat, heavy droplets of water began pelting the awning, which sent you scampering inside just behind Kakuzu to avoid the coming torrential downpour. Pulling back your hood, you heard the words from the innkeeper's mouth that you had been dreading.
"I'm sorry, sir, but we only have one vacancy."
Heat flooded your face again. Great. Your eyes traveled up Kakuzu's strong, broad back as you listened to him growl at the poor attendant and felt your ears catch fire. Now, you were going to have to share a room with him and the indecent thoughts that had been simmering in your skull ever since you spotted him at his booth at your old job. While he was surly and rather rough around the edges, something about him made your heart pound and turned words on your tongue into mush. Maybe it was because he saw your worth as more than just a good-looking waitress. Or maybe it was just those massive biceps, rippling forearms, and that deliciously imposing aura he exuded. You hadn't quite settled on which yet. Shaking your head, you tried to evict those images from your mind before he turned around and read the embarrassment on your face.
"Let's go." That deep, gravelly voice snapped you out of the lecherous thoughts that had you drifting in fantasy-land, prompting you to quickly follow him up the creaking flight of steps to the left of the check in desk. You nearly ran into him when he paused to unlock the door. It took you a moment to collect yourself and to will the flaming heat to leave your cheeks. Kakuzu slid the monstrous pack full of paperwork from his shoulder onto the table situated in a corner of the room, making it groan in protest under the weight. Thunder crashed loudly outside behind the accompanying lighting strike that illuminated the entire area through the window, startling you so thoroughly that you nearly dropped the suitcase you'd been handed earlier. A low snicker hissed from his lips as his gaze traveled over your wide eyes and momentarily frightened expression. "What, afraid of a little thunder?"
That damn heat rushed through your face again. "No, it just startled me," you mumbled, closing the door behind you and setting the case upon the table next to the bag. Scanning the room, you took in the sleeping arrangements. A couch that had definitely seen better days was tucked against the window flickering with lightning and a single bed was positioned on an adjacent wall. No doubt Kakuzu would claim the bed for himself despite the fact that you knew he split the cost of the room with you by taking it from your pay. He would find some excuse or another, probably citing having to carry your load of paperwork for part of the trip as his justification for taking the better sleeping surface. No matter. At least you weren't outside. That couch was probably still more comfortable than your old bed, anyway.
"Stay here while I deal with the exchange," Kakuzu ordered tersely, swiping the metal case from the table. "Don't open that door for anyone."
"I know," you waved your hand dismissively. This was a conversation he often had with you before meeting with his more unsavory clients.
"I mean it, girl," he snapped, eyes focused hotly on you.
"I'm going to be too busy showering and getting this paperwork in order to worry about answering the door," you smiled weakly under the intensity of his glaring.
With a grunt, he turned to the door, pausing only to bark one last order at you. "I'll be back in a few hours. Don't even think about taking that bed--"
There it is. "--I'm on the couch, I know," you called over your shoulder as you began unpacking a few things from your bag of personal belongings. After Kakuzu left, you locked the door as per his orders and breathed a soft sigh of relief. At least you would have a few hours to yourself to soak in hot water and go over the numbers once more without worrying about a certain pair of eyes following your movements. Kakuzu's heated gaze always left you flustered, and you often wondered if he did it on purpose. He was so damn hard to read that you couldn't quite tell if he was glaring at you angrily or if he was just staring because he just wanted to look at you. Asking him as much was entirely out of the question, though, as you felt you might never recover from the mockery that would surely ensue.
Shaking your head to rid yourself of those thoughts, you gathered your soap and shampoo before heading into the bathroom. Mercifully, the room came with a tub. You filled the basin with hot, steamy water and groaned quietly as you had yourself a nice soak. This was a luxury that you weren't often able to enjoy, so you were going to savor this. With that savoring of the hot water lapping at your skin returned your sinful thoughts of Kakuzu. Stolen glimpses of exposed flesh left your imagination filling in the gaps. Images of those rough hands and thick, strong arms encircling your body flashed behind your eyelids intrusively, leaving you with an unexpected ache swelling in your core as your own hand trailed lightly over your skin, half intending to wash away grime but really mimicking the playback in your head. With your imagination holding the reins, your mind swiftly went elsewhere. You weren't thinking about your comparatively small palms smoothing over your body under the soft weight of the surrounding water. You were thinking about his -- large, calloused hands, toughened by years of fighting and hard work...
"What the hell is wrong with me?" You squeaked out loud, eyes snapping open suddenly as you caught yourself mid-fantasy and abruptly sat upright, splashing water over the side of the tub with your movement. Your heart pounded in your chest and breath caught in your throat as you struggled to get yourself together and finished cleaning up, draining the tub and wrapping yourself in a robe as you climbed out. Shaking your head, you hung your towel and padded into the main room, adjusting the knot around your waist as you stood at the edge of the table. With a quiet groan, you dug through the stupidly heavy bag of paperwork, digging out the ledgers you needed and flipped them open in a neat array across the table. Eyes focused intensely on the strings of numbers, you slipped into a deep state of concentration, gnawing absentmindedly on a pencil as you muttered to yourself and made slight adjustments to the numbers. You became so thoroughly engrossed in your work that you completely lost track of time. The sound of the lock rattling and twisting caused you to snap your head up, wide-eyed and surprised when Kakuzu's masked face appeared in the widening gap.
Oh, hell. You were still in your goddamn robe.
With a squeak, you dropped what you were working on, trying to ignore the low, amused laughter rolling from your companion's chest as he closed the door behind him with a foot, as he now bore two suitcases instead of the one he left with. Always in a better mood after completing these exchanges and having payment in hand, Kakuzu's eyes remained unnervingly focused on you, keenly taking in the sight before him. He quite liked the view and unsurprisingly enjoyed how flustered you became under his leering. It was almost cute. "What, finished with the books already?" He inquired roughly as he peeled off his cloak and mask and tossed them over the back of a chair, revealing the strong, muscular arms and broad chest that had been plaguing your fantasies as he walked toward you.
Heat washed through your cheeks again, as you were definitely caught staring. "I was just double-checking some things," you muttered, trying to find something else to focus on but failing miserably.
A smirk pulled at the stitched corners of his mouth as Kakuzu noticed what you were so intently fixated on. Him. It was no secret to him that you were stealing not-so-subtle glances whenever you could, but oh, did he enjoy tormenting you about it. "Can I help you with something?" He sneered in amusement.
Confused arousal shuddered through your body in a rippling wave as he loomed over you. "N-nope, just about done here," you stammered as you stared up at him, taking a step back toward the wall.
"I wasn't referring to your work," he grunted, closing the gap and grasping your chin with that same crooked smirk pulling at his lips and crinkling the corners of his eyes.
The surprisingly gentle grip he had on your face had you quickly unraveling under his fingertips. You swallowed hard, eyes shifting over the landscape of rippling muscle that was now planted right in front of you as your heart fluttered into your mouth. The scent of sandalwood filled your head as the immense heat radiating from his body seemed to consume you. The plush robe covering you now felt woefully inadequate, leaving you clutching at the top edge to pull it more firmly over yourself.
Planting his other hand against the wall next to your head, he leaned in closer, head tilted slightly as those intense green eyes locked onto yours. This tension between you had been thicker than ever in the last week, and Kakuzu had had enough. Your brain malfunctioned as you stood there, caged in by the subject of your embarrassingly lewd fantasies. Every response you tried to come up with fell apart in your mouth before you could say anything meaningful. He was so warm. So close. So intolerably hot.
"You've been staring at me like a starving dog after a steak for weeks," he growled in that gravelly tone that left knots of delicious heat coiling in your belly, still with that soft grip on your chin.
"Have not," you lied unconvincingly, the pulse of your undeniable lust continuing to build.
Kakuzu snorted, fingertips ghosting your throat so faintly that you shuddered with a confused need. "Liar," he rumbled in your ear. "You're not as subtle as you think you are."
You bit your lip as you stared up at him, feeling the intensity of his own burning desire radiating from his chiseled form. "Kakuzu..." you breathed nervously, shrinking back into the wall slightly. Even without malicious intent, your boss had an undeniably imposing presence about him.
"What?" He taunted you in what might have almost been a playful tone.
"You're a little intimidating," you admitted finally with a nervous, breathy laugh.
A low, rumbling chuckle escaped his mouth as the hand on your face trailed slowly down the front of your robe toward the knot that was currently keeping you decent. "And?"
"That's all," you squeaked, biting your lip to contain the lusty little sound you knew you would make if it weren't stifled as the warm palm of your fantasies gripped the cloth belt around your waist.
"Tell me what you want, girl," he murmured against your neck.
Your knees almost buckled under the weight of his inquiry as his lips grazed your soft skin. "You first," you stammered, hoping to turn the tables on him.
He chucked lowly. "You're cute when you think you can negotiate."
"Now, either answer me or put some damn clothes on."
Your heart hammered in your chest as you tried to form the single word you needed to satisfy his question. Having him this close to you completely short-circuited your brain. How on earth could you possibly tell him that you'd been fantasizing about this sort of thing for weeks? Chewing the inside of your cheek, it took you a moment to gather your resolve. "You," you spoke quietly.
"Speak up," he gruffed with a wicked smirk pulling at his lips.
"I want you." You stammered with a bit more volume as heat flooded your face.
With an amused hum, he tugged the belt of your robe by one free tail, unraveling the knot in a swift motion. Slipping his hand between the two folds of fabric, he trailed that warm, rough palm over the curve of your hip to squeeze your bare ass, leaving you gasping in surprise and pleasantly stunned at the sensation. "Sitting around in nothing but this knowing I was going to be back soon," he mused, still caging you in against the wall with his other hand pressed to its surface next to your head.
"That's not--"
You were swiftly interrupted by his low, rumbling laughter and a deliciously spine-tingling order. "Lose the robe."
You froze.
"Don't get shy on me now," he murmured, sliding the hand on your hip up the front of your body, taking his sweet time to reach your neck. Your eyes fluttered shut as the tiniest whimper of a moan escaped your lips despite your best efforts to stifle the sound. His touch felt exactly the way you imagined it would, and gods have mercy did you ever like it. Kakuzu brushed his thumb across your lip, taking in your bashful expression when you opened your eyes again. "What, never had a man touch you like that before?" He taunted with a crooked smirk.
"Well..." At this point, you weren't sure your face could get any hotter.
"You chose a rough first ride," he hummed in a mocking tone at your growing embarrassment, still cupping your face in his large hand.
Chewing your lip, your eyes flicked down for a moment, catching a brief glimpse of the immense bulge straining the fabric of his pants. Oh.
Chuckling darkly, he tilted your gaze upward away from the intimidating heat he was packing. "Be a good girl for me, and maybe I'll consider being gentle."
Swallowing hard, you nodded, entirely immobilized by the intensity of the gaze set upon you. Still biting your lip, your heart pounded madly as heat pooled and throbbed between your legs. You hesitantly traced your hand over what you thought were just tattoos of stitches on his forearms, only to be completely startled upon feeling ridges instead. Even more surprisingly, a single, seemingly sentient thread untangled itself from his skin and coiled around your wrist teasingly before winding itself back into place. You couldn't even get your head around what you just saw and momentarily jerked your hand back until the thread vanished.
He smirked, pulling your attention away from the shocking discovery by snaking the hand cupping your cheek around the back of your head, pulling you into a rough, heated kiss that completely ejected all thoughts of those wiggly tendrils from your mind. Your entire body hummed to life in his grip as he shuffled you where you were more or less pinned against the wall, slipping his rough palms under your robe and picking you up off the ground with each hand firmly cupping an ass cheek. You squeaked in surprise into his mouth, tangling your arms around his neck as your feet were unexpectedly removed from the floor. That little squeak quickly rolled into a quiet moan that he greedily swallowed as your bare cunt brushed against the cloth containing the heavy bulge you spotted earlier.
The next thing you knew, your back landed on the bed with your legs dangling partly off the edge, and you were being framed by the strong, thick arms that plagued your fantasies as he loomed over you like a hungry wolf. A few stray locks of hair escaped the bun on the back of Kakuzu's head and tickled your cheeks as a deep growl rumbled from his chest. Running your hands up his well-muscled torso, you panted lightly upon feeling a rough palm slide under your robe, flipping one panel open, unwrapping you like a present and exposing you to his hungry eyes with a satisfied hum. With one of your legs trapped between his, the trails of his calloused touches moved across your body in firm waves, leaving you squirming, breathless, and throbbing with need.
Kakuzu hummed in amusement as he palmed your soaked pussy, tracing a thick finger along your glossy folds, leaving you shuddering with anticipation. "You've been thinking about this the whole time we've been here." A statement, not a question. That gravelly voice hummed through your entire being on the tail of a wicked smirk. Before you had a chance to formulate a response, he sunk a thick digit into your core, leaving you gasping his name and gripping at his shirt. It felt divine. Your dirty daydreams no longer did him justice as he strummed you like an instrument and murmured mocking praises in your ear, adding a second digit to the mix. "Don't tell me that's too much for you already," he taunted lowly, drawing slow circles around your clit and enjoying every little mewl and moan that made its way past your parted lips.
"N-no, just really--" What you wanted to say was good, but the sound that came out of your mouth as he curled those fingers inside your pulsing heat and ground the heel of his hand against your clit hardly resembled a word at all and just rolled into a breathy moan that left a wild arch in your back.
"Really what?" He gruffed wickedly, a smirk pulling at the corner of his stitched mouth as you clenched around his fingers like a vice.
"Fuck," you squeaked, unable to finish your earlier statement and whimpering as he added a third. You gasped and squirmed under the intense stretch of his skillful fingers as he hummed taunts in your ear.
"You'll thank me for this later."
That voice sent lusty shivers up your spine. You clawed at his clothes, needing something to hang on to as he dragged you toward a mind-boggling peak that had your eyes rolling back in your head, inhuman sounds breezing through your lips, and hips bucking into his hand. Stars exploded behind your eyes when the coil of heat in your belly finally burst and your core fluttered and clenched with rippling pulses that left you breathless and coated in sweat.
"What do you say?" That deep voice gruffly rumbled through your entire being as he roughly curled his fingers again for dramatic effect.
"T-thank you, s-sir," you stammered through gaspy pants.
"Good girl," he murmured in your ear, withdrawing his fingers after you finished riding out those waves and leaving you achingly empty to begin peeling off his clothes. Breathing heavily, you stared up at him with a lusty awe. That man had no business looking as good as he did, sentient threads or not. You ran your hands over his firm, scarred body, unable to take your eyes off him as he took his sweet time undressing before leaning down and caging you in again. Your eyes widened as his hot, heavy cock slapped against your belly. The expression on your face must have been amusing to him, as he chuckled lowly, tangling one hand in your hair behind your head while swiping his fat tip through your slick. "Relax," he hummed, his breath tickling your ear as yours caught in your throat.
Easier said than done. Thick arms coiled around your body as the broad head of his thick cock slowly pressed into you. The stretch was intense. A little whimper vibrated in your chest as you held your breath and dug your fingers into his shoulder with tears threatening to prickle at the corners of your eyes. "K-kakuzu, 's too much--"
"Breathe." The gruff order lacked the usual bite with which he generally spoke. He was being shockingly gentle with you, despite his earlier taunts that such a thing would only be considered. Sliding forward painstakingly slowly into your tight, pulsing heat, his deep voice rumbled through you as his large, calloused palm moved soothingly over your skin. "Good girl."
Something about those little praises from him left your heart fluttering in delight. The intense stretch you felt as he parted your silky walls slowly melted into a deliciously full sensation that you just couldn't get enough of when your hips finally met. Your pained little whimpers morphed into pleasure-drunk mewls as you buried your face against the curve of Kakuzu's shoulder.
"Fuck," he growled under his breath, running his hand up your torso to lightly squeeze a breast as he gave you a moment to adjust. The tight grip your little pussy had on him and the breathy little moans escaping your lips were maddening. It took every ounce of his self-control to not just pin your legs to your chest and fuck your soul from your body. You squirmed under his weight, the absolute fullness you felt driving you to need motion. Soft pleas fell from your lips against his throat as you tangled your arms around his neck. Those little sounds were met with low, hums of lightly taunting laughter that were more typical of the Kakuzu you knew as he obliged. "Needy little thing, aren't you?" He gruffed in your ear, one hand wrapping teasingly around your throat.
You fumbled over the sounds that should have made your broken confirmation to his question, but the syllables were lost amidst the delicious feeling of being entirely possessed by the man pinning you to that bed. The impressive girth dragging along your tight, fluttering walls occupied every ounce of your attention, leaving you gasping and clinging to him as he took you on the white-knuckled ride of your life. Every motion of his hips and yours dragged delightful friction across your puffy clit that surged through every nerve in your body. There was no containing your breathy moans as you dug your nails into his back. Heat began knotting in your core again. "F-fuck -- so good, I--" You bit your lip nearly hard enough to draw blood as an arch rolled up your spine.
Kakuzu groaned through gritted teeth as your walls clenched tightly around his impressive girth, rutting his hips into your soaked, pulsing core more roughly in response, which only seemed to escalate the lewd sounds you were making. The bed creaked in protest as its posts repeatedly struck the wall with the increasing intensity of your movements. With a stifled growl, he grabbed one of your knees and pressed it to your chest, achieving more depth that sent another round of fireworks bursting behind your eyes as he swallowed your lewd cries with another bruising kiss. Your bodies became a heated tangle as he crushed you against the bed and you breathed heavily in stuttered gasps, tearing little red lines into his skin in a desperate attempt to hold on as he railed you into oblivion. His thrusts gained depth and became more frantic, driving you toward the brink as you lost yourself, feeling you almost couldn't take any more. His name left your lips like a desperate prayer, only to be muffled by his palm clamping over your mouth to smother the loud wail that tore from your throat as he grappled with your other leg to strike a new depth that left you screaming into his hand. With a rumbling snarl against your neck, his rhythm faltered and he gripped you tightly while he fucked you through his own release, painting your walls with thick ropes of white.
You whined pathetically, struggling to regain your breath and your hold on reality as he slowly lowered your legs back down onto the bed and eased his length from your still fluttering core. Warm hands moved soothingly over your skin as raspy praises rumbled into your head to bring you back down from space. You rolled against his firm body, nuzzling your face into his shoulder for a moment to ground yourself in the grip of those thick, muscular arms as your frantic heartbeat gradually slowed.
"You need another shower," he gruffed, amusement lingering in his voice.
"No way, not getting up," you breathed, pressing yourself into him stubbornly with your eyes closed.
A snort breezed past your ear as those delightful, rough hands moved slowly over your fatigued body. "You do if you want to sleep in this bed."
You cracked an eye open upon hearing his offer. "You're going to share," you mumbled flatly in disbelief, tilting your head out of its little nook to gaze up at him.
A smirk cracked at the corner of his mouth as he teasingly trailed his hand up your torso, playing his fingertips lightly over your throat. "You've gotten better at negotiating, but I suggest you do as I say before I decide to change the terms."
With a giggle, you reluctantly shifted sideways out of his grip onto your belly, turning your head to face him as you tucked an arm under your chin with a bashful smile. "Fine, but you're coming with me."
Tagged: @anakatsukiromance
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