#cgp egos
unuskinnie · 1 year
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Rip Mike. He got third degree burns from Bernice
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briskkat · 2 years
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I miss this
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dashboardh · 2 months
Proclamation of Peace
This year is the year of “peace” for me. I’ve been using the word “peace” as a yearly theme to guide me on my journeys this year. Idea of comes from a CGP Grey video, which he discusses in greater detail using a word as a theme, instead of a New Year’s resolution, because a word is more flexible than a rigid goal. Any day that you move a little bit more forward towards your word theme as a focus is deemed as a success, meanwhile, anything that isn’t achieving your goal, is seen as a failure, so that’s the reasoning and thought process behind this exercise.
Now I’ve decided to choose this word “peace” for a multitude of reasons. Primarily, it’s to focus on emotional regulation. No, I’m not someone to go off on people, But internally, I would like to process my emotions quicker, and come to egoless and utilitarian solutions more quickly. So what that means is I would like to put myself aside, more often, my feelings of self, in order to present myself as a better person. It’s not that I don’t want to care about what other people think of me, I just would like to process those thoughts and feelings more quickly, because in the grand scheme of things, I have weighted those thoughts too highly. I am an extreme people pleaser, and part of that is to fulfill my desire to be wanted, but all of my people pleasing doesn’t always align with what I actually want to do, and at points, I don’t feel like a real human being, almost automated. In some capacity I feel like I’m a lot more in-tuned with my emotions and my thoughts than my peers, but I am no Mr. Rogers, an inspiration of mine. I would love to have a great patience for people, and maintain proper executive function on the things I need to do in my life, that is the peace I desire.
Subsequently, I would also like to see me advocating and avoiding unnecessary conflict. Like they say in Fullmetal alchemist “Together we go to the top”. There is also the African proverb “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” A movement is not one person, a glacier is not seen as a single ice cube, in that sense, I, nor anyone, will ever be the “it-factor”. I believe it is ego to believe so, and anyone you believe to be the “it-factor” has gotten there by circumstantial luck.
Lastly, to love, is to support unconditionally. There will be those who wish to hate you unconditionally, but if you love unconditionally long enough, you will have those who will reciprocate your unconditional love and have your back against those who despise you. That is true strength, strong love. And I believe that can only be achieved with a peaceful mentality. By that, I don’t mean let people step on you. What I’m truly saying is if you love deeply, you will be difficult to step on, so don’t let the haters take that love away from you, it is your strongest ally and tool in this world.
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zeitghost · 6 months
Y’know what? I’m gonna say it. I’m not gonna change my opinion on the Californian flag just because some dumb bitch with an internet connection and an inflated ego watched one CGP Grey video and now thinks he’s hot shit.
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Well I'm still alive
[3:37 PM]Which is good I guess
[3:37 PM]I mean, who am I kidding? I keep coming back here every few days trying to reconcile, reflect and move on for the better.
[3:37 PM]Yet I keep failing and coming back here
[3:38 PM]I don't want to give up. It's just really hard every time I try.
[3:38 PM]I did not drink on Thursday and I don't really want to today which means that tomorrow I will reach 72 hours
[3:39 PM]72 hours from today. I will be 23 years old
[3:39 PM]With not much to show for my life
[3:39 PM]I was thinking a lot about CGP Grey's best ways to maximize misery and I pretty much fall under every single category.
[3:39 PM]I literally stayed in bed all day on Thursday
[3:39 PM]I did do laundry this morning though at 2:00 a.m. and I finally cleaned my room properly for the first time in about a week
[3:40 PM]I feel a little bit better but I want to reflect a little bit on yesterday
[3:40 PM]My anxiety has gotten so bad that I literally threw up with no reason to throw up and I have not eaten since yesterday. I don't really feel all that hungry.
[3:41 PM]As for the election, my ego wants me to keep my nomination but my morality wants me to withdraw my nomination. I'm still waiting for [Redacted] to get back to me but I'm pretty sure that he will agree with my decision to withdraw my nomination. Plus I think it'll be really awkward if [Redacted] becomes the VP and I'm his director. I don't want to be a liability to the committee so I think it's best that I don't run
[3:42 PM]There's a lot of things that I want to do in life and I'm not sure if I'm going to get there and I'm not going to make any promises right now
[3:42 PM]I'm just getting all of the information out
But one thing is for sure I guess. I'm not going to kill myself. I have my reasons: Jimmy Carter will outlive you. You won't be able to help people. [Redacted] would be sad. And you will become another statistic about the growing mental health crisis in our generation.
[3:44 PM]Maybe I should get an AI girlfriend
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broken-endings · 2 years
I have a journal app that alerts me to old entries "memories" now and then, and this was from September 2021
Via a video from CGP Grey
Apparently there's this split brain thing where people's brain halves are separated and each half can act separately and even be contradictory to each other where the left brain speaks and explains but the right brain just does.
So many pieces of my journey popped up
The idea of something more than one consciousness in your brain.
The inner child
Why you make choices that you don't understand
Having two strong feelings that contradict each other
How God can talk to you. Or maybe it is God.
How you can think of something you've never thought of before. In which left brain, who didn't think of it, gets the info from right brain.
Maybe dreaming is when they talk to each other
One is the conscious and one is the subconscious, the id vs the ego
Literal scientific evidence that one person can in many ways be two.
Maybe the me i so desperately want to become is what my left brain wants, but for all i know the right brain could be it already.
Right brain stores information but left brain acts in the world.
I can't remember the last time information shook me this much.
Even the video about how "there is no future, only now," didn't resonate this much.
This truth feels so appropriate for my journey, where i was my own worst enemy
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bookwormscififan · 2 years
Pitch your Christmas headcanons please (in asks)
I’m curious how you see the egos on Christmas
Might also write some for Christmas
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I made fanart!! it’s barely more than a sketch but yall don’t even know how much it means to me that i’ve finished and posted fanart, i never finish drawings so i’d given up on even trying to draw fanart cause it’d take too long and whatever meme or event inspired it would be long gone by then... but i made a picrew of blankgmaeplays and some lovely people on reddit were really supportive so her i am, two days later, posting what might be the first fanart i’ve ever shared. it’s only fitting that it’s of ethan, who’s inspired me so much and helped me work on multiple fears and insecurities.
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venln · 4 years
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CrankGameplays BlankGameplays
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helicopterrrfunny · 2 years
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What?! Davey posting cgp egos?! IN 2022?! CRAZY!!
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unuskinnie · 2 years
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Quick sketch of Bernice kicking Mike’s ass
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doctorcollege · 3 years
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who am i???? i'm u................ Blank Game Play,
(click 4 better quality - reblogs - likes)
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athenaeum-simps · 3 years
Memento mori ⚰
Credit:- @spedicey @spediceypie
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ryanisce · 3 years
guardiplier/nightguard mark 🤝 guardgameplays
being chased by killer animatronics
and having to be a nightguard
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dailyegos · 3 years
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Blank: I've known @ego-ask-blog 's Yahoo for one day, and if anything happened to him I'd kill everyone and then myself.
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its-miinty · 4 years
I love how that wasn’t even a decision by Ethan, but we all just decided to put Blank in a hoodie
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