cephalopadre · 7 months
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mechtober day 26: starscream!! our most failest of guys
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quarkie-blog1 · 7 years
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Art trade with @cephalopadre, who also goes by the name of “Kase” 
We sort of had the theme of drawing Judai travelling to our countries. Kase is from the US, and thus I drew Judai taking a stroll in NYC Washington Park. 
Thanks for the lovely conversations/chats, and suggesting the art trade =D. I’m so glad to make another friend in the yugioh fandom who loves science. (Please continue to tell me about plant DNA sequences xDD)
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esteemedbastard · 7 years
Tell me about your book! Do you have a catchy dustcover summary for it yet?
Holy heck no;;; I don’t even have a proper title yet. Its working title is “Cursebroken” since one of the main characters is a curse-breaker (lifts curses on people and objects) and the other character was once cursed.
It will focus on the two main characters as they solve supernatural mysteries, go on archaeological digs, and eat a lot of amazing food. Hey, that could be the catchy summary!
(But seriously, there is a lot of food involved. Also everyone in my book is going to be gay. Everyone.)
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luckykhuxguide · 7 years
Hi guys, thank you so much for the helpful advice!! I've already got iKairi II, but since NA is guaranteeing iKairi I in 5 rolls and I don't have her yet, would you recommend getting her or trying to get the extra attack trait on iKairi II?
Hi Ceph! (*´◒`*)
KH1 kairi illust [p] will help you so much. Especially if you can put a good guard skill on her. However, it really depends on the amount of jewels you have left. The first pull is 1500 jewels (you’ll get 1500 jewels compensation if you pull before 3AM EST) so you have 1 shot I feel you should take anyway. The pull also guarantees 2 6 ☆ 3 dot medals, which is nice for burst.
We know 0.2 Kairi [S] grossly outclasses her though. So if you have Sebastian [P] already, you may consider keeping your jewels.
It really depends on what you currently have, how many jewels, and if you can live without KH1 Kairi illust [P].
If you do not have GAU+3 of any kind, get her, imo. She will help you live to see 0.2 Kairi [S] release.
– Salt
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entamewitchlulu · 7 years
Astral for the Arc-V cameos, if you feel like it? :)
okay since there is no Astral World or Barian World in this version of the universe, Astral is not an Astral being.  Instead, ze’s an experimental AI duel program with a Solid Vision projection that was being tested before the invasion.  The idea was that the developers wanted to make an AI duelist that could be used as practice for students at dueling schools.
When the invasion hit, most of the lab containing Astral’s program was destroyed and the scientists were almost all carded save one, Kazuma Tsukumo, who managed to activate the Astral program before he was also taken out.  Kazuma did have the time to alter Astral’s programming and add one string of code that changed Astral’s purpose from being a practice duelist to being a defense system.
Astral woke up alone in the ruined lab with very few memories except for the added programming that ze was supposed to be protecting Heartland and Heartland citizens.  Zir Solid Vision hologram is maintained by zir duel disk that ze wears at all times, and ze now wanders the ruins of Heartland, appearing whenever ze can to defend duelists and non-duelists from Academia soldiers, and has become something of a legend, a dueling ghost that protects Heartland citizens and delivers them to the safety of the Resistance.
Ryoga wants to try and make contact with the dueling ghost but Astral, despite starting to grow zir own sentience and question zir existence as a living being and not just a program, has trouble actually interacting with humans since there wasn’t anything in zir programming for that originally.  Eventually, Astral does start to develop more humanlike qualities as ze starts to become naturally protective of Heartland, and joins in the fight when Manjoume’s army tries to defeat Edo for his defection.
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peacepowerpie · 6 years
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Part of an art trade for @cephalopadre  😁
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aasecretsanta2016 · 7 years
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Hey @nessiemccormick, it’s your secret santa!  I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and that you like the gift.  Cheers!  <3
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cephalopadre · 7 months
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mechtober day 22: the second day of tfcon! during the idw artists panel, alex milne was asked how ultra magnus and prowl look down and he jokingly answered "well maybe he has cameras installed on his lower body and display the captured video on a screen on his chest". and yeah, i'll incorporate that into my worldview LMAO
the panel was lovely, very glad i got to go :)
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quarkie-blog1 · 7 years
Thank you for tagging me, @umbrellanest !
Rules: Tag nine people you want to get to know better
Relationship status: "studying engineering" (no time for relationships)
Lipstick or Chapstick: Neither. What's a Chapstick anyway?
Last song I Listened To: Wretched Weaponry - Nier Automata OST
Last Movie I Watched: I don't watch movies often... so the last one was Dark Side of Dimensions. Dubbed version though, so uhh... couldn't take it as seriously (but I know that they did put more depth into Aigami's motives in the original).
Top 3(4) Characters: (If you mean permanent favourites...)
- Allen Walker (D.Gray-man) : probably the one I have been fangirling about the longest. He's a shounen main protagonist but he's so likeable and unique to me. 
- Jing (King of Bandits Jing): my childhood hero. He's not from a popular anime nor manga (only in the west though, the fandom still seems to be strong in Japan). Jing is smart in the way that he's a keen analyst. He's the only one I know that doesn't need to upgrade his powers. In the entire series, he just has one and that is enough. 
- Akane Kurashiki (Zero Escape series): The worst heroine character intentionally designed, with a character concept and development satisfyingly complex. The game series has many likeable characters, but I feel that she is the most iconic for the game. 
- Yurul (Shut Hell) : The young but mature medieval Mongolian prince who hates war. For a 10-year-old, he’s gotten a massive character development (and Quarkie just wants him to be happy with Shut Hell ;A;)
Top Three Ships: (oh boy, this is hard)
1. Shut Hell & Yurul (Shut Hell) 2. Dokidokishipping/photonshipping (Yugioh Zexal) 3. Sharbaitshipping (Yugioh Zexal)
Tagging: @cephalopadre @galaxyeyedphoton @colorfulwatcher @rescue-novalis @metalgeartachyon @emma-chi42 @triaga @ceili88 @mediocre-at-bestt  (or anyone else that wants to do it. Can’t hurt to meet new people XD)
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esteemedbastard · 7 years
Phoenix and King
cephalopadre replied to your post: Whoops, just realized I never specified on my blog...
heroshipping + they’re actual superheroes, if you feel like it <3
By the time he’s ten, Edo has already mastered his powers.
By seventeen, Phoenix is a household name.
And at the age of twenty-one, Edo is tired of it.
His powers are pretty spectacular, true: wind manipulation and flight are nothing to sneeze at. Mastering elemental abilities at such a young age is truly impressive. There’s something to be said about Edo’s willpower and ferocity.
But willpower is a finite resource. Edo can only handle so many reporters shoving microphones into his face for one day before he snaps. When Edo finds himself swarmed by the press after catching a high-profile gang of jewelry thieves, he feels himself brewing like one of his storms: hot and humid, with thunder and lightning on the horizon.
It’s times like this that Edo goes to the cemetery to see King.
King is an older hero. Not (much) older in age, but older in powers. His abilities are a dying breed; not as flashy or desirable as Edo’s. Being psychic is cool, but seeing and speaking with spirits? Not so much.
Edo handles the high-profile cases while King lurks down in the basement where the cold case files are kept. At night they get together in Edo’s apartment to discuss and compare notes. They’re known to stay up into the wee hours of the morning and sleep snuggled around each other until it’s time for lunch.
This time, Edo finds him having tea in front of the old mausoleums, talking to someone Edo can’t see or hear. King smiles and stands, his eyes subtly slipping from shining gold back to their normal chocolate brown. Edo returns the smile and presses his lips to King’s cheek in a soft greeting, whispering,
“Hey there, Judai.”
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agenasu · 7 years
“Two facts that he’s been trying very hard to ignore, and up until now has had a pretty good time doing so: one, that his power is activated by feelings of attraction, and two, he has the most hopeless, embarrassing, awkward crush he’s ever experienced in his life--on Mikleo.”
@cephalopadre i was your secret santa!!! you said you liked superhero aus and lighthearted shenanigans and my brain latched onto that and went... way overboard....
but anyway i hope you enjoy the fic and happy holidays!!!  
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leonawriter · 8 years
first impression: a well-written vampire fic in a relatively small fandom! *gasp* (I just re-read Vampire Detective and it still holds up. Good stuff.) impression now: you think about the characters you want to write about with a ton of depth, and I adore your Ace Attorney stuff!
Oh my gosh, you really think so? That was one of my first long fanworks and the first I finished, and to be honest, there are a lot of things about it that I’d want to do differently - I’ve had ideas of doing a re-write for ages. Because I got stuck while writing the sequel, haha... 
I’m really happy to see you say it still holds up, though, and that you’ve stuck with me!
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baozino · 8 years
people are guessing that the pilot of the new Gundam Vidar in IBO is going to be Gaelio, so hopefully he'll be back!
Yeah, that’s what I am hoping as well! (oh the disappointment if it turns out to be someone else entirely)
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talesofsymphoniac · 8 years
cephalopadre replied to your post:THAT WAS PHENOMENAL PLEASE HSM 2 AND 3 I'M CRYING
HSM2 is literally the breakup/makeup oh my GOD maaaybe zaveid can co-opt lunarre in getting sormik back together because, its, well, lunarre. also, edna griping at everyone for being off key and sounding like morons during practice. good.
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cephalopadre · 2 months
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bravern!!!!! *is shaken around like a rag doll*
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quarkie-blog1 · 7 years
List top 5 OTP tag
Thank you @colorfulwatcher for the tag!
Let’s see… I’m assuming it’s romantic pairings.
1. Yurul & Shut Hell (from the manga “Shut Hell”) - it’s an uncommon pairing between a barbaric ex-soldier woman and a peace-loving young Mongol prince. I think if you read it you might know where I am coming from. (Also their romance is canon). It’s probably because of this pairing that I’ve had a strange taste in pairings and find it silly when a lot of hetero-romantic relationships always want an older male.
2. Syaoran Li & Sakura Kinomoto (from “Cardcaptor Sakura”) - these two are probably my earliest liked pairings.
3. Yuma Tsukumo & Kaito Tenjo (Dokidokishipping/Photonshipping from “Yugioh Zexal”) - there’s many likeable pairings in Zexal, but I guess this one just takes the cake for me.
4. Johan Anderson & Yuki Judai (Spiritshipping from “Yugioh GX) - after how much they would do for each other, I can’t resist this one.
5. Yuma Tsukumo & Ryouga Kamishiro (Sharkbaitshipping from “Yugioh Zexal”) - I’ve read some good fanfiction for this pairing.
Honestly though, it took me a while to think of the last few. ._. I have no clue how to rate which ones I like more than the others not mentioned here. (Took ages to narrow down to 5).
If it’s not too much trouble, I would like to tag @galaxyeyedphoton, @johanandersen, @metalgeartachyon and @cephalopadre
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