#cecil creepler
nid-log · 8 months
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picklezz-l0ver · 2 months
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some moral orel pics
first and second times drawing ms secondopinionson
i love cecil /j
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thepowerposter · 7 months
Complete Monstober Day 19: Cecil Creepler
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This ice cream man is a real menace! Here's his TV Tropes entry:
Cecil Creepler was the local ice cream man of Moralton who was in truth immensely depraved. After failing to lure 12-year-old Doughy Latchkey into the back of his van, Creepler became a prolific Serial Rapist who targeted dark-haired women. Assaulting seven women, Creepler's last victim was schoolteacher Miss Agnes Sculptham when she dyed her hair black to compel him into entering her apartment. Despite his death, Miss Agnes suffers a psychological breakdown upon hearing the news, making it self-evident how broken she had become because of his actions.
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axxaryllis · 2 years
i could never explain why this is so funny to me
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I wonder if Cecil Creepler had any plans to go after Stephanie?
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ask-the-puppingtons · 2 years
Say, don't you think you shouldn't let your son get near that ice cream truck, Clay? I don't think the man operating it is a very... respectable individual, in my humble opinion. Quite frankly, I'm surprised you let him into Moralton at all.
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“obviously if i would’ve known i would’ve at the very least watched over while he went to get ice cream. it’s very upsetting that i let him in my town”
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the-rockit · 2 years
Edits I've done :3
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kanrix · 2 months
what who the fuck is cecil creepler
that ice cream guy from m.oral O.rel. the one who tried to lure one of Orel's friends into the back of his ice cream van but failed. He raped multiple women??? He killed himself btw. Hooray
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adultswim2021 · 6 months
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Moral Orel: “Abstinence” | January 18, 2009 | Unaired Special
Abstinence, “the nearly lost episode of Moral Orel”, or “episode 14 of 13” was an episode of the show that was left in an incomplete state thanks to Adult Swim cutting down the episode order. The audio for the episode was recorded, at least mostly (some characters might be scratch tracks, but I’m not certain), but the animation hadn’t been done. So, some people who worked on the show took it upon themselves to animate the radio play using “Orel’s Movie Premiere” style claymation. 
I’m glad they did it, because this is a worthy episode to have exist, even if it’s not 100% a “real” episode. This actually comes pretty damn close to being as satisfying as watching a normal episode. I wish we lived in the alternate universe where Dino manages to talk Adult Swim into letting him animate the show this cheaply in exchange for more episodes.  
This episode takes place during season two (with a post-Nature scene at the end). Doughy has long been neglected by his parents, who simply give Doughy a few bucks and ask him to stay out all day so they can neck with each other. They are now requesting Doughy stay out overnight. Not used to non-daytime activities, Orel encourages Doughy to just do what he does and walk around trying to help people. Doughy keeps encountering people trying to have sex with each other and manages to cockblock them all.
This leads to Doughy getting a job cockblocking actual roosters from impregnating the farmer’s chickens. He loses this job because Ms. Censordoll’s campaign to illegalize succeeds. Doughy winds up working for Ms. Censordoll as a masked superhero that goes around breaking up congress everywhere. 
This one has a very funny joke at the beginning, where Doughy and Orel are waving goodbye to a busload of gay men, and remarking how it was a big mistake bussing them into Moralton. Do you think the show was cleverly going to show the gay dudes in another episode to explain the beginning of this one? And, don’t you think it’s sad they left on the bus and we didn’t get to watch them walk away (hubba hubba). I also laughed at the farmer’s extremely dumb and convoluted reason for not caging his roosters (it’s basically so he can say a dumb thing when asked why he’s not caging his roosters). 
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Moral Orel: The Unproduced Scripts
A couple of scripts for episodes have been shared online. I remember Dino posting one on his Myspace page. The episodes are: 
Raped: This episode was going to be a late season three episode. The original arc for the season was meant to include Arthur Puppington, Clay’s father, moving into Orel’s bedroom while he waits to die of some painful life-ending disease.
Miss Sculptham finds that she is still pregnant post-abortion. That’s because she had twins, and only managed to kill one of them. So she arranges a visit to the prison to talk to Cecil Creepler’s (the guy what raped her) cell-mate to find out what his whole deal was (you know, being naturally curious about the father of her future child). This leads to her deciding to marry this man, even though he’s spending the rest of his life in prison. Orel is being a bitch about it, and celebrates when the guy backs down. The end of the episode is Sculptham falls in love with a woman and is denied for a marriage license, because “this is America”. She can get married to an actual convicted rapist, but not to another woman. 
I was about to comment on the time and place in which this episode was produced, but then realized: I have no idea how legal gay marriage actually is these days. Weird guys have been fighting over the stuff a lot lately. It took a weirdly long time for gay marriage to become any kind of legal here, and it’s still contentious. I just have a vague sense of reading it in 2009 and it feeling very pointed and topical. Pretty weird that it still sorta might be.
This episode was sorta billboarded in Alone, where we learn about Scultham’s rape and her abortion. There also a reference to this in “Abstinence”, where one of the encounters Doughy puts a stop to is one between Creepler and Scultham. 
Narcissism is the other “lost” episode. I never actually read this script before tonight, and I don’t know what the origin of this one’s leakage is or if it’s liberation was acrimonious or not. This one is another Putty-centric episode and is basically a follow-up on the events of Sundays. Putty becomes so obsessed with Florence and uninterested in other women that it makes him attractive. He unceremoniously beds all the hotties of Moralton and doesn’t feel a thing the entire time. His obsession with Florence is simply because she’s disappeared, and Putty doesn’t know where she went. When he finally finds her, she’s lost weight and is generally happier. It appears they get together by the end of the episode. 
I think Arthur is also in this episode, but I forget. I remember Oral mentioning him in a funny bit where he says he would do unto others with his Grandpa, who is currently dying in his bed. Orel says his Grandpa would probably let Orel die in his bed if things were the other way around. 
I found a thing on the Moral Orel wiki where Dino apparently posted the synopsis for the some of the unproduced scripts. I’d been looking for this to quote and kept coming up dry, so now that i found it, I’m just gonna paste it here in this post. The links link to pages on the wiki, and the scripts I described are available on their respective pages:
1. Easter: "Orel's Grampa (Clay's father) comes to Moralton to tie up loose ends before he dies. He ends up sharing Orel's bed as his death bed for the last ten episodes, giving Orel good advice. (happens during the Sacrifice episode)." 2. Nurture: "Shapey and Block nurture each other and grow emotionally." 3. Narcissism: After cutting it off with Florence, Putty becomes disillusioned with all women. This makes him incredibly attractive to all the females in Moralton and he becomes the most available bachelor in town, f***ing tons of *****. This makes him even more bored with every lady out there. He starts picturing Florence as he's f***ing everyone. When he finally runs into Florence, she is dating someone else and is really really thin. Putty's disappointed in her appearance. He's been picturing fat Florence, and even though she's prettier on a shallow level, longs for her previous look. She explains that she got so depressed when he stopped seeing her that she didn't feel like eating. He happily tells her now that he's back and she can get fat again. She is insulted by his self-centered attitude and tells him to go away. In the end, I think he probably wins her back though by showing he really cares. 4. Untitled: "Bloberta and Officer Papermouth accidentally bump into each other late at night, both reaching into the garbage can outside Nurse Bendy's apt. and simultaneously grabbing the "Sonny" Teddy bear. Papermouth chivalrously let's Bloberta keep it, and this starts off an affair between the two of them. It ends up being very good for the both of them. Not sure how Clay reacts. Didn't get very far on this one." 5. Untitled: "I wanted to write the continuing saga of Orel and Christina, but never got to it. No solid ideas on this." 6. Raped: A script for this episode was briefly put on Stamatopoulos's MySpace blog. It expanded on Miss Sculptham's trauma over being raped. She would take the kids on a field trip to prison to meet the man's cellmate and strike up a brief relationship with him. 7. Death: "Orel's Grampa finally dies. Orel doesn't find too much solace from anyone and becomes a Goth kid, getting heavily into the Christian Death Metal band: Multiple Godgasm. Don't want to say much more about this, on the remote chance that there will be a Moral Orel movie, I'd like to use a lot of this story."
And that’s it for Moral Orel. Unless you count the special. Unless you count the Frankenhole Bumper where he cameos. Unless you count Australian DVD releases. But you can COUNT on me… blogging about it!!!!
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Okay. So this is fridge horror right here, does this imply that Ms Censoredoll was also Cecil Creepler’s victim?!
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turntheotherpurf · 1 year
Agnes Sculptham maybe? (For the HC thing)
1: Sexuality headcanon = Bi, which seems pretty much canon given some of the leaked S4 episode scripts?
2: Otp = Her x Mary Plotwhist sound like they would've been a sweet pair, bonding over helping Agnes moving on from her trauma & potentially raising a future family together🙏
3: Brotp = Hmm... I feel like it'd be interesting to see how her and Miss Censordoll would interact (like w/ Agnes being that one dry, sardonic "straight man" to Censordoll's dramatic underhanded-ness? Idk lol)
4: Notp = ...Do I even need to say it? *points to Cecil Creepler* >>
5: First headcanon that pops into my head = Hm... for some reason I feel like she'd be into pottery as a hobby (though with her workload as a teacher, she hasn't found much time to explore it more)
6: Favorite line from this character = Dunno if this really 'counts' as a line... but her whole performance during "Alone" was nothing short of captivating (even without her speaking a single word)...
7: One way in which I relate to this character = ...Um, I guess I can share a bit of her snarky humor when pushed, though other than that idk? ^^;
8: Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character = Her whole performance in the "Courtship" ep was just... yeaaaaah 😬😬
9: Cinnamon roll or problematic fave? = Hm... probably something of a "neutral" fave, when it all comes down to it?
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picklezz-l0ver · 2 months
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love him
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poisonraze · 2 months
can you please draw cecil creepler i’m begging and i’m sorry
Come Off Anon, Now!
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bensonsballerz · 3 years
finally finished moral orel and WOW, that was a really really good show. it was a lot like bojack horseman, where there’s valuable and necessary commentary under the guise of a goofy style and characters
im glad orel didn’t get messed up by his dads abuse, and he grew up and had a loving family. orel deserves so many great things, he’s such an enjoyable and loving person
anyways, here are some thoughts i have/thing i noticed. trigger warning for mentions of abuse, rape, alcohol
- clay conflates his self worth with abuse, due to his father initially saying he wasnt worth hitting, so he would act out to get his attention to be “worth it”
- laberta conflates her self worth with inclusion and marriage, as that was the only thing noticeable amongst her circle and her family. her mother explicitly excluded her from the family choir and withheld love from her, along with forcing her father to do the same through manipulation. she does the same thing to clay at the party by getting him drunk and manipulating him into marriage
-moralton didnt pay attention to mr creepler opting to sweep it under the rug to stay comfortable even though people were getting hurt. what ms sculpthumb does to capture him is labeled as a heroic act, even though she’s a victim and this wouldnt have happened if moralton didnt try to ignore it
-nurse bendy age regresses. kids are often seen as innocent, so her age regression shields her from the way everybody else sees her: a sex object
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computrangel99 · 1 year
cecil's cellmates should've killed him tbh
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kanrix · 2 months
I got an anonymous ask a good while ago where the anon was asking me to draw Cecil creepler or whatever the pedo's name is and saying "sorry" like. Ok. Motherfucker I can feel your guilt and shame from here. I know that YOU know you shouldn't be asking but you still did anyway, are you stupid? Did you somehow expect a positive answer?
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