gangles-toybox · 2 years
Edits I've done :3
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grugems · 2 months
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yeah i guess my favourite moral orel character could be literally any of the main characters or regular side characters.... but it could also be the scout master that shows up for like 2 episodes..
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arsonandhockey · 4 months
how much exposure have you had to football kits? if you like stripes you'll get a kick out of a lot of them
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celtic f.c. home kit, 2019/20 champion's league
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messi in barcelona home kit, 2019/20 champion's league
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keith gillespie (left) in sheffield united home kit, 2006/07 premier league (against sylvain distin of manchester city)
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cartsen pröpper in st. pauli home kit, 1996/97 bundesliga
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us men's national team, 2007 copa américa (you might like this, as an american)
there's loads more on football kit archive, these are just a few. football loves stripes.
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vfl bochum players (thomas ernst, uwe gospodarek, and peter peschel), 1997/98 & 1998/99 bundesliga (peschel against roman týce of 1860 munich), with their faber lotto-service sponsored kit (GK 3, GK 2, and third)
I am most super familiar with men’s football/soccer but I do enjoy all the stripes. Unfortunately for me my favorite football club (fc Basel 1893) doesn’t use a ton of stripes
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aliceisnotshort · 1 year
Giant Mushrooms installations by Carsten Höller | ITSLIQUID
Article for research on Carsten Höller
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ifreakingloveroyals · 4 years
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19 July 2017 | Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, with Berlin's Mayor Michael Mueller and his daughter Nina at the Pariser Platz during a visit to the Brandenburg Gate during an official visit to Poland and Germany in Berlin, Germany. (c) Cartsen Koall/Getty Images
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simichiamano · 6 years
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Cartsen Höller, Upside-Down Mushroom Room, Fondazione Prada, 2000
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mybenia1 · 6 years
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Cartsen Witte
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speok · 3 years
Under The Grapefruit Tree: The CC Sabathia Story
Under The Grapefruit Tree: The CC Sabathia Story
Una mirada íntima a la vida y la carrera de la superestrella del béisbol. Cartsen Charles Sabathia Jr. repasa su legado como uno de los mejores pitchers y también los desafíos tan importantes que forjaron su carácter.
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buddylistsocial · 4 years
Florida alligator hunter survives being bitten by 12-foot reptile
Florida alligator hunter survives being bitten by 12-foot reptile
A Florida fire department paramedic has narrowly escaped losing his arm after being bitten by a hulking alligator that had jumped into his boat during a hunting trip.
Cartsen Kieffer, a married father-of-two who serves as a liutenant paramedic with the Tavares Fire Department, was hunting alligators with two friends on Lake Jesup last Thursday evening when one of the reptiles attacked him. 
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gangles-toybox · 2 years
Might continue this later but here is a current list of ships I ship for Moral Orel!! Kids: -Joe x Orel(Keeping this here for consistency but know that I no longer ship this after learning that Orel and Joe are second cousins) -Joe x Christina -Orel x Christina -Christina x Marionetta -Tommy x Doughy -Doughy x Orel -Billy x Kid One(or unnamed ginger kid) Adults: -Stephaine x Nurse Bendy -Mr. Cartsen x Miss Censordoll -Bloberta x Millie Fakey -Clay x Reverend Putty -Dottie x Florence -Gordon Massykiss x Clay(bc of a Twitter parody account) And yea, that's my taste, for now at least. How about yours?
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tourofara · 7 years
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"Carsten had been testing Mpho after the latter had tried to break and been caught up to; the four had stayed together until this bridge, the finish in sight, when Cartsen went for it, Mpho right behind him." Calvinia 1•August•2017 Photograph by @LiamLynchPhoto #TourOfAra #Stage4 #TobyDreyer aka #DonkerMoves #Calvinia to #Calvinia #Karoo #SouthAfrica
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foxpapa · 7 years
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Grotta Hang Son Doong, Vietnam
Fotografia di Cartsen Peter, National Geographic Situata all'interno di Parco nazionale di Phong Nha-Ke Bang, la grotta di Hang Son Doong è la più grande grotta conosciuta al mondo, con tratti ampi fino a 140 metri e abbastanza grande da poter ospitare un Boeing 747.  E' stata scoperta solo nel 1991 da un abitante locale, Ho Khanh, che aveva trovato rifugio al suo interno nel corso di una una tempesta.
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bsphotoinspo-blog · 4 years
Cartsen Nicolai, German artist
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marketinginnocom · 5 years
Dầu tăng mạnh sau vụ tấn công vào mỏ dầu của Ả-rập Xê-út
New Post has been published on https://baongoaihoi.com/dau-tang-manh-sau-vu-tan-cong-vao-mo-dau-cua-a-rap-xe-ut/
Dầu tăng mạnh sau vụ tấn công vào mỏ dầu của Ả-rập Xê-út
Báo Ngoại Hối – Các hợp đồng dầu thô tương lai tăng mạnh vào ngày thứ Hai (19/08) khi chứng khoán Mỹ tiếp tục phục hồi, MarketWatch đưa tin.
Kết thúc phiên giao dịch ngày thứ Hai, hợp đồng dầu thô ngọt nhẹ WTI giao tháng 10 trên sàn Nymex vọt 1.33 USD (tương đương 2.4%) lên 56.14 USD/thùng.
Hợp đồng dầu Brent giao tháng 10 trên sàn Luân Đôn cộng 1.10 USD (tương đương 1.9%) lên 59.74 USD/thùng.
Nhóm phiến quân Houthi hôm thứ Bảy tuần trước (17/08) cho biết đã nhắm mục tiêu đến mỏ dầu Shaybah, vốn thuộc sở hữu của Saudi Arabian Oil Co. (Aramco) và nắm giữ khoảng 14 triệu thùng dầu, Wall Street Journal đưa tin. Aramco cho biết một đám cháy đã được dập tắt tại một nhà máy sản xuất khí thiên nhiên và không có thương vong và gián đoạn nào đối với hoạt động sản xuất tại mỏ dầu, nơi sản xuất 1 triệu thùng/ngày.
“Mặc dù sản lượng dầu không bị ảnh hưởng, nhưng điều này một lần nữa gây chú ý về rủi ro nguồn cung ở Trung Đông”, Cartsen Fritsch, Chuyên gia phân tích tại Commerzbank, nhận định.
Đà tăng của dầu được nới rộng khi chứng khoán Mỹ nhảy vọt, chủ yếu nhờ những nhận định khích lệ từ Tổng thống Mỹ Donald Trump và các quan chức khác về các cuộc đàm phán thương mại, cùng với một động thái của Trung Quốc hồi cuối tuần qua nhằm giảm chi phí vay cho các doanh nghiệp. Bên cạnh đó, Bộ trưởng Tài chính Đức Olaf Scholz cho biết Berlin có thể đưa ra các biện pháp kích thích tài khóa nếu cần thiết, do nền kinh tế lớn nhất châu Âu bị đe dọa có thể rơi vào suy thoái.
Biến động trên thị trường tài chính toàn cầu, bao gồm đợt bán tháo mạnh trên thị trường chứng khoán hôm thứ Tư tuần trước (14/08) sau sự đảo ngược thước đo chính của đường cong lợi suất trái phiếu Mỹ, phản ánh sự lo ngại ngày càng tăng về triển vọng kinh tế toàn cầu và, đối với các nhà đầu tư dầu, nhấn mạnh sự lo lắng về nhu cầu.
Cũng trong phiên giao dịch ngày thứ Hai, hợp đồng xăng giao tháng 9 tiến 0.5% lên 1.6644 USD/gallon. Hợp đồng dầu sưởi giao tháng 9 cộng 1.1% lên 1.8331 USD/gallon.
Hợp đồng khí thiên nhiên giao tháng 9 nhích 0.5% lên 2.21 USD/MMBtu.
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partwildflower · 12 years
Carsten Witte: the disturbing face of beauty
When reading the poems from Charles Baudelaire’s collection Les Fleurs du Mal [Flowers of Evil], one can see how his perception of beauty mingles, both closely and dangerously, with the concepts of eroticism, death and the sublime. This discomforting yet enticing sense is one which one is also given, in a strange way, by browsing through the gallery of artist and fashion photographer Cartsen Witte: dark, highly conceptual, and somehow incredibly seductive, Witte’s photographs are, in my eyes, perfect examples of art which belong to the realm of the bizarrely beautiful.
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Images: Carsten Witte
It is clear from his photographs that Hamburg-based Witte, who describes himself as the “venerable priest of beauty”, places much value in the aesthetics behind his work. It appears that his use of photography is to capture both the essence and the ephemeral quality of beauty, which he depicts in most of his work with representations of nude female models – representations which quite masterfully straddle the line between elegance and eroticism.
It is most notably from observing his two series Intuition and Psyche, that one can come to draw such a conclusion of Witte’s work and his creative identity: in the former series, Witte engages in an examination of the frailty of beauty through the fascinatingly morbid skulls painted onto his models’ faces. As the photographer himself claims, “one main idea behind [this series] is the belief that everything is constantly changing but photography can preserve the moment. Beauty is almost nothing without the knowledge of how fast it will fade.”
This striking consideration of the life, death and temporality of beauty is equally found in Psyche, a series which also makes strong use of the female body to bring its point across to the viewer: defined by both a creative play with shadows and a formidable contrast of colour, Witte’s subjects are quite frighteningly likened to framed displays of pinned butterflies. This enables them to come across as fragile and graceful, and therefore to take on a strikingly alluring appearance despite the disquieting underlying theme of death.
There is no doubt that Witte’s photographic work honours the sensuality, power and fineness of the female body, albeit in ways which sometimes flirt with more out-of-the-ordinary and unsettling themes. His work demonstrates a recurrent use of black-and-white, as well as an agile manipulation of shadows to create meaning and deliver specific concepts with force; in fact, such traits seem to be the key elements which lend Witte’s photographs their mysteriousness, highlight their often fantasy-like character, and enable them to so easily captivate the viewer. ■
Written for Candid Magazine, published 3 July 2012.
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dester · 6 years
New Post on Pfalzfussball.de
New Post has been published on http://www.pfalzfussball.de/landesliga-sv-ruelzheim-viktoria-herxheim-3/
Landesliga: SV Rülzheim - Viktoria Herxheim
Landesliga: SV Rülzheim – Viktoria Herxheim 1:1 (0:1)
Tore: 0:1 Marcel Hadrosek (27.), 1:1 Cartsen Lutz (53.) Zuschauer: 1200
Trotz einer anfänglichen Überlegenheit Rülzheim mit mehr Ballbesitz, hatte Herxheim die erste gefährliche offensive Szene. Den Abschluss von Marcel Hadrosek in der 11. Minute konnte Kadir Yalcin entschärfen. Die Rülzheimer Bemühungen waren gut anzusehen, blieben jedoch weitgehend ineffektiv. Im Gegensatz dazu die Viktoria in der 27. Minute. Die Hereingabe von rechts außen drosch der sträflich frei stehende Nicolas Fink zum 0:1 in die Maschen. Bis zum Halbzeitpfiff des umsichtig leitenden Schiedsrichters Marvin Schmidt war der Gast aus dem Nachbardorf näher am 2:0 als die Lilanen am Ausgleich – es blieb jedoch bei dem einen Treffer.
Grafik: Der übersichtliche Live-Ticker
Nach dem Wiederanpfiff gab Rülzheim ordentlich Gas. Das zahlte sich in der 53. Minute aus, als Jesper Brechtel außen nach vorne stürmte und mit seiner Hereingabe Carsten Lutz fand, der zum 1:1 einnetzte. Bei dem insgesamt gerechten Unentschieden blieb es bis zum exakt nach 90 Minuten erfolgten Schlusspfiff.
Mit dieser Punkteteilung rückt die Tabellenspitze noch enger zusammen. Herxheim als neuer Tabellenführer, Rülzheim und Marienborn haben jeweils 50 Punkte. Aber auch Gau-Odernheim (49 Punkte), Phönix Schifferstadt (47) und Altleiningen (45) dürfen im Titel- und Aufstiegsrennen noch nicht abgeschrieben werden.
Grafik: Die Tabellenspitze
Foto: Konstantin Stengel sichert den Ball vor André Nenning
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