#cecil baldwin is an absolute angel by the way
hogmilked · 1 year
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i have family who live in the same town as the man who voices cecil palmer whose name is also cecil
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dishsaop · 1 year
"well, listeners, the riots have been forcefully calmed down by the sheriffs secret police, and the definitely-not-angels have put out their burning effigy of that round skeleton and ceased their chanting of 'SE-XY MAN. SE-XY MAN.'
"i am finally safe and alone in my office once more, and i - oh. oh god. oh dear god. listeners, i have just noticed what appears to be a dead body at my door, left there as if a gift from some well meaning but utterly clueless and unrelatable animal who does not know basic social etiquette - that, of course, corpses as gifts should be wrapped in silver paper with pages of that great american surrealist parody novel "Eat, Pray, Love" taped into a bow stuck on top.
"since khoshekh, my cat, floats four feet off the ground next to the sink in what was the mens restroom and is now a unisex restroom, this can only mean station management has left this corpse here.
"listeners, i find myself nervous, wondering if this is a warning to me from the edritch plural monstrosity that governs my work life and threatens me constantly - oh, but no, listeners, i am observing the dead body more carefully and am sensing the bitterness and fear that can only come from one who has lived a live spouting so much hate and pain. this corpse, whoever she may have been, lived a life of cruelty and deliberate harm, perhaps in the form of anti-transgender laws or severly antisemitic childrens books, though of course, listeners, i would have no way of knowing for sure. i can absolutely say i would not brave a library to find out.
"regardless, i think this must be a congratulatory gift from station management as to my new crowning of 'sexyman' status. my beloved carlos assures me i deserve it, though i admit i do not know, because of course i do not look in mirrors.
"well, listeners, if we have learned anything today, it is that the kindnesses and good intentions of our past, no matter how distant, will always remain in the hearts of the people around us, and may someday crown us - while our poison and hatred may end up with us brutally murdered by squamous beings and dropped at the doorsteps of unsuspecting radio hosts. good night, night vale. good night."
welcome to night vale is a production of commonplace books. it is written by joseph fink and jeffrey cranor, and produced by joseph fink. the voice of night vale is cecil baldwin. original music by disparition. all of it can be found at disparition dot info, or at disparition dot bandcamp dot com. this episode's weather was 'megalovania' by toby fox.
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readersperspective · 4 years
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Podcast Review Welcome to Night Vale By Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor
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Let me get this straight: I do not remember how I got here. About two years ago, I started listening to this podcast, and I haven’t stopped since.
Welcome to Night Vale is a beautiful and creative fiction podcast in the style of a local radio show, where the host, Cecil Palmer (voiced by Cecil Baldwin) informs his little town, Night Vale, about local news, events, announcements, and catastrophes. Sometimes, he also has guests in his show, like the faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home (voiced by Mara Wilson), or another, very happy, very smiling radio host named Kevin (voiced by Kevin R. Free), or Carlos, the beautiful scientist who is new in town (voiced by Dylan Marron). Since 2012, the bimonthly podcast tells the story of this small desert town, where the sun is hot, the moon is beautiful, and every conspiracy theory is true.
That’s right, over the course of the episodes you will have to become accustomed to forbidden Dog Parks, angels fighting for official acceptance, literal five-headed dragons running for mayor and multiverses.
If you do not mind the weird, and the extraordinary, and a good amount of humor, this is the show for you. I love the way they portray this little town, with all the different citizens, and the acceptance they have for everyone. You are a smooth, hand-sized rock? Cool. You are a shapeshifter, stuck in the shape of a waterfall? Awesome. The narrator Cecil sometimes moves very, very far away from being an informative or objective journalist, and rather talks about his ideas of everything that happens as well as his personal life, but that is what makes the show so interesting.
Of course, if you’re not the one for podcasts, you can also buy the scripts for the first four seasons as books, but I personally would not want to miss out on Cecil Baldwins calm voice, that is clear enough so that even non-native speakers have no problem understanding what he’s saying - the vocabulary is advanced, though.
For me, this podcast absolutely deserves 6 points. It might not be the humor of everyone, but just because of the creative way they tell the story it is worth to listen to - come on, it’s free! You can find it everywhere you listen to podcasts, it is one of the most famous ones, after all. If you need a free podcast app, I absolutely recommend Castbox.
So, go on now and listen to it!
Find the script collections, as well as three original novels taking place in Night Vale: http://www.welcometonightvale.com/books
Find the books on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/series/177172-welcome-to-night-vale-episodes
Picture source: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/welcome-to-night-vale
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Mini tirade about Welcome to Nightvale:
I fell absolutely in love with this quirky podcast after listening to Parade Day in someone’s car. It was like a beacon telling me that there are in fact other people like me who also think Wednesday was canceled due to a scheduling error or “teeth like a military cemetery” is just an amazing line. And I’ve been so there, ready with my money to support them. And then they added another podcast. It’s great, lgbtqa+ positive and I really need that. But Cecil Baldwin’s voice is really magic, so I’ll pass on their new stuff for now. 
And then the beagle. That plot line was so incredibly smart and compelling. Tops the Stex co plot line it’s that tense. But then they end it in the worst way possible. The conflict just disappears for no clear apparent reason. It wasn’t the work of the angels. Carlos didn’t make something science-y happen. They just disappeared because they wanted to. I felt a little betrayed actually. Started listening to a few, but the What If He Had Lived episode just really turned me off. Maybe they’ve revisted that plotline since I checked out. I did want to see how Kevin would come back (Sandstorm is when Nightvale got really good.) There are still those pesky boxes.
It just felt like a cop out now that they have the capacity and resources to expand their business. It makes me a little bit sad to listen now. Even my favorites. It’s probably all Steve Carlsberg's fault.
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