#cdc mask useless
dosesofcommonsense · 8 months
Listening to Fauci talk about his form of science is like listening to Kamala talk.
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anarchotahdigism · 2 months
"It’s interesting how often people cite “CDC guidance” as their reason for unmasking. Although the CDC has absolutely participated in and cosigned the mainstream minimizing of the illness, even the CDC still acknowledges that vulnerable people are at risk from COVID infection. They simply encourage the public to let those people die.
During an interview with the BBC in the fall, Dr. Fauci famously said aloud “You’ll find the vulnerable will fall by the wayside. They’ll get infected, they’ll get hospitalized, and some will die.” Should he have characterized any other vulnerable group this way (“You’ll find Native people will fall by the wayside,” “You’ll find trans people will fall by the wayside,” “You’ll find Black people will fall by the wayside,” “You’ll find women will fall by the wayside”) there would surely have been an almighty backlash. But to say medically vulnerable people must die so the rest of us may have brunch indoors does not beget such a reaction- never mind that all the above-named groups- Native people, trans people, Black people and women- are at a higher risk for Long COVID, and other poor outcomes from COVID." ... "The move to frame the requirement of a public safety measure- no different from requiring seatbelts, helmets, pants and shoes in public- as a violation of bodily autonomy came directly from groups like the Atlas Network, which, as you might gather from its Ayn-Rand-worshipping name, opposes all public regulation. Meanwhile, we continue to violate the bodily autonomy of disabled people by making participation in public life contingent on accepting forcible, continual reinfections. Since Biden’s COVID normalization campaign, MAGA-style rhetoric about how disabled people should “stay home forever” and how they are “useless” and “weak” has absolutely infiltrated left spaces. Many disabled people, in fact, are effectively “staying home forever.” They are shielding themselves from a disease that may kill them, and certainly would likely lower their baseline health, and have been for years. Meanwhile, the pleas of these incredibly isolated people for the bare minimum of solidarity- please at least mask up indoors when not eating or drinking- are ignored because that is apparently too difficult for the mental health of abled people." ... "A last point I will address, I did see questions about how we are supposed to “force” people to mask. Disabled people, vulnerable people, and left groups generally do not have the power of the state. We are not going to be engaging in “policing,” because nobody is going to end up in jail, physically hurt, on probation, or with limited job prospects because of our community care. Simply write “masks required” on your event invites, distribute masks wherever possible (contact your local Mask Bloc!), and do your best to spread information while modeling good praxis by masking yourself. For the most part, people are following the crowd. They will do what the majority is doing, and many will be happy to mask if it is normalized instead of stigmatized.
A left that purges its spaces of everyone who values community care, everyone who is willing to experience a minor inconvenience for the well-being of another, everyone who thinks it’s all of us or none of us, is a drastically weakened left. A left that does not incorporate disability praxis is drastically limiting its own scope and ability to be effectual. A left that mocks vulnerable groups and seeks to justify harm to them is not grounded in real justice and has only a superficial understanding of its own aims. Join us in masking, keep your comrades safe, and relish the beauty of avoiding illness while knowing you did your part to protect others. It’s a good feeling at the end of the day, I promise you that."
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lovecrafts-iranon · 9 months
I have covid. My isolation period ends tomorrow (well, this morning). The CDC recommendation is to wear a mask when I go to work, which will be my first day at a new place. I have a long, thick beard that I've been growing for years that will make the mask useless. While I have shaving cream and a razor, I do not have any way to cut it down to shaveable length -- I do not own scissors or a beard trimmer. What do I do? I need to leave for my job at 10AM tomorrow and it's 2:20AM now.
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uhhhhh that covid post!!
ok i do not have the energy to dig into that covid post bc overall the thesis wasnt clicking but that harry potter comparison was weird specifically barnes and noble part... actually all of it LOL like why did you even include that. anyway i do think we can absolutely exist in the space between people claiming 5000 people are dying from covid every week in the USA (not true!) and people claiming that any remaining info coming from tests (minimal!) is accurate when extrapolated to a population of 330million people.
atp we know masks help, we know vaccines help, we know clean air helps. just because someone’s sick doesn’t mean it’s covid but most people will never know because they are not ever testing. and i think if you’re the one with no mask coughing and sneezing all over the place it’s actually fine if i have negative thoughts towards you because why did you think it’s ok to get on public transport and get sneeze everywhere. people don’t even cover their mouths and noses when they cough that’s disgusting and gross and it does bother me a lot and that’s fine. (and it bothers me even more bc like so many times I’ll be out and about and people will see me in a mask and say “oh i should probably be wearing a mask”
ok mini rant over idk I’m tired and i just feel like … you can respond to misinformation without the “And also being angry that the health systems/authorities didn’t do enough is useless” … also i dont think covid is endemic. Yeah just googled it the WHO says its a pandemic but not a worldwide emergency anymore (as of last year) and the CDC is wishy washy on the exact wording (I’ve seen different health orgs in the us say ~we’re shifting out of the pandemic phase to endemic covid~ for like 2 years now). so that’s just like literally not true idk that post had a lot of graphs and did say some true things but overall not a good post imo. but hey it’s not my blog 🤷🏿 they can post whatever they want i guess 🤷🏿
And like … ykw i have to stop thinking about this!
ok going to unclench my jaw and get back to my important work of watching the tv screensaver and falling asleep
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residentdormouse · 1 year
Find the Word Tag - Eeeee!
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Alright, I agree @mrsmungus, best to enjoy the easy letters as we have them while we have them. (Check me using 'Enjoy' logic. 😂)
My Words: Exit, Ever, Each, End, Enjoy
Still keeping this OPEN TAG because this is becoming daily, and I’m not trying to bog down anybody's tag game to-do list. But please Jump on the Train if you feel even the slightest bit inclined to do so!!
Your Words: Fix, Frantic, Fear, Fun, Flip
Went all for 'Something like a Spiral' this time. Nostalgia, yay! As always excerpts below the cut because I don’t know the meaning of short/brevity/pithy/concise you get the point…
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A good deal of Stu's nightmares, understandably, focused on their escape. "When we finally got to the exit, he stepped out to block it. Couldn't see much outside of the glowing red eyes and his smile." He also mentioned that his wolf showed up frequently, with the same eerie eyes.
Then it was Hayden's turn. Her Mother Abagail dreams followed a similar suit as her companions, but she got self conscious as she started on her nightmare. Glen passed over the vape, which she eagerly accepted. A few puffs and she explained that the same figure appearing in Stu's dream showed up in hers as well. He blocked out the light and chilled the air, meaninacly hovering over Stu. It was hard to explain that the nightmare wasn’t so much a direct attack on her, or to Stu really, but more like she was interrupting him.
With a cheeky smile, Stu gave her a bump on the shoulder. "You know, when I asked you to watch my back, I didn't mean you had to while you were sleepin’ too."
"Oh, you're funny now."
"This is a serious 'Thank You'. Scout's honor."
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Tears were swelling up steadily as Fran gave them all a last chance to reply. Once she finally accepted that no answer was coming though…
“Then you’re as useless as Harold was saying!”
And with that, she stormed off. Smug as ever, Harold shot a smirk before heading back to the bikes leaving Stu, Glen, and Hayden to stand there in silence.
“There was a town a little ways back. Could have supplies, books, medicine...” Count on Stu for a game plan.
“So, we’re really going to try this?” Glen raised his eyebrows and cocked his head to the side, letting out the breath he was holding.
“Seems we really don’t have much of a choice.”
Stu capped the conversation as he headed towards the bikes. Another quick look was exchanged between Hayden and Glen before they followed in tow. While it was obviously not his preference, bikes were clearly the fastest option to get to town. Unable to argue the urgency of the matter, Glen hopped on behind Hayden as Stu took his own, and the group set off to scavenge anything that could make a miracle possible.
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"Common Harold, you're deflecting, and I wish you would just talk to me." Attempting to pull emotion from Harold was like trying to read expressions on a stone wall sometimes. There may be smiling graffiti, but that didn’t mean it was happy. "You've been through a lot recently, and---"
"What do you want me to say, huh?!" The outburst took her off guard, but his anger slipped behind the mask just as quickly as it came. With a huff, he brushed it off before responding in his normal Harold tone. "If you're trying to smooth things over so Stu feels better about himself, you can report back that we're fine."
He was connecting her to Stu. That was enough to write her off.
"That's not what this is, and I think you know that. Me and Stu, we have each other's backs. He's a good guy if you give him a fair chance." She wasn't surprised at the automatic ' Hmph ' in response. "But this isn’t one or the other. We're a group, and I'd like to think, friends? I have your back too, y'know.” Nothing; she wasn’t sure if he truly thought she was just Stu’s lackey, or if he was too stubborn to acknowledge this. “Do you have mine?"
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While stuck in CDC solitary, she explored this location more than she cared to admit. Aside from Mr. Squeak, her fuzzy roommate, she had nothing better to occupy her time. The desire to search for anymore answers had passed when she left that special spit of purgatory behind.
Landing on the bookshelf, her fingers drifted along each spine on the bottom row. No titles, no authors, just weathered browns and tans. A few reds. And at the very top sat a lone teal tinted one.
As she made her way to the end of the shelf, she pulled out one of the plain tan books. Flipping through it quickly for good measure, blank pages taunted her. Closing the cover again, she sighed before sending it crashing through the nearest window.
Head in her hands, she slumped to the ground. Her disappointment continued to command attention. Attention that normally would have noticed the guinea pig sketch hanging by the bedroom window or Stu's name scribbled along the edge of a discarded book by the fireplace. Possibly the dark painting with glowing red eyes laying next to the door.
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Immediately, she missed the comfort as he broke away to head towards the pantry, but the warmth to his smile remained. "Well, there’s certainly nothing we can do about this right now, so… " A couple bottles of alcohol were held up to her. "Why don't we just focus on tonight?”
Looking them over, she pointed to the smaller bottle. Handing the drink off to her, she began to rummage the cupboards for glasses while he went to the living area.
“You can't let what will be, bog you down from enjoying what is ."
Two shots of coconut rum were already poured out as the music started. Quickly turning around at the sound, she saw Glen vaping away, very pleased with himself for finding the battery operated player. As he came back over to her, she handed him a shot.
Her glass raised towards him, "To making the best of the time we have,"
He followed suit, "dancing on the grave of the world."
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amaranth-devi1 · 2 years
There is a serious question if these people pushing vaccines, like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab, are oblivious to the danger of creating unnecessary vaccines by mandating the world get vaccinated that will force viruses to mutate. Are they deliberately trying to create a massive crisis in health? Bill Gates brags he is vaccinated and boosted. If that is true, then he could end up being one of the first to go. Now Australia is already reporting that there are new variants emerging that infect people and the vaccines have been circumvented. COVID was NEVER a serious disease. The same group of people who died were typically those who die annually from the flu. But this time, Gates may have created the worse pandemic in history that will be one that cannot be stopped.
Klaus Schwab must be running short on cash. He is holding DAVOS now in the spring rather than January. The rich, famous, and most powerful are invited to return for their annual brainwashing event in Switzerland, following a two-year coronavirus-induced hiatus. But this time, Klaus has demanded they all be vaccinated and tested to attend, suggesting that the vaccine indeed does NOT prevent getting COVID.
I warned back in 2020 that our models on the cycle of disease were showing a target of 2022 – not 2020. It looks like the computer will be correct again. It looks like 2020 was the precursor and the insane mandatory vaccinations of the world have led to the mutation of COVID which can become a real serious threat Bill Gates can be counting all the money he will make from more vaccines, but this fool obviously took the Blue Pill and lives in a fantasy world where vaccines work PROVIDED the same disease does not co-exist in animals.
I have warned that all we need to do is just look at the antibiotics. The overuse of these drugs has led to superbugs evolving that are now incurable. The CDC has even stated that the overuse of antibiotics has led to superbugs. Interestingly, even the World Economic Forum (WEF) report published in 2014 warned that ‘The world will run out of effective antibiotics.” The WEF stated the link between the overuse of antibiotics was causing antibiotic resistance and superbugs in hospitals. This has increased the death rates of many people. The WEF concluded that antibiotic-resistant bacteria posed the greatest risk to human health. Others have noted that bacteria are growing stronger and acquiring resistance to multiple drugs. (Spellberg, Bartlett, & Gilbert, 2013). So my question is WHY did the WEF insist upon 100% vaccination knowing that will subject society to a devastating loss of life long-term? Was this the true goal?
The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, the deadliest in history, infected an estimated 500 million people worldwide—about one-third of the planet’s population—and killed an estimated 20 million to 50 million victims, including some 675,000 Americans. The 1918 flu was first observed in Europe, the United States, and parts of Asia before swiftly spreading around the world. The first mention of influenza appears in an April 5, 1918, weekly public health report. The report informs officials of 18 severe cases and three deaths in Haskell, Kansas. The target month here in 2022 for the start was also April. We appear to be getting the mutations of COVID along with the sudden spread of Monkey Pox. And BTW, all the studies showed that masks were “USELESS” back then as well.
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mercoglianotrueblog · 8 months
They are preparing the new pandemic show
#CDC lie:"#masks cannot stop #wildfire smoke" that's 100 times larger than #Cov admitting they're #useless
#regulatory auth. take half of #funding& #media 3/4 of #ads from #pharma
#investors vote on #failure of #mRNA with their feet vs #Moderna #Pfizer
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stuartbramhall · 8 months
CDC Accidentally Admits Masks Totally Useless
Posted BY: | NwoReport Ten key lessons should have been learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on the perceived failures and deceit of government actions and medical recommendations. The author strongly asserts that intelligent individuals should recognize these lessons to navigate COVID 2.0 with greater awareness and autonomy. The government’s handling of the pandemic suggests that COVID…
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captainconvey · 1 year
The most rigorous and extensive review of the scientific literature concludes that neither surgical masks nor N95 masks have been shown to make a difference in reducing the spread of Covid-19 and other respiratory illnesses.
The gold standard for medical evidence is the randomized clinical trial, and the gold standard for analyzing this evidence is Cochrane (formerly the Cochrane Collaboration), the world’s largest and most respected organization for evaluating health interventions.
Medical journals have hailed it for being “the best single resource for methodologic research” and for being “recognized worldwide as the highest standard in evidence-based healthcare.”
It has published a new Cochrane review of the literature on masks, including trials during the Covid-19 pandemic in hospitals and in community settings.
The 15 trials compared outcomes of wearing of surgical masks versus wearing no masks, and also versus N95 masks.
The review, conducted by a dozen researchers from six countries, concludes that wearing any kind of face covering “probably makes little or no difference” in reducing the spread of respiratory illness.
Yet public-health officials, in violation of the first-do-no-harm principle, continue recommending or mandating masks without good evidence of their effectiveness or any pretense of cost-benefit analysis.
Masks are still required in many hospitals and other institutions.
Despite all the data showing that Covid-19 poses virtually no risk to healthy children, the CDC continues to recommend masking all students in communities where infection rates are rising.
While the WHO advises against masks for children under six, and the European Union advises against them for students under 12, the CDC cruelly recommends masking everyone from age two on up.
Early in the pandemic, instead of sponsoring—or at least heeding—clinical trials, the CDC kept searching for confirmation from less reliable research.
It repeatedly cherry-picked observational data, crediting masks for a short-term reduction in Covid rates in some localities while ignoring contrary data from more systematic analyses, such as a study that tracked rates nationwide over the entire first year of the pandemic—and found that neither mask mandates nor mask usage correlated with infection rates.
Captain Convey Note
The CDC tells health providers to keep using masks.
So health care providers keep usings masks.
The CDC tells health care providers to tell people they need to get the deadly JAB.
So health care providers keep giving the deadly covid JAB.
The CDC tells doctors not to tell their patients anything negative about the covid JAB or they will loose their license.
This is why uninformed and ignorant people continue to wear masks and get the deadly covid Jab.
The CDC controls health care providers and doctors.
Now that you know the truth about masks what are you going to do?
Now that you know the truth about the deadly covid "vaccine" what are you going to do?
With some people knowledge about wearing masks and the covid "vaccine" will make them realize that masks are useless and the covid JAB is a DEADLY "Vaccine".
These people will not be causing their own possible demise.
Other people will just trust their health care provider and doctor who tells them to get the deadly JAB and wear a mask.
These people WILL be possibly causing their OWN demise.
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iamvila99 · 1 year
Reading Response class 4
Recognizing fake news is very hard because it is opinionated. Everyone interpret in different ways. Stuart Hall mentioned areas of stereotyping which includes gender stereotypes, class, racial and ethnic stereotypes. If we read the news through a stereotypical approach our judgement on the information could be wrong. To recognize fake news we need to recognizing point of view, improve critical thinking skills, do more research or discuss with others and ask what they think. As an educator I can’t tell if this information on the media is real or not because I don’t want to impose my ideas on them but what I can do is teach them how to recognize it. I am going to teach media literate for my secondary school. I need to find ways to capture their attention and engage them. I think doing small activities are great. Student might not know it but they are affected by the information they see online. Students need to learn “how media messages affect the ways people see the real world as well as how they see themselves.” During covid there was a lot of different information about wearing mask. In the beginning a lot of articles including CDC say that mask are useless. The virus can go through the mask or around it which makes it useless. I didn’t listen and I believe it works because that is what my family tells me. Everyone have different belief and opinions and that is fine. But another reason why I think media literacy is important because if we believe everything we hear or see it could cause I lot of harm. For example you read this article that says invest in this, it is the next big thing and everyone is doing it. You can make a lot of money from investing in this company, stock, or product…etc. Media literacy can save them from investment scams because it can destroy them. Students might think that these kind of false information or scams are easy to recognize but what if they are coming at you every day and slowing brain washing you because you are desperate? Fake news can definitely get into people’s head. Media literacy can save us.
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gdimed · 2 years
N95 and KN95: Know the Appropriate Differences
The use of face masks is recommended as part of the health measures to take during this pandemic. On the other hand, their use is inextricably related to social and cultural practices and has come to have a variety of personal and societal implications. In order to prevent COVID-19 transmission and save lives, masks should be used as part of a comprehensive effort.
It is necessary to be safe while taking all the precautions and guidelines when COVID-19 is spreading in the community, including physical separation, wearing a mask, keeping rooms properly aired, washing hands, washing hands properly, and coughing into a tissue. Make it a natural part of social interactions to wear a mask. Masks must be used, kept, cleaned, and disposed of appropriately in order to be as effective as possible.
Essential things to keep in mind while using a mask
-Getting your hands clean is an important factor while using a mask, whether you’re putting it on or removing it from your face.
-It is also important to make sure that your nose, chin, and mouth are covered properly.
-When you remove a mask, put it in a clean trash container and wash it or throw it away if it’s a fabric mask.
-Masks with valves should not be worn.
About N95 In the medical field and the construction business, the N95 respirator is regarded as the gold standard of face protection. The borders of these face coverings are meant to fit securely on your face, unlike surgical masks.
N95 respirators are defined by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a “protective device designed to create a very tight face fit and extremely effective airborne particle filtering.” However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continue to advise against their use by the general population. But that’s not because the masks are useless, but to save resources for healthcare personnel and medical first responders.
About KN95
Despite the fact that KN95s and N95s are quite similar, only the latter is allowed to be used in medical settings in the United States. The reason is simple: N95s are the American standard for these tight-fitting filtration devices, whereas KN95s are the Chinese standard. Both are capable of filtering out 95% of every minute particle.
The CDC has approved the use of KN95 masks as a viable alternative to N95 masks due to a shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) in the United States at the outset of the pandemic. Unfortunately, a few hospitals and other KN95 users have noticed notable variances in quality.
N95 AND KN95
Cloth masks aren’t enough to prevent users from breathing virus-carrying particles.
N95 and KN95 respirators shield users from particles, including the virus that causes COVID-19, according to the CDC. However, they also protect others from droplets and particles coming out of the one wearing the mask.
Certain breathing apparatuses have been tested to ensure that they fulfill international health standards and are labeled to inform consumers of their compliance. According to the CDC, KN95s are the most readily accessible respirators that fulfill international criteria.
On the other hand, others take a step further and adhere to a specific United States standard, which includes a quality criterion, as set forth by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). N95 respirators are among these.
The CDC advises healthcare personnel to prioritize N95s with a specific “surgical” designation.
The differences between N95 and KN95
It is essential to know the differences between the two masks. Some of the key distinctions are being described below:
The Chinese government demands a unique mask fit test on people with an 8 percent leakage rate to be approved as a KN95 mask.
Manufacturers are not required to conduct fit testing under the N95 mask standard.
This isn’t to say that fit tests aren’t beneficial. Many hospitals and companies require mask fit testing of their staff. However, those stated to be the needs and requirements of the companies, and they are not for the US NIOSH certification on the mask.
Pressure drop during inhalation is slightly more stringent with N95 masks. As a result, they must be a little more ventilated than the KN95 masks.
Don’t stress or worry whenever you face a bit of difficulty in breathing through the mask, as dying from suffocation or oxygen starvation is very unlikely while wearing a mask.
N95s feature somewhat tougher pressure drop restrictions while exhaling, which could improve breathability.
How can you know if your mask is genuine?
Some counterfeit respirators are promoted and sold as NIOSH-approved. According to the CDC, this means they might not be able to provide enough respiratory protection.
NIOSH-approved respirators such as N95 masks will include an approval label on or inside the packaging. In addition, an abridged approval will be printed on the respirator. What should you know about respirators certified by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)?
When worn regularly and correctly, they give the maximum amount of protection from particles, including the virus that causes COVID-19. They also keep your respiratory secretions and particulates contained, so you don’t expose others. When correctly adjusted, they form a tight seal around your face. Because not all respirators fit the same, it’s critical to choose one that effectively fits your face and seals. NIOSH-approved respirators are tested to a US standard that includes a quality criterion.
When NIOSH approves them, it is suitable and efficient to use. They filter at least 95% of particles in the air after making sure they’re fitted suitably. Conclusion
N95 and KN95 masks are nearly identical for the average individual. If you’re not a medical professional, one of these options should suffice. Thus it is necessary to know the important facts about each of them and use them to protect ourselves from the viruses as such COVID-19
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giftofshewbread · 2 years
Advice From the Pits of Hell
 :: By Daymond Duck    Published on: August 27, 2022
oming world government: the Bible teaches that it will be led by a blasphemous Satan worshipper (Rev. 13:4-7).
Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum (WEF), relies on a gay atheist advisor named Yuval Noah Harari, who, in recent weeks, blasphemed God by saying, “Jesus rising from the dead and being the Son of God is fake news.”
On Aug. 12, 2022, it was reported that he said the world does not need most of its current population (he said most human beings are useless).
On Aug. 18, 2022, it was reported that this blasphemer said, “We don’t need some God in the clouds handing down tablets” (the Ten Commandments) because we’ve created our own cloud (the Internet cloud) and our own tablets (computers).
On Aug. 18, 2022, one writer opined (based on Harari’s writings in 2018) that the blasphemous Harari believes, “There is no truth, only power” (according to the Bible, Jesus is truth, the Scriptures are truth, etc.), and he said, “Humans prefer power to truth.”
I am not Harari’s judge, but world leaders appear to be getting advice from the pits of Hell as they structure their temporary New World Order (sadly, most of the church and media remain lukewarm or silent, and many of America’s leaders, including the Pres. of the U.S., support the coming satanic New World Order).
Here are recent current events that seem to indicate that the New World Order will soon take over this world.
One, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog: on Aug. 17, 2022, Israel and Turkey announced that they will return to full diplomatic relations.
Some have asked me what this means. I don’t think it means very much; Erdogan cannot be trusted. He will abandon his agreement and join Russia, Iran, etc., when God decides to drag them onto the mountains of Israel. He is not in control. God is in control.
Two, concerning Covid: on Aug. 17, 2022, the head of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) acknowledged that the agency made major mistakes in its handling of Covid, and as a result, the CDC will be overhauled.
There is no question that the CDC needs to be overhauled (their major mistakes have led to adverse reactions to jabs, including the death of some people, skepticism about the veracity of the CDC, skepticism about the value of wearing a mask, people losing their jobs, people not being allowed to buy drugs that work such as Ivermectin, etc.). But government agencies don’t usually do a good job of overhauling themselves, and the people responsible for these major mistakes (the head of the CDC and others) may need to be replaced.
(More: On Aug. 19, 2022, Ben Shapiro (Daily Wire Editor Emeritus) warned that the CDC is actually seeking to increase its power and control over people.)
Three, concerning Covid: on Aug. 17, 2022, it was reported that 7 young, jabbed doctors died in Canada from July 13-28 (what are the odds of 7 young doctors dying in 14 days; 5 were from the same city; Toronto, Canada).
Four, concerning the coming of Messiah: on Aug. 19, 2022, the speaker on a prophecy program said that an Israeli rabbi is saying Messiah will return after Rosh Hashanah this year (Sept. 25, 2022). I hope the rabbi is right, but he is speculating, and there have been a lot of wrong speculators through the years.
Keep in mind what the great Ed Hindson used to say:
Don’t waste your time,
Trying to guess the time,
Jesus can come anytime,
Be ready all the time.
When He comes, this Rosh Hashanah or whenever, we definitely need to be ready.
Five, concerning the deceit, persecution, censorship, and famine: Aug. 15, 2022, was the one-year anniversary of Pres. Biden’s withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, an event that Pres. Biden said went off “as designed” even though 13 U.S. service members were killed and billions of dollars of weapons were abandoned.
According to The Washington Free Beacon, in the 12 months since America’s “designed” withdrawal:
Afghan women have been banned from attending school.
There has been a crackdown on the Afghan media.
There have been mass executions of Afghan citizens.
The Afghan economy has declined by more than 60%.
About 20 million Afghans are going hungry, impoverished, or malnourished.
Afghanistan has returned to being a haven for terrorists.
Six, concerning famine and food shortages: on Aug. 23, 2022, the Chief Economist at the UN World Food Programme (WFP) said,
“50 million people across 45 countries are already on the verge of famine.”
“Another 345 million people are facing starvation across 80 countries.”
These numbers have increased 25% “from the start of the year.”
The situation is growing worse, and the U.S. will not be exempt forever.
Seven, concerning natural disasters: on Aug. 16, 2022, the White House announced that Arizona will receive 21% less water, Nevada will receive 8% less water, and northern Mexico will receive 7% less water from the Colorado River starting on Jan. 1, 2023.
For the time being, California, Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming will not be cut.
Arizona believes the White House is treating that state unfairly. That appears to be true, but regardless of how the water is divided, it is a fact that a severe drought is threatening 40 million people with the loss of their water and electricity.
God told King Solomon, “If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people; If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (II Chron. 7:13-14).
Eight, concerning threats to America: on Aug. 22, 2022, Tulsi Gabbard, former Rep. from Hawaii, said, “The greatest threat to our democracy is not Trump voters or parents protesting at school board meetings, but the permanent Washington elite which has weaponized the govt and teamed up with corporate media to intimidate and silence those who dare to disagree with them.”
Many prophecy teachers call the “permanent Washington elite” that Gabbard was referring to “the shadow government” because they influence America’s government and are working to surrender America’s sovereignty to a world government.
A recent poll found that 74% of those polled think America is going in the wrong direction.
Finally, are you Rapture Ready?
If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.
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random-snippets · 3 years
So I think it's on your main that you posted this and I hope it's okay that I'm asking you about it here. The post I'm talking about is one where you mention posts that basically guilt trip if you don't reblog them.
I keep getting one of this on my dash lately and it's fairly distressing. It goes as far as saying that silence is what killed their people in the past. They say that because of that they don't care what type of blog people have or if people find it distressing, they can put a trigger warning on it if need be, and to just reblog.
It's been one of the worst posts I have to come by and it's because of that persons approach rather than the posts contents itself. I was hoping to get your opinion on said thing. If you don't want to, that is fine!
Thank you
No one is going to die because you didn't reblog a tumblr post. No one even has to know what posts you saw. If the post is upsetting you, I think there are ways to block posts (can someone advise on that for sure?). If I sound short or annoyed it's because I'm mad at that type of post, not at you--it's manipulative and cheap and frankly useless. It also encourages virtue signaling by making people feel overly good about themselves for doing the bare minimum (reblogging a post on freaking tumblr) by implying that you're preventing the worst outcomes (deaths of innocent people) by reblogging instead of "staying silent."
I don't reblog much anymore. Know what I do do? I vote. I donate to causes I believe in. I support organizations by buying merchandise or subscribing to services. I follow reasonable guidelines set forth by the CDC. I got vaccinated and I still mask in crowded public places. I contact my local government about things I care about.
Those things will ALWAYS have a greater impact than reblogging guilt trips on tumblr. And while yes, it's good to stay informed, first of all, there's a LOT to be informed about these days and it's okay to be overwhelmed, and second, no one's primary source of current events should be tumblr anyway.
It's PERFECTLY OKAY if social media is your escape, not your platform for activism.
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ghostcrows · 2 years
One of the more fucked things abt the pandemic is how like even at major places where you should be able to get masks they're just selling totally useless garbage masks instead of anything helpful. Even fucking Walmart is just lying about having kn95s and charging 39 bucks for something that looks like but is not kn95. I've bought shit masks from Amazon that were like recommended by the CDC. Where are we even supposed to find the right tools when things are like this
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
Danneel’s hairstylist posted a new picture of her and honestly, that woman should have her license taken away. Danneel’s hair looks terrible. The color is this awful washed out, orangey blond and her extensions are poorly blended. Danneel may have terrible style, but Marcus and this new hairstylist are leading her down an even worse path than she would take on her own.
Also, her wearing a mask for the photo is so performative. I live in a very liberal area with very strict mask mandates, and my salon’s policy is that as long as you’re vaccinated and showing no symptoms you don’t have to wear a mask. I can’t imagine a salon in Texas somehow having stricter laws/rules than where I live. We also know at this point that fabric masks are pretty useless when it comes to protection against covid. I imagine she just put the mask on for the picture so that her followers can act as though her wearing a mask puts her next in line for head of the CDC.
I am assuming you mean this grossly over-retouched picture that makes Danneel look like a video game CGI version of herself
Apparently, these are luxury extensions? Whaaaat? lol As defined by whom? Oh and I think it dates back to 2021, she posted it on December 24. If the extension and overall hair looks this bad with a ton of filter on, what were they like without it?
Though, I have to say, a lighter color makes her face look less harsh, I don't like the shade but it does make her face softer as opposed to the red that enhances her vulgar traits. This is going to sound like the harshest opinion but people that go around wearing fabric masks either did no research or don't give s****. FYI for the Elta stannies stalking my blog, for future reference, don't do like your Kweeen, be intelligent and learn that the only masks that provide protection are the medically approved ones. Fashion is cool but it shouldn't be an excuse to endanger others. Ever. Also, Danneel leading anything is #1 recipe for turning society into complete laughable Trash. THE END. Anon, the hair stylist's license is about as valid as Danneel's performative couchtivism. Sorry not sorry. I am starting to sound more and more like a snarky gossip columnist, somebody save me, or not.
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Government Advisor Admits Masks Are Just “Comfort Blankets” That Do Virtually Nothing
“But now it is entrenched, and we are entrenching bad behaviour.”
15 hours ago
19 July, 2021
Steve Watson
Wiktor Szymanowicz/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images
As the UK Government heralds “freedom day” today, which is anything but, a prominent government scientific advisor has admitted that face masks do very little to protect from coronavirus and are basically just “comfort blankets”.
Dr Colin Axon, a SAGE advisor for the government told the London Telegraph that medics have given people a “cartoonish” view of how how microscopic viruses travel through the air, and the masks have gaps in them that are up to 5000 times bigger than Covid particles.
“The small sizes are not easily understood but an imperfect analogy would be to imagine marbles fired at builders’ scaffolding, some might hit a pole and rebound, but obviously most will fly through,” Axon said.
“Once a particle is not on a biological surface it is no longer a biomedical issue, it is simply about physics. The public has only a partial view of the story if information only comes from one type of source,” Axon continued, adding “Medics have some of the answers but not a whole view.”
Noting that the “mask debate is about the particle journey,” Axon explained that “Masks can catch droplets and sputum from a cough but what is important is that SARS CoV-2 is predominantly distributed by tiny aerosols.”
“A Covid viral particle is around 100 nanometres, material gaps in blue surgical masks are up to 1,000 times that size, cloth mask gaps can be 500,000 times the size,” Axon urged.
The professor noted that “those aerosols escape masks and will render the mask ineffective,” adding “The public were demanding something must be done, they got masks, it is just a comfort blanket. But now it is entrenched, and we are entrenching bad behaviour.”
“All around the world you can look at mask mandates and superimpose on infection rates, you cannot see that mask mandates made any effect whatsoever,” Axon further noted, adding that “The best thing you can say about any mask is that any positive effect they do have is too small to be measured.”
Axon’s comments echo those of Dr. Anthony Fauci, who wrote in February 2020 that a typical store-bought face mask “is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material.”
Fauci later reversed his position after the CDC began recommending that Americans wear face coverings. Similar recommendations were then made worldwide, with World Health Organisation officials even recommending that masks remain INDEFINTELY.
Social media networks have long censored and deleted information pertaining to the efficacy of masks, or lack thereof, despite numerous credible studies concluding that they are largely useless at stopping the spread of COVID-19.
A study in Denmark involving 6,000 participants found that “there was no statistically significant difference between those who wore masks and those who did not when it came to being infected by Covid-19,” the Spectator reported.
“1.8 per cent of those wearing masks caught Covid, compared to 2.1 per cent of the control group. As a result, it seems that any effect masks have on preventing the spread of the disease in the community is small.”
While the government says that from today masks are optional in the UK, many train companies and other businesses have said that they remain mandatory, causing widespread confusion.
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