#cat drama
afterplaidshirtdays · 6 months
how do I explain to cats that it’s not that serious that there’s another cat in their house now
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thebloggingfox · 9 months
In a local cat rescue group on fb
This week alone there have been several posts along the lines of:- someone put a collar on my cat, someone put cream on a scratch on my cat that was being treated by me, someone fed my diabetic cat, my cat got attacked by an unneutered male cat, my neighbour is angry at my for my cat pooing in their garden, my cat keeps bringing in dead birds what can I do??
Damn if only there was a really simple, easy, completely free and proven to work thing you could do that would literally solve all of these problems immediately and effectively, ah I guess we'll never solve them 🙄
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wp-blaze · 3 days
Stepping Out on the Waves
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So many of you have been following my health journey for sometime now…you’ve covered me with encouragement, support and prayer and celebrated my wins and victories with me. And I want to thank you so much!! It’s an honor to get to share my story and to hopefully be an encouragement as well…because we are […]
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eilooxara · 3 months
C cat does not GET to come to bed with me tonight because instead of lying down and cuddling she went to go beat up W cat
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negative-corgi · 11 months
TornClan update: there are currently 4 murderers in the clan and two of them are mediators.
Definitely thinking of doing a "murder cats uprising" kinda thing if I get a fifth murder where I kill off a bunch of cats and overthrow the current leader hmm
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karacahil · 1 year
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#Kediden 'Şikayet' pozları!
📠 Kaynak: Fakültede bir kedi evi
🎦 Fotoğraf: Redmi -9
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ivanatwotails · 3 months
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Drew a massive Warriors peice based on the events at the end of Rising Storm
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wp-blaze · 3 days
Financial Fumbles: Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail – Avoid Debt, Budget Smart, and Secure Your Retirement!
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Let’s dive into the ocean of financial challenges. Yep, we’re talking about managing debt, budgeting like a boss, saving for retirement (hello, golden years!), and handling those sneaky unexpected expenses that seem to pop up when you least expect them. First off, let’s tackle the beast known as debt. It’s like that stubborn stain on […]
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werepuppygaming · 3 months
What even just happened???
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gracegrove · 23 days
Chaos has erupted in my household.
My itty bitty, uwu baby kitty has begun bullying and biting my big boy always in trouble kitty.
It's been three days of the smaller one ambushing and the big one screaming bloody murder into a giant cat fight where he hides under the furniture and growls and hisses.
We had to separate them last night for the first time. Normally they always sleep together.
The baby is completely unbothered while my troublemaker is traumatized and won't even come into the same room unless I kick out the other one and offer him treats.
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aleprouswitch · 1 year
I wish that Molly got along with other cats. Rosie wants to be friends, but Molly just growls and hisses at her.
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muzdiir · 6 months
mom & her bf are taking their cat to the vet bc he apparently hasn't been eating for the past 2 days, has been vomiting bile, & has generally been very lethargic.
having worked at a vet & also dad's last cat having had the same symptoms, i am On Edge bc i know what this most likely means. hopefully the bloodwork comes back ok, mom & her bf OK an ultrasound/whatever other diagnostics the vet suggests. i am a bit upset that they waited so long, & that they haven't tried to get any other food in his gullet (he is strictly a Kibble Cat--doesn't even like cat treats--but they should have at least tried canned food).
i may not live with him anymore but i love this cat very much 😑
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graendoll · 1 year
Proof that I am socially inept, or a dick or something:
Once upon a time like a year ago or so, I dunno the exact timeframe, a cat showed up at my house. He was young and LOVED my older tabby. They play and groom eachother and generally have a fabulous time on their play dates.
Anyway, this new cat is a local neighborhood cat - had a collar and my direct neighbors recognized him as belonging to a family up the street. At one point he lost the collar, but like...I knew his family of people were nearby.
Anyway, fast forward a year and this cat spends a fair amount of time at our house. He sleeps in our solarium and gets along with our feral barn cat who lives outside, and generally we have accepted him into our cat family. But at no point did I consider that we'd stolen the cat? Because he is an outdoor cat and like...I don't know the neighbors he belongs to, so I assumed he was splitting time between us. I have had this happen with my cats in the past. It's a consequence of the cat distribution algorithm and I just roll with it.
This weekend, however, I noticed the cat had a tail injury - I was worried it was broken and he was in a lot of pain. To repeat, I don't know his other family at all. So I called some vets because at one point the woman who he belongs to told me he had a vet (she saw him in our yard one day and picked him up and took him home...he was back the next morning - literally the only interaction I've had with her was her coming by, saying "thats my cat, hes had all his shots" and picking him up). ANYWAY, I was hoping if I could find his vet, we could take him in because a LOT of vets here dont see new patients. So I mentioned when I called the only weekend vet that was open that he wasn't mine and was told they wouldn't treat him without his owners permission.
This is long. Sorry.
Anyway, I asked our direct neighbors for the contact information for the cat's other family in the hopes I could get him to the vet. So I texted the cats other humans and explained he'd been injured and asked if he had a vet.....and that is where I apparently lost the ability to predict human behavior.
See, I assumed the other family was like...on the same page about the status of the cat. That he was theirs but also hung with us like half the time. Like split custody, if you will.
I was mistaken. Because this guy shows up at my house at like 8:30pm, demands the cat, invites himself in, picks up the injured cat, who is hissing at him, and says "if you want the cat just keep it". I'm like...completely speechless and awkwardly try to explain it was never my intent to steal the cat. He says "then don't feed him" and I try to explain we leave food out for ferals, but he cuts me off and says "this is the only cat we've ever had who ditched us" and then proceeds to leave with said cat and drive away.
I mean...I realize I'm not blameless here. Did I feed the cat? Yes. Did I let him in my house? Yes. Did I actively attempt to steal their cat? No? I don't even know what cat theft would look like? They're cats. They're not like dogs. They are aloof and sometimes pick new owners and occaisionally come back after being gone for six months.
But I WAS trying to get him looked at by a vet. I wasn't trying to get out of paying for his care or being like "welp, we've fed and housed him four days out of seven for a year but he's technically yours so you should pay for his vet care." I just wanted to help the cat and since I was overly honest with the vets about not being his owner this seemed like a good path forward....
Anyway, these strangers who I have never before met except through cat drama have the cat in their possession. I offered to pay for vet bills, but got no response. And now I'm worried they'll like...hold the cat hostage or something? I dunno.
I cannot begin to explain how many times I have had cats elect to move without informing me. I mean if I don't want to abide by cat distribution rules, I don't let my cat outside.
This probably makes me look like a class A dick, but that's all part of my inability to person. 🤷‍♀️. /rant off
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smartcattttt · 2 years
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Funny cat series3
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eilooxara · 3 months
Covering the mean cat's eyes when she starts growling at the other cat seems to be effective
Obviously I can't always do this but it's good to have options
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negative-corgi · 11 months
I did not mean for this to be so long, I'm so sorry lmao
Also I'm so sorry if things don't make sense or there's a shit ton of mistakes. Firstly I didn't write down everything in my clan, I'm basically going by what I remember and the family trees. I'm also not a good writer lmao
So if i guess I post about Clan gen now and my clans drama.
So, my current casual clan I play is TornClan and I accidentally started a type of Monarchy way back with a cat called Swampstar who was the daughter of a loner Crouchwhisker and adoptive daughter of kittypet and former deputy Joobchomp.
Swampstar would have a short relationship with a she cat named Icefeather who's death is unknown and later becomes mates with a loner named Brindlefoot who she would have a MASSIVE litter of kits with (this would become an ongoing thing in the family). Brindlefoot would eventually die of Yellowcough and Swampstar of old age. Swampstar's son, Palestar, would take her place as leader.
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Very similarly to Swampstar, Palestar would be in a smae sex relationship with a warrior named Fuzzback. Unfortunately Fuzzback would die at only 58 Moons old after freezing to death in a sudden snowstorm.
Palestar would then become mates with highly respected warrior named Brightfur. The two would have one very large litter of kits, just like Swampstar and Brindlefoot. This time however, Palestar would choose to train his kits to become the next leaders of the clan. Many of them took up spots as deputies, medicine cats, mediators and highly respected warriors. Unfortunately many of Palestar's kits would get lost and die outside the clan. Palestar would die of old age. (Brightfur's death is unknown because the game keeps crashing when I try to look at her history lmao) Palestar currently has 6 living grandchildren and 17 grandchildren all together.
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Galestar would be the chosen child of Palestar to take his place as leader. In fact, Palestar actually retired early and gave up his lives to see his daughter become leader. Her sibling Talonclaw would take place as deputy. Before I talk more about Galestar, two moons before she died she came out as trans. So for the majority of her life she was identifying as a tom hence why she had a lot of kits before coming out (I have same sex kits off to prevent a sea of kittens). Palestar would spend most her life as an incredibly competent leader however when she became around 50 moon sold she would realise she needed a mate to carry on the new tradition of leaders being related. She (*cough* I *cough*) would search for moons to find the perfect mate. Finally she would stumble up a kittypet named Beanie Baby who would quickly become Galestar's very loyal and loved mate. Galestar then proceeded to CHEAT ON HER 4 MOONS LATER WITH HER DEAD SISTERS (BLUETOOTH) MATE ROOTBACK. Rootback would hope none of the kits looked like Galestar but Gladekit would look like a mix between Galestar and his Grandad Palestar. All the cats in the clan could tell this was Galestar's kit and it caused a lot of judgement on her. However she would ignore the other cats and still try to train Gladepaw to become next in line. Unfortunately during this time Gladepaw died from water-inhalation after a river accident.
Obviously Galestar was not the only kit of Palestar, she also had her siblings. Since Galestar and Beanie Baby were struggling to have kits. Galestar decided that any grandchild of Palestar was worthy of becoming the new leader. Two cats in the clan stepped up to take challenge. Bogcry, Gladepaws only sibling who was essentially cast aside for Gladepaw when they were little. Galestar's nephew Wheatswipe who was his brother Mosslight's son, would also step up. Neither cat were particularly liked. Bogcry was not very popular due to being overshadowed by not just her dead brother but also by Wheatswipe confidence. While Wheatswipe WAS more popular than Bogcry, cats could tell he was not mature enough to take the leaders place. Too aggressive and willing to start fights. Wheatswipe attitude would be the death of them after they picked a fight with a large group of rogues they could not win against. This might have seemed like a win for Bogcry as she no longer had any opponents but just then, Galestar would announce that Beanie Baby was pregnant and having kits soon. That was Bogcry's chance blown..
Galestar and Beanie Baby would have 8 kits but unfortunately unlike Palestar and Swampstar, some of the list would die before making it to adulthood.. some not even making it to 6 moons.
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Galestar would die just before her kits were 6 moons old. (And I can't remember how because I keep getting the history crash rip). Obviously, the kits are not ready to be warriors so Talonstar takes over as leader with their sister Roaringgale as deputy.
Currently Galestar's kit Venusfang is set to become deputy once training an apprentice. She has already got her warrior name while her siblings are still in training.
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Some info about Galestar's siblings because they were my favourite litter and I'm mega upset so many of them got lost.
Talonstar - Leader - First non-binary leader and possibly aesexual as they've never had interest in romance. Has had 6 apprentices so far !! Talonstar is still alive !
Roaringgale - warrior - Originally got lost and finally made it back home to be with her siblings. Roaringgale is still alive !
Bluetooth - Mediator - Original mate to Rootback and adopted all of her children. She holds no bad feelings towards Rootback for having kits with her brother and says that Bogcry and Gladepaw are just as important to her as their other adopted kits. She has two living grandkids, Stonedance and Leapstripe. Bluetooth died outside the clan.
Fogstalk - deputy - Fogstalk was actually deputy before Talonstar and consistently clashed with Galestar. Fogstalk would be one of the siblings to get lost and never be found again.
Mosslight - Mediator - Mosslight was one of the siblings to not get lost and spent most of their time as the clans head mediator. Later in life Mosslight would make a questionable decision to have kist with a cat named Springheart and then immediately get into a relationship with a warrior named Amerettofalls claiming they were not his despite 3/4 kits having a black and white coat like him.
Rainchaser - warrior - Rainchaser was a childish cat and only made it to 19 moons old after being killed by a dog when trying to lead it off the territory. Ironically, Rainchaser has a scar on her face from his mentor and Grandmother Brightfur after she scolded him for not taking her duties seriously enough.
Badgerfrekle - Warrior - Similarly to Rainchaser, Badgerfrekle would die very young. Even though he was young, he was a model warrior many had respect for. He would die from a broken bone.
Flickerghost - Medicine cat - Flickerghost was one of the lost siblings. Apparently a loved medicine cat, the clan did not get to spend much time with her. (Death unknown, history crash)
Dreamily - warrior - Originally one of the lost siblings, Dreamlily would eventually make it back to the clan in one piece ! Like her siblings, she is close to 120 moons old and is ready for retirement. The only thing she regrets is not getting to spend more time with her clan and having her own kits.
I'm sorry
For anyone who reads this jumbled mess, thank you ??? You must be really bored lmao
Originally had this at the top of the post but have moved it here. It's just ranting about twitter lmao
Once again I suddenly attempt to be active on Tumblr. Twitter has gone to such shit. I follow like 500+ accounts on there and I'm lucky if I even see 6 of them now. I actually like Tumblr more than twitter, I just don't know how to use it properly lol.
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pokyphotography · 1 year
Life is a dance, and cats are the purrfect partners." - UnknownCats have a natural grace and elegance that makes them great dancers. They move with a fluidity and precision that is unmatched. Watching a cat dance is like watching poetry in motion. So let's take a cue from our feline friends and dance through life with grace and style!
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adamavshamayim · 1 year
SO cat update. A few nights ago the meow fighting kept waking me up and I was worried our cat L was terrorizing the foster A. I messaged the people who gave A to me and told them it wasn't working out between them. And then they found a different person to foster them. And I offered to take A to their house. I was emotional because poor cat she's been through so much and I felt like I let her down by giving up on her. So I was questioning giving her back. And then I tried to get her into her carrier. She hid for a while but after she realized she wasn't going to be able to run from us, she let us spend some time with her. She let us pet her and she even ate some food out of hubs hand!! I was shocked and on the verge of crying and I wanted to keep her. It was such a whirlwind. And then I messaged them again and told her I want to keep her longer and never mind on taking her to another foster. They were cool with it but it's just been such a crazy day.
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