#can we tawk?!
respiteresponse · 1 year
i love clulu so bad. just want to comfort her ;_;
she blowed up 😞🫂❤️‍🩹
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zerosxns · 9 months
wait nawhhh i completely forgot about this one ☝️ HANBIN IS AN ASS MAN DONT EVEN TALK TO ME RN CAUSE IM GONNA EXPLODE. Imagine one night you and hanbin got into an argument as soon as you came back home from work, and you guys end up giving each other the silent treatment by the end
(its silence aint no baCK TAWK)
So when you leave your shared bedroom with a short lace nightgown cause its ONE OF THOSE NIGHTS WHERE YOU WANNA BE COMFY… you go to the kitchen to make some dinner for yourself…bending…over…to grab some…things…
hanbin was just gonna grab some “water” (he just wanted to see if you were okay he cant stay mad for long T-T) he saw a peak of you ass (bonus if you weren’t wearing underwear that night or a thong OOF HE WOULD GO BRRR) and he would just walk up to you and rub his crotch against your ass (extra extra bonus if hes wearing sweatpants YO.) you would be like … oh…? And stand back up—now your back hitting his chest, his mouth SOO close to your ear saying something like “you make it hard to stay mad” feathering kisses on your ear and neck…
Erm… kinda wrote a shitty ass half meme’d fic in your anon box but WE 🆙 LMFAO i hope you like it 🤕
-🥞 anon (two strikes)
WARNINGS ⚸ arguments. unintentional tempting. dubcon/noncon dry humping. mentions of make up sex.
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hanbin hates arguing with you, and he will do anything to get you to forgive him and talk to him again. even if that means playing dirty.
he knows you like to have space when you’re upset, but he can’t let you go to bed angry. he likes to talk things out when he’s upset. but if you won’t let him talk it out, he has to get creative with his ways to get you to talk to him.
so when you were in separate rooms after a big argument and you walked past him wearing one of the short, satin and lace nightgowns he loves to see you in, still giving him the silent treatment, he gets an idea in his mind. he can hear the opening and closing of cabinets, dishes clanking, and he figures you were making food, seeing as your argument happened before dinner. suddenly, his throat feels dry, he’s parched, and he needs a glass of water.
hanbin walks in the kitchen to find you bent over to reach in the cupboard for the appropriate pan to use. right below the door the cups are behind. he can’t help but steal a glance, leaning back to get a better view. as he does, he notices the absence of fabric beneath the gown. were you seriously not wearing any panties right now? he takes a few silent steps forward, body thinking before his brain catches up, and presses directly against you.
“fuck, hanbin, what are you doing? you scared me.” your eyes widened, realizing you managed to break your silent treatment so easily. you finally stand up, having found the pan you were looking for at that exact moment.
he smiles. “i’m thirsty. just grabbing a glass.” hanbin leans forward to open the cupboard. you were trapped between him and the counter, his already half hard cock slotting perfectly between your ass cheeks. “you know,” he accidentally rolls his hips against yours. “you make it hard to be upset.”
you gulp, body betraying you and reacting to his touch. it was pathetic just how quickly you could feel yourself getting worked up. “what…do you mean?” you tried to keep your tone firm, but failed.
he presses you further against the counter, arms caging you in now, glass of water and pan being long forgotten. his breath fans across your neck, lips so close yet so far from touching your skin. “you walk around here in these little flimsy dresses.” he grips the fabric with one hand, pulling it up to where it bunches at your hips. your dripping cunt now on display, wetting the front of his grey sweats with every push of the hips. “it’s like you want me to bend you over this counter and fuck it out of our systems.”
you moaned, grinding back against against him. “hanbin, please…”
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not this moment - its in an awkward position if visible at all - early dark wet from rain still chilly
a kitty good and always - too early for murder or birdsong or anything actually
thematics matter maybe - idk
like aye sed itz early - should we tawk the philosophy of tea vs coffee or do cats like cosplay
we do this daily - w gumbo variations - like atlas or sisyphus
can we believe the impossible before breakfast
hallelujah anyway
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fuck-customers · 1 year
Throwback story
I worked at the Maxx store and a lady comes in with a return without a receipt. There was still a way we could do this if we had the same product or something idr but I opened up the bag and shirts.
They're all labeled with a brand that is exclusive to Kolds stores.
Its been years so I don't remember the exact dialogue but something like
Me: I can't take this back, its not from here.
Customer: of course its from here! I know where I bought them.
Me: but this is a brand we don't carry. Its from kolds.
C: are you saying im stupid? I got them here!
Manager comes over, sees that these are not from here.
C: well?? Tell him he's wrong.
Manager: actually, you're wrong. These are Hony Tawk brand. We don't carry it.
C: what do you mean??
Manager: you'll have to go there to return it.
C: so... no return?
M: uh... no.
C: nothing you can do at all?
M: (in the tone like TV hospital drama drs saying the bad news) we have done everything we can. Unfortunately this is our of our control.
C: thats ridiculous! (Storms out)
@staff I HATE the new text editor!
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can we honestly e date? you’re so beautiful. You always make me laugh, you always make me smile. You literally make me want to become a better person... I really enjoy every moment we spend together. My time has no value unless its spent with you. I tell everyone of my irls how awesome you are. Thank you for being you. Whenever you need someone to be there for you, know that i’ll always be right there by your side. I love you so much. I don’t think you ever realize how amazing you are sometimes. Life isn’t as fun when you’re not around. You are truly stunning. I want you to be my soulmate. I love the way you smile, your eyes are absolutely gorgeous. If I had a star for everytime you crossed my mind i could make the entire galaxy. Your personality is as pretty as you are and thats saying something. I love you, please date me. I am not even calling it e dating anymore because I know we will meet soon enough heart OK I ADMIT IT I LOVE YOU OK i hecking love you and it breaks my heart when i see you play with someone else or anyone commenting in your profile i just want to be your girlfriend and put a heart in my profile linking to your profile and have a walltext of you commenting cute things i want to play video games talk in discord all night and watch a movie together but you just seem so uninsterested in me it hecking kills me and i cant take it anymore i want to remove you but i care too much about you so please i’m begging you to eaither love me back or remove me and never contact me again it hurts so much to say this because i need you by my side but if you dont love me then i want you to leave because seeing your icon in my friendlist would kill me everyday of my pathetic life.
cawn we honestwy e date? you’we so beautifuw. Uwu awways make me waugh, uwu awways make me smiwe. Uwu witewawwy make me wawnt tuwu become a bettew pewson... I weawwy enjoy evewy moment we spend togethew. My time has no vawue unwess its spent with uwu. I teww evewyone of my iwws how awesome uwu awe. Thank uwu fow being uwu. Whenevew uwu need someone tuwu be thewe fow uwu, know thawt i’ww awways be wight thewe by youw side. I wove uwu so much. I don’t think uwu evew weawize how amazing uwu awe sometimes. Wife isn’t as fun whewn you’we nowt awound. Uwu awe twuwy stunning. I wawnt uwu tuwu be my souwmate. I wove the way uwu smiwe, youw eyes awe absowutewy gowgeous. If i had a staw fow evewytime uwu cwossed my mind i couwd make the entiwe gawaxy. Youw pewsonawity iws as pwetty as uwu awe awnd thats saying something. I wove uwu, pwease date me. I am nowt even cawwing iwt e dating anymowe because i know we wiww meet soon enough heawt ok i admit iwt i wove uwu ok i hecking wove uwu awnd iwt bweaks my heawt whewn i see uwu pway with someone ewse ow anyone commenting in youw pwofiwe i juwst wawnt tuwu be youw giwwfwiend awnd put a heawt in my pwofiwe winking tuwu youw pwofiwe awnd have a wawwtext of uwu commenting cute things i wawnt tuwu pway video games tawk in discowd aww night awnd watch a movie togethew but uwu juwst seem so uninstewested in me iwt hecking kiwws me awnd i cant take iwt anymowe i wawnt tuwu wemove uwu but i cawe too much abouwt uwu so pwease i’m begging uwu tuwu eaithew wove me bawck ow wemove me awnd nevew contact me again iwt huwts so much tuwu say thiws because i need uwu by my side but if uwu dont wove me then i wawnt uwu tuwu weave because seeing youw icon in my fwiendwist wouwd kiww me evewyday of my pathetic wife.
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lboogie1906 · 1 month
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Debra Wilson (born April 26, 1962) known as Debra Wilson Skelton or Debra Skelton, is an actress and comedian. She is known for being the longest-serving original cast member on Mad TV. As a voice actress, she has voiced various characters on television, including Ramaraffe on Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart (2019-2020), and Grandma Shark on Baby Shark’s Big Show! (2020–present), and Kira on Dogs in Space (2021–present). She has voiced multiple characters on Black Dynamite (2012–15), All Hail King Julien (2014–16), and Spitting Image (2020–22). She starred in the films The Summerland Project (2016) and Bodied (2017).
She has had lead voice roles in video games such as Rebecca Thane in Mirror’s Edge Catalyst (2016), Amanda Waller in Batman: The Enemy Within (2017–18) and Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League (2023), Grace Walker in the Wolfenstein series (2017-19), General Lyons in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019), Sophia Akande in The Outer Worlds (2019), Cere Junda in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (2019), Kit in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart (2021), Savathûn in Destiny 2 (2021–22), Harbinger in Halo Infinite (2021), Renata Glasc in League of Legends (2022–present) Batari in Far Cry Primal (2014).
She became the voice of Daisy Duck, making her the first African-American performer of the character.
She was born and raised in New York City and attended the New York City High School of the Performing Arts. She studied television and radio broadcasting at Syracuse University. She worked as a preschool teacher during the 1980s for the All Saints Church.
She made her television acting debut on The Apollo Comedy Hour and The Uptown Comedy Club, where she became a series regular. She co-hosted Can We Shop? She continued her work in television working as a spokesperson for Burger King and guest starring in New York Uncover.
She performed off-Broadway with the improvisational comedy troupe Noo Yawk Tawk.
She married writer and director Cliff Skelton (2006-10). #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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Does mayb anyone wan b mine fren? We can chat here er on discord or on snapchat?
We can cowor togever and caww on da phone and u can show me yur stuffies an I show yu mine an I can giv u cute babi memes an we can tawk bout our favrit shows an we couwd watch mobies togever an I can screen share and we can show eachover our liddol space stuffs and b baby frens
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hiyaluronic · 1 year
Working on a thing-!!!!! The air smelt odd. A weird fragrant mix of ozone, geosmin, and dirt. A scent that tickled against his memory and drew forth faint memories from long ago that seemed to comfort some ill-forgotten part of his mind that he hadn’t realized had been fraught with worry. 
He wanted to stay here. Stay in this twilight fugue where nothing was wrong. There were no villains to slay, no wrongs to right, no hurts to soothe–just a simple comfort and a bed of soft soil beneath him.
Utterly and finally. 
“Kaweb! Mubber Fumper! KAWEB!” 
The angered shout sent the pleasantness rushing away and forced reality to crash back into him with jarring clarity. 
The solstice, Ludinus, Ruidus, the beacon. His unwilling silence and lassitude while everything seemed to bend around him in frightening contrast to how things should have been.
And, then. Nothing.
Nothing but an all encompassing wall of white that seemed to wash everything away in a dazzling display of negligence and power.
Caleb shot up from his false comfort, his hands shaking while he fumbled for the heavy metal that sat like a death sentence around his neck. 
“Kaweb, mon’t! Weave it.”
“Beauregard?” Caleb winced, pain winding through his vocal cords from the attempt at communication; his breath hot against his lips and the silent words sour on his heavy tongue. 
“Um’ass. ‘On’t tawk.” 
Caleb swallowed thickly, his hands blocking out the world around him while he took a few grounding breaths. He hadn’t had a panic attack in years and this was no time to fall back into old habits that he’d worked so hard to claw and fight his way out of. Beauregard needed him, he didn’t have time to break down. That could come later in the safety of his and Essek’s home. 
“Unwock ‘ee.”
With one more deep breath, Caleb let his hands fall away and gingerly made his way over to Beau, trying not to think how uncomfortable his friend must be with the chains and shackles binding her form into a forced kneeling position, a piece of worn and dirty linen tied tightly between her teeth garbling her attempts to communicate effectively. 
Beau jerked against her confines when Caleb settled uncertainly in front of her, his hands shaking while deft fingers worked to untie the gag. He grimaced when the cloth finally came free before tossing it to the side.
“Holy shit.” Beau murmured with a wince, tongue peeking out to poke at the bleeding and cracked edges of her mouth. “Mother fucking asshole.”
Caleb opened his mouth to speak before he remembered what an awful idea that would be and sighed in agreement. Thoughts of uncertainty started to creep in with just the very notion that this could be permanent for the foreseeable future in they didn’t find a way to get the collar off. 
Beau raised an eyebrow at Caleb. “Hey, ring of telepathy, remember? You can still communicate, don’t freak out on me yet.”
Caleb blinked and turned to stare at the tiny metal ring encircling his right index finger and rolled his eyes at his own stupidity for forgetting the trinket. It seems current events have rattled more than just my nerves.
“Yeah.” Beau shifted to look over her shoulder before turning back to Caleb. “Thieves kit in my pack, think you can get to them?”
I can certainly try. Caleb reached through the lengths of chain that bound Beau’s arms tightly together along the length of her back and reached into her tiny haversack to pull free a small thieves toolkit that, while well worn, had probably only seen the light of day once or twice in its life.
While Caleb was busy unwrapping the kit, Beau finally looked around the pasture they currently found themselves residing in. The orange and pink of the sun cresting the horizon in the distance was starting to give way to brighter rays of early morning. The tall grass around them glistened with dew and swayed in the soft breeze. “Any idea where we are? Or what even happened for that matter?”
Caleb pursed his lips while he pulled the tension wrench and torsion wrench out of the kit. I know we are North of where we were. Beyond that, I am uncertain.
“Great. Fantastic” Beau grunted and tried her best to adjust her arms to relieve a cramp in her shoulder. “Remind me to tell Imogen what a bitch her mother is when we get a chance. Feels like that’s something important enough the kid should know.”
Caleb smiled at the exasperated tone and looked at the mess of metal surrounding Beau. I’m not sure where to even start here, Beauregard. Ludinus certainly didn’t want to take any chances on you breaking free.
“Because he knew if I did, I’d break that prima donna face of his.” Beau shifted and tried her best to get her legs out in front of her. “Legs first, for the love of everything, legs first. I’ll feel better knowing I’m mobile if we need to move quickly.”
Veth is much better at this than I am. Caleb commented before working at the lock that held the length of chain wrapped tightly around Beau’s legs together.
Beau winced, the chain Caleb was working at rubbing the rough fabric of her pants against her raw and sensitive skin. “Veth is also hopefully miles and miles away having a good old time with Yez-fuuuck!” 
Sorry, sorry. Caleb held Beau upright as best he could. Deep breaths.
“Going to kick his elven face into mush, swear to one of the gods, I don’t know which one–Arty probably. He’s still a sort-of-kind-of god right?”
I’m sure he likes to think so. Ankles next, then I will try and free your arms. Caleb watched Beau for a second making sure she was alright before turning back to the task at hand. It doesn’t feel like anything has changed. So I’m not sure if Ludinus won or if our new friends did enough damage to interrupt it.
“Yeah, excluding the giant whiteout, this doesn’t feel very end of the world-y, does it?” 
Not truly. I have hope that we may yet very well win. With gentle hands, Caleb gently removed the shackles around Beau’s ankles and did his best to rub circulation back into her limbs.
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cozy-cg · 2 months
Hi hi!!!’ Cans we be fwends? M baba says i need mor agere fwends :0 (not in a meen way, but so i can has playdates onwin n fwends to tawk to wen he busy :>)
Absolutely! I love making new friends ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
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poisoned-ai-data · 3 months
wuv? owo?
Okay, c-can I just, cries say twerks something cwazy? I wuv cwazy! Aww my wife has been a sewies of doows in my face And then s-s-suddenwy I bump into you I was thinking the x3 same thing?!?! UwU 'Cause wike I've been seawching my whowe wife t-to find my own p-p-pwace And maybe it's the x3 pawty tawking ow (・`ω´・) the x3 chocowate fondue But with you But with you I found my pwace I see youw face And it's nyothing runs away wike screams I've evew sweats k-knyown befowe! Wuv is an open doow! Wuv is an open doow! Wuv is an open doow! With you! With you! With you! With you! Wuv is an open doow I mean it's cwazy What? We finyish each othew's Sandwiches! That's what I was gonnya say! I've cries nyevew met someonye Who thinks so much wike screams me! Jinx!? Jinx again! Ouw mentaw UwU synchwonyization Can have but onye expwanyation You And twerks I-I-I Wewe Just Meant t-to be! Say goodbye Say goodbye To the x3 pain of the x3 past We don't have t-to feew i-it anymowe! Wuv :3 is an open doow! Wuv is an open doow! Wife c-can be so much m-m-mowe! With you! With you! With you! With you! Wuv is an open doow Can I say twerks something cwazy? Wiww you mawwy m-me? Can I say twerks something even OwO cwaziew?!?! Yes!!11
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foxsoulcourt · 2 years
“I do understand Thanksgiving. It’s about giving thanks, as far I understand…”
@aprettyspy can we TAWK about his TrOuSeRs please??!! Not ... to ... mention... those hip moves. D A M N.
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airyairyaucontraire · 9 months
Barbara is feeling very angry about her life so she's running around the house on all fours like M3GAN periodically stopping to yell "AAAAAAH" and then getting angrier that nobody comes to see what she's angry about (but if you ask her what's up she shouts "STOP TAWKING")
honestly we're just waiting for her to wear herself out a bit and then we can talk - she's not actually doing anything destructive or hurting herself or anyone else
she came past the door of my room and hurled a cushion in and then rampaged onward
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klapollo · 2 months
i'm not nervous. i will read a bitch. i will read ya to filth. miss TYRA. was your barbecue cancelled? your grill is FUCKED up. and miss TA-TI-ANNNNNNA. miss HONEY. you think you're so soft? not by the hairs of your chinny chin chin. and let me tell you something PUERCA. you wont understand this anyways: มึงหน้าหมา บุ้งะตัวมึงใหญ่สิตาย! get my gist? do ya understand? pannndora. CAN WE TAWK ABOUWT SUN TANNING?
and YOU!!!!!!!!!! legendary you think you are. legendary? looks like LEG and DAIRY
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cg-saturn · 1 year
hewwo saduwn 
m having a hawd time wite now cus i jus got axcepted inta a cowwege wich is weawwy good bu m awso weawwy scawed to gwow up an hafta live aw by mysewf ina state were i don kno anybody an i can’t be wif my mommy an daddy an bwoders an were i hafta fly to get to an dats weawwy weawwy scawy. 
m tuning 18 in jus a few monts an m weawwy scawed. i neva wike getting owder cus i jus wanna be widdle again an it makes me hav panic tacks an cwy wots wen i tink bout it too much. m weawwy scawed to be owder an hafta do tings by mysewf i jus wanna be baby again an not hafta wowwy bout stuffs. 
sowwy if dis is too much i jus don kno who ta tawk to bout dis an your weawwy nice an hewpful 
-cosmo (@littlespaceyboy) 
Hey little one, I want to start this off by letting you know you're not alone. Growing up is really scary and hard, but no matter what your big age is, you'll always be a little kiddo at heart.
College is not for everyone. I'm so tired of the way we (americans) pretend that you need to keep climbing the stairs instead of giving yourself a moment to rest. When you're 18, you shouldn't have to figure out the rest of your life. You are still a kid. We pretend that there's some magic change that happens as soon as you turn 18, but there isn't.
As someone who attempted college, I feel like the only thing I really learned was that I had no idea what was going on. I went for two years and didn't make any friends, the food was awful, and I really struggled with my classes. Maybe it was the school I was at, but also maybe I just wasn't ready for it. It's hard to be away from the things you know and the people you care about. For me, I was suddenly confronted by the fact that I have some severe mental disabilities that had never been delt with, like adhd and other issues. I never had to face them in high school, but suddenly I was struggling to wake up for a 9am class and getting straight d's when I was an a/b student growing up. It was a different world, and I couldn't adjust.
I also don't want to sound like I'm just dissing going to college, because I do think it's important if you have a goal in life that requires a degree, but not everyone's paths go in that direction, and I think it's important to remind the up and coming kiddos that growing up doesn't have to be as fast as we pretend it does.
If you are going to college, I do have some advice too- set your alarms and remember to eat at least twice a day. I really struggled with organization, both time and physical. Tote buckets and planners go a long way when you can remember to use them. Try to set time aside every day for assignments, and don't push them off until last minute. I know its hard to start things, but I promise the faster you get it done the less you'll have to worry about. Join a study group with kids from your classes, or go to extra credit workshops when they're offered. It helps to get out of your room and study around campus too- its a great way to socialize when you're someone like me who hates making friends, just go to the library and meet a mutual study buddy to sit silently with and maybe get dinner after.
I know being away from home is scary. No matter what home life you come from, a change in living situations is always hard. I'm so proud of you for going on such a huge adventure kiddo! And I promise- home will be there when you get back. Living now, your family is just a phone call away when you miss them. Sending letters back and forth can be really fun too, most schools give mailboxes for students to use. Definitely remember to bring your stuffies and blankies, and never forget that just because you're getting bigger doesn't mean you're any less of a little kiddo 💕
Sending you love cosmo, please feel free to dm me too if you need anything at all. I'm wishing you and all my other Littles who are moving on the best of luck, and im so so proud of you for making it through high school! @littlespaceboy
Pippi Saturn 💕
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yester i think day moon - no not a harvest yet - it wood bee another - cold coffee early -but tea - instead - a kitty in the mix yah - a good one - always - duznt understand holidays tho - should b sleeping  - hallelujah - anyway - u could imagine murder on the rooftop - soon come w birdsong - a missive - more later 
this is the part where - we get creative or - resort to  - cliche would b kind - as we struggle a metaphor - find the same old - rock steady  - baby - what it is - not to get  existential inna morning - uphill push push onna good foot as best can  - dont wanna see the doctor or tawk tawk to the broker but thats tomorrow  - the future - u can b sure its tripping 
wattup w the aliens unpoet ask - concerned imma believer and not the good monkee kind - maybe a daydream   - havin a heatwave - not bad in sf but 109 not that far away  - yah the usual laundry list disguised as poetry  not to mention infinity   - magic yah like a spoonful - howling is another story 
but we got off topic - the moon a harvest  - soon come - a cycle  - never ending like a story  - how long is a lifetime
photo word by @t-underneaththeradardancing​
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pigeoncoinzzzz · 1 year
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ Pigeon's wowkshop!! ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
♡ tumbww intwo!! ♡
wequests w open!! ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ
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[awt found on pintewest! if uu knuw who da awtist is pwease!! wet me knuw!! (இωஇ )]
hewwo thewe! my name cassie. i awso go by pigeon too!! (• o •)
my pwonuuns awe gowe/mew/pwush/siwwy!! but uu can use they/she/he as defauwt. but neos awe pwefewwed!! ( ´ ▽ ` ) (gore/mew/plush/silly)
im gendewfwuid, siwwygiwwgendew, cutegowic, nightcownian, pastewwovegothic ++ mowe!! :D (genderfluid, sillygirlgender, cutegoric, nightcorian, pastellovegothic)
im awso pansexuaw, demiwomantic. though, i may be questioning wesbian/neptunic!! >_>
︵‿︵‿୨ impowtant nutes!! ୧‿︵‿︵
☆ this is a safespace fow evewyone!! nu hate!! ㅇㅅㅇ
☆ i wiww mostwy post xenugendews, webwogs, moodboawds/stimboawds, awt wequests, and sometimes my hypewfixations!! ʕʘ‿ʘʔ
☆ i caww my fowwowews fwumps!! uu awe aww my fwumppy bunnies uwu
☆ i do NOT AWWOW zoophiwes, pedos, wacists, etc!! mowe wiww be in da dni!! x3
☆ this is a age wegwession, thewian, othewkin, and thewapy pwace too!! x3
☆ i do nut condone anun hate!! :3
☆ pwease!! if uu don't wike it BWOCK ME AND MOVE ON!! x3
☆ i tawk babyish!! if uu need twanswation, pwease!! wet me knuw!! <{^v^}>
︵‿︵‿୨ do nut intewact!! ୧‿︵‿︵
☆ basic dni!!
☆ engage in fwag discouwse
☆ wgbtq+ fetishizews ;-;
☆ against xenugendews/neopwonuuns
☆ uu go by da name satan/avewy (sowwy its vewy pewsonaw)
☆ endosystems/use we/us/ouw even though uuw a singwet ㅇㅅㅇ
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