#can also be read in reverse
lovesickeros · 9 months
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☆ even the gods bleed
{☆} characters furina, neuvillette {☆} notes cult au, imposter au, multi-chapter, gender neutral reader {☆} warnings blood, injury, light angst {☆} word count 2.3k
What was justice?
Focalors had asked herself that question many times during the long nights she spends awake pouring over the prophecy of a dead God, words replaying in her mind like a broken record until the sun rose like a blooming flower.
She was the God of Justice, an Archon, yet she herself lacked the answer to such a simple and yet so very complex question.
How does one define what is just and what is not? How does she know that what she believes to be just is right? Is it justice if one being alone may sway the scales of justice on a whim? What justice is there to be found in the cold, watery grave that awaits her nation?
She does not know.
Perhaps she may never know.
What she does know, at least, is that this is not justice.
It is a mockery of it.
She stands before the bloodied, broken body like the judge, her sword held so tightly in her hand her fingers feel stiff, a dull ache adding to the weight of what she's seen. For a long, horrible moment she almost thinks they are dead – something she would have reveled in, only a day prior – before she sees the subtle rise and fall of their chest. Breathing, but barely.
The rain felt heavier upon her shoulders at the realization – she was not sure if it was in relief or horror.
Her nails dig into her palm, mind stuck somewhere between that abject horror and confusion so palpable she swore she could hear the gears in her head turning.
For a long, silent moment as she stares upon the body beneath the heavy rain..she wonders if this is how it all ends instead. If the world itself will simply crumple in on itself and cease – without its heart, it will wither, after all – long before the waters ever swallow her nation whole.
Because, try as she might to rationalize it, for every drop of rain that hits her like pins and needles, soaking her down to the bone..the body of the imposter is completely dry. Even the water pooling along the stones dares not to leave so much as a splotch against their ragged, torn clothes.
She remembers the meeting so very clearly, and she thinks she is a fool to not have noticed sooner – the Creator upon their gilded throne, finger pointed in accusation at the visage far too similar to their own. The imposter. She remembers the lilt of their voice as they called for their death as easily as one would speak of the weather – and to no one other then herself would she admit the spark of fear it had ignited within her. Because beneath the divine charade there was a sick enjoyment in the way they looked upon the imposter – like a bug beneath their shoe.
She understands, now.
She had thought that perhaps finally – finally – she could do right by her people, by her Creator, if she rid Teyvat of this..intrusion.
Now she sees herself as what it all really is – blind lambs following the herder.
Perhaps she would be considered a heretic under the eyes of the law – beneath the weight of justice, heavy as the heart that bears its sins. Perhaps this is a mistake, one she would come to regret.
But for now, she sheathes her blade with unsteady hands, the sound making her ears ring – for what she had almost done, what she had already done – as she stumbles like a newborn lamb towards the broken body of..
..What, exactly? Human? Divine? She is not so sure what to call them. Creator? No. The name is bitter upon her tongue, now, burning like liquid flame down her throat.
Where once she had spoken it in reverence and admiration, it felt hollow and empty, now.
Her vision wavers as she kneels down against the rain soaked stones, the rain upon her back growing heavier as she reaches a shaky hand forth – and for a moment, however brief, she feels the weight of expectation, of a title she fears she may never live up to, wash away with the waters that fall from the heavens.
The bruises and blood smeared across their skin are like strokes of a paintbrush, their body the canvas from which such horrid art is created. It makes her ill.
Doubt wavers her composure briefly – her position is already unsteady. She has never been seen as an equal to many of the other Archons. Her own people do not see her as their Archon, but an actor in a grand play that they shall simply toss aside and replace like a broken doll the moment she bores them.
What does she have left to lose?
She reaches out again, her hand settling onto their shoulder and turning them onto their back. She..isn't sure what to do, actually. She's never been particularly physically capable – she tended to avoid fights, even if she oft provoked them – and she was certainly no healer.
Yet what choice does she have but to march on anyway? She is in the heart of the city, it is far more dangerous here then anywhere else..she had little time to make her move.
Fontaine was, after all, a nation founded on the principle of justice. To know an injustice has been made against the most Divine..the entire nation was in a frenzy.
Her eyes dart around nervously, hands clasped tight on their shoulders and her lips drawn into a taut line – someone would notice her absence. One of the Archons would point out her absence in the coordination of the search.
Her options were just as limited as her time – she couldn't just take them out of the city. Security was tight, and as much as she fancied herself an escape artist – Neuvillette could hardly keep her in one place for too long – she doubted she could do the same with the limp body of the imposter in tow.
..The Palais Mermonia it was, then.
Her room had a secret entrance that few knew about, and even fewer would dare to traverse. She just..had to hide them there for a bit and hope Neuvillette wouldn't notice anything different.
Still, there was the problem of actually..transporting the body. As grim as it sounded. Her only solace was the fact she didn't have to worry about them catching a cold, at least, and their breaths were still audible, if only barely. So she had to resort to some..unexpected methods.
Seeing the limp form of, well, the imposter – she'd really have to ask for something else to call them when they woke up – stuck in a bubble of hydro wasn't exactly on her bucket list.
Then again, neither was treason.
Well, first time for everything, right?
It wasn't breaking the law if no one else knew about it.
..Neuvillette didn't have to know about it, really. It was fine.
She could, of course, technically try to talk some sense into Neuvillette – he'd listen to her, right? She thought she was pretty close with him..but he was also the one person more obsessed with justice then she was. Such a stickler for the law..so maybe she's breaking a few, it's fine.
But he was also pretty devout, as much as he tried to keep his worship private – with Focalors around, nothing was really secret. Maybe she could get him to settle down long enough to prove it.
..How was she going to prove it?
An exaggerated groan escaped her lips as she led the bubbled imposter – she really wished she didn't have to resort to that, it would be a lot a more awkward to explain then dragging the body around – through the winding streets of Fontaine. She's just glad she's already memorized the entire city like the back of her hand..and a little dramatics went a long way. People listened when the Hydro Archon spoke, and she was suddenly very, very glad for that fact, even if they treated her more like a mascot then a God.
And partially because she, maybe, just a little..stole a few documents detailing the layout and a little personal exploration of her own – but what Neuvillette didn't know couldn't hurt him!
After what felt like hours, though was really no more then half an hour at best, she'd managed to drag herself – soaked to the bone with rain – and the conveniently bubbled imposter up through the secret entrance and into her room.
The perceived safety, as flimsy as it was, was..comforting. Until she heard the rustle of fabric, the clearing of a throat and the pop of a bubble as she, in her surprise, popped it – and then the thud of the imposter hitting the floor.
She felt a bit of regret about that part, at least, wincing.
"Lady Furina." His voice was as sharp and cool as she remembered it always being – like fresh spring water, she'd heard it described. Soothing. It did not feeling very soothing right about now.
She turned sharply on her heel, a forced smile tugging at her lips on reflex, every muscle in her body tensed – she probably looked like a wet cat right about now, soaked with rain, but that was the last thing on her mind.
"Do you mind explaining what, exactly, you did?" Not what you're doing, she notes – what she did. He was mad. Oh, she was really in for a scolding now. She twiddled her thumbs, laughing weakly, though it quickly dies out at the awkward, tense silence.
"Well, you see – it's rather complicated! I can– I can explain." Her attempts to diffuse are met with a raised brow and the sharp tap of his cane. Every single thought is plagued with the urge to run, but the unsteady breathes of the 'imposter' keep her rooted in place. "Well?"
She was sweating bullets, her nails digging into her palm as she scrambled for any excuse that could warrant her not getting hauled off and scolded thoroughly at best – she was coming up empty. How was she supposed to prove that the 'imposter' was very much not what the 'Creator' said they were? Their unconscious body was doing no one any favors, certainly.
"The Creator is lying," She blurts out, immediately regretting her impulsiveness when she feels the sudden weight of his stare – the piercing hues of his eyes that remind her just who is the strongest between them. It is not her, she knows. It never has been. "You can see for yourself! Don't you trust me, Neuvillette–?"
Her voice is cut off by the sharp click of his cane as he strides across the room in only a few steps, his height making her feel like a child about to scolded. She hated it, but she grit her teeth through the exchange. She reminded herself that this was for the sake of the 'imposter' and any affront to her ego was..tolerable.
To her credit, too, she didn't immediately lash out when she saw him poke at their body with his cane, turning them onto their back – she wanted too, though. She considered it, but the thought was quickly shot down when his stare turned back upon her, and she felt frozen in place again, her tongue a heavy weight in her mouth.
Yet she couldn't shake the sudden tenseness to his shoulders, his brows furrowed and a distant look to his eyes. It was..haunting, in a way.
She knows it well, she realizes. The realization and acceptance, the crumbling of every solid foundation you've ever known – leaving you to flounder in the waves, alone and afraid.
The gentleness in which he picks up the limp body surprises her though, his cane set aside. The rain howls like a horrid storm outside, but she cannot focus on anything but the furrow of their brows, the soft noise that escapes their lips.
"I trust that you know that this must stay between us," His voice is soft, like the gentle lap of waves against the shore, as he sets their body down against the bed, his hand lingering against their cheek with something almost like reverence – and if her eyes do not deceive her, affection. "Lady Furina."
She does not hesitate to agree.
"Well– well of course!" She huffs, crossing her arms over her chest and frowning at the feeling of her wet clothes clinging to her skin, a heavy weight that feels like it's dragging her down. "Just what do you take me for?"
He doesn't deign to respond.
It only makes her fume more.
Not that he seems to notice, unbuttoning his heavy outerwear and tossing it on the bed, rolling up his sleeves and focusing on the injured– er..yeah, she really needed a new name for them. Calling them imposter felt wrong.
"So long as you understand, then we will have no problems." She huffs again, pouting and puffing up her cheeks, sitting down on the other end of the bed with only an occasional glance towards him as he worked at peeling away the ragged clothes and examining the injuries marring their skin.
She suddenly felt out of place.
..What was she supposed to be doing?
As if noticing her sudden quietness, Neuvillette sighed, his back turned to her though his attention very much falling upon her. She really hated the feeling like she was being dissected whenever he looked at her. It was unnerving. She doesn't know how anyone else handles it..
"If you are so eager to do something, Lady Furina, then please have something brought up for when our..guest awakens. They will need to recover their strength."
Finally! Something she can do. She perks up, her heels clicking on the floorboards as she darts out like a bullet, unable to stay still for so much as a moment.
Neuvillette, for his part..
Feels an odd sense of serenity as he stares upon the troubled features of the..guest. A peace that lessens the burdens upon his shoulders, the weight of a nation upon his back.
He cannot hear the rain, anymore.
..It must have stopped.
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Lmao Frank would absolutely keep a list of everything they tried to do to fix this situation. He has his work cut out for him with poor wally as well. Does he know what happened to Sally?
Frank does know what happened to Sally! ofc he caught his first glimpse of her when he sorta woke up, then after he Actually woke up, Wally made sure to sit him down and be like "she will kill you if you go near her <3"
still, Frank didn't really believe Wally. so Wally showed him proof:
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and Frank quickly changed his tune.
and honestly, it's more like Wally has his work cut out for him with Frank lmao. cause by the time Frank fully wakes, Wally's pretty much given up. and rightfully so, there's... not really anything he can do except protect his sleeping friends.
so Frank's initial attempts to make a plan kinda went like:
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Wally is very earnest about saying "that's nice". it is nice. it's refreshing to have someone around that still believes something can be done, however futile that hope is. Frank will catch on eventually.
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bacchuschucklefuck · 29 days
this whole thing being abt rage is also really interesting. I feel like it comes up so much in fiction as a motive because it's the one emotion that's unifyingly restless while everything else can be petrifying, and just personally nothing hits like impotent rage for me, esp. with teen characters, esp. with characters whose rage is stoked by Someone Else to further that Someone Else's cause. like you'll have done all that in a bout of passion and when you're done you look around you and nothing has changed. those sentiments don't get quelled by being satisfied. righteousness withdrawal is a horrible thing to intentionally drag someone into, least of all just some kids.
#I think Ive brought my personal experience into this whole thing lol but yeah just.#the ratgrinders read so much like radicalization to me. or you know just. high control group recruitment#and I've seen that one time brennan brought up uhhh conservatism? and where people come from with that#that quote of his thats like. before youre a fascist youre a bully. like extreme sentiments take root on specific soils#and that's like a higher level than what we're talking abt here lmao it's fake fantasy high school role playing#but yeah just like. the simultaneous understanding of the grift working on these kids bc they already think a certain way#and also the other part that is no matter what the way that they think is not. conducive to them being happy#like yeah a nasty person is nasty to be around! but that also means they're often isolated#which makes them even easier prey for people who want to use them#fhjy coming out in The Current Climate makes that connection so apparent too lol like#me hearing abt the rage god: oh so like twitter#for the record of course I Dont Know if this is a read that's intended by the show#but it maps well onto my experience with radicalization/decentralized cult#Ive just. been thinking abt the rat grinders in those terms ever since I made the connection#like. you're accomplished and high level and such. is this sustainable? have you done anything For Yourself#or has everything you've done so far been coerced out of you by someone else's sweettalking#anyways if I can run porter cliffbreaker over with a car I would. and I'd reverse on him too#truly thats the highschool trauma as well as the grown man with niblings talking lmao#nothing gets me more mad than a shitty teacher#not art
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torchstelechos · 1 year
Every time I think about the fact that Akechi was Joker’s justice, and vice versa, I lose my mind at how intimate it is.
Akechi made you promise before he died to take down the man that had hurt you both, and when another man brought him back to play puppets he asks you to put an end to it as well. Akechi’s justice was never about him doing the final strike, his was allowing someone else to do it for him. His justice was having someone who cared enough to listen to him, and to do as he wished.
But for Joker, his justice was taking down the man who had killed his friend and framed him with his own two hands. His justice was deciding, that no, he refused to live in an illusion and then did something about it himself. Joker’s justice was taking the injustice done to you, and those around you, and being given the chance to end it yourself.
Akechi’s justice was having someone listen, and Joker’s justice was being given the chance to enact it himself. They perfectly mirrored each other, and understood what the other needed without even saying anything about it. It’s just so intimate, how could I not lose my mind over them?
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liquidstar · 4 months
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wanted to post the royals and co. as a set for reference, though the only new things here are the king+queen and koe's updated design :p also most of them didn't get little infoboxes so those will be a first under the cut here ^_^
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Name: Andromeda (Andy)
Name origin: The Andromeda Galaxy, named for the mythical princess
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 20
Title: Heir apparent
Weapon: Flamberge (Same as her mom's)
Ethos (Power): None
Flaw power is based on: N/A
Notes: She wants to go on adventures someday, and make a lot of friends, and be normal. So please drop the "Your highness" and call her Andy!
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Name: Cepheus
Name origin: The constellation Cepheus, the king
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 54
Title: King
Weapon: Scepter
Ethos (Power): Authority (The ability to control people’s actions through his words, but not their minds)
Flaw power is based on: His controlling and paranoid nature
Notes: He prefers not to use his ability unless it seems necessary, but ends will justify the means.
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Name: Cassiopeia
Name origin: The constellation Cassiopeia, the queen
Pronouns: She/her
Age: -
Title: Queen
Weapon: Flamberge
Ethos (Power): Alis (The ability to generate wings)
Flaw power is based on: Her overconfidence in her own abilities, ironically like a completely different winged mythological figure...
Notes: Before being the Queen, she was the Hero.
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Name: Koeia/Koe
Name origin: The star Koeia, whose name literally means "Star"
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 20
Title: Maid/Andromeda's lady in waiting
Weapon: Twin Sickles
Ethos (Power): Blessing (She can make others more powerful through cheering them on)
Flaw power is based on: Her Obsequiousness
Notes: She assures you her devotion to the princess is strictly for non-homosexual reasons
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Name: Perseus/Percy
Name origin: The constellation Perseus, the hero
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 21
Title: 1st Knight/Andromeda's personal guard
Weapon: Harpē sword
Ethos (Power): Divine swordstrike (An all-powerful swing of the sword with no limit)
Flaw power is based on: His incredible arrogance and show-offishness
Notes: He assures you that his showy devotion to the princess is as heterosexual as it seems. Also he's the cousin Io from Nova Stella
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Name: Ursa
Name origin: Ursa major, the big dipper.
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 38
Title: Major
Weapon: None
Ethos (Power): Bear-handed (Her claws are unbreakable and can slice through any material)
Flaw power is based on: Her hyper-diligence. Her ruthless devotion and adherence. Literally nothing could ever stand in her way.
Notes: She’s the mama bear of Kochab (Ursa minor) from the timber scouts
#reason i wanted to change koe's design was bc i felt like the first one was a bit too basic ig?#wanted to give it more personality beyond being a maid outfit#so a funkier skirt and shorter sleeves and gloves and stuff. idk its more koe and less maid. but still maid#other than that obviously are the two wholly new characters#honestly designing them was interesting in a way bc it was like reverse engineering andys face#i think she takes after her mom more tho#but she also does try to emulate her so thats also part of it#honestly andy is really similar to amary in a lot of ways not just bc of the whole princess thing but the family dynamics to a degree too#there are still some pretty big differences (andy wasnt abused but her father is still really strict and constraining out of worry#and amary's mom was actually kinda the polar opposite of andy's and their emulations are completely different too)#BUT#look read cepheus's flaw. hes not going to be a good guy lol#hes the type that starts out nice enough on the surface but when pushed it will become. again. ends justify the means#very.... 'my way or the highway' type guy i guess. but with power#cassiopeia s more noble than that though despite any arrogance in her skills#its like one side of a balancing act lost#again look at her power. its wings! wings mean freedom! no restraint! touch the sky!#unfortunately kingdoms arent usually about that is the thing#maybe andy can fix it now though#but honestly andy percy and ursa are pretty much all just here for convenience#it wouldve been easier to have a ref post lumping all royals and andy's entourage together. and ursa i guess idk where else shed go lol#i thought abt putting her w the zodiac knights but their theme is too uniform. background color is the same tho so same affiliation#w the royals#also does anyone get my amazing joke. shes a major. major ursa. ursa major. i know i know#ill be here all week#finn's ocs#oc references#finn's art
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cuubism · 1 year
somebody please write a canon divergence where desire's plot with the vortex works and gets morpheus killed and desire has to deal with the fallout of that i beg you
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the-awful-falafel · 1 year
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eisenartworks · 2 years
Me, reading opm: heehee funny parody seinen :)
Also me: if I think about the characters their experiences and their world a bit deeper I'll start throwing up
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kara-zor-els · 8 months
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Insert the "you construct intricate rituals which allow you to touch the skin of other men" meme
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tyrannuspitch · 2 months
hmm i'm getting. possibly over-ambitious. again. we'll see how this goes.
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notdeezy · 1 year
My biggest hard to swallow pill has been the fact that Reverse Flash is literally a yandere character
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jeremoved · 5 months
reposting his immortal + demigod verse. inspired from the odyssey, i wanna tweak it to make it fit into pjo universe if desired. from what i remember, calypso's in it but i need to make it make sense for a riordanverse.
inspired by homer’s epic the odyssey, jeremiah's the biological son of goddess/third gen titaness calypso and wanderer, adam, who’d been shipwrecked upon her prison isle. odysseus had long departed, as well as various other lovers, as they’d been freed from her enchantments. but, this adam was no hero. jeremiah was born on ogygia and held for the first few months of infancy on her remote island, he was never provided a name. he remained until the gods ordered hermes, yet again, to warn calypso to set this mortal man free. once adam constructs himself a boat made of planks, trees, and leaves to ultimately return to his family, he takes a glance at the baby she had come to birth and guilt floods through him at the thought of leaving him behind. and so, he wraps him up and tucks him into the boat, securely concealing him from calypso’s sight. adam returns home with the baby despite he and susannah having not spoken in many months. he explains himself, and his wife who’d been separated from him since before his departure, accepts the baby into her home but asks him to leave them. she would care for the baby and treat him as if he were their own. she names him jeremiah, and he has a big brother, conrad. 
his adopted mom dies too young, leaving him and conrad to live the remainder of their adolescence without her. when jeremiah turns twenty-three, calypso grows desperate to leave the isle, repentant and weary of solitude for the pain she’d caused for so many years, blaming it on the staggering love she’d felt for those who’d met with her land. as an act of atonement, she pleads with athena to bargain with zeus, to grant the son of adam immortality and eternal youth as she departs ogygia, losing all of her powers and immortality in the process. they accept her apology and request, granting immortality and imparting visions of her life in jeremiah’s mind — flooding him with understanding. he wakes up on his twenty third birthday having been visited in a dream, it’s as if a second life lived in his mind. a life he watched, not lived. the memories of another, the visions, provided understanding, but it also did nothing. he could accept the abilities that accompanied being a demigod, but he couldn’t grasp how this could have been a gift. while remaining eternal, those he loved around him would age. it’s something he was desperate to reverse. perhaps one day he could, or someone.
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floofymeow · 1 month
thinking about model au towa (and body guard madarame)
towa in a corset…. or in a line of lingerie….
sometimes like I think for his job he’d barely keep his health together otherwise people won’t want him
he is really skilled at pre-emptively covering any and all scars/blemishing with makeup —> but once Madarame enters the scene he forces him to do it for him as a sort of push and pull
Edit: adding a read more I didn’t think id yap for so long
towa has a set of fake eyes to put in depending on his shooting, prefers none
the only shoots he really enjoys are the ones where he gets to choose who he models for — they “model” towa as they see fitting which gets up to canon euphoria levels of intense
likes pornographic shoots the least, thinks they’re the most boring out of all of them.
begrudgingly maintains his health. like forces himself to eat meals and the only one he tolerates is Rei’s cooking. he tearfully purges the alcohol in his apartment, though he would at least retain cigarettes. thinking about a scenario where he’d be on an alcohol ban to improve his health for an upcoming shoot and madarame would be an ass and drink in front of him.
during bans towa gets really curt and easily bristled, taku would be his agent placating him and madarame would immediately resort to using pleasure as a way to shut him up.
a lot of chances that force madarame and towa into less violent sexual encounters bc they can’t royal screw up towa’s body before a gig/shoot.
madatowa’s down time together is madarame lounging reading books and towa sprawled in his arms reading model or art magazines. in a good mood they also explore new coffee shops and bars. sometimes they’ll force each other to go to literary or art meet ups, sometimes browse through museums.
id like to think rei and taku interact with madarame the way disgruntled disapproving parents who won’t intervene tolerate a clearly bad influence boyfriend that they can find no proof of being bad. taku and him would have very terse loaded tension convos, while madarame would either ignore rei or say things that get him arguing. but they’d still tolerate each other fine and maybe at some point get along… in the distant future.
madarame would also kinda be more relaxed / complacent since he’s put into a limiting position—outside of work hours, towa can rarely ever track him down and it’s always unknown what he’s up to. towa is playful in how he bosses madarame around as his bodyguard/ aide, trying to constantly test madarame’s limit.
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betweenlands · 2 years
i don’t know what the fuck is going on. why don’t you all go watch ivorycello or legundo’s 100 days multiverse or vikingpilot’s dominion smp series (including the monologue after s1e6) or yourpalross’s redstoner or kakujo’s horizons / magic world or inro’s secret rivals and then maybe you’ll calm down
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messinwthkid · 9 months
what if bb2k was sorta reversed w the characters ?? y'know like what if jake got let out later and was the one who survived prison, like what would he do ? would he go see cab as soon as he heard who he was ???would he warm up to buster or turn him down altogether ?? would he take the job at willie's and what would he do when maury tells him about the battle of the bands ? like goddamn !!! probs gonna make a post elaborating but it is just. so interesting thinking about how jake would take the situation- i think he'd be just as distraught as elwood in the beginning though, not knowing what to do but he was the one with the confidence and the overall leader, so i think it might be less of a challenge but still a big challenge nonetheless with the group and touring. would there be a new bluesmobile or would they be crammed in the same car the whole time like at the end of bb2k ???? would there be recurring characters that play into jake's storyline aswell ?? i rlly like to think though that since jake n elwood are both stubborn in their own ways, that jake is pretty sour about it at first, would either have to take a moment to actually think about curtis and the band or he'd go straight into it and not dwell on the emotion until later. there r so many options with this :0
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 8 months
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Huh what-? Oh, oh now, you're very threatening, please continue.
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"you REALLY think i'm gonna fall for such bad acting?"
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