moth-boi-lycan · 10 months
Got a little inspiration from a Donnie gif that @/sanfezu made. Idk where the hell this came from but my brain started braining and my hands started typing, so here:
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T-C3ST DNI or I will rip your intestines out through your nose and then rip your heart out of your chest and use it to play wall-ball against your gravestone.
The Twin's Bond
(Hurt/comfort fic)
Twin senses are a powerful thing. One soul split in two. Feeling eachother's joy, rage, sadness, and everything in-between. Sometimes if strong enough, thanks to being one soul split in two, they can feel the happy stimming of the other. Or even the physical pain of the other, too...
  Everything seemed like it was going in slow motion for Donnie. In this moment he could just feel Leo's pain, it was lighter than what he knew his twin was going through, but he felt everything. It was unbearable knowing that's what Leo was feeling. But hearing him telling- no, begging Casey on what to do to save everyone, his heart dropped.
  No. No no no no, this wasn't how things were supposed to go. He couldn't lose him. He couldn't lose Leo. The twins and their family were supposed to get a happy ending. Heros get happy endings! Then why- why was this what they were getting instead?! Damn it, no no NO, he couldn't fucking lose his twin.
  He couldn't lose the one that helped him through his sensory overloads with weighted blankets and stim toys, the one who would send him random pictures with the intent of making him laugh, the one he stayed up with at ungodly hours of the night. He couldn't lose that.
  He couldn't lose the one that had made a promise that they'd always stick together, the one that helped him sleep after a nightmare when they were tots (and still did it occasionally just by feeling the other's fear and knowing exactly what to do), hell, they even made a pact where if one died then the other would go out too so they wouldn't be alone.
  He heard Raph begging Leo not to do it while he heard what sounded like Leo's shell cracking and bones breaking. His twin was in pain, he could feel every punch, every break, every slam into the Technodrome and he couldn't do anything to help him. He... he really was going to lose him, wasn't he...
  He wanted to say something, anything, over the comms' to beg Leo to remember their promise and to not leave him, but he couldn't find his voice. He felt like he was choking, and that's when he realized the reason he was choking was because he was holding back tears.
  He snapped out of it a few minutes later when a loud cracking explosion sounded off through the sky and debris from the now destroyed Technodrome began to fall down to earth around them on Staten Island and into New York City.
  The portal closed and he froze.
  Why didn't...
  Why didn't he feel anything anymore.
  Why didn't he feel his twin's pain anymore.
  The tears he had been holding back were now freely running down his cheeks, but he didn't make any sound. He wiped them away and shook his head in disbelief as they kept coming. He couldn't stop them.
  He preferred feeling Leo's pain rather than... than not feeling him at all.
  Leo was gone after closing that portal. Donnie felt something snap inside of him, like how he imagined a rope breaking from too much strain and the ends going separate ways would. He fell to his knees like Raph had, dropping his bò as his arms hung limp at his sides. He felt...
  Numb... Leo would occasionally talk about them being one soul split in two despite being completely different species of turtles and having almost no biological relation to eachother (spare their father's DNA, that was something that had been forced), and Donnie always brushed the supposed joke off not knowing Leo was serious. Now he was starting to believe it. Maybe they really were.
  That snapping feeling he had felt... was that how it felt for a person to lose their twin? Their other half? The other part of that soul they shared? He heard Raph talking to Mikey, telling him to stop trying to open a new portal to try and get Leo back.
  Mikey was trying to be the mystic warrior Casey had told him he was, but it wasn't working... there wasn't even a single spark of hope around him, his arms were still stretched out in front of him and his heels dug into the concrete as he continued to try.
  Donnie silently appreciated how Mikey wasn't giving up, but he couldn't even smile. Knowing that Leo was most likely being beaten to death; Prime breaking Leo's bones, cracking his shell and plastron, tearing his insides apart and making him bleed despite never completely ripping him open, throwing him around like a ragdoll, crushing him and slamming him into anything and everything that would hurt him the most and refusing to even let him have a slight chance to get up and fight back.
  It broke him. That numb feeling only intensified when Mikey stopped trying and fell down on his hands and knees with Raph going over to hug him tightly. Donnie really wanted a hug, but not from the family he had left, he wanted to hug his twin again. He wanted Leo to be ok, to bounce back and be at home with a stupid fucking grin on his face, joking about how some dumb interdimensional portal could never keep him away from his family.
  He already wished he could just turn off his heart that now had a gaping hole in it; to forget he even had a twin, then it wouldn't hurt him. Yeah, it'd hurt his family by saying he had no twin, but he wouldn't be in pain because he never would've 'known' Leo if he forgot. He jumped when he felt Raph's hand on his shoulder, silently telling him it was time to go back to the others.
  Donnie stayed still. He didn't want to go back. He wanted to stay right where he was. He didn't want to see the mourning faces of everyone else, he knew they were in pain, but not as much as he was. They had all lost their brother, for Splinter (and unbeknownst to Draxum), he lost his son, and for Casey, he lost the past version of his sensei-slash-uncle. But Donnie...
He had lost something much more important. Something that was more than just a regular brother. If soulmates could be platonic - which he wasn't exactly sure they could be - he had just lost his soulmate. His other half. He couldn't go back to see their depressed looks and he just couldn't go back to the lair, not when his room was right across from Leo's. He'd have to walk out and be reminded every fucking day of what he had lost and have it hurt even more.
But... they had made a promise. A death pact. If Mikey could bring Leo back soon, he wouldn't have to go through with it. But if Mikey didn't manage to bring Leo back at some point and Donnie DID go through with it, there was only a 50/50% chance that he'd see Leo talking about his life while gram-gram listened. Leo was a fighter. He- He could survive the prison dimension if he tried.
Raph kept on shaking him, trying to make him get up, but he didn't see Mikey anywhere; he had gone to try again. This time he tried even harder to open something, anything, even if the portal was just small enough for them to see if Leo was still alive. Donnie's eyes widened when he felt something.
He was... he was alive.
He was hanging on for dear life, and he was winning the fight to stay alive. Donnie couldn't move as he watched Raph run over to Mikey, getting behind him and putting his hand on his shoulders to take some of the damage for him that was being done to his body. Donnie waited, unable to bring himself to move, but he felt the other half of his and Leo's split soul getting closer.
When Raph had finally moved to pull Leo out as Mikey closed the portal, Donnie finally forced himself up to run over to where his twin laid with his head on Raph's lap and Mikey was holding his hand.
"C'mon Leo, you can do it. Wake up, please! I-I know you can hear me Leo! Please..." Mikey pleaded, holding onto Leo's hand a bit tighter.
He smiled as bright as the sun when he felt Leo's grip tightened slightly. Donnie reached his hand out towards his twin, who was still partially unconscious.
He rested his hand on Leo's cracked plastron, already thinking of ways to help heal him, but he was mostly focused on him waking up. He leaned forward and rested his forehead against Leo's like they would do ever since they were little, the comfort of knowing the other was there helping them feel safer.
"C'mon, 'Nardo. Wake up for us. We know you're alive, please, Leo..." Donnie swore he felt the connection that had sewn itself back together tearing again, but it was refusing to break this time.
Donnie smiled as wide as Mikey did when he saw Leo starting to open his eyes and looking around.
"Hey guys.... everyone alright?... y'all look like shit." Leo joked wincing immediately when he started to laugh. Yeah he definitely had a few broken ribs, Prime had crushed him multiple times and pushed down on his chest for fucks sake, of course he had broken ribs.
Raph and Mikey rolled their eyes and smiled at Leo's attempt to be funny despite the current circumstances, but Donnie stayed unmoving. He had stayed in the position he put himself in, his forehead still resting against his twin's and his hand against his plastron, covering up the largest crack there. Leo smiled weakly at Donnie, his mismatched red and purple eyes staring up at Donnie for a few moments before painfully sitting up and pulling him in for a bone crushing hug - literally and figuratively. It hurt him, but he didn't care.
Donnie sniffled and hugged Leo back, trying to be careful of his injuries, but tightened the hug when he realized that Leo didn't care how much it hurt. Donnie was so relieved.
He was relieved he could feel his twin's presence again.
He was relieved that his platonic-soulmate had been brought back from cheating death.
He was relieved that he felt the other half of their split soul again, and he wasn't letting go of that anytime soon.
He wasn't going to let himself lose Leo ever again, Donnie needed Leo. And he knew Leo needed him as well. Thanks to the extend of both of their injuries, he knew they'd both be in the medbay for awhile, but that didn't mean they couldn't have their beds close enough to one another to hold the other's hand if they were in pain. Even after that, Donnie would definitely ask Leo if they could share a bedroom again like they did when they were little so they'd only be a few feet away if the other needed comfort.
He knew Leo wouldn't object to it. They were twins, they were closer to eachother than the others understood. And that is a bond they wouldn't let anybody break.
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xblueshin · 3 months
btw guys, I have to give some bad news. My PC decided to die on me. Luckily, I got all my Paint Tool Sai files saved on an exterior hard disk, so they're all good, but I can't open them without the app (rip all my wips), so from now on I will post what I can find of what I saved as a png or what I sent on my Discord server. If my PC can't be repaired, I will probably start posting doodles or drawings on Traditional until I hopefully manage to get a replacement.
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prosekaiuwu · 13 days
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eruden-writes · 1 year
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I... uh, had an idea and now Captain Cranky does pole dancing as part of his workout regimen.
Now I have tasked myself with getting better at drawing people pole dancing. ;n;
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msola · 1 year
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Bahar Sahin as Sibel in Tetikçinin Oğlu 2. Bölüm
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wuntrum · 30 days
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what if a femme robot liked it when her butch creator performed routine maintenance tasks on her (in a sexual way) (and they were both girls)? i guess you'll have to read my new (free) comic to find out!!
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teeto-peteto · 5 months
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collierose1 · 2 months
hey so i might be doing a little something ^-^
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pensbridgertons · 28 days
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1.04 | 3.02
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readcritically · 9 months
Please feel free to reblog for a wider audience.
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plushefemme · 6 months
fattening someone up but doing it in like. a masculinizing way. telling you “eat up, i like boys who look like they can handle themselves” with a coy little wink as i add another serving to your plate, grabbing your chub, “gotta make sure you can keep me warm.” squeezing your doughy arm the same way one would squeeze a guy’s muscled bicep, even more admiringly. saying things like “i need a guy with a little weight on him,” as i encourage you to order a second entree when we’re out to dinner, and on the way home i rub your stuffed belly, “hm, you’re still a little scrawny, but you’ll be a real hunk in no time.”
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bunnyforhire · 1 year
whimpering overstimulated bf x “don’t stop, you even sound like a puppy” bf
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thepenguisalive7 · 8 months
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In all honesty, I still think he didn’t eat Lemons
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the-nothing-maker · 1 year
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Lazy and warm
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waterloggeddaughter · 10 months
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"FIX ME MOTHERFUCKER!" Amanda Young Saw lighter
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sygneth · 4 months
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game of deduction
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