#but we’ll see 👀
nebulanewts · 2 years
Ok,so I said I’d make a separate post for my theories about the new virtual group that will MOST LIKELY be the major announcement in this big SIF / SIFAS-related event bc this event just has the wheels in my head turning ok anyways,so here’s that
- First,probably the only teasers we’ll get at this event is a promo pic of all the girls together,their names,and their individual PNGs because that’s how they always tease a new group this will never change
- One theory I saw on Twitter was that their image color would be green,which makes a lot of sense since we have Muse = pink,Aqours = blue,Nijigaku = yellow,and Liella = purple so that way we have a nice Love Live rainbow :]
-To sort of piggyback off of that,another thing some were saying is maybe this group will sort of have a nature theme / motif? Kind of like how Aqours with the sea,Nijigaku with rainbows and Liella with stars (sort of) and I just think that would be fun
- Piggybacking off of that again,I also saw a few people say that the leader will have pink hair and her image color will be pink,because all the “main series” leader girls have orange hair and image colors while Ayumu,who’s part of the “spin-off” group (even though I kind of disagree w/ the idea that Nijigaku is just a spin-off group now but not the point) is the only leader with pink hair and a pink image color so we’ll see if that’s true
- As for the amount of members,I feel like they’ll either have 7 or less members and add new members over time (to keep people interested in this group) OR since even adding 4 new members to Liella later on just to make it 9 wasn’t too well received at first,they’re just gonna have 9 members right away to cut out the middleman basically gbbjnj
- We most likely will be getting either little animated shorts like Nijiyon or Kyou wa Aqours (?),OR a full possibly YouTube exclusive anime but we’ll have to wait (maybe even their own game?? Not sure)
-On the topic of subunits,this could go one of two ways imo,one they’re going to be formatted like Nijigaku with the 2-3-4 method or two we get to create our own idk I think they’re gonna be a little creative with how they’re gonna do subunits for this group
-And finally (for now),we MIGHT be getting the first LL group that does covers along with their original songs but idk for sure that might be too similar to Bandori and Project Sekai
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thesoftestpunk · 4 months
I have. Been getting bookbinding supplies from a million different places.
And there was a local store in my city this whole time????
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pixlokita · 7 months
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Ayyyy I got a buncha blank panel pages from a sketchbook thing so I’m drawing lazy comics 👌 make 0 sense
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uwusayssnake · 2 months
Kuroshitsuji spoilers: 211
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simmersofia · 5 months
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New story coming soon
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yeagrave · 1 year
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secret meetings and salty air🧜🏻‍♂️✨
[ click image for better quality ]
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shima-draws · 5 months
I know the whole reason behind the timeskip is so all the Strawhats can get stronger, and even tho I’m not at that point yet I love how early Oda pushes the concept. They’re still in Thriller Bark and they’re already realizing they’re in DEEP shit if they can’t get tougher. Thriller Bark was such a close call and they definitely would have all been killed if Luffy didn’t get his ridiculously OP power up. Even Usopp realizes they can’t rely on Luffy to bail them out every time, and Moria literally tells them straight up that they’re GOING to fucking die bc they’re going to run into enemies so powerful they won’t be able to do a single thing. Moria saying you’re going to lose every single person you care about because you aren’t strong enough wasn’t just for show, it’s an actual warning and has the MOST massive foreshadowing for future events. GOD. That fear is being planted right from the beginning and I’m NOT ready, no sir
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I know this point has been beaten to death and I’m not shaming J for feeling how he feels, just pointing out a sad twist of irony..
Jonathan in Season 1: Nancy Wheeler, she's not just another suburban girl who thinks she's rebelling by doing exactly what every other suburban girl does, until that phase passes and they marry some boring one-time jock who now works sales, and they live out a perfectly boring little life at the end of a cul-de-sac. Exactly like their parents, who they thought were so depressing, but now, hey, they get it.
Jonathan in Season 4: I can’t leave my mom and my brother to chase a dream that isn’t mine! [..] if I told her the truth then she’d just throw her dreams out the window to come out here and be with me and I just can’t take that! This huge knot of resentment would build like some cancer until eventually she hates me and then before you know it, we’re just like my mom and dad. I’m divorced, my kids hate me, shit! I mean it’s all SHIT. The cycle never ends!
It’s kind of sad but everything Jonathan was telling Nancy in season 1 about how depressing her life would be if she married Steve is now how he views his own future with her. Boring, depressing, filled with resentment, just like their parents.
And alternatively, you see Steve’s dreams for the future as bright, hopeful, optimistic, and it’s not in spite of but because of Nancy.
Remember the dream I told you about? About the Winnebago? About seeing the country with my six little nuggets? It’s all true. Every last word. But I left one part out. It’s the most important part. You’re there. You’ve always been there.
And while we still don’t get a clear picture directly from Nancy about her future and what she envisions for herself, the closest we get is when she describes why she says she loves Jonathan while talking to Fred.
He’s caring and compassionate. He’s so protective over the people that he loves and he’ll never back down from what’s right, what’s moral, no matter the pressure, no matter the personal cost. That’s why I love him.
And while Jonathan is caring and compassionate and protective to an extent— he does back down when there’s a personal cost. And he’s not totally wrong all the time on that, Nancy did risk their jobs knowing he needed it more than her. But he has never put her needs ahead of his own or at least his family’s own and he only stands up for what’s right and moral if it will help or avenge his family.
And on the other hand Steve, who was not willing to risk anything in the beginning of season 1 and beginning of season 2, risks everything for Nancy and the kids and Robin by the end of season 2 forward. Starting in season 1 when he comes back to save Jonathan and Nancy from the Demogorgan, then protecting the kids in season 2, and protecting Robin and the kids and saving Nancy in season 3, and then all of season 4 following Nancy on every hunch and fighting to keep her, the kids, and Robin safe. It is Steve who has been beaten bloody every season protecting the people he cares about. It is Steve who comes back to apologize and save Nancy without expecting anything in return. And again I’m not dissing Jonathan, he has his own very valid reasons to prioritize his family after everything they’ve been through even before the Upside Down with all the abuse from Lonnie. But he’s not ready to be in a relationship, and he’s not checking all of those boxes she spelled out to Fred, and even though she might not’ve realized it then, Steve did.
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spittyfishy · 1 year
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More mermaids more mermaids more mermaids!!! I don’t draw these two nearly enough and I’m so happy with how this turned out!
Akane is a lion fish because it just felt right lol, but I didn’t have a set idea for Nekomaru going in so I tried to do a bunch of research for a good fish to pair him with, but the internet just kept telling me about what fish to eat or put in a fish tank no matter what I looked up, so I finally went with a Red Sea Coral Grouper, because apparently it teams up with other kinds of sea creatures to hunt together (and it was neat looking lol)
Hope y’all like it!
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mariusroyale · 7 months
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something something,, my s/i and april get turtled™️;; things ensue
basically w my sona already going through the motions with her bird form (yknow;, being kidnapped, being mutated against her will, being forced to fight in an arena) one can imagine the kinds of feelings that would come up with being mutated… again
luckily raph seems to make it a bit easier for her to handle 🥺
i just..;; look-
raph getting flustered that his gf can be a cute turtle just made me giggle ok;; like they can hold hands w turtle fingies,, and churring,, and other jazz
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gen-0 · 11 months
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“I am grateful for your concern Usagi, but I will decide what I can and cannot change…I wish you a good journey, my friend”
A tmnt 2003 redraw!! I was struggling to come up with my own usagi miyamoto design so I used @cupcakeslushie ‘s Usagi design as inspo for the time being!!
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dv21 · 7 months
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[WIP] uh oh, looks like someone has a visitor… 👀
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honnelander · 9 months
friends….i have some news….i think part 3 of go fish! will be the final chapter of that mini series 😶
it’s going to be so 🤌🏼✨ fluffy and intimate that it just makes sense that the confessions will just come out then….but maybe i’ll change my mind idk 😜 sometimes the characters have a mind of their own
so….be prepared 👀
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britcision · 7 months
So these past few months have been A Time, but the past few weeks in particular I’ve held off giving y’all any snacks because I am at Lady Gotham and I really want everyone to see her for the first time together
And I’m also at the last damn 1000 words for the chapter it is so close
But the tone is fighting me and I think it’s because I haven’t fully nailed what I want from this conversation and what will need to wait for the next one
So instead of something from the active chapter WIP here is a probably-to-be-deleted (or at least thoroughly reworked) scene from Jason’s first meeting with Lady Gotham 👀
(Cuz Jason’s been having A Goddamn Time these last few chapters and I think he deserves a break from breakdowns and daddy issues)
Happy WIP Wednesday!
It was almost a relief when her attention snapped back to Danny, her smile a little cooler, but still fond.
“You did not bring him to see me before,” she remarked blandly, and Danny winced.
“Yeah… if it helps, last time we were here we were kinda distracted?” He offered hopefully.
Lady Gotham chuckled softly, crossing one knee over the other and sending smog billowing around them.
“I’m aware. Clockwork told me he intended to ask for your services,” she added to Jason directly, blatant pride and approval making him wonder about his own doubts.
They came from John fucking Constantine, after all.
And from a decade of strenuous training for a job that at one point had literally kill him. Jason wouldn’t say he regretted his call, but he still wanted to know more. And about that weird shadow he’d seen in the visions she had showed him.
Danny seemed a little more hung up on something else.
“Wait, Clocky came and told you about it?” He asked incredulously.
Lady Gotham chuckled softly.
“The Master of Time may not technically need my permission, but he knows well enough to ask before interfering with what’s mine,” she agreed with a regal incline of her head.
Jason almost laughed at the feeling of Danny’s indignation beside him. He didn’t even have to look to see the pout as he folded his arms. It rather effectively killed any lingering tension.
“Oh, sure, the Ghost King he just drops in and ambushes, but we wouldn’t want to offend a city spirit,” Danny grumbled melodramatically, then looked sharply at Lady Gotham. “No offence, obviously.”
The larger ghost was clearly more amused than offended, blowing another stream of smog in Danny’s direction.
“None taken. You yourself were quick enough to ask my permission before entering my city,” she reminded him with an easy nonchalance.
“Yeah, but I have manners,” Danny grinned back, relaxing and leaning in against Jason’s side like either of them had any gravity pulling them down.
Gotham’s lips quirked as she nodded an agreement and she gestured with one hand at the mostly obscured length of her legs.
“They are appreciated. Do you like them?” She asked with just a hint of smugness that made Jason think there was something… more to the gesture.
Both men obediently followed the gesture, looking down the length of her legs into billowing smog and the occasional flash of her pearls. Jason could feel Danny’s confusion.
“Your, uh… your dress? It’s very nice?” He offered cautiously, his aura a delicate balance of polite-sincere-I’m just a little guy help me out here that almost made Jason snicker… until he realised that he couldn’t feel an answering aura from Lady Gotham.
She was so there, larger than life and overwhelming even sat on his level, but he wasn’t getting the same insights into her feelings he’d gotten from every other ghost he’d met. It kinda reminded him of that first meeting with Frostbite and realising he couldn’t feel the yeti’s aura… only to find it all around him.
He knew better than to go looking this time. He could confirm with Danny once they were away.
Meanwhile the Lady laughed softly, reshuffling long brown legs so the other was on top and recrossing them, smog trailing from where her feet should have been as it cleared for just the briefest moment. And set the dangling pearls shining bright.
“A decent try, my king, but once more?” She hinted, a flash of a smile setting the pearls briefly aglow. They almost bounced with the motion.
Jason knew the story, of course. All the bats had, usually from Alfred or the records of the police commissioner.
Bruce never talked about it. They were never quite so rude as to ask.
Which made it even more bullshit that Bruce constantly brought up Jason’s darkest secrets, his own past.
Squashing the thought, he tried convincing himself it tasted like Pitty. Despite the little grumblings of protest below his ribcage.
But no, he knew what the pearls meant to Bruce, knew from the bat signal eyes what they had to mean. Bruce fucking Wayne, Batman, was so intrinsically a part of Gotham he’d changed the way her spirit looked.
Jason had fucking given his life for the city, and what had it gotten him? A permanent passenger who wanted to kill everyone he cared for, a family that could barely look at him, a half life of always coming in second to Tim fucking Drake… a little brother he had nearly killed because everything Jason had ever wanted had just fallen into Tim’s lap.
He knew better now. He did. He knew it wasn’t true; Tim butted heads with Bruce every other week, got himself a Robin cape by larceny (and hadn’t Jason loved hearing that? Almost better than going for the Batmobile’s tires), embezzled enough from the Bat-Budget to build an entire second Batmobile that he kept below his Nest like a trophy.
(Jason had stolen the tires off that once he found out about it too. Tim had never brought it up or retaliated, but he was too good not to know who did it. They’d been replaced by Bat Budget anyway.)
Point was, Jason knew the Pit lied. That Tallia and Ra’s and all that lot lied. He had been missed, he was loved, his family wanted him home. Gotham was his as much as Bruce’s, and the Alley was his alone.
It just… tugged at something bitter and dark in his chest to look at Lady Gotham, the beating heart of his city, and only see Bruce reflected back. Only the glitz and glamour of the rich, just like in real life.
The thought was barely more than words, half choked words he knew weren’t anything but a ghost fear from the kid who’d been left behind or forgotten more than he’d been cared for, before Lady Gotham responded. Not verbally, but for all that Jason hadn’t felt anything a moment ago, he was suddenly surrounded by her.
It wasn’t that which broke through though; no, that was the sudden soft, watered down scent of Catherine Todd’s favourite perfume, the one they could almost never afford so she would refill the bottles with water once they were about half empty.
It hadn’t covered the stink of cigarettes and worse coming from the very walls of their apartment, he’d only smelled it when she was holding him close. Shielding him from Willis’s rage, tucking him into bed, cuddled up on the couch to wait out the rain.
It brought tears to his eyes, the pressure of the day threatening to spill over and overwhelm him again.
He could feel her signal-eyes on him, dimly hear her bantering with Danny about whatever the other was missing, but none of it registered. Not through the phantom arms wrapped around him, the soft whisper of Gotham’s voice in his head.
Not unloved, my son. Never unloved, never alone.
We’ll see if this makes its way back in either this chapter or the next one, Jason is certainly due a couple dozen complete breakdowns just from the backstory, let alone the events of the fic
I’d love to say I think it’ll be soon but tomorrow’s gonna suck and I have no idea what this month is gonna be I couldn’t breathe all through October and it’s touch and go now
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rainymoodlet · 1 year
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[Episode One] First Impressions.
introducing Daithí Murray by @buglaur!
THESE TWO. idk what it is with our sims laur but when we make them with the intentions of liking one another they always have other plans!! these two had the perfect little meet-cute, daithí was tense because of dan’s celebrity status but dan chatted him out of it - and when i go to check their sentiments i see THIS!
also included dan’s literal first interaction with daithí being asking him for fizzing juice tips and it apparently insulting dai to the core dhsjhd
part 2/22 | prev. | next.
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aheathen-conceivably · 4 months
Hi! No rush on answering this at all. I just saw your post about how much new stuff you were writing for the Darlingtons, and I was just curious if your method of plotting had changed any. I remembered you explaining once how you planned out general plot beats but also left a significant amount up to what the game would tell you - like how Rosella was originally going to have an affair with George's husband (his name escapes me right now, lol), but in game Rosella didn't seem interested in men, and therefore the story shifted to what we know now. Simply curious if that's still the case or not. Either way, love your work!
Awww hello, Emzy, dear! Always a joy to see your lil icon ☺️
So I’ll be the first to admit that I can’t pinpoint exactly what I’ve explained about my process in the past, partially because I have a supremely shitty memory but also because the process has morphed over time! But more or less the way I’ve always planned is that I have ideas for “moments”, some big like the Titanic and others relatively small like individual scenes or even snippets of dialogue. How I connect those moments is something that has some flexibility.
However, I wouldn’t say that gameplay really influences this at all? So like for Rosella, it wasn’t so much that “in game” (like through preferences, actions, traits, etc) influenced me, more that as I thought on who she was and how she got to that “moment,” all the details became more clear. It’s almost like a block of marble, in that the more you chip away at the structure, the clearer the object becomes, even though you went into the project with a clear goal. Unfortunately gameplay does not do much to help illuminate that path, although I do think seeing the characters is inspiration in and of itself, and does serve to bring them and their motivations to life.
What I will say has changed is that I now have more and more of those “moments.” So as the plots, characters, and years gain momentum, they begin to draw lines amongst themselves or produce consequences that in turn connect the dots almost on their own. So yes, now more than in the 1900s for example, I am functioning in my own web of plot points more than I am still figuring out how to make large connections between “moments”, if that makes sense? But simultaneously this also creates its own need for more developments, connections, and jumps, so it’s always a give and take between planning, writing, and feeling out how exactly to connect all these things together in a way that feels genuine for the characters that have revealed more of themselves with each passing year.
Anywho, I hope this made a lick of sense! Thanks for the question my dear ☺️
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