#but this stuff doesnt even make sense? bc oscar is like. not on par w lando yet
mcl38 · 8 months
Oscar is ricciardoing lando. the real question is will lando have the guts to leave daddy zak like ricciardo left horner
oscar isnt ricciardoing lando bc hes not doing such a disastrous job that it leaves lando without reference for what hes doing right or wrong👍🏻 thank GOD oscar isnt ricciardoing lando bc idk what i wouldve done if another australian flopped hardcore in that mclaren cockpit
as for having the 'guts' to leave mclaren - was it guts for ricciardo to leave red bull? u think it was guts? id say its the opposite. his cojones were so shrinked down and teeny tiny that he cared more abt his own ego & status within the team (and money) than like. actually being with a top tier team. idk abt u but i dont see that as a real racer's mentality
oh wait i only just realised that 'ricciardoing' means oscar is the max to landos daniel (maxiels go back to sleep shhh this isnt abt u shhhh). except like he isnt lmao? hes a great rookie but firstabal he isnt at all close to properly challenging lando yet (cant wait for him to be!! hes developing so fast) and secondabal theres no mind games, frustrations, or on-track #welldonebaku moments. theyre just two guys having a chill time and bringing home soooo many points for mclaren 🧡
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