#but then dylan starts to turn
radio-heads · 2 years
dylan's death in the scrapyard was absolutely heartbreaking to me
but what i didn't expect was, if you let him stay bit, how much more it would hurt seeing him turn into a werewolf 😭
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horsegirlhob · 5 months
Spike absolutely haunts Riley I fucking know it
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heatherfield · 2 months
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♪ Dearest Lucy, I'm having second thoughts. Things with Jonathan have me tied up in knots. Did I rush in to this too soon? I long for a reason to swoon. Dearest Mina, I know just how you feel. When it comes to Jonathan, I don't see the appeal because my man is where it's at. Last night he turned into a bat! ♪
Friends 'til the End [x]
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queenofbaws · 3 months
i will not stand here and say the quarry's writing is perfect by any means, but man. that moment. in the beginning. when chris absolutely loses his shit and you see every last one of the hacketteers freeze..............shocked, wide-eyed, so taken aback they don't move even to look at each other.............
and then, realizing what just happened, chris scrambles frantically to grab hold of the situation again. he tries to grin at ryan ("tries" being the keyword), he tosses him the keys like nothing's wrong. he tries to go back to being mr. h - he does, he tries so hard - and finally when ryan talks to him, there's what waver in his voice. that absolute lack of understanding in his eyes. ryan's not just surprised, he's not just shocked......for a second there, he is scared, and chris sees that, realizes it, and peels out of there before anyone can say anything else. just.....
i think that moment is 100% the moment i realized UH OH I THINK I LOVE CHRIS HACKETT because that's when we see the counselors have been around this guy for two whole months (some of them even longer, possibly), and not once. not once!!!!!!!!!!! had they realized who he really was.
ugh. UGH. i LOVE IT.
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noyzinerd · 2 years
The Sterek Timeline Between The Show And The Movie: Friends To Lovers, Single-Parent, Slowburn
My new headcanon is that Derek had Eli during his time in South America during the later seasons (like around s04-s06).
He wasn't exactly hiding Eli, it was just that no one in the pack bothered to ask and it never came up because Derek only saw the pack around that time when there was a crisis and no time to catch up.
At some point, years before the up-coming movie, the FBI are once again investigating a string of werewolf related murders in South America (that Derek was already investigating, as it involved pack networking and territories and alliances and all that werewolf diplomacy jazz he was looking into in s06) and Stiles and Derek's paths cross again.
So the two of them team up and have a little mini-adventure and Stiles finds out about Eli when he's about 4. Since the sting operation requires careful planning and gathering intel, Stiles ends up crashing at Derek's place for like a month as they work the case. Stiles gets to see how Derek lives and gets to learn more about his adorable son. His heart absolutely melts watching Derek do Dad things, like chasing down errant missing socks and arranging snacks into animal shapes and just being this soft, loving guy he never got to be back in Beacon Hills.
Meanwhile, Derek gets to see how great Stiles is with Eli. Stiles purposely over-exaggerates his already silly, fast-talking, flail-y nature and it's a big hit with the toddler. Futhermore, Stiles isn't afraid to make a fool of himself, so his silly sounds and voices and his ridiculous dancing have this unrestrained honesty that Derek (or anyone else, for that matter) could only ever dream to achieve.
When the mission is over and it's time for Stiles to leave, he instead takes a sabbatical to help with Eli while Derek cleans up pack business for a few days.
But then a few days turn into another week or two because Stiles should really stick around to make sure everything is truly resolved with the case. Got to make sure there aren't any loose ends.
A few weeks turns into a month, because, despite being there for two months, Stiles hasn't actually gotten the chance to see the sights and explore South America. Besides, the FBI won't contact him again until a new big case drops, so why not enjoy himself until then?
And eventually, Stiles just never leaves.
Of course, during this time Derek and Stiles grow closer and slowly get together.
All while the pack is none the wiser.
When the movie events roll around, I imagine everyone loses their mind about finding out that Derek had a kid.
By the time they call Stiles to tell him the mind-blowing news that Derek has a son, Stiles is just like, "Oh, Eli? Yeah, I've known for like 10 years...guess I forgot to tell anyone...whoops..."
(He also forgets to mention that they've been living together as a family for all of those 10 years too...double whoops...)
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metagalacticx · 2 years
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ liam dunbar ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
i'd like to let you know that boys cry too
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gem-bakes · 10 months
Okay so @juldooz it’s not chocolate or from the 70s BUT the reason is my coworker asked for a cheesecake and I said I would make one before realizing my springform pans are packed somewhere in the Storage Room so I decided to make a cake instead and this one looked good
Anyways here’s part 1 of the Whipped Cream cake from Dylan’s cookbook, I’ll share more pics after I decorate it in the morning.
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son-of-a-binkibonky · 4 months
guys i haven’t hyper fixated like this in SO LONG! maybe ever?
i’m playing the game, watching other people play the game, listening to the ost from the game, listening to the songs from the game, started using tumblr to talk about the game, making fan art of the game, i’ve got sims of the characters from the game, got a world in minecraft where i’m building the entire cam from the game, tried my hand in making edits of the game, i am even writing LITERAL FAN FICTION of the game
i’ve had ig fan accounts before (not in five or so years though) but i mostly just reposted memes, or pictures of celebrities (i had original contributions, occasionally). this is on a WHOLE other level
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also, lmk if you want this 80’s nick skin that i made.
if it looks like he pissed his pants it’s bc he’s scared of creepers
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darth-does-stuff · 1 year
what i really love about neverafter is that every character feels that they all have significant importance. you have the obvious ones, mother timothy goose with his book that seems to be the centerpiece of everything in the neverafter, princess rosamund with the fairies coming after her, but the others are just as important as well. ylfa with her realizations of ‘once upon a time’, pinnochio with his stepmother who is fucking just. yeah. there’s pib and his trickster ways, his purpose to disrupt the forces who intend to control the story, and gerard with the golden ball and his connection to elody. with a fairytale story it’s SO easy to make one person the main character of it all, but brennan made every character feel no more important than the others and it’s fucking fantastic
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thedeakyamp · 9 months
I love the theatre.
I love rehearsing late at night. I love going into the costume store at the start of a show and finding props and outfits. I love walking around the warmup room at a 5, then changing to a backwards 3. I love belting show tunes in ‘that’ corridor. I love teaching people the choreo that they missed from the last rehearsal. I love seeing a scene come together. I love seeing the director smile when a scene goes well. I love the friends you make. I love when everyone tries on their costume for the first time and hates it. I love running around frantically looking for a prop before a dress rehearsal. I love when the director tells you to find a dance partner and you lock eyes with your partner from across the room. I love freeze frames for a scene. I love the family you gain from a show. I love theatre boys. I love my theatre friends. I love Saturday rehearsals before a show when you get up early and stay on late. I love showing up to a rehearsal with an Oreo McFlurry and Diet Coke. I love sitting in math class when you’re having a rough day and remembering that you’re rehearsing that night. I love the feeling of curtain up on opening night. I love the ‘one last bow’ tradition me and my first boyfriend had. I love that we still do it, even though we’re long broken up. I love when you start a show and call people character names because you don’t know their real name. I love people getting stage nicknames. I love making stupid faces at someone on the other sides wing. I love cast hoodies. I love singing karaoke in the dressing rooms. I love that feeling of getting your choreo perfect. I love the feeling of highlighting a new script. I love looking through old scripts. I love going to the theatre to see professional productions. I love going to see my little cousins primary productions. I love the theatre.
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So... ALL of my shit is BROKEN. My desktop PC (gaming/work) shit the bed last week and is in for repairs (because I exhausted my minimal expertise in trying to diagnose and fix the issue myself). My laptop was all bricked up so I did a fresh OS install and it was working again, the next day... the hinge broke and is apparently the only fucking laptop hinge on the planet that cannot be replaced and repaired (according to the laptop repair shop... this never happens). So yeah...whatever, fucking FINE... I guess? I don't need to close it ever again? Oh, NO? Not enough pain? Apparently not, because this morning I woke up to start using it to dig into some document prep for work and the fuckin' thing wouldn't even turn on!
Anyone got the contact information for a reliable priest and a mah fuggin exorcist? Because, apparently, I'm fucking cursed.
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clairenatural · 2 years
why did they age him up to 16 in the episode it makes so much more sense if he's 14 😭
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thecindercrow · 2 years
friend and I finally started watching sgs’s quarry playthrough and dylan cheering on the phone chargers is by far the best line read so far
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queenofbaws · 1 year
Obligatory Josh and Dylan shenanigans. Mayhaps ft Chris this time!
“Hey, so, no offense or anything, but your boyfriend’s kind of a - ” Dylan narrowed his eyes as he searched for a word equal parts insulting and inoffensive, finding the perfect one as he watched Chris snap his bowstring in precisely the wrong way, flailing his hand back and forth in obvious pain, “ - goober.”
“As much as it pains me, I can only agree with you on one of those fronts,” Josh said, not bothering to follow Dylan’s line of sight towards the archery range but instead kicking his feet up onto the picnic table, readjusting the angle of his drawing pad. “It’s the goober front, by the way - though I’d go a little farther and call him a goddamn menace, if I’m being honest - not the boyfriend one. Cochise is the albatross around my neck and the light of my life, but my boyfriend he most assuredly...” he paused just long enough to narrow his eyes and add a few lines, “...is not.”
He tried not to look too intrigued as he turned back around and asked, “Oh yeah?,” but already there was a barb of a smirk tugging at the corner of Josh’s mouth, suggesting he wasn’t trying hard enough.
“Single and ready to mingle, Ives,” he grinned down at his sketchbook, “and that’s both a statement of fact and a threat.”
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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agirlsguidetolove · 10 months
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pairings: theodore nott x reader
word count: 0.9k
summary: “i thought you knew?” “you thought i knew we were dating?” “yes!” “how would i know that, nott, you never told me.”
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Theodore Nott had dead eyes. That was something you had learned early on in your friendship with the boy; never expect his eyes to tell you anything. But, right now, you couldn’t help but wonder if your own advice was wrong because the look he was giving you in the moment was the farthest thing to dead. Alive.
Theodore’s eyes were ablazed, like you had lit a match in his face just as he had done with his cigarettes the night before. They looked on fire as he glared off at you, standing and chatting with some Ravenclaw boy who had decided to make the stupid of going to a slytherin party and talking to Theo’s girl.
It was a common fact that you and Theo had something, everyone knew. Well, maybe except for you.
Maybe that’s why you hadn’t expected for Theodore to waltz up to you and your new friend and throw an arm over your shoulder, and stand and listen to you too talk, not saying a word.
“Think we should get out of here?” Was the first thing he said to you, well, whispered into your ear, pulling you closer.
“I’m okay here, Teddy,” you said. Theo visible softened, melting into you at the nickname only you were allowed to call him. “You can go, though. I’ll be alright, promise.”
Theo smiled at you as you patted his arm that was wrapped around your shoulder, watching as your attention drifted back to whoever this guy was. He sighed.
“I know,” Theo started before your Ravenclaw friend interrupted.
“Yeah, mate, we’ll be okay,” he said. Theo hardened, dead eyes becoming colder as he took his arm off your shoulder, stepping forward and shoving the guy.
“Was I fucking talking to you, mate?” he spit.
“Woah!” you cut, pulling Theo back with your hand to his chest, “What the hell, Theo?”
“Yeah,” the Raveclaw pants. “What the hell, Nott? Calm down!”
Theodore sneers, glaring harshly ate the boy before hissing, “Fuck off,” and pushing past him and bumping his shoulder aggressively as he makes his way out of the common room.
Staring of at his fuming figure you quickly apologize to the boy before chasing off after Theo. When you find him, he’s angrily pacing through the hallway, running a hand through his hair.
“Theo,” you state angrily. Theo’s head whips to where you stand before shaking his head and choosing to walk away from you and down the hall.
“Theo!” you yell, walking quickly behind him. “What the fuck was that about? Can you wait for a second and talk to me?”
Theo stops, allowing you to catch up to him. You can practically see the steam coming out when he turns to you. “What am I supposed to do?” he asks bitterly. “Just let him flirt with you?”
“What?” you ask, just as bitter. “What are you talking about? Why’d you have to fucking shove, Dylan?”
Dylan. Theodore scoffs, getting madder by the second. He takes a step closer, towering over you. “So I’m just supposed to stand there when some prick is running up on my girlfriend!”
Girlfriend? What the hell was he on about. “Girlfriend?” you question, softer.
“Yes! You’re my girlfriend!” Theodore shouted. He just wasn’t getting it, was he?
“What?” you spluttered. “Since when?”
“What,” Theo got quieter.
“i didn’t know…” you said. “when did we start dating?…o-officially?”
“You didn’t know?” he repeated, incredulous. “I… I thought… I thought you knew?”
“You thought I knew we were dating?” You were getting louder, voice echoing off the walked.
“Yes!” Theo yelled, eyes getting sadder.
“How would I know that, Nott, you never told me!”
Theodore shakes his head, again getting gentle. “Don’t start calling me ‘Nott’ now, angel, you don’t do that.”
“Theo,” you reiterated, taking a breath. “When did we— when did we start ‘dating’.”
Theo looks like a kicked puppy when he says, “Last trip to Hogsmeade. We kissed.”
Looking at the ground, you say, “Just because we kissed doesn’t mean we’re dating.”
“To me, it did!”
“You kiss plenty of girls that you’re not dating!” you argue.
Theo scoffs, “They’re not you, now are they?”
“Teddy,” you say, tears quickly forming in your eyes. Looking up at him, he purses his lips, heart breaking in his chest. “Why couldn’t you have just asked me to be your girlfriend?”
“Love, I… I thought you knew, didn’t I?”
“Yeah,” you swallow, hugging yourself with your own arms, still holding in your tears. “Well, I didn’t.”
It’s silent between you both for a moment, nothing but you staring at the floor and Theo staring at you. Theo takes a small step forward, his hands touching where you hold yourself. “Would you?” he says, “Be my girlfriend, if I asked?”
“Yeah,” you chuckle, looking up at him, “if you’d ask, you dick.”
Theo chuckles, dipping his head low and putting his lips against yours. His lips are so soft, despite how he tastes like liquor and cigarettes. He breaks apart from you, hand coming to caress your cheek. “Would you be my girlfriend?”
“Yes, I would.”
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not proof read 🧸
i 🫶 theo nott
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sapphiretulips · 10 months
so i started keeping track of the time i spend on writing/editing and i have a section for notes but it's really the most useless stuff like i really just wrote "you did it girlboss!" now if only i had a sticker sheet of gold stars
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