#but seriously this kid's racing record is mad impressive
spell-of-the-rain · 3 months
i'm sorry but 24 hours of daytona and 12 hours of sebring LMP2 winner Connor Zilisch is only SEVENTEEN??? bro's got a 100% endurance racing win race atm...
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yatgb · 3 months
Okay well i GUESSSS i can ramble about agent 8 🙄 if i mustt
He/She Eight forever and always ^-^ people (including herself) default to she/her but she doesnt mind! Either prns are fine any time. Also doesnt label her sexuality he's just balling
Aside from all the sanitized kamabo bullshit i think hitting her head after the fight with agent 3 actually did give her some Lasting Brain Damage, and she has problems with forgetting things. Her and Agent 4's apartment is PLASTERED with sticky note reminders, even for stuff like "close the fridge" "turn off the stove" because she WILL forget to do that part
Agent 4 made her a little cookbook that step-by-step tells her how to make her favorite foods with those menial reminders to turn stuff on and off and close doors
AND she and Agent 4 have made what they call Eight's Brain Board, whoch is a crime board style corkboard that lays out all her memories and how they relate to each other just in case she forgets again. Proudly on display in their room
Likes wood-and-metalworking just to make little trinkets, most of the time Octivus or Squidmas gifts. The definition of Hobby On The Side that keeps her hands sharp. The first one she made on the surface was a little Salmonid keychain she gifted to Agent 4 ^-^
Still writes poetry too. She doesnt mean for it to be 8-8-8 syllables they literally just. Happen like that. She'll write a poem about literally anything. she wrote one about Agent 4's freckles
I know Donny is the shopkeeper in-game but Eight is the actual store manager for the Ammo Knights in Inkopolis Square. Sheldon hired her before he moved to Splatsville and she proved to be a VERY good employee so he let her take over the store
She and Sheldon often have friendly races between who can take apart and put a weapon back together the quickest. Eight's record is less than 2 minutes for a Hydra Splatling
Eight takes her job SUPER seriously and absolutely Will Not Budge on anything like prices or weapon availability. No "i left my ID at home" or "i'm basically level 10 cant i just have that one" she does NOT care. Rules are rules and by jove she will not only follow but she WILL enforce them
^ that being said she also HATES Grizzco. She doesnt like their shady vibe and has heard many horror stories about the actual work from Agent 4 (who works there to pay off his student loans) and she really really REALLY despises how they illegally modify weapons for golden rotations. Every time she finds a modified weapon she instantly confiscates and dismantles it. It's like a spit in the face to her entire career and she will not stand for it
Very good with teenagers! Mostly bc thats the majority of who comes into the shop. She loves hearing about their battle tales and has been jotting down little plotlines that unfold in her store (like a kid trying a new weapon to impress their crush, or someone climbing up the ranks in Clam Blitz, that type thing)
She has a reputation for being super nice to everyone but really its because she just has a really long fuse. It takes a LOT to get her mad
Charger main! She's amazing with any charger you put in front of her and she's an absolute MENACE in an inkbattle. Her favorites change but "you can never go wrong with a good and standard Splat Charger"
Her favorite battle mode is Tower Control!
She also Is crushing on Cap3 but she will literally never make a move. Partly bc they live across the ocean in splatsville now but also It's Agent 3. The Legendary Agent 3. Theyre Too Cool For Me (Agent 4 has been trying to wingman them together ever since they started hanging out. the pining is mutual theyre both just flustered. Hes suffering)
Idol relationships!!!!!!! Since she is genuinely good friends with Agent 3 she's frienda by proxy with the squid sisters. They dont really have a lot in common and dont hang out much but she and Marie like being menaces in inkbattles together because theyre both cracked with a Charger and love causing problems. Imagine 2 E-Liters on the Brinewater ledge. Hell. She finds it easy to chat with Callie and they'll talk about literally anything. Callie just has that effect on people i think
She sees Pearl and Marina as cousins, partly bc Pearl started calling her Cousin as a nickname but they really are like family. She lived with them for a solid month learning the language and etiquitte before they couldnt put off their Idol Jobs any longer, which is when she started living with Agent 4. They check in with each other every day and fuckig. LOVE EACH OTHER. She always gets front row tickets to their shows
Has only met Deep Cut very very briefly while being a roadie for OTH's world tour. They indimidate her but she'll take Marina's word that Big Man is chill at least. She's also heard good things about their heroism in Alterna from Cap3 so at the moment theyre vaguely Okay in her book
Also besties with Acht ^-^ initially bonding over Side Order bullshit but she finds their practical blunt nature to be really refreshing and calming. They mostly parallel-play when they hang out together. Like cats. She really likes their new music (can't listen to any Kamabo songs without feeling Bad after :( trauma and all. Acht respects this)
Shelly and Donny absolutely LOVE HER. She always entertains their kiddie ramblings and helps them out if they need a hand at their store, and theyre always welcome to work at her store if theirs is slow and they want something to do. She teaches them more about the weapons in a hands-on way so they have more to tell the customers rather than just parroting Sheldon
Speaking of, she's also great friends with Sheldon! Technically he's her boss but hes a very chill boss and she's been invited to family gatglherings outside of work and such. A good friend to the Shellendorf family!
"Hey eight how are you so cheerful all the time you have a very busy job and lots of friends to keep up with! Whats your secret!" Shes literally just in love with life. Thats it. After dealing with so much shit underground and nearly losing everything in Kamabo she has a huge appreciation for life itself. She relishes in the good and accepts the bad because at least she has a choice to experience it all. That being said can trauma responses go away she doesnt quite like those
(Hiiii :3 watch out here comes the extremely thought out backstory i made under the cut)
The reason shes so good with Chargers is actually because she was training under a Special Forces unit in the Octarian Army
She was known in her class for being super smart and quick on her feet but she just CANT build up any muscle mass, and the wasabi supply unit were already thinking of allowing Certain Octolings to use Chargers and Splatlings without being Octocommanders or Octosnipers, so they decided to guinea pig her with a Charger along with a smattering of other similar Octolings
She became like. SUPER good at using Chargers and a lot of her peers would call her The Next Marina because she surprised everyone with how cracked she was at like everything they threw at her. She never liked this comprison due to wanting to just Be Herself
She was also known for being extremely caring and empathetic, which landed her in hot water for speaking out against the way she and her fellow colleagues were treated as faceless soldiers, and wondered if plotting against the Inklings was even worth it st this point. She famously got in MASSIVE trouble for insinuating that they let The Great Zapfish go and was in Detention/Jail for like a While and nearly lost all her progress climbing up the ranks
Alsooooooo :3 in my personal canon she was part of the squad to escort Callie into Octo Canyon. It was her first time ever on the surface and once she got a taste for the real sun she needed more of it
(I know Octo Expansion is likely happening the same time as Splat2 Hero Mode but it makes sense for my canon for it to happen After)
Also she's 18 st the start of Octo Expansion just to tie back into the whole 8 thing they had going on
The whole hypnoshade thing was also thrust on Callie as a surprise and like. It's not fun to be Surprise Brainwashed so of course she fought back before the hypnoshades took effect. Eight still has a scar on her shoulder from where Callie dug her nails in. That experience was also the final nail in the "i gotta get out of here" coffin
Even though she had made up her mind to run away to the surface, it still really hurt to leave her life behind. She had real friends and even something romantic going on with someone special, as well as having actual good standings in the army with a bright future ahead of her, but the surface was more worth it in her eyes. being able to have her own life instead of one she was forced into was so appealing. Her friends think she's selfish and definitely resent her now (even though theyre fuzzed and barely remember her in turn)
Oh and also her name used to be Maia Idachi :3 but since she doesnt know her old name she can't find her file in Cap'n Cuttlefish's dossier. She doesn't want to go by facial recognition in case she mistakes her fime for someone else's and remembers something that never happened to her yknow (got Maia from amai, the japanese word to describe something sweet to tie into her being caring and empathetic, and Idachi from Idako which is the word for a species of Octopus)
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 279: Here Comes the Airplane
Previously on BnHA: Gigantomachia gathered up the rest of the League and headed off to go help Tomura. Also he is now 80 feet tall. The heroes were all, “whoa this guy is really big, we should probably stop him and maybe even devote an entire chapter or two just to that,” and so they sent three whole people after him, which sadly is pretty much the exact sort of strategy I’ve come to expect from them by this point. Anyway so Mt. Lady tried to hold Machia off but kept getting flung aside, and Kamui Woods tried to catch him but was set on fire by Dabi who is just having way too good of a time setting all of the flammable heroes on fire today, and Midnight tried to put him to sleep but Compress threw a bunch of debris at her and so she fell like 80 feet. The chapter ended with Midnight being all “fuck this” and calling Momo, who ordered the rest of the child soldier squad into action as Machia approached. I’m not really sure what they’re gonna do, but I honestly don’t really care, because it’s Momo, and so, YES.
Today on BnHA: U.A.’s first-year hero students, who apparently had nine hours to prepare their battleground instead of the fifteen seconds we had all assumed, launch a complex multi-staged assault which is actually really fucking impressive because these kids are actually awesome. First they pin Machia down in one of Honenuki’s mud pits, and then they take turns making impassioned attempts to take out the other League members chilling out on Machia’s back. Unfortunately none of these attempts work because of Dabi, who’s working overtime while the rest of the League sits around shooting down each other’s escape plans. Basically a lot of stuff gets set on fire, and then the chapter ends with Mt. Lady pinning Machia to the ground while MINA, YES, MINA, charges at him covered in acid like some sort of video game boss that you need some kind of specific item to defeat. DID YOU KNOW YESTERDAY WAS MINA’S BIRTHDAY YOU GUYS. Anyway so this chapter is basically pandemonium from start to finish, and it’s great. It is a RUMPUS, y'all. A STRAIGHT UP HULLABALOO.
but first, the color page we were promised, in celebration of Six Whole Years Of This Bullshit!!
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oh god oh god so much to love so little time
some of the rowdier characters are making MULTIPLE APPEARANCES IN THIS SHITSHOW, including Kaminari who appears to be in a record-setting THREE of these! who exactly was taking all of these pictures, and why are they so obsessed with him. also how many of these are going to be used as evidence in the latest Kami Traitor Theory posts and is it too early for me to get mad about it
Mirko however is not here, I assume because if she was, Horikoshi would have forgotten to draw all the rest of the characters again. she’s too powerful
Midnight is so sexy I don’t even ksdfnkl
Cementoss’s face is the runner-up MVP and one of the greatest things I’ve seen in my life
half the people here seem to be attempting to flirt with whoever is taking the pictures. I am starting to suspect that the culprit is Momo. change my mind
for some reason I am really shocked to see Endeavor getting his drink on. and he’s literally the only one, too
Bakugou’s half-assed I SAID NO PAPARAZZI skills are no match for Tamaki’s legendary “I WILL LITERALLY DIE IF YOU CAPTURE ME ON FILM” abilities
I literally didn’t notice Deku until like three quarters of the page in. he sure does blend right in there
Tokoyami is approximately 97.3% done and ticking EVER CLOSER to full 100% doneness, and when that happens even I can’t tell you what is going to go down
do I even need to mention how sexy Aizawa’s hair is. apparently I do
anyway, so that was nice! NOW ON TO THE MOMOLOVIN’
oh my freaking god Tokage
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somehow her quirk didn’t freak me out quite this much the last time we saw her. she is really something. has she always had shark teeth
also WHERE IS MONOMA’S GROUP. I immediately want to know!! is he with the Shouto group? or is there yet ANOTHER student group we don’t know about? what would they even be doing
or did Horikoshi actually get three quarters of the way through writing this arc and then suddenly slap his forehead as he realized that if Monoma just casually copied Machia’s powers he would either DIE IMMEDIATELY or else become SUPER STRONG and also grow 80 feet tall and this would suddenly be a very different battle with the scales tipping decidedly in the heroes’ favor. and so he had to quickly write him out of the battle in this very half-assed way
anyway, so while I ponder that, Tokage is peeking the top of her head out over the trees and staring at Machia who is, you guessed it, still heading right their way! just like he’s been doing pretty much this entire time
and now there’s a whole page of reaction panels you guys. this is why Horikoshi tries to avoid these massive Endgame-style battles with every single hero known to man participating. hopefully we won’t have too many of these. like I mean thank you for the roll call and all but I’d like to get to the action now
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Mineta of all people is stealing this entire page with that expression though. he is not fucking around. this is twice in as many chapters that he’s been a page-stealing face-making champ. dare I hope this could be the start of a new niche for him? lord knows it would be so much better than the old niche
also this page is just sweatdrops galore. these kids are so nervous. MANGA GODS PLEASE KEEP THEM SAFE, although I’m honestly not too worried about them compared to the adults. I’m sure I should be, but I just am not
all right so now Momo is explaining what those little canisters are!
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okay but someone please explain to me how it is that they had time to stop and lay all of these traps?? not just Honenuki’s, but Mineta’s and what looks like some of Shiozaki’s work as well?? did Machia just STOP MOVING for like five whole minutes all of a sudden for no reason at all? while they were all sitting out here saying things like “with that speed...”? ????? ????????
also lol wtf. “we’re gonna have to make him eat it.” I still have no idea what their plan is, but it’s getting more entertaining by the minute I’ll say that much
okay so Momo says that if they can get him to swallow just one of these, then that should be enough to put him to sleep. oh my god this chapter is going to be AMAZING isn’t it
meanwhile Mineta is worrying about Midnight. I swear to god if they turn this into something where he’s only worried because she’s hot, I will take one of these canisters and shove it right up his...
okay good, Mina’s reassuring him that it’s gonna be okay, and then we’re just cutting to Machia stampeding in with Mt. Lady and Kamui still clinging to him
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“we’ll just stand here adjacent to him and just kind of watch as he rushes straight at the children.” someone help me, I’m having difficulty finding a synonym for “useless” that carries the full amount of emphasis I want to place on it right now. this requires a degree of language the human race is not yet capable of
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ngl, for a brief spiteful moment I was disappointed he hadn’t actually fallen on them :/
and they’re still JUST STANDING THERE, I CAN'T EVEN?? we’re getting to the point where I honestly think actual civilians might have been of more use in this situation
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also, sorry to keep harping on this, but the juxtaposition of that earlier panel with all of the fully grown and experienced pros just standing in dumb awe, immediately followed by this panel of BRAVE BUT DETERMINED CHILDREN CHARGING IN AND YELLING “GO GO GO”, is just... it really is something. shit. if I was the HPSC and this was what I had to work with, I too might have seriously considered fudging a few age requirements in hopes of finding someone who could actually get the fucking job done
also what the hell is going on down there with Shishida and Satou and that third person? what are those Blackwhip-looking things?? I’m confused
ohhhhh no
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Shiozaki is about to be sent flying through the air courtesy of her own hair vines omg
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I still can’t figure out what the hell those are though lol. did Momo make some steel cables?? I feel like Machia would be able to break just about any kind of rope or chain they could concoct just by sheer brute strength alone
ah fuck
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although I do appreciate how they’re all “U.A.!!” in kind of this “oh shit, these guys we actually have to worry about” sort of tone lol
this look on Toga’s face is a bit concerning! well but Deku and Ochako aren’t here though, so I wonder who she’s gonna fight if it comes to that. huh
(ETA: seriously, does anyone have any idea what Toga is planning cuz I sure don’t.)
Shouji and Ojiro, who I might remind you are normal people with no enhanced physical abilities aside from extra appendages, appear to have somehow circled all the way around to Machia’s back and are now climbing up oh shit
oh and Aoyama’s there too! -- is Shouji carrying him omg
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he’s using him as a human ray gun omggg. this is the most delightful thing I’ve ever witnessed
lds;afksjdl;fkj WERE THOSE JIROU’S EARJACKS??!!
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okay you know what fuck you Dabi. you think it’s funny to set a little girl’s ears on fire?! don’t expect any sympathy from me when Aoyama lasers you in the face
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oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my
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(ETA: it would have laid them all flat in seconds. Kaminari is to be feared you guys.)
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it is sincerely frustrating to me watching the League carelessly toss aside all of their painstakingly accumulated goodwill from the MVA arc in the span of just a few short pages. hey Compress, you think it’s cool to hurl a bunch of rocks at my six-and-a-half-year-old son?? I hope someone rips that cool robot arm off and uses it to punch you in the dick
here comes Sero!! and how are you going to die, Sero
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what in the
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did he just... sneeze them all into space
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okay but hear me out, what if Shouda absorbed that impact. SHOUDA YOUR TIME HAS FINALLY COME. CLASS 1-B’S ASCENT TO GLORY
(ETA: watch this space!! Shouda is here for a reason mark my words.)
meanwhile on Machia’s back, Dabi is soliloquying about Machia’s quirk while his arm is doing... something
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please forgive me for not being able to drum up any sympathy for poor Dabi’s arms right about now. quit trying to set all my kids on fire
wait whaaaaat lol
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so I scrolled back up to the previous page, and... that was fire?? lord help me why am I still so terrible at being able to tell when Horikoshi is drawing fire as opposed to just air randomly whooshing through trees. I have really got to memorize that foossh sound effect
so can Gigantomachia just BREATHE FIRE now?? or was ALL OF THAT Dabi??? if it was the latter then at least he had the decency to wait until all of the kids got blown out of range before setting the whole forest aflame to keep them back. I’ll admit it, that was thoughtful of him as far as villain power moves go
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once again I have to ask myself exactly how much prep time they had here. Horikoshi would have you think it was mere seconds, but that clearly cannot be the case?? maybe they set some of these up beforehand to catch any stray villains trying to flee the area?
lmao Spinner’s all “wait why doesn’t he just dig his way out”, because apparently Machia can tunnel himself under the ground. but Compress is all “um because we would die” and Spinner is all “oh right”
though I gotta say, it’s not like they’re that much better off as things are now, either. pinned down in the woods surrounded by fire and explosives. definitely a conundrum
oh snap Compress has realized that their presence is holding Machia back. don’t tell me Machia is gonna head off on his own and leave the rest of the League to square off with the kids
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there you go, League! free cannon fodder to get you all pumped and confident again!
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“I’m leaving it to you, U.A.’s youngsters!” yeah, you and everyone else. ah well, can’t deny they get the job done
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holy fucking shit this whole arc is just one big Arc Of Ladies Getting To Do Stuff and I am 1000% living for it. THIS ARC IS MY FAMILY. I WOULD DIE FOR IT AND LEAVE EVERYTHING TO IT IN MY WILL. ahhhhhhhhhh
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acefrogmonarch · 5 years
HC pt. 2
Some of these might have been on the other HC but if it is, don't worry there's is a lot of new ones.
Take this as canon to my story. Season 3 in MLB. It didn't happen but I'll acknowledge some things and change a lot. Like a lot.
Them as vines!
The only time Tim has used bruces money was to buy a hoverboard to go around the house saying whatever they had for lunch or dinner. In the simplest form of that meal.
"We are having Chestnut bisque for dinner." Tim is the first one to know and he gets to his hoverboard and gets a ladle. "We got Soup!" His hand has a motion of scoping up some soup as he rides.
Damian recording as Todd drives, singing, and blasting white girl music.
Dick was going to surprise Damian by taking him out of school for the day, his phone was already in his hand because he didn’t tell him before. He spotted Damian, just in time to see him throw Jon against the lockers.
Tim has a set of keywords that activate the law and order sound. Any speaker around him is put up in the highest setting and blast it through the air.
Ace doesn’t let Tim touch anything Damian has. For one week Tim hasn’t touched the bat computer. He’ll never forgive Ace.
Ace accidentally biting bruce’s dick. It was the first dinner with Marinette and they all wanted to make a good impression. They were all eating dinner and Bruce, mid-bite just makes a noise.
Marinette looks over and he’s looking at Damian, who was also mid-bite. "Dog.” It’s all he says, its chaos after that.
The boys scramble to look under the table. After they do, they can’t stop laughing and Marinette doesn’t move from her spot.
Okay, I want to clear this up for my self, Marinette found out that Damian was robin on accident.
Marinette and Damian didn't interact at all but he has been seen outside of school waiting for somebody. Lila had this 'grand idea' to set them up together. Alya, the 'master' setup. Dragged a delirious Marinette to Chloe's hotel.
"Come on Mari, it's a sleepover!" Marinette couldn't handle this. Just before she had texted Adrien that she was going to Chloe's place for a "sleepover". But Mari didn't believe it. It was 2300 and her 'bedtime' they knew not to bother her. She already took her medicine and it was kicking in.
Alya opened the door and shoved Marinette in, stumbling back, she fell on her butt. Looking around she saw the bathroom light on, but immediately noticed how small it was to Chloe's usual room.
Stumbling to look at her she couldn't help but drag to the bathroom. Opening the sewing kit in there and sticking a needle in her inner thigh. She woke up and carried it around.
"What did you do this time Lila." Groaning as she got up, she limped out to the foyer in time to hear someone open the window.
Turning around She found Robin, mask in hand to be Damian. Damian, on the other hand, didn't understand how this could happen. He was supposed to be alone in his hotel room. Why was Marinette here? It doesn't matter gotta 'fix' this.
At first, Damian attacked her to keep her silent but once she attacked back, they were at a stalemate.
They kept up with each other for hours.
Marinette slipped into the night, leaving him as people knocked on his door. For months, they didn't speak, nor did they meet up as their alter-egos.
Mari actively went out of her way to ignore him. She was furious at him and Damian couldn't care less about her feelings, only mad that he couldn't threaten her to keep his identity secret.
It wasn't until Nightwing talked to Mari. It wasn't until Chat Noir went to fetch him for a bad fight with an Akuma. It wasn't until Ladybug had revealed to be Marinette.
"you know, with someone having a superpower of 'Luck'. You sure make a mess of yourself."
"Whatever. You know my secret and I know yours. Do what you will with it."
They get closer once everything was resolved. Damian got better at handling people, Mari went tougher on people. Slowly falling in love, over the years.
But that's a story for another time.
Before reveal maybe year 2 to 3 italics are in English or another language if it isn’t in English, I’ll clarify
How Chat Noir and Selena first met. “Did you steal my look?” Chat grabs his tail looking her over and he dramatically throws his tail in disgust. “No kitty cat, you stole mine.”
Selena doesn’t realize that she’s been on Marinette’s roof for months. But she does notice how the same ravenette helps kids and kittens in need and sneak some snacks if they look often enough. She’s okay in her book.
The first time Marinette and Selena meet, she was on her balcony caring for her plants. Spray bottle of water on her hand, she hears a heavy ‘thump’ on her roof. Calling out Marinette points her bottle as a gun, just in case. “Chat?”
Selena pokes her head through and sees this small little girl look at her. “This was supposed to be an easy job” Confused, Marinette tilts her head slightly. “What was easy?” Marinette barely began studying English, now she’s thankful that she’s taken the subject seriously.
Marinette was about to be mugged the second time they interact. Chat Noir had been on patrol while Catwoman was on her way to another job. “Hey, there little lady.”
That stopped Catwoman in her tracks. Looking over in the opening of the alley, low and behold, there’s Marinette. Clutching her purse for dear life. Perched on the building behind the mugger is Chat Noir.
They both jump at the same time, noticing each other as they nod in understanding. Before they reach the ground, Marinette already has the mugger on the floor, groaning in pain.
Yearly road trip!
At first, it was the fair or occasional Carnival just outside of town but once the boys grew in numbers and added their interest, they started to fight who’s turn it was yearly.
When Damian joined, it was Tim’s turn and like the year before they got ready to go to another cluster of conventions in L.A. for weeks
Jason would suggest Disney world but always go to Universal Studio for Harry Potter.
Dick goes to stupid places that are weird, like the “Worlds Biggest Yarnball!” Other than that he takes pictures of food in his mouth and post it on Instagram. One moment he’s in New York City with a rainbow Bagel. The next he’s in Canada eating Timbits.
Yes, that’s an actual food item in Canada. They look like doughnut holes but better.
Go soccer baseball! (It's kickball to you, Americans.)
Anyway back to HC.
Babs doesn’t go half the time, but she always down when it’s her turn and she goes all out. Babs mostly goes for the tech conventions but once Dick, Tim, and Steph saw drone racing in Dubai.
They always went to Dubai after that. Damian thinks the drones are mini helicopters and get fascinated by them. He’ll never admit it.
They bribe Lucas to make a custom Duck boat if Lucas gets to go one time. “Y’all are white rich kids, but take me some time.”
Babs decked it out with Video games on the bilge (lower layer of the boat) while where the girls stay on top of the fantail.
They take the road trip very seriously. And literally. They drive. Everywhere.
In the open water, Babs keeps a bucket of chum to throw in the water to attract sharks. The first time it happens dick and Jason ‘freak out’ and reenact Jaws. Tim gets annoyed very quickly, he just wants to play video games. Bruce always stayed in at the wheel.
He can't choose between the boys and girls so he stays there. Once Marinette joined she switches constantly but once she's tired, she stays with bruce to nap.
Steph would go to places outside of the US for Instagram worthy food. Like Dragons Beard in China and Jiggly Cheesecake in Japan.
Cass likes to visit quiet places. Like the renovated Opera house turned Library. No one argues as much on her trip, and they enjoy the peace and scenery. Templo Expiatorio del Santisimo Sacramento, Mexico has been on her list but she always spots something else.
Marinette wants to go to Milan, Italy for Fashion week but she doesn’t plan the trip, the rest of the batfam does. They get her to spill where she would go if she ever got the chance.
They also don't tell her until they show up at the Bakery doorsteps. Honking in a custom Duck Boat, there's Dick Grayson, hanging out of the side yelling “Get in loser we’re going shopping.”
"I won't even attempt to try this much effort with anyone else, just marry me instead, Mari. Don't let me indulge to stand another second of insufferable humans." This is how Damian proposes.
Damian having a mild innocence.
Like not knowing what tampons or pads are used for, and asking Bruce about it. Bruce panics for a solid minute before answering. "I'll tell you later." He doesn't.
Jason and dick don't think it's true so they tease him. Dick tried to be subtle by saying Steph was on 'her time of the month.' Jason bulldozed through saying she was stocking up on tampons.
"What are tampons used for." They tell him it's to cover women's vagina. He'll never admit to them that he thought they were to cover battle wounds.
Damian is very weirded when he finds out that Dick or his father having sex with a stranger.
 "You're not supposed to do that." Is his immediate thought.
"Dick, stop having sex with her if you don't plan on marrying her!"
Damian promptly leaves the room. "Where are you going little D?”
Stomping away, "To plan a wedding." He slams the door.
The first time Marinette tries to cuddle Damian, he freaks out.
"Woah, Angel, wait till marriage." Marinette just looks at him confused.
"What do you mean???? This is perfectly fine before marriage."
"Not in my culture!"
Jason and Dick weren't afraid of Marinette before. But ever since 'the Kitchen™" incident' they haven't walked in when she visits.
The Kitchen™ incident as followed.
Sleep-deprived Mari! & Tim! Mari still had ingredients out, she was making coffee cake for them since Tim asked for some "fre sh a voca do" for their desert.
M: Could you put the Ingredients away?
T: What dog? When did we get the dogs in here?
M: What?
T: Did you not say dog?
M: I thought you said you wanted to eat a dick.
T: What?! Mari I don't eat ass.
They were surrounding the island, both were crouched
M: You're not getting my milk.
Tim was moving his arms around and flipped over the island and grabbed the milk, he ran out with Mari following him.
M: No my MALK!!
Damian walked in much later to see where Mari was.
T: Do you know the muffin man?
D: The Muffin Man?
T: The Muffin man
Mari left to find Dami and heard that as she was coming in.
M: Shes married the muffin man.
Damian promptly forgot why he wanted to find her in the first place and leaves. Just silently going "wtf"
They would laugh so much they laid down on the floor, once the timer beeped, Marinette stumbled her way to the oven, accidentally stepping on Tim as well.
Why do they do that?! Both dick and Jason didn't wanna witness any more of this weirdness.
Every time, anybody in the bat fam is hurt, there is a speaker nearby with the CoD 1 zombie 'Game over' soundtrack. Ready to play. It's why common crooks stop hurting them because they can't escape the sound.
Tim did it on accident because he was sleep-deprived but he just kept the algorithm.
His usual response when attacks don't hurt him is. "Mothertrucker dude, that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick"
Jason and Tim mess with Penguin, once penguin caught on that they were only attacking at dusk. He started calling them Dusk Boys™.
"God damn dusk boys. Get off my lawn!"
Mariette witnesses it and coined the term, "Dusking it up." whenever someone was a little shit.
Damian got a kazoo one day, someone 'gave' it to him as they ran away. "It's a social experiment!" More like throwing it in his face. Once he got home he played it. Marinette was visiting for a while.
He showed her first and Tim was with her in the living room, eating cake. After he played it, they both went batshit crazy. Once they aren't sleep deprived, Damian 'serenades' Mari with the kazoo. It's during the next patrol and its right after they beat up another criminal.
She was very surprised and so was everybody else. 1 they are usually so profession about this and not announcing their presence or joking around. It's why she got so much done with him. 
2 She kind of enjoyed it???
Marinette finds herself in Dick.
Since everyone went to the pair to vent or find advice. Marinette sees them struggling and slows down with them. Taking things from scratch, be it subjects they struggle with or talking about people.
Dick can relate because not everyone is willing to talk to others besides Dick. They share tips on how to help. Mari gets ideas on how to talk to others about self-love and dick gets advice that he is doing all he can and more. 
Jason and Mari patrol together and spar together too often. Like when they both don’t want to hold back. Afterward, they get ice cream.
Mari never takes credit because she doesn't want to seem like a brat. But she also doesn't want to turn people down because she loves to help.
So she does her work, invites them in and hangs out with them and doesn't shut them out. She sets a group chat for people struggling in math and science. She also has a weekly get together for emotional support, "It doesn't matter what it is, just say it!" She invites Chloe one time and they have deep conversations about family issues and attitude issues.
Monthly shows.
Mari, Adrien, and Dick sing (ABBA) and dress up, they just call it a show. But once Mari does parkour and acrobatic moves they go on the tightrope.
She doesn't push dick and always uses the net, once dick explains why he didn't want to go in the first place. They take it slow. Explaining moves on the ground and different verbal signals to call out for a new movie or stop.
"I played you like the cheap Kazoo you are." Damian when he gets played by Mari in a game. It was Risk.
They are all instruments. Every single one of them. But their price is on a very wide range. It all depends on their mood.
Some are cooking supplies. "What a tool." No one in the mlb crew likes it.
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
(A little fic where Billy and Steve are dating and they’re toting Max and Lucas off to a date in their own separate cars)
“You nervous?” Steve asks, shifting his eyes over to look at the boy sitting next to him.
One Lucas Sinclair is currently sitting in the passenger side of Steve’s BMW, rolling his eyes at the older boy. They’re en route to The Hawk -seeing as the mall was destroyed by some otherworldly creature brought about by the government and the Russians that of course Steve knows nothing about- for Lucas to go see Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome with Mad Max herself.
It makes Steve smile just thinking about two of the little twerps having a date like this.
“No.” Lucas says on a scoff. “I’ve been out with Max before.”
“Yeah, but this time you two are gonna be alone. In the dark.” He lays it on real thick, enjoying picking on Lucas- maybe a little too much.
Steve isn’t blind to the blush that pushes past the boy’s dark skin.
“Uh huh, while badass dudes beat each other up. So romantic.”
Steve laughs.
“C’mon, this is Max we’re talking about. Billy’s sister? She probably loves all that rough-em up stuff as much as Billy does.”
Steve could go on, but doesn’t think doing that with a 14 year old is the best decision here. Sometimes he forgets he has to pick his words carefully when he’s around the lot of them. His filter has had quite the work-out in the past year.
Lucas’ face twists into a rather intense look of confusion.
“What… Billy likes to watch people get beat up? Or Billy likes to... get beat up?”
And now it’s Steve’s turn to blush. Hard. His filter is blaring sirens at him, making sure he doesn’t give the boy any more information than he needs to know. In fact, Steve thinks he doesn’t need to know any more information at all.
Change the subject change the subject-
“Be careful.” Steve blurts out, his mind racing through what he’s trying to say but his mouth not following quite as fast. Lucas gives him another weird glance before he can explain. “No funny business, alright?”
“Yeah, yeah. I don’t want your boyfriend getting mad.” Lucas says with more boredom in his voice than irritation. The words confuse Steve though and he looks over to Lucas for a second before turning his attention back on the road.
“Huh? Billy?”
Lucas nods in response, looking at Steve like he’s dumb for even having to question it.
“I’d be more worried about Max if I were you.” Steve admits. “She might rip your arm off if you try something she doesn’t want you to.”
Steve had dated a girl like Max in the past. Back at the end of Freshman year. She was a Sophomore and after she broke up with him 3 weeks after they became official, Steve had the thought that she might have done it just to take pity on him. Or maybe as some kind of dare.
But either way, when they went to the movies and he tried to reach his arm around her shoulders, she pulled on it so hard she almost dislocated it.
Steve shivers at the memory.
“Seriously?” Lucas asks. It sounds like he doesn’t believe Steve even for a second. “But Billy is like, shredded.”
“Yeah…” And if they get into a car crash or something, Lucas can thank himself for putting the image of a shirtless Billy Hargrove into Steve’s head. All that soft, tan, flawless skin. Those toned pecs, the healthy layer of fat that just covers his gorgeous abs, that wicked V of his hip bones as they reach down to... he has to shake the images off before he gets too far away from his current position. “But Billy won’t know anything unless you get caught. Max, on the other hand, can fend for herself. I’ve seen her put you in a headlock at least twice before.”
“Max wouldn’t actually hurt me though!” Lucas is adamant. It’s pretty cute.
“Sure, maybe not. Still, though, I’d rather have an angry Billy than an angry Max on my hands.”
“Yeah, but that’s because you’re-”
Lucas cuts himself off and when Steve looks over at him, there’s an even deeper red tint pushing through his dark complexion. Steve can’t help but smirk at the boy’s extreme discomfort. It’s endlessly hilarious to both him and Billy that the kids are so terrified of talking about the idea of them having sex. Lucas just clears his throat, shifting in discomfort.
“Kissing him.”
Steve guffaws, laughing even harder when he sees Lucas pouting and huffing.
They pull up outside of The Hawk and see Billy and Max on the corner, clearly getting under each other’s skin. Steve parks and sighs at the sight.
“Already going at it.” He says with a shake of his head.
He loves Billy. They talk about it late at night. And after they fuck. And when they get drunk, and when they get high, and when they’re at the quarry and the sun is setting and things are soft and special. And he loves his fighting spirit too. He can understand being irritated to hell and back because of these kids. But sometimes, when Billy is still complaining about El scratching his new record in her excitement to play her favorite song, or Will scuffing his boots while running through the house, or Max being ungrateful for Billy driving her everywhere, all while Steve is licking at his neck in an attempt to turn him on? Sometimes Steve just wants him to calm down for a second. Especially to let him get his dick up.
They step out of the car, walking up to the bickering siblings. Billy is bent down a bit to get more on Max’s level as he speaks to her heatedly. Steve can just barely make out the words Billy is saying:
“-touches you, hell if he so much as looks at you wrong, you tell me. Alright? And I’ll kill him.”
Steve and Lucas stop next to them and Max is able to roll her eyes before the two even notice their dates have arrived.
Billy’s eyes slide over to Steve, who just gives him an unamused look. Billy straightens his back and clears his throat.
“And it’ll be a quick and painless death.”
There’s an almost nervous look that falls across Billy’s face at being caught threatening the boy. Bless him. Max, on the other hand, has her arms crossed with what Steve is pretty sure is the biggest shit-eating grin on the planet right now. It’s kind of funny, especially next to her semi-nervous brother.
“What was that you were saying, Billy?” Max asks, looking up at him with a smug smirk.
“I was sa-”
“Does that same thing apply with Steve?” She turns her mischief-glinted eyes over to the new boy in question. “Sorry Steve, but you can’t touch him and if you look at him wrong, I’m going to have to kill you.”
Steve is chuckling at the girl and her guts.
“You’re a little shit.” Billy grumbles at his sister, smacking the top knot she’s bundled her hair into. She smacks his arm soundly in response.
“Why don’t you and Steve go run off into the sunset already? We have a movie to catch and I don’t wanna be around when you two start sucking face.”
“Shut up, you brat.” Billy hisses. “Steve and I can do what we want. Just because you guys are so immature you can’t handle that we fuc-”
“Ugh! Gag me with a spoon.” Max covers her face with her hands. “You’re so gross, it’s embarrassing!”
“Embarrassing, huh?” Billy asks, placing his hands on his hips and letting a devious smirk fall across his lips.
Uh oh. Steve knows this isn’t going to be good.
“You know, Lucas…” Billy starts, voice sickly sweet and eyes promising nothing but poison. “I have a lot of dirt on Max, if you ever wanna know some real embarrassing shit.”
Oh no.
“Billy,” Max’s tone of warning is low and threatening. “Do not-”
“Max is obsessed with the Muppets.”
Here we go.
“Billy!” Max looks up at her brother, scandalized.
“She still watches Sesame Street every morning.”
That one almost gets Steve. He smiles a bit at hearing it but keeps his chuckle down.
“Holy shit, stop!” Max is yelling now, looking like she’s about to punch him.
Billy is clearly getting enjoyment out of this, smiling a thousand watt smile at a very nervous and confused looking Lucas.
“She gets combination pizza but takes everything off of it because she likes the taste it leaves behind without actually eating all of the mushrooms and peppers.”
“Billy is allergic to bananas!” Max blurts out immediately.
Steve knew that. But it’s the look that Billy gives her- a terrified glare with the promise of murder running through it -that leads Steve to believe there’s something more to this story.
Max is holding her own, though. She’s staring up at Billy as he glares daggers, eye contact in lock with utter commitment.
“He’s known since he was a kid but he wanted to impress a boy so much that he shoved a whole fucking banana down his throat at the boardwalk and then immediately broke out into hives.”
Holy shit. Steve didn’t know that.
“Wait, really?” Steve can’t help but butt in here, because he hasn’t heard this story before. Billy looks over at Steve like he’s simultaneously begging for mercy and promising slaughter. “How old were you?”
“15.” Max supplies the answer. “He was babysitting me when it happened.”
“You’re so fucking dead.” Billy’s voice is gruff.
“He knows all the words to every song on that ABBA album with the helicopter.”
Steve is going to burst from holding in his laughter. He knows Billy likes ABBA but wow...
“I will murder you.” Another promise.
“I caught him singing Dancing Queen into his hairspray bottle a month ago.”
Steve’s heart pulls a little at how cute that one is. And how hysterical the image is.
“Max makes out with her poster of Ralph Macchio.” Billy spits back.
It sounds like Lucas is silently choking.
“Billy tried to do the Risky Business slide and broke his nose on the ground.”
Oh my God.
Steve doesn’t know what to do with himself. The siblings start to argue like it’s what’s pumping oxygen through their lungs. Steve is still trying to wrap his head around Billy dressed like Tom Cruise sliding around on his socks and dancing around in his underwear. He himself attempted that when he first saw the movie. He split his chin on the ground.
I wonder if he’ll get upset if I ask him for an encore performance…
Steve comes to when he feels someone smacking his arm. He turns to see Lucas, who is looking at him with extreme concern on his face.
“Uh…?” Lucas starts, looking back at the bickering siblings who are now yelling about… peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?
“Uhhhh…” Steve mirrors. Eloquence incarnate, that’s what Steve Harrington is.
“Max?” Lucas tries to call out.
It feels like whatever they say at this point will fall on deaf ears. There are a lot of rolling eyes and exasperated groans in between pretty heavy sibling bickering. Steve’s not even sure what they could still be mad about at this point.
Steve gives a semi-terrified look to Lucas, who mirrors it back. With a raise of an eyebrow on both of their parts, they come to a silent conclusion before both looking towards their dates.
“Billy?” Steve calls at the same time that Lucas calls out “Max?”
“What?!” Comes the synchronized response.
And who says they’re not similar?
“I love you.” Lucas and Steve chorus together, looking at their respective partners.
It’s then that a rather hearty blush falls over the once arguing pair. The two of them fall silent, their scrunched up faces falling into shock, mouths open and eyes a little wide and cheeks so pink it’s adorable.
Look at his sweet face-
The moment is over in an instant, however. There’s a flash of red hair as Max rushes forward, smacking Lucas’ shoulder with little force, but still threatening enough.
“What the hell! Why are you getting all sappy on me when I’m obviously in the middle of a fight?” She yells into Lucas’ unassuming face.
Steve would be worried if he didn’t have his own problems to face. Namely one blue eyed, blond haired problem that is descending upon him like a tornado.
“Shut the fuck up Steve this isn’t the time!” Billy is yelling, grabbing at Steve’s shirt. Steve throws his hands up into the air immediately, submitting to the rage of his boyfriend. He knows this isn’t the time to pick a fight.
“Alright, alright!” Steve is exasperated. In a second he’s being pulled away, watching Max drag Lucas into the theater by the front of his shirt, grumbling about how they’re “going to be late for the damn movie” and “you better buy me popcorn after this” and “my brother gave me money for the tickets, shut up, Sinclair.”
Steve tunes into his own boyfriend now, who’s also still grumbling about his “stupid boyfriend” who “butts his head into my business” and “you’re real damn lucky you’re so pretty, Harrington.”
And in a flash, Steve is being pushed bodily against Billy’s blue Camaro. His vision is a little swirly as he watches Billy check their surroundings before shoving their lips together in a kiss that makes his knees go weak. A couple seconds later he’s being shoved into the car and Billy is in the driver’s seat and they’re speeding off to some undisclosed location, hopefully to fuck on the hood of the car.
(find it on AO3 here)
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borisbubbles · 5 years
Eurovision 2010: 80 - 76
80. Birgit  - “Et uus saaks alguse” Estonia 2013
It is easy to write Birgit’s superhigh ranking off as my pro-Estonia bias, but I actually did NOT like “Et uus saaks alguse” until the semifinal aired. 🤭 You see, 2013 was the first year I followed preselections and i was SMITTEN by the quirky Lõhmus song Birgit beat in EL. You may have heard of “Päästke Noored Hinged”, and if you haven’t educate yourself now and return here once you’re finished. Ready? Okay, let’s continue~
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Anyway, Birgit is just... so adorable? So charismatic? Such a soothing, likable presence? Her magical voice and hypnotic swaying was the exact medicine to treat my Paia ptsd. Before I knew it, I was humming the chorus without thinking about it twice, singing a self-made Dutch translation in the shower on a daily basis. In the end, Birgit won me over, which I think you’ll agree, is a stronger phrasing of words than “I fell in love”. A true example of an underrated gem who deserves more love and attention.
After the contest, Birgit gave birth to a healthy son, continued to live a happy life with her family, occasionally cropping up in Eesti Laul as a juror or in a hilarious collab with Tanja. This ending to her arc pleases me almost as much as “Et uus saaks alguse” did, because if there’s any europerson (besides Valentina Monetta and Ieva Zasimauskaite) that I wish all the happiness in the world, it is Birgit Õigemeel. 
79. IVAN - “Help you fly” Belarus - 2016
If I can fly, then you can flyyyyYYYyyyYYYoyoyoohoyojojkoghkooo
With 330+ of read updates under your belt, it should hardly be a surprise to you that I LOVED “Help you fly” the second I heard it, because is there anything as timeless, as ethereal, as enjoyably dated as 80s electronic ska? NO I DON’T THINK SO. TAAAAAAAAKE OOOOOOOOOOON MEEEEEEEEEEEE  However, I don’t think anybody expected IVAN to reveal his true Crazy Person Colours in the months after his selection. 😍 The first inkling came when IVAN insisted “Help you fly”s uplifting message would only be done justice if he did it starkers AND flanked by REAL WOLVES. When the EBU was like “um no wtf you crazy man”, being, you know, the sane boring people we know them to be, IVAN resorted to high-tech CGI to get his ~artistic vision across~
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Lol I often joke about the insanity found at Eurovision but IVAN might be insane for real, which... is really damn’ fucking awesome because it turned “Help you fly” in one of the best acid trips of all time, while also remaining a good song on top of that, and also ironic because “leave all the madness behind” is one of the few audible lines. 😂 So let us bask in the glory of this:
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and this:
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and this
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It is often said that the line between genius and insanity is fairly blurred and IVAN is masterfully... avoiding that line by going all in. "Help you fly” is absolutely BONKERS and frankly, I can’t help being impressed. Of course, it is exactly like “Telemóveis” in that whatever underlying message it had has completely flown over the heads of the gobsmacked audience, and arguably IVAN himself <3 Every time an entry dismantles our expectations with mind-blowing awesomeness, it’s a blessing. Thank you IVAN for blessing us <3
78. The Shin & Mariko - “Three minutes to Earth” Georgia 2014
MORE BONKERS ENTRIES <3 God, I remember EVERYONE losing their damn’ marbles when “Three minutes to Earth” was announced. NOBODY could make any sense of it whatsoever <3 It’s like... a bizarre amalgamation of different world music traditions without any discernible melody <3 A jam session not from this fucking planet. Of course, this made the vast bulk of the fandom HATE it,  However...  I was always intrigued and soon fell in love with its disarming avant garde hopelessness <3
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Appreciation which bloomed into genuine deep affection once I realized “Three minutes to Earth” is a song about... ALIEN ABDUCTION <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
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Which is... really fucking CLEVER, wtf? 
Like, if we assume, hypothetically, that a friendly alien race were find the Voyager and decipher how to use the golden records, a song such as “Three minutes to Earth” could very well be their interpretation of our music, abducting and indoctrinating a few random Georgians to share their message of peace and cooperation, with millions of people worldwide. That.. is conceptually the most ridiculous sentence I’ve ever written on this blog, and worse, I believe every word of it. PISS AND LIGHT EVERYWHEEEEEERE. 
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77. Hera Björk - “Je ne sais quoi” Iceland 2010
When in doubt, always bring the agressive euroschlager, and man, Hera Björk is such a force of camp nature. She provided more fire and buzz than the fucking volcano whose name nobody can pronounce (from memory, the name is “Eyjafjallajökull” ^_^) The Eyjafjallajökull mught have held all of the European airports into a chokehold, but in Eurovision it was HERA who ruled (for a brief moment).  
also take a moment to ponder on the fact she looks like Lady Tremaine’s cat. 
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I mean, “Je ne sais quoi” has ~that special something, something just can’t explain~ just kidding, I can and I shall: "Je ne sais quoi” is shamelessly camp, with a cheesy francophone hook, pinging its status as homo-friendly eurotrash to all the gay people EUROVISION FANS that love shameless campy schlager. 
What I like the most however are the explicit references to aggressive love-making. “WHEN I SEE YOU FACE I WANNA FOLLOW MY EMOTIONS” Is this song about Hera getting the d this song is about Hera getting the d isn’t it. (“d” being dick or dildo, you pick the option that wets ur humourwhistle the most.) Well, I am happy! Obese people deserve all the happiness in life. Then again, I am saying this as a man big enough to have a cleavage, so maybe that opinion is a bit bias- OKAY MOVING ON.
76. Maraaya - “Here for you” Slovenia 2015
Okay, I will be first to admit that “Here for you” slapped SO MUCH MORE in studio version. Arguably the best song Slovenia have ever sent to Eurovision? Definitely the best between Sebi and Cvet z Juga. And the yes, the live didn’t *entirely* live up to the hype... However, a slightly less good “Here for you” is still fucking awesome? LEGIT CHARTABLE SONG THAT ISN’T BORING <3 AIR VIOLIN REALNESS <3
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However, you all know that I LIVE for the small moments of incompetence and weirdness, and Marjetka provides two big ones BY HERSELF: There’s of course the hilarity of the headphones & lace dress, but what I’m getting at is the chronic headbobbing: seriously, is this a tic:
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This reminds me of 1968 BorisBubbles fave Claes-Göran Hederström and his incessant lip-licking. 
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(Most lubricated lips in the herstory of Eurovision 😍) 
Of course, Marjetka’s persistent headbobbing also had a hilarious impact on her voice, giving her a stuttering vibrato, as she were cycling over a cobblestone road while singing this song. 😍
After doing Eurovision and showcasing their talent to everyone in Europe, Maraaya went back to Slovenia, becoming their Sven Lõhmus and loyally delivering a slew of trashy semi-chartable shitsongs into EMA every year since, winning with none of them. 😍 
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smilingperformer · 6 years
SM086 - Thoughts
Simply put, I loved this episode. It may be a typical “Rocket Gang comes and steals Satoshi and others Pokémon” plot, but it has great character moments, and I love how we got to learn more about Ride Pokémon, and just how human this episode was. Pokémon need refreshment from time to time, they need more than just Pokémon Center from time to time too! And how each Pokémon is given their own course depending on their condition is great! Without further ado, let’s talk about my favourite moments in our newest episode of Pokémon Sun & Moon, before the highly anticipated Necrozma Arc begins:
I Choose Here! The Pokémon Steam Paradise!
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So the Ultra Guardians are heading to Pokémon Paradise Resort on Akala Island to have a relaxing time after being called to so many Ultra Beast missions lately. Lusamine is paying their trip there, which honestly is an extremely nice act from her! What I loved about the opening scene is how Mamane and Mao explain the place to Satoshi, to which Satoshi goes all sparkle eyes. He’s clearly excited to go there, and it shows later on as well! I honestly love it when they show that side of him, because then we’re reminded he’s still a kid inside, even with such amount of battle expertism!
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Another moment I absolutely adore is how every trainer seems to feel close to their Ride Pokémon. Somehow I adore Suiren and Hakuryu’s moments throughout the episode, even if one could consider them small.  Gosh I wish I could get myself a Hakuryu figurine to accompany my Suiren nendoroid :D (with Ashimari as well).
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Another moment I loved is how Yareyutan is apparently a regular customer at the Spa. This darn Pokémon keeps on coming back to Sun & Moon episodes and I have to say, he’s by far one of my favourite recurring Pokémon on the cast as of this moment.
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And of course Suiren has the best lines :))) I think she’s slowly becoming the very top favourite character on my list. I just really adore her ok?
Thou honestly, after learning about Ishizuka’s passing and him apparently being the voice behind Yareyutan, it kinda feels sad to see Yareyutan in this episode now. And I bet any future episode that’s been pre-recorded with his lines are gonna have same effect. I may have been a fan of Pokeani for only about one year and maybe three months, but his voice has stuck to me through a lot of voice roles he’s had (Hohenheim from FMA:B and Jet Black from Cowboy Bebop being most memorable before Pokeani), so it has hit me quite a bit. Bit of a sidenote regarding the episode, but felt like mentioning. He’ll be greatly missed.
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This conversation with Mao and Satoshi is absolutely amazing as well. I keep on getting the ‘big sis’ vibes from Mao lol. Also, this is 100% Satoshi. I mean, he knows they came there to take care of their Ride Pokémon, but when he’s excited, he tends to go with the flow. And this is one of those moments. I just loved it a lot.
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When the Ride Pokémon are given examinations on their conditions and given recommended courses, Satoshi’s reaction is so cute! He truly thinks all of this is amazing! He’s so excited!
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And how Satoshi is so excitedly running to the changing room is just amazing.
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I absolutely adored Rocket Gang in this episode. They had such good going throughout the episode, showing their skills and all. It was absolutely hilarious how everything they did in this episode actually turned out to be helping the Ride Pokémon relax. What amazing buffoons they are!
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While Satoshi and others are at the Care Area of this Spa, their partner Pokémon have gone to the Play Area to have fun. While others are playing in the pool with slides, Nyaheat, Bakugames and Amajo are taking a tan. So to speak. And I have to say, I keep on loving Amajo more and more in every single episode since her evolution debut, and I find that amazing. She basically did nothing in this episode, but her enjoying the sun and prompting the two fire Pokémon do the same somehow just makes me adore Amajo more. What is it with me...
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This scene is absolutely amazing! First Satoshi gets excited about the hot spring and jumps in, then that act prompts Flygon to jump in (Mao calling Satoshi out for making Flygon copy him), and then Gablias does the same! These two have so much personality in them.
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And then this scene happens!
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They all really love the Spa and really want to jump in like Satoshi did lol. Don’t do this at home, like Lilie says after this!
We’re not even a third of the episode in and I’ve laughed so much. That already tells me this episode has started out strong and is a really enjoyable one. And I was supposed to keep this short. Will I ever manage with that?
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Why is Musashi saying such good lines in this episode :D And her outfit, gosh I love it.
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Oh really. That’s kinda obvious thou but isn’t that a bit too closed up to be able to enjoy the pool XD
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Ajhasgfjhsgfjhgjf this already killed me without subtitles because I knew she said that. But can you believe it, they actually managed to capture all of the Pokémon. They could have got away perfectly. The Pokémon remain captured for the rest of the episode, and we’re still not halfway there. But oh no. They plan on capturing the Ride Pokémon as well, and how they plan on doing it is so weird. They want to help Ride Pokémon relax so they’d be all noodles. That’s... not exactly how relaxation works. :D
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And I’d like to unsee this tyvm. Such a majestic creature looking so... non-majestic. It’s got to be cotton wings...
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The scene with Lilie and Tyltalis playing with moisterising mud is precious and gosh they’re so lovable.
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But I honestly loved Suiren and Hakuryu’s moment somewhat more. And Musashi is great as well.
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Ajsgfjshgjsfgj Musashi is so blunt with her actions, but her action here actually wasn’t harmful, but incredibly helpful. Suiren’s reaction is so her, she’s such a kind person that she’d never do something if she saw the other being afraid of it. But Mu, oh no she’ll do it if it’s good for it.
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Once Suiren realises Hakuryu is fine with it thou, they start applying the mud on each other as well. I just love their partnership whole lot.
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Others have great moments as well, Mamane applying Aroma Oil on Metang while Sonansu and Hidoide are doing the same (it really works like a charm on Pokémon huh?), and Flygon and Gablias being rivals to each other in a swimming race, Nyarth helping Satoshi and Mao to cheer them on. Just amazing!
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Also, Kojiro being able to do muscle massage on Pokémon somehow feels very him?? I can totally imagine this being real, because he did do the massaging her so expertly? He is known to taking care of his Pokémon with extra care, I mean, I don’t remember others doing watering on their grass types? So, I believe he wasn’t totally lying, even if a bit exaggerating?
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Lizardon certainly enjoyed it.
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Pretty sure that just helps them out to be in more fit shape you buffoons. lol Or they’re just too good at their jobs here that they didn’t realise their plan was fooled from the beginning.
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Sun & Moon has given them the best glares imo. Thou I think my fav is still from SM074?
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Gosh I already knew I’d love this bit from the preview #2 and I’m not disappoint.
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Somehow I love how Suiren is the one suggest this. She’s been shown to be the silent, shy person, and now that she’s enjoying herself lots, she’s more than happy to suggest a place they should try next. Sort of like me. Heh. She’s actually come quite far when I think about it. I mean, in the beginning of the series when she was asked to hold a lesson about fishing, she acted so nervous. I don’t think the Suiren from SM006 would be so eager to suggest flower bath here. She’s really grown to appreciate this group of friends, or so I see it!
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Asfjhgfsjhgf Musashi I adore you. First she acts so sweet and kind and then her true personality comes aboard! Absolutely stunning!
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Suiren’s face lol. So cute.
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Amazing disguise removal scene.
!!!! I just realised, they actually used the Rocket Gang Song theme version from SM082 here! I love it, thank you Pokeani for doing this.
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I don’t know why, but I seriously love how this scene is drawn. Satoshi is so angry. Mao is just not impressed. But like. I adore this art style so much, I know I say this a lot but gosh. I think this is my fav angry-Satoshi face yet.
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Well of course they are, you guys did way too good of a job on them!
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Well, I guess the springs had an effect as well. Terrifying how refreshed they are indeed. :D
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They’ve been in a cage for half the episode and never tried getting out???? This bothers me so much. Pikachu would never wait. He’s always try to get out. I guess the cage was too crowded.
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Musashi’s vampire teeth are killing me.
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I’m more focused on Suiren trying to get the net off and making noises lol. Others look mad, while Suiren focuses on the net. I don’t think she likes it one bit. :D
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The Sludge Bomb attack not being effective because of the Aroma Oil asjkfgsjhgsjh Hidoide helped Metang out with Sonansu lol.
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Says Nyarth while Sonansu is enjoying the same Aroma Oil on itself.
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Gosh seeing them call out attacks from their Ride Pokémon really make it seem like the Ride Pokémon are truly theirs and not just Aether Foundations. Here’s hoping they get to have them around somehow after Ultra Guardians retire...
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I think the last time we saw a combo attack like this was in XYZ. Looks absolutely stunning.
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Okey I don’t know if it’s just me but, it really sounded like Kiteruguma was finishing Rocket Gang’s “Ya na kanjii“ with a Kii in place of jii. I just burted out laughing at it because I don’t know if it’s intented or not. If it’s intented, so god damn clever. I missed hearing Ya na kanjii so much.
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The sparkling eyes. I love mama bear.
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The silence here that lasts 3 seconds until Satoshi reacts is killing me lol. Kiteruguma really does keep on surprising them.
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Welp, they get to go the flower path and it looks amazing. I want to go to one too. Nyaheat playing with the flowers while avoiding water is so cute.
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Rocket Gang however are enjoying a different hot spring bath with Kiteruguma, who’s clearly parenting the five-man group. I mean, when Musashi tries to get out, Kiteruguma holds her back and tells her to count to 100 before leaving the bath. Like, what the hell :D
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They’re burning. Oh boy.
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The end of the episode. I think you guys can see I enjoyed this episode. I wanted to keep this short but alas, it had lots of fun moments I loved whole lot. I just... couldn’t keep my hands of the keyboard.
I’m actually wondering if this place was supposed to be Hana Resort. Since that is on Akala Island as well, and Mamane did explain they have hotel and such as well. Hmmmmmm.
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PokéProblem segment shows a continuation to Rocket Gang actually finishing their 100 count, and they’re hot-read. Kiteruguma still enjoys the bath thou.
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Next week, Necrozma Arc finally begins, and we are shown the symbol of Ultra Necrozma drawn by Bebenom, alongside showing a first clance at a Rocket Gang Unit (which has Matori wearing a Rocket Gang uniform!) that’s about to arrive to Alola, to do whatever plans they have with Necrozma. All the hints from the start of UB arc are coming together now.
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All of the adults are shown to be with little energy, sleepy-headed and bedheaded (Kukui wearing a shirt and having his coat closed up is such a cursed scene, clear sign something is wrong.) We also get Gladio as the new member of Ultra Guardians, and Solgaleo and Lunala arrive with a certain black creature chasing them.
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SM087 - A Crisis in Alola! The Darkness That Eats Radiance!
I have waited for this day for so long, and I’m so excited! I’ll cya all on the next thought post!
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glompcat · 6 years
Padmé, please?
First impression: I was a kid, it was just after The Phantom Menace had been announced. I was at Barnes and Noble with my family. My dad was buying me some more Star Wars novels. The cashier smiled at me as she rung my family up. “Someone from my school is going to be in the next one,” she said. “No way!” I exclaimed. Casting announcements and rumors had only just begun. “Yes,” she said. She glanced at the name on my dad’s credit card. “You Israeli? Because she is.” I just about died. A character in the next Star Wars lived just two towns over, and her first language was Hebrew, and she was only about seven years older than me, and that was without question the coolest thing I had ever heard in the history of ever. So you see, when I went to see The Phantom Menace in theaters a few years later, I was vibrating with excitement over her role before she even appeared on screen. I really do think my entire actual first impression was just excitement over the details of who Portman is, honestly.
Impression now: I think she’s an amazingly complex women, and am beyond grateful for all the work The Clone Wars did expanding her character past the action and romance scenes we mainly saw her in in the movies themselves (with a few - mostly cut for time - nods to her career here and there interspersed). I wish there was more actual content with her that wasn’t centered around her relationship (which is one of the many many reasons why I can NOT wait for Queen’s Gambit).
Favorite moment: In The Assassin, when she first arrives on Alderaan and she tells Ahsoka to wait in the hall while she, Bail, and Mon sit on a balcony together drinking margaritas. It is just so amazingly absurd, I mean she knows there is an assassin after her and that Ahsoka is supposed to be guarding her, but nope, she’s gotta chill with her crew and drink and her sister-in-law is just going to have to respect that.
Idea for a story: Ever since I did that Star Wars ask box game, I can’t get rid of a plot bunny idea for a cliched “Padmé is still alive” type story where she was in a status pod. What I keep thinking of is a situation where our heroes and Vader somehow wind up racing against each other to be the first ones to find her, then fight over the pod. Luke knows it is his mom in there, don’t ask me how yet. Only the Kallidahin have a policy that the pod can only be released to a family member, and Luke does a blood test to prove he’s her son and he gets to leave with her (Vader rages after they leave that all their marriage documents have Anakin’s name on them, and he has no way to prove that is him anyway). Once she’s secure on the Falcon Leia reveals to Luke that as far as Leia is aware Padmé was a supporter of Palpatine’s and his personal friend, so actually they are going to take her to a secure facility and can’t trust her. Luke gets mad and wakes her up, and she both makes it clear she is NOT a supporters of Palps, but also winds up revealing the whole twin thing to them, seriously throwing all of Leia’s plans off kilter. She meets with Mon, records a series of propaganda vids for the Rebels, liberates Naboo from Palpatine’s rule, which is a MAJOR propaganda victory for the Rebellion and starts to turn the tide of the war, Vader sees a vid with her in it and decides it is time to kill Palps so he can make her Empress, and is surprised when she doesn’t treat that like the gift/apology that he thinks it was. He winds up in prison, and consents to stay there so long as she visits sometimes with the twins. Everything wraps up years in advance, Luke never loses his hand, and Leia and Padmé have a grand old time creating the New Republic together.
Unpopular opinion: I’ve got a ton and can’t pick just one. I’ll try though. She has so much unexamined class privilege it is out of control, and bleeds through into her policies and decisions as a politician in so many ways. For example, she was the only person in The Phantom Menace who had even the slightest dream of a chance to possibly free Shmi in the ten years between TPM and AOTC. While I hope she looked into it and discovered it simply wasn’t possible without risking a war with the Hutts, I wouldn’t be too shocked if she just went on with her life and didn’t think about it too much. It also reveals a lot that in Pursuit of Peace when addressing the Senate about why they shouldn’t order new Clones, she only spoke about them in terms of their monetary cost to the Republic (thanks so much to @gffa for pointing that out to me a while back). I really don’t think she sees them as actual people, just weapons they have to pay for. Another thing to oppose when trying to end the war and get the GAR shut down. That same episode, and same speech, also has her talk to the senate about Teckla Minnau’s living conditions, and I always wonder if she increased the salary her handmaiden gets after she told her that the electricity and water in her apartment keeps being turned off I do suppose she got her permission before her speech, since we see Teckla watching it and she doesn’t seem upset that her employer is telling the entire galaxy about how her family is struggling to get by, but I really do wish we knew if Padmé did anything to try and help personally before she gave that speech. I could keep going, I originally wrote like a tooon more but well.. that opinion is already long enough, lol.
Favorite relationship: Padmé and her friendship with Bail. Also Padmé and Sabé, there is so much to look at there about how close they had to have been to pull of that switch, and I honestly could not be more excited for Queen’s Gambit if I tried.
Favorite headcanon: IDK, that the reason we never saw Sabé again after TPM was that they were dating, and they wound up having a sloppy break up, and that led to Sabé leaving her job as one of Padmé’s handmaidens? IDK IDK.
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The Stepson, a Short Story by Barbie H.
It was a cold days for that rock climbing competition. And there are only two competitor staying in that very competitive seconds. The Duke of Kamperland is there.  This final rock climbing competition will let the winner have a place to get in the winner to attend a Royal Sport Ceremony, the most prestigious sport award at the kingdom. All the athletes will get free trained and when they done their training they can have a spot as a Kingdom Athletes and they got monthly salary from the kingdom, without even doing anything, even after they retire. There is a lot benefits. A lot of Athlete is really taking this seriously. After a lot of man down in the Rock Climbing Competition, there is this two athlete in competing, so harshly , while duke many times been shoted by the camera.
Sarah Albertman, the Senior student of James Patterson Hıgh is taking the lead, she is a tough sport this is her first time in the competition but as you can see she has the talent for it , plus she got mad coach that haunts her in every competition, and right below her is the Three- time second- winner champion of Rock Climbing competition, Mr. Mıchael Hancock-Pitt. He’s been three- times almost winning the huge jackpot of his life, and without backing out or be ashamed, he is still in his best willing to win the first place and get his first win trophy. He is  three rock away from Albertman to win the RCC Cup, that he’s been held record to win in a row with. Now there standing 3 m of upwards him a teenage girl who just found out she could climb a rock very fast, and that is her first time being here, and he’s there, below the girl. This sight is very interesting of course for the Jury and the announcer to see, a champion of three times and his view full of a teenage girl’s feet. And finally it’s only three seconds away, and the race is finished. The winner is immidiately announced, “We got the winner... the third-time winner in a row, Mr. Hancock- Pitt!” Yes, by that split second the man is finishing his game to win by a split second by ms. Albertman. Everyone first wanna boo Hancock- Pitt, but then they were impress how he gave them last minute surprise. The crowd went wild and cheers. Mr. Hancock- Pitt gets his trophy. He is really red, and he is actually quite surprise that this is it. Just when hes getting used to be always an almost wining, he just won.   He gave his best smile, and all the crowds went nuts. The announcer announce, “And the winner is the tree times second place, Michael Hancock-Pitt! “ and the announcer continues while he gets his trophy, have a screentime spotlight after the winning, “Finally... Hancock- pitt after 4 times competing with us, he get his 1st place, we congratulate him!” And all the people in his group gets to him, congratulates him, and is manager, especially, and his sponsor, they’re smiles and congratuliations is blows up for him. The couch, makes a “I’m proud i’m your coach” smile, and the producer, makes the “there goes the run for my money , i’m gonna get a huge profit” smiles, and his manager, where his smile is “I  knew it you were great” smile. He smiles back, and his manager told him to go ahead and makes himself fresh again , lead him to the vip room he usually are, and enjoys his win more there. Mr. Michael Hancock- Pitt , not goes to his room, he goes to  the changing room. He sees the girl, Albertman, is chocking herself a full bottle of water and wipe off her sweat. She finally notices mr. Hancock-Pitt in the room, looking at her. She’ve said nothing. “Impressive game out there” suddenly, he try to get her attention  to him, while also tearing up his sweat, they both look fresh from the game, swim in sweats. And by that saying of the man,  of course the high school girl didnt expect that. “Thank you” she replies and then continues, “And congratulations for your winning, Mr. Hancock- Pitt”. “Well, it was a great game” he said,  she didnt expect at all a pro athlete talks to her so nicely, he looks very serious and comptetitive, it even surprise her more than even being in a split three seconds for a thrid time champion. “You’re the best first- timer I’ve ever seen, keep it up, one day, you might win it- i believe this” “Thank you” the teenage girl is just smiles. And then after he says that he just dissapears. Leave here thinking alone in that room and his words actually kinda lifts her up, she knows she will work harder, and harder so she’ll earn that trophy. Mr. Hancock- Pitt in the other hand, is changing himself in his own room, it is almost like his own dressing room at home, “thats what you get for being a pro athlete”his manager ever said once. And after that thought Sarah just continue to shower in the common room. In the shower she cant help to feel a little bit relax from all the muscles tense she produced after the game. She doesnt want to think more of the competition, but her mind just automiccaly do it for her, doing the flashback. How she climbs on that, the feeling, it tingles her body again. and then the split by only 3 seconds away, she doesnt believe she almost won. She should feel bad, but then again, she doesnt. İt doesnt about the winning, she thought at first it is, but she began thinking maybe it wasnt itl but there she goes, 3 seconds away from getting the most prestiguos Rock Climbing Championshiop, and it was still feel she’s winning. Her manager immidiately walk to her after they announce her get 2nd place, her manager said “It was impressive that you could even be for 5 seconds up from MHP, but then you shouldve won by 3 seconds only – it were only 3 seconds- if you were to do more pushup like i told you too- i guess your feet woulda jump for you to reach it by three of a heartbeat“ Her manager is never really satisfy.  But then again- she doesnt wanna gave up her relaxing time of shower thoughts- thinking about what her manager thinks. She decides she will be just relax- and tell her self she did great.
After the Bath- she goes to see her coach- Coach Ari, she knows she supposed to met her right after the game, but she is too worked up to hear her pushing words. She knows she did great, but her coach might not think so. She mets her in the big arena cafe. She just sits down while Coach Ari is having eat fast a giant sandwich. Sarah just sit down in front of her. “Oh, it’s you 30 minutes late” “Im sorry i just go to locker room and take a shower” “Of course, great game, do you want a sandwich?” “No..” “Please have a sandwich” Actually she already bught it for her so she just hand it down. “Thanks” “Yeah sure, do you know why i bring you here?” “Im not sure” “It was impressive game sarah” “Thanks coach” “Even though... “ sarah cut her, “If i have more sit up i could get the three seconds awy from mr. Hancock- Pitt, “  The coach just shut up. She sure know what she gonna said to her. And sarah still continues,” Coach, hes a pro athlete, besides he said to me it was a great game, and he belives i might win next time, isnt it great” “of course, it’s great. I said you were really tough. But you were lose it what can we do about it” “Can you just-“ “Look- sarah, you were a scholarship kid- the founder has been funding every penny for you to raise to be this big and all they wanted was a trophy” “Well I was getting second place- and i can get a chance of win next year” “There’s been a change of plan” “What do you mean a change of plan?” “They dont want you to get that trophy no morE” “What do you mean ? ” the coach just shuts up for a min, “ They’ll give you a second chance” “What ?” “Now this is what you got to do- all you got to do- is , get yourself in to that Sports Award Cermony” “You mean the Kamperland Sport Annual Awards?” “Yes. “ “But i cant get in... second place winner is not invited” “Well find a way to get in!” the coach just screams at her, but not too loud. Cuz people will hear. “Look, i give you one idea, in how to get to that ceremony awards, Hancock- Pitt is the first winner, right?. And he will be able to bring one partner, rather it his Girlfriend, Brother or even Mom or Grandparents, he can bring one partner” “You think i suppose to go with Mr. Michael?” “Well i just gave you one idea, you can try to enter anyway you want, but the thing we care about is, you get in, you can even force yourself to get in the trespassing way, but if you get in to crime, we just not gonna help you. You know we wont give our company a bad name- the thing is- if you wanna still be funded by us, you have to do this. You have no choice. Or, you can go to orphanage,maybe somebody will take 18 years old – or you can get a real job and pay for your living and school, but we will hand you off, for good. You got me?” Sarah just out of words. She knows that everytime she sees her coach it wont be good news.
 She just lay down in her bed in the funded apartment. At 7 pm, she will go to the Gym , at 1st Floor, everyday she goes to GYm, but to day she just dont feel like it. She just cant help to think how she will get the ticket to get in thst ceremony, and how the hell could she sees mr. Hancock- Pitt again its impossible that he want to take his competitior tp the Awards, well unless hes nut enough to do that. “ “How the hell did i get that invitation?” Sarah just mumble to herself. She knows, first thing first she got to find the way in how to meet Mr. H- Pitt firsts.  She doesnt even know where he lives! Oh yeah, she can ask her friend, Myriad, she is one of the insidider of the competition. “ Do You know where he liveS?” “Of course not... even if i know i can gve that out its private information” “Im really desperate to find his adress” “Waht you gonna do? Kick his ass for beeatingyou? Hes wayyy too strong for you to do that” “Of course not- are you crazy” “Then, why?” “Well,  I just... oh, do you know if he might be attending an after party or something?” “Sure- of course, there’s an afterparty just tonight, but it’s almost ended- and im pretty sure youre invited, why you dont come?” “Oh my godd!!! İm so stupid!!! How the hell did I didnt get the invitation?” “Well, you shoulda now that it was common knowledfe, and im pretty sure they announce that... “ “Okay, no time , i gotta rush!” Sarah just get to her closet. “Oh m g! İ dont have any good dress... everything is an athlete thing, how the hell can i go to a party?” and then she have nly one dress, that her mom ever get her, it still fits, but its just so simple and a lil bit like old dated, but she doesnt have a choice. She had to get herself to the afterparty. The party is alrady starting like 2 hours ago... but thank god it still on... The guards were asking her ID “Im sarah Albertman, im one of the contestant for RCC?” “Oh.. sarah, sure, come in, youre late” “I know...”  so sarah just gets in and people has been checking her Old dress and some of em is just laugh at  her, but she dont care. She needs to find the winner of the game of this year. Just before she think it will be tough to find him, She just saw him. And now she startruck how the hell was her plan, now after he find him? This is bullshit! Now she just hold back a little bit, she dont know what to do now. What will she do ? just ask him straight away? Of course it cant be that easy! . Just before she had to take the first step. Mr. Hancock pitt already notice her. “Oh, Sarah!” she just shocked but she just smiles. “Hello... i thought u never came” She still dont know what to say. “Wow ! nice.. dress” he said . “Thank you” she seems nervous now, not like before. She never know shell need anything from this man but there she goes, she will get kicked out of her apartment if she didnt get in the cermony. “ Congratuliaons, again, on your winning” she starting to regtret what she said, but she doesnt know what else to say. “ “Thanks. Youre a fair player” “Yeah... its nice that you will get to attend the ceremony “ Mr. Michael just laughs. “Do you already decide who you gonna go with, mr michael? “ He seems confused, and Sarah doesnt know what possesed her lately but shes just gonna do a ride or die. She had to know/ “Well i didnt think of anybody yet” “If you would, id love to go with you” Mr. Hancock- Pitt just laughs. “HAHA. Sure... IF nobody in my place will, the spot is yours” “Really? I mean, thanks, just let me know” “Yea... Ill let you know “ and he laughs again for sarah directness. But wowwww Sarah just cant believe it wa that easy. All she has to do is wish her luck that nobody in his place wil go, she will pray . “Do you would like some toase?” “Well.. i dont drink” “Right... “ The walking waiter just go to his plave, “One martini, and one cranberry juice please” “I’ll have a toase, for me finally be a first winner, and now, the one in my spot, a tough high schooler, that almost get me into second place, again, lets toase for sarah!”  “for sarah!” Then the party is starting again...
 “You can go sarah, But, in one note” “Yes?” “Dont wear the dress like you wear in that party...” “I ... sure... of course, its my mom’s ... ill do the shopping” “yea, you know, i just dont rweally like to be to stand out... not tooo mention that ill bring a competitior, its gonna be weird” “I know,,, but you wont regret it... ill be as invicible as i can be” “Okay, then , see you at the ceremony sarah” “Thank you so much, Mr. Pitt” the phone are off.
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