#but seriously asker
punkitt-is-here · 9 months
Just using an ask to let you know it's always great fun to see your progress on Susan Taxpayer. I've been part of the SMBX2 dev team for years now, and I always love seeing people use the engine to make cool stuff, especially when it's their own creation. The game looks really fun and really reminds me of some of the Wario Land stuff I played years ago. Got a really great energy to it and I'm loving that movement tech. I love seeing what's possible with SMBX2 these days, and it makes me happy that some of the stuff I worked on can help out in some ways.
gosh thank you SO much!!!! your help has been instrumental in even getting Susan Taxpayer off the ground, so really thank you so much for being kind and extremely helpful whenever i come asking for coding advice, haha! I'm glad the movement tech looks fun; I've been specifically engineering the levels so that all the different moves play around each other in satisfying ways and I'm glad that's coming across in what I've been posting. Can't wait for folks to get their hands on it!!
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honey-doggo · 2 months
@lovelyweepingtale, the "donation" account you reblogged, is part of a scam account operation. You can find more about it here: https://www.tumblr.com/kyra45/742772332577308672/scammer-pretending-to-be-in-palestine-v2?source=share
Hey thank you for letting me know! I didn't know so I want to thank you for informing! I will say for anyone else reading it to look at the link the asker mentioned. I will be taking the post down and will be much more careful when getting ask like that. I will put more research to promote actual people who needs the money.
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trans-cuchulainn · 1 year
i see a lot of young writers asking questions like "how do I structure a chapter" "how many words should be in X" "how do I join up these plot points" etc and the truth is. there is no answer. there are no rules you can follow that will turn your painstakingly thought out list of plot points into an actual story. it is at least as much about vibes and gut feelings as anything else and at some point you just have to jump in and stop looking for a template to follow to do it "right"
how to structure a chapter? go read the first chapter of five books. notice any common threads? probably more differences than similarities, right? i mean they'll all probably give you some basic info about the characters and world you're dealing with, but they're not each going to follow the same formula of "two paragraphs of X, three of Y, a dash of Z", because that's not how it works! what do those opening chapters think we need to know about the story ahead? what do your readers need to know? great now you know what needs to go in that chapter
how many words in X? go find five books that have the same kind of mood and pacing as what you're trying to achieve – that make you, as a reader, feel the way you want your readers to feel. read them. get a sense of their rhythms. look up how long they are if you have to, but once again: writing isn't maths. it's about knowing in your gut where the beats of the story fall, and you learn that by doing: by reading and by writing, over and over again. how long is a piece of string? stories take the words that they take. sometimes they need trimming or lengthening in edits but i cannot stress enough how much "before you've written a single word" is not the time to worry about that. the more stories you read and the more you understand those intangible vibes, the closer your first draft is likely to be to the length the story needs to be, but it's okay if it's not, because that's what editing is for!
because if you do it "wrong", which is to say, if the story on the page doesn't look like the one in your head? if the pacing's wrong or the chapters feel awkward or the plot doesn't turn out as neat as it did in the outline? that's literally part of the process, bro. you do it wrong first and then you either try again with a different story and get it closer to right, or you edit the first story, but either way it's a process of doing it wrong until gradually, with practice, it becomes easier to do it right. doing it wrong is not something to be afraid of. it's a thousand times more useful than not doing it at all because you got stuck on the need for perfection
you can ask all the questions about How To Write that you want, but you're not going to learn a damn thing about writing until you actually sit down with a blank document and try to put that into action. and that's not a flaw! that's a feature! writing is something you learn by doing – no prior qualifications needed, no rules to memorise, just a chance to explore what a story is through taking it apart and rebuilding it
how to learn to write: read, and write badly, until eventually you write well. that's all there is to it. stop being afraid to start and you'll be 50% of the way there already. the other 50% is learning to finish what you started. then you just keep doing it.
sorry and/or you're welcome
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How do you survive with all the u English ate? 🥹
Tentacule, nope, tentacle
Véhicule, nope, vehicle
Colonel, yup, it's colonel, but it's read co'nel
I'm gonna be honest i let bibrih handle that shit 😭 also colonel is a bullshit word lets all delete it from our minds forever
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altruistic-meme · 8 days
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
hi dear!!! i definitely don't mind AT ALL i love getting questions!!!! i probably have answered this question before, but this is one of those things that's subject to change pretty often as i find new characters and they take over from older ones :] so i will probably never give the exact same answer twice dksvjsdfh
ok ok that said, let me see... in no particular order:
Damianos of Akielos (Book: Captive Prince trilogy) quite literally THE man of all time. THE man of my dreams. he is such a beautifully written character who is so complex and interesting to read!! he is so gentle and caring despite his size, and he has a confidence i can only aspire to.
Neil Josten (Book: All For The Game trilogy) unhinged maniac 🧡 no but genuinely he is such a good main character. everything about him and his narration pulls you in to the story. he is the most unreliable narrator. his perspective is so skewed. also my namesake!!
Nakahara Chuuya (Anime/Series: Bungo Stray Dogs) i may or may not have somewhat of an obsession with him right now. he is literally so pretty that i throw my phone. but also he is so unbearably human in an incredibly tragic way, and he is that way because he actively chooses to be. he is a high ranking member of the mafia and he loves dogs and he promised his dying friend that he would save someone else and he is so loyal and bright. i am going to stop while im ahead bc 90% of my thoughts right now are about Chuuya so i could genuinely go on forever.
Victor Nikiforov (Anime: Yuri!!! ON Ice) he is so sad
Hinata Shoyo (Anime: Haikyuu!!) he is just so fucking BRIGHT!!! unlike Victor, Hinata is the exact opposite of me in almost every sense. it is so hard for me to watch anyone else when he's on the screen. he is just joy and energy incarnate and i want to be his friend so bad.
Spiderman (TV Show/Movie/Comic) this is a cheat because it's just. every iteration of spiderman. i love him. just your friendly neighborhood spiderman!! i have such a soft spot for Miles Morales' spiderman in particular due to the spiderverse movies, but i also really loved all of the live action spiderman movies. and we can't forget the tv show!!!
Prince Wilhelm (Show: Young Royals) fucking babygirl. yet another sad wet cat of a character who i project onto immensely. he is just so complex and interesting and so real and flawed and just. listen. having the weight of the world rest on your shoulders as you struggle with trying to make friends and fight your anxiety and handle your mother all by yourself is something i have dealt with too. i can't put into words all my thoughts about him right now, but rest assured there are More.
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (Book: How to Train Your Dragon series) don't get me wrong, i love the movie version of him as well, but they are such different characters. and the book version of Hiccup has an incredibly special place in my heart. httyd is such a comfort read for me, and it was huge for me getting to grow up with Hiccup. he is just a fucking little guy and he goes through so much. but he keeps going. he didn't deserve any of it and he fights so hard to make sure no one else has to go through it like he did. gods i love him.
Charlie Spring (Comic: Heartstopper) same as with Hiccup, i love him in the show as well but to me the characters are so different and i just relate so much more to the comic version of him! he is a mess and i love him and relate to him. i wish i had what he has. i am also so proud of how far he has come!! and he reminds me to be proud of myself, too. also see; sassy motherfucker.
Kenai (Movie: Brother Bear) a strange choice, maybe, but this movie means SO much to me. it is a huge comfort movie. and Kenai, by virtue of being the main character, clearly gets the leg up as the favorite. but it's so amazing seeing him grow as a person (or. well. bear). he's funny, he tries so hard, he wants so much. and he's just a kid!! he learns so much!!
there are definitely some patterns in my favorite characters that i am going to choose not to look too closely at :') i have so many characters i adore. this was so hard ;;;
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thatcheeseycandle · 18 days
Woah whats this about a big series your working on? I saw ur reblog of that oc ask post and now left curious. Could I hear a bit about it from you?
//Future me here, who just finished writing all that out, warning for a LONG LONG paragraph of everything. As in it's like 6k+ words (I DIDNT USE A WORD COUNTER SO YEAH THATS PRACTICALLY A GUESS-)
Of course! To explain, there are two series-es
One being, An Universal Animatronic Revolution (AUAR), aka where Mixie is from alongside Axel.
The second one being, Lifetales (LT, THE NAME IS BEING WORKED ON SHHHSHSHSHSH), which is where Platinum and the rest of the Triple HHH Court come from.
Now to note, these two are actually apart of the same multiverse. AUAR and LT are basically groups for my OCs, not like "Oh this one is fantasy and this one goes to cyberpunk" no it's more like how they'd work in these two worlds.
LifeTales takes place in a historical-fiction type world where it's it own world, while also bringing in IRL concepts (ex: religions, irl nationalities, etc). But it's mainly explored in the present timeline considering the time before it wasn't, yknow, it didnt have all that yet
Basically the world first started as it's own. Instead of the current continents, it has five continents based on the five "Entities" being the Triple H Court. Note that I am not referring to the current generation of the same court, but rather a different court.
Now it's important to mention that the multiverse of LifeTales only consists of 6 universes.
The first one, being the main universe, aka where Selene and Golian originated before they died and reincarnated as Platinum and Gold, where the five continents are
The rest, well, they take place in other eras in time. Take the universe where Ruby, but otherwise known as Cathmore before he reincarnated into Ruby, had lived in. It was basically the 1930s.
Now I havent expanded on the 4 other universes yet. But it'll most likely not exist in the future considering they're just placeholders for how I'll world build the places the entities lived in before they were entities.
But as for AUAR? Basically it's a multiverse, it's main genre being Science-fiction. A big one, that's publically explored. The universe Mixie comes from, she's basically from the real world, the current timeline of the universe in the story being between 2010-2013. While the universe she stumbles into, Retro Way's timeline is 2019-2022
Retro Way is also the center of this multiverse, being a universe of it's own with the mix of people from all sorts of universes yes but while also being a sort of HQ for all experienced multiversal travellers (Except Doctor Strange, sorry MCU fans the MCU in this multiverse is still known as media)
Now to note, in Mixie's universe, Multiversal Travel isn't much known. In a way where she and the people she's with havent exactly been to the places where the "portals" and all the multiversal travel stuff is at.
And another thing to note, Retro Way still has it's residents aka theres still people from there. And yes nationalities still exist, if your born in Retro Way and had parents with Dutch origins, your nationality would be Dutch.
Now as much as I'd love to like SPILL all the story of AUAR and LifeTales, I wouldn't want to spill it too soon considering, well this:
AUAR is one generation of 10 generations (technically 11 adding in the prequel for it, Everyday Engineering aka EE), specifically theres 12 seasons in AUAR, adding two new seasons each generation. And within each season theres 12 episodes, which to my calculations since the last time I updated the planout doc of that, was enough to supply 2-6 plots.
Now I already have an idea of 3/10 generations but I havent like, written all chapters/episodes down aka I havent translated every single daydream into a chapter yet.
On the otherhand
LifeTales has three "eras" or generations in a way. The first one being, well, the backstories. Mainly the backstories of Platinum and Gold, and other characters that'll appear in Era 3
The second Era is basically, the current timeline. How their life is going, what they're doing, the current timeline of that era, etc. (While also having a similar plot-planout to AUAR, aka their life isn't too casual, they still have their adventures and bits of character growth)
The third era, well, it's basically the current timeline but it actually moves on from the current plot. It expands on new plots and has more character growth than last Era, also expanding more into other characters' backstories than the first Era.
But alas, until these two stories/series are done, I cannot confirm it has solid conclusions YET
I'll of course post randoms bit from random parts of these two stories on my tumblr, and on my other socials whenever I can
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joltning · 3 months
grimmons definitely leaked into shisno paradox (idk the season numbers anymore) grif leaving to confront genkins and simmons staring worriedly as he leaves oh my GAWDDDD grimmons is so real
my anon hivemind on their s16 rn huh. i didn’t rlly notice it but Ofc it’s gonna be there. I think joe nicolosi said he liked grimmons somewhere n that’s why there’s a lot of potential bait in s15. n he directed and wrote for that season. so
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ricky-mortis · 4 months
Re your tags on my post: He said it in the last like 10 minutes of his most recent movie Monday stream from yesterday!
(Thank you so much oh my god :DD)
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uzukali · 27 days
hi its jest piercingclowns and i hope you know everytime you rb clips with your thoughts in the tags it genuinely makes my day LMAO ur reactions are so funny (positive). i cant get over u rbing that one leo/clown clip with "this one is particularly vile" and then immediately seeing the next one and going "OH THIS ONE IS WORSE" 😭😭
hi hi hi jest peircingclowns !! And- YEAH IM HAVING A TIME OVER HERE LOL. I wasnt there for the minute stream and I'm not at that part of the vod yet sooo your clips are my first reaction as you can definitely tell!!!!! I swear to god I have no idea how I'm gonna recover from this..... I HATE MINECRAFT I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tumblr media
Anyways haha have a small ms paint jokerzam I have (I made him small)
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tag-if · 7 months
Omg yes! Gimme gimme gimme. A assassin If? yes!! Royal intrigue? Yes!! Espionage? Yes!!! Court drama yes!!!! Literally romancing the person you are supposed to kill? I can taste the angst.
You have everything I want and more in this concept! 😭
For real tho the page looks great, the concept is bomb! I love that we need to actually befriend the ROs first because come on that's just life. Unless you are needlessly hedonistic in an IF no one just jumps at the MC it's unrealistic.
Wont get rid of me Jester I will be lurking around from now on. 👀
AW you're so sweet!! i'm so glad people are liking the premise so far!!
A.B romancers are certainly in for a Time, there is no planned way for it to be 100% smooth sailing for you guys (you'll stay a couple, it's not a guaranteed failed relationship, but it'll be a fight at times)
As for befriending the ROs, i wanted a way to have the romance plot be a little bit on the backburner— above all else this is a mystery type thing, there will be plenty of scenes with just you and your chosen RO, of course, but they aren't the whole focus (call it a 60:40 split) :)
ANYWAY something for you to look forward to in your lurking, i should (if all goes as planned) have the first/first couple of RO intro post(s) out by the end of the day, so keep an eye out for those 👀
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localicecreambiter · 2 months
I'll say it here but THANK YOU!! That drawing took me over 36 hours so I really appreciate the love! I also love your idea of Wild using stasis on Winds pictobox! I will say originally in my mind it was Malon taking the photo while the boys are at the Ranch but I love your idea better
OF COURSE!!! It's SUCH an amazing piece, and it deserves so much more recognition than it's getting. 36 hours is a lot to put into a piece, but it was well worth it because oh my god it looks so so good :D stay proud
(Malon taking the picture makes a lot more sense, but the image of wind and wild fiddling with the pictobox for a good five minutes while telling her they have it handled as they fail to time the picture right is too funny)
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georgeeehd · 2 years
one blog that’s still popular was talking about “dtkq have reddit/middle school boy humor and george has tumblr humor and so do SBI and that’s why he would naturally get along with them better”💀💀 if someone told me i have “tumblr humor” i would have to end it all. tumblr humor is ranboo humor. poor george😭
gnf thinks the peak of comedy is p** jokes lets be serious he fits right in with dtkq
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listenupcupcakes · 3 months
Teleporting bread
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hlvrai-stuck-together · 11 months
Sorry I keep updating at like. midnight. I honestly dont have an excuse besides i go to work and i get home and i'm tired fghsdajk
Gonna take me a little while to get into the swing of this. I've never done an askblog like this before (though I have hosted... technically 3 in the past? (EDIT: no, 4 actually.) But never like this, and none of them went anywhere), so trying to get into the swing of it has been weird.
Glad people seem to be enjoying it, though! I had no idea it'd take off like this, aha. Hopefully I can get a bit more consistent and stop uploading at 2 AM, lol.
That said, I don't know what my schedule's gonna be (if I even start one). So if there's a couple days where I don't upload, it's not because I abandoned the AU or anything, it's probably just because I'm busy IRL.
Feel free to keep sending in asks even if I'm not online! I've already got a lot of really good ones sitting there that I'm gonna hold onto for a bit (for. reasons).
This has been really fun so far, and I hope everyone's having fun, too! Just bear with me while I figure this out. I'm hoping to get out a ref of [ERROR] soon, and also stop calling him that soon, but getting into character is proving to be a challenge when you do it on and off like this. But that's never stopped me before and it won't now. Like I said, this has been fun so far!
That said, if anyone has any suggestions on a meta level, I'm all ears. I realize now that I've run into this basically blind, so even though I did a couple week's worth of preparation in advance for this blog, I'm also still floundering a bit. Learning more every day, though! And I'm hoping I can pick up the pace soon as well. After Day 1's rapidfire replies, going at a more leisurely pace feels really slow, and I both wanna fix that but also don't know how because, like I said, I keep uploading at midnight gfdshjk
TL;DR I'm working on it dw lol
-Mod Dimonds
#dimond speaks#ooc#i have many plans for this au and i've realized that figuring out how to connect the dots to get us there is the hard part#i'm used to writing fanfic where i as a writer would be able to brainstorm a way to connect those pieces#but since i've decided to host this as an askblog instead a part of that control has been taken away from me#it's like im DMing D&D instead of what i'm used to#which i don't mind- like i said i'm having fun- it's just a huge change from the norm on my end#and i don't wanna make the story twist unnaturally in a different direction because i want one thing and the askers want another#but on the other hand to there is a story here i want to tell#so finding the balance is gonna be hard#but i think it'll also be really fun#at best i'll write a story i'm proud of and people can be along for the ride and we'll all have a good time#and at worst? Day 1 was fucking awesome and one of my favorite memories of being in this fandom#so even if this thing crashes and burns i'll always have that to hold on to#so basically just thank you for reading. both my lil blurb here and the au in general#like seriously i cannot thank you enough for wanting to see where this goes#and something i'm super proud of so far is that everyone's brought their thinking caps too!#i have at least 6 asks sitting in here that i'm saving for later#which is literally half the inbox!#i do wanna state here (in the tags shhh) that i have some massive plans for this au#so the fact that everyone's thinking critically about it has made me really giddy#so proud of this classroom everyone gets A+s for the day /lh#OH ALSO Day 1 here just means the first day the AU was live. this au will be counted in in-story days so i wanna state that now#uhh i dont know how to end this. just... thank you so much for reading.#ily guys i can't wait to keep going and more frequently once i find my footing
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thedroloisms · 3 months
no idea why people were enabling that
because egging on revolting against ur boss after he’s outed as an abuser is to be expected
doesn't make it any less dumb ? 😭
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altruistic-meme · 5 months
i swear, you reblog the coolest shit. I go to your blog just to scroll because you find the best posts
hi and what if i cried forever???
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