#but its like. you know. mental manipulation/brainwashing.
bi-demon-ium · 1 year
do you ever wonder, even with how fucked up it already is, if milligan sanitized his story for the kids
#on one hand show curtain seems a lot more....#less the type to straight up torture? like his reaction to the straitjackets and all#he's the more type to convince himself he's doing them a kindness#even as what he's doing is actually arguably worse#but its like. you know. mental manipulation/brainwashing.#ANYWAY but like on the other hand#a) whatever the case unless milligan is lying/exaggerating which seems very unlikely to me#milligan WAS tied up and interrogated--could be like hildegarde billingsley not too alarming right?--BUT#he was also hit/beaten#and 'what do you remember? what do you remember?' while being hit is pretty different than the interrogation of hildegarde who was all#loopy. and plus their techniques have probably developed and smoothed out over the past decade#b) i have this little idea in my head that i havent properly developed into a fully rounded thing#maybe once curtain DID have more vicious henchmen#like mccracken. and maybe it went too far and he learned his lesson#or maybe it just made him a little uncomfortable and he ended up phasing them out (or making them helpers which. actually constitutes some#worrying issues now that all the helpers have been freed/remember everything)#and now he has people like jeepers#ANYWAYwhatever the case#milligan describes something already pretty horrifying#waking up with a metal contraption on his head. strapped in#being hit and interrogated and chained and jailed#escaping . running. falling off a cliff into the ocean#barely getting to shore alive#living off moss and nature#being treated like garbage on the streets--shunned and unbelieved#do you ever think it might have gotten worse than he said? things he wouldn't have told a group of kids?#he still told them most of it didnt sanitize it entirely bc he wanted them to understand the danger & not treat them like idiots#but like. what if. what if#milligan wetherall#the mysterious benedict society
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mikeo56 · 3 months
I watched the uncensored video of US airman Aaron Bushnell self-immolating in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington while screaming “Free Palestine”. I hesitated to watch it because I knew once I put it into my mind it’s there for the rest of my life, but I figured I owe him that much. 
I feel like I’ve been picked up and shaken, which I suppose was pretty much what Bushnell was going for. Something to shake the world awake to the reality of what’s happening. Something to snap us out of the brainwashed and distracted stupor of western dystopia and turn our gaze to Gaza.
The sounds stay with you more than the sights. The sound of his gentle, youthful, Michael Cera-like voice as he walked toward the embassy. The sound of the round metal container he stored the accelerant in getting louder as it rolls toward the camera. The sound of Bushnell saying “Free Palestine”, then screaming it, then switching to wordless screams when the pain became too overwhelming, then forcing out one more “Free Palestine” before losing his words for good. The sound of the cop screaming at him to get on the ground over and over again. The sound of a first responder telling police to stop pointing guns at Bushnell’s burning body and go get fire extinguishers.
He remained standing for an unbelievable amount of time while he was burning. I don’t know where he got the strength to do it. He remained standing long after he’d stopped vocalizing.
Bushnell was taken to the hospital, where independent reporter Talia Jane reports that he has died. It was about as horrific a death as a human being can experience, and it was designed to be. 
Shortly before his final act in this world, Bushnell posted the following message on Facebook:
“Many of us like to ask ourselves, ‘What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?’ “The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now.”
Aaron Bushnell has provided his own answer to this challenge. We’re all providing our own right now.
I would never do what Bushnell did, and I would never recommend anyone else does either. That said, I also can’t deny that his action is having its intended effect: drawing attention to the horrors that are happening in Gaza.
I know this is true because everywhere I see Aaron Bushnell being discussed online I see a massive deluge of pro-Israel trolls frantically swarming the comments in a mad rush to manipulate the narrative. They all understand how destructive it is to US and Israeli information interests for people to be seeing an international news story about a member of the US Air Force self-immolating on camera while screaming “Free Palestine”, and they are doing everything they can to mitigate that damage.
As I write this, there are with absolute certainty people digging through Bushnell’s history searching for dirt that can be spun as evidence that he was a bad person, that he was mentally ill, that he was steered astray by pro-Palestine activists and dissident media — whatever they can make stick. If they find something, literally anything, the smearmeisters and propagandists will run with it as far as they can.
That’s what they’re choosing to do at this point in history. That’s what they would have done during slavery, or the Jim Crow south, or apartheid. That’s what they’re doing while their country commits genocide right now. People are showing what they would have done with their response to Gaza, and they’re showing what they would have done with their response to the self-immolation of Aaron Bushnell.
I’m not going to link to the video here; watching it is a personal decision on which you should probably do your own legwork to make sure it’s really what you want. Whether you watch it or not, it happened, just like the incineration of Gaza is happening right now. We each own our personal response to that reality. This is who we are.
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gatheringbones · 1 year
[“I told my mother I thought I might be trans in a lengthy and overly apologetic email, which she didn’t quite know how to respond to. From her perspective, my transition had popped up out of nowhere, with no prior warning signs. She was convinced I had been brainwashed into transitioning, and agreed to meet my counsellor for a joint meeting with me, primarily to meet the person she felt had brainwashed her child into transitioning.
My mother describes her first meeting with me presenting as Laura as very difficult for her, due in no small part to her inability to see me as anything but her very traditionally masculine son in a dress. For a while she knew but did not talk to my father, which she found very difficult. She told me years later that she went through a period of mourning, feeling like her child had died, and that she was left with a stranger she did not know. It put a lot of strain on her, and on our relationship as parent and child.
Why the assumption I was brainwashed? Because of autism infantilisation.
Before we talk more about my journey coming out as transgender, we have to rewind a little bit to something else that went on at around the same point in my life: my diagnosis of Asperger’s. By the time my mother attended that appointment and met me as Laura for the first time, I had already been diagnosed with Asperger’s, which was part of the reason she was so worried about me. She was not aware of any statistical link between autism and gender dysphoria, and in her eyes I was a vulnerable young person with an autism spectrum condition who was being manipulated into transition because I was easily swayed, or lacking in ability to assess my feelings on the matter properly for myself. This is depressingly common: an adult’s assumption that having an autism spectrum condition means you’re incapable of proper self-understanding, or that you’re susceptible to being manipulated into believing things about yourself that you did not previously. You’re not trusted as being of sound mind to make choices about your own life, out of fear you’ve been manipulated.
Speaking to my mother years later, now she has somewhat settled down and got used to me going by Laura and female pronouns, she told me that her biggest fear, and the primary reason she agreed to attend that first joint session together, was that, as a youth with Asperger’s, my therapist was influencing me into believing that I was trans. She feared it was some kind of brainwashing that my gullible mind could not resist the allure of, rather than believing my own account of what I was experiencing.
I also faced this same issue with doctors when trying to access medical support through the NHS. I would have general practitioners, mental health doctors and gender specialists alike raise an eyebrow when I acknowledged my Asperger’s diagnosis, and then proceed to take plenty of extra time asking me lengthy questions about how my autism symptoms manifested, to ensure I was of sound enough mind to make permanent choices about my body. Apart from the obvious infantilisation of people with conditions like Asperger’s on display there, I always just explained it as being like the decision to get a tattoo. I am an adult, over the age of 18, who has been deemed sober and mentally sound, and as such I have every right to permanently inject colours into my skin that may never go away. Why should I not be trusted to take slow-acting meds that are somewhat easier to reverse? Still, the fact I had to fight to be believed that I was mentally sound enough to make that choice says a lot about misunderstandings about autism spectrum conditions, but highlights that to assert that transition is unique in the permanent nature of its change to the body is completely inaccurate.”]
laura kate dale, from uncomfortable labels: my life as a gay autistic trans woman
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fipindustries · 10 months
one interesting thing ive noticed in stories about generational trauma, particularly those that have some elements of fantasy or exalted reality or magical realism or just feel like adding interesting flairs to its world, is the weird like escalation of evil as you go back generations.
there are four really disparate, really different and yet really poignant examples that i can think of.
mad men, venture brothers, KND, succession.
with mad men, the story is centered in don draper, a guy who is frankly not the best father, he is distant, irresponsible, and improper. sally comes out of being raised by him as someone who has serious attitude problems and a mean streak. but then he was never as bad as his own father who was a violent mean drunkard who treated his son like shit.
with venture brothers we have rusty, a bitter asshole who is callous and mean, who turned his boys into manchildren who are kind of mentally broken in many ways, unfit to live in the real world and who have serious issues managing their emotions, but then you have jonas who was a violent manipulative narcissistic monster.
then there is KND where you had father, a raging evil genius who brainwashed his children into cold, selfish cruel monsters, but then you had grandfather who was a monstrous overlord far more powerful and threatning.
and here, finally, for the one example that we can take four generations across, you have kendall in succession, a weak selfish, petty douchebag who keeps forgetting about the existence of his daughterand who is incredibly neglectful in his duties as a father, who was raised by a meagre, manipulative, controlling asshole who would constantly fuck with his mind and use love as a way to extort his son into doung what he wanted, who in turn was raised by brutal violent people who beat the shit out of him as a kid and who blamed him for the death of his sister.
so yeah, there is this interesting trend where, however bad or harmful a father figure seems to be in fiction, somehow the previous generation manages to be even more evil and abusive, but like, not just "as abusive or bad" but specifically even more so than the next.
obviously real life doesnt work like that, in reality when you go back what you come across are situation where good loving parents in bad situations end up rasing worse people than them or where the badness levels off or any other number of complications.
but i dunno, it would be fun to explore a story where this is extrapolated to cartoonish levels, about a family lineage where the further back you go the more absurdly evil the ancestors get. where you start at someone who is kind of a mean school bully, who has a dad who is just kind of an asshole irresponsible dad, who was raised by a mean drunkard, who was raised in turn by a violent brute, who was raised by a sadistic torturer serial killer, who was raised by an evil lord who had slaves and plantations who was raised by some great genocidal conqueror king, who was raised, i dont know, by the fucking devil or whatever.
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Something I love about Tomura is how defiant he has always been. From day one, that was not a kid made to obey society norms, that was not a child the hero society could have tamed, that is not the type of personality that would have easily bent.
He was 5 years old and running from home 'cause he wanted to be a hero and he'd be a hero against his parents wishes, if necessary. He was asking his mother directly "why does my dad hate me?" and if it isn't why I love kids, when they cut straight to the bone, when they ask what adults wouldn't ask because they'd rather dance around it than admit the big problem. Tenko was 5 years old, the type of child would get rejected all the time but still he wouldn't give up on his desire to make friends, the type of kid that wouldn't cave in to the pressure of his peers. He had a rebellious sister, as rebellious as him, who would lie to her father saying that she wanted to be a housewife to make him happy and then go sneak on his office to find his secrets, the grandmother he never talks about, and she'd go fetch her little sibling to inspire him, to tell Tenko she was there with him, they could do it together, become heroes, escape that house, their dad.
And when things go to hell, when AFO finds him, when Tenko gets groomed and manipulated and lost his family, his memories, his identity and he's replaced by a version AFO created, Tomura does not give up control, not fully. A problem child, you would called it.
Tomura then decides to kill whoever hurts him. He is mentally unstable, doesn't know who he is even, he is dealing with enough trauma to nuke a town and that without counting that Tomura's primary caretakers are A) the greatest abuser and villain the bnha world has ever faced, B) a mad scientist that wants to turn Tomura into a zombie, C) the most functional zombie the mad scientist could create. He is isolated, brainwashed, tortured with the hands of his dead family all over his body to remind him of his pain and made him unable to escape his agony and mourning... The whole pack and yet Tomura rebelled.
A part of him, pieces of Tenko that keep leaking to his new identity, made Tomura different from the idea AFO had for him. Tomura rebelled against the heroes, against the system, against society itself, against the future and past and present of those beliefs. Tomura rebelled against other villains and refused to bow down to them. He criticized them openly and when he made his own group, Tomura acted totally different from the rest of villains. He was not just ordering around or ignoring them or faking affection to manipulate them. He never lied to them, told them more than what they wanted to hear at times, gave them free reign to act and trusted their judgement, never punished them for the decisions they took, Tomura respected them all, treated them like equals, listened to what they had to say, adapted to their desires, protected them and avenged them and fought for them and inspired them.
And when AFO possessed them, he fought AFO too. 15 years of abuse and emotional manipulation and grooming and brainwashing and none of that could stop Tenko's heart for its rebellious nature. When Mirio suggested he was sad 'cause he had no friends, Tomura corrected him passionately. He had friends. When the pro-heroes suggested he was naive, he tried to explain it again. To every person doubting his resolve and his purpose, he answered the same. Through the whole manga, he keeps fighting against people invalidating him, refusing to listen, refusing to accept, refussing to become what they want him to be.
That's the deepest parallel with Izuku, the kid who went against All Might himself when the hero told him he could not be like the rest. The concept of both Deku and Tomura determined to prove the people who doubt them wrong, the fact that they keep pushing against all odds, their resilience and determination and how they believe in themselves even if no one else, not even their parents, do it.
I really, really, reeeaaally wish Tenko would get his happy ending after all of these. To be so persistent you survive the worst anyone can suffer and come out on the other side still wanting to be a hero, it is something that I'll never get tired of watching.
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The AIB Boys as Toxic Boyfriends
Notes: NSFW - MDI - Abuse - This is not love - Mentions of drugs and alcohol - Manipulation - Corruption - NON/CON -
Includes: Chishiya - Arisu - Banda Sunato - Tatta - Karube -
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♤ Chishiya
As a toxic boyfriend Chishiya is manipulative and insensitive. He will use hard words on you, no filter at all. He also believes a woman should stay home and just be a mother. He has seen women working and on his words "it makes them whores".
His Manipulation is completly mental, he wont land a hand on you ever. But he knows tricks to keep you back and in check. I said he would use hard words on you, well he would also compliment you when you do something he wants you to do.
Like, make dinner for him. Because you are the woman of the house. First time you do it without him having to tell you he will praise you making your heart go fast and feel like the first time you two met.
If he sees that you are not 100% commited to stay with him then he will fuck a baby into you. Does not matter if you dont want one, he will take away your anticonceptive pills and tell you how he keeps forgetting to use a condom.
♤ Arisu
He wants someone who supports him. But to a degree where if you are not by his side or responding to him in second he goes berserk. Needs to know where you are all the time. If he is at college he must know where you are. May put a track on your phone just to be sure. Or may have to use his father influence and make you end in his college with the same classes as him.
If you want to go out alone forget it he is making himself part of your group of Friends (who believes he is nothing but a sweetheart).
Game nights will end being your friday nights the catch? You must be watching him play. So no, you cant have your phone with you while he plays. Will make you sit on his lap to be sure you are seeing and telling you to see how good he is at this.
Arisu is also insecure when it comes to sex, gets shy and flustered....and that ends making him jerk while you sleep besides him or him drugging you to fuck you while you sleep.
♤ Banda Sunato
Banda is a red flag. He may be the most toxic one. From not letting you out of the house to use you as his fuck toy.
He will break you slowly, liking how you put up a fight against him. However, he has not patience at all, first week and you are already with cuts. You will soon find out he loves knifes outside and inside the bedroom.
He also will insolate you, forcing you to end friendships and telling you how your family is bad for you. If you dont coperate with him then a punishment will come. It may be physical or mental but after a few of them you have just his contact info in your phone.
Knows your password, forget about privacy. He also ends knowing your period circle, because he is a nasty bastard and likes to fuck you when you are bleeding. Laughts when you tell him its nasty, you are so silly.
♤ Tatta
Tatta is sweet....to sweet. He does not have lots of free time so when he has it he is with you all the time. Its not like Arisu, he cant force you to be at work with him so his resolution may be sweet talking you into forming a family with him.
Oh, are you worried because you two are young and your economic situation its not the best? Dont worry darling, just keep drinking your wine while I explain you how I have everything prepared (no he does not).
Yes, would totally brainwash you to accept it. Once he gets you pregnant he is making sure you dont plan on leaving him alone.
If you were never against the idea no one will think its odd however if you have said you did not want kids and then suddendly you have one....people will ask questions.
♤ Karube
Karube its a physical one. He does not like seeing you with bruises from him but sometimes you just cant seem to keep you mouth close. Why dont you chocke on his dick instead or starting a fight because you want to break up with him?
Honestly, the relationship started as a one night stand and then you kept coming for more. Till Karube felt it was natural to have you by his side for his use (so no, he never loved you) and manipulated you into staying with him.
You are his stress relief and he knows how shit your other relationships are outside him so he is sure you wont be running away from him and even if you do, you will come back to him.
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elysianholly · 27 days
The First
So I’m in Season 3 of my Buffy rewatch and just passed Amends, and holy cow, is this ever an informative episode.
We have the first appearance of The First, who will go dormant again for four years until emerging as the Big Bad in Season 7. The entire conceit of this episode is The First understands Angel’s desires and weaknesses and tries to manipulate those to its own end.
And what is Angel’s desire? Buffy, obviously.
The First knows Angel has the capacity to hurt Buffy. He's done so already, after all. More than anyone else has at this point in the series.
And in fairness to Angel—he is trying very hard in this episode. He’s being tormented by visions of his victims, most prominently the visage of Jenny Calendar. These visions weaken him to the point where he shows up in Buffy’s room specifically to tell her to “stay away from him.” But he can’t stay away from her—even Buffy points out that he’s not making any sense.
And there is Jenny Calendar in the background, saying:
“She wants you to touch her. What are you waiting for?” “She wants you to taste her. Think of the peace. You'll never have to see us again.”
Essentially making the “she was asking for it” case to goad Angel into SAing Buffy. This wouldn’t be nearly as telling on its own, without Angel’s admission at the end of the episode:
Angel: It told me to kill you. You were in the dream. You know. It told me to lose my soul in you and become a monster again. Buffy: I know what it told you. What does it matter? Angel: Because I wanted to! Because I want you so badly! I want to take comfort in you, and I know it'll cost me my soul, and a part of me doesn't care.
Now, it’s important to acknowledge that despite this desire, Angel did not give in. He did not SA Buffy. He did not try to touch her. He chose death instead. It is equally important, however, to acknowledge that the reason he was so tormented in this episode is because The First was appealing to an existing desire that he was trying to suppress, specifically the knowledge that:
He could do this
He has done this
Some part of him still wants to do this
The “Because I wanted to” admission is everything. Without it, The First has no hold on Angel. Remove the Buffy of it all and The First could taunt him with victims past, sure, but its goal was very specific: get Angel to go bad. And failing that, get Angel to remove himself from the equation. I’m sure it would have also accepted “get Angel to violate Buffy and spiral even further” because, as we see at the end, the Powers need him to believe in himself. The best way to get Angel to not believe in himself is to make him responsible for harming Buffy.
Anyway, skip ahead. Like four years ahead.
We have almost the exact same situation. Spike is newly souled and tormented by both his past victims and especially what he did to Buffy. We have The First now appearing AS BUFFY to Spike, Spike incapable of discerning what’s real and what’s not, and confirmation that The First definitely has plans for him. Plans that will position him in opposition to Buffy, weaken her, and essentially kill any chance that she will do exactly what she ends up doing.
It’s also important to note that Spike is much less mentally sound than Angel was when The First starts fucking with him.
So what does The First do? It brainwashes him. It notably does not try to convince Spike that Buffy “wants him to touch her.” It does not play on an existing desire to cause Buffy harm. It does not attempt to appeal to the part of Spike that assaulted Buffy in the bathroom the way it appealed to the part of Angel that spent years happily assaulting women before he was cursed.
And this is important because if that desire existed, there would be literally no reason for The First not to use it. Are we expected to believe The First evolved in the years since it attempted to goad Angel into attacking Buffy because “she was asking for it?" That orchestrating another assault wouldn’t further isolate Spike, if not drive him to do what Angel nearly did and remove himself from the equation entirely? We know from later in the season that The First is fine with Spike killing himself. Hell, we're shown that if The First can't use Spike, it wants him dead and is willing to manipulate others to see that realized.
But The First literally had to brainwash Spike to get him to do anything it wants, and the second it unleashes him on Buffy, he snaps out of it. She brings him back to the light. She says she'll help him.
And The First is noticeably pissed off. This was not what it wanted. Spike under Buffy's care was dangerous to its goal.
So why didn’t it try to manipulate Spike into assaulting Buffy again? Make sure she'd never invite him back inside her home? Why didn't it appeal to his worst urges the way it did Angel?
Angel: Because I wanted to!
Like I said, Amends is an informative episode. It shows us how The First operates (doubled down in S7 with its manipulation of Robin Wood). Even more, how The First interacts with Angel compared to how it interacts with Spike tells us a lot about who these characters are as men, as vampires, and specifically men who have hurt Buffy.
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ccarrot · 5 months
More Chuuya hcs pls
Lemme tell you a little about my aus while i'm at it!!
Whenever i draw SB lab art, if he's got short sleeves and Dark eyes its chuuya and short sleeves with crazy contracted eyes it's cloneboy! If chuuya's wearing a. longsleeved nightgown it's Chuuya from schoolkoku au!
So the mechanics of Corruption are a little strange because N wants chuuya to say the trigger phrase presumably to "factory reset his mind" but in order to actually activate Corruption he needs to wear the ability proof anti-mindcontrol hat BEFORE he says the trigger so that his mind doesnt get wiped in the process.
To continue on Corruption, if N was intending to get Chuuya to actually activate it, then there COULD be a way for Chuuya to stop it himself. I don't buy the idea that Chuuya's been literally coded to respond a certain way to the words, but maybe it's true that he's been conditioned/brainwashed in a way. In any case it's not lile Verlaine's Brutalization.
Nawy originalaccountname has convinced me that Chuuya has a fear of electricity and lightning storms.
Donut Shop Chuuya experiences an Evangelion Mental Breakdown(tm) at 19. Regains a Lifetime of memories. and the stress of that makes him benched from his executive duties. At some point he just, ditches Yokohama and holes up with Adam and Mary in England for a bit. Donut Shop Chuuya comes back to become Dazai's Bakery employee at some point but not after getting dragged into the Bungo Stray Dogs plot. Hopefully no more fighting for this boy afterwards.
Chuuya's ability is sustained by a singularity ability right? The point at which somthing reaches an infinite value is essentially a singularity, for black holes i think its when the center becomes infinitely dense bc the gravitational pull becomes infinte. My loose memory of physics concepts aside, If chuuya's base ability was enhancement, then Corruption is triggered when the enhancement gets activated on himself, and he's get closer to death when the gravity of his ability gets closer to infinity. Asagiri is a Nerd.
I think if Chuuya ever dies, his ability would like. Explode out of him into a giant black smoke hound thing. A massive BEAST emerges in the wake of his death. Gwahh so edgy.
Like ghhh i think if he never managed to leave the lab he WOULD see N as a caring father figure to look up to. From what we know about N he isn't clinically detached, he's very hands on and manipulative. And we also know that chuuya WILL latch onto any form of kindness and devote his LIFE to uphold that. He'd think of N as his parent.
Most of my skk aus involve Chuuya experiencing the Horrors and Dazai is the pov character who goes through comparitively more realistic trials. I follow Asagiri's formula 👍
More abt hallucinations. That scene was definitely supposed to draw a parallel with him and Atsushi i think btw. So i hc he has issues with night terrors and audiovisual hallucinations, no matter how much he ignores his trauma he wont escape these till he faces it head on. Anyways i think he encounters "ghosts" a lot. The Flags, people he may have killed. Murase really frequently, and N when he gets stuck with sleep paralysis fhh. One he minds the least is Rimbaud actually. Rimbaud's "ghost" is never unhelpful but not one he regrets too much either. Rimbaud's last words to him DID fundementally impact the course of Chuuya's life
Either way he gets bad insomnia. Perpetually has reddish under eyes. He uses makeup lately. The edgy red eyeliner to fit his vibe. Bro is so tired.
Chuuya gets injured easily and a lot but he walks it off like A Champ. Perks of an inhumanly good pain tolerance. Also he gets chronic migranes and pain in general.
He actually smiles a lot. He tries to be really expressive when he talks to people, and if he isn't annoyed or half zoned out he'll try to appear friendly. This doesn't apply to School au or Analog au chuuya, those two girlies are still learning the muscle movements for smiling.
I headcanon Chuuya to be singularly the coolest character in bsd ever and no one can compete. Chuuya won an Oscar.
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Alright I've seen this take plenty of times now and I feel like some of y'all are honestly kinda straight up loco.
Suletta Mercury is not and never has been anything even resembling to brainwashed at any point in this series. I repeat, Suletta is NOT brainwashed. She never has been and seeing so many of you all projecting your own woefully unnuanced moral compasses upon the characters in this show is honestly painful to watch.
If you bothered to read Cradle Planet, the short story related to G:WfM, one of the main things that would become clear to you is that Suletta was raised in isolation. Specifically she was isolated from other kids her age.
This wasn't done on purpose by Prospera to raise her to be the perfect little pawn for her plans y'all, thats so fucking stupid. At this point its clear that while Prospera likely favours Aerial when it comes to securing a future for one of her children, she has never shown at any point that she saw Suletta as something to be disposed of in the sense of killing her. Her belief in the ideals of the Vanadís Institute and her hatred for the misuse of the GUND-format, along with her love for Eri would make it thematically utter fucking madness for her not to love or be fond of Suletta.
The short story and Eri talking about the past in the anime shows that Prospera treated Suletta the best she could, along with Suletta being familiar with various forms of media that likely show the importance of love and kindness, such as reading/watching about highschool and stuff from Earth Sphere media such as mentioned in the short story.
How Suletta behaves at the school and how comfortable she is to interact and look for her mother for comfort shows that Prospera did not hurt Suletta for being vulnerable with her and that she supported her daughter when she was young. Aerial mentions that Suletta at 6 years old only came to her for comfort when she was scared if Prospera was busy with work, implying that Prospera was otherwise most of the time present when Suletta was young.
The reason why Suletta is so shy and uncertain as she was is because of the people on Mercury. The people who lived there did not trust Prospera and by extension Suletta. They were seen as potential liabilities. Aerial recounts that they wanted Prospera and Suletta to be send away. Children are extremely observant and absorb this kind of bullshit, so at a young age Suletta basically internalised the message that she's unwanted and a burden. THIS the the major trauma that makes Suletta as socially incompetent as she is.
Aerial mentions how Suletta's infamous catchphrase about gaining 2 if moving forward was a response to trying to make Suletta be brave about getting a shot. In other words TOTALLY FUCKING NORMAL MOM BEHAVIOUR. Prospera explained that while Suletta could gain 1 by not getting a shot and avoiding pain, but that by getting the shot she could gain 2 by not becoming sick in the future and to be seen as amazing by the people on Mercury.
This is Prospera, explaining to her young daughter, that sometimes you need to be a little brave in order to succeed in your goals or to live a happy and healthy life. You need to do something you might be afraid of or be a little uncomfortable with in order to gain somethings benefits. Thats not fucking evil and if you think that teaching a scared child to be brave to prepare for future is evil manipulation then I fear for your mental faculties.
Suletta internalized this phrase, using it as a source of comfort. Whenever she's scared or afraid but knows that something needs to be done. Its NOT a fucking trigger phrase ala Winter Soldier, thanks.
When Prospera justified the deaths of those terrorists, she was speaking from the perspective of a survivor. Literally all her collegues, friends and even her husband perished in the attack from Dominicus under the command of Cathedra. At our most basic, humans simply wish to survive and if you have to kill others to do so then so be it.
Suletta's "strange" behaviour after that isn't her being brainwashed, its her being in a stressful situation and compartimentalizing on the fly. Millions of people behave strangely or as if nothing is wrong in high stress situations because they're literally working on default. There is no time to think about ethics or morality when you or someone who you love is under attack, there is only panic and making split second decisions that you can only pray you will not regret in the future.
Thats also not to say that Suletta doesn't know or wasn't raised in a way that held life in high esteem. On Mercury she was the primary person responsible for emergency rescue operations with the Aerial, piloting and controlling the Aerial herself in order to save people, who often were rude and mean and were likely unkind to her in childhood. You think she'd do that if she didn't think human life was worth something? Or be as kind and friendly as she is?
Suletta is a kind, hopeful young girl with humble if ambitious plans for the future, who does not wish pain or loneliness upon other people. She isn't an "I suffered so why shouldn't you?" person, she's an "I suffered and I don't want you to suffer too" person.
Suletta was raised to be kind, to be honest, to survive and to do her best. She's not brainwashed she's doing her best. She's not evil she's doing her best. She laughs and cries and is anxious and happy. She's a gentle person who pushes on to do her best anyway, even if she's scared.
So get off of y'alls high horses and "Suletta is brainwashed/is gonna snap and kill a bunch of people" bullshit. Prospera didn't raise a weapon, she raised a daughter and capable Pilot who can survive on her own even once she no longer needed her to raise Aerial's Permet score. She raised a gentle girl who did her best.
Suletta deserves better and I can only hope that Earth House continues to support her. Y'all need to have more faith in her as the heroic gundam protagonist she is, she's not a shonen hero who takes no lives personally ever.
Suletta is capable and strong and you all better remember it.
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disco-troy · 2 years
Titan Evil Arcs Ranked
14. Roy - No one liked Roy’s evil arc. You didn’t like it, I didn’t like it, Roy didn’t like it, it erased all his characterization and put him on a path he hasn’t recovered from since. NOT ONLY THAT but
he was retconned with the worst anti-hero backstory possible. Yes, of course Roy Harper would be so want to “surpass Oliver Queen” that he would create a mercenary team called “Iron Rule” and then murder his own team bc they killed people. Also that stupid cap I hate it. This arc was character, fashion and competency assassination at the same time. Thanks Lobdell. 
13. Garth - He doesn’t really turn evil, he just gets brainwashed and zombified a little. Personally, I think Garth deserves a little bit of time to go apeshit, but his arcs so far of getting murdered and zombified by his dead wife and girlfriend and getting brainwashed by his Scottish  water evil spirit girlfriend are not it. 12. Gar - Went crazy for some reason, became a really gross throw up monster, whatever, no one remembers it, he figures out how to be sane eventually Dick didn’t even let Gar figure his stuff out he needed to announce his wedding instead. 11. Lilith - Imagine getting rebooted into the new 52 just to be a minion torturing victims with your mental powers before a ripoff hunger games starring a ripped off young justice, but also it was just a dream. idk I wasn’t paying attention. 10. Terry - we all knew there was something up with him tbh the evil arc wasn’t a surprise. He’s only this high because I find it hilarious that dc made Mav Wolfman’s self insert get a restraining order for Donna so she couldn’t see her son, immediately got killed in a car crash with said son and then just come back in increasingly graphic evil dream sequences. Don’t write your self-insert into comics, kids. 9. Kory - She gets to look cool when she’s evil but that’s it. Got killed by her sister in JLO and she wasn’t even her own evil person! She was taken over by Darkseid. Slightly cooler in flashpoint but didn’t even get to shine cause she got killed in a gasoline explosion :///. She can explode into a supernova I feel like she should be more powerful when she’s evil! 8. Wally -  Yes, he manipulated the entire justice league and framed innocents for a murder he committed, and yes he watched every single superheroes trauma therapy confessions, at least when he murdered Roy he put their dead bodies together bc friends. 7. Joey  - Listen, no one liked Titans Hunt, You didn’t like Titans Hunt, none of the Titans liked Titans hunt. Joey wasn’t even in control of him being evil and he kidnapped all the titans and kills a bunch of them, doesn’t even succeed in taking over the world and he does with an evil organization it in matching fur suits!? There are better ways to come out as a furry, Joey. At least Gar doesn’t make all his EVERYONE wear the same fur suits. Points for the homoerotic tension with Dick tho I guess. Also the idea of him having the trauma of everyone he possessed could have been cool but they bombed it so rip. 6. Hank - Listen, listen, I know the monarch story line is dumb as shit and a retcon because dc was mad everyone figured out who monarch was supposed to be but I can’t help it its so funny. fr imagine you’re Hawk, your brother and crime fighting partner is dead, as a result you get blacklisted in twelve countries because you keep beating people up. You get a new crime-fighting partner that is able to stop you from getting blacklisted in more countries, a villain named  monarch seemingly kills her. You kill the villain, SIKE! It turns out you were monarch the entire time! Time to be evil, I guess. You join Hal Jordan because he’s vibing as Parallax and then you create an alternate dimension in order to train a fake version of the titans as sleeper agent assassins for the time crisis or whatever idk. You find Terra alive and you just add her to the team?? You brainwash some dude into thinking he’s Dick Grayson to be the leader of the team for some reason even tho u hate Dick Grayson???? You use time travel to populate your team with a bunch of OCs and a vampire??? I’M SORRY HES SO FUNNY!! 5. Sure, Donna may have tried to murder all the titans (Wasn’t cool that she suffocated Karen in her hospital bed), but she’s immortal and she was having a bad day, she deserves it. Plus she acknowledges it’s because she loved them all so much  she had to kill them so she wouldn't get too attached to her friends. She also had the arc where they retconned her as evil in Wonder Woman back before ntt was canon again we don’t talk about that. 4. Dick - Pretty successful Elseworld evil arcs, good villainy, he knows how to pull it off but one big problem. Every time he’s evil, he’s so mean to his friends! In New Order he takes over the world and creates a new world order. Stephanie and Tim get like a suburban house and chill life and what the titans just have to fight the resistance against him? And then he asks them for help??? And in the vampire universe he just takes Kory captive for her blood. Dick, c’mon. Take an example from Raven, she wanted to rule with the titans as the seven sins. Or at least Wally who lay his dead body next to Roy’s bc Titans forever <3. 3. Tara - Got a pep talk from Dick Grayson, destroyed the entire world 20/10 iconic. She just needed a bit of self esteem 2. Demon raven, icon, many arcs, most of them bangers, crashed a wedding like an icon, slowly became evil bc George forgot what her forehead looked like, ect. She can pull it all off! The only reason its not number one in the list is that’s it’s done enough that writers are bad at it sometimes. And yet! they haven’t even touched on half of the excited concepts that could have come from this. Demon Raven ruling a dimension with Trigon? Maybe backstabbing Trigon? Demon Raven still wanting to save her friends or maybe destroy them? raven grappling with what she’s done with Demon Raven? An examination of what part of Raven feeds into her demon side? GUYS COME ON 1. Vic - Showstopping, incredible! Vic losing his humanity and wanted to protect the people he cared the most to regain that humanity again .... so beautiful. Giving the titans all they wanted! Giving Garth that weird mix of girlfriends in one person and Dick Batman saying he’s proud of him and Donna her child again  it wasn’t perfect but he was trying so hard.  So what if he destroyed the moon a little bit in the process, these things are messy. Plus he did it 11 years before despicable me. What a trailblazer.
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Nothing Comes For Free (Byakuya/Ultimate Housewife!Reader/Nagito)
CHAPTER THREE: *When He Walks In, I Am Loved
First Chapter || Previous Chapter || Next Chapter
Contains (Will Be Updated With Chapters): She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Female Reader, Infidelity, Somewhat Unhealthy Relationships, Depictions of Mental Illnesses, Depictions of Symptoms of OCD, Minor Injury, Mentions of Blood, Breeding Kink, Creampie, Unsafe Sex, Spanking, Hair Pulling, Dom/Sub Dynamics
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     The setback had actually put you back on track. You arrived at the tailors just as they opened, avoiding anyone nearby. It was easy to forget the state of the world inside of the gated community. If your house was a cage, the community was a sort of zoo. Though you figured less people came to gawk at you and instead would yell and try to raze. There were more air purifiers within the tall, iron gates and brick walls than were needed in a city. The sky even seemed to be turning from its blood red to a soft lavender more and more by the day.
     “Everything around here is so lovely, Togami-sama.” Komaeda gushed, looking out the windows with you from your chauffeured car on the way back from the tailors. You held the clothes on hangers in their protective cloth bag laid out across both of your laps. The driver had the divider up. You could tell it was out of fear of Komaeda than courtesy, but the result was all the same. 
     “Yes, it is, isn’t it?” You took in his wide eyed gaze. “...It’s a shame you’re always so cooped up, isn’t it? I’ll have to take you with me on more of my day trips.”
     “It’s no shame at all, ma’am.” Komaeda laughed after a beat, face confused and incredulous like he was waiting for you to admit it was a joke. “Frankly, it’s much more than I deserve-”
     “I know about your case. You were brainwashed as a child .” You shook your head. “The same thing could have happened to-” Your voice cut off. A pit opened in your stomach, the same one as every time you thought about your old class.
     “It’s alright, ma’am.” He said softly. “I know who you’re referring to.” He glanced back out the window, shrugging. “But at the end of the day, manslaughter still leaves people dead. Manipulated cult members are still members all the same. What does the process matter?”
     “Manslaughter and murder have different charges, do they not? Leaders and followers are convicted differently-”
     “Not at this scale. It’s alright, you don’t have to comfort me. If it weren’t for the four of you… you know exactly where I would be. For you two to take me in, to give me a purpose-” A smile grew on his face. “Well, I’m rather lucky.”
     You were speechless. You didn’t know where to begin. Eventually, you gave up trying to.
     “...there is something so… dystopian about what you’ve just said.” You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.
     “I apologize if I’ve made you uncomfortable.” He frowned. “What I mean to say is, well, I’m in the same house you are. I’m more than at peace.”
     “No, no, no.” You laughed. You laughed a bit longer than you had meant. “No. No, Komaeda, I won’t pretend for a second you and I are in the same position-”
     “You’re right, I’m so sorry,” He dipped into as low of a bow as he could sitting down next to you. “I should have never implied you and I were the same, I’m just a lowly bug next to you, I-”
     “Komaeda, raise your head for crying out loud.” You scoffed. You continued when his green-grey eyes met yours. “What I mean is that you’re a prisoner. I don’t mean to degrade you, I simply mean I know how bad-” You shook your head. “You don’t have to pretend like you’re happy here. I understand the terms of your employment. You’re trapped within the walls.”
     “I don’t know where else I would go.” He shrugged. “I mean, when was the last time you made a day trip?”
     Your face fell. Silence fell. Komaeda glanced around anxiously. 
     “I- I’m sorry-”
     “You did nothing wrong.” You said quietly. “Nothing at all.” In your lap, you smoothed out Byakuya’s clothes. You hadn’t realized you’d been holding them so tightly.
     The gentle stream of steaming hot cream poured its way down slowly into the egg mixture in the stand mixer. You stopped, your hands, wrapped in black oven mitts, were careful to not spill any. You scrutinized the concoction carefully, searching for any signs of a curdle that might ruin the otherwise perfect consistency of your cream. You let it go for a moment, then continued on.
     The pastry bread was ready and cooling on the counter next to one of the industrial ovens. Rows and rows of plain, unfilled eclairs sat waiting. Things were simple, like this: fulfilling your talent. The world seemed less hectic and you could pretend like you were a kid again, waiting for your mother to come home so you could show her what you made. You began the stream of milk again. It ran down the side of the bowl. ‘Careful…’
     “ Eep! ” You jumped at the voice, spilling scalding cream down your arms and onto the counter. “OW!” You put down the pot quickly, splashing more onto the counter. You shook off your oven mitts and rushed to the sink, sticking your arm under a cool stream of water. “Ow…”
     “I- I’m so sorry,” Komaeda stammered, hurrying over. He held out his hands, but he seemed to not know what to do. You sighed deeply. “I can’t believe I-”
     “It’s… It’s okay, Komaeda.” You pulled your arm out and shut the tap. You looked at the spots the cream had gotten on you. They were red, but didn’t look like they would blister. You rested your elbows on the table and put your face in your hands. ‘Nothing is going right today…’
     “Do you keep a first aid kit around here?” He asked softly.
     “Drawer next to the oven.” You pointed at it without looking over. You heard his steps and him rummaging through the drawer. He tapped you gently. You looked up. He was holding a tube of pain relief ointment and a roll of bandages. You stuck your hands out for them, but he pulled them away. 
     “It’s the least I could do.” His face pleaded with you. You held your arms out, not at all in the mood to argue. He uncapped it and put some on his fingers. 
     His long fingers were so gentle spreading the gel around your arm, working slowly. It hurt a bit, but the ointment helped immediately, and he was careful with his movements. You looked up at his face. He was completely absorbed in the task, soothing your wounds with this delicate massage. The sensation of his warm hands along with the gel was confusing, but certainly nice.
     You couldn’t remember the last time someone had touched you. He was so close- you could almost feel his breath against you. He bit his lip in worry and concentration. You wanted to step closer. You wanted his hands on more than your arms. Had he always been that tall-?
     There was a knock at the doorframe.
     Both of you jumped apart from another at once, and you realized almost as quickly how suspicious that must have seemed. If the driver standing outside the kitchen noticed this, it didn’t show on her face at all.
     “Togami-san, your husband is on his way from the airport now. He will arrive in roughly two hours.”
     “Ah.” Your heart was beating faster in your chest than you felt it had any right to. “Yes, thank you for letting me know.” You cleared your throat. “Thank you.” She nodded and walked away. Neither you nor Komaeda moved for a moment. “I need to finish up my baking.” Your voice came out a murmur, sounding much more hesitant than you had meant it to. He nodded, slowly.
     “Should I…” He didn’t finish the sentence. He didn’t know how.
     “Get a hand towel and clean this up for me, won’t you?” You asked lightly, gesturing at the counter. He smiled at you, big and bright.
     “Of course!” He chirped, scurrying off to do so. You watched him as he left. The mixer was still going. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so terrible to have someone around while you baked.
     Everything was just so. The curtains in your bedroom were tied up, but the blinds were just barely opened. You sat on the loveseat and crossed your legs, at the ankles, not the knees. You adjusted the way the skirts of your dress fell around your legs. You cupped the open book you just scanned the pages of over and over again, your mind racing too quickly for you to actually read.
     You heard him coming up the stairs. Your stomach tossed and turned. The doorknob clicked and swung open.
     “I’ve arrived home.” Byakuya’s low, calm voice came from the door way. You didn’t have to fake your elated expression. You didn’t have to fake the excitement. His small but adoring smile was enough.
     “Byakuya,” You beamed, jumping up and hurrying over into his arms. He took you in easily as you breathed the scent of his rich cologne on his suit in deeply. You lifted your head for a kiss. He was every bit as perfect as you remembered. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he held you by the waist. You felt tiny in his hands. The kiss was sweet for just a moment. You opened your mouth, an invitation he took readily. His tongue was soft and warm and you could hear his breath begin to speed up. You pulled him even closer, deepening the kiss. He returned in kind, one hand moving up your back and the other to your ass. He kicked the door closed behind him without parting, something you couldn’t help but giggle at.
     “Are you laughing at me?” He asked, murmuring it against your mouth.
     “Never!” You giggled, pressing another kiss against him. You could feel his smile against your lips. His hands came up and unwrapped you from around your neck.
     “What happened here?” He asked, holding your bandaged hand. Luckily, he didn’t seem to notice the burns. You’d been stewing on this all day.
     “I dropped one of my compacts in the bathroom and the glass broke.” You sighed. “I got cut picking up the glass.”
     “How many times do I have to tell you to call somebody for something like that before it gets through that pretty head of yours?” He tsked.
     “You know I don’t like people in the bedroom.” You pouted. “Especially not for something as small as that.”
     “Or as small as this?” He grabbed your wrist and held up your hand. You looked off to the side, still pouting. “You don’t have to worry about doing things like that anymore, doll.” He gave your knuckles a lingering kiss. You watched him, entranced. Warmth pooled below your stomach. The feeling of you husband right there in front of you, holding you, was getting to be too much. You leaned up on your tiptoes, tugging at his tie to pull him down to you. Thankfully, he obliged- it was only about a fifty-fifty shot. It seemed time away from you had made him much more susceptible to your demands than usual.
     It wasn’t long before he put his hands under your hips and hoisted you up to carry you. You let out a small squeak before realizing what he was doing and adjusting accordingly. You laughed gleefully as he carried you to your bed and bent to lay you down onto it. You kept your arms and legs wrapped around him.
     “Here, take these off-” You reached up to delicately pull off his glasses and fold them up. You put them down onto the ottoman at the foot of the bed, next to where he was standing. You began to unknot his unecessarily complex tie. “This too-” 
     “Demanding, aren’t we?” He smirked down at you.
     “...Was the Eldredge really necessary today?” You furrowed your brow as your long nails struggled to pick out the loops and knots.
     “Perhaps, perhaps not. Maybe I like watching you work yourself up trying to undress me.” He kissed down your neck, ending in a bite at the junction between your neck and shoulder that went on almost too long, pulling a moan from your lips as he marked you. Finally, he stood back up, looking at you as he easily undid his tie, just to rub it in your face. He pulled off his jacket too. He was a vision, standing there in his just-slightly-rumpled dress shirt, smug as can be. He finally bent back down over you, pressing you against the mattress as he kissed you.
     With that out of the way, you began to work your way down his shirt, quickly unbuttoning it with practiced ease. He didn’t bother pulling away from you as he tossed aside his shirt, hands roaming up and down your body, confident in his touches. They finally found their way up your skirts. You spread your legs for him, your whimpering captured by his mouth as his fingers rubbed up and down the soaked lacy pair of panties you’d picked out just for his arrival. 
     “You’re like this already?” He snickered, rubbing circles in the material just above your hole. You gasped, hips pushing down against his hand to try to suck him in deeper. He shook his head, feigning disappointment. He changed targets, now moving aside the pretty wrapping and circling your swollen clit. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were something other than my cute, little, housewife.” He punctuated each word in the title with quick, rough movements that stole the breath from your lungs.
     “I- I c- couldn’t- hah- ” Your brain was beginning to short circuit, each spark that shouldn’t have been there caused by another press of your clit. Byakuya was playing with your most sensitive area like a toy. You knew you were drenching his hand. “He- Help it- been w- waiting all da- ay! ” Your hands curled into the sheets and pulled. Your thighs were trembling around him.
     “All day?”
     What you meant to say next was, “Figure of speech. I’d been waiting for two hours. Time moves slowly when I’m waiting for you.” But instead what came out was, “Mmm! Ah! Oh!”
     “How did you know all day?”  He began to move even quicker. You couldn’t uncross your eyes anymore. Instead, you shook your head, quickly but firmly. You managed to get your hands up to your mouth to cover it, both to let him know where you stood, but also to bite down on your fingers to attempt to ground yourself. “No? No, what? ” He didn’t give you room to answer. It was starting to become so overstimulating it was painful, just like the orgasm building in you by the second. Right as it began to crest and you were closer to sobbing than moaning, he pulled his hand away completely.
     Your muscles relaxed all at once, your legs and arms falling down onto the bed as you panted to catch your breath. Still, the denial was uncomfortable in his own way. After just a moment, your body craved more. Your clit throbbed, aching for more stimulation already.
     “It was too much for you, doll.” He sucked hard at your neck, bruising and marking it as he pleased. “You couldn’t even give me a straight answer. Go on, now. Clean up your mess.” He pressed his wet fingers against your lips. You took them in without hesitation and sucked on them like you would his cock. You didn’t mind the taste, especially with the idea of sucking him off at some point on your mind. “Good girl. Now let’s try again, alright?” He slipped his fingers out of your mouth, slick and still connected with your spit. He pulled you up into a seated position. He loomed over you, arms crossed and expression serious. He exuded that easy confidence that had drawn you to him in waves like this. “Now, how did you find out?”
     But you had principles. You knew if you told him even a bit of your multi-stepped sequence he’d unravel it. You mimed zipping your lips and tossing away the key. He sighed, deeply, like he wasn’t pleased with what he had to do next.
     “Alright. I suppose there’s nothing I can do if you want to be punished.” With that, his hands were back on you, and in a flurry of strong, sure hands pulling at you in a way even you didn’t completely understand, you were ass up face down in the mattress. He unzipped your dress and pushed it off of your shoulders. He pulled up your skirts and in one fluid movement, took off and pulled aside your panties. You spread your legs even further, hoping you were a pretty sight for him as he pulled up your dress skirts.
     “What a waste of all of this,” He hummed, pushing two fingers into your slick hole easily, and without warning. You could hear the wet noises coming from his movements as he fucked them in and out of you without hurry. You cried out into the mattress, tightening around him, trying to keep him there, but just as you did, he pulled them out. “Oh well.” He said. Without another word, his hand came down in a sharp, painful strike against your ass.
     “ Oh, fuck!” You shouted, and were immediately embarrassed at your reaction. You didn’t need to look at Byakuya to know what a condescending look he was giving you. Picturing it made your pussy squeeze around nothing. You hoped you weren’t dripping even more now.
     “Language.” He said simply. He drew his hand back and spanked you once more, this one just as hard, but on the other side. You buried your face into the sheets in an attempt to muffle your noises. At once, he made his stance on this clear. “Oh, no, I don’t think so,” He gathered your hair together and pulled your face back up. You were sure any of the staff who had unfortunate timing in bringing Byakuya’s luggage upstairs would hear you. The shame made both your face and loins grow hot. “That doesn’t mean you get to hide that pretty mouth away.” He spanked you once more. You didn’t bother concealing it anymore. You yelped out at the hit.
     “ Oww… ” You whined, mostly to yourself. Byakuya rubbed his hands soothingly over the stinging flesh. They felt hot against the abused skin.
     “We can stop now, if you’d like.” His voice was much too kind to mean anything good. “If you want to admit to me what little rat told you about my whereabouts.”
     “Not a rat- an informant. ” You hissed out, the harsh treatment stripping away your usually kind tone. “And I’m not a sell-out- ”
     One, two, three spanks in quick succession, all to the same cheek. Your hips bucked furiously, seeking his touch and reprieve simultaneously. You felt a bead of sweat drip down your thighs. It was beginning to become too much again. You let your torso melt into the bed. You weren’t going to tell him, that much was sure- so the best course of action was to ride out the storm.
     “Anything can be bought with the right amount.” It was a core Togami principle you’d heard from him on more than one occasion. He dragged his crotch against your core, the bulging seam of the fabric pressing into you.
     “ Yes, Byakuya, please. ” You pleaded, holding still for him to grind against you at his own pace. You couldn’t imagine the mess you must have been making of his expensive dress pants. It only turned you on more, knowing how easily he ruined- and let you ruin- a pair of pants that cost more than you used to make in a week. You could feel his fully hard length against you. It had been too long for sure. You realized it wasn’t just teasing from him. You really were desperate to have his cock inside you once more. “Please, please, please, please- ”
     “Please, what?”
     “Please, sir!” You replied at once. You loved indulging him. You loved bending the knee at once so you could watch just how well he took charge. Your quick obedience clearly pleased him. He practically growled as he hurriedly took off his belt and unzipped his pants.
     He rubbed the head of his cock up and down your slit, “Is this what you want so badly? What you’ve been waiting for all day? ” He pushed in the slightest bit. He held your waist tight and unyielding. His grasp didn’t hurt yet, but you were sure that would change in just a bit. 
     “Yes, sir! Please, sir!” You sobbed, doing your best not to wiggle too much under him. You knew how much he hated that.
     He grit his teeth, “ Tell me who told you.” You shut your mouth at once, but you couldn’t help the noises coming from your throat. “So be it.” In one, swift motion, he buried himself inside of you. You yelped, but he didn’t even give you a chance to adjust to his long, thick length before he began to slam his hips into you over and over so deeply it was almost cruel. The fabric and zipper of his pants scratched against your sore skin. His other hand wrapped around your waist and helped him gain leverage, rocking your body back and forth like you were weightless just to meet him in each thrust.
     “Byakuya, Byakuya- ” Your voice held the cadence of a plea, but even you didn’t know what for. You were sure if he wasn’t holding you up, your knees would have given out you would have fallen further into the mattress. “Please,” Your voice came out a whisper, sprinkled with the broken up noises falling from your lips with each thrust.
     “Look at you, doll,” He huffed a breathless laugh. “Debased under me, begging for my cock- this is your favorite duty as my lovely little housewife, isn’t it? This is what you’re good for.” You mewled in response to a perfectly timed press against the very deepest parts of you. “That’s what I thought. I can tell you’re close. You make it so obvious,” Another slap rang out, another stinging pleasure. “Do you wanna cum around your husband’s cock? The one you missed so much you schemed to figure out when I’d come home? Maybe I should tell you more often so I can have you wait at the door for me, kneeling-” He grunted as he adjusted both of you. He leaned down now so his chest was pressed flush against your back, his voice in your ear. “Ruining all those pretty panties I buy for you.”
     He was right. Your orgasm was building and building, tight in your body and clearing your mind of anything except for the need to seek it out. Byakuya’s words only brought it that much closer-
     And then as he was buried deep inside of you, he stopped. You didn’t complain, not at first. You thought maybe he was going to finally get onto the bed with you, or perhaps adjust you in another way. You waited patiently for his hands but they didn’t move from their spot. You turned around, but he seemed to be waiting for something too.
     “Do you wanna tell me now?” He rolled his hips, the slow drag of his cock inside of you sent a new rush of heat up your spine, but it was nothing compared to the feeling you’d had just moments before. You shook your head. “Alright then, let’s try again.”
     And at once he continued. You could do nothing but take it as he went on, relentless. This time, however, one hand dipped past your hip, slid down your stomach and down to your clit. He began to rub your clit once more.
     “W- wait, wait, please, wait-” But he paid you no heed, instead switching between quickly circling and gently pinching and rubbing your clit between his fingers. The feeling was overwhelming. Your whole body shook under him. It was growing difficult to form words or even think them. The orgasm grew even quicker now. 
     “Are you ready to tell me now?”
     “You just have to nod for me.”
     But you didn’t. You kept your neck rigid. It wasn’t too hard with the way all of your muscles were tensing, doing their best to try to keep up with the stimulation. Byakuya made an impatient, annoyed noise. You were so close, right there- 
     His hand fell away again and his hips stilled. This time, you certainly did complain. You couldn’t help it. Though there were no words, just needy slurring as you struggled to catch your breath.
     “You get so tight right before you cum.” He said, answering a question you didn’t know you had. “I know your body inside and out.” For as composed as he was trying to sound, you could hear his tone only grow more and more hungry. You knew he wouldn’t be able to last much longer. If nothing else, once he finished the torture would stop. You snaked a hand down to your clit. “Absolutely not.” He grabbed both of your hands and pinned them behind your back, pushing you down hard, trapped between him and the bed. There was no escape.
     You grinned. You were right where you wanted to be.
     When your breathing had evened out again, he started to fuck you once more. He couldn’t rub your clit this time, but he drove you into the mattress, using the way you were pinned down to make sure each of his thrusts bottomed you out. 
     You were incredibly full and held down- like this, there was nothing you had to worry about. There were no responsibilities, nothing to organize, no one to care for. Your only concern was to give your body to him, and you did so readily. Even if you didn’t cum, you’d gotten what you came for: a completely wrung out mind.
     You vaguely registered Byakuya’s own quiet groans, the control over himself slipping and his thrusts becoming more and more erratic. You could always pin point the moment he lost himself in the feeling, a realization that never failed made your heart flutter just a bit, even after all the time you’d been together. In a couple of moments-
     He didn’t disappoint. With a gutteral moan, he stuffed you to the hilt, the head of his cock pressed snugly against your cervix, pumping load after load of cum inside of you. You wrapped your foot around the back of his thigh the best you could, pulling him even closer. It was just too much. Your moans grew higher and higher in pitch, your inner muscles flexed around him once, twice, and then you reached your own climax with a triumphant cry. It washed through you, warm and powerful and worth how much you’d sought it out.
     He didn’t let your hips fall into the mattress. He even wrapped an arm around them, continuing to roll his hips against you, making sure to spill every last drop inside of you. He released your hands, but you just used them to pull his other arm around you, too. You knew what he was after- no sex happened without him doing his best to knock you up. It was why he’d always make you stay home, after all. He wanted a pretty breeding bunny to have a beautiful, healthy Togami heir or five.
     The two of you stayed in that position for a long moment. He gave your back a lingering kiss as you caught your breath. You held each other wordlessly, an attempt to make sure his seed stayed in you, but something much more than that. Byakuya was a man of subtlety at his heart. He sought his endless ambitions without putting them into words. But you could tell what he was saying by watching what he did carefully. From your husband, this was a silent admission of weakness. An action that told you ‘I missed you.’ much more clearly than waiting around for him to say it out loud.
     Finally, when both of your muscles began to burn and it became too noticeable that you needed to clean up, he pulled away. You could feel his cum begin to drip out of you. You waited in the position as he tucked himself away and gathered a small washcloth from the bathroom. You reached out for it, but he ignored your hand, coming around to clean you up himself.
     “I… admire your resilience .” Despite his slightly mocking tone and the obvious circumstances, you knew he meant it. It only confirmed your hypothesis about how badly he’d missed you on this extra-long trip. You smiled into the mattress. You knew he didn’t need you to say anything.
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sapphic-scylla · 4 months
Why Dr. Takuto Maruki in P5R is Very Wrong and Why His So-Called “Perfect Reality” is Deeply Upsetting
(This is a hyperfixation rant that spoils a great deal of the ending of P5R and addresses mental trauma and therapy in great detail. So please, make sure you know what you’re getting into when reading this. Also, while I have played P5R many, many times and have experienced a pretty hefty amount of my own trauma and suffering in my own life, I’m not an expert on psychology and matters of the mind, so most of the thoughts on his mental state are purely perspective and opinion.)
Dr. Maruki in P5R infuriates me beyond any character in any game I’ve ever played for so many reasons and for the longest time, I couldn’t pinpoint why. Because a lot of people thought we were stopping a good thing at the end of P5R and I couldn’t explain why I didn’t agree until this week and I’m now going to go into detail on why this man is making a massive mistake.
Starting with the obvious red flags:
Totalitarian society is the idea that a person or very small group of people not only keeps an entire society in line, but controls how people think and bends their will in service to the state, which is what Maruki is doing. It may look like utopia, but when mind control/“actualization” is required, that already sends warning alarms.
A man who felt his only option was to bend the will of another Persona-user against her will and wield her own power against other people (while she is in deep trauma and mental struggle might I add) is a deeply upsetting move and does not uphold what he perceives his moral standards to be.
Reality-bending power is very dangerous and giving one imperfect man the ability to not only rewrite life and its progress is vastly unwise. Especially if that man could also just as easily erase people from the narrative and no one would ever know they were gone. Just the flick of a finger and whoever didn’t fit his plan just didn’t exist. Bad. Very, very bad.
A man using the persona named Azathoth is like a billboard for petty despot. Azathoth is a Lovecraftian deity of Change, Creation and Destruction and the most powerful entity in all of Cthulhu Mythos. Yikes.
People praise Maruki for the same reasons they hate Yaldabaoth. Both should be hated. What people don’t understand is that they are serving the same shit on different platters. Humanity isn’t strong enough or smart enough to handle their own free will, so I will do it for them. Maruki just gift wrapped his to look like paradise instead of servitude.
Maruki is a vessel of DISTORTION. This man thinks he’s capable of running all of reality while suffering under debilitating trauma. And instead of actively getting help, he sets a vendetta against reality itself. Smart? No!
What was it that Brennan said in Burrow’s End? “Power should make you tired.” Taking godlike power for yourself and using it to reshape society to your liking is ALWAYS a red flag.
Everything about him screams cult and brainwashing. Everything. The outfit at the end, the way he speaks, the verbal and physical manipulation he uses to make you think he wants what’s best for you. No one who says they want to “save” you in a very religious way has your best interests at heart.
Putting people in places like a puzzle is a very dystopian theme. That’s what Maruki’s entire plan revolves around: the idea that, if something has the potential to cause you pain, it is to be avoided. That includes family, that includes jobs, that includes desires. Complete avoidance is his plan and he executes it by bending the minds of the masses to believe that what he says your role in society is is gospel.
Utopias crash regularly. Especially ones based off of peaceful living. Every utopia is a lid covering a festering sickness that, no matter how well buried you think it is, will spill out onto the surface eventually. And it’s devastating when it does.
There were still homeless people and impoverished people in Maruki’s “paradise”. Explain that.
That’s all the physical red flags. From a therapeutic perspective…:
Swallowing, avoiding, bottling, neglecting, or walking on the scars you gain from trauma is always a recipe for disaster. Physical and mental scars are very similar. Treating them with the appropriate care, time, and patience for the specific trauma can help them heal over. It’s why therapists and psychologists exist at all. To help you treat those wounds and help them to heal. It’s never said to be easy, but it’s doable if you’re willing to put in the work. Maruki’s not only bottling all of society’s trauma, but this whole mess started because he was doing it to himself. Trauma festers if left unchecked. It can dig into your mind and heart and make you irrational, bitter, vengeful, lonely, and often angry, sad, and numb. However, being willing to reach out and stumble towards people who can help you work through it can ease the burden, so you won’t do anything you’ll regret.
You can’t make the whole world happy. Checks and balances. Someone’s joy is often someone else’s misery. It sucks, but that comes with the territory of being mortal.
Pain is intrinsic to the human condition. It sucks. It really does. No one likes to experience pain or misfortune and I really do understand the idea of wanting the world to be anesthetized to pain and suffering, but that’s the side effect of free will. You can’t expect a world to live free and with the capacity to make their own decisions without conflict.
Mistakes are meant to be made. We don’t learn anything otherwise. Mistakes bring pain, pain brings learning, learning brings growth, growth brings joy. Yes, sometimes pain is sourceless and you’re just in the wrong place at the wrong time and it sucks, but, again, as rough as it is, it’s part of the human condition and taking that away means taking away free will. The difference between the P.T.’s and Maruki is that the P.T.’s were changing the hearts of the people that were using their free will to silence other’s free will. The only exception is Futaba, and she specifically asked them so that she could start taking steps to working through her trauma, the opposite of what Maruki wants people to do.
Taking a W in life isn’t as rewarding if it is constantly happening. All of the rich people I’ve ever met are fucking miserable. When you have everything you’ve ever wanted, you forget what it’s like to feel actual joy because there is nothing to work towards anymore. If I had to choose between getting torn to shreds as I climb towards my goals and suffering defeat after failure to finally reach it and feel that pure happiness or have it given to me free of charge on the house perpetually, I hope my hands bleed as long as I finally get where I’m going and look back on how far I’d traveled to get there.
Scars, cuts, and bruises tell stories. I was always told as a kid that scars make you look tough, but I also learned that it was ok to cry and scream when I got hurt. Taking pride in the immense amount of emotional cuts and wounds and beatings I’ve taken was something that took forever to learn, but if I hadn’t taken any of those beatings, I’d still be the sheltered little Mormon boy that couldn’t speak up to save his life. All of those stabs and scars made me into the fluidflux, curious amalgamation of interests that knows how to stand up for herself and punch back if she has to. Not all scars are scars to be proud of and not all scars are glancing blows. Some hurt. Really bad. Bad enough to leave trauma and impressions. However, it’s telling you that, no matter how unlucky you are, you’re still alive. And that’s what matters. Because any scars you can walk away with, even if it’s not physically, are wounds that will heal given time and patience. And if it leaves such a scar that it will never truly heal, please reach out for support. Friends and confidants are there for a reason.
Maruki never reached out for help. And I know. That’s rich coming from me, who, to this day, claims that the most difficult thing in the world for me is to ask for any kind of help. But traversing the rough road that is trauma healing is easier traveled when you have people to help you.
At the end of the day when you strip Takuto Maruki down to his bare essentials, what you see is a man who is deeply traumatized, wallowing in his own regret and pain to the point where he is self-destructive. This same man is seeking to become a god of the world, pulling the strings to every single persons life and forcing people to live his ideal of what he thinks is the perfect reality and attempting to become untouchable while doing so.
The protagonist suffered so much injustice and unfairness in his life. Wrongfully accused of assaulting a deeply corrupt politician, he became the pawn in a deal between two gods as he struggled to stick his neck out for a society that deeply rejected him and still proceeded to change the hearts of 21 people without reality-bending capabilities just by talking with them and supporting them in their endeavors. It seems small, but in the end, 19 of those people come together and feed his support right back to him. The 20th person was his biggest rival, someone who betrayed, almost killed, and actively worked to destroy him. He ended up fighting by his side even if it meant in the end, he would die. And the last and 21st person was Maruki himself.
You don’t need godlike powers to change the world. You already can just by connecting with people on a personal level. Maruki sacrificed his own self-care, mental stability, and, honestly, the love of his life in a Faustian bargain with an entity that was trying to usurp the vacancy Yaldabaoth left in the universe’s power vacuum. It quite nearly cost him his life if the protagonist hadn’t been there to stop him, fight him, and show him that you don’t need to perform miracles. You just need to be there for people when they need you.
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knight-already · 1 year
“Did James isolate her by driving people away like we see him do with Snape  ?” 
From @avegollum97​ ′s post about Severus being a godfather to lily’s and james’ second kid.
You just gave me something to think about.
Because that’s what he did ultimately... and it wasn’t just him alone.
It was her Gryffindor friends too.
I headcanon that lily’s ‘Friends’ you know :  **Alice, Marlene, Mary and Dorcas **were like the mean girls of  Gryffindor the plastics of their year. The female marauders what have you.
"**Evil takes a human form in * Regina George ***. Don't be fooled because she may seem like your typical selfish, back-stabbing slut faced ho-bag, but in reality, she's so much more than that. She’s the queen bee. The star. Those other four are just her little workers. " -- Probably any person in their year
I actually don't know who in lily’s friends would be THE  Regina George, cause we don't know a lot about them, something tells me  Marlene but we don't know them all that well to make that call. Lily actually could be Regina but I feel like she was slowly manipulated so she would fit more of a Cady role.
I also wonder if they were in cahoots with each other, because they way I see it is that the school isnt huge and the Gryffindor's like to keep in their circles. So they must have friends of friends. what's more we dont know that James wasnt dating someone.
One of Lil’s friends who was like, “Girl if you don't want him... MOther may I?”
an Lily be like go for it idc. but gets jealous.
anyway with a group like them as Friends I imagine it is hard to make and keep new friends. especially if ya’ll know mean girls... They will destroy you mentally and emotionally just for funzies some may even get physically and whoop yer ass.
So eventually that would have put lily in a ‘all my friends are James friends
as we know the only friend that wasn't a Gryffindor was Severus
Here is an example of the fem Gryffindor's not being angles and possibly bullies, but bulling psychologically starting with Lily first 
to be fair they are fifteen so take that as you will:
For the sake of fairness, I like to imagine that time when Lily was telling Severus,
"Do you know what  Mulciber did to Mary the other day”
We know lily is a bias source we cant trust her to give a reliable story when a Slytherin is involved -- because she will underplay what the Gryffindor did -- she did this to a victim -- her best friend Severus.
anything James or Gryffindor does that isn't good or straight up bullying she 'ok defend. James abused Severus right in front of her he's, "an arrogant toe rag" but anything a slytherin does even for self defense is "evil and dark magic. "
Yo I’ll never forgive Lily for telling Severus after being beaten down physically and psychologically, cause he lashed out at her, “Your just as bad as them.”
Biitch get outta here.
anyway back to this: “Do you know what  Mulciber did to Mary the other day”
I like to imagine Mary picked on either his weaker friend, maybe embarrassed them and
Mulciber -- his hands are rated E for everyone.
so he taught that girl a lesson cause we done been known that the staff wont do anything.
I know Mulciber is a future death eater but right now he’s a kid. A slytherin. And I choose to look at it from this angle. 
I like to think being a death eater wasn't a choice for some kids. If they agreed or not, it wasnt up to them maybe some like bella were into it. but look at her sister, she married a muggle but at the cost of losing everythin. 
Look at Sirius and his brother. 
Sirius realized it was wrong at age 11 but lost his family and everything at 15 (thankfully the potters were there for him but some wont be so lucky) -- regulus at age 18/19
They had to overcome years of brainwashing and teachings.
I know some ppl in this fandom think it was a super easy choice for a kid fresh out of high school to abandon their family, and friends, their lives, their riches, their lifestyle and fight them to the death.. But its not. It wasn't. 
I like to Imagine that after lily spoke to him about  Mulciber Severus stopped hanging out with him. (Doing to Severus what those girls were doing to her)
only for SWM to happen and badabing badaboom Seveus gets over powered by James and Co.
THat attack happened after their defence against the arts exam for owls --
That class was most likely Slytherin and Gryffindor, so only those two houses were around. 
So after the row between Severus and mulciber, where number was like why can't we hang out anymore. And Severus doesn't give him straight answers maybe mulciber makes a guess at Lily being the reason. And says ssomething against her and Severus gets mad and says something like what would you know about Lily your just a death water spawn. and mulciber says find okay I won't help you again. And he doesn't he just stands there watching to see if the mighty Gryffindor take a stand since Severus seem so keen on them.
Keep in mind  though it ight seem like I'm ignoring the whole ass war going on outside. and Severus becoming a death eater and calling her a mudblood. I’m not.
Lily is not responsible for anyone's actions but her own. 
if she chose not to speak to severus again thats her call and she’s right to do so.
If she chose to forgive a guy who abused he bestie, that on her. (yes i blame her for that)
Severus wasn't innocent but he and the Slytherins in general have faults but not all of the even a few who did become deatheaters for whatever reason but regret it to this day. are evil. and I just wish ppl would see that. 
How dear JK cancel Slytherin, like it was the houses fault,
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neos-schlond-poofa · 5 months
Garrance: How to Save a Life
I live laugh love Garrance and I once edited the first part. And ever since like one day, I listened to How to Save a Life by The Fray and went "omg..." AND WAS LIKE THATS THEM!! It was actually in like 2021 and it was me imagining if I had artistic talent and making a general MCD edit of it but slowly its turned into a predominantly Garrance theme song for me and like. I NEED TO SPREAD THIS AGENDA!! Just a heads up, its 1am for me rn, I don't remember everything the clearest, and I'm literally just rambling so it wont be too organized or have consistent grammar or writing styles. ANYWHO cue the music
Step one, you say we need to talk He walks, you say, "Sit down, it's just a talk" He smiles politely back at you You stare politely right on through Some sort of window to your right As he goes left and you stay right Between the lines of fear and blame You begin to wonder why you came OKAY SO LIKE THIS WHOLE FIRST PART I always envision it as late season 1 Garrance. Specifically when Garroth had his depressive episode (WHICH BY THE WAY GUYS WAS NOT HIM BEING AN INCEL!! IT WAS HIM BEING DEPRESSED AND MANIPULATED AND MOST LIKELY BRAINWASHED STOP VILLAINIZING HIM). Laurance did try to talk to him in that one episode, and it obviously didn't work. Laurance CARES about Garroth, like thats obviously super clear, and to see someone close to him randomly go into hiding and act all depressed is scary to him. And then... THE WINDOW TO YOUR RIGHT IS QUITE LITERALLY THE PORTAL TO THE IRENE DIMENSION!! Garroth goes left (to Zane) and Laurance stays right (to Aphmau). THE LINES OF FEAR AND BLAME? Laurance finds out that Garroth was tricked. He's scared of Garroth rn because he's literally insane but he blames himself too, not just for being part of the illusion that made Garroth become like this, but also because he wasn't there to help him out more maybe. He could've saved him, but he couldn't, and it still plagues him especially after he escapes the Irene Dimension. Garroth is all alone there with his brother who wants to kill him.
Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend Somewhere along in the bitterness And I would have stayed up with you all night Had I known how to save a life Yes this continues with the last part. But Laurance lost a friend here. Like. Not just by Garroth betraying them, but by him getting stuck in a dimension thats practically torture. And the bitterness? ITS THE BITTERNESS GARROTH WAS LOST IN!!! Laurance would stay up with Garroth all night... but he didn't know how to save a life.
Let him know that you know best 'Cause after all, you do know best Try to slip past his defense Without granting innocence Lay down a list of what is wrong The things you've told him all along And pray to God He hears you And I pray to God He hears you, and Alright this is were a lot more interpretation comes in because once Garroth returns, they interact like... TWICE??? The scene were Laurance goes out of character and hates on Aaron (although he had a point) and when he finally saw Garroth again but Aph was dressed as Zane. I also don't remember the ending of Season 2 that much; most of my strongest memories of MCD is Season 1. So like. Bear with me here. But this is Garroth to Laurance now. Laurance is now going insane. The calling (whatever that is because it is so unclear) is well... calling to Laurance. To me, Laurance's mental health is literally just spiraling. And Garroth, someone who has had his fair share of mental health struggles, wants to help. He knows best; he knows to talk to people, he knows the dark paths it can bring people. He's trying to get through to Laurance and telling him whats wrong, how he can help. But of course, in this situation, Laurance can't listen. He can't hear Garroth, and Garroth's close connection with the religion in MCD is a bonus for the final lines too.
Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend Somewhere along in the bitterness And I would have stayed up with you all night Had I known how to save a life Of course the chorus is back because I have to explain this perspective too. By now, I imagine Laurance has left. Garroth feels guilty; someone who helped keep Aphmau together while he was gone and someone he loved. This is really simple but like, I can't skip over this.
As he begins to raise his voice You lower yours and grant him one last choice Drive until you lose the road Or break with the ones you've followed He will do one of two things He will admit to everything Or he'll say he's just not the same And you'll begin to wonder why you came AND NOW THIS IS BOTH PERSPECTIVES!! It shows the parallels between their own journeys. Let's start with Garroth, since we have more stuff on him. Garroth was very defensive during his depressive episode and during the final episode of season 1, he has one final choice. Go with Zane, or come to his senses. And he does admit to everything, but at first, he said he's just not the same. BECAUSE HE WASN'T!! HE WAS SAD AND MANIPULATED. But for Laurance, he would also be defensive about this. His own self will is being stripped from himself because of weird Nether laws and he's spiraling. Garroth tries to help... but he simply can't. There is nothing he can do. OR MAYBE THERE IS?? Idk this is kind of just in my mcd rewrite universe and i like to imagine theres some way Laurance does get better but at the same time realistically... would he?? The nether is like so strong. Like how would he do that. But he does have a choice: either go to the Nether, or stay with his group. He can either admit it's hard, or he's just changed and leave. And now the final chorus and everything plays and its kind of the same as before... ive gotten increasingly more eepy during this writing and I hope my rambling style got my ideas across because this song literally got in my top 5 spotify wrapped because i kept imagining garrance angst to it. its so them god one day i need to share stuff about my rewrite. theres so much random stuff i have in there and this song is really important to it. i just like. GARRANCE RAHHH. my former interpretations of this song also had an aphmau perspective, which does entirely work; like. imagine the final verses is mirroring her own experiences with garroth AND laurance. i love garrancemau (SHE HAS TWO HANDS!! ignore how i also ship her with two more people too she can just hug them all at once) but i cant put it into this song as much as i used to because its so garrance. theyre so ugh i love my sad little gay men!! anyways toodles my rant here is done
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riotbrrrd · 3 months
Probably could have answered your really interesting essay dissecting that completely point missing review of Uglies with another essay answearing all your points, but was tired this day... and what stuck the most with me was the part about Dr. Cable specifically choosing Shay and her cult because with their self harm they are so much more useful to her as super soldiers because they already proved that they are unstable enough and value their own physical and emotional well-being little enough to go die for her in wars or something on a whim. (And then Tally was pulled into it because of her eating disorder and also because of Shays creepy crush friendship revenge on her).
Because I totally interpreted it this way too, and it also was fairly obvious for me too, but also I was not sure how much of this is in the book and how much of it is just my interpretation. Glad to see it "confirmed".
Dr. Cable is a master manipulator and probably the best tactician in the books, of course she would notice how useful self-destructive tendencies and mentally ill people seeing working for her as a way out of their misery is useful for her. And of course Shay would, and Tally, who IMO is not that good with people even more, not really understand that and think she chose them for being so smart and special instead - and the book is from Tallys view, so of course on the surface it says this.
I mean yeah, there are flaws to the self-harm and eating disorder representation in it, actual people who had these problems and read it said so - but its not exactly promoted either. The books say so in the text.
No problem, we can continue to ramble under Another Uglies Post!
I haven't read these books again in some time, to my memory of it it's never said explicitely yeah, but it feels very obvious especially in the way she admits defeat towards the end, "special specials" and all that. I also think what really drives the point is the perspective shift when Tally gets arrested and discovers just how much she's been built to absorb impacts. And then she dislocates her shoulders on purpose??? like. I actually can't remember if it's fully on purpose, but I do remember that she does Not handle the pain of it normally.
But yeah, by that point, both of those girls are operating on a brainwash made to make them arrogant over another brainwash meant to make them compete for attention. So as we're experiencing the story through Tally's point of view, we are seeing her brain make the kind of logical jumps that make sense from someone who's been a little bit programmed to think she would be Chosen in a crowd!
And, you know, I want to be indulgent and say maybe it's just because we're obsessed with these books and have read them many times, maybe on one reading it's not that obvious, but. There's really A Lot of these books that is textually asking, which parts of a personality are genuine and which parts are the result of outside influence, and can you ever feel the difference? So idk, I think it's fairly obvious that you aren't supposed to take every word of it as authorial endorsement but understand that the characters adopt different, sometimes even contradictory points of view over the course of the series, not because those points of view are good but because they don't/can't know any better or because they have been made to. So I don't think it's that easy to miss.
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pengosolvent · 1 year
you comparing sean chiplock drama stuff to literally holocaust nazi propaganda is so insensitive holy shit do you never take a moment to think about what you say and if you should say it at all. i genuinly want to know the thought process behind you thinking twitter drama between some voice actor and the person you simp for is in any way comparable to brainwashing used by mass murderers
that is not what happened i feel you should stop hate reading things for your own health, and also take a moment for yourself to think and ask questions in ways that don't strip context i request that you try to follow what i've written, to think before replying again if you reply again, but i admit that i do not feel like that is likely, and it makes me feel sad
if you genuinely want to know:
i was specifically replying to glip saying how they had felt back in 2013, based on how sean spoke to them back then. glip said that they had felt "every single person could not only lie, but could not care that it's a lie" i was replying to glip's feeling they had shared that landed in me as similar to "i felt like the whole world could be hostile, from lies, and no one would care it was lies" which seemed hugely isolating and painful
like… the feeling of "what matters is what people believe, even if it's lies" is… aligned to propaganda and the effects it has, even if its on a small scale especially if its possible to manipulate what people believe…
you… know there was a ton of propaganda leading up to the holocaust right? that it wasnt just out of nowhere? that eventually that countries (not just germany) actually ran fake stories specifically to rile up their own citizens in the years leading up to that?
i had been watching videos/docs/reading up on propaganda tactics from the alt right, and how things align to world war propaganda as well videos on how history ISN'T just an untouchable idea and we should learn to think about and examine mentalities that are vulnerable to these sort of ideas, purposefully or not things dont exist in a vacuum, there are core feelings and similarities to things
i understand that large tragedies in history being compared carelessly can be painful, but that wasnt what i was … even trying to do
i am not comparing this "drama" of sean saying something about some character or whatever to the scale of the holocaust as you seem to be implying i was thinking specifically of how horrible "what matters is what people believe even if it's lies" is as a concept, how that belief can really disconnect from even wanting to understand truth, how it connected me to media i had been intaking lately and how its a belief that feels dangerous to go unchallenged
do you agree with "what matters is what people believe even if its lies"…? do you feel that belief is totally unrelated to what can cause propaganda to flourish…? do you feel that that belief isnt a big deal?
i don't feel it's wrong to see something and feel "this feels like if this idea was widespread, it could be dangerous and cause issues" and make that connection
if my wording was unclear, well.. i had talked to glip about the videos i was watching and even sent some of them earlier that day my reply was to them, so they knew what i meant when i mentioned it because we had already discussed a lot on those videos i did not expect a random anon to come into my inbox from peeping so i didnt formulate my thought as an entire thesis as i appear to be doing now it was not that i "never think", but my thoughts were not expanded upon deeply there because i had already talked about those thoughts elsewhere
" holy shit do you never take a moment to think about what you say and if you should say it at all" is honestly a really painful thing to say i do feel you won't really care (this is my impression), but it is cutting in a way i wish you could have found other words for why was "do you never think" your go to? it implies so much and dismisses so much i hope you haven't been hurt in that way, that what you have thought and said was responded to like this it makes me feel sadness to imagine i hope that if you have felt pain in this way, that you can heal from it
if you havent felt pain that way, i hope you never do
back on topic, i suppose… i just don't feel it's wrong to see the effect of an idea on someone and feel "this feels like a very dark feeling to have and reminds me of concepts i had been watching"
i feel like… ideas that allow one to ignore personhood… it does slip into fascism and dangerous territory genuinely, i do feel that way
"i dont think you're nice so i think its okay to hurt you" "what matters is what people believe even if its lies"… these ideas need to be challenged, imo
i feel that it SHOULD matter if people believe lies, and that i rather they want to understand and not just accept that i feel people in general should try to grow away from feeling its acceptable to hurt those they do not like (or at the very least question it!), because it's… its energy thats wasted and can be rerouted it does not cause lasting change to bully others a society where the biggest bully is right doesnt… help anyone
this isnt to say that struggle and defense isnt something others sometimes need to partake in, but this being the first resort? this sort of impulsive aggressive jump to me, where you're invulnerable and anon and i just have to tank your hit? its hurting me because you feel its acceptable to hurt me, and i don't really like that it feels like you have intent to hurt me, over not understanding something i said and because you feel its okay, anything i say is just… noise for that fuel i suppose
but i could be wrong i'm just stating how i feel about it based on the impression youve given me in this ask
if you want to explain how i am being insensitive, i would try to listen, but given the way you have worded this ask and appear to be hatereading, i don't really feel confidence that you will actually care about if i understand, nor will you care about explaining
it does hurt to be talked to like this, though again i do not feel you will care about that aspect
if you are hurt from me having said that, i am sorry and would try to listen and discuss to understand that too, but again, given that it seems you are hate reading things, i don't expect a lot from this interaction
i also dont expect you to actually talk about your pain (if you have pain) because you decided to message me on anon so it feels like not feeling able to stand by your opinions or feelings, or maybe even expecting attacks on yourself if you reveal yourself, similar to how you are attacking me now or i could be wrong and you dont have a tumblr but either way it feels impersonal, which feels like treating me like im not a person i try not to treat others the way you have sent this ask if i'm talking to them if i'm upset, i try to be upfront about why and how it made me feel, not insulting
so i guess since this ask doesnt feel that way, thats why i'm interpreting it the way i wrote above
i hope my explanation can help clarify if you genuinely wanted to know as you claimed if not, then i cannot really help further than that
i just do not want to close connections
large things start small large painful moments in history can start from a build up of small pains, and feeling specific ideas as related in small ways is not… inherently wrong part of what i was drawing upon was my own memories of people i knew giving this sort of feeling, of manipulative narrative, and becoming alt-right and into neonazi ideas i don't know if it will mean anything to you, but i am not white, so i take these sort of feelings (of removing personhood) seriously i dont mean to say that to try to use my identity as a shield, but to try to explain where i was coming from and my interest in understanding alt-right and holocaust things, racist indoctrination, and even stuff like the mentalities behind colonialism
i am also speaking from my experience of having written a callout and seen how that contributed to large harassment (in relation to "large things start small")
i do feel like its important to try to understand things and connect things here and there if a connection ends up being incorrect, thats still information that was learned
trying to shame me into not making these connections just… feels like you have no interest in understanding me so it confuses me why you said you genuinely want to know i have tried to take that sincerely, and worded myself here, but it does not feel sincere from you it feels like you are saying "i genuinely want to know" in a way that is more like "i dont believe anything you can say right now, so prove yourself to me"
i hope thats not the case i would request that you not reply so aggressively if you choose to reply, but i do not have hope for that
if you do not want to try to understand me, if "i genuinely want to know" was not genuine, then i think i will just block you
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