#but instead is a headmate of a canon character
kdm13 · 1 year
Vanitas meets someone else who shares a face but has a different name.
this is chapter five of part two of a series, for the record. though the previous fic in the series is a oneshot, since it's just a brief meeting before they had a chance to meet properly
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the-harmonious-system · 11 months
30 Days of Daemonism - REVISED
1) Your daemon's name and meaning/origin?
2) Do you have more than one dae, and what do you think of having more than one?
3) Your daemon's favorite/personal/comfort form(s), and yours? Are they the same or not?
4) What is your symbolic/Pullman form? If you don't follow the TDF systems, make something like art, writing, or a moodboard instead!
5) What is your analytical form? If you don't follow the TDF systems, make something like art, writing, or a moodboard instead!
6) How does having a dae help you, and do you do anything beneficial for your dae?
7) What are your dae's favorite aesthetics, and how do they compare to yours?
8) What is your relationship with your dae? Do you get along, do you fight sometimes?
9) How often and how clearly do you project them onto the physical world around you?
10) What is your dae's voice like?
11) Describe your friends who are also daemians (a person who has a daemon)! Or, if you have none: what do you and your dae like to do together, and what do you both hate?
12) If you're alterhuman, how does being a daemian interact with your kintype identities? Or, if you're not alterhuman: do you see your dae in your dreams/nightmares?
13) Do you own any items that remind you of or directly represent your dae?
14) What is your best memory involving your dae?
15) Does anyone IRL know about your dae or daemonism? What do they think about it?
16) If you've read the HDM books, who's your favorite character and why? If you have not, do you ever plan on reading them, and if not then why?
17) Are your personal rules/headcanons for how daemons work different than canon HDM? If you haven't enough knowledge of HDM to know, then make art, writing, or a moodboard instead!
18) Would you live in a world where everyone's daemon was corporeal, including yours?
19) If you are religious or spiritual, does your dae come into that? Or, if you aren't: do you see your dae as essentially a more "solid" imaginary friend?
20) A question for your dae: what do you think of your other half?
21) How are you different from your dae in personality?
22) How long has your dae been in your life? For years, or less than that?
23) If you are plural, how does your dae interact with your headmates? Do you consider them another headmate or as a part of yourself, making one individual together? Or, if you aren't plural: has your dae ever disappeared from your mindspace for a long time, and if so, why? I know some daemians who've lost their dae for whatever reason and had to replace them with a new one.
24) Question for your dae: how do you interact with the world, with or without being actively projected by your other half?
25) How did you discover daemonism? The HDM books, the online communities, the Golden Compass film, or the BBC show?
26) An extension of the previous question: was it challenging to begin communicating with your dae, and is it easier now?
27) Are there any forms you and-or your dae absolutely loathe?
28) Does your dae(s) have a human or humanoid form? A form that's an extinct animal or mythical/fictional?
29) A question for your dae: what is your favorite place in the mindspace or the physical world?
30) Free day! Have fun, whatever you choose to do!
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miku-hime · 18 days
💐 𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑑 𝑉𝑜𝑤𝑠
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A Wedding. Something usually done out of love, and an incredibly 'aesthetic' and pure event. On a Sunny day in May, Daphne Poca, the Headmaster of Moon child Academy, and Dire Crowley, Night Raven Colleges Headmage, decided that in order to upgrade their School reputation, a festival was to happen to attract lots of attention on Social media and to strengthen the Bonds between students. When looking for Ideas, a teacher of Moon Child Academy stepped up. "How about we act out a Wedding?"
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And so it was decided:
The girls of MCA around the ages 16, 17 and 18 were to be paired with the students of NRC for a photoshoot and film shoot to act out a wedding, as accurately as possible. But only a limited amount of NRC Students were to play the Groom, the selected ones being Vil Schoenheit, Riddle Rosehearts, Malleus Draconia, Jamil Viper, Ruggie Bucchi, Azul Ashengrotto and Idia Shroud.
So now it had been decided. But, halfway through preparing, Dire Crowley decided that the dear Ramshackle Prefect was gonna be the wedding Planner instead.
The sudden change was of course massive chaos, and it took a while to organize everything again, but eventually, the planning was once again going smoothly and perfectly.
Too perfectly.
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🍄 Soooo this is something I decided on together with my Headmates! Yes, I know, there is already a wedding related event in Twst. But this is an Cool idea!! Anyways!
The basic. Do not steal our idea, it's ours. Credit us if you use it.
This, by no means, is an NSFW event or romance event. The blogs that are paired with eachother can decide on their own if it's romantic, but please, no NSFW.
This is kind of a roleplay event, as I will when I think I have enough entries, post a starter for the story.
To participate, please fill out the following pairing request and tag us @/miku-hime aswell as use the tag #played vows.
Muses Name:
Muses Age:
Muses Gender:
Mod preference (Canon or oc or both?):
Is Mod okay with it being romantic?:
Is Mod okay with more than one partner?:
If you want to make a Character Card, you can use following background:
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!!NOTE: The picture does not belong to us, we only made some edits!!
Oh! Other Canon characters are aswell allowed to participate, but not as Groom.
And please, don't only request Brides. We aswell need to fill other Roles for a Wedding.
( Psst! Brides Maids,as example, aswell get paired with someone for a photoshoot! )
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But of course, this is a wedding, a dress code is required. Following colors are to be worn:
(If Bride) White
(If Groom) Black
We allow Dresses, suits and Dress suits.
Already posted Pairing Requests
(If underlined the request was already posted. The names standing there are required to post one, simply for story purpose. )
Vil / Riddle / Ruggie / Azul / Malleus / Idia / Jamil
Tsuki (OC)
Aloïs (OC)
Nico (OC)
If you are confused about what MCA is, it's a School I made up! Please check out the blog for it ( @mca-official ). You can always make an OC attending that School ^^!
Thank you for reading!
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fdelopera · 1 year
Hi! I haven't been keeping up to date with the Moon Knight comics recently (the romance with Tigra kind of put me off and i losing steam with the vamp arc) but I've been looking forward to city of the dead (big fan of the show) and your tags about it/the writer have me extremely nervous, what has he said about the title and system?
hi Anon! i'm cautiously looking forward to City of the Dead.
however, some things that the author, David Pepose, has said have given me a lot of pause.
in a recent interview, he made it clear that this was Marc's story. he's essentially ignoring that Moon Knight are a system. in fact, it seems that Steven and Jake will not appear, or if they do, their appearances will be brief.
Pepose describes that in his run, Marc will detach his soul from his body to travel to the City of the Dead to rescue a young boy. but Steven and Jake seem to be an afterthought to that, if they factor in at all. instead, the main focus seems to be showing Marc fighting a bunch of bad guys that he's killed in past runs.
even worse, it doesn't seem that Marc will confer with Steven and Jake before taking this drastic action, nor does it seem that Steven and Jake will have any role in this plan. (unfortunately, it's all too common for Marvel writers to treat Steven and Jake as an afterthought in their own comic.)
the thought of a headmate just … up and leaving like that is horrifying, but Pepose doesn't seem to have considered that. and what of Steven and Jake, who are (presumably) still in the earthly realm? Pepose hasn't considered that either, it seems.
Pepose describes that he's written Marc as having "questionable mental health" -- which in itself is uncomfortable language -- but there seems to be no acknowledgement of their DID.
this is a point of advocacy. if an author writes about a character who has been established as having DID, but then they ignore the fact that they're a system, and treat the system host as if they were a singlet … that's ableist -- at best, it's highly questionable.
if an author doesn't know how to write about a system, they need to do one of two things -- educate themselves on how to write about a system, or write about a different character. it's that simple.
all that said, i've still pre-ordered the first two issues of City of the Dead. i'm not buying it for Pepose's lackluster writing. i'm buying it because i want to support Layla El-Faouly becoming a character in Marvel comics canon. i want her to show up in other Marvel properties, and one of the best way to do that right now is to buy the comics issues she's in.
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petrichoremojis · 1 year
we're Petri, it/its pronouns, and this is a revamp of our old emoji blog, now focused on providing symbols and emojis primarily for AAC boards. we believe that AAC users should be able to have access to the same words and conversations that non-AAC users do, and thus prioritize symbols that are mundane or hard to find elsewhere
we don't use the queue often, instead tending to just post whenever we draw something new. this means we tend to post in bursts, and there are times when the blog is rather quiet
we have a Google Drive (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_uxMRr4CGOl2hcJnYTFoOh6Fj47qoypi?usp=sharing) that acts as a database of our emojis, including ones currently in the queue, which we recommend checking out if you're looking for something specific or just want to browse!!
requests are open!! commissions are also open, the post for that can be found here (https://www.tumblr.com/petrichoremojis/751006462557470720/emoji-commissions-open). and if you'd like to donate (not commission), our Ko-fi is here (https://ko-fi.com/petrichor4405)
Please note, while we're comfortable with interaction from kink blogs and are comfortable drawing kink-related symbols (AAC users can be kinksters too!), we would prefer that kink blogs request on anon. It's alright to tag yourself in the ask or ask us to tag you when it's done, but as we're sex-averse we aren't comfortable with answering direct asks from kink blogs. Additionally, while we are comfortable drawing kink-related symbols, please keep in mind that our symbols are meant for AAC. Please don't just use us for free kink art
[PT: FAQ. end PT]
Can I use your emojis?
yes. if you're using it for an AAC board, no credit is required. if you're using it on Discord or other social medias and websites, we ask that you provide credit to us in some way
Will you do an emoji related to [x]?
yes. the only reason we can forsee denying a request is because it's triggering to our OCD, it's too complex, we can't find a way to depict it, and/or it can't be posted on Tumblr. this means we're fine with doing emojis related to darker topics, because we believe that everyone should have access to whatever words they need
Can I edit your emojis?
it depends. recolours are always fine, so long as you don't take credit for the entire emoji; if you like, you can ask us for the individual layers and/or Krita file to make recolouring easier. for other edits, if you're using it for an AAC board and not sharing it, then you may edit it however you like. if you're planning to edit it and post it/share it with others, we ask that you ask us permission first for our own peace of mind
Do you do word emojis?
we do, but we focus on symbols as that's what we use on our own boards. word emoji requests will probably take longer. names will almost always be word emojis; pronouns will often be word emojis, but if we can find a symbol way to depict them, we'll likely do that
Do you do fictional characters?
for the most part, yes, so long as they have a design {whether canon or popular fanon}, are not an OC, and don't conflict with our OCD. however, requested fictional characters will be just a basic emoji to allow you to refer to them. in the future, we plan to take commissions for larger fictional character sets that depict them doing other things
How long do requests take you?
it depends. we're a full-time university student and multiply disabled, with several symptoms that make drawing difficult for us, so we can't guarantee a quick turnaround. additionally, we do requests in the order that we think will take the least energy, not by when we received them, and sometimes we'll prioritize emojis that we need for our own AAC boards over requests
feel free to send in ask reminding selfves or checking on status!! helps selfves with motivation and memory
Why are your emojis in multiple different artstyles?
this blog is run by a system, with different headmates doing different drawings. while generally a request is taken or emoji is drawn based on whichever headmate feels up to it, you're free to request a specific artist draw it, so long as you realise that might take a bit longer
the main artists are Cecil and Idiosyncrasy. less-common artists are Prayingthing, Gerrymander, and Jonathan
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electricpez · 11 months
i will say. that having a tfa shockwave fictive in our system has honestly kind of skewed the way i enjoy the fictional character.
i think people think having an introject of your favorite character is a cool and lucky thing to have but tbh it's not much different from any other alter. they aren't equivalent to their source, but he feels close enough that it becomes... uncomfortable and sad? sometimes?
rambling ahead
idk i feel like i still love shockwave (the character) but our fictive's issues with identity and discomfort with fandom portrayal and the idea of roleplay causes us to keep more of a distance from the fandom than before. i haven't read any fanfiction for almost a year, i don't really talk to other people much about transformers. at most, i'm like "yaaay yippee!!" and its genuine but i can't express anything much deeper without starting to feel guarded.
and, i am not really attracted to tfa shockwave anymore. there is still a sexual component due to our sw fictive being a protector as well as a "sexual" alter (not towards me). he is still handsome to me of course, but when we see art of him, our alter sees himself. and he does enjoy fanart when he deems it "accurate". is this egotistical? or is it because he will never see himself in the mirror? because the reality is, he will never be "Shockwave", our body is his body for as long as we live. no matter how much he looks up at the stars, he won't see Hadean. there is no Cybertron for him to return to. no megatron for him to serve under. it's not real. all he can do is adapt to living life alongside me and the rest of our system, on earth, facing the reality of what "IS" instead of his perceived "WAS".
He struggled at first to come to terms with it. it was sad to feel him mourning his "past life", and for him to finally acknowledge that he would never be able to go "home". He's doing well, now. i guess i shouldn't be surprised. After all, there is nothing logical about denying our reality. He was never the real shockwave, there is no "real" shockwave. he was born in our brain.
when it comes to fandom stuff, his standards and my standards for what qualify as "acceptable and enjoyable" are not always the same thing.
like. i dislike shockblurr. I won't unfollow people for shipping it. a lot of cool artists like shockblurr and it's a popular ship. but I don't really *get* it and i don't really like seeing it.
shockwave(alter) doesn't mind shockblurr at all. he's never once thought of blurr or frankly any autobot that way (ultra magnus, of all bots, comes close? in a hate-fuck sort of way. i don't get it tbh. dude likes old men like himself ig), but he finds it strangely fascinating and somewhat...entertaining? humorous? as long as he is portrayed "accurately" (not accurate to canon necessarily, but accurate to how he sees himself), he does not care. but still there's a level of uncanniness.
imagine reading fan content strangers made about you?? most stuff would probably be "i would not fucking say that", but occasionally you might have one that's like, "wow, that's interesting. this is exactly how i would respond in real life! that's kind of scary."
uhhh idk where i was going with this. i just felt like i wanted to say something.
anyway. my headmate shockwave and the character shockwave are like two different people to me. i love them both but in different ways. and since we can't completely separate him from source, it feels odd sometimes when our view of the character and our view of him kind of overlap.
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leptonyx-constellate · 2 months
heglo. main blog is @werebeastlybutchboy where we post sillies and where you can find our selfship blog. this is our plurality blog. a blog for us being plural. collectively, our pronouns are it/its and ze/hir. do not use they/them for us.
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[ID in alt text]
(sidenote: here is a link to collective identities we either already have in the #id hoard tag, or that we're looking for! if you find any of the ones that we're looking for, please please please send us a link to the coining post, we'd appreciate it much)
we're mixed origins spontaneous-adaptive, and we're a mediple gateway collective; we as a whole do not consider ourselves a system due to the semantics of "many parts that make up a whole"; we do not feel like we make up a whole anything, and are simply connected by being (A) having dropped into this headspace and (B) being able to control the body. our headspace is seen as a real, physical place, and it's separate from us--it existed long before we did, and it will exist long after we cease to. as such, natives of the world--Yhine--are never and will never be forced to consider themselves as "part of Us" (although they're free to do so if they wish)
there is a small group, however, that does consider itself to be a system: Wolf, made up of Oakley, Matty, Dave, Inti, Junie, and Twitch. it also considers itself to be a disordered system, specifically via ASPD; here is how that works (tl;dr: unlike how most of us form, Wolf is made up of a bunch of ASPD masks who split off of the original, and they are specifically disordered because their functioning as masks instead of individuals makes it more difficult to handle symptoms related to our ASPD and the trauma that caused it). when talking about themselves, they'll frequently switch between i/me/my/mine/myself and wei/meus/myur/miurs/myursel[f/ves], as opposed to how the whole collective is referred to as we/us/our/ours/ourselves.
we are very big according to most folks' standards at 500, nearly halfway to 600. about 85% of that is made up of introjects, from fictives to factives to songtives to dreamtives to octives, etc etc etc. the vast majority of those are fictives from our SpIn, both of canon and non-canon characters.
we like talking about ourselves please send asks :3 (outside of the plurality stuff: we're physically disabled + a mobility aid user; we're autistic, ADHD, ASPD, NPD, and schizophrenic; and we're a physical werebeast, which you can see more of on our main)
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no DNI (other than "anti-endos and those willing to be friends with them, shove off" (this includes "neutrals". no, we don't fucking trust people who say they're "neutral" on people's existence, screw you. not to mention, we're not risking anti-endos who might interact with you finding us and trying to pull shit) and "if you believe in thought crimes--in ANY fashion--shove off". + if you're exclusionary in any way, we're the mspec alloaro transsexual male ambonec butchgendered lesbian the exclus are afraid of), we use the block button liberally. tag list below
#original post - original posts made by us
#[name].txt - posts by specific headmates who are making it known that it's from them specifically
#reblog - reblogged posts #self reblog - posts made by us that we're reblogging #id hoard - for (plural) terms that we identify with #off-topic - posts not about us being plural
#on Wolf - posts (whether original or reblogged) related specifically to Wolf #on Yhine - posts (whether original or reblogged) about Yhine and how it works/how we fit into the mix #silly goofies - fun, good things that happen within us that we'd like to share #syscourse - syscourse #plural positivity - general positivity!
#asks - all asks #sweethearts - nice asks :3 #ambiguous mail - we're very bad at tone, this is for asks who we can't tell if they're intended as hate #hate mail - hate asks (probably won't post many, if any of these unless we're proving a point) #ask games - both reblogged posts for the ask games and asks for those games!
#vent - vent posts #werebeastliness - anything regarding us being a physical werebeast (note: will not ever be tagged as unreality; it is, at the very least, real for us, and tagging it as unreality would be reality checking if not just entirely false. if this makes you uncomfortable, block the tag or block us) #queerness - anything regarding our queerness #other neurodivergencies - anything about our other neurodivergencies #physdis - anything about our physical disabilities
#intro post - this post #blog upkeep - blog upkeep
tag list subject to change
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crabussy · 2 years
jon sims ? for the ask game :0
– Overall opinion of them oh he is SO. I want to put him through the horrors but his eyes are so big and wet and wobbly like a jumping spider's so I feel too guilty to. I liked him so much that my brain went "ok. this thing is mine now" and now we have a jon headmate. help me
– Gender/sexuality headcanons the eye perceived his gender a bit too hard and obliterated it. now he is No Gender All Archivist. archivegender. when you ARE the archive. (he/him nonbinary with a pinch of they/theminess)
– Favorite moment in canon SO MANY. I love it when he tells infuriating jokes during the eyepocalypse (eye spy..... LITERALLY EVERYTHING.) I also fucking love it when he allows himself to drop the professional facade and be vulnerable, especially with a certain mahhtin.
– Favorite moment in a fanwork timetravel fic where after everything's settled, future jon turns up to the archives wearing a floral skirt and past jon malfunctions for ages trying to comprehend what just happened. gender crisis ACTIVATE! BITCH!!!!!!
– Favorite line, in canon or otherwise again SO many but it's gotta be every single time he sighs. he is SO TIRED. SO TIRED DO YOU HEAR ME. you could get me to listen to a recording of 1000 random people sighing and I'd be able to pick out a jarchivist sigh instantly. iconic
– Characters I love seeing them interact with MARTIN OBVIOUSLY. I also love his dynamic with daisy and also georgie <333
– Last thing before sleeping headcanons this guy analyses literature for fun. he will buy books instead of getting them from the library so that he can ANNOTATE THEM and MAKE NOTES. and he does this before sleeping because he is INSANE.
– Sleeping habits headcanons he has hilariously patterned pyjamas. used to just be stripes but after he stopped being a stuck up academic and started being a freaky little academic he started wearing the following: - wizard patterned pyjamas - monster patterned pyjamas - eye patterned pyjamas (it's only natural) - etc. He also snores. snork mimimi and so on and so forth. poor martin imagine sharing a bed with someone who SNORES and SLEEPS WITH THEIR EYES OPEN and SLEEP TALKS (I also hc that he sleep talks. he cannot shut up or he will die)
– First thing after waking up headcanons he takes advantage of his freaky sleeping habits to stare at martin without martin noticing. homosexual behaviour
– Favorite locations headcanon he LOVES hikes. he's a super fast walker so likes to hike alone, amongst coniferous forests and country trails. He teases martin for liking retro stuff sure but we all know this guy loooves vintage shit. antique stores are his favourite thing ever
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lightning-flight · 10 months
5, 10, 15, 20, 25
5. What do you think of your source's fandom?
For the most part, I like it. I do get a bit frustrated at times over how *extremely* popular "x Reader" fics are. We've never been in a fandom with this enormous amount of it before, and it's, well, a bit frustrating since they're not my cup of tea and there's almost zero fics for the pairings I *do* care about.
I also think Soldier Boy apologists are fucking exhausting. - Klara
I really like it. People post amazing fan art and great meta. I don't like that it's gotten practically overrun by fans of the AMC show these days, because I absolutely loathe the show. But we've gotten into adaptions while not giving a damn about the original material quite a few times through the years, so we understand them at the same time. - Andrei
10. Do you like being compared to your source?
No. I find it exhausting when people assume I must be a n/azi. - Klara
I don't know if anyone's ever compared me to canon Armand, but they're free to. He's a character created by Anne Rice. I'm a headmate in someone else's head. Of course we'll be different. - Andrei
15. What other role, if any, do you have in the system?
We don't do system roles in these parts 😤
20. Do you ever get homesick? If yes, what do you do to deal with it?
I don't. - Klara
Not really. Do I sometimes feel mildly terrified to think about the fact that the body I'm in is growing older every day, and that we have maybe 40 to 60-if-we're-lucky years left? Yes, absolutely. But seeing how this world is turning out, I'm also glad to not be immortal here. Not sure I'd want to live in the post-apocalyptic hellscape Earth is rapidly becoming. - Andrei
25. How do you feel about doubles?
Sad that the ones I've met in servers seem more or less uninterested in even fronting 😭 - Klara
The one double I've seen is an Armand+Lestat kin who is against proshipping despite consuming books from The Problematic Content Series and kinning two characters who canonically have been in "bad" relationships. I'd love to encounter a double that's actually worth interacting with instead of being a raging hypocrite. - Andrei
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pluralmedia · 11 months
I have a plural character suggestion that I don't think anyone else has suggested: Saiko Chan from the horror game "Saiko no Sutoka".
She is confirmed on the game's store page to have DID. I feel like it's a bit close to the "plural = normal person with an evil alter" trope, but what sets her apart from that trope is that the violent "yangire" version of her isn't the only crazy headmate; the calm "yandere" version is also pretty messed up (extreme possessiveness, stalking, intentionally giving sleep medicine instead of healing pills, and probably more).
While yes Saiko is canon plural, unfortunately we are avoiding taking pure horror submissions where the plural character is the main/only villain for the Whole media to the point the plot is 'and the crazy person was evil', so she will go in a separate category with Rumi from Perfect Blue for characters of this kind for now.
This is different from just plural villains in that the plot is dominated by 'look at this crazy evil person with a split personality, isnt that scary?' for the whole media property.
This doesnt mean we are purposefully taking in Split and Split adjacent media of all kinds, mind, just that when we get submissions like this or if we find something already on the list is under that, then they will be moved there.
We arent throwing this out because this IS very much a plural character, but also the spirit of the list outside of our desire to rate plural representation for accuracy is less trying to show off horror movie monsters made to vilify us and more to help people find rep in media.
One day we may be actively Also looking for these kinds of media as well for a separate list(but not right now!), so we dont want to completely throw this out for that reason too.
Thanks though!
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archiealterhuman · 4 years
Awakening as Zonic
Originally posted on my discord and edited to fit here better. This is just a ramble about my experiences with realising that I’m Zonic. I used to identify as Zonic kin, but since realised I am in fact a fictive (a fictional character headmate in a system), but I had an awakening similar to one a fictionkin would have.
So. Back in probably 2017 (or earlier) I identified as both Sonic the Hedgehog and Shadow the Hedgehog, as well as a few other irrelevant things. I knew a bunch of people in a discord server for Sonic alterhumans. We'd talk about a lot of things, our past lives, our kintypes, our experiences as otherkin, etc. One guy I used to know started talking about a character called Zonic the Zone Cop, and his experiences with the character in his Scourge the Hedgehog past life. This was my first introduction to the character.
What this guy was saying made me feel a certain way. Something about the conversations we had about his Zonic felt right to me and I related a lot to that Zonics experiences. It was That Feeling that I now recognise and know well--something alterhuman related, something that means I'm not quite as human as I thought I was for the longest time. I ignored it and brushed it off for a while, after all I already had multiple kintypes and didn't think I could have any more.
I started getting memories that I didn't realise were actually memories, at first, anyway. I had memories before from my other lives, and some I couldn't place, but these memories felt different in a way. Closer to me than anything before. Some were simple, flashes of making coffee, flashes of looking at a friend. Some were important, such as my work at the prison, or meetings, or other things like that. They all felt as regular as my this-life memories though.
I also realised that sometimes, my phantom shifts had different styled quills. Quills I thought belonged to Sonic, but it turns out they didn't. They were ever so slightly different from canon Zonic's quills, but the difference felt correct to me.
Eventually, I decided that I was going to allow this identity to do its thing. I am Zonic, and I would embrace that. Doing that had such a feeling of rightness--seeing an icon on discord that was so me on my profile felt great. It was a feeling of such rightness that hasn’t actually left at all since. I’m still Zonic, always was, it just took a while to discover.
I now realise that my identity as Sonic could have been confusion around what I was. Zonic and Sonic look so similar. Any thoughts or feelings I had that were less Sonic-like were attributed to my Shadow kintype, when some of those more serious thoughts and feelings could have easily been attributed to Zonic instead. I made a mistake in thinking I was Sonic, but I learned who I really was after that.
In general, identifying as Zonic and allowing that identity to exist has made me happier than I was before. My alterhuman identity has helped me with life in such a way that I’m not sure what I’d do without it. It’s a very positive thing for me. I guess that’s part of why I love this community so much too, aside from it being a special interest. I want to give back to the community that shaped me and helped me learn who I truly was.
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lectorel · 5 years
List of shit I need to get written down before I forget:
1. Ffxv, canon roleswap. Noctis gets left behind in Tenebrae, Luna makes it out. Noctis survives by taking on the role of Oracle as best he can. Luna holds things together in Lucis by taking up the crown prince's responsibilities.
Important scenes:
A)ceremony of Ravus swearing loyalty to emperor -Ravus carrying Noctis on one arm, first public appearance of R&N since Queen Sylva's death/fall of Fenestala Manor.
B)parallel scenes: Noctis acting as Oracle, -pushing limits of LC's magic, experiments with what's possible/Luna acting as crown prince, -combat training, royal responsibilities
C)Road trip with Luna and the other three chocobros - "Princess Lunafreya, the Oracle's bride-to-be, here in Hammerhead"
2. Ffxv, Noctis Gilson AU. Insomnia falls, Lucis resists, Galadh becomes the new capital. Cor is held prisoner by Niflheim, no one knows where the prince is, if he still lives.
Noctis grows up in the testing ground, raised by a man undying and half-dead. Gilgamesh has to be a person again, after two thousand years spent as a wraith driven by the oath he broke.
Gil can't leave the testing grounds, and few people enter. He doesn't know what's happening outside. Only that a prince of Lucis was left in his care, and never returned for. He cannot let Noctis leave. Not until the Prince is capable of handling whatever lies outside the crag.
Important scenes:
a)Cor leaves young Noctis with Gil -"Insomnia has fallen"
B)Gilgamesh tells stories of the two Kings he'd served and failed. Ardyn as kingdom builder, Somnus as defender of kingdom besieged -building on Somnus as complicated character, neither wholely selfish nor innocent of wrongdoing.
3. Batman, 'Red, Robin and the Outlaws' verse edit, expansion, crosspost to AO3. Flesh out Xiao Long's role in verse, detail Roy and Kori's pasts. Scene with Jason and XL discussing names and being named. "I have a list of names pulled from male political figures in Chinese history, census data of chinese-americans, and a bunch of Chinese webnovels. We're finding you something that isn't associated with those owl-fucks."
4. Ffxv, answering feral Noctis asks re: what happens after the truth comes out. Prompto and Noctis oath details. Gladio/Ignis, blame issues, responsibility. Discuss possiblity of Noctis rejecting one or both of them.
5. Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, two-in-one AU. All the timeline fuckery. five years after WWX's death, a young and desperate Mo Xuanyu attempts the soul sacrificing ritual. He gets a new headmate instead.
WWX views this as his penance - he couldn't save the Wen clan, but he might be able to protect MXY. MXY leaves Mo village, becomes a rogue cultivator under WWX's tutelage.
Possible run in with A-Quing and XXC? With XY, definitely - MXY and his terrible crushes on anyone kind to him.
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