#but i'll take it as a compliment
nasa-real · 2 months
nasa is so mewomeow :3 omg you replied.to.my other asks YIPPIE. also also what's your favorite star? my favorite's sirius and polaris !!
- 🪼
mine is wasp-12 b! I like the funky egg shape
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teleportzz · 8 months
"bluntly honest" autism but in the sense that i absolutely cannot refrain from complimenting strangers if i like their earrings or their shirt or i think they have a friendly-sounding laugh or i think their art is beautiful or i think the fic they wrote portrays the characters so well. "bluntly honest" doesn't have to mean "mean". i love to tell people things that are kind and also true.
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elderwisp · 28 days
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𝔩'𝔞𝔪𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔢𝔱 𝔩𝔞 𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔱
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bixels · 5 months
im gonna be honest sir for the longest time i thought you WERE a beautiful butch lesbian on account of the multitudes of lesbian art and your attire in photos and your lack of pronouns that would suggest otherwise
Sorry to disappoint.
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soaps-mohawk · 12 days
i love love love johnny, reader, and simon as a little troublesome trio!!! their dynamic is gonna make my heart throb
like... johnny squeals when he's accidentally poked and then reader and simon share a look that tells him he's in for it? johnny is teasing the life out of simon and reader comes to his playful defence? my heart!!!!
all this week i'm gonna be thinking about it. crcb is a little cavern at the back of my brain and it won't leave (i don't want it to)
anyways i hope you're doing good pook!! 💞
- 🪐
I would say Simon should be more worried about Johnny and the reader 🤭 Johnny's gonna start telling the reader all his secrets soon. Where he's secretly ticklish, what to say exactly to get a certain reaction. Pranks. All the pranks. Johnny already knows seeing him and the reader together makes Simon insane...he'll be using that to his advantage.
Simon will get his payback in the bedroom. He'll definitely teach the reader how to make Johnny go insane, and the best methods to get him to fold instantly. He'll be cultivating that dominant side in the reader to use against Johnny.
Poor reader is going to be stuck in the middle of them, but don't get me wrong, that's not necessarily a bad thing. The reader will definitely use it to her advantage 🤭
I just live rent free in all y'alls brains huh 😉
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anglerflsh · 1 month
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wow ive been kind of off lately I should take a day to rest an[explosion]
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corvosdaughter · 6 months
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- So, like you in this abbey.
- You see corruption everywhere around you and have no sense of the moral rot in your own soul.
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xoxogabriella · 1 year
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The real reason why this show is called Stanger Things
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gegengestalt · 7 months
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I have a little demon in my shoulder telling me to draw a Karamazov brothers lineup at least every week
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Annoying version
Spray tool I love you now.
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savage-rhi · 27 days
I’m not doing it on anon, because i love you.
Vibes- immaculate, perfect, wholesome, spicy, genius, you’re gonna go far as an writer and published author
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bumblingbabooshka · 5 months
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Fake Voyager Episode: Tuvok gets kidnapped and forced to compete in an arena where telepaths fight one another to the death for a shot at fortune and prestige. He was initially kidnapped as 'fodder' - the aliens who run the arena will grab any telepathic alien they can find regardless of skill and they're essentially just there to be killed by flashier veterans of the bloodsport. The episode is mainly Tuvok showing off his tactical know-how and combat skills. We also get several flashbacks to him as a young man, learning how to fight both on Vulcan and in Starfleet. There's a concern that he will lose himself when forced into this seemingly endless battle, surrounded by violence, but in the end he prevails and manages to escape without killing a single person. He leaves the arena after giving a message of peace. Patreon | Ko-fi
Unnamed Goon: [Laughter] That puny 'Vuulcan' didn't land a single hit for all his bluster. Once I sealed his telepathic powers it was over! Huh huh huh… If I keep up this pace I should have him crushed beneath my fists in- What...? I can't move...? Tuvok: By now you have surely noticed it.
You are certainly a formidable opponent. Most would assume you to be a simple bruiser but that is not the case. You are a knowledgeable telepath - able to not only bolster your own physique but nullify the telepathic capabilities of your enemies.
However. You rely too much on one tactic and are too proud to allow yourself to look 'weak.' This was the ultimate cause of your ruination. While you gleefully battered my body about the field I was able to locate twenty two out of twenty four 'kobat sfek' on your body - points which will render you immobile for approximately…four minutes. More than enough time. It was a shrewd precaution to nullify my telepathic ability. However. I do not need them to best you in combat.
Even now, I am ten times stronger than you. Unnamed Goon: T-Ten...TEN TIMES!? [Imagining the sort of gruesome end that might await him, the unnamed Goon faints - leaving Tuvok the victor.]
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lulzyrobot · 2 months
Your art would be good if it was simplified instead of painted
And that's your opinion. Art is subjective after all.
I like experimenting from time to time. It's good to try new things to grow as an artist. Results may vary. Not everyone's going to like my work and that's okay. I enjoy what I do and that's what matters to me first and foremost.
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mccleans · 3 days
60 year old coworker stopped in her tracks when she saw me and spun on her heel to face me and said you look LOVELY. that colour is GORGEOUS on you
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nanomooselet · 4 months
Little but Fierce V
Now, say what you want about Meryl (and I am. And have. And will. At terrifying length) but she doesn't lack for conviction. She may be lacking survival instinct, and sometimes the common sense God gave an eggplant. But never conviction.
She's a scold. But I'll say this about her lectures: there's truth to them, and people feel compelled to justify themselves hearing it.
How can you be so heartless?! Who does this to someone who saved their town twice? It's unthinkable!/How can you be so cruel? You would sacrifice the man who saved your town twice? It's heartless!
How totally lame. It's not an act of kindness. You're just running away from pain./It's lame, not an act of kindness. You just don't want to get hurt. Running away isn't some brave thing to do.
Meryl's got a knack for putting her finger right on the conclusion that others are reluctant to come to about what they're doing - what she's not good at is understanding why they're doing it anyway. Meryl's never had to surrender anything in order to survive. She doesn't know anything about compromise, nor about bending the rules, nor is she aware that one obvious motive can conceal another hidden one. She simply sees a fault and she wants it corrected on demand. And no, crying won't help.
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Rosa doesn't want to hand Vash over - she does care about him. But in her mind, a choice between him and her child is no choice at all, and they hang on such a slender thread of resources as it is that they're forced to maximise what they've got however they can. I imagine something similar was what separated Rosa from her husband. Vash completely understands it himself, because it's what Rem believed: her own life or those aboard the fleet? No choice at all.
Similar Vash fleeing the Nebraskas, which both Meryl and the father conclude is cowardice - he's a cream puff, a loser, a weakling who can't fight. Vash is none of those things. He's drawing them away from the town, ensuring there won't be unnecessary casualties and distracting them from, say, stealing the Plant. It doesn't quite work, but it does give them time to reconsider what they're doing and ultimately they change their course. Which, to her credit, Meryl comes to be impressed by, in a... Meryl sort of way.
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What a weirdo...
But both Rosa and Vash are fundamentally pragmatists. They understand doing what you have to in order to survive, whatever it takes, because they've both been in circumstances that make those demands a matter of life and death.
Sheltered Meryl, without knowing it, sees a logic that neither one would naturally consider: one that is uncompromising.
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It doesn't matter that Rosa is only betraying Vash for the sake of her people - she's still betraying Vash, who has only ever helped her out, and that will demand a reckoning. Similarly Vash trying to misdirect the Nebraskas. They hurt plenty of people and cause a huge mess (and eat up time, which Vash could use to escape what he's really running from…) while he tries to convince them to stand down. If he'd faced them then and there, the town might have been better off.
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Because that's the kind of world No Man's Land is. It's one great big double-bind. Either be judged as you dirty your hands and break your principles, or face the judgement of the elements, which do not forgive.
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Meryl's perspective is strict, but it's uncomfortably hard to argue against the conclusions she comes to. And both Rosa and Vash know it.
It's interesting that Roberto actually speaks up the second time, though, telling her to cut it out. At the end of ep 2 he's the one who grows annoyed enough with Vash to be the first to ask him "Whose side are you on?" I wonder what made him change his mind?
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Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part VI
Part VII
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shokujin-art · 3 months
You are genuinely an amazing artist, it blows me away.
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wildflowercryptid · 11 months
in a perfect world, marnie and piers's eye color would've been more of a light mossy green instead of that blueish-teal like 40% of swsh's cast has. like—
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i think it would've been nice.
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