#but i have like a short 'pilot' thingy
claire-starsword · 5 months
2024 on my timezone let's gooooo, happy new year everyone!
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Literally so relieved. 
Also made a shiny aesthetic thingy for the fic
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So shiny
OPLA!Mihawk x OC
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Chapter 4: Parting Ways
Word Count: 3.2k
Tags: Slow-burn, Enemies to Lovers, eventually NSFW, uh, if I think of more I'll add them or something
After having her sloop sunk by the Buggy Pirates and losing most of her worldly possessions in the process, the normally solitary mercenary Karimi Lionne finds herself teaming up with the rag-tag little crew that is the Strawhat Pirates to defeat them. She bonds with them far more quickly than she bargained for, and that quickly turns into a problem for the Kiku Kiku no Mi devil fruit user when she learns of Nami's plans to leave them high and dry, and Zoro issues a challenge at Baratie that he very likely won't live long enough to regret.
"What are you doing?"
Gritting her teeth, Karimi only kept stuffing clothes into her bag. She didn't have much anymore, only the few meager belongings she had managed to rescue from her sloop before it descended to the bottom of the ocean barely a week earlier. She ignored Nami's question, not turning her head.
"Wh—wait, are you leaving?" she asked in alarm—and with more than just a hint of anger. "Now?"
"I said from the start this was temporary," Karimi pointed out
"So did I," said Nami coolly. Karimi could practically hear the glare that Nami no doubt had fixed on the back of her head. "And I seem to remember you giving me and entire speech about it last night."
"Yes, well. Unfortunate as that is." She pulled her satchel over her shoulder. "My chariot awaits, and my pilot isn't exactly known for his patience."
Nami all but gawked at Karimi when she turned Round, her arms hanging limp at her sides, eyes widened in total disbelief. "You can't be serio—him?" she demanded, gesturing in the direction where Zoro's disastrous duel with the Warlord had taken place in front of the Baratie. Karimi gave a short jerk of her head, pushing past Nami. "He almost killed Zoro and you—"
"I made a deal," she said through her teeth. "Unfortunately I failed to specify how alive he should leave Zoro."
"You...made a deal with him?" Karimi hummed in affirmation. "That—when you were talking to him last night—" She just hummed again, a little more impatiently; she had intended to leave the ship without anyone noticing, leave behind a quickly penned note of goodbye and apology with no details at all about where she was going to avoid anyone attempting to follow, and be done with it. She didn't do well with emotional goodbyes, and the last thing she needed was Luffy making the same stupid decision as Zoro in some harebrained attempt to save her from her own botched deal.
"What kind of deal?" Nami asked as theg stood at the railing if the main deck, and Karimi sighed, shaking her head. "What kind of—"
"I have to work for him for a year," she said shortly. "No pay. Handle World Government favors and contracts he can't be arsed to deal with himself."
"You...a year?" And Nami was gawking at her all over again, shaking her head. "That's—are you out of your mind? You saw what he did, he's—he's a damned monster, you might not even survive a year—"
"I can handle myself. And I really don't want to see any of you die," she interrupted. "Especially not over something as stupid as—that," she said, gesturing toward the cabin where Zoro was unconscious and barely clinging to the realm of the living. "You've all got dreams. I...don't. I don't think a year of my time is that big of a price to pay, personally."
"You said you were looking for someone." Karimi cringed a little at that, closing her eyes with a sigh. She had mentioned it in passing in front of Luffy, and he had yet to cease in asking her who it was. Of course everyone else on the ship knew by now. "That it had something to do with the contract you took from Buggy to steal the Grand Line map."
"And I'm still capable of keeping an ear out for information regardless of who I happen. To be working with or for," he said simply. "And it hardly counts as a dream. It's something I have to do."
"You think that bastard's going care about that?" said Nami.
Karimi looked over her shoulder and fixed her eyes on Nami's. "Probably no more than Arlong cares about you saving your village." It was a low blow, for sure—but Nami silenced at the counter immediately. "And has it stopped you?" She turned around fully, leaning back against the railing, her dark green eyes scanning Nami's face as the younger woman glared at her defiantly for a moment...and then crossed her arms with a scoff and rolled her eyes.
"Alright, fine," she said shortly. "And I guess you don't want the guys to know anything, right?"
Karimi rolled her eyes a little herself, digging in one of the pockets of her cargo shorts. She produced from it a folded piece of paper on which she had quickly penned her short, vague letter of farewell before Nami caught her packing, and held it out.
Then briefly pulled it back when Nami reached for it. "This," said Karimi, giving the paper a small shake, "is all I want them to know. I kept your secret." She pressed the note into Nami's palm. "I would appreciate it if you kept mine."
"Sure. Whatever." Nami tucked the note in her pocket without opening it or glancing at it. She met Karimi's gaze, and held out her arms in a shrug and let then fall heavily back to her sides. "So...what? Bye, I guess?"
Karimi frowned, shrugging one shoulder herself. "I'm not exactly good at this sort of thing," she said, her frown deepening, a crease forming between her brows. "Are we supposed to hug or something?"
Nami pursed her lips, clearly struggling for a long moment to keep a straight face—and then broke into a few quiet, chuckles, bringing her palm up to her face and shaking her head. "Yeah, I guess we're 'supposed to hug or something.'"
Karimi really hadn't said it entirely to be fecitious, to crack a dry joke—it was more than a bit awkward to wrap her arm around anyone, to feel anyone's arms around her. It had been a long time since she had, felt like practically a lifetime ago. The familiarity of it wasn't particularly comforting either—with it dawned a sense of mingling nostalgia and nausea in the pit of her stomach, and she was fairly quick to pull back and pat Nami's shoulder with a forced smile.
"I'm sure I'll be back again," she said—and she meant it, genuinely. Maybe it would be a long while from right now, but she wanted to see what might become of the crew, of her brief comrades.
"I'm not planning on staying much longer," said Nami. She swallowed, glancing back toward the cabins, and lowered her voice. "Arlong's not exactly known for his patience, either."
Karimi had no intention of trying to talk her out of it—there was no point. No point, and it would have been wildly hypocritical of her to do so. If Karimi could have had the chance to save her own village, she would have given anything.
But that was a lost a cause.
Still, she gave a small laugh.
"Doesn't mean you won't be back, too." Nami frowned at her as Karimi pulled her hand back, amd adjusted her satchel on her shoulder. "Our 'captain' might be an idealistic idiot, but I think he's got enough heart to make up for it. Don't you?"
Nami glanced back toward the cabins again, nd gave a little bit of a sigh. "I guess he does, she agreed, with a quiet laugh. She looked back at Karimi with the same half-hearted smile as the older girl took a few steps back. "Just...be careful."
"Always," said Karimi, tipping her tricorne a bit as she started the descent toward the docks. She stopped briefly, and added, "You too."
Nami gave her a short nod. A small but genuine smile. Karimi returned both without any hesitation.
Out of everyone aboard the Going Merry, and in the days before they acquired the ship, Karimi had found Nami to be the most difficult to get to know, to even get along with, making it clear from the start that she didn't trust the green-haired girl or her story that she was essentially a prisoner of the Buggy Pirates herself. Karimi understood full well her reasoning now—it was much the same as Karimi's for avoiding familiarity with others. It was easier to remain solitary than risk losing anyone else.
Zoro hadn't really cared one way or the other whether she tagged along with them, but Luffy had been a different story. As soon as Karimi had asked about his hat and told him she had sailed with the Red-Hair pirates, the young self-proclaimed captain had all but glued himself to her side, questioning her about them constantly, reveling in stories of the infamous crew and her time on the East Blue and Grand kine with them.
Reveling in stories of the greatest idol of his childhood, the captain of the crew he had begged years earlier to be a part of, who has gicwn up his own arm to save Luffy's life: Red-Haired Shanks.
Luffy's idol, nd for Karimi's first two years on the sea, her mentor.
She had thought Luffy'a eyes might pop right out of his head when she informed him of what Shanks's bounty had been when she parted ways from their crew six years ago—well over two billion berries.
"Two billion.... Wow." And he grinned ear to ear where he sat near the stern of the boat that night after their fight with the Buggy Pirates. He reclined back and laid down right in the deck, tucking his hands behind his head. "I can't *wait* to get a bounty." Karimi lifted an eyebrow row at that, glancing over her shoulder from where she leaned against the railing at the port side of the tiny sloop—honestly far two small for four people.
"You...want a bounty," she said slowly, a smirk beginning to curve the corner of her own lips. "You want Marines chasing you everywhere you go? Not to mention other pirates. Bounty hunters." She half-nodded toward the hammock where Zoro was sleeping.
"Well, yeah, that's half the fun of it," he said, as if it should be the most obvious thing in the world. "I mean, that Boggy guy had a bounty, and we beat him, right? Pirates are supposed to have bounties." He tilted his head to the side a little, frowning up at the night sky. "It's like a..."
"Right of passage?" she offered, growing more amused by the minute.
"Exactly!" he said, pointing at Karimi, and she couldn't help but chuckle at his enthusiasm. "Can't be King of the Pirates if I never even get a bounty."
"No, I guess you couldn't," she said, not bothering to hide the amusement in her voice. "Still..." she turned around, leaning back against the railing, her elbows propped up against it. "You've already got one hell of a right of passage. It's sitting on your head right now." Luffy looked over at her with childlike curiosity, placing his hand atop his straw hat. "You said Shanks told you it was his greatest treasure. One of the most infamous pirates in the entire world entrusted you with his most valuable possession." His eyes widened a little as that sunk in properly. "Bounty or no bounty, people are going to notice. Buggy noticed. He won't be the only one."
"Yeah..." He laughed a little, and then he laughed a bit more, sitting straight up again. "And he had a bounty of fifteen million berries and he recognized it. That's got to be—wait, do you have a bounty?" he asked curiously. "You said just about everyone on Shanks's crew had one. And you said you were a mercenary for six years, you have to have one, right?"
"Nope," she said, smiling. She had only been with the Red-Hairs for two years, give or take a month, and as a thief on the crew she had always been discreet, able to keep off the Marines' radar. It didn't hurt either that Shanks, due in no small part to his history with her father, had been particularly protective of her. "I've...made a point of avoiding familiarity with Marines over the years," she went on after a moment. "Not really interested in being a wanted woman."
His frown only deepened at that. "But...you're a purate," he said, tilting his head in a manner not dissimilar to that of a puppy hearing a strange new sound for the first time. "Pirates always end up with bounties."
"Mercenary," she corrected with a sigh, shaking her head. "Who...also usually end up with bounties," she allowed. "But I'm careful. I have to be careful traveling alone."
Luffy's frown only deepened at that. "Sounds boring."
Karimi gave a snort and rolled her eyes. "Oh, yes," she said, her tone drenched in sarcasm as she lowered herself to sit down across from him, "how terribly boring it has been working with dozens of different crews for the past six years and making loads of money and potential allies..."
"I mean the traveling alone thing," he said. He rested his chin on his palm, his elbow on one of hisbknees. "You were with the Red Hair Pirates for two years, why didn't you just stay with them?"
In truth, Karimi still asked herself that question sometimes. It had been two of the best, two of the happiest years of her life since the massacre at Conch Cove. She had thought about staying with them. It had been all too much like having a family, a community, for the first time since she had lost hers.
But her goal was too personal to share with anyone else, to weigh anyone else down with. Even now she felt like she was practically searching for a ghost, trying to find her father. To find why he had disappeared nine years ago, where he and his entire crew had gone.
Whether he was even still alive or not—and if he was, to be able to tell him the truth of what had happened. The truth of the atrocity that she and she alone had survived a decade ago.
Karimi descended onto the docks, shielding her eyes with one hand as she looked around at the ships docked around the restaurant—other patrons who had remained there overnight, new ships arriving as Baratie prepared to open for the day. Karimi knew the vessel she was looking for; she had never seen it in person, but she had heard of it, mentioned in passing once or twice during her time with the Red Hair Pirates before she set out on her own at eighteen.
A small craft with black sails, shaped like a coffin, with a seat that resembled a throne. She had sincerely thought the description to be an exaggeration, until she caught a glimpse of the boat.
It was docked far back away from any other vessel, it's only prominent features being a pair of green flames at the port and starboard, the central mast that was clearly modeled after the black blade carried by its owner—and the throne-like seat, where the warlord was seated, leaned to the side, his elbow propped against one arm rest and his fist at his temple, eyes closed.
Karimi heaved a sigh as she started down the docks to approach the ship. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Shanks and his crew were among the most powerful and notorious pirates in the world, and she had more than enjoyed her time with them.
Yet she still really couldn't get over the sheer gaudiness boat.
"How quaint," she mumbled under her breath dryly as she neared the small vessel, her eyes scanning over it.
Evidently his ears were as sharp as his gaze, for Mihawk cracked an eye open the moment the sarcastic quip slipped quietly from her lips. She stopped in her tracks as his eyes became level with hers, not adjusting from his leisurely posture. "If the accommodations aren't to your liking, you are welcome to swim." He closed his eyes again, and added just as dryly, "Oh, that's right. You can't."
Karimi rolled her eyes a little—no, she wasn't getting her hopes up that a single minute of this arrangement she had gone and gotten herself trapped in would be enjoyable.
"Permission to board," she droned after a long moment.
"Granted," he replied shortly.
He did open his eyes again when she tossed her bag aboard and it landed with a muffled sort of flump a few feet behind him on the starboard side, glancing at her as she stepped across the short gap between the dock and Hitsugibune without any further hesitation. Mihawk still wondered whether her nerve the previous night had simply been a mere symptom of her inebriated state. Now, however, she seemed completely sober as she leaned to the side against the railing, raising a hand just over the green flame at the starboard torch and frowning.
"Copper, I'm guessing?" she said, drawing her hand back and rolling her eyes with a scoff. "Quite the aesthetic you have going here."
She took a seat on the deck, tucking her hands behind her neck and reclining back against the railing, shutting her eyes.
"So where to, Captain Edge-Lord?"
The slight smirk on the girl's face indicated that her sass definitely wasn't limited to excessive alcohol consumption. Mihawk chose to ignore it for now—her ability to follow orders was more important at the present. There would be plenty of time to deal with her insubordination later.
"Once you have gotten us clear of the docks," he said sharply, his eyes scanning over her, "we will head due north-east, toward Syrup Village."
She opened her eyes at that, meeting his eyes without any sign of hesitation. "Syrup Village?" she said, frowning. "Not really much there."
"Toward Syrup Village," he repeated. Her eyes widened the slightest bit as his meaning seemed to sink in—evidently she was aware of exactly what, or *who*, might be near Syrup Village. "I need to have a word with Vice Admiral Garp. You will get us there. I'm sure you're capable navigating, considering your 'six years experience as a mercenary.'"
"I don't do Marines."
Mihawk quirked an eyebrow at her sudden and blatant protest; at the clear reluctance, nigh fear that dawned in her eyes. This was different from the attitude she had already presented toward him. She showed no fear in his presence, but the suggestion of sailing toward a ship full of Marines had clearly set her on edge in an instant.
That was interesting.
But there was plenty of time to unravel the reasons behind it. She had, after all, pledged to serve him for an entire year. Right now, the most important matter at hand was getting to Garp—and finding out why the man had thought it appropriate to send him after his damned grandson. Mihawk scanned over her once more as she sat on the small deck of the vessel, before meeting her defiant gaze.
"You do what I tell you, and you will do so without question," he said firmly. He shifted back in his seat, closing his own eyes again. "Due north east. I'd prefer to get this meeting over with quickly."
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weekend-whip · 11 months
Ninjago Fic Rec Week: Day 5
Prompts: Multichaps / Nya Recs! *shorter one today, I'm not feeling too well rn -w-)
Multichap Recs-
Saturniidae: *takes long hard swig* This one's a doozy, fellas. Beautifully melancholic Cole-centric fic detailing the descent of their team reflected in their beloved Ultra Dragon amongst other things, and the stinging realization that what we need isn't always going to be what we want...or in the ways we think. I still think about this fic from time to time and have to take a moment of silence for my heart snksnksnk
Father Always Liked You Best: Another Shiny special, this time with some Garmadon angst and what the view of his gradually splintering off from his brother (And very quickly reminding me what my favorite take on Garmadon is. Spoilers: IT'S THIS. The very last line reminded me of how hard it hit when I first read this aaaaaaa)
Five Times Morro Trusted Wu: AND THE ONE TIME HE DIDN'T. Or, the fic that sits at the very core of my tempered adoration for the ghost kid.
Habits of Home(lessness): Putting this here cuz I'm once again mad I dropped the ball on Jay's day lmao!! In which Jay's "normal" childhood growing up is very abnormal in the face of the rest of his team (and he is THROWN when it comes to trying to figure out why)
Nya Recs-
Ninjago: The Nya Perspective: THE NYA FIC I'VE SEARCHED MY WHOLE LIFE FOR (aka maybe twoish weeks? Three? This has been a long drag of a month, man) ANYWAY it's the series retold from Nya's point of view and it is MMMMMM peak Nya. Peak Nya. Very highly reccomended.
selkie: short, sweet, and a little bit haunting, a reflective Nya Post-Seabound (......with a solution to the 'being the sea' problem I also thought really should've happened, or at least considered, but give the flow of this fic...perhaps, maybe not)
Please Just Don't Break an Ankle: Nya, Skylor, and Pixal getting the chance to girl-out and just be friends if not sisters!!!!! But, there is a lot of fun dynamics with everyone, though big sister Skylor has me by the throat!!! And Nya getting the chance to be just a little bit vulnerable :3
this grueling cycle: mmmmmmBACK at it again with the pre-pilots fics!! Nya and Kai in the ~before~ times, following the siblings' clashing opinions on the disappearance of their parents. Very descriptive and ripe with characterization!
Blue-Black: Nya and, ironically, the impressions that the color green has on her overtime. She also has synesthesia <3
déjà-vu: Y'all know I'm always a sucker for stories where Nya and Lloyd has out their feelings with each other, and this is definitely towards the top of the list! The angst burns so good <3
Skating on Thin Ice (Can Get You Into Hotwater): A multichapter braincellshipping fic in a hockey/ice skating au that I haven't actually finished, but a) I loved what I read of it so far, b) the character dynamics are sooooo much fun, even beyond the ship, c) the concept is AMAZING, and d) it's by an author who's made this list already, THEREFORE I trust this story with my life. It needs a little extra love <3
Nya and the Song of Sirens: Poetic Nya stream of consciousness thingy during some Crystalized events, I don't talk about this one a lot because writing it stressed me out and I didn't think it was anywhere close to my best snksnksnk, but upon rereading again for myself, I'm like "whoa, maybe I really had something here". I should be nicer to myself, and it is very potently Nya, thus *plunks down rec*
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theweirdoinurhouse · 3 months
Hot takes of the day: Wasn’t really a big fan of The Amazing Digital Circus, and also didn't care much for Sir Pentious
I'll split this into two parts, above and below the cut. Sir Pentious will be above just because Hazbin Hotel has been real popular lately
So. I've been a fan of HH since when the pilot came out, and I was obsessed. I watched the show, and I really liked how it turned out. I have some things I didn't like, but I'll get into at least one of those later.
Sir Pentious is a VERY popular character, especially now because he's been redeemed. But honestly, I didn't actually care much for when he was ever on screen. But my main problem was his death.
To start, I'll list some things I DID like. For starters, I liked when he was nervous and kept saying stuff like "Because I'm...buying drinks for everyone!" and so on. It was a funny bit. Also when Cherry found out he had two dicks. I also liked that he was the one that sacrificed himself to try to save the others.
Now getting into one of my main problems with the show. His death.
It was super anticlimactic. Like SUPER. I wish his ship had maybe been blasted and went crashing down, killing Sir Pentious from crushing underneath some rubble. But just blipping out was a terrible way to kill him. It didn't make me feel any sadness for him because of how short it was. Even when the other characters reacted, it just didn't seem like a good choice on how to kill him.
I just never really connected with him. We know barely anything about him. I can say the same about Nifty, but the show somehow made me like her more during the time of the show, and not Sir Pentious. Her crazy little movements, her aggressive behavior, her just staring into the void when on camera. But with Sir Pentious, nothing really drew me to him. Which is weird, because I love awkward nerds.
I like his design when he went into Heaven, it was pretty. But overall, nothing really drew me to him
Alright, The Amazing Digital Circus Time!!!
I absolutely love the channel that made TADC, but I mainly have watched them for Murder Drones. I did enjoy TADC when I first watched it, just not enough to watch it a second time. Or third. Fourth. Hundredth. You get the point
The animation is nice. The premise/idea is fun. The music is absolutely beautiful (especially at the end). And Ragatha and Kinger are the best characters.
I just kind of zoned out abit watching it, and that's how I know I'm not that into what I'm watching. I also don't like Jax that much, but I'm not gonna dwell too much into that. I'm kind of scared of Jax simps-
I don't have much reason on why I'm not a huge fan of TADC, it's more of a preference thing. I absolutely adore the IDEA of it. Person puts on a headset, gets stuck in a virtual world, can't get out, goes insane. Beautiful. I just don't know why TADC didnt do it for me.
The whole scene with Jax, Kinger, and Zooble with that work queen thingy was weird,and that's the part I zoned out on because I just found it boring and not really necessary. It's been a while since I've seen TADC, so I don't actually remember if that scene has any importance, but I still didn't really know what was going on.
Anyway thanks for coming to my Tedtalk byeeee
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pixlerelish · 1 year
Day 20: If you could only watch one film of his for the rest of time, which would it be and why?
Short Answer: TG:M
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Longer Ramblings: Under the cut
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Drama, comedy, Lady Gaga, people on the beach dripping in oil,
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a 60 year old brunette and his adopted 35 year old son.
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PILFs. What are PILFs? Pilots that I’d like to… fly with.
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Seriously though, it would have to be this beautiful propaganda movie. It still hasn’t lost it’s charm and makes me feel the most emotions that I have in a long time.
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@lephantomdelioncourt​ and @lovesickmermaid my laptop still doesn’t work and I don’t like it.
Tom 30 Day Challenge Tumblr Thingy Cruise
Original Ask Game
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nimata-beroya · 1 year
MY THOUGHTS ON THE MANDALORIAN - Chapter 20 "The Foundling"
I loved this episode so much! And not because the same reason most hardcore fans loved it. I didn't recognize Ahmed Best until I saw someone mentioning that he had portrait Jar Jar Binks in the prequels, and we all know how many fans treated him. It's nice he's given a role where he's getting all the love and respect from the fans he always deserved. I honestly don't understand why people can't separate actor from character. It's fine if you don't like a character, but it's never okay to hate and harass an actor because of it.
Anyway, let me tell you why I loved this episode…
This episode gave me exactly what I was asking for. I wanted to see the dynamic within the covert, I wanted to see their daily life. I even hinted at it in a posted I did on this past Tuesday. Because we've only gotten crumbs about it in the 2 previous seasons. We saw a bit of it in the pilot episode of the series, then in chapter 3, and after that nothing until episode 5 of The Book of Boba Fett. Then, it was only the Armorer and Paz Vizla, a reunion which didn't go well for Din, as we know. So, I was curious of how they lived together.
I know people are complaining (what else is new! 🙄) about Bo stealing Din spotlight on his own show. That's not happening, for many reasons. We get to see Bo's POV because all that is new to her too as much as it's new to us, the audience. So it makes sense that we follow the character that it's as clueless as we are.
People want to see Din and Grogu every second of the show. I don't blame them for wanting that, but some need to understand that sometimes you need to focus on other characters to move the story forward. It's not just Bo's journey, her journey also reflects Din's, by contrasting or doing parallels to it. This episode referred as much to Grogu and Ragnar as it did to Bo. Everything is revealing pieces of a much larger puzzle.
I think what Bo's journey is about is that she needs to learn that leadership and respect is earned by what you do, not for what you are. She still has a bit of arrogance thinking that she can lead Mandalore because she had the Darksaber once, because she was a princess and was raised for it. Because she's the best, and she can do it alone. Also, it's about finding, or rather, building up her faith again.
In contrast, Din's journey is more about in finding confidence in his own leadership skills and learning not to have a blind faith. In short, finding a balance between traditions and pragmatism.
Watching foundlings training was great. I think that Din putting Grogu to fight against Ragnar was the best. I think it was a bit of integrating Grogu even more to the covert's life, but also it was about Din showing Grogu off. He was very confident in what his son can do, rightly so. And also, I think it's important that Grogu feels comfortable using The Force in a more relaxed environment and not just in life-threatening situations. Or to steal cookies and candy. That he mostly uses the Force when he's afraid is not a good thing. Things can get ugly fast if he's not careful.
I know that that Mandos are used to train for war, to attack, as warriors, but as far as we've seen, this particular covert, when they fight, it's always to protect. So, that's not much different than why Jedi trained.
Of course, we cannot ignore Grogu's trauma, but this is the life he chose. Mandalorians fight, so he needs to learn to. he can choose never attack someone.
I know everyone's first instinct when Din issued the challenge was to say "But he's a baby!" which sorta true, but not quite. First, Grogu is small but not helpless as he demonstrated it. Second, how is this so much different from Jedi training with Lightsabers or the ball droid thingy? The low setting laser bolts hurt more than the paintballs, I think. And Ragnar needed the lesson to drop a peg or 2 to his cockiness, don't you think? God lesson that of "One does not speak unless one knows."
And talking about Ragnar, poor kid! First, he gets his shebs kicked by someone 3 times smaller than him, and then gets kidnapped by a monster and almost eaten alive (that's without counting that he was almost eaten once before when he took the creed in the chapter 17). But I'm over the moon that they confirmed that he's Paz's son.
Order 66 flashback I knew it was coming, but it hurt like always does. I like the parallel of Grogu having it in the forge, just like Din had his back in Chapter 3. And we finally know who helped Grogu escape!! I didn't know about Kalleran Baq before, but I love him now. Instant love!
And my theory about who lend that H-type Nubian ship is that it wasn't Padmé. She didn't know what was happening, and she was busy worrying about her freshly-inducted Sith husband, so that leaves 2 possibilities. It was either one of her maids, Sabé, perhaps, or it was the only other Naboo senatorial representative we know. It'd be great and doubly vindicating if Jar Jar was the one who helped to save the most beloved character in SW universe.
I think The Armorer saw Grogu doing his flip-flops in the morning and said, yep, time for another piece of armor for him. The roundel it's kinda of weird, but I loved that it has the mudhorn sigil!!
As I said before, I'm liking the way Bo is earning respect from everyone in the covert, especially in this episode when she led the rescuing party. This what I mean by to be appreciated by what you do, not what you are. Let your actions speak for you.
But I admit that dinner scene when everyone goes somewhere to eat alone is absolutely depressing. Gawd! That helmet rule needs to go! I know that logistically it won't be as soon as we like, I think, specifically for Din, because of Pedro's other filming obligations, but at some point they need to relax it a bit. I mean, when I heard that rule I interpreted it as "you don't show your face to the enemy" as in the symbol of the T visor is enough to put fear in your enemy, not matter who's beneath it, because whoever it is it's going to kick your ass. But with family and people you trust, you can and should show your face. But what I know?!
I love the parallel of Din and Paz saving the other's son. Their relationship is great, and it's peak sibling energy, like hate you sometimes, sometimes I love you but if you need me I'll be there no matter what.
Very nice touch of the covert to adopt the three dragon-bird babies! I went: OH NO! 😱 when the croc-turtle monster ate the mom. The babies were going to die without her. But of course, I should've known better. Mandalorians will adopt any creature despite their species or age 🤣 I swear they go with a weapon in one hand and adoption papers in the other.
The scene where Bo-Katan confesses to the Armorer that she saw the Mythosaur was great. It showed what I suspected all along. Bo's silence about it was never because of a nefarious motive. It was simply because Bo has a hard time comprehend what she saw was true. I mean, any sane person would be wary. Anyone would doubt their sanity if suddenly they see a creature that was supposed to be extinct millennia ago.
The armorer's response to the confession can be interpreted in many ways. She might've believed Bo or she might've not. It could've been scheming or patronizing, or simply it doesn't matter to The Armorer what Bo saw as long Bo believes it, as the mythosaur is the symbols of what's to be a Mandalorian. I guess we have to wait and see how this goes.
Ok, this turned out to be longer than I expected, so I'll leave it here. I have a couple of thoughts in my head that sprung out after watching the episode, but I'll leave them for another post.
The review for the next episode also will be late because TBB season finale has priority for me, but I'm very curious about what will happen in the next episode. Are we going back to Nevarro, or we're going somewhere else? Because there's a footage around that shows a planet with dome cities?
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Is this a flashback to Mandalore of old or a new planet? I need to know what going on!
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polikszena · 2 years
The Beatles - You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away
Top Gun song association meme
After a long delay I finally finished this one! Actually, this is my second take on the prompt, but I didn't like what I wrote for the first time and started it again, focusing on a different character.
Soo, before you dive into this short thingy, let me add that I don't ship Phoenix and Rooster romantically (I think they are very close friends, but nothing else), but I can imagine that one of them used to have a crush on the other a long time ago, and even though the other person didn't feel the same, they managed to talk it through and they remained friends. This could have been any of the two, but I decided to write it with Phoenix crushing on Rooster. It sets several years before Top Gun: Maverick.
Also, I didn't specify where exactly they are, but I thought it could be some training that lasted for a few weeks, or something like that.
You've got to hide your love away
Natasha "Phoenix" Trace poured a drink to herself in a plastic cup when she heard the cheering behind her back. Turning around she saw Harvey "Pinball" Danes sitting down next to the campfire with his guitar in his hand. Of course, she thought to herself, where there's a campfire, there is a guitar.
A small, bitter smile touched her lips as she watched the other aviators gathering around them, and as Harvey started singing, they joined in. Phoenix walked closer, too, enjoying the spontaneous singing. It was so nice to see these people who had spent the last few weeks competing against each other now doing something so genuine. 
Where there was a campfire, there was a guitar, and where there was a guitar, there were songs by The Beatles. The group of pilots and weapon system operators were singing Love Me Do and Ticket to Ride, and Phoenix couldn't recall what else as her gaze and her thoughts kept shifting to the guy sitting next to Harvey. Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw. She swore, she tried not to look at him, but she couldn't help it. She didn't want to develop a crush on him either. They bonded over the shared need of working twice as hard as the others: because she was the only girl in the group, having to prove everyone that she was as good as the boys, and because he was the oldest. Perhaps she could have stopped it at some point, but she only realized what was happening when she was already deep in it. When her heart was already skipping a beat every time he looked at her and her stomach was already jumping whenever their hands accidentally brushed against each other. And when she was blushing like a teenage girl whenever he said her name.
Harvey started to play a new song, but Phoenix didn't pay much attention to it until the chorus came. It wasn't anything complicated: eight simple words, but it still hit her. It hit her hard.
"Hey, you've got to hide your love away…"
Her fingers clenched around the plastic cup and she felt her heart sink. She was about to confess her feelings to Rooster when they had dinner together. She was still looking for the perfect words when he began to speak:
"There's something I want to tell you."
Phoenix felt her heart beating faster and her stomach started to tremble. Perhaps that was what people called butterflies in one's stomach. Well, it was more like a squadron of F-14s in her stomach.
"What is it?" she asked with her grip strengthening around the fork in her hand.
Rooster took a sip of his drink before answering. Putting his glass down he looked into her eyes that made her blush. A small smile touched his lips.
"I've started seeing someone," he said softly, still smiling. Then he continued talking, but Phoenix couldn't hear it anymore.
I've started seeing someone.
More than a week had passed since his announcement but it still hurt as if it had happened five minutes ago. How could she not notice that he only liked har as a friend? What could she have done to make him see the woman in her? What could she do now? She felt heartbroken and helpless, because him having a girlfriend did not make her feelings disappear - they were still there and they still hurt like hell.
"Hey, you've got to hide your love away…"
As the others were singing these words together, she felt like they all knew about it and now they were all singing it to her:
"Hey, you've got to hide your love away…"
Now it didn't just hurt, it was humiliating as well which was worse than all the pain of a  broken heart. She tried to swallow the lump in her throat, but there was no use. She turned around and walked away, hoping that no-one could see the tears running down her cheeks.
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creativeskull95 · 2 years
Another Succubus!Uzi AU Thingie
*gets teleported out of hell through unknown forces*
  …Welp, that was terrifying.
  Anyways I have more ideas for the Succubus!Uzi AU so…yeah.
  (You might wanna put this under a cut again I’m not sure.)
  (Once again, important details in Italic. Feel free to comment.)
Commentary will be not bullet pointed cause I’m having formatting issues.
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To start off, I just want to say that Nick and Vanessa live in an apartment near their college as they didn’t particularly like dorms. Just pointing that out there
Everyone’s sexual preferences are the same, Uzi is a hard sub, Nick is a switch, and Vanessa is very much a dom
Vanessa is a dominatrix in her spare time. She sometimes uses her…skillset, on Nick sometimes during sex
To get an idea on what her dominatrix looks like, see the eighth prompt of this: https://mobile.twitter.com/Inkhandprint/status/1442613819168133122
Succubi produce invisible and gas-like hormones that act as an aphrodisiac, causing a person to go into Heat. These hormones usually last a few hours unless replaced by a fresh batch. The effects of these hormones usually go away an hour or two after being off of it.
Uzi produced a lot of hormones during Spring Break to use them on Nick and Vanessa. They didn’t leave their apartment that week. They all decided that Spring Break was going to be their…Loose Time, where they all…let loose ;)
I’m imagining her just collecting them all up in jars, to be released first day of Spring Break.
N: Uzi what’s with all the jars?
Uzi: You’ll find out. ;)
Uzi’s just tall enough to reach Nick’s crotch
Nick and Vanessa’s college has a very lean dress code, so they just wear what they usually wear what they usually wear
Nick and Vanessa’s outfits are similar to the ones they have in the pilot 
Nick wears a heavy leather jacket with a yellow shirt underneath, blue jeans, and some leather boots
Nice. Though in my vampire au, while he wears the jacket he doesn’t wear a shirt underneath.
Vanessa wears a black leather jacket, some short shorts, stockings, and underneath a sports bra, a net shirt connected to her waste.
Vanessa’s outfit is basically a combination of the first and sixth prompt of the link listed above
Ooo, that’s a good outfit for her.
Uzi’s tattoos act as her outfit, as they can change from just being tattoos to hard black purplish leather in a moment. Her tattoos just so happen to go over her privates, only barely, by the way
Uzi has a purple color scheme going. Naturally purple hair, Magenta eyes, black wings with a purple tint, purple choker, that sort of thing
Nick is VERY well endowed. It’s almost longer than his thighs. Just throwing that out there
Nick, like in Wireplay, is very good when it comes to sex. Also just throwing that out there-
Casual sex was always a thing in Nick and Vanessa’s apartment, but became more of a thing when Uzi arrived. N checking his phone while uzi sucked on his morning wood, Vanessa helping Nick find a specific book for school while railing a tied, blindfolded Uzi with a strap-on, Nick and Vanessa casually talking while both fucked Uzi, Uzi rambling about some anime she likes while getting absolutely pummeled by Nick who’s also listening intently, that sort of thing
That seems a little too much, but makes sense if it’s an influence from Uzi. Succubi are probably already really casual with sex, so I can see it transferring unintentionally onto her two roommates.
The Star’s Allure is an underground brothel run by succubi, intent on bringing pleasure to all. Nobody knows of the brothel outside of the usual demons and demon fuckers, so they don’t really have to worry about payments. Uzi’s a regular there
The two details below this ask are remakes of old ones, mainly because I might have exaggerated a bit
Uzi is one of the biggest sluts known to her fellow succubi. A grand achievement for a succubus to achieve
Uzi thinks about cock. Constantly. Not enough that it takes up every facet of her mind, but enough that the thought of Cock is ever present in her brain
Good retcons. They did seem a little bit extreme before, so this seems more realistic.
Despite the two details above, Uzi is very vanilla with Maia. The two almost have a sibling-like relationship. Sometimes Thad will even let Uzi babysit her, she’s that good with Maia. They talk about their favorite shows and anime and random stuff that doesn’t matter. It’s nice!
Yay happy platonic bonding!
Like the Strip Club AU, this au is strictly episodic and doesn’t have an overarching plot. It’s a slice of life sitcom mixed with hentai and that’s all there is to it. Just wanted to let ya know
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And that’s all I’ve got for now!
  …except it isn’t because I’m thinking bout doing a submission about succubus lore-
  Anyways, hope you liked…whatever this is.
  Till next time!
Note: I saved this post as a draft to fix a formatting issue, and that’s what took away my ability to be purple. I think. I still don’t understand Tumblr. :/
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Chapter 3
Chapter 3: A Tree in the Storm Like the Breath of a Child
I remember this title is from something by the Bee Gees, but honestly I don't care about them enough to remind myself which track it actually is. My very own father attests that the Bee Gees are the greatest disco band of all time, and frankly, I think he's nuts for it.
"Beauty endures only for as long as it can be seen; / Goodness, beautiful today, will remain so tomorrow." - Sappho of Lesbos
This was about Thalia, obviously, but now I'm not even sure if I'd call her strictly "good" either. If I had to sum up where she's at in a word, it would probably be more like "bewildered".
I'm getting into reading the chapter proper now, and it feels a little strange to do so. I want to stress that I consider chapters 1-3 one "episode" of PFDM, if you will, so to do this days apart from when I read the first two feels quite unlike the intended experience. Yes, I released it weeks after chapters 1 and 2 in real time as well, but that's because (as I hope is obvious by now) PFDM really has a target audience of one, and that one is me. Your collective experience doesn't matter to me at all, and in fact, doesn't exist.
That's the sickest twist of all! PFDM is stored entirely on my computer! I never at any point actually published any of this, and you're all just vividly dreaming up what I would have posted. Your dream sucks, by the way. You think that's the best I could write? I promise you, the real PFDM, which you will never see, is actually much better.
wait where was i going with this
Right, so chapters 1-3 are one whole sort of thingy to me, and I actually wrote all three simultaneously. I would have roped chapter 4 into the mix, but this was the best I could do before New Year's/ In a sense, this was the pilot. So I really had to refine the tone and style. I think I missed on some of the finer details, but there were a lot of jokes these chapters had originally that ended up cut because I didn't think they really felt like PFDM, you know?
Thalia winced beneath the hood of her jacket as yet another firework let out a deafening flash too directly overhead for her liking. She wasn't the type to fit in.
Completely forgot how long I kept her physical appearance under wraps for. Not long in the grand scheme of things, mind you, but back when the chapter count was still knocking single digits it felt like an eternity. I guess you had to be there. Now every chapter individually feels pretty minor, all things being what they are. Well, in hindsight. When it comes to forthcoming chapters I'm kind of raving madly at how to arrange them, especially since part 3 is nearly [REDACTED] of the way done, and there are only [REDACTED] chapters left after that!
Thalia shivered when she locked eyes (or eye, in her own case) with the girl who had just tapped her shoulder.
I've gradually come to imagine Hope as a fair way shorter than I originally did, which makes this more difficult to imagine. Is Thalia slouching? Are they going down some stairs? Is Hope actually tall? I don't know. Send your answers to 4 Mianga Avenue, Engadine, New South Wales, C/O puellafuriadarkmagica.tumblr.com.
The Incubator took this as an opportunity to butt in with an explanation. "Phoebe stepped in to stop two enemy magical girls from killing each other. She wanted them to understand each other's point of view. To make a long story short, all three girls share the same body, gem, and for the sake of convenience, name now." "…Wow. What's that like?" Phoebe laughed. "I suppose it depends on which one of me you ask!"
So I'm pretty sure I plural-coded a character here without actually intending to do that, understanding that this was what I was doing, or being aware of the ramifications of doing so. If she comes across as pretty two-dimensional rep for that, I apologise. That straight-up wasn't even my plan.
"It's cool, it's so cool you could hold it on a swollen eye and numb it,"
This line I can mark up to the fact that I think I was showing my partner Hitchhiker's at the time, and it ended up coming out like one of Zaphod's chronically uncool quips. That's probably good, actually. I don't think Phoebe is very cool very often.
I also want to point out that the name Deckard is an obvious hat-tip to Do Androids Dream and Blade Runner. The Attendants all calling each other by last name but the citadel residents being on a first name basis is also very Blade Runner-y, but I don't remember the book well enough to be able to say that they do that in there too.
Though it was growing late and he found himself accosted by the looming inevitability of sleep, Bill stayed as awake as he could. He was an artist, as it happened, and though she couldn't muster a single cent, the attentive looming of his biggest fan spurred him on to make manifest the visual abstractions of his thoughts and feelings he had set out to make. This, he believed, was his duty as an artist. This was his raison d'être, and even if he was only doing it for a penniless, quiet teenage girl with a tattered coat and a face only a mother who was looking at something else could love, then he was doing it nonetheless!
No joke, Bill Campbell was introduced here because I originally planned for him to have a part in a climactic moment in part 4. I've since decided that that's pretty fucking stupid. He might be another one-off character, I'm afraid.
Unbeknownst to Bill, this was the second time a complete stranger had shouted this at his sole fan in the last twenty minutes, and the second time that stranger had been a magical girl. It was, perhaps, just as well that he didn't know, because learning this would have had no bearing on his life whatsoever and completely wasted his time.
Where did the early-game jokes like this go? I kind of miss them. They don't feel like they're around so often anymore. Maybe they are and I just don't notice.
"Her?" He spluttered. "She wouldn't hurt a fly!" "I'd be impressed if she could, though." "How's that?" "Insects don't feel pain, sir."
Genuine contender for a top ten spot in a list of PFDM jokes, I think.
I don't think Phoebe's transformation sequence is very strong, because I hadn't got my bearings yet. I'm glad if anyone got the dud one, it was her.
Thalia crept out from behind a concrete pillar. She wished she knew some curses so that she could whisper them to herself. She had been hunting the collector witch, and along came these happy-go-lucky hotshots and claimed the battle for themselves? How despicable.
Once all this is over, I might post all the witch names and titles somewhere. They probably won't all fit in the story (the important ones still have so far, and will continue to, however).
I've said it before, but the labyrinth sequences are based on the mid- and late-career works of the playwright Sarah Kane. Those are definitely worth a read if you've got the fortitude for them, but they get heavy like nothing else I've seen. Particularly 4:48, for reasons which I hope are obvious.
Now that I think about it, I guess I can't let that one sequence from Evangelion episode 22 not crack a mention. Best episode of the show, quite frankly. One of my beta readers is going to very very strongly disagree with me for this, but it's better than End of Evangelion. But what would they know? They're not writing PFDM.
Crucial addendum: I am being tormented.
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A smile on her face and the usual dose of nightmare fuel in her mind, Marie turned and left at what happened to be precisely 11:59:50 P.M.
This sequence is a bit cliché, but it's still a personal favourite of mine. It was really meant to be one big sign off to this kinda-sorta pilot, and I wanted that to be a grand cross-section of where PFDM has the potential to go. I hope it works?
Ruth sat forward in her armchair, as if sheer force of will could clear the picture quality on her television. She cast her mind back to this day twenty-two years prior, before Sarah had wound up in that fight that left her in her current state. Before Graham - the right proper piece of shit - had announced that he couldn't love his own daughter anymore and run away. For sixteen years, New Year's Day had cemented itself in her mind as a family occasion, and it had never quite stopped feeling that way. Then again, her daughter sitting silently by her side had always been the only family she ever needed.
Take for instance our first look at Ruth here. You get next to nothing about her, and were it not for the narration's mention of her in chapter 2, you might be forgiven for thinking she has nothing to do with the rest of this story. But I've established that (very tenuous) link already, so it should be pretty obvious that all of these are interconnected. Again, I don't know how effective this actually is, because I already know everything that's going to happen. But I remember being pretty shitting pleased with myself at the time, and I pretty much still am.
Lara stood up the back of the crowd by the Harbour Bridge, still grinning with relief. The countdown had been timed perfectly. Her sister had just asked her why the back of the jacket had said what it did, and she was mortified by the possibility - the All-Permeating Abyss in all its infinite dark majesty forbid! - that she would have had to provide an answer! Life wasn't about answers, in her opinion. Life was about a black leather jacket with "Do Not Resuscitate" stitched on the back. Life was also all about flirting with Madeleine, she supposed, but at least Sisyphus took breaks to let his boulder roll down the hill. She could wait.
I'm really rapid-firing these nods to characters you haven't met yet, and there's so much for you to chew on. You already get mentions of Lara's thoughts falling to Sinead Macquarie and Madeleine Whitman, without - and this is crucial - ever once exposing the fact that Lara is the Macquarie that Marie was thinking about in chapter 1. Then I go ahead and name drop the Abyss for funsies. I'm on a roll here.
Hours later, on the other side of the world, Margaret leaned back in her diner chair whose creak in response suggested that it was the elder of the two. The look on the face of the girl across from her said she would really rather be anywhere else, but if she had any intention of speaking as much aloud, it was cancelled out by her embarrassment at the absurdity of her situation. Besides, the two of them had a very important job in the days ahead, and work only became more pressing in the festive season. "You could at least get your feet off the table," she telepathized. Margaret pretended not to hear.
I don't think anyone picked up on the fact that this scene probably takes place in the United States as given by the fact that it uses American spelling rules, but it was there. Wait maybe Americans say "canceled"? I don't understand how they treat double Ls.
Wai-Fong braced herself a mere fraction of a second before she burst shoulder-first through the seventh-storey window and hurtled toward the street below in a shower of glass and blood (mostly not even hers!). Time slowed in freefall, and a jet of flame from the explosion spewed forth from her impromptu escape, very narrowly missing her head. As she turned to look, three enormous, bony arms clawed their way out of the building's exit wound. She winced. No doubt the witch that used to be the girl she was just fighting. As she readied her weapon, she felt a small degree miffed at forgetting until now that she said she would be studying for her finals tonight.
And back to British spelling rules! Plus a character with a Cantonese name. I really don't think guessing where this one was set was anything resembling a challenge. Also Wai-Fong was a character I really didn't have any direction for at this stage: I kind of winged her early chapters. Which honestly surprised me, because now she is, in my opinion, one of the characters with the biggest personality in the story.
Hüriye's eyes snapped open. She stumbled backward into her turntables and stopped them silent. Instantly, all eyes in the room were upon her. She grinned. Her mind swam with the infinite possibilities self-realization brought. She knew the way to a joyous and fulfilling life. She loved herself, and she knew that the corner of the universe she called a self loved her back. She knew that when she woke up tomorrow, it would be to the first dawn on a perfect life, one where she could- Huh? Oh, shit. The music.
I think Hüriye's pronouns here versus in the rest of the story serve as a pretty big hint for what their realisation might have entailed before they outright say it soon after their proper introduction. Honestly, if I were you and I hadn't figured this out, I'd be kicking myself a little. Just saying. Not even to be rude or anything, I'm just saying.
The youngest daughter of an eons-ancient force of destruction stirred from her sleep, woken by the counting down of the humans ignorant enough to believe themselves her parents. For a moment, she thought she saw a shadow by her doorway - poised like a cat, but with longer ears and a bigger tail - but when she rubbed her eyes and blinked, it was gone. She was hungry. Hungry in a way she didn't know other people weren't. She didn't understand what the urge really meant she wanted. This feeling was normal to her, but she had never quite satisfied it, and she assumed it was something that would come and go as a standard part of growing up. In a sense, it was. Every child on the path to becoming a teenager wanted to destroy the universe. What made her so special was that she could actually pull it off.
Now you're probably wondering, "Hey, DARKMAGIC313, why are we seeing this kid whose relevance still hasn't come into play, and not a character I actually care about, like Adia Musyoki?" Well, first of all, that's not my real name, but it would be sick as hell if it was (were?). Second, patience. You'll like this kid, I promise. Third, as I hope is obvious by now BUT IF IT ISN'T DON'T READ THIS BIT, STOP READING THIS PARAGRAPH AND SKIP AHEAD TO THE NEXT ONE, countdown numbers six through three are all showcasing a tangentially relevant character introduced in parts one through four respectively. And fourth, and perhaps most embarrassingly, I hadn't come up with Adia at the time. Yeah, go ahead and laugh. This is a self-parodying, over-the-top political thriller, and I didn't even plan for it to have a hacker character from the very beginning. Shame on mother fucking me.
Beyond the limits of the universe as all of the above understand it, untouched by the white lies called time and space, a brilliant deity draped in a flowing black cloak writes by the deep blue light of her soul gem. Her words are inert as she pens them, but their meaning is alive and dynamic, shifting into the shape of a cosmos. This cosmos, too, is filled with life where she wills it - or does it will her to write? Which one informs the other? - life which understands itself through the words she builds them from. She is the speaker-god, and her words and the universe are one and the same. And she's mighty humble, too.
I do like how quickly we dropped the title of speaker-god. I've been doing a lot of this thing where the narration strips a character of their titles when it becomes apparent that they're undeserved. Maybe I'm not doing that as much as I think I am, actually. I can't think of any other example except for the bit in the most recent chapter where the narration takes to calling Whitman "Madeleine" when Marie starts humiliating her. Still, even if that's only two points of data, that's something.
The part names are also lyrical quotations, and in fact, all are connected to the titles of their first chapters - part 1 shares an artist, part 2 an album, and part 3 an actual song. The logical conclusion is that part 4 would be exactly the same as the title of the first chapter in it, but for some reason I'm a little doubtful I want to do that. I have a much better name for it in my head anyway. Maybe even a few much better names.
PRETTY OBLIQUE SPOILER ALERT: I also want to point out something I deliberately kept hidden in my part retrospectives - PFDM actually draws a lot of parallels to Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon (for more or less the same reason PMMM proper draws a lot of parallels to Goethe's Faust - it's pretty emblematic of an entire artistic movement whose vibes PMMM is jacking). The first that I make apparent (to my recollection, anyway - I may have missed something) is the part titles loosely paralleling those of Gravity's Rainbow. Until the Dark : Beyond the Zero The Champs-Élysées is a Busy Street : Une Perm au Casino Hermann Goering (really naming a location in French is the only connection here, but I only had so much to work with to keep the part title-chapter title connection working. I did say the connections were loose.) A World of Twenty Thousand Girls : In the Zone (this one pretty much only makes sense on top of how otherworldly Gravity's Rainbow's Zone actually actually is.) I feel like me telling you all this is maybe a pretty hefty giveaway about the trajectory of certain narrative threads and framing devices, but I don't know how much you guys actually investigate this kind of thing. Maybe I can say all this and get away with it just fine. Maybe I was overly cautious in neglecting to point any of this out in the part writeups, and/or maybe where this plot differentiates from that one is enough to keep you thrown off the tail, and/or(!) maybe even if I give you this hint, theorising about where I'm taking things will be no less, or maybe even more rewarding! Again, the curse of actually writing this is I have no way of knowing for sure how the audience feels.
Dark magic has been a phenomenon observed among magical girls since before the evolution of the modern magical girl (Puella Furia)
I am pretty sure that this was a hell of a bombshell to drop though. I think we're still dealing with the ramifications of these magical girls being further along the evolutionary chain than their counterparts in the source material.
Dark magic, true to its name, does not interact electromagnetically, and thus cannot be observed by an individual who is incapable of perceiving their surroundings without a body's sensory organs. Typically, this restricts observation to magical girls (in the various stages of their life cycle) and those similarly aware of their souls as in, for instance, the Incubator.
I deliberately avoided also saying wraiths here, even though I'm pretty sure that this early on I knew that they were going to be showing up in part 2.
As advances in the understanding of dark magic continue, the phenomenon's discovery is misattributed to significant contributors to the study of magic. These include Penelope of Skyros (310 BCE - 291 BCE), for her use of it in elaborating on the Aristotelian conception of a "fifth element", Aisha bint Hassan (703 - 739), the first person to write the equations for dark magic stability and its relation to emotional energy usage when her trail of thought became derailed while she was trying to figure out how to fit a rolled-up rug through the front door of her house, Anneliese Holzknecht (1828 - 1871), whose extensive writing on the matter had resulted in the SI unit for dark magic being named the Holzknecht (abbreviated as Hk), and who had invented both the time paradox and being found dead 7000 kilometres from the last place you were seen, and Rachel R. Parker (1981 - 2002), who had actually coined the term.
The saddest part of writing PFDM is how short I have to make everyone's lifespans. Except Anneliese Holzknecht, who I hope is pretty obviously a pet favourite of mine at this point. Actually, a very VERY early version of the story plan (i.e. before Macquarie and all that) was going to have her be part of the main gang, and also immortal. I since decided that was patently ridiculous, and that I ended up finding her more interesting long-dead than alive (although she did live for quite some time!), so I kinda-sorta moved her immortality across to Whitman, and changed it more to an immunity-type power. More recently, I've started reading You Bright and Risen Angels by William T. Vollmann, which incorporates centuries-old immortals into its main cast much funnier than I would have anyway.
Parker's coinage of the phrase came about in 1998, in response to the discovery of "dark energy" named to suit the nomenclature established by dark matter. She had come up with it during a game of table tennis, wherein she had joked that if the name ended up sticking, the entities whose bodies were comprised of dark magic would have to be renamed to "witches" and "familiars" and was shocked to discover the following week that this was exactly what had happened. What she was not shocked to discover, however, since neither she nor anybody else ever knew this, was that mere days after she made this joke, a woman in another country altogether was giving birth to an immaculately conceived child. Had she known, her entire understanding of consciousness and free will would have been thrown into question and it's entirely possible that this would have made her feel less bad about the joke in comparison.
I have no doubt in my mind that the name "witch" only being a decade old has caused hella plot holes in the historical sections. If it has, I'll probably patch these up. Not entirely sure if I care enough to, though? We'll see.
Anyway, that's all for now. See you next time for chapter 4, the first chapter I wrote live as we were updating!
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namuneulbo · 2 months
week one hundred and twenty seven
i've been playing so much stardew (and reading ao3)!
did my weekly grocery shopping on monday and also picked up a vinyl for my sister that i had ordered and managed to get myself a puberty 2 vinyl as well while browsing the store hihi.
on thursday i had a presentation together with my classmates d, e and o. d's so pretty and smart *dies*. she had dyed her hair (or well, retouched it) and it looked so nice. i think i MIGHT (!) be developing a crush. i don't know. TRUST ME I DON'T KNOW EITHER HOW I CAN MOVE BETWEEN PEOPLE SO QUICK!!!!!!!! only thing is that she's very short which had always for me been like... a thing i don't really like. LIKE I KNOW IT'S NOT GOOD TO BE VISUAL LIKE THAT but... it's okay to have a few visual preferences... right? or am i problematic?
i have however always thought she was pretty during the online lectures back in the fall too. literally after my first day i remember thinking about how pretty i thought she was and how i'd like to be her friend... or something along those lines...
right... presentation. we had about influences in k-pop and i had about queer influences but i was so nervous TT d like... nodded and hummed and agreed and stuff throughout the thing which in a way helped but you know, i was still stumbling over all words and repeating information and only looking at the floor and my hand was super shakey... like to the point where o mentioned it when she was trying to comfort me afterwards TT she was like "oh no, you did well, one could tell your hand was shaking but other than that it was really good!"
on the brighter side, i received a lot of questions afterwards, which i now realize could just be because i explained it poorly, so that was nice. however i once again got nervous and like... couldn't perfectly explain things so d jumped in for me and answered and gave shorter and more concise answers. i'd like to think she did it because she noticed how uncomfortable i was. i was impressed how much she knew about the subject but i guess it makes sense since her part of the presentation was about black influences in k-pop and you know, black and queer culture have a lot of history together and queer history includes mainly people of color. it was still impressive though.
i talked briefly with her and s after class and i walked home feeling like i might have some friends soon. so that's exciting!
on friday i went shopping with m. it was a lot of fun but i spent so much money... we went to some stores then had food then more stores then a sweet treat then beer. i'll list a quick haul: halfaxa vinyl, maroon nail polish, foundation, eyeliner and a hair repair oil thingy.
we also... kind of planned a trip to dublin for funsies... to see twenty one pilots next year... we might fuck around and go... we have over a year to save up for it so you know... it's fineeeeeee. i'm so glad we both love ireland.
yesterday was my sister's birthday. i gave her an orville peck vinyl and a shirt with pedro pascal on it. her two fav things, country and pedro. i was nervous she wouldn't like the shirt but she ended up wearing it for when her (our?) friends came over, a, j and l. we had white people taco night and then played mario kart and mario party. it was a lot of fun!
our shower drain is clogged so today's laundry day so i can wash the bathroom rug that ended up being... quite nasty after the shower that made us realize the drain was clogged. i had to do my laundry soon anyways so it's fine.
i used to really like doing laundry but now it feels like such a hassle. i booked the same machine twice today so i had more time to wash everything since i think i wanna wash the rug seperately from my clothes and then i obviously have to do seperate color and white washes. so much work.
sotw: babymetal - mirror mirror
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livinlavidavili · 2 months
After the harrowing week on Naboo and Tatooine, Obi-Wan sits me down for my weekly letter to my father to update him on what’s happened, the letter arriving to Mandalore later in the day as it’s such a short flight for the delivery droid ship.
Dear Daddy,
Hello!!! I miss you!!! And Cole. And Uncle Cander. And Uncle Cassie. And JJ and Rass. And Aunt V!
So much has happened this week!!! Most of it really good. Some of it so sad.
Master Qui took Obi and I to Naboo for a dipplmatic diplomatic mission. But then! There was poison! And Obi made a Force shield around me ‘cause I can’t hold my breath like they can. THEN we landed on the planet and got all wet and ran from tank thingies into the water and then there was this fish person- Jar Jar. He was very ugly, Daddy. Very. And annoying. I do not like him.
Then he took us to his underwater palace and it was SUPER cool. I would love to live there and be a mermaid. And swim so much. Anyway. Then the king fish person said jar jar was a criminal so we took him away ‘cause Master Qui said to.
AND THEN we saw the QUEEN only she WASNT the queen she was a dikoy decoy. Then we took the ship only the ship was damaged so we emerjency emergency landed on Tatooine.
AND THEN WE MET ANI!!!!!!! He’s so cool!! He’s MY age!!! Three months older. He won the pod race that we went to. It was awesome. He was a slave but he won his freedom with the race. His mommy is still a slave :( the queen would not free her??? I think the queen is a bad person. Her name is Shmi Skywalker.
Ani is a Jedi! I feel like I’ve maybe known him forever. Master Qui said it was weird how fast our Force bond snapped into place. I like him a lot. He likes to build thingies with machines.
Obi has taken BOTH of us to be his Padawans now. I know it was only supposed to be me when he graduated but he graduated early. The Council didn’t want to keep Ani ‘cause they said he’s too old but we don’t think so. He is so smart. Smarter than me maybe?? He speaks four languages!
Obi Master Obi has to take us both because a mean Sith hurt Master Qui bad. Obi says he’s with Mommy and Master Tahl. I hope they make friends and have picnics. I miss him. I still feel him around me in the Force. When Master Qui was fighting the evil Sith Ani and I hid in a ship and it TURNED ON and Ani PILOTED IT and we shot the big ship in space! And won!!! There is a droid on Naboo named Mr. R2D2 and I was wondering if maybe you could find it???? And bring it home??? So we could have it??? Maybe???? Please????? It’s the best astromek astromech ever. Pls respond.
I am happy to see you so soon and I miss you bunches. Master Fee says he will take me to Mandalore instead of Master Qui but we will still go just as much :))))
Okay I have to go ‘cause Ani and I have school in the morning.
Love you!!!!
P.S. Chernan, Lili has improved immensely with her spelling! Only three corrections this paper. Please feel free to call me, I know this letter may be concerning. Until our call or the letter next week, Obi-Wan.
Once he receives the letter, Chernan opens it among the privacy of his home, laughing quietly throughout your writing despite his slight panic during some of the news.
Flying around with a new friend? Unsupervised? Shooting things and possibly risking being shot down? Interacting with slaves and possibly slavers?
Ben's note at the bottom makes him laugh even harder. For some reason, it's just really funny to think this man may be sitting somewhere, shitting his pants over the possibility of an angry phone call from Chernan himself.
Rather than calling, writes two different letters, one for you and one for Ben.
It truly is so sad to hear about the passing of his Master. Qui-Gon Jinn seemed like a wonderful man.
How wonderful it is to hear from you this month. Your recent adventures sound so exciting! I'm glad you're safe. I can't imagine how scary it must have been, but I'm also glad you had a new friend to endure it with. Ani. He sounds like a nice boy. I am sure he will love having you by his side, especially during the adjustment period of living in the Temple after having a life elsewhere. You of all people will know what that's like, my darling!
As for R2D2... I will go to Naboo and see what I can do. If he is someone else's droid and they don't want to give him up, please understand I might not be able to bring him. But I promise I will try my best.
For your sake, I hope you never encounter that Jar Jar man again. I can sense your annoyance through the page- and it's adorable, but I also don't wish anger upon you, my sweet girl.
Things have been fairly uneventful here at home... Cole is doing well in school and will be advancing in his jetpack training very soon! Cassius is very proud of him and also says he misses you. He and Cole are sitting with me right now, in fact. They walked in as I'm writing to you. Cole says the next time you come up, we need to go camping! I told him you might like that. Something fun to do in our beautiful forests. Let me know what you think, ner ad'ika.
I've got several fairly big and important political meetings coming up that I hope to secure for the future of Ordo. It will involve partnerships and trade route exchanges that would be excellent for us. More money and travel which will also attract more tourists.
I can't wait to hear from you again, darling. Miss you and love you so much. Thank you for never giving up on these letters! Tell your new friend Ani I said hello. Also, give your Master Obi-Wan a hug. He may need it during his time of grief.
And then, to Obi-Wan.
Dear Obi-Wan,
Thank you for your concern over my possible panic at my daughter's letter- though I assure you my appreciation lies more deeply in the way you looked out for her and kept her safe while on that mission. It is an admiral quality of a Jedi to always be prepared for anything, especially with other lives at stake. Not a day goes by where I doubt your abilities to care for, protect, and nurture my daughter. She is doing very well under your trainings and teachings and I couldn't be more proud. And grateful.
I heard about the passing of your Master, Qui-Gon Jinn, and I express my deepest and most sincere sympathies. He was a wonderful man and I'm sure the loss must be very tough for you. Please know that if there is ever a day you need to... separate from the detached emotions of the Jedi lifestyle... I am one call away. I'm an excellent listener and I won't hesitate to pick up. Also, I won't tattle if feelings are being had.
You are a wonderful man, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Never let any dark days dim your light. Always remember your purpose and your strength, even if it feels like no one else can see it but you.
I will keep you in my thoughts as you proceed through this time of grief.
Chernan Ordo
Several days later, when Obi-Wan receives the envelope, he moves into the quarters to try and find you. "Lili?" he calls, "Are you home?"
The envelope is thicker this time. Perhaps your father sent you something else along with the letter.
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landlordrecords · 2 months
Films, Films, (TV), Films
The last year has seen all sorts of upset & moving around for me, so (after a strong start to 2023), I haven't watched half as much film & TV stuff as I did in the coupla years previous. However, I'm still chipping away at my Great Lifetime Film Catch-Up list (to be followed by similar for books), with the assistance of streaming location finder JustWatch and, in the last year or so, the insanely good Cully's World of Blackpool, which reputedly holds 100,000 DVDs, generally priced at four for a fiver. As previously, I hadn't seen them unless I say so below.
Eyes Wide Shut (After all the Greatest Ever Vs Total Rubbish, turns out to be a solid bit of stuff, sort of stayed with me a bit without being as full of portent as some seemed to have suggested)
Knives Out (greatly enjoyed this with the missus)
The Watcher (TV series - we also quite enjoyed this)
Charade (Not quite as amazeballs as all the Hitchcock-He-Never-Made press, but well worth a watch)
Dynamite Chicken (tenuously Richard Pryor-connected DVD that had been sat around for about 15 years with me never quite getting to it...quite good in the end, one of those 60s mash-up thingies, all sorts of clips splurged out in a row)
Seven Of One (Ronnie Barker 70s pilots series, from which sprang Open All Hours & Porridge - very good, enough so that I soon after chewed through the first series of Open All Hours, and greatly enjoyed it)
Gregory's Girl (quite good...I wouldn't rush to see it)
Rocky (had started & stopped this previously, due to the mumbliness, but glad I eventually persevered, top movie!)
Henry: Portrait of A Serial Killer (after the fuss had long died down...quite good)
Shaolin Drunkard (great fun...& the Wu-issued DVD actually had a significant amount of decent clips from other related stuff as well, good package)
Stark Raving Mad (rave-heist mash-up DVD that had sat around, again, for about 15 years...Alright! Can't have been too bad, cos a bunch of that pile went straight into my swaps pile in the end)
Gangland (bonkers so-bad-it's-good one with minor Ice T role)
Glass Onion (see Knives Out)
Collateral (decent blockbuster)
Dark Knight Rises (I had to remind myself which one this was...Not at all bad though)
Never Been Kissed (this was just on the telly, but I did actually enjoy it quite a bit in the end!)
Big Momma's House (continuing my soft spot for extremely stoopid comedies...Not quite as much laughing as at White Chicks, but still pretty darn funny in part, provided you leave your brain at home)
Angels With Dirty Faces (solid super-retro classic)
Batman Vs Superman (Yes, quite Crash-Bang-Whallop, but not as bad as people had said, I thought)
Black Bird (TV series - we thought this was really good)
The Chumscrubber (another from the ancient DVD mop-up pile...Again, I did watch it, so it must've been alright on some level, but not a great movie, lots of bad stylistic choices)
Art School Confidential (I couldn't quite remember if I watched all of this originally, so returned to it, & laughed like a drain, great fun)
Shottas (a bit low rent, but a bit different if you like action movies, being genuinely Jamaican-themed)
Fist of the Vampire (a so-bad... one...I did doze off a bit in the middle, but pretty insane, yeah)
The Public Enemy (another super-retro gangster classic)
The Hurt Locker (bit laddish for me really, but very well-done)
The Artist (boss)
The Chaser (Korean action thingie - good stuff, pretty tense)
Spellbound (on the second or third go...pretty good)
Napoleon Dynamite (I gave up on this after a while at first, cos the guy is so unsympathetic, but I guess that's the point...Lots of very funny bits, if you haven't seen it, & pleasantly surreal in a small way)
Blue Remembered Hills (Would have doubtless had more impact at the time. Having known the conceit for decades, it just seemed OKish at this point)
More of Dekalog
Escape Plan (pretty good fun)
A load of shorts by that Cornish guy
Wicker Man director's cut
Dirty Harry (solid classic)
Blood Simple (on the second go - a bit low rent compared to their later ones, but good plot etc)
Raging Bull (I tried the stream & the DVD & still thought the pic was shady, so picked up a Blu Ray cheap in the end, my first, thought it deserved it. Obviously a very good film but not much up my street apart from the peerless boxing ring scenes)
Woman Of Tokyo (super-retro Ozu bit...not as good as the later stuff but worth a look)
The People Just Do Nothing film (we were actually surprised how good this was for a broad Brit comedy film)
Elephant (1989) (absolutely excellent, seems a bit forgotten, glad I tracked it down)
Samurai Cop (probably fairly well as good as people say, in terms of so-bad... ones, although I'd seen so many by the time I finally saw it that it didn't have quite the impact expected)
To Catch A Thief (not bad)
The Asphalt Jungle (this is really good)
Detour (OMG, SEE THIS! The main print kicking around is nearly unwatchable, but I read there was a Criterion or whatever one where they had blended that with a much better print, just to fill in losses, and it is SO much better, & the film is thus revealed to be as good as all the cineastes say. Famously Poverty Row stuff, yet transcending that - storyline is good, actors great for the roles, and...it is all of about an hour & 10 & yet fits tons in. Highly recommended)
Stranger Than Paradise (I'm glad I watched it but I'm starting to realise I'm a bit pickier with which Jarmusch ones I like than I originally thought)
The Bat (another that had sat around on a DVD for years - no classic, but worth a watch, quite nice eerie atmosphere)
Death Wish (really good, I thought!)
School Daze (I got through half of this years ago & had to stop it, with an enormous eyeroll...I felt I had to finish it this time, & tbf I was kinda half-watching it while doing something else, but...I actually quite enjoyed it this time! Weird!)
Sunset Blvd (obvs a classic)
The Crazies (70s OG, not bad considering how low rent it is).
That was Jan/Feb last year...then my Dad had a stroke...Didn't even watch any more til end of March...Friday The 13th (OG...kinda does the job, doesn't it, despite not being very original)
Death Wish 2 (surprisingly not a total disaster after the first)
The Bay season 4 (fairly well dug in with these now, with the missus, set just up the coast)
Bullitt (super stylish)
Junebug (picked it up for Will Oldham, who is barely in it...I thought this was pretty darn good, very different, off-beat stuff)
3 Colours Blue
3 Colours White (realised I had seen White before. Obvs both classics)
Nil By Mouth (I was slightly terrified of watching this, owing to the strength of clips I've seen, but it is all justified in the context of the film, which is a corker, really convincing slice of life, well recommended)
The Honeymoon Killers (sleazoid!)
Rust Never Sleeps
Hukkle (obscure little Hungarian offering I stumbled across...DVD pic is quite poor quality, but great little film, very distinctive)
Get Out (very good)
Yojimbo (classic)
The Pledge (probably not regarded very well or whatever, but I liked it)
Birth Of A Nation (long - had started it sometime before & didn't rewatch that portion, then sorta did other stuff through portions of the rest. We all know the score - deeply controversial but massively important, off the list now!)
This Is Spinal Tap (thought it was time for a rewatch, still extremely funny)
White Chicks (rewatch - same)
Bodies Bodies Bodies (no classic, but very watchable)
Who Killed Captain Alex (rewatch)
Under the Ice (Henry Kaiser rewatch, still beautiful)
The Witch of King's Cross (doc, about some freaky-deaky Aussie woman, good stuff)
Love In the City (intellectual chore)
Meet the Parents (rewatch, umpteen time)
Step Brothers (same, White Chicks down all while a friend staying over at the start of June)
The 6th Commandment (TV series, think everyone watched this)
The Tower (TV series - quite good)
A quite good BBC grime documentary
A really interesting documentary about an ancient Yank crossdressing resort called Casa Susanna
80. Still Life (very good stuff)
81. Inside Man (Lee - rewatch - start of a small season of rewatching ones you are 'meant' to see more than once)
82. Usual Suspects (rewatch)
83. Memento (rewatch)
84. National Treasure (TV series - been meaning to watch this for years, pretty good)
85. The Ladykillers (OG - I don't think I've seen any of these before, should probably watch more)
86. That Steve Coogan Savile TV series, & the Netflix doc (seedy)
87. Psycho (OG - finally!! Very good, of course, & starting a brief season of films reffing the Psycho shower scene)
88. Friday The 13th 2
89. Aerobicide (superior so-bad... movie)
90. Scream (season ends)
91. Astrid (TV series - joyous)
92. Everything Everywhere... (these multiverse things are all somewhat gimmicky, but pretty great to look at)
93. Movie Hoarders (decent enough doc)
94. Vatican Girl (TV series - pretty good)
95. Dahmer (Netflix series - again, pretty good)
96. The Night Agent (TV series - same again)
97. Easy Come Easy Go (lesser-known Elvis film,watched with Diehard Elvis fan My Dad)
98. Death In Paradise catch-up (sorry not sorry)
99. Vera catch-up
100. Ban the Sadist Videos! (good - if dated - video nasty doc)
101. Still Tickin (similar Clockwork Orange doc, from the DVD)
102. Old School (had to eventually watch, as I really like Will Ferrell...not the best one to feature him, but very watchable)
103. Anchorman (second try...some laugh out loud moments, but again not one of my favourite Ferrell Man-Baby ones)
104. Spider Verse 2 thingie (see Everything Everywhere...)
105. The Pez Outlaw (highly entertaining doc on something I was almost totally unaware of)
106. Widows (superior heist shizzle from McQueen, great cast)
107. Texas Chain Saw Massacre: The Shocking Truth (decent enough doc)
108. Blood & Flesh (quite interesting Al Adamson doc)
109. Anatomy Of A Fall (extremely well-made)
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karltface · 2 months
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Why yes, yes it is.
I've completed another exchange with my man in IA, and this one's pretty solid. Here we go!
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I'm starting off with the assorted scrap first. Some of the missiles are oddly familiar- possibly a Kenner line. The purple pistol feels like Skeleton Warriors or something- definitely Playmates. The cannon is Multimac, a line of modular vehicle bits I used to love, since they were dirt cheap at Market Six stores, and look great. Got the clip for a Sky Commanders Bomb Blast, a sort of battery-operated bomb-dropping thingy that ran on a line between whatever you could find to attach it to. I'm lost on the backpack- it's not GI Joe or Corps!, but has a short 3mm peg.
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In terms of action figures, I landed another Robotix dude- Carson Graves, if I'm not mistaken. A couple Super Hero Squad figures will fill out the Trinket Fund this Halloween, and Tiny E-Frame is just fun. No pilot, no missiles, just a well-sculpted Mobile Air/Land Command suit that takes up very little shelf space.
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Inaction figures! We got a sloth that either wants a hug, or is dancing. Three "thumb wrestlers" hail from the early aughts, although the full-body one feels like a GeneriCo. Sting is obvious, but the other guy has a strange likeness that resembles a few stars of the era. I'm blanking out here, it's been a while. Brainiac 5 is from Legion of Superheroes. Feels like a fast food premium, maybe? The Pichus are pencil toppers from the late 90s. Eggo pack-ins, if I remember. Cute.
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And the straight-up figurines, all superheroes. Two Eaglemoss Batmen, a Wolverine that looks to be a game token, and an odd golden Superman. They're not my bag, but again, Trinket Fund.
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In a category by himself, we have Beetle. Far and away the best thing to come out of McDonald's Beast Wars promotion, this thing is absolutely adorable in beast mode, and has remarkable personality in 'bot mode. Lookit his little tusks! He's angry!
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Also of special note is Absorbing Man's head. I intend to build a Michael Berryman toy, you see, and, well, look at it. That's a good start if I ever saw one.
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And finally, Eye Guy. This one's staying packaged for a time, since he's actually project material. The long and short of it is, this is a competently engineered toy with fun features and a great sculpt. But they couldn't fit both the eyes and the paint wash into the budget, so rather than doing the sane thing and choosing one or the other, they half-assed both, reserving them for the front and the extremities respectively. And thus I will begin my first foray into actual paint washes.
Well, it's been another adventure. These boxes don't come around too often, but they're worth the wait.
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yokomation-blog · 5 months
Good night
Tomorrow i´ll get Willa Brown´s Boots done
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also new plan
- Get Hercy and Willa Brown done
- Get the Quolly Gang and everyone else done too in blender
- THEN we can get to work on animations once i got fucking Enough(and YEAH small scale Test animations are OK too)
- might make model sheets if i need them im short on models and i need to master my workflow, im on the right track and i got WAAAAY TOO MANY MODEL SHEETS i haven´t Yet turned into models i would love to, especially i have gotten good at doing shit the right way plus a Pilot episode has kinda fallen apart SOOOOOO YEAH MIGHT NOT BE A BAD IDEA JUST TO GET MODELS READY AND SHIT!
so yeah, i feel like i wanna say "Do you think i can do it" but with the new Workflow in plans and Hercy and Willa Brown almost done, i feel like most of these will be done HOPEFULLY if everything gose as planned, also this is a copy and paste from a YT communtiy thingy i posted but basicly, feel like it might be nice to have ALOT of models along with me.
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andyridgeley · 2 years
starting my justified rewatch :))))))
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galacticgraffiti · 3 years
Hello Gala!!!! I had a Daddy Din Thot... Imagine thingy.....
You're back at the ship, Din has been on an extended mission and had you holding down the fort. It's taking longer than expected, and he uses his comm to check in on you each day he can just to make sure you and grogu are all good.
You've been really high strung libido in use lately, especially with his voice in your ear every day, and have had some heavy fantasies.
He comms in the check in on you two, he asks a question and without any thought at all (thanks to your fantasies) you call him Daddy instead of Din or Mando.
He gets back to you at the ship in an impossible time to show you exactly what calling him that did to him
This prompt is half a fic already and i am LOVING it. That is an exquisite Thot my darling, thank you for bringing it to me! ♡
Warnings: daddy kink, accidental reveal of said kink (again! but it's so delicious), female masturbation, imagined dirty talk, actual dirty talk, tiniest sprinkle of angst, but mostly just fluffy-ish smut I promise
!!! NSFW/18+ !!!
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You sigh and rearrange the munition stacks for the seventh time. Din has been gone for far too long, but this planet is not exactly friendly or safe, so he has warned you to leave the ship. He didn't exactly forbid you... but you trust his judgement. Well, you trust his judgement except when it comes to the duration of hunts.
"I'll be back in a day or two at most," he had said. That was a week and seventeen hours ago. You don't worry too much about him, he checks in every day, but that does not mean you don't miss him.
You miss him in the pilot's seat, his thick legs spread wide when he lets the autopilot take over. You miss him standing in the tiny kitchen area, his broad shoulders taking up so much space that it is impossible to do anything without touching him. You miss his little one word answers to your long-winded stories that nonetheless somehow always manage to convey that he cares and likes to listen to you. You miss not always having to be the one that has to get up when Grogu cries in the night.
And you miss Din fucking you, Gods, you miss it more than anything. Every night you miss him when it's only your own fingers inside your aching pussy. They get the job done but it's just not the same. Every night he calls you and you listen to his rumbling, deliciously raspy voice. Sometimes he has time to talk you through it and even though nothing compares to the feeling of him inside you, it is at least more satisfying than using only your imagination as you make yourself come.
But the past two days, Din's check ins have been short - sweet, but short. Apparently he is staking out his target's hideout. The bounty is a quite skilled tradesman involved in many shady underworld dealings as far as you know, so the hunt was never going to be easy. Neither you nor Din had expected it to take quite this long though.
It's late in the afternoon, almost night. Grogu is sleeping, having tired himself out from floating things around that you had just arranged into neat stacks and piles, and even though it was annoying in the moment, at least he is sleeping now.
Tension has pent up from being alone for so long. You don't know how you managed before Din came along- he is insatiable and since you've met him, so are you. But that just makes it worse when he is gone. You groan in frustration and set the munitions aside, deciding to take a shower and wash off the remnants of an earlier... accident with Grogu.
Din's voice resounds in your head when the water is running down your body, as vibrant as if he was standing right next to you. Oh sweet girl, you just can't leave it, can you? Can't live even one day without my cock filling up your pretty pussy, without you getting on your knees for me. That's it, touch yourself for me, let me hear those pretty sounds you make when I suck on your tits...
You would give anything to have him here with you right now, to at least hear his actual voice on the comm, but instead your mind slips deeper into the gutter as you lather yourself up, hands grazing over your stiff nipples, feeling the curve of your own ass like you know Din would if he was here. When you slip your fingers inside your aching pussy with closed eyes it's almost like you can hear him whisper filth into your ear.
There you go, pretty girl, work yourself open for me as you wait. You know I can't wait to get home to you, touch you, fucking fill you up and make you beg for more. Is that what you want, sweet girl? You want daddy to-
Fuck. You stop yourself, ripping your fingers away from your clit. Don't call him that. Not even in your fantasies, it's too risky. You have not worked up the nerve to ask him if he would be into it, it's all still too fresh, too new, and you are too unsure to dip your toes into that quite yet.
After the accidental slip up, you can't get in the mood again, too stressed out by your own mind, so you just rinse off, rub yourself dry with a fluffy towel and slip into one of Din's shirts. It's one of the few luxuries you allow yourself- to steal his clothes, breathe in his scent while he is gone. Maybe you shouldn't, especially not in your already worked up, frustrated state. The pleasure you denied yourself lingers at the edge of your mind and it just gets worse when you inhale him with each breath, but you can't bring yourself to get one of your boring shirts, you want his. You want him.
You busy yourself in the kitchen to make a snack, and just as you sit down with the steaming bowl, your comm chimes. You scramble off your seat and hastily fish it out of the pile you wanted to organise earlier, grateful for the shrill sound and blinking light that alert you of its whereabouts.
"Din?" you breathe when you finally push the button.
"Hello, sweet girl," he mumbles, and you can tell from his tone that he is tired.
"Baby, have you slept?" you ask, chewing on your bottom lip with worry. "I know it's hard and you need to stay on alert when you're on a hunt, but you have to sleep."
"I did sleep," Din grumbles, then adds, so quietly that you almost don't hear it, "...two days ago."
"Din!" You stamp your foot. "It's not healthy. You can't keep doing this, one day it won't work out and what am I gonna do then, hm? Nurse you back to health while I care for the baby as well?"
Din chuckles a little when he answers.
"Even in your worst case scenario I don't die. That's reassuring."
"But what about you?" he suddenly asks. "Have you eaten?"
"Yes," you mumble. "I was just about to. Had to take a shower after your son decided to empty Gods know what over my hand. The whole ship is dusty. But... well. I guess that at least gives me something to do until you're back. I... I miss you."
"I miss you too." Din sighs deeply. "Can't wait for this fucking hunt to be over and put this shabuir in carbonite. I wanna put my hands on you, pretty girl, wanna touch you all over. You're so soft, everything about you and... I miss you out here."
Your breath comes faster as it always does when he starts talking like this and you can feel your heart beat in your throat.
"What would you want to do to me?"
"Ah," Din chuckles darkly. "Listen how eager you get. You gonna touch yourself to my voice telling you all the things I want to do to you once I get back home, sweet girl?"
"Hm-hm," you press out, one of your hands already slipping under the waistband of your panties to press your fingers against your clit. "I'm already so fucking wet, Din, I... I touched myself in the shower earlier."
"Oh you did, did you? Fucking greedy girl, you can't wait until I get home and fuck you stupid, can you? Touching yourself to the sound of my voice, the memory of me splitting you open on my cock... osik, I can't wait to feel your pretty little pussy squeeze me when I make you come. Can't wait to bury my face in you, smell you, taste you. My own perfect little slice of heaven waiting for me when I get home."
His voice is a bit strained and you wonder if he is rutting against something, just as desperate as you are. Your hand moves faster, crackles of pleasure erupting throughout your body when Din goes on.
"Gonna eat you out for hours, sweetheart, turn off all the lights and make you sit on my face until you can't sit upright anymore, you want that? You wanna come in my mouth, pretty girl?"
"Yes daddy!" you cry out and then everything happens at once- your cunt contracts as your sudden orgasm washes over you, your legs shake with the image of his tongue buried inside your dripping cunt. With some delay you register the silence on the other end of the comm but your pleasure-hazy mind can't make sense of it until-
"What did you just call me?"
You frown and think, your thoughts clouded over with little lingering aftershocks of bliss and then- it hits you. Daddy. Oh no, oh fuck you did not- you couldn't possibly have-
You put your flushed face in your hands and say nothing. What could you possibly say? The comm stays quiet for what feels like an eternity but is probably just minutes. There is a strange sound on the other end, it seems familiar but you can't quite place it.
"Are you still there?" Din's tone tells you absolutely fucking nothing, his breathing seems oddly laboured but you can't think of why...
"Hm-hm," you confirm quietly, your cheeks burning with shame.
"Good. Open the ramp."
"What?" you sit up, blinking away tears of shame as you properly register Din's words.
"Open the ramp for me, sweetheart."
Open... for him? You are still not quite grasping what he means but he sounds urgent and so you hasten to the control panel and push the button for the ship's main ramp. Before it even touches the ground, you hear the familiar burn of the jetpack - that was the sound! You spin around just as Din's heavy boots touch the metal floor and jump into his arms. He doesn't stumble, doesn't even step back, he just catches you in his strong arms and presses his helmet to the side of your neck.
"What are you doing here?" you whisper, hanging onto him like you would float away if he let you go. Maybe you would.
"Wanted to take care of you," he mumbles, pulling back to stare at you through his visor, one hand digging into the flesh of your ass to hold you up while the other gently strokes your cheek.
"What about the bounty?"
"Doesn't matter," he shrugs. "Not when my princess needs daddy to take care of her. And you do, don't you? That's what you said. You need daddy to take care of you, sweetheart?"
You shudder and stare back at him, mouth slightly agape. You gather your courage before you start to speak, stumbling over your words.
"I thought I'd scared you away, I was so- was so afraid you wouldn't- I didn't mean to-"
"Scare me away?" Din interrupts you gently. "Don't worry, sweet girl, you didn't. You really, really didn't."
The worry that has been weighing down on your chest is lifted by his words and when Din presses you against the wall, one thick thigh slotted between your legs and you feel the hardness of his cock against your hip, the last traces of anxiety vanish.
"Now," he hums. "You gonna let daddy take care of you, sweetheart?"
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