#but i dont have the skill do it exactly the same LOL
infestedstar · 2 months
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subarashiihibi · 1 month
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i can't quite put into words what exactly izaya has meant to me over the past 8 years. one, it sounds really corny and i go off into at least 30 different tangents about all the little things that make him so endearing to me, but also i just dont really know how to sound eloquent and stuff. that being said, a lot of the person i am today is (for better or for worse) thanks to izaya, so i think if i leave it at that you can at least get it a little bit. ^_^
i was really excited to set this year's display up. i changed the room i used this time, since i got a new desk, and it was...kind of a challenge at first, but after moving around a bunch of furniture and whatnot, i made it work...!
i had to forego putting up a few other things... namely the rest of my bromides and postcards, but also all my shikishi. i need to invest in some way to display them... i also had two(!!) dakimakura... i had to leave out this year. </3 and the cardboard cutout i made when i was 16. 😭
as usual, i have a lot of stuff to say about this entire thing and the stuff around it, so i... will leave my rambling under the cut. (^□^)
my god putting this thing together was hell. i said 'challenge' earlier no this shit was like a fucking war omfg. the clear files kept falling i was miserable and praying to god (im not even religious). and then i had to tape behind the big izaya balloon poster cause it's covering my doorway and it kept getting pulled back to the door...? and it looked stupid. 🤦‍♂️ i wasn't originally gonna put the tables in here either. i really wanted to be able to fit the bed sheets on the walls. but i couldn't... and i needed more room to put the pillows and stuff, so it ended up working out perfectly.
(the only reason i didn't want to use tables was cause i didn't want something covering up izaya's sexy exposed feet in the china poster... 😟)
i was (finally) gonna get a cake this year, but after having the stress of two exams back to back this week and exams next week, i...was too exhausted lol. hopefully next year i won't have an awful overnight job or school making me miserable. (as if i'm not still gonna be a student next year☠)
the amount of durarara merch that's come out the past few years has left me feeling so spoiled... i hope they do a mail order for the 20th anni merch... i want all the izaya stuff without the crazy markups from resellers online🤬
also plz don't judge my toploader deco skills too much... i am not very experienced... and i also don't have a lot of stickers to work with... 🥺
at any rate... at this exact time last year, i was suffering inside the confines of my local walmart... i was working overnight, and my break was at 12am, so as soon as it hit, i ran out to my car to excitedly celebrate the date changing to may 4th...!
and then during my lunch break, i drove to the whataburger next door and did another 10-pull on the izaya birthday kuji while in the drivethru.
i didn't realize this until i started taking stuff down in my room (this is my bedroom... i can't realistically keep two large tables in here and a poster covering my doorway. i had to crawl under the table just to get in and out. my knees still hurt.), but... i actually forgot something i wanted to include... my izaya lightstick... 💔💔💔 it's okay. i will live. i'm happy with my setup as a whole so i have no qualms with this. i just need to make sure i don't make the same mistake next year.
on a (slightly) unrelated note, yesterday (may 3) was the 19th birthday of my favorite album ever from my favorite band ever, fall out boy's from under the cork tree! i was so happy when i found out it's right before izaya's birthday cause fall out boy as a whole has so many izaya coded lyrics it's crazy. (btw, their debut album tttyg came out on the 6th as well...!)
and then tomorrow is cinco de mayo... it's not a coincidence... latina izaya truthers rise up...
anyways...! i'm finally learning how to draw properly. the reason i was always so miserable when i tried before was cause i never knew what i was doing. i didn't know where to start from. because...i didn't use references...so hopefully i can draw something cute for izaya's birthday next year. ^_^
that's all i have to say...! i woke up early this (yesterday) morning at 9am so i could be there at 10am when midnight hit in japan, and it's already 3am on the 4th, so i'm exhausted lol...
i was so excited seeing all the izaya bday fanart on twitter though. all the beautiful artists making beautiful art...
but i've spoken too much now. sorry. i'm going to spend the rest of my night listening to fall out boy before i eventually pass out. bye bye !!!! ^_^
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thearchercore · 3 months
lestappen is not real as a romantic relationship, we know it, there's no need for speculation here. but would you want to see it be real? of course we dont know how they act in their general romantic relationships or their private life, if they are straight/bi/gay etc, but the way they act so soft and domestic around each other, max being a literal fan of charles, defending him (the example is just two days ago on the cooldown room and theres a lot lot more lol) charles having things that he only does for max, and adding all the rivalry, im curious about your opinion
i mean, let's be real first. even if one (or more) drivers were anything other than straight, f1 is a business that thrives in countries where it's illegal so for a driver to come out publicly under the current conditions? yeah.. that's not really a great option. the most they can do is when lewis had his rainbow helmet in qatar or when charles said he's not against same sex relationships because "he has gay friends". it's not exactly a sport where it would be encouraged to be diverse in that sense, or even an acitivist. drivers also have clauses that prevent them for speaking out about political issues in their contracts so there's not a lot that can be done there without risking a person's career.
other than that, it's a very masculine sport and a lot of men project their idea of masculinity onto other drivers (as @tsarinablogs once said, a lot of men who disliked the lewis dominance found themselves in max and became a fan of his, but max does not really present their idea of masculinity in real life. he's just a high profile athlete that other men create sort of a parasocial relationship with -- trust me, when men attack girls for liking f1 and calling them parasocial, it sure goes both ways.)
people like charles (or even lewis) who express interest in not typically masculine things like music or fashion also tend to struggle in the public eye whenever male fans need to find a reason to dislike them.
so all in all, we have to understand two things -- do i think any drivers have a secret relationship? no. if yes, i'm gonna be genuinely surprised more than when lewis moved to ferrari lol. and i definitely don't think the current state of the sport allows a driver to come out on their own terms without destroying their reputation. sure, some drivers have more influence on the sport than others but as of now, it does not seem realistic.
what i think most people find "odd" in terms of whatever friendship max and charles have going on is that they aren't the type of "rivals" that men would expect - they respect each other and actually think very highly of one another so you won't find them beefing it out behind the track like the nascar drivers do (by the way, yes, nascar drivers get into physical fights after races lol) they don't hate one another, they admire each other's skills and talent and it's not really the "drama" you see in other sports where the rivarly can get to toxic extremes (let's say, mma) and that's what makes them stand out.
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RotTMNT Headcanons
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Biology Headcanons
They still have their original turtle eyes! We just cant see them because the art style lol
They're (canonically?) warm blooded
Reptiles take a lot longer to heal than mammals, which is a trait that carried over after the mutation. When they were little they would get a lot of infections (its hard wrangling 4 children under ten, Splinter had a hard time keeping every single cut clean). They own a lot of bandages (specifically fun cartoon band aids) because they have to wear them for much longer periods.
They! Make! Turtle! Sounds! And they picked up some rat sounds from Splinter! Splinter knows what all the turtle sounds mean, but never makes any himself. The first time April heard the turtle sounds she demanded they teach her. She cant make them exactly so she'll make a similar enough sound and they'll joke that she's just got a thick accent
Like most reptiles they will continue to grow throughout their lives! Thats why future!Leo was so big
They've eaten plenty of questionable things growing up. And still will if bribed with enough money. One of the reasons they love Run of the Mill so much is they serve Yokai food aka food with some gross stuff (ex. that pizza with eyes the twins ate when they took April)
Splinter has no idea how old they actually are. Neither does Draxum he didnt exactly care what day his subjects were hatched he just needed them to be juveniles. They were mutated 13 years ago so in reality they are all (mentally?) 13. Splinter needed to put someone in charge while he was gone and the reasoning was because "he's the oldest" because how do you argue with that? And then eventually the kids asked who the second oldest was and Splinter panicked and just went in height order. He randomly picked birthdays and accidentally made Leo 20 days older than Donnie
Splinter's DNA is the reason they're such good ninjas. Somehow. I dont see how thats genetic but yep thats the reason. They pick up moves really fast, so growing up on Lou Jitsu movies and having easy access to youtube allowed them to learn moves visually. Splinter also gave them all a crash course on fighting before he ever let them start going off on their own
Growing up
Splinter named them after colors! Growing up he had to color code everything to avoid "but its mine" disputes. It took him a while to figure that out so they actually didnt have names for that time.
April was the one who started the twin debate. At the time (she was idk 10?) she didnt understand how two siblings born in the same year could not be twins.
Raph and his duty of older brother is essential for the family, but the most substantial role is held by Donnie. Splinter is the father but Donnie is the true provider. Before Donnie got old enough to play around with fixing things the family lived a very different life. Donnie is the reason they have a tv, working kitchen appliances, clean water despite living in a sewer, electric lighting and heating. He's the only one who regularly brings money in and organizes things like online shipping or grocery delivery (thank you internet!). Donnie looks at something and sees something entirely out of the box, and then makes it a reality. Leo found the area that became the lair, but Donnie is the one who made those concrete tubes a functional home. And he did it all just to see if he could. Splinter didnt think he could do it, but it kept the boys entertained all day so he let them have at it. Splinter feels guilty so much has fallen on Donnie's shoulders over the years, but he is so grateful that Donnie turned out to be so smart
All the brothers are really smart, just in different capacities. Donnie prefers engineering and computer science but also picks up other science subjects fast. Leo's is harder to see, it manifests more in quick thinking, puzzles, and people skills. He's also really good at math. Mikey is good at seeing patterns, in both objects and relationships. Raph is in emotional intelligence, particularly internally.
When Cassandra said "my friends call me 'Casey'" she meant that only to Splinter, and the rest still had to earn the right to call her "Casey"
Raph and Casey (Sr) somehow become best friends. No one expected it.
Donnie has scars on his shell, but most of them are from minor everyday things and not true fights. Raph has the most scars due to his tendency to use himself as a shield to protect his brothers
Leo, Donnie, and Mikey all feel like they didnt earn their spot on the team. Leo because he feels he doesnt offer much (canon), Donnie because if he cant make tech he thinks hes useless (canon), and Mikey because he's the youngest and his brothers are therefore forced to include him (headcanon)
At one point Mikey tricked Splinter and Big Mama into going on a date
Draxum and Donnie got stuck in a situation that forced them to bond. They both pretend nothing has changed but it has
Not only does Leo come to Sr Hueso to complain about his life like Hueso's a bartender (canon), but so do all the brothers. Sr Hueso keeps reminding them he's not a therapist
Their s2 finale outfits (gif up top) become everyone's mission outfits
Medic Leo Medic Leo Medic Leo
All the boys love the joey pouch (its basically a incubator and theyre reptiles). April finds it disgusting (its a very hot and tight space made of flaps of skin and you cant move without lots of effort)
At one point the boys all try to get jobs. Raph tries the Hidden City but gets run out by the police again. Mikey somehow talks Sr Hueso into giving him a job. Donnie attempts to work for Big Mama but in disguise. Leo somehow ends up helping Draxum out in the high school kitchen. None of them last the week. Raph doesnt make a day, Mikey gets into a argument with a chef on day four and quits "on principle", Donnie got discovered on day 2 but out of nostalgia's sake (being her exbf's son) Big Mama let him stay on but it got uncomfortable fast so he bailed also on day 4, Leo finds out he's outlasted all his brothers and goes in on day 5 solely to steal some ice cream bars and then told Draxum he quits when he was already on his way out
Theres a running joke that Piebald is always there but the boys keep forgetting about her. They dont know if her and dad are messing with them again or she actually was there and they just dont notice ("i mean... she can turn invisible. She could have been there")
Casey Jr lives with them! April and Casey Sr are at college and living in dorms. Plus, he's not quite ready for full emersion into a society thats never had the apocalypse
Growing up Leo had become a father figure to Casey Jr, a person who could do no wrong. After the movie that illusion is clearly shattered, but he still looks up to Leo and the others. Leo has now taken a role closer to Big Brother (someone who can be flawed) than Parental Figure. Leo on the other hand has fully embraced being a role model for Casey Jr and has basically become Raph whenever Casey Jr is around
Casey Sr takes her job as Casey Jr's mom very seriously. She's not the same as future!Casey Sr, obviously, but Casey Jr enjoys spending time with her anyways. If anyone asks they say they're cousins and as a inside joke Casey Jr calls her "mom"
Casey Sr drilled proper etiquette into her son. The boys are working hard to break that ("Master Michelangelo-" "woah buddy, you can just call me 'Mikey'. 'Master Michelangelo' is way too long and too many syllables")
Raph's got scars from being krangified (from when it ripped into his body and from when he ripped it out of his body). He's got some vision problems in his right eye now
Donnie's also got scars from being forcefully ripped out of the control console
Casey Jr is a avid pupil of Nap When You Can and falls asleep everywhere. Showing him a movie? Asleep. Dinner's gonna take another 15 minutes? He's already drooling on the couch. Leo's taking to long to get his gear on? Catnap on the kitchen table. As the new baby of the family everyone carries him to bed instead of waking him up
Mikey begins spending more time over at Draxum's now, learning about mystic powers
Leo being forced to leave Raph behind really left its mark on him. Watching Leo sacrifice himself really left its mark on everyone else. Its not surprising to wake up in middle of the night because someone came in to check on you after a nightmare
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genericpuff · 9 months
Hello. I wasn’t the anon from last time but I realized my question came off as rude and standoff-ish. it was actually just a genuine question of whether you think all webtoon original creators are/should be held to the same level of scrutiny as LO is. You said before that its okay for indie comics to look messy or unprofessional because they’re passion projects. But I was just thinking of all the webtoon originals that are overworked and under paid. Kind of makes me feel bad because webtoon presents them as professional works— yet treats them like indie projects. And its throwing them under the bus because they dont have any of the same resources as traditional print. When rachel gets called out for reusing panels/artworks, adding filler, and taking shortcuts it sets a precedent that all webtoon originals shouldn’t do that.
Oh you're good!!! Sorry if I came at you like a flying monkey, it was just very similar to the last set of asks so I made a faulty assumption LOL
I do think there's a lot of responsibility on WT's shoulders to do better by their creators. A lot of them are burnt out, underpaid, overworked, as you said, and I'm definitely not looking past that. The only reason I get on Rachel's case as much as I do is because she has WAY more assistants than others, people who are literally industry professionals (seriously, look up their socials/art pages sometime, some of these people literally work in the larger entertainment industries like movies and gaming, it makes it feel like their skills are being SEVERELY wasted on LO with how bad it looks week after week) and there's just a lot of evidence that points to how much Rachel lies about how much she contributes (she's also definitely one of the top earning creators on the platform, at least here in NA). That's not even getting into how much WT carries Rachel and LO on their shoulders, from giving LO extensive ad space every week (ad space that's constantly being fought for by other Originals creators who are lucky to get even a couple hours per season in the ad roulette) to outright paying for awards and articles to be written about it. Like, far be it from me to make assumptions as an outsider looking in, but I don't get the sense that Rachel is in the same ballpark of struggling that a lot of Originals creators are. If anything there are probably creators struggling to be seen right now because of WT constantly giving her and her comic preferential treatment over others. And yeah, that's on Webtoons, but you don't exactly see Rachel doing anything to lift up her peers or talk about her experiences with Webtoons the same way many other creators are and that says a lot IMO.
And, speaking as a creator and as a reader, I'm definitely not against the notion of webtoon creators using whatever shortcuts they need to use, but I still feel like there's a line you gotta draw somewhere before those shortcuts become definitively "lazy" low quality crutches. Those kinds of shortcuts can become a very slippery slope between "doing the best you can" and "making no effort at all". If I can use a creator who's not Rachel as an example, Let's Play has a LOT of this kind of thing going on.
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I can totally empathize with needing to use shortcuts, I use them all the time and I'm not being burnt at both ends the same way Originals creators are, but while there is the concern that criticizing them sets a precedent that people shouldn't use them ever, there's the opposite concern that not talking about it when it's very obviously cheap sets a precedent that it's okay to give your audience garbage and still expect them to stick around and pay money for your work.
It's not really a battle that sits squarely on the shoulders of the creators, though, a lot of it does come down to Webtoons. But I think there are also creators who are just sorta like that. See Snailords as an example, they use WT underpaying them all the time as an argument/excuse for their behavior, but they're a genuinely shitty person with a nasty attitude who very blatantly manipulates their young audience (literally made up of children!) and they've been like that since before they joined WT as an Originals creator, so it doesn't matter if WT is in the picture or not, Snailords is just like that.
When it comes to Rachel, I genuinely believe that she wasn't always like this with her work, there was a time when she put actual effort into her art - but that time has been long gone since 2019/2020. And I don't think WT paying her more or loosening the strictness of her deadlines is the solution, I just think LO should have ended a long time ago before it got to that point. When LO's art and writing started to turn, there was that initial concern that it was her taking these shortcuts out of necessity for her health and work/life balance... but then there's a point where it becomes abundantly clear that the creator just doesn't care anymore and I think that's a point Rachel crossed a long time ago, probably around the start of S2 if I had to try and guess exactly where.
When it comes right down to it, Webtoons Originals is still a form of publisher, and if you sign that contract, you're going to be held to higher standards than creators who aren't because you're no longer a hobbyist, you're doing this as your job. That's not to say you don't deserve empathy ever, especially in the working climate that WT demands, but if you're gonna be working as a professional in an industry that's begging to be respected among its peers, you gotta hold yourself to higher standards. To really get across what I mean by that, if the webtoon/webcomic industry wants to be taken seriously, especially here in the west where it's competing with DC and Marvel, maaaybe it should at least have some modicum of quality control to ensure there's a mutual level of respect between the audience and the creator. I think that's something WT needs to be taking more seriously and, by extension, they should be doing more to both provide assistance and accommodations to their creators as well as quality control to ensure they're holding these works to a standard they expect people to pay for. This is especially true for a comic like LO which they're insisting still has a show in development (they aren't but that's another topic lol), of course people are gonna have higher standards for a comic that's won as many awards as it has and has gotten television and merch deals.
And aside from all that, I don't think anyone gets mad right off the bat at a comic that isn't "perfect", usually they'll just go "oh okay, this is what the comic is, it's not for me" and move on (Religiously Gay is an example of a comic like this, there was already a lot of controversy surrounding it when it came out but it was pretty clear that was just what the comic was so I didn't bother reading it further). It's when a comic starts off on a good note and builds that rep and then becomes a cheap reproduction of what it used to be that audiences tend to get more upset - because the creator has built that rep with them and set those expectations, which they're now failing. Look no further than S8 of Game of Thrones. It's often WAY more disappointing than a project just never improving in quality in the first place because you're seeing, in real time, a project you know can do better fail at that and even get worse.
I'll also mention, on a personal note, that I've found shortcuts that I tried and ultimately didn't end up liking, even if they technically improved the output of my work. I started using 3D models last year for my main project, and while they improved my anatomy consistency, now they're making my poses feel very stiff, lifeless and boring, and my characters just don't feel alive anymore. So I'd MUCH rather have expressive art that's a little messy sometimes than stiff art with an accurate hip to torso ratio. I still aim for consistency as best I can, obviously I don't want my characters' appearances to be morphing from panel to panel, but in practice, most people don't care or notice if an arm or leg is a little out of place.
All that said, when it comes to LO, I don't call that stuff out as like, a genuine legit criticism. It's more just because it's hilarious and I often can't believe I never noticed those things (which is exactly the former point I just mentioned at play, most people don't notice these things). So that's where I'll repeat, don't confuse my shitposting of LO and how silly it can look in hindsight with like, legitimate criticism that I would blanket apply to every project I read. Apply common sense where necessary. Don't ever punch down.
And maybe also just don't use me as a monolith for these things, I'm literally just a guy talking shit on the Internet and participating in some of the worst that fandom culture has to offer LOL Time will tell if I will ever pay for my crimes(;´д`)ゞ
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justlet-melive · 6 months
here’s a question :3 uh do you have like any favourite anatomy or reference books/texts. or any tips for doing study’s??
sorry if this is like annoying or weird idk i’ve just been a little obsessed with your art lately. the way you capture shape and movement is so fantastic. you have such a talent for capturing characters personality through visual quirks too. idk like the way you draw ellie tlou is so specific. it’s not exactly on model but it’s kind of better lol. i can instantly tell most of what you need to know about her. same with your recent astarions like idk you’ve just managed to capture a real physicality about him that i think can be hard. idk i’m maybe biased but i think without any exposure to the game you could probably guess how he moves and sounds from your art.
idk uh sorry if this is worded weird i feel like i always do that LOL okay though anyways i adore your art it’s just so distinct. i’d eat it if i could. i’d honestly do a lot to capture even a fraction of the magic you’re creating. okay hope this message finds you well BYE
no need to feel self conscious about doing me a kindness in the form of gratifying to read, thoughtful observations of my fanart!!!!
thank you. very late response because i wanted to respond with some equally thoughtful advice and also let my ego calm down a bit, but..
im 'lazy' and like to keep drawing for fun as easy as possible. So i dont have any reference books hm... You obviously look at art and are able to relay to yourself and others what you saw and felt. thats the skill you should always indulge. looking at all kinds of things youre drawn to and observing why. best ref! (thanks again btw, best feeling being on the receiving end of that. to be... astarion voice: Seen in the Eyes of Another)
I have studied (and continue to do so when i get the chance) figure drawing at my community college, which was a big leap. i ended up focusing a lot on the relationship between the ribcage/pelvis/flow of the spine at that time. still my favorite part of drawing lol. During my most recent artblock i started copying muscle anatomy pages from a Morpho book as a way to keep drawing without a proper fixation. which is great because i also love the weight of flesh :^D
if you'd like my 'woo-woo advice' it's to get lost in the process and less invested in the results. and never be embarrassed. it'll keep you drawing (behind every piece of successful fanart is a mountain of scrap drawings of Fictional Guy #2378 facing 3/4 left.) and its meditative!! cathartic? personally i like to have a song/playlist to keep up the emotion im trying to work out going throughout my drawing session. helps me tell if the expression im drawing feels 'right'
and on the topic of drawing off model--!! Anytime im onto a new character i do spend a few sessions tracing their proportions/copying their models. after i figure out more or less what about their original design makes that Character i like to lose the training wheels. artistic interpretation is more interesting for me to look at and create. and i think it frees you up to better convey a feeling. the more you draw something the more you settle into 'what works' but i never set out to draw the same way twice! usually never anyway
thank you again for taking time to observe my drawings, and relaying back what you saw and felt. it honestly makes my day(s) to the point i almost feel guilty about it
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
A lot of adults women behave like incels but less violent and more manipulative. They usually love the cringe romance movies where the main girl is average looking and not like the other girls and manage to make the badboy soft. Generally they hate hot girls bc they are jealous (see the way Skr stans talk abt Ino and feel victorious bc they "won" against her, the hot girl). Those women are full of insecurities, thats why Skr is so relatable.
The way Skr tries to not think about the fact Sske dont wanna spend time with her is the same way some irl women ignore that their husbands are cheating, and if they cant ignore it they will attack the other women but they will NEVER leave the guy. All their self worth is based on having a bf/husband.
Then there are some lesbian/bi women who stan her as an act of feminism. She is a female character who got what she wanted so its a win apparently. Fortunatly those ppl are minority bc as a queer woman and feminist, it is very embarrassing to read those takes. I'm all for uplifting women and for them to get everything they desire but not at the expense of non sexist men. Plus, Skr dont even look so happy at the end of the day. So is it really a win for her and women?
Yeah that makes sense. But it's sad isn't it? Because even trying to have a dialogue with them isn't helpful. There's no point having it if they aren't ready to be receptive to it.
Sakura really sees no contradiction between what she says and what she does.
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And yet...
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Lol. Till only two days ago, she was found styling her hair in the middle of chuunin exams, all skinned knees and having suffered minor injuries, while her team mates were working. She let her hair grow in the first place because she thought Sasuke liked it. Lol.
What impression can it possibly give to the reader? Kishi had to stress on it too, with another character this time.
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Why would Kishi stress so much on Sakura and her obsession with her hair, just to make her say something totally hypocritical five chapters down? Lol. Kishi is very clever about writing his characters act according to the character traits given to them. Like for example, the panel below, Kakashi acts according to his character (where he has a blindspot for Sakura's negative shades) thinks Sakura is not the type to brag when she is actually exactly the type to brag.
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Lol, Sakura's whole personality is about being obsessive for Sasuke which in turn makes her violently jealous of Naruto and Ino. She beats Naruto up regularly for no apparent reason and harasses Ino, even though that girl did nothing but try to help her. And she brags, it's the only thing she does properly. Lol.
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And yet, she is always bragging, showing off. From start to end.
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And I am positive I am missing some panels here lol. She is always looking for external validation. She revels in it. While external validation itself is not a bad thing, since humans need some amount of external validation to measure their abilities, and Naruto does it too, but for him, it's rooted in his quest for acknowledgement and acceptance, so he could make friends and not be ostracized from community. Sakura does it because of her ego. While Naruto has his principles rooted in his belief systems, his emotions and his dream that egg him on to do better, Sakura finds her motivation in the desire to show off and impress people, mostly Sasuke.
She disrespects Ino, Tsunade, and she fights Kaguya while she says this?
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Girl, why are you so embarrassing? If you wanna attack her, just do it. Why even mention her being a woman? She wasn't mocking you, she barely even noticed you. You aren't worthy enough for her to notice.
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Lol. And things she says about being a woman are just so cringe lol.
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No one underestimates her because she is a girl, in fact Kakashi coddles her because she is a girl. She is underestimated because despite training, she is just weak and unskilled, as compared to her cohorts. And if she is skillful, we don't see it in the same proportion measured against the way she talks about herself. Tsunade never had to sing about her being a woman and yet people are bloody scared of her strength. Temari never had to mention it, neither did Kushina. Chiyo certainly briefly talks about how women always get the short end of the stick in their male driven society, but she not only belongs to a much older generation that has seen a hell lot, she is a master puppeteer and a superior warrior in her own right, she has earned it.
It would have been fine if only Sakura had actually consistently kept her word, proven herself through actions and not just empty words. Because when she doesn't, it reduces the value of those words. I don't know if she really meant it when she said women were fickle. Who? Tsunade? Kushina? Chiyo? Temari? Nope, they didn't give any such impression.
She constantly condescends to Naruto despite him having proved himself to be skillful, strong, the one who wins team seven several battles while she stands in a corner shaking and sweating. Thing is, she realises she makes mistakes. She acknowledges Naruto's strength as well, but she doesn't do anything to change. The whole point of a realization is to work on it and correct your behaviour. She is condescending towards Naruto till the end. Konohamaru takes her down a peg when she is being disparaging towards him and Naruto when they are doing the oiroke jutsu contest. She even hits Konohamaru, and he gets pissed off. So he makes a reverse oiroke jutsu just to show her true face, and that face has a streak of blood trickling down her nose lol. But when Naruto uses it against Kaguya, she again condescends to him. Narusakus are kinda embarrassing tbh, Sakura doesn't get Naruto. She thinks she does but she doesn't. She thinks she gets Sasuke but she obviously doesn't. And yet, she makes her 'strategies' in kage arc around her knowledge of Naruto and fake confesses to him. Naruto rejects her. Lol. She goes to Sasuke and tries to kill him (with a kunai...) by tricking him, only to be attacked, twice. Even when she drugs her cohorts before going to Sasuke, they clock her real plan. Lol.
She overestimates herself, even though it's clear that if she only thought things through, she would be much more successful. She is really blind to her own shortcomings even though she tries but remains unsuccessful, which is even sadder.
She does know Sasuke doesn't wanna spend time with her, she also gets a sense that she will always be much lesser than Naruto in Sasuke's eyes, she knows but she doesn't care. Even if it means long term misery for everyone involved.
Yes, I am sure some women find her character relatable. But relatable doesn't mean everything. I relate to Sasuke and I am very wary of establishing emotional connections but I know it's not something ideal or healthy. Connection is what people thrive on. If I ever started to relate with Sakura, I would really be compelled to take a hard look at myself. Lol.
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friendlyengie · 9 months
Heyo thought I’d drop some random tf2 hcs and stuff cause of ur post :D
- scout and Pyro get along really well and scout will draw for pyro. Scout likes them cause he seems to actually listen to scout talk
- Engineer is pretty oblivious when it comes to people having feelings for him and hes (kinda accidentally) decent at flirting tho
- Engineer is like a father figure to scout and it makes spy really jealous lol
- Demo is really good at karaoke
- Since spy is good at finding this out about people based on body language etc. he knows exactly who has crushes on who in the base and he thinks it’s SO OBVIOUS but it’s not to the rest of them and he’s really close to just screaming at everyone that they’re blind and to just kiss already. He’s just forced to watch all these pining idiots dance around each other and he hates it
- Heavy and Medic have a book club that is just the two of them
- Scout would be a good dad later in life if he had a kid
ohohhoho interesting. Cracks my knuckles.
-scout and pyro friendship truther until I DIE. I find the idea of scout going from being terrified of this weird “thing” to just being besties with Pyro kind of hilarious. I think they can both do art pretty well actually! I like to think they run around towns and do graffiti together.
-Nodding at this. I also think it helps that (to me) hes naturally very friendly and polite because of how he was raised and like half of the people on his team havent heard anything nice from another human being since they were actual children (if that.) Is he good at flirting or are your standards dangerously low? Is it both? Great question!
-Ive always seen engineer as more of a low-maintenance uncle figure to scout If That. They’re just kind of a pretty standard close older dude with a lot of life experience and younger dude with fuck all going on friendship to me. and tbh ive never. Really been able to get behind the idea of spy being “jealous” of any sort of relationship Scout has with other mercs. Whether it’s him being weirded out by father standins or judgemental of potential partners. I don’t think he doesn’t have a weird relationship with seeing scout bond with the other mercs but i feel like it’s just sort of. Idk. A little more of a unique issue for him.
-Accepted. Though i think “good” for him ranges from “genuinely good singing” to “loud, overconfident, and having a great time getting half of the lyrics wrong.”
-As much as I think it would be fun if spy was surprisingly emotionally dense, i cant deny his canonical skills in that sort of field. That’s like. His whole game. I think his approach to trying to help anyone with romance is “he wont unless youre prepared to basically just inflate his ego for the sake of a few tips.” A la expiration date.
-no doubt in my mind that heavy and medic dont agree with a single thing that the other gleams from reading books. Said with love. They will argue about meanings and subtext and the value of interpretation until it sounds like someone’s about to file for divorce and then end with “so same time next week ^_^?”
-I will be so honest with you. I do not know if i could ever see scout being a father, much less a good one NDGSKHJDKNJJ.
Actually . Hm. Thinking about it. I could. SEE it in a sense. I think he would have some good steps to go off of because of his Mom. Unsure of how good his ma’s parenting was but she at least was very caring toward her kids. He’d have that. But i think he’d have to be a lot more emotionally mature to be able to process how his own current issues with dads and fatherhood would healthily translate into being a dad himself. I could see him being really laid back and maybe a little too “im not just your parent, im your friend,” and any hypothetical kid he has would Not take his ass seriously. I think having to parent a teenager would kill him.
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coldresolve · 4 months
I’m sorry if this comes off as ignorant, that is not my intention.
What is torture apologia? I haven’t been able to find a specific definition and it’s confusing for me. What does it look like in regard to the whump community? On top of that, what are some ways to avoid this in writing?
If you don’t want to type out a response to this, how can this be researched? You make some good points in your post about it, and I want to make sure my own writing isn’t based on stereotypes and misinformation about the subject. I am very, very new to the “whump” community, so I don’t fully understand the ways that torture apologia might be displayed in some of the popular writings.
Thank you for your time, and I apologize if this comes off as ignorant or confrontational.
hey no worries, youre not gonna offend me by asking a clarifying question. what pisses me off are the people who flat out dismiss everything i have to say without actually engaging with it. youre nowhere close to that lmao i promise
uh. i use the sexual assault r-word a bit here, because i just came up with a good rule of thumb that requires drawing similarities between torture and r-word, so. trigger warning if you dont wanna read that
there is no real definition of torture apologia out there, but i treat it in the same way i would rape apologism. and i actually think theres real worth in keeping with that similarity, because rape is considered a form of torture. so like. yeah
id go as far as to say you can switch out "torture" with "rape" in your story to see if the logic holds up, if you might be saying something you don't want to say. for example, "my hero tortures the bad guy, and this is framed as a form of vigilante justice", swapped with rape, uh, might not exactly be the sorta message you would want to send lol. your hero can torture the bad guy ofc, im not saying they can't, but you better be ready to grapple with the full fucking depth of morality of a situation like that
off the top of my head, things i'd steer clear of:
anything that implies that torture is useful for any purpose. torture just traumatizes people, that's about it, and it's dangerous to spread ideas about whatever imagined utility, because your average person has zero grasp on basic ethics - this is what turns your "useful" torture into "sometimes justified". a third of people globally believe torture can be justified "in some cases". like i can't stress how real this issue is
torture works as an interrogation method or as a way to obtain false/forced confessions (useful)
torture can be used to make someone obedient (useful)
torture can be used to change people's beliefs (useful)
torture can be used to brainwash people/control them (useful)
stockholm syndrome through torture is included in ^ (useful and also just. ehh)
any variant of the ticking time bomb scenario (useful + justification)
torture being portrayed as "scientific"; torturers being "experts" in the "skill" or "art" of torture (implies utility)
when the bad guy does it, it's torture; when the good guy does it, it's vigilante justice (justification)
there's a handful of ideas people use a lot in fiction that i wouldn't necessarily categorize as apologia, but which do still send a message you maybe should think twice about sending. torture victims/survivors being "broken", they'll never be able to live full, happy lives, etc. and there's also this idea that torture only negatively affects the person who is being tortured. i especially think showing the effects torture has on perpetrators is worthwhile, but that might just me having a weird fascination with perpetrator trauma. torture also tends to fuck up the organizations that use it, so
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dnfnoodles · 2 months
hmm ive actually been thinking about that, i wonder how much dreams project can actually help out other minecraft content. i dont doubt that his project will pull in plenty of views and be successful, but im not sure if other ccs can really capitalize off of it? for example manhunt set off a huge wave of similar premises but this project cant exactly do that because of the tech required. anyone skilled can recreate manhunt, you cant exactly recreate what dreams doing here.
obviously manhunt clones werent the only thing dream brought to the minecraft scene but im not sure how easily other ccs can use the hype he brings because none of them have exactly proven themselves to be innovative lol. even now the remaining dsmp members that still do minecraft are just on a shittier dsmp clone 😭 im sure some people can make use of this opportunity but i think the majority will fail because they simply dont have the passion for minecraft to be thinking of new ways to play it. dreams new project isnt going to be easy to leech off of, which im actually kind of happy about.
Yeah I do think a lot of ccs don’t actually have passion for minecraft but I do believe if Dreams project blews up enough it will bring attention to minecraft again and there will be creative projects that will be able to use that wave or people clever enough to know how to kinda leach on that hype. It definitely won’t be the same as manhunt because it involves tech that won’t be accessible to just anyone while for manhunt all you needed was minecraft, some people and plugin for the compass hunters use. But even though it won’t be as easy to ride that wave I do think bringing attention to minecraft will still help! Getting people interested in the game again is what’s important
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kasaneteto · 3 months
thoughts about honesty & lying and my relationship with these concepts before intake a power nap because i only got 4 hours of sleep thanks to daylight savings
i didn’t really realize until this year just how deeply ingrained in me the urge to lie is. i will just say fucking whatever if its what i think the conversation needs. (or i should say i used to. ive been really making an effort to not say ANYTHING that i dont mean and its fucking hard but its getting easier fs) this is a bit of a double edged sword because like, i AM very good at talking to people and being friendly & this skill definitely stems from the years and years of people pleasing, but at the same time i have to really hold myself accountable if i want to be impeccable with my word, because the natural instinct to tell a lie is SO strong.
my parents would punish me for honesty so i very quickly learned it was better to lie and not get yelled at (which didnt even always work lol) and as a result have had to learn how to be honest with even myself. it was SO deeply ingrained that when a truth was difficult or painful i would just lie to myself instead of facing the music. ive gotten a lot better about being honest with myself about my feelings, my recent breakup helped me realize that i still had a lot of work to do in that respect and ive been doing a lot of introspection about it. but what im really struggling with is the impulse to say things that i think will help the conversation flow even if they arent true, and in my effort to NOT do this i seem to have become… too honest? i dunno. ive always hated fakeness and niceties of that kind so sometimes I’ll say something in response thats super honest but like….i did not need to say that.
despite my honesty making people uncomfortable at times i feel way better about myself this way. i feel like a toddler sometimes with how much i wear my heart on my sleeve these days but it feels good to know that hey at least im being genuine yknow? like what you see is what you get with me. im not exactly an open book but im not gonna pretend to be someone im not just for your sake. like ive been doing that my whole life and STILL got rejected by people left and right so like. who cares. i’ll just be myself and be honest and forthcoming and not worry about what other people think of me. because the people who like me and want to spend time with me will stick around. and if im being myself and people dont like that, WHO CARES!!!!! get well soon bitch because im fucking awesome. it feels good to say that and truly believe it.
anyways. tl;dr if we’re friends theres a good chance that one day i will say something to you and then immediately say “that wasnt true im sorry idk why i said that” because it has been happening often LOLLLL
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nori-the-cat · 1 day
sm going to have more problems if it keeps looking for another copy of xyz idols. smh. unless theres cloning then dont bother bc they cant always find what they want without going out of their comfort box of ideals. its obscene really the way they go about ticking boxes just so someone may or may not debut. that or idfk its not going to debut idols of the exact same age group so clearly its not going to find them the idols they want exact copies of rofl. thats like someone trying to find another marilyn monroe even if theres copies or wannabes its still not going to be exactly like the original. move on sm. do something different or dont bother. will their next group have like 35 members as well? lol
This what I notice with SM. From Taeyeon to Winter. Shinee Minho and Lucas. DBSK Jaejoong, NCT Taeyeong, and RIIZE Wonbin. Bada and Ningning. SNSD Yuri and Aespa Giselle You see the similarities? There many faces that look similar in that company.
They’re quite stubborn about their idols. They have unrealistic expectations and standards, whether that’s the visual or skill of the trainee.
It’s quite frustrating honestly, and this might be the reason why SM takes the longest to debut new idols. They’re stuck in their own ways. 😀
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
actually fuck it. my proposal for the skyrim main story quest rewrite  that i think keeps the bare bones the same but incorporates more lore and makes it more interesting. reputation also will be making a comeback in this along with skills and more dialogue options
this is also part 1 bc i wrote so much lol i’ll do the rest later
>keep the intro. it doesn’t rly bother me. it does its job its just very long and annoying. maybe change some details but i think it can work. difference to the set up though is ulfric rebelled because they banned worship of not just talos, but more importantly shor/shezzar/lorkhan who they said was never really a god, just made up by men to justify killing elves and is a violent religion built upon hate (which is how they argued the banning of it during peace talks, why should you have a peace treaty with an empire who worships gods that kill your kind?)
>you are still told to go to whiterun and meet with the jarl. while you can get inside the city fairly easily (after passing many panicked traders coming to sell or deliver goods into the city where you learn its a major trading hub bc they saw a dragon fly by or are bickering abt if it was a dragon or not) meeting with the jarl isnt so simple. you’re told you dont have an appointment, and wont be able to get one anytime soon given you’re a nobody (if for some reason you have done other stuff and gained a large reputation and have high speechcraft this can be bypassed) and there is a civil war going on. everyone saw the dragon near by. how can anyone be sure you aren’t proposing to send a march of troops to riverwood to instigate a battle in the civil war? his housecarl won’t let you have a meeting nor will he really talk with you if you try
>luckily for you, you’re pointed in the direction of the court mage looking for someone to do things for him if you feel the need to complain to anyone. farengar needs someone to do various tasks for him, and no one else has taken him up on the offer really given the distrust of mages in skyrim as of late. he tasks you with several things: gathering herbs, trying a new potion he developed, testing an enchanted item by killing an enemy with it. various wizard grunt tasks that also introduce various other magical skills that you can ask him to explain if you’re curious and he’ll explain them but point you in the direction of the college if you want to really learn as he cant take students right now
>last quest he gives you is to get the dragonstone someone was asking him about. he can’t pull away from his work at the moment to go get it, but he has faith you’ll probably survive. bleakfalls barrow can probably mostly stay the same, but things of note i’d include is having some details from bandit conversations that draugar aren’t normally this big of an issue. usually they can “just sneak past them” but for some reason some are walking around awake for no reason and are way more active. just as a little detail
>delivering the stone farengar can now get you the meeting with the jarl. he’s vouched for your reputation and thinks you’re trustworthy. along with some funny dialogue to not mess it up or he’ll be in hot water. NOW you can meet with the jarl, except your conversation about riverwood asking for protection is interrupted by word a dragon is attacking a whiterun tower
>kill the dragon, eat the soul, use fus, you know the drill. this one isnt that bad and i think it works. there, several nords question your soul eating and turning the dragon to bones more than the thuum, which is something nords known and can train on. irileth says thats all nord superstition and she doesn’t believe any of it, but she does question what exactly you did to the dragon or if its normal for dragons to die that way.
>you return to the jarl who thanks you, names you thane, and says he will send more guards to scout riverwood, but believes the dragon you killed is likely the one riverwood was so worried about. if you question him about “dragonborn” stuff he will explain its a nord legend, dragonborn emperors, etc, but that if anyone could answer if you’re a dragonborn or not it would be the greybeards. the greybeards don’t summon you outright at this stage, not unless you have done other stuff i’ll include in another section.
more under cut bc this is long
>go to the greybeards. greybeards say frankly they don’t know if you’re the  dragonborn or not. you claim to have eaten a dragon’s soul and absorbed the knowledge, but it’s hard for them to test that. however, your gift with the thuum without them teaching you is remarkable, so they send you on spiritual tasks before they train you. they are more old school nord pantheon religious as opposed to the more imperial worship thats becoming more common
>these tasks include: traveling to various sacred sights, a word wall, and going to kynesgrove to hold a ritual to commune with kyne. from there kyne will task you with finding a fox that you later find out is the avatar of shor, who confirms you are of dragon blood, but that you will need to seek counsel from ‘the dragon’ if you want to know more. after that he fades away, and you return to the greybeards who say that is peculiar, and may be referring to akatosh. they know they could ask paarthurnax, but are still hesitant about introducing you to him
>there is a possibility to meet another dragon before you return to the greybeards. after the tower and dragons start appearing across skyrim, a third faction of the civil war has opened up: the dragon cult. various villages have been taken over by dragons, where some dragons you can speak to are there. they will confirm you are dragonborn. they don’t see you as a threat, more like a pitiful, weak little creature. all of the dragons have different personalities, one i might make disgusted with you and calls you an abomination, another who thinks you are interesting and mentions they would like to have you as a priest/willing servant but they believe that would “anger alduin” and you would refuse anyways. if you speak to them the greybeards say that might have been what shor was referring to when he said “the dragon”
>they then begin your training, teaching you various shouts. after every shout they send you on a small quest after the little tutorial part to “internalize and meditate on the meanings”. rinse and repeat. fast travel is enabled still in my vision so you dont have to make this trek every time
>after this they task you with recovering the horn. it is there, in the tomb, along with the tomb containing lore on the way of the voice you can read like the tablets on the way to the monastery. they mention the great elder greybeard paarthurnax, friend of the founder, but not that he’s a dragon. some lore info. you bring the horn back and are named dragon of the north. from here, the greybeards say they dont know why a dragonborn has come, but that there are many prophecies of what dragonborns accomplish. ultimately though it means you get to forge your own destiny, and they hope you will get the way of the voice in your heart. probably discuss where a lot of dragonborns did a lot of damage, like with tiber septim conquering the continent in uhm, some pretty not nice ways.
>after you gain some reputation (or maybe just asking around and then waiting a few days) an innkeeper in riverwood says she’s heard you’re looking for dragonborn information and she’s a bit of a scholar so she thinks she can help you. going to her she says shes a bit of an archaeologist so she’s learned a few things, but asks for a favor first as nothing is for free. she’s been very busy running the inn and needs you to delivery some packages of information for people who have requested it from her. one is a member of a jarl’s court, another a college of winterhold member, and something for a skooma addict in hopes he stops causing problems for other people (hiding out in an abandoned college outpost in windhelm after the people drove them out, because there are now college outposts) these are all covert messages she’s been unable to send to various blades members/contacts who are still in hiding. i just thing 5 members is better than fucking 2
>then, she tells you a lot of lore about the dragonborn. then says if you think you are dragonborn she’d be interested in seeing you in action as she’s never met someone claiming to be dragonborn and your story is interesting. she accompanies you to the dragon burial at kynesgrove where you see alduin and actually get a dialogue option with him, however short. if you have done studying and research on dovahzuul, you can actually answer him in the dragon tongue which does mildly impress him but he is still going to say you are not worth his time. you are weak and an abomination, nothing like a true dov. and then he has sahlokniir kill you like in the original.
>after this delphine asks to head back to the inn to talk about all that. she then takes you into her room, closes the door, and reveals the secret door. down there she finally reveals she is a member of the blades and apologizes for deceiving you. she says the blades are being hunted down and persecuted following the war because they threaten the thalmor’s power. but the blades serve the dragonborn, so she wants you to lead them.
>next thing she needs though is she knows she cant stay here. she’s been talking to you, going and looking at things, and the thalmor are very suspicious with this dragonborn talk afraid the empire is trying to empower themselves against them and find a new imperial family. she says there is an akaviri temple that is hidden away they can stay in and get the blades together again to act as a base of operations, and that it will be safer than being scattered and hidden hoping no one catches on. the people you delivered to previously are given messages and promise to meet you there when they can slip away with varied dialogue. skooma addict reveals it was all a rouse and he goes pretty easily. this also allows the base to have stuff like a mage, a smith, etc.
>after this she says she thinks there may be more members alive, but also the thalmor might be onto them all. she tasks you with breaking into the embassy and getting the information. unlike the very scripted quest, getting in through the party is not the ONLY way to do this. you can break in through a variety of ways if you are clever, or you could have already done it when the quest starts. all you need to do is tell delphine if ur going to the party or not. ALSO regardless of how you do it, if you are stealthy enough no one will burst in at the last second to say they caught you and hold malborn hostage despite not realistically having a way to know that fast. if you kill everyone there though or slash your way through they will know though and your cover will be blown.
>there you find documents of various blades agents and contacts they killed. as well as find out they are currently hunting for esbern. you also gather the documents on ulfric and stuff. delphine is relieved she left as it seems like they did just start to catch on to her, and then tasks you with finding esbern if he’s alive because he’s lore keeper and will know about the ruins they are in as well as the dragonborn legends
>getting esbern is pretty similar. along with the thalmor coming after you. if you are in the thieves guild or have enough money you can bribe them into helping and use various traps in the rat ways to kill the thalmor
more to follow
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puhpandas · 8 months
In your opinion which character from Fnaf security breach would most likely go to prison for committing multiple felonies
Montgomery Gator
Roxanne Wolf
Glamrock Freddy
I'll be ranking these as if they were all human and could get arrested on human terms lol:
1: Vanessa. she committed the same if not more crimes and murders than Gregory did but didn't have the insane amount of skills at hand to cover it up seamlessly. she would be more likely to get caught than him and would eventually be tracked down if she tried to run. Vanny seems like the type to make one mistake and then they lose
2: Freddy. this seems crazy but I do think this. Freddy also committed murders but even if he was under control like Gregory and vanessa i dont think he would offer himself the same benefit of the doubt that it wasnt him he offers to the others. he wouldnt have covered his tracks, and Freddy is not stupid but he wouldnt be able to. so when they confronted them he wouldnt fight it and go with them
3: Roxy: I think she would be overrun with guilt for doing something terrible no matter how unwilling, and it melds with her bad self esteem to an awful degree. she would probably try to cover it up and defend herself if they came to get her but they could say something specific to set her off and then its over
Monty: despite the murders he would understand who is really at fault. and he literally already got away with Bonnie (even if that was unwilling too) where people knew something happened and was up but nobody could point any fingers. that's what would happen with him. they would suspect him but he would play it so smoothly plus his covering up they wouldnt be able to arrest him
5: Gregory. not to put my fave at the end for most smart and best or something but like. the entire book of GGY was about how nobody suspected him and he seamlessly covered up everything to the point where absolutely nobody noticed. and he knew super quickly when someone was even beginning to solve his mystery and monitored them, and knew exactly when to snuff them out so they couldnt expose him. the police wouldn't even know he did anything to arrest him
bonus joke response for Chica: she would let herself get arrested for the promise of a last meal
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kenjiyabuki · 4 months
DMD FTR: finale thoughts
i forgot to put this out because i've been in the process of being an employed adult human person these days, unfortunately (no one who saw my previous DMD FTR posts is surprised that i was unemployed). now i wont even get to have my weekly crisply shot and edited hang outs w Gen 3 besties while this new job is sucking my soul... but this was a pleasant finale to this sweet and chill and incredibly unsurprising show!
here's the thing: i dont even know who Domundi is trying to fool w this double win stuff cause they did literally announce the new gen would be acting in TWO (2) new series during their 2023 Line Up event???????
Tumblr media
so the double win wasn't a surprise AT ALL but it's okay, it didnt really diminish my enjoyment out of the show at all. i wanted both couples to have series anyway!
as i've said in my first post about this show, it has been very obvious that this shows' intention isn't to be a competition, it's more of a new gen "inauguration". they could've just put the boys through bunch of workshops and let them choose partners off camera too but they chose to put money and time in to make it a whole show, so people could witness their journey and premature fan clubs would form and develop. i think its fun and clever marketing but did it work???
well, the boys def have more fans now BUT on the same day this episode was premiering, some ZNN fans were crying about their faves (who just had a movie come out, also filming a show rn AND scheduled to film another one after) being slighted by the company and they didn't need to "add more". like i said, i don't really follow Domundi closely, if the fans are right about artist management i might not know... but their Gen 2 was extremely successful after all and people are BEGGING for more series, so it's not a bad move for a company to want to grow. i wish fans would be more mature and learn more the industry the person they "stan" works in! why would a growing company would just make shows w 2 actors over and over man, cmon 😭
okay now that i got that out of me, back to the finale. some notes about the general:
the group performance of the theme song was a bit cringe to me bc i just hate that kind of music. but everyone's ending fairies were really cuteeeee so i forgive them
real winners of the episode is the background dancers because they literally did all the performances and acted too, very well!!
Domundi members and variety of industry people in the audience was sweet to see and added valuable comments/advice for the boys. i was especially happy to see Jimmy and Tommy, whom i ADORE!!!!
i was laughing at that LOUD ASS clapping and hollering track they kept playing to add some more noise to the audience's. like i know why they did it but how much that big sound didn't match w that small crowd just tickled me..
well, yeah, i cant get into idol-ing stuff personally so i was kind of bored during the solo performances. i dont really have comments that hasn't already been said by the judges. i thought all the boys did what they were supposed to do and showcased their talents, EXCEPT Latte........ my dude, what happened? i think he could've lip sync to the song, which IS a skill (Rupaul's Drag Race battles and just drag performances in general as evidence...) that would add a lot to his performance.
Firstone leaving the competition w Best Friendship & Best Performance Awards in his pocket and two guys wanting to be his partner. What a little star... Deserved and love his cocky attitude.
about couple jukebox musicals:
in my last episode commentary, i joked about Mandee getting inspired from my ideas but then they actually kinda happened lol🧐🧐🧐🧐 ThomasKong's performance was a coming of age, young love story while KengNamping's story was more complex romance w an angsty core, almost exactly like i wished for.
all in all, KengNamping's performance grabbed my attention the most. mostly because their acting & chemistry seemed improved to me (that kiss fake out at the end, what the hell??? you guys couldn't hold an eye contact couple eps ago...) AND their storyline just ATEEEE. i dont know who came up w the forbidden romance between kinda out of touch but well meaning rich boy & his "i suffer through love quietly" village boy bodyguard, w humour sprinkled in, but they need to get their ass eaten regularly...
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ThomasKong don't even need to try that hard, they are just natural born charmers!!!! i liked their friends to lovers, nerdy guy cant believe popular one' love bc he doesnt see his value storyline (Thomas could've busted out One Direction's "What Makes You Beautiful"). With the romantic prom climax, it reminded me of American high school movies and fit their vibes perfectly. i wish it was more humorous, because i think comedy is one of their strong suits. like how did it ended up that shy kings KengNamping got more laughs than ThomasKong, the goofballs themselves??? whoever is writing their series, please take notes, now that i know you are reading these...
after the glorious double win and the cute four-way hug, Aof said that two shows would be announced this year which clearly meant that most we are getting this year are pilot trailers. which is fine. not easy to be patient but i get that they are a smaller company w lots on their plates already. i hope they will use that time to work and work and work on the shows!!!!
i honestly want Domundi to kind of change up things in their filmmaking/producing styles, maybe switch directors sometimes and try diffferent styles idk... this show and Gen 3 in general felt very refreshing and i hope they keep that vibe going! and maybe i will finally watch a Domundi show till the last episode.
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P.S.: Extra clips were released this week and KengNamping's was sweet. i was kinda laughing at how much of a set up it was like, them conveniently sharing a blanket, all mic'd up, getting filmed w lights on etc. but their conversation and mood in the moment seemed sincere, which is enough. it was nice to see the context for ep 5, when they found each other at the other end of the red ribbon and said that so much happened on that bridge. what a perfect circle moment, from comforting each other about not winning a challenge to winning the show!
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fortunatelev · 3 months
I logged out and stopped playing early. Idk...I'm just bored...like I have no one to hang out with and talk to and sometimes it gets a bit depressing seeing other people hanging out and having fun together. Anytime I have tried to make friends and be kind to people I would always get treated like garbage. I have nothing but traumatic memories of people and how they all treated me like shit. Like wow...am I really that unlikeable? Why was I even born then? 😅
But seriously, though. While it is true that you dont need to have friends, life is more fun when you do have them. Right now...I'm just bored. Lonely and bored. Life feels so dull and pointless. Like?? What's the point to anything? Like you think you are living right and it's like "Okay God I cut off the toxic friends and the people who were bad influences so when am I going to have people to talk to or am I just going to be destined to talk to myself for the rest of my life?" And that is what I actually do. I have full conversations with myself because I have no one to actually talk to. I guess God wanted me to be isolated from everyone and not have any social skills. lol okay so that made me undeniably crazy. what was the point of that exactly? what is the point of me being here? to be a laughing stock to people? to be the butt of a joke? like why? what is the purpose of me being on this earth. I'm tired of everyday being the same thing over and over.
I feel like I dont really have much of a life nor much to offer. I can't work or drive because of my mental health and my inability to handle stress and my crippling anxiety. I have no social skills and lack the proper necessary skills to make connections and talk to people. Why the hell am I here? I'm just so bored with my damn life.
It must be nice for the people who do have friends and who do have relationships. You're fortunate. I'll probably never have that especially since it seems like God clearly doesn't want me to. I am wondering why I am even still serving Him. I know I shouldn't be envious of people or covet what they have and I dont want to but?? You arent exactly helping me not to now are you? I want friends...I want a relationship...I want human connection but I never get that. I just get treated like garbage like I am nothing and worthless. Its like each time I see people hanging out that is just the universe's way of telling me "yeah you will never have anyone or connect with them. you will never have that. they are fortunate and you arent". And where are you in this, God? Do you care about my suffering? You said in your word for us to delight ourselves in you and serve you and I have done that and even so with all of the time I have given you and all the times I have defended your name and honored you, I get nothing in the end but suffering. How is that fair?
I dont connect with anyone and any connection I do try to make always falls through the cracks and I have to do all the work while they lose interest and stop talking to me. Now I no longer trust anyone after all the betrayals and abandonment. My life just sucks and I'm tired of living it honestly. Like the people who treat me bad always have people to support them and help them but I get absolutely nothing but people telling me that "they dont enjoy being around me when I am sad". How is it that other people can get support and love and they dont even serve you and yet I get absolutely nothing when I am serving you.
I just dont understand this. God, I have served you and have made every effort to revere you but it just feels like you always want me to be lonely and suffering which is already horrifically bad for my terrible mental health. Do you even care? I know I am supposed to serve you and all but given the fact that I already suffer with my mental health, why do I need to have a lack of social skills, too? That just seems cruel of you. I am trying to trust you but I am beginning to lose my faith in you. I don't feel motivated to live this life anymore.
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