#but i can't imagine what else it would be
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a/n: 2.1k w.count- boothill needs a lil tune up [...y'all should've seen this one comin' honestly]
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you're not sure why you bother setting an alarm every time you go to sleep. you don't even know when you'll be sleeping for one; it could be in the afternoon, it could be in the morning, it could be for ten minutes at your workbench, and on the rare occasion, you can even go to bed at night like everyone else. although, that last option when blessed upon you, never lasted the whole night.
as for the original dilemma of alarm clocks? who needs 'em! the critters getting into your shop and wrecking your tools around were a surefire way to get your blood pumping with a wild chase around the shop with a hefty, swinging wrench. kids stopping by to see the newest hunk-of-junk thing you've been tinkering with or maybe even bringing you some toy to fix with whimpering chins are always sure to keep you awake- you couldn't send them away with smashed hopes. perhaps it was a good natured older lady or gentlemen just stretching their legs one fine morning after you had pulled an all nighter, but now you have to entertain their gossip well into the morning past the ass-crack of dawn because you can't be a bad host!
this instance, however, just so happens to be the familiar sound of heavy, metal boots clanking their way through the shop's public entrance. the sound of the stomping reverberates around your small little rest room at the back of your shop through the camera feed you keep running at all hours (mostly for those critters previously mentioned). having just fallen asleep on top of being hyperaware of sounds from the feed, your eyes fly open. with a well-overdramatic, one-person show worthy groan evolved to frustrated yell, you were throwing your shabby blanket off your legs.
"wakey, wakey!" the synthetic voice of an overly familiar man projects into your room.
you stomp across the room in two short strides. slamming your palm down on a button attached to a small table with all sorts of other switches and knobs, the small indicator that audio is feeding from your microphone kicks on as red as your temper.
"the hell do you want?" you growl, voice muffled at the end of your exhausted question by your free hand running down your face. you hear his voice chuckle on the other end. peering through your fingers into the video screen, he had moved to stand away from your shop door. his arms are crossed across his metallic chest, chin tilted up so his one eye can gaze into the camera that follows his movements.
"now, now, sugar," he chuckles, "just open the door, would ya'? i could use some fixin' up." as if trying to coax you into letting him in, he waves one of his arms around by the elbow.
you're not sure if he heard you click your tongue before you lifted your hand off the audio feed button, but he chuckles nonetheless as the soft click of disconnection echoes on his end. he knew you'd come racing to the door... well, at the very least you wouldn't leave him out to dry.
the cowboy dips his chin and chuckles under his breath as the brim of his hat shadows his face. he could hear you stomping your way towards him and just imagining your irritated face with a possibly twitching brow was highly amusing to him.
the door in front of his toes swings open inwards and the rush of air as it did so flutters his long bangs that always covered the right side of his face. his chin rises a fraction, and he was right. your face was assuming.
standing in a wrinkled shirt that you no doubt had been trying to sleep in, arms crossed and a crease so deep in your brows he was tempted to push his thumb between them.
"well," he starts, swaying his hunk of metal bodyweight to one of his equally metal legs, "ain't you a sight for sore eyes."
"what. do you want." you hiss. before he gives you a verbal answer, his arm swings down and swipes something from his pocket before presenting it in front of your face. your eyes nearly go crossed to examine it. then you're looking back up at him, not any more amused than before. "is this supposed to be a bribe?"
the cowboy shrugs playfully, twisting the covered candied sucker between his fingers.
"do ya' want it to be?"
you roll your eyes, bringing your arm up to snatch the small boost of sugar from him. "just get in here, boothill." you sigh, free hand coming to rub your forehead. turning your body to retreat back into your home, the clanking of him following behind echoes at your back.
boothill whistles at the state of the familiar shop he'll find himself in from time to time for quick fix-ups. a workbench loaded with heaps of scrap metal, tools, random bobbles, and screws all littered on top of pages and printed blueprints of projects or repairs. it's even more of a chaotic mess than last time. he sits on the stool he normally snags as his when he's here and, without speaking, you're hooking up a small machine attached to the wall next to the bench and offering him the end of a circular cord.
"need a charge?" you ask with a small lisp from the candy you had already unwrapped and placed in your mouth against your cheek.
"well, why not," he entertains. taking the thick, extendable cord from your hand and plugging it into the port on his lower back.
you flit around a few other places before your snagging a stoll for yourself and placing it in front of his knees. you push some estranged tools around with your forearm and, while moving your sucker from one cheek to the other, you begin to maneuver your hair out of your face.
boothill enjoys watching you in this way. it felt familiar- just seeing someone move around in rather mundane ways. this small sense of domesticity was familiar and comfortable. it calmed him; reminding him of home.
"what's the problem?" you finally ask, looking a tad bit more awake and more or less ready to work on whatever issue he had to present.
his right arm moves to cross his lap and his palm bangs twice on his opposing forearm where his internal revolver barrel is.
"i got myself in quite a fuss with this dang thing. forkin' bullet got jammed in the goose-dud thing and i can't even pop the barrel open to reload it."
you stare at him like he just said the dumbest thing you've ever heard. "you came all the way here. because your arm got jammed by a bullet." the way you spoke sounded exactly how you looked at him.
"this ain't no one-handed fix, sugar." you stay quiet, not willing to admit he had a point. using both hands to not only try and pop open the jam, but also tinker around with what was essentially his whole arm's motion control- that did require a bit more finesse than just slamming his arm on a wall until it gave way... which is precisely what you could imagine him doing.
"fine," you yield. "take off that sorry excuse of a 'jacket' unless you want that sleeve covered in oil."
you twist away from him, half-standing at a strange angle to reach across your workbench for something as the satisfying sound of the bottom of his small zipper unlatches. shrugging it off, he tosses it onto your bench, covering a few loose tools and scribblings of paper.
you fully get out of your stool and trot over to the other side of the shop to roll over a smaller table with a metal tub. you wheel it to his left and, without instruction, boothill lays his arm over it.
as you begin to tinker around with his arm, picks, pliers, oil and all working on trying to dislodge the stray bullet that had caused such an issue, boothill has taken to lounging comfortably as he watches.
his right arm, free of any issues or problem fixing, was propped up on the corner of your workbench at his side with his forearm resting along the edge. his metal fingers had snagged a stray nail from the workspace and had been twirling it absent-mindedly between his knuckles like a bullet.
the only words spoken between you both as you worked was the occasional quick apology if something you did prods against a wire that sent a shock up his arm or made his fingers twitch.
"easy. last thing we need ya' doin' is settin' my gun off, sugar," he had told you. just because his arm machinery wasn't properly loaded- ain't nothing was stopping you from accidentally relodging the bullet and sending it through your wall. the sudden discharge coupled with his exposed wires could easily kick his arm back with enough recoil to knock you clean out with how close you were leaning in to see what you were doing.
"okay..!" you whisper to yourself before the sound of something sliding down in his arm is followed by a sensation; one he was almost familiar with. "give me a wrench. heavy," you instruct. on hand was spread across his forearm just at the start of the revolver barrel, the other outstretched towards your bench. grabbing the nearest one, he slaps it into your palm.
with a two, heavy whacks using your newly acquired wrench, you slam the barrel shut and boothill lets out a small breath.
"now, that feels a heck of a lot better," he chuckles. you reach around his forearm, release the tension latch and the barrel swings out successfully. with your pliers, you easily remove one problematic, greasy bullet. "knew i could count on you to get the job done."
"and thanks to you, my hands are gross," you chide. fingers greased in oil. boothill grabs a rag from your workbench drawer and tosses it over your sullied hands. you start working the cloth between your fingers the moment it hits your skin. "i recommend you stick around and charge up before heading out on whatever you got lined up next."
"shucks, you mean it?" you can't tell if he's genuinely thankful you'd allow him to stay or if he was just being facetious. once your hands were at least dry, you start using it to wipe down his arm next.
"course i do. i'll have to give you a quick check again before you go. i'll mess around and try and make it so it doesn't jam like that again. whatever tech-doc you worked with before really needed to focus on the finer details." boothill wondered if you knew that you had lifted his newly repaired limb and started rotating and twisting it like you were admiring your work. like you were admiring him.
"they don't matter no more," he tells you. "i got ya' now, don't i? who needs some random rear shirt-bag, when i got the best in the forkin' business right here?"
"careful now. flattery will get your everywhere."
"no shirt?"
"watch your mouth," you tease before you stand. "i mean it though. stay put and charge."
"i ain't no stupid electronic," he clicks. his body moves and twists so both of his arms are now leaning on the workbench behind him. both elbows supporting him as his arms dangle off the ledge. "but I hear ya'." his eye shuts under the shadow of his hat.
his eye reopened no sooner than it shut when the shadow caused by the brim of his cowboy hat disappeared and the light of your shop flitered through his eyelids. with a clear, open eye, he lifts his chin to see you standing in front of him.
you had pinched the brim of his hat between your fingers, snatching it off his head and revealing the fullness of his long, dual-colored hair and cross-hair-infused eye. you take his hat and nonchalantly toss it behind his right shoulder to avoid getting any residual oil from his left arm on it.
"take your damn hat off inside my shop will you? you don't need it." you turn away from him as he continues to stare at your back, slack jawed. you mutter something about washing your hands and arms before you disappear behind a doorway and around the corner of the wall. he'd been in the entirety of your shop before, so he knows where you went but all he could think about was you flicking his hat off him.
the cowboy let his head fall backward, the hair on the backside of his skull tangling with screws and pencils as his right hand comes to rest over his face. he can hear the water running in the other room.
"ah, son of a nice lady...!"
boothill has really got to tell you not to mess with his hat.
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a/n: one day i'll write a flirty hat rule fic. *sigh* one day.
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yanderenightmare · 2 days
i love your hybrid au sm! the way you characterise each animal to suit not only it’s species, but the characters itself is so creative and nothing short of genius! so it got me thinking, how would you imagine the bnha characters as mythical creatures and monsters ??? ( eg. vampires, wendigos, harpies, werewolves ) etc.
it's been so long since did a funny lil piece like this
TW: implied noncon, yandere, the supernatural?
gn reader
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Bakugou Katsuki
Demonic spirit
He enjoys large houses—preferably something with a bit of history. But every now and again, some moronic humans decide it’s time to wreck the old and build something new—which means he’s often on the move.
He doesn’t mind living alone in his new house until you move in. He’s a little mad at you at first—he thinks you’re one of those wreckers, what with your renovations and whatnot—but then he understands that you’re preserving, not destroying. Apparently, the Gothic manor is your ancestral home built by one of your great-grandparents seven generations back in the 18th century—seems you were the only descendant who felt it was worthwhile to keep. 
He wouldn’t normally stay when someone else moved in—he’d often use his demonic means and scare them on their way. But with you, he settles for dwelling in the shadows, in the many dark rooms you haven’t found a use for yet. But when night comes, and you turn off the lights and go to bed, he can't help but end up in your room—watching you sleep, oh-so-peacefully and blissfully unaware of his presence. But he won’t do anything to you even though he could, even though you make it so easy—he’s grateful to you, his little housemate.
Your bedroom becomes awfully hot at night—you can’t explain it. Nor can you explain why the wind howling through the house sounds more like the groaning breaths of a beast. All you know is that your bed feels heavier than it should if you were the only one in it—and that you don’t dare twist around to see what it is sleeping next to you because whatever it might be, you don’t think it’s human.
You know it isn’t human. It’s too big to be, and its hands are too warm and too rough—and its claws too sharp where they rake into your skin and tuck you close to a chest that feels as though engulfs you. You don’t think it has a heart, only a stomach—and it sounds hungry.
You read up on sleep paralysis demons, and it brings you peace of mind, but only until night comes and you go to bed in wait. It’s the first time he talks to you. His laugh is like rusted clockwork, and his voice is like raked coals—hot and scratchy against your ear as he tells you how your human ways of rationalizing the things you don’t understand are cute and amusing.
Shigaraki Tomura
You’ve moved into his old room, and though you furnish it a bit differently than he did when he was still alive, you’ve placed the bed in the exact same spot. It’s been all dust and dead moths up until now, it almost feels like he’s alive again as he sleeps next to your warm body.
It’s only small things in the beginning. Underwear that goes missing, unexplainable handprints on the foggy shower doors, your duvet on the floor even though you’ve never been one to kick it off in your sleep.
You’ve never been one to believe in the paranormal either, but something convinces you to search up the history of the house. You find out a boy had murdered his entire family here—parents, grandparents, his sister—and that the boy himself was never found.
Obviously, you shut your laptop with a bang and try and will it away from your mind. It happened years and years ago—whoever that boy was, he was long since dead. But the more it starts sinking in that you’re not alone, the more your belief feeds him—makes him feel real again, as though you’re slowly bringing him back to life.
Sometimes, you spot him in the mirror of your vanity, but when you twist around, there’s no one there. But you feel him—the gust of cold breath giving you goosebumps, the weight of hands and a chest pressing against yours at night, and the brush of coarse fingertips touching you in places—places that have you moaning his dead name.
Keigo Takami - Hawks
Guardian Angel
Being a guardian angel has always been a fun hobby of his ever since the creation—he’s found it to be a nice break from all the other angelic duties he has bearing down his wings. Of course, it’s always sad when your human dies, but luckily, there’s always another one not far behind to steal your halo all over again.
You’re his most recent. He watches over you any minute he can spare, chuckling over all your silly human antics. And though he’s had plenty of humans before you in the long history of man and God, he can’t help but confess you’re his favorite so far. You’re just so cute with your big, adorable eyes and pretty smile.
He begins taking greater pride in his responsibility of being your guardian. He used to see it as but a menial little task he could take to when feeling up for a laugh, but something about you makes him want to watch over you every single second of every day.
And so he does—he has the feathers to spare, especially for something so important. But soon, simply watching over you doesn’t feel like enough anymore.
He knows it’s wrong—so very wrong—so much so he’s afraid he’ll be cast out if anyone were to find out. It’s not right for angels to feel amorous for humans—most would call it deviant and demonic. But he can’t help himself—watching you in your vulnerable state while you undress, bathe, and sleep.
Still, it doesn’t feel like enough.
Maybe he’ll come to visit you one of these days.
Midoriya Izuku - Deku
Hybrid between fae and troll
He protects the forest and nurses all sick and wounded animals back to health, writing down the condition of trees and brushes in his notebook as he wanders for hours until he falls asleep in a moss bed beneath the stars. And though he knows his responsibility is purely to the forest, he can’t help but feel inclined to keep an eye on the little human who lives just beyond it. You’re just so cute with the way you walk the forest and sing songs you think no one hears—wearing your human clothing and living in your human abode behind walls and a door. He just finds it absolutely fascinating. 
Sometimes, you feel like there’s something following you when you walk about the forest next to your house. You’ll turn around to see a cluster of rocks and greenery you could have sworn weren’t there when you walked by—you look away before allowing yourself to think the pile looks an awfully lot similar to a larger human’s huddled form. But sometimes you hear it—the sound of stone scraping methodically, as though walking. You don’t humor the thought until you start finding his footprints outside your house, on the path to the forest—feet thrice the size of your own and sunken as though made by something very heavy.
Your legs go out from beneath you once you first see him—not like those times you’d turned around only for him to pretend to be part of the earth—this time, he’s pretending to be more like you, and it only makes it all that much worse. He’s bigger than a bear, grey-skinned with flecks that remind you of freckles and hair like fresh moss sprouts. His eyes are as green as the fox-fire fungi when night falls—glowing with nocturnal light. When you try to run, he follows suit, making the ground shake so bad it knocks you over. 
He carries you into the mountain where he lives and keeps you there from then on. After all, the part of him that’s fae has considered you his pet from the moment you took a bite of your first forest fruit. It was his gift to you whether you knew it or not, and now you’ll belong to him forever.
Shoto Todoroki
It’s an awfully boring world. Not much to do when you feel you’ve done it all twice over. The taste of blood has become stale no matter how many different types he drowns himself in at night. Sometimes, he humors the thought of setting his manor ablaze if only to watch the fire roar until the sun rears the top of the roof and finally puts him to eternal rest. But he’s been thinking about it for two or more centuries already, and he’s beginning to doubt his nerve.
Dead things can’t make vows, so he must go on as he decided to when he was still alive—that’s the curse—only another person can break it.
You seem doable enough when you stride into his manor with your little sharpened sticks and silver daggers. It’s been a while since a hunter has graced his presence. The scent of holy water makes him lick his fangs, and the nearly irresistible urge to drink you dry almost has him pouncing on you—but he knows it would be but a fleeting high unworth it in the end when he’d have to live another millennium without the warmth of the sun or another soul.
He drops down before you with grace. You have the tip of your silver dagger pointed up under his chin in the same second but get stunted by his pale porcelain face, showing no signs of aggression and rather riddled with a bleak sort of melancholy you’re not used to seeing on the godless creatures.
He simply stands there, straight-spined and high-headed, with his hands folded behind his back as though showing you respect—and then, unprompted and to your great surprise, asks if you would please make it quick and put him out of his misery.
Touya Todoroki - Dabi
Hyrbid between incubi and vampire
He preys in nightclubs on those who have that mischievous glint in their eyes in dire hope their lust can match his. Every day, it’s a dozen new—he can never seem to find the right one—always starving and never sated no matter how much he gorges himself, always thirsting, always dying for more. 
Until you.
You’re but a dainty wallflower who doesn’t want to be there, but you have this scent about you—garden-fresh, like something he’s never smelled before, and his tongue yearns for a taste. He knows what it is once he gets closer to you—the opposite of sin of all things, it’s innocence, and oh, how he craves to devour it whole.
His silver tongue has had so much practice that using it on your gullible ears makes him all but drool, asking you if you’d like some fresh air. You nod your head, big eyes looking at him as though he were some sort of saint for offering. He laps it up—it’s all he can do to pace himself. But when he has you alone, it’s all over for you.
He’s going to corrupt every last piece of you until that once peachy keen taste of innocence has become an ever sweeter taste of syrupy sin. He’s going to make you exactly like him—and your tall fall from grace will leave you blasphemous and beautiful.
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alvojake · 1 day
Pool Tables | K.SN
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「pairing」 : bf!sunoo x fem!reader 「word count」 : 1.3k
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「synopsis」 : watching your boyfriend play pool with his friends you can't help but want him to bend you over the very table and fuck you until you're seeing stars.
「genre」 : pure smut with little to no plot
「warnings」 : MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!!!, cussing, unprotected sex, kissing, dom!sunoo x sub!reader, petnames (princess, baby, pretty, good girl...), cream pie, slight choking, slight marking, begging, teasing, praising, lmk if I missed anything!!
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It started out as an innocent trip to Sunoo’s friend's game room so the boys could play pool while you sat to the side and looked pretty. However, you got bored, and watching your boyfriend being over the edge of the pool table was causing you to rub your thighs together. Imagining what it would be like if he had you bent over the edge, plunging his cock deeper and deeper with each stroke.
This then turned into you standing and making your way towards your unsuspecting boyfriend, wrapping your arms around his waist and laying your head on his back, right in between his shoulder blades. 
“What’s wrong, princess?” Sunoo glanced back at you while Jay was taking his turn. You just hummed, saying you were fine, but your hands said otherwise as they traveled down his abdomen before stopping right above his pant line.
Sunoo was quick to stop your movements, telling you that you could have him to yourself as soon as the two of you got home. You, though, had other plans, continuing to tease him with light touches or asking if you could try just to give him a glimpse of your black lace panties that lay under your miniskirt.
So it wasn’t that much of a surprise when Sunoo took the chance to bend you over the table as soon as his friends left the room to go find something else to do. His hand tightly grabbed the back of your neck as his other hand trailed down the length of your body until he got to the hem of your skirt.
“This is what you wanted, huh?” His voice had dropped an octave as his fingers slipped past the band of your underwear, feeling your slick coat his digits. You let out a sigh at the feeling of his touch, but it was soon followed by a loud whine when he landed a harsh smack on your ass cheek, leaving a red handprint behind. “You’ve gotta use your words, baby; you know only good girls get what they want.”
Your hands curled into fists underneath you as you wiggled your hips, trying to gain some kind of friction to ease the growing need in your cunt. Sunoo rolled his eyes before grabbing a hold of your hip, stilling your movements, and pressing his growing bulge right against your core. Your soft whimper fell from your parted lips as your eyes fluttered closed at the sensation, even more so when he leaned over your body, letting go of your neck to whisper in your ear.
“What did I say?” His warm breath fanned over your cheek, sending a chill down your spine; his hand that was on your neck now sat by your head. You bit your tongue as you looked back at him, but a simple push of his hips against you had you falling apart.
“Please, Sun, please.” You moaned out, pressing your hips further back into his, “fuck me, please.”
A smirk spread across Sunoo’s lips before he leaned down, pressing a series of kisses against your jaw.
“Such a good girl, begging me to fuck her on Jay’s pool table.” His hand traveled down to his zipper, quickly undoing it and pushing his pants and boxers down far enough to let his dick spring free. 
You started to grow impatient the moment he pulled your panties off of your hips, allowing them to pool around your ankles. Sunoo grabbed his cock, rubbing the tip along your slit, collecting all of your juices.
“Sunoo, please.” You whined out trying to push back into him to get him to finally put it in.
Chuckling, he lined his tip with your entrance but did not quite push in as he leaned over your body once more, “You’re gonna have to be quite pretty. I wouldn’t want the others to know how much of a slut you are now, would you?”
Then, without much of a warning, he pushed into you sharply, your slick, making it easier for him to slide in. The stretch had your eyes rolling back as a moan slipped past your parted lips. Sunoo groaned at the way you were clenching around him, desperately trying to suck him in.
“Fuck princess, you’re so tight.” Sunoo groaned once more, causing you to whine, covering your mouth to muffle your sounds as he started to move.
His pace started out slow and deep but quickly turned quick and rough as he felt you fully adjust. The sound of skin slapping filled the room, followed by the wet noises that your pussy made every time Sunoo thrusts into you.
Unable to contain your moans and whines for much longer, you started to bite your hand right under your thumb. However, Sunoo took notice. Leaning forward, he pulled your hand from your lips before replacing them with his fingers. Your eyes rolled back as he pulled you up until your back was flush with his chest, fingers pressing down on your tongue.
“You’re so close already, baby,” he let out a breathy groan, knowing he wasn’t too far behind you. Did I really make you this needy playing pool?” Sunoo teased, causing you to whine around his fingers, drool spilling from the corner of your lips.
Your fingers wrapped around his wrist as you felt your orgasm on the horizon, fingers digging into his skin. Sunoo could tell you were close, that you just needed one final push. So he moved his hand that was on your hip to your pulsing bundle of nerves, a peculiar loud squeak leaving your muffled lips as he harshly circled the button.
Your whole body started to shake as you were finally pushed over the edge, a loud moan erupting from your lungs only to be muffled by his fingers pressing down on your tongue once more. Eyes rolling back, you were sure that you had lost your vision for a split second as waves of white-hot pleasure crashed over your body.
However, Sunoo didn’t stop nor slow his movements causing you to whine against him, but he just started kissing and sucking on your neck. The feeling of his lips on your skin made your head spin, eyes fluttering close.
“I’m almost there, pretty; just wait for me.” He sighed, feeling his orgasm right on the tip of his tongue. 
You pulled his hand from your mouth, moving it to your neck, and Sunoo quickly got what you were trying to say. His larger palm wraps around your soft flesh, encasing your pretty throat easily. Your head then fell back on his shoulder as quiet whines and whimpers fell from your swollen lips.
“Cum for me, Sun, please. I want your cum so bad.” It wasn’t until then that Sunoo finally came, painting your velvet walls white with his seed.
He thrusts a few more times, riding out his high before stopping fully inside of your dripping cunt. Wrapping his arms around your midsection, holding you close to his body. His lips pressed against the side of your head as you relished in his warmth, eyes closed softly.
“Hmm, maybe we should get a pool table for the house.” He thought out loud, letting his lips latch to your neck once more, “because you sure seem to like being fucked on one.”
Your face flushed red, and you smacked his arm before telling him that you probably didn’t have the room for it anyway, to which he just chuckled and nodded, but not before getting one last say in. “I’m sure I could just fuck you against this one anyways; we’re over here all the time anyways.”
Your mind then started swirling at the thought of Sunoo fucking you all over the pool table, knowing that it belonged to Jay. Though you were sure, you wanted to find out just how many ways Sunoo could take you on the table.
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@alvojake | Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, or repost any of my work
𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖒𝖊𝖗 : ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ɴᴏ ᴡᴀʏ ᴀ ᴛʀᴜᴇ ʀᴇᴘʀᴇꜱᴇɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ᴀɴʏ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀꜱ. ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ᴘᴜʀᴇʟʏ ꜰɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴀɴᴅ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴛᴀᴋᴇɴ ꜱᴇʀɪᴏᴜꜱʟʏ.
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I've just recently finally gathered the courage to buy a horror manga from Junji Ito and I've gone for Tomie and now that I've actually started reading it, I just can't stop thinking about having a female s/o based on a similar concept. Someone who has the uncanny ability to make people obsessed with her if they spend enough time with her and who always regenerates no matter how cruel her deaths are by the hands of very same people who fell victims to her strange powers and claimed to adore her.
After years of enduring death and obsession in an never-ending cycle again and again, I can only imagine how jaded and morbid reader would be with everything. She has fully embraced her cursed existence at this point because there is literally nothing she can do about it so at this point she has turned it all into a game. Every time someone else falls for her, she's basically playing the 'what Yandere type are you going to be?' in her head as she has seen it all. She has seen the possessive, the obsessive, the delusional, the overprotective, the clingy, the submissive and dominant, the worshippers and the sadists.
Reader can only sit back and watch with a mixture of pity and amusement in her heart as her newest victim is molded into another obsessive freak that she will live with and indulge their every whim for as long until they snap and she will die yet another death at the hands of her supposed lover.
There are a few worlds where I think such a reader would be especially interesting to let loose (by the way, there are spoilers for Chainsaw Man if you are an anime only):
In Hunter x Hunter I have two headcannons for a Tomie reader. Either she has a Nen ability. Considering that her mere presence would twist and change everyone's emotions as well as considering her regeneration abilities and other things she can do with her body, she'd either be in possession of two nen types which would be Transmutation and Manipulation or she would be a Specialist
The headcannon I consider to be far more intriguing though would be if reader would be a humanoid creature who originated from the Dark Continent but somehow found her way to the Known World. Imagine the Hunter Association or the Known World Government finding out about your existence and hiring skilled Hunters and assassins to track you down and murder you before your abilities could cause any panic.
Imagine Chrollo and the Phantom Troupe catching wind of the situation that is currently being hidden from public. Chrollo, who would be instantly intrigued to track you down and see for himself what a creature from the Dark Continent is capable of and who would keep you as his most priced treasure the moment the troupe has finally found you after searching for you for a long time. Who has to share with the rest of the Phantom Troupe as your mere presence eventually gets to them too, to some sooner than to others and who notices your mild surprise that they actually work together insted of slaughtering each other, something you must be used to seeing. Chrollo, who shares with you experiences in the Known World and adores listening to your stories about the Dark Continent where you were born.
To make it even more interesting, let's assume that you are caught and kept around the time Hisoka has infiltrated the Troupe. Hisoka, the only member Chrollo doesn't trust to leave you alone and neither do any of the other members. There are usually at least two other spiders with you when Hisoka is around but the clown takes it with slightly infuriated amusement as he gives brief glances in your direction, patiently waiting for the day where he can keep you for himself. He has to give it to Chrollo after all, the man knew just how special you'd be when he decided to go after you. He can't wait to steal you away right under the nose of the criminal~
Another possible scenario would be that the Zoldyck Family is hired to hunt you down and capture you as they were informed that you are akin to an immortal being. Imagine Illumi spending months tracking you down and successfully capturing you, though that is only because you do not resist when he finds you, only to never hand you over to the government. Instead he keeps you, black eyes staring fascinated at you whenever he sees you, his cold skin tingling whenever he touches yours, his chest clenching with a sensation he can't quite grasp. He only knows one thing though. That he needs more of whatever it is he feels when he sees you and touches you.
I've already explored this world with a Tomie reader before in this post but Jujutsu Kaisen would literally be perfect because reader could literally be the enbodiment of the curse of obsession which could be used to explain her immortality. No matter how many times she is killed or even exorcised, she will be reborn for as long as people obsess over someone else, no matter how superficial or deep their feelings really are.
Suguru would be an interesting choice that I didn't talk about in the Hc's I linked since he uses Cursed Spirit Manipulation to control curses. The question would be though whether or not Suguru would be able to exorcise and consume you to enable him to gain control over you and summon you at any given time he wishes. Ironically enough a relationship with you in a scenario where you would be a curse would probably be better for you than if you were human since Suguru doesn't look down on you nor would he judge you for your nature as it is the negative emotions of humans from which you were created. You have shared with him some stories of the past where you were murdered from non-sorcerers when they lost control due to your powers and it only fawns his hatred against the monkeys. There are always sweet promises whispered into your ears that he'll never hurt you like they did and you can only wait half-interested whether or not he will remain true to those words.
We could also go way back in time to the Heian Era and simply crown you as the Queen of Curses who stood by Sukuna's side as obsession over someone else is as ancient as the concept of love in all its twisted and radiant forms itself. For a curse to be so strong that it can even influence other curses would stir Sukuna's interest, though he never expected to fall under your spell himself. He is somewhat displeased that his resistance is that weak as he has had multiple women warming his bed before he consumed them and enjoyed their flesh yet he knows that you are a being that will be reborn even if he kills you. Now that you have done it and seduced him though, he'd much rather have you pay the price for it. From now on you shall be his queen. When he is sealed away, you go into hiding. You feel no deep grief in the centuries that follow, though Sukuna has certainly been more memorable than the thousands of other people that follow him, one as bland as pathetic as the next one. It isn't until the 21st century that Sukuna is finally reincarnated into Yuji's body, thrilled and excited about this chance to finally live again. Now he only needs to find his Queen again...
As someone who just recently finished Chainsaw Man, in this universe the reader could just be a devil who has the form of a young woman. You'd probably also assume the role of the Obsession Devil in that scenario and whilst you could just be a wild devil, I think it'd be much more interesting if you actually work sort of together with the Devil Hunters without being locked away like some other devils are. It's rather rare for you to make contracts yourself even if multiple Devil Hunters have willingly offered limbs, senses and much more to you to form a contract with you as you only accept a contract if you are actually interested in a Devil Hunter. Instead you find yourself often negotiating with other devils to convince them to form contracts with Devil Hunters as your influence to make people infatuated with you even affects other devils.
Extreme femme fatale vibes and interesting scenario would be if it is Makima aka the Control Devil herself who is no exception to your abilities. What would make this so unique would simply be that Makima is, just like her devil suggests, someone who represents the fear of conquest and is a woman who is always in control, no matter the situation. That would so very much contrasts with the fear you represent since an obsession is rarely something that can be controlled and both of you are aware of her feelings she harbors for you. You have little capacity to care about people around you as years of living through the same events again and again have made you jaded towards the very idea of attachment and love but perhaps it is the uniqueness of the situation that perks your interest as she can tell that you are testing the waters with her. Are you willing to play the game with her? You should be prepared for the possible consequences if your answer is yes.
Kishibe is one of the few people who you have ever approached and asked for a contract as he caught your eye when he first joined and decades later he takes pride in the fact that he is the one you have held a contract with for the longest time. Your condition for a contract have always remained the same. The moment the Devil Hunter you were contracted to would stop being interesting to you, you wanted his heart and until that point, you would assist them whenever they desired your help. Some sane people would consider those conditions as nothing short of lunatic yet a Devil Hunter rarely survives if they do not belong to the crazy kind and the first time you approached him, he could already tell why you were as desired as you were by many Devil Hunters. Kishibe has survived for as long as he did precisely because he is a madman and that is why your interest in him hasn't faded to this day. You fulfill his every wish in this contract yet he has held himself back in comparison to some of your previous Devil Hunters, though some things are always the same. Like the few other Devil Hunters who had a contract with you, he proposed to you and it isn't the first wedding you went through yet it is the first time you have let a contract last as long to the point where both of you already had a silver wedding to celebrate 25 years of marriage. You're going to miss this one the most when his time comes...
In One Piece a reader with such mysterious abilities could of course be suspected of having eaten a Devil Fruit but I personally would like you to instead be an ancient being that, according to rumors, originated from somewhere in the New World, though nothing about you has ever been revealed. Throughout history, you have only gotten yourself involved a few times yet whenever you did, you were the demise of entire nations yet the full extent of your powers remains as shrouded in darkness as the rest of you. Only the highest-ranked people in the Marine and are even aware of your existence and the World Government has been after you ever since they were established. Not only are your powers frightening but it is also the knowledge that you hold that has made you the most dangerous being in the Grand Line.
You have watched history unfold in front of your eyes, know about the Ancient Weapons and other events that occured throughout time that no one is supposed to know, know even about the darkest secrets of the Navy and know exactly where the proof for their hidden atrocities lies that would ruin their reputation. Whilst the citizens on every island do not know of your existence, in the Grand Line exist tales of you that parents commonly tell children as bedtime stories where you are usually portrayed as a monster. You know of that but you do not care as an existence as long as yours has taught you best that you are not even remotely a human, though your appearance may fool others into thinking otherwise.
I'm not quite sure yet about individual characters in One Piece yet but since I just recently finished the Marineford Arc, I can't help but imagine that after essentially centuries of laying dormant and only being a silent watcher, you finally decide to take an active role when news of Fire Fist Ace's public execution reaches you. Your eyes and ears are everywhere, you always know what is happening in all different oceans after all, no matter how much the Navy may try to hide it from the rest of the world. Though the news of the execution are not kept as a secret this time and reach ears on every island throughout all of the seas. There are no heroic motives though as you make your way. You're just simply bored and decide that messing with the Marine, the pirates and all the people who will watch it all unfold might be amusing and provide some thrill, even if only temporary. The world is certainly going to shake when they find out that the monster from the fairy tale has always been there yet those who will be exposed to your aura on that day will probably go out of their way to chase you down, pushed by their ever-growing obsession. You do not mind. It has been way too long since you've been entertained by them after all. You're just hoping that at least a few of them will prove to be more than yet another waste of your time...
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grind-pantera · 2 days
Again not a request just throwing it out there because I loved your Caesar and noa affection headcanons!!!! So cute!!
Dare I say kobas favourite form of affection is surprisingly physical touch but mostly in the sense of grooming?? He's been out on a hunt with the others and he can't get some stuck mud or leaves off his back so you help comb through his fur saying nothing, he thanks you with a gruff snort (and saves you the best berries for dinner) - ✨
I swear ✨ I love you to the ends of the earth and I would DIE FOR YOU.
Only physical touch from you. Koba refuses it from anyone else, and almost expects you to drop whatever you're doing at the time when he requests you to groom him. It becomes a frequent game of back and forth. Each time you groom him, he gives something rather superficial in return. Berries, fruit, fish, sometimes he'll even save you a seat at the communal dinner knowing what spot you favor over others ( It's close to the fire, he knows you like to be warm but he'd never ADMIT that he knows. ) It's pretty surface level to start. A means to keep himself personally disconnected. If he gave you personal things? Oh boy h boy UUUUUUhhhhh don't take to any other male ape in the colony or he will rip their faces off because at that point, beyond recognition to yourself or others, you're Koba's. And only his. Like, imagine him just LEAVING a pile of clothes by your doorstep after he stumbled upon them in the wild. He has no idea if they're your size, why would he know that? all he knows? They were abandoned, he brought them to you knowing you'd use them. For the longest time, you're not sure where they're coming from until you finally stumble upon Koba dropping them off one night.
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intuitive-revelations · 21 hours
Theory: Something serious is up with the TARDIS
I had been wondering about this all series, but after Rogue today, it's finally been confirmed that something's going on with the TARDIS (on top of all the other arc threads going on!).
The moment I picked it up was in The Devil's Chord, where the TARDIS makes a strange groan and creaks after landing back in 1963. Ruby thinks it's from Maestro, but the Doctor says it's "something else". As of today it's happened again, twice! Once in the episode itself, once in the next time trailer. The exact same sound effect!
Someone on reddit pointed out a few weeks ago that this sound appeared even earlier too, in Wild Blue Yonder (notably also when we first saw Susan Twist, had gravity changed to mavity, and welcomed the Pantheon into the universe). Each time, it's also had attention drawn to it. Here's a video of each scene, followed by a direct comparison of each sound:
(I did have a quick glance to see if it appeared elsewhere, maybe even during Flux. As far as I can tell however, Wild Blue Yonder seems to be the only non-S14 appearance.)
What's more, going back to that Reddit thread, someone pointed out what the Wild Blue Yonder script says about this moment:
And then the TARDIS seems to moan. The Doctor fascinated. DONNA: Is it working? THE DOCTOR: I think so. Strange. He reaches out, touches the TARDIS, wondering. And that 'strange' will come back to haunt him, one day. But now...
(Suddenly the TARDIS freaking out over Donna's spill might make a bit more sense...)
So what the hell's going on?
Well, between a trailer scene and some news that just came out a few hours ago as of writing this, I think I may have an idea. Given it's based on trailer footage uploaded and then removed from YouTube, I'll put it below beneath a read more:
In a removed Disney+ teaser trailer we get two frames of the Doctor screaming out into space (with Mel behind him). Except it's not from "his" TARDIS:
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It's the f*cking memory TARDIS!
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And here's the thing. Not only was this trailer scrubbed from the Disney+ and BBC channels, but in the other trailers, this clip is entirely different! Not only is Mel gone, but the TARDIS interior is now Fifteen's own, and the TARDIS is in a different, generic region of space.
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Just before this, we also see a similar nebulous region of space matching the unmanipulated clip.
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But why on Earth is this such a big deal, that the BBC/Disney would go full MCU and give us a deliberately altered clip? The only previous time I remember Doctor Who doing this was for Series 10, hiding the plot point of the Doctor's blindness. It's not because of Mel, who literally appears in the released trailer. It's also seemingly not because of the background, despite it also being altered (unless the two moons are a clue with the planet being Gallifrey or something - the thought had occurred to me - but that's such a tiny detail, and we also only see one sun). Instead, it must be the Memory TARDIS. But why?
In-universe, I have no idea. On one hand I'd be delighted to get some answers as to its nature. Assuming it's connected to the groans we've been hearing, then it could be the TARDIS undergoes some sort of metamorphosis into this state? But we've seen the TARDIS change all the time, whether for safety, to recover or whatever. I also can't imagine general audiences are falling over themselves to find out the in-universe explanation for a Classic Who re-release framing device. Not to mention, apparently the sound will go on to "haunt" the Doctor...
...maybe the TARDIS straight up is taken out of commission in some way? And the Memory TARDIS isn't the same ship, but the Doctor's way of saving the day without her? Maybe even remembered into existence Fitz/Amy style?
Out of universe however, it's just been announced yesterday that we're getting more Tales of the TARDIS.
And not just more omnibus stories with past characters returning for in-universe commentary... but with Fifteen and Ruby! What's more, it's apparently a one-off, right before the finale (but, note, after the first part next week).
Which means it's important. Possibly extremely so, given the edited trailer scene. It might even serve as an interquel, given Fifteen and Ruby are somehow in it.
I've seen two common theories. Either a) it will be Pyramids of Mars, and we're getting Sutekh in the finale (presumably with Fifteen and Ruby partially because of bringing back Elizabeth Sladen obviously not being an available option - and even if you thought up another character, eg. Luke, I doubt Tom would be interested, at that point anyway), or b) it will be something tying into Susan returning.
Honestly between the remaining trailer clips (eg. sandstorms and dusty planets), a tease RTD supposedly gave in DWM, and an old interview with him where he supposedly floated the idea of bringing back a Classic Who for a finale and airing the original serial on BBC3 beforehand, I'm kinda leaning towards the prior, even though it wasn't at all on my radar.
However, this still doesn't actually answer what's up with the TARDIS.
It could quite literally be anything. However, here's a few ideas, some reasonable some weird, that I have come up with:
Old age / stress. This is a weird one, but oddly enough something I had thought of once in the past, and I just saw someone else come to the same idea on Reddit. The idea is that while the Doctor has a new regeneration cycle and now a good few years, if not decades or more, of rest and recovery, the TARDIS may struggling in it's own right (especially if it is somehow old enough to have once been the Fugitive Doctor's). However, while this could be something interesting to explore, and I think isn't entirely mutually exclusive with other options, I can't imagine going anywhere near a storyline of the TARDIS itself 'wearing thin'. Besides, if we did, I like to imagine it would have been foreshadowed with size leakage, as per Name of the Doctor.
Relating to the above, could it be something linked to the TARDIS splitting in The Giggle? However, the sound starts before then (not that that means much to the TARDIS, but still).
Laws of rationality breaking down. This one makes the most sense in a lot of ways, between the expanded universe (particularly Christmas on a Rational Planet) and Flux, we've seen the TARDIS cannot survive in an irrational universe. While time has stabilised for now, we're still seeing magic and other Old Time forces encroaching in on the Web of Time. I'm a bit torn with this one however, as while it works from a lore and writing perspective, plus matches with this starting in Wild Blue Yonder (right after the Mavity incident... interestingly), it seems odd it's not more connected with what happened in Flux? Why are the sounds and effects on the TARDIS completely different?
Something to do with the Doctor's fobwatch. In Rogue, the Doctor blames the sound on indigestion. We know we're getting more Timeless Child related stuff - could this somehow be linked to Thirteen dropping the Division biodata module deep into the TARDIS? Would be a weird time to pick this up though, and I'm not sure exactly how that would have had such an effect.
The most actually likely, but least possible to theorise about: it's something time-wimey to do with Ruby, the villain(s) of the story, and/or Susan Twist, especially given this started after her first appearance.
Regardless, I'm just excited to see what's up with the Memory / "Remembered" TARDIS, because it's seems we're about to learn something...
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maddragon15 · 1 day
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Obscenely late hermitaday day #23 & 25! - Impulse & Tango
Was this meant to be a simple cel shaded drawing on the 30th? Yeah, yeah it was lmao but somehow the power of fire excels at overtaking the rendering capabilities.
But since it's late I'll use this as excuse to ramble below about well, the headcanons and the process down yonder. Also there's variations.
(Also just realized that the compression is high with this one, please click on it to see the details pretty pleasee)
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So! Let's talk about that haircut shall we? First off Tango's haircut is basically just me slapping my very neglected oc's haircut onto him lol. There's no function usage or any other lore about it, literally just I wanted to use that haircut more. But Miners and Crafters that's not all! The intensity of the flame actually has meaning believe it or not.
Since Tango in the headcanons is already a nether born blaze hybrid the redstone kinda didn't have an effect on him. This is because blazes produce glowstone which is a power source onto itself. He gets minor effects instead which is a mild (there's literally no other word) high, a intensified hair flame and a brighter eye night shine. Negative effects include mild joint & jaw pain, and a small localized headache behind the left eye.
I like to imagine that other blaze hybrids' hair flame aren't normally that intense, not white-hot heat but rather more red n orange hot similar to the flats. Mainly due to the fact that glowstone is not as powerful as redstone and it's also dependent on how strong a blaze is. Now imagine with me that blazes determine how strong each other are via the color they're emitting. Now remember the blaze boss Minecraft had a vote on to add or not to add? What if Tango is constantly mistaken as a high ranking blaze because of how intense his fire is and he doesn't get attacked a whole lot except for the few that want to challenge him. Meanwhile Tango is just highly infused with redstone like all the other redstoners and he doesn't know what's happening half time as seen by his terrified scream-laughs /hj
He's also semi modified with redstone for the pure purpose of comms just like the other redstoners minus mumbo. I also would've leaned into the steampunk aspect of this season but I figured I'd do a character sheet like etho for all of the redstoners and finalize the aspects on those.
Onto Impulse!
I like to imagine that Impulse was a regular human and over the course of redstone exposure he gained pointed ears and horns. For what reasons? I have no idea but redstone works in mysterious ways and mutates on whatever happens to be in their system. You may see that he has purple lines across his face but then red pupils, why is that? Well since he's cyperpunk themed this season he modified his redstone implants to be rgb. He can change everything else except his pupils because those are deeply affected by redstone and would require surgery to remove the build up of redstone. Will any of the redstoners ever actually get rid of it? No but you can beg all day.
You also might be wondering what's happening in their ears? Well those are the advanced comms that are actually used across all hermits except the ones who've opted out for glowstone variants. They kinda work like bluetooth except more hermit-magic way. I haven't had time to fully think of how it'd work down to the circuitry (that's my usual process for headcanons before I ship them out) but I'll post about it when I think of the full layout. Other design aspects on impulse are derived from his skin and the poster design by applestruda!
Process wise for this piece was kinda a rollercoaster heh. I had started this piece a while ago (can't remember the day on the dot) and then I got insanely busy during the last week of hermitaday. I had done sketch, refined sketch and flats in two days. Then events proceeded forth and we arrive on the 4th which I tried for an entire day to figure out how to render this piece. I then gave up and tried again the day after and pulled up references this round on Pinterest. Tango was surprisingly easy to paint with ref and went rather fast. I will admit the entire time I was rendering him I did say every minute or so "I love you man" because he was turning out so good. Halfway through I then realized I still had to render Impulse. That's when I pretty much ended that night because it was already 5 am working on Tango and demotivation was setting in fast. The next day I was able to continue with hesitancy on Impulse but I managed to keep on keeping on and in the early hours of today I finished up the piece. Where I'm now writing about it close to 2 pm in a restaurant. Man though it was kinda hard to make Impulse and Tango look like cohesive and as if they were painted together.
(Side note I applied for inprint and if I am to be accepted this will be available along side the three different eefs I've drawn and doc.)
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seospicybin · 1 day
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Felix x reader. (s)
Chapters: Prologue / Part I
Synopsis: Discovering that his new boss is someone he had one night stand with, Felix struggles to separate work life and personal business. And at times, finding himself mixing those two as he works under your dominance. (16,9k words)
Author's note: Please enjoy this one too and don't be shy to leave feedbacks 🙂
Felix is getting better at keeping his work and personal life separated.
When he clocks into work, he naturally adjusts himself to the environment. He knows it's all about business with you and all he needs to do is do his job right, there's no space for him to be emotional in here.
However, there are times when he can't help but get a little personal and that's because he finds you the most attractive when you are focused on work, you have this little crease formed between your eyebrows and your lower lip slightly jutting out, and sometimes, you have your index and middle fingers pressed against your temple as you read something.
Felix has the trick for it, he'll just quietly admire you through the glass wall from his desk and then think about what he's going to do later with you.
He consoles himself with that thought whenever he can't do certain things to you in the office, going home with you and executing one of his ideas to you.
Today, he's thinking of kissing you against the kitchen island in your apartment and if he's lucky, he plans on getting you on it and—
"He wants to see you," Yoon shatters his daydream with her brooding eyes.
Felix drops the pen he's been twirling in his fingers to his desk, "Who?"
"Who else?" Yoon annoyingly asks, not answering his question.
"Mr. Kang?" He guesses since she is his assistant. He gets up from his chair because, despite Yoon's sluggish way of delivering a message, it seems important.
Yoon disappears to the pantry as he keeps walking toward Mr. Kang's office, he knocks on his door even though it's wide open just to be polite.
"Oh, Felix, yes, come in!" Mr. Kang says with his glasses slumped down the bride of his nose.
"You're calling for me?" He asks as he comes toward his desk and waits for him to allow him to sit.
"Yes, please, sit down," he says, putting away a stack of files on the side of the desk.
Felix feels nervous because it seems serious, he knows he's not getting fired but it's serious, still. He clasps his hands together on his lap.
"I'll be quick," Mr. Kang says, putting down his glasses as they rest on his chest with the small chain securing them from falling, "You know I always want you to be in my team and I think it's the right time to start"
It comes as a surprise to him because he's slowly forgetting his true purpose of working in this company, he wants to be a journalist and now the opportunity presents itself to him and weirdly, he's not as ecstatic as he imagined he would be.
"Oh?" He simply responds.
"Do you still want to be a journalist?" Mr. Kang asks, stacking his arms on the desk.
"Yes, I do," he shortly replies, he should be happy that the climb to his dream job has come to an end.
It would be impossible for Mr. Kang to not notice his slight vexation, he smiles and starts talking about, "We're not going to start right away. I just need you to do one thing to see if you're ready for the job or not."
Not wanting to seem like he's being ungrateful or not happy with the news, Felix politely smiles before speaking, "I am truly honored with this opportunity but Mr. Kang, I'm still working as an assistant and I don't think I can do it with my current position..."
Mr. Kang is smart, he understands his concerns about taking this job, "Also, don't worry. I consulted with the chief beforehand and she agreed to it," he explains, addressing you as the chief like he always does.
"Really?" He hastily responds, slightly shocked to find out you knew about it before him.
"Yes and you fully have her support, you have nothing to worry about," he informs.
Honestly, he's happy about it but what stopping him is knowing that he's not going to work for you again and that makes him sad.
This is what he wants so knowing that you support this means something to him. He gets consoled by the fact that you have his back on this and he's ready for whatever he has to do to get this job.
"So, what's the one thing that I need to do?"
Mr. Kang smiles before shuffling a file in front of him and pulling it out, laying it in front of him, "I want you to write about this senior soccer club, I know their manager so you can tell me when you want an interview with them."
Felix scans through the papers to see just the important details about the subject of his interview, "Do I have a deadline?"
"Uhm... how about a week? Next Tuesday, you'll bring me the finished article."
Felix can't tell if he's negotiating or challenging him, he's not one to back down from a challenge, and he confidently agrees to it.
"Next Tuesday it is," he says with a smile and shakes his hand.
The happiest part of the day has finally come.
He can relax as he drives you home and once he gets in the elevator with you, he can step out of his professional self and into himself. He gently puts his hand on the small of your back after pressing the button on your floor.
"Want to order dinner now?" He asks, his one hand is occupied with your purse and coat.
"Yeah. I'm kind of hungry," you answer, not hesitate to place your hand on his hand that rests on your hips.
You lightly shake your head, "I'm thinking Italian?"
"Italian sounds nice," he says, smiling before leaning in to peck your lips.
The best part of his day is when his lips finally meet yours and fulfill his need for the taste of your lips. He holds your jaw as he presses another kiss, longer than the previous one, and has the power to take the pressures of the day off of his shoulders.
After dinner, you refill the glasses with more wine and he's been dreaming about kissing you against that kitchen island from the moment he woke up from his sleep, it feels surreal to finally be able to do it for real.
He slips his arms under and around you, "Why didn't you tell me about it?"
You turn your head to the side, "About what?"
"That you support me to be a journalist," he says.
You put down the bottle of wine, "Well, I think it's great for your career. I don't see why I shouldn't support that."
He buries his nose in your neck and inhales the natural scent of your skin, he lets it intoxicate him as it gives him a sense of comfort.
For a second, he forgot about what he was about to say to you, "But I want to keep working as your assistant."
You refrain from sipping your wine and let out a chuckle, "Don't be silly! You can't be my assistant forever."
"Yes, I can," he disagrees and digs his nose further into your neck.
"Stop. That tickles!" You grumble, breaking away from his hold, and turn to face him.
Felix is more than happy to look at you and your beautiful face that endlessly fascinates him, he needs a moment to take it all in and to convince him that you are real.
"I want to stay close to you," he blurts out and he thinks it's coming from deep within him.
You slyly smile and rest your hands flat on his chest, "We're already close."
"Not close enough," he says with a head shake.
"How close then?"
He closes the gap between your bodies so that you can feel his body heat and his breath warmly brushes your lips.
"This close?" You lowly ask.
Felix slightly tilts his head to the side, teasing you by rubbing his lips against yours and letting it tantalize him more in return.
"This close," he mutters in his low voice then crashes his lips against yours.
Oh, to turn his fantasy into reality! He kisses you so passionately, letting his desires drive him and control him. His hands roam down your body, his hand trailing down your spine and eventually landing on your clothed ass, he cups that ample flesh through your tight skirt while continuously kissing you.
It's unfair that you can turn him on as if he were a light switch.
The other thing he wants to do to you is lift you and sit you on the kitchen island so he starts gripping each side of your waist and gathering his strength to—
The sound of your phone ringing interrupted the heating moment, he ignores it and hopes you do the same. He distracts you from it by holding the nape of your neck and keeps kissing you.
However, it's not enough to make the phone stops ringing and your hand gropes around the kitchen island to look for your phone.
He presses a haste kiss on your lips and whines, "Just leave it."
You laugh because he sounds cute whining with his deep voice, "At least, let me check who's calling."
He whines again yet gives in, letting you check your phone but he keeps you caged between his arms.
One glance at your phone screen and you hit the button to accept the call, "Sorry, I have to take this," you lowly mutter while breaking away from his hold.
Felix sighs and then pouts as you enter your bedroom to continue talking on the phone. He drinks his wine and spends the time to check the mail and packages on the side of the kitchen island.
He learns that you subscribed to a lot of magazines from fashion to finance and obviously, sports ones too. They are mostly bills and invitations to various events, then... there's the big bouquet of flowers. He can't find any cards inside but he finds them in between the pile of mails. He opens the card to find a handwritten message, congratulating you on the release of the annual issue, and on the bottom corner, he finds the initial of the sender. K.S which he believes stands for Kim Seungmin, only seeing his initials is enough to make Felix roll his eyes and scoff in disbelief.
Not long after, you return from the bedroom and walk up to him, picking up your glass of wine to have a long sip. He could have asked who called you or asked you about the flowers but he knows better that he should respect the boundaries.
"So how much time does Mr. Kang give you to write?"
"Oh, so you knew about it too?" He puts one hand against the kitchen island and places the other on your waist, wanting to keep you close to him. He doesn't need your explanation of how you knew, he knows the answer, and it's because you're his boss.
"He gave me a week," he tells you.
"You'd better go home and start working on it then," you say, putting your hand on him and holding it.
"I don't want to go home. We have to continue—"
"No. That's an order!" You firmly tell him.
"But we're not working right now," he grumbles like a fussy child.
"That doesn't change the fact that I'm your boss," you remark, coyly declaring your dominance over him with a piercing gaze and a confident smile.
Isn't that just the sexiest thing you ever did? Instead of feeling offended or intimidated, Felix finds you more alluring and he doesn't mind if he has to be on his knees and worship you all day, he would do that for you even without you asking him.
He swallows hard and takes the message like a good boy, "Yes. That's right."
You reach for the collar of his shirt and fix it for him, "As a professional courtesy, I wish you good luck," you say with a chaste kiss on his cheek.
Without saying anything, Felix obeys your words, collecting his things and getting ready to leave. If you want him to go home and start working on his writing, then that's what he's going to do.
In other words, he's simply obeying the words of his boss whether it's professionally or personally, or both.
It's official, Felix has no personal life.
Well, not exactly that, he works as usual and goes straight home to work on his article so he has no time for anything personal at the moment. Even in between work, he goes to Mr. Kang's office to consult about his article.
That's when Felix comes to a realization that you've been cutting him a lot of slack. He makes sure that when it comes to you, he does his job right.
"Got you a new cup of coffee," he says, placing the cup of coffee on your desk.
You swivel your chair to face him and put down the file you're reading, looking at the coffee then shot him an impressed smile.
"No sugar, two creams, and searing hot just the way you like it," he says with a smile.
"Thank you," you softly mutter as you wrap your hand around the cup.
Seeing that he brought you coffee unannounced and you're in the middle of work, and he's in your office, it's better if he leaves you to your work.
"I'll just leave you to continue working," he says, excusing himself to leave.
"No, stay," You order, gesturing for him to sit on the small sofa in your office as you get up from your chair, "Have a seat!"
He stops on his track and makes a turn to sit on the sofa, awkwardly sitting there, then watches you coming to sit across from him.
"So, how's the writing going?" You ask while getting yourself comfortable by crossing your legs together
For a second, he gets distracted by your exposed thigh and how your legs are crossed at the ankle, "It's going well," he simply answers.
"You did the interview yesterday, right?" You ask, then take a careful sip of your coffee.
"Yes. It surprises me that I had a delightful time interviewing them," he shares with a smile.
"Because they're elderly people?"
"No, it's not that," he immediately denies, "It's just refreshing to talk with them about their experiences, their passion..."
You suddenly let out a chuckle and say, "I wasn't serious with my question."
Felix can't believe that he gets to this point of being able to be playful with each other in the office, he allows himself to relax and well, be playful as well.
"Well, actually, that too," he jokingly says.
"How close are you to finish it?"
"I just need to do a few things but it's almost there," he calmly answers.
"So you're confident you'll finish it on time?" You ask with your face slightly turned serious.
"Yes," he confidently and seriously answers.
"That's great to hear," you respond with a soft smile.
You sit straighter on your seat then lean forward, and that makes him feel like you're putting all of your attention on him, "Maybe once you finished your article, we can do something to celebrate it," you say.
It sends a shiver down his spine and it's because he can't tell whether you're being professional or personal, either way, it makes him nervous.
There's a line that Felix knows he shouldn't cross and he oftentimes doesn't find it hard to resist the temptation to do it until today.
"I'll look forward to that," he manages to keep his calm.
"Better finish your article on time then," you say, slyly smiling at him.
He never thought that he'd be this scared to be in the same room with you, scared that he'd lose it and do as he pleases in this very room.
He shoots up from his seat and looks at you, "I'd better get back to my work," he says in one breath, not even waiting for your permission to leave the room.
Felix keeps his word to finish the article on time. He sent the finished article last night to Mr. Kang and he's been anxiously waiting for his call when he can just go to his office and ask about it.
When the phone rings, his first thought is that it's Mr. Kang and his heart skips a beat. He draws a long breath and then picks up the handle of the phone.
But instead of the call that he's been waiting for, it's the one call he doesn't expect to answer.
"It's Kim Seungmin," The caller says to him.
He knows it's his job to inform you but he finds it very hard to do, "Please, wait a minute!"
He calls your office and hopes that you don't pick up the call, but he sees through the glass wall that you're picking it up just now.
"Mr. Kim Seungmin is on the line to talk to you," he informs with a sour expression.
"I'll take it," you shortly reply.
"He's on line two."
"Thank you, Felix," you mutter as you press the button to switch lines and accept his call.
Felix should be hanging up his phone by now but he hides behind his computer screen and quietly listens in on your conversation.
"Hey, sorry for calling you through the office."
"I was about to ask you that. You could have called my numbers."
"I called but it seems you were on the call with someone."
"Oh yeah, I was on a call with Suze."
"Suze, huh?"
"Just the usual rant about her brother," you say with a laugh and he hates how you can be so casual and comfortable talking to him about personal things like that.
"I kind of figured. Well, I'm calling you to ask about the dinner."
"What dinner?"
"Your family dinner, I got invited so I thought..."
"Oh, of course, they invited you first before telling me about it."
"It seems like it."
Felix smirks at that, knowing that he's been invited by your family and not you which means that the two of you are close but not that close, he reckons.
"Should I come or...? I don't want to make you uncomfortable. I can—"
"No, please. You'll be the only person I can tolerate there."
"Oh, great. I was thinking—"
The slap on the desk startles him and he hurriedly slams the phone down, forgetting that you might noticed that he's been eavesdropping.
"Mr. Kang is asking for you," Yoon says, greeting him with her usual brooding eyes through her thick glasses.
"Goodness, Yoon! You could have reached me through the phone," he scolds her while calming himself from almost getting caught listening in on your call.
"Well, your line has been busy and I'm impatient," she says, she stops lingering by his desk as usual and leaves without saying anything else.
This is what he's been waiting all day, a call from Mr. Kang and now he's got it so he should get himself to it. He comes to his office with his heart beating so fast that he thinks it's about to jump out of his chest at any moment.
"Come on in! I've been expecting you," Mr. Kang says with a welcoming smile.
Felix suddenly fills with hopefulness, he somehow gets the assurance that no matter what happens, he's going to be alright.
"I read your article as soon as I received it last night," Mr. Kang says, clasping his hands together in front of him.
From his expression, Felix can tell that he likes it or at least, he doesn't find it that bad, "And what do you think, sir?"
He smacks his lips together and nods, "I think you've done a wonderful job!"
Felix can finally let out a sigh of relief, he knows Mr. Kang will like it but knowing it for sure relieved him from the pressures that have been weighing on his chest.
"I'll have it published on the site tomorrow morning," he shares another great news.
"Published?" Felix asks in disbelief, thinking he misheard it.
"Yes," Mr. Kang excitedly answers, he then offers his hand at him and says, "Welcome to my team!"
Shaking his hand means that the climb is finally over but that also means he'll no longer be your assistant, his heart feels heavy about moving on to a new part of his career but it's necessary.
Felix takes a deep breath, takes Mr. Kang's hand, and then shakes it.
Felix feels bittersweet as he packs his stuff from the desk he's been working in for almost three years now. But he knows the bitter part is coming from knowing that he's not working under you anymore, at least, not directly.
The phone rings and shattering the melancholic moment for him, he immediately picks it up.
"Please come into my office!" You concisely say to the phone.
He doesn't need to answer but come into your office like you asked, "What can I help you with?" He asks as he stands in front of your desk, ready to take your orders.
"Oh, no. I'm not asking you to do things for me," you tell him, putting your files on a neat stack on your desk, "I only have a few things to say to you."
Somehow, hearing that makes him disappointed, he wants to do things for you before he can't do it anymore for you. "Okay," he meekly answers.
"Well, first, congratulations on your first article," you say, pushing the stack of files away to the side of the desk.
"Thank you," he gratefully mutters, "if you don't mind, I'd like to hear what do you think about it?"
You look up from the file you're holding, "I say it's a very well-written piece of writing. I think you did great on your first gig on the job."
You get around the desk and walk up to where you hang your coat to get your purse, "Which I also should congratulate you on that."
"Thank you again," he says with a smile.
"I promised you about doing something once you're finished with the article so..." you walk up to him and hand him your credit card, "Here, drinks are on me tonight."
That's not what Felix expected as something that you promised him but his disappointment doesn't stop.
"Unfortunately, I can't join the celebration. I have a family dinner to attend," you explain with an apologetic smile.
He's not upset about you not joining the celebration of his job promotion, but knowing that your ex-fiance will be there.
"Once again, congratulations and hope you enjoy your new role in the company," you say, keeping it formal and business with your courteous smile.
What did he expect though? He's working and he's in your office, you can't just run hug, or kiss each other.
"Thank you so much," Felix says and that's all he can say for now.
Honestly, he has something to ask you but not here, not now. He flashes you a grateful smile before turning around to leave your office but something keeps tugging in his chest and he needs to get it off.
Felix braves himself to just go with his gut and comes up to you, he gently places his hand on your elbow while using his body to shield this whole interaction.
"Hey, I know that we're still working and we're in the office but..." he pauses to breathe in and out while checking if you're comfortable with what he's doing.
"Can I take you on a ride this weekend?"
You remain quiet for a moment then a soft smile appears on your face, "I would love to."
Now he got his answer, he should be letting go of his hand on you but he insists on lingering there for a moment, seeing you eye to eye until it lessens the yearning in him.
When he lets go, he immediately takes a step back and raises your credit card, "Thank you for this. I'll make sure to have fun tonight."
Deep down, Felix knows he's excited for something else other than tonight.
The second Felix sees you coming out of the door, his heart palpation. He believes it's you and your radiant smile that makes you look stunning even though you're dressed in a plain white t-shirt and blue jeans.
He doesn't notice you've been carrying the jacket you borrowed from him in one hand until you come up to him.
"Have you been waiting long?" You ask.
He shakes his head and smiles, "Not long enough," he jokingly answers.
"I'm sorry. I had to take a phone call from my mom," you explain as you put on your jacket.
"That's okay. You're here now," he says, turning around to get a helmet for you.
You stand still as he helps you put the helmet on, he fixes your hair first, brushing it to the side but seeing your face this close and not kissing you feels wrong. Tempted, he holds your jaw and places a soft kiss on your lips, longer than he intended to.
When he pulls away, he sees your eyes are still closed so he allows himself to place a quick peck on your lips.
"I'm sorry. I can't help it," he apologizes.
You only respond with a low chuckle and tilt your head upward so he can clasp the straps of the helmet together for you.
Felix gets on his bike and puts on his leather gloves, then turns the key in the ignition until the engine roars to life. He revs it up a few times to get it warmed up then holds his stance to let you hop on the back of the bike.
"Are you ready?"
He puts his helmet on and pulls the visor down, before launching his bike towards the main road and rides on.
The weather is nice today, he plans on taking you on a slow ride out of the city through the scenic route. He stops at a few spots that offer breathtaking views and then stops at a diner to have a quick lunch.
On the road with you like this pulls him out of the harsh reality and into the life he dreamed where he can be with you without having to worry about what or where he is.
He remembers your hands were around his waist earlier but now, they're resting on his thighs again. He chuckles when he glances at it, and shifts his focus back on the road ahead of him.
In the afternoon, the weather takes a drastic turn as thick clouds cast dark shadows on a supposedly sunny day and not long after, the rain starts showering you together.
Since the rain is only getting harder and it's dangerous to keep riding, Felix stops at the first sighting of a neon sign that leads to someplace he can take shelter in.
What he doesn't expect is that "someplace" to be a motel, he cringes once he notices it but he already parked the bike and you already got off.
"Do you want to...?" He gives up on suggesting to check in to the motel, he alternates with a new idea, "I think there's a hotel not far from here—"
You hug yourself as your jacket is drenched and so are your jeans and shoes, "What's wrong with the motel?"
He takes your helmet from you and brushes his wet hair to the back, "Are you okay with it?"
"We can't keep riding in this weather," you simply answer, emphasizing that comfort comes second after safety.
The motel costs not even half of the cost of one day stay in a 5-star hotel you book in but for a motel, it's adequate. A bed, a TV, a working room heater, and complimentary packs of instant coffee.
You take the first turn to use the bathroom and come out wearing the t-shirt he bought from the souvenir shop downstairs that are two sizes too big for you because they only have one size available.
"That looks good on you," he sincerely compliments.
You shyly smile and sit on the bed next to him, "So what's for dinner?"
Felix scrunches his nose, embarrassed that he can't find anything decent except for some inconvenient store foods.
"Cup noodles and..." he brings the cup of instant coffee he made earlier, "Coffee."
You take it from him with both hands, using the heat to warm you up as you put your legs on the bed and cross it together.
"I don't know if you'll like it," he sheepishly says.
You take a careful sip and swallow it, doing it so calmly.
"How did it taste?"
"It's..." you pause for a second before continuing, "alright."
He can't help but laugh watching you befuddled by what you've just drank, "You don't have to keep drinking it."
"No, it's okay. It's not that bad," you assure him and take another sip of the coffee.
The night is getting late but the rain doesn't come to a stop, the constant raindrops pattering against the window somehow adding to the sentiment of the moment as he lays with you on the bed, sharing the thin blanket.
"This isn't what I planned for today," he groans as he stares at the ceiling.
"What was your plan?" You curiously ask.
"There's this nice restaurant with a nice view..." he doesn't continue his sentence but sighs.
"But this is nice too," you mutter as you snuggle close to his side.
Things didn't go as planned and Felix has been worried that you're not enjoying the trip as he wanted it to be, but knowing that you're enjoying this detour the same makes him feel relieved, he quietly smiles in triumph.
"And you know," you murmur, rubbing the tip of your nose against his cheek, "we can always make it better."
He'd be lying if he said this is not what he's been waiting to hear, you permit him to make things better.
"That's right," he agrees, putting his arm around you and pulling you closer. This way, he can look at your face and admire it, before slowly putting his lips on yours.
The truth is things will always be better when he's with you, either it's your smile, your hand that rests on his chest, or the warmth of your body against him. But it's the kiss, it's your kiss that makes things ten times better and reminds him of the purpose of his life.
He holds you tight as he deepens the kiss, one hand rests on the nape of your neck while the other grips your waist, steadily keeping you close to him.
But also, in a moment like this, something starts to gnaw inside him and force its way to come out. He slowly pulls away and tries to convey what's bothering him from the inside.
"I have to ask you something," he murmurs as his hand cups your cheek.
He has arranged words in his head to say and opens his mouth but nothing comes out of it, "I think—"
The sound of the door being slammed shut startles both of you and Felix snaps his head in the direction of the door, turns out, the sound is coming from the next room as he can hear footsteps and also the TV being turned on as the noise drowning out the sounds of the rain.
Fuck, no! Things are just getting good and whoever stays in the next room decides to come back now, ruining the kiss, the moment, the tension building in the room, everything.
"Thin walls," you mutter, making it obvious that the two of you can't do certain things here without being heard by anyone in the next room.
"Yep," he bitterly answers, guessing that you're going to call it a night.
Instead of that, you get on top of him and kiss him deeply, "We just have to keep it quiet then," you easily resolve, planting your lips on him again.
That's an easy thing to say but a hard thing to do, not when your body makes him want to scream, letting the world know how heavenly your body is.
"Oh, you're so soft," he mutters into your neck as he runs his hand down your back as you sit straddling him.
You giggle as he roughly kisses your neck, you put your hands around his neck, letting him bury his head between your breasts which he's more than happy to do.
"You like them so much, mmh?" you murmur as you give his hair a quick ruffle.
With his mouth full of your breast, he can only nod in response.
"That's enough," you calmly order him to stop but he's too focused on enjoying himself.
You put your hands on his chest and gently push him away, forcing him to let go of your breasts. With his mouth gaping open, he looks at you in confusion.
"Lay on your back," you mutter right into his ear.
He slowly lets go of his hands on you and lowers himself onto the bed, laying on his back as you instructed. Soon after, you hover above him with your hands propped next to his head. You flash him a naughty smile before placing a passionate kiss on his lips.
"I'll take care of you tonight," you murmur with your warm breath brushing his lips as you speak along with a gentle caress on his freckled cheek.
That's a way to get him all hot and excited. Being naked on the bed with you is already enough for him and now you want to take care of him? This is too good to be true.
"I have a condom with me," he says, slowly getting up to reach for his jacket.
You push him down, so hard that it startles him, "I told you to lay back," you tell him again with a glare.
"Okay," he slightly stuttering as he lay back on the bed again.
Your eyes are staring into his eyes but your hand is gliding down his front and stops on his abdomen, trailing the outline of his abs with your fingers.
"We don't need that tonight," you tell him as your hand lowers to find his hardening length.
Knowing that you want to do it raw and added with the fact that he knows how good you feel around him without a layer of protection, those things tell him that it's not going to be easy for him.
"I need you to relax and just..." you pause as you start giving his cock slow, steady strokes, "...let me take good care of you."
Felix finds himself caught under your spell, repeatedly nodding and agreeing to whatever you say. You slyly smile as you're straddling him and begin to rub his cock between your folds, wetting it with your arousal.
"Oh, and one more thing," you suddenly add, getting him alerted when he's about to try to relax.
"What?" He asks with his voice turned hoarse.
Catching him off guard, you align his cock with your entrance and slide him in, making him groan at the overwhelming sensation.
You immediately cover his mouth with your hand, "Shh... keep it quiet, remember?"
This is your plan all along, making him struggle to stay quiet as some sort of entertainment for you but hey, as long as both sides gain something, there's nothing to lose here.
"How do I feel?" You ask, then remove your hand from his mouth.
He holds your hand close to his mouth and kisses your palm, "You're always good. Always," he emphasizes every word to you.
"Hmm... ah..." you let out low, breathy moans with your hands going all over.
Felix has the best view from under you, he can see his cock buried deep inside you and at the same time, watching you touch yourself. He joins in on the fun, using his hands to admire your soft, warm skin and touch you as much as he wants.
You take one of his hands, guiding him to where you want to touch him, down south to where you and him connected. From there, he needs no directions anymore, his fingers can easily locate your bundle of nerves and start circling on it.
"Oh, baby..." you moan and giggle at the same time with your head tilted upward.
After a moment, you look at him again and say, "I'm going to start moving, yeah?"
For support, you rest your hands on his chest and begin by slowly rolling your hips in a circular motion, making you feel his whole length inside you.
Felix realizes the danger he's in as he can feel how tightly you are wrapped around him, so hot and slippery. He keeps in mind that he needs to relax and stay quiet so he bites his lips to prevent him from making any noises.
The bed is fainty creaking as you rock your hips back and forth, making him feel the drag of his cock against your velvety walls in each movement. But with this steady pace, he's confident that he can hold it in long.
"You're so hard, so big inside me," you mutter to him while keeping your voice low and sultry.
You're using compliments now to get him off and strangely, it works on him as he tries so hard to do the opposite.
"And you're always tight for me," he compliments back, cupping your ass cheeks in his hands and kneading on them as he talks.
"You feel so good inside me," you praise him more with a rather sexy smirk on your face.
His brain is close to short-circuit, all he can do is return the compliments to you, "You feel so good inside me."
You slide your hand up and wrap your hand around his neck, "I don't think I'll ever find a more perfect cock to be inside me than yours."
With your hand on his neck, you can easily angle his head to make him look at you and ask, "Don't you think?"
"Yes, yes," he hastily replies as he feels your fingers pressing in around his neck.
With a sloppy kiss on his lips, you decide to let go of his neck only to change your position, you plant both feet on the mattress and put your hands behind you, propped against his thighs.
"This way you can see yourself slipping in and out of me," you tell him then proceed to show it to him by doing it.
Watching it and feeling it at the same time sends his mind into overdrive, he feels nothing but pleasure after pleasure, coming to him non-stop.
"Slow down, oh! Please!" He pleads while gripping your thighs so hard his fingers dug into the flesh
You hear his plea and abruptly stop moving, you get back to straddling him and leaning in as you softly ask, "Want to take a moment?"
"Yes, yeah," he breathlessly answers.
You hastily kiss his lips and hover above him again, "Okay."
Felix needs to calm down but he knows he can't waste the chance to be intimate with you, he pulls you by the neck so he can kiss you, hard and deep, taking as much taste of you as he could.
"I'm going to start moving again," You announce with a kiss on his cheek.
Felix thinks he's ready to go again but he believes it's mostly because he doesn't want to stop. There's a big chance that he'll be a moaning mess under you but does he mind though?
"Let's take it slow this time, yeah?" You sweetly mutter with a peck on his lips.
Your spell binds him stronger, all he wants to do is say yes to you and obey your words without question. It sounds easy to say but putting it into action is a different thing.
Keeping true to your words, you're moving at a slow pace, alternating between rocking your hips back and forth to roll your hips in circular motions. At times, you pull back just enough so you can take him deeper inside you.
"Argh!" He groans, finding it harder to keep quiet.
You grab his hands and place them on your waist, you keep moving while holding them, "You like that, mmh?"
His mouth is dry from constantly moaning so he nods instead.
"Mmh... You're getting bigger and bigger inside me," you say with a sly smirk.
"Oh, so fucking good..." you hum with eyes closed.
The way you're riding him and the way you're enjoying yourself riding him along with the sweet praises you utter in between, oh, he can't take it anymore.
"I'm going to cum," he blurts out with his hands gripping at your waist again, helplessly trying to stop you.
"Huh?" You ask in disbelief as you slow down and eventually stop moving, "Already?"
He hates to admit it but finds himself nodding, he can't lie when you can feel it inside you, how his cock throbs and pulsates with so much desire.
You hover with your face only inches away above him, "I'm so disappointed," you say.
Best believes Felix is also disappointed in himself for having such weak self-control, but what can he do? His body wants what it wants.
You bury your head in his neck and place soft kisses in there, "You can't cum yet, baby."
He takes a long, deep breath and looks at you through his half-shut eyes, "You're just too good," he explains with his deep, hoarse voice.
You catch his lips in a kiss and keep kissing him, your teeth playfully biting at his lower lip as a way to help him relax. When you pull away, you hold his face and take a second to admire the freckles dusted his cheeks and the bridge of his nose, it would take a lot of time to place a kiss on each freckle but it's a challenge you're willing to take.
"Can I continue now?"
Not sure he can hold back longer or even as long as the previous one, he stifles a nod in response to your question. What he knows for sure is he wants you, he wants you so bad.
You prop your hands against the mattress and stay hovering above him, "It's your fault for having such a good cock," you jokingly say with a kiss planted on his nose.
"I just want to keep fucking you," you say, starting to move your hips.
"And fucking you," you set a steady pace, pulsating your hips with intensity.
"And fucking you more," you continue, suddenly picking up the pace.
The previous stimulations are making him more sensitive than before and you become tighter, clenched around him and you're just so fucking sexy, fucking him with your breasts bouncing along to the movement and a blissful smile on your face.
"Oh, fuck," a profanity falls out of his mouth. He's really on the brink of climaxing.
There's no way he can get what he wants without asking, he ignores how pathetic he'll sound and asks you, "Can I cum?"
"No, not yet," you shortly reply.
"Please, let me cum!" He desperately begs, his eyes are fluttering shut and open, and he's holding on to the last shred of his sanity.
"Do you want to cum that much?"
"So much," he answers as much as he could.
You let out a light chuckle and kiss him as you lower yourself on him, you're probably seeing him like a needy baby and he doesn't mind at all.
You lean in and hold his gaze, "How about you finish it for us then?"
Did he hear that right? Are you letting him take control? Will he be able to handle it though? And so many thoughts are rushing through his head right now.
Not getting an answer from him, you kiss him to snap him out of his head, then ask, "Why am I not hearing anything?"
"Yes," he hastily replies before you change your mind. He puts his arms around you and rests his hands on the arch of your back, he allows himself to kiss you first before turning you over without pulling out of you.
Having you pinned underneath him doesn't change the fact that you still have him in your spell. Your body endlessly enticing him, the eyes you're giving him are seductive and you have that sweet yet devilish smile on your face, everything that makes you you is his weakness.
"Are you going to make me cum too?" You teasingly ask, tugging your finger between your teeth.
"I'll try," he manages to jokingly answer.
You softly chuckle and put your hand on his arm, feeling his bicep contract as you grip on it, "Let's see you try."
Now that he gets to do everything he wants, Felix can't decide what he should do first but he soon settles with a kiss, planting a kiss on every inch of skin he can land his lips on and eventually, makes a return to your lips again.
"I want you to do one more thing for me," you speak so low it's almost like a whisper.
His heart skips a beat and that's because he knows your request is never one that is easy to fulfill, possible but hard to achieve. Then again, your spell is still working on him and at this point, he's spellbound for life.
"You can tell me," he says to you with his fingers tenderly playing with your nipples.
You rest your hands on his shoulders and look at him with your eyes filled with wild glints, enchanting him to look back into your eyes.
"I want you to cum inside me," you casually say like it does not affect him whatsoever.
Felix feels a surge of electricity throughout his body, it makes him feel tingling inside and to his surprise, making him feel more alive. But his brain is processing your words slower than his body.
"Wh-what?" He stutters.
"You heard me," you coyly say, then your sly smile vanishes in a second as you ask, "Or do you want me to repeat my words?"
He knows the meaning of having you repeat your words to him and it's not good. His excitement is tinted with a slight fear now, but he's excited nonetheless.
"I heard you," he immediately says.
"That's a good boy," You mutter, the sly smile returns to your face as you slip your hand into his hair and softly give his scalp soft scratches, "Now, kiss me!"
He complies without complaint, lowering his mouth on you again and indulging himself with the taste of your lips, he patiently pries your mouth open with his tongue to slip in to get more taste of you.
Meanwhile, you part your legs wider and put them around his waist, crossing them by the ankles behind him, sending him launched deeper inside you.
"Oh, my fu—" he manages to stifle his breath, stopping himself from finishing cursing.
"Good, yeah?"
"Always," he hisses through his gritted teeth.
Felix can't decide where to look, he wants to see his cock going in and out of you but at the same time, he wants to see your face, how you're reacting to his performance and he ends up alternating between the two.
You take his hand, shoving his thumb into your mouth and sucking on it. He reckons you're doing it to prevent yourself from making noises.
He glances down to see his cock is slippery with both of your arousal then looks up to find you looking at him. Not just looking, you deeply look into his eyes with your innocent yet seductive eyes.
As he continuously thrusts into you, he bravely maintains eye contact with you and finds those eyes do more than just look, they're speaking so many words that the mouth can't say. They are filled with so much want, so much passion, they're provoking him and arousing him more and more.
"Are you going to cum for me?" You lowly ask.
"Going to fill me with your cum, yeah?"
He eagerly bobs his head in agreement, "Yes."
"Want to be filled with your hot cum," your voice is shaking as his body responds to your words by picking up the pace and he thrusts harder into you.
"You can't stop until you fill me full with your cum, mmh?" You grip the sides of your pillow as he thrusts even harder into you, sending your body forward with each thrust.
"You're so close, mmh?"
"Can I cum?" he asks with an overwhelmed groan.
"Now?" You calmly ask like you're not watching him struggling to keep it together.
"Please, let me cum!" He pleads, holding your waist so hard that his nails make crescent marks on the skin, "I can't hold it in. I need to cum."
Despite how tired he is, he keeps pushing himself to the limit, using all of his remaining strength to keep moving his hips and incessantly thrusting into you.
"Please..." he desperately begs with his eyes screwed shut.
You coil your hands around his arms and pull him closer, "Okay, baby, you can cum now."
With your permission, he can finally let himself go, thrusting into you and letting it take him to his release. He gets to the point that he stops caring about staying quiet, he wants to let you know how much he wants it by moaning and groaning to the pleasure that fills him to the brim.
With the way you keep clenching, sucking him deeper and deeper, it doesn't take long for him to finally come undone. Your legs are locked around his waist and you keep him close, not letting him pull away yet.
The feeling of filling you with his seed triggers something deep within him that makes him growl and it sounds nothing like a human with his deep voice, he hurriedly plants his mouth on your sternum to muffle his noises.
"Look at you cumming inside me," you murmur with your hands cradling his head in your chest and gently brushing his head.
"That's my good boy," you coo with a kiss on the top of his head.
The rain has turned into a light shower outside and the quiet in the room has been replaced with the echo of your giggles as Felix places ticklish kisses on your neck.
He's lying naked under the cover and cuddling on the bed with you, the things that he's not even dared to dream of ever happening but it happened, right here, in this moment with you.
"How are you—" you got cut off with a haste kiss on your lips to finish your words.
Felix shifts his attention to your breasts, taking them into his mouth in turn and twirling his slick tongue around your nipples, making them hard and wet.
"How are you still hard, mmh?" You try again as you put your hand in his dark locks and gently scratch his scalp.
What you're doing to him makes him purr like a kitten with his mouth latched to your breast, he closes his eyes and clings to your chest while his other gently kneading on the other.
In a tender moment like this, Felix sees for what you truly are: genuine, self-assured and you may seem aloof to many but you're very attentive, only if one knows to treat you right.
In this moment, he also feels like he can comfortably share things with you and vice versa.
Felix happens to have something he's been wanting to ask you, something that gnawing inside him and won't stop gnawing at him until he gets the answer.
"Can we keep doing this?" He asks.
The question catches you off guard, you stop playing with his hair and look at him, "You mean the sex or...?"
He realizes that his question lacks context, he chuckles and plants his elbow against the mattress, he uses his hand to prop his chin, "Since I'm no longer working under you, I figure that... you know, I'm afraid you'd find it uncomfortable to keep doing this," he sounds sad without he's intending to.
Felix knows that you value your privacy so much, he knows you're risking your family name by secretly going out with him like this and now that he's not directly working for you anymore, you would want to stop doing it as well.
"If that's what you want, I respect it. I'll respect your decision nonetheless," he quickly adds, not wanting to sound demanding or forcing anything on you.
"So... not just the sex?" You ask in confusion.
"Not just the sex," he answers, finding himself not able to look at you in the eyes.
Instead of answering, you stretch your arms out to the air and then drop them around his shoulders. You let out a delightful sigh and then smile at him.
"Well, first thing first, you're still working under me," you tell him with an eyebrow raise.
Felix grins and says, "That's fair."
"Second thing is unless one of us wants to stop doing this then I don't see why we should," you tell him.
"Do you want to stop?" He asks with his head beating out of control inside his chest, afraid of hearing the answer he doesn't want.
"No," you answer without a beat, "I like this."
Hearing you say something about this unnamed relationship makes him feel elated, moreover, he feels acknowledged and seen.
"You should worry more about getting the time to do this," you say.
"Why is that?" He asks in confusion.
"You're a journalist now. You'll do a lot of fieldwork, busy writing, and...'
"Nah. I don't. I don't think so," he doubtfully says, but he's confident that he can always make time for you.
Looking at his troubled expression, you let out a chuckle then continue talking, "The third and the last thing is... you will always be working under me," you mutter those words with a smirk on your face, knowing exactly what it does to him.
Those words aren't just words, they are a declaration of your dominance over him and it'll stay like that for the unforeseeable future. Felix doesn't mind being a submissive, he is in love with the idea of catering to your wants and needs, helping you to achieve things and the most important thing is he gets to stay close to you.
"Did that answer your question?" You ask while brushing his hair away from his forehead.
"Yes," he answers with a satisfied smile, boldly leaning in to place a long, lingering kiss on your lips.
"Do you have another question or do you want to try to make me cum for real this time?"
You were busy making him cum to focus on pleasing yourself and he was busy with himself trying not to cum fast, it's his turn to return the favor to you now. And let's say, he's determined to give you the utmost pleasure.
"I'll try harder this time."
"You'd better be."
If there's one thing he should learned by now is that you're right. You're always right.
Felix hardly comes to the office because he's busy doing his job on the field, covering various sports matches and events. He only comes to the office to attend meetings or when he needs to finish work by the nearing deadlines
He's well aware you're in there in your office, working and being your graceful self as always, but he barely has time to see you.
But today, he gets his chance. He purposely comes early to the office to borrow the office's laptop, there's hardly anyone in there except for the janitors sweeping the floor but just in case, he takes the longer route to the elevator and walks past your office.
At first, he doubts that you'd already come but the universe seems to hear his plea and decides to grant his wish, he enters your office and finds you standing behind your desk.
"You came early," he blurts out, still in disbelief that he finally meets you in person and not just a glimpse of you he sees through the window of your office.
You look over your shoulder and hang your jacket on the coat hanger before walking up to him, "You came early," you say back.
"I notice your new assistant isn't here yet," he says, pointing to his former desk right outside your office.
"She'll be here," you say, "after getting the copy of a book I want and my breakfast sandwich with a cup of searing hot coffee."
It feels like a distant memory that he used to be that person doing all sorts of errands for you, it's crazy that he's kind of missing it.
"Bookstores aren't open until 8 I'm afraid," he informs.
"Well, she only needs to find a bookstore that opens earlier than that," you say with a coy shrug.
Your cold act doesn't fool him, he knows you're actually a very warm person inside but then, he reminds himself that he's in the office now, therefore, he should act accordingly.
You're leaning against your desk and cross your arms together in front of you, "how are you?"
"Never been better," he says, now that he's seeing you looking as beautiful as always. He must say there's something that seems not right about you, he just can't tell what is it.
"Are you sure?"
He's busy figuring out what's different about you, "Huh?"
"You said 'never been better'. Are you sure?" You ask again, coming to close the gap between your bodies by a few steps.
Then he realizes that things are only better when he's with you, "Oh, sorry. I was wrong," he immediately takes back his previous answer.
You smile and take another step to close the gaping space between you and him, "Are you going somewhere?"
"Yeah. I need to interview this new baseball player," he explains, sparing the details from you.
"On your bike?"
He gets it that you're not interested in where he's going, "Yes," he answers.
You take the final step and stop right in front of him, you place your hand on the lapel of his leather jacket, sighing as you feel the fabric under your touch.
Afraid that anyone may walk into the office and see this, Felix looks around in slight panic, but the office remains empty just as he saw it a moment ago.
"Mmh..." you hum as you place your other hand on his chest and look up at him.
In your eyes he can easily find the answer, they're not filled with fiery glints and mesmerize him the same, they're dim and rather sad.
"Are you okay?" He asks, sensing that something is bothering you.
You shake your head and weakly smile, "You can always make it better," you give him a cryptic answer.
To his surprise, you bring his head close and kiss him, long and lingering, making his heart rattle in his chest. Your kiss is always something you assured yourself doing, it's something that he knows for sure you wanted but this kiss somehow feels different.
The moment you break the kiss, he smiles and asks, "Did we just kiss in the office?"
"Well, consider that as a professional courtesy," you give him a witty answer.
"Can we do this professional courtesy once more?" He appeals with his sweet, bright smile.
"Sure," you answer with a coy shrug.
He holds your face and then slowly leans in to kiss you, softly yet intensely. At the same time, this kiss helps him recall what it reminded him of and it's of the kiss you shared in the hotel room, that night after the boxing match.
When he pulls away, he wonders what makes you seek solace in him. What bothers you? Who dares to make you sad this time?
"Are you okay?" He asks again, allowing himself to cup your face in his hand.
"I feel better now," you assure him with a smile.
If there's something to gain, there's something to lose as well. Felix is living his dream job right now but in return, he's losing and that is time with you. He can feel that this distance strained your relationship in a way that he no longer feels as close to you as he used to be.
All of a sudden, you get back to your formality and walk back to your desk, "You'd better be on your way then. You don't want to be late for the interview."
He has the feeling that you behave that way because there's a presence of another person in there, he looks out of the window of your office and sees that your assistant has come.
"Wow. She's good," Felix lowly mutters, watching her bringing your breakfast on a tray for you.
"Good morning, ma'am," your new assistant says as she enters the room.
She walks past him and serves your breakfast on your desk, she then fills your glass with a newly opened bottle of sparkling water.
"Your breakfast," she says, announcing that it's ready for you.
She nervously stands with her hands clasped in front of her, watching you reacting plainly to it as you take the cup of coffee in your hand.
Before it gets awkward, Felix excuses himself out of your office but before he reaches the door, he can hear you ask about the book.
"I couldn't find any open bookstores so I have someone to deliver it soon," she says.
"We have friends in so many publishing companies and you can't get a copy for me?"
"The release date for the book is today. I don't think it's possible to—"
Felix shuts the door before he can hear the rest of the conversation, he gets a shiver from remembering the first few days working for you. This job is not for the faint of the heart, and he's partly lucky because you cut him a lot of slack.
"She's not that good apparently," he mutters to himself.
However, Felix lingers by his old desk and waits until your new assistant comes out of your office, her face flushed and she keeps her head down as she walks to her desk.
"Can I help you?" She asks.
Felix glances at the name on her desk then slides his phone on the table at her, "So June, this is my friend's number, I believe he can help you to get the book she wanted," he says.
June's face lights up, she quickly copies the numbers on Felix's phone and inserts them into her phone.
"What do you want in return?" She asks, knowing exactly that this should be a fair trade.
Felix doesn't need to put on a charming smile for her, he leans and whispers, "I just need to look at her schedule."
She gives him a questioning look, probably wondering what his intention is but she can't say any of that to her savior, right? She turns the computer screen toward him and pretends to be busy on her phone.
Felix knows where to check your schedule, he skips past the weekdays to see if you have anything to do on this weekend but they're blocked with red.
"What's with this? Why it's—" He asks June, tapping the computer screen with his finger.
"She said she's going somewhere and not to be disturbed," June answers.
"Do you know where?"
"Did she mention anyone going with her...?" He tries to sound casual as he asks it, pretending to not care but secretly dying to know the answer.
"She only said she's leaving for a personal matter," June simply answers, turning her computer screen facing her.
Trade is completed, he got what he wanted in return but did not quite meet his expectations. He can simply go back to your office and ask about it but he's going to be late for the interview.
As Felix stomps his way out of the office, he gets reminded of something, he opens his phone to check if it's right and he is, next Sunday is your birthday.
Felix knows almost everyone working as the concierge in your apartment building, they let him in without questions, probably thinking he's still your assistant or simply because they trust him. He doesn't know exactly when will you get back from your trip but he knows it's today because tomorrow, you have an important meeting with a client.
That's right, he eventually found that that you went on a weekend trip with a few friends to celebrate your birthday, he knows it for sure after seeing Suze's Instagram page.
So his plan for today is to prepare a welcome and birthday party at once, you'll probably be too tired to party anyway so he only set a simple celebration and a birthday cake for you.
As for the gift, he struggles so much to find one for you because one, you have everything, two, even if you don't have it, you can easily buy it yourself and third, doesn't matter what the gift is, it's the thought that counts.
He reckons, a gift that comes from the heart would make an impression on you so he baked the birthday cake himself and even bought flowers, in case the cake is a disappointment.
Is this considered as crossing the line though? He stands by his words that he's doing it out of good intentions and he hopes you see that.
He prepares everything in the kitchen, setting the cake in the middle along with the plates and cutlery, he also brings a bottle of wine that you like.
Oh, it's so convenient to know everything you like and don't like!
He's busy choosing the glasses for the wine when he hears the front door open, he doesn't know why but he decides to wait in the kitchen and surprise you when you walk in.
"Thank you," you mutter to someone, he guesses it's the doorman who helps you with your things, "And thank you for the ride home."
Oh? You can't possibly be thanking your chauffeur, right? Since when they walk you to the door of your apartment though.
"Want to come in?
"No, that's okay. You must be tired. You should get in and get some rest," the other person says.
Felix can't really see who it is but he heard this voice before. Getting curious, he walks to the foyer and keeps himself hidden behind the wall, he peeks just enough to see who you're talking to.
"What about you? You took care of everything the whole weekend and now you gave me a lift home. Must be tiring."
"Well, it's your birthday and it's the least I can do for you."
It's when he steps into the light Felix can see who it is, he stands there watching the whole interaction with jealousy in his eyes.
"I had a wonderful time. Thank you so much," you tell him.
"I'm glad you liked it and you're very welcome," Seungmin says, he then places his hand on your cheek and gives it a gentle caress.
"Don't think about it too much and just rest."
You smile as he takes your hand in his, "I'll try."
"Have a lot of rest," Seungmin says.
You nod, "Once again, thank you for everything."
"Get in and get some rest, okay? Goodnight," he says.
"Goodnight," you say back, then lean in to place a soft kiss on his cheek.
You watch him leave through the door and close it after, turning around to walk further inside to find Felix there, standing behind the kitchen island with a scowl on his angelic face.
You drop your purse onto the sofa and walk up to him, "Why are you here?"
"Are you getting back together?" Felix asks with his jaws clenched.
"I told you not to question me about it again," you calmly say, crossing your arms together in front of you.
He wants an answer but you're giving him nothing but acting like you didn't just play with his feelings, saying that you broke the engagement but now he found you doing the complete opposite.
Are you getting back together with him?" Felix accidentally raises his voice at you.
Despite him losing it right in front of you, you remain calm and do that thing where you massage your temple with your fingers which means that you're upset, or worse, stressed about something.
"You know what, Felix," You pause to exhale air and then intensely look at him, "Why is it important for you to know?"
Felix may have overstepped but now that he's done it, he may as well jump with both feet.
"Because I like you," he simply answers and since a part of it is already out, he may as well let everything out.
"You may think because it was once my job but it's not. I care about you, I think about you all the time, I worry whether you have eaten or not because when you're busy, you always forget to eat. I know everything about you, what you like, what you don't like and things in between you can tolerate. You know so little about me and that's fine, but you should know that I like you," he runs out of breath at the end of the sentence.
Instead of piling in on those words, he lets them hang in the air and eventually make their way to you, and perhaps, you get what he meant by what he said.
"I like you and you should've known that by now," He says to you, his eyes intensely staring into your eyes with either disappointment or affection, or a mix of both.
You stay quiet despite all these words he said to you, revealing what has infected his chest other than his feelings for you, there is jealousy and resentment, making a nest in the pit of his heart.
"And you know what I've only realized just now?" He pauses to let out a chuckle in disbelief, "I love you."
This is not how Felix imagined himself saying those three words for you but there he is, emptying his heart into words and hoping that you'll return it. He waits and waits, but all he hears is nothing.
"I don't— I don't know why I even tried," he mutters to himself with a dry chuckle.
Felix grabs his things and walks out of the door, and since the love is not returned, he leaves with a gaping hole in his heart and things couldn't be worse than this.
What's a better way to forget his misery than burying himself in work? He's been doing that for a week now and it works alright, well, until he comes home and is left alone with this thought again.
Tonight, he has a baseball game to cover. He could have watched the game through the live broadcast but he wants to get away from the office, not giving a chance for him to meet you or be anywhere close to you.
Being in the crowd is where he needs to be, the loud cheers help him to drown out his thoughts so he can focus on watching the game.
He jots down the important points of the game and when it ends, he hurriedly joins the other journalists to the press room to get a chance to ask the players about today's game.
As he waits with the other journalists in the room, he checks his work emails, replying to the urgent ones. He's aggressively typing on his phone when suddenly someone stops next to his chair.
He looks up to see if it's someone he knows and it is, but the one he expects to meet.
"I think I know you," Seungmin says, looking dapper in his navy blue suit and striped silk tie.
Who dressed like that to a baseball game though? Then it hits him that the home team is the one he owned and it happens that he also owned the stadium. He is in the enemy's territory here. Fuck!
"I see you're a journalist now," he says with a delighted smile.
Felix awkwardly gets up from his chair because it seems rude to keep talking to him in his seat while Seungmin is standing.
"Yes. I am," he says with a courteous smile while thinking of something to say to him.
"Congratulations on the win!" He sincerely congratulates him because his home team won the game tonight.
"What did you think of the game?" Seungmin asks, genuinely curious about his opinions whether as a sports journalist or acquaintances.
"Excellent!" He shortly replies,
"I enjoyed the game from start to finish," he immediately adds after realizing that Seungmin may mistake his eagerness for sucking up to him.
Seungmin nods and smiles so are the other two people who he assumes to be his entourage and that's what he believes is sucking up to him.
Someone appears on the podium to announce that the representative players are going to come out soon.
"Guess I have to let you do your job," Seungmin says, offering his hand for a handshake, "I can't wait to read your review of the game."
Felix shakes his hand and smiles, having nothing to say to his kind face because he expects the opposite from him, he wants Seungmin to be mean or says something coarse to him so he can hate him more. But no, Seungmin has to be a decent man and makes Felix the bad guy here.
Well, it's his fault for wanting more work and now, he has to work on the weekends too.
Felix usually hates going to prestigious events but he's attending with Mr. Kang since his wife is going out of the town for a seminar so he ended up inviting Felix as his plus one. He gladly accepted the invitation because Mr. Kang will likely introduce him to some of his friends which he can safely assume consists of acclaimed writers and journalists.
More importantly, Felix needs the distraction.
It's been a month now and he's still got nothing from you, it seems like what he said to you that night leaves no impression on you, as if those words were... nothing.
It has been a month and it haunts him still, how those words trailing behind him, unanswered.
Whenever the thought of you appears in his head, he'll swallow the bitter aftertaste that comes with it and move on with his day.
"You're dressed impeccably for the occasion, Felix," Mr. Kang says once they meet just outside the building where the event is being held, "But something about you doesn't play the part here."
It must be his mood, Felix just can't hide the fact that he's not that enthusiastic to be here. It would be unfair to Mr. Kang if he came just to ruin the night so he reminds himself to, at least, enjoy the company he's with.
"I'm just nervous, I guess," he lies, adding a sheepish smile to assure him.
"Oh, yes, I hope there's nothing else other than the nerves," he says, hinting that he's still concerned, "What about we start with a drink, eh? For the nerves?"
Felix smiles again and nods, "Lead the way, sir!"
The night gradually gets better with every person he meets and is introduced to, and every drink he takes to help him loosen up. At least that's something he can enjoy here, free drinks.
Call it a hunch but Felix knows that something will eventually ruin his night and it's walking up the stage right now to give a speech. His enemy but doesn't feel like an enemy to him, Kim Seungmin.
"Apparently, he donated a million to the sports foundation," Mr. Kang whispers, applauding for him with the rest of the people in the room.
It shouldn't offend him in any way, Felix doesn't have a million to donate to start with but every time he hears anything Kim Seungmin does, he hates it.
"The chief is also here," Mr. Kang delightfully gasps, pointing at you who stands not far from the podium where Seungmin is giving his speech.
Felix hates it more when he finds you there cheering for him with a big smile on your face.
"Let's greet her. Come on!" Mr. Kang drags him to join him walking up to you to say hi.
His heart is pitter-patting inside his chest, it's not excitement, not fear either, it's from not knowing what your reaction would be when you see or is he going to hate knowing that you don't care at all?
"How delightful to meet you here!" Mr. Kang gasps as he places his hand on your elbow.
"Oh, Mr. Kang, you're here and you're with..." your words trail off as you set your eyes on him, "... with your protégé."
Mr. Kang laughs at that and Felix should be honored to hear that he's unofficially his protégé but he's holding himself back from vomiting words at you.
"Yes, my wife is going out of town so I had the pleasure to take Felix instead," he says, glancing at Felix.
Felix gulps air and tries to remain calm, but he can't stand seeing you looking alright and acting like that night didn't bother you as much as it does to him.
"Excuse me, I have to go to the restroom," He turns around and leaves. He knows it's rude but he just can't stand it having to face you and his feelings altogether.
Instead of the restroom, he makes a turn to the bar and orders more drinks for himself, trying to drown his sorrow in alcohol. The bitter aftertaste of it is nothing compared to the realization that the hatred Felix has is not for Seungmin, it's for himself.
The next thing he knows, Felix finds himself following you and the tail of your black dress that sweeps the carpeted floor as you make your way to the restroom. Obviously, he can't go inside so he waits by the hallway, rubbing his eyes as he keeps wanting to close them, mistaking it for drowsiness.
A few minutes later, you come out holding your purse in front of you and before you can even recognize him, he grabs you by the hand and takes you to the end of the hallway.
There's no hint of surprise on your face when you finally see that it's him taking you away from the party. Gosh! He would be lying if he didn't think of kissing you, he wants to so badly.
He licks his lips like it would help him diminish the urge to kiss you and exhale air, not forgetting to slowly let go of his hand around your forearm.
"Why didn't you say anything?" He blurts out when deep down he wants to say how much he missed you.
You dare to look back at him as you lean against the wall, "What do you want me to say?" You calmly ask back.
Honestly, he wants you to say those three words back to him but that's just something he can't force out of you, but he will be fine if you only sigh in response to it, anything would do.
Anything is better than this suffocating silence.
"Do I really mean nothing to you?" He tries not to sound hopeless as he says it but failed.
"I think you're drunk," you state a fact instead of giving him the answer he seeks.
Felix is aware that he can't get what he wants by pressuring you so he tries another way. He takes your hands and holds them in his, leaning in close until his forehead is pressed against yours.
"I just don't understand... you said you broke the engagement but why are you with him?"
"I told you to trust me and you didn't," you simply answer while holding his gaze.
"How can I trust you when you can't even answer a simple question like that?"
"You didn't even give me a chance to explain," you snap, losing yourself for a moment there.
He pulls away just enough to get a good look at your face, "When did I—"
You cut him off with a sharp remark, "Maybe I was wrong about you."
"Wh–what?" He stutters, sensing the conversation is going off track, "What did you mean by that?"
"It's okay, Felix. You don't have to understand," you mutter, turning your body to leave but Felix is quick to stop you from leaving.
He holds you by the shoulders and pins you against the wall, "Say something, please," he says with an exasperated sigh, "I don't want to give up on you."
From the way your shoulders relaxed, he can see that you're softening around him, you inhale air and look at him again, "Or you can just... give up."
You take her hands and get them off you, slowly, you let them go until they return to his side. With one last look at him, you turn away from him and leave.
Felix's heart sinks deeper the farther you walk away from him and instead of making it better, things only get worse from here.
A month later, on a peaceful Monday morning, the news of you acquiring Sports One spreads on the internet and it doesn't take long for everyone in the office knows about it.
There's one question everyone is dying to know why did you bother to acquire it when it's owned by your family? Welp, Felix can only wish these curious people a lot of luck in getting an answer from you. One person though is neither surprised nor curious about it and Felix wonders if he knew about it before anyone else.
"Mr. Kang, you seem to know something we don't know," he playfully says as Mr. Kang is using the computer on the desk across from him.
Mr. Kang doesn't say anything but lowers his glasses on the bridge of his nose and lets out a chuckle, "Well, The Chief always said she wants to own the company."
"Isn't it hers already from the very beginning?" Felix's eyebrows wrinkled in confusion. He stops typing and pushes his chair away from his desk, getting a little space to breathe.
"You could say that..." Mr. Kang says without looking away from the computer, then swivels his chair to face him, "But she didn't have the full authority over the company."
"So we're under her control now?"
Mr. Kang bursts out a laugh, he takes off his glasses now and lets them hang around his neck, "Well, we have always been under her control," he states the existing fact there is.
"And you're okay with it?" Felix curiously asks.
"One thing that I know for sure is that she truly cares about the company," Mr. Kang answers without a beat.
"Why do you think she did it though?" Felix says, failing to not sound like he cares too much about it.
Mr. Kang rubs his eyes before putting his glasses back on, he flashes him a thin smile as he riffles through a stack of papers on the desk.
"People put more interest in the reason why she did it but no one says anything about how she did it on her own," he says, pausing to let out a low sigh, "She's going against her family... so I can't imagine how lonely it must be for her."
Despite the amount of information you've shared with him, Felix never really takes the time to sit and think about it. He always thinks highly of you and expects the same out of you he forgot that you're just a human with feelings and thoughts, you have your struggles, the only difference is you hide them too well, you keep them and face them yourself.
And what Felix did? He's too focused on his personal issue with you that he forgot to be the help you needed.
Besides the fact that he's tied up with work, Felix couldn't find a way to reach you since you've been absent from work for a few days now. He walks past your office this morning and it seems like you're not coming today too.
He understands that you have a lot of things to do now that you become the sole owner of the company and Mr. Kang is temporarily taking your role in the office to handle everything.
Since he only came to the office for one thing, he stops by his desk to grab his laptop and got ready to leave again to work outside of the office.
"Are you leaving?" His colleague asks from the next desk.
"Yeah, I have an interview at the hockey training," he vaguely answers while carefully placing his laptop inside his backpack.
"You're not coming to the auditorium then," he says, swiveling his chair from side to side.
He then zips his backpack and slings it on one shoulder, "Auditorium? Why?"
"Must be the chief coming with the official announcement," his colleague replies.
"Oh?" Felix stops moving altogether and without thinking, he puts his backpack down on his chair, immediately canceling his plan to leave the office.
To avoid the queue for the elevators, Felix and his colleague are going to the auditorium at the last minute but thankfully, he comes at the right time. He can hear your voice even before he enters and when he is finally inside, he sees you already taking the podium.
Gosh! He misses you so much that his heart leaps at the sight of you. Instead of getting a seat, he decides to stand on the side of the room and crosses his arms together in front of
"... make necessary changes for the better of the company," you pause talking to take a second to look at everyone in the room.
Felix knows you can't see him among hundreds or so people in the room but somehow, your eyes are looking in his direction and he feels seen. You suddenly look away and continue with your announcement.
"And so we've come to the last announcement," you continue, flipping the paper in front of you.
"As I'll be focusing and continuing my work to shape the management of our company, I've decided to step down from my current position as Editor in Chief of Sports One."
The announcement comes as shocking news and is greeted by a collective gasps. Maybe it's coming from the fact that people know you've been doing your job well and you stepped down from the job seems unnecessary, including to him.
"And I'm using this opportunity to announce that Mr. Lewis Kang will be taking my role as editor-in-chief of Sports One effective immediately," you further announce.
The other news comes as another surprise but not as shocking as your exit, everyone seems to be happy to hear about it and begin applauding.
The applause intensifies as Mr. Kang steps onto the stage, Felix joins in applauding him, he couldn't be happier to know that the right person has taken over the job. But he also can't deny that he feels a little sad that you will not be working in the office anymore.
He watches as you and Mr. Kang exchange a handshake and a smile, inaudibly muttering something to each other before taking his turn to speak on the podium.
His eyes follow you after, watching you getting off the stage and talking to your assistant. He so badly wants to talk to you but he knows that what he wants to say to you is personal, and he's at work now.
Felix finished his work as fast as he could, he's riding his bike and pushing the speed to its limits, it's unclear whether you're at home or not but it's worth a try. The concierge lets him in without questions and he's going straight into the elevator, then pushes the button to your floor.
As he stands right in front of the door of your apartment, a lot of things rushing through his head, but ultimately, how are you going to react knowing that it's him knocking on your door? The possibilities include you shut the door right to his face or you don't open the door for him at all.
Now that he has explored those possibilities in his head, he knocks on your door and gives it a few seconds before going for another try.
A moment later, he hears clicking sound from the other side of the door and the door slowly swinging open. From every reaction he pictured in his head, the one he's seeing now is not one of them.
Your eyes are glassy and both of your cheeks are wet with tears, you're crying. This is the first time he sees you crying which makes it a heartbreaking sight for him.
The first thing that gets to him is the urge to comfort you. Without thinking or second-guessing your reaction, he comes up to you and holds you.
"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asks while holding you tightly.
His question only makes you cry harder into his chest and then hoarsely say, "I have no one."
He gently holds your jaw and tilts your head to make you look at him, "What is it?"
With teary eyes, you look at him and swallow air to calm yourself down, then say, "I have nothing now."
"No, no," he hurriedly denies, holding your face as he stares back into your glossy eyes, "You have me."
Despite your triumph, you get nothing in return but loneliness that haunts you still. His heart breaks into a million knowing that he takes part in what caused you this much sadness.
"You still have me. I'm here for you."
He pulls you closer, holds you tighter, and uses the back of his hand to wipe the tears off your cheeks, offering you everything in him just so he can stop the sadness from taking over you.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here for you," he regretfully says, his heart shaking and aches in his chest.
"I'm sorry," he says again even though he knows how many times he says it won't change the fact that he is partly responsible for this.
You press your hand to your eyes to stop the tears from flowing and then look up at him, "I'm not getting back together with him. He was just helping me with—"
"Shh..." he hushes you, then places his hands on each side of your face, "You don't have to explain. I know."
Everything that happened, especially the bad parts, he's putting it all behind him and takes this as a lesson as he moves forward.
"I love you," he steadfastly mutters and this time, he asks nothing in return, he's saying it for the sake of letting you know that from this moment on, he'll stay by your side.
The bedsheets rustle as you squirming on the bed, your hands are interlaced with his and resting on your stomach as his mouth dives into your wetness.
Hearing your moans is like listening to his favorite song, he doesn't want it to stop so he continuously pleases you with his mouth, using his lips and tongue, alternating between sucking and licking to give you the utmost of pleasure.
"Baby oh..." you let out a broken moan as your waist is floating in the air.
He ignores it at first, thinking that you're simply reacting to him sucking on your clit.
"Baby," you whine again with your legs clamping his head in between.
Felix reluctantly lets go and looks up at you with his mouth glistening wet with your essence, checking if you're calling him to say something.
"You can take it slow, baby," You murmur as you slip your hand in his hair, "It's all yours."
It feels embarrassing that you called him out but what can he say? All he thinks about is pleasing you and he wants to do it well. Especially knowing that it's all his now and he can get as much taste as he wants.
He places a soft kiss on your inner thigh and crawls over you, then slowly putting his lips on your lips, ignoring that you can taste your arousal on him.
"How can I stop when you taste so good, mmh?" He mutters, along with a long peck on your lips.
You smile at him and it makes his heart burst, he can't help but try to catch the warmth of your smile with a haste kiss. You tug the hair on the back of his head and gently, pushing his head down.
"You can continue now," you tell him.
Oh, how he misses seeing this side of you that's bossy and confident, always telling him what to do because you know he'll do anything for you like a fool.
Felix is not afraid to say he's indeed a fool for you.
He enjoys pleasing you and he's just as pleased to know you're cumming against his mouth with your legs trembling around his shoulders. He looks up to see your mouth gaping open as a long moan escapes your mouth in one breath.
As you're slowly coming down from your high, Felix hovers above you and carefully lays himself on top of you, covering your face and neck with kisses.
The natural scent of your skin intoxicates him and gives him a sense of comfort that he can't find anywhere but there, in the crook of your neck.
"God! I missed you," He groans into your ear, letting you know how much this longing torment him.
You turn your head and capture his lips in yours, responding to his words with an eager kiss that shows how much you miss him too.
"Did you miss being inside me too?" You ask with a seductive smile.
"Oh, you have no idea!" He honestly answers with his eyes fluttering shut because he can't even picture how much he missed it, it's abundant.
"Why don't you put it in and show me how much you missed it, mmh?"
First of all, you don't have to ask for it and secondly, he'll show you alright. He crashes your lips on yours again, kisses that make you both breathless and dizzy from the lack of oxygen. He gasps for air the second he breaks the kiss.
Felix gives his throbbing cock a few pumps even though he knows how much it wants to be inside you right in this very second, he patiently takes time to tease your entrance, either with his fingers or the tip of his cock, getting you drenched in no time.
You keep arching your back at him, impatient to be filled with his length and at the same time, making him cannot wait another second to be inside you.
He aims his cock to your gushing hole and slowly pushes in, just the tip but it's only making him more impatient to push the rest of his length inside you. But he remains calm, fucking you with just the tip of his cock.
"How does it feel?" He asks you with his hands steadily keeping your legs open for him.
You look at him with innocent eyes that somehow only provoke him more, "I want more, baby."
"You want more?" He asks again with his hand tenderly rubbing your thigh.
"Yes," you innocently answer with a nod.
Since Felix wants more of you too, he gives you more of his length and looks at you again, "How about now?"
"More," you shortly reply.
"Please..." you sweetly say, making his insides melt and arousing him at once.
He rushes to give you a kiss then says, "Your wish is my command."
Felix pushes the remaining length into you until he's buried to the hilt inside you. He bites his lips to muffle his grunt of pleasure.
"Oh, baby..." you breathlessly moan with your hands fisting the sheet underneath you as you take his whole length inside you.
He gives your thighs gentle rubs and looks down at you, "Always taking me well," he coos at you.
All of a sudden, you put your legs around his waist and pull him closer, at the same time, sending him launches deeper inside you.
You hold his chin as you place a soft kiss on his lips, "Make love to me."
You kiss him again, longer and tenderly, "Gently," you add.
Like he said, your wish is a command to him. Felix starts moving, thrusting into you at a painstakingly slow yet steady pace. His lips always latch on you, your lips, your neck, your chest, just anywhere where he can land a kiss on your soft skin.
For once, Felix doesn't want to make sex more than just a physical pursuit, he wants to make love to you like you wanted, showing you how much he loves you, cares for you, and how you'll always come first to him above everything else.
"You always feel good around me," he praises as you closes your eyes, overwhelmed with pleasure under him.
Unable to speak, you pull his head close so you can kiss him and for the rest of the night, letting him take control.
He presses his mouth to your ear and whispers, "Oh, you keep clenching around me, baby."
Your chest is heaving and your breathing is ragged, the moans spilled out of your mouth are incoherent and breathless. He knows he's doing well at getting you closer to your release so he keeps the pace and restlessly thrusts into you.
"So beautiful moaning for me like that," he coos, attentively brushing the hair out of your face.
Without stopping, he thrusts into you and lowers himself onto you to give you the closeness you seek. He kisses you and maintains eye contact with you as he once again speaks out his heart.
"I love you so much," he tells you.
From the way you keep clenching and your walls pulsating around him, he knows you're on the brink of climaxing. He kisses you hard and deep, before propping his hands against the mattress to give him the leverage he needs to keep thrusting.
"Close, mmh?"
You nod in response with your eyes fluttering shut and your hands gripping his shoulders.
"It's okay. You can let go," he tells you while picking up the pace of his thrusting.
Your moans turn into breathless cries, or that's what he think you're doing, just overwhelmed with pleasure that fills your body.
It takes a few more thrusts to get you to your release and Felix slows himself down, giving you time to relish yourself from the waves of pleasure washes over you. As he lowers his lips on you again, he finds you crying again.
Panic, he hurriedly holds you close, pulling the duvet to cover both of your bodies just in case the cold bothers you.
"Are you hurt?" His voice is heavy with concern, he's putting your hand away from your face so he can see you.
"Did I hurt you, baby?" He asks again with his hand checking every part of your body.
You shake your head with your eyes screwed shut and tears rolling down the side of your face, seeping into the pillow. It's a relief to know that he doesn't cause it but he's panicking still for not knowing why you suddenly cry.
"Don't cry, please?" He begs as he gently wipes your tears with his knuckles.
He hastily kisses you even though he can taste your tears and holds you tight, patiently waiting for you to calm down so you can tell him what made you cry this time.
"Felix," you croak as you brush your tears away with your palm.
He cradles the side of your head and looks at you with such loving, "Yes?"
You put your hand around his neck and hold his gaze, "Thank you for being here with me."
He catches your hand and kisses your knuckle, "I'll always be here for you," he assures you.
You exhale air and lick your lips before talking again, "And I know I'm late to say this but... I love you too."
To say that he's happy is an understatement, he's ecstatic, over the moon to hear you finally say those words back to him. His heart inflates and overflows with warm feelings, it would be a lie if you couldn't see hearts in his eyes as he looks at you.
"I love you so much," you say with a hand placed on his cheek and a smile on your face, making his dream come true all over again.
Knowing that his feelings are being reciprocated and Felix must say, things couldn't get any better than this.
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polifandom · 2 days
This is the most sexually and romantically charged scene in the entire show, let me elaborate...
John is angry, frustrated, loosing it – and to let steam out he decides to do just the thing that goes against all he's ever done, all he believes in: he humiliates Gale. Because that's what he's trying to do; he's angry that Gale can function and he can't so he puts all his frustrations out on him.
Except, Gale doesn't react.
He doesn't react because he doesn't want to make a fool out of John, doesn't want John to make a fool out of himself. John is going on and on about nonsense and Gale is just staring at him, not saying anything because he cares for John and knows this isn't him, that he's trying to get a rise out of him. He only reacts when John puts his frustration on someone else.
I imagine their dialogue would go something like that:
"You're angry, I get it. But it's not their fault, John."
"So it's yours, then?"
"Fine, it is. That what want you wanna hear? Let the others be. I can handle you myself, Bucky."
And the fight?!?!?!???? That's a lovers fight if I've ever seen one.
Love isn't always beautiful. Or nice. Or gentle. Sometimes one person is loosing it, and the other doesn't have the condition to be leveled for the both of them. So they fight. And it's ugly, and nasty, and petty, and aggressive.
But then again, who else can you loose your cool with if not the person you love the most? Because they can take it. They know you.
They will stay.
Gale will stay.
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Since the post about gusion babysitting I've been thinking, do you think the nobles that raised the kings miss have a kid about? Like imagine Mc is playing with some of the remaining demon kids and we accidentally give the nobles baby fever (especially gusion, I feel like he'd secretly have a big soft spot for kids)
Whb nobles getting baby-fever
Paimon loved taking care of Satan when he was just a little boy and not the king of Gehenna. He kind of misses the feeling of raising a child, and the war prevents him from adopting. He spends a lot of time in the orphanage playing with the kids, but there's only so much you can do when there's a war outside. He would take you to the orphanage with him. Even though the children are too young to remember Solomon, they still have heard about the great sorcerer so they'll be very happy to meet his child. When you start getting along with the younglings, Paimon can't help but daydream of a future where the two of you run after a little devil of your own.
Even though Buer moved from his previous region, he still has fond memories of taking care of Mammon, even if he was a sickly child. Paradise Lost doesn't have children native to it, the closest thing being Gamigin, but he's too old to be considered a child in the traditional sense. In his case, you would be playing with some new born puppies and helping Buer nurse them. He appreciates your caring nature and the patience you show towards the little creatures... it even makes him think about possibly having a child with you. Once the war ends and the demand for healers lessens, he'll make sure to ask you if you're willing to co-parent alongside him a new generation of healers.
Since Bael knows the type of country he rules over, he tries to stay vigilent and make sure that the children of Abysos don't overdose on something fishy. They already have a population problem, the last thing they need is for the few children left to die from his own ignorance. When he sees you playing with some of the younger devils, his heart can't help but melt. He was blessed to meet you and he'll try his hardest to show you that in the limited amount of time he can spend with you. Bael will hug you from behind and put his head on your sholder before whispering softly in your ear. "I can't wait for the two of us to have a kid as well. You'd make for such a great parent."
Phenix is constantly in the baby making mood. His proximity to Asmodeus for all these years have insured that all rationality leaves his brain and he can only thing of sex and violence. But that's kind of the norm in Abaddon, and Phenix is loyal to his king so gets to babysit the newest prince of hell - Dantalian. Even though Dantalian is an adult now, he's still young in the eyes of many. If Phenix were to see you acting motherly to the prince, he'd cum on the spot. He's come closer to you and hump your thigh while blabbering about how good of a parent you'd be and how he wants to breed you. Maybe Dantalian will be nice enough to teleport you to a private room, maybe he'll just take this oportunity to sneak off to Heaven, maybe he'll join in. The point is, you're not leaving until you're fucked silly by Phenix.
Gusion is still a teacher as a part time job. He kills angels, he does the paperwork that Belphegor's supposed to be doing and he teaches the multiplication table to toddlers. The quickest way to give this man a boner is to be a teacher. He likes to think of himself as rational, so clearly he's not having 'baby fever' he's just found the perfect mate. You're beautiful, have great genetics, are good with children and you're smart enough to understand a subject and than teach it to someone else. He's going to send you a very long letter that boils down to "let me smash, babygirl". At least that's what Bathin told you it was, Gusion's handwriting is shit so you need a translator most of the time.
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sith-shenanigans · 14 hours
The thing about the Omelas story is that I don’t hate it, actually.
Don’t get me wrong. Usually, when I think about it, it drives me up a wall. I also—on the subject of responses to it—didn’t really like The Ones Who Stay And Fight. (Most of my reasons are said, better, in this article. Not the part about the tone, but that it shot for ambiguity and ended up in “somehow, the clearly magical power of child suffering made more sense than intolerance being a memetic virus that can only be solved through police murder.”) I’m fond of responding to trolley problems by asking who’s tying people to trolleys, and then insisting that it is morally relevant that someone tied those people to the tracks, because you wouldn’t be deciding who lives and who dies if someone hadn’t made the deliberate choice to put those people in mortal peril for no pressing reason.
(I like to think I’d save the five people. I think a lot of us would most likely panic and do something entirely unhelpful, and in practice, I have no idea if I’m one of them, because no one has ever tied anybody to a trolley track in front of me. It just hasn’t come up. But the ideal would be to save the five people. That’s not my answer in the organ-harvesting version, though, because it’s bad for everyone to live in a place where a surgeon can decide to kill you for your organs, no matter how many people doing it just this once would save.)
But I don’t dislike the story that Omelas came from. I don’t even dislike trolley problems, unless people are trying to insist that the context doesn’t matter. (The context always matters.) The problem is that everyone treats Omelas as a trolley problem. “Here’s a utopia where one innocent person has to suffer horribly. Is it worth it, to keep so many other people from suffering? Would you stay and be complicit, or would you walk out to go anywhere else?” The child is the central feature of Omelas, the only thing that matters. The child is nonnegotiable. You can’t rescue them, you can only walk away.
But the narrator did give us the chance to believe, before adding the child in.
Omelas is described to us as half place and half thought experiment, by a narrator that adds things as they go, a narrator that says this at close to the opening:
As they did without monarchy and slavery, so they also got on without the stock exchange, the advertisement, the secret police, and the bomb. Yet I repeat that these were not simple folk, not dulcet shepherds, noble savages, bland utopians. They were not less complex than us. The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid. Only pain is intellectual, only evil interesting. This is the treason of the artist: a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom of pain. If you can't lick 'em, join 'em. If it hurts, repeat it. But to praise despair is to condemn delight, to embrace violence is to lose hold of everything else. We have almost lost hold; we can no longer describe a happy man, nor make any celebration of joy.
And goes on, in the narrative, to consider the reader’s opinion, to ask what they’ll believe.
I wish I could convince you. Omelas sounds in my words like a city in a fairy tale, long ago and far away, once upon a time. Perhaps it would be best if you imagined it as your own fancy bids, assuming it will rise to the occasion, for certainly I cannot suit you all. For instance, how about technology? I think that there would be no cars or helicopters in and above the streets; this follows from the fact that the people of Omelas are happy people. Happiness is based on a just discrimination of what is necessary, what is neither necessary nor destructive, and what is destructive. In the middle category, however – that of the unnecessary but undestructive, that of comfort, luxury, exuberance, etc. – they could perfectly well have central heating, subway trains, washing machines, and all kinds of marvelous devices not yet invented here, floating light-sources, fuelless power, a cure for the common cold. Or they could have none of that: it doesn't matter. As you like it.
But even granted trains, I fear that Omelas so far strikes some of you as goody-goody. Smiles, bells, parades, horses, bleh. If so, please add an orgy. If an orgy would help, don't hesitate. […] Surely the beautiful nudes can just wander about, offering themselves like divine souffles to the hunger of the needy and the rapture of the flesh. Let them join the processions. Let tambourines be struck above the copulations, and the glory of desire be proclaimed upon the gongs, and (a not unimportant point) let the offspring of these delightful rituals be beloved and looked after by all. One thing I know there is none of in Omelas is guilt. But what else should there be?
Omelas is a story being told to a listener, a utopia being described; the reader is an implied participant in a conversation, the narrator reacting to what they said where the page couldn’t hear. And so, after all of that, the narrator says:
Do you believe? Do you accept the festival, the city, the joy? No? Then let me describe one more thing.
And the narrator goes on to describe the child, the terrible price, the self-justifications that people employ. Because the listener doesn’t accept the festival, the city, the joy—only pain is intellectual, only evil interesting. So the narrator engages in “the treason of the artist” (if you can't lick 'em, join 'em) and regales us with the child’s sorry state.
[…] They know that they, like the child, are not free. They know compassion. It is the existence of the child, and their knowledge of its existence, that makes possible the nobility of their architecture, the poignancy of their music, the profundity of their science. It is because of the child that they are so gentle with children. They know that if the wretched one were not there snivelling in the dark, the other one, the flute-player, could make no joyful music as the young riders line up in their beauty for the race in the sunlight of the first morning of summer.
Now do you believe in them? Are they not more credible?
I don’t think we’re being asked, as readers, to consider whether it’s worth it, though it’s certainly something we can consider if we want. But the narrative seems quite clear that it isn’t: to praise despair is to condemn delight, to embrace violence is to lose hold of everything else. A description of Omelas, of why Omelas should be believed in, but how could that be anything but a condemnation of a city powered by a forsaken child?
And, of course, everyone wants to ask—why don’t we free the child, why don’t we comfort the child, why don’t we change things and take the risk of making everything worse? Why is the best thing we can do to walk away?
Because we needed the utopia to have suffering in it, to believe it. Because it couldn’t be real until there was a cost, a price, something cruel and unfair to balance out the scales. Something had to be wrong with Omelas, as the narrator spun it up before us. Yes, perhaps we could save the child, perhaps we could ruin everything, perhaps we could be heroes—wouldn’t that be nice? Wouldn’t that be the story we want, here, where someone is suffering and only we (who are of course more compassionate than everyone else) can fix it? That would make it a real utopia, if we could kick down the doors and fix everything ourselves.
But it would have been better to believe that Omelas could exist without someone suffering for it, when we were asked.
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jewishvitya · 18 hours
i’m not too knowledgeable of current israeli thoughts regarding this, but wanted to ask anyways - back last year, i remember seeing some israelis i knew vehemently refer to the attack on october 10 as a pogrom. wall street journal echoed that last year but i haven’t heard much about it since. is this a common sentiment held among israelis, regardless of their political beliefs? while i do not diminish the pains caused by hamas’s attack, i wonder if it will ever be officially recognized to the extreme of being a pogrom. just something lingering in my mind for whatever reason.
thank you for all you post, it’s been a wonderful resource for me and i’m sure many others. god bless!
Thank you so much!! I'm glad I can be helpful.
Yeah, Israelis regard October 7 as a pogrom, but almost more than that. There's a kind of 9/11-like thing forming around this, I don't know how to explain it.
On the morning of October 7, I was in range of the rockets, which is rare. Most don't reach as far as where I live. It was the first barrage of that scale that I experienced in this city, I was panicking. And the news of everything going on around Gaza was like nothing else we experienced. I told a friend I'm scared of what our retaliation will look like. I was terrified for the people of Gaza. I didn't imagine this, but I knew it would be bad.
The perception is that before the holocaust, pogroms were something almost inevitable we had to weather. Zionism was a movement before the holocaust, and antisemitic violence had a part in that. After the holocaust, it picked up in popularity, we said, "that's it, no more victimizing us without us fighting back. We'll have our own state with our own army and we'll never be defenseless again."
And in this context, I can tell you that October 7 is the most deaths in one attack that Jewish people experienced since the holocaust.
We do a lot of suppressing Palestinians. In response to the exploding busses on the second intifada, the wall around the West Bank was built and their movement was severely limited (I don't know how bad it was before the second intifada, I just know it got worse). In response to the attacks from Gaza on 2005, we took firm control of the borders there too. We essentially imprison them in fragments of their lands in order to hold them back from hurting us. And we hate our government, but we trust and almost idealize our military. Knowing our military is keeping them in check is how we feel safe.
On October 7, the illusion of safety and control we had was shattered. I heard several people I know talking about how nothing can be the same, something changed, something broke. Israelis feel restless and scared. Even some people I knew as leftists repeated the "but what else can we do? Hamas already said they'll repeat October 7, we can't let that happen."
So. Pogrom doesn't really cover it? It's almost its own thing. But also, yes, a pogrom.
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roseboysstuff · 18 hours
Just saw ur baby trapping with leon and now I was thinking something similar with Zuko. Like if reader was his personal servant, always following his orders^^
One day reader wants to quit but Zuko ain’t having it so he makes sure reader isn’t allowed to leave the castle :3 RAHHHH i love him and I can’t stop thinking about it
Hell yeah! I love possessive baby trapping and the power dynamic of servant and king is just, mm, chef's kiss.
Also this got way too long and i made it kinda romantic hehe oops
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Your little affair with Zuko was kept completely silent. Both of you knew that it would bring shame if it was discovered. The Firelord having sex with a servant. It would be a scandal.
But he couldn't help himself. You were hot. And your tight pussy felt so good to fuck. It was the perfect stress relief after a day of ruling an entire nation. And that was your dynamic. You spent your day cleaning and acting like the perfect servant. His quarters were kept spick and span. All thanks to you. He spent his day being the Firelord. Sitting on his throne, helping out the citizens, and making policies to help the country flourish. It was a delicate balance.
And at night, he would await you in his quarters. Tell you to suck him off. Or get you to lie down and just sink himself into your welcoming body. This lasted for months. And he thought you were content with it. He certainly was.
So imagine his shock when word reached him of your resignation. You were leaving? You were leaving him?
No. No you weren't. You're not leaving him. He'll make sure of it.
He brings you to him for what he says is one last session. He lies through his teeth, telling you everything you want to here.
"Of course I'm not mad. You can leave, if you want. Just one last time, yeah?"
And so you give him one last time. You expect the simple routine of him taking out his stress on you, pounding until he can't anymore. But he doesn't. It's different this time. It's yearning. It's longing.
He takes it slow. It's almost... loving. He eats you out, something he's never done before. But it doesn't occur to you to ask why he's doing it. Not when his tongue is licking stripes up your slit, licking up all the juices that leaked from you. He made you cum like that. Licking and sucking your clit, his arms wrapped around your thighs, eating you out like a starved man.
And without hesitation, after your orgasm, he slowly worked his cock into you, not pounding. Not this time. This was his way of showing his feelings. His true feelings. There was no way he was going to let you leave. So this time, as he fucked into you, he pinned your legs to your chest, putting you in the perfect mating press. And he did something he had never done.
He kissed you. It felt so romantic. Slow and loving. Like he was trying to prove a point. You didn't know what that point was, but who were you to argue with the FireLord?
The sex lasted for a while, no words. Just kisses and gentle thrusts until you were cumming around his cock, and he couldn't hold back any longer. He usually pulled out, but not this time. You were staying with him. He'll look after you, and... anyone else who might come along.
His cock twitched and throbbing inside you, spilling hot seed into you.
This wasn't over. By the end of this night, he would make sure you were knocked up. And then he'd keep you. As his. His boy.
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nordickies · 2 days
What were Sweden, Norway and Denmark like during the Viking era? I'm just curious what your thoughts are on that, as someone who is more familiar with the England-side of that period of time.
I have personally started to lean towards the idea that maybe they didn't do that much in the Viking Age! I think there was a "generation" before them who played the role during that time. Norway, Sweden, and Denmark were perhaps born once the petty kingdoms started to be unified, so the 8th-10th century. That means they would have been children by the late Viking Age, spending most of their time in their respective countries rather than living the "Viking lifestyle" we associate with the period. Perhaps their elders took them on journeys every now and then, but they were still just literal children
I don't know if anyone else agrees with this, but to me, it's a fascinating idea. Also, there is potential for some angst; imagine what a hell of a standard that must be to live up to. Their elders were notorious and highly feared Vikings, who ruled many parts of Europe and traveled half the planet. When the state structure and power dynamics between their countries started to change, it was the youths' time to take over. All three were probably clueless as to what they should do. And the growing influence of the Papacy probably affected them a lot, they were gullible youngsters seeking any sort of mentor in their lives, after all. I think the fact that they weren't running things during the Viking Age gives them interesting motivation to try and find their place later on, and live up to the past glory of their elders (or the supposed glory they have imagined in their head)
But that's just my thought experiment, I think there's so much interesting stuff regarding the Viking Age, that you could easily write an essay! I don't really know where to start with the introduction; the time period lasts for centuries, after all. I can't help but recommend @ifindus blog regarding this topic specifically. Their takes are top-tier and helpful if you seek to learn more about the Viking Age and how that could affect the Scandi personifications! I feel like I'd be just repeating the same points here because I basically agree with it all. But if you have specific questions or ideas you'd like to explore, feel free to ask more!
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blorboazula · 2 days
part 2 of this, so more of the "and who knew spitting blue fire during a mental breakdown might cause damage?" AU because some people liked it. I guess cw for more detailed mentions of burn and implied past child neglect. (buy me a coffee)
Katara's not surprised that the room smells like jasmine and bonfire smoke, the princess smells like jasmine and bonfire smoke – not that Katara paid any attention, they simply stood almost close a few times. Like right now. Like right now when she's sitting on the bed, Azula in front of her and patiently watching her.
There's curiosity there, behind the instinctual apprehension, Katara ignores it. She hasn't noticed that there's specks of glimmering, pure gold among the sea of bronze so dark it looks brown sometimes. Any other situation, it'd all feel oddly intimate. Healing has that power sometimes, holding someone's life under your fingertips.
Katara focuses on not showing it on her face: the damage is nearly catastrophic.
Katara has seen terrific burns before, fresh and healed, she grew desensitized to it for her own sake. She never saw internal burns. People aren't meant to survive fire melting the flesh inside them.
No wonder Azula doesn't talk, what's supposed to be delicate vocal chords is a mess of scar tissue. It explains her general lack of firebending, or could be one of the reasons, there's no way Azula is breathing properly when the inside of her throat is narrowed by the tissue.
Katara has assumed the tenseness on her shoulders is from the general stress of her current predicament. She assumed the slight grimace that seemed set on her face has been some sort of discontentment with her situation. But then the water glows around her neck and Azula just relaxes.
All this time, she has been in pain all this time.
Katara pulls the water away, palliative care like this tends to last for a few hours, she can do the same again later the next morning. She doesn't dare poking around, testing if she can make Azula's throat just a little less swollen. She has messed around with a small scar on her thigh, one she doesn't remember why she has, and it has made it hurt and look even worse. She doesn't want to risk what might happen to Azula if she does.
Once the water is back on its pouch, Azula gently touches her own neck. She looks at Katara with what seems like some sort of thank you, or at least as much as a thank you a look can be from a princess like her.
"Do you have any other old scars that still hurt you?" Her hand moves to her shoulder but then she places both, fists tight, on her lap and shakes her head. "I wouldn't... I wouldn't mind." She shakes her head again. "Can I check your wrists then?"
She frowns, but allows. The scars are almost worse than she expected, but they have been somewhat taken care of during the healing process, they're almost faded at this point, not as deep and unattended as the one in her throat. Katara's fingers flex, in her brain, somehow, she imagined the chains leaving imprints where she had wrapped her wrists and forearms.
"Your armor burned you," she whispers. She looks up, Azula looks at her like she's saying yes, obviously. She has seen the armor in a leap of deformed metal. "They didn't check your throat for injuries? If they treated everything else."
A person shouldn't look so... nonchalant about medical neglect.
(Azula looking somewhat surprised by Katara asking if she was in pain flashed in her mind.
When was the last time someone genuinely cared about her well-being?
No surprise you were acting like that.)
"I can do healing sessions a few times a day, keep most of the discomfort away," she hopes Azula hears the I know there's more things bothering you, and I'll make you tell me. "But I can't heal any of it, I'll make everything much worse for you."
She seems impressed enough by the offer of help for the pain, so it's not like she'll demand for healing. In position to demand or not, she looks like the kind that would be quite the inconvenience about it.
Katara eyes her shoulder, one of the burns from that Agni Kai? A training accident or a wound from the war? Or maybe a too-warm hand on her shoulder, paired with honey-leaking words from the forger of a weapon.
"I'll take my leave now," she's almost reluctant at letting go of her warm, soft hands. She does, after a moment. "Tomorrow we'll do it again. Have a good night, your highness."
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ducktoonsfanart · 1 day
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Birthday party for Donald, Daisy and Della Duck! - Happy Birthday Donald, Daisy and Della Duck - Ducktales 2017 - Duckverse June - Week 1 - My Version - Gift for my friends
I drew on June 7th. After a long time, I decided to draw again related to Ducktales 2017, even though I'm not a fan of that series, but as they say everyone deserves a second chance. Is not it? So I decided to draw related to the great jubilee that is being celebrated these days and of course the favorite modern series by many, so I decided to draw Donald Duck, Della Duck and Daisy Duck with their family in Ducktales 2017 format, of course in my style. Because I'm not a fan of Ducktales 2017 style which is really weird for me.
On June 7, 1940, Donald's classic short "Mr Duck Steps Out" was shown, featuring Daisy Duck for the first time. 9/6/1934 The Classic Short "The Wise Little Hen" was shown and Donald Duck appeared there for the first time. Donald Duck will become one of the main stars of not only Disney, but also cartoon films, comics and video games at all. Certainly there is no need to tell his history. Della Duck is first mentioned in the comic book Donald's Nephews, and then made her first appearance in the 1994 comic strip "The Empire Builder from Calisota" by Don Rosa, from The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck. For the first time Della Duck appeared as a mother and adult woman and had a role in the Dutch comic "80 is Prachtig" from 2014, and she appears for the first time in animation in the Ducktales reboot. Also five years ago is the anniversary of the episode "What Ever Happened to Della Duck?!" where officially Della Duck got her role.
Well, since they are honored these days, and especially Donald Duck who is celebrating his 90th anniversary this year, I drew a birthday party where everyone celebrates their birthdays together. Donald, Daisy and Della Duck along with their family and their friends. Because what kind of birthday is it, without your closest ones. Yes, Donald is in the middle since he is definitely the main one, but he suffered a lot in that series so he definitely deserved the best. Finally, that Donald is happy after a long time and can finally rest. Yes, this is how I imagine the end of Ducktales 2017. And with him are his twin sister Della and his favorite love and girlfriend Daisy Duck. Yes, I also drew the characters as I like to imagine them in my Ducktales AU and Quack Pack reboot based on Ducktales 2017 as well as different outfits that would suit them quite well. Since I can't think of anything else, sorry, and I added Donald's nephews also wear caps and most of them wear jeans. Huey and Louie wear backwards hats. Yes, they are teenagers here too. :D And in front of Donald, of course, a birthday cake with cherries.
In addition to Donald, Daisy, and Della Duck, there are Donald's nephews Huey, Dewey, and Louie Duck, plus Phooey Duck and Kabooie or Kablooie Duck (Donald's fifth nephew, usually wearing brown clothing), Gosalyn Mallard (who is with Huey), Webby Vanderquack and Lena De Spell (Sabrewing, otherwise they are together), May and June Duck, Violet Sabrewing, Scrooge McDuck, Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera and Gandra Dee, Gladstone Gander, Fethry Duck, Drake Mallard, Launchpad McQuack, Gyro Gearloose (to draw alone how he smiles I didn't think I'd ever do this), Boyd Beaks-Gearloose and Bentina Beakley. And everyone together celebrates the important birthdays of the most important Ducktales characters. Adults and children together. Happy birthday to you Donald, Daisy and Della Duck!
If you are interested in more about these outfits, check out this drawing here: https://ducktoonsfanart.tumblr.com/post/742447670629744640/quack-pack-week-quack-pack-original-vs-quack
Also, check out other Donald, Daisy and Della Duck birthday parties (adults and kids): https://ducktoonsfanart.tumblr.com/post/751985132490113024/donald-duck-della-duck-daisy-duck-gus-goose-and https://ducktoonsfanart.tumblr.com/post/751983235321430016/huey-dewey-and-louie-ducks-plus-phooey
Feel free to like and reblog, if you like this drawing and this version of the Ducktales characters, please also don't use the same versions without mentioning me. Thank you! Happy Birthday Donald, Daisy and Della Duck once again!
I also did this related to Duckverse June, so I'm dedicating this drawing as a gift to @tokuvivor , @secret-tester and @queer-in-a-cornfield . I also dedicate my gift to my friend from Discord, for @puffyducks @puffywuffy8904 who celebrated his birthday a month ago, and I wish him a happy birthday and sorry for the delay! Also, this is a gift for my friend @boingodigitalart, as well as for all of you who are fans of Ducktales 2017.
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