#but i also like it specifically in my little au I built in my head on how it would work
voidedsoul5 · 4 months
Gerry Keay the man you are <3
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Ft. My Michael design. Listen, I know Uncanny Valley is The Stranger not The Spiral TECHNICALLY but I've always viewed Micheal/The Distortion as looking like something you'd see in shitty analog horror tapes. Just something not right yk? Original images below the cut for anyone who wants them :)
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thefallennightmare · 1 month
Head cannon camboy!noah and his favorite viewer!reader
Ovulation horny is different breed 😂
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I definitely had to ask what a cam boy was 😂 this is a AU version of Noah. Since I’m not familiar with how this cam boy and viewer stuff works, I’m going with a version I think works. y/u/n-your user name
Also, no judgement from this please 🫣
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Anytime your user name came up on the screen, Noah couldn’t ignore the way his heart rate picked up.
He’d been one of your favorite accounts on this app, one you specifically sought out in those weak moments when regular porn didn’t do it for you.
You'd been a frequent visitor to his page a lot the last few months and even had him do some private videos for you. In those private videos, you would type your messages and he would respond verbally with his answers to the camera he had set up. Over time, you two had built this short of weird relationship online.
You had a picture of yourself on your profile, and so did Noah.
However, both of you didn't know each others names
With the little chat box up in the corner of the screen, you typed out your message to 'ConcreteKing'.
Y/U/N: Anything special planned for tonight?"
He smirked at the camera after he read your message. "Any requests, angel?"
You sucked in a breath at hearing his nickname for you. Since the two of you talked a lot during this private sessions and he didn't know your name, he decided on giving you a pet name.
You marveled at the way his long hair cascaded down his tattooed covered chest. Every inch of him was covered in colorful designs and he was lounging on his bed in nothing but a pair of black briefs.
Y/U/N: You know I'm a sucker for how you look cumming all over your hand 😏
"Anything for you, angel," Noah said before stepping out of his briefs then laying on his bed.
With how his camera was set up, you were able to see all of him as he spread his legs and took a fist full of his cock.
His breaths were short but quick as his hand moved up and down in a rapid pace.
You slipped your own fingers inside of your panties as you sat at your desk, watching ConcreteKing down right squeeze the life out of his cock.
You were soaked with your arousal as you gathered it to your clit, rubbing circles in a familiar pace.
"Shit, angel. I can't stop thinking of your mouth on my cock. I want to know your name so I know who to call out for," he gasped when his hips bucked up off the mattress.
It would be pointless to say type anything since he wouldn't be able to see it, so instead you kept up with touching yourself until his guttural groans echoed through your speakers as he came all over his hand.
Your own orgasm followed quickly after and you sat limp in your chair, trying to catch your breath.
While he cleaned up, you typed out a message to him finally, after paying him.
Y/U/N: My name is Y/N.
He smiled into the camera and you swore you would have melted on that spot.
"Y/N. I like that. My name is Noah. Come back soon?"
Y/U/N: Definitely 😊
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frozenlight-gvf · 10 months
Strawberry Wine: Part 1
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pairing: barn au: danny x fem!reader (enemies to lovers)
summary: you'd spent the whole summer tormenting the new barn hand, but things were finally reaching that inevitable tipping point where you two would either fall in love or fall apart... or both
word count: 4.5k
warnings (for this part): language, dirty talk, ~digital penetration~, something to do with a hayloft...?, praise/degradation all that good stuff (18+ MINORS DNI)
a/n: this one is dedicated to my youth spent riding horses, everyone who likes imagining danny in levi’s and a cowboy hat, and “strawberry wine” by deana carter
Even without the heaviness of the southern July sun and that infamous humidity, you would still be hot under the collar.
You seemed to always wear a scowl. Perhaps it was because the muscles of your face were permanently screwed-up in a sun-blinded squint, or it was because Daniel never let you win a single argument. 
Susannah– your mother and owner of the Nightingale Ranch– had hired the man to help around the barn– feeding the horses and cleaning the stalls and that– but she also had a not-so-secret hope that maybe her only daughter would take a bit of a liking to him. You were always a lone wolf, howling at the moon and snarling at any human– specifically the male type– who got too close.
Daniel Wagner was only the latest victim of your bared teeth; you’d ruthlessly torn out the throats of three other barn hands in recent years, mercilessly tormenting them until they quit the job, citing “workplace tension” to Susannah as the reason for their seething resignations. But despite your constant raised hackles towards him, Daniel stayed. And he stayed with a shit-eating smile.
“Wagner, how many times do I have to tell you not to feed Chief until after the 4 o’clock lessons?” you scolded with a bite in your voice.
He flashed a teasing grin at you, carrying a saddle towards the tackroom.
“At least one more time.”
You stomped your boot on the packed-dirt floor of the stable, knuckles planted firmly on the waistband of your jeans. You knew tugging on the horse’s lead rope would be completely in vain, so rather, you focused your frustration at the man walking brazenly down the line of stalls.
“You know I need him for one of my riders, and he won’t do shit when he’s got food in front of him.”
“Come on, that spoiled little priss can ride any other horse here. She doesn’t always need to ride Chief. Put her on Tucker today.” 
Scoffing, you marched after him, following him towards the dusty tackroom, the saddles and pads lining the walls making the entire room smell like leather and sweat.
“And who are you to tell me which horses to put my riders on? I’ve known these horses my whole life, and I’ve been teaching lessons for three years.”
Daniel grunted a bit as he lifted the saddle up to one of the higher slots, reaching his arms above his head then turning to you, catching your eyes flickering to the glimpse of torso you got as his shirt lifted.
“My bad. I forgot that you're just so far above me, heiress."
You bristled at his nickname. “I hate it when you call me that.”
“Exactly why I do it– heiress.”
Since your mother owned the barn and all the horses, you were the technical “heiress” of all of it, just as your mother was. But Daniel always made it sound like you were some rich princess, rather than the granddaughter of an honest man who built that barn and raised all the horses. 
You grabbed a saddle from the rack, begrudgingly heading towards Tucker’s stall and tacking up the flea-bitten grey stallion. You would never admit that he was a perfect fit for your rider in the absence of Chief.
After the lesson, the little girl dismounted Tucker, going on and on how she wanted to ride him every week rather than Chief. There was no way in hell you could ever let Daniel know. 
You led Tucker back down from the lesson ring to the stable, both of you covered in sweat and desperate for a cool breeze. Once his tack was off, you patted his soaked side, feeling his huge lungs expanding and contracting rapidly, panting.
“I know, me too. Hotter than hell out there today. Let’s get you a bath, huh?”
The sun was setting over the barn, so you decided to take Tucker out back to the pasture to cool him off, rather than using the hose right outside the barn. The grass was soft and green, and the cicadas were starting to sing. You looked to your left to see Daniel hunched over the broken fence, placing a fresh plank of wood and nailing it in. The incessant noise of the hammer was spoiling what would have been an otherwise peaceful moment.
“Do you mind?” you called over to him. Daniel looked up in the direction of your voice, and a smile dissolved the concentration etched in his face. You could have sworn for a moment that he was happy to see you.
“Susannah said I have to get this done before I leave today. So… no. I don’t mind.”
You rolled your eyes and led Tucker towards the water pump, feeling the heavy softness of his hoofbeats resounding in the ground under your feet. Trying to focus on the sunset and the rousing song of cicadas rather than the pounding of Daniel’s hammer, you cranked the handle of the pump a few times, waiting for water to come out of the hose you had attached to it. 
After a few more cranks and crouching down on your knees to see what the matter was, you were about to give up on the old thing and go back to the barn to give Tucker his bath, until water exploded from the pump, sending the hose flying off and soaking you to the skin. You shouted a curse and tumbled backward in surprise, landing in the grass.
Daniel’s loud cackles from across the pasture were not welcome.
And of course you had decided to wear a white t-shirt today.
“Did Tuck get any of that water or no?”
You growled in frustration, reattaching the hose to the pump and finally getting some water to come out. You grabbed the hose tightly, wishing it was Daniel’s neck. 
“Do you wanna come do this? Considering bathing the horses is part of your job description?” You shouted as you shook the hose, coaxing the low-pressured water out from it. Your wet shirt was sticking to your skin, making the nagging heat of the day even more insufferable.
Daniel took the nail he was holding between his teeth and dropped it in his toolbox, closing it up. He gave the fence one last look-over before sauntering over to you. You tried to hide behind the horse to cover yourself; now that your shirt was practically see-through, your black bra was prominently making its presence known.
“Go home, Daniel.”
He didn’t stop walking towards you.
“But I thought you wanted me to bathe Tuck?”
He was close enough now that you had to physically angle your body away from his eager eyes. You watched as his gaze shifted from your chest to your face and back again.
“Black, huh? I always pictured you in pink,” he said with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.
Your eyes shot open wide at his baiting tease, and words came flying out of your mouth.
“You shouldn’t be picturing me in anything!”
Daniel cocked his head, his smirk widening and a laugh bubbled from his chest.
“Alright then. I won’t.”
Your jaw dropped, then you clenched it up tight, hating the fact that a blush was rising to your cheeks. Maybe you could blame it on your anger. Or the summer heat. But the idea of Daniel imagining you naked made your whole face burn pink.
“I said, go home.” Your voice was quieter now, but there was still an unmistakable venom to it.
Daniel chuckled and shook his head, putting his toolbox down in the grass and extending his hand for the hose. 
“Come on, give it to me. I’m the barn boy, so I’m the one who has to keep the heiress’ perfect hands from getting all dirty.”
You kept a tight clutch on the hose, skimming the water from Tucker’s coat with your other hand. At this point, you thought your teeth might crack. Daniel moved closer to you, keeping his hand outstretched.
“Y/N, come on, let me have it.”
“No. I know what you’re trying to do. If you get the hose, you’re gonna bathe everything but the horse. And I’d rather not get any more wet than I already am.”
You heard Daniel snicker a bit, and you instantly regretted your choice of words.
“You’re fucking impossible, Wagner,” you grumbled.
He grinned, moving even closer. Leaning down, his voice was low and taunting, almost whispering in your ear.
“But you like me anyways.”
Immediately, you turned the hose on him, relishing in the brief look of surprise in his eyes as he instinctively raised his hands to cover his face. You didn’t let up, bending down to crank the handle of the pump to produce even more water for your attack.
A devilish grin crossed your face as you watched Daniel try and back away, but it was too late. His shirt was already drenched and clinging to the defined muscles of his chest and abdomen underneath. 
Before you knew it, Daniel was upon you and wrestling the hose from your grip. You yelped as you felt the water soak your hair and pour into your eyes.
“Daniel!” you shouted, trying to push him away, but one of his strong arms was wrapped tightly around you, keeping you held fast as he laughed and let the remainder of the water drain from the hose.
Sputtering, you wrenched yourself out of Daniel’s arms, stumbling slightly, trying to keep a grip on Tucker’s rope.
“Fucking dick!” you shouted, sweat and sunscreen stinging your eyes.
Daniel just shrugged and smiled, wiping his wet curls from his face.
“Oh, so you can dish it out, but you can't take it?”
“I swear to God, Wagner, I’m going to get you fired.”
He dropped the dripping hose into the grass, taking the horse’s rope from your hand as you kept trying to get your eyes to open without them burning. 
“Susannah loves me. There’s no way in hell she’d fire me.”
“Then quit,” you growled, starting to make your way through the pasture, back towards the barn.
Daniel chuckled, following close behind you and leading the horse with him. 
“Aw, but if I quit, that means you’d never get to tease me again. And that’s your favorite thing in the world.”
“My favorite thing in the world is watching you leave the barn at the end of every day so I don’t have to be around you anymore,” you shot back.
“You watch me leave every day? Someone’s obsessed,” he teased in a sing-song voice.
You clenched your fists and continued your trudge back to the barn, not turning around or responding to Daniel. When you got back, the sun had fully set, and your mother was standing at the back entrance of the barn, watching as two soaking wet figures and a horse approached. You heard her mutter something like “I don’t even want to ask” before turning and heading up towards your house, which was a short walk from the barn. 
The lights inside the barn were warm and cozy, the heat of the day still lingering. Your body was still simmering with anger as you squeezed out your hair. You turned to take Tucker’s rope from Daniel, but he didn't let go.
“I’ll put him away.” His voice was surprisingly soft, and he was wearing a warm smile as opposed to his usual roguish grin. You stared up at him, in a bit of shock– and hating how the sight of him looking down at you made your heart flutter.
“Do you not trust me to put the horse back?”
“I don’t trust you being in the barn alone.”
“What do you think I’m gonna do? Set all the horses loose?”
“I wouldn’t put it past you.”
“Come on, heiress, I love these horses just as much as you do.”
You scoffed and opened your mouth to speak, but Daniel cut you off with a wave of his hand as he started walking Tucker back towards his stall.
“I know, I know, ‘I grew up with these horses,’ ‘I know them better than anyone,’ blah, blah, blah. Ok, I love these horses just a little bit less than you. Better? Are you gonna correct me on that, too?”
You cocked your head proudly, biting back a smirk. 
“Alright then.” Danny removed Tucker’s lead rope and hung it up on the nail outside his stall, turning the lock on the gate. He turned to you, giving you a dramatic bow. “Am I dismissed, heiress?”
Without a word, you turned to leave, but you felt a firm grip on your wrist. Danny pulled you back to face him, suddenly very close to you. You could feel the heat of his muscular body radiating off of him, making you flush even hotter. Your breath hitched in your throat. Once again, his eyes flickered down from your face, catching on the areas of your body that your soaked white shirt revealed. His voice was low and smooth, sending goosebumps up and down your skin.
“Am I dismissed?”
You looked back and forth between his dark eyes, swallowing hard. Daniel smirked at your apparent speechlessness. 
“Well, heiress?”
“Don’t call me that,” you said, but your voice had lost all its usual force. Daniel’s closeness and the heat of his eyes was like anti-venom, sucking out all your bite and resentment. His hand travelled slowly from your wrist up your arm.
You backed away, shuddering slightly.
“Go home," you said, your voice sharp and trembling.
Daniel stood back up to his full height, rolling his shoulders back. 
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
You didn’t speak to Daniel at all the next day, practically shivering with unresolved tension. He knew something was up when you didn’t say a single word to him when he once again fed Chief before 4 o’clock; instead, you headed straight to Tucker’s stall without so much as a glance in his direction. He watched you with an eager smile quickly fading from his face as he realized you weren’t going to engage. 
After you finished your last lesson of the day, you decided to retrieve your favorite horse– a beautiful dapple grey mare called Guinevere– from her stall for a sunset trail ride. The trail wound through the thick woods that stood behind the barn, just beyond the pasture. There was a lusciously cool breeze blowing, like the Earth was sighing at the end of a long day. You sighed with it, unable to shake Daniel from your mind. 
You plodded along the trail on the back of Guinevere, enjoying the feeling of her slow, steady movements beneath you, unimpeded by a saddle. Riding bareback was your favorite way to unwind; you let your mind drift away, lulled by the warmth of your horse and her dependable gait. 
A flash of a wispy black shadow flickered through the trees. The burning gold of the setting sun almost made it look like smoke from a fire before you realized it was the tail of Ares.
“Hello?” you called through the woods, wondering if someone else was there, or if Ares had broken the lock on his stall with a kick of his powerful hooves and escaped. It wouldn't be the first time.
Of course. Ares was Daniel’s favorite horse in the barn.
Daniel came trotting around a bend in the trail, saddled up on the tall black horse. He held the leather reins in one hand, forgoing a helmet for his weathered Stetson. You internally scolded him for his blatant disregard for personal safety, but you couldn’t help but think that he almost looked like something off the cover of a Western romance novel, with the golden light shining through his dark curls and illuminating his tanned skin. And him taking a liking to the most notoriously difficult horse in the barn made it even more cliche.
“You shouldn’t be out on the trails. Don’t you have work to do?”
Daniel shrugged and urged his horse closer to you. “I finished everything before 3 o’clock. You know, I do my job a lot better when you’re not constantly torturing me all day.” Something in his voice almost sounded regretful-- like he missed your taunts. But he hid it well behind that damned charming smile.
You didn’t respond. Instead, you nudged Guinevere’s mane to turn her around, starting to head back towards the barn. The trail ride wasn’t worth it if it meant having to be out there with Daniel.
He noticed your wordless retreat. Surrendering wasn't like you. “Relax, heiress, I’m done out here. I was just taking Ares back and then heading home for the day.”
You turned Guinevere back around, facing Daniel once more. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed, giving you a look of concern.
“What’s wrong?”
You shrugged, urging Guinevere forwards, passing Ares. “Nothing,” you muttered. You were glad to leave Daniel behind you, so you didn’t have to try and hide the utter longing in your eyes anymore. Ever since last night, you yearned to be close to him again. But the very fabric of your being wouldn’t allow that.
“I’ll stay at the barn until you get back. In case you need anything.”
“I’m fine,” you called back to him, already disappearing through the trees. "See you tomorrow.”
There was nothing but silence behind you, until you finally heard Ares’ heavy hoofsteps grinding on the gravel at the trailhead. You let out a deep breath. 
You tried to enjoy your ride, but not even Guinevere’s gentle presence could calm you. She could sense that you were uneasy, her head on a constant pendulum swing as she looked around the darkening woods for any sign of danger. But she didn’t know that the danger was only in your mind– the irrevocable, perilous danger of falling for a boy. 
Guinevere carried you back up to the barn, and you were surprised to see that the lights were still on. Usually when you came back from your late trail rides, the barn was dark and empty, the only sounds being the sorts and sighs of the horses. You assumed your mother was sitting in the small makeshift "office," perhaps finishing up some work.
You got Guinevere all cozy in her stall, giving her some loving pets and a kiss on her nose. But before you could close the gate, you noticed that her bucket of food was emptier than usual. You decided to head towards the back of the barn and climbed the ladder to the hayloft, where you kept a stash of treats specifically for Guinevere. A burlap bag of apples was your goal, but your mind instantly shifted when you saw a figure sat up against the hay bales.
Your heart shot to your throat and you almost fell back off the ladder in fright, but the figure reached out from the shadows to grab your wrist.
“Daniel! What the hell are you still doing here?” you whisper-shouted as he pulled you from the ladder up into the dark loft. The barn lights didn’t exactly reach that area, but you could still see his flickering smile, like a candle in the night.
“I told you I’d wait here if you needed anything,” he said, settling himself back against a hay bale, one leg kicked out.
You shook your head, sighing, trying to get your breathing to slow. “In the hayloft?”
“Where better?” He said, outstretching his arms, looking around at the space, then locking his eyes on you.
The entire reason for your being up there was forgotten. “Seriously, why are you up here?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “I like it up here. It’s quiet. And I get a good view of the stable. Figured I’d get some payback and watch you go home this time rather than the other way around.” He smirked.
You rolled your eyes, that familiar frustration you felt towards him starting to simmer. “I told you to leave an hour ago, Wagner. You know I don't trust you to be in the barn alone.”
“Why are you always trying to get rid of me?” he asked with a stupid grin.
“Because I hate you.” You spoke bluntly, with the intention to hurt him. Anger was curling off your skin like smoke. But your words bounced off of him– he saw right through you and locked onto the desire bubbling just under your surface.
“You don’t hate me. You hate the way I make you feel.”
“Oh, yeah? And how do you think you make me feel? Other than angry?” Your voice was louder than it probably should have been.
“Turned on,” he answered, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“You’re full of shit, Wagner.” You snarled, ready to rip him to shreds.
“But I’m right, aren’t I?” he said, standing up. “I turn you on. I get you all bothered, and if my assumptions are correct, I’m the first person that’s ever made you feel this way.”
You chuckled bitterly: an attempt to bring him down a peg, as well as to mask the sensations stirring within you. “You’re definitely not the first.”
Daniel cocked his head, and you instantly realized your mistake. You just admitted that he turns you on. You exclaimed, stomping your feet and clenching your fists. You were seconds away from digging your claws into him.
“That’s not what I meant–!”
You bumped into a stack of hay bales behind you. You hadn’t even realized you were backing up. Daniel was stalking towards you, his eyes intense.
“Oh, don’t worry, I know exactly what you meant.”
Before you could say another word, Daniel moved as close to you as he was last night, his breath fanning across your face. One of his hands grabbed the side of your face, holding you fast. You were about to protest, and Daniel could sense it, so he leaned his forehead against yours and stared into your eyes.
“Tell me you don’t want this, and I’ll stop.”
His lips were almost touching yours, his eyes fluttering as his breath grew heavier. His closeness almost felt like static electricity; sparks flew between your lips as they threatened to collide. Panting already, you swallowed hard as he pressed his sturdy body into yours.
“Tell me you don’t want this, heiress.”
The tension was so thick that you could see it– you could see it in the twitch in the corner of Daniel’s mouth, in the imperceptible flare of his nostrils, in the lift of his eyebrows. Months of teasing and taunting were coming to their inevitable head right before your eyes, right in front of your face. 
You didn’t tell him to stop.
He seized your face with both hands and pulled it to his, your lips slamming together in a kiss like a firecracker, setting the both of you aflame.
Your head felt hollow, weightless– but the feeling of Daniel was quickly filling it like water. He pressed you against the hay bale as the kiss deepened, one of his hands skimming down your body and squeezing your waist. You found yourself clutching at his shirt, almost like you wanted your bodies to exist in the exact same spot, with no space between them. You wanted to live inside him. 
Daniel let out a grunt, meeting your whiny sigh as his tongue pushed into your mouth, finally tasting you for the first time. His body bucked into you slightly, forcing you harder against the hay bales. 
You gasped into his mouth as you felt his thigh shove itself between your legs, applying delicious pressure on your most sensitive spot. He smirked against your lips as he started moving his leg back and forth.
“Oh, that feels good, doesn’t it?” he spoke in a soft, provocative tone, taking your little moans as a sign to keep going. “See what I can make you feel when you stop fighting me?”
You practically growled into his mouth, curling your fists around the fabric of his shirt, pulling him tighter against you. He let out a little grunt of surprise, falling into you.
“Feisty little thing, aren’t you?” He smirked down at you.
Your voice was nothing but a breathy whisper. You were just staring at his lips. “Shut up and kiss me, Wagner.”
He kept kissing you deeper and deeper, unable to get enough of you. His fingertips toyed with the hem of your shirt for a moment or two before slipping underneath the fabric to feel the soft warmth of your bare skin at your stomach. His hand was soon splayed out, his palm rubbing your waist and traveling up towards your ribs, holding you tight.
You were pinned against the hay bales by Daniel’s weight. His fingers started working at the button and zipper of your jeans, not wasting a moment before stroking your clit over your panties with the pads of his fingers. You sucked in a sharp breath, your head falling back.
Daniel chuckled darkly, and you knew he was feeling how wet your panties were. “What was that about me not turning you on? You’re soaked just from bickering with me, sweetheart.” 
Before you could shoot back, he pulled your panties to the side and made direct contact with your swollen clit, making you choke on any words you were about to fling at him. Daniel raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth in a mock look of surprise, mimicking your pitiful moment of submission.
You started grinding your hips against his fingers, instantly addicted to the friction his arousal-slicked, rough fingertips provided you. Daniel smirked, enjoying watching you already coming apart for him. 
“Yeah? My fingers feel good against your cunt, don’t they?”
All you could do was nod, squeezing your eyes shut as he slipped his fingers inside you, forcing a moan from your throat. The movements of your hips didn’t stop as you fucked yourself on his thick fingers. He matched your rhythm, hissing at the way you clenched around his fingers.
“Fuck, sweetheart… so fucking tight…”
A coil was twisting itself mad in the pit of your stomach, begging to be snapped. Daniel could tell how close you were by the crease between your eyebrows and your desperate gasps for air.
“Aw, is the heiress gonna cum on my fingers? Make the barn boy’s hands all dirty like they should be?”
You nodded frantically, mere moments from your peak.
“I bet you don’t even touch this filthy pussy with your fingers… would be such a shame to get your hands dirty, right?”
“Daniel–” you squeaked, warning him of your impending release.
“Maybe I should take care of this little cunt of yours as part of my daily chores.”
You whined as your head fell forward against his shoulder, your movements becoming frenzied as you edged closer and closer to that blissful explosion of pleasure.
“I know. Give it to me, sweetheart. Make a mess of me.”
A moan clawed up from your chest as you began to convulse, your vision going white for a moment as your entire body erupted with wanton delight. Daniel held you upright with an arm tight around your waist as your legs gave out. You clung onto him as the waves crashed against you. You could vaguely hear Daniel whispering words of praise in your ear. 
“That’s it– yeah, that’s it, good girl… good girl.”
A few moments passed before you could string a coherent thought together. You were panting, trying hard to swallow past your dry mouth. You could hardly believe what just happened– it was like your brain wasn’t allowing you to process it.
Daniel smiled at your disheveled state, picking bits of straw out of your hair.
“So, I think it’s safe to assume that you don’t actually hate me, right?” Daniel said, breaking the silence and grinning teasingly.
He slid his fingers out of you and buttoned up your jeans. Before you could speak, he was already tipping his hat with a crooked smile and descending the ladder, leaving you swaying and trying to remember your name.
"Goodnight, ma'am."
@sunandthemoontwinflames @brujamagik
DM me if you want to be added! I currently don’t have a post schedule for this series, so if you want to be notified for future parts, the taglist is the best way!
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rinhaler · 3 months
Rin had you sprawled out on the expensive boucle couch he helped you pick out when the house was still being built. He gave mercy on your thighs, his usual iron grip replaced with feathery fingers gently keeping your legs spread, one hand caressing the soft skin of your leg, the other splayed across your mound with a skilled thumb teasing your clit back and forth. Soft, breathy moans bleed from your spit glossed lips, lifting your hips a little of the seat, his head that rests on your other thigh follows the movement.
“Please Rin, pleasepleaseplease, more baby, I want you so bad,” you couldn’t help but to be a pathetic, desperate mess even though he was barely toying with you. It was just already too much and not enough at the same time. You finally had your closest, most dear friend right where you wanted him.
Rin’s so fucking lost in your dripping cunt he can barely make sense of your pleas, but the better, more intuned half of him takes hold of your words and musters a reply. “I know you fucking do, hang on, honey, I’m getting to it.” He chuckles, so damn cocky, and you can’t stop the smile from taking over your face. Any type of laughter he ever grants you is a gift, something he really only reserves for you. His lips place a wet smack near the crevice of your thighs, so close yet still so far away from where you need him the most.
He runs a shaky hand through his hair, before bringing it up to cup the underside of your breasts. “You had me drooling like a fuckin’ dog,” he begins, meanly twisting one of your nipples, trying to catch his breath and not look pathetic, “before I even had your panties off, so I’m gonna make sure you’re begging and crying until I give this pretty little pussy what she wants, you understand me?” Keeping his dominance, he spanks your cunt once, then twice, earning a high pitched whine from you.
You dumbly nod your head, “Yes, sir!!” The words leave you much too quickly for your liking, trying so hard to keep your regular cool composure, but let’s be honest, that went out the fucking window as soon as he gave you the right wrong look.
Hehehehehehehe I’m drunk n high I literally just wrote this in ur ask box lmfaoooo, I love writing under the influence it’s so nice 🤩 question/ statement: I totally think Rin would be a stoner if his gf was, like he can’t NOT participate with you when u get even more giggly and touchy than usual….thoughts? Luv uuuuuuu :D ‼️‼️ 🧋
also the fact that you wrote this in my ask box is making me think of when you'd let a friend doodle on your arm during class 😭😭 so cute
I'm so in love with this man and you're FUELLING ME LIKE CRAAAAZY omg thank you so much for the food.
In regards to Rin smoking I think obviously it depends on the AU or circumstance or whatever but whenever I think of Rin having a girlfriend I like to think he's really possessive and controlling. (This is very specific to me and my desires so please take with a pinch of salt). But I don't think he's a smoker and I think he'd actually be very against it and demand you not to smoke either. I like the idea of him punishing you for disobeying too 😏😏😏 I just think him and Sae are from a quite well to do family and I think he takes his career as a footballer too seriously to dabble in smoking.
Anyway that's just one scenario, obviously skater boy loser boy stoner boy would be way more into it than my iteration!
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xiiaomii · 3 months
BEN Drowned
Headcanons !!
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Disclaimer before someone comes for me.. this is all my au!!! No, I am not using ‘my au’ as an excuse to be weird btw !! Majority of this won’t be canon in any sense and most of my account is nothing like the canon character.. so please don’t use my blog as a way to get canon information!! Just thought I’d put it out there before someone shits on my posts because it’s bound to happen soon 😞
Ben is the biggest blue razz flavour lover, aside from Laughing Jack, anything in that flavour he will absolutely devour it. (Totally canon, I’m Ben’s left big toe)
He will sometimes forget to eat, drink, change clothes and shower to play video games because of how infatuated he is with the game he is playing.
Flirts with all his friends in a joking way, everyone is his ‘pookie’ or something along the lines of that. Until he actually develops a crush on a specific person then he forgets his ‘flirting skills’ (that were never really skills, he just took some cringe pet names he overheard and started calling his friends them ironically).
Jokes about his trauma, you will rarely catch that mf talking about his past experiences in a serious, non-joking way. Doesn’t matter how bad his PTSD could be, he will never get caught being serious. (Probably a massive cry for help, just doesn’t know how to ask for it.)
Probably started vaping thinking it would make people in school like him, which it didn’t, then ended up doing weed to feel ‘happy’ with how everything was.
Sally is his little sister. Not biologically, he just kind of claimed her as a sister and she agreed since Ben is the only male in the house she can trust (since they’re similar in age range, Sally being 12 and Ben being 14 in my au).
RAGING aquaphobia, panic attacks and all sorts being near a certain amount of water he could be drowned in, not that anyone would do that to him again. Ben and Jeff was hanging out in the forest together once and Ben accidentally fell into a lake and started fully sobbing, first time he was caught crying by another creepypasta.
He was definitely one of them people with braces since the age of like 12 for having fucked up teeth, absolutely hating them and getting called train tracks at school atleast once a day.
Because he prefers to have longer hair, he probably forgot to cut his hair loads of times until he started to notice it turning into a bob hairstyle and cut it.
Grunge style, definitely called emo shit ton of times when he was alive and in school.
Somehow always smells of Lynx Africa.. (that one deodorant literally EVERY mf teenage boy has.)
Thanks for reading!! I really enjoy making head canons for creepypastas and seeing people genuinely enjoy my posts makes me so happy omg 😭🫶!! <3 Honestly, I’m 99% sure most of this fandom is built off headcanons anyways BUT I’m so glad I’m not getting shitted on for having some interests 🫶🫶. Saying that, I know not much of this is canon in the slightest but I’m planning on writing a story for my AU where it’ll make more sense soon!! <3 Also, might make a pt.2 for my Sally Williams head canons!!!!!!!!!
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lxkeee · 3 months
Good morning/evening.
*deep breaths*
IDK IF IT'S MY PRIDE BUT 👺👺👺👺👺I gets if others want a happy ending and if writter is going to make a happy ending BUT i can't I was so fucking pissed two sides of the same coin (┛ಠДಠ)┛彡┻━┻ (at reader your works are amazing darling) LIKE GET OVER HIM HE CHEATER END OF STORY- plus I want to be petty and unsympathetic.
So if you're done with the story, can I have an alternative ending? Where Lucifer REGRETS AND GROVELS SO MUCH GRIEF to the point his begging reader to give a second chance breaking his pride, BUT OFC. So like in the story reader was chosen to do something about the extermination, so she decides to take a look at this 'hazbin hotel' and meet Lucifer (let's just add feelings because unlike me who doesn't give a shit because the past is past, sorry I just have a messed up head that if someone does something like this I get them to fall back in love and wait for a couple of months then announce that I'm dating someone else-- and see them panic HAHAHAHHA-) So girlies/boys who have same mind set as me your welcome-- they have bonding time and reader assuring him, stroking his hair that everything is ok and she forgives him, so this builts up the feelings he once and still has.
So after 4months and Lucifer constantly visiting whenever reader came down to hell to inspect the hotel. Lucifer accidentally walked in to reader and azrael(is that how to spell his name?) Making out. Lucifer first thought that Azrael forced himself on reader and punched azrael's face calling him foul names. Meanwhile reader and azrael looking at each other with a Lovestruck face still not aware that they parted and the short king cursing at azrael. After reader broke from the trance she happily exclaimed out loud that she and azrael are now dating, meanwhile lucifer:🙃
So Lucifer pulled reader into his room, talking about 'what about us?', 'I thought you forgave me?!', 'are you cheating on me!?'(BOY WTF--)
And reader just stood their dumbfolded giggling inside that Lucifer thought that she forgave him and they are back together, so she explains it to him EVERY LITTLE DETAIL. But he interferes with a 'WE ARE NOT DIVORCE YOU ARE STILL MY WIFE!' pulling anything he can.
Reader didn't gave shit and walk to the door, but Lucifer didn't gave up, he broke his pride for what? To end up even more depressed? So....well he fucked reader hoping she got preggy-
GURL DON'T BLAME ME- I HATEHIM AND LOVE HIM AT THE SAME TIME, sorry if this is to much of a bother 🥲🥲
.... Jaw dropped... Mind blown... Speechless... Op I can really feel your emotions through this ask 😭😭😭 The emotional rollercoaster I went through while reading this was wild asf LMAO buttt I already have a specific route I wanted to go through with the story and it can't exactly follow through this idea BUT I'll probably write this as an au though, I'm not making any promises but thank you for the suggestion but I don't think I wanna put our boy even more pain lol
Also, don't worry. You're not a bother^^ I personally think this is a wonderful idea but unfortunately I don't think it would fit into the current storyline, perhaps in a future work maybe?
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kaihuntrr · 1 year
The Sea Prince: Martyn Woods and “Scott Major”
(Martyn and Scott’s human designs have been revamped here!)
HELLO. While I’m on my limited life high I have decided to do some refs for Martyn and Scott for my sea prince au! I’ve also been digesting my inspirations to get my brain circulating with ideas.
Without further ado, here they are! Surprise, Scott has orange hair! I’ll explain it under the image >:)
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Honestly this is just his red skin with some belts and piercings as it’s just. Very good and fitting! The red also works as his crew’s main color is red after all! Rolled up sleeves bc he does a lot of work and he’s a decently built guy!
I realized halfway though drafting his design that he looks similar to empires s2 Scott, so I just channeled that energy to make him appear more dainty and soft with his heterochromatic (and oddly slitted pupils) eyes! He also has a piercing, a tooth earring from a previous partner, a seashell, and a cute little ribbon. I figured he’d have ginger hair (blonde or black was an option bc witchcraft,,, but decided not to bc I don’t wanna describe a bunch of blonde hair everywhere and black doesn’t fit) as cyan or any “unnatural” hair would be for the prince form!
Speaking of his prince form, here you go ;)
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SO. I worked on this design first since I wanted to have an understanding of how I’ll go on designing his human form, and to capture his terrifying nature I decided to design him based on his red skin! For creatures I used an orca, sea snake, betta fish, and the concept art of Red from the sea beast!
The boy has iridescent scales that molt into black ones over time as they shed, and they’re very tough! He also has coral growing on his head like a crown :> he has his natural cyan hair with a streak of red (and maybe grows all sorts of colors since he reigns over coral reefs and the tropics!) and starry patters all over his fins and gills.
Also on the closeup, his eyes have the orange and blue on both! I figured I might as well make the princes’ eyes real bizarre, gives them that ethereal beauty I want.
I didn’t do a doodle of it but I find it fun that in his human form Scott is noticeably shorter than Martyn but in THIS form he can hold him in one hand while doing something else.
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Excited to do more art of the au, like working on some of the crewmates, but for now I’m satisfied with their looks!
If y’all want to know anything specific about the designs feel free to comment or send an ask, I don’t bite! Scott definitely does tho LMAO.
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heartfeltcierra · 1 year
Ephemeral- Rosinante Donquixote (Corazon) X Female reader (Soulmate AU)
Word count 4.3K
3rd person POV
AN-I love this man so much :') But I won't lie, I broke my own heart writing this.
Contents- Soulmate AU (First words tattoo), reader is a marine, reader had a DF
!!!Spoiler warning!!! Major character death and spoilers for Law's backstory.
Warnings- Heavy angst, bittersweet ending, smoking, mentions of fire, cussing, character death, hints at starving and lack of self care, violence.
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 The cold crimson snow below Cora was nothing compared to the fierce warmth he felt in his heart. His mission to stop his brother may have failed, but at least one of his goals was achieved. Gotta live a little bit longer. His breaths were becoming shorter and shorter as he clung onto his last strand of life. I can’t let my power wear off, not yet. 
 His eyes flutter in a battle to stay  conscious. Not yet, not until Law is free… Despite his best efforts his eyes closed, but before he could slip into the afterlife a sharp pain blossomed in his right forearm. The pain was enough for him to reopen his eyes. Y/N.. With his remaining life force he used his left hand to pull up his sleeve revealing the sentence on his right arm. “Hey blondie, what time is it and why are you on fire?” A weak smile forms on his  lips, remembering the first time he heard those words. 
 “Do you think I have enough time to get one last smoke in before this starts?” Rosinante dug through his pockets, looking for his trusty fix.
 “You do, Commander, just be quick about it.” A sense of pride swelled in Rosi’s chest, hearing his soon to be new title come from the very man he looked up to. He nodded and started walking out but was stopped when a large hand rested on his shoulder.. “Rosinante..” The dark haired man smiled. “ I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you, son.”
 “I’m honored. Thank you Fleet Admiral Sengoku.” The blonde had to suppress a huge smile as his father figure praised him.
 “You're welcome, and you better get going if you want that smoke.” Sengoku motioned to the large stage where high ranking Navy officers were gathering. 
 “Right, I’ll be quick.”
 Rosinante walked outside of the Navy’s banquet hall with a cigarette hanging loosely between his lips as he tried to find a secluded place to smoke. Eventually he found an empty balcony that had a perfect view of the city below. Flames erupted from the lighter as he took a deep inhale of smoke. The nicotine instantly soothed his built up nerves.
 He knew being promoted to a commander meant more work and even more responsibility. But it also gave him more power and more control, two things he was going to need if he wanted to reach his end goal. Taking his older brother, Doflamingo, down. 
 He took a deep inhale of smoke as his fathers last moments and words echo his mind. He was only 8 years old when Doflamingo shot and killed their father. It was in that moment bloodshed he realized just how far gone his brother was. And judging from the recent reports surrounding his evil doings  and his bounty that increases almost daily, Doflamingo was completely irredeemable at this point. 
 The cigarette in between his lips had reached its end and considering the stress thinking about his brother caused, a second one was well deserved. “I still have a few years to plan, until then stay cool.” He brought the lighter up to the fresh cigarette. “I better hurry or Sengoku will kill m-” 
 Rosi tensed up as he noticed a flash of violet in the distance.What the hell was that? He had never seen anything like it before. Maybe in a different situation he would find it mesmerizing or even cool. But it was heading straight for the navy banquet hall, more specifically it looked like it was coming straight at him and fast. Too fast for him to react.
 The sparking ball of violet was closing in and he couldn’t make his body move a muscle. It was so close he could hear the strange almost electrical noise it emitted. Are we under attack? The anomaly was now floating in the air a few feet away from the balcony's edge. The breath in his throat hitched as the ball shot up ever so slightly into the air, the electrical noise it made was much louder and it appeared to be getting bigger. 
 Rosi snapped out of his trance and took a defensive position, only to find himself back in a trace as the ball of violet sparks turned into the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her (H/C) hair fluttered behind her as she gracefully descended from the air and onto the balcony’s railing. All the worry in him disappeared seeing the familiar outfit she wore..
 “Hey blondie, what time is it and why are you on fire?” His forearm began to tingle. She’s..
 “You're an angel…” The words left Rosi’s mouth before he could process  what she said. A small gasp left the girl as she looked down at her left wrist. 
 “Your..” Her (E/C) eyes met his red ones. She held up her wrist to show the words he had just spoken, tattooed into her skin. “You're my soulmate….. And you're still on fire.” The girl jumped from the railing, taking her navy coat off in the process. She gave him a sweet, innocent smile before wacking the fire out with her coat, doing so with such a brute force it sent Rosi to the ground. “There we go, crisis averted.” She bent down slightly and offered her hand to him.
 “I appreciate the gesture, but I’m tall and hea- '' His words were lost in his throat as the girl took the hand he was waving in the air and pulled him up almost effortlessly. 
 “Tall yes.” She took a moment to look up at him. “Heavy no, or at least not for a woman as strong as me.” For a few moments they just stared at each other smiling without a care in the world. That is until Rosi remembered he had somewhere to be.
 “Can we meet up and talk later? I’m about to get promoted at the ceremony.” 
 “You are?” His soulmate jumped a little in excitement causing a blush to form on Rosi’s face. She is so cute. “That makes two of us! We better hurry!” She grabbed his hand and started to run towards the banquet hall.
 Once the pair reached the venue, they had to go their separate way thanks to the seating arrangement. But that didn’t stop Rosi from keeping an eye on her in admiration. She was a couple seats away sitting next to vice admiral Garp. Rosinante leaned back in his chair a little more to see she had the same idea as him. She smiled at him and was about to mouth something to him, that was until Vice Admiral Garp leaned back, stretching his bulking body. Damn that old man.
 “The ceremony will be starting now.” Vice Admiral Tsuru stood at the stage's podium. “First we will be naming the new Commanders.” One by one she called the men and women up to the stage until.. “Donquixote Rosinante.” Rosi nervously walked onto the stage (Cautiously so he didn't trip and embarrass himself in front of his new found soul mate.) “On behalf of the Navy, we congratulate you and thank you for your continued service.” He bent down so Tsuru could place a pin onto his navy uniform, making him officially a commander. He looked to the crowd to see his soulmate standing up and clapping with a smile that made his heart swell. He gave her a sheepish wave before finding his seat.
 “Up next we will be naming the new vice admiral who will be taking over our G-7 unit.” Tsuru announced. “L/N F/N, please come to the stage.” Rosi watched in Awe as his soulmate, who he now knows as Y/N, walked up to the stage with power in each of her steps. “All of navy HQ would like to congratulate you on your promotion and continued service.”  Rosi had stars in his eyes as she was given the white overcoat reserved only for the vice admirals..
 “THAT’S MY GIRL.” A gruff voice yelled out. Rosi turned to see Garp hysterically crying. “If only my son would have been smart like her.” He mumbled out the last part.
 “That concludes today's ceremony. Good luck to you all in your new positions.” Tsuru walked away from the stage and people began to file out of the room. He looked up to see Y/N walking towards him with a smile on her face. 
 “Are you okay?” Y/N looked down at her soulmate who had fallen back in his chair thanks to the shock.
 “I am.” He smiled up at her. “I am more than okay.I just can’t believe my soulmate is someone so cool.” 
 “Thanks.” A blush formed on her cheeks at Rosi’s complement.
 “So.. Umm.. We have a lot to talk about huh?” Rosinante stood up and ran a hand through his blonde locks in an attempt to calm down.
 “That we do.” She shook her head in agreement. “I know just the place we can go!” She grabbed his hand  and led him out of the banquet hall. 
 “This is it!” Y/N fell back onto the field of flowers that overlooked the sea. “What do you think, Rosinante?” 
 “It’s beautiful.” Rosi sat down beside her. But It doesn't compare to you. “ And you can just call me Rosi.” 
 “Rosi it is.” She smiled before moving her head to rest in his lap. “So question. Just how tall are you?” 
 “Nine foot seven..” Her eyes widened hearing how tall her soulmate was. “And a half.”
 “And a half!” Rosi laughed at her shocked face. “You have me beat, I’m (Height).”
 “I do. But I think you may have me beat in strength, little Miss Vice Admiral.” His hands dug through his jacket until he pulled out his cigarettes. “Do you mind?” 
 “Not at all, actually here.” Y/N brought her hand up to the end of his cigarette. A familiar violet colored spark came from her fingertip, lighting his cigarette. “You’ll never have to buy a lighter again as long as I’m around.” She said proudly.
 “Thank you.” He took a deep drag and exhaled the smoke away from her. “I’ve been meaning to ask what that power was. Is it a devil fruit?”
 “It sure is.” She stood up from the flower field. “I ate the Plasma-Plasma fruit, making me a plasma woman.” She jumped into the air before turning into the same ball of sparks that had him freaking out hours earlier. He watched as Y/N displayed her powers to him. Seeing her pop up out of nowhere only to turn into a ball of plasma a second later had him in awe. After a few minutes of zipping through the sky she landed right into his lap. Fierce heat traveled to both of their cheeks. “I’m sorry, sometimes I don’t stick the landing.” She gave him a sheepish grin before attempting to crawl away from him.
 “It’s okay..” Rosi brought his arm around her body, urging Y/N closer. “Having you close feels nice.”
 “I couldn't agree with you more.” She brought her head down to rest on his abs. “So question…why were you on fire earlier?”
 “I’m a smoker who Is also really clumsy.” The moment the words left his mouth Y/N jumped  away from his lap. “Y/N are you okay?” She raised an eyebrow at him before motioning to the lit cigarette in his mouth. “OH.” He took the cigarette out of his mouth and waited for it to go out. “You can come back now.” He laughed nervously with an outreached hand, which Y/N gladly took. “But I’m clumsy in other ways too, less dangerous ways.” 
 “Like falling over in your chair?” Y/N looked up at him with a smirk on her face.
 “Bingo.” Rosi wrapped both arms around her before pulling the both of them back to lay on the flower field. “So you know my fun little fact. So tell me one about you?” 
 “Have you ever heard the rumor about the marine who killed a sea king while they were sleepwalking?” 
 “Yes I have.” Rosi had heard plenty of rumors in his rookie years, but this one stood out. It was unforgettable. “Apparently it was a rookie who was on Garp’s fleet. They had a really bad sleep walking habit and from what I heard they sometimes tried to challenge Garp to a duel in that state.” Rosi recalls all of the lore surrounding the mysterious Marine. “But the story goes something like this I think. It was the middle of the night when a huge sea king came out of nowhere and started to attack the ship. Two rookies were on the night watch that night, so they panicked. They went to wake up the crew and met the sleepwalking Marine while doing so. The marine proceeded to walk right towards the towering sea king and looked at it with foggy eyes before knocking it across the ocean with a single kick.” Rosi laughed. “I wish I knew if it was real or not. If it was, I wonder who the guy was?”
 “It wasn’t a guy..” 
 “It was a girl..”
 “Really? How do you know?”
 “I know because it was me!” Y/N’s cheery voice mixed with Rosi’s mental image of her taking down a sea king with a single kick. “Ever since that day I tie my foot to my bedpost with a shoe string. Just in case.”..... “Rosi?”...... “Rosi?”
 “Y/N.” Rosi lifted up from the flower field and rummaged around in his pockets. “Here it is!” He pulled out a marker. “Please sign my jacket!” 
 “HUH?” Y/N gave him a confused look. “Sign your jacket? Why?”
 “Because you are the woman, the myth, no… the legend. My soulmate is..” Rosi grabbed her shoulder before lifting her up like she weighed nothing. “The sleepwalking sea king slayer!” He spun her around before they both toppled over laughing.
 “Am I really that popular?” She grabbed the marker that had fallen with them and pulled his coat open to the side. “To my biggest fan~” Y/N signed her name and drew a small doodle of a sea king getting kicked by her. “Here, it’s your turn.” She handed the confused Rosi a marker before laying down with her vice admiral jacket open. “You can draw something on mine too!”
 “Before I do this.” He smoothed the fabric down where he wanted to draw. “I’m not good at drawing. With that being said, any requests?” Y/N Shook her head.
 “Just draw what comes to heart.”
~Flashback end~
 “Y/N. I’m sorry.” Her name left his mouth like a guilty prayer. “Just know I love you so much and I ...” Blood spilled from his lips as he muttered his final words. “I did it. Law is finally free.” 
 And with that, Donquixote Rosinante, the man known as Corazon, took his last breath.
~~~Somewhere out at sea on the G-7’s main ship.~~~
  Y/N sat at her desk filing paperwork and thinking about a certain blonde. She pulled the white coat off and looked at the fading doodle Rosi drew on it all those years ago. It was a simple heart with their initials in it. I miss him
 Y/N sighed playing with the silver chain around her neck. With a gentle tug on the chain she revealed the heart shaped locket he gifted her. She smiled seeing the engraving “You’re an angel.” Y/N clicked the locket open, her smile only grew wider seeing her and Rosinante’s wedding photos. On one side he was holding her up in his arms, and on the other side it was her holding him. A knock at her door pulled her from her romantic reminiscing. 
 “Come in!” She tucked the locket back under her shirt before one of her men walked in.
 “Can you sign off on these documents for me? They are urgent.” The man walked up to the desk and held the stack of  papers out.
 “Can do!” Y/N reached out with her right arm and stopped when a searing pain formed in her forearm. “What the, FUCK.” She yelped while bringing her arm down on the table. 
 “Vice admiral are you okay?!” The man watched as she was unable to form words, instead she slammed her head against the desk and pointed at her right arm. “I understand.” He slowly brought her sleeve up to reveal the cause of the tremendous pain she was in. What she didn’t know, it was only the start. “Vice admiral L/N, I. I think..”
 “What’s wrong?” She brought her head up from the desk and felt her body turn cold. At that moment she recalled something Tsuru had said to her many years ago. “There had been reports in the past of soulmates dying and their last words would show up on their partner in the spot where their first words were”  That explains why she is seeing the words on her right forearm.
 “Y/N, I’m sorry…… Just know I love you so much and I….I did it. Law is finally free.” 
 “Leave.” The man nodded before shuffling out of the room. Y/N looked at the fresh words on her arm. “Rosi.” He can’t be. Her lips trembled as tears began to pour down her face. The pain she felt was beyond what words could describe. She had lost her soulmate, her home, her safety, her comfort, her Rosi. He was gone.
 Her cries could be heard all across the G-7 ship. The men and women aboard the ship held their heads low as their admiral mourned her lost lover. After a week  the cries had turned into sniffles, after a month it was silent. She never came out of the office, none of the food they sent her was ever eaten, and she never spoke more than a few words. She had become an empty shell. 
 “Wake up Y/N.” Her eyes opened to a bright blue sky. She slowly lifted off of the ground and looked around. It took her no time to know where she was. The flower field. “You know I fell in love with you that day you brought me here.”
 “Rosi?” She turned and saw nothing. “Rosi, where are you?” She got up and froze when two arms wrapped around her midsection from behind.
 “Y/N.” His grip tightened. “I am so sorry.” She felt something wet at the nape of her neck. “I’ve watched you go through all this torment and I could not take it any longer. .” Her body froze. “I don’t have much time.” 
 “Rosi.” She tried to turn around to see him, but his arms kept her caged in.
 “Not yet love.” His voice was soft and comforting, just the way she remembered. “Y/N I love you and I will always watch over you.” Lips ghosted the crook of her neck. “But you can’t keep going on like this. You're alive but if you keep this up..” His voice cracked.. “Live Y/N, please. Promise me you will.”
 “How can I?” Tears started to stream down her face. 
 “You can because that’s what I want… More than anything..” Y/N’s eyes widened. “There is a time and place for all of us to die, but your time is not now or anytime soon. So angel, would you do me the honors of letting me watch you live, even though I can’t be with you?”
 “It’s funny.” Y/N sniffled. “You're calling me an angel.”
 “I guess we are both angels now… Wait no.” The familiar clumsy panic in his tone brought a bittersweet smile to her face. “You are an angel metaphorically, I am a real angel.” 
 “That you are.” A final tear rolled down her face. “But to answer your question I will.”
 “Good.” A large hand covered her right forearm. “I know this is selfish of me, but I want to kiss you one last time Y/N.”
 “If you're selfish, I’m selfish.” She turned around and jumped into her lover's arms to give him a final kiss. When she pulled back a bright light appeared behind him.
 “I have to go now.” He watched as the smile left Y/N lips. “I need another favor from you.”
 “When you think of me.” He grabbed her right arm and planted a kiss right next to his final words. “I want you to always have a smile on your face. Just like this.” Seeing the same goofy smile on his lips , the one  she fell in love caused one of her own to form.
 “I love you forever and always Rosi.”
 “I love you too.” He turned around and started to walk away from her. “I’ll be waiting for you, and you know I’m patient , so there is no need to rush okay?”
 “Goodbye for now, my angel.” 
 She woke up in a daze wondering if what happened was a dream or real. Her fingers hooked around her sleeve, gently pulling it up  to reveal Rosi’s final words to her. But that wasn’t the only thing. Out from the words was a smiley face, one that looked just like his, in the spot he had kissed.
 “Captain Law.” Bepo came running up to his captain who sat on a cargo box. “A vice admiral's ship has been spotted on the other side of the island.” 
 “Go find the others and let them know we are leaving immediately.” Law ordered.
 “Yes sir!” The white bear ran off as Law placed his chin in his hands. Just what I needed.
 “A vice admiral?” Law’s body tensed up. “That sounds serious.” Law slowly turned to his side to see a (H/C) woman sitting on the cargo box right next to one he was on. She was eating a bag of candy and didn’t seem to have a care in the world. “Want some?” She held the bag out to Law.
 “No.” Law raised his eyebrow. “Thanks?” Law got a better look at her and saw what she had on Dammit it all. His tattooed hand reached for his sword.
 “Don’t even think about it.” The woman smirked at Law. “Don’t you have any clue as to who I am?”
 “I don’t..” Law was sweating bullets at this point. “Want to give me a hint?”
 “Have you ever heard of the Marine who killed a sea king while sleep walking?”
 “I have. They called her the Sleepwalking Sea King Slayer.” 
 “How did you know it was a ‘her’?” 
 “What are you getting at?” Something shiny was thrown into Law’s lap. A locket? He clicked it opened. “Wait.” Law stood up and looked at the woman shocked.
 “To answer some of the questions I’m sure you have.” She stood up on the cargo box. “The woman you see before you is indeed the Sleepwalking sea king slayer.” Law looked up at her in shock. “And I’m also Rosi’s wife. Or should I say Cora’s wife.” Law was glad the rest of the crew was gone. A guilt he carried for well over 11 years had bubbled to the surface.
 “I’m sorry, it’s my fault he di-” The woman pulled the boy into a tight hug.
 “Don’t finish that sentence.” She gave him a few pats on the back before pulling away. “Just so I’m clear, I don’t in the slightest, blame you for what happened. And as you can see.” She pulled up her sleeve showing Law the Last words Cora said. “He died happy knowing you were free.” Law sniffled into the sleeve of his hoodie. “I see that you honor his legacy well.” She motioned to jolly Roger on the side of his submarine.
 “He meant everything to me.”
 “You meant just as much to him.” She smiled thinking of all the times he called her in secret to talk about how Law was doing. “I apologize for not coming to see you sooner. I say that like I’m supposed to see you at all.” She laughed. “Here take this. It’s the number to my personal transponder snail. Call me if you ever need to hear a funny story, because when it comes to Cora… Let’s just say I have a bunch.” Law took the paper from her hands and put it in his pocket.
 “Will do.” He smiled. “What’s your name?”
 “The sleepwalking sea king slayer, didn’t I tell you already?” Law rolled his eyes. “It’s Y/N.”
 “Will I ever see you again Y/N?”
 “Well..” She turned around to show the black letter on the jacket. “You better hope and pray you don’t.”
 “Fair enough.”
 “Well it’s been fun talking with you.” She threw Law the now empty candy bag in his hands before walking away. “One more thing.”
 “What’s that?”
“You need to smile more.” The woman gave him a toothy grin and then in the blink of a eye, disappeared.
“I’ll try.”
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oh-shtars · 27 days
The Astral Realm ✨
(aka infodumping RFTS!AU stuff for fun)
I remembered saying at one point that I’ll do a post just spatting out my ideas for the universe that Wishing Stars reside in and well, here’s that post!
First and foremost, I want to clarify that since the stars live in a completely different universe/reality, the terminology used here is not going to be completely accurate to space in real-life. This is really just my imagination running wild. 😅
Without further ado, here’s stuff under the cut ⬇️
The Realm:
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I was inspired a bit by the “In Between Realm” that was featured in The Owl House. (LOVE that show btw 💖). And I remembered Disney attempted to make ‘Wish’ the starting point in a Disney interconnected universe with Asha being the first Fairy Godmother and all those references. And stuff-
Sooo, I kind of played with those two ideas. :))
The Owl House described the “In Between Realm” as the ‘connection of worlds’ or the ‘cosmic glue in between realms.’ Somewhere where its inhabitants can look through places of different realms. So my head clicked and I thought, what if the Astral Realm is like the “In-between Realm?”
The Astral Realm is the cosmic space found in between multiple different Disney universes. After all, presumably everyone looks up to the same sky and see the same stars, right? Let me explain it a little more clearly.
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In TOH, each cube is a way to look into one realm. Papa Titan mentioned that they can look into more places than just the Human and Demon realm. In the RFTS!AU, it’s like that but at a much bigger scale.
I was thinking that instead of small cubes, it’s galaxies and they’re like the size of islands scattered across the black ocean space of the Astral realm. Each galaxy is a seperate Disney universe. (One for Snow White. One for Tangled, etc.)
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The stars can fly or swim in between these islands and can land to rest on any of them if they’d like. But they’ll always have a sense of where their home island/galaxy is. But mostly, I think they’ll just be zooming around and floating around in the vast space, playing with dust clouds and space rocks.
Btw, Wishing Stars can move around freely a lot in the Astral Realm to their heart’s content. But humans from their realm will still see them as unmoving regardless. After all, they’re in seperate realities.
In a way, the Disneyverse is sort of interconnected but also not really?? They’re still separated by this ‘cosmic glue’ in between them but they’re pretty close by in a sense. Wishing stars reside within this “cosmic glue” and they’re the very same stars that listen to people’s wishes no matter what Disney universe they’re in.
Within One Galaxy:
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As I’ve mentioned, one galaxy is like one island surrounded by the ocean of space. (An island that looks like the above pic ⬆️) And one island is a seperate Disney universe. Stars could choose to land on an island and just really chill there or whatever.
I think that the outsides around it when zooming into what it looks like within, is just a forest similar to what Disney likes to set most of its stories in. (Ex: Bambi, Sleeping Beauty, Robin Hood.) In contrast to the mortal realms, I like to think the Astral realm is leaning more onto a nature-themed home instead of built villages and castles that humans have. Take these images for example but make it more nebula-ish and sparkly.
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There’s forests, caves, “Water” bodies and all that on each island. But in the very middle of each ‘galaxy’ is a more special place:
The Wishing Meadow:
The place is exactly as it sounds. In the very middle of each island is a lake(?) where most rivers and creeks often originate from. But all ‘water’ bodies are the stars’ way of looking down at the living mortals that belong in this specific island’s universe.
Only every time the sky is clear at night does the water turn transparent, and they can people-watch.
But surrounding the main lake in the middle, is the “Wishing Meadow” where all wishes made from the heart go. Simpler ones grow into flowers that litter around the area. Glowing brightly and in different sizes depending on what kind of wish it is. The more complex ones grow into fruit among the leaves of the few trees in the meadow.
(My sister commented on the meadow sounding like the “Echo Flowers” from Undertale, and honestly? That’s pretty sick-)
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Wishing stars can either listen to the music emitted by the flowers that only they can hear. (Because I like to think each wish has a unique melody. Like “How Far I’ll Go” is more determined with a stronger beat, compared to “Part of Your World” is softer because they each have different emotions.).
OR the stars can choose to harness a wish from a flower and use magic to guide their wishmaker from the sky through some magic intervention. (What powers their ability to magically assist is passion derived from the wish itself.)
Complex Wishes as fruit from the trees are only allowed to be picked by more mature stars since they have more experience. (These are also the only kind that will allow a star to travel down to the mortal realm if needed.)
Doodles: 🎨
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I’ve made some of my own art as a way to brainstorm this concept and the ideas I’ve mentioned above.
I spent way too much time thinking about something that won’t be a major part in my story anyway. Lol. Oh well, this was fun either way.
So yeah, basically, this is Sueño’s home realm everyone!! If you want to ask anything about this, feel free to do so. I’m just rambling again and still sort of developing stuff anyway.
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tell about ur aus,,, go on
i have so fucking many aus so i'll ramble about a few
my latest one takes inspiration from this post and it's basically, dazai takes in atsushi and the akutagawa siblings, but realizing he can't really find a job to support all of them at once, he decides to go and (try to) reopen odasaku's favorite curry place. there are a few issues.
he is Not a great cook
atsushi can only make chazuke
aku and gin don't know how to cook
the place is kind of a mess
so eventually he goes and calls up chuuya and he's like "hey, you know how to cook, can you help me" problem is, chuuya's pissed at him bc THIS is when he calls him again and it's not an explanation of why he left, not a "sorry for blowing up ur car", not any of that, it's just another favor. so his immediate response is "fuck you, no" and dazai has to nag him into coming and helping, this being via taking some random pm member for hostage and specifically requesting that chuuya come pick him up
chuuya does indeed arrive, but he also breaks dazai's nose, so dazai ends up vaguely explaining with an ice pack on his face lmfao. this bit is what i have planned most vividly and is hopefully? gonna be a fic i publish. but also, later, ranpo ends up at the curry place and is like "damn you live like this" and dazai replies just kinda, "either order or get out" but ranpo offers him a better job (that being working at the ada), and while he hesitantly agrees, it's only a part time thing for the first bit. also although i haven't decided yet i think he might also end up finding kyouka before the pm gets to her and tachihara before the hunting dogs find him bc i am weak to 1. found family 2. BIG found families.
chuuya is absolutely fucking baffled when he runs into dazai during an ada job, btw.
"i thought you ran a fucking curry shop" "i do that too" "?? what the fuck" "it's called being a PART TIMER chibi" "i'm gonna break your nose again"
anyway next au!!
cowboy au (btw, they still have abilities) where nathaniel is a travellng priest looking for a doctor to cure margaret who's deathly sick, and he hasn't really been having any luck (he's been searching for months to no avail), and eventually at this one town it's like.. it's late at night, nathaniel's thirsty, he heads to the bar to get some water. nikolai promptly swaps their drinks, nathaniel drinks something really strong and passes the fuck out, wakes up to being in an inn room (with noteably less money) and storms the hell out of the building just to find nikolai petting his horse and acting all innocent about doing anything. nathaniel just tries to leave, nikolai follows, and they travel like that for a bit (occasionally trying to kill each other) before they get the third member of their dysfunctional little party
do you remember that one kid fyodor killed?
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this little guy (karma), is a pickpocket who steals nathaniel's bible in the hopes of selling it to get food. the two find him, both kinda realize his situation and while nathaniel is about to point him in the direction of the town's local church nikolai goes "fuck that" and just straight up kidnaps him, and they keep traveling. nathaniel and nikolai are mutually, regrettably, falling for one another, but this just manifests as more murder attempts, to the point that one night, nathaniel tries to strangle nikolai, nikolai wakes up and strangles him back, and when nathaniel passes out he fucking dreams about nikolai and is HORRIFIED. things only get worse and gayer from there and i also think they go on a train at some point.
karma's enjoying the horse rides at least, and there's some other characters that show up though tbh idk who besides this one dazai scene and gin at one point
okay this other au is shorter, but basically: ada kajii. this is built off of SO many headcanons, but essentially kajii's backstory is just the lemon short story. except that kajii never found lemons, bc instead kunikida (his old friend/school friend that fell out of contact with him) reaches out, they become friends again, and so when kunikida joins the ada, so does kajii. kajii works as a clerk bc, like, he doesn't. know he has an ability. Oh Boy Does He Get A Surprise during dead apple
okay i was gonna talk about my eternal winter au but that would be an essay /lh
SO instead!! shiburan au, an au i never. properly named beyond that it's a shibusawa x ranpo focused au. also co owned with my bestie @feralshadowdemon <33
basically, yokohama is a smaller, calmer seaside town, no abilities or anything. shibusawa moves in, working at the pet shop across the street from this coffee shop that's connected to a bookstore. the coffee shop is run by (most of) the ada, and the bookstore is run by yokomizo; mushitaro and poe work there. the members of the ada who work at the coffee shop are fukuzawa (he owns it), ranpo, kunikida, and yosano. dazai is fukuzawa's newest adopted kid, and ran away from home. (he was living with mori (and elise) before) yosano Understands his situation, having done the same years before.
ranpo starts going over to the pet shop a lot, both bc he's running errands (fukuzawa owns three cats) and bc he likes talking to shibusawa. they eventually exchange phone numbers and start texting. in the background of this, btw, is soukoku: they had a messy breakup years ago, they act like they don't like each other, etc etc normal skk things. the flags are a biker gang who are alive and well here, and chuuya hangs out with them a lot. dazai is a bit jealous of them, ranpo knows this, and so when chuuya starts volunteering at the pet shop, ranpo brings dazai along on an errand run so the two run into each other again. they start talking again, slowly bonding again by virtue of wingmaning shiburan
also misc details
dazai and aku are just. they are just friends here :)
aku and tachi are friends!! also higugin is real
the akutagawa siblings live with hirotsu
fukuchi is the hunting dogs' dad; except for tetchou, who's jouno's boyfriend. he has stricter parents.
fukuchi here is a retired military veteran AND ex movie star. his movies are awful /aff
shibusawa has a pet cornsnake named draconia
odango is engaged here but oda travels a lot so they haven't got married yet
ango works in an office in the big city, but he visits dazai sometimes. they are friends
bramcraft is married, they adopted aya
kyouka and kenji also live with fukuzawa!! twincoded tbh
kyouka has narcolepsy
there is so much more but i have been writing this post for an hour SO just shoot me (another) ask if you're curious :D
and yeah that's some of my aus!! i have a masterpost of all of them slowly being built in my drafts hehe
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kade-is-here · 1 month
Hail, True Body Robotic!AU!
AAAAALLLRIGHTY! So, to start, I’d just like to make one thing clear: the original version of this is Hail, True Body by mustangs-flames, which you can check out here. With that out of the way, heeeres the AU!
What is it?
Overall, it’s a pretty simple concept: humans are still humans, but the mimics are now robots. That’s the most basic summary of it.
What are the mimics like?
The mimics were made by Lucifer(the original post about the AU said Gabriel, but I’m changing it to fit better with HTB) to just… wipe out humanity. Yeah. Lucifer’s still a priest, but he’s also an engineer in his spare time. The basement of the church is his workshop, so don’t be nervous if there’s some mechanical noises down there. Nothing’s alive in it, after all. The mimics themselves look somewhat humanoid in that they have a (mostly) human silhouette. It can change depending on the mimic. For example, some can have wings, animal-like features, digitigrade legs, paws, claws, several arms, more than two eyes, more than(or less than) one mouth… the list goes on. They do have a few similarities: all of them have glowing eyes in their unmodified forms, all of them can shapeshift, and all of them range from dark gray to pitch black. They can change size, too, so it usually just depends on what’s most convenient/comfortable for the mimic. Mimics are solar, emotion, and soul powered, and they need at least a small amount of all three to properly function. A mimic is made out of thousands of tiny little pieces(which, in its unmodified form, just stick together to look like your standard humanoid android that doesn’t trigger the uncanny valley), so it has to rearrange those pieces and use camouflage technology to shapeshift. The only way you can tell if a human is actually a mimic in disguise is if you shine an ultraviolet light into their eyes. If their eyes become brighter, then that’s a mimic.
(To kill a mimic, you have to hit its central processing unit. Typically, that unit is spread out, so you’d have to essentially destroy the entire mimic to kill it. However, the more human a mimic feels, the more its unit condenses into two specific areas: the middle of the chest and the head.)
What about the main cast?
All the same, surprisingly. The only differences are as follows:
•Adam is EXTREMELY well-built. Liam spent the most time on him, so his camouflage and modifying systems work without Adam having to think about it at all.
•Mimic!Cesar’s true form is different. I’ll be taking suggestions in my ask box for his design, and eventually there will be a poll. :] •Mark starts studying the mimics more before he kills them, and eventually that leads to him becoming interested in engineering. •Mimics are hand-built, but sometimes Lucifer just… slams some details in there. For no reason. The mimic’s designs are so extra.
•Cian likes to bake in this AU. Just a little detail! :] (he likes lemons.)
•The human Cesar always was a bit interested in the mimics. He was in Applied Technology all throughout middle and high school, but unfortunately he never got to actually see a mimic. I mean, he did, but it saw him first.
So, uh, yeah! That’s about it! Lemme know if you have any questions, and please have a wonderful rest of your day/night! Remember to drink water!
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sege-h · 8 months
Ashen "Sharp" the Wolf
Another @sonic-oc-showdown bracket means it's time for a new pinned where I ramble about my OC!
I do have a "Sharp" tag on my blog so check that out if you want, but here's where I'll be answering some questions about him in case you don't wanna dig through tagged shitposts and art with little context!
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(Second pic is an edit of the Sonic issue #50 cover)
Bellow the cut I will be answering a bunch of OC questions, so it could get rather long!
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Which one? 😂 He actually has 3 names--
Delan- his birth name. Nowadays only his romantic partner knows that name. That one popped into my brain so there's no special story behind it.
Ashen- The name he gave himself. I tried to think up a name an angry teen might come up with since that was where he was at when he gave himself the name. One idea for a name like that was 'Fenix'- a play on how he would've wanted the name for a creature that rises from the ashes, but with the wrong spelling since he didn't know how to spell 'Phoenix' properly. But that didn't quite fit in my mind, so he got named after the ashes a phoenix might rise from.
Sharp- originally it was his temporary name since I needed to call him SOMETHING while coming up with a name. But then I grew attached to it and kept it. In-universe it's his nickname because the resistance-not knowing his name- found it easier to refer to him by a nickname to warn people that he's coming rather than 'HEY THAT GUY WITH THE SHARP METAL CLAWS IS COMING'. It saves time SHGDHS
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
It depends on which part of the story things take place (I have a few aus where things diverged at specific points in his life)
While he was still a runaway living outside he was 11-15
While still working with Eggman he was 16-18
And after he ran from there, or 'present' time he's 18-20 depending on how early or late in the story it is
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Yes! Percy- who belongs to @hesfromsomewhere
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Sharp and him went from enemies (one sided on Sharp's end) to secretly hanging out since Percy works for the resistance. Up until Percy got captured by Eggman, and Sharp chose to rescue him and run away to take him to the resistance. Initially Sharp was just going to leave him with them, but then he got captured by them a day or two later. Percy then very slowly built a bridge of trust between Sharp and the resistance faction he was a part of- though even if that hadn't happened they were determined to stay by each other's side. Things eventually developed into romance after that.
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Pie! Any kind of pie, really. Sharp loves homemade foods in general. But there's just something about baked goods, and especially pie, that strikes him as The homemade meal that he always wanted to try, and then eventually got to
💼 - What do they do for a living?
His initial job really Was for a living, working under Eggman. He really took that up because it'd provide him with a roof over his head and steady meals. To him the bonus was that Eggman is the type of person that wouldn't pretend like he Isn't disposable. There would be no attempts at fake friendships there.
Nowadays he works with the restoration, trying his best to get used to being around people and helping out. Down the line the faction he's in will split off from the restoration, and become more like a group of mercenaries akin to the original Diamond Cutters
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
He likes playing video games! Initially they served as something to get his frustrations out on. The still kinda serve that purpose, but he also plays them when he's relaxed, and he's learning to play more games with friends.
🎯 -What do they do best?
If he was asked he'd answer that he's the best at fighting. It's what he's had to do most of his life, and he's kind of out of his element once he joins the resistance where he doesn't really have to do that as much anymore. Especially since even when he Does fight he'll get asked to retreat all because the people there care whether he lives or dies.
He's pretty hard on himself in other aspects. He's pretty good at cooking, but he does best when doing so over an open fire. So he views his learning attempts at using a stove as failures.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Loves: Playing video games, spending time with loved ones, eating good homemade food, walks in the rain, seeing peoples faces whenever he proves he's more than they think of him. Also dancing but don't tell anyone.
Hates: Being around too many people, getting ordered around, backing down or retreating in general, having to confront people taller than him, being Perceived
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
The night he realized that despite everything, someone did come for him and took him in. Just not the way he expected.
Him and Percy weren't romantically involved yet, but they slept in the same bed anyway. It'd become a habit after Percy's stay in the infirmary. And after they got to go off in their separate rooms, Sharp found he was too anxious to sleep on his own after everything, in a place full of people he didn't know and that he believed hated him (and to be fair, some did)
He woke up one night with Percy clinging to him. And it kind of hit him that he finally had someone that cared about what happened to him. And someone that felt like home. Both things he'd pretty much given up on ever having at that point in his life, but he'd gotten them anyway.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Ashen has a Lot of bad memories but the one that really haunts him nowadays is when Eggman captured Percy. He was locked up in a pod, intended to be used as a living battery since he's a being made of Chaos Energy. Sharp waited to see if anyone from the resistance would show up to save him (he still views this as a big mistake on his part)
But once the machine was activated, the decision to make a move and defy Eggman was pretty much made for him. He still has nightmares about hearing Percy scream and watching his form start to shift thanks to the energy getting sapped from him.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Kind of!
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His design has stayed relatively the same, it just got more refined. I got the hang of drawing his hair, and his ears are a darker color now instead of being the same as his main fur color. He's also gotten beefier. He also lost the cheek markings bellow the eye pretty fast, I think I got rid of them after the first 2 drawings of him.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Honestly I just wanted to go back to my roots and make a wolf character. Other than that, me and my friend wanted to make some OCs that worked on opposing sides during Forces thatd end up being together by the end.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
I said this last time too but I don't really slot my OCs into genres SHDGSH. I guess just. Sonic? Adventure with a side of shonen? Sharp kinda fits the shonen anime vibe, with his strongest asset being his willpower, making him get up every time he gets knocked down.
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
He's a cis man, and he's probably demisexual/demiromantic, though he labels himself as gay. He just doesn't have/know the words for demi, but he knows what gay is, and he's always fallen for boys and masc presenting people. Though the few times Percy goes for a more femme presenting form, he's noted there's no lack of attraction there. But it hasn't really spurred him on to investigate if there's any other label he could apply to himself. He just thinks 'I'm in love with Percy. And no matter what for he takes he's still Percy, and that's who I'm in love with'
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
He never had any biological siblings! But later on him and Riley (also belonging to @hesfromsomewhere) adopt each other as brothers
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He's a chinchilla that's also part of the resistance. And he was a runaway, so he very much understands what Sharp has gone through in life.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Absolutely horrid. They're dead to him, even if he's unsure if they're actually dead. He sure hopes they are.
They're why he's mostly thrown away his birth name. They gave it to him. He doesn't belong to them, and he saw taking up a new name as a show that he only belongs to himself.
They really only had him to insure they had a heir that'd take up their business one day. They were very strict, and were pretty much never pleased with Ashen. Everything he did had to be flawless- and that's impossible. They're a big reason for him running away from home.
Once he joined Eggman and was allowed to unleash legions of badniks to attack as he pleased, one of the first things he did was lead a raid to his old hometown. He saw to it that the house he grew up in was burned to ashes. He never caught sight of his parents so he doesn't know what actually became of them, but he doesn't care.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
I like how silly he can get. His short temper can be both a source of drama, but also of silly moments. Because sometimes he gets so caught off guard that he doesn't know how to react other than with frustration.
And I just like his type of character. Someone kind of jaded that has to deal with wanting to become a better person, and the softness that comes out of those efforts.
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Very often! He's on my mind a lot, and I have several AUs with him. He's one of the characters I draw and write about the most other than Storm and Atos
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
Nnno I get too sad at things like that HSGDHS
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Despite his love of rain, he gets really stressed out and scared when it comes to really bad storms, with loud thunder and especially with strong winds. The winds stress him out more than the thunder and he hates the sound of it. His fear was more evident when he was younger. He's gotten good at hiding it, but someone that knows him well can notice the way he's tensed up while a storm like that is happening.
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
His (one sided) arch-nemesis/rival WAS Percy, until they became friends.
An antagonist that pops up here and there in their story is Echo (owned by @hesfromsomewhere )
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He's a tasmanian devil, and a hacker that lost everything to the war with the Eggman Empire. Once he finds out Sharp works for it, he attempts to kill him. Their paths cross again later, and even though Sharp no longer works for Eggman, that doesn't matter to Echo.
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
I think I've had him since 2019, if not late 2018!
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
Thank you for reading!
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primalbeatsourhearts · 9 months
Some Angel!Crowley HC's
Since I can't draw, ya'll are gonna listen to me ramble for a bit. This can either be a reverse omens au or a 'Crowley Returns to Heaven' thing. Whatever works, these are just idea's that I have and they can fit into either or. (If they don't, I'll separate it specifically)
- I have always LOVED the idea of Crowley being Raphael theory. Even tho my fanfics tend to cater to the idea of Angel!Crowley being Lucifer, I know our Lord and Savior Neil Gaiman said he wasn't. So this AU, Crowley is the Arch-Angel Raphael. Yes, Archangel with a Captial A so he's one of the big boi's. (I'll be referring to him as Raphael from now on)
-He is the youngest of all the Archangels. Basically the baby brother but he was actually very close with them. Though he was often in his own head, which resulted in him getting into more trouble than it's worth. That's fine though, everyone is used to his shenanigan's.
-We all know Raphael loved his stars, but we never see just how much. It isn't uncommon to see him cradling a newly born star in his hands, or singing lullabies that can still be heard (not as easily anymore, the noise pollution started drowning out the celestial songs).
-Raphael is also FEIRCLY protective of his stars. He's a relatively peaceful angel, never really made for war. But holy heaven is his wrath terrifying if you ever messed with his babies. He once left Gabriel shaking in his boots and fleeing the scene after a prank went wrong.
-He is an artist by nature and really doesn't do well with desk jobs. He figured out how to sleep before sleeping was even a thing when he started getting assigned paperwork. He swears God got the idea of sleeping from him. Gabriel thinks he shouldn't be as proud of that as he is.
-Speaking of Paperwork, Raphael is absolutely dogshit at it. If he isn't falling asleep while doing it and drooling all over the papers, his handwriting is SO messy that barely anyone can read it. He himself also struggles reading all the fine print and fancy lettering because his eyes are built to handle stars and galaxies. Not little tiny words.
-Doing paperwork got so bad that Raphael had to get an angelic assistant to help him out because he hated it so bad. The assistant often followed him around, reading out the paperwork as Raphael worked on whatever project he had at the time. This worked a lot better for all parties involved.
-Raphael and Lucifer often got into a LOT of mischief. They especially loved messing with Michael and Gabriel. Though neither of them liked Sandalphon at all, so he got the brunt of a lot of their harsher pranks. Raphael became especially menacing when he heard Sanalphon talking shit about one of his newly designed Nebula's.
-Raphael was never cruel to lower angels, in fact he was often quite kind to them. However, he often didn't notice them in the first place unless he genuinely needed something. He was often lost in his own head, imagining all sorts of future projects that he could work on. He would sometimes disrupt the conversation cause he came up with something, and would just leave in the middle of talking to anyone. -Though he did this with everyone, so no one took it to heart. Though they were quite surprised when someone saw him doing it to God too.
-When he does get into a conversation however, he is surprisingly snarky. You cannot count how many times he whispered something underneath his breath during one of the Archangel meetings that left Lucifer cackling in his seat.
-Once Raphael discovered fashion, that boy LOVED it. He loves wearing pure white, and especially having gold on his attire. He says it really brings out his red hair.
-His hair is also almost always long, he really loved the feeling of it and he found brushing it became a really soothing feeling to him. Though he wears it in so many different hairstyles that you'll never see the same thing twice a week.
-Raphael invented snakes and loves them dearly. So he often has snake memorabilia, and even has a large golden snake tattoo that crawls across his body.
-Raphael's eyes are very golden, and while he mostly stays in heaven, he still very much enjoys wearing sunglasses cause he likes the way they make him look. Plus it also helps hide his eyes when he's not paying attention to something.
-In the more recent years, Raphael is still in charge for tending and carrying for the skies and stars, but there comes a point where he can only do so much. So he asked if he could work somewhere else and now helps the angels paint the sunset/sunrise. So his clothing, face, and hands are almost always covered in pain but he very loves his work.
-Raphael's office is COVERED in plants. This boy loves his plants so much that he actively takes care of them in heaven and will even visit Heaven's nursery's to help nurture the plants before they are sent down to earth to grow.
-Speaking of Raphael's office, it is also covered in actual matter. Nothing is miracled as he much prefers the actual objects then the spawned in versions. Yes, he had a hard time fitting the desk in the elevator.
-Raphael is often brimming with questions and will NOT hesitate to ask them. He would annoy Gabriel, Michael, Lucifer or anyone he could get his hands on when he asked questions. Though in return, he will never fault anyone else asking questions. He will be honest in saying he doesn't know, if he doesn't know the answer.
-(Reverse Omens) Raphael thinks Unicorns are the coolest things in the world and will spend a lot of time with them. He was devastated to find out their demise on earth after the flood, and almost raged at God for that. He held his tongue.
-Being the angel of healing, Raphael has also been tasked with helping people heal. In the war, that is mostly what he focused on. He was an artist, not a fighter. Though he focused on healing both sides because he couldn't understand why everyone was hurting each other. Suffering never made sense to him.
-Raphael loved the concept of gender, and often changes between them a lot. Then the concept of the LGBTQ came out, and he loved it even more! Even if his permanent station isn't on earth, he LOVES going to Pride Parades whenever he can.
-(Reverse Omens) How he met the demon Azira was a long time ago, after he was assigned to painting. He grew curious of earth after finishing up a Sunrise, and decided to check it out. He met Azira and at first he was wary, but the demon's kindness and willingness to anwser questions made him stick around. Especially once Azira started showing him around. -Now him and Aizra meet as much as they can, but they do have jobs and are quite busy with their work. That is until the apocolypse and it meant no more sunrises or sunsets. No more plants, or animals, or fascinating humans or kids. Raphael didn't step up, all those millenium ago when the Great War happen. He'll step up now. Especially since his stars were also in danger of falling. Though he doesn't understand why the demon is so hesitant.
-(Crowley Goes with Aziraphale AU) Raphael wasn't really what Aziraphale expected when he took Crowley up to heaven with him. He knew him only for those few precious moments he had, but he also forgot just how spacey Raphael was. How he utterly detested being in charge. How mishevious he was. How little he cared about paperwork and would rather fly off with his stars. Aziraphale didn't realize how much the angel changed when he became a demon and he found himself wanting Crowley back.
---------------- Am done for now! I may come back with a part 2 if I have more idea's but anyways I hope ya'll enjoyed the word vomit I spat onto you all :D
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pluck-heartstrings · 2 months
Popping in your inbox because I have been reading pluck my heartstrings since Friday because even though everything has been really busy I just couldn’t wait anymore!!!! I’m not caught up yet but so far
OH BOY!!!!!
Sun and Moon have so so much love and personality built into them they are so complex and every sentence I am just itching to learn more about them!!! I have definitely fallen head over heals for the two fools and their acrobatics of dealing with these new emotions and how to win over the subject of their affection aaaaaaaaa
The pov switches that give us a glimpse of into their mind and how they are experiencing the events is absolutely fantastic I’m kicking my feet!!! One specific instance with moon and his first one on one interaction with y/n had me turning into a strawberry or more accurately a burnt tomato haha! Seriously I can’t get over reading from their perspective like yesss tell me every detail about what subtle things drive you crazy and what dreams and goals you are building up in your head and how you plan to address and reach for them!!!!!!!!
I am rooting for your boys so much and I am munching on every characters designs and descriptions!
Crazy about your au and so excited to see what’s to come!
It's crazy to me that we're mutuals, I think I scream everytime I see a notification from you.
The fact that you??? Read my fic??? My little au baby?? And you like my pov switches??? I think I'm going into cardiac arrest from joy alone.
The Moon moment you're talking about is the one where I literally had to take a break because my heart was beating too fast. I felt my face heat up LIKE LITERALLY and afterwards I was like...dang I DID that.
They're just two clown lads that fell in love but they're also robots and have no internal concept of what that means. They're romantics at heart but they don't know what that MEANS!!!! They're gonna get worse before they get better, lemme tell ya.
I'm crazy about YOU and YOUR AU
It is WILD to me that we're even talking rn. I gotta lie down
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nixtape-foryou · 4 months
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Waratahs are an excellent choice when you are wanting to symbolize a wish for health and longevity. This flower is also referenced in a number of Australian aboriginal dreaming stories and is used to symbolize both the positive and tragic sides of love.
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Bouquets = Series | Stems = Oneshots | Seeds = Drabbles | In Shipment = Ongoing
Breathe, and Live by blossom-hwa (14.9k) || Single Parents AU || You and Chan learn, together, to care for the little boys you love.
A Love That Lasts by staywritten ☆ (18.2k) || Single Parent AU, Neighbors to Lovers || You’ve spent the last two years, helping your very handsome next door neighbor raise his adorable daughter. The two of you fell into a routine before you knew it. And now you had this little family. You couldn’t help but fall for him
Mamihlapinatapai by sunnyville36 (25.0k) || Royalty AU -  Servant/Prince AU || Mamihlapinatapai - (noun, Yagán origin) a silent acknowledgement and understanding between two people, who are both wishing or thinking the same thing (and are both unwilling to initiate)
Wounded Hearts by scxrlettwxtches (2.3k) || Historical AU || When Chan saw caught you sneaking back into battle after he had specifically told you not to, he was less than pleased. Why couldn’t you just understand that he wanted nothing more than for you to be safe? 
My House by formidxble ★ (13.0k) || Mature, Workplace AU || Fixing ties is a part of your job, so why is your boss acting like it isn’t?
Three Steps Back by formidxble (5.8k) || Workplace AU || The 2 times bang chan tried to confess and the 1 time he almost did.
The Chance of Love by maatryoshkaa ☆ (13.8k) || High School AU || The one where you’re determined to find one flaw about your seemingly picture-perfect class president, and he’s determined to make sure you pass the class—no matter how hard you’re trying to fail.
Enemies-to-lovers! by taelme ☆ (21.0k) || Workplace AU || Enemies to lovers slow burn with Bang Chan where you don't like each other but there's undeniable chemistry
Between the Lines by straylightdream (12.5k) || Lightly Mature, Arranged Marriage AU || After being used a nothing more then a pawn to gain the upper hand on Chan. They’re left in a strained marriage and only one way out.
Ease by fizzydrink698 ★ (2.5k) || Historical Fantasy AU || "He didn’t take long to melt under your gentle attentions, letting out a small sigh as you massaged his scalp, fingers occasionally sliding down to his temples to slowly ease away the tension built up there."
Drown by neo-shitty (3.0k) || High School AU, Hurt/Comfort | In which the music wasn’t enough to drown out the thoughts inside his head anymore
The First First Date by jl-micasea-fics (5.0k) || Mature || A dinner date, a single dad, an almost certainly taboo relationship. A brazen, explicit proposition whispered amongst oblivious teachers and occupied parents. Honestly? You never stood a chance of resisting.
Continuation of Introduction presented by Kinktober - Day 29 (3.0k) || Single Dad x Teacher
Wolfsbane by healinghyunjin ☆ (16.7k) || Mature, Historical AU, Arranged Marriage to Lovers || You took a deep breath before lifting your head, staring right at Chan. “I can be your collateral – as your wife.”
The Diamond Support by fantastic-bby (8.2k) || Streamer AU, Strangers to Lovers || When Chan gets extremely drunk during a college party, he ends up playing a game of League of Legends with a girl he doesn’t know. He wakes up the next morning hungover and with almost no recollection of what happened the night before. He only realises that there’s a new summoner name in his friends’ list while he’s doing a stream and he’s determined to find out who ‘The Diamond Support’ is
Burn by fizzydrink698 (4.9k) || Royalty AU || Just once, you’d like to see Chan get his hands dirty. To fight an opponent he hasn’t already chained and locked away. You picture it for a moment, wrapping these chains around his neck, pinning him to that throne and watching the first flickers of fear alight in his eyes.
Bad Habit by hwan-g (4.8k) || NSFW | Friends(?) to Lovers || Chris has never asked or needed anyone’s help—except yours.
The Warmth in Brightness by braemjeorn || Regency Era AU, Strangers to Lovers || Commodore Bang is coping after his loss, in the best way he is capable. Son Mari could barely recall that she was merely employed help—he can do better for his boys, and she will insist upon it.
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south-sea · 11 months
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fooling around with this guy's design some, because i realized i can't actually call him a metal sonic
it's Complicated because in terms of character, he's meant to be an alternate of second chance metal, so in my mind he registers as the same core character. but in this AU, he's not made by eggman, much less even in the image of sonic, and at that point that's literally not even metal sonic anymore, that's just an OC. so while i don't claim this to be an ~original design~ or anything, tagging him as the character feels disingenuous, so i'm going with "metal medic" from here on out.
some expanded design notes on this guy:
"bigger ears and rounded corners": he's made in the image of shadow purely for the sake of being his caretaker/companion. the goal was to provide someone his size/general shape to help keep him comfortable. (someone in the tags of a previous post about this AU likened him to baymax and tbh that is Exactly the intended vibe. you get me.)
"no use for a turbine or even a back jet"/"padded finger tips instead of claws": originally i had in mind that he'd still have a much smaller jet or something on his back, but the more i thought about it, the less necessary that seemed. given his role is that of a caretaker, he was not designed with speed or combat in mind. at most, he's got built-in heelys just to be a little quicker than average and not make a huge racket as he's walking through the halls and such.
"made from cheaper material with crude plating": the resources available to his creators were not up to the same standard as the regular sonic universe. it's a wonder he functions at all. he's scrapped together with visible bolts, flimsy hinges, uneven plating, and his power depletes incredibly fast. they had limited options when it came to color, hence the lack of red to mimic shadow's stripes (much less the medical cross tackily slapped right there on his forehead).
(i did take some inspiration from my own shadow android design, such as the bulkier arms, but it's surprisingly difficult to design a robot made in the image of shadow, that still reads like an alternate metal sonic, without making him look exactly like a shadow android or just regular metal sonic. like, at his core he's still supposed to be "second chance metal but to the left", so looking like regular metal is still kind of intentional, it's just, his background is so completely removed from canon that it's weird to still call him a metal sonic, you know?)
in terms of personality/function:
he's considerably more Robot than even canon metal, in that he's coded to operate within a specific set of parameters and limited free will. he has his purpose and goals already predetermined, and his feelings are more or less the same. so, contrary to second chance metal, he is fully obligated to care for his shadow and knows nothing else.
his logic is more akin to gemerl's in that he takes his objectives very literally. when he finally decides it's in the best interest of shadow's health to escape the facility with him, it comes from a place of logic, though it can be argued there's also genuine care/warmth there, just like gemerl's bond with cream. his creators maybe shouldn't have coded him with such a strong sense of care for shadow if they didn't want to be betrayed. (or maybe that's exactly what they intended :) who knows)
given he's meant to be a more personable caretaker, he's considerably more expressive both in gestures and eye animations. he's more "playful" than "bubbly", and more "careful" than "patient".
he isn't incapable of causing harm in the interest of protecting shadow, and it's not like it goes against his coding to cause harm in general, but he's not very good at fighting. shadow is very much the actual protector in this case; metal tends to get underfoot more than not once they're free.
he is completely mute and has no means to communicate beyond simple nods/head shakes/thumbs up or downs. he was not coded with the capacity to learn sign language or emulate words. in general, his coding does not allow for the same depth of self-learning like canon or second chance metal.
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