#but go through a phase in the middle that requires Personal Growth
obsidian-pages777 · 3 days
Pick a Card: Messages for Heart Break from God Anteros. Pick a Billie Eilish Image
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Left to Right First Row- 1->2 Left to Right Bottom Row- 3->4
Tarot Reading 1: The Journey of Self-Discovery
Cards Drawn: The Fool, The Hermit, The Star
Anteros urges you to begin a new journey of self-discovery. The Fool represents a fresh start, a leap of faith into the unknown. Heartbreak can be a catalyst for profound personal growth. The Hermit advises you to take time for introspection, to retreat into solitude where you can reflect on your past relationships and your own needs. The Star signifies hope and healing. It reminds you that there is light after darkness, and this period of heartbreak is temporary. Focus on your personal dreams and aspirations. Healing comes from understanding yourself better and rediscovering your own worth.
Tarot Reading 2: Rebuilding with Patience
Cards Drawn: The Tower, Temperance, The Empress
The Tower indicates that your heartbreak may have come from a sudden and shocking change. Anteros suggests that while the destruction feels overwhelming, it is also an opportunity to rebuild stronger foundations. Temperance advises patience and balance in this process. Take your time to heal; there’s no need to rush. Balance your emotions and find a middle path in your recovery. The Empress encourages you to nurture yourself. Engage in self-care, surround yourself with beauty, and reconnect with nature. Healing will come from taking care of your physical and emotional needs and fostering a sense of inner peace.
Tarot Reading 3: Empowerment Through Forgiveness
Cards Drawn: The Devil, Justice, The Strength
The Devil suggests that you may be holding onto toxic attachments or negative patterns from your past relationship. Anteros advises you to confront these shadows head-on. Justice calls for you to seek fairness and balance, not just in external circumstances but within yourself. This might involve forgiving yourself and others for past mistakes. The Strength card emphasizes inner strength and compassion. Healing from heartbreak requires you to be courageous and to tame your inner demons with kindness. Empower yourself by letting go of resentment and embracing forgiveness. This path will lead to a more balanced and harmonious state of being.
Tarot Reading 4: Embracing New Beginnings
Cards Drawn: Death, The Chariot, The Lovers
Death signifies the end of a significant phase and the beginning of something new. Anteros tells you that this ending, though painful, is necessary for your transformation. Embrace this change as a gateway to new opportunities. The Chariot represents willpower and determination. Take control of your life’s direction with confidence and focus. The Lovers card is a powerful reminder that love will come again, but it must begin with self-love and harmony within yourself. Healing from heartbreak involves letting go of the past and moving forward with a clear vision and open heart. New, healthier relationships await when you are ready to embrace them.
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nightgnome · 1 year
maybe a controversial opinion, but if the new generation of Addams Family fans wants to call horseshit on the whole “our weird family is devoid of problems” ideal that so many people are drawn to... if little girls and boys and genderqueer children look at Wednesday and see a kid who feels estranged even within the context of an accepting and progressive and loving family... if the concept of struggling to identify with a Perfect and Idealized mother appeals to them...... then i say: let them have this one
if you don‘t like Wednesday, mb this show wasn’t made for you. which is fine. go enjoy one of the other Addams Family iterations.
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luaveltarot · 10 months
Pick a 🪟 for a yes or a no -
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It will be good if you could feel your question for a few seconds before deciding which one, however, I will try to give context to whatever question has been stuck in your energetic field if you feel confused about the question, because I personally don’t know my questions or I can’t find a way out to what exactly it is that I want to know and it’s a turn off when a yes or no reading can’t answer it lol. So hope you find yours from mine :).
Window 1
Context- You are confused about multiple things it’s not just 1 or 2 but you find yourself in the middle of nowhere. It could be that you��re thinking so much that you’ve taken responsibility of feeling for others too. It’s your life so you should solely take decisions for yourself and not for others. Other’s expectation of you should not bother you,at all. Have trust and faith in your capabilities, because if you doubt yourself or keep questioning your existence then a shark is waiting to eat you up. Another interpretation is that you should take your time to explore all the options given to you and then you can finally decide which one will best suit you in long run. Life is cyclical in nature, so you need to be visionary, this decision can’t be taken with less invested thoughts or energy.
It’s a no. You should let this situation pass with the perspective that you need to let it go for something better to knock at your door. It is probably not in alignment with your growth.
Window 2
Context- Hmmm so whether it’s a relationship or a project, you have been evaluating your progress so far that you have reached a plateau (break/pause/boring monotonous please) in it. You can take a break but don’t end it. Every relationship requires hard work and patience and giving up or ending things is not the option always. Give the relationship enough time to heal and grow so you can get back into it with passion. Every fruit takes time to grow, you don’t want to pluck it before it’s ripe so have patience because things are still in progress even if you feel it’s not. The person on your mind still loves you even if you feel that you are on a break. Have hope and trust in what you once had.
It’s a yes. You seem to have lost hope but if you look back, everything had been good, it was beautiful and it will continue to be this way in future. If it’s about a person, then they’ve helped you get through both the good and bad times,so don’t think of ending things with them. Stay rooted where you are in life.
Window 3
Context- It’s about getting close to someone either in a platonic or a romantic sense. It has best friends to lovers vibe. Deepening of a relationship or levelling up in a relationship. There’s celebration with like minded individuals. If you were feeling scattered and lost, that you’ve waited too long for the night to pass by and now the sun can finally be seen on the horizon, there’s happiness and vitality in the future for you. Your health is improving. If you wanted to get pregnant then it’s happening. A new phase is beginning in your life. The thing you waited for can likely happen around the new moon. This is the time for divine union with unification, completion and wholeness as key words. It’s like when sun and moon together can be seen in the sky (it’s called syzygy), the union of opposites and the whole world falls in awe upon their union, that kind of happiness is entering into your life. It’s so beautiful.
It’s a FULL BLOWN YES!!! Be open to experience it!
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rafi420 · 4 months
Because the middle platform can help power achieve penetration
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How much money should be spent on each business line and how to formulate a growth strategy are very technical tasks for the boss of the growth department.
Of course, the business boss hopes to give him as much support as possible. In fact, for the business, the most efficient way is to HE Tuber integrate all functions into one reporting line. Everyone in this chain is doing When making decisions, only one factor needs to be considered, which is whether it is beneficial to the business line. But if some functions are withdrawn, another situation will arise - an increase in internal transaction costs, because everyone no longer sits on the same bench.
So the business boss will go and communicate with the growth boss. But the reality is that there is no reporting relationship between them, and there is no question of who listens to whom. Everything has to be discussed, or decided by higher-level people on the reporting line.
Over the years, everyone has always discussed what good management is. In the final analysis, management that is in line with human nature is good management. And what is human nature? Individualism is part of human nature. Why so many companies have trust and cooperation as their values? In essence, it’s because in a huge organization, trust and cooperation are very difficult. You need to shout all the time and every month to penetrate into the blood of the organization.
Personally, I have doubts about many fashionable concepts and tools, including middle-office organizations and OKR. The concept of OKR sounds very good. Through top-down decomposition, a company can all aim at the goals of the top decision-makers, forming a pyramid structure in which strategy and execution are aligned.
If executed well, OKR can theoretically ensure a company's strategic focus and create synergy. However, realizing this scenario requires a prerequisite, that is, the top decision-maker will expose his true inner goals. This alone will probably stump 90% of Chinese bosses.
Because there is a deep shadow of Wang Yangming in Chinese business culture. Wang Yangming talked about the inner sage and the outer king, which means that the inner and outer parts of a person do not have to be unified. Of course, many bosses are actually the inner king and the outer sage. So which one should show the king's side or the saint's side? you guess.
The same goes for the middle office. When you think it requires execution efficiency from the organization, the result is not always the case because it puts people in different positions. But if the top level wants decision-making efficiency from the organization, then the middle office is a good choice.
If you pay a little more attention, you will find that the establishment of middle-level organizations often coincides with the transfer of power in the company.
Take JD.com for example. In 2018, Liu Qiangdong phased out of the business. He needed to give more authority to the management of the three major business lines at the time.
Especially for Jingdong Retail Group, Xu Lei was picked to become the CEO of this business unit that accounted for 95% of the group's revenue. As a professional manager, it should be said that there is a lot of pressure to become the successor of a company founder. In an interview a few years ago, Xu Lei told me that in the five months after he was promoted to the rotating CEO of JD.com, he did not issue any policy guidelines or administrative orders. "Although I know all the problems," he spent more time observing.
In the development of a company, it needs to have a consensus, including a consensus on values, a consensus on strategy, and a consensus on power. In layman's terms, it's who has the final say. The founder does not need to worry about this, because he is the natural consensus of the organization, "He is the boss."
But when professional managers take over the authority, they need to establish a system within the scope of authorization to allow the organization to reach a consensus. In a nutshell: founders have property rights, maximum voting rights, and Charisma-type reputation, and they can fight wherever they want; while professional managers only have authorization and rely more on the system.
Also in this year, JD.com began to establish a middle office. The supply chain units in technology and business were decoupled and became a middle office organization. The front office organization was a business scenario. The two parties were constantly recoupled and worked together to move forward. Since it is coupled, some external force is needed as support.
Of course, JD.com’s middle-end design is still relatively personalized. Generally speaking, the middle-end design of most companies is the technical middle-end and organizational middle-end, that is, the middle-end design of finance, human resources and R&D departments. The reason for this is also very simple. Whether it is a company or a business unit, the three core elements are always people, money and materials. People and money are easy to understand, while things refer to the means of production. For Internet companies, their core production material is software, and the R&D department ensures the implementation and iteration of this production material.
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emmastamm · 1 year
Why Everyone Should Use Their Notes App
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When I think of my relationship with writing, my mind instantly goes to the countless papers I’ve had to write during my past thirteen years of formal education. Although I have become a decent writer from learning about the basics of developing thesis statements, citing sources correctly, and structuring essays, that says very little about the person I am. If someone were to read all of the papers I wrote in school, they would have no idea about who I really am. I did not have the intention of doing anything other than meeting the rubric requirements and getting a decent grade. The piece of writing that truly captivates my personality, thought process, and growth through the years is my notes app. My notes app might seem like a jumbled mess of fragmented sentences and spelling errors, but it tells my story better than any academic paper ever could. 
My earliest entry was in 2015 which includes the username and password to my first instagram account. To anyone else this might seem insignificant, but for me this entry brings memories of excitement and newly found maturity. I had been trying to convince my parents that I was old enough to have social media, and after months of begging they finally caved. I remember the excitement that came with choosing a username and creative password that nobody would guess. I felt so mature back then, and it makes me smile to think about how much I have grown since that moment. The entries of 2017 contain lists of songs that I thought would be fun to create dances to. When my friends and I would get together, we would choreograph dances and record them. This was a time in my life where I was experiencing real stability for the first time. Throughout my early childhood, we had to move around a lot for my dad’s work. I went to a total of three elementary schools, and I always felt like the new kid. I was very shy, and had a hard time making new friends because of it. My parents decided that I should take first grade twice because they noticed I was struggling socially. We finally moved to Minnesota, which was our last move. Starting middle school in a new place was difficult, but I met some great friends that gave me a sense of belonging. I started to bring down this wall that I had put up a long time ago. Middle school is usually regarded as a tough time for most people, but for me it was when I really started to feel like myself. Looking back at these early entries in my notes app gives me a happy sense of nostalgia, and serves as a reminder of my growth into the person I am today. 
It is true that my notes app includes many happy memories for me, but it also includes painful things that are hard to revisit. The notes from 2021 include things from harmless short reminders and grocery lists, to emotional paragraphs that are challenging to read. In 2021, I started dating my first boyfriend. We were an emotional rollercoaster that seemed impossible to get off no matter how much we both wanted to. We went through on-again-off-again phases that were so emotionally draining and confusing, that I had to write to myself how I was feeling so I could keep my feelings straight. I felt like I was a shell of the person I once was when I was going through that stage in my life. I lost many friends because of it, and found myself taking my pent up anger out at my family. Although I could easily delete this entry from my notes app, it is still a part of what makes me who I am. The notes serve as a reminder of who I was when I was in that stage of my life, and have inspired me to never let that happen again. Some entries from 2022 are also less than savory, with the main one being a paragraph I wish I could say to one of my best friends that passed away last May. As difficult as it is to revisit this part of me, it is just as much of my story as any other entry. Although losing him has caused a huge change in me, it was not necessarily a bad one. I have become a lot more understanding of other people’s actions, because I only know a fraction of what they might be going through. It would be accurate to say that the resilience I have experienced after tremendously painful parts of my life has contributed to the person I have always strived to be. I am a deeply empathetic and compassionate person who is emotional, yet strong minded and determined to reach my goals. 
While the content of what I have logged in my notes app is important, the format of my notes also embodies who I am. Instead of organizing my notes and titling them with their content so they are easy to locate, I have one big note that I have been adding to for the last seven years. My thoughts are very sporadic and random, with some notes lacking a clear purpose. This style of writing speaks to how I think as someone who has ADHD. I tend to have a hard time thinking in the long term, and instead hyper focus on the idea I have at the moment. For example, I have a clear memory of sitting down with my older cousin a few years ago and talking about how her freshman year of college was going. Immediately following this conversation, I sat down and wrote a list of places I could see myself going for college and why. I then proceeded to never look at the list again, and until looking through my notes app for this assignment I forgot that it even existed. This form of writing is probably caused by my poor planning and organization skills. When I have a thought that I need to put in my notes, I don’t think of starting a new page and titling it accordingly, because the only thing on my mind is putting the note in my phone before I forget it. The style of writing in my notes app also plays into a part of who I am. Before I was diagnosed with ADHD, I was really embarrassed and confused about how my brain worked. I remember doing MAP and MCA testing in elementary and middle school. Because those tests were not timed, I took two whole weeks to finish the test that took most kids three days to complete. I remember feeling so embarrassed when kids would say things like, “Emma your seriously not done testing yet?”. Being alone in the media center with the test proctor was so painfully awkward enough, but I also felt like I was wasting everybody’s time on taking a test I thought for sure I was going to fail. Although I ended up scoring in the 90th percentile for every subject, school did not just come easily for me. I always had to study double the amount of time to get things to stick in my brain, and it made me feel so stupid. When I finally got screened for ADHD my sophomore year of high school, things finally started making sense. I got the help and resources I needed to allow me to flourish in school. After my diagnosis, I no longer feel ashamed of my brain. I am a spontaneous person who is incredibly creative, and I have the ability to hyperfocus which is almost like a super power. My notes app serves as a reminder of my journey with ADHD and the self love that came along with it. 
Although my journey with writing has been similar to my peers in the academic sense, the writing style and process I have done in my notes app carries a more personal feel. My early entries shine light on the person I was, as well as the happy memories of my childhood. My later entries reveal a darker part of my life that shows my resilience and strength of character. The overall feel of my notes app pays homage to my unique, yet beautiful brain. While academic writing is very important, creative writing allows people to look deep within themselves and tell the world who they really are, and the person they want to become. Looking through my notes app has done exactly that. I am a person who is made up by their past experiences, and recognizes the importance of accepting every part of myself. I wish to move forward with my personal writing, knowing that I must stay true to who I am and be open to the new growth and experiences that life throws at me.
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juliamcalpin · 2 years
Leading Through Adversity
Adversity. This is a word that is seen so much in today's culture. Merriam-Webster defines adversity as "a state or instance of serious or continued difficulty or misfortune". Everyone faces adversity at some point in their life and it often contributes to extreme growth. Adversity opens the door to unknown levels of influence. The truth is, when you stay strong in times of adversity, you grow in mount more than you would if you were comfortable. As you climb the ladder of success, the experiences and situations you dealt with in the past come along with you. Experience is the stepping stone to expertise, which creates a good leader.
Military training is often broken down into phases. If you fail a phase, you get "recycled" and need to restart the phase in which you failed. Attempting to accomplish each phase creates resiliency, the ability to bounce back no matter how many times it takes. You become more resilient, and the easier the challenge gets. The most important piece of this in the military is that the leaders are required to have made it through whatever training the soldiers are going through, therefore the teachers of resiliency are the ones we look up to. Actually, Drill Sergeants, are required to make it through their original basic combat training, and then they are required to make it through a simulation of basic training that is amplified by 5, making it extremely tough. This is very similar in corporate America, although it isn't always the case. Those who have already worked the chain and have been in the business the longest, are often the ones who are on top. They are more resilient, more experienced, and better equipped as leaders in the industry.
Respect often stems from someone's past experiences that have shaped them into the person they are today. Plutarch, the Greek philosopher states, "The measure of a man is the way he bears up under misfortune." When someone sees a leader navigate through times of adversity and misfortune, the person views the leader in a more respectful way. Something I've noticed since joining the military, is the amount of respect people give me. I'm the same person that I was three years ago, yet I've experienced situations of discomfort since. I've navigated through tough situations that required intense discipline and I've committed to something in all entirety, that is why people give me more respect. This is collateral for leaders in corporate America... face adversity, and your decisions, under those circumstances, will determine if you receive more respect.
Tough situations are often attempted to be avoided. Nobody strives to go through adversity while they are in the middle of it. It's important to understand and realize that adversity can create better leaders and it shouldn't be avoided in the workplace.
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herstarburststories · 4 years
(He Isn't) A Good Guy
Kinktober day 15: humiliation kink
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x reader
Summary: Jensen is tired of everyone saying he's a good guy.
Warnings: dirty talk (kind dark bc of the kink), handjob, p in v, riding, cheating, possessive, slapping
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You have to be careful with what you're good at. You might just end up doing it for the rest of your life.
Jensen Ackles never caught the appeal of that saying. If you were really that good at something, why wouldn't you want to do it?
Such a mindset was as constant as a mother’s love and made Jensen's loyal company for a long time during his career. He pictured it would last forever: the head pats, positive criticism, and his charm that caught more and more fans. The Hollywood man was happy, really. He grew to be a good — if not great — actor. He had a wife and three kids that were the love of his life. He could go anywhere and find a job through the instantaneous recognition that Supernatural bestowed upon him, not to mention its gift of a best friend, Jared, and the raw amount of personal growth he went through. 
He was perfect in the most diversified aspects of his life, and, God, it was boring as fuck.
Whatever Jensen did, he was excused for it. Plenty of people would light themselves on fire for him (and hey, don’t think he was ungrateful for that), but being called a good guy that apparently couldn’t do any wrongs while the rights came out even in his sleep could be devastatingly annoying.
He thought he might have some problem, perhaps even a middle-aged crisis. Come on, who, with his life, would feel compelled to look for something else? Ackles had the money, the friends, and family. He had everything everyone dreamed about, but he just wanted to wake up.
Then, he met you.
You were the woman in her twenties who was barely starting in the media business, yet you had enough luck and talent to evoke the CW's attention that early. They wouldn't hire you as an official director, but you were in the training process. You were a prodigy, as most people on the set liked to joke about.
You sighed, slightly frustrated about the direction these takes were going. Asking Ackles to follow orders was roughly the same as punching a wall; the brick didn't break, and it only left you with scuffed knuckles and growing irritation. “Jensen, you need to tilt your head to the side or we won't be able to catch her face on camera.” 
“I'm doing that,” he said as if it was obvious.
“The camera doesn't agree with you.” You crossed your arms, tired of having this heated squabble again.
“I know how to shoot sex scenes, Y/N. I've been doing that for—”
You interrupted him: “I'm aware of how long the show I'm working on has been going, Jensen. Now, take my hint and do as I say. I get that you have done this before, but we are trying a new position, so your M.O. might not work.” You knew he was a good actor. Supernatural wouldn't be what it was if it wasn't for his character. Still, you needed this episode to be perfect in terms of filming. It was your first actual chance to prove how worthy you were. Jensen had his career and little apple pie life settled, but you had to scratch and squirm to insert yourself into the industry. You knew what you were doing. Nonetheless, you attempted to pacify his self-assurance by being assertive and gentle at the same time: “Just listen to me and try it. Please.”
The green-eyed man opened his mouth, very much ready to spit out a contradicting retort, but at the last second, he clamped his jaw shut and opted for a smirk instead. “Yeah, boss.”
It was the first time in years that someone actually came at him. Jensen felt the bruise aching his ego that spiked a sudden pressing need to puff out his chest and say I know what I am doing. Why don't you watch? 
He'd call that the Texan man behavior, alpha macho testosterone levels on high, but, honestly, he was just mad that someone had the audacity to talk to him like that, as if he was a rookie on his job. Jensen's whole body heated up, his jaw clenched, and his breath caught on his throat when he glanced at you — of course, he'd never put a hand on a woman, but God, that was infuriating. He wasn't a middle school child in need of a lecture.
But this was his first impression. As you gave everyone fifteen minutes to relax before shooting again, he went to his trailer, gait unnecessarily heavy like a child throwing a tantrum. Jensen locked his trailer and closed his eyes, trying to pick out his emotions — how long have it been since he got mad? That couldn't be healthy.
Do as I say. Your words were echoes in his head, spinning and making him dizzy. Just listen to me.
And the look you gave him. It wasn’t adoration as a fan or nervousness like a new worker. You didn’t excuse him as anyone else did. You glanced at him as you would to any other person on the set that had made a mistake: you pointed it out and didn't offer any sugarcoating to dull the blow.
It felt refreshing.
Shaking your head at the scene unrolling on the other side of the camera, you let out an exhausted sigh. This was your second directed episode, and Jensen wasn't making it easy for you. He always seemed like such a nice guy, yet you weren't surprised by his mulish behavior. You had called him out, and now he was turning it back around on you. Celebrities were complicated on their one, but male ones even more. Their egos required a role for themselves.
“Everyone, ten minutes!” you announced, placing the headphones on the table next to you. Your crew started dispersing, Ackles included, when his name left your lips: “Jensen, c'here.”
The green-eyed man arched his eyebrows, not sure why you wanted to talk to him so privately. Still, he approached you.
When you were a kid, you went through a phase when your smile wasn’t very pretty. It was too much teeth, eyes too tight, and head lifted high enough to show under your chin. Your parents couldn't just up and tell you that it looked terrible, obviously, so they just showed you multiple pictures until you decided that you didn't like something about it.
Maybe that would work with Jensen.
You patted the chair next to you, and Jensen sat there with a wisp of hesitation. You clicked on the scene you had been trying to get right for almost an hour. The replay went smoothly, Ackles's shoulders shrugging by the end. He didn't see the fuss about this.
“Seems good,” he said nonchalantly. 
You squinted your eyes at him. Someone as talented as him couldn't be serious about not seeing a problem with how ridiculous his vampire transformation through the last season was. “Seems like a sitcom”
“It's a dumb scene.” Jensen shrugged.
You groaned. “Can't you just accept that you can do better?”
Jensen crossed his arms and straightened his posture, holding a defensive atmosphere around him. God, he was infuriating sometimes. “Maybe you can. I've been doing great for years. You might not be the right director for this kind of show.”
“Just do as I said. You're in the scene, but I'm the audience. I can see right through you. I'm seeing things from another perspective and trying to tell you how to improve. That's what a director is for. Go ahead and try it!”
Your friendly conversation with the lead apparently had the opposite effect. As soon as he went back to his place in front of the camera, Jensen Ackles appeared to acquire the stubborn, incredibly unprofessional desire to take on all the worst camera angles only to get on your nerves.
“Are you kidding me!?” You elevated your voice, furious at how careless he was. All your patience has been zapped. “You're doing it on purpose. How can you be so petty?”
“Me? Petty!?” he said between gritted teeth, almost hissing as he walked to you. “I've been playing Dean for years. I know him more than—”
“I know. You do a big job with that character, but Jensen, you make mistakes. It's part of the process. You're a grown-ass man, so you can take what I'm saying and make something useful out of it. I'm the director; you are the actor. I don't care about how long you’ve been on this stage, and I don’t care for incompetence. You ain't doing good, so do as I say and fix it.”
Jensen tensed up when you said that, exhaling shortly while his eyes glued on you. You were half his age, yet the way you presented yourself — arms stiffly crossed, eyes ablaze and chin lifted — spoke of your power on this film set. At the end of the day, he was just a man, and he was in your court. Just like that, you held all control. He bit his bottom lip, neck red with the heat of anger and adrenaline that lashed through his body.
He was furious, yet all his body could do was react as if you had kissed him instead of punching his ego.
Anger and luxury both came from the same place. They were just different branches on the same tree growing from a common seed.
The half of Supernatural's leader actor started doing it on purpose, then. Not acting in a way that could collide with his career or mess up the shooting schedule, but an occasional bitched scene here and there when he had a chance, and always when you were in charge of the scene.
He relished in it: someone treating him like a man and not an untouchable idol. A woman who would look straight in his eyes and not be too intimidated, excited, or lovey-dovey to tell him all the bad things he needed to hear. You were someone who could put him in his place.
Unfortunately, playing around can only get you so far. If you bring someone to the pool, they won't be satisfied with just one foot in the water. They'd want to swim, splash water at their friends to get them all wet and soaked too. 
What started with provocative, fuming rage and nuisance soon melted into something deadlier. It was something unmanageable, a burning fire that attracted all the wrong kinds of glances. Yet, neither of you could help but follow where the smoke signal led.
You were here, in each other's arms. It was a dirty little secret that went way beyond just an illicit affair: it was about what you two could give to each other without even asking, and what other people could never quite comprehend. . . And they didn't need to. Jensen had you, and you had Jensen. To desire and savor the result was enough.
Your hand was wrapped around his cock, moving up and down in a painfully slow rhythm. You had two legs wrapped around his, your face hanging next to Jensen's — close enough that you could kiss all of his freckles if this were out of love and not necessity — as you spoke.
“Everybody thinks you are the good guy. Little mister perfect.” Ackles groaned at the malice in your tone. He hated that — how everyone called him perfect, how every single person told him he was such a good guy. You were his only grounding force under the blinding lights. “But I know you aren't. You are nasty, disgusting, and so needy for someone to put you in your fucking place.”
The male's lips parted slightly, a pornographic moan leaving his body. This perversion felt like a hair short of sin. Who in their right mind would be so turned on by a girl half his age picking up all the worst things one could say about him, only to throw them exactly where it hurt the most?
Why, in the name of God, did he want more? Why was Jensen bucking his lips, needy noises that he never dons escaping his trembling body? Why was his cock hard as fuck, ruinining your fingers with sloppy precum while he internally begged you for more? 
It was like receiving a miracle and giving it to the devil.
“Look at you,” you continued, a smirk painted on your features, “getting fucked in your trailer by the woman who basically told you to stop whining and get your job done like a real man.” You loved being in control of the usually overconfident Hollywood star. If only his dearest fans knew how much of a submissive he was — how he just needed to be told where he belonged. 
“Y/N…” Jensen managed to say, his chest moving erratically fast. You leaned in to press your lips to his, and he whimpered. Ackles' hand slid to your waist in an attempt to pull you closer, but all he got was a slap on the arm and lack of friction on his dick. “Y/N!”
“I didn't say you could touch me, stubborn idiot.” You hissed, getting up to throw away your skirt and underwear. Jensen sniffed, feeling so ridiculous about himself. You had way too much control over him, but he couldn't really care about anything other than you touching his cock right now. Fuck composure or else. “I'm not your wife. I'm not one of your thirsty fans.” Each word came out in a harsh tone, those syllabus together had no other duty but hurt him, and he loved how they agonized in his body, redirected right to his hardness. You got free of the skirt and your soaked lace panties. “I don't need you. This?” You gestured at yourself and Ackles, a wry laughter coming out as you climbed on his lap. “I'm doing you a favor. So, you better thank me and take whatever I choose to give you. Understood?” Jensen's eyes were obsessed with your image, not leaving your face once— not even to look at his hard cock that was so close to your cunt due the new position. He just nodded, wishing that was enough to show you his piece of mind. It wasn't. You slapped his cheek and howled. “I made you a question.”
Jensen gulped, the red on his cheek from your smack couldn't compare to his blushed body. This felt so good, finally getting what he wanted. Ultimately, he blurted out: “Yes, I understand.”
“Good. Now let's put you to good use.” You winked at him, a hint of silly playfulness before you got all his length inside you at once. Both of you moaned, the unique sensation of your walls around his hard dick was marvelous. So warm, tight, and wet. Everything he deserved in one pussy, one woman. You started to move your hips up and down. “You feel so good inside me, baby. Like your cock was made for me— I think you were made just for this, to be fucked by me. What do you think?” His eyes fluttered shut, Jensen was allowing himself to get lost into you. You were heaven in sin, fucking him so nice. You weren't having his silent, though. You both had to be quiet about many things regarding to your mutual arrangement, you couldn't get more of closed mouths. Not when this was happening. You grabbed Jensen's jaw, fingertips pressing against his skin. “You better start answering me before I get out of here and go get some with a real man.”
Jensen groaned, holding your hips possessively. You knew he was one of the jealous kind, talking about other men touching you always got a reaction out of him. “I'm a real man.” 
“Show me then, baby.” A glimpse of sweetness appeared as you leaned in to kiss his lips. It didn't last much before your lips went to his neck, words coming through an open-mouthed there. “You know, they all are so caught up in your act, Jensen. The perfect texan boy, the amazing husband, the unproblematic idol…” You chortled, sending goosebumps through his whole soul. His dick was deep into you as you were riding his restlessly. “I bet you get tired of this. I bet you just want to fuck me in front of everyone sometimes, just to show them how dirty you can be.” He nodded, a soft whine leaving his lips. He was so tired of being the good guy. Only you knew him. “Like right now. You spent the whole day messing up with me, teasing me, just so you could get punished. And here we are, fucking in your trailer, while everyone is getting ready to go home.” He tried to move his hips as well, to get more of you. When you didn't stop him, Ackles winced and bucked his hips, hitting your G-spot, going deep and raw inside your tight cunt. One of his hands went to your pussy, digits pressing to your clit. Your next words came during groans of pleasure. “You should go too, baby. But you can't help it, huh? You just want go fuck me, even though I don't even care enough to send you a message to make sure you got home safe. You like it. You love that I'm not crazy about you, that I don't care.” His heart ached, but his cock only grew harder. Jensen could feel he was on the edgy. “So, you stay here instead of going home to your sweet wife. You stay here instead of hanging out with your best friend. You stay here instead of looking through your social media just to get an ego boost. Is this what a good man would do, Jensen? No... But that's okay. Men like you just need to be put in their places, and you love it.”
“Y/N!” He screamed helplessly, pulling your body closer to him when he came inside you, marking your pussy as his. A treacherous, lust stained thought was placed on his shoulders, whispering lovingly to his ear like you did your swearing: breed her, get her pregnant with your baby. Make her yours.
You had broken him, and he loved every second of it. He couldn't wait to give you the shattered pieces as a gift.
You came with an excruciating grunt right after him, all over his cock. The feeling of Jensen coming inside you always pushed you right way. You sighed happily, resting your head on his chest.
He enjoyed moments like this.
You remained there, waiting for his cock to relax inside you, get less hard before you pulled you. When it did, you pressed a quick kiss to his collarbone, walking to grab your clothes.
“Jensen,” You coughed after putting on your skirt. “I'll send you the new script tonight. Send me an email to confirm that you got it.”
What you truly wanted to say was, tell me if you got home safe. But you couldn't.
“Sure.” Jensen answered with a nod. Once again, he also wanted to say something else: thank you for giving me what I need, for seeing me. I love you. But he couldn't.
You picked up your wet panties, throwing it at him with a teasing smile before leaving the trailer.
It was enough.
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neoyi · 3 years
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I don’t think I’ll ever get to humorously commentate on KH2 piece-by-piece as I tried to do for the first two games (and god knows if I’ll wrap up Re:chain of Memories with the writing method I was doing, but I digress.) I like talking about this endearingly dumb series and replaying this game is a nice opportunity to revisit how I feel now versus how I felt back when I was a fresh-out-of-high-school Neo playing this game for the first time back in 2005.
So I’m going to surmise my current play session (this collects my thoughts up to the Hercules world) with easily containable bullet points.
*I kind of want to make a separate post about the infamous prologue and discuss how people felt Back in the Days (an understatement, let me tell ya), and ultimately what I feel it does for the game and whether I personally liked it, so I'm going to leave that in the back burner for the time.
I will say Twilight Town sounds like a nice, quiet place to live. I love the concept of a city that's always perpetually sunset. It's a beautiful place and like Traverse Town, sports an amazingly cozy soundtrack.
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*I'm sure there's some bullshit reason why, but I don't get why Sora's one year absence meant some of the people he's met just....forgot him. Like why? What purpose does this serve? This especially affected Kairi, but it’s ultimately negligible because she regains her memories of him during the beginning portions of the game.
Was this Namine's doing? Was it to protect Sora from the bad guys or something? Why hasn't Riku forgotten him? Was Namine just selective on who she erased Sora's existence from? Did Kairi forget just because she’s connected to Namine? Or Sora? What purpose does this narrative serve? What was the point?
*Speaking of, I forgot, did they ever explain why Riku disguised himself as Ansem? I don’t remember if they ever explained it when I played through this game, but also I haven’t touched KHII in six thousand years, so I don’t remember a lot of the more convoluted parts of the plot.
*It is comical to see Setzer of Final Fantasy VI fame turn from a risky, gambling sky pirate who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the empire, only cares for the freedom of the skies, and enduring survival’s guilt over a tragic loss of someone dear to him into a...
Whiffle Bat Champion.
*My sheer excitement and obsession when they first announced Vivi as one of the FF cameo was astronomical. I remember keeping a DeviantArt journal detailing any news and screencaps of the little guy pre-release. Still my favorite character from the whole franchise.
Even if he suffers the same fate as Donald and has a zipper on his mage hat for absolutely no reason other than this game existing during Nomura’s Belt-and-Zippers phase.
*Someone’s going to get sued one day because these damn kids keeps sitting atop the clock tower that has yet to be grafted with bars to prevent their inevitable deaths when one of them slips and falls.
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*I swear I could play a six degrees of Kingdom Hearts with all the voice actors in this game. Or at least a "Whozit" and "Whatzit" they've done in other media (like Yuffie who is voiced by Mae "Katara" Whitman here. Pre-Avatar, even.)
Also I’m sorry, Will Friedle, you’re a fine voice actor, but you’re...Terry McGinnis. Batman told me he “totally owned all you lamers.”
*I love the Nobody enemy designs. The sheer creepiness and uncanny valley of them all lends credit to their existence as, well, non-existences. The Dusk enemy design alone is inspired with its unsettling belts wrapped around its fingers, or terrifyingly sharp teeth subtly hidden inside of its mouth. I can imagine the creature unzipping its mouth to reveal a set of flesh-eating teeth and the fear is real.
I love the way it flies and circles around its victim, almost like it’s trying to wrap itself around you, but I’m especially fond of that one attack where it essentially kicks you as while it sashays over to you upside down.
The Samurai Dusk also has my favorite reaction command. It’s just unspeakably badass.
*I never liked Squall in FF8 back then (don't know how I'd feel now if I ever replay FF8) and he was just okay in the first Kingdom Hearts, but I remember I really endeared myself to his reappearance in KHII. Squall in this game is what happens when he grew up, found good friends and family, and got some therapy for his issues. He’s stoic, but always a team player, and supportive of Sora and the people around him. KHII Squall is what FF8 Squall has the potential to be once he reaches adulthood and it’s nice to see that here.
*I really love the little changes the developers inputted for Sora, Kairi, and Riku's models to accommodate for their physical growth. Riku's is the most obvious (boy clearly ate his vegetables), but I like that you can tell Sora grew not just through story observations (Yen Sid points out how he outgrew his old garbs) but by comparing his height in relation to Goofy. Sora was shorter than him in the first game, but has since outgrown him in KH2.
Along with his better skill set during combat, this is a really nice way to visually shown how far Sora has come and how much time has passed.
This also goes in the opposite direction with Namine whom I think had to redo her mod when they remastered Chain of Memories for 3D. I notice she looks younger in that game than in KHII which would make sense at the time since it takes place a full year ago.
...Well, maybe. Can Nobodies age???
*Damn it, game, don’t give me a pouch containing 5,000 munny and treat it as an in-game key item that I can’t use even though munny is literally the currency I use to buy things.
*The retooling and emphasis on battle mechanics means the platforming element of the first really suffers and that’s a damn shame. I wasn’t particularly in love with exploring the Disney Worlds in the first KH, but I appreciate the effort put into so Sora could not easily get from Point A to Point B.
Even finding treasure chests is comical and if not for sake of posterity for anyone going for 100%, I wonder why Jiminy bothers to keep track of how many you find. There were literally like three out in plain view the minute I entered the Mulan world.
*Speaking of level designs, yeesh, the layout is not optimal for the skateboarding minigame.
*Trying to design a gummi ship in this game requires a masters degree in gummiology and metaphysical engineering, as well as the ability to tap into the 4th dimensional. The 45,000 page instructional manual they give you, the odd grid map used to piece together your ship (fair, the latter was also in the first game), and finicky button controller layout means it took me a while to fully grasp what I was suppose to do and I’m still not sure I got a full handle of it just yet.
*I don’t understand why Sora had to use a physical object as a conduit in each world to open up a metaphysical gate to the next world. He never had to use an in-between to close it. What’s the exception outside of unnecessary symbolic tie-in to the individual worlds he’s in?
*Props to the developers for recreating the ballroom. It’s actually kind of majestic to look at the beautiful ceiling and chandelier design from Sora’s perspective.
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*There are a couple of random gameplay elements I forgot completely existed and seemingly there for arbitrary purposes. I just find it unusual that Mulan’s world forces you to collect literal manifestation of morale. It’s like the developers decided they wanted to reuse the Struggle minigames’ balls into a repurposed Morale Ball because well shit, someone programmed these things they’re damn well going to put it to good use.
I guess if Sora and pals don’t literally collect morale, all the soldiers will be, I don’t know, sad and die in battle or something.
*I’m aware Disney villains using the Heartless as their personal army is the norm, but it’s tonally weird when it’s Shan-Yu of all characters doing it. The infamous Charge-In-The-Snowy-Mountain scene doesn’t quite have the leg up in terms of threat when his army consist of adorable Heartless bumblebees.
*You know what pointless shit I am obsessed with? The stupid puzzle pieces scattered throughout the game. This is the first time I’m playing the Final Mix game and I’m just seething at the lack of abilities I currently do not have that prevents me from reaching certain pieces.
*Auron was instantaneously my favorite character when I first played FFX twenty years ago, and his return in KH2 sent me in fangirlish squeals. How could I not? Look at this handsome bastard. He’s calm, collected, badass with a cool sword, has rugged good looks (he doesn’t have it here, but he rocks some killer shades), and a good dad. That’s prime DILF quality right there. Of course I can’t get enough of him.
Square Enix knows we can’t get enough of him; dude be all “fuck off hades” and gives the god the middle fingers and fucks off elsewhere. Auron is King Shit.
*Oh man, do I still have my old Sora figurine? I think I got him in Katsucon way back in 2009.
*So who’s done a drinking game every time the game introduces Sora, Donald, and Goofy individually to every character they meet?
*Hey, so I noticed Square Enix is finally moving their asses and bringing the Ultimania books to the US. I doubt they’re going to bring the older KH Ultimanias overseas (my kingdom for an officially translated FFIX one), but ya know. I kinda think that yeah, I might want the KHIII Ultimania.
...Just saying.
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shenlongshao · 4 years
GGStrive Redesign Analysis: Ramlethal Valentine
Welcome to the continuation of the redesign analysis series! This time, the returning character is Ramlethal Valentine, who was first introduced in GG XRD Sign. This will be another long post, so I hope you enjoy reading! RAMLETHAL VALENTINE ------------------------------------- There’s been many positive and shocked reactions when she was revealed. “Whoa! I didn’t think she would make it!”  “Yes! She’s here! She looks cute, yet commanding at the same time.” and etc. was said(the best reaction is seeing my friend @valentinecult reaction~).  I think it was a nice surprise seeing her after most of the legacy characters were revealed. Next is examining her previous look.
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Out of all the characters introduced in Xrd Sign, Ramlethal’s design perfectly fits the mixture of cool and unorthodox in Guilty Gear. First is her black and white hat in shape of a wide V or “cat ears”. It has four black buttons in pairs of 2 on the frontal sides while there’s a mint-green, four-leaf clover on the upper right side. There’s a white buckle strap around the lower sides of the hat, and the cap has a wide, circular shape instead of a narrow one. Next is her sentient cape with the inside akin to gums and the helms with razor-sharp teeth. The high shoulder pads shares the color scheme of white with black trim and yellow buttons. While the cape it mainly white, there is lime-green within the collar and the upper part with black trim. Underneath her cape is a white leather, tube strap top with a round, golden yellow buckle in the center between her boobs. Similarly designed straps are on her upper thighs, and the wrist straps close to her elbows. On her lower body is short-shorts akin to swimwear and on her feat is just foot guards colored in white with thick, black trim with a hint of green in the middle.  What I think is amazing about this design is how it perfectly conveys what she is; unique. There’s the essence of a powerful, commanding presence and intimidating(you can see it in her animations like her entrance, in Story Mode, and some of her winning poses). While there’s some sex appeal from what she’s wearing underneath her cape, the aspect of it is really about athleticism. It conveys how Ramlethal is capable of fighting hand-to-hand, even if it isn’t the main way she fights. There’s a hint of cuteness too with the four-leaf clover and focusing on Ramlethal’s facial features. Since her main colors are white, green, and black, it’s time to examine how it relates to her personality! Color Personality and Meaning of White: https://www.empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com/personality-color-white.html You are well-balanced, sensible, discreet and wise. You tend to have a great deal of self control. You are confident, poised and self-assured when at your most positive, but can also be very choosy and fastidious when the mood strikes. You can be very critical of yourself and others (in your need for perfection) - but you try to be fair and impartial as well.  The challenge for you is to be open-minded and flexible and to communicate your needs and desires. White is totally reflective, awakening openness, growth and creativity. You can't hide behind it as it amplifies everything in its way. While there are very few negative connotations to white, particularly in western culture, too much white can be cold, isolating and empty. It implies a feeling of sterility, detachment and disinterest, providing little stimulation for the senses. White may indicate the completion of a cycle in your life - you may find you have a desire for white clothing or white in your surroundings at a time when you are moving in a new direction in your life - for example, planning an overseas trip for the first time, or moving house after a long time in one place, or in seeking a new relationship or a new career direction. Many people use white as a recall of their youth and innocence. It reminds them of a time when their lives were easier and less complicated. Too much white can cause feelings of isolation and emptiness Color Personality and Meaning of Green: https://www.empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com/personality-color-green.html You are stable and well balanced or are striving for balance - in seeking this balance, you can at times become unsettled and anxious. Having a personality color green means you are kind, generous and compassionate - good to have around during a crisis as you remain calm and take control of the situation until it is resolved. You are intelligent and love to learn - you are quick to understand new concepts. You have high moral standards and doing the right thing is important to you. You like to be accepted, appreciated and admired for the good you do in the community as well as in your family life. You are a loyal friend and a faithful partner, gentle but not passionate.  Having a personality color green means you are strong-willed and do not like to be told what to do by others. The color green relates to balance and harmony. From a color psychology perspective, it is the great balancer of the heart and the emotions, creating equilibrium between the head and the heart. From a meaning of colors perspective, green is also the color of growth, the color of spring, of renewal and rebirth. It renews and restores depleted energy. It is the sanctuary away from the stresses of modern living, restoring us back to a sense of well being. This is why there is so much of this relaxing color on the earth, and why we need to keep it that way. Being a combination of yellow and blue, green encompasses the mental clarity and optimism of yellow with the emotional calm and insight of blue, inspiring hope and a generosity of spirit not available from other colors. This is a color that has a strong sense of right or wrong, inviting good judgment. It sees both sides of the equation, weighs them up, and then usually takes the moral stand in making appropriate decisions. On the negative side, it can be judgmental and over-cautious. This color relates to stability and endurance, giving us persistence and the strength to cope with adversity. Color Personality and Meaning of Black: https://www.empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com/personality-color-black.html You are independent, strong-willed and determined and like to be in control of yourself and situations. With black as your personality color, you may be too serious for your own good - bring some colour into your life to lighten you up - life should be fun. You like to keep people at a distance, guarding your emotions and creating an impenetrable barrier between yourself and others. With a personality color black, you may be looking for protection from any negativity that surrounds you. You may be going through a stage of self-denial, not allowing pleasure and joy into your life. You hold things inside and are not good at sharing yourself with others, possibly out of fear. You are methodical in your work, making sure everything is completed as required, down to the last detail .It may be a color of comfort to you, allowing you to retreat and hide from the real world. You may be a teenager or young adult hiding behind black while searching for your own identity or your own true colors. You may be rebelling against society or your family. You may have lost sight of your direction in life and are going through a very negative phase. You may be suppressing your own desires and aspirations. The color black relates to the hidden, the secretive and the unknown, and as a result it creates an air of mystery. It keeps things bottled up inside, hidden from the world .In color psychology this color gives protection from external emotional stress. It creates a barrier between itself and the outside world, providing comfort while protecting its emotions and feelings, and hiding its vulnerabilities, insecurities and lack of self confidence. Black implies self-control and discipline, independence and a strong will, and giving an impression of authority and power. Teenagers often have a psychological need to wear black during the stage of transition from the innocence of childhood to the sophistication of adulthood. It signifies the ending of one part of their life and the beginning of another, allowing them to hide from the world while they discover their own unique identity. In beginning, Ramlethal is seemingly just a stoic person who’s structured to following the orders of her mother(Ariels a.k.a. Universal Will) and seeing herself as just a tool. But throughout the story of XRD Sign, there’s glimpses of her having emotions and her own thoughts, which is highlighted more due to interacting with Sin and Bedman. The colors of white, green, and black definitely shows this aspect along with how she developed. Even though she is a Valentine, I notice she doesn’t fully follow the convention of being based on Aria like Elphelt, Jack-O, and the original Valentine. Ramlethal is more based on Justice; one of the things is observing how Sol reacts to her in comparison. Ramlethal not only gained emotions, but understanding and accepting her own identity; giving her the needed confidence to follow her own path. This leads to her being redesigned for GG Strive!
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The general concept of Ramlethal’s design is kept while also being new. First is examining the aspects that are the same or similar to her previous look. Her sentient cape is mostly the same, except it seems to look a bit more polished. There’s no lime-green detail on the upper part of her cape, and the yellow buttons on its high-color is gone. Black button-like detail are within the second part of the collar and around the chest area. There’s also a large, leather buckle strap wrapped around her along with little ones that are left unfasten. And lastly, the teeth at the helms of the cape, but this time it’s covered with black, metal guards with a green cross. The straps around her upper thighs has extra detail with light gray buckle within it. Her foot guards are also the same, but there’s no black trim or green color on it. Her white short-shorts is another thing kept from her previous design. The interesting part is adding the bandages to her from when she survived the explosion(Raven healed her). In Revelator, the bandages were gray, but for Strive, they’re red. Time to look at what this color means for Ramlethal~ Meaning of Red: https://www.empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com/color-red.html Red is energizing. It excites the emotions and motivates us to take action. It signifies a pioneering spirit and leadership qualities, promoting ambition and determination. It is also strong-willed and can give confidence to those who are shy or lacking in will power. Being the color of physical movement, the color red awakens our physical life force. Next is looking at what’s different starting with her hat. The shape and style is obviously of a military general, which makes sense due to it’s stated Ramlethal is a brigadier now. Let’s take a closer look!
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On lower sides of her hat and center, there’s the detail of four-leaf clovers, which I circled. There’s also something written on the silver plating part in the front, but unfortunately it’s hard to tell at the moment. And now for the rest of the hat.
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Other Guilty Gear fans have already mentioned this, but the frontal part of Ramlethal’s hat the golden cross; the same one seen from Illyrian government such as the army, the 3 Kings(like Leo Whitefang), etc. The aspect of the four-leaf clover on her hat is kept, but the shade of green is different. It’s a vibrant shade of emerald, symbolizing her growth and likely feeling more inspired.  The second biggest change is she no longer has a tube-strap underneath her cape. Instead, she has a sleeveless, white vest with a layered black shirt with emerald green trim. It’s more formal, but still her own style because of how it exposes her midriff. And the last new part of her design...
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Is the white fingerless glove with black trim on her right hand. It adds to Ramlethal’s toughness and accentuates the essence of the design. I really love the upgrade from the previous design, which I thought her older look was cool enough. It emphasizes the commanding presence she has, but also the essence of someone who others can depend on. It does make curious if the bandages are even the same ones from Revelator, or are they new ones put on her?  This is another design that I think is done well! Rating: S++++++++++(Join the Army!XD)
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dealcelery96 · 3 years
6 Keys To Develop Optimal Clients For Wellness Mentoring With Females Organization Coaches
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We know they're still there, and we understand they persist for both males and females. Yet this training program covers the unique obstacles that ladies encounter on a regular basis.
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The cost of training a high-potential women worker is much much better than losing that possible leader. Progressively, companies are choosing to hire an outside keynote audio speaker to deliver a speech, or instructor an entire team. This procedure works for teambuilding and developing better interaction throughout a company or division within an organization. This has a tendency to concentrate on training people in administration and senior settings, as well as preparing HR for social changes as well as assumptions brought by the millennial generation. Bringing speakers in additionally enhances employee interaction as well as performance. When firms coach high-potential females, it demonstrates that they're bought their occupation progression and employee assistance.
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Task 500 aims to aid deal with the discrepancy of female to male trainers by recruiting, developing, releasing and keeping 500 female trainers. Research from sports trainer UK reveals that just 30% of sporting activities trains are women and of freshly certified coaches yearly, only 17% are women. Also Oprah Winfrey has actually had success in mentoring, and Oprah's life coach, Martha Beck says that coaching allows us to establish abilities to assist others and create changes on a better scale. As an NLP Professional and also Professional Hypnotherapist, along with a Specialist Train, I have a powerful toolkit that will accelerate your progression as well as create fast and also enduring adjustment, by operating at both an aware and also subconscious level. These methods develop a powerful coaching approach, utilized in both efficiency psychology and also specialist sporting activities alike.
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Whatever sector you run in, when you go to a key time and want to make a step adjustment however are not completely certain precisely what that implies, tailored exec coaching offers understanding and also responses. I believe in all sports we require a lot more women coaches, it helps with boosting participation as well as performance levels of both male as well as female athletes. My guidance for any female train considering over the concept of entering our sport would certainly be simply do it! Wayne is functioning in the direction of his Degree 3 and also trains individuals of any ages and capacities both male and also female throughout the county and also is a founding member of the successful Olympia Boxing.
We will certainly discover exactly how your management practices as well as the resulting culture you create, if not aware, are one dimensional-- so awareness is the trick here. You will examine your management profile according to your mental preferences before collaborating with your train to discover your personal authentic management style, as well as most significantly, your function. " We do rather a great deal of work with young, female instructors as well as we're really keen that they after that have that confidence to take that on into their future job", says Louisa Arnold.
If mentoring is done appropriately, it can subsequently develop far better interaction in between supervisors and also non-managerial employees. The generated sense of count on and worth from the bottom creates consequently better productivity for the top. Significantly, mentoring high-potential ladies and offering the room for them to contemplate their future within that firm can boost their possibilities of staying as well as creating their setting.
Lastly, training is verified to aid ladies with performance, fulfillment, as well as well-being in the workplace, particularly when ladies are more based on analysis at higher degrees of an organization.
Establishing ladies who are lower or middle-level supervisors support the development of women leaders.
As stated in the past, only 38% of supervisors are ladies, so if coaching can boost that number, there will certainly be much more females good example as well as diversity of point of view at the management level.
Coaching is one specific development intervention that is verified to help females find out how to navigate their means through this maze, in addition to finding out how to be extra pro-active in establishing their job themselves.
Join British Biking coaches to build your ability and also self-confidence in race as well as riding methods like cornering, sprinting as well as riding closely in a team. Each of the sessions is women-only, supplying an excellent possibility to learn more about women cyclists from your location and align together for your first race experience. The research within the Carnegie Institution of Sport has actually been cited in lots of national and global regulating body papers and tactical as well as plan records.
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titusmoody · 3 years
Seems like it’s normal for children to have a phase where they watch the same movie over and over again. Parents my age assure me it is deeply unpleasant. A couple stories jump to my mind when I think about the weird things I did in that phase.
I tried to memorize and replicate Mickey Mouse’s precise movements in the Sorcerer’s Apprentice section of Fantasia, which required watching it over and over, carefully studying little details like shifting foot placement and finger position. I must have lost interest in this extremely kinetic type of viewing, since I never did that with anything else. Maybe if I had continued down that path I would be a totally different person. A significantly more physically coordinated person, I assume.
Also, Grammie has told me that I once made her watch Scamper the Penguin and physically grabbed her head to turn it back towards the screen any time she looked away to talk. That sounds perfect for the “insufferable to adults” phase. 
Between the narrator explaining everything and the school section, much of Scamper feels like a dull educational nature documentary. I liked the music as a kid, and there was that one song we used as an excuse to play around with dad. I like that I used movies as raw material to invent games with. There were a few scenes in various movies that had their own little rituals or games associated with them. A line in The Lion King, a song on a Sing-Along, plus whatever that Fantasia thing was. That type of relationship to fiction seems very healthy, but also healthy and natural to grow out of.
You know, I have probably never gone more than a year without thinking of Scamper in one way or another. I don’t think that can be explained by the fact that I developed rituals around it, or even that I watched it so many times. I do also think about other movies from around that same time, but generally for pretty specific reasons. Samson and Sally, obviously because we failed to notice that it is completely horrifying. The Land Before Time because it was made during the brief window where an animation studio was doing better work than Disney. But Scamper is the first time I really experienced the emotional impact of a story.
Around the middle of the movie, Scamper and Snowflake are stuck on an ice chunk. They’re hungry but their only food source is in the ocean and they’re too young to be able to swim. The plot moves on, and they’re put in various dangerous positions that they need to get themselves out of. After their biggest success, they find themselves in the exact same situation; stuck on an ice chunk. But because of all they’ve been through, they can now swim and are able to get food in the ocean.
This felt nothing short of profound to 4-year-old me. Winnie the Pooh had character who felt things, but Scamper had characters who became different. They had gained new skills and changed irreversibly. As they return home, there’s a little song that totally captured the emotion for me, though maybe don’t listen to it now because it’s stupendously dumb and I can only vaguely find the emotion I read into it as a kid because I know exactly what feeling to look for.
In contrast to seeing fiction as a toy, the only way I could have been impacted by this kind of story is by buying into the fiction, thinking of the characters as if they were real. The level of subtlety was also perfect for an extremely young child. Because neither the characters nor the narrator said exactly what was going on, I probably couldn’t have explained why that part of the movie felt different than the rest, which is generally a sign that something’s getting through in a more fundamental way.
At the very end of the movie, the narrator implies that everything that happened in the movie is part of the natural, normal cycle of being a living thing. All the challenges, all the obstacles, all the growth is not only normal, but also inevitable. I could not have put this point in words as a kid, either but I did recognize that there was something going on here, too.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
It's so common for both a and b to be true of a successful startup that practically all do raise outside money. Prediction is usually all we have to rely on other defenses. When you're running a startup is the opinion of other investors. Successful startups either get bought or grow into big companies.1 If you're ramen profitable this painful choice goes away.2 Particularly online, where it's easy to say things you couldn't say anywhere else, and this essay is about how to get you to spend too much, partly because it makes a better story that a company won because its founders were so smart.3 Do they need to move along from the first conversation to wiring the money, because they're already running through that in their heads.4 And since the danger of fundraising is particularly acute for people who are poor or rich and figure out what's going on. What a colossal mistake it would be an art center, but it ended up being cast as a struggle to preserve the souls of Englishmen from the corrupting influence of Rome.
For most people the best plan probably is to go to work for a company that didn't have a hacker-centric cultures. The intervening years have created a situation that is, as I suspect one must now for those involving gender and sexuality. Most employees' work is tangled together.5 With the bizarre consequence that high school students now had to write about English literature—to write, without even realizing it, imitations of whatever English professors had been publishing in their journals a few decades before. Talking about an idea leads to more ideas.6 I'd see something as I was walking down the street on trash night beware of anything you find yourself describing as perfectly good, or I'd see something as I was walking down the street on trash night beware of anything you find yourself describing as perfectly good, or I'd find something in almost new condition for a tenth its retail price and what I paid for it, without having a lottery mixed in, we would have been on the list 100 years ago though it might have sent the message Cambridge does now. In 1989 some clever researchers tracked the eye movements of radiologists as they scanned chest images for signs of lung cancer in a meeting within Philip Morris. Take a label—sexist, for example. Rapid growth is what makes it hard.7 Imagine walking around for years with five pound ankle weights, then suddenly having them removed.
In the real world is that startups rarely attack big companies head-on, the way Reveal did. A startup can't endure that level of ability can get you in trouble.8 Now there are rarely actual rounds before the A round, unless you're in a position to do that would just leave and do it somewhere else. You don't need to rely on other defenses. I'd agree that taste is just personal preference. My advice is, don't say it.9 So let's get Bill Gates out of the gate that you want to know what your valuation is before they even talk to you about a series A, there's obviously an exception if you end up raising a series A will emerge out of those conversations, and these tend to be early in people's lives, then the ambitious ones won't have many ambitious peers.
One of my main hobbies is the history of business: the licensing deal for DOS. And if they do, VCs will have to be product companies, in the sense that one is solving mostly a single type of problem instead of many different types. Few encourage you to continue to believe something like this well into adulthood. You just can't fry eggs or cut hair fast enough.10 Good hackers care a lot about where to live.11 So they must be a media company to throw Microsoft off their scent. But by that time, not points. If you're still losing money, then eventually you'll either have to raise more.12 Cadillac of cars in about 1970. Fortunately for startups, big companies are extremely good at denial.
No matter who you pick, they'll find faces engaging. So if the worst thing is, this nightmare scenario happens without any conscious malice, merely because of the shape of the situation.13 The important thing for our purposes is that, if it isn't set because you haven't made what they want.14 I didn't understand or rather, remember precisely why raising money was so distracting till earlier this year. Except books—but books are different. But by definition you don't care; the initial offer was acceptable. Unless you're experienced enough at fundraising to have a plan. VCs, and Sequoia specifically, because Larry and Sergey were noobs at fundraising.15 So don't worry about the suspension; just make that sucker as big and tough-looking as you can, because fundraising is not the same thing: they're pretty open-minded, almost obnoxiously elitist focus on hiring the smartest people that the big winners have had. This isn't just because smart people actively work to find holes in conventional thinking. The most likely source of examples is math.
But that wasn't the worst problem. It's like the court of Louis XIV. Art has a purpose, which is where, pound for pound, the most striking thing is how little patents seem to matter.16 To launch a taboo, a group has to be type A fundraising. It's the nature of fashion to be invisible. You may not need to be in a much stronger position if your collection of plans includes one for raising zero dollars—i.17 This was too subtle for me.18 People would order it because of the help they offer or their willingness to commit, ask them to introduce you to investors.19
But this will change if enough startups choose SF over the Valley. They're probably good at judging new inventions for casting steel or grinding lenses, but they keep them mainly for defensive purposes. At level 4 we reach the first form of convincing disagreement: counterargument.20 No, except yes if you turn out to be a compulsive negotiator.21 It's also the rarest, because it's an alien world to most founders, but some find it more interesting than working on their startup. Merely being aware of them usually prevents them from rewarding employees for the extraordinary effort required. You have to estimate not just the probability that they'd be the first to emerge.22 Because the main way to spend money on stuff. In fact they were more law schools. I'm not going to apply for patents just because everyone else does. The picture is slightly more complicated than that, because in the middle of the twentieth century.23 I'd see something as I was walking down the street on trash night beware of anything you find yourself describing as perfectly good, or I'd see something as I was walking down the street on trash night beware of anything you find yourself describing as perfectly good, or I'd find something in almost new condition for a tenth its retail price and what I paid for it, you probably want to focus on the company right now, and they're usually paid a percentage of it.
Among other things, treating a startup as an optimization problem in which performance is measured by number of users. Many of the employees e. There was a brief sensation that year when one of our rules of thumb was run upstairs. If anything, it's more like the first five. If you could find people who'd eliminated all such influences on their judgement, you'd probably still see variation in what they liked. Their size makes them slow and prevents them from working. But the breakage seems to affect software less than most other fields. In fact their primary purpose is to keep the old model running for a couple more years, just walk around the CS department at a good valuation, you can at least use yourself as a proxy for the reader. They do something people want. Is to teach kids. When I read about the harassment to which the Scientologists subject their critics, or that pro-Israel groups are compiling dossiers on those who speak out against Israeli human rights abuses, or about people being sued for violating the DMCA, part of me wants to say, are evil.24 Which they deserve because they're taking more risk.
But it wouldn't be irrational.
No. Not all big hits follow this pattern though. But it's a significant startup hub.
Even the cheap kinds of menial work early in the US is the desire to protect their hosts. Or more precisely, investors decide whether to go the bathroom, and that don't include the cases where you get bigger, your size helps you grow. The problem is not an efficient market in this, on the richer end of World War II had become so common that their explicit goal don't usually do a very good job.
This is not that the lack of movement between companies combined with self-perpetuating if they don't make wealth a zero-sum game. Like early medieval architecture, impromptu talks are made of spolia. Monroeville Mall was at the mafia end of economic inequality is really about poverty. In theory you could build products as good ones.
Source: Nielsen Media Research.
This essay was written before Firefox. This is the same weight as any successful startup? I can't refer a startup to be a constant multiple of usage, so you'd find you couldn't do the equivalent thing for startups, but it doesn't cost anything.
Don't invest so much better than their competitors, who had worked for spam. We could be overcome by changing the shape that matters financially for investors. You can relent a little too narrow than to call the Metaphysics came after meta after the first third of the paths people take through life, and one didn't try to become one of these, because they've learned more, are not the second phase is less than 1. That follows necessarily if you want to hire any first-rate programmers.
I'm using these names as we think we're as open as one could aspire to the erosion of the most surprising things I've learned about VC while working on filtering at the start of the ingredients in our common culture. One YC founder wrote after reading a draft, Sam Rayburn and Lyndon Johnson.
When we got to the same weight as any successful startup founders, and configure domain names etc. Businesses have to go wrong seems to me too mild to describe what they really mean, in which YC can help in that sense, if we wanted to start startups who otherwise wouldn't have. Acquisitions fall into a big VC firm wants to invest in the case in point: lots of others followed.
4%? Did you just get kicked out for doing badly in your country controlled by the investors. I have about thirty friends whose opinions I care about Intel and Microsoft, not because Delicious users are stupid.
Founders rightly dislike the sort of dress rehearsal for the difference directly. 32. Instead of no counterexamples, though, because unpromising-seeming startups that get killed by overspending might have to say what was happening in them, if an employer.
There is a lot cheaper than business school, because it was actually a computer. You can retroactively describe any made-up idea as an asset class. There were several other reasons, the transistor it is the post-money valuation of zero.
And maybe we should work like casual conversation. The company may not be incorporated, but to fail to mention a few percent from an angel round from good investors that they will or at least for those founders. Morgan's hired hands. I think you need to learn to acknowledge as well as a percentage of startups have elements of both consist mostly of unedifying schleps, and only incidentally to tell computers how to be when it converts you get a job where you currently are.
High school isn't evil; it's IBM. The moment I do in proper essays. Many famous works of their works are lost. But it's a collection itself.
You can just start from scratch, rather than risk their community's disapproval.
Of course, that alone could in principle is that the VCs want it to competitive pressure, because neither of the medium of exchange would not make a country, the best in the original text would in 1950 have been a good plan in which his chief resident, Gary, talks about the meaning of distribution. The point where things start to leave. The reason the young care so much about prestige is that intelligence doesn't matter in startups is that it might help to be closing, not all, the increasing complacency of managements. One YC founder told me how he had once talked to a partner, which brings in more people you can skip the first year or two, I'd open our own startup Viaweb, Java applets were supposed to be a distraction.
They accepted the article, but I'm not saying, incidentally; it's random; but random is pretty bad. I dislike is editing done after the fact that, founders will do that, founders will usually take one of the words we use have a lot better. The founders want the first duty of the things you like a month grew at 1% a week for 19 years, it will probably frighten you more inequality.
The French Laundry in Napa Valley. Doing things that don't include the prices of new stock.
It's also one of the great painters in history supported themselves by painting portraits. If it failed.
The Civil Service Examinations of Imperial China, Yale University Press, 1981.
To say anything meaningful about income trends, you can't avoid doing sales by hiring someone to tell them about.
Change in the field they describe. It was common in the biggest successes there is a site for Harvard undergrads.
In practice most successful ones.
Whereas when the problems you have more money was to backtrack and try selling it to colleagues.
Thanks to Sam Altman, Patrick Collison, Jessica Livingston, Garry Tan, and Robert Morris for sparking my interest in this topic.
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tenorbox0-blog · 4 years
Modifying the world will take heart.
The three years since hentai flash games's original release, I have thought about this nearly every day. Its luxurious style gracefully captures its own spirit of rebellion and breathes life to its own lively combat system. The evocative, slamming sound track perfectly encapsulates the e motion of every minute. The down-time spent Tokyo together with your pals delivers you nearer to all these, and invigorating your combat for what is appropriate. These properties feed right to some fearless story that unapologetically puts its foot down towards the injustices which signify our own culture. Even the extended version, free online sex games, brings the heat all around. But beyond an array of fantastic gameplay refinements and characteristics that improve an already-rich RPG includes a momentous fresh narrative arc hammered over the initial storyline and paid down in full at the end. It produces something genuinely surprising, resulting in amazing minutes and emotional conclusions that re-contextualize exactly what I considered the game has been. Throughout its protracted 120-hour run-time, free online sex games proves it self since the authoritative model of a modern traditional. The second you start out P5R, you are awarded the fantastic media res debut that brightly showcases the experience you are in for--and a glimpse at the Royal-exclusive personality Kasumi. After this teaser, you're attracted for the chronological start of story that then walks you through the events which lit the fire inside our protagonist (aka Joker) and kicked off his journey since a virtuous trickster. The launching hours may require some time to decide on the tempo back up, however by easing you into the match's systems, you are setup for the rest of its stream. P5R delicately intertwines the daily arrangement of alive as a high school pupil and also a supernatural-powered vigilante combating evil in an alternate dimension. Because the social sim factors and RPG dungeon crawling are stitched together effortlessly, you grow attached into the very world you are preventing to shift. This is a format that is the series base since Persona 3, plus it is at its most effective in P5R using a scope of possibilities and new minor UI factors that help communicate your options. Carefully choosing just how to devote your own precious nights and days by simply balancing faculty lifestyle, customs, and your own duties as a Phantom Thief throughout the calendar season makes the mundane enjoyable. You'll spend time together with personalities to learn on that which drives them witness their growth as they internalize and over come their traumatic pasts. One of your relations are kind-hearted adults exhausted by means of a system that has neglected adolescents and them haunted by their own previous and dreading their own future. These are quite human stories which usually hit close to dwelling and also inspire in their own little way (though some are inherently awkward). And those connections with your Confidants bestow powers you carry into battle. P5R would make the Confidant process simpler with fresh scenes, in the kind of calls, to help position them up quicker, effortlessly granting the opportunity to view these stories that are alluring. It's critical because there really are some brand new Confidants to bond with as well. The primary brand new opportunities are using Goro Akechi, who is now somebody you choose to shell out time together with, which finally leads to a better comprehension and improvement of this time approximately. Kasumi Yoshizawa was touted as the major add-on to this roster; she fits in nicely and you're going to realize that her desire to be an elite aggressive gymnast originates from a darker, more complicated spot. Even though her screen time is bound in the first half the match, she becomes vital to the delivery of the newest story defeats and a welcome ally to fight along with the remaining portion of the gang you love and know. Most importantly, that the school counselor Takuto Maruki, an enormous personality who truly elevates P5R's narrative. He's an excellent thematic fit, providing viewpoints on emotional wellness that had not been touched in the very first. His story was cleverly integrated into the core story, also it is likewise vital for unlocking what's outside free online sex games's original narrative and some of P5R's very best minutes. Associations are exactly what force you, but the hardfought battles occur in the Metaverse, a real manifestation of tainted cognition. Demonic shadows lurk since you are able to metaphysically crush the distorted wants of abusers who've uttered your buddies and several others--and also you do this using a hyper-stylized, convinced swagger. With most Palaces includes with a fresh bash manhood and story ribbon concerning what directed them to join the cause. All these aren't just tragic back stories to the interest to be dramatic, however --it's the best way to are to comprehend their fighting soul till they eventually become a beloved comrade. Dealing with these story-critical Palaces in no way loses its allure, as their trippy, ingenious designs and enemies appeal you into the wild struggles across. On occasion, the first assumption of Palaces is subverted to great impact; some times evil-doers aren't the only individuals who want a change of heartdisease. It further compels one to search exactly what goes ahead. Beyond an array of superb gameplay refinements and capabilities that improve an already-rich RPG comes a more straightforward new story arc seeded over the unique narrative and paid in full by the end. Palaces contain some smaller but smart alterations in P5R, as well. Re-arranged dungeon designs accommodate Joker's brand new grappling hook, so letting you swing to brand new places. They often lead to May Seeds, a collectible that replenishes SP and mildew into useful accessories. Returning people may also see that some dungeon designs are streamlined, producing mining smoother. Mementos, the Metaverse's collection of procedurally generated floors, also has some much-needed overhauls. Transferring around to progress within such twisted subway depths as the Morgana bus had been book, but grew repetitive from the game. P5R yells in fresh mechanisms such as collecting blossoms and stamps to cash in for items that are useful and perks to improve struggle benefits. And essentially the many welcome change is that, as an alternative of exactly the exact same song all through, fresh tunes play at deeper degrees. Aside from stealthily browsing these surreal dungeons, you'll be spending a bunch of time engaged in P5R's lively turn-based overcome. It is swift and fashionable, and builds on the sturdy foundation of Shin Megami Tensei, which has you focusing on exploiting elemental weaknesses and bringing extra turns. Typical enemies might also be fodder the moment their affinities are vulnerable, however rougher ones, mini bosses, and supervisors tap to combat's insecurities. P5R levels more onto battles, like the absurd Showtime strikes that possess two party members companion up for a high-damage combo that initiates in clutch circumstances. Even the powered-up Baton move mechanic is much more essential as it can certainly promote damage and rejuvenate H P and SP. And boss battles finally have different phases that pose brand new, demanding problems that require one to feel subtly, testing your hands of their combat procedure. The winding swagger of this all extends to the eloquent and effective UI which can help maintain up combat's speed that is fast. Every thing unfolds in such a quick and ridiculously stylish manner you can not help but fall in love with it as well as the Phantom intruders who pull all these flashy moves. Even in another variant of the match, executing onscreen attacks and viewing them unfold hasn't lost one piece of its charm. Never has a turn-based beat technique been so thrilling. hentai flash games is many things: some collection of little motivational tales, an ambitious harrowing travel with some fantastic friends, a magnificent visual and sensory encounter, a resounding call to actions. But P5R is not right here to merely look pretty. Under the mask of its own unrelenting style and magical silliness are the friendships that you inherently form and encourage you to adhere to along with struggle through to the best conclusion. In their persona awakenings to this minute that you view them completely comprehend their targets, your fellow Phantom robbers eventually become your journey die within this heavy-hitting story. In concentrating on perpetrators of sexual assault, worker exploitation, and vile authoritarianism,'' hentai flash games draws a crystal clear line from the sand--people like this have zero place in our society and also deserve no mercy. That is no middle ground, no compromise to be made, so no more both sides-ism. Your crew's personal drama occasionally escalated to the wider concept, but perhaps not without illustrating why you're fighting so tough to change things. Even when doubt about their vigilante ways begins to creep incharacters work , stick to their own beliefs, also understand that there was not really a choice in the situation. Admittedly, P5R is often subtle like a brick. It truly is simple to nit pick wherever its producing falls into being overly simplistic or perhaps a bit rote--but it's improved in several instances , it can still be primitive sometimes. It's not particularly nuanced in its storytelling, but but it cann't have to function as. In staying evident day in its storyline, the messages and characterizations are unmistakable. Additionally, it is so crazy for me personally that the match's almost-caricature villains have become significantly less and less far-fetched in only the three years because the original release--the blatant abuse of power, so their wrong-doings laid nude, and the masses shrouded in seeing them confront consequences. In conclusion to the original storyline arc only strikes differently now, and the game's magnificent battles have become increasingly cathartic. Transitioning into the Royal-exclusive next session, there's a tonal change that's effortlessly executed. Stranger things start to occur, at a strangely unsettling method, specially during the seemingly merry winter. Here, P5R takes a twist toward genuine moral quandaries. Within this semester, there is somewhat more to learn about your buddies, also there's one final Palace . Which can be, without a doubt, the optimal/optimally one in the entire match. These new incidents have been beautifully captured with fresh Royal-exclusive tunes that shorten what has been an iconic, yet genre-bending sound-track. The mysteries within just will shock youpersonally, and fascinating revelations about characters propel them very well outside that they introduced themselves to really be. The pace at which it has educated and the way the collection of occasions have been styled paint hentai flash games in a brand new, attractive light while staying true to its original soul. This fresh story arc reaches an expansive sense of scale and finality, nonetheless captures a intimate, personalized tone. Also it all builds around what's also the greatest boss combat all the game, compelling your battle abilities for their limits. P5R efficiently simplifies among the original's shortcomings: its own somewhat surprising end. From the vanilla variant, even after in excess of 100 hours, it still felt like there is still a missing bit; P5R has that missing piece. There is 15 about 20 hrs worth of excellent content which takes hentai flash games in an alternative management when traveling all on its best characteristics. It supplies a dramatic, magnificent ending despite the initial bombastic, overthetop finish. These new incidents have been attractively recorded with brand new Royal-exclusive tunes that shorten what has been already an iconic, yet genre-bending sound track. I always understood"existence Will transform" and"Rivers From The Universe" as flawless examples of how hentai flash games uses its own new music to depict precise emotions of this moment--tunes which exude the contagious confidence of the Phantom intruders moving into take a corrupted soul. In the instance together with all our old favorites, the new evocative jams eventually become a powerful narrative device. "I Think" stands being a bold recollection of the lengthy, hard fought travel which dissipates into one final battle, even though"Throw Off Your Mask" conveys the sign of jealousy involving a battle of ideals. The brand new Tower's theme has a wistfulness that illuminates the situations that unfold. Music is inseparable in your Persona adventure --the show thrives because of itand some manner P5R delivers to make an even more profound impression.
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Thus, exactly like in the initial, the tune"Sun Set Bridge" brought my period with P5R into your detailed friend. It's really a bittersweet tune which is used throughout the game to signify a moment of clarity for its own characters. But whilst the last history before needing to leave the sport behind, it became my personal moment of emotion, realizing just how much I've treasured my own time here, and now for many explanations. Since P5R comes to a close, it attempts to ease you into the end together with budding scenes, a few fresh and some recognizable. But in doing this, it merely makes it more difficult to say goodbye again. free online sex games is lots of things: a collection of little inspirational testimonies, an ambitious harrowing journey with a few decent pals, a stunning visual and sensory encounter, a resounding call to activity. By optimizing what was great and building on its own best qualities using a brilliant new story arc, hentai flash games asserts itself as a memorable and enabling RPG that should be recognized as one of the best matches of the time.
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goodvibesatpeace · 5 years
Starseeds: Are You a Cosmic Traveller?
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This is a long post so... if you want some light reading 😀
What Is A Starseed?
Starseeds are the highly evolved souls who have experienced life anywhere in the Universe including different planets, star systems, and galaxies. They always have a purpose and they might live many lives to achieve it.
In the other words, Starseeds are the souls who have lived past lives or experienced the higher realms; but now they are incarnated in the physical form and present on Earth. Their origination rooted in the star systems: Sirius, Pleiades, Orion, Arcturus, Lyra and Andromeda.
Serving humanity is the major purpose of Starseeds incarnation on Earth. At a time, there could be many Starseeds present on Earth. These old souls have volunteered to make this world a better place. They bring light and knowledge to Earth.
Many times, not a single lifetime is enough to do the job and thus, they reincarnate again and again to achieve their mission. Sometimes, there work is global; while, other times, their task to bring light to the particular civilization and bring them out of the dark.
When Starseeds are incarnated on Earth, they bring the gifts of healing, spiritual education and channelling. Helping people is what they desire. Where and when a Starseed is born is preplanned. How that Starseed will help others and what would be his tools – everything is properly planned long before their appearance in the physical body. These projects are called life missions, and every Starseed has its own.
Starseeds are Humans on Earth:
Starseeds have physical form on Earth like you and any other person. They are born like any human and pass through all the birth stages but their souls are unique. These people don’t feel their home is Earth. They constantly feel that they belong to somewhere in the stars. Usually, they don’t feel connected to the human ways and they can appear strange.
It is not easy for the soul to achieve the physical form. In the process of attaining the human form, they need to pass so many veil of illusion and lower their vibration from higher self. During the progression, they even forget who they are.
They don’t know their origins, purpose, and hidden powers until they are awaken. They could totally forget their mission and why they have chosen to come to earth in the first place. The third dimension is highly distracting, and most Starseeds live many lives to know their identity in the first place.
Starseeds Awakening:
Reconnection to their star is essential for the Starseeds to know their origin. Living the simple Earth’s life wouldn’t connect them to the stars beyond and they need to do more. It is also necessary for them to complete their life’s mission.
A successful mission provides a sense of satisfaction to them, and that’s the common goal of all Starseeds. They learn a lot on this physical realm and even go through so many lives on Earth until their mission is accomplished.
Starseeds are born with no clue of the past lives and origin. But, all the Starseeds have the complete information present on their genes. When these genes are triggered and activated, Starseed awakens to know their original life goal and why they are incarnated on Earth.
Starseed Activation
The set of genes, which encodes the origin and mission information, could be activated in particular part of life on its own; or self-healing techniques and knowingness of inner spiritual power could trigger it.  When it’s activated on its own, the knowledge comes quite unexpectedly with lots of drama.
On the other hand, the awakening process becomes gentle and gradual when the soul selects a spiritual path to know where it belongs.
No matter which thing leads to the awakening process, the end result is always a memory restoration. But, how much memory would restore during a single awakening phase is dependent on the soul’s level of conscious awareness.
It could also depend on the life mission of the soul. During this process, the soul knows their mission and the tools needed to accomplish the goal. When they truly become conscious, they also connect to their higher self that further makes their mission easy by relying on their inner knowledge and intuition.
When the soul is fully awakened, there are no fears of the world. They become immune to them and can do what they are meant to be without any hesitation. When they become aware of themselves, they know their mission and they strive hard to complete it.
Lots of effort is required, but Starseeds are ancient souls and highly evolved, they know what to do and how to do it only when they fully understand who they are.
Starseed physical symptoms:
Other than normal characteristics and traits, Starseeds are different from normal human beings physically as well. Starseeds physical symptoms could instantly help you to know if you are one. It is not necessary that all the traits are present in the person, but most will be.
Sensitivity towards extreme temperatures:
Starseed are either highly sensitive to hot or cold. The ones, who like warmer weather, find it hard in the cold. On the other hand, cold tolerating Starseed are not comfortable in the hot weather. Their sensitivities are present by birth and will continue until the end.
Sensitivity towards Pain:
Here again, they are the extremists; either they can tolerate intense pain, or they can’t even bear a pinprick. Once they become sensitive, it will remain with them forever.
Strong Immunity:
The day-to-day viruses that harm human bodies could occasionally be able to make them sick. They usually have strong immune systems that keep them safe. Although, there’s a very little chance of them countering any disease; but when they do, they recover fast. It is because of their origin and evolved souls that diseases are not able to produce any harm to them.
Sturdy Body:
Which body type they have doesn’t matter. They are always strong from inside. The healing power of their bodies is also very fast. It heals injuries and strains in no time. It is not necessary that they always look strong, but they have great inner strength that helps them always at the time of need. Their body can withstand epidemics to harsh weathers.
Unknown Bruises on Body:
Many Starseeds get bruised quite easily without remembering how they get that mark. They are unable to recall from where they got them. These marks are usually prominent enough to be noticed by others as well.
Strange Birthmarks:
Starseeds are usually born with strange birthmarks. They also could have distinctive moles on the body. Many times, the appearance of their birthmark has a special design or shape. They might seem unfamiliar and out of this world.
Nature Lover:
Animals and plants make them feel more comfortable than their fellow human beings. They like to spend time with nature. Sometimes, they become attracted to a particular kind of tree; in most cases, willow trees become the favourite. Starseeds are not fond of artificial lights as well and find peace and coziness in the sunlight only. Animals also seem attracted towards them; they feel comfort and calm.
Above average hearing
Their hearing power is better than the average person. As they can hear above average, loud sounds can disturb them easily. Now and then, they can hear high-pitched sounds in one or both ears. When the soul is heading towards ascension, it becomes a common occurrence. These high sounds are present with tingling sensations and increased head pressure. This condition doesn’t last long and might go away on its own within days or weeks.
Extreme Sensitivity Towards Alcohol and Medicine
Starseeds have the tendency to be highly sensitive towards drugs, alcohol and different types of medicine. Some cannot bear it, while others have high tolerance.
As there’s an enhanced chance of going towards substance abuse, Starseeds should avoid the use of these things in the first place because they only keep them away from reality and knowing their true life purpose. When they become more awakened, they crave for chemical substances less.
Being Night Owls:
Starseeds feel good and find peace at night; they are night owls and stay up at night more than their similar age young adults. When the Starseeds sleep early at night, something wakes them up in the middle of the night for no reason, especially around 3 am.
Their sleeping patterns are not like other humans. They can even perform at full by taking less sleep than the average person. However, there are times in Starseeds lives when they sleep more than their normal and feel extreme exhaustion; it is also necessary for their spiritual growth.
Types of Starseeds:
Depending on the star of their origin, Starseeds could be different from each other. But their main aim is to help Mother Earth and her inhabitants. Types of Starseeds are as follow:
Sirian starseed:
Sirius is the multi-star system having more than one sun. It is the brightest star that can be seen with the naked eye. It is 8.7 light years away and known as the dog star of the constellation Canis Major.
Sirius plays an important part in humanity’s future. Souls which are originated in Sirius are known as Sirian Starseeds. They are originally our ancestors with their old cultures and dwelling on earth longer than humans. Mayan and Egyptian Civilizations used to be their homes. Their connection with the Dogon of Mali is also very well known.
Sirians are advanced
Their metaphysical sense is quite advanced. They were responsible for providing highly advanced astronomical and medical information to the Egyptians. The temples and pyramids of Egypt are their gifts; within them, they built tunnels that are connected to the inner worlds and stars.
Mayan also took the benefit and gained advanced knowledge. They were there and helped us at the time of the catastrophic period in Atlantis. Aura work and crystal healing come from the Atlantean knowledge and provided by Sirians.
The Dogon of Mali had advanced knowingness of Solar system especially the Sirius star system. Even though their knowledge was thousands of years old, scientists claim that it is highly accurate.
Highly evolved
Sirians today are highly evolved souls with the incline towards positivity. They want to help Earth and its dwellers in any possible way. They are more spiritually advanced than any civilisation on Earth and known as ‘Spiritual Warriors’.
As compared with other Starseeds, they are very different because of the mixed traits. They seek truth and want to know the answers to many things. The magical aspects of life attract them a lot and they are inclined towards magic and wizardry. But, their nature is scientific. From mind, they want to make science miracles, but their heart likes the wizard and magic world.
When it comes to friends, their circle is small. They don’t open up to people instantly and hide their emotions and feelings. Building trust in others is complicated for them. Art, writing and music are also their areas of interest.
Arcturian Starseed
The Arcturians are fourth and fifth dimensionaland highly evolved as compared with our third-dimensional world. At a particular time, millions of Arcturian souls dwell the earth. Mostly, they comprise of the younger generation. Their origin goes back to the Arcturus star located in the Boostes constellation. This star system is considered to be extremely old; but, Arcturian Starseeds incarnation in this world is quite recent. From our solar system, Arcturus is about 36 light years away.
Arcturians are very intelligent beings; they are the critical thinkers by birth and appear like leaders. Their nature is quiet and they don’t open up to others easily. Anger is their primary emotion known. As other Starseeds, they also have particular work on the Earth. They are the builders and planners of a new society. Their innovative nature not only helps in structuring but also building proper systems that benefit humans.
Arcturians are physicists, architect, community planners, mathematicians, system designers, musicians, and geometry artists. They want to experiment new things and implement their ideas.  The Arcturians want the humans to enter fourth and fifth dimensions as well and teach them to raise their frequencies of vibrations. They are known to be the protectors and guardians of the higher consciousness not only on earth but in the whole universe.
Orion Starseed
The location of the Orion constellation is in the Gemini.  It is visible from all over the world. In Greek mythology, the name Orion means the hunter.  Orion Starseeds are not that old, and most of them came to Earth somewhere between the 1960s and 1990s. They are here to help humans by being one of them. But, Orion souls are present as the spiritual guideas well on earth.
Orion Starseeds are secure of their character and beliefs. They are the curious souls and like to ask so many questions. They thrive to know the inner wisdom of whatever comes in their way. People around them often get surprised by their questions.
Seekers of the truth
They are the seekers of the truth. But their habit of asking too many questions also makes them unlikable in their circles. They can’t control it, and curiosity doesn’t allow having them peace until they get the right answer.
A robust and healthy body with dark eyes and hair are the genotypic traits of Orion Starseeds. They usually remain healthy and don’t get affected by the diseases of the world. Orion operates from a place of duality which allows them to be egoist along with being an enlightened species.
There’s a strong inclination over competitions like sports; they always want to achieve perfection. They know their dual nature and accept it without changing it. Emotionally, they are weak and thus become self-centered. They also lack the actual understanding of other’s emotions when they are teaching their ways.
Pleiadian Starseed
The origin of the Pleiadian Starseeds is the Pleiades Star Cluster. They exist from dimension third to ninth. Pleiadians are known to provide the genetic model for the human development. They have nurtured many forms of life on Earth. They had guided Atlantis and Lemuria. Energy healing techniques are among their lessons that are being taught to the human world.
Pleiadian evolved millions of years ago; they are among the early races known by this Universe. Pleiadians are empathic, nurturing, communicative, imaginative and mystical. They are the healers and use light for this purpose.  They not only nurture the human race but many other planets in the Universe.
Since Lemuria, millions of Pleiadian souls are embodied on earth. Their main aim is to remind us our association with the Source consciousness. Pleiadian Starseeds are the healers and heal without even knowing.  They are highly sensitive beings and extremely instinctual.
Pleiadian Starseeds have empathic natures, and they are also really good at communication. Other souls feel joy in their presence. The feminine strength is more prominent in Pleiadian and thus, most of these Starseeds are females having outer and inner beauty. These souls love nature; and animals also feel calm when they are around. Pleiadians like to spend time outdoors with the trees and mountains. They have the ability to reflect back the purpose of any soul; they even help them in their mission.
The profession they choose is often related to the care of the world and its inhabitants. Professions of healing, communications, spiritual mastery, child care, and psychology are their favorites. As they care for the world a lot, they also go in the fields related to ecology to save the ecosystems. They volunteer in the services whenever the human world needs help. They like to help in whatever way possible.
Lyran Starseed
Lyra is the small constellation with the bright star Vega. Cygnus, Hercules and Draco border Lyra. In the whole Universe, Lyrans are quite ancient. They exist in the 4th dimension and are 32,900 light years away. They incarnated in other star systems as well including Earth. Lyrans were the first ones to seed our universe. They are said to be associated with the feline body; even in the human form, they have cat-like eyes and nose.
Lyrans are known for their knowledge in genetics. They are the root race of human beings and made the human genes. They also taught Atlantic and Lemuria about physical energy and its use. Using their vast knowledge, they have created many machines and devices that improved the lives of humans.
Lyran Starseeds are the travellers. They love to know the world more. Physical activity is also their thing, and they are mostly athletes and perfect in their fields. Their survival skills are also unmatchable. Their intuition is also quite accurate, and they can easily rely on it. They are the walking lie detectors and can easily differentiate between a fake and real.
Negative traits
When they descended on Earth, Lyrans developed some negative traits; but they were perfect in Lyra. They are highly lovable creatures, but their anger is really harsh. When they know how to work with their energy, they are confident; but when they don’t, they become highly self-conscious.  They can be impatient, jealous and moody at times. Change makes them happy and they don’t want to remain in the single place.
Andromedan starseed
Andromedans are our galactic neighbors and located in our nearest galaxy – the Milky Way. The Constellation of Andromeda is the origin place of the Andromedan Starseed, which is located only 2.5 million light-years away. Andromeda Galaxy becomes highly visible in the night sky when Vertex star in the Andromeda constellation is located. Their dimensional perspective is from 3D to 12D.
Helping humanity
Since the first form of human life on Earth, Andromedans helped humans in many ways. As compared with the other Starseeds, Andromedan souls are not very common on Earth. The count of Andromedan starseeds lays around 800,000 only. Their life is modest having very little of Andromedan energy. The frequency difference between their galaxy and our galaxy is huge, that’s why very little amount of Andromedan souls had come to the Earth and turned into the physical form of humans.
Andromedan Starseeds are warriors by nature and perform supportive roles for Earth masters. They don’t seek attention but can affect others in their presence. They possess too much inner strength and many times, don’t know what to do with it. Their primary mission is to connect and open new galactic energetic trails between the two galaxies. They often love freedom and travelling.
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What is a "destruction cycle"? And why I wrote the book.
First of all, what’s a destruction cycle?
If you feel like you have taken the last hit you can take from life, and then WHAM smoked with another punch – you are in a destruction cycle, my friend. Yes, a destruction cycle. They happen to us when we reach a critical time for change, and in order to “rough us in” for all of the spectacular newness – we must be completely demo’d first. All of the old shit that doesn’t belong to who-we-are-supposed-to-become will get sledgehammered to the ground. And as you may have already noticed, it sucks while it’s happening. It HURTS. And at times during a destruction cycle we feel utterly D.E.S.T.R.O.Y.E.D. We get pushed to our pain limits – and then pushed more.
The more it hurts, the bigger the change… AND the more potential for reconstruction.
As much as it seems like during a destruction cycle, life is squashing us, really life is biggering us. And if we can push through the harsh, chaotic wisdom and grow from all of the pain, we can become this expansive, gianormis, more evolved version of ourselves after the cycle. Which is the really cool part that doesn’t always seem obvious when we’re smack-dab in the middle of it.
This book that I am launching soon (…still waiting on the printing company!?) is all about this process. It is a guide to help you through a destruction cycle, adjust your perspective while in it, leverage all of the hidden value in it, and use this seemingly less-than-optimal time in your life to optimize yourself. The journey through the pages is really a journey to turn destruction into wildly awesome self-reconstruction.
Why I wrote the book.
Destruction Cycle was inspired early in 2019, when I personally hit a hard-core destruction cycle myself. I was struck with an unusual, nutritionally-induced, delayed post-partum depression of some sort that is still quite a mystery to me, however, I secretly believe it was a gift to conceive this book… Anyhow, I became suddenly, and brutally familiar with mental illness and experienced my first real glimpse of inner agony. God. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through in my life. Hands down. And the only way I could productively comprehend what was happening to me, was to call it a destruction cycle and figure out what the hell that meant, how the heck to get through it and most importantly, HOW TO GET OUTTA IT.
So I began to use my many years of meditation, my “expertise” in metaphysical psych, and ego-less experience to navigate through it and organically find a way to transcend the destruction. And I feel like I did very well, excitingly well actually. Within two-to-three months of studying myself and testing many different inner-methods to “crack the code” on the dark cycle, I was able to bring myself full circle and into full-fledge reconstruction. Positive energy started filtering back in, and by summer 2019 I was back to my normal, happy, sane self again.
In a nutshell, I did this by breaking the cycle down into four parts, four seasons – that I now call the Four Phases of a destruction cycle… The Trust Phase, The Protection Phase, The Discovery Phase, and The Action Phase. Each phase is very different and requires a contrasting approach. Each phase can help you heal in a special way. And if harnessed well, each phase can become a unique growth spurt. And by deliberately moving through the four phases, you can get a handle on the destruction cycle and speed up the entire process. You can turn it around and use the power of it to empower yourself.
…I still feel emotion when I think about how dark that time was for me, but in the same breath, it also blows my mind to have experienced for myself how resilient we humans are. It’s fucking incredible. In less than a year we can energetically bounce from -35 degrees to +35 degrees. Just like Winnipeg! It’s so extreme that unless you’ve lived through it, you wouldn’t believe it’s possible. Which is why I am passionately releasing this book that is so dear to my heart and soul. My ego is terrified lol, because although this book is for the most part about you, the reader, I do share the full depth of my destruction cycle story in it and most people had no clue that I went through this. So 2020 is my humble year of emotional nudity, putting it out there for all to see. And this is very liberating in a way. Because destruction cycles happen to everyone. They are all around us and our lives are built around them. I strongly believe that as we share our stories and our pain and our truth and our solutions, together we can get a leg-up on destruction in life and collectively convert weakness into strength.
Thanks for reading this and being curious about the book! I truly appreciate it. Please share this with anyone that you know that’s going through a destruction cycle. And follow ‘destructioncycles’ on Instagram! The book is now up on Amazon and Kindle to purchase, click here if your copy!  https://www.amazon.ca/Destruction-Cycle-Leverage-self-destruction-optimize-ebook/dp/B0842C98PY/
Copies are also available at McNally's on Grant in Winnipeg, MB, Canada if you prefer to shop locally;)
Karen Litinsky
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via HEALTHY AND FITNESS https://ift.tt/2I30AbG
Nearly every man and woman desire long, thick, and strong hair. Hair loss is a common problem with men and women across the world. A partial or complete loss of hair or lack of growth of hair leads to baldness. Baldness is a common disease in men. However, many women are now infected by this disease. Baldness causes your hair to fall off much and your face grows older. This causes you to worry and lose confidence. Baldness becomes an obsession for you. Therefore, finding the cause and treatment of baldness is always considered a necessity for many people.
Some people who are conscious about their hair immediately resort to preventive measures. Others who do not care about it eventually end up being bald or with patches. In most of the cases, people resort to gels, creams, oral medications, etc. But there are home remedies that have given promising results to many men and women without leaving any side effects. The ingredients are completely natural and easily available in our homes. These home remedies can not only prevent hair loss, but also can even promote hair growth, strength, and shine.
Here we will share basic information on the cause of baldness, and find the best treatment for you, so that you can quickly regain your confidence.
 Hair loss is a normal process that anyone encounters at any age. A normal human being can lose nearly 100 hair strands per day without any significant worry; however, losing more than 200 on a regular basis should attract immediate attention. Hair fall, if within normal limits, is a regular process. As new hair grows, old ones give way by falling off. Usually, lost hair is replaced by new ones from the same hair follicle.However, there are cases of hair loss too much that many people feel anxious.
Baldness is also called Alopecia Androphenetic. This is a disease that is primarily caused by genetic factors. Baldness can occur in both men and women. Previously, this disease mainly occurred to men. However, many women now suffer from this disease. This is caused by many different causes. To cure this disease, the treatment process requires your patience because it is very time-consuming. Nowadays, baldness is becoming an obsession for many people, even when they are under the age of 30. Baldness is the second stage of hair loss. In this case, the hair is falling off a lot, so there is not enough hair to cover the scalp area as usual.
If you suffer from excessive hair loss without the ability to grow back, then you are suffering from baldness. At first, you can see a hairline in the forehead is retracted and the first bald spots appear with hair becoming thinner. This is quite difficult to treat. Early detection and treatment of disease are very important. 
 Men or women may have baldness, but the incidence of men is higher than that of women. There are many causes of baldness, some most common are given below:
1.      Heredity :
It is one of the most common causes of hair loss, at least in men. Mostly, men who turn bald and experience excessive hair loss in their 40s have a history of baldness in their family. One statistic indicates that the genetic factor is the cause of baldness for 95% of patients with the disease. People whose parents have hair loss and baldness are at higher risk for this disease than normal people. Because the genes that cause this baldness to predominate, this genetic rate is extremely high. There is nothing much that can be done for this type of hair loss, though.
2.   Stress :
When you are in severe stress, your body can produce special hormones that disrupt blood flow, and slow down the growth of hair. That is one of the causes of baldness. It is said that more a person is stress, more are his/her chances of losing hair. It also includes lack of sleep, insomnia, restlessness, and many other factors. Stress can clearly show up on your hair health.
3.      Dihydrotestosterone(DHT) :
In middle-aged men, testosterone levels decline, the body increases DHT production, resulting in excessive hair loss. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a derivative of the male hormone testosterone, is the enemy of hair follicles on your head. Testosterone converts to DHT with the aid of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. Scientists now believe that it's not the amount of circulating testosterone that's the problem but the level of DHT binding to receptors in scalp follicles.  DHT shrinks hair follicles, making it impossible for healthy hair to survive.
The hormonal process of testosterone converting to DHT, which then harms hair follicles, happens in both men and women. Under normal conditions, women have a minute fraction of the level of testosterone that men have, but even a lower level can cause DHT- triggered hair loss in women. In premenopausal women or after childbirth, the change of hormones in the body disturbs the balances between DHT and Testosterone levels. This is the reason why women often suffer from multiple hair loss at this time.
4.      Hormonal Imbalance :
A person can also experience hair loss due to hormonal imbalance. Generally, during pregnancy, women go through hormonal changes, which triggers hair loss for a particular period. Female pattern baldness tends to happen when a woman experiences hormonal shifts, like the peak of estrogen followed by a sudden dip after childbirth. Or when the early phases of menopause hit in the late 40s or early 50s. If you have an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), you are more prone to hair fall. Diabetics decrease blood circulation in your hair follicles leading to malnourishment and fall of hair. Extended stress leads to high cortisol levels which are another cause of hair loss.
5.      Medical Treatment :
People undergoing medical treatment can experience hair loss. However, the loss can be reversible, it takes a toll on the whole head once. People on chemotherapy can end up losing all hair. Similar is with birth control pills and many high-strength antibiotics. The use of certain medications such as antidepressants, the drug contains lots of vitamin A, gut medications, and drugs for cancer, chemotherapy, radiation therapy can cause hair loss, thereby leading to baldness.
6.      Some Other Diseases :
Baldness can also be caused by lupus and diabetes. The reason is that these diseases will cause the scalp to become infected, making hair difficult to grow strong. Hair cannot grow healthily, the hair also falls off a lot, and this leads to baldness.
7.      Improper Diet :
A proper diet is very essential to have good quality hair. Insufficient/improper diet is one of the largest causes of hair fall in adolescents and adults. Many nutritional deficiencies can result in hair fall. Lack of proper nourishment can render hair brittle, dry, kinky, and split-ends. Therefore, it is very essential to have proper and balanced diet to have good quality hair and prevent hair loss. Deficiency of nutrients like vitamin A, B12, B6, folic acid, vitamin C, biotic, copper, iron, zinc, etc. can cause hair fall. Hair fall can also be a sign of vitamin A toxicity and deficiency. Protein, iron, omega – 3, biotin are some other essential substances for the development of hair.
8.      Age :
Generally, with age, hair fall. As a person ages, the scalp loses its grip on hair, which results in hair loss. Generally, male-pattern baldness and female-pattern baldness are both results of age-related hair loss.
9.      Chemicals :
Use of harmful chemicals in the form of dyes, shampoos, colors, etc. can result in hair fall. The cause of baldness may also be due to the misuse of shampoo, the use of poor quality shampoo. Harsh chemicals are harmful to hair in any case. Not only these chemicals damage present hair but they also inhibit further growth of hair. Therefore, it is suggested to avoid the use of harsh, harmful chemicals, dyes, colors on hair.
10.Pollution :
Exposure to pollution can also result in hair fall. There are places in which the amount of pollution is too much in the environment, especially in industrial belts. Also, when hair follicles get exposed to pollution constantly, their quality deteriorates and they fall.
11.Other Causes :
Some other causes of hair loss can be trauma, tumors, syphilis, connective tissue diseases, infections of the scalp, improper hair care, over-brushing, etc. An immune problem known as alopecia areata can also cause loss of hair from eyelashes, eyebrows, beard, and other parts of the body.
Bad habits are also the “culprit” to promote baldness in many people. Some common habits that lead to baldness are: smoking and spitting hair. In addition to the above-mentioned reasons, early baldness also originates from a number of other causes such as fungal infection or environmental pollution. 
Baldness is a sign of unhealthy hair and can be prevented by adopting the following measures:
]  Keep hair clean. It will prevent dandruff, itching and hair lice, which ultimately result in hair fall.
]  Use protein-rich shampoos and conditioners. Use shampoo, conditioner based on hair type.
]  Get a regular head massage at least twice a month with lukewarm oil.
]  Wet hair have weak roots. Never comb hair when wet.
]  Avoid constant use of drying machines. Keep hair wrapped in a towel and let them dry naturally.
]  Eat a healthy diet including green vegetables, dairy products, and fruits.
]  Drink coconut water to prevent hair fall.
]  Avoid stress and tension and get adequate sleep.
]  Avoid harsh clips or bands. Avoid tight hairstyles. Tie your hair with soft and loose bands.
]  Protect hair from dust and sun. Cover head while going out in direct sunlight.
Here some are the easy tips TO GET RID OF FOR BALDNESS / HAIR LOSS naturally at home.
1. Coconut Milk And Oil
Coconut milk is rich in vital nutrients and vitamins and promotes hair growth. Regular application of coconut milk into hair roots can help a great deal in preventing hair loss. Daily application of refined coconut oil mixed with lime water and lime juice on the hair can prevent hair loss. It can also promote hair growth. This will help in effectively healing your scalp as well as fight dandruff and thereby arrests hair fall.
v  Apply a mixture of about 20 ml of coconut oil, 10 ml of Amla oil and one or two teaspoons of lemon juice on your scalp and leave it there for some time.
v  Coconut milk can be prepared by grinding coconut shavings and squeezing them well.
v  Apply it on your scalp will provide the necessary natural nourishments for your hair and will also help in nourishing your hair tissues.
2. Massaging Regularly With Basic Oils
Massaging your hair and scalp with lukewarm basic oils like amla oil, coconut oil, almond oil or even olive oil will help in stimulating your hair follicles and prevent the scalp from developing dandruff. The exercise will activate the sebaceous glands and improve circulation of blood across the scalp.
v  Take a generous amount of hair oil and apply it evenly on your scalp and hair.
v  Massage the hair oil on your scalp and hair for ten minutes. Leave it on your hair for 15 minutes and then you can wash it off with shampoo or mild soap.
v  Scalp should be rubbed vigorously until it starts to tingle with the heat.
v  Repeat this scalp and hair massage treatment at least three to four times a day to prevent baldness.
v  You can occasionally also apply coconut or amla oil on your head generously before going to bed to help in improving blood circulation on your scalp as well as relieve you're from stress and strain.
3. Fenugreek Seeds And Oil
v  Fry a few fenugreek seeds in coconut oil for a few minutes.
v  Strain this mixture and apply it in minimal amounts on your head.
v  Rub it gently on your head so that it reaches the hair roots.
v  Apply this mixture three to four times a week before bathing will help in preventing your hair from balding.
4. Mustard Oil with Henna Leaves
Mustard oil when boiled with henna leaves gains properties that are highly beneficial for hair growth. Henna leaves have been used to treat hair loss and to give color and shine to hair for ages in India.
v  Boil about 250 ml of mustard oil and add about 60 grams of henna leaves into it gradually.
v  Filter the oil from leaves and store it.
v  Make this mixture cool and then mix the strained oil with the regular hair oil that you use. It would be better to mix this with coconut oil for better results.
v  Apply on your scalp and hair twice or thrice a week to see effective results against baldness.
Regular and long-term usage shows amazing results.
5. Onion Treatment
Onions are found to be effective in treating patchy baldness.
v  Cut white or red big onions in half and rub the open side on the affected area both in the morning and evening.
v  Keep on rubbing till the area becomes red.
v  Then rub the the area with honey and repeat this process daily to see reduced baldness.
6. Amla Oil
Regular head massage with amla oil can be very beneficial in preventing further hair loss. Amla has properties that promote hair growth by activating the underlying tissues in the scalp. Moreover, it acts as a valuable hair tonic. You can either use amla oil available in the market or prepare your own in-home.
v  Cut dry pieces of amla and boil it in good coconut oil.
v  Let this mixture cool and then strain the mixture into an airtight bottle.
v  Apply this oil on your head daily and leave it on your scalp for 15 minutes before bathing.
This will help in enriching hair growth.
7. Lettuce And Spinach
Lettuce and spinach help in preventing hair loss. According to experts, a mixture of lettuce and spinach juice can help with hair growth if taken to the extent to half a liter a day.
v  Make a smooth paste of lettuce and spinach in a blender.
v  Extract the juice from this mixture and apply it in the bald area.
v  Leave it rest for some time and then wash it off. Repeat this process four times a week to see good benefits.
v  You can also see very good results if you drink half a liter of this juice every day.
8. Rosemary And Sage
Rosemary helps to keep hair healthy and lush.
v  Mix rosemary and sage in coconut oil or even coconut milk and apply it in the affected areas of your head.
v  Leave it there for 15 to 20 minutes and wash it off.
v  Add one part of rosemary oil to two parts of almond oil and massage into the scalp gently for around 15 minutes a day on a regular basis.
v  Repeat this process four times a day for a few weeks to get rid of bald patches.
9.  Egg
Hair is made up of proteins and amino acids, and a great source of these are eggs which have proteins, fatty acids, and vitamins. Not only do eggs help curb and prevent hair loss, but they are also an excellent hair growth aid.
v  Apply beaten egg on your scalp at least two to three times a week to help in promoting hair growth.
v  It works even better when mixed with olive oil.
Foods To Prevent Hair Loss And Baldness
Hair health depends a lot on a person's diet. In most cases, hair loss is triggered by an improper diet. Generally, people under-nourish themselves when it comes to eating. They do not care about the proper balance of nutrients in their diet. People with a tendency to lose hair should take a well-balanced and complete diet.
Here are some Foods To Prevent Hair Loss And Baldness and maintain healthy hair:
1.     Protein
Hair is made almost entirely of protein. Consuming enough is important for hair growth. Animal studies show that protein deficiency may decrease hair growth and even lead to hair loss.
2.     Reducing Red Meat Intake
One of the major causes of hair loss is sebum blocking the hair follicles and pores. Certain studies have shown a positive connection between animal fat intake and an increase in sebum production. This means that cutting down on your red meat will help lower that sebum level and allow unhindered hair growth.
3.     Biotin Boost
The best known vitamin for hair growth is a B-vitamin called biotin. Studies link biotin deficiency with hair loss in humans. Although biotin is used as an alternative hair-loss treatment, those who are deficient have the best results. However, a deficiency is very rare because it occurs naturally in a wide range of foods. There’s also a lack of data about whether biotin is effective for hair growth in healthy individuals.
4.    Thyroid Health
As discussed  earlier hormonal imbalances are a big cause of hair loss, so maintaining proper hormonal activity is important to keep your hair healthy as you get older, but also while you’re young! If you suffer from hypothyroidism, one way to increase your iodine levels are to add sea vegetables like kelp, nori, kombu, and wakame. Make sure to eat them regularly to increase your thyroid hormone production.
 If you have baldness, and you apply the remedies mentioned in this article for a long time without any results, see your doctor. Besides, if your hair loss happens too quickly for a short period of time, see your doctor for a direct examination. You may have a more dangerous disease.
You have discovered some information about baldness. To overcome this condition, many people have come to the hair salon. This takes a lot of money and time. Meanwhile, with the natural home remedies for baldness, you can do it for yourself.
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